REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 275. Q&AF: "All My Employees Quit," Bad Day Or Bad Moment? & The Power Of Manifestation

Episode Date: April 14, 2022

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how to effectively respond to all of your employees quitting the same day, differentiating between having a bad day versus a bad moment, and the best... way to explain the power of manifestation to your family & friends.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Frisella and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusionsusions of modern society, and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Q and AF. That's where you ask the Qs, and I give you the AFs. And if I wasn't as cool, it would just be the As. But since I'm super cool, it's AFs. And that's pretty much how it works. So this is the personal development version of our show now, okay?
Starting point is 00:00:41 We built the base of this show on entrepreneurship for a long time. I don't even know how many years. With the MFCEO Project, it was the number one entrepreneur podcast of all time. It still is. And now we talk about the crazy shit going on in the world a little more.
Starting point is 00:00:57 So we rebranded. We're Real AF. And if you want personal development content, QNAF is where it's going to be. Otherwise, you can look at Arte Syndicate where we get into it every week, uh, in depth. So with that being said, what am I missing? Oh, there's a fee. The fee is very simple.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Um, you Venmo me a hundred dollars per episode and you give DJ $2 for reparations. So basically guys, uh, the show is free okay um and all we ask is that you send uh some good words to your friends and family and like-minded individuals about us that's all we want right um what else what else now if you want to submit your questions email them in to ask any to ed for cool so that's that's the deal all right now we're gonna get into the q's and the afs uh but i mean what's going on dude another much man yeah we had a great weekend yeah we had an athlete weekend here at 1p and that was fucking awesome it was awesome dude you know it was fucking awesome you know what made it so awesome we did this new thing now it was the first time
Starting point is 00:02:01 we ever tried it but we made it no cell phones yeah like we hit we we had a casino night at my house it's fucking awesome dude i ran up on the fucking blackjack yeah you were you were uh partnering up with fred warner yeah i was that was 49ers yeah that was fucking me me and fred ran the table on blackjack what a good dude fucking awesome i love i love that dude uh i watched you guys over here we kept high-fiving but you guys are over there getting excited this dude's got a fucking nine-figure contract. And he's excited about fucking these fake-ass chips in my house. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:02:30 But that's the thing. There was no risk. You know what I'm saying? No, but it was cool, dude, because like, dude, look. It made me real. It sounds really weird, but it made me realize how much phones take away from these experiences that we were supposed to have in life. The personal connection
Starting point is 00:02:45 yeah dude i had the friday and saturday i had in probably six seven years the two best times i've had just because nobody was checking their phones nobody was taking pictures nobody was absorbed in the going-ons of the world they were there and present it was really it was really really cool no and dude the thing is like like like technology right like they're they're great fucking advancements there's great fucking places for technology to fucking help in it does done tremendous things right but this personal connection of like just people human beings connecting this this does not help that no bro it's after this past weekend yeah because it like totally re-energized my i don't know i want to sound like poofy you know but like it made my like
Starting point is 00:03:32 spirit better yeah like i'm in a better mood today humans we thrive on that yeah that's a net like that is a fundamental like necessity of bro it's so noticeable like i was in a good mood today when i woke up i fucking felt better i when i when we had our meeting this morning i was excited to see everybody like dude if you don't know what i'm talking about bro put your phone away for a fucking couple days like for real put it away for a couple days and fucking you know make your family put it away for a day a week or something like that you know what i'm saying like it it i don't know it just opened my eyes you know it's kind of like how you don't realize how things are getting when they happen
Starting point is 00:04:10 incrementally over time you know i'm saying it's like the frog in the boiling water and like what i realize is holy shit dude this is how it's supposed to be yeah you know and this technology that we have as great as it is for some things it's become overbearing and uh you know i really think people need to consider how much time they are pouring themselves into this this alternative reality of the internet you know what i mean you know it's funny though some people be like oh i'm i don't spend that much time on my phone oh i'm not there's a real quick fucking easy test you can go to your settings and look at your fucking screen time on average people are spending eight hours a day eight hours a day yeah he's fucking bro i've i've i've probably spent more of my life in in the internet world the last 10 years that i have in
Starting point is 00:04:58 the real world and like dude i look back and i'm like a fuck i fucking regret that those are the best fucking years of my whole entire life yeah i happen to fucking spend with this shit you know what i'm saying like i'm gonna make a conscious effort to i mean it's still gonna be there i'm not fucking say hey fuck technology still useful but you know i think developing uh technology discipline is something that i think is worth striving for yeah i agree man really i agree like the payoffs too good you know so anyway those are my opening thoughts yeah that was fucking awesome though man it was a good weekend it was a good weekend well we got three good ones for you um so let's knock these out andy i have seven employees okay i just had a meeting this past Monday and things got pretty heated and all of my employees but two left and quit.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'm fucking lost. Side note, it took me three years to get to seven employees. And right now, nobody else wants to work. And I feel like I'm ready to throw in the towel. Does he say why? Now he just says things got pretty heated yeah well you know unfortunately um especially when you're small you know those kind of things happen i think every business at some point in time has some sort of little revolt when they're smaller because there's you know it's just you you don't have you're not really these people aren't getting paid uh you know when you start a new business bro like people have to understand it takes a long time to get to a place where you're paying your employees in a proper way. And I would say overpaying them is proper in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You know, and that can be incredibly difficult when you're, when you're managing a team where everybody's sort of bought into the mission or what we're trying to accomplish. And you don't have real leverage for them to not walk away, right? Right. And so I've had this kind of thing happen to me a few different times where I've had whole stores of employees leave at one time. Oh, shit. And that's incredibly hard. One time i had a
Starting point is 00:07:05 one time i had a whole store of employees quit and i went to the store and it was empty they didn't have any product in it like we had uh eighty thousand dollars worth of product in that store this is like 15 years ago no shit and yeah and there was fucking three thousand dollars worth of product left you know we didn't have cameras we couldn't prove it uh we tried to get yeah dude so i heard that that's yeah bro but to get... Yeah, dude. I heard that. That's fucked up. Bro, but the thing is, the reason you haven't heard that story is because... You can go ask Jason about that story.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah. But the reason you don't hear it is because it's happened so frequently. Things like that happen. And all I can say is, this should be a learning lesson for you. There's some responsibility on your shoulders and there's probably some on their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And as you get more mature and bigger company, you can create positions in your company that are harder to walk away from when things get hard. And that's the goal. You want that because you want people to be invested into your company and not just walk away when they get extremely frustrated. So that will get better as you get bigger and more profitable and you can invest more in your employees. But at the beginning stages, when you have, you know, less than, you know, 10, 20 employees, it can be really fucking hard. And I relate to that, man. Like that's a, that's a very difficult situation. I'm sure he feels very alone yeah he feels like betrayed
Starting point is 00:08:25 um or she or whoever asked that um because that's how i felt i remember i felt like man i'm fucking doing everything i fucking can and you know these people want more and more and more for me that i can't give right and so from an employer stand of point of view it's incredibly difficult um because you're trying to you know at that stage in the game you know it's one fire after another fire after another fire after another fire and you don't really have the skills to organize your team properly right um because you haven't learned them right you're just in the beginning of it so my advice to this person would be like hey understand these kind of things will happen and probably won't be the last time something like that will happen. But if you stay plugged in and you stay putting one foot
Starting point is 00:09:10 down in front of another, you will get through this. But it will only matter that you got through it if you actually learn the lesson and were able to take responsibility for your part in creating that scenario. Make sure that it doesn't happen. Exactly. Exactly. So what you should be looking at is what things could I have done differently leading up to that situation that could have helped avoid it. Right. And then what you want to do is you want to start recognizing that sort of situation way ahead of time next time. Right. Right. Like you should be able to see a situation like that coming months ahead of time next time. Right. Right. Like you should be able to see a situation like that coming months ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Right. And then you have to work to solve the problem before it becomes this big inferno. And that's, that's the truth is those employees didn't leave that day in that meeting. They left. That's right. It was over time. Right. And so that's what you have to understand.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's just like when a, when a significant other breaks up with you, like they don't break up with you because of one thing. Right. Uh, they break up with you because of the previous four years of things that you never fixed or never adjusted. And then it feels like they just decided today, but the truth is they just decided slowly over time. And that's why when these things happen, you know, most of the time trying to like change their minds is not going to work because there's been enough lead up to this scenario to where they're going to just think you're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And it's a hard pill to swallow, um, that you might be a little full of shit and maybe you need to adjust your technique and maybe you need to, um, for this person, I would invest heavily in trying to become a better leader, a better team organizer, a better manager, a better CEO in terms of managing people. Because I can tell you for sure, and it doesn't matter if the entrepreneur that I'm talking to is a first-year entrepreneur or a 20-year entrepreneur or a 30-year entrepreneur worth billions of dollars, they always say the same thing. Managing people is the hardest possible thing you can do. And it's even getting harder because the mentality used to be, we come to work
Starting point is 00:11:12 to get a fucking job done, right? Now people have their social, I guess, thermostat has changed to a point where they feel like it's almost to me it comes across as severe entitlement um that they believe that i'm responsible for their personal lives right and their personal happiness i'm fucking not right like they have the leverage yeah and like dude that's something that's very frustrating as a ceo or as a manager of people is when people can't handle their own fucking lives because they're undisciplined and they're weak right and then they bring that shit to you and then make it like it's part of your problem oh i'm really not happy and blah blah blah well what are you not happy with well you know my wife or my husband or blah blah blah well that ain't me bro that's a you problem
Starting point is 00:11:56 you know what i'm saying and and dude that shit does not belong in the fucking business place of business at all right so you know people need to really check themselves when they understand like like when you and dude this is an important perspective to think from an employee as well right now there's not that many good fucking jobs right now right people are starving for employees but most of those jobs are running the play from like 1980 where they pay their people the least amount and expect them to do the most and that just doesn't really work anymore because there's too many options for people to make a living right uh you know other ways you know people could get on etsy or ebay and fucking make enough money to
Starting point is 00:12:34 survive or just sit on the fucking couch yeah and take a check from the government right so there's all kinds of other options that they didn't have and so if you want to if you want to build a great company and an effective company it's almost as if you have to create the place that is so cool and so fun and so good to work at that these people will come here for fucking free right right that's real yeah would you tell them anything special for the two employees that did that did stay that were loyal that didn't i mean those are definitely the people that you're going to want to build around. You know what I'm saying? But just remember that whatever mistakes you made leading up to,
Starting point is 00:13:11 leading up, I actually think if you look at it like that, it's a blessing. Because now you know who you can build with. It's like thin the herd. That's right. Yeah. So that's a very good plus that you pointed out in that scenario. But also remember that all those things that led up to those people being disgruntled and getting heated and walking off, those other people felt as well.
Starting point is 00:13:30 They may not be voicing it. Maybe they need the job. Maybe they have another reason. So what I'm saying is you have to own your mistakes for this situation with those people to build back that trust and that credibility, even though they're staying there right now. See what I'm saying? Right, right, right. So it's not just like, oh, they're staying there right now. See what I'm saying? Right, right, right. So like, it's not just like, oh, they're loyal.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Like they're probably pissed off too. Right. And you're going to have to figure out, you know, how to get them back on a team. And that comes from just being real, dude. And like saying, hey, you know what? Here's where I fucked up, but I don't agree with this and this and this,
Starting point is 00:14:00 and I can't have that here. So we got to move forward with this. And this is what will not happen again. This is what we're going to do moving forward. And this is how we, how we move. Right. So, um, there's a lot to that, but at the end of the day, it's not the end of the world. At the end of the day, I think if you talk to every small business owner, that's become a medium size or a large business owner, they've dealt with these kinds of scenarios. You're not, you're not alone at all. I could give you 10 different scenarios just like that. And if I'm being completely honest, most of those were my fault because I didn't know how to lead properly. It's the truth. You know what I mean? Like I say a lot of times, like my biggest
Starting point is 00:14:34 regret is that I have great people that I had in the company previously that, that I pushed out because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. And it's dude, being a great leader, being a great CEO is a lifetime commitment. Like right now, I think I'm pretty good in 10 years. I'm going to think I was shitty now. Right. You know what I'm saying? Right. So that's, that's just the way it goes, bro. And you know, we have to, we have to deal with those things and move forward, uh, with it, with a positive, with a positive, you know, uh, mindset and a positive momentum with the team and that starts with owning what what you did wrong correcting the behavior yeah so that's fucking real man that's tough man i mean it's a tough deal i mean emotionally that's tough because
Starting point is 00:15:16 dude when that happens you really feel like you feel like a fucking failure and you feel alone and you feel like everybody hates you. And it's just, it's just a very lonely feeling. Um, so stick it out, man. You know, you're not the only one that's ever had to go through that. Yeah. That's real, man. Andy question, question number two for you. We've talked about test days in the, in the, in the past, right? But what is your, what's your take on having bad days? Um, and a bad day for whatever reason, right? Like I'm just in the mood. How long should that bad day last for that person? Well, I don't think most people have bad days. I think most people have bad moments that ruin their day. I think if most people were aware and self-aware and were able to move from one emotion to the next quickly and you learn that, that's a skill, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Like I can literally be in a meeting with someone getting pretty heated and walk right out and do a call or do a podcast or do something else. And you will have never known that it happened. And so I think when you say, Oh, I have bad days. I think most of the time it's because you don't, you haven't acquired the skill of, of compartmentalizing, uh, you know, the issue to the issue.
Starting point is 00:16:36 That makes sense. So like a lot of people, you know, they wake up in the morning, they, they go to work. Let's say they get, they,
Starting point is 00:16:43 they get a fender bender, right? Their fucking day is ruined. Right. Okay in reality the truth is your day is not ruined what happened is you got something that puts you in a bad mood and then you ruined your fucking day by going through the whole day saying i got an accident to work my day sucks and blah blah blah fuck this and you know sometimes those people end up throwing their whole life away because they had one bad moment, you know? And I think it's important to recognize that most of the time it's not a bad day, it's bad moments. And this is not something that's easy to learn. It's not something that's been automatic to me. Um, I have, the only reason
Starting point is 00:17:19 I know this is because I've been guilty of that for most of my life where I could get halfway through the day and some bullshit happens and then I'm fucking pissed off the rest of the day. And guess what? Sometimes it still happens. Right. But I have to, I am more aware at, you know, this point in my life than I was, you know, 10 years ago or two years ago or 15 years ago. Right. And now, regardless of what happens, I'm usually okay to be able to say, all right, look, it'll be good. This sucks. Everything's fine. Everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah. You know, and I remind myself back to like, okay, that was a one, that was a, that was one part of my day. It's not the rest of the day. Yeah. And you move on. And, and, uh, and it's, it's easier to say that than it is to do it because you know when you're emotional it's especially like these darker emotions it's hard to pull out of them right right but i think on top of that another thing you can do is that you can use these days as fuel right like when you feel like you're like
Starting point is 00:18:15 things aren't going your way um that's the time where you need to lock in and control what you can control and that's where you know you need to control the basics like what you control what you can control. And that's where, you know, you need to control the basics, like what you eat, what you put in your brain, what you drink, uh, you know, who you interact with your exercise. Like these things are things that no matter how bad things are going, you are ultimately in control of it. And if you say you're not, you're lying, right? Yeah. So I think it's important to recognize that when things are rough in life, you know, we're all going to go through times and sometimes it lasts, you know, a day, sometimes it lasts a week. Sometimes it lasts longer than that. Sometimes it lasts months or years, but at the end of the day, you're choosing to live in that misery, right? You're choosing to
Starting point is 00:18:59 stay in that place because you're choosing to dwell and to, to think and to analyze and to beat something to death that quite honestly is irrelevant. Right. It's already happened. Right. You know, so you are in control of your own happiness and your own, your own, whether or not you have a good or a bad day, you're in control of that just by changing your fucking attitude from, you know, Oh my God, this is the worst thing ever to, well, that sucked. All right, on with the day. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Right. And like, that's how we, or, you know, hey, that sucked. All right, well, all my life, I got to keep going. Right. You know, and those things, switching your mentality, dude, those things can ultimately save your life. Yeah. Because- I don't think people,
Starting point is 00:19:43 that's an extremely powerful thing, right? Like, I i mean you have fucking 60 seconds of a bad situation or a bad call and you're gonna let that ruin the next fucking 15 hours of your day possibly yeah well bro you seen it i mean even i'm i'm not the best at this like i'm just saying it's true we're human yeah like there's times when people piss me the fuck off and i'm like fucking pissed yeah right and i stay pissed for a while but usually what do i do when i do that what do we do when i get pissed off we uh either work out or do cardio that's it that's usually almost always okay let's go yep and we'll go fucking hit the weights or we'll go we'll go fucking do outdoor cardio yeah and and we'll
Starting point is 00:20:18 it's like redirecting that moment right that's it well dude what i'm doing is i'm taking time that would be spent being negative i'm actually substituting the time with productive action. Right. So when you have the ability to take negativity and substitute it with something productive, you get to move forward even though you don't feel like you're moving forward during the bad times. I think this is a huge key to life. Yeah. Huge.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah. You know, it's a pivot point. Hey, I'm fucking pissed. All right, I'll go work out. Hey, this is fucking bullshit. All right. Well not gonna fucking order pizza i'm gonna stay on my plan you know what i'm saying right and when you when you when you substitute all those negative times and you like think about it think of all the bad shit that's happened to you and what if you use those as a trigger to go ahead and do one little step forward in the right direction
Starting point is 00:21:02 think how different your life will look yeah right and still being able to count that day as a fucking win yeah that's what i'm saying like that's a huge deal like if you can't get better when times are tough or when times are out of control or when times are frustrating or you're angry uh you're not going to do much in life yeah it's just reality because those things are going to happen so often. And this is where people become victims, right? They're like, oh, dude, this bad shit. It fucking only happens.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Motherfucker, that happens to everybody. It's just in a different way. Right. Like we are having bad shit happen to us that we consider bad shit every day, all day. That's for every fucking human on the planet. Every fucking human. So what's the reasoning for some people consistently winning well they figured out how to keep moving when things are fucking not ideal when conditions aren't perfect right and if you can't move forward when conditions aren't perfect you're dead in the
Starting point is 00:21:56 water when it comes to life dude it's the bottom line so you know take try to take those times where you're having a bad day and still execute and then when you wake up the next morning you it won't have compounded right like oh i had a bad day then i ate pizza then i didn't work out i missed all my shit i woke up woke up late yeah like dude but instead you wake up in the morning you're like fuck that sucked yesterday but i still what fucker won right i'm still gonna win today dude that builds confidence that builds personal power inside yourself that you fucking like most of you to be completely honest have never experienced no because it's not the norm it's not the norm think about what's pushed down through society what's pushed down through society is not hey be resilient hey push
Starting point is 00:22:40 through hey this that the other it's hey let's pass a law so that you don't have to deal with anything hard like that's dude it's it's fucking absurd yeah harsh shit's gonna happen you know i've said it since 2015 14 13 whatever and everybody copies it but you're gonna it's gonna be hard either way okay being broke is hard as fuck being successful is hard as fuck all you get to do is choose which hard you're gonna fucking be and you don't get to opt out of it being hard that's the fucking thing where people fuck up they think they can opt out of life being hard no life is going to be hard but you get to choose the result that it's going to produce because of it yeah so i love it man thanks i fucking love it that's true any question uh number three our final question for you guys andy i've been trying to explain to
Starting point is 00:23:34 my friends the power of visualization and they always ask me why do i write things off as manifestation if i'm still going to do the work to get that that done can can you help me explain this a little bit better so his friends are just trying to say that's not it's not visualization it's not manifestation you're just working for what you want well i think the most i first of all i think that's a very uneducated viewpoint on the scenario there's tons of science that shows that it's actually true there's if you get into quantum physics and you start really reading into it or you start listening and reading
Starting point is 00:24:07 people like Dr. Joe Dispenza's work, you'll understand that it's real. There is a real energy out there that they do not want us to understand and they don't want us to have control of because it makes us powerful. And that energy is from our fucking brain. And we're able to produce ideas
Starting point is 00:24:25 and attract events and attract things in our life with the power of our brain alone. It's fucking. Now, do you have to do your part? Absolutely. But without ever figuring out where you want to go, how the fuck are you going to get there? Okay. So the reason most people fucking like lose in life is because not only do they not dream small or not only do they not dream big, they don't dream at all. Right. They just, they just, they don't, they don't think anything's possible. So they never take the time to even paint an ideal life.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Or if they do like you hear them all the time, you know, I'd really like to do that. But like, for me, that would look this much smaller. Right. Right. Like you hear people talk themselves out of their dreams all the time. You know, I'd really like to do that. But like for me, that would look this much smaller. Right. Right. Like you hear people talk themselves out of their dreams all the time. I do at least, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:12 Oh dude, you know, I really love your garage, but like in all this stuff, but like for me, dude, I would just want this one thing. Like, and,
Starting point is 00:25:18 and, and it, I could, you could see it in their face and not, that's just an example, right? You're going to substitute that for everybody. But people have a habit of selling themselves short because they lack the belief in their own
Starting point is 00:25:30 abilities uh and they also lack the understanding of the quantum reality of being able to attract things in your life and those things are scientifically proven there's tons of science behind it uh there's tons of there's tons of classified science behind it. Fuck, the CIA was using people to fucking auto-locate and visualize the locations of missing people. And it has been successful. And they've been doing that for fucking 50 years. Okay? So this is real shit.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Right. All right? And the reason people don't think it's real is because the government and people who are in power and the elite people of this country and the world have for centuries suppressed our own true abilities as humans because they can't control us if we become independently strong and understand what is actually possible in life and in this world. And so, you know, that's why they do things like putting chemicals in the water or putting, um, you know, chemicals in our foods and all these things. These all have, this is all tied together with the suppression of the human potential. All right. So I don't expect people to understand it. Uh, but if you were actually to practice it and you were actually to commit to it, you will figure out that it's true. And then what happens is you start to study and you can see why it's true. But, um, yeah, I mean like, look, dude, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:52 none of my friends fucking thought it was true either. Here we fucking are. Right. When I said I was going to fucking build all this shit and build this building and build this company and live the life that I live currently, everybody laughed at me. Everybody. Nobody fucking thought that it would. And I visualized it every day and I got up and did what I could do. But I can tell you this, the amount of work I put in to get this is equal to the amount of alignment
Starting point is 00:27:18 that the universe created for me in terms of allowing me to achieve those things so what i'm saying is i i i honestly feel like because i visualized it aligned up and made it way easier for me to get to with less work if that makes sense yeah so like i worked really hard but like the amount of payoff that it's shown because of where i was seeing myself going there's a lot of things i can't explain dude right you know there's a lot of things I can't explain, dude. There's a lot of breaks I had that were part of the plan in my mind, but didn't make any sense logically
Starting point is 00:27:52 on pen and paper, right? So you have to understand there's things about this world. Your friends, they probably think they got it all figured out, bro. Well, how come the most successful, wealthy people in the world who have billions of dollars, when I talk to them, they don't have it all figured out bro well how come the most successful wealthy people in the world who have billions of dollars when i talk to them they don't have it all figured out but they they believe
Starting point is 00:28:09 enough because they've seen enough to practice things right it's like gravity dude like like we can argue about it all day like but we go up on the roof here and you fucking we're gonna find out you know i'm saying gravity ain't real bro yeah right so like it's the same thing with the law of attraction and quantum physics and quantum realities and all of these things. They don't want us to understand these things. Okay? You think it's a coincidence that they say, oh, well, the human only uses like 9% to 11% of their brain.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Oh, really? Right. No, that's the 9% to 11% that you want us to think works. Right. That's the truth. Right. So, um, I believe a lot, a lot more of our brain that these people don't fucking understand is responsible for us actually manipulating the reality in the universe by just thinking about things and focusing on things a certain way. So, you know, people can argue it and you don't have
Starting point is 00:29:01 to believe it, but I can tell you this when I I started it, I had moved back in with my dad. After seven years of living alone, I was broke. I was actually less than broke because I was fucking highly in debt. And within four years of practicing that, I was driving a fucking Lamborghini and flying private jets, and I ain't ever looked back. So... Yeah, like, you're not going to... people could argue this all day with me you could bring
Starting point is 00:29:28 in every fucking human on the planet and i'm gonna be like yeah sorry you're wrong right and and that's you know that might be anecdotal evidence for me because it's my own experiences and what i've seen in the real world but it's enough to prove it to me and you guys can either decide to take my word for it or not but considering where the fuck i came from and what what the fuck has happened so far in my life i'm pretty fucking young to achieve what we've achieved and a lot of that i credit to uh not just visualization on my own part but collectively getting everybody to see the same vision and us working together i think there's a lot of power in collective attraction, so to speak. And you have to-
Starting point is 00:30:08 Because even that collective consciousness. Yeah, it's collective consciousness. Dude, it's like if you could get a whole group of people to see the exact same thing, how much more powerful is your vision? It's infinitely more powerful because all these people are putting out energy into the universe that's that's attracting the same thing and it can attract it at a much greater speed yeah see what i'm saying yeah fuck yeah so that's how fucking skyscrapers are built bro it's how everything's built people just it's what that person's dealing with a small mind and uneducated people and and that's just sometimes you know it's better to not be around people like that when you're trying to do great things i know it was for me like i fucking eliminated contact with every single fucking
Starting point is 00:30:48 person that that doubted me which unfortunately but fortunately was almost everybody for me you know what i mean like i don't really talk to anybody from my past too much anymore unless they've been around for the journey you know what i mean because like it would be impossible for them to understand. And then if I'm telling them about it now, it's just sounds like I'm bragging when in reality, I'm just telling them my life. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:12 You know? And so that's not fun to be around either. Like when you're, when you're trying, you know, like imagine going to dinner with one of your old friends. Right. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:31:19 Oh yeah, blah, blah, blah. And they're telling you about their life. And then you start talking about your life, but your life has become so fucking ridiculous that they they go home and they're like yeah fucking priscilla just bragging about no dude like that's just my life right you know and and but people don't
Starting point is 00:31:33 understand that so i think sometimes it's appropriate to really limit who you interact with especially in these early days um because that's also part of the the universal shit right yeah yeah surround yourself with shit yeah listen that's undeniable yeah listen bro they've been writing about this for hundreds of years i'm not the first fucking person to ever talk about this like napoleon hill wrote fucking books about it uh you know there's there's there's people from all the way from pre-history until now they have spoken about this, right? Sometimes they were burned at a fucking stake, but it's the truth.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Right. And I've become a believer. I've become a believer after this last two years that not only is that shit real, but it's been intentionally kept from us, right? It's been intentionally fucking made us right it's been intentionally fucking made to seem like it was bullshit yeah for for other people's gain and not yours yeah just like success yeah because like dude how do you control someone that literally is in control of their
Starting point is 00:32:35 whole reality through their fucking brain and then willing to work towards that too you really can't no you can't so yeah i would strive to become that because that's where you get true freedom like right now when i go home and i think about like my life and i think about if i wanted to change or how i wanted to grow or what i wanted to become i'm 100 confident that that can happen no matter what the fuck it is i could just i'm like okay well all right i'm gonna start thinking about it this way right right and then i going to do the little things during the day. But I honestly think that the things I do during the day are 40%, maybe 30% of it, and the visualization is 70%. That's my take on it.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah. You know? So, you know, you can believe your friends or you can believe me. That's fucking awesome. I would listen to me if it were me. Well, guys, Andy, that is three. So go pay the fee. Yeah, guys. Appreciate you guys listening. that's fucking awesome I would listen to me if it were me well guys Andy that is three
Starting point is 00:33:26 so go pay the fee yeah guys appreciate you guys listening please share the show and talk to you next time yeah went from sleeping on the floor
Starting point is 00:33:34 now my jewelry box froze fuck a bowl fuck a stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole
Starting point is 00:33:41 got her own bankroll can't fold just a note headshot case closed

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