REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 154. Andy & DJ Cru... "I'mma let you finish, but..."

Episode Date: October 20, 2021

We're living in some strange times. On today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about Ye's marketing influence in our society, a women's refusal to attend her brother's wedding unless all the food served is ve...gan, and what the Chinese propaganda film that shows the defeat of the US Army means for America.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys, it's Andy Frisella and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakenakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have the second episode of andy and dj cruise the internet i know you're super excited i am actually i am too dude i like this format it's a good show yeah man like look dude um before we get into the show, we have the fee. The fee is very simple. If you laugh, if you learn, if it makes you think, if it gives you a new perspective, if you thought the content was worth listening to, we would appreciate if you give us a little share out there on your social or the next time someone has a conversation about what's good
Starting point is 00:01:02 to be listening to out there, who's putting out the real shit, all right, bring us up. We don't run ads on this show. We don't run ads for the show. We work entirely on word of mouth. And I like that. I think that's fair. I think that's reality. If we do a good job, you reward us with a share. If we don't, don't. But to those of you guys who are regular listeners, please understand that the tighter that censorship gets, the more I'm going to need you to help pay that fee. Okay. A lot of people, uh, it's always the same people paying the fee because I see, cause they tagged me. Uh, I appreciate you guys. A lot of people don't pay the fee because they feel like, oh, maybe their friends are going to think something blah blah blah hey man maybe your friends need to fucking think something all right
Starting point is 00:01:49 stand by what you believe stand by what you think stand behind me i'll say the shit let me take the heat i don't give a fuck all right but share the show okay now andy and dj crew what's up dude what's up man how are you blackface of white supremacy over here I just tell them I'm not like I actually I wouldn't mind that title man
Starting point is 00:02:10 bro you know what they call Larry Elder yeah Larry Elder the blackface of white I don't think he liked it but I like it it has a nice ring to it it's so
Starting point is 00:02:18 like it's so ridiculous and you know what's fucking funny dude it's fucking white people calling him that it is it's fucking white people calling him that oh it's fucking white people calling him that oh man fucking world world man yeah man what's up i got some good good uh you got some good ones i got some good ones for you all right we got let's
Starting point is 00:02:34 go ahead so tell them the basis of the show yeah so so so i got i pulled up three headlines and uh we literally andy does not get to see these ahead of time, just so everybody understands that. I put a headline up on the screen and we talk about it. Might be funny, might be crazy, might be weird. You get three headlines and then we also got the thumbs up section at the end where I post one last headline. All right. You know, two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. All right. See how it goes.
Starting point is 00:03:01 All right. Well, there's plenty of crazy shit to look at. So let's get started. Yeah, let's get started. Number one. Kanye West. So Kanye West, the headline is Kanye West dons a new mask and legally changes his name to yay. I don't know what to think about this.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Dude. First of all, I mean, I think we all have to. What the fuck is going on, bro? First, I think we all can agree that Ye is, he's always been one for doing some very interesting. Hey, man. Look, dude. The guy's a genius. He's very authentic.
Starting point is 00:03:42 People, no, he's a fucking genius. Like that that guy it's not just authenticity if you think that that guy doesn't know exactly what the fuck he's doing it every fucking second yeah you're delusional bro he knows what he's doing he's a smart man he's a great marketer he's a great artist his process is amazing um you may not agree with everything he does or says but i respect the shit out of him yeah i think that's probably where a lot of the fact goes because people just don't they don't see that his big picture well no i think a lot of people are so unaware they don't understand what it goes what goes into uh reinventing yourself over and over and over again to stay relevant because that's what his job is right
Starting point is 00:04:20 his job is to create entertainment and to create, uh, businesses. And when he becomes boring, uh, and he stays the same people tune out and they look for the next thing. So how I see this is him, you know, he, he knows how to stay at the, at the top of mind,
Starting point is 00:04:37 uh, by creating things that are of controversy. Uh, even if they're as simple as putting on this goofy mask and being weird as fuck, like that still gets people talking about them and it keeps them up you know i would say that that's all strategic behind the scenes and this is none of it is is like oh it's not like he just rolled out in this fucking mask like yeah mask is pretty creepy looking it is very fucking he
Starting point is 00:05:01 doesn't have ears but yeah what is that i don't know, man. Is that after the 17th booster shot? What the fuck is going on here? I don't know, but I agree with you 100%. Kanye is definitely a fucking genius, man. He's definitely a genius. I would love... It would probably be pretty dope to get him on the show. I think that would be fucking dope.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He's selling his ranch in Wyoming, I saw. Is he? Yeah, for like a fucking ranch like 11 million bucks it's pretty sweet decent amount of acres it's over a thousand it's like outside cody wyoming wyoming looks pretty awesome dude 3 800 acres is it yeah i knew it was pretty size big yeah is that right 11 million 11 million yep yeah that's what i thought i think he paid like 13 for it so he took a little bit of a shower on that yeah not a full bath but shower got pissed on just a little bit yeah but no i agree man all pr is good pr for him man i don't think he's i
Starting point is 00:05:55 don't think there's anything he could do wrong i mean he's he's i think he's on that level of like unfuck withable as well because he owns everything he does yeah that's the point yeah like all these people out there like like i was saying at the beginning of the show you know about sharing the show um so many people are hesitant to to stand on their own two fucking feet of what they believe and that's what's creating this crazy situation in the world anyway you know if everybody was just comfortable and said you know didn't cave to the pressure of society and whenever you do something that they disagree with and just said yeah that's what i did and that's what i believe um we wouldn't be in this situation yeah we were just talking about this on cardio yesterday it's like people act like
Starting point is 00:06:35 there's like this fucking you know public process that goes on that people give you this title of being unfucked withable yeah no you just fucking put the crown on yourself you just stop saying you're sorry for shit you're not sorry for yeah for sure and when people come at you and they say you really fucking think that you say yes it's very simple yeah so he's a fucking master at it yeah he is so yeah i don't know whatever he's doing though i'm sure it's gonna work one thousand percent yeah all right so that's one i'll move to the next one this one so this one's a little interesting but i think it definitely speaks to the social climate of fucking crazy people so the headline is woman refuses to attend
Starting point is 00:07:16 brother's wedding unless all food is served vegan okay well don't come yeah i mean don't fucking come like dude this is the problem with fucking society it is like all these motherfuckers think that they should that everybody should bend around them to like okay see you later like that's what i would say to that woman it'd be real simple and until we as a society start behaving that way like why the fuck is this even a headline yeah why is this even out there like this woman thinks she's doing something morally just but like okay you have your beliefs i have my beliefs i like to eat fucking steak you want me to fucking serve your shit and they make some
Starting point is 00:07:57 tasty vegan shit i'm not gonna lie right like a lot of uh there's a lot of great vegan places to eat but this is the whole idea of what's going on we have to force we're we're in a situation where the brother you know is probably gonna be like oh man so you know like i guess we'll redo the vegan food no you put your heels in you say hey tough shit yeah i think that's what he did like he gave her the option like no like most people do like okay you come to my wedding we'll have vegan options we'll have vegetarian options right we'll have the gluten-free shit right sure i think that's more than accommodating that's more than what i would fucking do i'm just telling you that like i'm
Starting point is 00:08:33 gonna serve what the fuck i want dude when i got married we served barbecue yeah you know there were no vegan shit if you didn't if you were vegan you don't eat the shit you you know there's fucking salad at the beginning that's right you know you we we we as society become too accommodating to people's individual opinions to where we change our entire lives around what we think uh one or two people might think because of their quote unquote you know moral high horse opinion like that woman thinks that she's more important than every other fucking guest in that fucking wedding. She's riding around on a moral high horse thinking that you should read. Like, that's a ridiculous thing to think.
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's a ridiculous thing to think, to think that all of society should bend over because you, and this, this goes into all of the shit going on in the schools or what's being taught. And, you know uh the vaccine being pushed on everybody the fucking you know women or men in the women's bathrooms like all this shit it's all to accommodate a small minority of people and it fucks with everybody else's shit and like dude america will never be america again until we start running America for the majority of the beliefs, not the minority. I don't understand what that's.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I don't. I've never understood this. Like, I've never understood why, you know, people have to like right now. And let's just use the trans movement. OK, the trans movement isn't hot in the topic with Dave Chappelle. Right. Let's just use the trans movement. Okay. The trans movement isn't hot in the topic with Dave Chappelle, right? You decide that you want to be a woman and you're a man. All right. First of all, you're still a man.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You're biologically a fucking man. Okay. And that's a controversial statement. You guys don't understand what's going on here. We are being infiltrated and subverted by an ideology with the goal to weaken America. All right. That's what's happening here. And that has a lot to do with the trans movement because what they do is they push this narrative into mainstream society. All right. And they get you, they're trying to get you to say that a man is a woman and a woman is a man well if they can get you if they can get you do you know the difference
Starting point is 00:10:53 between a man and a woman okay you do you believe that there's a biological difference between a man and woman one thousand do you believe that a that a man that dresses up as a woman is a woman no okay but if they can get you to believe that and get you to say that, what can't they get you to believe and say? Okay? That's the point. I have no problem with people how they want to live. I have no problem with people that want to be trans at all. being pressured to say and act in a certain way, which you know isn't true,
Starting point is 00:11:28 is not an acceptance, an inclusive point. It's a point to weaken the ideology and the common sense and the truth so that anything that I can say to you is now possible. Because if I can get you to say a man is as a woman and a woman is a man can't i get you to say and believe just about fucking anything because isn't that the fundamental difference in humanity men and women you see what i'm saying oh yeah so like a lot of people haven't thought this shit through and so what
Starting point is 00:12:01 they do is they work to accommodate the minority, which by the way, trans people represent one half of 1% of the population of the United States. Okay. Homosexual people, gay, lesbian, they represent about 4%. All right. So that's a, that's a small minority. Now I have no problem with accommodating those people. I have no problem with accommodating those people i have no problem with them being equal in fact they shouldn't be abused and if i saw someone picking on a trans person in the street i'd whoop their ass yeah i'll be the first one me too so to say this is transphobic or this line of thinking is hate speech or all this shit that they're trying to say those people are just buying into the to the actual subversion that's being pushed in society over the last 20 years.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's not conspiracy theory shit. We're seeing it everywhere. How many of you guys think that our laws truly don't mean anything right now? Right. You see what I'm saying? Right. So we're in the middle of a revolution, what's called a color revolution. Like I said, fucking last year and the year before that,
Starting point is 00:13:01 to where they're trying to devalue the language and keep the language in a place where it means nothing anymore so that they can do anything they want and if you don't understand what's going on you should get wise to it pretty soon because it's going to end up costing you everything so we have to as americans stop allowing these people to throw temper tantrums and i'm not talking about the trans people now i'm talking about fucking everyone just in general yeah any of these social justice people when they fucking throw a temper tantrum you have to say okay that's your opinion my opinion is this and until we get comfortable standing up for ourselves and saying hey and instead of like trying to accommodate all this shit it's not going to stop it's going to continue to go go go
Starting point is 00:13:45 like dude there's books right now in the fucking library uh that teach kids how to masturbate and have oral sex when they're fucking third and fourth grade or even younger that's not okay and i don't think that most of america thinks that's okay the reason people don't say anything is because they don't want to most of america thinks that's okay the reason people don't say anything is because they don't want to get attacked for having a different belief and that's not right either so why i said no no it's no it's not so you know there's a book out there called lawn boy look it up all right go read the book dude it talks about two little boys sucking each other's dicks in the fourth. In the fourth grade.
Starting point is 00:14:25 In the fourth grade. And this is a book that is in public libraries around the country right now. I know this. When I was in fourth grade, they didn't want you to talk about shit like that. They discourage you. They're trying to mold you into a moral character. Now we have to ask, why are they allowing this to be pushed? Why are they allowing our kids to be sexualized? Why, why is, why, why is that? Why are we, why are we arguing about kids as young as
Starting point is 00:14:52 eight years old having gender transformations? Guys, this shit is fucking insane. It's insane. It's insane. And the fact that nobody stands up and says, hey, fuck that, that's even more insane. We've been inched along and inched along and inched along to be accepting and moral and good. Accepting and moral and good is standing up for our fucking kids. Accepting and moral and good is telling the truth. And the truth is we have to quit pandering to this way outside progressive left bullshit. we have to get comfortable telling them to eat shit you're not the you're not the majority of people the majority of people ain't with this we get it pushed down our throat through corporate america through media through the politics to act like it's normal when every fucking regular american out there knows in their
Starting point is 00:15:42 heart it's not yeah everyone this is uh so on that book the lawn boy this is actually a comment so somebody asked the question can anybody think of one reason this book should be in the hands of kids as young as 12 and this is this is the issue that i have people actually try to justify it lots of reasons all having to do with giving children a broad view of the world. My children were assigned this in elementary school. They both enjoyed it. Learned a lot about math and what it actually takes to make enough money to live. So we're just going to skip over all the sucking dicks and salamanders in your hands.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah, that's a whole other thing, bro. This justification for these things is out of control. No pun intended, a karen said no there are no reasons for a 12 year old to read this well karen's fucking right karen's fucking absolutely right you know but dude it's being pushed younger than 12 it is okay like it's being pushed to six seven eight year old kids the shit's not okay. And we cannot continue to allow. This is why I said in my Instagram story, we have to stop buying people's products that push this shit. Like these woke corporations pushing this shit. They push the division of races. They push the division of humanity in
Starting point is 00:17:00 every single way where they base it around sexual orientation. They tell white people, the racist tell black people you're fucked, you can't do anything because the world's racist. That shit is bullshit. We all know it's bullshit. And if anything's been exposed the last two years, that narrative has been bullshit. For sure.
Starting point is 00:17:15 The black community is awake. They understand they've been manipulated. They understand they've been lied to. And until we all come together and say, hey, fuck you, and we do that with our dollars and we stop spending money at companies like coca-cola who push this uh the crt the crt shit to their employees or these companies who violate people's freedoms by forcing them to have vaccines and the ceo the weak fucking pussy ceos because that's just they are. Who won't stand up for their fucking employees
Starting point is 00:17:45 and say, hey, I'm not doing that. Right? We have to stop spending money with companies that don't do that. The companies that do stand up for their employees stand up for the right shit because the left and the right are fundamentally different. The left will legitimately make themselves uncomfortable to stay with their point. The right, in the middle now okay the 80 of common sense motherfuckers those people are so comfortable shopping with companies that push this shit because so many of them do now they're not willing to make the adjustment in their lifestyle they're still ordering from amazon they're still fucking you know buying products that represent all these things right like dude and sometimes that sucks
Starting point is 00:18:25 like i'll probably buy i'll probably never buy a fucking nike product ever again and i fucking love nike products you know what i'm saying like i'm gonna start it gives me a reason to start making my own shit right but the point is is that dude we have to fucking start making adjustments and we have to start fucking doing these things to to punish these companies that are championing these narratives that are weakening our society as a whole because that's what the goal is here people don't understand the goal people are like oh why are they trying what do you mean they're trying to why do we not need i don't know have you seen the ads that they run for the military in fucking china right have you they got dudes busting concrete blocks with their motherfucking forehead right over here we're promoting uh rachel levine a man to a four-star
Starting point is 00:19:12 admiral in the health department and then calling saying that it's the first woman like i wonder how that makes all the women feel right like all the women who have like worked their asses off their whole lives to be something and to work hard and to be a part. And then just like, oh, look, the first woman fucking. No, that's a dude. Right. It's a dude. You know what my setback is when it comes to the trend?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like the fact that they have to put the word trans in front of it. It tells them, no, it's not a woman. They know it's not. If it was just a woman they know it's not if it was just a woman you say a woman exactly so it's like they it's like they don't you fuck you dj for thinking that but we're still going to call them this special name that identifies that they're not really a woman right like the hypocrisy is so fucking huge bro and i'm just over it and i think a lot of other people are too i am you know and that's not i'm not just trying to pick on the trans thing it's just hot in the fucking moment right now and that particular movement has become so over encroaching onto
Starting point is 00:20:10 everybody's lives for for it's the bit it's the best example i can think of because it's the smallest number of people that are making the largest amounts of noise that are controlling the the biggest amount of change and pressure in society. Okay. That's not okay. No, it's not. It's the tail wagging the dog. Most Americans believe rightfully so that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And I would like to remind you all out there listening. If you think you're going to be polite and be nice and be socially accepted, and you're going to call a man, a woman accepted and you're going to call a man a woman are you going to call a woman a man just remember that that's what they want and that's the goal the goal is to get you to that point so that you can be manipulated to actually say and believe and act on fucking anything yeah so and this isn't the first time in history this has ever happened no no it happens a bunch but i'll also say say this too guys i mean it's literally probably half of one percent of that half of one percent that are actually really pushing this because i i do believe that there are trans people who just want to be
Starting point is 00:21:13 left alone oh bro most of them so like every time i go on this topic dude i get i get tons and tons of messages from gay lesbian trans people who are like bro i'm not with that shit right and and in fact they're usually the most outspoken against it because they feel like they're trying to wrap pedophilia into that movement they're being and they're being they're being uh unintentionally attached to that in the eyes of a lot of americans and bro i i feel for that too but if that's how you feel you need to get vocal about and say hey i'm not fucking about this shit right you know so yeah yeah so you know there's a lot to think about there but just know if they can get you to say and act and believe on that they can
Starting point is 00:21:55 get you say act believe on almost anything for sure that's the goal all right that's uh that's two we got one uh one more before our two thumbs up segment. This one might get a little dicey. The headline is Chinese movie about U.S. military defeat set to break box office records. So you mentioned just before, you know, we got, you know, the big news this week was, you know, Rachel Levine. You know, and we've honestly, I mean, you guys have seen it throughout the last fucking year. Like the commercials, the advertising, the recruiting videos for our military strength has completely went away. Right. But meanwhile, we got China over here making movies about literally killing Americans, defeating us in a war that is actually not even historically accurate. And it's setting box office records over there.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I'm not familiar with the historically accurate, but it's setting box office records over there um i'm not familiar with the historically accurate but here's what i will say uh it's fucking pretty it's no mistake that and this goes to the point i was making in the last question for the last 20 years they've worked to weaken our fucking community and reduce patriot bro they took the fucking pledge out of the schools 20 years ago saying it was offensive why do they do that because they don't want any sort of nationalism or belief and a lot of people hear nationalism and they think bad no there's nothing wrong with thinking your country is better than other countries in fact there's a reason that people come here from all over the motherfucking world because it is better than most countries or it has been historically.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So when we talk about what they've done over the last 20 years and then consider where we are now, where we are promoting a man as a woman and we're running these woke military ads of like, look how inclusive we are and look at this motherfucker. The military is meant to fight. The military is meant to whoop ass. the military is meant to fight the military is meant to whoop ass the military is meant to be strong and you got china and russia are these people fucking want to kill you okay they don't give a fuck about your pronouns or your identity or this or that they see america as an enemy and they see america as a place that has tremendous resources that they would like to occupy.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Okay. That's the truth. And most people want to be delusional about this. And now you got these motherfuckers running this set, uh, having a movie run. That's making them almost $9 billion. Okay. In the box office at a time where their patriotic belief of China is at its highest and ours is at its lowest. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Wonder what the fuck they're thinking. Oh, by the way, they also launched a fucking missile that they now deny they launched, but they launched a hypersonic missile that can strike anywhere within a 12 to 24 mile range and carry a nuclear warhead without warning. They just did that. Okay. So what the fuck do you guys think? Like I've been talking about this for like two years, bro. It's not black, white, it's not left, right. It's not fucking LGBTQ everybody else. It's fucking America and it's China and other people. And we've been over here fighting ourselves, arguing with our own people. And they're seeing that shit and saying, holy shit, dude,
Starting point is 00:25:09 we can fucking take them right now. And I'll be honest, dude, China decides they want to fuck with America right now. We're in deep shit because people here don't have the love and the patriotic support for this country that they should have because they've gone so long without any real hardships that they believe that nothing will ever happen here. And that's just not true. All right. So I would think about all that shit. If I was you, I would think about what's really important. Is it really important that you fucking, uh, argue over pronouns or fucking people's skin color, or is it more important for everybody to come together and say, Hey,
Starting point is 00:25:43 uh, we're in deep shit. We better fucking get our shit together and we better demand that these motherfuckers in office fucking fix this shit real quick and if we don't demand it then we got to go fix this shit real quick that means we got to go to the ports and fucking unload them that means we got to take things into our own hands and that's not some crazy shit that's where we are it's very disturbing dude we're in a very i would say this is as far as as far as i know probably the most dangerous time ever uh since world war ii for this country and i've been telling you guys have i not said this a number of times over the last fucking couple years no that's all yeah i mean it's damn they're all yeah i've been saying it so it's sounding the fucking alarm people are gonna learn people are gonna learn real quick man i don't know what's gonna happen but i know this
Starting point is 00:26:32 it ain't good no and that's the thing i like like we were also talking about on our cardio yesterday man too many people get caught up in the why you know like they get all like okay you you you see you know the the over sexuality of our over sexualization, okay, you see, you know, the, the over sexuality of our, over sexualization of our children. You see China making fucking these movies. Like they see all of this stuff happening because it's right in front of your face, but you just can't come to terms on the why it's happening. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:59 Like, like at the end of the day, it doesn't even fucking matter. The shit's happening. The effects are still going to be real. Whether you want to choose to believe in the why or not you got to start fucking seeing this shit because it's just pretty fucking scary bro well it makes i'm concerned with it you know i'm like it's a big like that's a big deal you should be it's a big deal yeah and and you know dude we got all these politicians and generals talking about white rage and fucking racism and this and that and trans rights and inclusivity.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And they're all being paid by China. They're all being paid directly or indirectly by China. The shit came out before the election last year that Hunter Biden's received over a billion dollars from China through his various corporations. And people ignored the story like it was fake fucking news. Why do you think they ignore the story? Because they were paid to cover the story. All right. These people don't want you to know that they own our fucking government right now. It just came out last week that Hunter and Joe Biden share bank accounts. So if they're fucking paying Hunter Biden and Hunter and Joe share bank accounts, what's that mean?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Joe got paid. Okay. accounts what's that mean i mean joe got paid okay and but like dude people people in this country are either blind to that or they they push it aside like it's conspiracy or they don't want to do anything about it and i would i don't where what's the line going to be guys like where's the line going to be people are now getting fired from their jobs they're losing their careers uh you know we're getting forced to take this shit that nobody really wants to take. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And I don't know, man. Like, I try to tell people, dude. I try to tell people. And like, I just, I'm curious now. Like, now I'm kind of in this mode where I'm like sitting back and I'm just like waiting because like, what is it going to take? Yeah. What's it going to take?
Starting point is 00:28:47 What's going to be the next step? Yeah. Like I'm seeing people start to get louder and louder and more, more organized and this and that. And that's great. But like, it needs to happen a lot faster right now. Yeah. You know, because dude, we have a situation right now with the supply chain and you also have these government motherfuckers telling you oh it's a great thing it means demand's up it means this is up it means that i mean bro they're spitting all this shit really bullshit yeah completely lying like completely
Starting point is 00:29:13 lying and people dude there's only a matter of time before all those lies come out and then i'm curious as to what's going to happen because something's got to give i'm surprised that there's not more people in our military that see what's going on and have it take action against this or stood up against it. You know what I'm saying? Like, this is fucking wrong. I don't know, man. I don't know what to think. But I know this.
Starting point is 00:29:38 If you don't start worrying about what I'm talking about here, you're going to be really surprised. You ever seen that movie Red Dawn? You know what I'm saying? Like the new one or the old one, you know, it could apply to either way. Like I'm just saying, dude, like it's, it's scary. And it all comes from wokeness. It all comes from people being divided over shit. It doesn't really matter. It all comes from a embarrassment of riches in this country. It comes from softness because we've had no real obstacles to overcome. It comes from complacency. It comes from apathy for this country. It comes from ignorance and willful ignorance, people sticking their head in the sand. It's not motherfuckers that are still sleeping that are a problem. It's motherfuckers who are awake that are being quiet and not wanting to join in because
Starting point is 00:30:26 like i said they think that someone out there is going to do something or say something to them right so what so what you're going to let our whole country sink because you're fucking you're cowardly or you're afraid right i mean i don't know man i'm i'm pretty disappointed in the way things are going in america like i thought we had more of a backbone. I thought we had more fucking leaders than we do. And, you know, it's nice to see, especially a lot of these women stand up because our men are weak as fuck. They're weak as fuck.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And that's been another subversion technique, you know, with the feminist movement. Why do we need men? What do we need men to do we're just as good we don't need men we don't need men well fucking now you need them and they ain't there so we'll see all right final segment two thumbs up all right so this one this headline is actually pretty pretty cool so i think i think it'll probably get a two thumbs up al capone's belongings go up for at least $3 million in auction.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Look at that fucking, look at that gun. Yeah, man. That's a 1911. It's fucking sweet. That's pretty sick. That gun sold for almost a million dollars, bro. Did it? Yeah, it was like 800.
Starting point is 00:31:35 It'd be pretty cool to have Al Capone's gun, though. It'd be pretty fucking sweet. $860,000. Yeah, $860,000. Yeah. For the pistol. I don't know, man. I think it'd be pretty cool to have I would do it
Starting point is 00:31:50 I mean You know obviously Give him the fucking bank account But I'd fucking do it That's a pretty cool conversation piece You can't I mean you can I can't really think of ways
Starting point is 00:31:57 To top that bro Yeah Like if I went to someone's house And they're like Hey let me show you something Right I'd be impressed I'd be pretty fucking impressed
Starting point is 00:32:04 I don't know man Like And you could say oh he's a criminal he's this he's that you know uh a lot of a lot of you guys don't understand that these kind of criminals actually maintained order in society for a long time they did and i'm not a lot on them heavily yeah and where where where would our society be if they were still around i guarantee you people wouldn't be running wild no i guarantee you people wouldn't be violating your fucking civil rights no shit so you know i don't know man plus it's just a fucking cool story i mean his whole story starts to finish was fucking dope yeah but you got an 18 karat gold uh yellow gold and platinum belt buckle for 22 000 yeah but it ain't as good as the pootie tang belt buckle it ain't it ain't no pootie pootie tang belt buckle
Starting point is 00:32:42 if you don't know pootie tang belt buckle go in there and google that shit yeah you need to go watch that movie right fucking now i i give this a two thumbs up two thumbs up man yeah hell yeah but not what you think two thumbs up yes two thumbs up yeah yeah two thumbs up on owning capone's fucking pistol pretty fucking dope i think that'd be cool cool all right well that's that's that's uh that's three and pay the uh that's three and pay the fee man that three and pay the fee all right guys i hope you're enjoying this new format we are it's fun remember to pay the fee uh and i love you guys and we'll talk to you next time we're from sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze fuck a bowl fuck a stove counted millions
Starting point is 00:33:20 in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her on bankroll, can't fold, that's a no Headshot, case closed

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