REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 214. Q&AF: Spreading The Message, Restarting #75HARD & Cultivating Leaders

Episode Date: January 14, 2022

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on why it's important for him to continue to spread the truth about what's happening in America, why you shouldn't discount yourself when restarting #75...HARD, and the best way to prepare your employees for future leadership roles.  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have q and af this is where i can ask questions and i give you the af answer and you can take that however you want i'm here my boy dj what's up dude what's going on baby what we got today you got q and af man all right got some good ones for you all right these are all i like this i like this. I like this style. Grabbed by the dick. Yeah. Dude, the internet's going crazy right now.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Are they? I got a shit ton of you. It was a good show. Was it? It was fucking funny. Yeah. We're funny. Are we?
Starting point is 00:00:55 I think we're pretty funny. God doesn't think I'm that funny, but I mean. And you're pretty funny. Listen, it is whatever it is. I don't care. It's funny to me. If you don't laugh at me you're racist yeah that's right you better laugh at dj otherwise you're truly racist you better you better i'm
Starting point is 00:01:11 if you laugh at my shit you're definitely you're you're all right if you don't laugh at me extremist fucking whatever they say no if you don't laugh at me there's no s'mores for you i'll just be like no s'mores no s'mores oh fuck got three good ones for you people are fucking insane dude they're so stupid you know what i think dude i think the time is coming real soon where people are really going to have to pick a side you know do they do they stand with tyranny and wearing a mask and getting forced vaccines and getting forced your business shut 90 year old people wearing the pins running the government you know uh more restrictive freedom higher taxes um cities and chaos you're gonna have to decide if you stand with that or if you stand with
Starting point is 00:01:51 fucking freedom yeah you know there's gonna be no middle ground it's a very easy simple choice yeah yeah but what i'm saying is is like a lot of people riding the fence dude and that's just not how it's gonna work out no like you're gonna have to choose a side because it's coming yeah i know it's coming dude their narratives unraveling they're trying to pivot and people are you know now who who got the three shots i'm getting blasted i'm getting dude literally dozens and dozens and dozens of emails every day of people totally pissed like because they're like jordan peterson right who got the vaccine because he just wanted to be left alone.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And they did everything they were supposed to do for this whole two years. They fucking masked their kids. They did all the shit. They did this, this, this. And now they're realizing, holy fuck, we got fucking lied to. And they're stopping. And you're going to have to decide. I'm being serious, too.
Starting point is 00:02:47 No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, because I know there's a lot of people here that just, you know, you're maybe not necessarily where I'm at. And that's fine. Yeah, it is fine. We don't have to agree on everything, but you are going to have to choose what side you're on. And you're not going to be able to agree with everything on each side. And I think it's an important delineation to make right now because you need to ask yourself, what do you want? What do you want for your kids? What do you what do you want like what do you want for your kids what do you want for your family what do you want for your future do you want what's happening now what's been happening the last two years or do you want freedom and do you want low taxes and do you want actual pro choices and do you want uh no tyranny and you want to be left the fuck alone 100 you took the words out my mouth you know i'm saying do you want to be left the fuck alone. 100%. You took the words out of my mouth. You know what I'm saying? Do you want actual reform in these inner cities?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Do you want those things to happen? Because those are going to happen by people with freedom, not by these fucking old fucks. And dude, you guys have really got to make a choice, dude. And you got to stop riding the fence like this shit of like, keep it quiet to keep peace and this and that. I'm telling you a stronger side is going to win.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And the stronger side is the 80 that think fucking pro freedom so you know for those of you who are still trying to like wiggle your way through this it's not going to happen dude you know what i mean yeah yeah biden's on tv yesterday talking about changing the fucking rules of the voting so like the filibuster so that they could push through voting which is so stupid because they fucking use it when the when the other side has the majority in the fucking house and shit too yeah so it's like you guys use the same shit now you complain about it because now dude you're not the one able to use it dude he's turning into an actual dictator they're they're right he was yelling at the
Starting point is 00:04:22 whole fucking screaming at him it was embarrassing yeah it's so crazy man and it's just it just sucks i mean i know me and you talk about this all this ain't a democrat republican thing this is a right and wrong fucking 100 this is a this is an establishment thing where all of these politicians on both sides are bribed and laced and fucking bought and paid for bought and paid for by these big companies and until you want this corporate shit out of our government which it needs to be that means you got to vote out every single existing politician that's out there and we got to put new people in who are real citizens who have real beliefs and real ideas who have built real shit in real life yeah that's what we got to have and guys like it'd be so easy to just get up here and ask andy okay
Starting point is 00:05:04 how do you be a fucking baller right like how do i make more money but the problem the real issue is none of that shit matters if we don't have the fucking freedom no you know and so it's like i mean that shit listen dude if you're 20 years old right now and you're listening to this show about how to become you want to become successful uh you have zero chance become successful under what's currently happening as it stands right now. Yes, 100%. Zero. Never happened. Never happened.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Never fucking happened. So you guys better fucking think about it. Yeah. So it's crazy. It's funny, Andy, because that's actually, I have a question that's actually based off of what we just got finished talking about. So we'll make it our first question. Cool.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You know, but, you you know i've been with you for two years i've seen how vocal you've been right and you've had a multiple a few times where you come out and say you know i'm fucking tired of this shit i'm i'm tired of having to keep saying i fucking told you so right well i don't ever get tired of saying i told you so well i mean yeah but you know but you know what i'm saying listen what i am tired of is like this anxiety and stress and fucking frustration these people keep stirring into our society and there's mental abuse yeah it's mental abuse they're abusing the fuck out of our entire population non-stop yeah so can you can you tell the people listening what what what makes you keep going like what makes you keep spreading the
Starting point is 00:06:23 message because i recognize the importance of the message, bro. Like, dude, we have a very special thing here in this country, this freedom. Yeah. Most of you guys listening have not traveled the world,
Starting point is 00:06:34 bro. And been around to other places. You don't know what the fuck it's like anywhere else. We are fucking super fortunate. And we were the only place on earth that it's like this, you know, historically. And people don't understand that they They take it for granted. They think that like, if they just
Starting point is 00:06:50 bury their heads, someone else will take care of it. And that's how we got in this situation. We've got a bunch of crooked people who are lining their own pockets, who are, uh, tyrannically suppressing the citizens of this country who work hard who deserve better leadership they're old they're out of touch they're stealing our tax dollars okay and you guys think oh well how are they stealing our tax it's really fucking simple um they bill out five thousand dollars for a motherfucking toilet seat and then they pay it to their friend their friend kicks them back four grand like you don't fucking understand it because you don't know but that's how it works and like dude we have but only with billions of dollars right a lot more commas yes and dude they're stealing from us they're fucking
Starting point is 00:07:34 suppressing us they're they're teaching us to be fat broke lazy uh chained to these devices uh they've got us convinced now that it's okay to be fat they got us convinced now it's okay to you know call a man a woman and a woman a man and that's normal like bro they are trying to remove the teeth from the people that they intend to rule over this is not a democracy anymore this is a fucking this is a kingdom or a dictatorship. It's just called democracy. And that's what's happening. Bro, this motherfucker went into office and signed what?
Starting point is 00:08:11 20 fucking executive orders the first day? No, it was like 35. Whatever. You can't do that. That's not what you do. You pass those laws through the congressional system. And like, dude, we're living in it. It's not like you guys think, oh, it's coming, it's coming.
Starting point is 00:08:25 No, it's here. It's happening now. So the reason that I am so passionate about it is because I've been treated very well by this country. I've been someone and lived that American dream that we've all heard about, where you could start something from nothing and build it into something amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I've lived that. amazing i've lived that and i've lived that story for the last 23 fucking years okay i know what's possible i know what people are capable of i know what is but like dude these people are removing those things from our society and they're conditioning people instead of having a hard mental attitude and a winner's attitude which is what america is all about all the time it has been for the history of the fucking country to have this mediocre soft fucking pussy mentality and dude we just can't we can't operate that way it's going to start with the individual right the individual has like dude imagine if all the men in this country could go
Starting point is 00:09:23 out right now and put 40 pounds on their back and fucking ruck 10 miles How much more productive would our entire fucking country be how much healthier would we be? Because those men would be leading how much uh more profitable would we be? Like dude, how many how much better would the family units be like dude? We have been conditioned to be slaves to this fucking system that they have built. And you know what? I was as guilty of living inside of it as everybody else. You know, I used to be the guy who fucking drank Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and didn't give a fuck about my fitness and didn't give a fuck about my health and didn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:01 just wanted to serve my, I was that guy. I know what that's like but dude after observing all these things and having the life experience that i've had i can see very clearly what the fucking agenda is now and how that contributed to it yeah 100 dude like they they intent they feed us bad food they give us bad drink they fucking tell us they they they they put chemicals in our water they do they they put, they do all these things to intentionally suppress the potential of our population so that we are easily ruled over. And dude, and that's why I keep going because dude, if we don't stop it, bro, we're going to be in a true slave society. So it's important and I'm passionate about it and I'm passionate about it because all
Starting point is 00:10:44 of you motherfuckers listening deserve an opportunity, all of you, and you won't have it if you keep going down this road. Now, whether or not you want to take advantage of the opportunities of this country, that's another discussion, and I won't judge you for that. You do whatever you want to do. I'm all about freedom, but for the people that do, they deserve the opportunity, black, white, Asian, brown, doesn't matter. Don't fucking matter. Trans, I don't care. Everybody deserves the same opportunity here.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And we do not have that right now because the government is taking away the rights and the freedoms and the ability for even companies to form and be profitable because of the policies they have in place. People don't understand that, dude. Like the tax code is so fucked up that it makes it almost impossible for a small company to make money. Ask any small business owner, bro. Ask any small business owner to get their first tax bill. They're shit their fucking pants.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I remember I got my first one. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, I almost quit that day. Like, no, I'm serious. Like, no shit. Yeah, I almost quit. And I had a guy tell me uh something that was very profound he said uh you know it's a privilege to pay that much taxes and i thought
Starting point is 00:11:52 about it and i'm like you know what that's right yeah and i do i am proud to pay taxes but i'm not proud to pay 60 taxes right working six months of the year that's right motherfuckers we need to pay fuck it all of us need to pay the same rate and it should be 15 that's what the fuck it should be and if everybody fucking paid it we'd have way more money than what the fuck we have now yeah 100 that's a fucking fact okay that's what i would do it makes sense for everybody whether you make a hundred million dollars or you make a hundred dollars everybody should pay the same rate and like dude this this this government spending that's out of control you know these people this is all a big fleecing of our pockets bro you know what i'm saying and that's not okay
Starting point is 00:12:31 we need people in office to represent the fucking people and they got motherfuckers saying we need to tax them more it's like yeah it's like what the fuck dude they want to tax us at like 80 90 percent total that's slavery yeah that's no different than being a fucking slave well in the reality because the 10 you make you get to eat with that's it that's it and the reality is too it's like i mean when you think about that it's like the average business owner okay you start raising them taxes they're not gonna they're not gonna lose anything that shit shit rolls downhill their employees are gonna feel the fucking effects of yeah to a point to a point a point, to a point,
Starting point is 00:13:05 but it gets to a point where you can't operate. Yeah. And like, dude, that's what people don't understand. And so like, you know, the reason I talk about it and the reason I keep going is because there ain't
Starting point is 00:13:15 nobody else doing it. Like I'm sitting here watching the same shit you're all watching. You know, I'm thinking the same shit you're thinking. Where the fuck are these people that we represent that are supposed to represent us? Where are these people that are supposed to represent us? Where are these people that we elected to protect us? Where are all these people that took the oath
Starting point is 00:13:30 and made a pledge to freedom in the Constitution? Where the fuck are they? Well, they don't exist because every single politician that's in office, Republican or Democrat, is getting money from corporations and that pays for their fucking life. And they're not willing to give that up
Starting point is 00:13:44 to make it okay for everybody else. And that's fucked up and we got to fix it. And that's why we need a fucking total sweep. All fucking incumbents, all fucking establishment politicians, career politicians got to be voted out on both fucking sides from top to fucking bottom, period, worldwide. And that will solve the problem. And we can get some actual people that
Starting point is 00:14:05 represent the real people to to to make a system be involved yeah because do we have a system that works they just don't run the play right like like and people i found the fathers were geniuses bro well you know you'll have the 16 19 people fucking argue that shit but the point is uh they were okay and our country is not perfect and we have a lot of things that have happened that we've worked through and progressed through and we have to recognize where we are now not where we were fucking 200 years ago right all right and we got to look at each other and say hey motherfucker you ain't no different than me let's make this so everybody can fucking at least have the opportunity to fucking win and that's
Starting point is 00:14:40 what's got to happen yep we're always thinking about where we're going to be in 200 years from now dude yes and like dude this this this one world government and all this shit these people are trying to do fuck these people 100 man so percent like dude and i don't see where the other fucking big leaders fucking speaking up dude like the other big voice fucking influencers i mean you got rogan right rogan's speaking up but who the fuck else is yeah it's a lot of cowardice there's a lot of pussies out there dude a lot and i hope everybody's Like the other big voice fucking influencers. I mean, you got Rogan, right? Rogan's speaking up. But who the fuck else is? Yeah. There's a lot of cowardice out there. There's a lot of pussies out there, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:08 A lot. And I hope everybody's paying attention to him. I hope. Well, I mean, history's going to remember. History's going to remember who the fuck said what the fuck was going on. Regardless of if the people do history while we're doing it. And I hope the people listening will stand up for me and remember that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:15:21 100%. 100%. So we got that out. Bro, it's that important. It's life or death, bro. It's life or death. Okay? It's life or death.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Like that's the importance of what we're dealing with right now. We are fucking, we are in 1774, bro. There's going to be a major fucking conflict if we don't unify. And the people on the losing side are going to get fucking annihilated and it ain't us yeah it ain't the pro-freedom pro-2a conservative americans that are going to get fucking wiped out it's going to be the other side yeah so people got to fucking wake the fuck up and we got to get on the same page and realize that it ain't left and right it's fucking top and bottom we're the bottom and they're the top and we got to get other people
Starting point is 00:16:05 in the top and that's it so 100 yeah people laugh when i say that shit bro you put me in that fucking office i would fix that motherfucking shit in a fucking week no bullshit i know you would i know i would and i tell everybody i go to that presser and those reporters ask that shit i say hey fuck you that's what i would say oh shit i would say hey you would need a i would say hey print that shit bitch i would i'm with it i would love it that's what they need to hear bro these people need to be put in their fucking place not this oh let me fix my tongue yeah you know oh well and then walk and then dance around i was taking out of context no that's exactly what the fuck i said you're sitting here like trump like people dog on Trump, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Fuck. Trump handled that shit with class. Yeah, no shit. Bro, you put a fucking South County Hoosier like me in there, bro. Mr. President Frisella, did you say that? Yes, I did. I actually did. Did you say that you were going to strangle Dr. Fauci with your penis?
Starting point is 00:17:00 No, I said dick. I said dick. Yeah, right. Is there any other context? No, that that's it that's all the context i fucking hate these people bro this whole this whole be awesome we just got to get to the bottom line like all this chatter of like racism and misogyny and this is all distractive talk for all of us to fucking fight each other so that they can continue to fuck us that's it and i'm fucking sick of it dude and everybody should be sick of it and like dude if you're sick of it fucking join me and fucking saying you're sick of it like don't let me just be the talking mouthpiece of this shit everybody start talking about it 100 dude we gotta fix it or we're
Starting point is 00:17:40 fucked it's not saying it's now or never we have a we have a beautiful country dude with an amazing system in place that works when we get the lobbyists and the financial interests out of the game see what i'm saying yeah like if we dude what made america great for so long was that people would run for office and then when they were done with office they go back to their life that's it yeah you'd have fucking farmers that go run yeah they can't stay in for fucking years they got crops to fucking that's it and so dude that's what we should be calling on our leaders to do our smartest our best our brightest our smartest best and brightest are not in politics right now they're in business right okay where are these business leaders stepping up and fucking saying hey i'm
Starting point is 00:18:25 gonna go do this shit or i'm gonna fix it i'm gonna at least contribute yeah i'm gonna support somebody at least gonna talk about it right they're so fucking selfish that they won't even talk about it yeah man and you could think i'm wrong like you could sit there and listen to this think i'm wrong and my ideas are bad and you could think whatever the fuck you want but i hope you have at least enough respect to know that i care enough about this country to say some shit when shit is fucked up whether you agree with those points or not because most of these people don't care they stick their head in their fucking xbox or in their social media or in their fucking porn and they fucking do that shit and they want someone else to come and fucking fix it no one
Starting point is 00:19:02 else is coming so we got to figure it out, dude. It's now or never, man. Now or never. All right. Switching gears just a little bit, Andy. So I got a 75 hard question for you. This person wrote in. They said, Andy, is starting 75 hard the first time
Starting point is 00:19:22 and not finishing it the first time the same as attempting it on the second attempt or third attempt and succeeding right so this person says on my third attempt i succeeded but i feel like my boss voice is kicking my ass because i didn't succeed on the first attempt you have come on dude any feedback on that uh did you fucking fall down when you learn to walk this is the whole problem with society bro you guys are fucking soft like of course you're gonna fucking struggle sometimes of course things are gonna happen of course you're gonna have hardships of course you're gonna have things you didn't plan on
Starting point is 00:19:55 happening that's part of the game that's why you're supposed to start it over the day after you fucking fail right some of you guys fail and then you plan it for 30 days later or 40 days later or when it's convenient that's not how it's supposed to work it's very clearly stated if you fucking fail you start over the next day and a lot of people don't do that shit and they don't understand the program they never get to understand it but if you actually start it over every motherfucking time the next day eventually you stick it through because you're fucking tired of doing it. Right, because you're 200 days in. Yeah, and that's broke. Yeah. So, dude, listen. I understand what the person's asking there, and I value the question.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I appreciate the ask. But, like, dude, come on, man. You fucking completed it. That's badass. Give yourself some fucking credit. You know what I'm saying? Like, a lot of motherfuckers, they go out and run a marathon or try an Iron man the first time they don't fucking make it you see i'm saying yeah like this is a hard thing it's very difficult it's not called 75 fucking pussy you know i'm saying it's called 75
Starting point is 00:20:53 fucking hard bro yeah so like dude harden the fuck up and give yourself a fucking clap and say dude i'll give you one good job that's fucking awesome yeah you know but dude come on man you don't beat yourself listen we have listen dude i was thinking about this the other day. Like I have done so much dumb shit in my life. Like so much dumb shit that when I think back, it like embarrasses me of like how I behaved or, you know, like things I said or did, you know, and I think back and like, you know how, like you always remember the, worst moments right yeah and like you like overly like you dude you guys cannot do that you've got to critically uh think and forgive yourself for who you used to be right like that was your who you used to be now you're a different human so like how why would you beat yourself up over who
Starting point is 00:21:40 you were three fucking years ago or five years ago or 10 years ago yeah and most people spend their whole lives doing that they you know they they remember they remember back to some time like in fucking you know third grade where someone pants them in the locker in the fucking cafeteria right and trump they spend their whole life going to therapy and trying to get over the trauma and motherfucker who cares who gives a fuck yeah Some people saw your wiener. Who cares? You know, seriously. Yeah. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. 50% of the population got wieners. I mean, that's all I'm saying. Like, it's not that big of a deal, bro. Right. So you got to fucking let yourself go for the dumb shit that you've done. Like, if you were not, you know, not proud of some of the things that you've done, like every single person on the earth is, you should address those things make the changes make it right with whoever the fuck you
Starting point is 00:22:29 whatever happened yeah and move the fuck on that's what we got to do bro otherwise life gets so heavy we can't even operate yeah so to this person dude no you you you failed that when you were a weaker person now you're a stronger person you should look at that as growth, not something to have anxiety over. Yeah, that's fucking awesome. Yeah. That's fucking awesome. Andy, our third and final question for you to wrap this episode up. Our third and final question for you.
Starting point is 00:22:55 How do you prepare an employee for a new leadership position? Well, they should be preparing on their own ahead of time. If you're not preparing for that next role, you're not doing your job. Part of being an employee where you're at is preparing for the next role, not just your job that you're doing now. Yeah. So if you see leadership down the road for you, you should be fucking working towards learning some leadership skills
Starting point is 00:23:17 in your own time. Okay? So that's where personal development comes in. As far as like how do I prepare them, usually by the time I put them in a leadership position, they're already a peer leader, meaning they're leading people that are on the same level as them already. So they already know how to. It's organic.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah, for sure. And like, dude, that's what you should be looking for. Who's the peer leader? Who are the people who are natural peer leaders? Who are the people that work to become a peer leader? And those are the people that will progress that next level where they're an actual leader in the, in the hierarchy. Right. So, you know, there's all kinds of things you can do. There's all kinds of books. There's all kinds of, of, uh, you know, things that YouTube videos, there's all kinds of shit that you can learn from out there. Uh, Jocko writes
Starting point is 00:24:03 some amazing books on leadership. I think he's got the best books on leadership out there. Uh, you know, there's typical books like Lombardi rules and things like that. But like, dude, leading is very simple, dude. It's, you gotta be able to do what the fuck you ask of your people and be willing to do it and do it at a higher standard than what they're going to do it at. And that's where, if you do that, you'll lead everybody. It's that simple. It's not a rah, rah, use my voice, blah, blah, blah, this, that, the other. Really, if you take everything else out of the equation, that's what really drives leadership. It's just reality. So you're either living it or you fucking aren't. And if you're not living it, you're not going to be an effective leader. And if you are living it, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:40 matter what you say, you'll be an effective leader. That it's that simple. Okay. You guys try to design all this special language and, you know, dance around people's feelings and, you know, all these things that, you know, people talk about whenever they talk about becoming a leader. But the reality is most of it is just doing what the fuck you're asking them to do at a higher level where they can learn and improve and become better themselves and holding that standard for yourself you hold that standard for yourself it's real easy to hold that standard to other people and then they don't resent you when you hold them to it yeah right yeah so so like dude a lot of it is just that um but i mean you know if you see
Starting point is 00:25:18 leadership down the pipe for one of your employees you should be shoving books in their face right or be like we have a library here, free fucking books. They can take home. You know what I mean? Like you should be cultivating a culture of personal development within your company at all times anyway.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You know, and you have like- Like from the moment that employee walks in the door. A hundred percent. And you have to let your employees know, like, dude, it's your responsibility to improve yourself along with what you do for what you're getting paid for now, right? Yeah. Because, dude, you're not really working for your paycheck.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You shouldn't be. You shouldn't be working for your paycheck that you get. You should be working for that next paycheck, that next raise. How am I going to get there? Yeah, that's fucking real, man. So leading is very simple people over complicate it and you know part of it is because where there's mystery uh there's dollars right like people could sell different leadership ideas and make it seem
Starting point is 00:26:14 mystical and this and that got the secret over here yeah exactly i saw it to you for 997 dollars but like dude the reality is most of leadership is having a little bit of courage, taking reps, holding a standard for yourself. And then, you know, having conversations when other people aren't living up to them. It's that simple. Yeah. That's fucking awesome, man. Well, that's three, man. So go pay the fee.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yep. Guys, the fee is very simple. If you like the show, if you learned something that made you think, made you laugh, that gave you value, share the show. All right. Talk to you next time.

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