REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 233. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Faces Possible Trucker Threat, Hillary Clinton To Speak At Democratic Convention & CIA Collecting Data

Episode Date: February 12, 2022

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Biden administration potentially facing a truck driver protest over vaccine mandates, Hillary Clinton's upcoming speech at the New York Democratic convention,... and the CIA's program to collect sensitive data from Americans.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusionsusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ. Cruise the internet. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Yeah. America.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. That movie's fucking hilarious. I've never seen it. I know the song, though. You've never seen Team America? Well, fuck it. You haven't seen Braveheart.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Well, I feel like that's kind of- Shut the fuck up. That's kind of equal, bro. No, it is not. That's a little equal. Team America's a great movie you watch you you better watch braveheart this weekend bro yes sir the whole thing understood i thought you were supposed to be you want to watch it on the clock i bet you do that's what it is you know what it is he wants to watch it on the fucking clock what yeah that's what it is he's gonna make me roll in a tv like
Starting point is 00:01:04 back in fucking second grade. I'll be like, all right, kids. Well, those were the best fucking days in school. They were. Yeah. They turned the lights out, man. And those TVs were shit. I went to fucking sleep, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I went to sleep every time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's funny. Dude, those TVs were shit. But that was the best days in school. No. You don't know shit about shit.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Joe knows. put that microphone on joe joe you remember when what we really had to used to watch before tvs no yeah before laser disc you know what a laser disc is no you don't i remember when they bring in the fucking projector of course it would be on fucking actual film. Full assignments on the projector, too. Well, that's because you guys are old as shit. Nah. You know what it means, bro? It means we're smart as shit.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Is that what it is? Yeah. I had the old school projectors where you had to put the clear film on the fucking teacher to write on it. No, no, no. That's different. That's the overhead. Yeah, overhead projector.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Overhead. No. That's a different thing. I'm talking about the actual. Correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I remember those. Just like you.
Starting point is 00:02:04 You know what I'm saying? You don't know nothing about that. And you also don'm talking about the actual correct word no i remember just like you you know what i'm saying you don't know nothing about that and you also don't know about laser discs did you develop that shit in the closet too how old are you keith all right he's 34 see he's in laser disc era you're just in you didn't have cool shit era i'm i'm i have a lot you don't even know how to use a rotary phone i bet i know how to use a fucking rotary phone okay no way i know how to use that no way i i know how to use that you fucking you fucking you spin it and then let it go back and press the next number yeah i know how to use a fucking yeah no shit dude no shit fucking road all right i'm not a fried chicken what what that sounded like some racist shit was that racist shit it was a little racist yeah a little racist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:45 A little racist. Don't fucking at me with saying me. It ain't me, motherfucker. Fucking outing me. Oh, man. Do we got anything good? Yeah, I got some good shit, man. Bro, I've been on the microphone all day today with various projects. You've been on a fucking roll, man.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah, so let's knock this shit out of the park. Hold on. I thought I had something I fucking roll, man. Yeah, so... Let's knock this shit out of the park. Hold on. I thought I had something I wanted to remind... Oh. The tour. I have some news about the tour. Okay. But I'm not going to tell it today.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Fuck. All right, let's do the show. No, bro. What the fuck? Yeah. That's what we do here. Oh, fuck. You just pissed a lot of people off.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Just a tip baby all right what the fuck did derrick say earlier i don't know oh he said going dry is going in dry everybody understands it holy shit guys welcome to welcome to the podcast yes we're degenerates yeah no shit all right guys headline number one headline reads oh shit fucked up guys if you want to see any of these articles pictures videos any of that shit go to all the links will be yeah on the website the source yeah is yeah we'll be on there yeah headline number one biden faces possible trucker threat is the headline the article uh reads president joe biden is facing the possibility of truck driver protests mirroring those in canada over vaccine
Starting point is 00:04:20 mandates that would come as the administration works to combat supply chain disruptions vaccine vaccinate more americans and strengthen the u.s economy so the department of homeland security okay had just issued a warning and told police partners about protests similar to those in canada said that it could disrupt the super bowl or the state of the union lord forbid that people fighting for their freedoms did not interrupt the fucking Super Bowl. Lord forbid. Shut down. Are they stupid? Hey, what did you just ask?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Are they stupid? Are they stupid, yeah. Bro, we sit in here every day and talk about how stupid these motherfuckers are. The problem is, bro, they're not stupid at all, man. I don't think they're stupid. I know we go back and forth on this a lot. And I know you have some sources that tell you, no, these guys are just fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I don't think that, man. I think these motherfuckers are legitimately. They can be evil and stupid. That's positive. Yeah, that's true. You can be both. You can be both. I just don't see this.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Because, bro, I mean, they got enough of us fucking following the shit look what's the story here the trucker's gonna do this shit or what yeah so that's that's what they're saying so you know dhs department of homeland security they're receiving tons of reports with all of their data that they're able to collect and all that good stuff that that truck drivers are potentially planning to block roads in major metropolitan cities in the united states in protest of, among other things, vaccine mandates. The convoy will potentially begin in California early as mid-February, potentially impacting the Super Bowl,
Starting point is 00:05:52 scheduled for 13 February, and the State of the Union address scheduled for 1st of March, DHS wrote in a memo. What you got? Bring the fucking truckers. Honk, honk, motherfucker. Look, dude. I'll be honest. I haven't seen any of that shit going around. what you got bring the fucking trunk it's hong kong my little dude i'll be honest i haven't seen any of that shit going around no i haven't seen okay so like i haven't seen any of it and i think i don't know you know i don't know if that's going to happen
Starting point is 00:06:16 or not i haven't seen any of it on the back channels or anything of social i haven't i haven't seen much either right so it's almost like they're maybe instigating something they're making it up or i mean insurrection i don't know of the super bowl i don't know bro i don't know i don't trust these motherfuckers one bit yeah about anything yeah you know what the i don't i think the police would stand with the truckers but again here they would again i thought the police would stand with this shit the whole time yeah you know i'm saying i thought police would fucking wouldn't even enforce the mass shit or the or the fucking shutdowns or any of that shit and they did yeah and so like dude you know if this were to happen hypothetically i would hope that the police would have enough wherewithal to stand and also the military.
Starting point is 00:07:09 A lot of military people listen to this. You know, there's a lot of people that are not in the military that are kind of asking, like, why is the military not standing up for our own fucking rights here in this country? Like, that's something that people on the street are asking. And I'm not going to accuse or say why or why not, it's a it's a very well echoed question like why why are the police not standing with the people why are the police not you know i don't honoring the oath that they fucking yeah yeah it's a legitimate question it is and and you know you see these motherfucking police in canada um fucking with these people when we all know it's not anything of what they've said it is right it's not racist it's not misogynistic it's not fucking swastikas and confederate flags there
Starting point is 00:07:53 was one confederate flag that is was proven to be planted in the fucking crowd you know what I'm saying like in the narrative is it's our media creating a narrative here to make them look like shit okay which they're they're fucking peaceful right they're canadians you know what i'm saying like would you rather us not be peaceful and drag you out and braveheart you in the motherfucking street because that's my vote yeah okay like that's my personal vote and that's also why i'm not leading this shit right Right. All right. But I mean, you just read a statement that you don't just put out. I saw that, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:28 it was very threatening. I read this. I just read the straight statement before the show that Trudeau put out, which was basically if you have your, we're not, we're done playing games. And if you have your kids with you, they better go home and all right,
Starting point is 00:08:42 bring it motherfucker. Yeah. Listen, we can now let these fucking people intimidate us. Yeah. Okay. they better go home and all right bring it motherfucker yeah like bro listen we cannot let these fucking people intimidate us yeah okay this terror alert shit this is all to get people to shut the fuck up i'm not shutting the fuck up yeah i'm like dude period okay this is america we're allowed to criticize our government when our government fucking sucks and right now it sucks okay and they're trying to intimidate people into not doing things and not uh standing up against them and painting everybody as a terrorist motherfucker that's called being a patriot that's called giving a fuck about this country and what it stands for
Starting point is 00:09:20 and what it was meant to stand for and what it's going to be for the next 100 years. Because these motherfuckers are communists. They are tyrants. Okay. That's the reality. So I don't really understand how the police could stand on that side or how the military could stand on that side. And I get a lot. I have a very huge demographic of those two communities and I just don't fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And you can not like me all the fuck you want for saying that. I don't like it. Okay. We've been oppressed. We've been taken advantage of. We've had our country shut down. We've lost 600,000 companies that will never reopen. We have who knows how many millions of people sick across the globe because treatments that were proven that they knew that they worked, aka from the Pentagon, on April 20th of 2020, they knew these treatments worked and they spent the last two and a half years censoring them and deplatforming doctors and kicking doctors out of the medical community. How many lives did that fucking cost?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Okay, so let's get real clear on what the fuck is going on. There's not a terrorist threat here in the country from patriots. There's a government problem that needs to be fucking addressed. And you motherfuckers can do whatever the fuck you want to me. I'm not going to shut the fuck up. And neither should you. It's fucking wrong. It's wrong, man.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I mean, bro, what are we going to do? Oh, my God. They're calling me a terrorist. Bro, they're already spying on all of you anyway headline number three all right but i'm just saying like dude this is a pivot point in fucking the future of this country we are going to be very free or we're going to be very oppressed i think that's the thing man like people ask us like i mean yeah i mean i know it's bad but i mean could it get much more work hell yes it could these motherfuckers had their way dj we would be in
Starting point is 00:11:30 camps right now 100 if the internet didn't exist we would be in camps right now yeah because they'd be putting out this narrative that would create this mob mentality through every fucking neighborhood and there would be no opposition to it whatsoever. Yeah. And they'd be doing whatever the fuck they want, bro. If you're a police officer or you're in the military, you need to really fucking ask yourself what the fuck you're about. These people are tyrants. They are destroying our fucking country.
Starting point is 00:12:03 They are destroying our freedom. They are destroying our international reputation. And they are our freedom. They are destroying our international reputation. And they are telling you that if you speak about it, we'll put you in jail. That is not a free fucking country. We grew up being told. You can't speak out against the government in China. They'll put you in jail. Where the fuck are we now?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Right. It's like, it's like our constitution it's our fucking duty obligation the fact that they are threatening us it is our duty to stand against them as Americans it says so in the fucking constitution we are
Starting point is 00:12:38 obligated to stand against it yeah dude it's fucking sickening man oh i know one thing man we we can't stop time and time keeps moving freedom loving americans need to get fucking loud and they need to get defiant and they need to fucking stand the fuck up because they can't fuck with us all that's not but it's funny you said that's what i put out on my story today man like to them canadians are getting this fucking warning and all these threats threats are just that fuck them dude that's all it is fuck them they're gonna arrest all of you the fucking supply chain is already fucking crippled police they're gonna arrest all you guys police they're gonna tell trudeau he's shit and and the canadian mountie man or whatever the fuck they're called up there. You need to do the same.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Fuck. 100%, man. Guys, headline number two. Headline reads, Hillary Clinton to speak at New York Democratic Convention Report. Former Clinton allies recently speculated a perfect storm and the Democratic Party could open the door for a comeback. Quote, she's beloved by the mainstream members of the democratic party and her popularity is likely higher than that of
Starting point is 00:13:49 president biden oh so it's fucking 30 instead of 26 no shit fucking idiots dude these motherfuckers are so fucking desperate and so fucking stupid let me tell you why this is a bad idea you don't have to read any more about it all right most of america hates hillary clinton with a fucking passion most of america thinks she's a criminal a lot of america thinks she's a pedophile so what they're going to do by running this woman in front of your fucking face is activate every motherfucking person to vote against her. So this is the best possible move for anybody that opposes her because people hate her so bad that we'll vote for any other alternative. So run the fucking play, you dumb fucks. It'll fucking not work again. People hate Hillary Clinton. It's just the way it is. She's very
Starting point is 00:14:43 not likable as a human. There's nothing she says that's unifying. It's just the way it is. She's very not likable as a human. There's nothing she says that's unifying. She's fucking arguably worse than Joe Biden because she's Hillary Clinton. I mean, the thing about she could, we're supposed to like trust that she can fucking protect and run this cause she couldn't even know. She couldn't even guard the presidential penis.
Starting point is 00:15:02 She represents, she represents motherfuckers, the establishment. She represents the generation of politicians who are old, who are bought and paid for, who don't give a fuck about you. They couldn't even. You want to know what Hillary Clinton's about? Go watch that video of her walking into a regular apartment. Yeah, I saw that. Go watch that. Look it up. There's a video of Hillary Clinton online of her walking into like a normal person's apartment. And her face is just like,
Starting point is 00:15:34 she thought she was in the third world country. She can't believe it. And that's how most people live. And so we have to ask ourselves who's representing us? Are the people running the government for the people, by the people? Or is an elite establishment government who's been bought and paid for by corporate America and all the big banks and all the richest fuck motherfuckers that are 80 years old running the country for everybody else? And I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's the latter. And until we get back to a point where people are representing people, real people are running our government and real people with real thoughts from their real community are willing to stand up
Starting point is 00:16:20 within their own party and say, I don't agree with you motherfuckers. Government won't work the way it's supposed to work. Because right now what we have is we have a team of leftists and we have a team of fucking conservatives. And they all vote together on every single issue. So it becomes a play for who has more numbers. And that's not how the government is supposed to work. The government is supposed to have open discourse. The government is supposed to have open discourse. The government is supposed to have debate.
Starting point is 00:16:46 The government is supposed to have disagreement inside their own parties. Diversity of thought. If you want my vote, the greatest Americans of our time right now are Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema because they were willing to operate how the government is
Starting point is 00:17:02 supposed to operate. They didn't go along with the status quo. They didn't go along with their party just because. And quite honestly, they might have saved the fucking country by doing so. All right. That's how the government's supposed to operate. It doesn't operate that way. People who listen to this show who are not well-versed on the government, let me break it down for you.
Starting point is 00:17:23 These people have been in office for fucking 40 years. They get paid by other companies, companies to pass legislation that benefits those companies. And in turn, those companies filter money into those people's pockets. That's why these people who come in 40 years ago worth nothing are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. All right. There's so much going on here that you guys aren't aware of. And the reason you're not aware of it is because you don't take an interest in it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And because you don't take an interest in it, it allows these old people to continue to take your fucking tax dollars and filter it into their motherfucking pockets, solving none of the problems that exist for us, the real Americans that live in this fucking country. Okay. So run this fucking bitch. Yeah. Because I'm going to tell you right now, it'll inspire every motherfucker out there to fucking vote against her.
Starting point is 00:18:20 A hundred percent. So if not her, Andy, what's your realistic prediction prediction on who that because i don't think they're gonna these people are dumb as fuck they they think they have a branding problem they think the problem is joe biden they don't realize that the problem is their terrible policy their habits and the destruction of this country and that they're out of touch with the average american's belief of what Americans should be. Yeah. All right? So they don't understand that they have a policy problem and that they have to fix it. They think they have a popularity problem because Joe Biden doesn't fit the status quo.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And they're probably sitting there thinking about, oh, well, we need a diverse person or we need a black person or we need a this or a that. My guess is that they'll run michelle obama mike yes yeah big mike i i i can't speak to that i think that might be bullshit i don't know but um but see here's my problem man like and what kind like where does that happen where simply because you were the spouse like where does that happen what is like what qualifies okay they run they run michelle obama what qualifies her nothing you know i'm saying like like this she's a black woman and that's it well i get that but the rest of everybody has to get it yeah i i you're i understand bro yeah you know i'm saying like uh nowhere you know that would
Starting point is 00:19:47 be like something happening to me and then me saying hey emily come in and run this company uh which you've never ran before you've never experienced before you know nothing about instead of me putting uh jason or my brother or chris into the fucking role who's actually qualified to do so right it's fucking insane that's our country okay and until people stop buying in to identity politics nothing will change until people stop under or start to understand that these people don't care about you it's not going to change until people understand that they need to vet their political candidates and figure out who the fuck is paying their fucking shit it's not going to change it's not enough just to vote against the people you hate you have to vote for the right people that are under whatever ideology
Starting point is 00:20:37 that you believe in who are not bought and paid for but who are there to solve actual problems and that's very rare right now. Super rare. I mean, but the people are doing it. No, there's a whole bunch of people doing it. Ian Smith. I know. And there's more than him.
Starting point is 00:20:52 But the problem is, are these people going to get enough traction because they don't have the corporate money to campaign on to get in front of people's face? And so you guys are going to have to start paying attention to these people who are not bought and paid for and propping them up in every way that you can. Small donations, whatever you can do to help them, however you can get their voice heard,
Starting point is 00:21:16 sharing their content. This is going to be the only chance that we ever fucking have ever to truly fix the program. And it's not enough to just vote Republican because we hate the Democrats. It's important that we all vote for the candidates that align with our fucking ideologies in real life. Now we're told through social media influence, not what we're propagated to fucking believe, but who actually aligns with us and got got receipts to prove it. Regardless of
Starting point is 00:21:46 what your beliefs are. Yeah. I don't care if you're a Democrat. That's not what I'm saying. Or if you're a liberal. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, we have to vote for people who truly align. Alright? And who aren't bought
Starting point is 00:22:02 and paid for. Who represent actual America. 100%. When are you're gonna say 99 i can't say 99 i can say one percent all right um no i'm over here spending some some gears now and you know we we go back and forth i'm like what the fuck we think is going on what's your thought process on this so So I'm thinking, right, I don't think that they're going to want Joe to run again. I think that's safe to say, right? So they put him out. Now, historically, there's only been six other presidents that did not run again for a second term, okay, which is a huge loss for that party to begin with because you have an incumbent president, right, makes this shit a lot easier to run on, right? So he's not going to run again.
Starting point is 00:22:44 They're going to fucking put whoever they decide to choose up and run this whole, right makes this shit a lot easier to run on right so he's not gonna run again they're gonna fucking put whoever they decide to choose up and run this whole oh we're we're new we're revitalized we're and look we stopped all the tyranny from covid and we stopped oh yeah you know what i'm saying definitely gonna do that i see them spinning this play bro and i just i don't want the fucking bro you had fucking the governor candidate of texas uh beto okay beta man beto yeah beta beto yeah okay fucking this guy's on tv a year ago or two years ago saying damn right we're gonna take your ar-15s because that's what he believed the social narrative was then right yesterday he's on tv saying exactly the opposite and and you can look this shit up.
Starting point is 00:23:25 He says, I don't want to take anybody's guns. What I actually want to do is protect the Second Amendment because he realizes that he's been preaching the wrong shit to the wrong people. Bro, you're fucked. There's receipts. There's video of all you motherfuckers saying the exact opposite. You're not going to be able to pivot. You might as well fucking quit.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Because we, here in America, we are done with your shit. All your progressive shit that doesn't work, that actually kills the black communities, that actually kills foreign relations, that actually kills the environment that you all think you're fucking saving.
Starting point is 00:24:04 We're done. You motherfuckers are done. You're done. The progressive fucking left, we're going to cancel you. That's done. Your power is gone. No one cares. Okay?
Starting point is 00:24:16 We all want America. We want free. We want to be able to live in peace. We don't want artificial division. We want to work together to solve our actual problems not uh your fake made up problems that you fucking stand on the shoulders of black people to preach about okay we're fucking done we're done and i'm going to dedicate this entire year to educating every motherfucker out there about who these motherfuckers are because fuck them that's right
Starting point is 00:24:46 dude i said that a few episodes ago man like we got to be careful when when we see shit like that because we're gonna see a lot of trojan horses i know you know i'm saying like yeah and we as the we as the people as the public have to be fucking smarter than that yeah you have to see past that bullshit yeah pull out the fucking receipt yeah do you realize that a lot of the fucking social media influencers out there who are like all pro-biden you realize that they were paid by the biden campaign to make those posts right so you motherfuckers need to think for yourselves and not pay attention to who your fucking biggest social media influencer are who's really just up there fucking dancing around their motherfucking underwear and you're listening to them for fucking political advice.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Who's the dumb motherfucker now? You're paying twice as much at the pump. You're paying four times as much in the grocery store because you listen to some stupid fuck who doesn't know shit about shit. Votes have consequences even though they did steal the motherfucking
Starting point is 00:25:42 election. 100% man. Guys, headline number three headline reads democratic senator ron wyden martin henrich says cia collecting data on americans you don't say so two democratic senators say the cia has been operating a secret program that collects data on Americans. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin Henrich of New Mexico sent a letter to intelligence officials looking for additional details about this undisclosed data repository. The letter sent April 2021 was declassified just today with portions of it blacked out. In the letter, Wyden and Hemrich requested the declassification of a report by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board on a CIA bulk collection program.
Starting point is 00:26:33 A statement released today, this was Thursday when the show was recorded, by the two senators said, quote, The letter, which was declassified and made public today, reveals that the CIA has secretly conducted its own bulk program authorized under executive order one, two, three, three, three, rather than the laws passed by Congress. We knew this, right? Like we could speculate on it. We had the Snowden incident that came out right with the NSA leaks, right? What the fuck are we talking about? You if you don't know this already you've been living in a fucking hole
Starting point is 00:27:09 snowden said this shit and they fucking ruined him they they they took him they'd say he couldn't even come back to the country because snowden told you all this and then you all believe the fucking news and you said oh he's a traitor no traitor. No, he's a patriot. And you try to tell you all that your own fucking government is recording every motherfucking thing you say. They're recording every fucking picture you send. Every time you send your little dick pics and your fucking titty pics and this and that, they have that shit on everybody. Okay. And when they fuck, when you get too loud or you get too aggressive or they don't like you or for whatever reason they go to you and they say hey uh mr fucking so-and-so is this your fucking dick oh and did you send this to sys blah blah blah oh we're gonna need you to do this and this and this
Starting point is 00:27:55 and this is how they fucking operate in america which is supposed to be a free country fuck they got everything on fucking everybody bro how do you think in these random fucking court cases these recorded calls just appear out of nowhere not everybody's out there recording their calls who's recording it where's it coming from every motherfucking conversation every text every email every fucking picture every motherfucking thing is on the data stream and recorded. Everything. Everything. That should infuriate people.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And if you don't think it's true, talk about some fucking dog food. Watch the ads pop up for dog food. You can fucking literally be in a room with your phone. The other day, we were doing an interview on River Stream or whatever the fuck that thing's called. I didn't even know what it's called. I call it the River Shit because it sucks. Because every time I try to fucking do a show from somebody who wants to use River Shit, it fucking don't work. And I was calling it River Shit.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Yeah. All right? So I went to DJ and I said, hey, tell those motherfuckers not to use that River Shit. True or not true? It's true. What happened when we tried to use the river shit? It didn't work. It didn't fucking work.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And I got pissed off and I was yelling about river shit. I don't know the actual name of the company. I don't even know. And I got an ad in my fucking phone after I said river shit that day like 10 times for that fucking company. Yeah. I didn't type that shit in my phone. They fucking listen to everything you fucking say, and you people think that's tinfoil shit.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Just wait. Yeah. That's why I keep wondering. I keep getting fucking targeted ass for butt plugs and shit. It doesn't make sense. No, but seriously, think about this, guys. A lot of people, the Hey Siri shit on your phones, I don't have that on we are not a free country no and we are sold we are sold the idea of freedom we are not free we are in a surveillance state we are everything is
Starting point is 00:29:55 tracked everything is known every picture is fucking safe every conversation every fucking thing you say or do is recorded by the fucking people that are here to protect you supposedly yeah so the so the crazy thing is guys that all started with fucking 9-11 and they started the fucking homeland security act which gave them permission to fucking listen to every single person seven fucking ways to kevin bacon well here's my bro so here's the here's the creepy thing the here's the creepy thing though here's the creepy thing right so we had the patriot act right that's what you're speaking in reference to obama came out in 2008 and confirmed that yeah snowden all that shit was
Starting point is 00:30:34 absolutely true here's the creepy thing okay executive order one two three three three which is what this went under was signed in uh in december on december 4th of 1981 they've been doing this shit way before this of course bro way before this the technology just increased bro all all this technology they developed this shit to do this shit yeah but you all think oh fucking instagram's so cool and i can do tiktok dance you motherfuckers don't understand they put this shit in your house they get you hooked on it they get you and this is how they do it fuck and you guys just sit here and think i'm crazy i'm i'm crazy right no you're in denial yeah Yeah, I mean, that...
Starting point is 00:31:25 Dude, we should... There should be no instance whatsoever that a picture or a phone or email or a text is allowed to be observed or viewed or kept by fucking anybody ever. Ever. Oh, what about the terrorists? Fuck them. We'll deal with them with real shit. Like, what about the terrorists? Fuck them.
Starting point is 00:31:47 We'll deal with them with real shit. Like, dude, this is... If people only really knew, dude. And that's my question, man. I don't think they won't try to fuck with me over this, too. Oh, 100%. Like, dude, I can tell you right now. Who had it happen? They took a whole fucking episode.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Do you remember that? Yeah, they did. Which episode was that? That was a fucking Black Square episode. They took a whole fucking episode. Do you remember that? Yeah, they did. Which episode was that? That was fucking Black Square episode. Black Square. They took the whole fucking episode down. Yeah, they did. But you know why they took it down?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Because we were saying the fucking truth? No, because in the original fucking episode, I found this out. We said in the original episode that the fucking virus came from fucking china china in a fucking lab and was man-made and and was actually funded by our own government that's why they took it down and guess what who was fucking right this is my question because like you know these ctis for the i would say for the last three weeks there has been a few times where these bombshell, that's what they like to use, right? But I mean, legitimate, irrefutable fucking proof, right?
Starting point is 00:32:53 How much, like, what is it going to take for the people to fucking realize it? Like, we got two Democratic senators. It's not even that. Telling you that. People realize it. They don't care that we realize it they're continuing to press on with their play and they won't stop until we fucking stop them it's not that people don't realize the fucking opposition to the way that we're thinking is
Starting point is 00:33:15 very small they pretend it's the most of the people but it ain't go talk to people tell me a motherfucker out there that thinks this is right show me a motherfucker out here that thinks that everything is being played above board you might you might say that when you get in your little circle with your political friends because you don't want to admit you're wrong but at the end of the day every motherfucker in this country in their heart knows that there's major fuckery going on and bro if we don't fucking get above our egos and say, Hey, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:47 this is our country. We're going to lose it. So like, dude, I would tell you what motherfuckers better start realizing how, how fucked we really are. If we don't fucking win this,
Starting point is 00:34:03 what's going on right now. Yeah. That's a war. how fucked we really are if we don't fucking win this, what's going on right now. Yeah. That's a war. You won't be able to do shit. You will be kept on a social credit score just like they do in China. Every move, they will openly track all of your shit. They're already doing it in secret.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You don't think the social credit score system already, you don't think they've already kind of averaged the score and figured out who the fuck is who and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? Bullshit. Bro, these people are out of touch. We need new leadership across the board. We need to vote out across the world. Every single politician that has ever taken a dollar for fucking anything they all gotta go you know the social the social credit shit like i don't think people understand how that works like in
Starting point is 00:34:51 china the lower your score is guess what the more you pay for gas the more you pay for groceries and guess what if it gets too fucking low you can't work the fucking gas pump at all like people don't understand that and that's been actively in place since fucking what? 20, what year they start that 2013, 14 in China. If it was so good, why, why,
Starting point is 00:35:11 why do we got, why don't we get any real news out of China? Their shit was so fucking great. Yeah. Why are they pulling people off the Olympics and putting them, you know, we're not here like, bro,
Starting point is 00:35:23 this, this shit is insane. Something wrong. It insane and like dude the average human that listens to this show and it goes about their business ignoring this shit you're doing a fucking you're doing a disservice to the future of your own fucking children you don't even understand it like these motherfuckers are gonna take everything that's their goal. And we have an opportunity right now because they're on their motherfucking heels after they just ran this play of the fucking pandemic against humanity to where we could finish the fucking job. And I'm afraid that a lot of people are thinking, oh, well, they, they lifted the things. So,
Starting point is 00:36:03 you know, everything's cool now forget no uh-uh there's got to be accountability otherwise we will have this over and over and over again until they fucking win guys our final segment of the show thumbs up where i show an article how much less freedom do we have today than we had the day the pandemic started anymore and now now they're going to go back to somewhat normal well remember they said guys there there is no new normal there would never be another new normal so just remember that remember that this is just a fucking this this ain't even this is the new normal they try to tell you that right up front dude oh there's a two minute warning that's what this is yeah yeah this is a quick fucking break in the park we we as humans are either going to have a
Starting point is 00:36:53 extremely free society where we've been freer than we've ever been where we could actually um reform our tax codes and and and start representing people the right way, spending our money the right way as a government, doing all of these things the way they're supposed to be instead of our government robbing us, okay? We'll be extremely free. Truth is out. Everybody knows what's up.
Starting point is 00:37:20 We all work together to make the place better. That could be that. Or none of us are going to matter, and they're going to get to make all place better. That could be that. Or none of us are going to matter and they're going to get to make all the rules for the rest of eternity. And if you don't like it, they're going to put you in jail. They're going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Those are the choices. And right now, at this point in history, that's where we're at. We are at the pivot point for that. So you need to think really long and hard. Are you on the side of freedom or on their side? Because those are two sides. Guys, our final segment of the show, we have our thumbs up segment where I show a headline and
Starting point is 00:37:56 it's either going to get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. And with that being said, our thumbs up headline reads, bored Russian museum guard drew eyes onto a 1.4 million dollar painting on his first day so damn he about to lose his job i'm gonna die it's russia let's be honest uh headline continues so a board security guard in russia damaged a prized 1.4 million dollar painting of blank faces by doodling eyes onto them at a museum according to the reps from the art house art house the 60 year old guard allegedly drew the peepers on anna laporskayaa's avant-garde artwork, three figures, with a pin during his first day of work
Starting point is 00:38:48 at the Yelston Center Gallery in, I wish that was here, in Russia. There you go. A museum spokeswoman told The Guardian Wednesday, so, quote, his motives are still unknown, but the administration believes it was some kind of lapse in sanity, said the exhibit's curator, Anna Reschkashina, adding that he used
Starting point is 00:39:12 a ballpoint Yelston Center branded pen. The security guard was not identified, was fired and charged with vandalism last week. It's now expected to cost about $4,600 to restore the 1930s painting um which has been uh on loan from the state in moscow uh moscow so this is the original picture
Starting point is 00:39:32 okay that's what he did bro that's an improvement yeah that's what i'm saying that's like fucking three thumbs right there they shouldn't even fucking fix that shit just that's just part of the story now it's he's he's part of history now bro what go back to the story go back to the picture with the eyes on it bro that's fucking funny dude yeah yeah he's fucked. Oh, man. What the fuck was this guy doing? He was bored, man. I don't know. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:40:08 The level of give a fuck after the pandemic is so much lower. None. I actually enjoy that part of it. Yeah. A lot of people just don't give any fucks anymore. They're like, fuck you. So I think this guy just broke, man. This is it.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Hard times in Russia, dude. I mean, fuck. What are we doing on this one, man? Dude, you know what? Fucking thumbs up, bro. Thumbs up, man. I'm with you. I'm just saying this.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Fuck the people. YOLO, bro. Fuck the man. Fuck the man. Stick it to the man. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Listen, bro.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Dude, honestly, if I was to see this for the first time i thought i thought it would like that's how it's supposed to look this just looks fucking weird yeah it looks stupid as fuck is that fucking i think that looks like it's an improvement bro this looks like jen sake bro is that what you see well you guys you gotta go to the website you'll see this well i mean you're supposed to decide what you must be traumatized maybe i don't know man I think everybody's traumatized. I had a friend tell me the other day that she's afraid she has a heart condition now because her anxiety is so high.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And I said, dude, I said, everybody's is. That's a real thing. Don't fucking write it is, bro. A lot of military soldiers, when they operate at such a high level of stress or anxiety oh not only that their fucking blood pressure will then stabilize to accommodate that of course you know i'm saying like that's a real issue motherfucker we have been we have been abused you know like you guys want to talk about abuse what's happened over the last two fucking years is is abuse of humanity yeah like legitimately we've been bombarded with lies, bombarded with negativity.
Starting point is 00:41:47 We've been bombarded with threats. It's high pressure, high tension, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear,
Starting point is 00:41:53 hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Everybody's fucked up. Yeah. So fuck dude,
Starting point is 00:41:58 this guy should get a fucking pass. I think so. Yeah, bro. And if I'm, you know, my personal art kind of suited eyeball, which is probably the reason I'm not an art critic.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I'd say that's a motherfucking improvement because that looked like shit before. All right. So good job, fucking Vladimir, whatever the fuck your name is. You probably call me racist for that. I don't give a fuck. That's fucking awesome. Yeah. Well, that's two thumbs up, man.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Andy, that's all i got brother bro i got a whole lot more but i think we're out of time all right so you got to listen to the next time but fuck guys realize what's happening and handle the problems in front of your face stand up for what you believe grow a backbone we have a time we are here in this time for a fucking reason and you know how many generations before us had an opportunity to actually make the world a more free place without violence? We got that opportunity now. It's as simple as saying, hey, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. All right? So stand the fuck up for what you believe. Stop being weak. They're taking advantage of it. They're going to ruin our whole fucking family lineage if we don't stand the fuck up. All right. I love you guys. Appreciate you guys. Pay the fucking fee.

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