REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 169. Andy & DJ CTI: Aaron Rodgers, Travis Scott & Elon Musk

Episode Date: November 9, 2021

They can't cancel all of us. In today's episode, Andy and DJ discuss State Farms' backing of Aaron Rodgers' stance on vaccines, a New Yorker getting stuck in a wall in the bathroom, and the Houston po...lice chiefs warning to Travis Scott before eight people lost their lives at the Astroworld Festival.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have cruise the internet actually i said that wrong it's andy and dj cruise the internet there we go there we go what's up dude what's up baby how are you hey man i'm good uh just checking boxes man getting shit done today yeah are you just checking boxes or you actually like getting it down the road i'm fucking destroying the boxes are you yeah all right good you're destroying the boxes huh all of them all of it all right we got cruise the internet today if this is your first time listening uh we do have a fee for the show did i already talk about this nope all right i can't remember there's a fee the fee is very. If the show made you think,
Starting point is 00:01:06 if it taught you something new, if it made you laugh, it gave you a new perspective. If you like what we had to say, if it was entertaining, give us a share. We don't run ads on the show. I'm not going to fill your ears with a bunch of bullshit on my behalf. And we don't run ads for the show. I believe in America. I like value exchange. If we do a good job, you tell people that's how it works.'m very comfortable with that relationship so if we do good share it if we don't do good fuck us right cancel our shit yeah all right that's the way to do it i don't like what you say fuck andy uh yeah no shit try all you want you can try we'll keep going anyway bro uh how's the show work yeah so we got i showed three headlines and we we discussed those into the end as always we got two thumbs up or two thumbs in
Starting point is 00:01:53 the butt so i had an idea though man so just to fuck with the audience how funny would it be to run to make like a fake ad and plug it in like fucking 30 seconds in like you're just talking it just cuts in you know that would be fucking hilarious yeah it sure would be especially if you tell everybody the jokes before we fucking tell them joking you know what the funniest thing is the funniest thing is whenever you like go up on stage you get ready to tell a fucking joke and then you tell the audience what joke you're gonna tell and then you tell the joke i'm just saying man is this like hey i'm just we can leave that i'm just saying i think it'd be fucking hilarious
Starting point is 00:02:29 side note i'm glad you think so holy shit bro all right all right dude what the fuck hey you know that guy you you running your company? He's pretty fucking smart. He is. He is. Would you rather lose a dollar or a thousand dollars? All right, guys. All right. Let's talk about some of these headlines. You got number one. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So we've all, hopefully by now, seen the Aaron Rodgers interview on his COVID vaccination stance. This is pretty awesome. So State Farm has basically doubled down, let the nuts hang politically or figuratively, and they're backing Aaron Rodgers. They're saying that his personal point of view encourages vaccinations after quarterback's controversy. They're doubling it down. They're backing 100%.
Starting point is 00:03:23 They're not doubling it down, bro. This is an intelligent business decision. Yeah. I might just switch my insurance just because. back controversy they're double they're doubling it down they're back and doubling down bro this is an intelligent business decision yeah okay i might just switch my insurance just because okay not just because of that but state farm bureau okay is a highly rural insurance agency who has a lot of real conservative clients it just so happens that they've politicized this idea of vaccine mandates versus freedom of choice. And it just so happens that their biggest customer base that built their entire company,
Starting point is 00:03:56 they happen to be smart enough to be aware of that. And all they're doing is making a decision that's in line with what most of their fucking people. This is one of the first companies I line with what most of their fucking people. This is one of the first companies I've seen that actually is operating intelligently. From the get go. Yeah. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:04:14 They have actuaries that work for them that tell them the real data. You know the data I've been trying to share with people all over the fucking internet that they silenced me for? You mean the data that I've shown that 80% of people ain't with this shit. And I've shown it through different polls on different networks over and over and over again through this entire ordeal. All they're doing, State Farm has a CEO that is not a pussy is what's going on. And this dude or woman, whoever it is, understands data and looked at the data and said, hey, guess what? No, most of our people are with aaron rogers and they made a decision to fucking back that so you know most of the uh most of the businesses that have done this vaccine shit up in new york are getting their fucking asses beat okay i've been trying to explain have i not tried to explain this before in the show?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Haven't I tried to explain this multiple times? I feel like I have. Okay. Most people are not with the shit. And if you're a business and you start putting this shit on people, they're going to move away from you. So this is a company who clearly understands that and said, hey, we're going to make a decision that's in the best interest and in line with the culture that we have it's a great i i applaud them for being intelligent though and and to add to your point they will probably gain business i'm sure they will i'm sure they will you have a more favorable or less favorable impression of way more favor every single and honestly the crazy thing is i don't care if it costs me more just because they're standing in line with fucking i'm willing to i'm willing to do that right now i feel like i said that yeah for the last two years yeah like multiple times
Starting point is 00:05:52 i feel like i've lived it too i feel like i've built a whole bunch of shit during the time that i've been talking this yeah i i hired 300 fucking employees during this time you know it's not like i'm out here just fucking talking shit yeah like it is what it is man you motherfuckers might think i don't know what i'm talking about but the sooner you get in line with what i'm saying the more money you're gonna make yeah more successful you're gonna be these guys are smart all these other motherfuckers are stupid yeah and and like and the thing is because i dude i've seen some some like you know social comments and shit out there. Some people are trying to talk bad about Aaron Rodgers.
Starting point is 00:06:32 First of all, he didn't even give a pro-anti statement. It was just like, hey, I've talked after consulting my physicians, my personal doctors. We've decided this is not the best choice for me. So I will not be complying with it. People are still trying to badmouth this dude. Look, dude, all this is is this the fucking data is very clear very clear it's very clear that and we've gone through it a million times the vaccine doesn't really fucking do anything for you they say it prevents hospitalizations and death um there's really no proof to fucking back that up that's
Starting point is 00:07:02 some shit they're saying. Okay. We can go through and list all the shit, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:07:08 blah. I don't fucking care what anybody says. The reality is they lied about what they said. The fucking vaccine was going to do. They said it was going to stop the spread, stop transmission, protect people. It doesn't do any of those things.
Starting point is 00:07:21 All right. There's all kinds of side effects. Like we've talked about over and over again, there's all kinds of reasons a person might want, might not want to take it. And just because you took it and you're in a line with alignment with this political belief that everybody should take it for the safety of everybody else. When none of the data shows that it actually prevents anything from happening, uh, is irresponsible and, and honestly childish on your part to think so. Yeah. So not respecting a human's decision to put what they put in their own body, um, is, is fucking gross to me.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's this disgusting trait. Right. But I also think it's disgusting that when people, uh, tell anybody to do anything with their body. So I'm not down with that at all. I'm pro freedom person through and through uh you know and conservatives get mad at me about that but like look bro you're a hypocrite if you fucking are pro-choice or pro this or that in any way other like it's not dependent on the issue it's fucking
Starting point is 00:08:15 is it freedom or is it not fucking freedom that regardless right that's it like if you're scared of this shit stay the fuck home i've been saying that since day fucking one so so i'm tired of bending over for fucking people for a loud minority of people man all these people can get fucked yeah i agree 100 you know i'm saying like bro i don't care and like i'm not living in fear with this shit like a lot of you guys are how do you find the courage to speak up because i don't give a fuck and i'm not gonna fucking sit at home and fucking wonder about pissing off some fucking person that's going to hate me no matter what the fuck I say, because I look the way I do because I'm a white male, right? You know, like, dude, I can't say shit anymore. So I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want. Right. So if you can't
Starting point is 00:09:00 say anything, say it all. That's it. Like, dude, you're going to hate me no matter what, so I don't fucking care. There's nothing I could do. There's nothing that I could do to change their perception of me in any way. So why the fuck would I sit here and try to do that? But they don't want that anyway. That's the whole fucking thing. That's the whole problem with conservatives. Conservatives and common sense people in the middle
Starting point is 00:09:22 keep trying to appease these fucking whiny baby people. And they're never going to appease them. No. Why the fuck are we trying to like, oh, I wish these people would wake up. No, they're not gonna. And not only are they not going to wake up, they don't like you. Right. They don't fucking want good for you.
Starting point is 00:09:40 They want you to suffer. Yeah. And that's the thing, too, man. They've taken advantage of our tolerance. Yes. You that's that's really what we're getting into um so this this is a statement that stay form put out though i think it's actually so just to clarify so they actually disagree with what he's saying but they're still fighting to the death for the right for him to say it that's a famous that's fucking freedom that's how it's supposed to be you know so this is the statement that State Farm put out.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Quote, we don't support some of the statements that he's made, but we respect his rights to have his own personal point of view. We recognize our customers, employees, agents, and brand ambassadors come from all walks of life with different viewpoints on many issues. Our mission at State Farm is to support safer, stronger communities. To that end, we encourage vaccinations, but we respect everyone's right to make a choice based on their personal circumstances, stronger communities. To that end, we encourage vaccinations, but we respect everyone's right to make a choice based on their personal circumstances.
Starting point is 00:10:29 End quote. Sounds like American Constitution to me. When you have risk, you have to have informed consent. There's certainly risk with the vaccine. So you have to have informed consent. There's not been, the information isn't available.
Starting point is 00:10:43 The proper information is not available no matter what the fuck you say you could you could make an argument and say like i hear all these arguments oh you take the fucking this vaccine well okay yeah that was also studied for fucking this many years and it was done 50 years ago and we know the data like you know the the arguments the arguments that are being made on the side of like, oh, just take it are fucking literally fucking ridiculous. Yeah. And they're childish. They're selfish.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And they come from a place of ego. This comes from a place of groupthink and people saying, well, dude, it's a simple saying like it's that saying that like when we grew up where parents would say to us like hey well if all your friends went and jumped off the bridge would you jump off too apparently a lot of motherfuckers would yeah you know i'm saying yeah so i'm i'm i was taught not to that's just me i got my ass whooping for dead bro i'm just fucking over the fucking bullshit like shaming people like ignoring the actual data like and then claiming oh it's science fuck dude like the fucking absurdity has to end at some point that's it like that's it finally they just run around with these fucking
Starting point is 00:11:59 buzzwords you know and they're changing they say it a thousand times so hopefully it convinces you to just fucking follow along with it a pandemic of the unvaccinated yeah every month like i if people can't see the collusion and the corruption of all of these elites against the actual people that they think are fucking peasants that's us by the way any of you listening to this um even you fbi motherfuckers listen to this you got they think you're peasants too by the way it is what it is they think that you're peasants too you're you're fucking helping the machine operate nope you know so they don't give a fuck about us and they'll say anything do anything give us anything fucking cover anything up lie about anything to fuck to fucking keep their power and keep us where the fuck we are and until we realize that and we get a legitimate government in place that is represented by real people like Billy, who was just here.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah. Okay. Guys like that. Yeah. Guys from street level, women from the street level. I'm not saying all from the hood. I'm saying from real life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Say for real life. Represent your area. People from real life have to be serving us again and that they haven't been for many many years many generations we have not been served by people of the people none of these motherfuckers are the people like fucking joe biden oh i'm fucking scratching blah blah blah like i drove a truck motherfucker acts like you did everything bro you were a politician your whole fucking life. Entire life.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Your entire fucking life. You're worth fucking hundreds of millions of dollars. How is that? Like, bro, that whole idea, and that comes with action. That comes with us getting involved here now. And we have a tremendous opportunity to do so with the change of the tides. So until America is represented by Americans that have to live with the fucking laws that we fucking that are passed in legitimate ways,
Starting point is 00:13:49 nothing's going to change. So all of these old fucks on the left and the right got to go, bro. The average age, the average age of the person here in the United States is 38.1 years old. Okay. That's what it needs to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So why do we have fucking 70 80 year old people representing us making the rules and by the way we were talking about this the other day who's the most racist fucking people in in the world old people old people people over the age do you think it's fucking do you think it's do you don't you think both sides both sides though oh no no yeah no white and black white black latino all the fucking motherfuckers they're racist yeah and we all know it because we all got that crazy grandpa says some crazy ass shit you're like what the fuck you talking about true or not true bro true okay he said they're laughing he come he comes from
Starting point is 00:14:36 over in europe dude it's it's the same everywhere yeah okay fucking and we got these old motherfuckers using their ideas their fucking beliefs their old ingrained fucking biases, pushing them and projecting them on our generation like we fucking still have them. Making our lives miserable. We're all looking around at each other and be like, why the fuck are... We don't fucking hate each other. Right? Like, dude. And it's coming from all these fuckers.
Starting point is 00:15:01 The other ones are telling us we do. So until we vote all these motherfuckers out and we secure the vote system so that we cannot fucking cheat the vote no matter what, we will not have America again. So I believe in America. I believe in the people of America. I don't actually think that what's going on in our country represents 80% of the fucking people here i think even dude even my liberal friends and family who are fucking traditionally democrat are telling me i don't identify with that shit anymore like i give them shit i'm like so what's it you don't identify with that shit so what's it feel like to be far right you know and they're like oh fuck off you know but like because everybody the joke is everybody's far right that They ain't far left.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And that's the truth. So, you know, all those. There's no more middle of the fence. No, all those people they call far right. All of us are good people. You know, all of us, the, you know, 80% of America, we're good people, bro. We don't fucking hate each other and do all that. That's all old people shit. They're pushing down on us to get their way.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah. I just, I just, I do hope. So stay farm fucking. Yeah. Great job, man. And I just hope that more businesses follow this trend.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Well, they're going to, or they're going to lose business. You know, I think it would be smart on them because I guarantee you this watch, watch their, uh, watch state farms,
Starting point is 00:16:21 net worth rise, watch their stocks rise. You know, Aaron Rogers, he's not gonna get fucking canceled he's not going nowhere oh fuck discount doubled they just got their fucking asses beat yesterday by a shitty ass kansas city team yeah by the way and i know you guys listen you guys play like shit uh they got a locker room culture issue guaranteed i could tell from looking at the outside i don't i don't care though but the point is uh they need them back if they want to fucking win yeah and yeah we're gonna find out real quick about that yeah
Starting point is 00:16:50 how important winning and money is to people yeah cool all right so that's that's where these businesses are gonna have to get with it or they're all gonna lose and so like insurance companies are some of the smartest companies out there, bro. They deal with data all day. They don't, they don't get it wrong. They don't know how to outweigh risk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:08 No, that's so it's literally their entire business. Yeah. Good job. Uh, stay fine. Well, they didn't,
Starting point is 00:17:15 that wasn't a guess on their part. That's what I'm trying to get. Yeah. I understand. They fucking know. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like insurance companies don't make wrong decisions.
Starting point is 00:17:24 They base every single thing off fucking data they have actuaries thousands of them that work there that are literal geniuses in data and statistics that's not a guess that's a real fucking strategically correct move alright so this
Starting point is 00:17:40 next one man this is I'm sure this is going to raise some eyebrows for you New York firefighters rescued naked man stuck in bathroom wall for seven days it is not several days several days it was not immediately clear how the man got behind the wall of landmark theater in syracuse new york um i got a couple of questions yeah i got a couple of that's first of all what's what what bathroom was it was a women's or men's second question is what the fuck are you doing in the wall bro like no it's a woman no it's a man it says naked california woman's a different one that's a rescued what the fuck is why how are these naked people getting in the walls i don't because there's a
Starting point is 00:18:25 whole nother headline right there that says naked california woman rescued after becoming wedged between two buildings yeah there it is what the fuck is going on i don't know man probably i'm gonna start knocking on these fucking walls around here. What the fuck is going on? I don't know, man. And why is this shit on the news? Okay, so let's proceed with this one. Yeah, so fire department, they responded a little bit after 730 in the morning to the Landmark Theater after their employees heard some banging on the walls and yelling for help. Fire departments get there you know they poke a hole in the wall an adult male who was not immediately identified was believed to have entered the theater two or three days before this um and it's not really clear how
Starting point is 00:19:16 exactly he got into the wall um it's not exactly clear why he was in the wall to begin with um they used camera found the guy and cut him out um and that's a pretty tight space too there man what the fuck yeah so again a 39 year old man was not wearing any clothes um when they when they they freed him and he's now at a university hospital is that a is that a man's or a woman's bathroom that's my question because it doesn't say well whatever he could be in there i think he's in there doing like people. I'm going to say either way. I don't think it matters.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah. He was naked. He's in the fucking wall, the bathroom. He's doing something in there. Something I can't, I'm supposed to be doing. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't know. There is no way I don't have one.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I wonder if he probably didn't have enough room to do his little deal in there. Huh? That's a pretty tight spot. That's a tight spot, man. How the, yeah. How the fuck did he get in there and like let's be real dude is like like how important is like getting a nut to you bro like dude what the fuck like you're gonna fucking crawl in between two fucking walls naked for three fucking days to bust load geez like that shit is fucked up man yeah better ways to do that send this man some fucking jerkins is a fucking box of kleenex bro holy you ever heard of uh only only fans bro or fucking only bathrooms i guess i mean dude
Starting point is 00:20:36 i guarantee you dude the dude's got i bet i bet you it comes out he's got some sort of predator oh 1000 yeah this is too fucked up there's some weird shit yeah like i said there's a lot of parts of the story that are just not there um i just saw the headline people are fucking weird yeah what the fuck is going on man yeah like you said there's another neck woman in california rescued that's weird the end times dude that's some hunter biden shit yeah this is the end times bro what the fuck yeah i don't understand how you get how you get back yeah this one this is i don't know i'm speechless on this yeah i don't know i said what i said and that's what it is like let's move the fuck on because like i got nothing more productive to add about this my answer is kind of like what the fuck how many walls have you got stuck behind yeah
Starting point is 00:21:23 all right i guess i never considered sneaking in any walls because i knew i was too big to fucking sneak in there yeah like that doesn't seem like an option for somebody like me like what like is that something that you would think about doing there keith like you would fit in some walls would you like who the fuck thinks oh yeah i bet i could fit that wall yeah i don't know that's fucking creepy though like imagine being the employee who fucking first heard him fucking bro you probably probably thought it was haunted yeah i should like oh yeah i just leave bro yeah i's police chief says that he
Starting point is 00:22:10 personally warned travis scott about safety concerns for this concert so everybody's i mean i'm sure you guys have heard it by now um the astro world concert down in houston a total of eight people have been killed bro did you hear the shit about the security guard getting pricked in the neck yeah an overdose and like they gave me i watched so this is a really weird story i'm glad you brought this up because there's a lot to this there's a lot to it and nobody's really talking about it but like i happen to be awake and at home when this shit was going on. Yeah. So I was able to catch, uh, like some Instagram lives of people who actually went to this fucking show. And I was able to catch, uh,
Starting point is 00:22:51 like two or three, um, posts, different people's posts, stories, and lives. Bro. All three of them,
Starting point is 00:22:58 all three of them said that hundreds of people were fucking killed. Like they said it was a hundred. Now they could have been hysterical because it was like traumatic, but, uh, they, they all, and they've all consistently over the last couple of days stuck by their
Starting point is 00:23:14 story that more than eight people were killed. And it's, it's, there's, I don't know. I feel like there's some weird shit to this because, uh, and I also feel like the,
Starting point is 00:23:24 the, the, um, uh, and I also feel like the, the, the, um, the division and people's beliefs right now are like fueling that fire because I do see, I've seen a lot of one sided videos, uh, where they're like, yo, Travis Scott just stood there and watched people get carried out. Um, and then you watch the whole clip and he clearly fucking tells him to stop the show get in there help these people like there's clips of both of those and i've seen them both so you know there's there's people telling half truth about what's
Starting point is 00:23:56 going on which doesn't help the situation um there's people already trying to compare this stuff to like satanic rituals yeah and you know his theme of the show is very much so that way yeah uh and which is i think is fucking ridiculous like you motherfuckers shouldn't be supporting that that shit's real like it's real shit and like people who are out there putting on these fucking faux satanic rituals or whatever don't support them it's fucking gross you know um but yeah people are running with that you know i i don't know what to think man i think it's fucking insane and if you watched there were some clips of him telling some of the fans to like kick this dude's ass because he took a shoe and like dude look at the at the very least this guy is very irresponsible with how the fuck he runs his shows and encouraging you know you
Starting point is 00:24:55 have to have some sort of awareness of responsibility uh because it does if you're if the people that don't like you are able, to paint you in a way where you intentionally cause these deaths, which is what people are trying to paint him. You're crossing the line, bro. Yeah. Like it shouldn't even be close to that. Well,
Starting point is 00:25:12 there was a situation happened in 2017, I believe. Where somebody got paralyzed. Paralyzed. Cause the same situation got trampled. this has been a consistent thing with, with this dude. And,
Starting point is 00:25:22 and cause I looked into it pretty deep and you know, he's got, uh, his crowd is naturally very rowdy. He encouraged them to be rowdy. And like, I know that's nothing new. It's in any kind of concert. If you go to any fucking metal concert, that's the shit that happens. This is different shit, man. Um, way more people in a tight spot like dude i saw videos of people like literally passed out and people be trying to pull them from the crowd and couldn't get them unwedged from the crowd yeah like even that shit is fucking completely unsafe dude i it's it's terrible dude it's it's it's gross yeah so apparently just came out that uh bro a lot of these people that got killed were like just kids oh yeah they were like 16 in high school and shit yeah yeah um but apparently
Starting point is 00:26:11 travis guys came out and said that he's don't uh he's going to be taking care of the funerals for those eight uh eight people that have died um i don't think that's enough i think lawsuits about to start rolling in on them i think it's not enough no it's not you know because at the end of the day you got those people never coming home bro you got 13 year old kids that'll never never live a life yeah live a full life you know and yeah and dude this this fucking shit has to stop of this like creating riot scenes and your fucking concerts and shit bro it's irresponsible it's wrong and now people are fucking dead yeah so it you know i i don't really listen to this dude's music uh i don't know anything about his music yeah um is it good my dad uh
Starting point is 00:26:51 he's got some good songs yeah i i don't i don't listen to this dude um yeah i mean lawsuits are rolling in and and and i it'll be interesting to see how this one plays out because again i think there's still there's just a lot I think he's a deep shit, bro. I agree. Yeah. I just, I think he could be going to prison for this.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I think so. I mean, yeah. Drake's also getting sued for this too. Yeah. Well, he came on the stage and fucking got them all hyped and shit too. I saw,
Starting point is 00:27:17 I watched that. Yeah. I think there's just, there's still a lot going on. I mean, obviously like I've seen a couple of the, uh, the,
Starting point is 00:27:23 you know, the, the law enforcement leadership and stuff like that have their interviews and stuff. And, like, there's still just a lot that people just don't know. You know? I think there's going to be a lot that comes out about this. A lot.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah. A lot. And so I'm interested to see how this plays out. There might have to be a part two on a CTI. Yeah, yeah. I don't know either, man. I know this, though. Like, when you're encouraging a mob to, uh that's excitement dude you know i'm saying
Starting point is 00:27:46 like and now people are dead yeah fbi should get on that that's a very that's january 6th shit yeah same thing no it's not even close to the same fucking thing it's not even fucking close to the same it's not even fucking close you know i don't know it's sad sad man i feel bad for those fucking families yeah i do too and that's always that's always gets lost the people who went who dude i well because i found those accounts yeah you know they've been posting the people who died in their instagram dude sad as fuck yeah those kids were young dude a lot of them were young. And I don't know. I don't know. I think I mean, what parent
Starting point is 00:28:33 lets their fucking 14 or 10 or fucking 16-year-old kid go to a fucking satanic type show? I don't know. Yeah. Like I said, we'll have to stay up on this and see how this plays out because i mean obviously this is not it's not over here i think i mean bro if you go back in uh like i don't know dude i don't know what to think i think it's
Starting point is 00:28:59 uh i think it's fucked up. I think people don't think that the Satan shit is real. They think it's fucking trendy and shit. I don't know, man. Cool. The whole set was based after a painting that was done in the 1500s called Christ
Starting point is 00:29:20 in Limbo. If you Google that, you can look. The set was almost identical to the point where if you look at the painting, it's called Hell in Christ in Limbo yeah if you google that you can look the set was almost identical like it to the point where if you look at the painting uh it's called hell in christ in limbo um they have the head with the mouth opened up and then they have a stage on top of the head like it's it was very clearly heavily influential in their stage i mean i don't i don't know bro arts art i get it but like there's a line where i'm not with it that dude's way the fuck over it you know and I think people
Starting point is 00:29:48 need to wake the fuck up to this Hollywood celebrity fucking shit bro these motherfuckers don't give a fuck about you pay for these pay for his fucking funeral those kids are dead they ain't ever coming back you know what I'm saying like you're gonna get $450,000 of illegal immigrants
Starting point is 00:30:03 but pay for these like I just the whole world's logic is completely you're going to get $450,000 of illegal immigrants, but, but, but, but pay for these guys. Like I just, the whole world's logic is completely fucked up right now. The promoter has a history of, uh, events going wrong like this.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Shocking. I'm trying to find that picture. Well, I can't, which picture? The question number. Oh, it was a 15,
Starting point is 00:30:26 70, 70 something when it was painted. It's in the, I think it's in Indiana right now. In the history, one of the museums in Indiana. But,
Starting point is 00:30:34 yeah, I mean, we'll have to see what comes out of this, man, because there's obviously there's going to be more to this,
Starting point is 00:30:41 so. It's fucking sad. There it is. I just think that culture's really fucked right now. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, if you look at like, yeah. I mean, there's the painting. It looks almost identical to the fucking elements that they had,
Starting point is 00:31:00 including the fire rings and the fucking little portal in the back. You see that portal top right? Stage on top of the fucking head. Like it's, it's a, that's what the fucking place was built to influence. I don't think anybody could argue that, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:15 Anyway, let's move on to the third one. This is getting fucking shows dying. Let's bring it back to life with this one. So two thumb, two thumbs up section. So, uh, was that the third one or the second one? That this one. So two thumbs, two thumbs up section. So, uh, was that the third one or second one?
Starting point is 00:31:26 That was third. So two thumbs up. A broken toilet on space X capsule means astronauts will return to earth and diapers. Hmm. Space X. That's fucking, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:40 Elon Musk. Yeah. So what are they doing? Are they up there right now? they're so they're on the way back to earth and the toilet broke down so um i guess all so they're just gonna shit their pants all the time they'll be shitting so my guess so my my uh my guess on this is we should go two thumbs in the butt because that's what they should be doing i would say two thumbs away from the butt if you gotta fucking if you gotta shit yourself the whole way back and to be honest
Starting point is 00:32:04 let's be let's this lady looks like she already shit her pants yeah she looks happy about it too let's be fucking real bro every single person listening has had a little shart accident right yeah keith just had one earlier he did is there is there a worse feeling than having a little shit in your pants and having to like walk like bro that's the worst thing ever yeah like imagine having to like go on a journey like that like like space you know what i'm saying yeah no shit joe biden does it every day bro fuck that would suck man yeah so two two two times away from the butt for the first time away from the butt yeah keep away bro damn dude elon those six i'm saying man all the fucking money you can't have fucking good toilets up there
Starting point is 00:32:50 man they have like a fucking bidet what they look at what it's called little spacesuits and shit looks so fucking weird yeah it does where's the diversity at and that guy on the right is he's asian right i guess that counts i don't know if he is yeah i guess they you know what fuck them there's no diversity yeah what the fuck we're canceling spacex fuck that you guys are in trouble now yeah fucking elon musk yeah fucking elon yeah no dude's awesome i mean but bro fix your fucking toilets maybe you should have that guy that was and get some diversity in your space yeah yeah maybe they should have that guy that was stuck in the walls in the bathroom in new york working the toilets there i don't know
Starting point is 00:33:32 yeah dude you gotta put some crickets crickets in there on that joke there buddy that's fine all right guys that's the show uh if you liked it if it made you laugh made you think if you thought it was information worth sharing which i'm not not sure if that was or wasn't, share the show. All right. Love you guys. Talk to you next time. We're sleeping on the floor. Now my jury box froze.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Fuck a bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold. Bad bitch. Booty swole. Got her on bankroll. Can't fold. Doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Headshot. Case closed.

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