REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 221. Andy & DJ CTI: Stephen Breyer To Retire, Antonio Brown Lawsuit & Threats From Russia

Episode Date: January 27, 2022

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Justice Stephen Breyer retiring from the SCOTUS, Antonio Brown considering a defamation lawsuit against the Buccaneers, and Russia threatening to take 'appropriat...e measures' if the West's responses to demands aren't constructive.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Andyy and dj cruise the internet i can't wait i can't wait the world's so sane right now it's so sane and and harmonious yeah i'm sure we have some great stories to talk about that are really going to uplift people today holy fuck i'm ready to piss some people off what's going on in the world dude we got some some interesting topics man um this just came out so we're gonna get started let's just go let's dive into this man so headline number one for the lunacy this is a and guys uh also all these article links are going to be on the website.
Starting point is 00:01:06 They're on You guys can go there and check them out. So any pictures, videos, shit like that you need to see, go to the website. Headline number one, without further ado, says, this is a Daily Wire headline, breaking Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from SCOTUS, giving Biden a court pick. So this just came out today. Today's Wednesday, the 26th. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring, according to NBC News. Quote, Justice Stephen Breyer will step down from the Supreme Court at the end of the current term,
Starting point is 00:01:38 according to people familiar with his thinking. The Clinton-nominated Justice Breyer is one of the three liberal justices on the Supreme Court alongside Obama appointees Sonia Sotomayor and Alina Kagan. Breyer's decision to retire after more than 27 years on the Supreme Court will now provide President Joe Biden with the opportunity to appoint a successor, thereby maintaining the current 6-3 split between conservative and liberal justices. In the recent years, Justice Breyer has faced multiple calls to retire by progressive activists and Democratic Congress members in order to provide President Biden with a Supreme Court pick. Here's the interesting thing. So Breitbart came out with an op-ed, and this was their headline. Kamala Harris could become first black female uh supreme court justice dude
Starting point is 00:02:25 saki just said like 10 minutes ago that biden's already made the decision that it will be a black female really first of all listen why why dude look the having a black female is fine. Okay. But to say without talking about like, Hey, who are the possibilities or who are this or that? Who's the most qualified? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. To just throw the identity politics in the game here to get some fucking points.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Like this is disgusting, bro. This is just a play. It's a race bait play. Okay. We're going to put a black woman in and you know, you should vote for us again, bro. You motherfuckers ain't getting the black vote again. You're not getting it. She ain't even fucking black.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Listen, regardless, even, even if it's someone else they pick, it doesn't, maybe they'll pick Kim Gardner. Who's losing her shit here in St. Louis. She'll go from corrupt fucking... Bro, who fucking knows? But the point is, is we have to stop picking people for these fucking reasons and start picking people who are the most qualified people.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Right. All right? Right. Fuck, dude. Well, I mean, so I was reading more into this. Like, dude, think if the headline was reversed, bro, and it said, hey, Biden already said he's picking a white man. You see what I'm saying? Like, dude, think of the headline was reversed, bro. And it said, hey, Biden already said he's picking a white man. You see what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Like, dude, it's just a it's divisive. Yeah. OK. Oh, it is. I have no problem with a black American being anything in America. If they're good. That's right. You got to fucking be great.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah. If you're the best, it's like whoever the best is for the job. Like, fuck, dude, we're running a fucking major thing here called United States of America. can be great yeah if you're the best it's like whoever the best is for the job like fuck dude we're running a fucking major thing here called the united states of america right or do we really want to pick people just because they fucking happen to have a darker tan than somebody else like that's the dumbest shit i've ever heard in my life like like my diet you're about to get open heart surgery but it's okay because your doctor is black that's what i'm saying dude i don't give a fuck that's what i'm saying dude it makes no sense it's just so crazy fucking bullshit everybody knows it's
Starting point is 00:04:32 bullshit i have no problem if if a black woman happens to be the best woman for the fucking job that's going to represent and stand up for the constitution 100 awesome cool but like this shit where you like an hour after he announces it you're on the internet saying yeah of course we're gonna pick a black woman right like bro if that doesn't show you their racial agenda i don't even know what does and the fucking thing is they don't give a fuck about black people it's all a fucking play at all hey look at us we care about you and then fuck you later like that's the whole thing here's the truth even if they don't go with connell harris or go with like a kim gardner or any one of other these you know uh black prosecutors that are in these democratic left cities that have literally ruined these democratic cities and the fucking black
Starting point is 00:05:19 population in those cities so it's like i mean listen these fucking leftists do not give a fuck about the constitution no they don't serve the constitution they serve themselves and they serve the progressive agenda and they it's it's like when uh uh we had aaron on the show and she was talking about out liberally each other right yeah like bro that's the thing it's always more it's always the next thing it's always you know the next thing it'll be is like, fuck, dude. You know, we can't have different color popsicles because that's fucking racist. Right. Like, you guys think I'm fucking joking.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'm not joking. Like, think of what the fuck we're talking about nowadays. Yeah. Oh, is fucking bread racist. You know what I'm saying? Like, like, what the fuck? I'm just saying, dude, dude like we have to be smarter than this and most of america is and the fact that the media and these democrats keep pushing
Starting point is 00:06:13 this divisive race shit for the sake of pushing it yeah it grosses me the fuck out dude you know and so bright bar was alluding to the reason that they would push Kamala is because. They got to find something to do with her. Well, not only that, but they're saying that they're going to be losing these midterms. Not only are they losing midterms, bro. So they're losing control of the house and the city. Biden's going to get him fucking impeached the second that shit, they lose that shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So now they're thinking about where the fuck they can put Kamala. Because she'll be second on the chopping block. Dude, they would impeach her a day after they impeach 100 100 people dude look dude here's the bottom line these people are intentionally destroying our fucking country okay we as american citizens have to fucking stand up and stop it. Okay. Like, dude, we have to, we have to, I do. How do I, how do we do that? I don't fucking know. Hopefully they didn't fuck the voting system so bad that they, that they're going to just cheat their way out of it. I don't know. But what I do know is that we cannot have people in our fucking government that are representing foreign interests, that
Starting point is 00:07:26 are representing interests that are of other countries, that are representing their customs, their values, and their this. America is a culture. America has its own values. America has an identity. And these motherfuckers want to fucking destroy that. Okay? So how do you stop it from being destroyed?
Starting point is 00:07:44 You live it to the maximum fucking degree. You become great at what you do. You become a great role model. You become someone who stands for right and wrong. You become someone who's unapologetically American. You fly your fucking flag with pride. You don't fucking hide because you're too much of a weak ass pussy because you're afraid someone's going to say something to you. Fuck this. Fuck anybody that doesn't like America. If they don't fucking like it, get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And if we get back to that, the shit will straighten itself out. This all started with the silent majority bullshit. You motherfuckers got they labeled you. By the way, they labeled you silent majority. We didn't give that to ourselves. No, it's strategic because the left understands the power of fucking language. Okay. They labeled all of the conservative people, the silent majority.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Why would they do that? You're seeing so right now. You're seeing why they labeled us the silent majority right fucking now. Now we have a culture problem in our country where people get fucking fired for having conservative values. Fuck that. Okay. This is America. We're supposed to all have different opinions and be free to fucking have them. All right. You people who fucking take pride in the silent majority shit, you are the fucking problem that's causing all of this. You, you could have the biggest patriotic heart on the fucking planet. You could agree with
Starting point is 00:09:19 everything I fucking say. You could agree with everything that's American. You could be the biggest fucking Patriot in the world quietly. And you are the problem right now. And until our people figure that the fuck out, this shit will not change. All right. Our headline number two for you guys. We do 80 fucking 5% of people are dissatisfied. What's going on right now.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And people are still scared to stand up and speak up. Bro. We'll see what's happening in Canada. People have died for this country. They've given their lives, their futures. They've never even known their kids. My fucking dad never even knew his own
Starting point is 00:10:00 fucking dad. Never met him because he died for this fucking country. And you won't stand up and say some shit bro fuck that that's why we're here that's why this is a problem and and that's what it's going to take to solve it fucking silent majority i dude i get people to dm me we are the silent majority no you're a fucking pussy bro that's where i've been speaking you've been speaking for the last two years on this shit man fucking silent majority fuck your silent majority all right and our second headline uh this is a daily wire headline as well headline reads antonio brown considering defamation lawsuit against buccaneers for
Starting point is 00:10:45 quote spin that he had a mental health episode um yeah so former tamper bay buccaneers wide receiver antonio brown will pursue legal action against the bucks for money he and his lawyer believe is owed to him good luck bro by the team they got more money than you and they got more lawyers than you and they're better than you and by all accounts you made a fucking ass of yourself a stupid fucking decision and you've done it like seven times right so how about taking some responsibility and saying you know what guys i fucked up i fucked my team up i fucked my fans up i fucking didn't live up to my promises and my obligations and And I fucked up. How about that? How about that?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah. Okay. Because you're living a privileged life, Antonio Brown. You're one of the very few people on this planet that gets to do what the fuck you do. And you are spitting and shitting and pissing all over it and making an ass of your fucking self. You're a fucking clown. This is a clown move. And I hope you get your fucking ass raped by their
Starting point is 00:11:45 legal team that's my opinion yeah well i mean that's what's gonna happen no shit but that's exactly what's gonna happen that's the thing so i mean like i don't know how else to fucking like classify what he did right like everybody saw the video he's dancing in the fucking end zone and stuff right and there was a lot of confusion about it but like dude like that that looked like i've seen mental health breakdowns before looked pretty fucking similar you know why they think that's mental health because of what i just said you're one of the most privileged fucking people bro you're one of the most tremendous athletes on the planet and you're shitting on the opportunity you only have so many years to be that antonio brown if you don't figure
Starting point is 00:12:21 that the fuck out and fucking in one more year, you're going to be irrelevant forever because you behave like an asshole. Right? Nobody in his fucking circles. Tell him the truth. He's got a little bit of money. He thinks he's a big baller. He ain't a fucking baller worth of fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You shit, you shit your whole fucking family tree down the fucking shithole because you fucking want to have a big ego. That's the truth. Yeah. This man could have been one of the greatest fucking people ever play in the NFL. He could have chose to be a great ambassador. He could have chose to be a man of character.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He could have chose, chose, chose, but he chose different. And this is fucking America. And you do have the choice to choose however the fuck you want. And you get to reap the consequences of that. And that's what the fuck is going down with this motherfucker fucking America. And you do have the choice to choose however the fuck you want. And you get to reap the consequences of that. And that's what the fuck is going down with this motherfucker. Yeah. Fucking sue me too, bitch. Your lawyers are pretty fucking good.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm just sick of these people, dude. It's terrible, man. It's fucking clown shit. It's terrible. Yeah. It's clown shit. Like, dude, you know how many young men? Like, dude, think about all the young college athletes that come down here and train hoping to have a fucking shot.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And this dude's got all these gifts, and he's just shitting them down his fucking leg. Bro, you're a clown. You clowned your whole fucking life up now. It's very similar to... I feel like history is repeating itself. I feel like we've seen this happen before. So, I'm sure there'll be a Nike sponsorship that'll come out with him later on, maybe give it a couple of years, maybe.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Oh, yeah, he was oppressed out of the league. 100%. We saw that because when this story first broke, I shared one of the fucking pictures, man, but they were like, oh, you know, they didn't want him to play because he was like, you know, one catch away from- No, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Like, no, he did that. No, that's right. It all came out. He did that. They wanted him to play because he was like, you know, one catch away from no motherfucker. Like, no, he did that. No, that all came out. He did that. He, they wanted him to stay in. He chose not to grow. Then it was,
Starting point is 00:14:11 I had enough of these entitled fucking athletes that make millions of dollars a year. When the rest of America is fucking struggling, they came, they got 7% inflation. They can't afford the rent. They can't afford the gas. They can't afford their fucking food.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And you're dancing on the sidelines with a big old fucking paycheck, like an asshole. Fuck you't afford their rent. They can't afford their gas. They can't afford their fucking food. And you're dancing on the sidelines with a big old fucking paycheck like an asshole. Fuck you. Okay? That guy's out of touch. That's the problem. Oh, nobody ever taught him any different. Well, I don't give a fuck. That doesn't give... You have enough money to hire somebody. That doesn't give him
Starting point is 00:14:40 the fucking free pass. I'm done with free passes. We all should be. Fuck, dude. He's not a victim. No, by any fucking standards or means. No.
Starting point is 00:14:55 None, man. So it's like... Fucking weak sauce, bro. Fuck, man. Could have been great, man. Could have been fucking great. It is what it is. Andy, on to our third and final headline for lots of people don't like where they fucking work bro well yeah i mean we got i can tell you i can tell you this if my fucking highest paid motherfucker in this building danced through the office telling me to fuck off with no clothes
Starting point is 00:15:20 on guess what would happen what would happen you'd be gone yeah and then you'd be crying about how i'm an asshole and i fucked up a shit and i did this and that and this and this and that dude it's no different same shit yeah i have no tolerance for shit like that you agreed to do a fucking job for a certain amount of money do the fucking job shut the fuck I agree. I don't disagree with that at all. Don't disagree with that at all, man. All right. Our third and final headline for you, Andy. Headline reads,
Starting point is 00:15:54 Russia threatens, quote, appropriate measures if West responses to demands aren't constructive. So the Russia, Ukraine, NATO versus... This stuff is kind of heating up. The article reads, Russia's top diplomat on Wednesday
Starting point is 00:16:09 promised to take appropriate measures if the West's response to Moscow's security demand is found not to be... is not found to be constructive. The U.S. agreed with Russia that it would answer questions regarding NATO's military presence in the region. The Kremlin has accused the West of a military expansion that raises security concerns
Starting point is 00:16:30 for Moscow, Reuters reported. The report said Ukraine had no objections to the U.S. responses. Quote, if we do not receive a constructive answer from the West on our security demands, Moscow will take appropriate measures. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a statement Reuters reported. Russia is seeking sweeping security measures and the guarantee that Ukraine will not be allowed to join the transatlantic NATO alliance. The statement comes after Ukraine approved a list of actions the U.S. had promised to take to avert a military crisis. Shit's kind of heating up over there. I don't think we should be fucking with russia right now first of all no we shouldn't be for any fucking reason we shouldn't be running wars all over the fucking world for other people's fucking causes for any fucking reason ever i'm not
Starting point is 00:17:19 saying that we shouldn't step in if there's a severe case of injustice or there's something real going on but that's not the case what actually happens in every motherfucking war that we've been in since i've been alive is they've manufactured a reason to go to war and then they go over there and they take whatever the fuck they're after and they get a bunch of our motherfuckers killed and a bunch of those motherfuckers killed for no fucking reason other than their fucking pocketbooks. And I'm fucking tired of it. Okay. Everybody should be tired of it. This is impossible for us to know what's actually going on. We don't know if Russia's the aggressor. We don't know any of the details other than what they're telling us on MSM. And here's what I've learned over the last fucking two years of my life. Everything they say, the opposite tends to be true. But bro, you laugh. It's literal. It's real. Okay. So we can't
Starting point is 00:18:15 believe what they say now. So that's a real problem. So how do we know what the fuck is actually happening then? Okay. Because this isn't the first time the press has tried to manufacture a fucking conflict and if you think about what comes next after covid which is accountability for the fucking fuckery it makes sense to have a huge distraction so that they don't have to answer the motherfucking call for that okay you know who else is big and fucking over there and fucking, uh, Ukraine Soros. Okay. And who knows who he's paying rebel? We don't, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't know. You don't know. None of you motherfuckers listening. No, you all think, you know, you don't, you don't fucking know. Okay. So we don't know if this is like, he's paying or financing some sort of fucking rebel resistance that Putin's just like, Hey, you know what? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I'll kill you all because that's what Putin is. All right? Putin don't fuck around with this fucking Antifa shit that we put up with here. No, he doesn't. All right? And this could be, dude, it's history.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It could be history repeating itself. If you go back to fucking World War II when fucking Germany was accused of invading Austria and you figure out that Austria actually most, 99% to one voted to rejoin with Germany. Then the world press took it as, oh, Germany's fucking killing Austria. And there was no way to know the truth
Starting point is 00:19:40 because there was no internet. There was no real shit. That's just what they put in the papers. All of a sudden, we've got a fucking war a big one right so like dude this is fucked up right and people people here in america you i don't care what your political beliefs are you should be against this fuck them where where the fuck are they for us right like dude we are not the world fucking police, bro. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:20:06 How do we know that how do we know that there's not a huge percentage of Ukrainians that want to rejoin with Russia? How do we know that?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Right. Well, I mean, and that's evident because there's 45 million people in that country. Yeah. And only 35,000 rebels. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Okay. So how do we know? That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm saying is correct. What I'm saying because I don't know. That's it. Okay. So how do we know? That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm saying is correct, but I'm saying, cause I don't know if it's correct. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is how the fuck do you know?
Starting point is 00:20:33 And should we be sending missiles and fucking supplies and all this shit to start a war in Russia? That's fucking stupid. No, that's fucking stupid, bro. If I was present, I'd get on my fucking plane.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I'll fly the fuck over there. I'd say, hey, bro, let's have a fucking shot. Let's talk about this shit. And I would get this shit fucking solved. But see, we don't have that kind of leadership. We got pussy leadership. We got people who are fucking only worried about their own fucking pocketbooks and their own asses. And right now, if you're asking my opinion on the matter,
Starting point is 00:21:03 I believe this whole entire thing is something that they are blowing the fuck up so that they can avoid the fucking accountability it's coming for what just happened for the last two years right well because they're really good at that smoke sharing yeah and guess who's really good at fucking biting and eating that shit up dumb fucking motherfuckers you know i'm saying like like oh look over here now okay all right we'll go over here what's over here people you don't know we don't know we're being lied to we've been lied to about fucking everything yeah so how do we know for a long time man this is why i've been saying for two years we have to have media that is that reports facts there has to be a regulating
Starting point is 00:21:41 agency that not like fucking these fact checkers. Yes. Like, dude, the truth is compromised. And that's a big problem. It's compromised with the news. It's compromised with the fucking politics. And now it's compromised with the hospitals and the fucking medicals. Like, bro, I'm never going to trust fucking hospital ever again.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Ever. Like you doctors who listen to the show and you ran around and you fucking had all that prestige that you knew all the shit now i think you're a fucking idiot and i think you're a liar and i think you're willing to take money for a problem that fucking you knew was wrong right dude to the point of the media stuff and these guys are so evident right like like that's not all doctors no like but dude there's a number of doctors out there that have been threatened and told that if they fucking say anything or if they even treat covid that they're gonna lose their medical license bro that's fucking insane it is and i think this is just a distraction i do too the thing is like like here's the problem with this
Starting point is 00:22:39 though going on to your media point though dude like like i've been having a lot of people in my dms that are in canada right now they're seeing all the shit that's happening with canada and all the truckers do this like 50 000 fucking truckers right 95 miles long okay yeah and and they're reporting it was like a hundred or a couple of 200 oh it's all just 200 200 trucks right so like guys imagine when a real when when a real threat comes to this country. We're not going to know. Like a Chinese invasion. Yeah, we're not going to know. Oh, it's just a couple of Chinese fishing vessels. Does nobody understand how dangerous this is?
Starting point is 00:23:13 No. They want to get mad about your fucking mask. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? They're more worried about putting a fucking black woman at Supreme Court. Regardless of her. Like, dude, listen, we are worried about the wrong shit in this country.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. Yeah. I think it's just fishy, too. Bro, I have a huge regret in life right now. Like, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge, huge. I've never said this before. People always ask what my regret is, what my regrets are. What do I regret? I have learned, I have come to the conclusion that I
Starting point is 00:23:51 have a very big one. I'm going to tell you what it is. I don't try that hard to grow my following. I've never tried that hard to grow my fucking following. I've kind of half-assed it. Like, let's be real. I come in, I rely on my strong voice, the way I know how to teach and the shit goes and it goes. And that's how it's always been for me. And I don't really give a fuck. I don't care to have 10 million or 50 million or 2 million. I don't care. I'm just sharing what I know. That's all it's always been for me. And I have a huge regret that I didn't take it fucking serious earlier than I do now. Because had I had an audience that was fucking bigger, I could have made a real impact about what's going on with this shit.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And it bothers me to my core. It's a huge fucking regret of mine. Oh, man. That's deep. Yeah. Because if I had the influence that Joe Rogan had, bro, I love Rogan. I think Rogan's a fucking genius. He, this shit he's doing is recent.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Right. Had he been that aggressive two years ago, we could have avoided a lot of this shit. Yeah. We could have avoided this shit. Okay. And I was aggressive. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So like I'm sitting here saying, God, motherfucker, I fucking knew I fucking said it. And I would have said it had, I had a hundred million followers. I would have said it. Right. You know what I'm sitting here saying, God, motherfucker, I fucking knew. I fucking said it. And I would have said it had I had 100 million followers. I would have said it. Right. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Right. So it's fucking like it's been eating at me, dude. Like it's been eating at me because I'm sitting here watching this shit unfold. And like all these people are just gobbling it the fuck up. It's like, dude, had I, you know, had I fucking actually taken serious, had I grown my following to fucking seven, eight million followers, like, or like I perfectly capable of doing at a actually tried, you know, maybe it wouldn't matter, you know? And so now I feel like I fucking failed people.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Fucking sucks. Maybe, man. Maybe. Yeah, man. Well, I mean, we, we got, I got, we got plenty, we know plenty of people in the right places to know to keep track of what the fuck's going on over there I don't I'm not saying that this is gonna be a World War 3 situation
Starting point is 00:25:52 it could be but it very well could be very well could be especially if we fucking take the same especially if the media decides that they don't want to be held accountable for what the fuck they just did which is the biggest crimes of humanity that have ever been perpetrated on the fucking human race uh i am a hundred percent confident of that i am not wrong about that the the fucking the overall death data reported by insurance companies in 2021 is
Starting point is 00:26:17 40 higher than fucking what it's ever been the fucking amount of cancer that's being found inside the military right now is literally, let's see. It's up 135. It's four times higher than normal in the last year over the years past. Okay. This shit that is happening is not conspiracy theory. It's a fucking crime. It's a crime for a lot of reasons. There was a lot of things they wanted to check there.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Okay. It's a crime for a lot of reasons There was a lot of things they wanted to check there Okay Money Fucking All kinds of other things Okay But like dude They don't want to be held accountable So
Starting point is 00:27:00 Start a fucking huge war dude Start a huge fucking war Where millions of people fucking die. Then they'll never be held accountable for what they did. Right, man. Very well collegiate to this, man. It's scary. It scares me because I know this shit is real.
Starting point is 00:27:20 People are like, God, Andy, why are you so? Because I understand the big picture, bro. If you understood the big picture and you saw the big picture the way i see the big picture you you motherfuckers would not be quiet right now at all you'd be fucking screaming yeah agreed man agreed man so i mean we'll see man we'll keep you guys updated with what's going on here uh and abroad but to our final segment for you as always guys we have a thumbs up segment We'll see, man. We'll keep you guys updated with what's going on here abroad. But to our final segment for you, as always, guys, we have a thumbs up segment where if it's good, it gets two thumbs up. If it's bad, it gets two thumbs in the butt. And with that being said, speaking of Russia, our headline reads, Revenge Ruling. revenge ruling dad who made paid a pedo pal who raped his daughter who was six he made this man dig his own grave won't face murder charge after knifing him to death good
Starting point is 00:28:15 fucking amazing so a dad who forced his pedophile friend um so his best friend raped his daughter essentially what happened daughter was six years old. And he took him out to the woods, made him dig his own grave, and then stabbed him and killed him to death, and then buried him in the grave. He's not going to be charged with murder. The father was accused of knifing his friend,
Starting point is 00:28:38 Oleg Serovdov, in a furious revenge killing after discovering graphic footage of his friend's mobile phone of him sexually abusing his daughter. In harrowing footage, the sick and dad's daughter now eight was heard pleading, Oleg, that's enough. I can't take it anymore. I want to go home. The 34-year-old was suspected of stabbing Serdov, who's 32, to death in a Russian force after making him dig his own grave. He originally faced a murder investigation but has now been
Starting point is 00:29:07 told that it has been dropped. Sources said in a landmark decision he will instead face prosecution for inciting Seredov to take his own life which carries a lesser sentence than murder. Essentially the version of assisted suicide. The former rocket engine
Starting point is 00:29:24 factory worker has already denied has always denied murder and is pleased that he will not face a charge of deliberately killing cerdo he is no longer required to wear an electronic tag as he awaits his trial at the end of the year um and this is a uh this is the grave he dug so good absolutely good yeah he shouldn't face any charge of any kind at all so his story was kind of like he's saying that he never he never killed him but the dude was like stabbed like a lot enough they're all playing along right because they know what he did exactly right but you know what that's the right thing to do there's right and there's fucking wrong
Starting point is 00:30:00 and it is what it is yeah yeah more of this would stop what the fuck is going on in the world. 100%, man. 100% I just saw that I'm like, that's fucking awesome. Bro, there's plenty of people here in this country
Starting point is 00:30:11 that are just like that. Right. That's what these fucking crazy fucks don't understand. Yeah. But here's the dangerous thing, though, Andy. They're pushing all this
Starting point is 00:30:19 fucking minor attractive people and shit. Those people are going to get themselves killed. You know, and so it's like somebody does, oh, well, you know, he needed help, so help so you know you're going to go to jail for
Starting point is 00:30:27 murder he got what he got help yeah he got help yeah he's getting a lot of help now yeah he got help bro i'm sorry that's the what we got we have to listen we cannot tolerate this crazy shit if you're gonna try to fuck with somebody's kids you should fully expect that to be the fucking result of that 100 man 100 would you not expect that that would be the result if you did that oh 100 fucking percent exactly i think that was actually taking it easy on him you know i'm saying like it would have been way far that's a big hole he was there digging for a while yeah he was make him dig it with like a spoon so it takes like so he has to think about how long you know like the whole time he gets to think about
Starting point is 00:31:10 we told the cops so the father told the cops that you know he made him dig his own grave just to scare him and then there was a scuffle and the guy fell on his knife more than 30 times that was the story but you know sounds reasonable it's russia so i mean you know i fucking love it though i think that's fucking awesome i don't think he should get any fucking job, but the con that constant, that sentencing, he's not even going to fucking seven months. So I hope not.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I mean, dude, look, look, I, I, anybody who disagrees with that, you ain't my fucking kind of people.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah. 100%. 100%. So two thumbs up for that one yeah absolutely two thumbs up cool wayne that's all i got brother that's all right cool share show went from sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze fuck a bowl fuck a stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her on bankroll Can't fold, just a note Headshot, case closed

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