REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 293. Q&AF: Showing Grace, Mindset Shift For Employees & Overcoming Frustrations With #75HARD

Episode Date: May 13, 2022

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on why it's important to reconcile & show grace to people with contrasting views, the best way to initiate a positive mindset shift in your employees, a...nd how to channel your frustrations towards society while doing #75HARD.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the lies, the bittness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Q and AF. I know you thought I was going to say the other thing, but I didn't say the other thing. I said Q and AF. You know why? Because Q and AF is super important. And why is Q and AF super important? Because if we're going to point out the problems in this fucking country uh we're going to point out the solutions too and that's what we do here on q and af um traditionally these questions that you could submit where email them in to ask andy at andy so ask andy at andy you email them in and i will answer them on the show
Starting point is 00:01:01 now why is this important well Well, it's important because the country fucking sucks right now and we all know it. And if I said to you, hey, do you think the country's fucked up? No matter what your political beliefs are, you would raise your hand and say, yes, it is. And so we have to decide how are we going to fix it? And the way we're going to fix it is very simple. It's so easy and it's so simple that they do everything they can to make us not see what it is. But it's very simple. It's personal excellence. It's learning how to win. It's learning how to not be weak, how to not be a victim, how to not be oppressed, how to not be fucking stupid and how to how to take care of ourselves and win and set the example for all the other people around us and what the fuck that looks like that's how america changes so i like to point out the problems me and dj we get on cti we talk a lot of shit but q and a f is about solutions okay so how can we help you get better that's what we're going to talk about today then
Starting point is 00:02:01 we have real talk which i uh bring, no, that's a different show. I'm sorry. I got confused. Real talk is basically where I yell at you and you get upset. And, uh, you talk about how Andy for sell has got fucking anger issues and he's mad and there's something wrong with them. But then you go home and you look in the mirror and you're like, holy shit, this guy actually cares about me. He's telling me the truth. And then you go on to fix your life and become fucking an amazing asset to this country. That's, that's the goal. Then we have full length. Full length is where, um, I bring in my people in my network, uh, interesting people, people who have succeeded and who have won and who have kicked ass and who have made something of their
Starting point is 00:02:40 lives, uh, and contributed back to helping others make something of their lives. All right. So that's what we do here. We don't run ads on the show. So we do have a fee. And the reason we don't run ads on the show is because I actually own real businesses and I do this as a service. I don't do this to make fucking money.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It actually costs me millions of dollars a year to put the show on. And it has for seven, eight years now. So in return for not filling a third of your valuable time, which I would rather you spend out in the real world, kicking ass with advertisements, I ask that you simply do one thing for us and that's share the show. So when I say pay the fee, I mean, share the show. Okay. If you don't share the show, the show doesn't grow. If you are too afraid to share the messages that I happen to speak upon, but you agree with them, you are part of the fucking problem in this country. Understand that.
Starting point is 00:03:32 It's cowardice. So moving on. What do we got today, bro? Got some good shit, man. We always got good shit. Got some good shit, man. I was just thinking, though, an interesting part. I'm going to share in the show.
Starting point is 00:03:43 This just popped through because we talk about what you put in the universe and your intent right like you know these questions that you that the answers that you give us man they can change lives and so if you're holding all this shit to yourself and why wouldn't you want to share that information to somebody else well i think a lot of people you know they're they're still they're so beat down by the the propaganda that's happened over the last 25 years of political correctness, which by the way, is a weapon deployed on society designed to keep you quiet from the things you actually believe. Same as silent majority. When they say, Oh, the silent majority and the media makes you think that's some virtuous thing that you belong to.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You're falling into their trap. Okay. You're their trap is to silence you. And so what they do is they get you to believe that it's a good thing and a polite thing to not say the truth through the concepts of political correctness or being offended or silent majority and blah, blah, blah blah and this is how they've been able to wreck the country okay so if you don't speak what you actually see to be true you are actually contributing to the fucking problems that you complain about yeah so really think about that i have a lot of people say man i share the show but you know you're pretty aggressive you're
Starting point is 00:05:02 fucking right i am because i'm out here fighting for your fucking future. I'm fighting for the future of this country. I'm putting shit out there. No one else is willing to put out. I'm saying shit. No one's willing to say, I'm putting my fucking ass on the line. And I do that not because I'm gaining something, but because if somebody doesn't, nobody will. So fucking help us out here.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Let's get the message out. That's real, man. All right. Fuck. Well, let's knock into these questions, guys. We've got some good ones for you. Three good ones, as always. And don't apologize for me, either.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I don't give a fuck. I see people say, oh, well, Andy, you know, he says a lot of bad words. This and that. Fuck. Quit apologizing for me, bro. Yeah, nobody's asked you to play this shit in church. Yeah, I don't fucking care. If you don't like it, don't fucking listen.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Fuck. You should do a show with no profanity. Well, yeah. Well, you should go do a show with no profanity. There you go. This is what fucking makes America great. Right. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Question number one, Andy. So this person says, Andy, i listened to the american revival part three the other day uh great episode great guest by the way um and you and eric were speaking at the end about showing grace to people that have been tricked into supporting this ridiculousness that has happened for the last few years i find myself in a place quite honestly i'm like fuck these people and if our friendship is over then so be it, I don't want them to join the cause because I feel like we're way beyond the point of showing grace after they've been, you know, disrespected us and shit off the last few years, just trying to tell the truth. How did you come to a place where you can reconcile and show grace?
Starting point is 00:06:39 That place for me is empty as I feel that, that showed me no grace deserve none in return. Yeah. That's a very difficult thing. And, um, I think that's a really good question. Um, I think it's a very important question. Um, and you know, in all seriousness, you know, I've, I've held my feet to the fire as much as anybody. Right. Um, so, you you know i have family that doesn't like me you know i have family that fucking ridiculed me i have i have fucking people that you know told me i was great like i you know i was one of the first people that came out and said this is bullshit yeah you know i sent out an email apologetically yeah yeah in 2000 uh 2020 of march and and you know oh you're you're killing my grandma you're a piece of shit you don't care about anybody you only care about your business blah blah blah blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:07:32 and that went on for fucking 90 days straight uh and i stuck to my guns i didn't back down i said hey we'll see yeah and we saw right um so a lot of those people have come back around and apologized after this immense amount of division that's been propagated down onto us. And I think even if they don't apologize, I think what you have to understand is this. We're fighting against a multi-trillion dollar propaganda machine that is united globally to create a perception that isn't necessarily the truth, but is their perception of reality.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And we see this in all different areas. We see it in the media. We see it in politics. We see it with big tech. You know, people are like, well, how are big corporations involved in this? Well, let's, let's really look at how big corporations install their culture with down to the last employee, right? You have these big multi billion dollar fucking iconic brands doing classes on how to not be racist. And, and, you know, uh, you have to use pronouns and this whole thing is a coordinated effort to press a certain culture into this country.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And when you stand up against something that's that big, you're going to naturally look like you don't know what the fuck you're doing. So over the last couple of years, we've had this scenario where slowly and surely people have started to see the veil pulled back on what reality really is. And even people who were pushing the vaccine and people who were pushing the shutdowns and people who were on the Internet saying, you're a piece of shit, bro. I've had hundreds of those people apologize to me. Okay. And while I personally, I, I don't really care, um, that they apologized. What I care about is that we can move the country forward in a way to where that shit never happens again. And the only way for us to do that is that we have to draw the line at who should be held accountable. And should the average person, the doctor, the nurse, the TV news person.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Yeah, grocery store clerk yeah the clerks the the guys at the front of walmart yelling at you the airline stewardess the the doctors the all of these people you know that were involved in what happened to society you guys have to understand that those people are fucking victims they were lied to they wereaged. They were fucking put in positions where if they spoke out, they would be fired. You know, and the majority of people got fooled. And when you really stop to think about. Is it reasonable for for an average American to say what's on the TV should be true? I think that's a reasonable expectation.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So if you really set your own personal emotions aside and you think about all the hate and the shit that you've gotten and the relationships ruined and all that stuff, a lot of you guys lost your jobs, things like that. If you take the emotions of those things aside, okay, and you say, okay, well, this happened, but how are we going to keep it from happening again? We have to hold the people accountable who created the fucking program, okay? And we have to recognize who were the victims and who were the perpetrators. And what happened was a small group of elite people came up with a fucking scheme. They put it out on a society. And when I say small, it seems big because these are some of the most powerful people on earth.
Starting point is 00:11:30 But when you talk about pure numbers of people that were involved, it's only maybe a thousand or two thousand people in the whole entire world. Right. All right. Those are the people that we should all be focused on holding accountable. And instead of looking at our friends and neighbors and saying, oh, fuck them forever, blah, blah, blah. We have to start understanding that a lot of these people, what really happened was they got super scared. And then when they were confronted with the actual alternative data, which happened to be
Starting point is 00:12:00 the truth, by the way, they were skeptical because they have a reasonable belief that everything they see on tv and our government should be true right and that is not a fault on them these are just trusting good-hearted people that wanted to save people's lives and got carried away in the emotion right and they need to understand like you you you got fucking played bro so they have their part is they need to put their egos aside and say holy fuck i fell for it and the people who didn't fall for it instead of saying you know fuck you forever you fucking hate you you were you fucking did this and this and this and this and this to us for two fucking years. In this situation, we do have to recognize that these people were fucking victimized.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And we have to have grace for them. That's the truth. If we want true accountability, because we can't. What are we going to do? Have a fucking world war and take care of every single bro. That would be literally millions and millions and millions of people. And the truth is those people were victims. Um, and I don't use victim lightly. You guys know, I hate the word victim, but they were lied to. They were taken advantage of their good hearts
Starting point is 00:13:21 and their caring nature were manipulated and used against them because these people went confronted with the actual alternative data which turned out to be the truth these people then said oh dude there's no way right there's no way someone would do why would they do that like they couldn't even comprehend that another human could be that fucking evil. Right. And they have to come to the conclusion that, holy shit, these motherfuckers are that evil. They have to start telling the truth. And we need to all come together on the ground level and hold them accountable.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Not our neighbor, but the organizers of this crime. That's the truth. And if you guys truly want accountability if you truly want to see motherfuckers pay the price for it if you truly want it to never happen again you need to forgive and and work with the people who actually hated you for the last two fucking years that's the truth yeah and it's the only way we can move together as society it's almost it's almost like your purpose has to be bigger it is bigger you know i'm saying like no it has to be listen guys this is not about like oh somebody was mean to me for the last two years or i got fired even though that sucks i got harassed bro
Starting point is 00:14:34 i had motherfuckers breaking in my house right like dude look i don't even tell people some of the shit that happens because like i just handle it okay um but the truth of the matter is is that if we are really going to move forward and and this never happened again see they're counting on us to stay divided right they're counting on us to keep fighting over this that's why they keep pushing down this yes that's why they keep pushing it down and that's why you know if you really look at what they're doing they're fucking laundering all this money through ukraine they're sending they're sending billions of dollars every fucking other week over there why are they doing that oh because the money doesn't actually go to aid ukraine it goes for his weapon system the weapon system kicked back these congressmen who were
Starting point is 00:15:19 signing off on the deal because they know that their days are fucking numbered to be able to do that so what they're doing is trying to get paid as much as possible before they get fucked, kicked out of their jobs. Right. All right. So this whole thing, this whole thing is evil as fuck. And I think it's, I personally believe it's, it's a spiritual good versus evil battle. I personally believe that every single human on this earth has a role to play in removing this evil from this planet for good. And we have a choice to
Starting point is 00:15:54 make as humans. And I'm not talking about just in America. I'm talking about across the world. We have a choice. And the choice is we can either be quiet and we can just go ahead and take what they're giving us and we can be enslaved inside a technological world and be living poverty for the rest of our lives. Or we can unify, we can forgive the common citizen, we can hold the motherfuckers accountable and we can be free as fuck from here until the end of motherfucking time this is a massive pivot point in the history of humanity that if we can think and operate strategically we can actually create a world that is has never really even been seen before yeah because the the oppression of the
Starting point is 00:16:38 human race has been consistent for hundreds if not thousands of years. This is not a new thing. There's always been a small amount of people that make all the motherfucking rules. They make all the money. You guys think I make money, motherfucker? No. I'm a fucking peasant compared to these people. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Okay? These people, this is hundreds of years that it has been going on. Okay? We have to understand what's happening. And we have to remove ourselves from, we have to like rise above, hey, my neighbor's an asshole to holy fuck. Like these people have literally robbed and pillaged and oppressed and told us all kinds of lies about our own humanity and our own history for our entire lives.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And I don't know about you guys, but I want to know the fucking truth. I want to know what we're really capable of. I want to know the real technology they have. I want to know the real health that they have. I want to see this place free. And the only way that we can make it fucking free is by looking at the neighbor and saying now man he was taken advantage of right and maybe it's maybe it's uh maybe maybe you the person who asks this question and other people who believe like this maybe you should take it upon yourself
Starting point is 00:17:57 to bridge that fucking gap with people because i've done that as hard as it's been i've reached out to a lot of my liberal friends and they totally get that this was a big fucking bullshit thing. And when I've made it a little bit easier for them to reconcile, they've all reconciled. Right. Okay. And that's what we need. We need to put our egos aside.
Starting point is 00:18:17 We need to quit fighting on the, you know, about the identity, all this shit, identity politics, black versus white, gay versus straight, fucking black versus white uh gay versus straight uh fucking everybody verse white people right like um pro-abortion yeah like those are all constructs designed to create the lack of unification on any front so that it can continue to fucking oppress us yeah well it's a suppression of action too because that's the thing like we're gonna get upset at something they know that the establishment knows that that we have to outlet our anger somehow to somebody wouldn't our establishment much rather have us fighting each other than fucking turning that energy yes 100% needs to
Starting point is 00:18:58 be fucking turned 100% we have we have a chance for a worldwide cultural revolution here meaning we can make being a quality high achieving hard working contributing intelligent member of society the cool fucking thing which it is the cool fucking thing right okay and what i believe is going to happen is the pendulum is going to swing back away from all of this cultural degeneracy and move into the greatest time ever of cultural enlightenment in terms of our standards of living. uh motivated human if you don't contribute much uh if you live on the system without trying to get off and you abuse the system and this and that i believe those things are going to become socially unacceptable yeah i believe all the fucking fake um you know labels that they've been calling everybody for the last decade or so i believe the people who do that will be the outcasts of society yeah and i and they already are i yeah but i believe it's going to get to a point where
Starting point is 00:20:10 these people will not be safe if they don't shut the fuck up yeah and um there's a change coming man i could feel it in the fucking air bro and i asked at my left this morning he's my business partner uh in our taste syndicate i said said, Ed, what's my, what's my number one skill. You think he said, your vision, you can see shit before people could see it. And that's what I see. That's what I see happening. It's going to happen. So my recommendation is forgive your fucking neighbor. Let's all get focused on holding the other people accountable and let's get ahead of the curve by living to a higher standard um that contributes to society not takes from society uh and if you've been one of these people who have self-victimized and told
Starting point is 00:20:50 yourself all the stories and said oh i can't do this and that and this and this this is and you're one of these people that post sad ass story on instagram every day and talks about how fucking your life is fucked and this and that and this bro those people are gonna they're not gonna get this fake sympathy anymore they're not gonna get this fake empathy anymore they're not gonna get this oh you know it's okay it's gonna come back to hey quit being a fucking pussy and get your shit together let's fucking go that's what it's gonna be has life been easy to you oh no has life been easy for you has life been easy for you what about you No, it's not fucking easy for any of us. Okay. It's hard as fuck. Sometimes we're going to get up and we're not going to want to fucking do
Starting point is 00:21:32 shit. And we have to learn as humans, especially as Americans, but hopefully citizens across the globe that we have to get up and contribute period. Okay. If everybody did that, if everybody said, Hey, I'm going to take a year and I'm going to become the best individual motherfucker I could possibly be in that year. And we did that starting today, a year from now, the world be a completely different place. It's the only way to change the world in the snap of the fingers. And that's, what's going to take so you should start today because if you don't and you're one of these people who's been riding the lazy wave and been milking the fucking sympathy and been riding the woke train and all this shit you
Starting point is 00:22:16 motherfuckers gonna be the outcast bro so you need to change and it starts with yourself that's fucking real and it's question two, going on from that, right? How do you change? This is more of a business employer to an employee question, I guess. But how do you actually change people's mindsets, right? People that have been doing the same thing, the same methods over and over again since the day they started working. How do you help change their mindsets?
Starting point is 00:22:42 This person says, we want to help them find solutions, communicate efficiently, but it's been a difficult process educating workers about our platform and new systems. How would you tackle that? What context are they speaking? These are an employee that they've had for years that is doing the same thing over and over and again. The employer says he has a different way to do it, but it's hard to get the employee to see that. Well, first of all, motherfucker, they are there to do a job. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Okay, let's get back to that. All right. If you're employed by someone, they pay you to do something. Your job is to do it. That's part of having a high standard of personal performance. Whether or not you agree with the way they want it done. That's a, that's a discussion that, you know, you can have. But at the end of the day, whatever the fuck the people that are paying you say,
Starting point is 00:23:29 that's what you should do because that's the right thing to do. Yeah. Okay. Now that's another thing that's going to come to an end. The days of the days of these people thinking that they can walk in to a company and, you know, like we have an entire generation of people that think like it's their
Starting point is 00:23:46 way like it's fucking this is burger king's their company yeah like you could come in here and fucking have it your way yeah no motherfucker this is andy king you know what i'm saying like you're gonna we're gonna come in here and we're gonna do it the way i fucking want it done and if i think you're smart enough to show me a better way i'll listen to you okay but we live in this generation where there's a lot of people ages fucking 30 and under that think they're going to get to come in. These are the people who were raised with no fucking rules and got everything they wanted. And reality is going to start smacking them in the face because dude, the truth is what's going to happen is business owners are going to figure out ways
Starting point is 00:24:20 to fucking win because that's what business owners fucking do. And they're going to figure out ways to win without those people because those people are a fucking headache yeah so if i'm that if i'm that person um and you've been trying for fucking years to get them to do it away how about you grow a fucking spine and say hey if you don't fucking do it this way don't even fucking come back here yeah about that that's real that is real that's real on the flip side of that though i mean could that be like because i mean we hear micromanaging in the workplace right like you know if i if i work for you right and you tell me at the end of the day you want the results to be four do you really and
Starting point is 00:24:54 i give you the result of four do you care how i got it depends it depends yeah what if you got there unethically yeah what if you got there in a way that fucking hurt your teammates? What if you got there in a way that actually degraded the customer experience? There's all kinds of ifs that people don't think about. There's a reason for it. Bro, I've been doing this for a quarter fucking century damn near. Okay? There's a fucking reason. There's a fucking reason why.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You didn't figure it out here in a fucking week. Right. Okay? Right. What you think is new is I've forgotten that even happened. there's a fucking reason why you didn't figure it out here in a fucking week right okay right what you think is new is i've forgotten that even happened okay that that's what people have to fucking understand yeah your seasoned leadership understands they there's a reason now should you question shit absolutely can you think of a better way absolutely but if you think of a better way I wouldn't go implement that way until you go check with someone who actually knows to see if it's actually a better way. Because what happens a lot of times is these people who have massive egos for no fucking reason who come in from other places and think they kicked ass in the world when in reality they haven't done shit. All right. They think they're really fucking smart. And I'm going to tell you you what i thought i was real smart at fucking 28 too i thought i was real smart at 25 i thought i was real smart at 30 and you know what i think i'm really fucking smart now but the point is is it my 30 year old me and my 27 year old me and my 25 year old me were fucking morons
Starting point is 00:26:18 morons okay so if me who by all real world data is of higher intelligence than the average fucking human okay if i know that i was a moron then and you don't realize that you're a moron then what's that say about you yeah yeah you see what i'm saying yeah that's so um assume you're a moron okay and ask yeah hey man you know i i know i'm new i know i don't know anything um but why don't we do it this way and then you'll learn some shit you know instead of saying oh dude you know fucking andy's fuck he's been he's an old dog. He doesn't fucking know. I'm smart. Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I've had a couple of those. You know what happens? They don't fucking make it. You know what happens when they leave? They try to come back. That's fucking real, man. So it is what the fuck it is, man. Humble, humble, humble, humble.
Starting point is 00:27:25 You know a better way? Maybe. Maybe you don't. Maybe you came up with the greatest way possible. But I would ask first. Yeah. You know? But at the end of the day, that sounds like a fucking no backbone having leader, to be completely honest.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah. Because I'm going to tell you this, dude. What would happen if I fucking told someone to do something a certain way and they did it the other way for free what happened they'd be working at fucking starbucks yeah they would yeah they would that's real but that's the difference too i mean that's the thing like you have built that you you have that built in that culture where people trust that process they you know i'm saying like they didn't always yeah i mean but but now you know what do you think what do you think it was like when You know what I'm saying? They didn't always. Yeah, I mean, but now, you know what I'm saying? You wouldn't have that issue now. What do you think it was like when we didn't have this big building?
Starting point is 00:28:09 It didn't have all the success. It didn't have the national recognition. It didn't have the reputation. What do you think it was like? Yeah, yeah. I was challenged all the time, bro. All the fucking young lions think they're going to come take a bite of my ass. And not one of them ever got one.
Starting point is 00:28:23 That's real, man. So it's chess, motherfuckers they ain't fucking checkers i love it man if you're a fucking if you're a business owner and you have an employee that doesn't want to do shit the way that you want it done fucking fire them because i'm going to tell you here's another thing that you're not thinking about that same person the minute you come over and tell them to fucking do this X and they want to do Y, even though if it produces four, like you said, what they're saying about you when you walk away is fucking Andy thinks he knows everything, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:28:54 blah. And they're a cancer. That's cancer. Yeah. Yeah. So if it were me, cancer grows. Get the fuck out of here, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It's fucking awesome. Guys, our third and final question, Andy, question number three for you. Uh, my question is, do you have any tips or advice on how to harness arrogance or anger while going through 75 hard backstory is I'm finding myself looking at society and discuss, uh, more than ever before. I've always struggled with this by the way. And I know I'm supposed to help anyone and everyone I can and provide as much value as possible. But I'm finding the more into 75 hard I'm getting,
Starting point is 00:29:31 I'm looking at everyone in my life and just feeling this internal disgust. It's actually causing quite a bit of internal rage that I've been harnessing. I'm trying to let it out in my workouts, but it's still there. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Yeah, the best tip you can do
Starting point is 00:29:43 to relieve yourself of that feeling, which I know very well, not just because 75 hard, but because of who the fuck I am, um, is to help other people. It's to hold their hand and help show them the way. Once you get one or two people that have like seen the light and come around, you start to feel less. Cause you're like, Oh, okay. These people, it's not that they're fucking this. It's not that they're pieces of shit. It's just that no one ever showed them. All right. And that was something that I struggled with when I was younger,
Starting point is 00:30:13 when I was younger and, you know, I was kicking ass, let's say, uh, let's say, you know, fucking, I'm, I'm talking to my friends and I see my friends out drinking and shit all the time and thinking they're going to do that. And I'm at home my friends and I see my friends out drinking and shit all the time and thinking they're going to do it. And I'm at home fucking working my balls off. Right. I resented them because I'm like, these guys are fucking punks. Like they're weak. They're this.
Starting point is 00:30:34 They're that. They're lazy. Like you start to resent those people and what you start to realize as you as you start to go down this path that he's going down. It's not that these people it's not that these people are bad people or that they actually are lazy. It's that they've been taught certain things that just are not true, such as a discipline is a trait, not a skill, right? If you, if you could convince the entire world that,
Starting point is 00:30:59 that they could actually create a disciplined life and that they could actually create confidence and create fortitude and create grit. All of these things that they just assumed that they were not born with and that other people were. If you could teach them and show them that they could actually create that, I can tell you from experience, they will create it. So will a billion other hashtags on TikTok. Okay. They don't know. They're ignorant. Like it's not that they're fucking bad. They just have never
Starting point is 00:31:32 been taught. Okay. And when you switch your perspective from these people are pieces of shit to no one ever showed these people how to kick ass. Then you start to realize what your fucking purpose is, which would be what? To teach them how to also kick ass, which, by the way, is the purpose of this fucking show. Okay. So nobody knows this better than me. But when I realized that it wasn't just me, it was an oppressive. This is the truth. People think, oh, dude, he's so fucking paranoid.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I'm not paranoid, bro. I'm seeing the real picture right people are conditioned to believe that they were powerless people are conditioned look at society dude society tells us that being 400 pounds is beautiful right it ain't beautiful not only is it not beautiful because it it has nothing to do with the physical appearance by the way either no it has to do with i physical appearance, by the way, either. It has to do with I can look at you and I can see the life you live by the way your body looks. I can see that you're fucking lazy. I can see that you're a sloth.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I can see that you have no discipline, that you overeat. I can see that you don't move very. These are not attractive qualities of a human. You do not possess those qualities. So it's not just about the outside. It's about the inside, too. Right. You do not possess those qualities. Okay? So it's not just about the outside. It's about the inside too. But let's take it a step further. They tell us this so that people won't try to get healthier.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Because how do they make their money? They make their money when we're sick. Right. The biggest political donors in the fucking world are Pfizer and the big pharma. All the motherfuckers just put us through all this shit for the last fucking two and a half years. The secret is they've been doing it forever. We just didn't notice it. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Okay. So when they propagate weakness and prop up weakness as the desired outcome and people think, oh, dude, this is why I hate the fucking self-love movement. This is truly why I won't speak with hardly any motherfucking speakers out there anymore. Because everybody started to talk about kindness and this and that and broke. I love kindness. But true kindness is telling someone, hey, you're fucking not healthy, bro. I love you. If you don't get your fat ass in shape, you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Right. Okay. Now, that might not be the most kind delivery, but like, dude, just keeping it real. Yeah. Okay. Um, kindness is the truth. And then helping them. Like if you really fucking cared, if you really were kind, you would tell that person the
Starting point is 00:33:56 truth and then say, man, I'll show up every motherfucking day and work out with you. Right. That's the truth. Right. Okay. But back to what I'm saying, society has indoctrinated us with the weakness culture the victim culture look at what gets the likes and shares on instagram the last three years oh i'm i'm i'm i've faced all these battles in my life i'm fucking constantly
Starting point is 00:34:19 sick i'm constantly this i'm constantly there i'm a victim I'm a this I'm a that Oh Like Comment oh you're so strong You're so brave you're so amazing And bro you know what It's not amazing cause you've been doing it For 10 years and you haven't overcome it
Starting point is 00:34:39 Right You've been on some of y'all been on the same Song and dance of being a victim for 10 motherfucking years, and you haven't overcome it. I'm sorry. I don't think that's brave. I think that's weak as fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. And what's happened is the internet has created a scenario where people have attached their identities to being a victim. Fuck, man. Go ask any fucking motherfucker on the street. If their life's been easy. What are they going to say? Yeah. They're going to say no. And you're going to say, why hasn't it been easy? And they're going to have a laundry list of shit. And I'm not saying it's not even true, but what I'm saying is they remember all these bad things that happened to them and they derive their value as a human
Starting point is 00:35:25 from being quote unquote victim. And if you derive your entire fucking identity and value as a human by all the bad shit that's happened to you, how can you ever overcome it? How can you ever move past it? How can you ever become a better version? You can't because it means leaving an old identity where it is and moving the fuck forward. So the first step is say, Hey, you know what? Bad shit has happened to me. I was bullied. I did get stabbed in the face. I have been on, on fucking, uh, justifiably criticized my whole life. I have been picked on blah, blah, blah. I have been sick. I have been this. I have been that. I have been this and this and this. But you know what? Fuck that. Fuck that. Like, dude, I got stabbed in the fucking face,
Starting point is 00:36:11 bro. I had 160 motherfucking stitches in my face. I have nerve damage in my face. Fucking almost 20 years later. Okay. I could have easily said at that point in my life, ah, you know, fuck it, dude. I'm 23 years old, 22 years old. No, no girl's ever going to date me. My life is over. I'm a fucking piece of shit and kill myself. And what would have not happened had I done that? Look at the fucking rest of the shit, bro. I had a number one podcast on fucking iTunes for fucking years and personal development. It was uninterrupted, number one, longer than any other podcast on the motherfucking history of iTunes. I've helped millions of people change their lives.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I've created fucking tens of thousands of fucking jobs. Okay? That could have all not happened had I believed I was a jobs. Okay. I, that could have all, that could have all not happened. Had I believed I was a victim, right? Had I not said, Hey, you know what? Fuck that. I'm going to do this shit anyway. And that's what it takes. It takes you saying and acknowledging, yes, these things happen to me and yes, they're now fucking fair and yes, they suck, but they taught me this and this and this, and this is how, but they taught me this and this and this. And this is how I'm going to use this and this and this to move forward in a productive way.
Starting point is 00:37:29 That's it. It's a decision. Yeah. And until you fucking let go of this bullshit, not only will you not be better, but our entire fucking world won't be better. And this is shit that they teach us through the media, through Hollywood, through fucking social media, through all of these avenues that they press down what's quote unquote accepted in culture. You know what I think is cool in culture?
Starting point is 00:37:53 Good people helping good people. Doing the right fucking thing. Living to a high standard. Contributing to your community. Solving the problems in front of you in an effective way. Helping lift other people up. Raising your kids right. That's fucking cool to me.
Starting point is 00:38:09 That's what I see America being about. I see America as the content of your character. I don't see this racist shit they put out all the time, bro. I don't give a fuck what color you are. You'd be fucking Big Bird, bro. If you're cool, you're fucking cool. And 99% oficans fucking believe that too yeah so when are we gonna all fucking stop letting them make us weak little fucking bitches
Starting point is 00:38:33 and start saying hey you know what they want us weak they want us fucking stupid they want us broke they want us this way so they can get what they want well fuck them and we take that energy and we become personally fucking excellent in our own lives. And guess what? They lose control. That's the revolution. People think, oh man, when are people going to go shoot? You don't have to shoot anybody. If we all took one fucking year and got fucking the best we could, they would fucking lose complete control. Look at these people. None of them are in shape. None of them train. None of them live to a high standard. None of them are in shape. None of them train. None of them live to a high standard. None of them contribute shit.
Starting point is 00:39:08 They're all fucking takers and takers don't survive when the fucking culture changes to producers. Yeah. We'll get that shit somewhere else. You fucking can't. Guys, Andy, that's fucking three.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's the truth. Yeah, it's the truth. i don't think there's nothing else need to be said was there a funny question you wanted to ask to keep up your new segment i got something for you oh you do okay do you feel what i'm saying there bro don't require anything else well i'm just saying like like do what do what do you guys think i mean is it not this is a cultural problem yeah this is a personal standards problem across the globe they made us all believe bro think about what your fucking teachers told you when you were fucking you say i want to be an astronaut and they said what they say you could be an astronaut as they used to say oh you want to be president you know what they say? You can be an astronaut, as they used to say. Oh, you want to be president? You know what they say now, motherfucker?
Starting point is 00:40:07 If you're black, they say you can't because the world's racist. Racist, yeah. If you're fucking white, they say you shouldn't because you're white. And you should let everybody else do it because you're racist. Like, bro, we have a lot. Listen, dude, we have allowed them to divide us at the literal little kid level on everything like they're and they're at the point now where they're indoctrinating little kids with these beliefs that they cannot achieve shit but you can be a little girl if you want to be little
Starting point is 00:40:37 johnny that's fine what's that do to society yeah that's that's fine hold on what's the purpose of that the population in my opinion well Well, listen, could be that. Could be a whole lot of things. But at the very least, it's to make you open for more crazy information. If they can get you to say that a man is a woman and a woman is a man and admit all this shit and go along with all this shit, which a lot of you guys have. Okay. You denied the actual factual reality. Think about that, dude. Think about about that this is not about acceptance this is about them scrambling your fucking truth so that they can
Starting point is 00:41:13 then tell you what the truth is if they could tell you what the truth and you believe that anything could be fucking anything what can they not get you to believe? So the only way to fucking fix this is at the ground individual level. It's for you guys to fucking go out and become the best person that you can right now and spread it fucking far and wide. It's it. I say it all the time, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. If we want to change shit, everybody would step the fuck up that's the truth that's what has to happen yeah it's necessary uh you want a funny question yeah i thought you i thought you guys had this new awesome idea well honestly it depends on the time limit. Okay, well, we got four minutes. Yeah. Andy, if it were up to you, what would be some funny or crazy alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Well, first of all, I don't think, I don't fucking think that poor people and average people should fight the wars. I think the people that vote to go to war should go fight the war. So you'd make all the politicians go fight the war? Yeah, yeah 100 put that shit on pay-per-view oh bro that'd be fucking awesome so that'd be awesome that yeah chuck schumer well i mean there would be real consequences to their words then yeah and i promise you there'd be a lot more peace in the
Starting point is 00:42:37 world if that were the case there would be because nobody wants to go get their fucking faces chopped off. And that's the other thing. Like, listen, man. As long as there's guns, everybody should be able to have guns. But if they removed guns from the planet, let's just say I could snap my fucking fingers. Every gun was gone and you could never make another one, which is impossible. Okay. But like you're thinking, I got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Right. Like I'm Thanos. I just fucking snap my my fingers all fucking projectile weapons are gone all bombs are gone all the fucking mass shit's gone it's gone technology's got can't make it this is totally hypothetical yeah but if these motherfuckers had to run out there with fucking axes and swords and shit we'd be living in a much more peaceful world that's real yeah that's fucking real yeah i can tell you this finally biden would be running the wrong way if i go this way listen bro if i ever led the revolution i'm fighting with a motherfucking axe yeah i ain't fucking playing yeah it's gonna be axe to the motherfucking face yeah because you guys might kill me but that first one's gonna be
Starting point is 00:43:40 fucking great that first one is good yeah i'm getting i'm getting one of you i love it that's that's that's the way i mean dude it's just not a pussy way to do things i just not about it like dude the whole problem is we got a bunch of people in the world who don't suffer real consequences for their words or actions yeah they don't like dude and now we have a people who have grown up for the last decade on the internet with anonymous accounts harassing people. And they, they, they think that's the world, the world we live in. Like we have these kids that are fucking 12 years old harassing grown adults at fucking
Starting point is 00:44:16 the mall and shit, bro. Shit's got to stop. It's got to stop. It's got to stop. There's got to be real consequences in the world. That's real. That's all I got, stop. It's got to stop. There's got to be real consequences in the world. That's real. That's real. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That's all I got, brother. Yeah. That's the show. If you guys got something from the show, made you think, made you laugh, if it got you motivated, if it made you have some realizations, please share the show.
Starting point is 00:44:38 We're from sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze. Fuck a pole, fuck a stove. Counted millions in the cold. Bad bitch, booted swole. Got her on bankroll, can't fold That's a no, headshot, case closed

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