REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 282. Two Things We Need To Do Now To Save America

Episode Date: April 23, 2022

America needs a cultural revolution, and it starts with each of us taking personal accountability and getting involved on the ground level. In today's episode, Andy talks about his recent conversation... with Donald Trump Jr., how the mainstream media has diluted the image of patriotism-loving Americans, and two actionable steps we can take to reinstate freedom.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest sake of body lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherf. Guys, today, I don't know what this is called. We have all kinds of formats here. We got Q and AF, we got CTI, we got real talk, and then we got full length with the guest, and this is not any of those. This is something a little bit different. To be completely honest, I forgot DJ was going out of town today, and I was going to do a full CTI and then just talk about what I'm about to talk about within that podcast. But since he's not here and I promised you I would talk about this, I figured I'd just go ahead and cut it and you guys can do with it whatever you
Starting point is 00:00:55 want. Yesterday I had Topher and Tommy and Topher's crew on the show. All right. And they were in for the show. We did the show. You guys listen to the show. Afterwards, we went out to a special event for my friend, Eric Greitens, which was a basically a little event where all of his local supporters, his donors were getting together to shoot some guns and just talk about what's going on in the country. And it just so happened that Donald Trump Jr. was there and so was his girlfriend, Kimberly Goldfoyle. Now, I've talked to both of these people through DMs and through texts over the last couple of years, but I had yet to meet either
Starting point is 00:01:47 of them in person or be around really anybody with the Trump campaign. And you guys know that I've been critical of Trump and you guys know that I don't agree with really anything or everything that anyone says. I've always tried to keep it real with you guys. I always try to tell you the truth. Even if you don't like it, even if it's not popular, I try to give my perspective on things. And I will continue to do so 100%. When I agree with people, I tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:18 When I don't agree with people, I tell them too. So I don't have a problem with that. But what I do want to say is that as much as I've been warning you guys about the media, um, over the last couple of years, even I, after hearing them talk and meeting with them and getting to spend really like the whole day with them and talk to them directly in a personal conversation face to face. Um, it made me realize how much worse the media actually is, uh, versus even how we perceive it. Even people who are skeptical of the media. Um, I gotta be honest with you guys. And the reason I'm sending this message, I talked about it on my Instagram story yesterday, but the reason I'm,
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'm saying this is because I feel like I wouldn't be doing the right thing if I didn't say it. That's how much of an impact it made on me to have these conversations with them directly. And I want to give you my take, not so much on everything they said, because everything they said was exactly the truth. Um, it's the things that we've been talking about on this show. It's, you know, the things that I've constantly hit on over and over again, the intentional destruction of America, um, the globalist agenda, uh, the media that completely fucking lies, the technology using, the big tech trillion dollar industry
Starting point is 00:03:51 using their technology to create the illusion that we are alone and that we are not the majority, which we are by a lot, even more than I probably think, even more than the 80-20 I've been telling you it is. All right? America has lost a lot over the last, you know, 12 to 20 years, in my opinion. And a lot of it started with political correctness, and it grew from there.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And political correctness was introduced into our society when I was, you know, probably around 20 years old. It never really made sense to me because I grew up in the environment where you had to work really hard to get what you wanted. If you wanted to win, you better practice. If you wanted to be great, you better fucking dedicate yourself. You only got trophies for first place and second place and third place. You didn't get them for 17th place. We said the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools. You know, it wasn't what it is today. It's a totally different thing today. And they introduced this concept of being politically correct,
Starting point is 00:04:56 like I've explained before on the show, for us to really think about what we say and self-censor our words in the name of not offending other people. But what's happened now is that people are now afraid to speak the truth, even when they see it right in front of their face. And that was the design all along. The design all along was to get you to say, man, I can't say that. And we hear this everywhere in society, right? Like when you talk to your friends and they say things like this, well, you know, you say something that's really obvious, you know, like, you know, kids shouldn't be being taught to cut off their penis when
Starting point is 00:05:38 they're five years old. Like that's pretty obvious. Everybody fucking knows that. And then someone in your friend group says, well, you know, you can't say that or you get in trouble. That's the that is the ultimate intended result of politically correct society. It's designed to get you to stop pointing out the truth so that you can duck the resistance that comes with it. And we cannot operate this country. We cannot have a free society if we don't exercise the God-given rights that we have, one of which is freedom of speech. So if they can get you to take the right away from yourself, they don't have to impose their will on you. I hope that makes sense to everybody because I think all of you, if you're being honest, have curtailed your speech to not offend over the last 10, 15 years. Let's be real. Okay. We see it everywhere. The fucking jokes that they tell on TV are garbage because we don't want to offend anybody. All right. It's really ruined society. It's either you're all the way with them or you're an extremist, crazy, rude, racist, bigot,
Starting point is 00:06:46 all the whatever names they want to call you. Okay. And the reason I lay this out is because when I spoke with them face to face and I talked to Kimberly and I talked to Don Jr., I came to a realization that they are no different than me. These are people who care about freedom, who care about the country, who care about you, even if you don't care about them back. They are willing to show up every single day, take the media hits, take the arrows, and work every single day to protect what this country was intended to be. And this country is far from what it intended to be. And we have a lot of work to do, but if we lose any more of it, we will never have the opportunity to be a true free society ever
Starting point is 00:07:39 again. And I want you guys to know, like, I don't, if I went there and I didn't believe these people and I didn't think they were good people and I didn't think they were just like me, who are just regular people who lived a regular life and who happened to be from a successful family, uh, who, who, who, like I've said to you guys have harvested a lot from the soil that this country has provided and decided, hey, man, we've got to step in here because this soil that we've been able to live on and harvest from will not be there for the next generation. And as I spoke with them and as I talked to them, I started to realize that these people are the exact people
Starting point is 00:08:26 that we talk about every single day. Okay. These are regular people who, uh, and you could say, oh, well, Trump's a billionaire. That's true. But he's also, uh, very, very much so, uh, somebody who has built a lot from very little. Okay. He's, he's done way more on his own than was ever given to him all right someone gave him you guys all like to say oh well he got a million dollar uh loan from his dad yeah and he turned it into like billions and billions and billions of dollars that'd be like me giving you a thousand dollars and you turn it into a hundred million could you do that because i don't think that many of you could if i'm being completely honest all right And that's no take on you. I'm just saying, this is a smart man. This is a guy who worked hard. This is a guy
Starting point is 00:09:08 who paid his dues. And I have to be honest with you guys that, uh, you know, even I, who knows the media is completely fucked up, who knows the media is willing to attack and willing to lie and willing to make shit up to ruin people who aren't part of their club was very apparent and much more apparent to me yesterday than it has been. And I'm not getting on here to say that they are perfect people or that they're the best people I've ever met or anything like that. But what I am saying is this, they are nothing like what the media has presented them to be. These are people that care. These are people that are doing their best. These are people who have been abused and lied about
Starting point is 00:09:54 and basically set on fire by the mainstream media for the last six years straight for no other reason than they are not with the establishment government. They are not with the stealing. They are not with the, uh, you know, the endless wars. They are not with the, uh, fleecing of America through sending Ukraine a billion dollars every fucking week. They're not with that shit. Okay. And it honestly made me feel a lot better about what's going on in the world because I understand that these people are there and they are out there fighting. And I got to talk with them about, you know, their strategy in terms of
Starting point is 00:10:38 who they're endorsing and what they're trying to do. And what they're trying to do guys is they're trying to do exactly what I've been telling you needed to be done. They are trying to go out. They are working to get behind the candidates who are not affiliated, who will do the right thing, who they will run under the Republican party, but they are not what you think when you think of Republicans. Okay. These are pro freedom Americans. These are unaffiliated Americans that are not going there to fleece you and get rich. They're going there to reestablish the Constitution and the Republic of the United States of America. Okay. So I wanted to say that because I don't want there to be any confusion for you guys to
Starting point is 00:11:24 think that I am against anything that they recommend. I want you to know that they are very much in line with what we talk about on the show and what I get back from, you know, the feedback I get back from you guys. It's very much in line with what I believe personally. And I wouldn't say this if I didn't believe it to be true, what America actually needs. And it really kind of made me sad because it made me realize that we actually had what we needed when it came to Donald Trump being there. And if you look at the data, it's unarguable. Okay. The country was the best it's ever been, regardless of what you think of the tweets, regardless of what you think of his personality, a lot of the things, most of the things that have been said about him being a racist or being a, you know, a this or that,
Starting point is 00:12:10 or this, those are, if you trace those back and you go back in and you look at actually what happened, these are all media manipulation, uh, of the truth. And the truth is these are good people that love America and they care about you and they don't want you to be strapped and punished and oppressed by a government. They want you to actually be successful and actually win and actually contribute and actually be a part of something that we all believe America should be. And you believe it and I believe it, but the media has done such a hit job on this family and this organization that, you know, people are almost afraid to support them. Sometimes people are afraid to say, Hey man, I like Trump, but I want you to know that when you say that you're supporting someone who is willing to stand up and take the heat for the benefit of you and your children and the people
Starting point is 00:13:05 down the line that aren't even born yet. And that was my takeaway from having those conversations with them. Don Jr. is honestly one of the coolest dudes I think I've ever met. He's funnier than shit. All right. And you guys would think he was funny too. He's all up for discussion. He's all up for different points of view. He's funnier than shit. All right. And you guys would think he was funny, too. He's all up for discussion. He's all up for different points of view. He's not. This is my way. And this is what I believe. He believes what America is about. He believes that we should have discussions and that we should have differing opinions. But at the end of the day, the majority has to rule of who's in office and they get to make the rules. And so I just I don't know. I felt like I needed to get on here and
Starting point is 00:13:46 kind of give my take, uh, because I have been critical of Trump and I have been someone who says, you know, I'm not really a Trump guy. Um, but after yesterday, man, I think my perspective is kind of changed. Like I kind of see, I I've always liked Trump. Uh, but I've never been like, Hey, yeah, fuck Trump. I are fucking Trump's the man. And, you know, I voted for him twice. I voted for him in 2020. I voted for him in 2016 because I thought it was the best option. But now after having this conversation and having the ability to actually see these people
Starting point is 00:14:19 face to face, because one of the things I'm really gifted as being able to take away the truth from face to face interactions. That's why I don't really speak on things unless I have firsthand experience, because I can just never tell. And I've lived long enough to know that people are really good at pretending. And so, you know, I'm not going to sit here on my show that gets millions and millions of downloads and, and say, you know, somebody is something that I don't know for a fact that they are. And not only can I tell if people are full of shit when I'm sitting right in front of their face and listening to what they have to say, I was one of the most popular, if not still am, one of the most popular personal development speakers on the planet. I've been around the
Starting point is 00:15:02 most bullshit artists that I've ever seen that you could ever possibly imagine exist. I'm very, very good at knowing who's telling the truth and who's not telling the truth, especially when they're speaking to a group. And, uh, I gotta tell you guys, man, um, everything that the two of them spoke about, I felt. It wasn't like I heard it. It wasn't like they were saying some words. I felt it. And you guys all know what I'm talking about. You know when you listen to someone and you can feel their emotion and their passion and their intent through the tone of their voice and by watching their mannerisms.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like these people are not at all who they've been out made out to be. And it's, it's just important that you hear that. Um, because I think, and I hope over the last eight years of doing these podcasts, um, that I've earned a little bit of credibility with you guys when it comes to judgment of character. And when it comes to telling the truth, uh, in my opinion, these are, people are the real fucking deal. And you need to know that, like, you need to know that they care and you need to know that it's real and it's not some shit they're up there doing because they're hoping to get some
Starting point is 00:16:25 payday when guys like Eric Greitens, guys like Trump Jr., people like Kimberly Goldfoyle, these people give a fuck. These people are dedicating their time, their resources, and they're willing to fight for your rights. A guy like Ian Smith, um, you know, there's, there's a handful of other guys out there that are doing the same kind of things and girls to Carrie Lake in Arizona is one of these people. Um, but these people, guys are the people that we talk about on the show. And I felt like, I felt like I had to get on here and say that because honestly, I almost felt guilty for feeling the way I felt about him before I talked to him. Um, and I thought you guys might find that perspective helpful.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Uh, I'm not saying, you know, that you need to be all for Trump. I'm not saying that, you know, whatever. I'm just saying that when you look at Trump and you hear what the media says about him, when they say all of these things, I would encourage you to really look deeper. And I would also encourage you to remember that this same media that hates this man is also the same media that pushed the COVID narrative the way they did. This is also the same media that forces complete compliance or they destroy your life. This is also the same media who literally we can look at and watch their stories and find out that a day later that the exact opposite is the truth. And what I believe has happened here
Starting point is 00:17:59 is that these people have become super scared of anybody getting into their system that isn't part of their system. And I want to say this, even though it's obvious to most of you guys who listen, I want to say that's really the case. And I think one of the things I took away from yesterday, more than anything, was the idea that when the media attacks certain candidates and they go really hard and they start making up shit and they start making them the, those are the people, those are the most feared people. Those are the people they want to stay the fuck away from office no matter what, because they know that when those people get in, there is no more fucking around.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Okay. So if you really want this country to change and you really want, um, a better America and you really want America to become what I think we all feel it should become, which is a free country, a country where, uh, we are free and equal to pursue happiness and success and become a powerful, strong, peaceful country that we all want this country to be. I need you to understand that when the media comes after people and when the media attacks people and when the media, when they do these things, we need to start looking at it as an indication of, okay, those are the right people. All right. And I know that's counterintuitive for a lot of people. And I know a lot of people say, well, you know, what if there's
Starting point is 00:19:30 this or that? What if there's truth to that? Well, the problem is guys, is that literally every single one of you and me and everybody has shit in their past that, uh, they'd rather not people talk about. Okay. And when you dig into your past or my past or fucking my dots past or Joe's past, anybody here, Trump, it doesn't matter yours. People there, you're, we would be able to find shit and, and make it look like you're some kind of piece of shit. And I think if we're all honest, we all know that's the truth. So we have to, as a, as a community, as people have to start realizing that it's not a matter of, are these people perfect? It's a matter of, are these people willing to take the heat and fight and do the job that needs to be done?
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's not a question of like, okay? A lot of people out there didn't like Trump. But now they're calling for Trump because their life is fucked up. Okay. They're paying more at the pump. The cost of living has gone up. The cost of groceries and surviving has gone up, which is making their mortgage unaffordable. They are in a financial shit show because of the state that has been deconstructed from January 20th, 2021 and beyond on the first day it started. Okay. So I want you guys to understand this. And I know I'm rambling a little bit. I feel like I'm rambling a little bit, but I just feel like I owed it to you guys as listeners to tell what I feel
Starting point is 00:21:02 is the truth. And I feel like these people stand for us. I feel like these people care about America in a genuine way. I feel like they can't be bought. I feel like they can't be bent over. I know Trump talks about the vaccine a lot. And I, you know, that we're not going to agree with everything everybody says. You know, I think the vaccine was completely malicious. And I think that it was planned for a long time. And I have all these thoughts, but at the same time, um, we don't know yet. And I don't know that he knows yet because when I talk to these guys and I talk to, uh, you know, I, I see people in my family, dude. Like when I was talking to Trump jr, I'm sitting there looking at him like,
Starting point is 00:21:42 man, this motherfucker is exactly like me and my brother. Like he's the exact same dude, you know. And so my point is, and I guess the point I want you to walk away with is, is that I would really try hard to identify if you are not a fan of these people. I would try to identify why you're not and think for yourself and dig in for yourself as to why those reasons are. You know, there's a lot of things that go around about this, this organization and they say, oh, well, they're racist. Well, how are they racist? Because I don't see any evidence of that. I've never been able to find evidence of that. Um, the, the Charlottesville thing is fuck. They're telling you half the story. If you go look
Starting point is 00:22:25 at the whole story, the quote was totally miscon, uh, out of taken out of context. Um, there's, you know, just shit like that. Like everything is, is fucking exaggerated. You know, we talk about the show. We talk about January 6th on this show. January 6th was a fucking, it was a false flag. That's what the fuck it was. Okay. The F the guy who just got off represented himself and was able to prove in the, in court that he didn't do anything wrong. And he was led in by the FBI. Okay. So there's a lot of fucking bullshit going on here. And I hope you guys are smart enough to wake up to it and realize who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. And I believe in my, and this is really the point of the whole conversation here. I believe whether I agree with everything they say or disagree with
Starting point is 00:23:10 everything they say, I believe that those people are doing the best that they can. Their, their heart is in the right place. Their intentions are in the right place. And I believe they give us the best shot right now of us getting back to a free society, especially with Trump's Trump's experience in office that he's already had. OK, like we got to fix all this foreign relationship around the world. Are we going to bring in someone who doesn't have those relationships already? Are we going to bring in someone who already does because it needs to be fixed right now? I can tell you this. If I was running the business and it was me making the plays and I had to make the calls, I would say, Hey, bring in the dude who knows these guys so we could sit
Starting point is 00:23:49 down and get this shit hashed out. Because right now our flag is being diluted. Our reputation is being diluted. If we were a company, uh, we would be the company that everybody's bashing on and making fun of out there in the world right now. And we're not, we're a country and that should concern you because it's dangerous. It's not just, um, you know, Oh, we want to be proud of our flag. No man. Like when they make us appear weak, there are countries out there that will come and take our shit. And that's something that people have to get on the same board. You know, we have to understand that these people intentionally divide us black, white, left, right, you know, whichever way they want on that particular day. And we as a society have been buying it for far too long.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And we have to come together and we have to get together and we have to say, hey, you know what? I might not agree with everything you say, bro, but you're a good dude and we need to be free here. And that's the main priority. We need to come together and get behind these people who are willing to get in office and make real change and do what needs to be done. If you're a Republican and you're a guy who votes down the line and says, RRR, like I am usually, because I cannot agree with any of the Democrat policies, we have to take a look, man. We have to make sure we're not voting for the establishment crowd that is part of the, uh, you know, the, the two, the two one party system that we have going on, right? It's, we have to get rid of these people. So I just hope that my main point here is that
Starting point is 00:25:20 when you think about who you're going to vote for and you think about what needs to happen, that you really dig in, you really look at these people and take into consideration that I've had some FaceTime, face-to-face, real conversation, not, hey, how you doing? I'm talking about real in-depth shit. And if I didn't feel this way, I wouldn't feel compelled to get on here and tell you guys the truth. I would just I just wouldn't say anything. I would say, yeah, we were with Trump Jr. and we shot some guns. But that just wasn't the case. So that's that. Now, I want to talk about one more thing and then I'll let you guys go.
Starting point is 00:25:57 But, you know, all that aside, all that all that aside, hey, you know, these people aren't who the media makes them seem yeah you're no shit andy but it's way worse than what you think like these people are good people i got a good vibe off of them i got good energy they care all right they care tremendously uh about literally every segment of our population the poor the, the weak, the homeless, everybody, the middle class, like the people, the people, that's who they care about, dude. And they're not there to get rich. These motherfuckers are already rich. Right? So when you guys think about this and think about where you're going to stand and what you believe and what kind of country you want your kids to grow up in, you know, I don't know how much, you know, trust I built with you guys or what you believe and what kind of country you want your kids to grow up in. I don't know how much
Starting point is 00:26:46 trust I built with you guys or what you guys actually think of me. You might think I'm crazy, whatever. But the truth is I try to tell you guys the truth. I try to tell you guys what I believe to be true. I feel like my track record is pretty good. I've missed on maybe some minor things over the last couple of years, but it ain't been on much. And I know for sure, no matter what you decide to believe after this, I know for sure I'm not wrong about those people. I'm not. Now, we have an election coming up. We have primaries coming up right now.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And you guys need to get involved in these primary elections. OK, most people don't vote in primaries because they don't really understand how it works, but the primary elections that are happening in your area have to be paid attention to, and they have to be participated in, in this particular election, because if we don't get the right people to win the primary, the right people won't be on the ticket in November. Okay. So I need you to look in your area and say, who who's going to fix this shit? Who are the people that are going to stand up? Who are the people that are going to stand up? Who are the people that aren't going to take a paycheck from companies just to say some shit or vote a certain way?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Who are those people? Because those are the people that we need to have in this government structure for it to actually work properly. And you say, Andy, that's all good and fine and dandy, and that's great. But what can I do today? All right. And that's a whole nother discussion because there is actually a lot that you can do on the ground level. Everything starts,
Starting point is 00:28:12 everybody's kind of standing around waiting to be directed on how to improve this. But the truth of the matter guys, is that this is not even a political thing at all. Okay. What this is, is we need a cultural revolution and we need a cultural revolution in a way where we take our responsibilities as citizens of this country more seriously. Meaning how are we raising our kids? How are we treating people in our community? How are we treating ourselves? Are we holding ourselves to a high standard? Are we living a high value, high integrity life? I mean, I'm not saying you have to be perfect, but what I am saying is we need to try a lot harder at home and we need to get better at home and we need to take that focus that we pointed everybody else and say, look how fucked up that
Starting point is 00:29:00 is and say, you know what? I'm fucked up too. And we have to start fixing those things. And so when it comes down to what the solution is, I want you guys to understand that the solution lies with you. The solution is you. Okay. It's what you put in your mouth. It's what you put in your head. It's what, uh, it's how you raise your kids. It's do you stand up for things in your community that you think are wrong and you stand on the right side of it? Are you involved? Are you going to a school board meeting? Are you getting involved in the school board itself? Are you contributing anything back?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Okay, because, dude, the real reason why we're here is because we have been indoctrinated over the last 20 or so years to view success as something that's some sort of immorality, uh, immoral goal to, to pursue. And that's not the truth. The reason they've put that through guys is because they want us to be weak. They want us to be fat. They want us to be unhealthy. They want us to be docile so they can control us and take our fucking money and everything that's important to us. And really honestly, for you guys with parent or that are parents, they're taking your kids fucking future. Okay. Every time they send, uh, $800 million to, to another country, that's $800 million that you and your children are going to have to pay for. Okay. We have to, we have to get to a point where
Starting point is 00:30:26 we're thinking about the future and we're thinking about what this country could be. And I think one of the things that's important to recognize here is that with all the crumbling of all these see, because what I think's happened here, you know, is the swamp that
Starting point is 00:30:42 Trump talks about draining. It hasn't been drained all the way, but it's the water's been lowered enough to where we can see all the fucking that Trump talks about draining. It hasn't been drained all the way, but it's the water's been lowered enough to where we can see all the fucking creatures that live in there. All right. We have to get rid of those motherfuckers and only we can do it as people. And part of it is understanding who we're voting for and what we're voting for and making sure that we vote those people in and that we participate in our actual democracy and the way that this works. And then the other thing is, is becoming people of high quality, becoming high quality people, holding ourselves to a high standard, getting ourselves right, not buying into the victim culture, but instead buying into
Starting point is 00:31:15 a culture that's healthy achievement and driven and pursue success and contribution and creation. Okay. Because with all the crumbling that's happening in society right now, there is a massive opportunity for people to create. Okay. We need new entertainment. We need new cartoons. I mean, do you really want your kids watching Disney shit anymore? I don't think so. All right. We need new media. Nobody trusts the media. All right. We need new, we need, we need new We need new businesses that people that aren't woke can actually go to and be free to work and not held hostage by companies that are run by the biggest corporations in the world and a globalist organization that really doesn't give a fuck about you or me.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Okay? But that starts with our own standards. That starts with what we do. It starts with how we do it. And you know, this is, this, you could, you could go and use 75 hard or you could just commit to self-improvement. I don't care, but we need to raise our standard on the ground level in every single way. You know, our physical standard, our mental standard, how we treat people, how we look at people, what are we buying into audit our language? You know, this identity politics that these people try getting, keep trying to get us
Starting point is 00:32:33 to fight, you know, uh, black Americans, white Americans, Asian American motherfucker. We're Americans. And it should end at that. And I need you guys to really think about this Okay, like really Really think about what's at stake You know, for over 200 years 245 years
Starting point is 00:32:55 We've had this country That exists And has been the only place in history That has existed And not destroyed itself through tribalism or through differences of race or through differences of religion or ideologies. We have people from all different places of the world who believe all different kinds of things, who understand what America is supposed to be and live within the guidelines
Starting point is 00:33:24 of what America is supposed to be. And within the guidelines of what America is supposed to be. And we've been able to do really well. We've created the most impact of any other nation in the history of mankind based on the concept of freedom and collaboration among individual cultures. You know, when I was growing up, America was a melting pot of cultures that were people from all over the world came to be what they were meant to be and what they knew they could be if they lived in a free society. And we are in danger of losing that and going backwards. And we've seen it go backwards.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Okay. This is a different animal. We are a different animal. We are a different animal here. There's a reason that people in China or people in Taiwan or people in oppressed countries and in these occupations, there's a reason they fly our flag.
Starting point is 00:34:19 There's a reason they're not flying some other flag. The reason they fly our flag is because our country has always represented what human potential is when it's allowed to be. And that's something that we're losing, and we're very close to losing it forever. And so I need you guys to hear me on this, that this is a crucial time. There is no more time for you to catch up where I'm a year ahead of you on what's going to happen. You know, for the last two years, I've been telling you guys
Starting point is 00:34:51 play by play by play what was going to happen before it happened. I prepared you for it. And we're finally to the point two years later where I think a lot of you guys are like, holy shit, he actually knew what he was talking about. And I'm telling you, we don't have a lag time anymore. We don't have a time for you to understand what I'm talking about anymore. We have to solve the problem now. We have to go with our best options now. We have to get behind candidates that understand what I'm talking about here and what our country is supposed to be, not only now, but for generations in the future. This is a crucial time period and you have to get engaged. You have to start paying attention. If you don't and we fail, you will have to live with the idea that you ruin this country, not only for yourself,
Starting point is 00:35:47 but for your kids and their kids and their kids' kids. This is not a passive opportunity for you to get involved. This is an obligation as an American citizen to get involved in preserving freedom, not only for us and our own benefit over the next fucking 40 years, but for the rest of fucking time. Because our options are one of two things. We either get to go into a technocratic communist slavery fucking spy state. I don't even know how to describe it to be completely honest, or we can all reject this together, work with candidates and people that are pro-freedom that will do the right thing, that will stand for the right things.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So if anything I'm saying here is resonating with you, if you're nodding your head, yes. And you're saying, yeah, understand this. This is an obligation. It's not an opportunity to get involved. It's an obligation for anyone who takes pride in being an American citizen, who says, I'm a patriot, who says, I love this country and I care about preserving freedom. It is an obligation for you, no matter how afraid you are, no matter how much heat you take, no matter how much your neighbors or your friends might say, what's wrong with you? You have an obligation to stand up for it. Okay. And what you're going to find is you're going to find a whole lot of other people agree with you way more than what you think.
Starting point is 00:37:26 They've tricked you into silence. They've tricked you into censoring yourself. They've tricked you into not being patriotic. And what we need here is we need a national understanding that that flag, the American flag, that is our flag. That is not a corrupt, senile, thieving group of individuals flag at the top. That is to represent us and our values and our freedom. And you have an obligation to stand for it and protect it. And we could be free.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Like the first time ever in our history. See, we haven't actually been free. Freedom is not paying 50% tax to live in a country, working half the year for the fucking government. If this government was run correctly, we wouldn't need all that tax revenue. We all need to contribute a little bit, but it would be less than 20%. That's the truth. If this was spent properly, we could be the most productive nation, the most modernized nation, the most technologically advanced in everything, okay, for way less than what we're getting taken for now. Because these people don't care about you.
Starting point is 00:38:47 They care about themselves, okay? And so when you guys, you guys need to start auditing, like how much of the shit are you buying into of their language? You know, I made this little language translator the other day because I was bored and I was actually irritated, but it's, you know, I call it the MSM language translator 5000, okay. Okay. Here it is. Patriot equals terror threat. Far right equals
Starting point is 00:39:10 anyone who loves freedom, disinformation, anything they don't agree with. Racist, anyone white they don't agree with. Conspiracy theorists, anyone thinking on their own. Transphobic, anyone that believes in actual science. Science. Bullshit they make up that is clearly shown to not be fact. Uncle Tom. Any black person they don't agree with. Victim equals criminal. Criminal equals victim. Democracy. When they say, oh, protect our democracy or it's a threat to our democracy, they're not thinking of democracy the way you and I think of democracy. They're saying it's a threat to our globalist, authoritarian, technocratic, communist agenda. Okay. When they say, when they say freedom, they mean slavery. When they say secure election,
Starting point is 00:39:56 they mean they stole the election. Okay. This is the language tricks that they pull on you guys all the time. And we have to be smarter than that. We have to be willing not to play into it. We have to be willing to stand up and say, no, man, that's actually not true at all. When you say save democracy, you're saying make it like it is over in fucking China. We don't want that here in America. We're free people. All right. I don't want to be putting a fucking microchip in my motherfucking hand to pay for shit. How's that going to work out for me? It's going to be about 0.5 seconds where someone chops off my hand and steals all my shit. Like, dude, there has to be some thoughts into going on and what's going on here. All right. Anyway, I definitely am rambling now, but my point is this, okay, there's two solutions to
Starting point is 00:40:42 this problem. There's a two-part solution. One, we've got to vote for the right people. We've got to vote for Americans. We've got to vote for people that are willing to fight for the people, no matter what the media says about them. The media lies. The media is full of shit. And the more they attack these people, the more you should want to vote for them. That's my personal opinion on this because that they're showing who they are afraid of the most. Okay. So we have to do that now, starting with the primaries and moving into the November election. If we don't win this election and we don't take back the house and the Senate, the way that it needs to be taken back, America will fucking lose forever. This is only the first step. If we lose the step, we will lose the country. We will be back in lockdown. We'll be back in mass. We will be in full. People will be
Starting point is 00:41:30 in camps. There'll be all kinds of dangerous shit happening. Social credit score. The same thing the globalists say you'll own nothing and like it. They fucking mean that shit. Okay. So think about it. All right. Right now they're letting off all the tyranny right now, hoping that you forget about it a little bit, but it doesn't really matter if you're Democrat or Republican traditionally right now, we need to all be voting for fucking freedom. All of us. Okay. That's the first part of the problem. The second part of the problem is you need to audit yourself and we need to say, hey, am I actually living up to what it means to be a great American?
Starting point is 00:42:07 Am I a great neighbor? Am I a great dad? Am I a great mom? Am I a great CEO? Am I a great member of this organization? Do I contribute? Do I take care of my body? Do I take care of my brain?
Starting point is 00:42:19 Do I work to be better every single day? Because guys, you guys think that that guys think that that's a personal achievement. And it is. But it's also not. Because every single one of you guys has people that looks up to you and who says, man, I want to be like that person. All right? And whether you're great or not great, you have people that look at you right now and say i want to be like that so are you leading people the right way are you leading
Starting point is 00:42:49 people the right way like are you living the kind of life that you would really want them to live or are you living way less than what you actually could live and ignoring the obligation that you have to your friends and your family and your neighbors and everybody who comes in contact with you to set an example. All right. Because I would say more people are doing the latter and not you guys either. We have a great community here. We have a great foundation here of people who care about being better.
Starting point is 00:43:16 That's what the basis of the show is. It started off as the MFCEO project. Nobody comes and listens to Andy yell at people for the reason of getting worse. Okay. I want you motherfuckers to win and I tough on you. And I tell you the truth because of that. So when you guys think of like how you're living and how you're being, you know, work to live to that standard because dude, you fucking matter and your influence matters. And that little greatness that you create inside your household, that creates a ripple effect to your neighbor's household. And that little greatness that you create inside your household, that creates a
Starting point is 00:43:45 ripple effect to your neighbor's household. And when they start to stand up and get better and improve, you should root for them, not hate against them. Because the ripple that that creates is even more positive. And guys, this is how things change. This is how a movement is created. This is how we get America back. All right. So there's a political side and a personal side. And I want you guys to take both seriously. OK. And remember what I said about Trump, man. These motherfuckers are lying. They're making shit up. I've been telling you this for a long time. Regardless if you believe or don't believe, here's what I know. candidate that they march out to, to, to, to go against him, whether it be on the Republican or whether it be on the, on the, on the Democrat side is a bought and paid for pawn of the fucking system. Okay. They aren't there to serve you. They are there to tell you whatever the fuck it is that you want to hear and then go in and it's status quo. All right. We steal the tax money, just like we talked about with the episode that we had Eric Greitens on. Okay. So if you want real change, if you want America to be
Starting point is 00:44:51 what it really could be, the next 12 months of our existence here in this country are extremely important. We have to make the right decisions. We have to put our egos aside and our identities aside and say, man, we got to vote for the people who want freedom. We have to vote for them. And if you're a Democrat and you listen to the show and you hate every motherfucking thing I say, you may think I'm loud. You may think I say the F word too much, which I probably do. Okay. That's the reality. And I am loud. I'm very aware of who I am. I'm not perfect. Right. But even if you feel that way about me, I don't feel that way about you, man. Like you're an American to me.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Okay. And we, we have to come together and we have to find a way to come together and get on this freedom train because without it, we got a taste of what it'll be like the last two years. And none of us like what we're tasting right now. Okay. So you can hate me all you want. And you can even hate me after that. You could say, Hey, you know what? Fuck you. That's can even hate me after that you could say hey you know what
Starting point is 00:45:45 fuck you that's fine i respect that i respect your opinion but dude take what i'm saying seriously all right we're in danger right now and we have to put our egos and identities aside and say man this isn't about me this ain't about my personal feelings this isn't about somebody's tweets this isn't about anything other than the preservation of this country so that myself and my community and my kids and your kids and everybody that has to come after us so that we aren't the ones that drop the motherfucking ball. Okay. Cause I don't want that on my conscious. And I don't think you do either. And up until the last couple of years, people my age and between the ages of 20 and 40, we've dropped the ball. Okay. We've got to get, we've got to pick the ball back up and start running. And it may not feel that way
Starting point is 00:46:33 to you right now, but this is the, probably the most important thing that's ever going to happen in our lifetime over the next 12 months. Understand that if you don't vote for freedom, you will be a fucking slave. I love you guys. I appreciate you guys. If you got value out of this show, I would appreciate if you please share it.

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