REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 211. #75HARD vs Savannah Simms

Episode Date: January 9, 2022

In today's episode, Andy & Savannah discuss why #75HARD is a mental shift to becoming the best version of yourself, how a new mother can overcome post-partum anxiety & depression during the program, a...nd how you can stop compromising with your bitch voice to become disciplined.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today i have a very special episode for you um before i get into it uh i'd like to remind you of the fee okay the fee is very simple if you like the show if it taught you something if it uh made you think if it if it gave you a new uh perspective if it if it made you think, if it gave you a new perspective, if it was good value, share the show for us, okay? We do this for free. I don't run ads on the show. I don't run ads for the show.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We run the show completely on word of mouth. And I think this is going to be a show that you're definitely going to want to share because it's going to be a 75 hard show. And I know a lot of you guys are just starting 75 hard. You're just kind of in the first week or so of it. You're probably really sore. You're probably figuring out like this is actually a lot harder than what the fuck I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And we're going to talk about those things today with my friend Savannah. How are you? So good. Yeah. How was the trip up? It was, I had a banger. Yeah, you did. A fender bender.
Starting point is 00:01:24 A little, little, little bump to the bone. Yeah. Oh,. I had a banger. Yeah, you did. A fender bender. A little bump to the bone. Yeah. Oh, well, it's just stuff. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you got here safely. I am too. So you're from Nashville. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Born and raised. One of the last ones around. It's getting big down there, huh? Yeah. We keep getting all these Californians. No offense to you guys, but please leave. No, no, no. All offense.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, yeah. It kind of sucks now. know what dude i don't have a problem with california guys it's just like don't go doing the same shit here right there yeah if you're gonna move vote red don't don't bring in your crap where everything was fine yeah or maybe just think about like man why did i move okay i moved because of this and this and this. What caused this? Yeah. This, this, this. Let's do some critical thinking.
Starting point is 00:02:09 You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. So I feel you, man. You know, I love the Midwest. It's my place. And Nashville always feels like home to me when I go there. It's so cool here. I feel like just looking around, it seems like there's so much history here.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And I wish I had time to- It's very similar to to nashville i think really yeah like you guys have a little bit more of a hilly landscape in my opinion but like the people the culture the history we've got a lot of civil war history around here things like that like it's it's very uh i think it's very similar like every time i really go to nashville i'm like man i could definitely live here yeah you know yeah emily was saying that you guys had your bachelor and bachelorette parties there we did yeah you guys need to come back yeah we do i do i uh i love that city so so 75 hard yes let's talk about that let's do so when did you uh what made you decide that you wanted to do this um i was basically the most rock bottom i've ever been in my life um i don't know how you feel about crying because it might happen we'll see
Starting point is 00:03:14 i had just had my daughter riley um and it was very unexpected like i was planning on doing it naturally and everything and then ended up having a c-section, which, you know, when you're told you're going to have a surgery in 10 seconds and rushed into a room and get sliced open from hip to hip, it's traumatizing. Yeah. And then, you know, I was dealing with that recovery. And right after that, like three weeks after that, my left knee dislocated out of nowhere. I was not even doing anything cool. It just popped out. So I had to go to hospital for that.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And then two weeks later, my other knee dislocated. No way. Yes. It kept life interesting, I guess you could say. I'd say. You weren't looking at it that way. Because I was like, I was so scared to even move or go up and down the stairs holding my daughter because I was scared that my, like, I was just going to fall apart.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah. Damn, dude, I wouldn't even think of that. Yeah. Yeah. I was so scared. And then so that kind of just exacerbated like the whole hormonal postpartum depression, anxiety, everything. And so that happened, just me feeling that way for like four months and i was
Starting point is 00:04:26 like downing a bottle of wine a night and just like just trying to suppress all of the fears and everything and because of that i was like the world's shittiest mom ever yeah um i was not waking up in the night to her cries i had no business being anybody's mom at that point yeah and i was just like what the fuck am i doing yeah yeah i felt horrible but i also felt horrible so like that's why i was drinking so much and my friend ali she was in the middle of doing 75 parts she was like a weekend and so she made a video on instagram and put it up and i was like that's weird she never really does videos i'll watch this and i got halfway through and she was talking about like how it's changed her life and all you have to do and that's when i decided i was like all right
Starting point is 00:05:17 i'm starting tomorrow i messaged her that and i did and yeah that's how i got into what were you expecting to get out of the program life yeah i was on i mean did you like do any research or you just saw her do it and you're like i'm doing it too she sent me episode 14 the podcast and so i listened to that but um i didn't do as much planning as i've heard other people have done going into it i actually think that the people who just jump right in do way better. I mean, that's what I found. Like people who plan this shit out. Yeah. They're just buying back into their old habits. Right. Yeah. Like that's why I tell people I'm like, dude, the day you hear a 75 are you should start that day or the next day. Right. The fucking day you hear the first time you hear my voice or see someone or you think at all
Starting point is 00:06:02 like, dude, I want to do this. You should go and make the commitment right there i'm fucking finishing it because i find that a lot of people they do the same thing you know like that we i'm sure you've done this before but like i used to do this thing where it's like you know i'm gonna start on monday yeah you know i'm saying a lot of people do yeah bro and then like a cop out oh dude and then like monday and tuesday weren't the problem right like i could stick to the diet mond Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday, all the way through the day, I could stick to the diet and then it would come to Wednesday night and I'd be like, man, I got two good days, you know, and I'd come up with some compromise. And then Thursday night, I'd go to happy hour.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Then Friday night, I go to happy hour. And Saturday I go drinking. Yeah. And it just would, you know, I'll start again on Monday. I can understand starting on Monday if you're doing anything except for 75 hard because there's rest days with working out and you can time it with the weekend and hang out with your friends. But with 75 hard, you're giving up almost three months of all of that.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So it doesn't matter what fucking day you start. No, it doesn't. It does not. No, it doesn't. And I think the sooner or longer that you wait, the more reasons that your bitch voice brain is going to talk you out of it exactly you know what i mean so starting it out you know um what'd you think starting out um i thought it was funny because i can't hide what i'm feeling on my face at all it's a blessing and a curse dude i i got that same thing yeah oh man i got
Starting point is 00:07:27 that same thing i know all about it i've been called out on it since i was like 10 yeah dude and in fact like my normal face like everybody says retching resting bitch face yes that's my normal fucking face i know same yeah everybody's like dude andy why are you always so pissed off i'm like bro i can't help it i was fucking born looking like this i have like i'm not mad i have ladies at restaurants come up to me all the time they're like who killed your dog and i'm like, bro, I can't help it. I was fucking born looking like this. I have, I'm not mad. I have ladies at restaurants come up to me all the time. They're like, who killed your dog? And I'm like, nobody. Like, I'm, I'm so happy right now.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, I get it, dude. Um, what was I going to say? No, we were going to talk about, uh, you know, what you're like, let's say, walk through the first couple of weeks of this. Right. So I, um, got on Instagram on day one and I was like, I'm doing this, I'm finishing it. But you could hear in my voice like how not excited I was and kind of also how I was feeling. And every single week on Sunday, I documented and like kind of did
Starting point is 00:08:21 a weekly recap, which I'm so glad I did because I can't hide what's on my mind or my face. I could see myself change the whole way through. And I watch that every so often, not to be vain, but just to remind myself, like, holy crap, like I am so different now. Do you ever look back at like the day, like, you know how like you're saying you went right into it and you were at rock bottom? One of the things that I think is important to note is how actually strong you were at that time. Because one of the things I look back at when I was like, when I was really heavy and out of shape was I thought I was so weak, but I actually was strong enough to push through the hardest part, which is those first 15 or 16 days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You know, like you ever look back now and think like, damn, dude, I was a little bit tougher than what I thought. Oh, I knew I was tough because I went through a C-section and two random knee dislocations. So like, and I was still working and still taking my daughter to work. And so like, I knew I had what it took. I just wasn't doing what needed to be done to get there. You know what I mean? Yeah. What,
Starting point is 00:09:26 what are some of the differences that you, that you've, you know, developed or learned about yourself? Um, just in, you know, in all areas.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Um, well, I'm pregnant again. I don't know if you know that. Thank you. This is a heck of a way to announce that to the world. Everyone, there's
Starting point is 00:09:45 another baby in me um i just so no beers today huh no absolutely not not for nine months so that's another reason why i started again i'm kind of doing experiments to see if i you know that's funny we just had a question on the show. I know. I was going to say, I'm so glad that someone asked that because the answer is yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can, you can, if you dare. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:11 I think anxiety and stuff and you know, all that, it just comes with parenthood in general. So I've learned, um, there's always something to worry about, but when it gets super, super powerful,
Starting point is 00:10:24 I now know what to do to fix it because the fact that essentially the second i started 75 hard and i was doing that to set aside time for just me and doing the work that i need to do on me i was 10 million times the mom like like instantly instantly from day one because i was putting aside that time for me because you can't give what you don't have that's right so i if i'm burning myself out only taking care of my daughter and i have absolutely nothing in my stores how am i supposed to give her the love and attention and you know focus that she needs or even be prepared and have clean pajamas for her if i'm like depressed depressed, laying on the couch, watching game of Thrones, drinking wine, like, you know, and that's the paradox of people,
Starting point is 00:11:08 people learn on the program. Right. Yeah. Um, you've talked to, I'm sure a bunch of people have done the program. Almost every single person that tells me, uh, about the program tells me some version of what you just said. Yeah. They say, dude, I thought it was going to take up all my time. And in fact, what it did was it showed me that I'm wasting a lot of my time. Yeah. I was reading a book and it was talking about how 20% of your effort makes up 80% of your results. So if you put the big stones in your bucket first and take care of the big stuff first, the little smaller stuff that doesn't have to get done like the sand and the little stones, they'll fit in that bucket. But if you put that stuff in first,
Starting point is 00:11:46 the big stones won't fit. Ever. Yeah. Never, ever. What were your results? I lost 34 pounds. I've lost 40 now. I've lost a few more since I finished.
Starting point is 00:11:56 That's awesome. Yeah. It was a lot. I went from, I think I got pregnant last time at 155 and I ended at 215 pounds. That's incredible because I can't even see you at 215. I was a monster. How tall are you?
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm 5'1". Yeah. Fuck. That's crazy. I was huge. I need to show you. It looked like fat me ate real me right now. Dude, listen, I can relate to that too.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You see my pictures oh my gosh yeah you look incredible now oh thank you well i'm i've regressed because of this little injury i'm dealing with but i appreciate it hey there's grace and i'll be back you know what it is it's the same thing it's the same thing you were saying like it's like fuck all right this sucks i gotta do something about it yeah you know what i mean versus this sucks i'm going to sit on the sideline and let it do what it does. Yeah. Which is the easiest thing to do. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And that's what most people do. You know, 10% of their life gets fucked up. So they fuck up the other 90% just because the 10% and they say, I'll clean it up later. And like, dude, that's just not. And then it never happens. It never happens. And it spirals over and over and over and over again. You know, when I started,
Starting point is 00:13:09 uh, when I started in on this program, I had never gone more than six days without achievement. And I didn't even know if I could fucking do that. Like when I, when I said 75 days, I'm like, holy shit, dude. But I mean, dude, the first Sunday came and went, the second Sunday came and went, the third Sunday came and went. And I was like, this is really not that hard, you know? And it totally changed my perspective on what I was able to accomplish because I had a huge mental block that had been conditioned in me that you had to have a cheat day every fucking week. Yes. The best thing I ever heard on 75 was your stomach does not have eyes. Yeah. If you eat nutrient dense food, even though you really want whatever it is you want, like the second you're full, it's over. Dude, that's a good point. Your stomach does not have
Starting point is 00:13:50 eyes. That's a good point because I do that and I don't even talk about it. Like, cause it's not like I don't have cravings for other things. Yeah. It's not like I don't want a pizza. Oh, we all do. Yeah. Like people think that this, like, this doesn't eliminate those things. Like you're all going to have those craving you're going to walk by that pizza place and smell that shit outside be like fuck that smells good and then you're going to look at everybody inside be like what about your fat asses and then you're going to keep walking you know i'm saying a craving is not your stomach telling you what you want it's your brain and the whole point of this program is to beat your brain that's it dude and like every
Starting point is 00:14:21 single every single temptation you start to see as a test against this program. And what you start to realize is that you are building your discipline muscle along the way. And like, dude, if you would just stick to your diet and you get that way and you start having a mental craving that you can't just push through, eat your next meal. You know what I'm saying? That's literally the only next step that you need to take. It's just fill your stomach because that's literally all your body's telling you. That's a great point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I've never even talked about that before, but that is great. Yeah. So what, what do you, what would you say to people who are thinking about it? Well, just the,
Starting point is 00:14:57 I know a lot of people just say, just do it, which I mean, yes, but, um, that you have nothing to lose, but excuses is my number one thing.
Starting point is 00:15:06 What do you do now when you catch yourself making excuses? Because I know like I still see, I think one of the biggest things that 75 Hard does is it makes you aware of your excuses. Right. Actually, I was telling them earlier, the best book that I read on 75 Hard the first time was Five Second second rule by mel robbins have you read that one i haven't but i'm familiar with the concept yeah so your brain like the second that you decide that you need to have to or want to should to anything do something
Starting point is 00:15:38 whether it's waking up early you know sitting down to do some work doing your homework blah blah you're you have five seconds from when you think that thought like i need to have to do this you have five four three two one before your brain can start um making excuses and finding reasons why you shouldn't so ever since reading that book i i don't make excuses really so the the thought pings in your head and you just go yeah i have to dude i get it you have to and so that was like one of the most helpful tools i i got in 75 hard was just um that cons like if i'm sitting on the couch you know watching tv which you know is another one of my vices one of my favorite pastimes because it's easy um and yeah i'll just
Starting point is 00:16:27 i mean oh i still have my outside workout yeah and i just turn it i turn it i turn it off and i go outside yeah i don't finish the episode i don't say oh start at five like no i just get up and go that's a huge deal man it's sort of like the production pivot that we talk about here which is basically the same concept in a different way um you know when you're laying on that couch and you start to think these things you know you have to go do it's basically the same thing it's just called something else um but you know when you have that that you know like for me like when i get home at night like yesterday i still had outdoor cardio to do because I wasn't able to do it here. I got home. I sat down in my, in my garage.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I got some chairs in there. I was sitting down. I was chilling. I'm like, fuck, I still got to do outdoor. And like, dude, I got the fuck up and went and moved. Yeah. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Just go.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah, dude. And that's a thing that I think that concept has been something that has driven my personal success um to another level since i figured that out yeah you know a number of years ago which was i don't know when it was but it's something that i've been teaching for a long time and um you know when so when you guys have thoughts and you guys have uh frustrations and you guys have you know comfort thoughts guys have net, you know, comfort thoughts, meaning like, you know, this bullshit that we all tell ourselves, oh man, I had a long day. I don't feel, I still got that, but you know, no one's going to know or, you know, or, you know, I don't know. Like, I, I don't know if I feel like maybe this would be the day that I just
Starting point is 00:18:00 start over tomorrow. Like you start thinking that shit, you got to fucking go, you got to get the fuck up, put on your shoes and go outside and work out. And like, I think that concept, it applies in, in literally every area of life. And it turns you from someone who makes excuses to someone who can then use those excuses to actually get better. Because dude, if you can use the excuses and the justifications that your brain comes up with to actually get better. Because dude, if you can use the excuses and the justifications that your brain comes up with to actually improve, you have a competitive advantage over everybody else because everybody else hears that shit and they're powerless to it. Right. But when, let's say it's a work thing, right? Like, uh, Oh fuck, I got to call Joe and Joe's kind of a dick. I don't really want to talk to Joe. You know what you got to do?
Starting point is 00:18:45 You pick up the fucking phone and call Joe. Yeah. And five minutes after that, you're going to feel good. You know what I mean? And that's part of controlling this, this, this powerless feeling that we have in this anxious feeling that we all have.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And, and I've discovered that the anxious feeling that we all have doesn't necessarily come from the work that we have to do. It comes from us knowing that we have to do the work, right? Like it's not the work that's that bad. It's the, it's the thinking and the overanalyzing and the, and, and the knowing. And then like, once you take those first two or three steps towards that, that all goes away. That I'm so glad you said that because my very worst day, I still had two workouts to do at like nine o'clock. And I literally, my husband was like, you need to get out there and get it done.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You're going to be up so late. I'm like, I know it's fine. Went outside. I was like, you know, crying, sniffling, patting so hard. And I actually made a video that day and I look back at it now. I'm like, what is this? Yeah. But dude, how proud were you at the end of that day? So proud. And looking back now that those 45 minutes that I hated so bad then, I don't even think about them now. It's not going to ruin your life. It's not going to kill you. Like those 45 minutes are going to pass whether you're working out or not. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:05 You should absolutely be working out. What was your, was that your, was that your hardest day? The day, it's on my 75 hard story reel. You'll know which one it is. I haven't seen it, but I'm going to watch it. What's your Instagram so people can watch this? It's underscore, underscore, the Sims, underscore, underscore. Underscore, underscore, the Sims.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Two Ms. Underscore, underscore. Yes. All right all right so dude i remember my hardest day i can fucking tell you exactly what it was it was the first time i went through um we had rta summit here in st louis uh i was i did my morning workout um in the gym i had to go speak literally all day, speak and teach all day, do dinner, do the whole thing, dude. And that shit, like for those of you who don't do that, that speaking is legitimately one of the most exhausting things you can do because there's a period of preparation. There's a period of, of emotional energy delivery. And, and, you know, there's anxiety, all kinds of things going to play
Starting point is 00:21:05 when you're going to teach i don't care how good you are um it's just part of the deal and so when you get done you know i think i spoke twice that day for maybe an hour and a half each time and uh bro i was fucking exhausted and i remember i got home and it was like one o'clock in the morning and i'm like fuck i still gotta do my cardio and i i took my bike i had a upright bike i pulled it out in the driveway it's like two o'clock in the morning dude and i live in an at this i lived it was not at my new the house i'm living at now but at my last house which is a nice subdivision you know like there's like a lot of successful people in there and shit right and i'm out there at two o'clock in the morning riding the the bike. And dude, I literally
Starting point is 00:21:46 was falling asleep on the fucking bike. Like I can remember pedaling and like, sort of like phasing out of it and then waking up and it was like 38 minutes in. And I'm like, holy fuck, I'm almost done. And then that last like, you know, seven or eight minutes was just like brutal. Yeah. But I remember getting done with that and being like, that's what the fuck it is, man. And I can still remember that. It was three, three years ago. And I still remember that one workout. And that's where everything switched for me, where I was like, dude, I got this shit.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah. Nobody could fucking do this. Nobody could fuck with me. You know what I mean? And that's the, that's the benefit of these, of these workouts outdoors in the elements that are inconvenient because most of us guys, we don't attempt to do things when they're inconvenient. We don't attempt to do things when the situation isn't ideal for us to go. We are told and we are hammered with mediocre mentality everywhere we look. I mean, you look in the magazines, you look on TV, you look on the
Starting point is 00:22:51 internet, you look everywhere. So it doesn't seem abnormal to be that way. But the truth is, if you're going to accomplish anything or if you're going to develop any power in yourself ever, you are going to have to attack the shit that is inconvenient. And I can remember doing that. And after that workout, dude, I mean, I is inconvenient. And I can remember doing that. And after that workout, dude, I mean, I've done a lot of hard workouts after that. I remember another one I did last year in January where it was minus 18 degrees and it was fucking snowing. And I was outside doing cardio and I had all my snow shit on. You guys remember this? People thought I was a fucking thought I was skiing. They're like, bro, what mountain you on? I'm like, I call my driveway, dude. Like I'm out here getting this cardio. They're like, you're doing cardio. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:23:28 yeah. I'll never forget one night I was, I was really sore. So I was doing two outdoor walks the one night and a friend of mine, her mom lives in my neighborhood. And so she was visiting her mom for the evening. And, you know, she saw me as i was walking the first time and then a couple hours later i was out it was like you know 11 o'clock when she was leaving and she calls me she's like are you okay like i saw you walking earlier in the rain and now you're doing it again like are you and patrick okay i'm like yeah i'm fine i'm just doing 75 dude and then you're crazy dude i have people come up and stop their car and be like man you need help like no no i got this bro no i'm good i'm supposed to be out here yeah dude but i like
Starting point is 00:24:12 that stuff yeah like i like that stuff because when i'm doing those things i'm thinking in my head like i'm thinking like i actually what i think about my head is all my business competitors like that's what i think about i don't know what you guys all think about. I can tell you what I think about. I think about this. I know that every motherfucker I compete with in business ain't doing that. Every single one. When I see motherfuckers on vacation, it motivates me to go work. Like for real. Like I'm twisted as fuck when it comes to that. But like, dude, when I'm out there in the snow and it's 11 o'clock at night and no one else is doing anything, dude, there's an immense sense of fucking value to that.
Starting point is 00:24:48 You know, like you get home and you're like, dude, no one's fucking doing that. Like no one, no one just did that. Like no one on the planet just did what I just did. And like, dude, that's a powerful feeling. Yeah. And some people never, ever, ever felt that before in their entire life. And what you have to understand is that by tackling things, whether it be in 75 hard or whether it be in your life that need addressing and the elements are not ideal. Dude, every time you overcome that,
Starting point is 00:25:21 you've overcome a test and you've invested in your mental discipline, in your self-belief, in your confidence, in your grit, into all these things that, you know, I look at it like, you know, like on a video game where dude might be playing football and he's got like 99 speed, 99, you know, acceleration, 80 strength. And, you know, there's a discipline column there. Right. right and like so you have to invest we all have that yeah and we're never told that we're never told like hey um if you don't fucking train your brain your brain's gonna be shit we're not told that yeah who told us that nobody i've never been told that you know how to figure it out society tells us the opposite everything around us is is convenience
Starting point is 00:26:05 and okay it's okay yeah everything's okay it's to be strived for yeah and i think it's weird isn't it weird that like if everything's supposed to be accepted and everything's okay especially my generation how old are you i'm 24 oh yeah so like the what dude you know what i actually think that the 24 and under kids are starting to fucking figure it out like they're starting to see the reality of what's going on in the world i have a lot of hope because of that like you should see the ones that listen to show like they're they're on it like some of the big like like uh ari that came in here you know i'm saying like they're some of the most active active uh vested people out there i think I'm actually kind of excited about that, but
Starting point is 00:26:45 it's neither here nor there. Uh, but the point is, is that like, dude, we're not fucking told that we're not told that we need to invest into making ourselves disciplined. We're just told that discipline and all these things grit forward to their things you either have or you don't have. And it's just not the truth. And so no one's ever come out and said, Hey man, um, you need to invest in that. You need to clean that up and you need to maintain that on a normal, normal basis. Just like you would maintain a physical shape or just, uh, you know, your house or whatever we're talking about. And the value in that guys, and if you've never had it before is immense because you literally have no idea what you're capable of until you start doing things. You know, and most people just never even try to accomplish anything
Starting point is 00:27:30 hard because they say, look, it's hard. Well, no shit. But are you thinking about what you're getting out of it? Are you thinking about where you're going to go? Are you thinking about how you're going to grow? I mean, dude, I'm not here to sit down and ride away. You know, I'm not here to sit on my couch and eat fucking dominoes and chill until I'm 80 years old and fucking be old and die. None of us are. And so you guys are out there and you're trying to figure out what's wrong and why you feel this anxiety and why you feel this frustration. The reason that you feel that is because you know, you're capable of more and you're not on the path to producing that for yourself you know you're not even trying you're not going in to uh the gym you're not practicing discipline with your food you're not being the best you could be anywhere
Starting point is 00:28:17 you're just consuming and floating and going through and of course if that's how you live you're going to feel depressed you're going to feel anxious all the time. It's never going to go away. And what frustrates me is how society tries to pacify these things where it's okay to accept yourself the way you are. Well, dude, if someone feels like total shit and you're telling them it's okay, that's not going to cure their feeling of feeling like total shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You're fine means nothing. Right, dude. And that's why we have all these people in life like total shit. Yeah. You're fine means nothing. Right, dude. And that's why we have all these people in life who are like, I don't know what's wrong. I just don't feel right. I don't know what it is, but I have all this anxiety. I don't know why this or that. Well, the fucking reason that you are that is because you're wasting your life.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I think a big reason too is people just don't want to get that involved. They don't want to be like, oh, have you tried this? Or have you looked into this? They just want to be like, no, you're fine fine because it's also just a lack of people caring about each other genuinely yeah i think yeah well dude and i'll never do that again well i think that they think caring is you know caring is is making you feel better or making you feel better in the moment telling you what you think you want yeah right exactly like dude why are you pushing yourself that's uncomfortable that's causing you pain yeah you should just relax
Starting point is 00:29:28 because then you'll feel good you deserve it yeah and guys that is the wrong thing oh yeah i'm just telling you and like if you listen to all these you know people out there plugging this fucking shit down your brain like oh dude uh you know you need to love yourself for who you are and you're 380 pounds and you know it's's just okay. It's not fucking okay. Yeah. It's not okay. It's not because it's not okay. Not because you're big and you look weird.
Starting point is 00:29:52 It's not okay because you're wasting your fucking life and you're not aware of it. That's what makes it not okay. I don't, it's not like I see someone who's overweight and it like offends my fucking eyes and I'm like, that's fucking disgusting. That's not it. What it is, is I see it and I'm like, fuck, dude, you're giving up your whole life. You're wasting your whole life.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You're not even figuring it out. And dude, that's frustrating. You know what I mean? And I have people that message me every single day and they're like, I don't know what the fuck's going on, man. I'm just like off. I don't know if it's the world. I don't know if it's, dude, what it is, is that you are not pursuing your own true potential
Starting point is 00:30:26 in any way, shape or form. And that's causing you an internal anxiety that you can't understand because you're not even aware that you have more potential. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like you, you guys, every single person listening to this show has immense potential to be productive in life. And I don't mean productive in a money way. I mean, I mean
Starting point is 00:30:46 that way too, but I'm talking about in a fulfillment way. Like, dude, what's, what's more important than having confidence? What's more important than having self-esteem? What's more important than feeling good about yourself? Those are the keys to everything. Dude, it is. It's the total key to happiness. One of the biggest things I learned doing this is that like once you once you finish 75 hard you realize there is no ceiling there is no this is it this is the end there's always more it's just up to you whether or not you're going to attack it or not yeah and what i'm no ceiling dude there isn't and the thing is is that you guys who are out there wondering you know what it is that you know what you're looking for something right like i'm looking for something i don't feel like i have it i'm lost on this and that
Starting point is 00:31:30 look dude the reason you feel that way is because you're not in control of what's going on yeah and people will argue well you can't be in control of what's going that's right you can't you can't control everything that's the point the point is is you can't control if it's fucking four degrees outside like it is today. Yeah. You can't control if your husband or wife leaves you. You can't control if the stock market crash. You can't control a whole bunch of shit in life or a whole bunch of shit. The point is you have to learn to operate in spite of those things.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah. Because those things are going to roll in, dude, like they're coming. It's like the ocean, like there's going to be another wave and there's going to be another wave and there's going to be another wave. And most people wait their whole lives waiting for there not to be any waves before they act and not realizing they're standing on an ocean out on a fucking lake. I remember all the invitations I didn't go. I didn't take advantage of because I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I remember wearing the same clothes every fucking day for you know years because it was the only outfit that like hid my fatness you know what i mean and like dude i understand very clearly what that's like and i don't want you guys to live that way and that's where that passion comes from you know it's like imagine sitting sitting across from someone and they're like oh i really want that you know water bottle that's right in front of me and you just sitting sitting across from someone and they're like oh i really want that you know water bottle that's right in front of me and you just keep sitting across from me like okay reach out and grab it yeah and they they just keep saying oh i really want that water bottle that's right it's like right there after a million times of you saying that you're gonna
Starting point is 00:32:59 get a little intense and like yeah listen to me yeah i'm like yeah grab it yeah well and dude it's just my natural demeanor anyway like i get i'm easily excited so but like dude especially when it comes to like seeing people win because i see how powerful it is i mean it's so much fun dude it really is man uh and seeing people like you who have completely gone from a situation where you know you're you're at rock bottom in your own words you know depressed uh to where you know you're you're at rock bottom in your own words you know depressed uh to where you know it's like dude your before and after pictures are some of the most impressive i've ever seen if you guys haven't seen her pictures yet you have to go to instagram and look at them um double underscore sims double underscore uh it's it's amazing what
Starting point is 00:33:42 she's done what i mean yeah it's just i just wish i could bottle that feeling and like give you like give everybody like a little taste of it i know i wish i wish too yeah i do like like i'll give you i tried to film it all because i and i tried to make the video without crying but i was like maybe i should just keep this because it was so raw. A lot of people listening, you know, that aren't single, that aren't childless. And is the program hard, you know, if you are single and childless? Yes, probably. I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:34:14 But being on this side of this and having a baby and having a spouse and having a house that I have to run on my own and having a job that I go to every day, just some things about that. You can do it. There's no combination of any day, and believe me, I've had quite a few that you can't get it done. If you are a single parent, you can get it done. Some things that I did to get it done, utilize nap times. If you have a young child, like do your 45 minutes during one of those nap times, the dishes can wait, like they will get done. You also have to get your 45 minutes done. It's a huge chunk of time that you need to get it over with. As far as your outside workout goes, take the baby monitor. Once they're
Starting point is 00:35:00 in bed out into the driveway and bust out some hit workouts in the driveway. I did not go to the gym one time during this entire thing. You don't have to. You don't have to. Yeah. I got a gym membership as an exit plan when I did N75 hard to keep up that discipline because I would have time to go. Well, a lot of people are intimidated to go to a gym. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You know, that's a whole, that's a whole not nother topic but that's something that we at first form have been very aggressively fighting against for the last decade um and it's intimidating right yeah well i mean i love it there but no no i do too but like dude nobody wants to like even when i had been lifting and i've been a high level athlete and all these things when i was 350 pounds dude even though i knew everything in the gym i knew every machine i knew every what to do i knew bro i was embarrassed to go yeah you know i'm saying and like that kept me from going from the time i was like i can remember dude i was 308 pounds and i was like fuck that sucks i don't want to go to the gym so i didn't next time i got on the scale after that i was 350 yeah you know i'm saying Like I should have fucking went, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:06 And dude, but I didn't go because like, dude, that's me. Like I'm a big, like, I don't know, man. Like I just, I just really hope that if you're listening to this and you're one of these people who's been putting this off and you're thinking that it's all just a diet or a trend or a thing, dude, this is a life mental transformation program that if you force yourself through those 75 days, you will never, ever, ever, ever be the same again. Now I'm not saying you won't get fat again. What I'm saying is you'll know what to do if that, if you get off track, you'll know how to solve it. You'll know how to
Starting point is 00:36:40 bring yourself back in line. And, um just very thankful for how things have worked out with this program because it is really cool to be able to jump on the 75 hard hashtag when I'm not feeling like it. That happens to me all the time where I'm like, dude, I do not want to do this. And I'll jump on 75 hard hashtag. And usually I don't even have to go to the hashtag because I'll be able to see in my tags, in my DMss and I'll see two or three people who have just finished that day and I'm like fuck that's awesome yeah there's a lot that finish every day yeah it's cool especially around you know St. Patrick's Day which something I did have you ever have you ever counted how many days are in between each U.S. holiday each year okay that's
Starting point is 00:37:20 something I did because the number one excuse that I hate the most out of everybody that said that I don't want to do it is I don't want to miss a holiday. On those holidays, on those birthdays, on those weddings, on those things, those are all tests along the way that you get to make major investments into your mental discipline that you don't, it's an opportunity. It's how you have to see it. Like you guys who have, uh, holidays or weddings or vacations or this or that, or this, and you don't think that you could do this program. There's people every fucking day that do that every fucking day. And dude, that
Starting point is 00:37:58 is one of the biggest opportunities that you're going to have to invest is whenever the things are very hard and like, dude, you're going to go to this event and people are gonna be like, what are you doing? And you know, you're going to say, Oh, you know, I'm doing 75 hard. And they're going to say, Oh dude, I saw you just relax one day, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, but I'm going to tell you when you get home after you just won that and you didn't give in, you're going to feel strong. You're that, that deposit that you made into your discipline, into your grit, into your fortitude, into your self-belief, you're going to feel immediately after that event. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 You said this one time where, you know, you start off being like, oh, no, I can't. I'm doing 75 hard. And then you get to the point where you just say no. And I feel like that should be a goal of everyone doing this program, like just to say no. Because, you know, if you're like i don't know i can't i'm on this diet like you're kind of trying to get attention that way and it's just like i don't know i i thought it was one of the most freeing things ever to learn how to have fun at these kinds of events without gorging myself without getting you know shit based and actually
Starting point is 00:39:02 remember them yeah yes that too and like there's a difference between like not being able to drink because you're pregnant and then not being able to drink because you chose not to like it's it's definitely harder not to drink on 75 hard than it is to when you're pregnant because you don't want like a a broken baby yeah right yeah there's real life consequences yeah yeah so but yeah there's real life consequences. Yeah. Yeah. So, but yeah. There's real life consequences too, to, to drinking at social events. Anyway, you know, people we're, we're conditioned and listen, dude, I'm not saying I never drink. Like I I'll get it now. It's way less than it used to be.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Now it might be a couple of times a year, but the point is, is that, you know, you guys should really think about why it is that alcohol is pushed so heavy onto our population, why it's bred into our lifestyle, why is it such a big part of everything that we do, and you should really analyze that because there is a reason why, and it isn't for money. It's a downer. Dude. It's not even that fun if you think about it. I can't think of one time that I was like in the movies where they're like yeah no i always get really sad and i cry what well i mean dude that's
Starting point is 00:40:12 that's what it does yeah and if you think about the way it's pushed and the way it's advertised and people think this is conspiracy shit but i don't believe it is um i believe that they allow alcohol to be sold uh heavily and marketed heavily you know to help people fucking be controlled that's just what i think like dude if you are someone who drinks three or four days a week or two days a week you're being controlled by fucking what they want you just aren't aware of it you just aren't aware of it like you think it's normal shit but the problem is is that it creates a situation in your brain where you're not fully functioning you're not fully aware you're off your game you make easier decisions you compromise it makes you mentally weaker and these things all affect your entire existence on this planet
Starting point is 00:40:59 and the most important part that it affects is your actual fulfillment because if you can't accomplish anything if you can't be a great mother, right, you're going to feel like shit. Yeah. You're going to feel like fucking shit. And that's just reality. And they're going to tell you, oh, that's okay. You need, you need Zoloft or whatever the fuck you need.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You know, I'm not downing that shit. Like I'm not, look, I take antidepressant medicine. I have since 2007. And so I am, I am someone who has benefited from that and i'm very open about that uh but i don't think i would have ever needed it had i fucking figured this out ahead of time yeah i think there's a lot of you know quote unquote natural ways dude 100 to fix shit and not everybody is depressed no not actually no i mean mine was like a very hormonal induced and like you know the way it all works is the
Starting point is 00:41:55 further displaced you get from that you know event birth yeah you know the it should at least go away which you know 75 hard kind of gave me a regimen structure which is the best way to fight anxiety because you know what to expect and wait that's a great point dude that is a great point structure yeah how many of you guys that are feeling this crazy way about life dude you're feeling this like uncertainty this anxiety this like undescribable weird feeling in your stomach like something ain't right like the reason that you feel that way is because you're floating through fucking life with no structure at all you know when we have a plan of attack we don't feel anxiety we just attack yeah you know yeah and so that was like just a great like arrow like just to get me from a to b
Starting point is 00:42:42 and you know time you have more time when you do 75 hard but it also flies by i could not believe when i got to the end of 75 days how fast it was it feels like forever when you're in it yeah but when you're when you get to the end you're like wow i it was like a week i should do this every year which i would i plan on doing so that's awesome yeah what do you think was the biggest like if you could name like just a few big takeaways for yourself, what would you say you're most thankful for and proud of of yourself? I can say with confidence that 75 hard saved my life. I think that if I would have stayed doing the things that I was doing, there would have
Starting point is 00:43:24 been some sort of intoxication overdose something along those lines because that's how dark it was but like or you know I would have fallen and hit my head because I was uncoordinated and my knees are very undependable apparently um and so you know it saved my life and just i knew i had to do it because of my daughter and and my husband but like you know more my baby yeah he'd make it fine um yeah so i just also looking back at you know the videos that i made the before and after photos and just because there were you know periods and that's why like it's very important to stress that it's not a weight loss thing because there was a very large chunk of time um in the middle where the scale did not budge at all. I was stuck at 145 for probably four weeks. So if, if your reason for
Starting point is 00:44:29 starting this is solely for weight loss, which I feel like personally, I feel like weight loss can be absolutely a reason why you would, but it just can't be the only reason. Yeah, dude. The thing is, and I say it's, you know, it's not a weight loss program, but most of the people that do it are people who need to lose weight, not gain weight. But I do see people a lot of times who are already in good shape to do the program exclusively for the mental focus and discipline and all the things they get out of it. But, you know, you will lose a fuck ton of weight doing it. If you do it right.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. If you do it right. And if you do it hard, because you you do it right. Yeah. If you do it right. And if you do it hard because you can do it right and still only do refit and go on a walk every day. But that's not going to give you the results. You're supposed to be pushing yourself at a somewhat intense level of what's going on. And that doesn't have to, guys, that does not mean you have to go do CrossFit that makes you throw up every single workout every single day because that, yes, is not sustainable. You will burn out. You will not be able to finish.
Starting point is 00:45:34 You really have to do the program but listen to your body at the same time. It's like some days you are, yes, you are going to need two walks a day for a day. You're going to need that. You're going to need that reset. You're going to need two walks a day for a day you're going to need that you're going to need that reset you're going to need some yoga you're like i didn't i didn't go hard on my hit workouts every single day but that is the majority of what i did and i chose cardio because well dude sometimes just getting it done is fucking intense yeah like when i'm out on the bike at two o'clock in the fucking morning yeah sometimes i'm just getting. Yeah. The fact that you did it is hard enough. That's what I'm saying, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Yeah. So what are you, what are you going to do from here? I am on day seven of 75 hard again because I would have failed phase three had I done the live hard year BSC section
Starting point is 00:46:21 and all that stuff. So I'm doing 75 hard again. I will end i think the day before st patrick's day um and then i start training for my first half marathon on the 29th so that will take me through my entire second trimester and i will be running a half marathon 25 weeks pregnant that's awesome's awesome. I'm excited. Yeah. And then my experiment slash goal is to, because I was four months postpartum in my before picture, the first round in 75 part. My goal is this time, four months postpartum. I want to look
Starting point is 00:46:59 like I've never even seen a baby before. Like I want, I want it, I want it to look like it never even happened. So, and I'm going to be that much tougher because of it. Cause this, this pregnancy was unexpected. And so it's going to be a mental battle the whole time. Were you ever, were you this, were you as sure of yourself before? Cause you come across like, like when you just said, uh, I will be running the marathon 20 something weeks pregnant. Yeah. You said that with absolute certainty.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Were you always that way? Not really. But I say with more conviction now because that's- Because you know it's going to happen. Well, I know that because that's exactly what I said the first day that I started 75 hard the first time. I said, I will be doing this. I will not give up.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And I know those are the statements that you have to make. You can't say, I'll give it a try. I'll, I'll try it out. That's, that's 100%. You are, you have already signed the contract saying I will fail. That's right. You've already done that. That's right. You have to say, I will be doing this and you have to agree to it once. Yep. Just one time. Yep. You're not going to say, oh, I'll get through today every single day. Like, no, you've already committed one time in the beginning. You're going to finish it the whole way through. Every other day is just part of that whole commitment that you made. That's it. So I've, I've taught myself to say, I will be doing this. I will be doing this because that's the only way you can be for sure that you will.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Yeah. That's a huge thing, man. I'm saying it to a lot of people. So now I can't not, you know, I can relate to that too. You kind of have to like own your own. I like that though. Like, dude, I like the fact that I,
Starting point is 00:48:33 that I talk a lot of shit, like, you know, and I say, Hey, I'm fucking do this. And you know, I used to be like,
Starting point is 00:48:39 yeah, you're fucking fat. You're gonna do shit, bro. You're a fat ass. You're this, that, that.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Now, like when i say that shit i don't get no laughy faces in my fucking reactions you know why because motherfuckers know and what really kept me going the whole time was because i said that on instagram i i know for a fact that there are people that check my instagram right all the time that hate my guts that want to see me fail and the worst thing that i could imagine possibly doing was failing and then being like haha i knew it she couldn't do it dude i had dreams like horrible dreams about failing did you ever have those yeah for sure like dude wake like were you
Starting point is 00:49:16 were like you felt like you drank or cheated or something yes yeah dude for sure i had ones about eating cupcakes and i don't even like i really eat that yes yeah i also peed the bed one time i didn't tell patrick that so honey i'm sorry i changed the sheets before you know it was all the water dude it was i i i drank it all right before bed and it wasn't like a huge spot but it did happen i just i was so embarrassed hey it happens you do what you do hey listen we talk about on the show man like if you ain't shit your pants a little bit you ain't even you're lying yeah liar well I put in the Facebook group and apparently it happens to a lot of people so don't feel bad if that was you good I was remember the first real AF we talked about the fucking the sock story
Starting point is 00:50:00 what was the sock story oh my god dude sock sock underwear yeah yeah what episode was that bro anyway it's it's a long story okay i'll give you the episode to go listen yeah i will but uh yeah man i don't know like episode three episode three dumb protocol yeah go to listen to episode three you'll understand the story okay oh man so what else you got going on today um finish your shit well i love aquariums and i saw you have one so i will probably check that out but i am going to be walking around outside with lexi yeah yeah lexi lexi works here now she does and she is now one of my buddies yeah dude she's awesome she really is yeah yeah we've talked for like i can talk to her on the phone for hours and it does not feel like that long oh so you guys are
Starting point is 00:50:49 like buddy buddies oh yeah that's awesome yeah i talked to her on the way up here we met in the gym in person for real you guys gotta hang out after this yeah we're gonna walk outside do our outside workout dude she's badass she is i love having her here too yeah like i could tell she's gonna be a fucking huge asset yeah you know especially with like her not being able to go. Just a weird how that worked out. Like if you guys don't know, you guys heard Lexi on the show. She was supposed to go to the University of Florida and they mandated a vaccine and she doesn't want to get the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah. And so she said, fuck, I'm not going. And she came here. I'm going to make sure that that's not a decision that she regretted. Yeah. You know what I mean? Well, she loves working here. She talks about all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Really? Yeah. Good. That's good to hear. Yeah. That's that's really good to hear from someone know what I mean? Well, she loves working here. She talks about it all the time. Really? Yeah. Good. That's good to hear. Yeah. That's really good to hear from someone else because everybody always says that, you know, but I like to make sure it's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Well, when I found out that she was working here, I was like, okay, well, I have to like message her and we texted for hours and talked on the phone for hours. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. She's a good bud. Yeah. That's crazy too.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Like, dude, I've met a lot of people through 75 hard that I'm friends with now too. Yeah. Like that I didn't know before. It's a, it's a pretty, pretty huge community. Yeah. That's crazy too. Like, dude, I've met a lot of people through 75 hard that I'm friends with now too. Yeah. Like that I didn't know before. It's a, it's a pretty, pretty huge community. Yeah. There was this one guy in the Facebook group. He was like, Hey, I'm traveling the United States on my way to a funeral, but I want to meet up with you guys and work out. And so I worked out with him one time cause he came through Nashville. It was just like, he wasn't like a serial killer. No, I see now how there could have been risks to that, but we talked before, but he was really cool. And it was just like super awesome because like you start to notice like the people that
Starting point is 00:52:12 have finished it. We're all like kind of the same caliber of people. Like we all get it. Yeah. People who are doing shit. Yeah. It's just such a great community. So if you're listening and you haven't done it yet and you feel like you're missing that
Starting point is 00:52:24 in your life, the only way you can gain admittance is to do it dude you know what that's such a great point that's such a great point like you if you're somebody who's surrounded by you know all these people who fucking whine all the time no do this program and you'll find yourself surrounded by people that don't yeah so and So. And I will say if I think, I think for the majority of everyone, the food part is the hardest part. Yeah. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Um, in that case, like definitely choose a very specific diet. I found that help with me a lot. Cause I am a snacker and I grab a lot of stuff. So like if you're choosing a macro diet, you're like, I hate to say it like,
Starting point is 00:53:04 yeah, it's going to help you reach your goals better, but you're probably going to fail because you're choosing a macro diet you're like i hate to say it like yeah it's going to help you reach your goals better but you're probably going to fail because unless you're really disciplined there's a lot of gray area of what you could have you know you know what's cheap food and you know what's not yeah and if you're doing a macro program you shouldn't be fucking filling it with fucking cupcakes yeah or like even just super greasy stuff that is still meat or whatever but like so for me like i chose paleo it's like there's like four food groups there's fruits nuts vegetables and meat that's all you can have yeah
Starting point is 00:53:38 and you can you know turn it into a pancake but it's still going to be made out of nuts and vegetables. Yeah. So like there's no way around it. So that's why. So is this where the gross food thing comes from? The nut and vegetable pancakes? No, they're actually not that bad, but they are paleo. Wait, you fucking made those for real?
Starting point is 00:53:58 There's like a mix you can buy that's 100% paleo. And you ate that mix? Yeah. That sounds gross. No, you want me to come over and I'll make you one? No, but I'll try that fucking soda, but I didn't eat that. No, thank you. No, they're actually good.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But yeah, so I would just say just choose a really specific diet if you feel like food's going to be something that's probably going to do you in within the first three days. Because that way you just know, like, yes, I think food i think a lot of people suffer from food addiction they don't really understand that they do though yeah i think a lot of people who comfort themselves with emotional eating and foods and things like that they're not aware of what they're doing it's just something they're doing so it just goes back to convenience too yeah i mean dude every like dude when i was a little bitty kid, you know, I remember coming home from school and like packing like four slices of cheese and Doritos on a fucking
Starting point is 00:54:51 sandwich and eating it. You know what I'm saying? Like that sounds so good. Yeah. I mean, like that's how I grew up though. Like I grew up like just eating was like, it wasn't to, it wasn't to live. It was like something that I just liked. It was like a hobby.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Yeah. Yeah. I was good at it. Oh yeah. Yeah was like something I just liked. It was like a hobby. Yeah, yeah. I was good at it. Oh, yeah. We all are. But mainly, man, I just want to say thank you for coming up. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you for being an example for other people who are looking to take back their life and to figure out how they can start to build and actually become the best version of themselves
Starting point is 00:55:26 when they're at rock bottom. Because I know what that feels like too. I know what that feels like to be at rock bottom. I know what it feels like to feel powerless. I know what it feels like to stand at the top or at the bottom of that mountain and look up at the top and be like, fuck, this is insurmountable, the amount of work I have to do. And you don't have to be at rock bottom. That does not have to be your starting why. Like you, that's not the point of this guys. Like all you have to do is to be not where you want to be. That's it. And that should be everybody. Yeah. It is everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that should be your why is I'm not where I ultimately want to be, which is all of us because we're all not dead yet. So that's it, dude. Well, thanks for coming on the show, Savannah. I appreciate you. And I have
Starting point is 00:56:10 a ton of respect for what you've done. And, uh, I'm looking forward to watching you run that marathon. Yeah, I will. I'll send you my next four month postpartum photos and we'll compare them. So guys, that's the show. If you just listen to this and you don't know about 75 hard, you can go to episode 208 and it will explain 75 hard and live hard. It's all in one episode. Now there's a book available online. We are sold out until like the end of the month. And it always sells out. So if you see me post it, that it's in, it will be sold out that day. So make sure that you either get on the email. Um, and it always sells out. So if you see me posted that it's in, it will be sold out that day. So make sure that you, uh, either get on the email list or, or, or whatever. But the important thing to remember is that it's not required to buy the book. Everything in the
Starting point is 00:56:54 program is done for free. Uh, I don't charge anything. There's no obligation to buy anything. There's it's, it's free, like the real free, not like the free at the cell phone store okay um so go check out that episode episode 208 check out the 75 hard hashtag look at what people are doing communicate with some people and decide for yourself there's something that you need but i know you already need it because everybody needs it uh i love you guys i appreciate you guys and i'll catch up with you next time.

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