REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 268. Q&AF: Franchise Business, More Money, Different Problems & #75HARD Surprises

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on the pros and cons of buying a franchise vs. building a business from the ground level, how more money can help solve some of your biggest problems, a...nd the most surprising thing that #75HARD has brought.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have q and af this is where uh you submit the cues and i give you the as um sometimes we have other shows one of them's called cruise the internet this is where we talk about the topics of the day and make fun of them then sometimes we have real talk which i haven't done in a while where i get on here and i kind of yell at you and uh only in for to make you better and then uh we have full length um which is basically an interview of other badass motherfuckers and you're gonna learn some shit so that's the show so today is a personal development show for the most part um you can submit your questions to email them in to
Starting point is 00:01:05 And as a special surprise, we do have the pastor of disaster in the house to help with Q and AF. Happy to be with you. I'm excited. I'm hoping there's going to be deep, meaningful, existential questions that I can help contribute to. Probably not. Okay. Yeah. Probably not. If you guys are unfamiliar with Vaughn, Vaughn was my co-host for a number of years. What was it? Four or five, five years.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Five years. On MSC. 2013, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Number one entrepreneur podcast in the history of iTunes. Still one of the most popular entrepreneur podcasts. It's actually at the beginning of
Starting point is 00:01:45 the feed that you will find this podcast on it's 300 and something episodes and if the answer is not in there it's because the answer doesn't exist but we are going to answer your questions today everyone get into it man now there's a fee for this shit and the fee is when i bestow my wealth of fucking experience on you that can make you literally tens of millions of dollars or whatever there's no cap um share the show okay a lot of you guys think i'm a podcaster i'm actually an entrepreneur i know some i actually know a couple things so uh so today we're gonna talk about those kind of things most likely yeah for sure man let's get into it yeah let's do vaughn question number one is starting a franchise okay and starting out as a franchisee uh is that the same as starting your own uh your own business right like if you would just start your own little individual niche are
Starting point is 00:02:40 they the same what are the differences can you walk us through that yeah for sure um so you have franchisors which are the people who come up with the actual concept for the franchise. So that would be like me. OK, with supplement superstores, our retail program. And then you have franchisees, which would be people who would want to come buy this design, all its systems all its processes all the knowledge that i accumulated from building the system right because what you're really buying when you buy a franchise a proven system you're not buying uh you know you're basically skipping ahead a decade is what what you're doing um and that's called a franchise. So that's someone who buys and owns a franchise. Is it the same as owning a business? Of course it's owning a business. Um, is it the same as
Starting point is 00:03:30 entrepreneurship? No, it's not the same as entrepreneurship because entrepreneurship is what I just described a minute ago, where it's, you're discovering, um, all the, all the nuances, you're learning the business, you're developing the systems, you're developing the teams, all the things, the culture that make up the business, you're creating to solve a problem. When you own a franchise, that problem, you already know the problem you're trying to solve and you know how to solve it because somebody like me has solved it. Right. Okay? Right. So you're a business owner and that's there's a little bit difference there
Starting point is 00:04:05 um but like from a from a standpoint of like pride like should you feel like a business fuck yeah like there's lots of people out there that are billionaires and all they do is buy other people shit and operate it right it's a very valid way to to to create an amazing business for yourself i know people who that's all they do my friend, Aaron Wagner, that's all he does is create concepts and then franchise them out, you know? Um, and they're fucking awesome. Yeah. They're great. We, I mean, we've, we've eaten at a bunch of his restaurants, you know? Uh, so yeah, that's the main difference, but you know, here, here's the thing. A lot of people like to feel like, you know, oh, that, well, that's not, I'm not as good because I, I bought the franchise and I go create my own. And a lot of people, because of
Starting point is 00:04:50 that, they feel like they should go create their own and they get in way over their head. And what I, what I learned, um, I learned when we, when we first started building our company for a franchise model, this was back 2008 or 2009, we had this really awesome consultant. Her name was Kay. Help us. And I remember meeting with her the first day. And I'm sitting there and I'm listening. And they were doing Zaxby's at the time. And nobody had heard of Zaxby's.
Starting point is 00:05:24 No, Zaxby's is fucking fire. Okay. Well, at that time, I had never heard of it. Yeah. Right? Now, Zaxby's at the time and nobody had heard of zaxby's okay well no at that time i had never heard of it yeah right now zaxby's is pretty well known pretty mainstream yeah but um we were uh we were talking to her about a bunch of different things and she she basically i i couldn't understand i was like why the fuck would someone buy a fucking franchise? Why wouldn't you just create it yourself? Because I was in it at that time. I was in the creation process, and I was young, and I didn't have any money. I was still broke then.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And I'm like, why would someone do that? But now here I am a decade later or more, and I realize you would be very intelligent to do that because i wasted 15 years of my life trying to not wasted but invested 15 years of my life trying to figure that model out right and now all you would have to do is come in and get one and go fucking operate it and you would be up and running and making money immediately yeah so that's the differences if that makes sense no no 100 would you say the challenge though like as a franchise like what other risk like what are the risk of being a
Starting point is 00:06:30 franchisor right like well franchisor you got to solve all the problems yourself like when the problems happen like you don't have any support it's on you it's on your corporate staff um you have to scare you though when you had to give your first like when you gave your first franchise out no because i only franchise to people who come from within my company so i already know that people know how to operate it see i have an ethical problem selling a franchise to someone um even though our our store model uh we we do more per square foot sales than any other retail model people don't know this except the apple store yeah so we have a very successful model but i only sell it to people who have come up through my system so that
Starting point is 00:07:11 they understand how to operate it so that they can be successful at it right so we don't sell like i don't like if you just came into me and you say you had a billion dollars and you say i want to open up 100 stores i don't do that shit right chick-fil-A does the same thing, I believe. Do they? I think they have a very similar model. Domino's did that for a long time. Yeah. Where Domino's,
Starting point is 00:07:30 and that was actually where this woman's from. She was from Domino's corporate structure. Damn. But what they did was they, and, you know, now, we have so many more people coming up through our system, you will start to see these stores start to go out more. But, you know, I don't, a lot of franchisors,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you have to be real careful because they don't give a fuck who they sell to. Right. But see, I want a hundred percent success rate. I don't want one fucking store to fail. And I'm not willing to allow that because like, dude, to me, I'm responsible for those people's livelihoods. So I'm not going to sell you just because you have the money, my model, if I don't think that you can run it successfully, because then you're going to blame me. Right. Right. Right. What the fuck can I do for sale? Andy, do you think that people intuitively know whether
Starting point is 00:08:18 they're a system creator or a system applier? And if they don't intuitively know that, what are some things that they could ask themselves to kind of determine whether they're more of an entrepreneur or more of a franchisor? Yeah. I think for franchisees, typically the people who own them, this is just my observation. I don't know the data on this, but it seems to me that these are from, and bro, I've encountered thousands of these people, but they're all, they're almost always formally educated, meaning they have a degree and usually a high level degree. And what they've decided is they want to be an entrepreneur, right? So they, they are, they are aware enough to understand that they are not an entrepreneur by nature, but they want to be an entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And so they're intelligent enough to look at and squash their ego and say, oh, you know what? I like that guy's system. I want to buy into that. And that's where I see most of the franchisees come from. And they make a fuck ton of money that way because that's intelligent way to look at it yeah um where i see people get really hurt is when they when they let their ego get involved and they say well fuck i could just create my own shit like i did back then right like i thought well because i had already been 10 years in by the time we started talking about franchising so of course i fucking felt like i knew what i was talking about. But people from day one,
Starting point is 00:09:45 right. They see something they don't really understand it. And they say, well, I'm going to do it on my own. And a lot of those people do that strictly for ego. Like they do it not because they think they can do it better, but only,
Starting point is 00:09:56 but because they feel like they're not a real entrepreneur. And if they buy into someone else's shit and like, that's the kind of ego that gets you financially hurt. So, yeah, I mean, I don't know that people intuitively know um because i didn't know yeah right like i didn't know i just kept going and i think eventually you get to a point you know 20 years later you're like oh yeah i'm that guy like i'm the guy that creates shit right which i am i am that guy personally um but i think it would be, uh, I'm not the only guy out there like that. There's lots of guys like that. There's lots of girls like that. Right. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:33 but you know, I was always the kid doing things on my own. Like I was always the kid doing lemonade or doing baseball cards or doing some sort of like selling light bulbs or whatever like all the shit we talked about an mfco project for years like i was always doing that since i was a little kid so the entrepreneur thing for me personally was a was a natural i mean it's the only dude it's it's literally the only way i could fucking survive like people don't get that you know that like i couldn't fucking work for someone there's no fucking way right like it's all this is that's for me like when i say zero options i literally have zero options because i could not work for someone i'm i'm unemployable no i'm being serious real man yeah well it seems like with the franchise
Starting point is 00:11:15 situation you have a little bit more stability and security but you don't have the flexibility and freedom of creating your own thing yeah Yeah. But a smart franchise model will take into consideration all the great ideas and the great creativity that the franchisees come to you with, right? Because while they may not be the person to create the concept from the ground up, these people are very smart to do this and they get in and they see holes and they see things that could be improved. And they're not always right, but the franchisor usually gets most of their good ideas from franchisees you know and that's that's that's no different than if you were in battle bro and i'm the fucking general and you're the you're the foot soldier and you go out there and i'm thinking like hey man you know
Starting point is 00:11:58 i think this is the best way to do it and you come back you're like no bro listen we can't go that way don't do that shit right right right so know, there's there and there's good models and bad models, right? You have to talk to the people who own these current franchises to see what they say. Because like, dude, when you go look to buy in and you go to their discovery day and you're at their HQ and you're all impressed and, you know, they're going to, it's going to sound real good. That's the point. Like it's marketing, right? You really want to know what what's going on you got to talk to guys that own the
Starting point is 00:12:28 systems and get feedback from them that's real a little karma sauce on that one question number two andy uh question is the more successful you get do the problems grow equally or do they just get easier to solve money solves a lot of shit i mean let's just be real it just does and people that say it doesn't there you don't have any money that it's just the truth yeah um you know money solves a lot dude like a lot a lot of small shit that annoys the fuck out of you when you don't have any money can be solved with money. A lot of good can be done with money. Money, as Vaughn and I talk about all the time, it's not a bad thing. It's an obligation. You're obligated to go out and become financially successful, not so that you could buy Lambos and shit, but so you could change the fucking landscape of the world in front of your face and that might not be opening a hundred uh homeless shelters or whatever like you don't
Starting point is 00:13:30 have to be super rich to do this it might be as simple as some people are now opening their own schools because they don't agree with the school system right right so like you need money to do those things capable yeah yeah so so you know and people lazy people like to say oh well pursuing money is a very uh materialistic and and unfulfilling goal well you're fucking wrong you're fucking wrong and the reason you have that perspective is because you've never been the person to contribute money for a hundred kids for easter right or build a fucking uh an underprivileged school an entire fucking facility right or uh you know bring businesses back from the dead all of which i've done in the last fucking i don't know yeah how much months yeah yeah so you know money does
Starting point is 00:14:19 a lot of good and just because you just because rich people that you've perceived to be rich don't tell you all the good shit they do, it doesn't mean they aren't doing it. Yeah. But on the flip side of that, though, because people say people that have money don't have problems. Would you say that that's- Yeah, right, dude. You got everybody else's fucking problems. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's the problem. Yeah. I don't have fucking problems, but I got to deal with all your motherfucking problems. Okay? For real. I don't have enough money to know know whether that statement mo money more problems is true but i i will say different problems yeah but i will say in the last couple years frankly putting into practice what i learned from you in the mfco project i've been able to generate
Starting point is 00:14:55 some income that i hadn't previously and what is absolutely true is while i don't know if it's true of mo money more problems it is true that with great cash comes greater responsibilities. And the more money you make, the more responsibility. If you're handling that money well, you're going to necessarily have more responsibility. And it's funny, even in the short last couple of years, I feel more responsible for certain people in my community because I've been able to make more money. And it's not a guilt thing. It's not like society telling me, oh, you got to do this. It's no. I've used my God-given potential. I've at least started to maximize my gifts,
Starting point is 00:15:34 and I've been blessed with some results. And so the end result of that is, okay, now I have some wealth, and I've got to, as you've said multiple times, I have some wealth and I've got to reinvest it in other people and see them grow too. Yeah. It's an obligation. Yeah. It's not, people don't understand that. They see guys like me who live a big life, right? I got a big life.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It's just reality. I have a big life. I love my big life. All right. There's lots of problems that come with that first of all public perception lots of people don't like that right okay they expect me to work my whole life and then live like they live motherfucker that's not why i did this shit okay so let's get that fucking straight right now right i enjoy very much rolling to work
Starting point is 00:16:18 every day in a motherfucking car it costs more than most people houses it reminds me every motherfucking day that the work i fucking did was worth the fucking effort. And the headaches that I'm about to get out of my fucking expensive ass car and walk into are worth solving. All right. That's reality. And all those headaches that I solve that benefits other people and other people's families and their jobs and their careers. It's a noble thing to be a successful entrepreneur, dude, if you're doing it right. Oh, man. It's the truth. You know what I think is the coolest thing, man?
Starting point is 00:16:49 I got to share this story with you real quick. We haven't really talked about this. Bro, how many dudes I got in this fucking building that live in million-dollar houses now? Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And they're growing by the fucking week, it looks like. That's fucking right.
Starting point is 00:16:57 You know what I'm saying? It's fucking awesome. I think one of the coolest things, bro, because we've also talked about this, too, like the perception that most of the time, it's parents that they put onto these kids about success right about they put all these misconceptions right and and you know being with you for the last two years one of the the coolest fucking experiences i've ever i've ever had right with you um this was just recent bro uh is when we were at fucking dinner at twisted tree you know i'm saying and
Starting point is 00:17:23 like just knowing like the amount of good that you put into how instant karma can be, right? Oh, yeah. And we were at fucking dinner, right? And it's probably 10 of us at the table. It was an expensive dinner. It was an expensive dinner. It was a thousand dollar dinner.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And, you know, end of the dinner comes, right? And like Andy saw it before, he doesn't like to do the whole weird, who's paying, right? Like he just puts it all in there and the waiter comes back. If you go to dinner with me, I pay.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. Okay, that's like a pet peeve of mine. Like I don't, seeing people fight over the bill or get awkward about money and shit i don't do that shit no more yeah so like i pay right and so andy you know you know he asked for the you know the check and the way to come back like it's been paid and he's like which never happens and i'm never seeing him like some big dick so i'm trying to you know i'm saying you know flying whatever it is right he's like yeah no it's the guy sitting over at the bar and we go over there and uh and it was this this gentleman who owns a restaurant that andy had helped out during the when covet first you know got going
Starting point is 00:18:12 did the businesses you know thousand dollars shut down during covet and we're supporting him and it was fucking cool but what made it even crazier is like you talk about putting good shit into the universe right andy didn't even have his fucking wallet on him that night do you remember that yeah you know what i'm saying like he's like dude that's right? Andy didn't even have his fucking wallet on him that night. Do you remember that? You know what I'm saying? Like, he's like, dude, that's fucking crazy. I didn't even have my fucking wallet with me. Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Like, and like, just like, dude. I was going to have to tell. I was going to have to. I had told JB. JB, get his fucking company car. And I'm like, hey, man, you got a car? Because I don't have my wallet. And yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:39 That's just a cool fucking, you know what I'm saying? But like, it's so cool. And it's like, when you, because I came from that household, right? Where I had the misconceptions about money. Yeah, let me tell you why that is. Okay, we talk about this. Why is that Vaughn? Misconceptions about money? Why are people taught growing up that money's evil?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, because there's the stereotype that the only way you can make money is to be some sort of shady character. Yeah, yeah. Do we know why? Do we know why that is? Let me get my tinfoil hat out all right this is what you motherfuckers fail to realize and why i can see what's going on now
Starting point is 00:19:11 for 70 fucking years we had uh we had three news outlets we have fucking tv we have radio and we have print okay we have social media we didn't have social media. We didn't have shit. So the companies that were, of that could afford media when media first came about became infinitely fucking huge because they were the only companies that could afford to advertise. And these companies became so successful and so powerful that they literally, because there was no back channel to give feedback, there were no reviews, there were no internet, there were no social media. You couldn't know if someone did something negative right away like it is now. It's incredibly more difficult to be a successful business now because you have to be the real deal.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Whereas for 70 years, these big companies were able to lie in their advertisements oh cigarettes are good for you cigarettes are fucking healthy this that right coca-cola cocaine yes these companies could could blatantly lie in their ads and people knew it on the ground level they knew that people were lying right and so what's the result of that? The result of that is 70 years worth of generational conditioning that any wealth is fucking, you had to screw people over to get it. All right?
Starting point is 00:20:33 And with the advent of fax and then the internet and then social media and then text and all these things, now we're starting to realize, oh, wait, it doesn't have to be that way. That's not the actual way to succeed. And what we're starting to realize, oh, wait, it doesn't have to be that way.
Starting point is 00:20:45 That's not the actual way to succeed. And what we're seeing now is a business revolution of customers shopping with companies that may not be exactly perfect all the time, but they trust that they are doing the best that they can. No longer are people championing these massive companies anymore. Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. Does that make sense as to why people think this? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:13 So your parents or your people that you grew up around, for their whole lives as adults, they recognized that these rich people were screwing the poor people. Right. And so what are you taught? You're taught that the only way to get rich is to screw people over. And it's just not true.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Actually, and nowadays, with the ability for feedback, with accountability, with social media, with reviews, with instant access to information everywhere, you have to be excellent to make money so now we are into an we are in a situation where um unless you're one of the massive and see what they're trying to do now what they're trying to do now is re-corner that market
Starting point is 00:21:58 these big corporations trying to re-corner the market they're doing that with censorship or de-platforming or this and that and this because people are realizing like fuck dude these big companies really are fucks right right so now as a small business the ultimate badge of being a great ethically run business is success yeah so it's it's uh yeah it's that's why yeah so fucking love it yeah so let me take off
Starting point is 00:22:28 my tinfoil hat you guys maybe you fucking believe I know what the fuck I'm talking about no that makes total sense and we've been talking about that for less
Starting point is 00:22:34 absolutely a while yeah but all right question number three our third and final question Andy
Starting point is 00:22:39 75 hard okay over a billion hashtags okay millions of fucking lives changed right when you look back and you look over this this this this this life-changing program right what's something that you would say has surprised you the most about 75 hard about the whole the whole program itself what what is like i didn't expect this or i didn't you know i'm saying like what what has surprised you the most about 75 heart i don't know bro i mean i don't really get surprised yeah you know i'm saying
Starting point is 00:23:18 like i kind of know what the fuck i'm doing and i know how it's going to react and I know what's going to happen. And I don't know. What would I be surprised by? Can I share what I was surprised about? I would tell you the one thing that, well, here's what I will absolutely say. Yeah. What most people are surprised by is how much it improves the relationship with their spouse or their significant other. That seems to be the thing that they're most surprised by, but you could go ahead. Well, mine's an extension of that. I mean, I cannot even begin to explain. I've been a Christian my whole life and I've been a pastor and 75 Hard took my relationship with God much deeper simply because when you commit to certain things and you do them
Starting point is 00:24:07 over and over and over, you begin to form this structure in your life. Structure is not the enemy of spirituality. I think people think of spirituality as to really enjoy your relationship with God, it's got to be this free-for-all. And that's not what I've experienced. What I've experienced is when 75 Hard helped me discipline my day and helped me commit to doing something over and over, whether I felt like it or not, it helped me commit to those daily activities that brought me closer to God. And whether it's prayer or reading the word or whatever, I would say to me,
Starting point is 00:24:47 for anybody, you're going to deepen as a human being. And you're going to, I mean, if you have any sort of faith, your faith is going to go super deep being on 75 hard. And I think, obviously, it's a mental toughness challenge, right? No, it's a challenge. No, it's a mental toughness program, but I just don't think people understand the connection between being mentally tough and spiritually alive. And so that for me. What do you think in regards to that line of thinking that the self-accountability and integrity factor plays into that how do you think that plays into that meaning like no one knows if you really did it or not right yeah god knows yeah absolutely and i mean full of shit in front of god yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:25:42 and i mean i mean the the reality is is you're saying you're yeah but you're cheating yourself yeah you're cheating yourself and and uh yeah i i i never really thought about it that way because yeah god i mean god knows if you're not doing it or not yeah but uh well it is god or any because some people tell me they got ptsd from your fucking picture in the app bro bro. Oh, really? Did you really do it? You know what I'm saying? They get fucking, yeah. I mean, it's a big deal, man. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I don't know. I think for me, what I was most surprised about was the amount of people that are willing, and what I'm proud about as well, is the amount of people who are willing to admit to themselves that they're not very mentally tough, and then they need to get tougher you know what i'm saying i the the straight up understanding that that's lacking in their lives actually gives me hope for the future of humanity because this program is not just about like getting in shape in fact there's very little about that really what it's more about is figuring out who the fuck you are and how to operate effectively and what's real and what's fucking fake a lot of people i find um tell me that when they started they didn't like me like
Starting point is 00:26:54 that like i like the program but i didn't like you like i don't like the way you talk i don't like your perspective i don't like this when i gave the and by the end of it they're like fuck dude you're telling the truth i'm like yeah bro like it's different on the other side yeah you should have a podcast called really yeah yeah yeah fucking podcaster but yeah dude I don't know you know and um so that was that's a little bit surprising and then I think the other thing that's been surprising too is I've never ever ever created ever created anything that like quote unquote went viral, I guess. Like every single piece of content I've had, every single follower, every single thing that I've done, I've chipped away at. Like every business I've built, everything's been hard.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Everything. And, you know, the 75 hard you know it it it sort of took off i guess at a fast rate and uh that was something that i didn't i didn't expect you know what i'm saying like i didn't expect it to to become but i think the reason it did is because people realize they're fucking soft and the world's soft and i think they also realize that in order for the world not to be soft we have to unsoften ourselves first yeah and so that's that's what i think um surprised me is that so many people are willing to like understand because like we talk a lot of shit about the people who don't understand right like they don't get it like the motherfucker who says oh does this
Starting point is 00:28:21 count when they're in their fucking garage like you know is this cold through cardio i'm on this candy yeah right we make fun of those people but the truth of the matter is there's far far far far by a factor of 1 million people who understand i need to get fucking harder i need to get tougher i need to fucking get aligned and they do it and that's been really cool because what that tells me is um what I can deduce from that is that people are not satisfied with what's going on in the world. They're not. And it starts with you. So fix your shit and then get to helping other people fix their shit instead of attacking them and calling them names and fucking saying they're this or that
Starting point is 00:29:01 and falling into the globalist agenda of division right divide and conquer and start saying you know that guy across the street is a lot different than me i want to share some of the things that help me with him and we'll become closer through that and like dude it's all it's really cool because in 75 hard there's like a there's like yes there's some people that get called out because they're fucking bullshitting but amongst the people who actually did it's very tight community it's really cool and it's like there's no there's no we don't care if you're fucking gay we don't care if you want to be trans we don't we don't fucking care we don't care if you're black right we don't care
Starting point is 00:29:40 if you're white we cared if you did that fucking workout yeah and it was exactly bro and and when you when someone finishes and accomplishes that sort of feat i mean look dude i would i would argue like you know an iron man a marathon that's one day of fucking all-out effort that's a hard thing but doing something for 75 days or even you know if you tag on phase one on the end of that 105 days in a row that's fucking that's a different kind of hard yeah it's a different kind of hard okay and i'm not saying that one's harder than the other but they're both a different kind of test yeah and you know a lot of people i've seen a lot of people who show up for a marathon and got their way through for one day but what about the what about the 105 days? You know
Starting point is 00:30:25 what I'm saying? Like that's a different thing and it changes you and it changes how you think and how you see the world and what your perspective is on investing work to get results. Like bro, just the value that someone would grab out of understanding the compounding, uh, the compounding effect of small little daily tasks that are critical to your success. You could see that in 75 days. And what I see in people that I think is really cool is that once they accomplish that, they start to realize, okay, it's not just 75 days. It's the next 1,000 days.
Starting point is 00:30:59 It's the next 10,000 days. And they start to understand that their life is not floating around like some piece of litter in the wind you are in control but you're just not in control to snap your fingers and change shit today but if you snap your fingers every fucking day for a hundred days shit's gonna look a lot different right no so it's cool that people are starting because what it does is it teaches you how to operate in this realm that we call the universe and life and everything right how to become something that you aren't currently and it's small it's consistent daily disciplined actions over and over and over
Starting point is 00:31:37 again and anything that's great anything that changes the world anything that's you know made someone fulfilled in life is all built that same way all of it so it's a good teacher for people to get the fundamentals down of how to operate and and dude what what i think has been cool is the like i got tagged yesterday and i get tagged now it's been a few years since we've had it out and going um it's cool because like i get tagged now it's been a few years since we've had it out and going um it's cool because like i get tagged in these posts of people who are like yeah dude i did 75 hard two years ago or three years ago and this is what i've done since then that's fucking cool yeah like that's cool yeah you know what i mean yeah and then you got these fucking fat corn dog eating fucking
Starting point is 00:32:22 bloggers saying oh it's just a trend and it doesn't really change your life it's not happy there's a whole bunch of people that will fucking argue that yeah my favorite one was seeing somebody post about how she has clients who have suffered severe mental uh damage from doing 75 hard and i'm thinking all right let me think first of all they didn't do 75 hard right exactly and i'm thinking okay so a gallon of water is that going to cause severe mental damage is andy's diet that's doing i mean bro it's crazy the whole the whole the fucking thing isn't called 75 pussy motherfucker okay it's called 75 fucking hard all right if you if it's too hard for you go do do fucking Weight Watchers. I don't care. If you can't recognize that you're soft, don't do it. The whole point is to say, man, I'm fucking weak and I need to not be weak.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I need to gut my fucking way through this. And for those people, it changes them. For the people that tried to quote unquote, I tried it 4,700 times, then fuck off. It ain't for you. You clearly don't understand what the program is about because if you truly understood that in 75 fucking days, you could be a different fucking human and your entire existence will change from here on out. You would fucking do every motherfucking thing on that thing.
Starting point is 00:33:39 The people who try it over and over and over and over and over and over and over, you think it's Weight Watchers. You're misunderstanding the fucking program this will fucking change you it dude i i can't stand getting lumped in with these fucking people and they're like oh this is a diet it's not a fucking diet you haven't even read the motherfucking book or listen to the podcast or done shit and that's why every single time someone posts a negative fucking thing about it, they end up having to delete their motherfucking Instagram account. Imagine if, before you go and criticize 75 Hard,
Starting point is 00:34:12 imagine making a post saying, everybody who completed an Ironman is a pussy. Right. Just remember that. Right. Just remember that. Everybody who's ever done a marathon, it doesn't really count. It's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Just remember that because that's what the fuck you're saying. You would not post that. So when you make a post talking shit on 75 hard and the fucking billion plus people come after your ass and sink your motherfucking account, that ain't on me, bro. You're stupid. Right. That's real. I would never stand at the end of an Ironman and say, man, that was fucking a waste of your time. That was super unhealthy, bro that's you're stupid right that's real i would never stand at the end of an iron man and say man that was fucking waste of your time super unhealthy bro you probably
Starting point is 00:34:49 shouldn't do that yeah that was no shit like an iron man isn't fucking unhealthy as fuck right right bro people are just fucking weak idiots which is they're making the case for the program with their complaining i do like corn dogs though yeah well no comment that picture was pretty ironic i have a small question related to what are you guys talking about so this happened to me about if you're gonna ask me about like schematics or design or some shit bro statistics no because that's what i feel like you might be the accent yeah right i just tried turning it off and on on you you're racist yeah that's right so uh one of my friends and i were talking about a job that we needed to get done and he referred
Starting point is 00:35:34 to me someone who i and he both knew that he has completed 75 hard and as you know you can see someone you can see their words and their pictures and you can understand if they've done or not. Yes. And we know a lot of people in this room and personally who have done this. There was something inside me that told me I can trust this person. I feel like 75 hard is kind of becoming a social currency. If I know somebody who has done 75 hard genuinely i personally feel i can trust that person more what do you think about that i i think yeah i think that's a great point that never gets discussed
Starting point is 00:36:12 no i think that's an excellent point um you should start a 75 hard dating site no 75 hard should be a prerequisite for fucking hiring people that's right right. Oh, you want a job here? Come back in 75 fucking days. Yeah. Well, guys, Andy, Vaughn. That is three. All right. Go pay the fee.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Yep. If you guys like the show, if you gained something, if it made you think, if it taught you something, if it made you laugh, share the show. If it didn't, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. Went from sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze. Fuck a bowl, fuck a stove. Counted millions millions in a cold Bad bitch, booted swole Got her on bankroll Can't fold, that's a no Headshot, case closed

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