REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 318. Q&AF: Developing People Of Character, Retaining Employees & Purpose: Innate Or Developed?

Episode Date: June 24, 2022

In today’s episode, Andy answers your questions on what’s the best way to hire trustworthy & hard working employees, how to retain those employees for the long term and whether your purpose in lif...e is innate or it’s something that you eventually develop.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the wise, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to Motherfucking Reality, guys. Today, we have Q and AF. That's where you submit the Qs and I bring the AFs. Now, today's show is primarily focused on personal development. How can I help you win? How can I help you be better? How can I help you kick ass? That's what this show is about. For many, many years, I hosted a show called the MFCEO Project, which was the number one personal development podcast on iTunes for years. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:55 This is where I answer those kind of questions. Where can they submit those questions, DJ? Guys, email those questions into askandy at Okay. That's for q and a f now sometimes when you tune in you're going to hear cti which is cruise the internet that's where we throw up three headlines on the screen we uh deduce the truth from the bullshit and then we identify the problem okay and sometimes we talk about the solution on that show, but ultimately the solution to
Starting point is 00:01:26 fixing what's going on in America is going to come from our own personal standard raising our own personal excellence. Right? So we have the problem with CTI and then we have the solution with Q and AF. Then sometimes we have real talk and real talk is where i get on i give you a short burst of high energy um real talk it is what it sounds like uh as we all know people are soft as fuck and they need to hear the truth and they need to hear reality and you need to operate in reality and that's what real talk is all about and sometimes we have full length which is where i bring on uh my my successful amazing, kick-ass friends, and we teach you how you can do the same, all right? Because they're no different than you, and that's the point of this show.
Starting point is 00:02:09 The point of this show is to help you understand that you are your own fucking savior when it comes to this world. You are the answer you're looking for, all right? And that's what we talk about, and that is the baseline message that you need to understand from this show. And I hope you take away. Sometimes we will also have 75 hard versus, uh, for those of you that don't know what 75 hard is, you can go listen to episode 208 and it will explain, uh, 75 hard and the live hard program in depth. So you can understand it's a free program that I designed to help people basically become
Starting point is 00:02:45 what the fuck they're supposed to become. That's the truth, right? So that is the show. And we don't run ads on this show. I don't run ads for this show. The show operates entirely off word of mouth. So I ask that you share the show. And the reason I ask you share the show is because the message needs to get out. Now, I could run ads for the show and on the show and fill your one-third of this time with ads and
Starting point is 00:03:13 make a whole bunch of money, okay? I don't do that because I don't want to corrupt the message. I want the message to be pure. I don't want to answer to anybody, and I want this to be a place that you can come get some honest shit from somebody. Okay. Honest opinions. Uh, I may not be right about everything, but I've done pretty well in life. I've been very successful. Uh, I have a functioning brain that works pretty well. And I try to, uh, help us figure out what the fuck is going on. So with that being said, what's up DJ? What's going on brother how are you man yeah man i'm hello children hello children yeah i got some good ones for you oh you do i got some good ones for you are you shocked syed you shocked he's got some good ones let's get into it let's do get into it
Starting point is 00:04:00 you know we try to keep the i value these people's time man you know for sure so let's uh let's let's give them some good value let's answer some shit and uh and move the fuck on let's knock it out man andy question number one uh how did you hire employees and what did you look for necessarily in the beginning of your business um versus to how your hiring system looks and works now uh this person i'm a really small business owner and right now no one wants to work. So what are the ways that you attract workers in an industry that requires people? Well, look, man, first of all, how I did it in the beginning is how everybody does it in the beginning. You talk to your friends, you ask your friends, people that you know and say,
Starting point is 00:04:41 you want to pick up some time? And you kind of work this human patchwork of people to help you get it going. You pay them well and, you know, you start to build the structure of your business. And then as you scale, you become, you know, more and more experienced and understand the systems that need to be created to produce the kind of person that you want. And I said, produce the kind of person you want, not, not hire the kind of person you want. And you need to make a note of that because there is no way to hire people that are guaranteed winners. It's always a roll of the dice. Um, but the best thing that you can do is to create a framework for them that rewards them based upon
Starting point is 00:05:32 their progression. Um, and, and ultimately, you know, success in, in the company. But I think the real, the real answer to this question is, is not the question that was asked. Um, the real the real answer to this question is is not the question that was asked um the real answer to this question is how do i get people to believe in my company vision how do i get people to see the future i see for my company and how do i inspire them to want to be a part of that so that they come to work and yes they get paid but they don't come to work to get paid they come to work and yes, they get paid, but they don't come to work to get paid. They come to work to build. And that's really what you're asking for. Okay. You're not asking for, well, you maybe, maybe don't know you're asking this, but I'm just giving you the fucking the icing on the cupcake. All right, bro. So the reality is, is your job is to paint such a great vision that you fully intend on
Starting point is 00:06:28 fulfilling and you take action on fulfilling that is so big that the people who want to join your network or your company or your, your, whatever it is, your building, your organization, because their dreams fit inside of that vision. Okay. If they can't see themselves and their lives, and it's very hard to do this in the beginning because you're very small. All right. So very few people are going to believe. And this is why it's important. I think to look at people who you trust, people who believe in you as a, they know you and they want to support you to help pick up some of the slack in the beginning. I think that most small businesses start that way from my experience.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah. But what you really need to be focused on, man, is, you know, building out the vision of what you want to do. Because dude, if you're building a company that is just designed to get you paid at a certain level, it's going to be very hard for you to continuously attract people that want to contribute to that because that's not what people exist to do. People don't exist to show up to work, to work hard so you can get fucking paid. They show up to work hard to contribute to something amazing that they can also make a great living doing and fulfill their financial goals and dreams. And your part in that is to not only paint the vision, but provide the path to follow through on the big vision. All right. This means,
Starting point is 00:07:58 you know, if you're running a small to medium sized business and you bought a big ass house and you're driving fucking cool shit and you're kind of living like how I fucking live and you're running a small to medium sized business and you bought a big ass house and you're driving fucking cool shit and you're kind of living like how I fucking live and you're not growing the company. Everybody's going to quit on you, dude. Everybody's going to quit on you because they're going to see what the truth is. So you have to be real here. You cannot, there's no way to hide from this. Yeah. All right. I got to meet Steve Wozniak one time and spend some real time with him. Who's the co-founder of Apple, by the way, the nicest, one of the nicest men I've ever met, definitely probably the smartest man I've ever met personally. So smart that I had to, like, even in basic conversation, I had to really focus to understand what he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You know, he comes from a different world, the tech world don't i'm not well read there but when i asked him what he was most proud of and remember this guy has invented the technology that this this man invented the technology that literally everybody uses today yeah okay this is the guy yeah this is the most influential human that is existing on the face of the planet you're talking about change and impact yeah steve wozniak is the most influential human alive people just don't realize it yeah okay because he's a humble dude he's quiet he's unassuming but the guy is the most influential human alive right now period fucking period okay all the technology that you use in your daily basis and the shit that Elon Musk used, that all came from him, all of it. Okay. So I got to ask him, I said, well, Steve,
Starting point is 00:09:34 what was your, what was your, what are you most proud of? And this is a dude who's invented fucking all kinds of like incredible shit. Like imagine being him and walking down the street of your, uh, of your city and seeing people at the coffee shop and every single fucking computer. Like I did that. I did that. I did that. Right. Yeah. But he doesn't think that way. So I said, well, what, what was the thing you're most proud of? And he's like, you know what? When we would drive out of our headquarters, there was a subdivision land development um that was real close by and when i drove by it i looked up on the hill and there's literally houses everywhere and every house was
Starting point is 00:10:12 five million six million five million seven million eight million and they were all apple employees yeah that's somebody who gets it not just executives executives. That's somebody who fucking gets it. Fuck yeah. Okay. So understand your vision, the path for your employees and that you following through on that vision are the key to attracting people that want to help you build. Yeah. You have to take care of them. Okay. It's not the,
Starting point is 00:10:41 the, the, the people who fail in business are always the people who, when they start doing well, they keep it to themselves. Okay. It's not the, the, the, the people who fail in business are always the people who, when they start doing well, they keep it to themselves and they stop, they stop showing up at work. They stop executing on the big deal. They stop growing the store.
Starting point is 00:10:55 They stop adding locations. They stop growing. People are smart, dude. They recognize that. Like you don't think they're sitting in the, and no matter how big you get, if you don't think they're sitting in the break room being like,
Starting point is 00:11:04 man, you know, you think they're really going to do that there's still people like that even in our company yeah okay so you have to be on your game as basically do the easiest way to say this you have to be the real fucking deal yeah you got to be the real deal otherwise you're going to be chasing your tail your whole life business is going to suck you're not going to develop the amazing relationships and friendship bro everybody in here that you know like these people are my fucking family right like i love watching them win and even the ones that leave and go win somewhere else i fucking love that because i know they learn the skills here you see what i'm saying yeah i remember i remember cody uh who's one of the longest employees that
Starting point is 00:11:41 you've had i remember it was in a meeting one day. He had said, I think Sal had asked him like, you know, how do your friends act now? He's like, well, my friends are all in this room now. Yeah. Fucking 300 people in a fucking room.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You know what I'm saying? Like it's that bond. I think it's really interesting too, though. Cause I don't, I don't see many people thinking of it like that, but like tapping into the actual psychological needs of those employees. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Like self belonging. That that's an innate fucking human everybody wants to be a part of a winning team dude everybody everybody so like build a winning team yeah that's real that's fucking right so it actually goes this kind of goes right into our second question andy um yeah sorry to interrupt i have a very quick sub question on that okay so you said you want to give people a vision so that they come in and just don't clock in, clock out. They want to contribute to something amazing. You have a great vision and core values for your company because you want to change lives one at a time.
Starting point is 00:12:37 What if somebody has an ice cream company? What vision they would put for their employees so that they get the same feeling well i think ice cream is even easier than we do because ice cream is fucking something people want that's something people need i i get your point so how you're asking how i would do it do your employees so that they're not coming in and just selling ice cream what kind of vision would you provide for your well if i were building an ice cream let's just just say how I would do it. Okay. Andy's custard. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Andy's custard already exists. It's fucking amazing, by the way. I love those guys. They're from Springfield, Missouri. They're fucking amazing. Yeah. I've been a customer there since they had their first fucking custard stand. No shit.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah. And they're just killing it here. Yeah. Really, really, really cool business. Great people. Great product. They're actually, I think think the model for the best frozen custard company in the whole country if you haven't looked them up it's andy's frozen custard and it's really cool you guys know what they look like they all have a unique look um it looks like a 50s diner yep there's one here yeah there's a bunch there's a
Starting point is 00:13:42 couple of it's amazing close one here's a kirkwood yep um but amazing product dude amazing product and i love ted drews too just so more clear i love ted drews ted drews is just a different concept yeah it's a family-owned special you know it's an experience that it's a different thing yes okay um and i love both so don't like, you know, Ted Cruz is like legend here in St. Louis. You better get the St. Louis's on that. This is blasphemy shit.
Starting point is 00:14:10 All right. But how I would do it, dude. First of all, let's just say I would take their model because I believe their model is really good. I would build a culture around restoring family values
Starting point is 00:14:23 with them because they make Andy's frozen custard is more of an experience. It's like in the, it's like back when you were a kid and you may not know this cause you're not from here when you were a kid, but what like we would do, you may be, you did this over in India. I don't fucking know. Um, but like, you know, you would go with your family to get some ice cream and you would stand outside your car and eat it and have like a little conversation.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And yes. And did you guys do that stuff? Yes. Yeah. So like, so what I would build it around was bringing back the family experience. And then I would back work the culture around that internally in the office. Like, hey, we're doing good things. We're bringing families together.
Starting point is 00:15:02 We're teaching people how to communicate. And then I would create the model and even tweak it further to facilitate that, right? And then there's all kinds of other reasons that you would do that, you know, in terms of like what the mission would be. But ultimately, man, the mission of that company is to bring happiness and conversation and connection. So how would we connect that to our culture system? I would come up with core values that reflect that, which would be very similar to ours,
Starting point is 00:15:31 what we already do. Maybe try to make healthier ice creams, things like that. Maybe, but that's not really why people go there. You know what I'm saying? When I go to get ice cream, I'm not buying ice cream because it's healthy like i'm buying first form because of that right so like it's a different thing and i think a lot of people and this is i think a lot of people really fuck themselves because they try to be something they really aren't like if i'm being frozen custard dude i'm gonna be the best fucking frozen custard i'm not looking at the calories no everybody knows calories when you get a concrete i don't either i't either. I already know. I accepted it. That's why I'm here. That's right.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I already know it's bad. So yes, extra Snickers, please. Yes. So, you know, I think you have to be what you are, the best that you could be. Now, could you have some, a couple options?
Starting point is 00:16:18 For sure. For sure, dude. Because people are, you know, obviously way more conscious of that. But like, there's really no way to make frozen custard healthy, Brunel now it's like fucking straight up fucking bad shit it is what it is but man it tastes good but um that's just a small example like a two minute
Starting point is 00:16:39 explanation you know if we sat down for a day i could have it all lined out 100 that cleared a lot of things it makes sense yeah you do you could do this for tires you could do this for concrete yeah you can do this isn't just for fucking supplements like people say oh well it's easy to make people uh get better with something no it's not because they have to go fucking work out they got to drink water they got to eat certain foods they got to fucking uh you know be miserable right they got to be uncomfortable like bro i've got to convince my customers to do all this shit to get the results which by the way is the right thing to do because it's the truth now if i was an unethical person i'd say hey buy this
Starting point is 00:17:15 shit it does this you don't have to do anything that's just fucking not the way it is and the reason that we've been successful is because we've been willing to take on the mission of educating people on what it truly takes to change their lives. All right. So you have to be what the fuck you are and know what your product does or doesn't do and be honest about it. You know, people are not stupid, dude. People are really fucking smart. And you know, you could do the same thing of creating an amazing experience based around any product. I always use the, the, the, the example of tires because tires are fucking boring and shit. Right. But like, dude, people actually do give a fuck about their tires, especially people with
Starting point is 00:17:57 fucking families. Okay. So you have to figure out where that rub is, where, where is the care? Where do they fucking care and you build your culture around that and make it real you see what i'm saying i think i think a lot of it comes down to is like and correct me if i'm wrong but i think a lot of it is like just those those small business owners that like are putting so many limitations on themselves of course you know i'm saying like the bro i used to do this too listen listen, listen. So, so I remember one time, uh, I was probably six years into my, my retail business. My dad and I were driving down the road with Oscar, my American bulldog had passed away in 2013 and he was just a puppy. So that would have had to
Starting point is 00:18:40 have been 2005. Okay. Okay. We're riding on the road, 2006. Cause it was right when I moved back to St. Louis from Springfield. And, um, as you guys know, I had to move back in with my dad after fucking seven years of running my business. Um, I was driving down the road in the pickup truck and, you know, my dad came from the electrical contracting business. So like when I was a kid, you know, we would go to these little barbecues and they'd have a barbecue set up.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And all the all the electricians and contractors and workers would stop by and they get a fucking bratwurst or fucking, you know, hot dog or whatever, hamburger and a beer and some chips and like dude we would go around these these little bitty barbecues and shit and everybody hung out was cool and like i remember i remember i was having this conversation with my dad uh driving we were driving in his at the time he was driving a uh like a 98 dodge ram uh great it was green and we were i was oscar was sitting in the middle. I was, it was a regular cab and Oscar was in the middle of me and my dad. I remember this perfectly because this is an idea. This is fucking what you'll get it in a second. So I said, yeah, man, I said, you know, the one thing that you guys were able to do that we can't do
Starting point is 00:19:59 is you were able to do like barbecues and connect with people. And you know, we're fucking health company. Like we can't do that. We can't have like barbecues and connect with people and you know we're fucking health company like we can't do that we can't have fucking barbecues and my dad goes well why not and i'm like yeah that's a pretty good point like we could probably do a barbecue right so we tried the barbecue at one of the stores fucking went up dude like 400 people showed up which was like over the course of a day which was like the most people we'd ever dealt with. And I'm like, holy shit. Like we could have done this seven years ago and it would have worked. And you guys just saw a summer smash, right? Like that's a fucking barbecue, bro. Right? Like
Starting point is 00:20:39 we fucking come here, we eat fucking barbecue, We party balls. And it's fucking amazing. And everybody has a blast. And not a single person. Well, I mean, certain people stayed healthy, but most people are having fun that day. You know why? Because, dude, everybody wants to have fun sometimes. So it's okay to mix that in. And but that was an example of one of those limitations that you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah. That was exposed by me just kind of venting and somebody saying well why not it just happened to be my dad yeah but the reason that i remember that in such detail is because that fucking why not made such a massive impact on how we do everything instantly yes yeah change my fucking perspective in like one second yeah that's your small customer shop there's boo bunny there's fucking baskin robbins there's fucking dairy queens the biggest y'all started out somewhere yeah yeah dj i'm gonna tell you this too this is another thing the biggest reason that most people fail in business is because they think someone else is already doing it and there's plenty of room for all kinds of people to do the same thing because dude even if even if you're the very best, which I feel we are,
Starting point is 00:21:45 with no disrespect to the other companies, there's a lot of great companies out there. I feel like we set the standard for what most of these companies trying to be at this point in time. And I say that humbly, okay? There's lots of younger companies that are coming up that I respect,
Starting point is 00:21:59 that are doing great things that I appreciate. And we work with most of those companies in some capacity through our retail system or whatever. So I'm not saying that with disrespect, but even when you're doing the, even when you're the very best, you know, sometimes people just want to try something different and that gives you an opportunity that just because people's propensity of choice of wanting a choice or something different, that's where the opportunity lies for you to capture someone.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You know? Right. And, you know, I'm kind of giving away the play, like, but you know, go do it. Cause it's a lot harder to fucking do. Right. I'm just, I, I, dude, I give the way everything because I don't think people will do it. I know how hard it is. You know, I don't think people will do it. I know how hard it is. I'm just willing to fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We are willing to do it. You have told this numerous times. You have given everything away on all the MFCU episodes. If people are really serious, they will listen to it and make all the change they need to do. But it's hard to do. That's it. And that's why I don't have a problem doing it because anybody who goes and runs the play and becomes successful i'm gonna give them
Starting point is 00:23:09 a fucking high five and be like fucking right bro that's the way to do it fuck yeah and you can ask some of my competitors you know like the competitors i'm close with that that don't just fucking hate me because i'm me um that we have a good relationship they'll tell you they'll say dude that guy will fucking do anything to help. And because I fucking do. Yeah. So that's just, that's an abundance mindset. Dude. I believe that that is a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah. Like I, when I see my friends win or even my, even people who are like, like even when I see competitors win, like, cause I'm friends with a lot of my competitors, but like when I see ones I don't really like, cause there's been a few I don't like, even when I see competitors win like because i'm friends with a lot of my competitors but like when i see ones i don't really like because there's been a few i don't like even when i see them win i'm inspired by that win i'm like fuck dude okay like this is gonna sound fucked up but like sometimes when i don't like these motherfuckers this is what they say in my head i said that motherfucker can do it i don't say it like that i say that fucking idiot can do it i can fucking do it too right that's how that's that's how i look at it okay i'm just being real that's my internal and i'm
Starting point is 00:24:09 not gonna say that to publicly but um i believe in myself i know my team is strong i know our team is strong um so i'm happy when i see even people i don't like winning because if for no other reason it shows me that I can win better. Yeah. Well, no, it's not going to take away from your win. No, it never does. It never hit a billion people. It never has. It never fucking has not one time. Yeah. It never has. Yeah. So there's no reason to like, and that's what I, that gets back to the thing that we talk about all the time with intent. Like there's no reason to hate on people who are more successful than you. In fact, you should train yourself and discipline yourself
Starting point is 00:24:49 to look at those people and be inspired and happy that they're winning because that's what tells the universe that you love winning. And when you tell the universe that you love winning, guess what happens? You win more. All right. And once you start to tap into that and you understand that's the way it works, things accelerate tremendously. That's real, man. Yeah. So so question one, again, was, you know, how are you hiring your employees in that process? Question number two, how do you handle making sure your employees don't get stolen away from your competitors? Right. So how do you keep your employees? We have a local competitor who actively tries to go after our employees they've made multiple attempts on a few different guys and girls how would you deal with this situation um you're you should be so much better that like for them to go work there
Starting point is 00:25:33 would be like leaving the four seasons to go stay at the fucking motel six it's that simple everything should be better the experience should be better the pay should be better the treatment should be better the fucking overall mission should be better. The experience should be better. The pay should be better. The treatment should be better. The fucking overall mission should be better. The, the everything, the vision should be better. Just be better. That's it.
Starting point is 00:25:52 They won't leave. Yeah. Now if you, if you will leave, but you'll be glad they're gone because those are the people that are there for the money. See what I'm saying? Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Like they're there and they, because the guy paid him a fucking penny more or some shit. Right. Um, but if people leave for that, uh, you know, like they're there and they because the guy paid him a fucking penny more or some shit right um but if people leave for that uh you know it is what it is man that's part of competing well is that people like thinking the grass is greener on the other side and they go over there like oh shit i'm calling it back real quick listen if you're a part of a winning team and your less winning team offers you something to go there uh and obviously there's
Starting point is 00:26:27 also like non-competes there's there's non-disclosures those are all things that you should have in your employment paperwork um but you know at the end of the day bro uh you should be better that you shouldn't rely on like contracts to like you shouldn't have to do that you should be fucking better you should that's what i strive to be yeah now are are we i you know i i'm not trying i know we're better than anybody like in our own space yeah but well i don't know that for sure but i i think we're doing pretty well um but like i don't think of it like that like i'm one of the conversations i have most frequently with my team is how do we become the premier place to fucking work to build a career period not just in the supplement no no no yeah this is this is this is with this is this is for any company business,
Starting point is 00:27:27 right? Yeah. Like, so, so that's what I'm trying to do. Like, I want to be better. I want the opportunity to be better here. If the opportunity is better here, people do not leave here to go there. Right. And that's how it is in your own business too. And you know, that's a process by the way, because in the beginning of business it's like it's survival then it's building a base then when your base is built it's okay let's get some let's let's make it a little better for the team here so you have to understand there's phases of this beginning or an entry-level business or even a business that's five or six years old they're not thinking about what i'm talking about here because they're
Starting point is 00:28:06 trying to fucking survive and be established. And so there there's different phases. And I think that if you're mindful in the beginning, that your job is not just to run a business, but to actually create a tremendous life, because it took me a long time to figure this out, bro. So it took me a long time, 14 years in business to, to like, for it to click to, for me that I'm at literally responsible for other motherfuckers lives. Once I fucking understood that my entire mentality changed.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And that was like 2014. Yeah. Okay. Um, you know, so if you can operate your business on a small level, understanding that that person, even though you just hired them and you're operate your business on a small level, understanding that that person, even though you just hired them and you're one year into business, that you're responsible for
Starting point is 00:28:51 a big portion of their life and they're trading a very important portion of their life to help you with what you're trying to do. I think that's a good place to, to, to remember. It's almost like gratitude, right? Like you always want to recenter to gratitude. And so you always want to recenter that to serving your employees in a good way while still being productive because dude, you can't do it alone, you know? And if you operate from a small place with that in mind, I think it'll cause you far less headaches you'll be able to build a more dedicated team quicker yeah this is a mistake i made that i'm sharing with you so um instead of having to rotate through employees you know start realizing like hey uh it's easier just to keep
Starting point is 00:29:37 people by treating them right and paying them well and and caring about their fucking progression yeah and their lives that's real man so cool well guys let's get on to our third and final question for andy switching gears just a little bit andy the question is question number three is purpose an innate from birth drive or do you believe it's something that is developed based on the environment so i have have a lot of friends, a lot of my friends were all in the young gun club or young. Um, and I just can't seem to put my thumb on what my purpose truly is. I get it confused with my hobbies and interests. I'm not asking for some guru feel good shit, but how exactly did you find your purpose? It changes. It changes. Um changes. It develops.
Starting point is 00:30:29 It's not something that, and bro, I think certain people might be born with a purpose and maybe you just don't know it, but you discover it. I don't really know the answer to that question. All I can speak for is a perspective of myself. When I started in business, my perspective was I wanted to be rich as fuck. I wanted to be a baller. I basically wanted to be who the fuck I am now. Okay. Um, and that strategy cost me 10 years of my life because that's not what business is about.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Business is not about you getting rich. And for the first 10 years of business, I'll be honest, I was actually pretty lucky to survive that because I had the complete wrong perspective. Yeah. When I switched my perspective to serving and making a difference for my customers, I became wealthy. All right. Um, when my, in the beginning, my purpose was I want to be rich. I want to have cars. I want to fucking, you know, be a baller and blah blah blah blah want to fly private all the shit my life okay um down to the exact house i live in i wanted that house back then um when i started to understand at about 10 years in that it wasn't about me it was about the customers that was one big transition for me where my where my purpose my purpose sort of evolved right it went from self to uh external yeah and that was a huge fucking deal because most people can never move beyond the self to the external um then
Starting point is 00:31:58 2014 is when i had the they clicked for me that it's not just the customer, it's actually the employee and their career. So then my purpose became, all right, fuck, I'm responsible for all these people. I got to get their careers where they need to be. I've got to help build their dreams. Right. And so that was another like evolution of my purpose. Right. Um, you know, then, then the podcast started, uh, with real AF. Now I'm a CEO sort of started building more purpose because I started that podcast with the understanding from Vaughn that most people were not privy to the information that I had inside of me and the experience I had,
Starting point is 00:32:43 it took me an external stimulus for me to understand that was the truth. Like what I'm saying is, is like, I thought everybody knew the shit I knew. Right. Right. Um, so when I started realizing that, then I, I, my purpose evolved even more because now, okay, now my purpose isn't just help people get fit. It's, it's helped people build their actual businesses. And I became really well known for that. That was what I was known for and probably still am best known for um then 75 hard happened and it became even a bigger purpose right and and you know now you mean like billions of them yeah yeah and well you know well no dude it's a cultural it's a cultural shift yeah because what we're doing with 75 hard is we're teaching people how the reality of life actually works is where you when you put in you
Starting point is 00:33:31 get out and what you put in you get out and there is no lies in 75 hard the truth is the fucking truth and it will expose you or mold you it's your choice if you adhere to it it'll mold you. It's your choice. If you adhere to it, it'll mold you into a fucking weapon. If you fucking half-ass it, if you don't do it, or if you start it and never finish it, you're going to feel worse because it exposes you where you're weak and that's not comfortable for people. Okay. So then that purpose became like, okay, well, I understand. I'm not just helping people develop their mental toughness. I'm actually changing the way they're operating on the ground level in society as a whole. So then that was a bigger purpose, right?
Starting point is 00:34:15 Right. And, you know, now we're looking at the state of America and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting pushed in that direction as even a bigger, bigger purpose than what that is. So, so my point is, is that I think for me, my purpose has continued to evolve. And that's one of the, that's been one of the biggest reasons that I continue to show up and work hard because I'm so far away of, from getting where I think my thing is, where my purpose is, is, is, uh, materialized or actualized. And I think it's important for people to set such a big purpose, you know, cause people ask, they're like, this is the question that people
Starting point is 00:34:58 ask a lot, man, you know, dude, you've got everything. Like, how the fuck do you even get up in the morning? Like, why do you even, what do you, why do you, well, dude, if you understood what I feel is my actual purpose, you'd understand that when I look in the mirror, I see a, a, a person who is underachieving. I see a person who is not what they could be. I see a person who's done okay, but has a lot left to do and that's what i see because my purpose is so big yeah and the best part about that is is that it makes me feel fucking alive yeah i have a place to go like somebody asked me this morning like uh that's curious about selling their business like why what's your thoughts on selling the business i'm like why would i do that
Starting point is 00:35:43 why would i sell my fucking business, bro? I have a huge purpose to fulfill. I'm going to fucking need everybody's help. Yeah. That's people looking at it from the outside saying, oh fuck, they made it.
Starting point is 00:35:53 That's it. Yeah. But dude, that's not how real successful people operate, dude. Right. Like winners that have it, like Tim Grover calls them fucking cleaners.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Like those kinds of people, they have to have something to chew on, dude. If you don't have nothing to chew on, start chewing on yourself and you bro if i fucking sold this place i will my whole life will burn to the motherfucking ground period it'll be about two weeks a good time yeah and then all downhill and and dude i think that's reality i think you have to be aware of that yeah so you don't make decisions that remove, because like, dude, if I sold my companies, right, and I cashed out, would it improve my fucking life? No, because I have everything I fucking want.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I've got, I've got where I want to be inside that place. So all it could do is actually remove things from the quality of my life, right? It could make, I don't get to see my friends. I feel guilty because I didn't fulfill the promises I made to everybody. I'm not sure. I have anxiety because I don't know how they're actually going to run shit. All of these things matter to me. So I think it's important for people to really think about what motivates them and then work to find ways to expand that purpose
Starting point is 00:37:05 into a big, big purpose because it gets you something to get up every single day and fucking go after. And that's, that's important in life. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Dude. One of my favorite quotes is, uh, says the two most important days in your life are the day that you're born and the day you find out why, you know, but sometimes you have to create the why sometimes you got to build the why sometimes you just got to make a decision this is my fucking mission yeah this is what i'm going to do yeah you know i'm saying it's fucking real man it's real shit love it well guys andy that three that's three let's go pay the fee there you go go. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it. Love you. Talk to you soon.

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