REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 141. Q&AF: Sharks & Spoons

Episode Date: September 18, 2021

Some things aren't for everyone. On today's Q&AF episode, Andy talks about how reading books has improved his life drastically and how it can do the same for you, when you should take that next big st...ep in growing your business, and how to overcome complacency when working towards your goals.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Frisella and this is the show for the realists to say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome to motherfucking reality. Today, we have Q and AF, and you all know what that means. Three questions, three answers. I'd like to remind you that we do have a fee for the show. The fee is if you get some value, if it made you think, if it taught you something, if it entertained you, all we ask is that you share the show, okay? Pay the fee. All right. We do a lot of things here. I don't take advertisements. I don't take corporate sponsors. I don't want to fill your head and waste your time with a bunch of bullshit. All right. And all I ask in return is that you help us grow the show. I think that's a fair deal. If we suck, don't share it. If we do,
Starting point is 00:00:59 if we do good, share it. It's real simple. So with that being said, what's up, dude? Hey, what's going on how are you hey man i'm good yeah good i've been doing some uh home improvements the honey do list oh yeah yeah so i got fucking plaster and shit on my hands that's what you're doing this morning i do i did it all last night oh really four in the morning yeah we're doing a german schmear on the fire oh so you were getting right after that oh bro i got talking about that on the plane yeah i got into it man we went to utah on the plane. Yeah, I got into it, man. We went to Utah for a couple days and then we just came right back.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah. Dude, Utah's beautiful first of all. So if you live out there, I mean, you're fucking that's luck. I mean, that's beautiful out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is, man. It was a good trip. Beautiful place. Nice people. Polite people. Say hi to you when you walk down the street. Real cool, man.
Starting point is 00:01:43 For sure. Yeah. So what we got today? Hey, bro. Hey bro hey guys you guys know how this goes we got three questions for andy again as always email your questions in guys um you can email them to ask andy at andy for um as always we appreciate the questions guys um so keep sending them in so three questions let's get to it all right first question all right uh i know everybody knows, most people know that, you know, personal development is huge for you, right? Yeah. And one of the things that have always been a constant pillar of that was reading books. Right. So kind of two part question, but first, like, I mean, what, why, why is reading books to you so important? And then right now, what are your top three favorite books right there?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Okay. Well, first of all, look, man, part of being successful is learning from other people's mistakes, learning from their stories. You know, when I read a book, here's how I look at it. It might be 300 pages, right? And if I pick up one sentence out of that 300 pages, that gives me an idea or makes me think about something a little bit differently when it comes to business, right? Like I'm always looking for new business ideas and how to evolve and how to grow. And, you know, I'm a creative person like a lot of people are out there that are running businesses, but guys, we still only have so much creative capacity and we would be foolish not to learn from watching other people. I pay attention
Starting point is 00:03:05 to everybody. I pay attention to what everybody's doing, every company's doing, not just in our industry, but as many companies as I can watch. The people who are out there doing big things, not just other companies in the athletic apparel supplement space. I'm looking at, you know, companies in all sectors that are doing innovative things. And I'm thinking about how can I learn from that? What could we do? How could, what would our version of that be and look like? Right? So reading is very important because you get to learn from everybody else's experience. And guys, that's like adding or subtracting years off of where you would, how long it would normally take you to be if you just had to figure it all out, right? Because, you know, if you can read a book
Starting point is 00:03:52 and it keeps you from making a simple mistake that you might not have seen, how much does that save you? How much time does that save you? How much money does that save you? So reading is extremely important, not just for you know developing uh you know these good habits and and you know first of all you can't really develop good habits from reading you have to do that's the whole purpose of 75 hard um which is funny because i still get people that think 75 hard is a fucking diet yeah you know what i'm saying like bro nowhere on there does it say you rock. One of my favorite things is watching some of these like diet professionals out there, like talk shit on 75 hard and then getting blown the fuck up because they clearly hadn't even
Starting point is 00:04:35 looked into it. That's one of my favorite things, just so you know. But the point is, is that if you can learn from someone else's journey and you can learn from someone else's mistakes and successes and wins, what does that, you know, how much does that add to you? And it's free. It just takes some time, you know, and that's why people don't want to do it. They get involved in, you know, Instagram, they get sucked in, you know, they get sucked into the news and the current events, which is very hard right now, right? Like we all get sucked into these things right now because there's a lot going on. But the problem with that is, is that, you know, you're missing a massive opportunity because while you are getting sucked in, so are all your competitors, so are all the people doing their same shit.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So if you could pull back and focus on your business right now, um, while still being aware and active of what's going on socially, you know, you have a tremendous opportunity to grow. So, uh, reading is, I think one of the biggest reasons why we've been able to get where we are at such a relatively young age, you know, um, if I hadn't have read and I read 10 pages a day, that's it, dude. I don't read a whole book a day. Um, you know, some people sit at a coffee shop. I don't do that. It's just 10 pages every day, you know, and that adds up to, you know, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, thousands of books over a decade. You know what I mean? So make that a habit, man. It'll drastically increase your rate of success. It'll drastically increase your quality of life. It'll drastically increase your ability to comprehend and understand what's actually
Starting point is 00:06:04 happening in your business as it's happening. And, you know, make it make it part of your life, because I can tell you right now that I would say out of all the reasons that we are in this position as as, you know, our group of companies that we all that I'm part of, they're all doing very well. And I think the reason that they're able to do well is because the people involved in them have committed 100% to getting better every single day by just doing simple things like reading. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And for those of you who think that's bullshit, listen, I don't know if you've ever been to First Form HQ. It's a fucking library. Yeah, we got a library. How many fucking companies out there you know have libraries and shit? Yeah. It's a big deal. What's your top three favorite books of all time?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Oh, man. You know, there's so many good ones, dude. Yeah. It's a big deal. What's your top three favorite books of all time? Oh man. You know, there's so many good ones, dude. It depends on what mood I'm in when you ask me that. And today I'm in a mood of what I think would help people right now. I think The Four Agreements is a book that every single human should read. And, you know, it's not necessarily a business book, but it helps you understand how important it is to not take things personally, to not assume things and create stories in your head, which, you know, being an entrepreneur and being in a highly competitive environment, I think it's natural for everybody to take things a little personally, to feel a little bit of jealousy sometimes. And that book and those principles is something that I revisit consistently because, as you guys know, I'm a big believer in rooting for success. But that's not something that comes natural all the time, right? I'm a competitive dude.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I want to stomp on everybody. But sometimes I got to pull back and remember there's enough for everybody. Like dude, when my friends win who happen to be in the same space as I am, I'm excited about that. I think it's fucking awesome. So, and that takes, that's not something I always had. It's something I had to grow into. And as I've grown into it, guess what's happened? I've become more successful. The more successful these other guys become, I learn from them. I see what they're doing. They see what we're doing. And we start to grow off each other. And bro, that's a really cool thing. You know, everybody starts to win. And instead of, you know, having these abrasive relationships, you actually can celebrate with these people, you know, and
Starting point is 00:08:19 that's really cool. I just had a conversation with an old friend of mine who we had kind of grown apart over some competition, you know, friction. And, and dude, we both agree. We were both stupid for letting it happen, you know, and, and we're both doing well. And dude, it made me feel a lot better, made him feel a lot better. And guess what? Now we can get back to learning from each other openly, you know, cause that's what we used to do back in the day. So it's just a much better feeling. So I like that book a lot for that. You know, that's a great book. There's an amazing business book by Donald Trump. And I know that's going to be like, dude, and I've talked to people. I recommend this book. I'm not fucking reading that book because Donald Trump wrote it. Well, you're an idiot because he's one of the most successful business stories of the history of the fucking United States. Oh, he got a million dollar loan. Yeah. But he turned into multi billions of dollars
Starting point is 00:09:08 and employs fucking tens of thousands of people and has made a cultural impact that is undeniable. And you would be stupid not to learn from him. The book is called Think Big and Kick Ass. Fucking amazing book. Okay. If you want to read that book, bro. And then anything by Seth Godin, if you're a business person, like literally if I was in business and I was just starting, I would go on Amazon. I would order every fucking single Seth Godin book written and read all of them before I even started. I would start with the purple cow. So those are, those are my three recommendations. And if you don't read Donald Trump's book on business because you don't like Donald Trump, you're, you're going to fucking lose because that just shows you, I'm not saying you'll lose because you'll miss out on that
Starting point is 00:09:48 information. I'm saying the attitude that you have about that will end up costing you time and money and effort that you wouldn't, you know, otherwise done much better with. For sure. You know, facts. So dope. All right. Question number two, this has to do with like scaling or doubling inventory new office space right how like how do you know when when is the right time to make a major jump in business right like when that major jump feels scarier than the the first step that you took day one yeah how do you make that big jump like how do you well here's the time it's a real simple answer there's only two gears in business. There's forwards and there's backwards.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And that's it. There is no park. There is no staying the same. The minute you think you're going to rest, everybody else is still in drive and they're moving forward, which automatically, if you're in park, puts you behind them.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So you have to keep that in mind. Everything's always moving forward. The whole entire world, the whole entire economic system of entrepreneurship and business is always moving forward. So if you take a break, right, and you say, oh, well, I call that taking your eye off the ball. When you take your eye off the ball, just understand that there's other people out there that aren't, and they're going to gobble up what you're sitting on. And I've seen it happen. I've seen people I'm friends with. I've seen companies that I like and I've seen it happen to companies that I'm related to the people that own
Starting point is 00:11:11 them. I've seen this happen. Complacency will always cost you market share. Okay. So you have to understand that if you don't do that, someone else is going to be doing it. And that should be enough motivation for you to understand that you should always be on the throttle, right? You always need to be moving forward. So if you are in that position, you don't know if it's the right opportunity. It's always the right time to move forward. It just always is. So whatever, usually what happens is dude, people get in this situation where they're starting to make money, right? Like, cause in entrepreneurship, like you guys know the first 10 years, dude, I starved, you know, the first three years, I didn't make any money. The next seven years I made $695 a month for a total of $58,000
Starting point is 00:11:56 for my entire first decade in business, not per year for the decade. Okay. I was starving. Now, when you start to make a little bit of money, and I went through this, by the way, I'm not like shitting on anybody. I'm saying when I started making money, the reality, yeah, I got a little lazier and I got a little, you know, complacent. And I learned that what I explained was happening, right? Like I saw it start to happen. Our competitors started to gain on us. The people that I was, you know, doing, beating in terms of business started to take our customers and take our market share. And so that's what happens when you put it fucking, when you put it in part, because you're making money. And what really
Starting point is 00:12:34 drives this is people don't want to reinvest the money they make after the fact they didn't have any money for so long. So hold on to it. Yeah. Cause they're like, oh shit, dude, I'm finally making some money. And now I got to go and put this back in i mean there's been multiple times guys where you know i've had to forego uh getting paid personally to reinvest in the company for for years at a time and so that's just part of the game but you have to realize that if you're sitting there and you're comfortable and you're saying man i'm doing it i'm making money you know blah blah blah blah and you're not moving forward with investing back in your business because you don't, you're like sort of celebrating and relishing the fact that you
Starting point is 00:13:12 finally got some shit. You're going to lose it. Drinking fucking rosé. Yeah, bro. I mean, you end up losing it and that's the problem. So, um, it's always the right time to move forward. Um, even if you have to move forward in little bitty ways, you know, you should always be moving forward. Those are still steps forward. Absolutely. Absolutely. So that's it, bro. That's fire. Yeah. All right. Question number three. How do you how do you personally how do you prevent burnout? Right. We talk about your master in the mundane. You get in your grooves. How do you prevent the burnout? You know, that's where I think the live hard lifestyle comes into play for me. You know what I'm saying? Like the more focused I am
Starting point is 00:13:50 on myself, the more focused I become on business. And that all starts to synergistically work together to keep me from burning out and to keep me aggressive and to keep me moving forward. I think when people get burned out, the reason they get burned out is because they feel like it should always be exciting. They feel like it should always be great. They feel like it should always be, you know, this amazing time. And when things get rough for, you know, a week or two weeks or three weeks, like, oh dude, I'm fucking burnt out. That's just an attitude problem. You know, the attitude needs to be, nah, dude, I got to fucking get this turned around. I'm going to take care of business and everything's going to be okay, but you got to take care of it. And that's the thing. So as far as
Starting point is 00:14:33 getting burned out, you know, like I'm not a big believer in this, you know, this social movement of like, and people are going to take this the wrong way, but of healing. Okay. Everybody's fucking healing now. And they're using that for a fucking excuse to not do shit. Oh, I need to rest. Oh, I need to, I need to regroup. I need my safe space. Yeah. I need my, I need my time. And this, that, and the, listen, that's fine. You need that shit. There's a whole bunch of motherfuckers out there that are working through their fucking hard times that are going to beat the shit out of you in business. If that's you, go do something else. You know what I'm saying? Like, go be happy. Business
Starting point is 00:15:13 isn't for everybody. You know, this whole culture of entrepreneurship the last five, six years has become a fucking joke. You know, you got all these clowns on the internet pretending like they're bulletproof, telling everybody else they should be a fucking entrepreneur, not sharing any of the struggles, not sharing any of the hardships. And the truth of the matter is, and this is statistically accurate, 7% to 8% of the population are entrepreneurs. And only 1% of those are successful entrepreneurs. So the fucking thing is, guys, is that you're not everybody's built for this shit. You know, if you're an emotional whirlwind all the time and you can't stay focused on yourself and you got to like take breaks all the time and mental health,
Starting point is 00:15:54 that's all new shit in the last like three or four years. And you guys all think this is like, you know, the way it's been forever. It's not that way. There are fucking sharks out there that never fucking stop. They never stop eating ever. And that's who you're competing with. And this idea of participation trophies and, you know, everybody has the opportunity to win. And this, that's all fucking bullshit. Okay. There are fucking killers out there in business that never stop. And guess what? I'm one of them. And all my friends are those guys. Every fucking person you see me associate with, that's who they are. They are not fucking stopping. Okay. So that's what you're up against. So your healing and your fucking personal time and all your shit, just understand it's going to cost you. And I'm not saying you shouldn't do
Starting point is 00:16:40 it. I'm just saying it's going to cost you in business. All right. So I don't get burned out because I stay focused on the fucking shit that I need to stay focused on, which is being the best that I can be. Okay. And also staying on the gas and business. It's exciting here every day. Every day I come here, dude, I'm fucking pumped because there's new shit happening. Okay. We got new growth opportunities. We've got new markets to to get into we've got new employees and new initiatives and new this and Like dude, it's always None of it never gets stagnant, you know better than anyone you're here every day so
Starting point is 00:17:13 If it never gets stagnant because you're always moving forward how the fuck you get burnt out You know the reason that you're burnt out bro is because you're complacent right now That's just the truth when you understand that you're in the game and there's sharks in the water and you're fucking bleeding, guess what? You ain't got time for a motherfucking mental break. No shit. That's the truth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And that's the reality of life. And that's why we call the show Real AF. Everybody wants to fucking be soft as fuck and still fucking win. And guys, it's just not the way it is. It's just not the way it is. It's just not the way it is. I don't know one motherfucker who's successful in business. And you guys all see who I associate with. I associate with all the fucking winners. Not one of them is fucking complacent at any time, at any time. When I call them on the phone, dude, they're not sitting there saying,
Starting point is 00:18:00 oh, dude, Andy, I need to take a fucking healing break. Like that's not what the fuck they say. I'm like, what's going on, dude? Oh, I'm doing this. I'm doing that. I'm doing this. I'm doing this. I'm doing this. And I'm like, oh, fuck, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I better get my shit together. You know what I'm saying? So like that's that's how it works. And so if you can't operate in that, guys, you're just going to have a very hard time. And I'm telling and look, this is not discounting how hard entrepreneurship is. It's fucking hard. It's hard as fuck. But that's also why you have to take care of yourself mentally on a day by day basis. You know, what really happens in society right now is people don't do shit. They don't take care of their fucking food. They don't take care of their bodies. They don't take care of their, they don't test themselves mentally. They, they don't,
Starting point is 00:18:48 they kind of like live with no urgency and they just kind of float through. Right. And then all the shit builds up and it starts to affect them negatively. And then they get like frustrated and then they got to take a break. Well, you just took a break from taking a break. You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, you weren't even taking care of yourself and you need a break from that. Come on, dude. I'm sick. Like, this is what I see on 75 hard all the time. You know, not all the time, but you know, people like to pick it apart, bro. They're like, oh dude, it's very extreme. And this and that will do. Do you want to win or do you not want to win? Do you want to be the best or do you not want to be, do you want to be a weapon
Starting point is 00:19:24 or do you want to be a soft fucking spoon? Okay. Cause that's the difference. It ain't for everybody. Don't fucking do it. If you're a spoon, that's it. You know what I'm saying? Sounds good. Yeah. And like, dude, this whole idea, like weakness has penetrated our society at such a deep level that now there's a major part of society that feels entitled to the fucking life that people like i have or other people who have given their entire fucking lives to build shit have for for doing nothing and dude it will never be that way no but you guys out there who are all for this socialist shit you're like oh dude everybody will be equal motherfucker yeah you'd be equally fucking broke yeah go to china they got the most fucking billionaires and they also
Starting point is 00:20:03 got the most poor people so you got to ask yourself which one you're going to be on. Yeah. And they don't come with fucking being a spoon. You know what I'm saying? So. That's some real shit. Yeah, bro. And like, like I'm sitting here, I see these people talk shit on the, on the program.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Oh, it's so extreme. Oh, it's extreme to eat right. It's extreme to work out and take care of your body right it's extreme to fucking test yourself mentally on a daily basis so that you can handle the rest of life reading 10 pages a day it's extreme to put good shit in your brain right man you ain't built for this shit no so just go do something else and we'll go be happy who you are go heal no that's it listen i'm not fucking here to drag you along, bro. I'm just giving you the roadmap. If you don't want to do it, don't fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:20:52 But don't sit there and talk about people who are committed to winning, who are committed to fucking kicking ass, who are committed to being better every single fucking day of their lives and act like there's something wrong with them. No, there's something wrong with fucking you criticizing that because that's how they choose to live. There is nothing more noble than someone who is committed to being the best fucking version of themselves. And society has become so weak now
Starting point is 00:21:13 that they are actually villainizing that attitude. And you wonder why the fuck we are where we are as a country. So you want the country to get better, you get better. That's it. Dude, that's fucking beautiful. Fuck these spoons.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah, fucking spoons. Dude, I mean, fuck, guys. That's three for three right there. That's absolutely fire. One thing, dude. So, you know, I go through these questions, man. Fucking spoons. Fucking spoons.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I go through these questions. We're going to call that the show, huh? Q and A, fucking spoons. Don't be a fucking spoon. Sharks and spoons, baby be a fucking sharks and spoons that's a fucking good one i like spoons i like spooning okay let's go on what are you gonna say dude would you rather lose a dollar or a thousand dollars you guys that just tickles you guys that just tickles you doesn't That just tickles you, doesn't it? Oh, dude. That's the best line ever that never made it on the show. Hey, man. Hey.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Dude, so I get all these questions, right? I would say literally maybe 75% of these questions are people legitimately, like, genuinely asking about the vaccine. What are they asking? Like, dude, like, my job's about to mandate it. Should I take it? Should I not take it? I got military. First of all, I'm not a fucking doctor, guys. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, that's a personal decision. Like, dude, are you at risk? Are you are you someone who is at risk for this shit? Look at the data. This is how I make decisions about things.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I look at the fucking data. OK, and the data is all there on the CDC website about how we have to really recenter what we're talking about here we're talking about something that has a 99 over a 99 percent survival rate and that's if you get it so there's a whole nother like percentage of do you get it they just did a poll dude like they they put a poll out and they asked people you know if you get covet what's your chances of getting hospitalized and they think like 40 50 percent right i know bro one to five yeah that's it one to five percent that's if you get it and then if you get it yeah in that one to five percent you're still 99 point
Starting point is 00:23:17 whatever percent likely to survive it so what are we talking about here right we're actually talking and like dude look if you got i want to say this're actually talking and like, dude, look, if you got the, I want to say this before I say what I'm about to say. If you got the vaccine, cool. If you chose not to get the vaccine, cool too. Okay. I think the better strategy would be to get fucking healthy. I think the better strategy would be to take care of yourself, to eat the right foods, take certain vitamins that help keep you healthy. Vitamin C, vitamin D, NAC, things that quite honestly, they're trying to say don't work, but they've been working for the past. That's right.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So, you know, zinc, there's things that you could take that keep you from getting sick of any sort. For sure. So, and they're not a hundred percent, but it's good prevention, right? Like, I think most people are struggling with the consequences. Well, Hey, you know what, dude? That's why I started talking about the shit in 2000 fucking 19. And it really irritates the fuck out of me that all of you guys blow me up in my DMs asking me what to do when I dedicated a
Starting point is 00:24:15 whole fucking year of my life telling you, hey, this is what's happening. Hey, this is what's happening. Hey, this is what's happening. Resist, resist, resist, resist, resist. And now here we are. And now it's finally affecting people's livelihoods and they're fucking freaking the fuck out. Well, if you had taken what I said seriously in the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation. All right. But now that we are, I will address what I think you should do. If you don't want to take the vaccine and your company is forcing the vaccine on you, I think it's important that you talk to every single person in the company and you guys all think,
Starting point is 00:24:48 oh, well, I'm the only one. You're not the only one. You're the only one that think, everybody thinks they're the only one, okay? And so when you go talk to these people, it's just like Nicki Minaj came out, okay? Nicki Minaj comes out and everybody fucking trashes her on the left. And I will say this, hey, Nicki Minaj comes out and everybody fucking trashes are on the left.
Starting point is 00:25:05 And I will say this. Hey, Nicki Minaj, you were part of this environment creation process. You went along with the liberal and the fucking leftist and crazy agenda for how many years and it benefited you. And now you're facing the fucking music. OK, now I'm glad you're speaking up. It's very nice. But I hope you take responsibility and your silence and your virtue signaling over the last decade that you've been relevant as to
Starting point is 00:25:30 why you're even in the position that you're in now. Now I'm glad she's telling the truth, but let's recognize what actually created this. These celebrities, they all go, they all virtue signal, they jump on these trends. And that's all we're seeing right now with this fucking vaccine. It's a virtue signal thing. Everything that's happening right now is built upon shame and making people feel alone. And I've explained this for over a fucking year. If you are being forced to take a vaccine, understand two things. One, your company cannot operate without a significant amount of your employees. So if all of your employees get together and say, hey, we're not fucking doing it,
Starting point is 00:26:06 they can't do shit because they'll fail. Yeah. All right. There's nobody out there right now to take those jobs. There's so many people sitting on the sidelines because they don't even want to work right now. And that's evident. Drive down your fucking main street.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Look how many fucking for hire signs there are. Millions. Nobody wants to work. So my point in that is, you know, you have the power. You've just got to get a little fucking organized. Yeah. All right. But you should also take some responsibility that you didn't get active rarely when you were fucking told. And instead you called everybody conspiracy theorists. And yet here we are. Now they're talking about a social credit system. Now they're talking, bro, they're trying to turn us into motherfucking China. This has
Starting point is 00:26:42 nothing to do with fucking any of this shit. It's a fucking communism insurgency, period. And the enemy of all of us is communism, okay? We are not here in America. We are, it is not, you know, oh, communists can coexist. No, motherfucker. No, that's the enemy, period. And the quicker that you guys all realize this isn't a partisan issue
Starting point is 00:27:05 and that we will all suffer. This is elite versus the fucking servant class. And guess what? You and me and all of us who aren't in the fucking top fucking 1500 people in the world. We're the servant class. That includes me.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Okay. Once you realize that it's them versus us, and it's not you versus your fucking neighbor, because you don't agree in the same thing, a vaccine, this shit will get better. But everybody has to communicate. Everybody has to get organized and everybody has to be willing to sacrifice a little. Okay. You don't think I've sacrificed a little for the last year and a half. I've been fucking talking to shit. I've been called every name in the book. I've had stalkers. I've had people break in my house. I've had people threaten me. You know, you run my security detail. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Fuck man. This shit ain't easy. It ain't fun for me. I'd rather talk about getting rich and fucking balling out, bro. But without freedom, we don't have that opportunity. And so you guys who feel like this is wrong, you have an obligation, an obligation to stand the fuck up and resist it. People are willing to go die for our freedom. All you got to do is say fucking no. Yeah. Okay. So my advice would be get together, find the other people and say, we ain't doing it. Now, the second thing you can do is realize that there is companies out there that are big, that are doing big things that you have an opportunity to go work for right now by just making a little bit change.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Here's the other thing I'd say to somebody. What's the opportunity in this? What's the opportunity in this? You're thinking defense. You're thinking, oh, dude, if I get this, I won't have a job. Maybe you could start something that where you made 10 times the money or 20 times the money. I had one of my friends reach out and say, my husband's getting kicked out of the hospital. He makes a million dollars a year. My response was, well, maybe he can make 20. Right. You see what I'm saying? So why are we not looking at it like that? There's opportunity going on right now for a smaller company like us where we're, you know, we're not small, but we're small compared to who we compete against.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The Nikes of the world, right? Those, those people are now forcing these things on their customers. So you don't think that if you work for Nike, I'll fucking hire you. Fuck, come here, work for me, bro. We're going to kick ass. I don't give a fuck. I believe in freedom. You see what I'm saying? There's lots of people like me out there Okay, so realize there's opportunity here But if you if you want I would resist though out of principle. Oh for sure You know get with your friends get with your neighbors get with the people in your company and say
Starting point is 00:29:38 Because dude, here's the reality dude. We're back. We're back to fucking whitewater fountains and blackwater fountains Yeah, that's where we're back to fucking white water fountains and black water fountains yeah that's where we're back to now that's a fact i saw videos today of people getting kicked out of restaurants for not having a fucking vaccine how can we force listen how is it okay to force a vaccine on every single person whether they have natural immunity whether they're not at risk they have health conditions okay well i was gonna get to that. I've said before, like I was just talking to Sal about this this morning in the office.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Like, dude, they're trying, they are trying to, okay. I just want you to understand where I'm coming from here. They are trying to force me to get the vaccine and to be okay with forcing all of our team to get the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Well, dude, I have preexisting conditions that none of these motherfuckers know about. So I got to take this shit, even though my risk is very small. Right. And the risk of me getting, you know, inflamed heart or blood clots is fucking massive because I already have the preexisting factors. So how so so I should just take it and fucking I should deal with all the side effects because you want me to fucking take it. how about this fuck you i ain't fucking taking it and fucking spoon and i yeah and i ain't forcing anybody else to do so either and i'm not asking why i don't care if it's not for you it's not for you okay you have a responsibility to keep yourself healthy you motherfuckers are out there saying well hey dude
Starting point is 00:30:59 uh you better brush your teeth this morning because if you didn't brush your teeth mine are gonna fucking turn yellow none of this shit makes sense and we all know it doesn't make sense and a lot of these people got their fucking egos and their identity attached to this and they're trying to force their will as opposed to actually understanding you know there's probably some very good reasons why certain people don't want it yeah you know there's a good reason why most of the black population doesn't want it no what is the reason uh oh how about this the reason is the government has completely fucked them over and over and over and over again with medical fucking bullshit. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Okay. So if I'm a black man or a black woman, guess what? I'm a little fucking hesitant to take your shit because you fucking lie to us about everything. All right. People have their own reasons and those reasons should be respected. Those reasons should not. You should just because these fuckers want to make an extra 30 fucking billion dollars next quarter by selling you the fucking booster shot doesn't mean that you should jump up and down and fucking do their bidding for him. A lot of you fuckers don't get what's going
Starting point is 00:31:56 on. And I do. Honestly, I'm fucking sick of it. The fact that we're sitting here in 2000 fucking 21 talking about fucking, you know, you can't go in a restaurant because you don't have a fucking vaccine passport. This is fucking insanity. And I'm not the only one that fucking thinks it. And if you don't like it, I don't give a fuck. Don't fucking buy my shit. Don't fucking come around me. Don't fucking talk to me.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Don't fucking support me. I don't care. Okay. But I am not forcing that on anybody. Now, if you want to take it, there's people here that take it. Cool. I have no problem with that. But I am sick of this idea that is completely made up where, you know, if this is the biggest scam of the fucking entire world ever, like ever, bro. Oh, I'll get sick if you don't take care of, if you don't do this.
Starting point is 00:32:50 No, dude. Just like every other fucking flu or virus or every, everything that's ever happened. You take care of yourself. It is not my responsibility because you're, dude, 80% of the people dying from this are fucking severely obese. Okay. I didn't make that decision. And by the way, I used to be severely obese. I made the decision to fucking fix it. And I've missed eight fucking days and over 500 of working out eating right. So you can't tell me a motherfucking thing about this because I've been doing it. Right. All right. So if you are worried about you, do the things that will protect you. If you think that it's too risky to go to the store or go to the fucking concert or to go to work, then fucking don't go. But asking
Starting point is 00:33:32 the world to bend over for your fucking scare that you believe because the media fucking put this shit in your head for fucking 24 hours a day, 365, 500 days in a row. That's not my concern. I'm sorry. It's just not. Okay. Now, do I feel bad for the people that are sick? Yes, I do. We've had some people here that have ended up in the hospital because of it. But you know what? There's a real pandemic happening and we got to do a good job protecting ourselves. But at the end of the day, bro, there's data that says that most of the shit that they're being forced to do doesn't even fucking work. It's all fucking, it's all,
Starting point is 00:34:13 it's all about who's on what side. It's been politicized so heavy. And people have attached their identity to it to the point where like, they're like, dude, these motherfuckers would rather me take the fucking vaccine and literally die and say, oh know what the vaccine killed him it would have been worse if he didn't have it yeah like what bro you can fuck off yeah you know what i'm saying like dude and
Starting point is 00:34:35 there's lots of people like me that have all these things that are going on that you have no idea and you're on the internet saying that people should take this shit. Bro, if you're a part of pushing this, realize that you have blood on your hands because there's a lot of motherfuckers that shouldn't be taking it that are getting sick and dying because of the vaccine. And it's all being washed under the rug. It's not misinformation. It's not bullshit. And a lot of these doctors have attached their identity to it as well. Because they said a year ago that this and this and this and this, now they're still trying to push with their ego. And bro, what's going on in the hospitals is fucking insane. There was an article yesterday that came out that said, and it was from here
Starting point is 00:35:14 in St. Louis, that said that fucking one of the hospitals here in St. Louis shut down three of the five intensive care floors. Okay. So they have five intensive care floors. They shut down three of them. And then they claim they're at 99% capacity because they only have two of their available five, five fucking floors open. That's insane. That's fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That's insane. And we had a whistleblowers coming out all over the country saying the same shit at every hospital, all those doctors and all those people, administrators making those decisions to fuck with those stats should be held accountable. And they will be, I believe. I believe they will be. I agree. So look, at the end of the day, my view is this, freedom. Freedom. We are mature adults. We should be able to make decisions for ourselves. There's no way they should be
Starting point is 00:36:05 forced vaccinating fucking kids when kids are literally like 99.9% fucking immune to the shit from getting actually sick. That's fucking wrong. You're creating a scenario where they are more likely to have these kids get sick from the adverse side effects than they would actually get from COVID. And that's what's going to happen because you're going to see them start to force vaccinate these kids. And the reason they're going to force vaccinate your fucking kids is because you didn't fucking stand up when you were told a year ago what was going to happen. So if you don't like it, I would suggest that you stay in the fuck up right now and resist the shit as hard as possible, period. Go to your meetings, go to your fucking
Starting point is 00:36:43 school meetings, go to fucking your civic meetings, organize in your company. Look, the people of America, the 80% that are sane, normal people, we haven't had to organize and do anything in a long time. The extremists on the left have been organized for a long time. The 80% are kind of caught off guard here. Okay. So you're going to have to do some things. You're going to have to do some things that you didn't have to do last year or the year before or ever in your life. And you know why you're going to have to do those? Because you've been enjoying the fruits of the fertile soil of America and not paying your dues with your civic responsibility
Starting point is 00:37:21 to make sure all this shit is running the right way. So all you have to do is start getting involved there. Like right now, that's it. And it will fix itself. But dude, you're going to have to get uncomfortable. You're going to have to have some uncomfortable conversations. But I can tell you right now, you parents out there, like here in Missouri and these other states, and you think this shit's never coming here. You're fucking wrong, dude. Everything else has come here, hasn't it? Can you imagine in fucking 2018, them saying, hey, we're going to shut down the entire fucking world for two weeks. Yeah, I'm going to laugh at you.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. Oh, and then it's going to go on for another 500 fucking plus days. They're going to build concentration camps for this disease in fucking Australia and Canada and these other countries. They're going to require you to have a vaccine that was rushed to market that we really don't know what's going to happen in five, six, seven years.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You know, a lot of people are like, oh, well, it's just like every other, I heard Don Lemon on fucking CNN. Oh, it's time to get aggressive and time to stop coddling. Hey man, fuck you. How about this? How about it's time for us to stop coddling you motherfuckers. How about that? Okay. Because I'm going to tell you, the majority of people feel like I'm saying right now, period. That's a statistically proven fucking fact by the polls that are published by these liberal fucking organizations
Starting point is 00:38:46 like Yahoo. Yahoo puts out a poll that says 80% of Americans will not support companies that force vaccinate their employees. 80% of Americans will not support businesses that require vaccine to get in. 80%. Okay. So if that's 80% of people, so Don Lemon, you're telling 80% of the America that it's time for you, the 20% to get rough with us. No. Okay. So it's time for us to get fucking organized. And I don't, you know, you want to fucking write me an email and tell me when I, I don't give a fuck. Fuck you. I don't care because this is about the freedom of this fucking country. People who don't see it, then we got to leave them behind. Just like Don Lemon said, is it time to leave them behind?
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, motherfucker. But you're the one getting left behind. Not everybody else. And everybody else, they'll die for this shit. Okay. So we're going to see what's going to happen. But I'm telling you right now, guys, the time is now. The time is now.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And I'm not saying get violent. I'm not saying go burn shit like they do. I'm saying, hey, organize, be heard, do your part, stay consistent, stay resilient, stay aggressive, and things will be okay. But if you don't, things will not be okay. Your friends, your family, people you know will be fucking forced to do things that will hurt them. And some of these people will end up in some fucking bullshit FEMA camp a year from now. And if you don't think I'm telling the truth, replay this a year from now. We'll see if I'm fucking right before you call me a conspiracy theorist, because really everything I've fucking said for the last two years has
Starting point is 00:40:18 come to fruition. I have hundreds of people who have apologized to me and said, man, I thought you were crazy, but like, fuck dude, this is actually happening. No shit. I had a doctor reach out to me, my buddy Rich from, from, uh, San Francisco. Okay. Pro vaccine guy reached out to me. He's kind of, you know, testing the waters with me. He's like, yeah, I know we all have different political beliefs and you know, I'm a doctor and not everybody agrees. First of all, Rich, you're my friend. Yeah. Okay. like i understand you might have different beliefs that doesn't mean you're not my friend anymore you know what i'm saying but the thing that i told him was hey this isn't political ideology this is elite versus servant class and we're the servant
Starting point is 00:40:59 class that's the part people got on yeah and rich you're the servant class. You're not a fucking elite. No. Okay. So all of you guys who think this is left, right, you are confused. This is actually top bottom. Yeah. And you're in the bottom and the bottom. Guess what? The best thing we got is there's a whole fucking ton of us. Oh shit. So there's about 1500 people in this country ruining it for everybody else. Think about that. There's 330 fucking million of people in this country ruining it for everybody else. Think about that. There's 330 fucking million people in this country. The servant class. There's 1,500 fucking with us. I think that speaks for itself.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. I got nothing else. What else is there to say about the fucking vaccine, bro? I really hope that answers you guys' questions, man. I mean, it's pretty fucking straightforward. You know, like, dude, had you, listen, here's what I'll leave with. If you stick your head in the sand and you rely on other people to fix this problem for you, it will get much worse and much worse and much worse. And you will lose everything
Starting point is 00:41:57 because that's the goal of communism. You've all seen the video out there. In 2030, you'll own nothing and you'll love it. We have these giant fucking conglomerate corporations, BlackRock, Vanguard, buying up all the fucking assets, all of them. They have $20 trillion in assets together. Go look that shit up. You guys just hearing that for the first time, go look it up. Go look it up. You'll see what's happening. They're buying everything, so we can't have anything. That should piss you the fuck off, though. And I don't care if you're a fucking, I don't care if you agree with everything I say or nothing I say. It's going to fucking affect you, and it's going to affect you in a negative way. So I would check your ego. I would ask yourself, why am I for
Starting point is 00:42:45 these things? Whatever it is you're for. Why? Am I for these things because I actually believe them? Am I for these things because I've been told to believe them? Am I for these things because that's what everybody else believes? Or am I for these things because I've done my own fucking thinking? Because if it's not the last, you're going to get fucked. All right. So that's all I got, man. We got to do a little tagline. Guys, if you'd like to show, share the show. You know, hey, look, dude, the reason I'm passionate about this shit, bro, is because I understand, guys, that without freedom, we have nothing. We have nothing. And you guys shit on the idea, you think people are hypervigilant or overreacting. No, there's just a whole lot of
Starting point is 00:43:31 smart motherfuckers that see what's going on way in advance because that's what they do for a living. What I do for a living is I have to see two, three years in advance every day. So it's very easy for me to fucking see it. And it's very easy for a lot of other people to see it. And because their name isn't Dr. Fucking Fauci, you don't fucking listen to them. And that's going to be a fucking big mistake. So if you like the show, share it. If it pissed you off, tough shit. Stole, counted millions in a cold Bad bitch, booted, swole Got her on bankroll, can't fold Just a note, headshot, case closed

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