REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 182. Q&AF: Vision Boards, #75HARD Diet & Uplifting People

Episode Date: November 28, 2021

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on revising visions boards once you've attained your goals, what's a good diet to follow on the #75HARD program and how to handle people who are trying pull you down.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Vercela and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have a q and af uh before we get into the show i'd like to remind you of the fee the fee is very simple if you learn something which you will if it entertain you which you will it made you smarter which it fucking will share the show if it didn't actually do that don't share the the show. That's the fee, man. It's very simple. So, and dude, I'd like to remind you guys, like when I say share the fee, really cool. I love the post and everything, but don't forget to like actually stand up and speak
Starting point is 00:00:54 on some of the topics that we talk about here and then recommend the show to people who are listening because, um, we're trying to bring motherfuckers together and we're trying to wake people up to the fucking insane shit that's happening in the world uh and we need your help so help us grow the show it's a very simple solution i think a fair deal anyway what we got today guys as always we got three questions for andy here um you guys can i mean it's fair right no it's bro it's fair shit ever we don't fucking i could be making millions of dollars on ads on my podcast no for sure and honestly like i would just rather grow the show get the message out i would rather you send me a video on instagram i would rather you dm me a video of you talking to three other friends about the show than just simply giving me a story mention i i like
Starting point is 00:01:37 but i like both are cool but i know one's gonna go a lot further i think people just forget to talk about it in real life yeah like you know when these topics come up like fuck dude speak up you know what i'm saying like hey my boy andy and my boy white lightning yeah just drop some shit that's right i don't like that oh yeah i mean i don't know why i made that voice i don't know whatever that voice was do that that was cool say just in that voice okay all right cool yeah you'll get extra street cred for that so we got three questions that's probably racist i feel like there's a little mayonnaise in there i don't know i feel mayonnaise bro you know i was i almost posted this today but i didn't want to be a total asshole but like man there is a lot of corny shit on instagram like a lot of you motherfuckers like really are made of mayonnaise oh yeah i'm talking about dukes
Starting point is 00:02:17 hellman's fucking mayor i mean it's all we we we need like a swag school yeah i think that's fair you know what i'm saying like we need a swag class for some of you people like dude could you imagine the people that come oh fuck bro there'd be a lot of people there that you would not think would be there would be there yeah well like syed bro syed's got real swag you know what i'm saying but like dude these man another thing is too like let's be real q a on the instagram story is is really just a cover for people to talk about their shit yeah like fuck man how many no it's a great venting tool yeah and how many motherfuckers use that tool and then answer the same five questions fucking three times
Starting point is 00:02:56 a week just so they can talk about themselves like it's weird you know like we talk about this for like years and years and years and years but this is about other people this is about delivering value you know like fuck yeah it's crazy that people can't silence their own desire to talk about their own selves in order to serve other people and not even not even recognize it yeah just one of the many issues pay attention to the fucking q a's bro it's so weird yeah man you motherfuckers that do all those q and a's you should be out like building shit instead of doing q and a's yeah i do i do them like once a month maybe but that's just to like no i'm talking about these people who do them like every fucking other day or every day like it's like dude we know
Starting point is 00:03:40 yeah we know right and then they switch to another account to ask them a question yeah no shit no shit stop this just told my secret yeah stop fuck yeah i get it i get it all right so we got three questions man so as always guys email your questions in to ask andy at andy for seller dot com we thoroughly appreciate those questions guys so keep them coming and um and we appreciate those so let's get into it question number one all right vision boards uh visualization those are all really really big things for you right how often or do you or should you ever revise your vision board once you achieve the goals that's on there so like maybe you got like you know 15 goals 15 goals on there and you achieve one. Do you take that goal off or do you just leave it?
Starting point is 00:04:29 How do you do that? No, man. I actually create a whole new board. I kept my old vision boards. Like from every major jump that I've had, I've kept my old ones literally exactly the way they were. I didn't fuck with them. Because like, dude, now I look back at them,
Starting point is 00:04:42 they're almost exactly what I have in mind. So I would make a whole new board. When you get to a point where most of the shit that's on your board is representative of the things that you wanted to represent and you have those things in your life it's time for a new board yeah a whole new board so that way even five more years down the road from now okay you can look back at that original one and be like god dude i didn't know shit i didn't have shit look how far i've came it's a tremendous there's a tremendous amount of pride in that like dude i still have my my original vision board it's down uh i made in 2007 it's down in my basement in my house right now dude and like if i showed it to you you'd fucking
Starting point is 00:05:21 laugh like you would yeah no shit knowing like my life i gotta see it now yeah you you would look at it and be like holy shit yeah that's like i like no you just made this last night that's right i'd be super embarrassed to even live that life you know i'm saying that's the importance of having it because it keeps things in perspective and it shows you how far you've come yeah uh plus also and i think in creating the new vision board you know remember we're dealing with metaphysics and quantum physics here where the new vision board you know remember we're dealing with metaphysics and quantum physics here where like you're putting you're creating an actual thought in your brain you're putting it out in the universe and that universe is then aligning itself to help deliver these objects that you're putting on this board um there's a process of
Starting point is 00:05:59 creation in that right like you have to get creative and so i think even like getting a whole new board with a whole new style a whole new look because bro you ain't the same person you were three or four years ago you know what i'm saying like uh you're always going to evolve and i think even making the board in a way that like represents more who you are kind of like from the swag factor you know i'm saying like dude put some effort into this shit make it cool like a lot of people just go get a piece of fucking uh poster board and like take some pictures and shit and like bro is that all your dreams are worth that fucking shitty ass board or do you want to be worth like like bro you know i i'm just saying it put some time into it yeah because it kind of represents everything like i i i
Starting point is 00:06:43 that's i've never heard. I mean, yeah, I know. You also know from being with me, bro, that I am like a stickler about quality, everything. Like when I go fucking hotel,
Starting point is 00:06:53 what room do I stay in? Motherfucking best. Okay. When I fucking travel, I travel the best. When I fucking do, when I buy clothes, I buy the fucking best.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And it's not so I can brag. I don't even post this shit for you. Motherfuckers to see. Right. It's because I'm investing in my brand, which is buy the fucking best. And it's not so I can brag. I don't even post this shit for you motherfuckers to see. It's because I'm investing in my brand, which is the motherfucking best. You see what I'm saying? Like, there's a lot to that. So why would you put all your dreams onto some board that we're doing a half-ass, bro? Make that shit fucking royalty.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Make it gold. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. And do that every three or four years and reevaluate where you where you are it's powerful it's powerful man powerful it really works too and people who think it doesn't well good luck with your life bro i know where i'm going you know what i'm saying yeah so when's the last time you made a vision board uh what's your most recent one well i need to make one yeah it's been probably about four years since i made since i made one well i need to make one yeah it's been probably about four years since i made since i made one original i need to make one but like see dude like my
Starting point is 00:07:50 the last one i made my shit's so big they're like i'm not there yet you know what i'm saying so uh eventually you get to that point where you're like like i don't know what else to fucking think of yeah that's what i'm saying so like i'm like if i when i accomplish what's on this most recent one um it's time to start thinking about like how like what elon does where it's like okay well i've accomplished all the shit i want to accomplish how do we go to the fucking moon right like legitimately so i got a ways to go on my current one but that doesn't mean that i couldn't refresh the whole process and make it a little bit more fine-tuned yeah which is what i'm gonna do yeah it's fucking dope all right question number two this is a 75 hard question we've had this madat probably agree we've had this come through quite a few times
Starting point is 00:08:32 what when you're on 75 hard or any of the phases for that matter what diet do you follow uh well i cover that in the book it's uh it's in the book. So I talk about it. It's very simple. It's, uh, I do an intermittent fasting and modified intermittent fasting, um, carb rotation style diet where I'm doing, uh, like here's the bottom line. It doesn't really matter what the fuck I did because it's about what, what you're going to stick to and follow and follow through on. And, you know, my goals were my goals. That's why I don't specify diet in the program. Right. And I don't necessarily always talk about my diet because my diet is a,
Starting point is 00:09:13 is a custom diet that I built for me. Right. You know what I'm saying? I work with my buddy, honey on it all the time. We fucking, we're always adjusting things week by week by week by week. And that's what we, you know, and, uh, but basically, yeah, I've been intermittent fasting for the last five years. I don't, I only eat from the hours of seven o'clock to midnight every day, seven o'clock at night to midnight. And people hear that, holy shit. I do have a post-workout after I lift in the morning.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So when I train in the morning with weights, I have a post-workout and then my fast starts at seven or stops at seven and uh and then you know as far as the macros and the what goes into those meal those calories that that's usually on a carb rotation a four-day rotation where i do like you know two low days moderate day high day or or fucking four low days if i'm if i'm fat you know i'm saying so that's what i'm saying like it's not it's not important what the fuck i did what's important is is that you educate yourself with somebody who's a professional who fucking can help you and coach you through um and find the right program for you and maybe if you're one of these people who knows like i'm one of like i know more about fucking dieting than most people will ever fucking know.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. But I still ask fucking, like I ask people I trust and believe in say, Hey, uh, what, what about this or that? When I'm talking about myself, because we all see ourself through a different fucking lens. So I'm a big advocate of finding someone who's actually really good at helping someone develop a diet that, um, you know, will help them accomplish your goal. But at the end of the day, guys, you know, there's a trillion different ways to get
Starting point is 00:10:50 this job done, but they all come down to the same basic factors, you know, drink water, trying to lose weight. You got to be in a calorie deficit. You want to have protein every three hours, keeping muscle protein synthesis there. Um, you know, you got to train with weights and, and, and basic things like that. Macronutrients, gut health greens, like those basic things will take you fucking, they'll take you so far. You know what I'm saying? And you know, the same with gaining weight, like you, how do you just got to eat a calorie surplus, but all the rest of the shit's the same. Like it's all, it's, it's very simple. People try to make it confusing so they can sell it,
Starting point is 00:11:24 you know? And like, I don't blame them. Like everybody's got everybody, but bro, it's very simple. People try to make it confusing so they can sell it, you know? And like, I don't blame them. Like everybody's got everybody, but bro, it's all been done. You know what I'm saying? It's all been done.
Starting point is 00:11:31 So, and, and people like to argue about the nuances and the, and the intricacies and the this and that, and this, this, it's mainly about adherence. And are you in,
Starting point is 00:11:41 are you following a program that's going to get you to where you want to go? You know what I mean? And there you in, uh, are you following a program that's going to get you to where you want to go? You know what I mean? And there's probably, there's probably a hundred different programs that'll get you where you want to go. So it's about finding the one that you can live with. That's really the fucking honest truth. So, yeah, but I like intermittent fasting. Well, I've actually, cause you actually are the one that put me on intermittent, intermittent
Starting point is 00:12:02 fasting. I'll tell you what, it's, it was not easy to begin. Yeah. begin yeah and people want to argue oh there's better this and that you know what i'd probably have a better fucking body composure if i ate every three fucking hours on the dot blah blah blah blah blah blah but you know what guess what i got other shit to do besides sit around and eat out of a fucking tupperware all fucking day yeah so that's what works for me i'm 255 pounds of fucking twisted steel and sex appeal you probably don't look as good as me so take your fucking diet advice particulars and stick them up your butt hole that's the truth it's a fucking truth so i love it y'all they all
Starting point is 00:12:37 know what i'm talking about yeah like it it's basic shit and i'm not even about to sit here and fucking pretend like it isn't so find someone who knows some shit who's reputable who will help you and find your own little path and don't worry about what the fuck i'm doing worry about what you're doing great fucking answer yeah all right so question number three so you i believe this was a podcast you did with ed um by the way not only do i probably look better i guarantee you i'm a thousand times busier than you too so i just like to add that in there let's talk some more shit yeah right right motherfuckers yeah um so fuck dude i get i get that shit bro yeah no dude you're you're
Starting point is 00:13:16 you're just you should be in shape you own a supplement company motherfucker i own like a bunch of companies right i got a bunch of shit to do. This shit, I'm busier than fucking almost anybody I fucking know. You know what I'm saying? Like, this shit ain't easy. No. I can only imagine, bro,
Starting point is 00:13:30 if we have every three hours we were having to fucking go warm up Tupperware and shit. It wouldn't happen. It couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen. I'm just saying, like,
Starting point is 00:13:37 dude, like, people, it's whatever, man. I don't really care. Here's what I know. You should worry about yourself.
Starting point is 00:13:46 That's, how about that? Is that good? that good motherfuckers i think it's great yeah but but i'm jacked and tan juicy as fuck hot disease that's right uh if you don't like it fuck off hey so question number three so you you did a podcast with ed uh a couple of months ago. And you talked about this metaphor. And that was like a fucking year ago, bro. Was it a year ago? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 It was like last December, I think. But it was coming up on like a year, I think. Anyway, a couple months ago. And you talked about this metaphorical ladder of success, right? And how you're climbing up this ladder and there's people ahead of you and people below you. Yep, always. ladder of success right and how you know you're climbing up this ladder and there's people ahead of you and people below you yep always how do you handle people on the metaphorical ladder of success that are under you and trying to climb up right like how do you deal with those people whether they're trying to pull you down or they're reaching up for help how do you handle those people well if they're trying to pull you down they're usually not that close to me where i'm at right
Starting point is 00:14:40 now you know i'm saying like those pull you down type people they get kicked off early so like you know when we were talking about that analogy, you know, uh, you know, there's people, let's just say on a 25 year scale business, right. And the people down there in one, two, three on the first two, three years, those people are always the kind of people that like, you know, not always, but a lot of times those kinds of people that are scamming people or, uh, they got like a little, you know, uh, gray area to their business or something now. Right. Right. Um, and these people never have the, I, the attitude of abundance.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It's always scarcity driven, you know, you and me got to be enemies because we compete, blah, blah, blah. And as you move up the ladder, that shit gets less and less because there's less and less people. Those people never really get anywhere because what you realize is that people that are above you, bro, you know what? Can't you just cut in that, the talk Ed and I talked about where we talked about the ladder of success. Let's just cut that in right here. Here it is for you guys to listen to. If you're a young business owner,
Starting point is 00:15:48 and I'm not saying young in age, I mean young in your business, you know, less than five years, I would say, your competition is so much higher because of where you're at, there's more people. And so if you guys just fucking hang in there in another five years,
Starting point is 00:16:03 it works like a pyramid, right? These people consolidate or they go away or they do something different. And now all of a sudden, instead of 10 people you're competing with, you're competing with five. And then if you hang in another five years, it's two or three. And dude, now it's like, okay, what's fucking Steve doing over there? Oh, Steve's doing that? All right, well, we're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:23 It becomes real fucking easy. And not only that, when shit gets fucked up, you say, you get on the phone and you say, Hey Steve, quit fucking it up. You know what I'm saying? Like you start to know everybody. The big thing as an entrepreneur is you want to be in the 20 year room. Exactly what you're saying. The one year room is loaded with failure. And you look around, you're like, this stuff doesn't work. Nobody makes it five year room. There's a couple of people that have won and there's fewer people in the room. You get to the 10-year room, you're a 10-year entrepreneur, whatever you do, there's some winning going on. But you get to the 20-year room of being an entrepreneur, people are winning in that damn room. And it's a very small room.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And to your point, you can compete in there. Most people look at entrepreneurship like it's the one-year room all the time. It isn't the one-year room. Five years from now, it's a different room. 10 years from now, it's a different room. 10 years from now, it's a different room. Trust me, as an older dude, 20 years from now, if you're still an entrepreneur, if you're still executing your business, that's a pretty good room you're probably standing in. Just being there will be pretty good for you.
Starting point is 00:17:15 You know what's cool about the dynamic of the 20-year room is that, dude, it's competition, but it's also friendly. Yeah, it's respect. Yes. So in the beginning, the first five like, it's respect. So yes. So like in the, in the beginning, the first five years, dude, you fucking hate everybody. You're like, dude, fuck you. You know, you're fucking like, dude, I'm going to burn that guy's fucking house down. Like it's like this. So you're still in the one year room.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I got them better. Everybody asks me what's my, what's my greatest accomplishment is I have a fucking degree in Andrew. No, it is a fucking degree bro no your greatest accomplishment is actually that no one's house has been burned down i do like you on this side of the bars so but dude but you do get to that and that's another thing i'm learning like i just be real like i'm recently in the 20-year room right like i'm only this is our 23rd year. Okay. So now I'm in the room and I'm pretty much the youngest guy in that room most of the time. And I'm starting, you know, when I first got in that room and Ed, you helped me with this, you know, I'm burning everybody down. You know what I'm saying? Like, and I'm, and, but what I
Starting point is 00:18:20 didn't realize is that all these dudes, they want to help me. You know what I'm saying? And then I'm, when I started realizing that, I'm like, oh, fuck, dude. This is like a fraternity. Yeah, this ain't the five-year room anymore. And guys, that's what you, you never hear that talked about, but it's so true.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It is true. There's so much disrespect in the five and 10 years, but then when you get to the 20 years, you know, you still have those young punks that come around every fucking couple of years. Yeah, there's a dick or two in the 20-year room, but there ain't that many. But you know what happens? They get kicked off the fucking ladder, dude. That's right. So like, you know, the still have those young punks that come around every fucking couple of years. There's a dick or two in the 20 year old. But you know what happens? They get kicked off the fucking ladder.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So like, you know, the ladder to success, you know, in the beginning, you're climbing, you're climbing, you're climbing it. And there's people above that above you on that ladder, no matter who the fuck you are above me, above you, above fucking everybody. And what happens is, is if you get up that ladder with the bad attitude, guess what happens? Those guys above you, they can either reach down and pull you up or they can kick you off the fucking ladder. And dude, you don't want to get kicked off the ladder for the wrong attitude because it happens all the time. Dude, how many times do in that 20 year room, you know, our little group of guys, you know, that we know probably 10 guys. Is there a fucking text or something that goes on and be like, yeah, dude, this guy. No, stay away from this dude.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Don't put them on your show. Don't do this. Dude. And motherfuckers get blackballed without even realizing that they got blackballed because they do ignorant shit. Like leave a fucking negative post on your podcast or something and do some fucked up shit to fuck with you for no reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You were up. You were a fool by the way, if right now you're in the 10 or 15 year room and you aren't doing everything you can to ingratiate yourself to people in the 20, like I'm almost in the 30 year room. I guess I'm really close this next year. I'll be in the 30 year room, but I am around dudes who are in the 40 year room. I'm even around a few that are in the 50 year room and their lives are freaking bananas. I want to do everything I can to be in good graces with those dudes to learn from them. So you'll be real careful what you say, what you comment on, what you share, gossip,
Starting point is 00:20:09 all that stuff we talked about earlier in the show. It's going to hurt you when you get to that 20 year room. It'll kick your ass out. Yeah, dude. Don't fuck with people, man. Like that's really, that's really what it comes down to. Don't fuck with people. Pretty simple. Yeah. Like, dude, I know a lot of you guys are, you know, you're, you think you're doing something and you think you're cool and you think you could take a bite out of the fucking guy that's like up the ladder from you. Bro, that will come back to fuck you. Because what happens is, and what you don't realize is, those motherfuckers have a lot of resources. And instead of like going to fight you on the Instagram, that's not what they do. What they do is they make your life really fucking hard without saying a word. Right? They're running ads to your account. They're fucking, uh, hiring your employees. They're fuck dude. And all of a sudden all this bad shit starts happening. You can't figure out what the fuck's going on because you fucking made an ignorant comment to someone or disrespected them. All right. So that's the whole story of the ladder of success. Now, uh, how do I handle people that come that are below me now yeah i want to help them as much as
Starting point is 00:21:06 possible because i know they've already made themselves they've gotten through that part where the people get kicked off the ladder right yeah i mean fuck dude i'm 20 something 23 years in this shit you know uh i'm i'm past a lot of that bullshit you know people that people on my level we work together to get better you know and? And, um, you know, so, so, but like when you're younger and you got people coming up that are, that are trying to hurt you or take from you or this or that, um, it's a very fine line to, to, to navigate. Uh, I think the best thing that you can do is to, to wish the best for people and help them all the time, regardless of, you know, with some caution. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:21:48 If you know someone's maliciously going to fuck with you, don't help them. Newt. Yeah. I mean, you don't have to fucking wish bad on them, but definitely don't help them. Yeah. You know what I mean? And the people who are just trying to learn and get better and you suspect they're genuine, dude, help those motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:22:03 This shit's hard. You know what I'm saying? And if they end up burning you, they'll be kicked off the ladder at some point and somebody will take care of them. I've never seen it not work that way. I've never seen it not work that way. So people, the, the, the hierarchy of success sort of, sort of, uh, it's sort of like Darwinism, you know what I'm saying? Like it's self-regulating. You know what I mean? So, you know, be true to your own values. Be true to what you know to be true.
Starting point is 00:22:32 What I know to be true is this. When you wish good for shit and you help people with your actions and you wish good for them and you do what you can to help them, the universe always helps you back in some way, shape, or form. And I think if you're malicious and you wish for people to fail and you wish bad on people, even if you pretend and smile in real life that you wish good for them, if you're in your heart and your intent, you want bad for them, I think bad shit's going to happen to you. And that's what I believe. So I think it's important to be true to your values and let the cards fall where they may. That's how I live.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Well, that's three guys who will pay the fee. Yeah. Guys, look, hey, we're trying to grow this show, man. We don't run ads on the show. We don't run ads for the show. So if you could help us grow the show, man, when this, when these topics come up, don't be afraid to speak about them. Don't be afraid to talk about them.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Don't be afraid to tell people that we're talking about them. All right. We want to get this message out there and we're trying to bring America back together again with facts and with reality. And I think everybody out there at some point is starting to question what's actually happening in the world. And we're going to need some unifying voices. So be one and also help us be by sharing the show. Went from sleeping on the floor Now my jewelry box froze Fuck a bowl, fuck a stove
Starting point is 00:23:46 Counted millions in a cold Bad bitch, booted swole Got her on bankroll Can't fold, just a note Headshot, case closed

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