REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 265. Andy & DJ CTI: Disney's Secret Agenda, CDC Normalizing Blood Clots & World Government Summit

Episode Date: March 31, 2022

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Disney executives pushing for half of its characters to be LGBTQIA by the end of the year, the CDC attempting to normalize blood clots in athletes, and the world ...government summit set to host the Forbes under 30 forum.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest sake of body to lies. The fakeness and the delusions aside, I fucked it up, but we're going to keep going. So anyway, today we got Andy and DJ Cruz, the motherfucking end. And how about that fucking intro? Yeah, that was probably the worst one I ever did. All right. So welcome.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Hey guys. What's up, dude? What's up, man? I don't know. Bro. I fucking feel like every day we plan to do like a Q&A after we're like, no, we got to do CTI, bro. There's crazy shit going on.
Starting point is 00:00:55 There is wild shit. I feel like it's all falling apart for these. Bro, it is fucking crumbling. I like it. Crumbling like a Girl Scout cookie and not not the Samoans those you ate all dude I got some crazy shit man tell me the truth what's up
Starting point is 00:01:17 you you don't think Samoans are the best Girl Scout cookie I mean I think the top three I think the top three there are Joe you're top three. There are... Joe, you are a former fatty, like myself. DJ is a former fatty. I'm recovering. He's in recovery.
Starting point is 00:01:36 What's the best Girl Scout cookie? Samoas, hands down. I'm not saying that just to say that. I've been fat for 20 years. You're a fucking expert. And I've been eating those motherfuckers. Me that's the only ones i get i agree like i tell the wife what was your heaviest weight 300 all right mine was 350 what was yours 354 okay so you're the fucking boss here i mean i don't know how you got that fat not eating some of the best cookie samosa do you even know these cookies? You're not been in
Starting point is 00:02:05 America long enough, have you? Do you guys have Indian Girl Scout cookies over there? What do you have? No. What do you guys have
Starting point is 00:02:13 for like treats? The staple is a brand called Parle-G. It's the cheapest shit you can buy. Is it good? It's really good and addictive.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Really? Yeah. Hey, since this is a conspiracy show, do you think that, do you think they put drugs in there to make it fucking addictive? Hmm. Probably.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell you this. They got cracking them Girl Scout cookies. 1000% definitely in Samoas. Yeah. I mean, they're,
Starting point is 00:02:36 they're in all of them. Yeah. All right. We're doing a show, right? Man, I'm telling you, I got, what do we got here we got uh this is this is the show is called real af yeah if you hadn't one of your friends told you listen to it and you're probably like oh yeah i'm gonna get motivated to do shit this is the not this is the wrong formula you'll get motivated yeah
Starting point is 00:03:00 yeah we do these other ones like q and af and full length with guests people who have done amazing things we do real talks cti is more of like shit posting but in a microphone basically yeah i think now people are going to say that we debrief the common sense yeah we we debrief the lies the fakeness and delusions right of modern society that's hey that was good that was that was great yeah that was great all right let's get into this man we do have a fee do you do you know how to have you figured out how to present the fee i know the fee yeah the feet guys listen if if you enjoyed the show if you laughed if you learned something if you if it opened your eyes and if you put a 10-4 hat on share the show that's all we actually practice that yeah i did
Starting point is 00:03:45 yeah you're getting better thank you all right yeah we don't run ads none of that shit right we don't fill it up just share the show that's all we have that was pretty good thank you you've been practicing learning from the best all right all right let's get into this guys uh and guys don't forget if you want to see any cti work yeah so i basically put up uh three headlines and we talk about them we make them we put into common sense uh narration yeah for our guests yeah and if you're far left you're gonna because everything is alt far right yeah neo-nazi yeah uh this that that's the kind of shit that we talk basically right so like yeah so like we we basically you think that i should have voted for biden just stop listening yeah why because you're black no because i'm a conservative
Starting point is 00:04:30 all right let's do the show we got good ones man and guys if you want to see any of these articles links videos pictures any of it go to andy for you can find all the links there and you're gonna want to go there today to find these links because we got some wild shit. So let's get started. Headline number one. Disney exec wants half its characters to be LGBTQIA minorities by end of year. So Disney executive has vowed to drastically increase inclusivity in its productions, promising that at least 50 percent of its characters will be LGBTQ or racial minorities by the end of the year. Kerry Burt, president of Disney's General Entertainment Content,
Starting point is 00:05:11 said the company must do more to make its content more inclusive in a company-wide Zoom call that aired Monday that was later posted to Twitter. Quote, I'm here as a mother of two queer children, actually, Burt said on the call, one transgender child and one pansexual child. And also as a leader, Burke said that she supports featuring quote, many, many characters who are LGBTQIA, which stands for lesbian,
Starting point is 00:05:34 gay, bisexual, transgender, queer intersex and asexual or allies. Um, by the end of the year, Burke says that she wants at least half of the entertainment giant characters to be LGBTQIA or racial minorities.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Here she is here. And this was at the simultaneously. This was the same time that another Disney exec is promising to advance her secret gay agenda. A Disney executive producer admitted that she has been pushing a, quote, not at all secret gay agenda for children's animation. And this is all coming out while Governor Ron DeSantis is assigning his so-called, quote, don't say gay bill this week. Here's the video from the one exact. All of the classics, you know, all of the classics, they have been a huge, like, informative part of my life.
Starting point is 00:06:17 But at the same time, like, I worked at small studios most of my career, and I'd heard, you know, you can hear whispers. Like, I'd heard things like, oh, you know, they won't let you show this at a disney show and i'm like okay so i was a little like sus when i started and but then my experience was bafflingly the opposite of what i had heard on my little pocket of like you know proud family disney tva um the showrunners were super welcoming, Meredith Roberts, and like the, our leadership over there has been so welcoming to like my, like not at all secret gay agenda. And so like, I feel like I felt like it was, I mean, like maybe it was.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So basically what that woman just said, the second woman was um i didn't think disney would allow me to make shows with such obvious grooming storylines and characters uh in in them and i'm super surprised that when i came on at disney they actually let me do whatever i want right you should actually kind of brush past a little oh yeah yeah okay if you're not doing anything wrong why do we need a secret agenda of any sort all right you know there's a lot of people who say oh well we can't help it because you're born gay well if that's true then why are we grooming people if people are born the way that they are why are we grooming people why are we teaching them when they're why do we see uh the an executive
Starting point is 00:07:45 of disney talking about her fucking pansexual uh queer children right bros these people a lot of these people are mentally ill and they're like oh i want a gay baby or i wanted this baby or i wanted that baby motherfucker it's a baby right it's a baby your baby doesn't know about bro yeah like i didn't really even know about fucking anything until i was like i don't know probably fourth or fifth or sixth grade where i started like looking at your girls i'm like oh that girl's kind of cute i started getting like a little boners and shit yeah you know i'm saying like dude like they don't need to be learning about that when they're four. No.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And that's the important thing about this bill. Like it's both ways. It's not, it's not just, it's sexualization of any kind. And it's giving the parents the fucking evil shit. And look how, and dude,
Starting point is 00:08:39 the fact that they're calling it the don't, don't say gay bill and trying to propagate it. Like it's some sort of moral cause should be every single person in our government that's that's that's speaking up this don't say gay shit should be voted the fuck out yep they're fucked up dude and they're bought and paid for they're being paid to spread that message i i don't know i don't know how to get people to get it anymore yeah like bro you can't tell me that this is okay there's not a person listening to this they're gonna say yeah that's okay that's okay no i'll die on this hill i don't give a fuck if i don't either if 99 of the people tried to come to me and say it was okay yeah i'm down on the hill i'm down we we are letting these
Starting point is 00:09:19 we are letting a generation of fucking kids go to the fucking wolves in a very literal fucking way yep it's fucked up bro you're popping disney shows thinking it's some wholesome innocent thing and then you have the executives of the company sitting here telling you what they are doing exactly what they're doing but what it is is that people people are completely they're over, they're over, what's the fucking word? They're over counting and over estimating the real fucking true portions. And so I got this YouGov study, right? Yeah. I posted it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. Yeah. And guys, if you have not seen this fucking study, you need to go look at it right now. We'll link it on the website. But people are overestimating all of these fucking these quote-unquote minority let me read some of them okay uh the true proportion of transgender people in this country is 0.4 percent right the estimated proportion is 21 what that means is 21 people when you ask people like hey what do you think that what percentage what percentage do you think is transgender yeah most people of this poll
Starting point is 00:10:31 answer 21 when it's actually 0.4 right um when when asked about uh if people how much of the population do you think is gay or lesbian people estimated 30 when it's actually less than four percent yep okay uh when asked if the population was how much the population was bisexual people estimated 29 when actually it's four percent yeah we're overestimating all of this okay so it's a long list guys like yeah there's there's tons of information on this list okay this is this is why i've been telling you for however many years that the actual data is different than what they're telling you right all right and this has created a scenario where the average common sense american who believes in real like wholesome shit that disney pretends to be about
Starting point is 00:11:27 is actually getting fucking played and this is a this is a globalist agenda dynamic that is pushed down through through our entertainment through our media through um school school propaganda school education these people write the fucking curriculum that are taught to your kids in school. Not just the gay and lesbian and transsexual curriculum. I'm talking about the history. I'm talking about fucking everything. Got the critical race shit. I mean, it's all of that.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I think it's important, guys. We have to remember, this is Disney talking about their children. Listen, here's the thing. Parents have to fucking wake up. Yeah. This absentee parentism that you motherfuckers run these days where you stick your kid in front of a video or in front of a Disney network or in front of some movie or in front of a video game. You're playing into their agenda off your fucking laziness and you're in your inability to engage your own children and raise them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:28 This is why I'm pro-choice. Yeah. Because certain people just shouldn't fucking have kids. And if you're going to have kids to let these evil fucks raise them on their propaganda, then you should have kids. Yeah. Okay. Now, parents have a real question to ask.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And by the way, people say, how's this part of the globalist? Well, Disney is not affiliated with the world economic form. No, but who owns Disney? Who owns the biggest part of Disney?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Black Rock. That's right. And who funds fucking world economic form? Black Rock. Okay. So there's your fucking math there, geniuses. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:04 If you don't think that these evil motherfuckers that want to turn you into a non-gendered person. If you watched the video I talked about yesterday, they talked about how they want to put people on drugs and video games because they're useless to society. That's you, by the way. That's you. That's your kids. That's your fucking lineage. That's you. Whether you hate me or love's your kids that's your fucking lineage that's you whether you hate me or love me that they're talking about you right right so parents you
Starting point is 00:13:31 have an obligation to your kids to protect them from sexual fucking grooming and by the way i don't have a problem with gay people or lesbians or trans people bro nobody has a problem that's the whole thing they they they silence any criticism as anti-gay transphobic this that the other no i'm not any of those things i'm anti grooming your kids from the time they're fucking born until they decide what they're going to be and then like dude when you kids are impressionable little sponges bro you could teach them anything how can racism be taught yeah but this is you're just born you're born this way okay like dude it's it's whatever suits them at the moment right and now we're in a scenario where you parents have to really ask yourselves do you want your children to be groomed to be some sort of alternative lifestyle
Starting point is 00:14:27 that is statistically a massive minority because of small percentages of the population who fought to get gay marriage and then called everybody who said hey i don't want that shit in my schools i'm cool with you being married having tax benefits being treated fairly in society and all that shit but i don't want to treat i don't want to coach to my schools that way oh we won't be doing that we won't have a fuck dude we're not doing that it's crazy that's immoral now here we are 10 years later and you know this is what we're dealing with we're dealing with fucking high school boys and girls locker rooms and shit like that and every single one of you motherfuckers listening to this show knows it's wrong and your silence is making you complicit in this act 100
Starting point is 00:15:11 i think it's also important too bro because these people should have their kids taken away i agree i i agree 100 man to me it's it's i mean you you hit it on the head man it's unsupervised unwilling fucking lazy parents. That's what it comes down to, bro. Because we're also seeing it here in St. Louis, too. Like, I mean, you've had four kids in the last 24 hours that have died from guns, playing with guns. It's the same thing. They're unsupervised.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Where's the parents? They're absent, right? And when you're not supervising your children and taking care of your shit happens these people are evil dude yeah like i don't understand how people can't understand it at this point like you would just rather stay in your little fucking safe bubble and pretend this isn't happening and still go to disneyland and still make this company billions of dollars still buy all their shit you know when you know that they're fucking propagating this kind of shit yeah and why are they propagating this kind of shit well is it the world economics forums number one fucking problem is too many people on the fucking planet didn't they just say what in
Starting point is 00:16:15 the video i post yesterday uh that they don't know what to do with the excess population so they're going to put them on computer games and drugs. Exact quote. It's exact quote. Computer games and drugs. Go listen to it. It's linked on my fucking website. It's the X22 podcast with General Flynn. I don't give a fuck what you think about General Flynn. Go listen to the show because the dudes say it right out of their mouth
Starting point is 00:16:36 what they're planning to do with you. Right. I think it's also important too, man, because I know this is not like the black token. Well, bro, if you want to depopulate the planet planet what's one of the best ways to depopulate make it where they don't fuck where you can't reproduce yeah so why do you think all this shit is pushed when it's such a minority of the population right why is it why is it in any other data set they would call that fringe that's an outline it is fringe you know i'm saying it is fucking fringe it's fucking fringe in any other data set you cut off the top two percent and the bottom two percent these people wouldn't even make it in the fucking polls exactly exactly
Starting point is 00:17:15 and we're bending our whole entire fucking existence over a barrel for this for this agenda these corporations are all bought into this thing called the world economic forum they go there it owns them it yeah it owns legitimately by going there we were looking on the website go on their website and these same people who are fucking pro this like dude saying oh like the they've they've branded it the the the liberal media has branded this and the do-gooders as don't say gay bill. That's not what it is. Gay is not even in the bill at all. It's not even in the fucking bill.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It's a bill so that kids between the ages of kindergarten and third grade are not taught about this shit. About any sexual shit. Because they shouldn't be. That's not just like the LGBT. What if you were trying to raise ryan and you were you see they're sitting home and you're like okay well when a man and a woman come together and they love each other and they they make a baby and that's how the world blah blah blah right right and and then she goes to school and is told well that's not actually how
Starting point is 00:18:18 it's supposed to be it's supposed to be this way right and then she comes home and tells you she's a fucking trans something bro these are kids these are fucking innocent children and we as adults all of you listening are failing them by allowing this to happen that is not anti-gay transphobic anti-fucking anything this is common sense when are we going to wake up? When are we going to admit that this is what's happening? When are we going to realize that fucking a small,
Starting point is 00:18:52 tiny minority of the world's population is, the tail is wagging the motherfucking dog. Right. The tail is wagging the dog. If you don't know what that means,
Starting point is 00:19:02 that means a little bitty piece of the population is making up the rules for the rest. There's other ways to say it. The inmates are running the asylum. Right. All right? In the fucking 50s and 60s,
Starting point is 00:19:14 these motherfuckers would be in a mental hospital. It's real, man. And now here they're celebrated because they perpetuated victim culture. Oh, you're anti this and that and this. Oh, let's celebrate these people because we want to feel good about ourselves i think it's also important too man because like i know a few gay people and this
Starting point is 00:19:29 is not like they are not for this that's what i'm saying every gay person i personally know i've sent them a dm with this and i fucking say hey what's your thoughts on this i just want to hear it exactly every single fucking single one of them including two trans people two yeah two different trans people i know which that's a lot of trans people to know when you consider the amount of people there are in the world that identify that yeah it's 0.4 so if i know pers actually i personally know three trans people that's a lot okay that's a lot to know in your personal network i asked two of them what they thought of this they both said it's fucking disgusting right and then that
Starting point is 00:20:05 but okay so that's the point though right like those people you have to understand that your movement right that you're you're vocalizing is being hijacked so you that identify in that umbrella yes you got to be able to fucking stand up and say we're not doing this shit bro the next move is going to be minor attractive people maps well i'm telling you and when that happens there's going to be death not if when because there I'm telling you, and when that happens, there's going to be death. Not if. Because they are pushing that, right? When that happens, that entire group will really become friends. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And that's dangerous because I don't believe in bullying and attack. No. I agree. You guys are people of cool. Whoever you want to go to bed with, cool. I agree. Who you want to go to bed as, cool. I agree. Don't fuck with my kids. I agree. You know what I'm saying? So we got to draw the line. If you refuse to to draw that line i'm telling you the line will be fucking drawn and it'll be violent i'm just being real dude like i'm gonna tell you right now if i had
Starting point is 00:20:53 kids no more fucking disney channel no more fucking disney anything i'd be online looking at every single motherfucking piece of entertainment that disney owns that shit would be blackball for my house no more disney fucking products no more dressing up as fucking disney characters no more fucking anything of that fuck them yeah that's real man bro it's fucking wrong it's wrong it's it's not only wrong it's extremely wrong bro what was that guy's name back in the day that used to fucking catch to catch a predator chris hansen yeah yeah where the fuck you at bro where the fuck you at you need to go take a stroll through disney world you know some of you parents should probably pretend like you're fucking your your six or seven year old kids in your email email somebody's
Starting point is 00:21:32 teacher to see what the fuck you're saying right put these motherfuckers on blast bro these there are sexual just like in the church bro where where sexual predators find their way into the church to hide innocent it's the same with these fucking teachers bro bro where where sexual predators find their way into the church to hide innocent it's the same with these fucking teachers bro they find these sexual predators find their ways in to get close to their fucking prey and dude i'm sorry this shit is wrong it's predatory yeah your kids should not be fucking groomed groomed you know what grooming means oh yeah i mean i mean does the average person do we do we do do you does the average person know what that means i mean i i would hope so but i mean i don't think it'd be safe to fucking explain how do you think they create these cults all over the
Starting point is 00:22:17 world of these sex cults and shit that have happened since the end of time like how do you think that different ideologies across the globe, whether it be a religion or a different way of customs or traditions, you they're telling you here, oh, these people are born this way. They're not fucking born that way. They're fucking taught that way or they discovered on their fucking own. Okay. Fine. If that's what you decide as an adult to do or whatever i'm cool with that but this idea dude this idea that like it's very myopic and small-minded thinking like bro there were times in in culture and human history where people were taught to fucking eat each other and kill each other and do these things and all kinds of different things and and we're getting back to
Starting point is 00:23:02 some of these dangerous areas where incest was okay fucking child molestation was okay in the 1930s in the weimar republic they had child prostitutes it was normalized right and what happened 1933 came and well i'm just saying they elected someone who will come in and fuck and did some horrible shit trying to clean it up. Yeah. Most people are not with this. This is dangerous, dude. This is dangerous shit. Dangerous shit, man. Yeah, that's real.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Hold on. Wait. Andy, we're getting something. We got some breaking news for you. Breaking news. Got breaking news, guys. We got breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news. breaking news, breaking news.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Put a beat on that shit again, Joe, because we got motherfucking breaking news. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. All right, go ahead. Breaking news, guys. Headline, attorneys reveal Karl Rove conspired with Sheena Gritens to contrive false accusations against Eric Gritens. Holy fucking shit. This just came out. At a press conference
Starting point is 00:24:08 Oh! Who said that was the truth? Who said that was the case? What was his name? Randy Cosello? That Randy Cosello guy. That guy. That fucking dude. So at a press conference at a U.S. District Court in
Starting point is 00:24:24 Washington, D.C., defense attorney Tim Paulitor provided definitive proof that Sheena Gritens, this is Eric Gritens' ex-wife, conspired with conservative political operative Karl Rove to frame the former Missouri governor with false abuse allegations against the Missouri senatorial candidate earlier this fucking month. We covered this. Oh, yeah, we covered it. We covered it. Apolitor has filed four subpoenas to obtain phone records detailing when Sheena Griden's correspondence with Rove warning the candidate's ex-wife, you about to lose your job. You about to lose your job.
Starting point is 00:25:04 You about to go to fucking jail. You about to lose your job you were about to lose your job you about to go to jail you was about to lose your job yeah man and you gonna end up in jail right so it was exploited by rove who persuaded her into committing perjury and this is how they knew it right so in 2020 uh in may of 2020 sheena griden swore signed a sworn affidavit in a missouri court that she had disclosed all material facts related to the welfare of their sons this is how they obtained joint custody she had to sign an affidavit eric is a great upstanding father he does all of this good stuff and then he was required regular person talk she was required to disclose any bit of dangerous or anti-children every single thing and then she had so she so basically in their custody dispute she had to sign a piece of paper that says uh that disclosed every single thing
Starting point is 00:25:54 wrong with eric okay as far as a father concerned so now she signed that and now she's come out with another accusation on top of that which means she lied and committed perjury in fucking court if she's telling the truth which she isn't right so either way either way she's fucked she's fucked she's fucking lying either way either way she's lying um and so carl grove he's in another one of which by the way those allegations are completely made up completely completely um but but carl rove and one of mitch m Which, by the way, those allegations are completely made up. Completely. Completely. But Karl Rove and one of Mitch McConnell's key lieutenant staffers, they launched a series of terrible accusations against Eric Greitens. These 2018 allegations predate her sworn statements in 2020.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Basically, everybody's about to either go to jail or lose their job. Let's be honest, right? So Karl Rove, he's now facing criminal charges for for subjourning perjury along with catharine lincoln lincoln's the vp of strategy at a dc insider firm run by mitch mcconnell's key lieutenant phil cox um i think the important lesson here guys this is what they do to people who are not in their club right this is what they do to people who are not in their club. I've had a number of people reach out to me and say, how can you support Eric Grimes? He did a blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:27:09 No, he fucking didn't. It's the same thing we covered on yesterday's show. Why they hate Trump so bad. They hate Trump so bad because he's not part of their fucking shit. They hate Eric Grimes the same way. They hate Ian Smith the same way. Oh, yeah. Anybody who's not part of their club, this is the kind of shit that they do.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And they got fucking caught this time. And it just so happens to be caught by someone who I talk to every day. I'm having him on the show soon. It's important. Here's the really, really important thing, guys. When you see these fucking hip pieces. You about to lose your jaw. When you see these hip pieces, that just means that that's the person who we fucking need.
Starting point is 00:27:52 That's exactly right. You got to go vote for him. You got to go a fucking thousand times harder. Those are the people we want in office. We want the people that they're willing to frame to keep out of office because those are the people that represent the biggest danger to them. They understand that this man is so dangerous to them and their establishment and basically the establishment that that you guys all think um like a lot of people think it's republican democrat
Starting point is 00:28:15 it's not it's a unit government of all people funded by the same groups that are up there pretending to argue just like a lawyer would in a civil case. Right. Right. Okay. Right. I hire a lawyer to sue you. My lawyer calls your lawyer. Those motherfuckers go play golf and figure out how they're going to fuck us. That's what's going on with the Republicans and Democrats. That's why when I say all establishment politicians have to go, this is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yep. It's also important too, man. Like you guys got to stop jumping on this emotional fucking bandwagon train well i'll say this too uh the people who all jumped on this because they're part of the club there was a lot of them okay they expose themselves yep that's all that means yep so so i would look at the people who made statements on this case uh very carefully minutes with it coming out yeah uh all there was a there was three or four people big name people who made comments about it yep can you really trust those people because i'm
Starting point is 00:29:10 gonna be real i don't not anymore yep it's imperative man so yeah that my uh the producer hopped in my ear and told me yeah that was our breaking news so i mean we had to cover had to cover it let's get back back on, guys, with the show. Headline number two. Headline number two reads, CDC attempts to normalize blood clots. The agency is now doing the exact same thing with vaccine-induced blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes
Starting point is 00:29:43 as it did with vaccine-induced autism.ots, heart attacks, and strokes as it did with vaccine-induced autism. So the CDC would have us to believe that the sudden dramatic increase in heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, and strokes is all just in our imagination. They urgently need to convince us that these events have been happening all the time, even in healthy young people. We just never noticed it before. These tragic events have nothing whatsoever to do with the covid 19 vaccine that's what they're saying whoever is spreading the rumor that it's a whoever is spreading that rumor is a conspiracy they're talking about us that's us actually the people making such claims are domestic terrorists oh they got us twice that's us and they deserve
Starting point is 00:30:21 to be locked up without a trial oh shit that's us shit that ain't us that's someone else so so here's a tweet that the cdc locked up without trial without a trial who said that no no it was sarcasm oh okay it was sarcasm but that is us so so this is the tweet the cdc put out it's game day Whether you're an athlete, coach, or a fan, don't let a blood clot ruin game day. Yeah, definitely. Just keep going. And stretch between plays
Starting point is 00:30:51 and learn more about preventing blood clots for yourself, your team, and your friends and family. Here's the actual commercial. And again, guys, this will be linked on You can go find the video there. Okay. So basically it said, whether you're an athlete coach or fan blood clots are completely normal normal and don't let a blood clot ruin game day and make sure you move around during your game funny i don't remember seeing that commercial a year ago or two years ago or the previous fucking 30 years that
Starting point is 00:31:46 i've been aware enough to notice commercials i never saw one like that oh and healthy people yeah it's weird and healthy people so the thing is so so i want to win i want to win everybody's going to quit pretending like this isn't happening because like dude i had a fucking meeting the other night uh with my guys from s2 uh so we own a bunch of retail stores and a lot of people don't know that. And I was meeting with my leadership team. They all came over to the house. Were you there? You were there.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Weren't you there? Yeah. Remember we were talking and I asked him and I said, hey, what's people's... Because I always like to get the temperature, man. I'm always trying to figure out like,
Starting point is 00:32:22 hey, what are people saying on the streets? And these retail stores allow you to do that. Yeah, yeah. We see hundreds of people every day. So I like to ask the guys. figure out like, Hey, what are people saying on the streets? And these retail stores allow you to do that. Yeah. We see hundreds of people every day. So I like to ask the guys, I'm like, okay, what's the tone on this? What's everybody been saying about that? What's this, that, the other. I like to do that because it helps me stay in touch with what's going on. And sometimes it's shit. I don't like to hear. Sometimes it's shit that I do like to hear in this case is something I really don't like to hear. Okay. And dude, we've had a number of customers, a number of regular customers die from like they're young people. These are people
Starting point is 00:32:51 who between 20 and 40 who die healthy, healthy people. And, and, and I'm not talking like the normal, like, Oh shit, once or twice a year, some crazy, I'm talking on a regular basis. People are coming in saying my son, my cousin, my nephew, my brother, my sister, my dad, my aunt, my uncle, my wife died. And this is happening over and over and over again. And at some point we're going to have to tell the truth about what's going on. What's the common denominator? What is, well, the common denominator between those people is vaccination.
Starting point is 00:33:23 That's it. Okay. And that's been the common denominator between those people is vaccination that's it okay and that's been the common denominator and like dude i'm you know they're coming out fauci was on tv last week saying oh there's fucking proof that the vaccine is completely safe why would you be coming out with that story two years after you begin with everybody you stupid fucker there's no there wasn't any proof to begin there's still no proof. That's proof that we can't believe any of the fucking data. And if you want to look, if you want to look to believe if this is true or bullshit, look at the insurance companies, all cause death data. Look for that data because the insurance companies are, they're on the hook for these things.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Right. Okay. And they care about them. So, and they have, people don't know this professional, what's called an actuary, which are basically statistical fucking geniuses that figure out what's going on and who's dying and how much it's worth to risk money wise on these people's case on their policies and all these things. Policy prices. They said all of that.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yes. So there's people's jobs who who are to identify risk and these people are not ignoring the data of all-cause deaths right this is worldwide what's the one thing that changed in the last two years it wasn't fucking people were getting sick it was that we were giving them a new medication it wasn't fucking tested and bro i've talked to a number of people personally and by the way like this is not any scientific data this is just my experience i'm talking about but i've talked to a number of people personally who are fucking terrified that they're going to get sick and die now because they realize people are dying of this vaccine do we have athletes all over the world
Starting point is 00:34:59 getting sick uh fucking rafael nadal just got fucking sick and not just sick these people are passing out they are passing out. They're passing out. They're fainting. Bro, some of them are dying. A lot of them are dying. Dude, listen. It's no different than what I told you.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It's crimes against humanity, bro. And it's real shit. People are really dying. And we're going to have to hold them accountable. This is why I keep saying we need accountability. We need accountability. We need accountability. Bro, it's disturbing.
Starting point is 00:35:36 It's disturbing, bro. You know, we're going to see a major fucking athlete die in the next year. Like I'm talking about a major one. They're going to probably blame it on Putin. Like, bro, when are we going to when are we going to wise up as Americans and gather around and say we are tired of these fucks ruining our fucking lives. And I'm not talking about just the key people in the media or the government. I'm talking about these global economic fucks.
Starting point is 00:36:12 At what point in time are we as a world going to say, no, there's fucking a thousand of you and there's 8 billion of us. Fuck you. You're out. We're fucking in. How about that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:29 That's what's got to happen, bro. It has to. I'm sorry. I just don't know what the catalyst to that is. Well, you know what I'm saying? Like, we need some fucking lawmakers. This is my gripe on Trump. This is what I was saying yesterday.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Show. Why didn't you fuck it? I mean, unless there's some a lot of shit. I don't know which could be very. It's probably highly likely. Okay. I'm observing on the backend. I'm, I'm observing the barbecue, not, not the fucking grilling of the meat.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Right. Right. Like I'm observing dinner, not the fucking butcher shop. So those guys have a different perspective, but, uh, it's getting pretty clear what's going on. Um, are we going to do something about it or are we not right because if we're not i'm going to go ahead and fucking sell all my shit and go live in the fucking woods and live a great fucking life for real guys bro it's wrong like dude this is
Starting point is 00:37:21 this is worse than wrong don't this is this is crimes against humanity the biggest one ever ever ever ever ever this is against everybody guys our third and final headline headline number three and i got a question for you okay we covered uh we didn't really cover it but we talked about this will smith incident and and what did you say that the will smith incident was a distraction right and we said that and why everybody and they're still fucking talking about it my dude the p i still see people that i that i know that it's the same people it's the same kind of shit with oh covid's real or black lives matter or this i see people hanging on to it like getting really defensive and mad it was real it was real it was a real
Starting point is 00:38:06 slap the only reason you're so mad about it is because you know it wasn't right and you fucking bought it yeah you know jesse smaller got smacked too yeah by will smith by will smith i saw that but you said it was a distraction and so i've been trying to look and figure out what the fuck has been going on simultaneously, right? Well, I got it here for you. It's our headline number three. I think I figured it out. And our headline number three, the big distraction that's been happening for the last two days,
Starting point is 00:38:34 the headline reads, World Government Summit to host Forbes Under 30 Forum. So the World Government Summit, in partnership with Forbes, will this year host the Forbes Under 30 Forum. So the World Government Summit, in partnership with Forbes, will this year host the Forbes Under 30 Forum, taking place on the 29th, March 2022 at the Dubai Exhibition Center at Expo 2020. The forum will culminate in a gala dinner where 30 prominent young leaders will be celebrated, joining high-level officials as they define our world ahead. The World Government Summit is to see over 4,000 delegates from around the world, representing over 190 countries. With 110 sessions and workshops, the summit brings together over 500 speakers and encompasses over 15 global forums.
Starting point is 00:39:21 As a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of governments worldwide, the summit sets the agenda for the next generation of governments, harnessing innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing fucking humanity. And the opening speaker, this is what she had to say.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Of this session, are we ready for a new world order that was the opening speech that was the opening statement are we ready for a new world order this expo started on monday same day as the oscars same day as the Will Smith slap. Yeah, I don't know if that's the same thing. But here is the point. Here is the point I'd like to make. They're grooming.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Right. Okay, let me explain to you something. You're 20 years old. You're between your 20s and 30s. You're still a kid, okay? You go to this event. There's all kinds of billionaires, world leaders, this, that, the other, and they get up on stage and they start saying crazy ass shit. Are you going to have the guts to stand up and fucking speak against them?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Or are you going to fall in line and just do what they say? That's how this works. So while I don't think this was the distraction, i think i think it was less than that um i do i do want to point out that this is how they accomplish their goal well the wgs is uh they're they're coordinators on the board of directors for the world economic forum you know i'm saying so this is how they groom people, bro. This summer has been going on. Hey, I'm a fucking billionaire. You're an up-and-comer millionaire, right? I'm going to invite you to come talk
Starting point is 00:41:13 to all my billionaire friends. We're going to get on stage and we're going to talk about how we like to fucking eat kids and how we like to fucking rule the earth and how we're going to depopulate and how we're going to do this and this and this. Are any of you going to stand up
Starting point is 00:41:23 and say some shit against it? Not a fucking one of you would. So really think about that. Think about how these things are formed and think about how these, these ideas come. You got Klaus Schwab. Who's it? Who's part of the most,
Starting point is 00:41:38 one of the most elite fucking organizations and families in the fucking history of the globe dictating down to the next level which includes people like justin trudeau okay um biden uh zuckerberg fucking zuckerberg fucking uh uh soros soros fucking uh obama fucking uh leonardo caprio matt dam Damon, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So they're all standing up there. You're just a new guy. You're 25. And they're up there saying all this shit.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Bill Gates talking about how we need vaccines to depopulate. You know why he has no problem saying that on a fucking stage in front of a thousand people? Because he knows not a motherfucking one of those thousand people is going to stand up and say fucking thing. Right. Because those guys have the power to ruin them so they intimidate them into going along and this is where we end up and the power is with the people like you it said 5 000 people there there's 8 billion people on this planet and what they're trying to do is take all the rest of the power that they already own most of it so that we have no recourse to take it back from them
Starting point is 00:42:45 at all and the only time in history that we're going to have to take back from them is now that's what people have to get through their head so they're grooming their next leaders yeah they're grooming the next ones that's right that's all that is and they're going to cheat their ways into office like they've done in every other government you guys people in america that like the rigging of election thing that's a new thing for people here that's not new if you go other places is it syed shagan said no well i mean you have to i think i think it's reasonable to even question like i mean have we had any fair elections you know what i'm saying of course we have but they just haven't been they just haven't the i just think these plays run so deep man bro it's it's it's a thousand year old battle right people don't understand these families that are running
Starting point is 00:43:36 this shit they've been in power for a thousand years you guys think that's conspiracy no you're fucking ignorant to what's going on it's easy for you to get in your car every day, go to your fucking Starbucks, go to your office or go to your job, do your work, come home. Bro, these people want you to eat fucking insects. Dude, most of the people listening to the show are regular people, dude. They're people who want to be better, not people who are already better. Okay? You guys are going to get poorer.
Starting point is 00:44:10 It's already happening, and it's going to get way worse. They intend to make it way worse. This tax that they're trying to get everybody to root for on billionaires, that will make your life at your level 100 times more expensive. They're trying to unroll universal basic income. Okay. We got to fight, dude. We got to fight against it.
Starting point is 00:44:36 We got to be vocal against it. And this is why I've been so urgent for the last two years about you guys standing the fuck up and saying, no, fuck you. And this is why I say personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion because they want you fat. They want you lazy. They want you sick. They want you stupid so that they can fucking take all of your shit, all of it, every fucking dollar down to the point where you're eating insects and they're already own everything. These people have trillions of dollars. They already fly around on private jets everywhere they go. They already eat steak and lobster every motherfucking meal.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Do you get that? They're so rich already and they still want to take from you. How can we sit here and fucking let that happen? Most of you guys out there, you live in a middle-class life bro but you're struggling you don't have fucking a month worth of pay in your fucking bank account most of you don't that's why you listen to the show so we can get you there okay these people have trillions of dollars at their disposal and they still want to take your six hundred dollars because they want to watch your your bank moves six hundred dollars or more right think about that think about the level of fucking greed and arrogance and power hungry
Starting point is 00:45:58 fucking pieces of shit it would take to do that forever indebted bro that's what they want it's not forever indebted bro they want what they want it's not forever indebted bro they want everything right they don't want you to have shit it dude dude if their money if you took what they control and you fucking distributed equally there would be no fucking poverty but they can't have that because you can't control independent people that aren't fucking impoverished dude am i like does this sound fucking crazy no no i'm talking to syed because he's the only one here and he's smart as fuck does this sound crazy dude okay while you were saying that i was thinking what would you do you already have all the money in the world that's what i'm saying you want power
Starting point is 00:46:43 you want everybody to do what you want. That would be like me coming in here and like having a talk with Chris and Sal and Jason and say, all right, everybody seems to be doing good right now. I think we can fucking lower their pay by $2 an hour
Starting point is 00:46:57 and they won't notice. Okay. And then coming back a year later or six months later and saying, all right, they seem to have figured out how to do it with $2 less. Let's take two more.
Starting point is 00:47:07 At the same time, let's increase their work hours too. I think we could decrease their pay by two more dollars. And I think we could actually get them to work an extra hour. Exactly. This is what's happening. And you fuckers who are quiet and you think that my platform or Rogan's platform or anybody's platform is going to pull the water for you, you're fucking mistaken. This has to be 100% united total resistance to these fuckers.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Because they're not going to give us our freedom. No, fuck no. We got to take it. It has to be taken. Freedom is never given. You posted it last night in your story. Freedom is never given. It's taken.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And that goes both ways. Right. It's either taken from you or it's never given. It's taken. And that goes both ways. Right. Right. It's either taken from you or it's taken for you. Exactly. Bro, you got to wake up, man. You guys have to wake up. This isn't Andy crazy person shit.
Starting point is 00:48:00 If you look around, Andy's successful at almost everything he's ever fucking done. He's somewhat of an intelligent human. I'm seeing the field, bro. I need you guys to help. I need you to help. You have to resist. You have to say no. You have to stand up for what you think is right.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It has to be such a uniform wave of fuck you that they can't penetrate it i don't even know why i get so upset bro because like dude it doesn't affect me you see what i'm saying i didn't get upset because you know it's going to affect everybody bro it's going to kill everybody it's going to fucking crush them because we'll get to a point where we're so we're going to get to a point where we're so people are so fucking focused on just trying to survive that we're not even going to be concerned about what the fuck they're doing anymore that's how they do it look at the countries in africa exactly look at the countries that they bomb the fuck out of look at libya now syria look at any of them yeah that's how they do it
Starting point is 00:49:06 and they call it democracy it ain't fucking democracy bro no wake up man no dude and all the virtue signaling people are just pushing this shit along they have because they don't understand every time you stand up and with the current thing right covid black lives matter fucking ukraine ukraine fucking whatever else whatever the will smith and fucking whatever anytime you fucking support that shit you are pushing their agenda forward don't say gay right because you think you're because you think you're some sort of morally superior fuck you're supporting the grooming that of of children bro we need a fucking reckoning yeah it's real guys on to our final segment of the show as always we have our thumbs up segment where we
Starting point is 00:50:05 show a headline and see if you're gonna get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt and with that being said our thumbs up headline reads dyson announces wearable air purifier with noise canceling headphones built in so dyson has just announced this is gonna be hit with the ugly people i already know what this is gonna look like people that have you got a picture right i got a picture for you so dyson has announced his most unusual product yet a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise canceling headphones i'll say this i bet it works good dyson makes some nice shit so an initial reveal of the zone phones, the first headphones Dyson has ever released, doesn't come with many specifics about the cost or battery life or how much it even weighs. But the company says that after more than six years in development, the device has moved from being something with a snorkel like mouthpiece and a backpack to a gadget unveiled today with a release aimed before the end of this year. Dyson said they started having internal conversations in 2016
Starting point is 00:51:05 about developing some kind of purification on the move technology based on its existing air purification technology. During initial trials in the smoggy city of Beijing, the company struck upon the idea of integrating noise-canceling headphones. Oh, fuck it, that is not what happened. That's not what happened. What happened was this guy who runs this company is a huge fucking, he's a genius, by the way.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah. He's connected with all these people. They've been talking about airborne pandemics since 2009. This guy was told, hey, make this. Probably should make this because dumb fuck's going to buy it. Dumb fuck's going to buy it. So this is what it looks like. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yep, for ugly people. And guess what? it still has plenty of room so you can still wear your meta goggles yeah no shit it does bro you people are you that's fine i'm listen i've only probably got what 30 40 years left if I'm lucky. So it's whatever, dude. If this is the world you fucking want, then fucking keep supporting it and shut the fuck up. I don't have kids. If you want your all kids to grow up like this, then fucking say nothing.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Like, I'm fucking over it, dude. This is fucking insane. Yeah. Two thumbs on the bus for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I promise you, bro, that was a fucking, that is not, oh, we accidentally came up with it in 2016.
Starting point is 00:52:28 No. This has all been planned out for fucking years. That's disappointing, dude, because I like Dyson shit. You don't have your zone phones on? You're a bigot. They probably cost two grand, too, you know, for Dysons. Guaranteed. Now, they put Beats by Dre.
Starting point is 00:52:43 That's how they'll get me on that one. Make them in red. You'll buy them. That's it, man. Look, man. I don't know, dude. Like, I just. I feel bad for y'all with kids who won't say shit.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Like, you should be fighting the hardest of everybody. It's whatever, dude, I'm, I'm not, I'm done emotionally disrupting my own peace over, over people who won't fight for their own shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:17 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. People ask me every day, won't you run for office? Won't you run for office? Because I don't want to run for office. See back in the day that people were called to run for office they were forced to run for office because they could contribute they weren't they weren't they didn't go out on their
Starting point is 00:53:32 own ego and say i'm going to be president right you know if the people wanted me to be that i would do that but that's i don't see that i don't see that happening you know what i'm saying like dude i just i don't people won't even speak up maybe they're okay with it maybe people are just okay with it but i think they'll be okay with it no dude i i think i think that might be a real thing i think people might just be okay accepting this and maybe we're off maybe we're the fucking ones maybe we're the fucking idiots. Maybe we do belong on campus. Maybe. You know, I don't know. This is not, from what I understand, anything that is human or conducive to happy life or humanity or anything, and the stats show that most people aren't with this shit, and you
Starting point is 00:54:20 fuckers still won't say anything. You're going to get imposed on you what you're going to get imposed. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I just. You get what you're ordered. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I'm, this is fucking insane. It's fucking insane. Yeah. Guys, Andy, that is all I got. You're going to get what you fucking deserve.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I can't be quiet. I'm just going to put it to you that way. So, that's the show.

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