REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 188. Q&AF: Creating Enormous Value, Entrepreneur Vs. Intrapreneur & Zero Options Mentality

Episode Date: December 6, 2021

In today's episode, Andy explains how to provide enormous value, the difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur, and how to develop the mindset to never quit....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have a q and af what are you laughing at i was waiting for the rest of it what's the rest of it well you gotta tell people pay the fucking fee okay all right guys hey listen if this is your first time listening, we got a fee for the show. The fee is very simple. If you like the show, if it made you think, if it made you have a different perspective, if it made you laugh, if it entertained you, if it provided some sort of value, share the show for us, okay?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm not going to run ads in this show. Go back and listen to the however many hundreds of episodes I've done. You won't hear fucking ads. You'll hear content. It helps motherfuckers. It makes people think it makes people laugh. It makes people have a, a different perspective.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Right. I like value exchange. That's what America is about. If I do good, you do good for me. So show me a solid. If you like the show, man,
Starting point is 00:01:21 sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So what we got today?
Starting point is 00:01:26 We got Q and A F. We got Q and A F. So guys, as always, we have three questions for Andy. You guys have been killing it sending your questions in. Remember, you can always send those in to, email those in to And with that being said. Yeah. As a reminder too, guys, you you know these questions can be about anything
Starting point is 00:01:49 oh yeah yeah like it could be about anything we got going on or fucking anything there's nothing off limits for me business life yeah this show's called real as fuck black people i mean you know whatever whatever bro fuck fucking white people yeah white people fuck Yeah, white people. Fuck, dude. Yeah. Fucking. Yeah. Mayonnaise, hot dog, whatever you got. Bro, what was that thing I sent you last night? Holy fuck. Holy shit. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I did not know. I don't even know if we could talk about it on the show because it's like, first of all, it made me embarrassed to be fucking Caucasian. All right. And like, can we as white people get a little fucking little bit cooler yeah yeah a little bit yeah fucking a little bit cooler bro it was bad okay what was it described to the people it was apparently what it was that you saw it would be the equivalent of miley cyrus doing a hip uh rap vax pro vaccine video these motherfuckers okay first of all i
Starting point is 00:02:48 found imagine that i found out that that was new zealand not australia okay because i sent it to all my australian friends like what the fuck is that no i said hey see motherfucker you motherfuckers are nerdier than us and they got pissed off and they all sat back they're like that's new zealand all right so let's talk about you new zealand people yeah bro what the fuck you guys doing they're making these they get these raps they made a rap song about getting i don't even know i don't think we can call it rap bro like that was bad what was it i don't know just a jar of fucking mayonnaise yeah so we got three questions for you man so let's go ahead and knock this out um so the first question it's actually perfect because you mentioned this uh you mentioned this.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You mentioned this hundreds of times, I'm sure, but you just recently mentioned this in the intro. Value exchange. So how do you personally, how do you determine someone's value? And then I guess the flip side of that is how- Definitely by their skin color. Well, I mean, that's what I was assuming. According to the skin color well i mean that's what i was according to the mass media yeah that's what i was assuming yeah totally yeah next question yeah right right but seriously how do you determine somebody's value and on the flip side of that how does somebody really create value you know skills and well i
Starting point is 00:04:01 would i should say traits aside how do they create value well dude the easiest way to create value is to look for the shit nobody's willing to do and fucking do it real good that that's the easiest way to fucking become extremely valuable extremely fast um the other way is to look for problems that need to be solved you know a lot the value is created from the problems that need to be solved that nobody's willing to acknowledge, right? That's where the most value is. The, the shit that nobody wants to do. Nobody wants to acknowledge people want to look past. Um, they want to pretend like there's bigger problems or this or that. And, and dude, like there's a shit ton of value
Starting point is 00:04:41 in solving problems, bro. Every great product that's ever been developed solved a problem um every great company that's ever existed uh solved a problem you know what i mean some of them fucking create the problem then solve the problem as we're finding out yeah you know uh so it's about fucking doing the shit that no one's willing to do man and the harder the path uh usually the more value. And it's very simple. This is something that we inherently know as humans, but spend our whole lives trying to avoid because we don't want things to be difficult. And when you embrace the difficulties and embrace the idea that like, hey dude, I could become pretty valuable in the marketplace or valuable inside of an organization by looking for issues that need to be solved, anticipating those and solving them before they're even
Starting point is 00:05:32 issues. That's the ultimate value. Like if you become someone who can anticipate problems and solve them before they become problems and then show how you did that, man, that's value. Yeah. You know, but people don't like to do that people like to show up they like to come in with their fucking starbucks they like to eat a couple fucking donuts they like to talk about the fucking kardashians they like to go home and sit on their fat fucking ass yeah
Starting point is 00:05:54 and that's the reality of humans and then they like to cry on instagram about why she didn't go in their way so i don't have any sympathy for y'all can fuck off with your bullshit for real dude like this political correct fucking society that that pretends like they don't know inherent things like when you solve a problem you get rewarded uh or when you work hard you get rewarded like i'm not like this is just fucking crazy yeah it's very simple bro if an idiot like me can figure it out so can you it's just don't, you know, most people are spending their whole lives trying to avoid it. That's dope. All right. Question number two. Can you explain, this is actually a question I've had for, for a while. Um, but I know
Starting point is 00:06:38 your answer is going to be fucking amazing. Can you explain the difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneur? Can you just give us a quick little rundown on that? Yeah. I mean, look, dude, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs are a special breed, man. These are people that you like in the meme. They'll jump off a cliff and build a motherfucking parachute on the way to fuck down, you know. And I think people who are entrepreneurs, they're able to move outside of the limits and constraints of what typical society works. They're free thinkers.
Starting point is 00:07:17 They're people who are good critical thinkers. They're people who are comfortable with uncertainty. And I think the uncertainty thing is the biggest part. The biggest difference between a great entrepreneur and a great entrepreneur is that the great entrepreneur is totally comfortable being uncertain about what the fuck is going on, whereas the great entrepreneur values that security a little bit more and doesn't really want to go have their nuts on the line, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:07:44 You see what I'm saying yeah um the principles of succeeding at both are very similar i mean they're the same you know it's just what i said in the last answer it's it's finding uh you know if you're if you're the ceo um or the main person in your business it's about identifying the problems and solving the problems as a company uh if you're an entrepreneur it's about solving the problems as a company uh if you're an entrepreneur it's about solving the problems within the company right and i you know what i mean so it's very similar all the success principles are very parallel i just i think in my opinion from my experience because it doesn't always equate like a lot of good entrepreneurs decide they're going
Starting point is 00:08:21 to go try to be entrepreneurs and they fucking crumble, dude. And there is a vast, and this is the problem with the internet right now. The internet pretends as if being an entrepreneur is something that every single fucking human is built for. And it's just not true. Most people will be fucking miserable as an entrepreneur. You don't know where your next fucking dollar is coming from. You don't know somebody could walk in the door today and tell you something and do something that fucks up your whole life. And that never changes, never fucking changes. And most people can't deal with that. So, um, and it's a big disparity there. I think it's not something that converts easily for people that just don't have the ability to handle that kind of pressure. So, and then also as an entrepreneur, um, if your company gets bigger and bigger, bigger, you're, you're fucking responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of people sometimes. And bro,
Starting point is 00:09:15 that's a different kind of pressure that a lot of people don't really even think about, you know, like they don't think about, uh, are, are their employees able to pay their bills or they don't get that shit. And to be fair, bro, I'll be honest. The entrepreneur life, if you're great, is way better. It just is. It's not as stressful. You can make a fuck ton of money. You don't have to take a lot of shit home with you mentally.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And you can turn it off. When you're an entrepreneur, you can't. fuck ton of money you don't have to take a lot of shit home with you mentally um and you could turn it off when you're an entrepreneur you can't never turns off them so if you're good so i mean like you know uh i think the biggest thing is is how how how comfortable someone is uh dealing with dealing with the unknown, you know, will dictate how successful they convert over from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. But I, like I said, I don't think that a lot of people should, I think, you know, statistically, uh, 7% of humans are entrepreneurs in America. Uh, 1% are what's considered successful. So, you know, there's a lot of great companies out there doing a lot of cool shit. You know, I don't know, man,
Starting point is 00:10:30 like it's, you got to figure it out for yourself. I can't answer it, but from my experience where I've seen people jump from entrepreneur to entrepreneur, um, that's what kills them is their inability to deal with the uncertainty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Awesome. And to grind it out for a fucking, you know, a lot of people forget too. And this is another point to mention that like when you're with established a company, usually people are coming to you as customers, right? And so a lot of people inside of an established company will believe that they could just go do that on their own, but they haven't seen the part get the same yeah yeah but they haven't seen the part where you know like 15 years ago when uh or let's say what was it 2009 we made our first supplement here you know and and nobody would buy it because
Starting point is 00:11:19 we made it right because nobody thought that we were technical enough to make it they would say shit like oh well you know well you make that shit in your bathtub you know so nobody knows what it's like to build from there um when nobody wants you to this opposite side where everybody wants you right yeah and when people get in that good climate over there they end up fucking bolting out and realizing that like outside dude it's pretty fucking cold yeah it's a hard road dude it takes a long time and sometimes that's what people need to do to respect the process and respect what's there yeah because like a lot of people take that shit for granted you know i see i've been seeing this shit for a number of years uh good employee great employees for a company decide they're gonna go do this
Starting point is 00:12:02 thing whatever the thing is they're gonna go do it on their own they're very very very rarely or very rarely successful very rarely and you know it always starts the same a big this big ordeal on social media oh i'll fucking start my own thing blah blah blah and they got they got their friends for a change yeah they got their friends and their family say yeah good for you good for you good for you check back on that motherfucker in a year yeah shit six months it's a different story okay so it's really fucking hard to get traction yeah and unless you're built to walk that path that hasn't been cut yet being an entrepreneur is a great option yeah you know and being a really really fucking good one most successful 99 of the successful people on the planet are entrepreneurs not entrepreneurs that's real about that that's fucking real all right our third and final question um
Starting point is 00:12:58 over over the last 23 years in business andy and've actually, I've heard you say this a few times, right? You've said that there was moments and various times that you wanted to quit. Why didn't you? What the fuck else am I going to do? Look, dude, I don't have any other options. I don't have a college fucking degree. I don't have, I can't, well, I mean, now I could. Like, now I could go get a job as a CEO or whatever somewhere, but like, um, for the longest time,
Starting point is 00:13:32 you know, I have fucking no options. So, uh, what, what am I going to do? I'm going to quit and go fucking dig ditches. You see what I'm saying? That's what I talk about with zero option mentality. People don't get it. The hardest fucking thing that you need to do is to convince yourself that you do not have options Like when you convince yourself thoroughly like you literally do not have a fucking option but to go do this Uh, you'll be surprised at how much harder you'll go at that thing and how much more success it'll bring to you Right when you know that you the alternative of you, uh, you know, your life is to go dig fucking holes for a living. Uh, it'll, it'll force you to do some shit that you don't want to do, especially when you dug some holes before, you know what it's like,
Starting point is 00:14:16 you see what I'm saying? So, um, for, for, for the beginning entrepreneur, this is, this is an easy thing, right? Cause you, the first three or four or five years, like I really couldn't quit because I didn't have anything to go to. Uh, but as you get older and as you get more mature and more successful, especially, uh, this is actually what kills a lot of entrepreneurs and successful people. Cause we all see these people right who like make some shit and they start going and they get some money they get a house they get some cars they fucking they get there then you know you check back in a year and they got a story about
Starting point is 00:14:55 how they had to reevaluate and readjust right they got some bullshit no motherfucker you lost your shit right okay and the reason you lost your shit is because you walked around and thought you fucking won and you didn't fucking win so how do you keep out of that mentality of that you won when you actually haven't even really fucking started well there's a couple things one you got to cultivate that idea that you don't have any other options but to succeed okay there's no the only other option for me at this point, like, dude, I still believe that. Like, you heard me start to say it.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Like, I started to say it. What else am I going to do? What am I going to do? Dig holes? That's so ingrained in me that for me, it's still true. You see what I mean? Even though it's not true. Fuck, dude, I could go get fucking eight figures a year
Starting point is 00:15:42 to run a bunch of companies. Yeah. You know? Yeah. But I like this company and i think it's going to beat all those companies so i stay here yeah but my point is is that the first thing you got to do is convince yourself uh and remind yourself that like dude you you don't have any other options but to go like what's your option bro half-ass your whole fucking life this
Starting point is 00:16:01 is true for all of you yeah well you're gonna half-ass your whole fucking life be a fat piece of shit lazy contribute nothing be unhappy with your body and your fucking image and who the fuck you are your whole life and then die yeah that's not even a life it's not even a fucking life and that's the life if you want an idea of what the media is about that's the life they put on you remember what i talked about last what was that last show was that cti where i talked about how they want everybody to be average and shit yeah yeah motherfucker that's the proof right there you already know that that's true yeah you already know that's not the life you want to live but you let these motherfuckers push that shit on you with the marketing the message all this shit in society all these values they push come through Hollywood media, the fucking social media, big blue check accounts. And you're sitting here
Starting point is 00:16:49 thinking this is a conspiracy theory. Fuck dude. You are not meant to do that for your entire life. So it's important that you remember that's your other option. Like that sounds like shit to me. Now, some of you might probably not on this show but some people might be okay with that we're not okay with that here all right the other thing to remind yourself and and and to do is like you know i post this thing on my story uh talking about how the difference between me and everybody else is if everybody else was me they'd be out rolling fucking yachts and dude i could do that shit litter and And you know this, I could do this shit every fucking day, bro. I could be on a yacht every day, balling bigger than any, any of the people you see online, not even fucking close. But what do you see? You see me in here
Starting point is 00:17:37 working my ass off. You see me in here sweating. You see sweat stains in my motherfucking hat. Okay. You know why? Because I know I ain't shit. I don't believe the headlines about myself. I don't believe like what other people see in me. I know I'm a fucking ant in the game and my competitors, they're not other supplement companies or other apparel companies or, or fucking, uh, or fucking, you know, industry that no, no, dude dude my competitor is my potential my competitor is what the fuck i could be and i know for damn well that i could be easily as good as a phil knight or a fucking uh any of these motherfuckers so i'm gonna give it
Starting point is 00:18:18 hell to get there you know what i'm saying and so like dude while while other people think that they like if you took a regular person and served them in my life they'd be like oh dude fuck i'm king of the world motherfucker no that's the difference i know i'm not shit that's why i show up every motherfucking day and give it everything i fucking have and that has to do with the goals i set for myself okay when i look at competitors i don't look at fucking uh other companies that are similar sizes as me. I look at fucking iconic brands that have been around for 40, 50, 60, 70, 100 years. I look at Nike's. I look at fucking Coca-Cola. I look at fucking Pepsi. I look at fucking McDonald's. I look at
Starting point is 00:19:01 Walmart. I ain't shit. And I'm very aware of it. The reason you see these fuckers flossing around town in their fucking leased car is because they are comparing themselves to the other motherfuckers that are doing that. I don't compare myself to those people. I compare myself to these people who have built something iconic over a fucking lifetime. And guess what? That keeps me going. That keeps me from realizing, uh, you know, that, that I'm, I built a pretty good life and understanding that I got to keep moving, not just for me, but for everybody else here and ever, all of our customers and everybody that's involved in everything I do. Like, I want to take it as far as i can so that we can get the most benefit for that growth and dude uh you know people don't get that you know they get
Starting point is 00:19:51 a little coin they get a little flash and they fucking run wild and they lose their shit you know so that's why i don't quit because i know i ain't shit and i got a long way to go and i i remind myself of that every fucking day oh man, man. Yeah. Fuck, guys. That was a van. Fuck. Well. That's fucking three, man. I mean, bro, look.
Starting point is 00:20:11 That's real shit. Yeah. You know, like, if you want to be fucking, if you want to be a legend, you better compare yourself to motherfucking legends. Not fucking Joe Schmo with fucking 687,000 Instagram followers who gets fucking 14 comments on his posts. Okay. So anyway, that's the show. That's the show, man.
Starting point is 00:20:31 All right. Love you guys. Appreciate you guys. Share the show. Yeah. Went from sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze. Fuck a bowl.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Fuck a stove. Counted millions in the cold. Bad bitch. Booty swole. Got her on bankroll. Can't fold That's a no, headshot, case closed

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