REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 484. Part 1 - Andy & DJ CTI: ATL Police Release Alleged Terror Attack Footage & 4 U.S. Citizens Kidnapped In Mexico

Episode Date: March 8, 2023

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Atlanta Police releasing footage of an alleged terror attack, 4 U.S. Citizens being kidnapped by gunmen in Mexico, and Tucker Carlson releasing exclusive Jan. 6 f...ootage.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and del delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today, we have Andy and DJ. Cruise the motherfucking internet. That's what we do here. Cruise the internet. That's what CTI stands for. Cruise the internet.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We throw up headlines on the screen. We talk about what's going on in the world. We talk about what may be true, what may not be true. We speculate on who's full of shit. And then we make some jokes about it. That's CTI. And then ultimately, obviously, we talk about how we can be a solution to the problem collectively as citizens of humanity other times when you tune in you're going to find that most of the rest of the show is dedicated to personal development winning kicking ass and
Starting point is 00:01:00 making a bunch of fucking money and creating a big change in the world. We have Q and AF. That's another episode that you will listen to. And that's just a Q and A format show where you submit the questions that we answer on the show. You could submit those questions a few different ways. The first way is guys email those questions in to ask Andy at And the second way is if you go to YouTube and you type in Andy Frasella and you go to my personal YouTube channel, you will find the full length episodes of the show uploaded. I know most of you guys listen on audio, but if you catch some time at night and you want to catch this shit on YouTube, it's there. We just started doing that a little bit ago. And if you want to drop a comment, a question in the comments under the Q and AF,
Starting point is 00:01:45 we'll pick some from there as well. Other times you tune in, we have real talk. Real talk is real talk. It's five to 20 minutes of me just giving you some real talk. That's why it's called real talk. Uh, and then we have full length and full length is, uh, full length. It is a conversation like what you're used to seeing on most other podcasts. Uh, we have interesting people come on the show and we talk. I have one of my personal most excited guests coming on later this
Starting point is 00:02:13 week that I think you guys are going to enjoy. So keep an eye out for that full length episodes. With that being said, we do a fee for the show and the fee is not monetary. I don't ask you to send me shit. You can send me money if you want to. I'll take it. But that's not what we ask. In exchange for the 24 years of business experience and all the time and effort that we all put into putting on this show, you'll notice a couple of things. One, we don't take money from advertisers on the show. Most podcasts do. We don't. The reason we don't is because I cannot promote shit that I don't believe in. And I'm not going to take money for an answer to some fucking dude who wants me to say shit a certain way about his product. I don't even fucking take, that's not what I'm going to do. Um, so in lieu of us like doing that,
Starting point is 00:03:02 all we ask is a very simple thing is that if you find value in the show, if you think it's good, if you think we make good points, if we make you laugh, if you have a good time watching, if it's entertaining, please share the show. That's it, man. If it teaches you something, please share the show. We only grow these shows based off of your word of mouth. I think we're one of the few podcasts out there that's independent, not a network, that stays at the very top of the list, completely off value-driven value exchange. So if we do good, share the show. If you think the show sucks, tell us why we suck.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Cool with that too, okay? But the reality is I probably won't listen to you. I keep doing what the fuck I want. But you're free to say so. So anyhow, yeah, that's the show right yeah that's home that's housekeeping that is housekeeping housekeeping yeah oh uh one thing i wanted to mention too arte syndicate so those of you that don't know uh m ilett and i have this group called arte syndicate which is an entrepreneurial networking group which is made up of real business owners
Starting point is 00:04:03 who are doing real shit in real life uh we have these events called RTA live. You don't know what RTA live is. You can go to and read about it. But we have an RTA live coming up in just a few months. Tickets just went on sale. They will sell out. And when you find out who the speaker is that's speaking with myself, this person, and Ed Milet, and you didn't buy a ticket, you're going to be fucking pissed you didn't buy it. I can tell you that right now. This RTA Live will be the best RTA Live we have ever fucking had by a lot. And we've had some of the most amazing people come to these events and teach and speak and contribute to the group.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And by the way, these events are open to the public they're not open to just members so members do have priority over tickets public tickets just went on sale there's a few hundred of those if you guys want to jump on those come to st. Louis it's in st. Louis what are the dates on that April 22nd I'm just telling you I'm just telling you, I'm just telling you, if you were to create a speaker event and you were to say, for selling my let and this person. That's it.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah. And that was the event. I can promise you, you're going to be pissed off if you don't buy a ticket. If you're, if you're, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Just when you find out, you know who it is. I know who it is. Okay. So I'm just telling you. So it's going to be an awesome event we have some new things that we're working on for that event some new ways to teach it's going to be exciting so even if you're not an rta it's a good opportunity for you to come check it out and uh see what it's all about because most of the members come so no do those rta events i mean i think for a, for those of you listening, who've heard our day,
Starting point is 00:05:45 Andy speak of it, like from an outsider's perspective, the lives are fucking insane. Like you're, you're, you basically get a really good glimpse, more than a glimpse. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:53 you can leave there and go fucking run a pretty decent business on, on the tools you're going to get, but it's awesome that I think you guys open it up to the public. Well, yeah, bro. It's not like every event. What's cool.
Starting point is 00:06:02 What I like about it is that like people come, they don't know't know anybody they make these friends even if they don't join our day right like let's say they don't join they meet members and you know and by the way that's there's no pitch to join or anything like that like this is just a fucking public event you get to experience it but even if you come to an event like this the chances are you're going to go to dinner you're going to go to breakfast you're going to go to lunch you're going to get a workout you're going to get a this or that with some people that you fucking didn't know they're going to be able to help you it's just a valuable thing to it's a valuable experience but anyhow uh you know i said no ads so i lied a little bit so that might have wasn't paid so i just had to let you know all right i i it's they're
Starting point is 00:06:41 available and they won't be available long. So. That's real, man. Yeah. We do got a lot of stuff coming up, man. A lot of, a lot of events and, uh, things going on in your personal businesses and stuff. Um, you took, uh, you took care of some business today, actually. I fucking did. You did. That's fucking right.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. Yeah. You handled it. And, um. Yeah. That's right. There he is right there. So this is a picture of andy andy what can you can you describe to us what's happening in this picture yeah so what's happening here is i'm about to take
Starting point is 00:07:13 my driver's test uh for the first time since i was 16 years old okay so i when i had done here where it clearly said right above the screen, no cell phones in this area. Yeah, I didn't care. I sat down and DJ decided that he was going to take a picture of me taking my written part of my driver's test. I will have you know that this was the first attempt at the driver's test. I did fucking fail it the first time. You could only get five wrong. I got six wrong.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But they were asking me some fucked up shit. Yeah, what were they asking? Bro, they were asking me shit like, how much does a driver's permit cost permit cost i gotta give a fuck how much it costs like i'm gonna pay attention to that in the book i'm trying to fucking drive here right right another one that i got wrong was how long can an object be that sticks out of your car before you have to put a red ribbon on it okay and the answer was like and they had a picture okay so they had a picture next to it of a truck with this fucking two by four sticking out a red flag on it right so i'm looking at the question it says there is no rule uh two feet five feet seven feet you know those are the those
Starting point is 00:08:20 are the answers i'm looking at the trailer so that looks like it's about seven feet well here's the thing the picture is I'm looking at the trailer. I said, well, that looks like it's about seven feet. Yeah. Well, here's the thing. The picture is not fucking indicative of the answer. So I picked seven feet. I'm telling you the fucker was sticking seven feet out the fucking truck. And the answer was five feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Right. Right. Like they got you. There's some trick questions in there for sure. Yeah. So a lot of people don't know, man, Missouri,
Starting point is 00:08:41 like we don't, we were talking about this earlier, but Missouri. So I know there's a few States out there that require like drivers at courses in high school and shit like that. And I'm sure we have some high schools in the state that do it, but it's not like a required thing. So I think that's the trade off of like not having to take the drivers at school.
Starting point is 00:08:57 You have to answer these really difficult questions. I read the book. Yeah. I read the book. The book's 70 pages long. I read the book twice front to back. Okay. The shit they were asking me on there was like, I didn't see that shit in the book. Yeah. I read the book. The book's 70 pages long. I read the book twice, front to back. Okay. The shit they were asking me on there was like, I didn't see that shit in the book.
Starting point is 00:09:09 All right. So like, so anyway, I went back, I told the lady, I'm like, Hey, I failed. She goes, you want to take it again? I'm like, yes. So I sat down, I took it again. I missed one the second time. And all day, cause it was actually like, I think the same test with the answers rearranged. Cause,
Starting point is 00:09:26 but I still miss one that I missed the first time. So I must not have been paying attention. Cause it tells you the right answer. If you select the wrong answer. I'll see. I hate those types of tests. Yeah. But see,
Starting point is 00:09:35 I wasn't paying attention and it asked me the same one twice. I got it wrong two times. Damn. Yeah. But then, then it gets better. Cause then I had to take the actual driver's test. Yeah. But then, then it gets better because then I had to take the actual driver's test. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Okay. So I had to like sit with the dude and drive around and take the test. Luckily for me, I had this, uh, this older gentleman who's 63 years old. His name was Rick. He was an awesome dude. Missouri state highway patrol officer sat in the truck i those of you gonna ask i took my colon in that's why i did my driver's test in uh he thought it was pretty neat he was very very cool very very we had a lot in common we talked we do we talked for 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:10:18 before you went out before you pulled up your dude i was watching you because i was seeing other people that were like behind you in line come out and do their exam and finish before i'm like man what the fuck are you doing we just got to talking and why we got to talking about life and you know what was going on and what was going on in the world and like i think you know what what what piqued his curiosity is why you were there yeah you know because like because when he came out people in the area there's normally not that many black people in the area so so so he's like so what so he's like so i gotta ask like what you know what's the reason for security and i started telling him you know like hey we've got this show and fucking people get pissed off and they show up my house and shit and then uh you know i got i got a big company here in st louis and i told him the company
Starting point is 00:11:03 he was familiar with it and so we just started talking about what was going on in st louis and you know what he kept saying dude the cool the it was it was cool dude it was just cool it was cool to meet someone so so normal and cool and he was like um it's refreshing yeah bro it made me feel good it made me feel good about the work that we do here. Like when we were fighting for common sense, like we were talking for, you know, probably 30 minutes, 20, 30 minutes. And, and, and, uh, you know, the guys had six kids and he's raised them all. And, you know, we were talking about, you know, how St. Louis is actually like you guys that don't know st louis you like st louis is actually an amazing city full of amazing people that gets a bad reputation uh in the in the national media because of the crime too bad we got on the topic of kim gardner and how she's allowing you know
Starting point is 00:11:55 these a lot of these criminals to fucking walk free and um it's ruining our city and we got to talking about you know and we came back. We talked about a bunch of shit. But what we came down to, you know, at the end of the test. And by the way, he did test me. You know, like I had to actually try. Parallel parking all. Yeah, I did. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I did. I nailed that motherfucker too, didn't I? You did. Yeah, you did. So he fucking. Bro, he was so impressed by the parallel parking did you hear when we got out of the car we said to you no did you see him parallel park that thing oh yeah yeah yeah and i told him you just pressed a button oh yeah that's like we told him we said we said hey rick
Starting point is 00:12:36 but here's the thing you don't know bro that that truck it's got a button it parallel parts itself he's like fuck he's like fuck man you guys are bad like but dude the guy is so cool but anyway he kept saying dude he like you could tell the conversation meant a lot to him it meant a lot to me too um because he was like dude this is so crazy because like we come from entirely different economic walks of life and he's like but we're the same we think the same i said bro isn't that everybody that was how the conversation when we got out of the truck that's where we were i said bro i think everybody's the same you know what i'm saying we we look at the media we look at the news we look at social media and we get these fucking ideas in our head um that everybody's either not like us or has
Starting point is 00:13:20 zero in common with us when in reality dude it's isolating us all intentionally and this is why this continues on the conversation i had yesterday about social media and how dangerous it is because dude it's creating these little bitty fucking isolations for each human being to make them think that every single person they see in in on on the uh in real life is some sort of internet attacker troll right that fucking hates them yeah and like dude you know i spent all day today like in in the government offices and you can fucking see it like people don't talk to each other uh but the people who do talk to each other are uber nice once you break the ice yeah yeah and um you know i just think that you know i think all of us
Starting point is 00:14:05 need to spend more time in the real world dude and less time on the fucking internet yeah and and i think i think it you know to me dude like as as much of a pain in the ass as that has been in my because dude this has been something that's been a pain in the ass for a while i haven't had a license for eight nine months i've been riding dirty that makes me nervous you know what i'm saying uh i know that if i wrecked one of my cars which i still drove that the insurance wouldn't cover it that made me nervous um you know i just don't feel good like i don't know well then there's the anxiety of having to spend half your day in yeah yeah i think that's what it was dude yeah but like dude is as fucking frustrating as that is, it was actually okay because like
Starting point is 00:14:46 the people were so nice and it was cool. I got to talk. I talked to a couple in the, uh, in the, in the, cause I had to go to another office after I took the test here in Missouri where, where I took the test. You had to go somewhere else to get the license. And that took two hours. And technically drive dirty from there to get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Isn't that crazy? Did you hear what he said? He's like, now you can't drive on this yeah when he knew that i just showed up dude i was like okay and i went got the car drove off but like but dude uh he might listen to the show you know because i told him about the show and stuff and i just you know rick if you do listen bro i really appreciate that conversation man it was, uh, it made my whole fucking week for real, just to connect with somebody in real life that I didn't know to have a conversation. And then like, just to hear the gratitude in his voice about that, there's people out there that think like him and it's, he's not all alone.
Starting point is 00:15:43 He's not alone. Yeah. Yeah. And like, dude, it was just, it was cool, man. It was just real cool. But I did pass. I got my, I got my shit. Yeah. We're good now. Now, now, now did you know now they, they don't print the cards out anymore at the DMV. Now they send you a piece of paper. They used to print those right there. You could take them home with you. I don't know when they changed that.
Starting point is 00:16:05 He did also tell me that the DMV cut out the notification letters to say that you're up for renewal. And he said that they actually get a lot of people that come in in the same position that I was in. I mean, dude, it was all pretty much like younger people. Yeah. Like young kids. First time drivers. Did you see his face whenever he came out and saw it was me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 He was kind of relieved. What the fuck? He came, Andrew. Yeah. All right. Oh, okay. Yeah. Who's this black guy?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Just playing, man. It was a pleasure meeting you. No, it was cool, man. And, you know, like it's funny because, you know, how often do you hear someone talk about a pleasurable experience with that whole scenario but like honestly dude like the whole thing was cool yeah nice and easy man even though it took two hours at the other place i talked to some nice people in the in the lobby two different people i talked to one guy and then i talked i talked to a guy who was uh he was from i think he was from bosnia he was he was he was brand new from from over there and uh
Starting point is 00:17:04 talked to him and he was getting a cdl and then i talked to another uh i talked to him yeah well that is a little that is a little bit of a stereotype what the fuck is that i don't know no they're fuck dude bozians are hard fucking workers bro yeah and they recognize the opportunity they say fuck like bro look dude those people are more american culture than fucking americans are right now they see the opportunity. They say, fuck, like, bro, look, dude, those people are more American culture than fucking Americans are right now. They see the opportunity. So nobody wants to do it and make great fucking money. And dude, you know how many Bosnian dudes I know from St. Louis own trucking companies
Starting point is 00:17:34 and make a fuck ton of money? A fucking lot of them. Yeah. And they hustle balls and they hard work and they don't fucking lie. They don't cheat. They don't fucking steal, bro. I fucking love those people. Like, I'm a huge fan of the Bosnian culture. Like, huge. Because we don't know and they don't fucking steal, bro. I fucking love those people. Like I'm a huge fan of the Bosnian culture, like huge.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Because- People don't know St. Louis, we actually, we're home to like one of the largest Bosnian- It's the second largest Bosnian population outside of Bosnia. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which is incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 It's a great blend of culture. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I didn't even think about that when I said the CDL thing. I didn't, but it is true. It's very true. Yeah. You know? And then I talked to another couple, we got to talking about, that when i said the cdl thing i didn't but it is true it's very true yeah you know and then i talked to another couple we got to talking about uh uh they were they had just gotten there and i
Starting point is 00:18:10 got called up so i was there for like two hours and i'm like yeah good luck and we started talking about the old uh the old arena and the blues and like just st louis shit man it was fucking cool we uh i don't know if you saw we got xFL back. We got the first home game this weekend, actually. Yeah, the Battle Hawks, right? Battle Hawks, yeah. Yeah, that's cool. The Rock owns that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Well, he owns the team here, yeah. Oh, I thought he owned the whole league. Does he own the whole league? Yeah. Okay, well, I don't know. But they're expecting like 30,000 fucking people. Yeah. Which is like, I was like kind of.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Well, bro, I mean, we like sports here. Yeah, we do. You know, we like shit here. Like $ like 20 beers we like getting fucking drunk in public here that's a fucking fact bro yeah anyway that's a good day dude you know what like i i as annoying as it was weird as annoying and as frustrating as i thought that was going to be it was actually turned out to be pretty cool i wonder i mean there's just like one small comment on that dude how much how much uh i guess switching that perspective your own perspective on that had it had to do with that probably a lot i think i think that's i think i think rick is probably nice to everybody he
Starting point is 00:19:18 fucking meets yeah you know i think i probably am the one who who probably was in a better mood and probably accepted the goodness of these other people and it made my day. And so I'm not always like that. A lot of times I'm wrapped up in my own shit. I'm wrapped up in what's going on here. I'm wrapped up in my own businesses. I don't fucking take the time. And the fact that I could just take the minutes to relax and have conversations with people felt really nice. And it was just more of a testament
Starting point is 00:19:46 to what's been rolling around in my brain, which is that I need to focus more on real life and more on the things I'm truly passionate about, which is helping people become successful in business. And I need to spend my time there, bro, because that's where I get my fucking- Fulfillment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, that's real, man. That's real. Well my fucking fulfillment. Yeah. Yeah. That's real, man. That's real. Well, guys, it is CTI, which all shit. What you got there? Look at that timing. That timing was impeccable. Now, I know we said we don't take money for ads, but if I were to take money for ads certainly definitely wouldn't be for this amazing first form energy drink that i'm currently enjoying it happens to be orange sunrise i know a
Starting point is 00:20:33 lot of you guys are surprised i think one p polled blue raspberry got one i saw that what the fuck guys well i mean what the fuck it came uh i thought we stuck together here it came in so it was team orange for life no it's tight second i know say man you don't can't win everything i get it you know some of you guys just don't know what good is it is what it is i get it all right let's get into this man guys it is cti remember as always uh if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links. You know how many people just listen? They were like, I want to listen to CTI.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And they listen to 20 minutes of bullshit. And they're like, fuck those guys. I've never listened again. All they do is talk about stupid shit. No. That was a great conversation. Yeah, for us. Yeah, but guys, if you want to see any of these articles, pictures, links, videos,
Starting point is 00:21:22 go to You can find them there. Or if you're on the YouTube, drop you can find them there Um, or if you're on the youtube drop down in the description below you can find them there Can we can we before you start can we just? admire Like like that looks like a man that's about to dominate some shit right there. Like look at that smile. I already knew art I already fucking knew it was like I was if I was walking out of that motherfucker with my license, bitch. I felt like I was.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Nobody could stop me. I felt like I was dropping you off to your first day of school. I felt like that. I felt like that. I felt like that. All right, Andy, do good on your test, all right?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Bro, when I passed the test, the first, or when I failed the test the first time, I looked out and I go, I failed. He's like,
Starting point is 00:22:02 I failed. TJ goes, and I go, the second time i go i go and he's like he gave me a thumbs up yeah dude he was like outside the door they wouldn't let him in the room i couldn't stay he stood in the doorway yeah it was fucking funny thanks dad i got you baby i got you all right now you drive safe out there all right guys let's get into the cti uh let's get right into it with uh headline number one headline number one reads watch it atlanta police release footage of alleged terror attack um this is a daily wire article it It reads Video shows frantic scenes From the side of a training center For police, firefighters, and EMTs
Starting point is 00:22:51 In Atlanta on Sunday evening When black clad rioters stormed the area And what officials are describing as A domestic terrorism attack More than 20 minutes of surveillance footage Released by the Atlanta Police Department Ca caught the unrest from a variety of angles. The video shows people throwing rocks, authorities arriving on the scene, officers nearly being struck by what appears to be fireworks and multiple pieces of construction equipment on fire. It's chaotic.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I got a quick clip here. I will disclaim that there's no audio to it For those of you listening But again go to You can find them there But here's a quick little snapshot of it Is that the Are those the police? Yeah so that's police officers
Starting point is 00:23:42 Those are police officers there And then out of nowhere there's a swarm of i mean dude over 200 people at least swarming the gates yeah a bunch of a bunch of fucking pussies and so they're they're wrestling trying to get the gates and everything secure fireworks start getting thrown bro at this point in time right stop Bro, at this point in time, right? Stop the video. At this point in time, they're hurling explosives at the police.
Starting point is 00:24:10 In my opinion, the police should kill those people. Fucking kill them. Well, I mean, and here's the thing. Listen, dude. Listen, this shit is out of control. These people are putting on outfits. They're putting on uniforms.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They're attacking private citizens. They're attacking private citizens. They're attacking police officers. What will we do? What will we do if, I don't know, let's just say fucking Iraqi. Okay. Let's just say who the fuck do we not like? Let's just say Russians. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Y'all hate Russians, right? Which is fucking, you don't even know what the fuck is actually going on. Y'all hate them. And they show up, there's 200 of them in fucking Russian uniforms. They start shooting,
Starting point is 00:24:56 throwing bombs at the police. What do you expect the police to do? Shoot them. So what's the difference here? Yeah. Yeah. Or, you know know let's just say it was a group of proud boys or anybody on the right you know i'm saying like good like everybody would have been screaming for them to fucking listen dude the law the rule of law has to be respected
Starting point is 00:25:16 if there is a rule of law if there is not a rule of law and you want to leave it up to all of us to solve our own shit i'm okay with that too just. Just let me know. Yeah. Just let me know. And the, but if we're going to have a rule of law and a set of authority, it needs to be respected. And this is fucking bullshit. Completely, man.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And, and, and like, dude, it's a tough, it's a tough position to put, you know, that the cops are in.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Um, it's a very, I think they showed, I would argue some, you know, maybe a little too much restraint, you know? Um, I think a total of like 35 people were, these are people doing a very, I think they showed, I would argue some, you know, maybe a little too much restraint, you know? I think a total of like 35 people were arrested.
Starting point is 00:25:48 These are people doing a job, dude. These are, listen, dude, these are regular dudes. You know, you did this job. Well, that's the thing, man. It's like the whole defund the police, you know? So here it is. They have a training facility to train these officers, train their first responders, get them more training, get them more education, and they're crying over climate.
Starting point is 00:26:09 It's like, what are we doing? And then they're protected by the media. Correct. And I got some interesting stuff on that, man. But they used non-lethal enforcement to conduct arrests of at least 35 people, police said. Well, that's a shame. 23 individuals are facing a domestic terrorism charge, a felony that would warrant up to 35 years in prison good um they did release the
Starting point is 00:26:30 the list of the arrestees um all but two were from other places so only two of the people 35 that were arrested were actually from the state of georgia um everybody else were from other states including two people one was from uh france and one's a citizen of canada so make that make sense um you know but but here's the interesting thing so this is a cnn article um and i and i was reading through this article we like to get the other side and see what the other side is saying right what's the other narrative out there and And dude, I was reading this article and I was just disgusted. And for a few reasons. So the CNN headline reads,
Starting point is 00:27:10 Georgia law enforcement conducts clearing operation as construction begins on Cop City facility. Same date as the other article. And you go through it and they're talking about, you know, they're trying to push these these these protesters up like they were just peaceful protesters the police operations latest effort in the controversial push to build an 85 acre law enforcement facility it's not controversial the crime rate in atlanta is out of fucking control the murder rate in atlanta is out of fucking control. The murder rate in Atlanta is out of fucking control. What's controversial
Starting point is 00:27:45 about creating a training facility so we can now control the fucking crime? These media fucks should go to jail just like these people doing it because they protect them every single time. Well, here's the thing. So the whole reason... I hate how these fuckers write, dude. It's disgusting. Yeah. And so the whole reason
Starting point is 00:28:01 we're here is because this CNN article reads, it's been verified, but about three weeks ago, it says law enforcement carried out a clearing operation and fatally shot Manuel Esteban Pei Teran. Okay. He's 26 years old. He was an activist who police said he shot a state trooper. So this guy shoots a state trooper.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Then gets killed. The cops return fire. Yeah. Killing him. Uh-huh. And that's what this entire article is about. state trooper so this guy shoots a state trooper then gets killed the cops return fire yeah killing him uh-huh and and and that's what this entire article is about they actually you know this is the this is you scroll down the article a little bit activists were shot over a dozen times family says yeah so what they posted like i love the pictures hold on bro so what he shot a fucking cop that's what i'm saying you know i'm saying like what do we what are we missing here bro we paint them as a little fucking martyr this is fucking this is a couple things this is the media and the powers that be behind the media creating a scenario
Starting point is 00:28:56 that's putting these entitled children which is what the fuck they are, okay? They're entitled brat children who have no purpose at all in their life. They have no fight to fight. They have no purpose to build towards. They have nothing. And so they're sucked into this fucking gang mentality or this vigil anti-revolutionary mentality because that's appealing to people with no fucking purpose. Since other people with no purpose.
Starting point is 00:29:24 But here's the problem. They have been told a lie to believe that they're fighting something, which they're actually creating, and they're unable to understand that they are actually the militant weapon behind the man, and they're doing the man's work while they're out here thinking that they're fighting the man. And so it sucks in these kids. I'm sorry that kid's dead now, but the media is to blame and the fucking culture is to blame.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And that's it. If you shoot a fucking cop, you, you can expect to be shot back. That's common fucking sense. Every fucking person with a fucking brain that functions properly understands that we understand that in a civilized society we must have law and order and we understand that when a police officer says x and you fucking shoot them they're gonna shoot you back that's fucking reasonable yeah it's beyond reasonable man um i'm fucking so tired of it dude yeah oh this guy's a fucking hero now does he have a little candlelight visual for like yeah he must have been real important with your fucking dog shit candles too y'all motherfuckers are fake outrage motherfuckers yeah you don't really give a fuck no you want
Starting point is 00:30:43 to fucking cry about something. And dude, these kids think they're fighting something that actually has meaning. They don't understand. You are being funded and organized and put into action by the biggest, richest, most fucking powerful, most abusive tyrants on the fucking planet. And you think you're fucking doing something revolutionary.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah. These aren't your ideas just because you put anti-fascist in front of fascist doesn't mean that you're not a fascist like it's the biggest mind fuck that anybody when you when you're working with the political system the media the big gut or the big big companies the world Forum, and they're all on your side and they're funding your shit. Guess what you are? You're a fascist. You're the fucking fascist army that you fucking think you're fighting against. It's you.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I saw a woman today. I saw a woman today in the driver's place wearing a fucking mask. Now, how many studies have come out and said a mask don't do shit. Now we've covered fucking all of them over the course of the last three years. It's nothing new. There were studies that prove this shit in 2020. There were studies that prove this shit prior to 2020. It's just when we brought it up in 2020, y'all fucking hated us for it.
Starting point is 00:31:59 It's been proven for a long time that masks don't do shit. There's a woman wearing a mask. She's probably 75 years old. She's fucking a hundred pounds overweight, sick as fuck, wearing a mask, wearing a red, uh, make America great shirt, except it didn't say make America great. It said, make lies wrong again. And I'm looking at this woman and all I could think the whole time is like, lady, you're the fucking lie. You're the fucking lie. Like you don't even understand that you are the fucking lie. Like you're the person who locked down all these kids. You're the person that forced vaccinated all these people. You're the person that created the media hysteria. You like you're being, you are the lie.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And like, dude, we're dealing with a whole bunch of these people that are on the end of the fucking understanding curve even the most woke people are starting to realize holy shit this is bullshit yeah because i get messages every day from these people dude like people who are like man i used to be an anti like when i first started listening to you i thought you were the fucking enemy you know i used to be an anti. Like when I first started listening to you, I thought you were the fucking enemy. You know, I used to be the biggest, you know, far left extreme. Like, dude, these people. I bought into the shit. I drank the cool.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like I hear it all, dude. Those are the people perpetuating our fucking tyranny. Okay. It's the weakest. It's the fucking sickest. It's the most uneducated and what do we do we sit around and post videos about it or fucking make jokes about it or post memes about it but yet they're continuing to get their way you see what i'm saying yeah man i'm fucking sick of these people no dude it's it's unreal man and like another part of the
Starting point is 00:33:45 development is like one of the people that were arrested this is another daily wire headline it reads southern poverty law center attorney charged with terrorism in atlanta riot um so an attorney with the far left non-profit southern poverty law center or spls splc was arrested sunday for allegedly committing domestic terrorism to stop a police facility from being built. Um, the Atlanta police department said Sunday night that Thomas Webb Jurgens was among the 23 people charged after a quote group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta public safety training center to conduct a coordinated attack
Starting point is 00:34:25 on construction equipment and police officers they changed into black clothing and let me paraphrase they put on their militant uniforms right right and into the construction area and began to throw large rocks bricks molot cocktails, and fireworks at police. Death. Yeah. Death. Yeah. You throw a Molotov cocktail at me, I don't give a fuck if I'm a cop or not. I'm shooting you in the face.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You know, now, according to the State Bar of Georgia, Thomas Webb Jurgens is an attorney for the SPLC, who was admitted to the bar in 2021. He is one of only two of the 23 alleged agitators, uh, agitators who were actually from Georgia, according to the police. Um, now here's the interesting thing.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So Juergen's arrest, the article reads was first noted by Republican operative, Greg price, who pointed out that the FBI has relied on SPLC's judgment about who is a hate group. Representative Dan Bishop, a Republican in North Carolina, asked in response, quote, will the SPLC be listing itself as a hate group? I mean, last month, an FBI whistleblower leaked a document showing that the FBI was investigating those practicing, quote, radical traditionalist Catholic ideology as potential domestic extremists, in part by citing that the SPLC listed the faction among its, quote, hate groups. The FBI then rescinded the document after it leaked, saying, quote, it does not meet the exacting standards of the FBI.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Here's Mr. Juergens there, you know, and there's that. Yeah, right. There's a list of the arrestees. Well, they'll know when they'll know when the Catholic extremists actually show show up because if anybody actually understands what the bible talks about what jesus said about those that harm children he says to basically eliminate them yeah so you'll actually know because what will happen is these people that are on the internet uh shaking their dicks and their asses in front of fucking little kids will end up on the fucking courthouse steps with their own penis cut off and shoving their fucking mouth so you'll know when they've crossed over to radicals yeah yeah man i know they're seeing
Starting point is 00:36:51 all of this shit all of this stuff is falling apart i don't good i'm glad about that i'm fucking over it and i know a lot of other people are too how the fuck these people like the person from canada and the person from france like what what's that about it's about what i said dude it's about people thinking that they're fighting for a cause that isn't actually a real cause yeah you know what i'm saying like it's people who they don't produce they don't contribute they don't create anything they don't provide any jobs or any value or any products or any services or do anything of value in life and they're searching for something that means something and what means more than fighting for for perceived freedom to anyone
Starting point is 00:37:40 it's a very noble thing in their mind yeah so like when they create this lie based around all of this other bullshit and they start financing these people these people are extremely extremely susceptible because they lack other things like perspective well the reason they lack other things why do they lack other things this? This has to do with Canada and France. This has to do with the world. Because for the last 20 years, we have taught these children that where you finish in the game doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. You're special anyway. We've taught them not to compete. We've taught them that achievement is is a is a moral you know hazard or a uh you know building something is greed they've been taught all these things uh that aren't true complete inverse yeah and so
Starting point is 00:38:38 now these people are unable to compete they're unable to create they're unable to understand they're unable to fucking like to like feel to understand. They're unable to feel fulfillment. So how are we, the people who created this, going to give them fulfillment? Oh, we're going to give them this nice cause to fight, anti-fascism, except they're not going to know the difference between anti-fascism and actual fascism. They'll just join if we tell them that they're fighting for fucking freedom. And what they don't understand is that all that money that you're getting from all these organizations that's coming down the pipe is all coming from the exact motherfuckers that y'all say you're fighting against. So it's easy to suck these people in because they're not very smart
Starting point is 00:39:20 because they have been made intentionally not be very smart, not have any purpose, not have any skills, not have any beliefs, not have any hope. So how do we mobilize them? Oh, we give them hope. We give them a cause. Bro, there's whole books about this. There's whole books about this. Actually, when a real revolution starts, which I believe that it could happen, when a real revolution starts, these people are actually the first people to convert over in the history of revolutions if you look at how revolutions happen what happens is the people who are the counterculture actually realize that they're part of this is going to blow up in these faces is what i'm trying to say yeah and it's historically proven over
Starting point is 00:39:59 and over and over again there's books about it one thing i would like to highlight here if you go back to the chart which clearly reiterates what you're talking about how old are they look at the look at the date of birth that's right only one two three four seventy four eighty eight uh one is seventy four again rest everything is in the 90s hold on 2000s now now on this show when do i tell you the bullshit started consistently 20 to 30 years i tell you right when i graduated high school all this shit started 97 i graduated high school in 1997 look at all those motherfuckers born in 97 or later they they've created this culture of people on purpose to do this work on purpose. And until police understand that we, the people stand behind you motherfuckers to handle this business, they're going to continue to be afraid because they're being held accountable
Starting point is 00:40:55 personally for enforcing the law. Like there's lots of places in the country now where like these police officers, if they do the wrong thing in the line of duty, they can be sued civilly. fucking bullshit do the right thing bro they can be sued bro and so we dude the people of this country have to stop this bullshit by standing behind the people who can actually enforce the laws yeah that's real man that's real well guys that was our first headline let's move right along headline number two um this is a touchy subject uh headline number two reads four u.s citizens kidnapped by gunmen in mexico fbi offers reward for return uh says the fbi and mexican government are investigating
Starting point is 00:41:38 um so the article reads four u.s citizens were assaulted and kidnapped in Mexico on Friday, the FBI said. The four Americans drove across the U.S. border and entered the city of Matamoros, which borders the southernmost part of Texas. They were fired upon by unidentified gunmen and then, quote, placed in a vehicle and taken from the scene by armed men, according to the FBI in San Antonio. The group drove a white minivan with North Carolina license plates, according to the FBI. The names of the victims have not been released. That was at the time of this article being written. They are believed to have been targeted by mistake, a U.S. official told CNN. The FBI and Mexican law enforcement agencies are investigating. The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for the return of the kidnapped
Starting point is 00:42:28 Americans. That's roughly $12,000 a piece. Right? Now, I must warn you, I have a clip here. Bro, that's insulting. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. But your motherfuckers put Mike Glover on the domestic terror list. You put people, you put
Starting point is 00:42:43 patriotic American Catholics. You motherfuckers talk about Catholics being extremists. We got Mexican fucking cartels crossing our border, killing our fucking citizens. Dude. Now I have to warn our watchers on YouTube, this video could be seen as graphic
Starting point is 00:43:00 so viewer discretion is advised So the State Department cautions... So was that video... What was that video we were watching? Was that them loading dead bodies into the back of well so at that time it wasn't confirmed uh if they were deceased at the time um well those two dudes are deceased i mean they're dragging blood all over the fucking street the whole street yeah um you know but at the time of the video those are this those are them those are them yes and then the other two people around or the other two apparently correct they're still alive uh well so a total of uh two of the four americans kidnapped
Starting point is 00:44:10 um have been found dead uh since that development shit dude um you know and it's really it's really really sad you know and they're saying that this is just a case of mistaken identity you know but it's like oops yeah just oops yeah let's go tell their families that and let's give them the 12 grand that we're going to offer for a reward like bro i'm so fucking tired of this we have the capacity and the ability to end this shit in about fucking two days well and and and because your motherfuckers believe aoc's fucking posed ass photo shoot from fucking years ago that there's all these horrendous atrocities happening. All of you people who bought that fucking narrative are responsible for these deaths,
Starting point is 00:44:52 just so you know. All common sense people understood why the wall needed to be there, what needed to happen. Now we have people being, I mean, how many tens of thousands of Americans are fucking being killed by the opiate or the fucking fentanyl shit? It's coming across down there now. How many people are being raped, murdered, killed by the influx of these people across our border unregulated? I love I love immigrants. I love America is a fucking immigrant land. Love it.
Starting point is 00:45:23 We have a process for people to come here. And that process exists so that people come here and become contributing citizens. And they understand the culture and they understand the history. They have to take a fucking test. They have to study. It's hard. Most Americans couldn't pass it. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And we're allowing tens, tens and tens and tens, hundreds of thousands, probably millions at this point of illegal people, undocumented, don't know who the fuck they are. We don't know what organizations are affiliated with. We have no fucking idea of anything. And now they're killing people. They're coming across the border, abducting people, killing them. OK, and this is just the shit that's getting reported. And all you motherfuckers out there that fucking, you know, cried these fucking crocodile tears because AOC is down at the fucking border doing fake photo shoots. This is your fucking fault.
Starting point is 00:46:13 This is your fucking fault because you didn't educate yourself on the reality of what this all meant. And now we have people losing family members because of it. Yeah. Obviously, this is just speculation. and do you do you see a fuck it pisses me off dude do you do you see a twist here maybe potentially starting up another war front yes that's the goal and like that's the that's the the long listen dude the whole goal in my opinion here is the ultimate destruction of america yeah and i believe that they're trying to i believe there's a number of things they're going to do i believe they're going to introduce another pandemic a real one a one that
Starting point is 00:46:49 fucking actually fucking kills people then they're going to blame the people who stood up against the pandemic the first time for creating doubt in our in our in our uh trusted government trust in the media all the shit they're going to fucking try to get rid of those resistors that way by blaming them and villainizing them for the next pandemic that they fucking put out. Then I think what they're going to do on top of that, because they're running out of shit they can actually do because everybody's waking up. And this is going to happen before 2024, in my opinion. I believe they're going to start this fucking war with Russia full blown, which will mean we are now at war with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Okay. And now we're going to have a cartel battle in Mexico. So like, dude, if we're fighting all this shit all over the place and we got all this shit going on, this is the destruction and the intentional destruction of your fucking country. This is the physical part of it. You are fucking witnessing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And you guys make fucking memes about it and think that's enough. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? This is the physical part of it, right? The moral. It's going to get way worse. That shit's already been done. It's going to get way worse, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And like, I think they are going to fucking, they are going to crank the chaos to maximum level fucking 1,000 between now and that 24 election. And why would they do that? Because they don't want Trump to come in. Because if Trump gets in, he's going to fucking crush all of them. Because their lives are on the line. Yeah, that's correct. It's very, very sad, man.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I pray for this family, man. My heart goes to them. But I mean, this is sad, you know? People still don't understand DJ. They don't understand that. Why people don't understand why they don't want Trump in. They don't understand that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:34 They, you guys don't understand it. Like you don't understand. Like you think that the reason they don't want Trump in is because he's mean or he is a racist or he's a this or he is a that. The reason they don't want the dude in is because he recognizes that it's us versus them and he wants to take all their shit and fucking ruin it. And this is their livelihood. This is their purpose.
Starting point is 00:48:57 This is their meaning to life. This is how they stay them and we stay us. And they're all fucking united on it. They don't have to have a secret handshake because it's all a common interest that they share why else would they have to lie why else would they have to pump the propaganda why else would they have to create these narratives well the fact that they pump the propaganda is an indication that they need it exactly that's something to keep in mind exactly they're losing their grip 100 and dude the american citizens need
Starting point is 00:49:23 to speak out against this fucking escalation of this war shit every fucking week they're losing their grip 100 and dude the american citizens need to speak out against this fucking escalation of this war shit every fucking week they're sending more and more money to ukraine more and more shit more and more weapons blah blah blah blah blah bro that shit needs to stop you're gonna be who's gonna fight this war yeah because the patriot the patriots that have that's we go hold on the patriots the the soldiers the dudes who have fought all the other wars you mean the ones that they they kicked out for not being vaccinated they ain't with this war who's gonna fight it i say that everybody that fucking posted the ukraine flag and their fucking instagram bio goes fights it their fucking friends go fight in their fucking Instagram bio goes fights it. Their fucking friends go fight it.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Their fucking families go fight it. Yeah, go literally. Go stand with Ukraine. That's my take. I can tell you this. The fact that we're paying all this crazy tax to this government and money goes over there and doesn't stay here is fucking insane, dude. What's that picture of? Is that one of the women that was killed yeah yeah um her name is uh whatever got it here um her name is latavia tay mcgee that's fucking bullshit man Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:46 Well Guys that was That was headline number two When we come back We got headline number three And our thumbs up section So stay tuned Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:54 Went from sleeping on the floor Now my jewelry box froze Fuck a bowl Fuck a stove Counted millions in a cold Bad bitch Booted swole Got her own bankroll
Starting point is 00:51:04 Can't fold Just a no headshot case closed

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