REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 242. Andy & DJ CTI: Crypto Regulations, New Supreme Court Judge & Joy Behar's Vacation

Episode Date: February 26, 2022

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss how the western mainstream media has manipulated the conflict between Russia & Ukraine for political reasons, how this war will impact the freedoms we have left i...n America, and how we can avoid millions of lives being lost as a result of this conflict.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcella and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have andy and dj cruise the internet wait you're going back to the base you're going back just mix it up a little bit the vanilla it's like a bowl of trail nucks is that what it is you never know what you get all right bowl of trail nucks is that what he said nucks you're the professional is that what he said that's what? I said Nux. You're the professional. Is that what he said? That's what I heard. All right. Oh, I said Nux.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah. So lots going on in the world. First of which is I cannot post in my stories. I cannot comment and I cannot share on Instagram because I made a post calling for unity. Really? Mm-hmm. Pretty awesome. All right. um calling for unity really pretty awesome i read the post i read the post so people can fucking understand what's going on here how long do they have you banned well does it say here's what i said
Starting point is 00:01:19 if you think the chaos they created leading into the 2020 elections was bad if you think the chaos they created leading into the 2020 elections was bad, if you think the hate division and fear was bad then, if you think the tyranny has been bad now, you have a surprise coming. I've tried my hardest to get people to understand that we are Americans. We are not all these little identity politics subcultures that they tell us we are. They need us divided to accomplish their agenda. They prey on Americans' good hearts to make you believe they would never do anything to harm you, and it works. You can't believe they
Starting point is 00:01:51 would do all of this because you wouldn't do all of this. They would, and it's the beginning, not the end. This war was instigated and should serve as a signal to how far they are willing to go to cover their crimes and accomplish the globalist agenda. They will not stop. If we are to ever have a chance to save this country and its freedoms that we have enjoyed so much that we argue with each other over trivial differences as shallow as skin pigment or who we want to have sex with, we must unite now. This is real danger. I've tried my hardest the last eight years to get people to understand this.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I've exhausted myself emotionally and mentally trying to get you to see their play. We are Americans, and unless we come together, this will be the end of freedom on our watch globally forever. Now I can't post on Instagram. Can't comment, can't share, can't post my stories. What's that fucking tell you?
Starting point is 00:03:08 So that's what I'm dealing with it's dangerous man yeah well it's so dangerous yeah and then you know i i don't know let's it is what it is i'm gonna do the show and people will either listen to it or they won't but But I can tell you this. I'm getting real tired of fucking pointing shit out that you should be learning about on your own and recognizing as true based upon your own deductive reasoning. You should care about your future. You should care about your freedoms. And if people don't start caring and I don't start seeing that people actually give a fuck, I'm just going to fucking stop. Because motherfucker, I could be in Tuscany right now for real.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Okay. Like I could be doing whatever the fuck I want, wherever I want. I got security 24 seven. Okay. I can afford fucking anything. If I don't want to wear a mask or get a vaccine, there ain't nothing that any of you motherfuckers can do about it ever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I fly private. I haven't flown commercial since 2013 anywhere. All right. I can do anything I fucking want. And I spend my motherfucking days and time and energy trying to get people who don't even actually care about their own fucking freedoms enough to stand the to care. So explain this to me. Why do I do this? Yeah. I transferred my show from the number one entrepreneurship show
Starting point is 00:04:36 in the history of fucking iTunes ever. And if I wanted to go back and do the MFCEO podcast, the MFCEO project again, it would be the number one show again. And I could make fucking trillions of dollars doing it. I don't have to do this. And I have a feeling that most of the people listening or most of the people that follow me are these motherfuckers in my DMs every day. Oh, bro, thanks for speaking up. I can't because of
Starting point is 00:05:01 blah, blah, blah. Bro, I don't have to do this shit for you. I have nothing to gain. I'm not gaining anything from it. In fact, if I'm being fucking completely honest, I can't think of another fucking individual out there who tells the truth and has nothing to gain from it. A lot of these other people that tell the truth, they're running for office.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's still self-interest. Or they've earned their money this way. Or they're trying to get traffic so they can get ads. You guys, it's a lot of people like Alex Jones. They think he tells the truth. His whole fucking business has run off of that platform. Right. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'm just saying, and that's not a knock on him. I don't care. I'm just saying, I don't not, that's not a knock on him. I don't care. I'm just saying, I don't have a fucking horse in this motherfucking race. Other than I want to fucking make you motherfuckers able to have the same opportunities that I've had my entire life so that you could better your life and that their kid, your kids can be better than you are,
Starting point is 00:06:00 which is the point of being an American. And, and dude, I'm tired of trying to get people to care. I don't fucking care. I'm really tired of it. Y'all motherfuckers. Let me hang out here on my own for the last two years and take a billion fucking bullets, a billion fucking arrows. And honestly, I'm fucking sick of it. This might even be my last show ever. I don't fucking care. Like I'm fucking over it, dude. That's where I'm at. Like I am over it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I don't care. I don't enjoy coming in here and saying all these things and getting dumb fucks in my comments, attacking me, calling my business, attacking my people, saying all this shit when all I've tried to do this whole time is get motherfuckers to unify and protect the fucking constitution and the freedoms that this country fucking stands for and i'm fucking tired of doing it alone or with the same seven or eight or ten motherfuckers out there doing it i'm fucking tired dude yeah that's right man so so where so so name me another motherfucker out there who isn't getting paid for doing this because I ain't fucking running ads in my fucking show.
Starting point is 00:07:05 No, you won't find one, bro. No, I'm just saying. Who else? Name me one person that is doing this selflessly. I don't want to be fucking president of the United States. I don't want to run for government. You think I want to fucking work
Starting point is 00:07:22 for a bunch of people that don't fucking give a fuck about their own shit?'m not listening anyway yeah it's just it's really scary times right now man it could have all been avoided it all could have been avoided very simply it all started with the fucking mask it did did start with the mask. Right now, people are rolling their eyes. And they're saying, oh, here they go. No, motherfucker. You were wrong. I was right.
Starting point is 00:07:51 The people I agree with were fucking right. We were right the whole time. You fucking fell for it. And not only did you fall for it, now you're so fucking stupid that you're actually watching the news and believing that they're telling you the truth now. Right. Right. So it's it's it's fucking it's so irritating bro it's so i mean like dude i try to remind myself like this and like i get it right like like they used our tolerance against us we're a very tolerant fucking country you know what i'm saying like like we're supposed to fucking take
Starting point is 00:08:23 care of everybody right and so when they pin the deaths of people's fucking grandmas on us right like i get it i get it but here's what i don't get it's been two years everything's been out everything that you fucking called on this show is it's coming to fucking fruition every single thing how can we keep going along with it you know what i'm saying like that's what i that's the part that i don't you know how many people i get how it started you know how many people know like a week ago that they knew the covet thing was complete complete fucking power play a complete over uh reaching of government all across the world now nobody's talking about it no one and not only are they not talking about it, you're now believing the people that lied to you about it for two fucking years
Starting point is 00:09:09 that destroyed your business, destroyed your fucking company, made you fucking take a medicine you didn't want to take, produced all these fucking people to die alone. Fucking boom, boom, boom, boom. Inflation, fucking all this shit. And you believe them now? Right. Dude. That's the part i don't be this fucking dumb dude yeah
Starting point is 00:09:31 that's that's the part i don't get i don't i don't i know how we got here i don't understand how why we're still here that's what i don't get i don't get it i can't stand it dude i'm i'm i can't stand it like i i don't think that people are willing to first of all i don't think people are willing to dig in and look for themselves no i i don't and on top of it i think if they did dig in and look for themselves they're too cowardly to speak the truth yeah because what you've been fucking taught your whole entire life and what you've been indoctrinated with your whole entire life a big portion of it is a lie and and they're not they're not at a place where they can accept that these people have all been working together for the last fucking 20
Starting point is 00:10:23 years minimum. Okay. Inside. I'm talking about the United States worldwide. It's been for hundreds of years. And they can't accept it. And like, dude, I don't know what else to say or do.
Starting point is 00:10:35 So there's no point in me saying fucking anything because like, dude, nothing, nothing that I say, like, I can't believe we're back at square one with a whole new thing that people can't see what's actually happening with this Ukraine and Russia thing. Right? They can't fucking see it.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Like, dude, we just went through this, this propaganda, and we can't see that they've just created this and shifted this so that they can get off the hook for this other thing. Distractions. And if you think that they are not going to come up with like if like what i said simultaneously adding other shit in bro if you think that they are not going to go 10 times harder up until these they do not intend to have elections in november and that's just scared the fuck out of all of you what are they going to do they don't have to cheat if they don't have them. I'm just telling you, dude. You guys all think they're adjusting for the elections and all this shit. No, they're not.
Starting point is 00:11:33 They're purposefully and systematically dismantling your fucking country right in front of your fucking face, and you are too fucking cowardly to speak up and say anything about it. That's the bottom line. So I don't know what I'm doing here. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Yeah. Let me connect something to you very fucking plainly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Let me just ask a question. I'm just going to ask a question. Okay. Durham came out a week ago with all kinds of evidence that showed that Hillary Clinton and that fucking group of people knew Obama administration and Biden as well. I'm all out. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:17 New for a fact that the whole entire thing about Trump and Russia colluding together was fucking made up. All right. They made it up. Paid for it to happen. It's fucking fact. It's not conspiracy theory. All those headlines you saw about Trump and Russia for fucking years and years and years and years. They impeached him all based off of a made up fucking scandal.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Made it up. There's no truth to it. Okay. And then they can't connect the fucking critical thinking dots to think, okay, well, their goal was to make Trump look as bad as possible. So to make Trump look as bad as possible, we got to make Putin look really fucking bad. And they can't even connect this fucking critical thinking line of thinking they can't look at what the what donald trump did to russia the entire time he was in office which is what he kept him in check 100 well you've flat out
Starting point is 00:13:19 told him if you if you do anything stupid we're bombing the shit out of the kremlin like that's on by now they've leveraged this and dude can we not ask the question why is it that all the the leaders of the of the countries that have been pressing the covid narrative the hardest are the same ones supporting ukraine's administration in this conflict can we can we not ask that question? Yeah. Was Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping not the people who just said that this was all bullshit and that Soros fucking was heavily involved? Did they not call him the fucking devil? Like, we're not even allowed
Starting point is 00:13:58 to ask these questions. We're not even allowed to ask. What does it tell you about things that you're not willing to ask about? We're not even allowed to ask these questions of any sort or questions of any sort. And we think we live in a free country. You think this is freedom? You're afraid to ask questions or you're afraid that you, you, you, they don't tell you the truth. And when you ask about the truth, they shut you the fuck down and de-platform you censor you and you think this is
Starting point is 00:14:29 free okay i got it you should see the emails i'm getting you should see the dms i got from fucking people in ukraine and people in fucking russia bro yeah what we're being told is not what's happening bro that's the thing and here's the thing that I don't get too. If we live in this free country that's so fucking free, how come we don't see Vladimir Putin's entire address on fucking TV? Right. How come we can't see any of it? How come we got a report on the same people that lied to us about all these COVID things and the PCR tests and the vaccines
Starting point is 00:15:01 and the fucking actual case counts and all the shit that just came out that everybody knows is bullshit now? How that that dude that's my quote the same fucking people that lied to you about the shit are not telling how come we got to hear believe it wait wait wait how come we can't just see the videos of what putin is saying and you guys think we live in a free fucking country like that's what i'm that's what i'm trying to get everybody to understand you have ukraine and fucking russia saying that we're the united states and the western media are instigating a fucking war there and the day and the the dude comes out and says I'm demilitarizing the country.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like people don't, Tulsi Gabbard is honestly the only politician I've seen that actually fucking said the truth so far. Which is that, dude, I'll read her fucking quote. This is her exact tweet. This war and suffering could have been easily avoided had Biden admin and NATO simply acknowledge Russia's legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine's becoming a member of NATO, which would mean us NATO forces right on the Russian border. Okay. Vladimir Putin has two fucking demands to stop this war.
Starting point is 00:16:19 People can't even tell you what they are. No, bro. People can't even tell you where Ukraine is on a fucking map. I'm just saying, why, why can they even tell you what they are. No, bro. People can't even tell you where Ukraine is on a fucking map. Well, I'm just saying, why can they not tell? Why can they not tell where they are? Because the media is not telling. What are the demands?
Starting point is 00:16:32 What are the demands Putin's making? Do you even know? Because I just watched the fucking news up there and I watched an interview and they are straight up saying that Putin is Hitler and that Putin only wants conquest and that Putin only wants to fucking conquer and that there's nothing blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, which is not the fucking truth. Because guess what? I watched his fucking message. I know what the demands are. In fact, he called the Ukraine leadership Nazis.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You know what I'm saying? Like, like, guys guys remember everything they fucking say the opposite is typically true that's been a proven fact for the last two fucking years his two demands were very simple um he doesn't want nato them to become nato and nato ally and and he doesn't want uh military operations to be run on the fucking border of fucking Russia. And Ukraine is like Texas to the United States. How many people here would be okay if Texas seceded and joined fucking communist China and allowed China to put military bases
Starting point is 00:17:40 on the fucking border of Texas and Oklahoma? What would people say? If I was president, what would they be calling on me to do? You see what I'm saying? That's the exact same situation, man. Dude, no, it's, it's not the same. It's it, it, bro. Here's the bottom line. People are talking a whole bunch of shit about shit. They know nothing fucking about They know nothing about it and you guys are so quick and so fucking quick to jump on the the narrative Like I I can't understand how people aren't asking questions about what's actually going on And instead just gobbling up the social narrative as if it's like they're telling the truth, bro. They just literally cost how many people their fucking lives through suicide, depression, censorship of fucking
Starting point is 00:18:32 therapeutics cost, how many people, their jobs cost, how many people, their businesses for what? So they could fucking destroy the middle class of this fucking country. That's what, and you all figured it the fuck out. And then the next thing they feed you, you swallow it. So they could fucking destroy the middle class of this fucking country. That's what. And you all figured it the fuck out. And then the next thing they feed you, you swallow it and smile. And then talk about how great it is. Standing with Ukraine. Well, dude, there is some people that are going to fucking die. 100%.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I understand the empathy. That's what war brings. I get it. But they're weaponizing the empathy, again, of human beings to not understand what's actually happening. Right. Go look into the Minsk agreement. Like, there's some, like, you know what I'm saying? Like, there's some actual things that you got.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Because, dude, I saw this fucking chick floating around on Facebook, right? And they're trying to, like, explain the situation. And they're saying that Rush is, like, a mad ex-boyfriend trying to, like, take back his girl. Like, bro, it's just fucking, it's so fucking stupid. The apathy and the fucking ignorance of people right now. Let me read these texts. Okay. I'm going to read these texts because they're coming from somebody that is actually in fucking
Starting point is 00:19:38 Russia. Okay. This is a guy I know who is Russian. All right. Who has family in Russia, okay? And this is what he sends me in the text. Yo, bro, I know you know I have family in Russia, and I have to tell you, everybody's fucking pissed there.
Starting point is 00:19:55 God be with us, and I hope this works out, but I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse. And I responded, what are they pissed about exactly? They are pissed at the administration here meaning here in the u.s twisting things up this is the this is next level manipulation again everyone in ukraine wants russia to take over how much of a piece of shit does the prime minister of ukraine have to be to fucking place the uk Ukraine army around civilian houses and other structures so Russian soldiers can kill civilians and crossfire. The majority of people in Ukraine
Starting point is 00:20:32 want Russia to take over. Ukraine had a civil war and the government was shooting and killing their own people. Like we've talked about before, people here, meaning the United States, don't know how well they have it just twirling their fucking thumbs around on their phones supporting shit they don't even understand like these liberal dumb fucks did with covid just to feel important that's the first guy that hold on that's the first guy from russia that reached out he ain't the only guy i know and and uh here is here is another one. This is another person from Ukraine. The Ukraine prime minister stationed the Ukraine army around civilian houses and other structures
Starting point is 00:21:13 so that if a war breaks out, people will get killed and they will get to blame Russia. Putin had a press conference yesterday telling the military that their only chance is to get out now and there will be no war. But if they kept shooting, Russia will invade. So now the military is hiding between apartment buildings, shooting at Russian troops. Next slide. There was literally a civil war and nobody in the world cares. But now, after fucking COVID fuck up with Biden, war gives money back to us. My family is literally in Ukraine
Starting point is 00:21:50 telling us what's happening, but fucking American news is the cause. If war breaks out, it's because America wanted it. Now, that's a text from a dude in fucking Russia and another dude in fucking Ukraine. Now, I understand there's people that will feel differently based off of their own beliefs or whatever. I get that. And I understand that there's people dying in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:22:19 But for there being such a major fucking war, why it that tucker carlson and fox news and also cnn reported that less than 150 ukrainians have been fucking killed right there'd be thousands if it was reality well it's even they've launched more missiles than that right right putin has said he does not intend to occupy the country putin has said that the military needs to overthrow the leadership do you know who placed that leadership in power who united states that's right that's the thing that dude there's there's there's footage right people ain't ready to hear the truth bro they're not man they're not they man. They're not. They can't connect fucking simple dots. And this is not a pro-Ukraine, pro-Russia thing.
Starting point is 00:23:10 All right? It's fucked up that it's even happening. But what we really have going on here, dude, is globalists versus non-globalists. That's what you guys have not picked up on. The globalists have agenda. They plan on implementing. They will fucking do anything they can to implement it, including destroy the entire fucking world. If that wasn't clear over what they did the last two years, I don't know how to make that any more clear. You are really dumb.
Starting point is 00:23:40 You're a low IQ human if you can't understand those two things. They publish books about it. Klaus Schwab wrote a book called The 2030 Agenda. Okay, these people do not hide their motives or their views or what they're about. billions of dollars like George Soros and place politicians and prosecutors across our country that will not prosecute violent crime? Politicians that look the other way and have other countries' interests in mind? Why are they doing that? Why do we have open borders with over 2 million fucking illegal immigrants crossing over and they haven't done a thing about it. Why is inflation 7%? And here, let me put you on this too. How much money's in crypto right now total? Hold on. Hold on. How much money total is in crypto? What if all that money
Starting point is 00:24:41 were actually in the cash market being used what would inflation actually look like fucked you fuckers have no idea what's happening yeah you have no idea well that's why and that's the thing you want to fight about fucking skin color and you want to fight about pronouns and you want to fight about fucking the first trans person to be promoted fucking general. Dude, that's the scariest thing because when these situations happen, guys, this is a fucking smoke show, right? This is a distraction. But when these things happen, you have to look at the other headlines that are going on because there's other big moves that are being played right now. And that's what people fail to fucking realize um and i don't know you mean like the cdc today coming out and
Starting point is 00:25:30 saying oh well masks don't need to be worn anymore right you mean like that right you mean you're talking about like that or uh plenty of fucking countries around the world trying to pull fucking cryptocurrency completely completely you know why because when they pull that cryptocurrency if the money that they get they first of all they confiscate you don't know who the fuck runs crypto you don't fucking know they're not prosecuting crimes anyway if you hadn't noticed exactly they want chaos their literal fucking slogan is through chaos we achieve order. You fucking people don't fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And I get called crazy. And I get called an idiot. And I get called a fucking all these things. I am tired of fucking pointing this shit out to you. And you guys fucking thinking you know better. You don't know better. If you did know better you wouldn't need to listen to me about fucking anything you'd be on your own pocket it's fucking it's irritating dude it's irritating as fuck and all these fucking smart conservatives out there thinking
Starting point is 00:26:38 they want to be they're no different than the fucking left yeah they want to be morally better they want to fucking look good to everybody. They want to post all this shit to get likes and shares and traffic. And they don't give a fuck about the actual truth. And the actual truth is just like George Carlin said, they're all in a club and we ain't in it. And until people come to realize that and realize that there are certain people out there that have nothing to realize that and realize that there's certain people out there
Starting point is 00:27:05 that have nothing to fucking gain and everything to fucking lose who've been standing up for the fucking truth and they're willing to rally behind those people on their own and get involved in their own communities and make real fucking change and fucking handle the problems in front of their fucking face without pussing out, nothing will change. Nothing will change. I'm fucking tired of it, dude. You can't connect basic fucking dots. You can't even like, bro, think about this.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Your significant other fucking tells you all this shit for fucking 20 years. It turns out to all be bullshit. Then all of a sudden you believe about this thing over here. Right. Yeah. Do you think it is? Do you think it's just because it's like, it's like, it's the hand that you motherfuckers think that I have? Like, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:27:58 You think I have personal aspirations to fucking get involved in politics, bro? I don't want nothing to do with politics. You wonder what the fuck I'm trying to start with this bison. I'm trying to start a fucking movement. I don't want to be the face of it. I don't want fucking anything to do with it. You think I want to be president? I don't even like to wake up early motherfuckers. I'm serious. You think I want to wake up every day, put on a fucking suit and get yelled at for trying to help you fuckers you're fucking wrong i don't like suits i don't like getting up and i don't like getting yelled at when i'm right fuck dude dude it's scary things what's your thought i mean guys we're a little i know we're a little off track but andy what's your thought? I mean, guys, I know we're a little off track, but Andy, what's your thought? We ain't off track. This is exactly on track.
Starting point is 00:28:45 But my question is, dude, like, I've also been seeing this, and I just want to know what your take is on this. I'm seeing a lot of people saying, oh, what's going on over there does not affect us. We'll see. You know what I'm saying? We'll see. You fucking idiots don't understand what Biden's done. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:04 You don't understand that he shut done. Right. You don't understand. He shut down our own domestic oil fucking sources. You don't understand that he killed the Keystone pipeline. You don't understand what Nord Stream 2 is. You don't know fucking shit. But this doesn't affect us. I had a fucking dude in my DMs being like, oh, Andy, you think everything's connected. You don't understand that that Putin is just like Hitler and he's trying to exterminate.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Bro, don't come at me with surface level shit. You don't know shit. You don't know fucking shit. You heard fucking what they said on CNN or Fox News. You have not looked into this in any regard outside what the fuck you're fed. Do you understand that in mainstream media they have things called gatekeepers? No, you don't. Ask any journalism major. They'll? Do you understand that in mainstream media, they have things called gatekeepers? No, you don't ask any journalism major. They'll fucking tell you about that.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Okay. What a gatekeeper does is basically that's the person inside that decides what information you get to fucking here. Did you not see the CDC come out about a week ago and say, you know what? We have the data, but we can't release it because if we release it, it's going to make it look like the vaccines not only didn't work, but actually hurt people. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:30:11 No, I bet you didn't because it wasn't on the fucking news. Right. Right. Dude, we're probably paying $100 for a pack of chicken, bro. That's what people don't understand. That's how it was going to fucking affect us.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Paying fucking $10 a gallon for gas. Entrepreneurs out there, they're like, oh, dude, I'm rich. You won't hurt me. You won't be rich when you have no fucking customers. Right. Right. Fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. It was going to drive out that middle class completely. It is. The middle class is going to be gone. And by the way, I said that two years ago. Yep. And could have all been avoided. You could have fucking not complied. You could have shut this all down but here we are
Starting point is 00:30:50 i don't give a fuck what the fuck you think either i really don't i know there's motherfuckers out there listening and they think oh dude this guy just really angry we'll see we'll see bro it's the haves and has nots i told that motherfucker, I said, come back to me in two years and tell me it's not connected. Right. But here's the problem. In two years, you'll probably be dead. Oh, it's real shit, man. These people are all in.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I don't know how to explain this to you people. These people are all in. They know if they get caught, they're going to be at the end of a fucking rope. What would you be willing to do to not be on the end of a rope? Would you be willing to fucking start massive wars and get fucking millions of people killed knowing that you would survive because you built some fucking crazy bunker off in fucking somewhere where it ain't going to be attacked? Because that's what these people do.
Starting point is 00:31:50 They are not you. They do not represent represent you they don't care about you and in fact they fucking hate you i don't understand what i have to say to get people to grasp this concept i can't say anything so it's a point for me it's pointless for me to even post or fucking say anything because they're not going to get it. And then it's pointless for me to fucking talk about motivation or anything about being successful because the opportunity is not going to be there. Right. Right. So what difference does it fucking make for me? I sat there for two years pointing out the play and you motherfuckers wouldn't even get involved one little bit. You know, I can't stand up, bro.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I could fucking, I'm just following the rules. You know? I didn't make the rules. Whatever, dude. Whatever. All the police that enforce these COVID mandates, all the military that's not fucking standing up for our constitution. You will be responsible for the end of this fucking country and the end of humanity. You.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Fuck fucking bullshit. And where's all these dudes with their 3% tattoos and that fucking all this pro to a talk for the last 15 years? Where the fuck are they? Where the fuck are they where the fuck are they yeah where are they i don't know man they're still don't you know a bunch of those guys i'm not the three percenters you fucking know a bunch of those guys bro you you know exactly who i'm talking about no i know the three percent i know about them yeah but i'm just saying the whole country's full of shit and they're weak and they're scared and it's going to get us all killed yeah
Starting point is 00:33:28 fucking disgusting well it's funny though because you know in good news uh biden chose a black lady for supreme court oh yeah because that's what fucking matters that's all that matters right now man that's all that matters let's, man. That's all that matters. Let's not worry about the fucking quality of our leadership. Let's just pick them because it's a black woman. Makes a whole bunch of sense. But guess what? I'm fucking racist for saying it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'll say it. You know what's funny? Well, everybody knows you're racist. Oh, yeah, that's true. I mean, bro, anybody who doesn't go along with the far left is a fucking racist, misogynist, conspiracy theorist, fucking Nazi, fucking blah, blah, alt-right, far-right, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That language and that fucking divisiveness and that attack on all the 80% of normal humans is what's caused this. It's 100%. And then you 80% people who are saying exactly what DJ just said, you people caring what those people say are the rest of the responsibility for it.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You're fucking weak. It's no wonder that so many people can't become successful in business because they have no fucking backbone and no courage. That's become clear to me. Yeah. So how about this? We'll call this episode the black pill episode. Yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, because I'm going to tell you right now, dude, that's where I'm at. I'm fucking tired. People don't even care about their own fucking future enough to dig into a situation and look at it. Yeah. You know why? Because when they, they can't, this is really hard for people to swallow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:10 When you start to understand what's happening here and you start to understand that the only reason that we knew about COVID and the only reason we were able to figure that out. And the only reason we were able to fucking not get totally fucking enslaved with that is because of the Internet. OK, you have to you have to go back and think about history completely. What was done, who was done, what was done about it? If this situation with Ukraine had no fucking internet and those people weren't texting me and those people weren't texting millions of other people, because there's people that know the truth and they won't speak it.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You know what? You know what it is? And we talked about this yesterday on cardio though, but like do the people that are fucking speaking out that are fighting, right? We all have one common denominator, right? And it's that we've all had some level of legitimate real sacrifice right and the problem is and with that sacrifice we've also been
Starting point is 00:36:13 able to reap the benefits that this country has offered most people 98 99 of people bro have not sacrificed anything nor have they really no i was thinking about this any benefits here's the example i used um i used a very specific example i used the example of ian smith who lost his fucking freedom for six fucking years when he went to prison yeah and he should have went to prison right he'll be the first person to tell you that secondly we had tommy vexed who was almost fucking killed by his own fucking family. He almost died. He values his fucking food.
Starting point is 00:36:51 We have you, who had that traumatic situation with your nephew. Nephew, yeah. That you understand the value of life and that we're only here. And then guess what? I got stabbed in the fucking face and thought I was going to fucking die. And then I had a fucking cyst that we thought was a brain tumor for two fucking weeks where I had to question my entire mortality what my life meant
Starting point is 00:37:09 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and the truth is most people have never had experiences like that nope it's been kush that's right and they're fucking soft and they're fucking weak and they're fucking cowardly
Starting point is 00:37:20 and they don't value their own fucking life and what really irritates me man is the fact that if people understood that if we did unify because that's really what it takes if we all collectively came together the benefits that freedom has to offer would far outweigh any of these fucking little pieces of crumbs that people don't even know what it's like to be fucking free. I have no idea. You have no idea. You have no idea how hard you've been propagated for your entire
Starting point is 00:37:52 fucking life. You have no idea. It's been cush. Dude, you have no idea. Dude, free people don't pay 50% fucking income tax. No. Free people aren't censored off the fucking internet. No.
Starting point is 00:38:14 It's an illusion of freedom. And the truth is we can either make that illusion a reality. That's it. Or it'll go forever. That's right. They're not anyone should have the illusion anymore no no no you're gonna know exactly what the fuck you have you're either gonna have shit or you'll have everything and like and that that's kind of the ultimatum that
Starting point is 00:38:33 we're in the only problem dude is is that you know i don't want to say this is like liberal dj talking but it's like thinking about that dude like you have those people that you know the 99 percent of people that that are been having that cush life and we're expecting them so it's a fucking douche you know what i'm saying like you understand what i'm saying like like they're incapable i think they will always be incapable because who is expecting them well i'm just saying like i have i'm not yeah like i'm not expecting them i don't care what they think because i know that they don't understand what the fuck is happening i'm talking to the motherfuck don't care what they think because I know that they don't understand what the fuck is happening. I'm talking to the motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:39:07 that know what's happening and aren't doing shit. I'm not waiting on those fucking people. You all are waiting on those people. It all comes down to personal accountability and handling our own fucking problems in our own communities. People are not willing to even do that. If we all did that, if everybody went out and did the best
Starting point is 00:39:30 they could and tried to fucking correct and speak the truth of what they believe without fear and stood up to people who bullied them and said, Hey, I don't care that you think that fuck you. This is what I think. And we had some courage and we solved some problems at the school board and we saw some problems at city council and we solved the problems at local and state government, et cetera, et cetera. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:39:52 This shit could get turned around in a fucking week. Yeah. What do you, what do you, what do you foresee the next six, seven, eight months? I have no idea,
Starting point is 00:40:04 bro. I know it's going to be real bad. Whatever they're planning for the next fucking seven or eight months is going to be way worse than what they did between march 2020 and fucking november 2020 i believe they're going to do everything they've always done i believe they're going to divide everybody along racial lines a hundred percent really fucking hard i would expect more issues coming from that area meaning like them taking examples from the police and blowing it the fuck up as huge stories potentially like more george floyd's a hundred percent yeah okay regardless of if it's justified or not
Starting point is 00:40:45 they're going to try to create division okay I believe they're going to try to make it impossible economically like
Starting point is 00:40:53 they're going to blame all that shit on fucking on this conflict and do they the headlines have already started
Starting point is 00:41:00 they've already started and that like dude like how the rising gas prices inflation blah blah blah due to the rush. We haven't even got a fucking one-tenth or one-one-hundredth of one percent of the effects of that conflict here yet. And people are going to fall for that headline. It'll be another four weeks before we see anything.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Before they even see the effect. What we are dealing with now is the beginning. They created all this. And they're hoping that people forget between now and November. And they're going to blame it on this conflict. And dude, who's to say this conflict doesn't turn into fucking legit war where millions and millions of people get killed? Yeah. I mean, dude, and that's what i was alluding to earlier man it's like people don't understand how this affects us it's gonna get dark and guess what if you can't afford a pack of chicken
Starting point is 00:41:54 cool guess who's coming for it the people who can't you know what i'm saying so it's like like people have to understand the consequences of things like this and and it all comes down to those you know those people that put this fucking guy in office with the help of things like this. And it all comes down to those people that put this fucking guy in office with the help of his own fucking administration cheating and stealing the election from him. They fucking stole the election. 100%. Okay, I'm tired of dancing around it. There's tons and tons of evidence that says
Starting point is 00:42:16 they stole it. You fucking people that says they didn't steal it, you're getting your fucking CNN narrative. Yeah. getting your fucking cnn narrative yeah fuck fucking joke i don't know man i don't know people are in for a fucking ass beating yeah and you know what in my opinion i think they need it i think they need it i I think they need it. I think people need to need to have,
Starting point is 00:42:53 they need to go through a really hard time and they need to recognize who the fuck has created it. It's this fucking liberal bullshit ideology about fucking identity politics. Uh, the first fucking, you know, trans person to fucking do this and this and this bro that the only shit that works is we put the best motherfucker in the job and if that happens to be a trans person i don't give a fuck yeah what is a sexual fucking orientation i don't care
Starting point is 00:43:16 anything nobody cares no well it's just like the the you know uh uh this judge katanji brown jackson bro like listen you guys look into her, you'll learn that 80% of all her fucking court decisions were overturned by the Supreme Court. 80% have been tossed out. But she's black, so it's cool. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:43:40 It's just disgusting, man. These people don't care about the Constitution anymore. No. They're trying to make their own that they're trying to destroy the entire country and then start the fuck over the whole world actually why do you think it's called the great reset right the great reset and the motherfuckers who are ahead now when they do reset it they're going to be ahead then too because those people have skills and you have you have not just creating you have you have socialist and communist ideal people wanting this not understanding that all of those people
Starting point is 00:44:21 when this shit goes to fucking shit those are the people that get killed first by their own fucking party because they are useless to fucking society. You want to know how you're going to be treated in a communist regime? Look what Putin does to fucking gay people. And you fucking people are dumb enough to cheer it on. I don't know what to fucking, I don't know what else to tell people yeah i don't know what else to tell people dude i get banned off fucking instagram for fucking for i can't load my stories you know how it does the circle thing and it stops yeah i haven't been able to do that for two days because I called for fucking unity saying what how many people how many dude they've tried to make the American flag divisive and you fucking people think this is an accident
Starting point is 00:45:15 you think these people are just dumb making mistakes dude I I don't know what to do man I don't know what to say I don't know what to do, man. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. The only thing I know what to do is what I told people they got to do. They got to use whatever skills they can to solve the fucking problems in front of them and get fucking serious about it. And if we don't do that, we will lose everything for fucking ever. There's really no point in anything because you'll never be able to fucking grow all the shit you learned growing up oh you could be anything you want you could do this you could do that you'll never be able to do that nothing you're gonna do what they tell you
Starting point is 00:45:54 to do yeah that's what you've been doing yeah and if they want your shit they take it this is our house now oh i i don't think so boom right in the fucking face you're done it's their house dangerous they're print they printed 40 of all the fucking money that we have in the last two years but they don't teach you basic economics in high school why is that why is that easy to be controlled man it's so many i'm gonna be honest like i'm i'm very bitter right now if you couldn't tell i'm actually disgusted i'm disgusted at the apathy and the silence for the last two years and the the the the the inaction you know and i have people come to me. Well, what the fuck did you do? Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I rearranged my whole life. Talk about fucking freedom. My whole fucking life. I fucking support. I've given away fucking, I don't know how much money to these fucking causes. Okay. So don't ask me what the fuck I've done.
Starting point is 00:46:59 What the fuck have you done? Fucking over it, dude. bro yeah man you know people people people think oh well he's rooting for no i'm not saying that but what i'm saying is the entire thing is being you're being lied to about and we can't get over the emotional you know proper bro some of these clips that they've been showing on that I've seen go viral on the Internet are from fucking years ago. Well, one of the pictures was from a fucking video game. It was a fucking CGI animation of two planes shooting each other down in a dogfight.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I hate to break it to you, dumb fucks. But when these planes shoot each other down now, it's from it's 100 miles, 200 miles out. You don't see them both in the frame like it was fucking 1942 right fuck dude not seeing the one there's no fucking common sense bro like at all like there's none it's it's it's non-existent like i'm i'm the idiot i'm the idiot now we'll see what happens man when are people going to to take shit serious when they're fucking paying a hundred dollars for chicken they get robbed for no they won't bro no they won't they'll fucking say they'll say some fucking woke shit some woke bullshit they needed more than me. Oh, yeah. And I saw a fucking tweet. Some fucking stupid white liberal girl who's like 22 years old with a blue check.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Draft the unvaccinated. Hey, you stupid bitch. You just kicked all the unvaccinated people out. You know what? Us unvaccinated people were the ones that fucking give a fuck about this country. Right. Every single one of us would go fucking fight for this fucking country. If it was actually about this country.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'm sick of our fucking people getting involved in other people's conflicts and being fucking killed so that these people who you think have your best interest in mind can get fucking rich. Are you not sick of that? Fucking 19 year old kids being blown the fuck up for fucking someone else to take for Hunter Biden to do coke off of a fucking hookers fucking asshole. Why don't you think about that? Right. We shall see, man. We shall see.
Starting point is 00:49:38 What is wrong with people, bro? It's what we said. It's Cush life, man. It's Cush. Everything's good. Everything's good. Everything's fine. Explain to me how people can totally be shown the light on the COVID thing for the most part, right? 80% of people have fucking come to terms to understand they got lied to. That's where we're at.
Starting point is 00:50:05 How can those people then turn around and see this shit on the news and not question it the fuck are we doing and then anybody who says anything else oh you want ukrainians to die no nobody wants anybody to die right but i think we should have the full scope of what is actually happening and why. I don't think that's unreasonable. No. Or irresponsible. I don't think there's a single fucking American citizen that wants a single Ukrainian person to die. Yeah. So if we ask questions, we automatically hate Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Dude, it's not funny, bro. It's the same shit with the black square shit if you didn't post a black square you were the fucking you were fucking the head of the kkk if you didn't support black lives matter you were the head of the kkk bro if you didn't think mass work you wanted to kill my grandma that's it you you fucking you if you didn't want to donate money to blm knowing since i'm from st louis and started here and i saw them take millions of dollars from the community and say hey peace out but since i didn't want to give money to that organization
Starting point is 00:51:15 i was a fucking racist now now if you say anything about what's going on you fucking you're a traitor to america but we're the radicals dude we're the radical the fuck is going on yeah yeah i don't do that like i said we shall they can all eat a dick dude all of them i don't care i don't care i won't do the show i don't say shit you guys can figure it the fuck out for yourselves there's a whole book about this by the way it's called atlas shrug the whole book is about people like me who produce shit eventually looking at the people who don't produce shit and saying fuck off and go and live their fucking lives and that's about to be what happens i'm fucking sick of it they're y'all wanting to fake outrage about every motherfucking cause but you can't get
Starting point is 00:52:03 outraged about not being told the truth or everybody's fucking experts on everything now that's the part that fucking gets me it's like two weeks ago you're a fucking expert on fucking epidemiology and now you're expert on fucking military strategy in ukraine like get the fuck out of here bro oh let's not let's not even talk about the fact of putin's fucking attacks overlaid on a map with the uh locations of united states biolab facilities that they run and manufacture all kinds of gain-of-function research in ukraine on russian russia's border let's let's forget that when we overlay these two maps they line up perfectly let's ignore that data let them put that on the news right no but we can't talk about that now they don't want you to talk about misinformation
Starting point is 00:52:50 right right you ever noticed that we never heard of misinformation or disinformation before covid how many times you heard that before covid i never heard it no i never heard i didn't even know that was a word it's because they made it up i was misinformed yeah i'm an idiot guys i'm an idiot my whole life's a fucking big w but i'm an idiot i'm an idiot let's see how smart you guys are yeah well joy behar complains rescue ukraine war meaning her european vacation plans uncertain um if you want to know what the fuck these people actually give a fuck about go watch that clip there you go it's easy to find this fucking 80 year old woman who has lied to you for fucking two years about covid now says that she's pissed off about fucking ukraine russia war because she can't go to Italy. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And you fucking people listen to this person. What has she fucking, like, this is what I want to ask. Fuck her. What has she accomplished to be a trusted fucking source? She looks like these people who listen to her. They don't have fucking jobs. They don't contribute to society. They fucking sit at home and think that they're fucking smarter than everybody when they haven't done shit.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And that's who you're trusting guys. That's, that's who you're listening to. Well, I'm about to have motherfucking aneurysm. I can feel it in my fucking head, dude. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I'm, I'm, I'm, people have to wake up. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:54:28 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:54:28 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:54:28 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 00:54:31 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I. By the beginning of March, I knew what was coming. And I said it and you motherfuckers laughed at me and you called me all kinds of fuck sticks. And you fucking said I was a fucking this and that and this and this and this. Shame on me. You called my company, yelled at my employees. You did all this shit, right? Guess what? Who told you the fucking truth? I didn't post a black square. Same thing. Got a tax for fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Guess what? Who told you the fucking truth? BLM doesn't even support BLM anymore. No. No, they don't. And I told you on that episode, there's two different groups of people. There's the hot newsoms of the world who give a fuck about black people getting their asses beat which we should all care about
Starting point is 00:55:30 and then there's a democrat organization of marxism that's funded by fucking george soros that takes all your money and does the evil shit that we see in the world and And I said it on the fucking episode. And I was racist. I'm still getting called that by people. But I'm lying to you now. I don't know what I'm talking about. Stay in your lane, Andy. You don't know. You're a fucking business guy. Well, guess what? To get as far as I have in business, I had to develop some vision skills. And I had to develop some critical thinking and some deductive reasoning and some investigative skills so that I can make decisions and see obstacles coming down the pipe that other fucking companies can't see. And as far as I understand, I'm pretty much the fucking shit in my industry. So I'm pretty good
Starting point is 00:56:26 and I'm pretty skilled. And when I tell you shit, I ain't wrong. And I would like to know, I just would like to know, at what point in time am I going to start being believed by the people who listen to this fucking show? At what point in time are you going to start advocating for the
Starting point is 00:56:42 truth and supporting people who tell the fucking truth? That's what i'd like to know I've had people in my dms tell me they don't want to share my show because they get criticism for it Really? Yeah all the time All the time sweet shit, man Sweet shit all time. It's weak shit, man. It's weak shit. Maybe instead of sharing the show,
Starting point is 00:57:07 you should just take my message and use your own fucking mouth. I don't care about growing the fucking show. The only reason I care about growing the show is so more people will hear the truth. If you want to tell the truth, tell the truth. Don't share my show.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Tell the truth don't share my show tell the truth say what i say and say you said it i don't care yeah it happens anyway right right happens anyway fucking half the entrepreneurs out there running coaching groups or what teaching my shit not even half 90 of them so i don't care i give everything away for fucking free dude that i can every program i've given away it's there's a free version of it that you don't have to buy 75 hard you can fucking download for free you can buy the book you can buy the app you don't have to the power list i give it away for fucking free on the podcast you could buy the fucking power list or you could use a notebook i say it in the show right what else do I give away
Starting point is 00:58:30 you know how much more money I could make if I didn't give that shit away it's not like it's fucking some cheap ass fucking bullshit shit changes people's fucking lives I give it away for fucking free. I don't run ads on the show. I can make eight figures
Starting point is 00:58:49 running ads on the show. Based on the traffic that I get. Just got to wake up, man. I don't understand, dude. Whatever, man. Fuck. That's where I'm at, dude. Yeah.

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