REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 278. Q&AF: Student Loan Forgiveness, Building Culture Remotely & Establishing Partnerships Ft. Vaughn Kohler

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on America's current student loan situation regarding forgiveness, how you can build a culture in your company when your employees work remotely, and th...e best way to establish a partnership when going into business.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest sake of body lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have q and af this is where you ask the questions and i bring you the afs how do we submit the cues guys as always email your questions into ask andy and andy for solid now we do have a special guest it's not dj we do have the pastor of disaster vaughn the imp, is in the building. What's up, dude? It's good to be here, even though it's a pretty dreary day outside. Yeah, it's a good Friday.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Well, the shirts will definitely lighten it up, so I'm just saying. Well, thanks, man. I had to dress up a little bit. What are you doing in town, bro? Helping my mom move. Yeah, where's she moving? Louisville, Kentucky. So you're making long trips, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Are you going to Louisville or are you just helping her move? No, I'm coming back I'm, I'm, I'm coming back successive weekends to help her clean out her house and get ready to move. But yeah, but dude, you know me, I like to drive with four little girls.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I like driving in the car. It's quiet. I can listen to a book on tape. Well, I guess they're not on tape anymore. What's a tape? It's exactly right. A track.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah. But, uh, but uh but yeah man um what's it going on what's going on man a lot of stuff like what uh i just paid my taxes today yeah sort of help with the help of your boy uh mike oh really yeah apparently i made the cut oh there you go you know when he came over to work like full-time for you he cut everything he had to cut everybody but he's like i i don't think i have to cut you because you are sort of somewhat andy's friend so yeah he let me through there you go yeah i thought it was about circumcisions for a minute anyway what's wrong with you holy shit man yeah
Starting point is 00:02:06 yeah no everything's good man yeah yeah that's a good question I got some good ones for you alright let's get
Starting point is 00:02:10 started let's knock these out Andy question number one wait did we cover the fee oh no we didn't fee there's fee for the show it's not
Starting point is 00:02:17 I mean you can Venmo me if you want but the fee is actually just a referral if you like the show if it made you think,
Starting point is 00:02:25 if it gave you some knowledge, if it helped you gain a new perspective, helped you get on the right track, please share the show. That's all we ask. Unlike other shows, I don't run a million ads and try to bore you to death. We're here to help you get better
Starting point is 00:02:40 because that's what the world needs right now. The world needs better individuals. And so that's what the goal of the show is about this show is definitely going to do that so uh andy question i'm going for you andy what's your take on the current student loan situation uh specifically on the forgiveness side of student loans just want to hear your thoughts on that what what do you mean like politically everybody's talking about like no we should you know all the student loans should be forgiven oh really what's your idea on just even getting them in the first place first of all um if you signed up for it you should fucking pay it that's called having
Starting point is 00:03:15 integrity okay um that's what adults do i don't want to hear this shit about fucking loan forgiveness dude fuck you that's what you. And it is what it is. Now, with that being said, did you make an educated decision when you went and got the loans? Probably not. And there's probably a real lesson there for you in life, which is don't sign your name on shit
Starting point is 00:03:34 that you don't know what the fuck it's about. Yeah. Okay. I personally think that the way the government and the way these schools allow kids to sign up for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans without really explaining to them or, or teaching them what the longterm impact of those loans would be.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's highly immoral. Yeah. First of all, but, but then to that too, there's no fucking, you can't go get the same business loan, a lot of credit,
Starting point is 00:04:01 you know, just start now. No, the whole idea of burying someone in student loans is to make them a cog in the big system that's it they want to leverage you you have to pay the loans they're the only loans that you cannot default out of for any reason it will follow you for the rest of time so um for those of you who are screaming about forgiveness it's never going to happen that was
Starting point is 00:04:25 a lie that they told you to get your fucking vote and so next time maybe you should be a little bit smarter all right so now the bigger question is how should it be okay that's the reality of this news um first of all they're going to continue to milk our people and milk and leverage our generations after generation after generation with these student loans because that's what they need to lock people in over the course of their life to buy into their system that's what you have to understand okay um now does it need to be fixed? Yeah, I believe it does. I believe these schools are getting away with literal fucking robbery of, of people's futures and their incomes.
Starting point is 00:05:12 The, the classes that they teach, uh, the skills that you walk out of a four year university with are not equal to the amount of money that you are now tied to and obligated to pay. They're not even close. Right. So you're, you're sending people to school with, to learn gender studies.
Starting point is 00:05:30 They're getting out of school and they're earning $40,000, which is like right now is honestly, you can't live on that. Um, you can, but like, I wouldn't call it living. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah. You're going to be in poverty, bro. And you know, I think that's morally wrong um you know i think these universities have gone the same path of the government where they become totally bureaucratic their goal is to get as much money from these kids as possible and their parents as possible they don't give a fuck if these kids go out and fall on their face or if they actually
Starting point is 00:05:59 learn and so we have no we have very few university professors that are teaching any real skills. And if they are teaching real skills or talking truth, they're run out by the liberals that are in these colleges. And so they're indoctrinating these kids into this set of beliefs, which is not reality. And people are becoming financial slaves because of it. And in my opinion, and you guys could take whatever you want but unless you're going to be a physician or a lawyer or not even a lawyer if you're going to be a physician or maybe an architect something that is a special skill set that you need to learn that's the only kind of college that you that a kid needs yeah okay if you're going to be in business go start a fucking business
Starting point is 00:06:42 or get a job with it. Get, because most companies now don't care about your degree. No, my opinion is that the, the, the education system that exists today is collapsing right in front of our eyes right now. Enrollments down like 20% across the board of fucking all colleges because
Starting point is 00:07:00 of the fucking vaccine shit. Now, um, you know, look, Trump said it, bro, you go woke, you go broke. And that's what the fucking vaccine shit now. You know, look, Trump said it, bro. You go woke, you go broke. And that's what the fuck's happening here. And so there's so many other alternative areas
Starting point is 00:07:12 to learn from with the technology that's available that, you know, like for example, like Ed Milet and I have Arte Syndicate. Like, dude, we teach you how to fucking be successful in business. If you want to be successful in business, you come join our group. And guess what? It's expensive, but it's not expensive compared to fucking four-year university.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And I can promise you with 1,000% guarantee, you will learn more in that group than you'll ever learn in a fucking college. And earn more from it. In fucking two fucking months. Okay? So education is changing. How people look at education is changing. Unless you're going to become a professional within those certain.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Specialized fields. Yes, for sure. So another thing that's happening, we talked about this with, I forgot who it was. I think it was Yoder that was on the show. We talked about trade schools, vocational schools. Okay? A lot of people are not wanting to work anymore in those fields because for the last 20 years, they've been shit on.
Starting point is 00:08:05 The working class Americans have been told, like, it's been painted to these kids, like, if you work for a living, you're a fucking loser. Bro, that's the most noble thing you can do is go out and actually work, like, with your fucking hands, solving fucking problems for people. And great thing for you guys who are young right now, a lot of these people are quitting because they're not they're just not doing it anymore they don't take pride in it so like if you're a young man or a woman who wants to build a great career right away uh or even wants to become an entrepreneur like down the road a great way to develop the seed money to start your company is to go to one of these vocational schools for a fucking year start earning a great living because these workers in the, in the trades are non-existent right now for the most part.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Okay. There's a huge, huge vacuum for new people to come in. All right. Go work that for three years, save all your fucking money. Now you have your seed money for you becoming an entrepreneur. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Right. So I had to work other jobs to fund my company for eight fucking years. I did that. I worked other fucking jobs for the first work other jobs to fund my company for eight fucking years. I did that. I worked other fucking jobs for the first eight years I was running my company. That's what it fucking takes. So there's tons of opportunity here. And it's fun. It's like what we talked about on the MSCO project fucking years ago, bro.
Starting point is 00:09:19 The people now, if you're a young person and you want to win, the opportunity has never been better because the people now are so fucking lazy and they believe all this idealistic shit. They're not in reality. Like they're, they're say, Oh, I can get a check from the government, sit on my ass and put the fucking metaverse goggles on. Well, that creates an amazing opportunity for you because you have way less competition. When I was 19 years old, everybody wanted to be rich. So I had to compete against all those motherfuckers. Okay. That's why I have the skills that I have. That's why you should listen to my show just being fucking real i'm sharing directly with you how to fucking win um but bro you took you took if you took me me who i am and my skills and my knowledge and maybe 19 year olds right now i dude i would
Starting point is 00:10:00 fucking murder everybody yeah like it would be overdue dude. Like, you'd all be fucked. I'd be the richest man in the world. You know, for real. Yeah. And you wouldn't be fucked because I would actually do the right thing with my wealth. Right. But the point is, tremendous opportunity.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You know, I had a friend ask me about starting a podcast and she was like, well, I want to speak on stages and I want to do this and that you know how do i do that and i'm like well hey look dude um i was putting out content telling my story for 10 fucking years before i ever started becoming a speaker you haven't put your story out one time you know and the great thing about you is you don't have to do it for 10 years now you could do it for two years and become someone because the speed of technology
Starting point is 00:10:44 has increased so much it allows that there's never been more opportunity than there is right now but you're just not hearing it or seeing it or believing it because of the events going on in the world listen man from the beginning of time until now the universal truth of humanity is the ones who fucking learn the skills and the ones who put the work in fucking run the world. That is it. So it really doesn't matter what Putin's doing or what Biden's doing or what so-and-so is doing. Are they creating situations that may make it easier or harder? Sure. But at the end of the day, developing a strong work ethic, being dedicated to your craft,
Starting point is 00:11:21 being committed 100%, going all in and fucking, that's going to cause a win. So a lot of people right now are sitting on the sidelines because they think, oh, the world's too fucked up. I got to wait until it gets normal. Let me tell you something, motherfucker. It ain't ever going to be normal. It's always going to be fucked up. Yeah. Andy, I would add to any parents listening that I think it's morally wrong and a massive parent fail if you just push your kids into college without getting them to think through all of the relevant issues. I remember when I was a senior and I wanted to go to a very expensive private college. And I ended up going to that college. But my dad sat me down and he basically said, listen, we're not paying for this. If you want to go into this, you've got to invest the money. You've got to shoulder the burden yourself. And you also have to choose a major that is going to have the earning potential
Starting point is 00:12:09 to pay off this loan. And I think that a lot of parents, I think there's still that sort of lie of the American dream of if you really want to be a truly American, you have to somehow go to a four-year college. And that college is for everybody. And my dad was very clear to me. He's like, I'm going to be completely proud of you if you don't go to college four-year college and that college is for every everybody and my dad was very very clear to me he's like i'm not i'm gonna be completely proud of you if you don't go to college you just have to do something that's worthwhile and consistent with your goals and i don't think most parents have that that discussion listen most parents are fucking terrible parents terrible parents it's a fucking truth yeah you want to hear some fucking truth you putting your motherfucking kids on video games when you should be working with them
Starting point is 00:12:45 Teaching them skills being out in the yard getting them in sports doing all these things that teach them real life lessons Is fucking lazy you should never have motherfucking kids if that's how you're going to fucking parent And I don't have kids and you know why I don't have kids because I run motherfucking companies And I don't have fucking time to do the shit the right way Okay, that's why I didn't fucking do it so be responsible if you're a parent i had a guy mess from yesterday and said man what would you he's 28 he said what would you do i just found out that i'm gonna have a kid that i don't really want what would you do
Starting point is 00:13:17 i said be a fucking great dad raise them right raise them to be a fucking awesome member of society that contributes because we fucking need it in And that 10 years, 20 years, you're going to put into this shit, 30 years, whatever it takes is going to come faster than you think. And you're going to be glad you did it. So, you know, you got, look, there's lots of shit that's fucked up. One of the biggest ones is the education system. I agree with you a hundred percent. parents don't take an interest in their kids future they come home and they repeat the shit they hear on the media oh go to college you're going to be a loser i was told the same shit i was told the same i was told the same fucking shit bro you know that's a famous story we tell here i went to the guidance counselor he said where you want to go to school i said i want to go to fucking duke or i
Starting point is 00:14:01 want or notre dame or texas motherfucker well, that's for creamy the crop, bro. And you're just not creamy the crop. Okay. Well, I'm glad he said that to me because I wouldn't be here without him saying that. You know what I'm saying? But at the end of the day, you know, it's sad because these kids, they're not, the people who are, they're supposed to trust and look after them are not looking after them so you know we like we really need an individual adoption of arete
Starting point is 00:14:35 in every area of their life which arete if you look up the what's it mean von means fucking excellence in all areas and if we don't adopt that as humans as as members of this society as a as a way of living and and treating others and raising our kids we are going to fucking lose and your kids are going to definitely lose yeah so um that's my take and and but if you took the loans you pay them back absolutely regardless if you got fucked on it or not well you said it right it's integrity that is and this whole thing of like oh i'm not responsible for my decisions fuck you yes you are i was so were you and so were all of you and now we have a fucking a generation of rotten and tiled spoiled little fucking brats that want their fucking money to be given back to
Starting point is 00:15:20 them when they signed up for it right i'm not for it dude fuck you so that's where i stand on it love it uh andy question number two for you uh andy get yourself out of the motherfucking hole bro i know fucking bro i have a friend of mine who paid off 187 000 of fucking student loans in three fucking years yeah you know what you know what she did those three years besides fucking work nothing i'm not saying nothing you can't do nothing else but she paid her shit back any question number two what's your advice or what advice do you have on building culture when a team works completely remote i mean the same advice i would have building culture when they work in front of your fucking face you identify a set of core values that you stand for you speak
Starting point is 00:16:11 about your culture in those terms of core values you correct in terms of those core values you hire and fire in terms of those core values um you know what i think what they're asking is like whoever's asking that doesn't understand culture they think it's like team building office birthdays uh donuts in the coffee room it's karen's birthday today let's all go sing happy birthday they think that's culture whoever asked that um because there is no difference in building culture remotely or in person uh or fucking any of it it's all the same in these time of days yeah so standards and core values that's's it. And live by them. That's it. Make the best decisions you can. You know what I'm saying? Not everybody's going to agree with every fucking decision you make. Your job is to make the best
Starting point is 00:16:54 decision. And living by core values, by the way, one of our core values is loyalty. People think that means loyalty to me. No, it doesn't. It means loyalty to the core values and loyalty all right um people think that means like loyalty to me no it doesn't it means loyalty to the core values and it means loyalty to each other right and people don't understand like just because someone else violates that loyalty doesn't mean that you change who the fuck you are in the judgment of that person right you see what i'm saying right right oh they broke the core values fucking fire them okay well you go fire them then right see what i'm saying right right oh they broke the core values fucking fire them okay well you go fire them then right see what i'm saying right right it's a little different different fucking tune when when people got to fucking make those decisions okay it's easy to say yeah i'm just saying core values
Starting point is 00:17:35 set the standard of which we all strive to live by they are not something that we always live by. They are not something that we always live by with infallibility, right? We will fail. We will make mistakes. We will veer off the course. Those core values serve to bring us back on course and move us in the same direction. Whatever the fuck those are for you, that's how you have to run your business. And if you want to really get an answer to that question, join fucking Arte because I go into it in depth. It's a year-long program for you to understand how to do culture properly. That person should be an RTA. What do you think? No, I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I mean, I think what they're thinking is that you have to physically be in someone's presence in order to communicate core values. And that's just not. I mean, obviously, there are benefits to that. Yeah, but bro, what I'm saying to that, but that's not necessary. Like most of these people do not even understand. They don't even understand what culture means. They don't understand how to use core values or how to live by them.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Some people think that if you violate a core value, you should be fucking terminating. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like, dude, it's insane. Like it's insane. Like people have so many misunderstandings of how this works and they say well andy why don't you ever teach it i do teach it i just ain't teaching to you for fucking free right okay because it's the most
Starting point is 00:18:55 fucking valuable thing i could ever fucking teach you so if you want to learn it join my fucking group because no one's going to teach you this shit for free because it's a fucking big deal yeah and i i would absolutely say that i give away more free shit than anybody but i can tell you this i ain't giving that away for fucking free and and there's no question that the people in arte would say that culture is the key to scaling a hundred percent a hundred percent how do you how do you the bit the biggest question i get when people come in here that every single fucking time it's the same question. Where do you get all these people?
Starting point is 00:19:27 How do you hire these people? Andy, how do you hire people? How do you find these people? Like, where do you get them? Where do you think I have a fucking quality people fucking farm? I just go over there and fucking pick them? Fucking idiots. All right, but that's ready.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Come on, man. Yeah, this is about character development. It's about fucking personality development. It's about bringing humans in and making them fucking better versions of themselves. And if you don't take an interest in that, in your business at this point in time, the way the world is,
Starting point is 00:19:55 you will get beat by people who do. It's a fact. So I, if you're a business owner and you don't really understand how to build culture, you better learn. And I only know one motherfucker.'s really great at teaching it. I happen to look at him in the fucking mirror every day.
Starting point is 00:20:11 It's the same though, bro. What's the best skill I have, bro? Building culture. That's it. Yeah. And leadership, which I would put those together. But it is crazy. Like 99 points, 99% of the, the business out there are still hiring people according to book smarts, book smarts,
Starting point is 00:20:29 college and experience. Or, and it's, or now it's by fucking the skin color and sexual orientation. Yeah. I digress. I mean, truth.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Yeah. If you buy into that shit, you'll lose. Right. If you buy into anything other than fucking putting the best people in the fucking it's competitive dude yeah it's competitive out here like out here in the real world not in this fucking fake ass academia world in the real world it's cutthroat you don't put the best people and you you you start putting people in positions because it makes you feel better about shit or whatever uh you're gonna fucking get beat so the better policy for you
Starting point is 00:21:06 is to cultivate fucking tremendous talent with the people that you have and make them great no matter what their skin color no matter who they like to have sex with no matter what they like to wear you like to wear a dress i don't give a fuck if you come in here and you're the fucking best i don't care what you fucking wear i don't even care if you come in all i care is that you fucking win right and you're a good person you stand for these things are you going to make mistakes i know you're going to make mistakes when you fucking come in here how do i look at mistakes von opportunity to learn and how do i see that it's an investment in our fucking company if i fired everybody every time they make a fucking mistake not a single
Starting point is 00:21:41 motherfucker in this building they have a job you know and what's funny is when it comes to the core values and people think oh well so and so violated this core value or that um what do they say about sin in the bible bro let he who was without sin cast the first what do they say about the degrees of sin there is no degree of sin sin is a fucking. And it doesn't matter what the fuck that person did. It doesn't matter what they do. What matters is they learned a lesson. Now fucking do it again. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And everybody else does too. Yeah. I do the amount of hypocrisy that's in this world. It astounds me. Because I see people online every day calling for this consequence or that consequence or this consequence or judging people for this and that and this and then calling themselves a good christian like it's disgust me dude who jesus hang out with bro who jesus hang out with sinners yeah that's why i hang out with you guys well bro by the way bro i gotta tell you uh that was the first funny joke
Starting point is 00:22:47 you ever told i know mark it down but listen people have to understand man like this is this ain't a fucking game right like and you know our life is not a game and how we treat people is not a game and we will all be judged based off of how we operate in the real life and like a big problem that i see in the world is the level of hypocrisy that's fucking out there bro it's crazy like people think they're good they people think they're really good people until someone does something they don't agree with and then they abandon everything that they stand for and judge that person at heart that's not your place give them the death penalty that's not your fucking. Give them the death penalty. That's not your fucking place. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But if it was them, if it was switched around. Then say something different. They want grace. They want mercy. That's right. Yeah. You should judge people. We talked about this in text just the other day, bro.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Remember? Yeah. What did I say? You should judge people how you'd like to be judged because you're going to fuck up too. Yeah. It's real, man. Andy, Vaughn, our third and final question for you uh andy should partnerships be 50 50 splits straight down the middle at all times or should they be equal to input uh so
Starting point is 00:23:53 the backstory is i'm about to get into business with a great longtime friend we both know who's the face and we both know who's the backstage producer should i have more ownership i don't know it depends on the agreement yeah you know i'm saying like every group that comes down to your ability to negotiate like it comes down to a lot of different factors like you know i'm i'm a very generous person when it comes to those kind of arrangements like i i want everybody to win i think the right way to be is that your whole team fucking wins i think that if you're only winning alone and you're operating from a place of like, I want all the money, I want all the recognition, you're going to fucking lose no matter what.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So like for me, I don't enter partnerships and try to get the most that I can. I try to enter partnerships that are going to be the best beneficial to getting the job done. So you focus more on the output than input. Yeah, a hundred percent. And cause dude, you know, I don't fuck with things that aren't going to be in the fucking 10-figure range. I don't fuck with million-dollar ideas anymore, or even 10 million or 100 million. I fuck with billion-dollar ideas. So I look at it like this.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I'm going to partner with you, and we're going to do something that's in the billions. We're all going to make money. I'm not really that fucking worried about it. So that's how, as long as it's fair. I try to be fair. Fair is not what's most, I try to be fair. Yeah. You know, fair is not what's most for me and least for you. Fair is what's good for you and also good for me. And we're both happy. Right. You know, it's one thing that, uh, Trump Trump's, you know, I've read all Trump's books. And one of the things that he, he agrees that he thinks,
Starting point is 00:25:19 which him and I disagree with a hundred percent here, he thinks a good deal is what's best for him. Right. And to get the most for him. And that's not what I consider to be a great deal. And it's never, I've never operated that way. It's not, it's not what I, I don't know. I think it's better to do it the way I think. And I've been successful that way. Now he's a lot more successful, but he's also 75 years old. We'll see where I'm at when I'm 75. Yeah, no shit. I mean, does that change though, when it comes down to like having to make decisions for the company, right? Well, now you're talking two different things because there has to be an order of, you know, operations or an operational agreement of who has to say
Starting point is 00:25:56 what, because look, dude, if you run a company by committee, you're going to come out with watered down products. All right. Like, here's what I mean by that. So let's say you run a company by committee, you're going to come out with watered down products. All right. Like, here's what I mean by that. So let's say you have a board of directors and we're putting everything to a fucking vote. Everything. Everything.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Every decision to a vote. Right. What you're going to end up with is a bunch of mediocre ideas because what's going to happen is one guy is going to say one thing and this lady over here is going to say this and then everybody else is going to figure out a compromise about what that, and what that does is that creates products that no one cares about products that marketing that is not interesting. Um, this is, you know, when they start playing the political correct game, uh, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:36 impact people. It's very fucking like vanilla and you get crushed. All right. So what you should do is have a system where you get feedback but also ultimately one person who is capable and skilled and smart makes the decision um and that that's why leadership is such a is such a nuanced art because you have to know as a leader when your team is right or when you are right right like for example madash told me yesterday not to air the show pretty much. I think it could be a lot better.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I air the show. Fucking people love it. Right. That was my decision. Right. Nothing against him. Not that you didn't vow. I listened to him.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Right. In fact, I even tried to recut the show and it just wasn't happening the way that it was. So I said, no, fuck it. We're airing it. It turns out like that was the right decision you see what i'm saying that's nothing against him must say it's not that you don't know but there's times where he would say i didn't like it and guess what we didn't do yeah we didn't fucking air the show right so you have to understand the nuance of decision making when
Starting point is 00:27:37 you're the ceo so what you're talking about is is is basically chain of command right right and and ownership equity are two different fucking things like you can have a different person in charge of the decisions that is not the majority owner of your company got it you see what i'm saying yeah so you're talking about two complete different things um usually they're not the difference they're the same thing in most companies yeah uh especially small to middle-sized companies but in reality they're two different things because if you're a shitty leader, like for example, let's just say,
Starting point is 00:28:07 let's just say I'm a shitty leader, okay? And I'm not effective. But, or let's say something happened where I couldn't be effective, right? And Sal couldn't be effective. I would have to go out and find someone who is capable of doing that job. What's their job?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Their job is not to rule with an iron fist. Their job is to observe, hear, listen, pay attention, and then make the right decision. People get the wrong idea of what an actual leader or a CEO is supposed to do. You're not supposed to dictate. You're supposed to observe, gather information, create the proper strategy, listen to everybody, what they think, value their own opinions. I value what Syed says. I value what Keith says. I value what you say. I value what Vaughn says. I value what Joe says. And I value what Madat says. That's our team in this room, right? I value everybody. That is no guarantee that I'm going to listen to any of them. Okay. Right. But I understand that these guys are all pretty fucking smart.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So if they, how many times have you guys brought shit up and I'm like, damn it, that's a fucking good idea. Let's do that. Yeah. Like I don't rely like that's low level leadership when you see ego thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And most, most CEOs are that way by the way. Yeah. And most presidents too. So, which is why the fuck we're here. So that's my answer. I love it, man. I love it. Well, uh, Andy Vaugh the fuck we're here. So that's my answer. I love it,
Starting point is 00:29:26 man. I love it. Well, uh, Andy Vaughn, that is three. Was that three? That was three.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I thought it was two. I thought it was two, bro. I was three. What were the three questions? Student loan, uh, remote cultures and 50,
Starting point is 00:29:37 50. Hey dude, sometime we don't have to do it now, but sometime I want to tell, because I don't think we've ever told this on air, but sometime I want to tell the story of, uh,'ve ever told this on air but sometime i want to tell the story of uh me getting fired and rehired because that's from here from you well i didn't remember firing you you fired you like so many times bro remember about the non-disclosure agreement thing where we had a misunderstanding like that i remember when you
Starting point is 00:30:02 didn't fucking literally refuse to understand what the fuck i was telling you and trust me i know that's what i'm talking about and then i remember you figuring out oh shit now i get it yeah that's what i'm talking about it's a great story tell the story we'll tell it another time okay but but we need to tell that so basically who was right at the end you were right okay but that's what i'm trying to say it's a great story it's a great story someday all right that is three you don't have any more it's three man we can't do one more i'm in the zone i mean we can't now chief i'm in the zone what video is that who knows not now chief i'm in the zone huh my new haircut it's a fucking youtube legendary video i'm the i am i am i am so fucking disappointed that
Starting point is 00:30:45 none of you knew that you're all fucking fired especially vaughn twice all right is that really the show that's really i mean i got another one if you really really want it yeah let's do one more we got vaughn here it's good friday we'll give we'll give him one more question in good faith a little extra caramel sauce all right yeah doesn't happen that often so you guys better be fucking uh you're welcome yeah okay andy it better be good bro or you're fired yeah well see how that works that's what bad ceos do you better fucking do it right dude like you know like you can't well i'll give a little a little preview when we do finally actually tell this story good things happen when you get fired okay all right well yeah i'm gonna find the worst one there hold on hey you got that good things ain't gonna happen when you get fired. Okay. All right. Well, yeah, I'm going to find the worst one there. Hey, you got a good thing that's going to happen to you, bro.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Okay. Got it. Andy, I'm 25 years old. I was recently promoted and I have three people that report to me. Two of the three people are a little bit older than me and have way more experience than me. I have been personally doubting my ability to mentor and lead them since I was sort of thrown into this position. I know I'm good on the technical side of my job, but to the personal side has been hard to adapt since I'm very introverted. Question is, is it better to fake it till I make it or should I be upfront with them about
Starting point is 00:32:00 my lack of leadership experience? Upfront. Upfront. The only way you can get buy-in from your team is by being fucking real this is how i'd handle that scenario because i've been that guy i've been the youngest guy in a business in a business meeting with a bunch of older guys that that you know think they were all better than me because they were older yeah okay and they weren't um but you can't run in there and act like that, right? So I'm an introvert as well.
Starting point is 00:32:27 That's a hard conversation. I empathize with that person. I understand what that's like. How to handle that would be go like this. This is how I would do it. Hey, look, guys, I know you guys think I'm an idiot because I'm younger than you. And I know you probably think I'm just some young kid that doesn't know shit. I'm not here to boss you around, guys. I'm just trying to organize it so we can all make more money. We can all be more successful. We can all win. And I would appreciate if you guys could help me do that because what I'm going to try to do is make the best decision possible for the whole team. And I'm going to need your input. I'm going to need you to support me. And I would really like this to be a fun environment. I would really like
Starting point is 00:33:01 this to be a good environment where you guys can tell me the truth and tell me what you really think and offer honest feedback. I'm not here to boss you around. I'm here to help us win. And if you guys have criticism for me, I'm happy to hear it. I'm not saying I'll always agree with it. I'm not saying I'll always decide that way, but I will definitely be willing to have the conversation. I respect you guys. I really want to make this work. You think we can do it? And then they're going to say yeah we fucking do that right and you're going to get buy-in so that's how you know that version of the conversation um where you're basically kind of uh stating where you stand and then asking for them to support you goes a really long way when you're in that scenario what do you think the the this idea of
Starting point is 00:33:45 age equals wisdom experience knowledge well it's true there's a little truth to it yeah you know they're they're the older you get you have a different perspective right and like the like how do you look at a fucking 22 year old right now right okay like you look at them like they're dumbass right i do yeah well maybe a 42 year old look at a 26 year old like he's a dumbass right i do yeah well maybe a 42 year old we look at a 26 year old like he's a dumbass sometimes why does it sound so familiar all right but do you understand i get it yeah so like that's the natural that's the natural order you can't change that it's not you can't go like if you go in and demand respect in that scenario you will lose yeah okay so you have to finesse it and by and but be firm yeah
Starting point is 00:34:25 be be straight be firm be honest um and have courage because that's an intimidating scenario but i think being transparent and just telling them like hey guys this is a weird scenario for me like i know it's weird for you too right but i think we if we all got together we can make this fucking work really good and we can do this and this and this and get everybody focused on the mission and you won't have the problem the problem that comes from people having arguments over their age and all those things it comes from people trying to impose their ego on other people whether it's the older guys or girls imposing their ego on the younger person or the younger person imposing their leadership authority onto them which is also ego position yeah right
Starting point is 00:35:03 so you have to eliminate the ego. You've got to sit down, have a real talk, get everybody bought in. And guess what? Some of them are going to say they buy in and then they're going to be very difficult to manage. And you know, the managing people, guys, and managing teams is the fucking hardest thing to do. This is why culture and all these things we talk about are so fucking important where most of the business guys that hear that shit, they're oh yeah i got a good culture i got a fucking sign you know we all touch it on the way out you know like get the fuck out of here you don't even know what culture is dude i could tell by the way you're i could tell every listen i smell the mayonnaise
Starting point is 00:35:39 99.9 of companies don't have any fucking. And the culture they do have is generated by the own employees that they have that are taking the role of create. See, if you don't create the culture intentionally, your employees will create it by chance. And then that way, now you're putting your whole entire company in a place where depending on who you have and the character of what they have will be your culture. So if you get a shit bag in there, that's somehow a persuasive person, they'll ruin your fucking company. You're rolling the dice. So you have to intentionally create it. That's what Carhartt did. Dude, listen, there's tons of companies that do it every day. They
Starting point is 00:36:21 self-destruct because they don't want to make the investment. They don't want to make the self-destruct. Because they don't want to make the investment. They don't want to make the investment in creating better people. They don't want to make the investment in actually learning how to be a great leader. And those things are investments. And most people are too egotistical to do it. Most people think when they get the title, they're automatically qualified to do the job. And that's just not the truth. So it's humility.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It's knowledge. It's openness. It's transparency. And that all builds trust. And you got to have trust to have a team. So I would start there. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Aren't you glad we did four now? Yeah, a little extra caramel sauce, bro. A little extra caramel. There we go. You got anything to add to that? Just that good people appreciate authenticity and honesty. So if this 25-year-old comes to these guys and is just really down to earth about it, if they're good people,
Starting point is 00:37:07 they're going to appreciate that. If they're not, then eventually that person's going to have to just lay down the law and say, listen, I've tried to be authentic.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I've tried to be humble and honest and everything. But at the end of the day, I am the boss. I think that's a great point. You have to have a line that they cannot cross. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And that's important. And it's important that you hold it yeah because the minute you don't hold it the fucking uh prisoners are running the prison bro uh is that something that happens on the first time like i already had my conversation listen jim bob's out of line now you know i'm saying hey jim what do you think i would do i think that you would probably i mean i don't think it would be the first time i think the first time would definitely be a conversation, but I don't think you're going to go nuclear.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Right. So I'm big on forgiveness, but I'm also big on holding the line. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I know you will. You clearly communicated the expectations.
Starting point is 00:37:56 That's right. You clearly communicated that and that it was still transgressed. when it comes to those decisions too, there, there, you know, how you have to look at it is like a karmic bank account almost. So when you're making a decision about an employee, and let's say they cross that line, we're talking about something a little bit different than what we were just talking about a minute ago.
Starting point is 00:38:14 For example, if you have an employee that for 15 years has made incredible deposits into your company, and then let's say they make a mistake. And let's say it was big. Was that mistake equal to the deposits they've already made? Was that withdrawal as equal? Or do they still have some in the account? And I think that's something that people don't really take into consideration when they're making decisions as a leader. You know what I'm saying? That's a great way to look at it.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, because if you want people to buy into you as a leader, they have to understand that you understand there's a little bit of grace there when things go wrong because like how would how would you like to work for a fucking tyrant who you know if you fucked up one time they're gonna fucking fire you bro you're gonna be on eggshells you're gonna walk around you're not gonna be committed because you're always gonna be on the edge right and um And, you know, you're never going to trust the person because no matter how much time you put in, they'll fucking cut your head off, right?
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's not a way to be. No. It's not the right thing. It's not a good culture. No. And so, like, there's all kinds of perspectives that go into these leadership decisions that not everybody's going to see at all times
Starting point is 00:39:20 that you have to, as a leader, really think about. And I try to think about these things ahead of time. The analogy I just used about deposits and withdrawals, I got from Ed Milet. I've been close friends with Ed for five years. One of my closest, closest, closest friends. I call him brother. One of the most valuable things he taught me was that concept of deposits versus withdrawals like when someone fucks up you got to really look like how much more good did they do you know what i'm saying because we're all fucking humans dude what's that account summary saying right that's right
Starting point is 00:39:54 that's right and sometimes you know it brings you back to zero when you fuck up and you got to rebuild but that's that's just the way i think an effective leader leads, in my opinion. Yeah. I love it. And I really don't care how you all lead. That's how I lead. And I think my results speak for themselves. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Well, Andy, guys, that is four. So go share the show if you want some more. Oh, shit. You like that right there? Yeah. You like that right there? You had that in your pocket. Yeah, I was thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Joe was actually texting me some stuff. That's not what Joe said, but I'm like, four more. Yes, that's four. Go share the show with me more. All right, guys. I appreciate you guys. Love you guys. Talk to you next time.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Went from sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze. Fuck a pole, fuck a stove. Counted millions in the cold. Bad bitch, booted swole. Got her on bankroll. Can't fold, just a no. Headshot, case closed.

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