Radiolab - Return of Alpha Gal

Episode Date: December 10, 2021

Tuck your napkin under your chin.  We’re about to serve up a tale of love, loss, and lamb chops - with a side of genetic modification. Several years ago we told a story about Amy Pearl. For as long... as she could remember, Amy loved meat in all its glorious cuts and marbled flavors. And then one day, for seemingly no reason, her body wouldn’t tolerate it.  No steaks. No brisket. No weenies. It made no sense: why couldn’t she eat something that she had routinely enjoyed for decades?  It turned out Amy was not alone. And the answer to her mysterious allergy involved maps, a dancing lone star tick, and a very particular sugar called Alpha Gal.  In this update, we discover that our troubles with Alpha Gal go way beyond food. We go to NYU Langone Health hospital to see the second ever transplant of a kidney from a pig into a human, talk to some people at Revivicor, the company that bred the pig in question, and go back to Amy to find out what she thinks about this brave new world. The original episode was reported by Latif Nasser, and produced by Annie McEwen and Matt Kielty. Sound design and scoring from Dylan Keefe, Annie McEwen, and Matt Kielty. Mix by Dylan Keefe with Arianne Wack. The update was reported and produced by Sarah Qari. It was sound designed, scored, and mixed by Jeremy Bloom.  Support Radiolab by becoming a member today at   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm gonna try it and be messy. You wanna start Big Kahuna? By that, you mean Lutth. I meant the old soul, the old, the old, the old, the old. The old Kahuna, sure, I can start us off. Hey, everybody, Chad here with Lulu and Lutth, and we just wanted to let you know about a thing that just happened. We just launched this thing called the Lab, not Radio Lab, because that's been around
Starting point is 00:00:24 for almost 20 years. But the lab is a new membership experience from our team. You get a lot of great stuff, including, and especially the opportunity to get more access to us, to the show, to all the stuff that we love so much. And you can listen to it, add free, but then you get more original work.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You get bonus content. There's gonna be bonus content from Mix Tape in the member feed this very week. Secret Special Extra interviews on the history of the, me, me, me, me, me. Walkman. I don't know why you'd be listening to Nintendo in your walkman, but you know what I mean. in your life, but it's like, you can't.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So yeah, so depending on how generous you're feeling or how much of a peak you wanna get behind the scenes, there's swag that you can actually get, that is great, that is hot, that is, I mean, one is a tote bag, so that, I mean, you may be sad I'm coming, but it does have a very cool retro, this is Radio Lab as spoken by me
Starting point is 00:01:24 and rendered into a waveform patch on it. I would give it just an aesthetic thumbs up. Yeah, like there's stuff, there's swag that you can actually get. To be one of the first to join this new program, go to slash join to get the details. And we're also gonna make a separate feed of just jad reading Casper ads for those of you who miss out. That'll just be for me and my mom.
Starting point is 00:01:49 That'll just be... Ha ha ha ha. Oh, wait, you're listening. Okay. Come on. Okay. Come on. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:02:00 You're listening to Radio Lab. Radio Lab. From WNYC. Six! door listening to radio lab radio from w and wise see recording walking into my this building is huge
Starting point is 00:02:17 hello hello alright how are you? I'm doing well, I don't know, do we shake hands? I don't know, I haven't done this in a really long time. So. You ready for the on-radiolab? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yep, everybody come on in. Awesome. Hi, I'm Lula Miller. And I'm Wattifnasaer. This is Radio Lab. Today, we have a story about a medical breakthrough. That is going to break the heart of one of our all-time favorite humans and guests on the show.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Hello. Hi, guys. Hello. Hello. Hello. Comes to us from our producer, Sarah Cari, who you just heard wandering the halls of NYU's Lane Goan Health Hospital.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So this is really exciting. As well as our executive editor, Soren. Willie, Willie. Wheeler. I can give us a start, if you want me to. All right. Actually, yeah, you should tell us how you even had the idea.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah, I mean, I had the idea by someone else having had an idea that I saw their idea in a newspaper. It's called reading. So, but like, I don't know, what, a month ago? Maybe maybe I was reading the news. The news I was reading with the New York Times. It was like a science section news thing and the article is basically announcing this big breakthrough news. This evening about a major medical breakthrough. It's been called an astonishing step in medicine Basically, a group of surgeons had managed to put a pig kidney into a human being. And it worked.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Successfully transferring a pig kidney to a human patient. For the first time ever, the person's body didn't reject the kidney, which when you think about all the people waiting on kidneys, you know, they'll take the... Yeah, totally. So I'm just, I'm reading through this article, but then in the middle of it, there's just a couple of lines about a particular pig that they used for this kidney that drew this very weird line back to a story we had told here on Radio Lab.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That's when I, so I brought in Sarah to like report this whole thing out. So I actually went to talk to the doctor who did this transplant. Hi, how's it going? Nice to meet you. How do you do? Good, how's it going? How's it going to meet you? How do you do? Good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:04:27 His name is Robert Montgomery. He's at NYU Langone Health, and he's the head of transplant surgery there. So when did it first occur to you that transplanting a pig kidney into a human would even be? I just started with the most basic question, which is like, why would you do this? Because we don't have an adequate supply of organs for the people who need them, when
Starting point is 00:04:50 they need them, and so a lot of people die waiting. So the idea of Zeno-translating... And he just made the argument that using animal kidneys was the best way that he could think of to... Make a dent into that waiting list of 90,000 people. And do you know, is this person still walking around and is the pig still walking around? So no. We did this transplant and someone who had been declared brain dead, who had wanted to
Starting point is 00:05:17 donate their organs, but were unable to donate their organs. And so their family essentially donated their whole body so that we could test a Xenotransplant. Like, we're going to try this crazy thing that's never been done and see how it goes. And determine whether this was going to be safe to move into living humans. I guess a proof of concept type thing. Yeah. Yeah. So, the family agreed and the doctors did the transplant and they could see, you know, like that it worked and the body wasn't rejecting the kidney, the kidney was doing,
Starting point is 00:05:54 it's kidney stuff. But the sort of amazing thing is. Actually, as we sit here today, the same thing happened yesterday. While we were sitting there talking, he told me, you know, we, at two in the morning, we did our second Xenotransplant. We actually just did the second one, you want to see? What? Like happening right now.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's happening right now, and if you want to, you know, come down with me, I'll show you what we're doing. And I was like, I love me. Yes. I'll show you what we're doing. And I was like, oh, yes. And he took me downstairs to this big room. It's like a conference room. It was totally silent.
Starting point is 00:06:34 There was a window looking into this operating room. Okay, can we walk up to the glass? And you could see just the jumble of machines and medical equipment. You'd better be looking're looking. All right. So there's a ventilator over here. And in the middle of the room, you could see this person. That's the recipient that's the. Lying there on the table covered by this blue surgical shroud.
Starting point is 00:06:58 You can see the patient's body kind of like rising and falling as they breathe. Yeah, that's the ventilator. And they actually attach the kidney at the person's thigh because they sort of want to be able to watch it. And they're not worried about the person getting up and walking around. So there's this incision at the thigh.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And in that oval incision, you could see the pig kidney kind of like poking out. It was like covered by plastic. And Dr. Montgomery told me that you know, when a body rejects a kidney. The kidney will literally turn black moments after the blood goes into it. But you could see like with this one it was bright pink and kind of amazingly just like the first one. Within moments it started to make urine believe it or not. And so we knew right away that it was working. Wow. See right where it's dripping and see how fast it's dripping?
Starting point is 00:07:49 All that urine is coming out from that kidney. So, you know, this is just the second one that worked. But eventually, Dr. Montgomery and his team want to get to the point where they can do clinical trials on people who are walking around and doing things and living their lives and who would hold on to this kidney. Wow. Allow me to presume that you have two questions, which I think you do even if you haven't said them yet, which is like, one, why did this never work
Starting point is 00:08:17 before? And then two, why are we even telling you this? It's not our usual stick to just pick up a New York Times science news article and relay that to you. Which brings me back to that little part of the article that piqued my interest in the beginning because the pig that they got the kidney from to do this was a very special pig. Normally pigs and other mammals that aren't primates have a sugar in their body that our bodies don't have, and so we don't like it or see it as foreign, and that's why usually an organ from another animal
Starting point is 00:08:51 would get rejected. But this pig had been genetically modified. It had had the gene that makes that sugar removed so it didn't have that sugar, which is part of the reason this worked. And that sugar just so happens to be called AlphaGal. AlphaGal. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:09:09 There it is. There's the radio lab connection. Our old friend of me. Yeah, so here's what we're going to do. For those of you who aren't nodding along with our knowing noises, we're going to play the original AlphaGal piece. But even if you have heard it, stick around, because after the piece,
Starting point is 00:09:27 we're gonna dig more into this special pig. Find out how it connects back to this story in a very particular and almost maybe sort of disturbing way. All right, let's do it. Here's the original. Good. Okay. Is your mic on? Yeah, I'm getting, it's making me nervous.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Maybe I should get my happy pen. Are you allergic to radio greatness? I know, I've been really exposed to it. Anyway, let's go. Are we rolling? We're good. We're going. We are rolling. Okay. I'm Robert Krollwich. This is Radio Lab. And today we're going to begin with a conversation between Dan Pashman.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Okay. Post of a podcast here at WNYC called The Sporkful. It's about food and Amy Pearl. Amy? Yes. A digital producer here at the station who likes food. And the conversation they had was about something that happened to Amy, which she never expected, certainly didn't want,
Starting point is 00:10:29 and yet it could happen to any of us at any time. So years ago, for any of this happened to you, just tell me, what was your relationship with meat? My relationship with meat. Yeah. Well, you know how when you're little and your mom is like, you can have any special dinner for your birthday. My dinner was meatballs.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And she was like, except meatballs are so hard to make. So it was pot roast. And then Peter Luke, you know, Peter Luger. Same mistake, House and Brooklyn. Yeah. I used to go there quite often and I live there and I have a Peter Luger credit card. So how those are hard to get? You know, I don't I don't know how they give them out but nobody seems to have one. I don't think they
Starting point is 00:11:11 give them out anymore. But I mean, I was very into Peter Luger. I was living in Williamsburg and it just opened at like one o'clock every day and you could just walk in at one that they had an amazing bar, there's a no-table class on the table, these old German waiters. They bring out your porterhouse for three, they put a little plate upside down and then put the big platter on top of it,
Starting point is 00:11:35 so it's tilted and all the juice runs to the end, and then they have the special double spoon thing that they somehow scoop juice onto your steak, and oh, so good. And also like the smell of burning fat from a hamburger. I mean, I love hot dogs so much when you bite into them and they're like, click and have a snap. And having a weeny roast out in the open air is just, it's like, oh God, it's so good. Anyway, I was always very into meat. What changed?
Starting point is 00:12:13 Oh my God. It was terrible. It was what happened was I was having this beautiful, it was springtime. I was having a beautiful leg of lamb with some neighbors. And we like put it on the grill and it was just a delicious beautiful dinner and I had served with it some ramps that I foraged in my mom's yard. Peramp by the way is just a wild onion. And so we had this delicious meal and then you know I went home and I was going to sleep at like midnight like a few hours later. And I just felt weird.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I was like, oh, God, something's wrong. I feel like we're like anxious, like something's wrong with me. And I went in the bathroom and I like look in the mirror. And my face was like, oh, weird looking. And I was like, I kept laying down, be like, I'll just sleep it off whatever it is. But every time I lay down, I feel like I was going to faint. So I was like, prop myself up.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I was like, oh, God, I'm so having terrible stomach cramps and just like a weird feeling of impending doom. You know, but just like anybody, I'm just like, just get a good night's sleep. This will pass. I like splashed a little water on my face. I mean, I don't know what made me think this, but I thought like, maybe a snail, a tiny snail was on one of the ramps that I ate. And it was like poisoning me somehow.
Starting point is 00:13:29 You know, snails, I mean, they probably poisonous. So I called my friends in the morning and I was like, hey, how you guys doing? How was dinner? They were like, oh, so great. I was like, really? So great. Nothing weird. No horrific panic attacks. And they were like, oh, so great. I was like, really? So great. Nothing weird.
Starting point is 00:13:45 No horrific panic attacks. And they were like, and they were like, oh, so lovely. Thank you so much to do it again. Bye. I was like, wow, I really had a rough night. And but I didn't think anything of it. And I went on with my life, you know, just like whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And then about a week or two later, I made some cheeseburgers. And I ate a cheeseburger and I was watching goodbye Mr. Chips, really tear-jerking movie and a good book too. And about a couple of hours after I ate, I was like, started to feel really weird. Again, I was like feeling like I was like had to stand up. I was like, I think I'm gonna faint. I feel really light head. I can't catch my breath. I feel like really woozy. But if any time I lay down,
Starting point is 00:14:29 I really felt like I was gonna faint. So I was like trying to stay sitting upright. And I was like, oh my God, this is very summer. I ran into the bathroom and I was like, looking in the mirror and low and behold, I'd hives all over my stomach. And then they started coming out on my hands. And I was like, oh my God, something's happening.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And at one point I did get up and unlock my door because I did feel like, I'm going to pass out, call an ambulance and then they're not going to be able to get in. So I mean, I was in a little bit afraid of what was happening. And when I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was Google sudden meet allergy because I was like, this seems like an allergy. And the only thing that was the same was meat. And I'm going through, and like the second thing that came up was this article that was like, Florida man has sudden meet allergy.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I was like, oh my god, I think it's a possible I could have this. And so I made a appointment with my doctor. I brought in the article. I'm like, I'm going to be this person, but I can do it. I had the article, my pocket. What, what person? You know, the person who goes to their doctor was something I found on the internet. So I brought the article, it was in my pocket. And like, I got through the whole, like, check up. And I was too chicken. I went when I was paying the receptionist, I pulled it out and gave it to the receptionist. And I was like, could you give this to the doctor?
Starting point is 00:15:48 So that was like the best I could do. And then I did call my doctor and had a conversation with him on the phone, asking him if I could get tested. And he was like, no, there's no such thing as a meat allergy. blah, blah, blah. So some people think allergies are just like in your head. This is science writer Peter Smith.
Starting point is 00:16:06 We got in touch with him after we heard Amy's story because Peter is an investigator of many things including strange allergies. And people are like mushrooms hurt them or they think, Wi-Fi hurts them. Yeah, Wi-Fi hurts them. And when our producer, Lattiff Nasser and I got into the studio and we told him about Amy's story, he said, yeah don't know. And when our producer, Lattiff Nasser, and I got into the studio and we told him about Amy's story, he said,
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, all right. I know exactly who you need the doctor. Hello. Yeah, hi Thomas Platt's Mills. This is Thomas Platt's Mills. That's right. How are you? I'm very well.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Dr. Platt's Mills is down at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He's a professor and he works at an allergy clinic. An allergy clinic. We are constantly sifting through stories which not only you don't believe, but are actually nonsense. And he told us in the last 10 years or so, he started hearing lots of stories just like Amy. Somebody shows up at the office, convinced that they're allergic, all of a sudden, for no
Starting point is 00:17:01 apparent reason, to red meat. The first time I heard it was probably as early as 2004. And every single time he heard the story, he would tell the patient exactly what Amy's doctor told her. Now, no way. No, no, no. It's not possible. Right. So what was wrong with these complaints in an Orthodox medical way? Oh, everything. Adults don't become allergic to something they've eaten for 40 years out of the blue
Starting point is 00:17:30 and certainly not read me. So you're basically saying to these patients, I think you must be making this up because I can't explain. Well, I don't use language like that. I say that. There's that. I was trying to do your inner voice.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Oh, you don't want to know what doctors are thinking in their inner voices. You know, you often think in the middle of interview, is it possible that he's got, you know, some ghastly disease? Mad gap. Yeah, you know. The point is that when he'd hear a story like Amy's, he just didn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:18:02 But then everything changed. Thanks oddly enough to a cancer drug. This new cancer drug called Sitoxamab. In New York today, Martha Stewart was indicted on criminal charges relating to... This is the very drug that got Martha Stewart and all that trouble for insider trading. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:18:21 I went to jail for six months? Yeah. Anyway, very promising, exciting new drug. But then, doctors were giving people this injection, and they would just like end up on the floor of the doctor's office. In shock? Yeah, there would be an anaphylactic shock.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Their hearts would start beating faster, they'd get short of breath, it'd get stomach cramps. Their immune system would start to overreact to something new and alien that came in with the drug. Basically a classic allergic reaction. So the mystery lands on Thomas Plattsamil's desk. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So we were asked to look at Satoxamil to see if they could figure out what was causing the reaction. And he tests two groups of blood, a control sample, and then people that have this allergy. And he quickly zeroed in on a particular molecule, a sugar that was part of the drug, this sugar, gallactose alpha-13 gallactose, or alpha-gal. Alpha-gal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:19 As in a particularly great lady? Yeah. Better than the beta organmigal? It's like alpha male, but alpha female didn't quite have a ring to it. It's the alpha. The alpha guy. Anyway, it seemed like alpha gal was the culprit.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah. And if you'd told me four years earlier that there's a whole lot of people out there who are allergic to this sugar, I'd have thought you were smoking, you know, vaping again. Because not only does this sugar alpha gal show up in the cancer drug, and this is where you get back to Amy, it also shows up in the blood of mammals. All non-primate mammals.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So every time you eat lamb or beef goat, camel, even tripe or pig's kidneys, you're also eating alfagal. So I'm reading this article and it says like it's this thing called alfagalactase or alfagal or whatever. So it made no sense that someone like Amy who'd been eating meat all her life would suddenly somehow be allergic to alphagal. I just was like, this was so stupid though. So, one day.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's getting to be barbecue season. I usually have like a couple of barbecues where I just do a whole pork butt and a brisket and like hang out all day doing it and I was like, very wanted to do that. And I was like, I'm just gonna not eat meat and not even know, so I was like, forget it. My doctor will test me, I wanted to do that. And I was like, I'm just gonna not eat meat and not even know. So I was like, forget it, my doctor will test me.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I'm gonna test myself. So I was like gonna be very careful. I got a thing of Benadryl. And I was like, I'm not gonna do it alone. I'll do it with my mom, my poor mom. And so I went up to my mom's and she's like, really into food too. So she was like, oh, this is so exciting.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I got two porterhouse steaks on salads, do you? Juice, plain to her, what you were testing. Yeah, I did because I had talked a little bit about it with there. So like fire up the grill, do the porterhouse, I even think I like Instagram, it as a joke like, ha, ha, ha. This might be the last time you hear for me. Granted as a joke like ha ha ha. This might be the last time you hear from me.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But so, you know, we're having a nice summer day. Just me and my mom having our steak. I only ate like a couple bites because I was slightly nervous. And I was like sitting in the grass with my dog and reading a book and trying to think like, do I feel normal, which try it folks? It's hard to figure out when
Starting point is 00:21:46 you start asking yourself, do I feel normal? Does this, am I breathing? Oh, it's my stomach hurt, something wrong. And I was like after a while, I was like, oh, I feel pretty good. And the neighbor came over and was like, chatting with us. And it was in the middle of that conversation where I was like, I kind of feel like I have to go to the bathroom, but maybe I just have to go to the
Starting point is 00:22:10 bathroom. So I went to the bathroom and I was sitting there and I was like, Oh, God, something feels bad. And then I was like, Oh, God, I definitely, this is not right. Some things are wrong. And I went in to get the Benadryl and I took the Benadryl and I went on my bed and I had the guest room at my mom's and I was like sitting on there and I was like, I just don't feel right. Maybe I just take a deep breath, I'll just stand up. Maybe I just put my hands over my head like this.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Oh, that does feel slightly better, I think. And then I was finally like, I think we should go to the hospital. And I went outside. I was like, mom, I think you have to drive me to the hospital. She was like talking to her neighbor like, what? Oh my God, honey, what? Oh, let me go change my clothes. Change my clothes.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Like, mom, you know, she's not wearing the hospital level clothes. So I'm like, okay, hurry up, mom, mom, are you ready, mom? And then I was like, while she was changing her clothes, I suddenly was like, oh my god, got my wallet out on my cell phone. And I was like through it towards my mom's bedroom door. And I was like, here's my insurance card, call an ambulance. And I just like hit the floor. Eventually, the ambulance arrives. And I got stabilized. I was strapped to the thing. I was in the emergency room like they were shooting me full of, I don't know what, up in the front and adrenaline and the little like 12-year-old emergency room doctor runs in and he was like, I looked it up on the internet.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Alpha gal, fascinating. What? That's terrible. I've never heard of that. Could it be true? Yes, it's true. Like they're all having this discussion there. Then when I went back to my doctor after that and I was like, hey, I just got out of the emergency room because they tested me for AlphaGal and I'm allergic to meat. So this is an allergy? Yeah. So all of a sudden you're looking at the,
Starting point is 00:24:02 quote, crazies and they're not so quote crazy anymore. Absolutely. We suddenly had a blood test. And of course, what turned out is all these patients who've been telling us this story were allergic to alpha-cal. But it's still like a mystery. Right. There are.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Thomas Platt's mills couldn't figure out why people like Amy, who had lived for 40 years eating porterhouse steaks at Peter Luger's with a credit card. Why would she suddenly develop an allergy now? There would gotta be some kind of trigger. Yes. So we were looking for anything that could explain it. It could be a mold, it could be a nemato, a worm, or a fungus. But then he looked again and noticed that all the people who had had bad reactions to the cancer drug. They were in a particular area of the country. Was Virginia, North Carolina, southern Missouri? In Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:24:57 In Arkansas, in Salt Lake City, in no cases. In Denver. Just matterings down the west. So he turned to his technician, Jake, and he said, I said, you've got to Google every map you can find and say, what matches that area? Creatures or diseases that appear wherever the allergy appears. So, Jake starts googling. G googling and googling and googling.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And eventually, he comes across a map that matches where the cases are very beautifully. The maximum area for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. So he made this little map and it's like the shaded dark areas of the country are places with Rocky Mountain spotted fever and then there's like some stars where you know this this allergy had appeared. Yeah and they overlap. Very interesting. And then all of a sudden, it clicks. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is a tick-borne disease. This is the distribution of the Lone Star tick.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And actually just a little before this, it turns out an allergist down in Australia, Cheryl Van Nune. First name Cheryl is Hiawail, then known in VIN, and then NUIN First name Cheryl, S.H.E.R. Whale, Van Nune and V.A.N. and then N.U.N.N. And I'm from the Tick and G.E. Astrology's Research and Awareness Center in Sydney, Australia. She says she was now being visited by all kinds of people who claimed suddenly to be allergic to me. And whenever I take a history, so for example, I'd ask them, was there a family history of
Starting point is 00:26:22 rhinitis, eczema, asthma, stinging insect allergy? And they say they've all been bitten by ticks. When we started asking patients, we suddenly heard the stories just out the kazoo. But at this point, Dr. Platts Mills, all he has is a map, some stories, and a hunch. Right. So what does he do? He decides, well, maybe I'll just do this to myself. He does what? He decides to test it on himself.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Oh my God. He sort of like denies that he did it intentionally. I know I had no intention. I mean, I think he also likes to walk and amble and think about things. Right. So he goes for a long walk, along the Blue Ridge Mountains. And I knew I wanted to be off trail,
Starting point is 00:27:07 because I'm actually rather allergic to humans. So he's walking and walking and walking along the way. Ah, he bumps into a whole bunch of ticks. And if you walk into a nest of those things. Oh my, get this sounds like a nightmare. Yeah, absolutely. I got 200 seed ticks. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And then in November, that year, I was taking out to dinner and the lamb chops were particularly delicious, and the French wine was delicious. And six hours later, I woke up covered in hives. He's got an allergy to red meat. All just because of a tick bite. Tick bite. That's right. The bite you write back after this.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'm Robert Crowe, which this is Radio Lab. Now we go back to Amy just when she's discovered that the allergy to meat that she's developed comes from a tick bite. A tick bite. A tick bite? Hang on a second. Because like a few weeks before all this started happening, as I said, I was foraging for ramps and my mom's backyard, and I had a tick on my arm.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Now it turns out that not only was that tick bite arible thing for Amy, it was a kind of double tragedy. Hidden from view amongst the trees, and in the undergrowth. And I think it's only right at this point to back up, and consider the story from a tick-s-point view. from a text point of view. Okay, so I'm Graham Hickling. I'm a wildlife disease ecologist at the University of Tennessee. So I was wondering if you could help us tell the story of, in this case, the Lone Star Tech that bit Amy. Oh, yeah, sure. So they start off in this little pile of eggs,
Starting point is 00:29:04 perhaps a mass of 2,000 eggs. Under the leaves, the proud mom will just get birth, at that point she's just a kind of a withered husk. Meaning dead. But anyway, a few weeks later those eggs will hatch and this mass of 2,000 baby ticks emerge from under the leaves. Could I see them with my naked eye? And then the dirt starts walking. And so they'll just climb up and they'll, you know, potentially all be on the same leaf for the same twig, looking for something to feed on.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Now one teeny little tiny problem for these teeny little tiny techs is that they dry out. So when they come up from under the leaves, they come up briefly and then they go back down. Okay, so they're going to be able to do that. And then they're going to be able to do that. And then they're going to be able to do that. And then they go back down, get a little water, come back up, get thirsty, go back down and rehydrate. So they like commute. Exactly and we refer to the behavior of questing. Oh, questing.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So if you were one of these little baby ticks up questing for food while you're up there, you are essentially velcro because on each one of your little baby ticks up questing for food while you're up there, you are essentially Velcro. Because on each one of your little legs, you have little kind of hot, like structures. And so you're flat against the leaf sort of sniffing in the air with your two little front legs. I can detect CO2 heat movement. So let's say one day you're sitting there on your leaf and you pick up the scent of a nearby mouse. My, so the potato chips are the ecosystem.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Everything eats them. Which means you might be about to have your very first meal. So you basically stand up, stretch out all your little legs and do a tick-dance. And so it's kind of interpretive dance, like movements. While you're waiting for that mouse to come just close enough that you can grab on to it. So you're dancing and you're waiting and you're dancing and you're waiting and you're dancing
Starting point is 00:30:50 and you're waiting and you're dancing and you're waiting. To be honest, you are probably going to wait your entire life and die unfulfilled. Because there are 2,000 of you starting off and a stable tech population, there's only going to be two of you that survive. Oh my gosh. So 1,998 little baby ticks are born, and then that's it for them. But let's say that you're one of the lucky ones. And one sunny day, there you are hanging out on your little leaf when you detect two incoming mammals. One is a 40 year old hominid, the other is her dog. So you perk up, you thrust your legs out, wave through the tech dots, and say that you're waving and you're dancing and you're hoping and you're waving and you're dancing and
Starting point is 00:31:44 you're hoping and you're slowly the dog's getting closer and closer and closer and you're hoping and you're waving and you're dancing and you're hoping and you're waving and you're dancing and you're hoping and you're Shloi the dogs getting closer and closer and closer and you reach out with one of your tiny little Grab on an eat and survive But the reason that tick ended up on me was I Slept in bed with my dog naked. I, she's always naked, but I was also naked. I mean, that's not gross. I don't, I mean, that's so weird. No. But how do you know that's when it happened?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Because I know that, like, I did a good tick check on myself and I took a shower and everything. And then in the middle of the night, I woke up with an itching sensation and I went to the bathroom and I couldn't really see what was on like something was on the back of my arm and it was a tick. So as the tick is biting into Amy, what is it giving Amy that's going to make her allergic to me?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Well, actually I need to stop you there Robert. Hmm, difficult one Robert. I don't know the answer to that. That's Peter Smith, and... Well... We're joining us as Sheryl Vanu and the scientist. It's all up for speculation. We don't really know. But here's the theory.
Starting point is 00:32:52 So, so... Normally, when you eat a piece of meat, you put alpha gal in your stomach, and your stomach digest it, and it's in your body, and it's no big deal. But the tick, caningly... Well, drull into you, poke into you,
Starting point is 00:33:03 and in jigs. It's saliva. We'll call that ticspit. Ticspit into, that's victims. Straight into its victims largest organ, the skin. And ticspit has an anti-clotting factor, anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory compounds. And we think the alpha gal.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Now Peter says the thing about the skin is the skin is like this enormous like surveillance system. It's always on the lookout for invaders. So when the alpha gal comes through your skin covered by all that bad, bad, tick spit stuff, that's going to really like set off your immune system. The immune system freaks out like, oh, uh-uh. And the alpha gal covered now in bad spit. Almost sort of by mistake gets labeled bad. And now it's on the bad guy watch list. So...
Starting point is 00:33:48 Therefore, the next time you eat meat, the meat comes in. And then, the body unleashes wave upon wave upon wave of chemical attacks to do battle against this alpha guy. And this reaction gets way out of hand. You got so many antibodies, multiply, multiply, multiply, multiply, multiply, making you, rather than this case, Amy, feel just horrible, right? I mean, it's very weird. It sounds like a science fiction movie. It sounds like the beginning of a science fiction, at least kid's book. Let's not go to movie, but it's just strange.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Which all goes to say that this really is a kind of double tragedy for Amy and her tech. Yeah, because it takes to involve to bite humans. Right, we're a mistake. Like we have opposable thumbs. We're either gonna pull them off. I actually woke my mom up and she helped get it off. Or if they drop off, they're gonna drop off
Starting point is 00:34:44 in an airport terminal or a Walmart cop-up or like a shag carpet or a shag carpet indoors and they're doomed. And for us, well, we lose something that historically, anyway, is a big part of who we are. Yeah, because we adapted in the grand evolutionary schema things to like eat flesh, to eat meat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I mean, I'm actually sitting here picturing a steak, but actually the thing, I mean hot dogs, like wrap ramps around a weenie and roasts. Yum, that sounds so good, my mouth's watering. Like, weenies and ramps. Yeah. But I am going to my allergist tomorrow, because I did, you know, I was reading about this allergy a lot when I first got it and I read that for some people,
Starting point is 00:35:37 the allergy can fade away. So I'm going to get a blood test to see what my blood level of alpha gal is. So I'm a little... So blood test to see what my blood level of alpha gal is. So I'm a little... So what are you hoping for tomorrow? I want to be normal. Again. That was the end of the Dan and Amy conversation.
Starting point is 00:35:58 She was going to go to the doctor, get herself tested, find out whatever. So we asked her back in. Okay. So I actually did get an appointment with my allergist, Dr. Corn. It was Dr. Corn. She's really nice. So I got the appointment, I got the blood draw, whatever. And a few days later, my doctor called me and she said that my numbers were still really high. And I was like, well, how high are they? And she was like three. And I was like three. That's not high. And she was like, they're supposed to be like one or something. So they had gone down, but they were still, you know, many times more than they should
Starting point is 00:36:42 be. So when you left and you were waiting for the call, were you waiting with the hope that you would soon be eating a bit of hot dog? I mean, honestly, I was hoping no. No? No. I don't. Wait, you are the great you. No, but I was afraid that she would be like,
Starting point is 00:37:00 oh my god, your numbers are so low. I think you could probably eat meat. Let's do a food challenge. I would be like, ah, because like, that's such a scary memory. Yeah. I don't, you know, actually just the other night, I was eating at an Indian place and I was eating vegetarian, but like, I felt something and I pulled it out and in the dim light of an Indian restaurant, like, why are they all lit like that? I was like, was this bacon? And I suddenly, you know, like you just get this drop in your stomach and I'm like, what time is it? Four hours from now, if I, you know, because there's something about it being delayed that makes it so difficult it just is like, like a suspense movie with you. It's like it could happen
Starting point is 00:37:43 in the next three hours or maybe not. I don't know. I mean, honestly, the only thing that the real reason I want to be able to eat meat is so that I will be prepared to eat it in case of emergency. I mean, I went on a canoe trip and had a roundx and I was like, well, what happens if I get stranded out here and like, what if I have to hunt, but I can't even eat meat out. I have to hunt fish.
Starting point is 00:38:07 But then when the lake freezes over, what would I eat? I can't survive. Something's wrong with me. I feel evolutionarily challenged. This is what I think about before I go to bed every night. Would I be able to survive if I had just what's on me right now, a pen underwear, my dog. And so, yeah, I mean, that's a real issue is like,
Starting point is 00:38:27 it's not a real issue. Obviously it's never gonna happen in live in Brooklyn, but I do for some reason, I always think like, I want to be prepared in case, but yeah, you know, I don't think I would go back to eating me necessarily. Like you are still more, more frightened than game. So to speak.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Well, also like I wish I could be a vegetarian for ethical reasons because it's not so much just the eating me, but just like, you know, the, the, the factory farming and that kind of stuff. So I feel like morally superior now. I can be like, well, I don't eat red meat. Of course, I'm forced to not eat it, but at the same time, I would if I had the, if I had the willpower, I'd probably go that way anyway. And then also, I think it's great.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It's like we're all evolving to be on this planet, which is getting harder to be on. And we know that meat takes a lot of resources. And like now I don't now I'm not doing that so like the tick is helping me evolve into a better human being. Like so one could instead of thinking of the tick as your teeny weeny irritating enemy you could think of it as a guiding light, making the world safer to share with your fellow earthlings.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. So you may have lost a relationship with meat, but at least you have your moral superiority. Yeah, I mean, I am superior. Yeah. So huge thanks to Amy Pearl for telling a story which never stopped being scary and wonderful, and to the fellow who brought her into the room, Dan Pashman, whose podcast The Sporkful is it's all about food in every conceivable way. Ike talks about eating it, preparing it, worrying about it, as you've heard getting sick from it, getting fat from it, whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And you can find his show on iTunes or Stitcher or on the internet at And this story was produced by Andy McEwan and Matt Kilti with Reporting Help from Latif Nasser. See you next time. All right, so that was the original piece. We're gonna take a quick break now, but when we come back, Sarah and Soren are gonna follow the thread from Amy's allergy
Starting point is 00:40:57 to this brand new genetically modified pig that can help a human who needs a kidney and also maybe solve a main's problem. Or maybe make it worse. Stick with us. Latif. Lulu. Sara.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Sauron? Yep. Okay, so as we learned at the top of the show, five years after we ran that story, some doctors at NYU successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a human patient. And one of the reasons that worked was because the pig that the kidney came from had been genetically modified to not have alpha gal, the alpha gal sugar in its body. It's really only the food that was kind of eluding us because we've known and have been also pursuing various medical device applications of the gal safe pig.
Starting point is 00:41:44 You know, we've had conversations with the... So I actually called up the company that makes this pig. They call it the Gal Safe Pig. The company itself is called Revivicor. Started out as the US division of the Scottish company that cloned Dolly the sheep. The UK company that did Dolly the sheep, this is like they their sort of like American
Starting point is 00:42:05 off-shot it. Yeah, okay. And from there, we actually clone the world's first pigs. So anyway, I talked to David Ayers, he's the company's chief scientific officer, and also John Bianchi. Lead product development enterprises at Revivicoror and I also am in charge of regulatory affairs. So at what point, and either of you can take this, at what point did you guys realize, okay, and I just wanted to ask them like, okay, you made this pig
Starting point is 00:42:36 for all of these medical transplant reasons, but did you know about the whole food side of things? I'll take this one day, unless I'm the poor sap that I had to work with the FDA. I shouldn't say that. It was a very collaborative effort with the FDA. And they told me that while they were in the middle of getting FDA approval for this pig to be used for medical reasons, they heard a certain radio show. After listening to the radio lab episode, the original episode, and listening to Amy Pearl,
Starting point is 00:43:12 we thought, hmm, why not just expand the application to include food? We realized that the pigs that we had developed so that their organs wouldn't be rejected would also be a food source for these patients that have the afegal allergy or the red meat allergy. Okay, wait, so hearing Amy Pearl on our show had something to do with thinking that, oh, we should make this a food product? It was absolutely a motivation of mine after listening to Amy.
Starting point is 00:43:40 What? Yeah, really? Yes. So, yeah, now because of Amy Pearl and her story, this pig is now FDA approved for medical devices and things like that and transplants, but also for food to use the meat of those pigs to make pork products that like people with alveagal syndrome can eat. Wow. So of course, we immediately like called up Amy Pearl. And we're like, Amy Pearl, Amy Pearl,
Starting point is 00:44:07 Amy Pearl, Amy Pearl, we got something to tell you. Look at her. Oh no. Oh my god. Have you always have like tiny little bundles of cuteness in your life? When we talked to her,
Starting point is 00:44:18 she had a couple of really small foster kittens like scrambling up and down her shoulders and muing in the background So we explained to her, you know the whole deal There's this pig that doesn't have alpha gal that's being used for Transplants from which you could make meat That would be safe to eat for people like you Amy Pearl
Starting point is 00:44:43 That's kind of I mean I, I feel kind of disgusted because it's been a long time, long time since I've had pork or beef. I've found plenty of delicious things to eat that aren't bacon. And she said that, you know, even if there is now some pork that's totally safe, she still feels sort of the same way she did at the end of the original show, which is that she's
Starting point is 00:45:09 kind of just over-read me. I've kind of moved on from it, honestly, and- And happily, it sounds. Yeah, I feel like it's better for my peace of mind, it's better for my health, it's better for the planet's health, and I feel lucky and happy. It's kind of like... But then of course, you know, we had to tell her that, you know, we talked to the guys at Rivivacore and that she and her story were sort of an inspiration for this meat becoming available to people. I'll just play you a clip of something they said to me. It was absolutely a motivation of mine after listening to Amy. When I heard the radio lab podcast,
Starting point is 00:45:51 I'm thinking, well, we hold the hammer. Great. I'm in so much. I mean, it's so funny. Oh, oh well. But it's fine. I mean, I, I guess, he sounds like such a nice guy. And say more. Say more on what you feel. What were you thinking as you heard it?
Starting point is 00:46:18 You sort of like hung your head. I mean, I was thinking that never should have gone on radio. I was just like always thinking that never should have gone on radio. I don't know, just like always thinking, mis- and thropic things. But I was thinking like, here's a person who's like, here's me just like talking about how delicious meat is and like juices. And they're like, yeah, I love meat too. And they're like, she seems sad.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I'm gonna make meat for her. And then it's like, but I actually don't really, I actually, anyway, I can make it for you. I figured it out. I have the hammer, but I actually don't want. I'm talking, I'm making it. Shh, here it is. I think she felt like because of her,
Starting point is 00:47:03 they'd gone and solves this problem that she didn't even really want solved. It's just kind of like you would like go to some kind of special FDA store to buy some special genetically modified pork just so you could have a bite of some kind of meat. I mean, it just was like, I don't know. Do you guys ever get into philosophy? You ever? It just like, it immediately for me when you say, oh, they created this pig that you can, that alpha gal people can eat. My next thought is like, what is the meaning of life? Why am I here? Wait a while. Can you do you think you can close the gap between those two
Starting point is 00:47:45 for us a little bit? Like, when there's some inner beauty. Because it's like, well, is that good or bad? Well, I guess it's good for people who want to eat pork, but it's bad for the pig. It just immediately brings to mind, you know, what, how to live. Do you live to satisfy your desires and be happy?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Or do you live to not harm others? Or why are we even here? Are pigs below us? Are they above us? Is it okay to put a pig first? Like what if someone's kid is dying of kidney cancer? We'll see that then now, like that's now how like, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:33 this question has another whole air because it's not just that they made a pig for people who got bit by a tick but wish they could still have a hot dog. They also then it turns out made a pig that like could maybe have a kidney that could save a life where there's no other kidney available, or maybe in the future more and more and more things like that.
Starting point is 00:48:52 But it's just, it's kind of like when you start thinking about breeding animals just for organs, for people, it's like re-deciding all over again. Like, should we be eating another animal that might be intelligent? It's like you just answering all those questions again, but for another purpose because like you can get like kidneys out of other people and they're, it's like safe and... I mean, yeah, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And I asked this guy, this doctor about this and you know, was sort of pushing him on like why? Like you've just opened the door to like a whole new way of exploiting animals. And I think his thing, which I'm convinced by honestly, is like, look, there are 90,000 people right now, right now, that need a kidney. And when it comes to like making the decision for yourself or like for a loved one, if you're like, they need a kidney and you have the option to put a pig kidney
Starting point is 00:50:03 in them, you're like, that's not even a question. You know, we eat millions of pigs anyway. I guess on balance, I feel. Okay. I mean, I totally agree with you, but why don't they just... Why don't they just make a fake kidney? Yeah. I mean, if somebody, like like imagine humans did not think like, oh, it's okay to take
Starting point is 00:50:28 to kill an animal just to get its kidney for someone else. It was like not even something that crossed their mind. We would have invented a plastic kidney by now, probably. So at this point in the interview, unfortunately, we actually still had one more thing that we had to tell Amy that we learned from the guys at Rivet Vacore. I have to tell you something that you might like even less. What they named the pig Amy before they hit it with the hammer. Yeah, yeah, they did. What?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah. Are you kidding now? Are you kidding? No, sorry, are you kidding? No, I'm not. I'm not kidding. By the way, the first take that meant went to market. We named Amy. After Amy Pearl, of course, well, I did it. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I'm not sure Dave approved that name, but what did they name? The one who donated the kidneys? No, no, the first one that they slaughtered for me. They named it Amy and unofficially, but they did, yeah. I mean, I can see why they picked something that was like motivating for them, like humanizing and motivating and they're like quest to solve this thing that they decided was a good problem to put their thoughts behind. I mean, I, it can't bother me. I can't let myself think about that.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Poor, poor, poor, poor, living creatures that suffer. Yeah, but I do think it's good. I am grateful that like you are holding the position of making all of us think twice, including me. Like I think I've been part of the like, oh, this is a breakthrough. And look at the pic in the human and the like, oh, this is a breakthrough. And look at the big kidney and the human and the heart is beating and everything is working. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:52:30 And I do think that it's really helpful for that you're reminding me there is a cost to this that we shouldn't ignore and that we should know, that we should challenge our imaginations almost to imagine a world where we don't have to exploit these pigs and find another way. There could be some young budding scientists that will listen to this version of the story and come up with an artificial kidney and name it Amy. That would be great. That would be great.
Starting point is 00:53:05 That would be great. Yeah, but I think that's the only way to make this right. It's funny to think that there's like, I mean, how big was this pig at the end? Like usually pigs, I guess when they slaughtered them for me, maybe they're smaller, but like, I met a pig in Vermont that was like 800 pounds and I gave her a whole watermelon and to her it was like like a gum drop. Thanks. Yeah, I mean it was she was just giant. I took a hoe. I was like scratching her back with a hoe and it just like looked like a little toothbrush on her and she was
Starting point is 00:53:37 like, oh that was so good. I mean I wonder if Amy got to be that big. I wonder if Amy got to be that big. I don't wonder. 800 pound Amy, pretty formidable. Watch out. I'm just like now wishing I could change places with her and then I'll have done my time. And like I would have now be like, left the mortal coil.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And she would be sitting here in this interview with her pig intelligence, which is plenty for this probably. I think she could raise those kittens and then she would end up on one of those unlikely friendship calendars. Look at the pig raising the kittens. Yeah, exactly. I wonder if there's a resemblance. What an incredible turn of events. What do you think? I'm just thinking about like Amy the pig
Starting point is 00:54:36 going about her business, you know, with no thought to any of this. You know, with no thought to any of this, it's imagining like, oh, it's so warm here in the mud. I'm gonna stay here for a little while. Oh, I'm hungry, I'm gonna go check out the trough for a while, just like that kind of, that kind of living, I don't know. When your brain hurts, you just have to like
Starting point is 00:55:04 retreat to your body. Yeah. Thank you Amy Pearl for coming on the show again and making us think more deeply than we were again. This update to the episode was reported and produced by Sara Cari and also thank you to Amy's a pig. Thank you Amy the pig. I'm Lula Miller.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I'm Lotte Diffnasser. Lotte, if I just Latif Nasser. I too if I just wanted to say before they cut us off here that that whole story was a real oink Rubaris. That is not a joke that people are gonna get I think. I am afraid. The thing of Rubaris is the snake that's eating its tail. It's partly because I've always pronounced it uroboros. too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:56:07 It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:56:15 It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's a bit too much for me to be able to do. It's a bit too much for me to be able to do. It's a bit for me to be able to do it. It's a bit for me Science. Hi, this is Vincent Rojas from Norman, Oklahoma. Radio Lab is supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. More information about Sloan at Radio Lab was created by Chad Boomerod and is edited by Soren Wheeler. Lulu Miller and Lahtefnasser are our co-hosts Susie Lectonberg as our executive producer and Dylan Keefe as our director of sound design. Our staff includes Simon Adler, Jeremy Bloom, Becca Brestler, Rachel Kusik, W. Harry Fortuna, David Gabel, Maria Pascutietes,
Starting point is 00:56:57 Sindranyana Sambandum, Matt Kilti, Annie McEwan, Alex Neeson, Sara Kari, Aryan Wack, Pat Walters, and Mollie Webster. With help from Tonya Chabla and Sarah Sandbach, our fact checkers are Diane Kelly, Emily Krieger, and Adam Chippell. you

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