REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 482. Q&AF: Misconception Of Time, Integrating New Skills & Being Honest With Yourself

Episode Date: March 6, 2023

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on what's the biggest misconception most people have when it comes to time in personal development, the best way to integrate new skills to make them st...ick in your life, and how to become honest with yourself.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Frisella and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys. Let's say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Q&AF. That's where you get to submit your questions and we answer them right here on the show. You can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email those questions in to askandy at Or, now that we're on YouTube, our full-length episodes are on YouTube. I know most of you guys are on audio.
Starting point is 00:00:44 But if you want to go to the YouTube channel and underneath the Q and AF episodes, if you drop a question in the comment section, we'll pull some from there as well. If this is your first time listening, we have a lot of different formats on this show. Today, you're going to hear Q and AF, but other times we tune in, you're going to see us post some things called CTI. That stands for cruise the internet. That's our society and culture show. We talk about what's going on in the world. We throw
Starting point is 00:01:09 up some headlines on the screen. We talk about what's true, what's maybe not true. We speculate and we talk a lot of shit. That's what we do. And so if you don't have a sense of humor, you don't have an open mind, you probably shouldn't listen to those shows. Other times when you tune in, we have real talk. Real talk is five to 20 minutes of me just giving you guys some real talk, some things I think need to be said. And then other times we have full length. Full length is where we have a guest sit in.
Starting point is 00:01:35 It's like what you guys usually see on most other podcasts. And we have a conversation. Now, the backbone of this show is entrepreneurship, business, and kicking ass in life. But we do talk about politics, and we do talk about what's going on in the world. And the reason that we do that is because for us to be able to be free to go out and kick ass in life, we actually have to be free. All right. And our freedoms are being eroded day by day, inch by inch. And they have been for a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So we combine both here. We talk about what's going on in our environment, society, and we talk about our game, our skillset. And we understand that if there is no environment for us to operate in, the skills don't matter. So when you guys come at me and you say, hey, Andy, stick to what you're good at. Talk about winning. Talk about business. Talk about doing all the shit you know how to do. Well, motherfucker, we can't do that shit without this other shit. So we all got to be interested in all of it. And if you don't understand that, go listen to somebody else. I don't give a fuck. Now, we do have a fee for the show. The fee is not monetary. We operate entirely off word of mouth here, okay? If we do a good job,
Starting point is 00:02:41 all we ask is that you share it with somebody. Share it with a friend. Share it, you know, give us a little share on social. However you want to do it is cool. But we're here to help. We're here to help bring awareness. We're here to help teach skills. And I do so without filling your mind full of bullshit ads for the first, you know, for 30 minutes of the show about shit that I don't use. And I don't waste your time talking about it. So in exchange for that, I just ask that if we do a good job with the show that you share the show about shit that I don't use. Um, and I don't waste your time talking about it. So in exchange for that, I just asked that if we do a good job with the show, that you share the
Starting point is 00:03:09 show, we've had an incredible amount of success with that philosophy. And that means that you guys, for the most part do share the show. And I appreciate the fuck out of you guys doing that. I don't know of another show out there that stays at the top of the podcast rankings consistently year after year, after year, after year, uh, based stays at the top of the podcast rankings consistently year after year after year after year, uh, based upon the sole support of the people who listen. I think that's amazing. And I appreciate you guys, but for those of you guys that are new, that's how we operate. So when I say pay the fee, that's what I'm talking about. When I say pay the fee, it doesn't mean send me some money. I mean, I won't say no, but, uh, it does just mean share the show. So that's kind of the rundown on the housekeeping and how the show operates.
Starting point is 00:03:48 A lot of new listeners pretty much every week. So that's that. What's up, dude? What's going on, brother? That's DJ. Hey, guys. Hello, children. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Been a minute. Yeah. What's going on? Nothing much, man. I was thinking. So this is Monday when you guys are listening to this. And I know, you know, for me for a long time, it was one of my
Starting point is 00:04:07 kind of dreads, I guess. Andy, is there a hack? Let's give some people some extra sauce. Is there a hack to running into Monday full steam? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Not going out and getting fucking wasted Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday will help a whole lot. You know, as a place to start, you know, I used to live that life.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I live that life where, you know, my weekend started on Thursday night. And then, you know, I went out Friday, went out Saturday and then usually hung out on Sunday for day drinking brunch.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You have some of you guys like to call it where you go get your avocado toast for $47, you know, and drink some expensive beers and act like you're hoity-toity. I used to do that shit all the time, bro. Um, and I liked it. There ain't nothing better than me and day drinking, bro. Um, but unfortunately, you know, it's not conducive to the lifestyle that I need to live to operate my life at this point in time. I have so many things going on with many different companies, many different projects. I've got not just the companies that I own and oversee, but also I've got this podcast. I've got the MFCEO project getting ready to relaunch. I've got Arate. I've got the 75 Hard community. I've got a lot of shit going on. And for me to truly take advantage of the opportunity in front of me, I had to make some decisions and
Starting point is 00:05:26 cut some of those things out. And, um, you know, as I got into the live hard lifestyle and I started doing that about four years ago, my drinking went down and I rarely drink now. I still enjoy, you know, a few cold beers, but, um, the ability to operate the way that I was honestly is,, it's not just about the ability. It's about how irresponsible it was because the truth of the matter is I have a lot of people that depend on me at this point in time. It's no longer just me trying to build a business. I have a lot of careers.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I have a lot of people I care about. I have a lot of things that depend on me to operate at a good level. And I take that responsibility seriously. So I changed my lifestyle completely. So like, you know, I changed my lifestyle completely. I don't, I don't do those things anymore. Um, I'm very focused. And what's interesting is when I look back over the last 24 years, because that's how long I've been in actual business, um, starting when I was 19, uh, you know, it's funny because the older and the more successful I get, the harder I fucking go. And I'm, I'm like, I go harder. I'm more disciplined. I'm more focused.
Starting point is 00:06:31 You would think it'd be inverse. Yeah. Yeah. No shit. Like, you know, but, but you know, what's weird is, is, you know, it doesn't get easier. You know, people think that like when your companies get bigger and you, you, you find yourself in a position of abundance and you're winning and you're kicking ass and everything's going good, that it's like easier. It's not easier. It's much, much harder. And when you shift the responsibility that you have from self to everybody around you, which happened for me five, six years ago, it really puts things in perspective.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So now when I'm out drinking on Sunday, you know, no longer can I say to myself, Oh, you know, it's just, just me living my life because it's actually going to affect how I operate through the week, which is going to affect other people. You know, you see what I'm saying? And I know a lot of people don't give a shit about that. And I understand you got to live a life. I get all that, but I'm just telling you how I do it. Um, you know, and for me, every single day is pretty much the same. I like it that way. I like to eat the same foods. I like to have the same routine.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I like to go the same places. I'm very, very much habitual in that nature. And that's not for everybody. You know, not everybody enjoys that. Not everybody can tolerate that. But for me and what my responsibilities are that's what works the best and so like i don't have these i don't have this like uh dread of mondays anymore you know what i'm saying like when i used to go out and fucking party on sundays and it would be seven o'clock at night bro i'd be like anxiety attack central fuck i
Starting point is 00:08:01 could get up there fucking yeah right 12 out yeah i'm gonna go fucking do this shit like i don't want like you know what i'm saying yeah it's just not a good mentality to be so like for me man you know i don't do that very often and you know i could count on one hand how many times i drink on a sunday now during the course of the year actually i could count how many times i drink in a course of a year now on one hand but uh my life's infinitely better for it. Um, you know, for me, you know, I've got big meetings on Monday morning that I got to take care of. Um, and so I started getting real excited about those meetings on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I started thinking about what I'm going to talk about, what, what I think needs to be addressed. And then really dude, you know, it's kind of like the kickoff of the football game, you know, after that meeting's over, after those few meetings are over in the morning, bro, I'm off and running for the week uh i cruise through the week i do you know i have my very regimented routine we we record certain days i do other things these other days and um you know it's it's really they all kind of run together at this point in my life now you know certain things i'm talking about like certain things for me like that i'm talking about now is like i'm talking about starting to take two days off during the week to work on other things.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Like I won't come here on the days I don't record and I'll handle all my business here on the days that I'm here to record. And then outside of that, I can maybe do some other things. But like the truth is, dude, is like, you know, that's a lot of that is just me trying to like be normal when i don't really want to be fucking normal right you know what i'm saying like it's almost like a prescribed medicine that someone's telling me to take that i don't really think i need to make you feel better you gotta take it but like everybody's like hey man you know you should do a little of this and you know i watch like um you know i watch the way that balance has worked out for some other people you know i watched kobe bryant uh you know work work hard for his you know first 40 years of life and put his head down and work and then you know he he went to live his life and uh you know it didn't
Starting point is 00:09:56 work out it was kind of short yeah and so that was a little bit of a wake-up call for me because we were all of the we're the same age and you know so i'm i'm trying to to live a little bit more outside of my ecosystem but i love my ecosystem so much that it doesn't feel like i'm not living usually the people that say i'm not living they don't love their ecosystem right you know i'm saying they don't love what they do they don't love the people they're around i fucking love these motherfuckers here you know what i'm'm saying? Like I, I, uh, I love coming here. I love being inspired by the young people who are hustling and, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:29 the energy and all these things. And I can't imagine my life without it. So like, you know, not everybody's like that. And I'm very fortunate to have that. And, and we've built that over the course of many,
Starting point is 00:10:39 many years. And, you know, now it's, you know, I, the last thing you want to do when you build something is like pull yourself away from it. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:47 You know what I'm saying? I don't know. I mean, I think it's different for everybody, but I can tell you this. If you're sucked into that alcohol lifestyle of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, um, like a lot of people are, bro, you're going to have a really hard time getting ahead and you're going to feel fucking anxious most of the week, most of the time. And I think for those of you that suffer with depression and anxiety and things like that getting alcohol out of your life is a big fucking deal yeah big fucking deal i am glad that most like i feel like the social conversation
Starting point is 00:11:12 around alcohol has definitely uh hit like a turning point almost like i think people yeah i think people are becoming more aware of like the negative side effects that it causes and like it's becoming more of a conversation you think so yeah for sure because i mean i see a lot of other uh i guess you call them you know influencers and even people just in market like yeah i've stopped drinking i'm completely sober i've been sober for two or three years now and they've noticed the the difference is the problem is it's so heavily ingrained in our society that it's kind of like one of those things where it's like you're not normal if you don't do it you know yeah bro i don't have a problem with people with alcohol
Starting point is 00:11:48 man i'm just telling you like i'm an all or nothing guy so like when i start drinking bro it's fucking on yeah you know what i'm saying and uh that's not a good thing for me and uh you know for where i am and what i'm doing in life it's not something that contributes to it yeah so i try to minimize it it's not me that contributes to it. So I try to minimize it. It's not me judging or anything like, fuck dude, I get it. Like I still look,
Starting point is 00:12:09 I would love to drink beers with all you motherfuckers, but like at the end of the day, uh, you know, I've got responsibilities that are real and I have to fucking manage them. And I found that I've made more progress in business in the last four years than I made the first 20. That's real talk.
Starting point is 00:12:25 So, yeah. So like the results speak for themselves. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Hell yeah. That's, that's crazy. It's weird for me. I've never been a big alcohol guy.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like for me, I was turned off of it pretty early. So I started working as a bouncer in bars and nightclubs when I was 17. Yeah. Getting paid under the table and seeing how these fucking drunk fucks act yeah you're like what the fuck is wrong with the same people every fucking weekend yeah but what's funny is it's like i don't want that yeah but see i do these fucks i went you know there's been plenty of times where that's been me yeah you know it's embarrassing i think back of like the times when i you know got fucking shit face and made an ass of myself a
Starting point is 00:13:05 number of different occasions and like dude like i don't know like when i was younger i didn't care as much about that but like now that i'm older i do feel like i'm setting an example like i i'm very aware now that other people look at me especially like younger people as an example of how to be whereas you know even five six years ago you know four or five years ago i didn't fucking feel that way like i didn't i just felt like i was a young guy trying to make it and now i have like all these young guys that are in their 20s you know talking to me like i'm their fucking role model well motherfucker i'm not a role model bro like i do the best i can i make plenty of fucking mistakes you know and i try to minimize those now because like dude i don't think it sets a good example to
Starting point is 00:13:49 go to a bar and get fucking destroyed and then like you know make ass of yourself and shit like that like i'm just past that point in my life you're taking that role a little bit more response like you're putting more responsibility yeah you know what i mean and like i'm i'm i'm not i've never been like a super buttoned up mature person like i'm always about 10 years behind everybody else right like i'm still telling fucking the jokes that people you know i still think farts are funny and shit like that like you know and there's a balance there right like i'm still chill and i'm cool and i like to have fun and shit but like i also don't want to be the guy that like people point at and be like look at that fucking idiot you know what i mean like i try to do my best and you know, if I'm an idiot,
Starting point is 00:14:28 sometimes I apologize, but you know, I'm, I'm trying to be better. Yeah. Does that make sense? Absolutely, man. And I think, you know, I think more people strive for that, man. Well, I think that's what we're missing. That's why I say personal excellence is ultimate rebellion. You know, like we're missing people recognizing that we are the leaders now and we are setting the example. And if you look back, you know, specifically the people who are between 30 and 40 years old right now, and you think back to how they behaved on the internet for the last 10 years, and this is collectively as a group, it's pretty disgusting. You know, like we have grown women in their 30s you know showing their areolas and being overly sexual and all this and like then you got all these girls who were you know 15 and 16 thinking that's the way to get attention and
Starting point is 00:15:16 and like you know you got all these dudes you know acting like turd balls and i don't know man like it's just i just feel like the internet came around and nobody realized that other younger people were watching i guess and you know and i've just come to the realization that they are and um so i you know i just try a little better try do a little better there's no no there's no shade towards anybody else dude it's just like my own personal belief yeah i feel like if we all tried a little harder and we all lifted our our standard higher you know we wouldn't have a lot of these problems that we see in the country we wouldn't have for real we wouldn't have yeah so you know i'm not saying i'm a fucking party pooper i'm not about having fun bro like i love having
Starting point is 00:16:00 fun and after 90 percent of the time i'm fucking off. Like you guys think I'm this intense person. Like I am, but I'm also a lighthearted, fun person most of the time. And, uh, I don't know, man,
Starting point is 00:16:12 I know how to get some work done, but you know how to get work done. Yeah. I think that's, that's it. That's it. You know, I think,
Starting point is 00:16:19 you know, and ultimately to the question, you know, we got to figure out our own ways to operate. That's it. You know, what's ways to operate that's it you know what's going to produce the life that you want people not everybody is built for like and this is what i always say and i don't say this to be discouraged but not everybody's built to like operate companies and and be an entrepreneur and and it's just the truth that's okay it's a
Starting point is 00:16:43 that's right it's a hard fucking life yeah it's not easy and everybody thinks it's just the truth. And that's okay. That's right. It's a hard fucking life. Yeah. And it's not easy and everybody thinks it's fun. But if you talk to anybody who's actually running shit, like a real thing, it's very fucking difficult and it'd be the most difficult thing
Starting point is 00:16:54 you ever do. And, you know, for me, I'm not skilled enough to operate what I do operate going out and living that party life. Like I'm not good enough. And so I have to do what I can to stay good and living that party life. Like I'm not, I'm not good enough. And so I have to do what I can to stay good enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You know, I love it. Well, that was some, uh, some more extra sauce for the, for the listeners and watchers. Now,
Starting point is 00:17:16 um, let's answer some of these questions, brother. Uh, any question number one, uh, let's preface this. Uh,
Starting point is 00:17:22 this is a 19 year old kid. Um, and he's asking for some clarity on how to prioritize his skill development. He asks, Andy, what's the biggest misconception that most people have about time when it comes to personal development? More importantly, when developing skills, have you found that some skills take longer than others, or is it
Starting point is 00:17:45 strictly based on how much time and effort you put into it 19 year old kid want to learn how to prioritize the skills when it comes to time the biggest mistake that people make is thinking that they got all the time in the world that's the mistake it's a lack of urgency it's a lack of understanding that the clock is ticking now and that's that's the biggest mistake people make um the other mistake people make during uh when it comes to time is they think they don't have enough time on it so they got all the time in the course of their life but they don't got enough time on a daily scale and those two fucking things don't go together
Starting point is 00:18:21 so you're lying about something yeah right? And I'm going to tell you what it is. You're lying about the time you got during the day. All right. So you need to understand that time management on a day by day basis is actually the key to being successful long-term and that you have to be urgent in your execution on a day by day basis in order to compound that into the long-term, which will then eventually become the short term. Using myself as an example, I've accomplished more in 24 years than most people will accomplish in an entire lifetime in terms of building a business. I don't say that to brag. I say that as a matter of fact. The way I've been able to do that is because I had urgency on a daily basis,
Starting point is 00:19:02 but I also understood that I don't have all the time in the world. So I had urgency on a daily basis, but I also understood that I don't have all the time in the world. So I had urgency and then I acted fast. I acted in my twenties, I acted in my thirties and now I'm here and I'm still acting with urgency. You know, and I feel like we've just set the table for what we are capable of doing. So I think it's more about understanding how to manage the time on a day-by-day basis, which if you're 19, dude, I made this amazing system called the
Starting point is 00:19:31 PowerList system. It's on episode 16 of the Real AF feed. It's only on the audio feed. It's not on YouTube because we didn't start YouTube back then. We just started YouTube recently. So if you go on the audio feeds on any of the major audio platforms and listen to episode 16, it's called win the day. It'll explain the powerless system. Um, you, there's a journal I sell for it. It's on the website. It's really nice. You don't need it. You can also use a notebook. Um, but the journal will help guide you through as well if you want to use that. Uh, but it's something that you do on paper. It's something that you do so that you can actually look and see your actual wins and losses on paper. It's a really good system.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And what it does is it helps you effectively navigate day by day by day by day to ensure that you're continuously moving forward with your critical tasks and not wasting days or wasting time. And you can actually look back and review and say, okay, well, I won five of six days or I won four of seven days. I can sort of see the rating or the ranking of how much you actually win versus how much you actually lose. And that's a very powerful thing for someone to look at.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And up until we developed that system fucking 20 years ago, I developed it 20 fucking years ago, there was no way to really track whether or not you had an effective day or not an effective day. Well, because the output and the result of that goal you're trying to accomplish, it may take a little bit longer than you think. Yeah, no, absolutely. So you need those daily confirmations. Dude, I'm going to tell you everything. I'm just going to tell you this, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Everything's going to take way longer than you think. That's what's reality. That's why you have to have urgency now when you're 19 and 20, or even if today you're 40 and it's your first day. Urgency now is, you know, that's the key. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. Right. Second best time is today. So no matter how old you are, you have to understand that we live in an age of technology. We live in an age of tremendous quick paced ability to build things. Uh, we have tremendous tools, technology. I, you know, obviously I have my views on technology being overbearing right now. And I think that's true. And most of you seem to agree with that, but there are some amazing tools that allow us to progress
Starting point is 00:21:32 faster than we've ever been able to progress. And those things, when you utilize them, you know, if you're 40 years old, you can be in a tremendous, you can be in a completely different spot by the time you're 43. You see what I'm saying? So that wasn't possible before these things. And those are the parts of the puzzle that I really enjoy. But the time thing is you have to understand, dude, you don't have as much time as you think. And you have to capitalize on it day by day. And that doesn't mean work from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep. That's the cool thing about the powerless system is that when you use it when you're done with your five critical tasks you actually get the rest of the day do whatever you want and so it's a it's a way to uh have effective
Starting point is 00:22:15 balance over the course of the journey if you look at it like that you're constantly taking steps forward yeah and it's undeniable and you can look back and review so that way when you're like fuck am i not doing it or am i doing it blah blah blah you can look back and say no i actually did all these things and what happens is you get to move forward with a clear conscience and less anxiety because you know you've been doing the work how can you be anxious about the amount of work that you do when you can look back and see what the fuck you did right you see right there it's proof yeah and you could go back you can literally go back and see what the fuck you did right you see right there it's proof yeah and you could go back you can literally go back and see your entire fucking journey you get what i'm saying so like you can look back three months or six months or fucking a year and read the shit and realize how fucking far you've come and that's a powerful aspect of that process too what was the second
Starting point is 00:23:00 part of his question i'll just prioritize the skills do have you did you find that you know when developing skills that some skills just take longer than others to develop or is it just based off of how much time and effort you put into that skill? No. Different skills take different times to develop. Learning how to sell, first of all, listen, you need to look at skills as a lifetime process. All right? Like learning how to sell.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You can learn how to sell in like two years in like a good company that knows how to sell. Like if you work for a retail company or something that teaches you how to interact and do all these things, in a couple years, you could become pretty good. But like, dude, in 20 more years, you're going to be a fucking master and then 20 years past that it's not it's just going to be who the fuck you are yeah right managing people that's a skill that's very fucking difficult to learn that the learning curve is very long and it takes a long time there is no two-year hack to managing people it's a hockey stick yeah that's right it's a long fucking journey whereas sales you can learn quickly and profit quickly um but then there's so much more to learn but you get a result up front right whereas managing people it's fucking
Starting point is 00:24:16 hard hard hard hard hard and then it like the bigger you get the harder it gets so it never really gets easy so like there's all kinds of different skills man that come on and and you'll learn and accept and assimilate into your into your tool belt at a different rate and you just have to understand that like guys this is a lifetime journey like this is not what your fucking homies or what you see on mtv cribs or whatever this is not a fucking straight line up to the top you might think you're going to do that but and very few some people do that but very few people do it like it's it's not gonna happen to you yeah real talk don't count on it yeah yeah if you count on it you waste your fucking life yeah so you have to understand that like this this shit that you're trying to do and this dude this
Starting point is 00:25:02 is really what separates true entrepreneurs from people who flake out is that true entrepreneurs. This, this is like for me, dude, like even though I'm 24 years in, and I know this probably sounds stupid as fuck to you guys, but like, I feel like this is the first day. Like, I feel like I don't know shit. And really, the more I know, the less I feel like I know. So I actually feel like this is like, here's how I look at it. I look at all these things I've done in life and these things that I've accomplished. And I look at it and I say, fuck, dude, how the fuck did we get here? And I look at it now and I'm like, fuck, this is day one. Look at all these amazing resources we have to build from here with. And that's my mentality.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I try to keep it real simple. This is why you don't hear me like, you know, when people offer me like, hey, congratulations on the success. I usually say the same thing, man. I'm like, I got a long way to go because it's a lifetime journey. It is for me, and it certainly is for everybody else that's a true skilled, kick-ass entrepreneur because the truth of the matter is the game is always changing. And if you can't adapt, if you can't learn, if you can't assimilate skills and use them, you're going to get beat. And it's a competition.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And it's not a competition against someone else. It's a competition against everything else. That's the thing. There's multiple, multiple, multiple aspects to staying relevant over the course of long periods of time. You know how many times I've had to sit down and reinvent my show or myself or fucking the company or whatever. Like you always have to, it's, you always have to continue to adjust and continue to adjust and continue to adjust, continue to adjust. And you never really, like, if you really pay attention, that's how all successful people and successful companies operate. You never see someone who's really kicking ass doing the same shit they were doing three or four years ago.
Starting point is 00:27:05 It's a constant growth process. And while this person may still have remnants, when you guys listen to the new MFCEO project, you're not going to recognize it from the old one. You're going to listen to the old one and you're going to say, fuck, this is really good shit. But when you listen to the new one, you're going to be like, holy shit, this is a totally different dude talking about the same things with new lessons, new perspectives. And it's going to, you're going to be able to see that growth. You see what I'm saying? Absolutely. And, um, that's a natural part of, of, of maintaining success. And I think another thing too, about time with this dude's question is that like another mistake people make is they think they can like make a few million bucks and
Starting point is 00:27:46 just call it like call it quits or like just go relax bro you're gonna be alive for a long fucking time like you like what you you have to make that last like ask these nfl guys these mlb guys if they feel like they're rich and well like we all look at them and we say holy shit look at all the money they're making two million dollars yeah bring your contract that's gonna last to last their whole life. Right. Right. Or they've got to leverage that into other things that then produce cash. Right. So like it's even for people with a lot of funds, it's, it's a lifelong journey. And I think what really separates people who win and people who are fulfilled and people who create and people who build and people who change shit from people who just have dreams that were never fulfilled comes down to their understanding
Starting point is 00:28:27 that it's a long game and we got to play it the whole time. There's no such thing as sitting on the beach with a fucking corona for the rest of your life. That's what they tell you it's supposed to be like, but that's not actually what it is. And so a lot of people out there have the wrong idea. I can always tell who's who by what people tell me. when i ask people so what's your plan like what's your long term plan oh i don't know you know blah blah blah blah blah until i'm 38 and then i'm fucking done
Starting point is 00:28:53 you see what i'm saying and we're talking about like you're you do you know how like rich you have to be at 38 to be done for life right like you gotta be you gotta be really fucking rich you know and there's 38 to be done for life right like you got to be you got to be really fucking rich you know and there's people that do it but what do they do after that like what what do you do like what do these people do like oh they go they go travel the world okay that's cool for a year that's not going to satisfy someone with a fucking aggressive killer builder creator mentality like a lot like you have to have as an entrepreneur to get to that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Like, so, okay. So that's it. That's the first year 39. Now what? Okay. So you spent $20 million on cars.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Now what? See what I'm saying? Right. Like, bro, that shit comes and goes so fucking fast that like people just don't, don't have the perspective to understand that like you have understand that you have to do very, very, very well.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And if you're an employee in a company and you're looking at your paycheck and you're like, fuck, this sucks. Well, dude, I'd work really hard to make it not suck. Because dude, you have to live a whole life with an income. This is what bothers me about so many of the younger people who are like, oh, I just want to float around and go to find myself. is what bothers me about so many of the younger people who are like oh i just want to i just want to you know float around and be a note and go to find myself like we talked about jason mccarthy when he was on the show they're not understanding bro you you only have a certain amount of
Starting point is 00:30:16 productive years before you're fucking old and that's that okay and you say oh i want to spend my 20s and my 30s fucking off okay well, well then, dude, you're 20 years behind everybody else. That's the trade-off. That's the trade-off. Okay, so be real fucking sure if you do that that you have a great fucking time and get a lot of fucking pictures. You better. Because they're going to mean a lot to you because you ain't going to have anything else. You know, and it's, dude, I'm all for it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 This is why I love the powerless system, dude, because it allows you to be productive and live some life. Yeah. You see what I'm saying? I love it. Andy, let's move to question number two, building right off of skills that you acquire. Andy, when you learn something new or read about something that's going to be useful, what methods do you use to adopt and integrate that information into your life?
Starting point is 00:31:04 How do you make it stick? When I'm reading? Whether it's reading or you learned a new skill, whatever it is, how do you make it actually stick? Well, first of all, let's talk about reading for a second. If you ain't reading, you ain't even fucking trying. All right. There's so much free game out there in books, so much knowledge that people give away for fucking next to nothing, like a book. What's a book? 20 bucks, 20 bucks, maybe. Okay. For 20 bucks, you're getting someone's life fucking lesson, life experience. You're getting 20, 30, 40 fucking years of lessons
Starting point is 00:31:36 from this person. The fact that all this shit is even available, take away the internet because there's a lot of bullshit on the internet. Okay. There's also a lot of good stuff, but let's just take away the internet. Let's just talk about books. When you don't understand that you can learn an entire life perspective from a book, that's going to take you two to three hours of your time to read and you choose not to read it. And then you bitch and complain about how you can't make any money, how you're not successful, how the world's not fair, bro, you could fuck right off with that.
Starting point is 00:32:10 All right? You're not even fucking trying. You're not even fucking trying. The shit is basically free. And I bet if you looked hard and long enough, you could probably find every single book out there available for free somewhere to read.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Either if it's go to the library or you find some copy of it on the internet you can scroll through because people do that shit now which is bullshit but they do it um but there's no excuses there's no excuse it's fucking bullshit and the fact the stat of the day is you know most people never read an entire most people the majority of people never read an entire book after they graduate high school it's fucking insane to me yeah like it's insane to me dude and i hear people say oh reading's not that you know you need life experience you need life experience too bro but if like everything that i know is a combination of shit that i read and
Starting point is 00:33:01 then apply right and then i and then i learn I learn from the experience, so I fucking learn it. And so many people overlook this basic habit. And not only is it good because you gain the knowledge, dude, it actually reduces stress. It reduces anxiety. And it stirs creativity in your brain, which is going to be the answer to this question here real quick. So how do I do it?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Well, when I'm reading a book, I open up in my phone under the notes app that comes with your phone. Okay. And what I do, you probably can't see this, but I read a book. All right. And I make notes right there. One note, one note, two note, three page, 38 page, 39 page, 47 page, 68 page, 84. All right. Then it'll have an idea like like I'll have an idea that I write in there from something I read in the book. I'm like, OK, well, we should do this. Right. I take it's called active reading. It's no different than study. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So I read and I'm in the minute I fucking like, you know how, like when you read most people read and at the same time, your mind is kind of like over here and you're kind of like here and there at the same time. Does that make sense? All right. So in my mind, when I'm reading, I'm reading and like, and I'm looking at the story that the author's telling and I'm applying it to my own life, my own business and my own thing as I'm reading it. Okay. And then whatever I learn, I type into my phone in my notepad. I type the page for reference. I type the line that they put for reference. And then I type my idea for what I, what I learned from that reference.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I do that for every book that I read. So I create this little library of reference that I can now go reference for all the shit. Like when I, when I want to go back and say like, okay, uh, I want to read the magic of thinking big again. Well, the first thing I do is I'll go through my notes for magic of thinking big. And then what I'll do is I actually start reading the book again and then new shit will come out and I'll add that into my notes. Right? So it's a, you take a very active role in how you read.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And most people don't read like this. Most people just read the book. They read the 10 pages, they close their book and they fucking said, I got it done. They're doing it to get it done. And, and just like anything else, whether it be something you're doing at work or with your body or with your significant other or in your family or however, a lot of it is intent, right? So if you're not actively reading or listening to a show or putting something in your brain that you are actively looking to get shit from, you're not doing it right because it's not passive reading
Starting point is 00:35:46 we're not reading 50 shades of bullshit here we're reading the manuals on how to win trying to get better yeah and we're taking notes and then what i do is i take the ideas and i take them and i say okay this is how this converts to this company or this is how this converts to that company because i have many different companies that i oversee now uh i have different operators in every single business to operate them and then what I'll go do is I'll go talk to like Sal who operates First Form or I'll go talk to fucking Chris who operates the cannabis business or I'll go talk to fucking the guys who operate the retail stores or I'll go through to all these people and I'll just say, hey, dude, look, I'll run through these things with them
Starting point is 00:36:23 and then we'll have a discussion. We'll implement some. Some will decide probably not implement. And that's how I implement the knowledge that I that I gain from the things that I read. So that's the whole entire process. While I'm reading, I'm taking notes. I'm actively reading. Then I move those notes into an active list. Then I review the list.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Then I have a meeting with the people that I need to. And if this is you, you run one company, right? Or you got one business or it's just you, you're going to sit down and line these ideas out and then execute them. For me at 24 years in, this is me having meetings with these people. For you as a sole proprietor entrepreneur trying to get off the ground, this is you sitting down, examining them, building the systems, building the things, executing the things, learning the things, and then building that into part of your routine of your systems of your business. So that's how I do it. I find it to be pretty effective. And one of the best things I like
Starting point is 00:37:23 about reading, dude, is, and this is why it's in the fucking 75 hard to live hard program, dude. Um, is that it, it, it, it suppresses any anxiety because I know like if you ever suffer from anxiety about like, cause dude, even at 24 years, bro, I still have anxiety about the business, right? Like I'm still excited. i'm still a little nervous every day the one thing that you can do to escape that stuff is to do something that is undeniably productive for that whatever that thing is that you're feeling anxious on take action on it right when you take action on something that's causing you anxiety the anxiety tends to go way the down so like if you a fat fuck and you start doing what you can, let's say on Live Hard, on 75 Hard,
Starting point is 00:38:08 for the first 10 days, you might wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and be like, fuck, I'm a fat fuck still. But the second thought's going to be, but yeah, but for the last 10 days, I've been doing everything I fucking can. And you're going to feel less bad about yourself because you know you're already moving forward on that thing.
Starting point is 00:38:24 If you're a broke fuck and you don't have shit, okay? And you drink regular water. And you drink regular water. Yeah, dude, look, that's where the win the day process comes in, right? You come in, you say, fuck, dude, I'm so broke. I'm working on this project. And you can go back and look 30, 60, 90 days and say, okay, well, I was actually a lot further away from where I am now and I'm much closer to where I want to be now. So like reminding
Starting point is 00:38:51 ourselves of the work that we've done is important. And this is what keeps us from like freaking the fuck out all the time. Right? So if you want to feel less bad about whatever problem it is that you're facing, whether it be your finances, your relationship, your fucking body, whatever it is, take action against that for, you know, the next 10 days,
Starting point is 00:39:12 the best that you fucking can. And then tell me how you feel about it because you're going to still look in the mirror and you're probably not going to like the way you look because you can't fix yourself in 10 days. However, the second thought in your head is going to be like, but I'm doing what I can. You're gonna feel good about that.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So that's, that's something that like reading does that for me right like reading i feel like i'm i because i've had so many good ideas come from books reading i'm 100 confident is moving me forward so it like helps keep that anxious feeling down that we all have as entrepreneurs that makes sense absolutely. Absolutely, man. And I want to go to this, this last question. And honestly, it builds off of what you were just talking about. Um, how, how did you like, most people I believe have issues with having that real honest reflection, right? Like, yeah, you can look back with your, you know, on your 90 day book, but were you being real and honest
Starting point is 00:40:07 about those last 30 days, right? And I guess building that ability to truly tell yourself the truth. How do you develop that? Like, how do you learn to be honest with yourself? That's the question. Well, the first realization that you need to come to is that, dude, if you never learn to be honest with yourself, you can't make any fucking progress.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And we live in this day of victim culture, right? We live in this day where everybody has an ailment. Everybody has a mental disability. Everybody's suffering from something. Everybody has a valid excuse as to why their fucking shit doesn't look the way it should look, right? And the truth of the matter is getting from where you are to where you want to be is very much so a case of inputs and outputs it's very it's very binary in nature it's it's yes it's mathematical it's if you put in you will get out and but usually when people put in they don't
Starting point is 00:40:57 get out fast enough so they don't think it works right and so the first thing to admit to yourself is that like bro if you don't acknowledge the fact of the real facts, like when you look in the mirror, bro, and you see a big fat body, I'm going to say in this real talk, I used to be fat as fuck. And you look in the mirror and like, dude, when I used to look in the mirror and I was 350 pounds, bro, the way I got to be that big was because I told myself every time it wasn't that bad right i tell myself i wasn't that bad it's not that bad bro like you know if like if you had six beers and you look pretty good you know what i'm saying like i tell these fucking stories to myself you're just a big guy we're all right yeah i'm just dude i carry it well it's no big deal like i'd make up all these little stories and it wasn't until i looked in the mirror i said bro you're fucking fat okay and told myself the real shit that made it made me understand what I needed to actually do to, to address it.
Starting point is 00:41:49 So if we don't fucking tell ourselves the truth, we'll never take action towards solving the problem. And the problem will continuously get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. And eventually you're standing at the bottom of this fucking massive mountain that you created that you you're like, fuck, how am I ever going to do it? And you start to feel demoralized and you feel like it's impossible. And the truth of the matter is this is where most people quit in life forever. This is where most people just say, fuck it. I'm fucking done. This is what I am. It is what it is. And I'm just going to try to be as happy as I can. And dude, what you don't realize is that within a very short relative amount of time, you can climb that fucking mountain if you start walking the fuck up it.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Right. It's not about there is no there's no stairs. There's no helicopter rides. No fucking elevator. All those motherfuckers that you see up there with the nice bodies and the big bank accounts and kicking ass and all the areas you want to kick ass. Bro, they walked up that motherfucker just like you got to walk up that motherfucker. OK, so like start walking, you you know like that's real shit so like as long as we move and we but we can't do that until we acknowledge that there's an actual mountain to climb
Starting point is 00:42:54 see what i'm saying so dude telling yourself the truth while it is painful very painful it's a necessity to winning this is why i call this is why I say this show is for the realist This show like dude, look i'm not everybody's cup of tea. Look around the world man There's a fucking lot of pussies out there. Let's be fucking real Okay, they hear me talk and they think i'm some kind of fucking insane person, but I hear from them I'm here for the people that want to win. I'm here for the fucking realist The people who can look at something and say this is the actual truth of this and I need to change so I can move forward here. And that's a hard thing for us to do because we have these two voices in our head, right?
Starting point is 00:43:34 We got the bitch voice and we got the boss voice. And unfortunately, the bitch voice is the voice that most of us hear all the time. It's the voice that says, take it easy. You've done enough. You know uh relax bro it's all good you're not that bad yeah you're not that bad dude look man uh at least you're not that big look at that big guy yeah right yeah right he's fucking fat you justify everything and that's the voice that is automatic in most people's brain and and the voice that you have to develop
Starting point is 00:44:00 is the other voice called the boss voice which is the voice that says nah bro i know fucking five fat people you're fucking four of them you know what i'm saying like that's that's the that's the boss voice who tells you the fucking truth yeah right so we have to cultivate that and that boss voice you can always hear it but we get so good at listening to the bitch voice that the boss voice sounds like a fucking whisperer right so you have to really listen close at first and like that little tinge like when you look in the mirror or you look at your bank account you say oh dude it's all good and you you have that little tinge of guilt that's your boss voice screaming at the top of its lungs hey do something about this and because you're so used to listening to the bitch voice the boss voice is hard to hear yeah but it's always there at
Starting point is 00:44:45 least a little bit. And the goal, if you really want a great life, if you want to accomplish all the things you want to accomplish, if you want to become who it is, you're capable of becoming real talk and not everybody does. Okay. And that's fine, but we're here for the people that do. And if you're one of these people, you have to learn to squelch the fucking bitch voice as much as possible and always listen to the boss voice all right you have to always listen to the boss voice the boss voice will tell you the truth it tells you what you already know you already know you're not in shape you already know you're fucking fat you already know why you're fat you know why you're broke too all right it's just we have to listen to it all right and then take action and that can never
Starting point is 00:45:24 happen without telling ourselves the truth and dude you know at first it's painful we have to listen to it all right and then take action and that can never happen without telling ourselves the truth and dude you know at first it's painful as because you're like this is my fault and it sucks dude it's a it's a sucky thing to work through because you have to admit that like this situation is actually your fault and uh that's no fun but the best part about it is you're free to now take action upon it, which allows you to start walking up that mountain, which is ultimately what you want to do anyway. And the longer that you delay walking up that mountain, the longer you delay acknowledging that it exists, the longer you tell yourself story after story, after story, after story,
Starting point is 00:45:56 story about why it is you are how you are. And it's not your fault. It's not this and that. And the longer you stay where the fuck you are, which is a place where you're not even happy at. You see what I'm saying? Absolutely, man. Dude, for me, one of the craziest things is when I realized,
Starting point is 00:46:12 like I knew I was lying to myself, but what pissed me off is I looked around and saw how everybody else was also lying to myself. Like they were saying the same shit. Like, oh, it's not that bad, BJ. That's because I'm sitting there looking like you guys were full of shit. That's the people that that's because bro you're you're you being overweight is not like that's not you that you're you're a you're a fucking
Starting point is 00:46:35 lovable dude people love you dude and those people they don't want to fucking upset you in the moment right like they don't want to ruin your day and be like yeah you fucking you're pretty fat dude yeah you know i'm saying um because that's not fun to do that feels like bullying but the truth of the matter is the people who truly love you and care about you will have a real talk with you about it and say hey look man i know you ain't happy with this like let's fucking do something about it yeah and um you know that's a whole nother conversation but in my opinion those are the friends you should keep those are the kinds of people you should stay around. People who are going to hold you to a standard that, that, that, you know, you should be holding yourself to even when you don't. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:47:14 So like, so like one of the best things about all the people that I'm around and being up here first form every day, dude, this is a great thing is that, uh, you know, when I'm not up to standard there's plenty of people remind me about it you know what i'm saying yeah and we have a little culture here we kind of we kind of tease each other about it or fuck with each other a little bit about it but we know what's actually being said what's the intent yeah you know what the intent is yeah and and so dude you know a lot of people these days are so fucking weak they can't deal with any, any truth at all.
Starting point is 00:47:45 You know, they, they call it hate speech and bullying and all this shit, bro. Like, you know, I saw this fucking thing. Uh,
Starting point is 00:47:53 the word obese is the N word for, for, for fat people. Yeah. Fuck out of here, bro. That's a technical term. And like you,
Starting point is 00:48:01 you could do something about being fucking fat. It's, it's science. you can eat less fucking food you can walk your fat ass around the block there's been millions of people millions and millions and millions of people who change their lives uh through making some very small relative adjustments and by all accounts most of those people say fuck my life is so much better you ever hear someone who lost five four hundred three hundred two hundred pounds a hundred pounds and says fuck i wish i hadn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I miss being big. Yeah, bro. It doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. And so, like, I'm a former big dude. And, you know, this is why I have no problem calling it out is because I know you're lying to yourself. And now you want everybody else to participate in the lie. See what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Absolutely. You can't be around those kind of people. You got to be around the people who know what it is that you truly want to be and help nudge you and push you and keep you on that path. That's a major deal, dude. I was actually talking to a couple of guys out in the gym this morning when we were training about this concept about how important it is to have people around you that support you and will, will hold you accountable to your path. The standard that you want to hold for yourself, even when you don't want to hold it. See what I'm saying? Because dude, we're all going to have weak points. We're all going to have points where we're like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:49:19 You got to have people around you that are going to say, no, dude, you do good. You've done this. You've done that. Let's just make this adjustment. Let's keep moving forward. And that's invaluable. And I don't think you can make it in life to the highest level of your own true potential without that in your ecosystem. I don't think it's possible. And I don't think it's possible. I know it's impossible for you to make it with a negative force in your life. You know, a lot of people have partners that they date who are not only not supportive, but they're also nagging and they're pulling down and they're an anchor in the boat. Right. And bro, you can't win with anchors in the boat. It's just, there's too many people that don't have anchors in the boat that are
Starting point is 00:49:59 working really fucking hard that are just as skilled and just as talented as you to win with that. And that's a hard thing for people to swallow because it means you have to change some friends up. It might mean you have to change a relationship up and make some hard decisions and really ask yourself, what do I truly want? And my advice to this, and I'm going to tell you this too, dude, like if you're in a relationship right now and you're with a partner who nags you about how hard you work or how driven you are, that same partner will fucking nag you for being fucking broke. So you better remember that too. The minute you start taking your eyes off of your own goals and your own dreams and say,
Starting point is 00:50:32 Oh, I'm going to go be a better partner. That partner, when you don't have shit going on and the bank account gets a little low, they're going to blame you for that too. Right. So it's important to find someone who's going to help row the boat, not just fucking sit in the boat with an umbrella and fucking bark orders at you.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You know what I mean? That's real shit, man. Yeah. Well, guys, Andy, that was three. Then we got some special sauce. Yeah. Go pay the fee. I say go pay the fee, man.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Went from sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze. Fuck a bowl. Fuck a stove. Counted millions in a cold Bad bitch, booted swole Got her on bankroll, can't fold Just a note, headshot, case closed

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