REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 294. Dear Men

Episode Date: May 14, 2022

In today’s episode, Andy lays out the truth about the dire need for strong, uncompromising men to take charge, why crying about the struggles of society is detrimental to the cause, and why it’s n...ecessary to take self-accountability & personal excellence seriously to restore freedoms in America.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right guys uh gather around come on let's get in here tight uh you men scoot up here to the front. Uh, this is a message for the men today. I typically do not Um Talk to men or women. I just talked to bad motherfuckers, but today i'm gonna talk to the men And it's important So, uh pull up a seat for a few minutes because I have a few things that that I need to communicate to you um First and foremost you guys understand we're losing, right? You guys understand that you're failing, right? You guys understand that out of all the generations of men that we've had
Starting point is 00:00:55 in this country since the very beginning, that you are the weakest, right? Have you spent any time thinking about that? Have you spent any time considering that? Have you spent any time considering that, you know, we've had a pretty good year in this country for a long, long time and that certain things need to happen in order for it to continue to prosper, in order for your children and your children's children to be able to live in this country without tyranny, without oppression, with the opportunity for prosperity, you understand that this generation of men is sacrificing that, is putting that at risk for the future generations of America.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Oh, you don't understand that? Well, that's interesting. Because while I look out on the landscape of what's been happening for the last couple years, I see a lot of women standing up, getting involved, speaking truth, getting involved in the school board, getting involved in their local election processes, getting involved in supporting candidates, getting involved in saying what the fuck it is. But what do I see from you guys? Well, I see a lot of you guys, you work out, you got tattoos. Some of you got patriotic tattoos. You got a beard.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You go to one of these man camps once a year, teach you how to be a man. But yet, when you stand up and stand on your own fucking line, you cry and whine and complain about how hard the resistance is. You complain about how difficult it is to stand up for what's right. You complain about people calling you names. And most of you guys who complain about this are barely saying or standing for anything anyway So what are you really doing? Well, i'm going to tell you what you're really doing you're losing us the fucking battle
Starting point is 00:03:14 You're losing america because every time you exaggerate How hard the resistance is and by the way, I know you're exaggerating because I've been on the tip of this spear for a long fucking time. So I know you're exaggerating. I know how weak you really are. I know the resistance there is out there and I know what you're doing. You're celebrating. You're you, you want the applause and you want the admiration and you want the uh you know celebration of you standing up you want everybody to know how hard it is you want everybody to know how many
Starting point is 00:03:56 names you got called you want everybody to know so you lie about it and you exaggerate because the truth of the matter is you haven't stood up for shit, which is why we are where we are. And what happens when you exaggerate these claims? What happens when you virtue signal, which pain you're being caused when in reality, it's the weakest people in our society who are calling you actual names. They're calling you names and you're pussing the fuck out. You know what that does? That causes us to lose. And I'm going to tell you why.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Because while you need the claps and the praise and the admiration and the, oh, thank you for standing up for something when you really didn't. And then you talk about how you, oh, they canceled me. Oh, they call me names. Oh, they did this and this and this. What you're doing is you're telling all the people on the fence that might join in, that might be willing to fight, which might be willing to stand up for the cause of our country, which is systematically being dismantled in front of our fucking faces, what you're doing is keeping those people from getting in the fucking fight. So if you're one of these men who wants to cry and complain and whine about literally the weakest members of society calling you a fucking name,
Starting point is 00:05:48 get the fuck out of the game. Go sit on the sideline and let the real men fucking handle what needs to be handled. The women are in the fight. The women are doing a good job. Most of your girlfriends and wives and significant others, they want you in the fucking fight too. And they're ashamed at how weak you truly are.
Starting point is 00:06:10 That's the truth. You're the equivalent of the man that hears a strange noise in their house at night and sends his wife to check it out. That's you. That's you. You're failing not only as a leader, not only as a provider, not only as someone who should be actually lifting up their own community. You're failing as And that's unacceptable. Your job as men is not to be soft. It is not to be weak.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It is not to be vulnerable. It is not to fucking cry and sing Kumbaya in a motherfucking man camp. It's to stand for what's right. It's to stand on your line and have a backbone No matter what the resistance you might face is It's to provide It's to protect It's to lead It's to show the next generation
Starting point is 00:07:20 What it means to be a functional Prosperous man in this world. And you are failing. You are fucking failing. And if you don't figure it out really quick, we are going to lose this country. We might not lose this country to China or Russia or some other country, but what we will lose it to is an ideology that is harmful and restrictive and oppressive to the future generations. We are at a crossroads right now. And that crossroads is either we are going to be completely free, which we never have been before. And we are going to build a new America where people actually have the opportunities
Starting point is 00:08:09 that they're supposed to have here, that actually represents freedom, that actually represents content of character and harmony amongst all people and all cultures, or we're going to be slaves of technology and we're going to be in a communist system. And your ability to provide and your ability to teach and your ability to elevate and your ability to raise children,
Starting point is 00:08:37 to create better lives than what you've had, which is the essence of the American man, will not exist. And yet every day I open my messages and I have people complaining that somebody called them a fucking name. So you're going to really cower down when they call you a fucking name. That's their tool. That's their weapon. They know that you're that weak. They know that by simply calling you one of the names they use, whichever one is appropriate for you, because they got one for everybody. Me personally, they like to call me racist. DJ, they like to call Uncle Tom.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I don't know what they like to call you. They like to call people all kinds of shit. But the fact of the matter is they are manipulating you and you know it and you cowering to it is costing us fucking everything. Well, I hate to tell you this, but men have been under attack for a long time. And you have allowed that attack
Starting point is 00:09:52 for a long time. Which is why it seems like it comes from everywhere. But let me tell you something. Don't bitch to me, motherfuckers. Because I've rearranged my life to fight for you and your fucking kids, even if you fucking won't. You messaging me. Saying it's so hard.
Starting point is 00:10:18 The harder I dig my heels in, the harder they push on me. You know what that is, bro? That's the equivalent of my fat ass running a fucking mile and then going to James Lawrence on his 95th consecutive Ironman This is so hard. My feet hurt. I can't breathe. That's what you sound like to me, motherfucker. Just so you know. And that's what you sound like to all the women in your life. That's what you sound like and look like to your fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Okay, there was a time in America where men understood that we have a responsibility to protect and preserve and create a future for the next generation. And I don't even have kids and I understand that. I could be out on a fucking 300 foot fucking yacht, not giving two fucks about what's going on and letting you all solve it. But because I know that you all are behaving the way that you are behaving right now, I have to do this. It's an obligation and it's an obligation for you too. And you're fucking failing it. And it's starting to piss me the fuck off. So think about that. Number one, before you message me, number two, before you complain publicly and exaggerate the resistance that you face
Starting point is 00:11:55 by standing up for simple truths, understand the example you're setting for other people that might be on the fringe of joining in. You are actually the people costing this fucking battle. You are the people creating the opportunity for these people to impose their will. I got on this microphone over two years ago and told you what was going to happen. I asked for your support. I got very little. I got attacked. By a lot of you guys, by the way. You listening to this show right now. You said I was crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You said I was a conspiracy theorist. You said I was fucking a danger. And now look at the situation. It's way worse, just like I told you it would be. So I want you to think really, really, really hard about the example you're setting as an American man. This shit of pretending to be a man because you lift some weights and you have some tattoos and you think you're a hard at bro. American men are the weakest motherfucking men on this fucking planet right now. The weakest, the weakest, the weakest. Other men in other countries have real shit to worry about. They've been worried about real shit their whole lives.
Starting point is 00:13:29 You've had it easy. What kind of kids are they raising versus the kind of kids you're raising? I guarantee you they're raising kids that are tough, that are resilient, that are resourceful, that understand the difference between winning and losing. While you're fucking letting these people be indoctrinated, while you're letting your fucking kids be indoctrinated by their shit because you're tired from your hard work day,
Starting point is 00:13:59 you men are failing. And if you don't like me for telling you this, I do not give a single fuck because I am sick of seeing it. When I grew up, it was sticks and stones will break my motherfucking bones, but words will never hurt me. Have you forgotten that?
Starting point is 00:14:21 You're afraid of being called names by literally the weakest people on this fucking planet, you're afraid to be quote unquote canceled, they can't fucking cancel someone that stands for the right shit. You want to know how I know? Because every fucking company I'm involved with over the last two and a half years
Starting point is 00:14:46 has fucking crushed. Crushed. And I told you two years ago this would be the trend. And half of you guys fucking joined in. The other half thought I was crazy. And I'll guarantee you, we know who won and who fucking lost. And this is bigger than personal success, but it also is personal success because your standards, the way you live,
Starting point is 00:15:16 the way you consume instead of produce, the way you lay around your house Instead of contributing to the actual community The way you accept a weak, fat, sick, physical body That's all being ingrained into your children That's all being ingrained into your kids You want to know why your wife won't fuck you, bro? It's because you're weak It's because you're weak. It's because you don't stand for the things a man should stand for.
Starting point is 00:15:50 That's the truth. And until you figure that out, you're a part of the problem. The only way we change this country, the only way we fix this country, the only way that we create what this country should have always been from this point forward is by you raising your standard, you holding yourself to a standard, you understanding that the standard that you hold creates a ripple effect for all the people you come in contact with. This is everything. It's not specifically one thing. It's everything.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's the information you put in your brain. It's how you choose to spend your time. It's the pride you take in your appearance. It's the effort you give at your job It's the effort that you give in your community It's the leadership you provide It's the hands that you reach out and lift up with you Most of you are doing nothing
Starting point is 00:16:57 You are waiting around for someone with a voice To fix it for you You have a voice Because that's what I hear from all the men. Well, Andy, you got a big voice. I, you know, I'm just a regular Joe. Hey, dumb ass. We all have a voice. We all have a voice. Your voice matters in your fucking household. And if no one listens to you in your fucking household, it's because you're weak. It's because you're fat. It's because you're lazy. And it's because you don't hold yourself to any sort of standard at all. That's the truth. Men need to be the revolution here. Men need to understand when I say personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You need to understand that personal excellence is your motherfucking duty as an American man. We are failing because you are failing. You are failing to uphold the standard that we need in order to even be competitive on the world scale. And these other countries, they are teaching their kids how to be tough, how to be resilient, how to be aggressive, how to stand for the right things, how to produce, how to win. What are you teaching your kids? You're teaching them fucking pronouns. Being passive is not noble. It's weak. I see you guys going out there searching for how to be a man. How can I be a man? How can I be a man? Let me tell you how you could be a fucking man. You could start by not being a piece of shit. How about there? How about you follow that up with giving a fuck
Starting point is 00:18:52 about what is taught to your kids? Understanding that what is taught to your kids is actually going to determine the quality of fucking life that they have. Why don't you get them off the video game and start teaching them some shit? I am sick of weak men in this country. You guys post these memes about the left and you post these things about these far left progressive people. You know what, bro? At least they are not pussies.
Starting point is 00:19:24 At least they're not fucking sitting at home waiting for someone else to solve their fucking problem. I can respect that. But what I don't respect is motherfuckers messaging me when they faced zero resistance. Talking about how hard it is to stand up for what's right and what's true and what they know we need to stand up for and then pretending like they're a fucking martyr because you're not. You're just a fucking bitch. So while you're sitting there listening and you're probably thinking how big of an asshole I am, understand this. I don't have to do this. I don't fucking get paid to do this. I pay money to do this. Just so you know, I fucking care. You should care
Starting point is 00:20:15 way more than me because you have way more to fucking risk. You want to know what the solution is? Andy, how can I actually get involved? Stop being a piece of shit. Start understanding that it's not people with the voice that are going to change things. It's the people who actually deliver results in their own ability to execute in the way they enforce their own standards upon themselves. The people who understand that when they do good, that creates a ripple effect and shows an example for the people, not only in their household, but their neighbors and their communities to rise up and be better humans. How are you contributing a solution? By crying about the little resistance that you have faced, which by the way is little, you have no fucking idea what real hardship actually is when it comes to this kind of thing. But you're going to find out if you keep quiet, you're going to find out because we are not far off from people being in a fucking gulags for speaking out truth. We still have an opportunity here,
Starting point is 00:21:29 and you are costing us that opportunity by being fucking passive, by being weak, by being lazy, by being people who don't care what example they set because they have been indoctrinated to believe that mediocrity is passiveness is okay. Why do you think you've been taught to be politically correct? So you'll self-censor. Why do you think you've been taught that the quote unquote silent majority is some sort of noble thing to be a part of? It fucking isn't.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's censorship in a social construct designed for you to shut the fuck up and take pride in shutting the fuck up. And I'm here to tell you right now that will cost us everything. You men with children, you should be really concerned about what's going on. You should really think about what you're doing. If I had kids, which I don't, but if I did, and by the way, this is how I feel without kids. I do not give two fucks if someone disagrees with anything that I say. I stand on my motherfucking line.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And we need more of that. So where's your line? Where's your standard? Where's your contribution? Look down at your belly. Look at your finances. What's it say about you? Look at what you talk about.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Look at how you talk all this patriotic shit behind closed doors. But when you go out in public, you won't tell someone to leave you to fuck alone. You won't stand for your freedom. When it gets questioned, you won't tell someone to leave you to fuck alone. You won't stand for your freedom when it gets questioned. You bow down. You put the mask on even when you knew it was wrong. And it's cost us. You men, the men that are guilty of these things I'm talking about, you men are costing us this fucking country. And if you don't raise your personal standards and you're not willing to live to a higher standard,
Starting point is 00:23:52 then shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the way. Because there's a group of men and there's a group of people. And by the way, the women are doing an amazing job. Everywhere I look, they're kicking ass. They're mad. You know why they're mad? Because they're coming after your fucking kids. And what do you do? Well, you can't say that. I know I talk to you kind of guys all the time. We're sitting around a little group. Somebody says something is true. And then here comes fucking the, here comes the exact problem with society. And they voice up and they say, yeah, I agree, but can't say that you fuckers know exactly what I'm talking about. Cause it's probably you that says it. If you say that, Oh, you can't say, you're a part of the motherfucking problem. Okay?
Starting point is 00:24:49 So I want you to really think about this today. I want you to really think about the standard you're setting. I want you to really think about the life you're living. I want you to really think about the effort you're putting in. I want you to really think if you are actually about what you claim to be about behind closed doors, because right now it looks like a lot of you are motherfucking hypocrites. I can't respect that shit. You say whatever you want about me saying this to you. I don't fucking care. If you're going to bitch about the resistance you face for standing up for what's fucking right, and you're going to exaggerate the damage it's caused you and the emotional stress it's caused, motherfucker, get out of the fucking way. Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 You're causing people to not join in because you're lying and you're exaggerating and you're making it sound like they're going to get fucking slaughtered by standing up for truth. Are you not at least that intelligent to understand that? So if that's you shut the fuck up. Okay. Cause it ain't that bad. Every single human I know that has stood for the right shit over the last two and a half years is in a much, much, much better scenario in life. And even if they weren't, at least they could look themselves in the mirror and say, you know what? I stood for what the fuck I believe. And you can't right now. And we have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of mankind ever, ever. We have this world organization that is attempting to install a world government and impose tyranny and oppression via technology for the next thousand years. And we are the people who were born at this time that can actually stop it.
Starting point is 00:26:59 You watch these movies of these great people who have done amazing things for the world. And you have the opportunity to do that right now. And you're pussing the fuck out. We are either going to be completely fucking free or we are going to be complete fucking slaves. It's your choice. But I am sick of the weakness. I'm sick of the complaining. I'm sick of the whining.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And so is everybody else. You ain't that big of a deal, bro. No one's coming to your house, breaking into your house. No one's fucking attacking your business. Oh, you got a fucking couple phone calls to your customer service. Ooh!
Starting point is 00:27:45 Ooh! business. Oh, you got a fucking couple of cult phone calls to your customer service. Oh, Oh, these guys attacked me. They called me a bad name. That's what you sound like. You guys laugh, but it's the truth. You want to do something about it? Start with yourself. Start with raising your fucking standard. Start with taking care of your body, taking care of your mind, taking care of your fucking family. And for you women out there that hear this and you're shaking your head, yeah, yeah, uh-huh, yeah. You're the women who say, where are all the real real men I can't find any real men You know how you can contribute to this You can contribute to this By letting men know what you expect
Starting point is 00:28:32 By letting men know What you want By letting men know That there is no attraction in cowardice Or weakness or apathy Or softness Let them know That's your part in this. You guys are doing a great fucking job. And I am proud of the women in this country right now, because those are the ones
Starting point is 00:28:54 that are actually fighting. And you know why they're actually fighting? Because they're not afraid. You know why they're not afraid? Because in the actual construct of real life, women don't get in physical confrontations and men do. And all of you men who are being quiet, you're afraid of physical confrontation. You're afraid of getting punched in the fucking face. But let me point something out to you. Let me tell you a little story and I'll close with this.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Growing up, I was the fat kid. I was the kid everybody made fun of. I was the kid that got picked on. We had this kid when I was in about seventh grade who was 16 years old. Okay. Seventh grade. I think I was fucking 11, 10, 12, something like that. Kid was 16.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Picked on me every motherfucking day. Called me fat. Punched me. Fucking did everything that you think of. This went on for a long time. One day I showed up to school and he started picking on me. And I hit the motherfucker so fucking hard
Starting point is 00:30:01 I knocked two of his teeth out. You know what happened from then on out? He didn't fuck with me no more. Take that for what it is. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for your family. Stand up for what's right. And stand up for this motherfucking country.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And here's what you guys fail to realize. When you stand on your line and you stand alone and you say, hey, no. You're not coming across that motherfucking line. And it takes tremendous courage to be the first one out there. And good news is for you, you ain't the first one out there. There's a lot of other motherfuckers on the line right now. But in your little world, if you're the first one to be out there, you will gain the actual admiration that you claim whenever you fake exaggerate how you've been attacked.
Starting point is 00:30:57 You won't be alone for very long. You'll have other people in your community step up and join you. Courage is one of the most contagious things that we have on this planet. It's a hell of a lot more contagious than any of these fucking fake ass pandemic motherfucking things. I know shit's not been favorable towards men for the last decade, right? Everybody's been after men. So what? So what? We're still here. We ain't going
Starting point is 00:31:27 nowhere. We ain't ever going anywhere. So what are you going to do? You're going to silence yourself and fall victim to these concepts that they've invented to keep you in check and to keep you in line? Because in my opinion, bro, that's about the weakest shit I could possibly think of. So think about it today. Think about your kids. Think about your family. Think about your obligation as an American. Think about all the men and women who have sacrificed and literally died for you to even have an opportunity. And I'm not asking you to go out and fucking fight. I'm asking you to tell the truth. I'm asking you to get engaged. I'm asking you to not back down when weak, little, spoiled motherfuckers call you a name that you know isn't even true about yourself. That's all I'm asking. And if you don't stand on that line You will find yourself in an actual fight
Starting point is 00:32:26 Which is your worst fear Which is why you're silent And the only way to avoid What you're afraid of Is to step up right now And get on that motherfucking line Think about it It's not just about you
Starting point is 00:32:41 It's about all of us It's about the future It's about what world you're actually leaving to your kids And it's not just about you. It's about all of us. It's about the future. It's about what world you're actually leaving to your kids. And it's really about your ultimate success or failure as a fucking human. So let that sink in for the day, men. Outro Music

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