REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 720. Andy & DJ CTI: Fauci Testifies On COVID-19 Origins, Jury Selection Kicks Off In Hunter Biden's Federal Gun Crime Trial & Caitlin Clark Gets Hit

Episode Date: June 4, 2024

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Dr. Anthony Fauci testifying on the COVID-19 origins, the jury selection kicking off in the Hunter Biden federal gun crime trial, and the player who hit Caitlin C...lark responding to the calls for an enforcer on the Indiana Fever.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ Cruz, the motherfucking internet. And that's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for, Cruz the Internet. We put topics of the day up on the screen. We speculate on what's true and what's not true.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And then we talk about how we, the people, have to be the solution to the problems going on in the world. Other times throughout the week, we're going to have Q&AF like you heard yesterday. That's where you submit the questions and we give you the answers. You can submit your questions a few different ways. First way is guys email these questions into ask Andy at or you go on YouTube and the Q and AF episodes, drop your question in the comments and we will answer some from there as well. Other times we have real talk. Real talk is five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. And then we have 75 Hard Verses. 75 Hard Verses where someone who's completed the 75 Hard Program comes on the show,
Starting point is 00:01:11 talks about how their life was a dumpster fire and now it's not, and how they achieved that using the 75 Hard and Live Hard Program. If you're unfamiliar with the 75 Hard and Live Hard Program, it is the world's most famous in history, mental transformation program. And you can get it for free at episode two Oh eight on the audio feed only. It wasn't on YouTube. We've only been on YouTube for a little bit. There's also a book called the book on mental toughness. It's available at Andy for It outlines the entire live hard program, nuts and bolts. It tells you everything that you need to know top to bottom. It also has
Starting point is 00:01:44 10 chapters, uh, extra on mental toughness and some case studies on some very famous people and how they became mentally tough, which allowed them to become the famous people that you know them for. There is a fee for the show. The fee is not monetary. You're going to notice that I don't run ads on the show. I don't want to listen to anybody telling me what I can and can't say. The show is called Real Ass Fuck, not say what I want and get paid for it as fuck. So I don't run ads. And in exchange for that, I ask that you help me share the show. We're constantly battling traffic throttling, shadow ban, censorship, removal of episodes because we talk about stuff they don't want us talking about. So we need your help to get the word out. So if the show makes you think, if it makes you laugh, if it's a good episode that brings you value, if it teaches you some skills, please share the show.
Starting point is 00:02:31 It's the only way that people hear about the message. All right? So don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right. What's up? Definitely going to want to share this one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Oh, we're getting hot today. Hey. What? What? You want that that this is mine i know you're ready to kill somebody for this great let's split it that's fine all right i can only drink half this shit anyway bro real talk all these motherfuckers around the office dude they down those bro i can't do it man i'll stay up all night talking shit on the... Maybe actually I should do it. Might not be a bad idea. We'll do a 24-hour stream session.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'll tell you what, dude. Have you had one of these? It's fucking good. Bro. Bro, listen, that's my... That's number one right now. Now, I said I don't run ads on the show, but if I did, I mean... It would definitely be for this amazing first-form energy grape smash.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Now, what's the other one? Because there was another one that came out with the summer aid. Summer aid. Yeah. I haven't tried that one yet. Me neither, because I don't care. It's a great grape. It's number one.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yeah. I think we can both. You guys got the summer aid over there. What do you think of that? You guys like that one? I think the grapes better. Probably you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 What's what's that one like? Like, what's it taste like? Summer aid. Strawberry lemonade. Oh, that sounds good. It does sound's it taste like? Summerade? Strawberry lemonade. Oh, okay. That sounds good. Yeah, that does sound good. Bro, that grape is fucking-
Starting point is 00:03:49 It fucking tastes like Kool-Aid, bro. Nailed it. Yeah. You should have- Well, no, grape smash. You should have called it grape drank. Bro, listen, I was going to suggest that grape drank or DJ's juice. Purple.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Purple juice. Yeah. Either one of those would have worked but yeah the shit's fucking amazing it's great good job thank you proud of you team did a good job yeah for sure man i am part of the team though yeah had a great weekend man weekend was great man yeah yeah it was fucking awesome it was we actually did live the weekend and now we're talking we actually did yeah bro it was a great weekend bro it was awesome it's fucking i had so much fun dude it was so cool seeing everybody um you know one thing about the first form community dude is that you know
Starting point is 00:04:32 if someone shows up wearing that one p they're a good motherfucker and dude just to be around those people for three four days it just charges you up man um well you just get a different sense that like you know seeing a follower count doesn't give you. Like, you know that these people, you're physically seeing these people and you know for a fact that we're all on the same page. Yeah, for sure, dude. It's cool, man. in society is because people are using social media as an outlet for their rage and for their dissatisfaction for things.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And they believe that posting a meme or making a comment is like getting it done. Like that's it. Yeah, dude. And like, I actually started thinking about this this weekend. You know, what if there was no social? What if there was no internet and these
Starting point is 00:05:26 people were doing these things what would you do then that's what we should be doing whatever that is that's what we should be doing you know getting engaged organizing in person getting together and talking about strategies not just about what's wrong but what we need to do moving forward and what our individual roles in that are and i thought that was cool because that's what i talked about uh at summer smash on saturday and and seemed like people were definitely with it for sure but people got to understand man we all play an individual role in this and it's not to post memes or just talk shit on the internet you know we have to get activated we have to get engaged and for those of you that are wondering you know what should i do well pretend
Starting point is 00:06:05 you didn't have instagram pretend you didn't have social media pretend there was no internet what would you do then what would you do if you're reading stories about all this criminal activity that has to do with like covid or all of these things going on in the world what would you do do that you know you see what i'm saying real shit man you got to cake somebody too i did bro steve you know a lot of you guys don't know i've been good friends with steve aoki for a long time and uh he let me cake someone and i don't think he's ever let people cake no yeah with him yeah i think i was no the the guys who were handing them the cakes they tried to stop me they're good dudes oh yeah yeah uh yeah super good dude but i was like this was his name yeah dude those guys
Starting point is 00:06:45 were awesome yeah bro he he is a first that whole team first class people for sure bro for sure i can't imagine having that type of schedule well dude no shit you know he fucking left here at what 10 o'clock 10 almost 10 30 and he played a show in vegas at 1 a.m which is 3 a.m our time that's what i'm saying bro like like that bro it's insane yeah dude he's a hard-working dude you ever seen his netflix documentary no you should watch it no dude he does like what 250 shows a year bro he's the hardest working artist in show business no question not even comparable it's like he's a million miles ahead of what everybody else is willing to do and what's cool about him dude is he's just a normal guy that likes to have fun and help people have fun.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And he's just a good fucking dude. Likes pickleball, apparently. Bro, he likes all sports. He's a pretty good athlete. Yeah, he is. And, dude, he—but, dude, it was cool because I—I mean, dude, I got a—I had to watch—I had to re-watch his videos of caking people. Because he, like, kind of just, like just like you know he's not trying to like i went out there trying to decapitate people you went you went full i went a little aggressive
Starting point is 00:07:51 yeah and i uh well it's got to be man you don't get one shot at that but dude did you know and smoke somebody did you know who i got no it was gabe and matt here in the office so there was that girl up on that dude's shoulders. There was two girls. She kind of like ducked it. I know. But, dude, I threw that motherfucker as hard as I could. I think they clocked that thing at like 106.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Oh, bullshit. But it ended up smoking our dudes. It was funny, dude. That's definitely a memory I'll never forget. For sure, bro. For sure. Fucking awesome weekend. Now, we definitely a memory I'll never forget. For sure, bro. For sure. Fucking awesome weekend. Now, we got a lot of stuff to cover.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Like I said, guys, this is a super important episode. You guys have to make sure that you guys help us out, support us, share this message, get this message out, because there's a lot of crazy shit going on that we got to talk about, have to address it. But first, we got mentioned again. We did? Yeah. Where? Maxine Waters. She mentioned who she mentioned who she mentioned us no she did not yeah she called us uh domestic terrorists well i mean yeah that's almost like that's almost by name
Starting point is 00:08:59 everybody's got to be something bro they're the domestic terrorists this lady's unhinged man no motherfucker they everything they say everybody notices it now right i'm not bringing anything to anybody's attention but everything they say is projection and everything they do is what they're doing and if you want to know who the actual domestic terrorists are look at the people who point their finger at patriotic americans people that they've used to fight wars people that they've celebrated in memorial day and veterans day and fourth of july for hundreds of years and they call them domestic terrorists the people who do that are the domestic terrorists one thousand percent man and then that's what uh maxine waters is she uh she did an interview where she called trump the domestic terrorists. 1,000%, man. And that's what Maxine Waters is. She
Starting point is 00:09:45 did an interview where she called Trump supporters domestic terrorists. And this was on MSNBC. And she was discussing the guilty verdict for Trump in New York. Here's the clip, man. Let's see what she has to say. I am going to spend some time with the criminal
Starting point is 00:10:02 justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what's going on with the domestic justice system, with the justice system, asking them, tell us what's going on with the domestic terrorists. Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous, and we're going to have to make sure that we understand that we're not at risk with this man talking in the way that he's doing.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Oh, you're a risk, bitch. I mean, are we at risk with the way that she's talking? Wasn't she the one that said to, like, go get in people's faces and all that stuff back in 2020? She 100% is. Yeah. Now they're getting scared, dude. No, they're terrified. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And real talk, lady, you're lucky that we have restraint you're lucky we have restraint these people are losing they're they're losing big they're they're fucking freaking the fuck out and i think it's hilarious i think it's great man fuck this lady they should be scared yeah she got butterscotch is in her pocket no she don't she got she's got fucking werther's original lace with cyanide. She probably gives little kids. These people are evil, dude. I would love nothing more.
Starting point is 00:11:12 She spikes the Halloween candy. I would love nothing. Yes, she's one of those people. I would love nothing more to see these people get held accountable for it. Well, they have to get. I think they will. Yeah. I think they will.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's unavoidable. I think one way or another. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Maxine Waters, dumbass to get it. I think they will. Yeah. I think they will. It's unavoidable. I think one way or another. Yeah. Yeah, but so yeah, Maxine Waters, dumbass of the day. Congratulations, lady. Thanks for the shout out. Fuck, she's about 200 years old, bro. She's dumbass of the century.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Guys, remember, if you want to see any of these pitches, articles, links, videos, go to You guys can find all of this stuff linked there. We keep that stuff for you there. With that being said, headline number one. Let's just get right into the spice. Right into the shiitakes. Yeah, let's stay away from those white people
Starting point is 00:11:58 with no spice. Yeah. Is that racist? Listen, the PowerPoint might get stolen. I don't get it. See, that was racist, motherfucker. You know, every time I'm in my room with you, I got to check for my wallet.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Oh, when you walk out to take a shit, we all look at each other and be like, everybody's got their wallet. Are you okay? This is growth right here. I want to confess to a crime. Okay. I did steal your cigar lighter.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Which one? The silver one. Oh, yeah. I do have it. Well, see, this is how I know you're a shitty criminal because that's my shittiest lighter. No. It wasn't intentional.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I got home, bro. I was fucking empty in my pockets. I said, fuck. Black people stealing lighters. Here it goes. And, like, it's funny. I said, fuck. Black people stealing lighters. Here it goes. And like, it's funny. Well, first of all, let's be real. Black people stealing lighters is not a black thing.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Stealing lighters is an American tradition. Yeah, just stealing. It might even be a European tradition, too. It might be a world thing. Lighters are meant to be stolen. Well, just stealing in general is a black guy thing. That's all i would say all my bikes all my bikes growing up were stolen by black people i swear to god so are djs mine too mine too actually no i just thought
Starting point is 00:13:18 it was funny does it feel like he's a little bitter about that he does he still hold on to that one time it happened right in front of me, too. See, Sean? You gotta get Madon another bike, bro, so he calms down. We gotta heal this man. Bro, no, I was just, made me think, bro, because you accused me of stealing your lighters a couple of times. Oh, I didn't. Yeah, you did. No. No, that one big one, and it was right there on the table.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Which one? In the lounge, the blue big. You're just like, DJ, still my light. I'm missing that one. No, it's on your... Anyways, guys, headline number one, man we got to get into this so at uh 10 a.m uh eastern time 9 a.m uh central time where we're recording um mr anthony fauci was called to congress to testify uh and it is some heat going on there uh let's connect some dots um so yeah so he's testifying on covet 19 origins the united states response some of the trust the science that was put out and of course we got some uh we got we got some receipts for you guys of course um but before he even made it in to uh the
Starting point is 00:14:20 room he's getting he's getting some some pretty hotling going on. Here's a quick video of him just entering the building. Look at this fucking rat. Hey, Tony, are you sad that you're in the number three spot as it applies to murdering people throughout the entire world after Stalin and Hitler? Sir, how many people do you think you murdered based on your policies along with Mike Pence at the White House Coronavirus? Who's saying that? This guy on the right? This guy on the gray, yeah. How much did Mike Pence know about your involvement in taking not only millions of dollars, according to the documentation, but also you subsequently funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Starting point is 00:15:36 that ended up destroying America's economy, as well as destroying millions of people, whether it was through the myocarditis-making jabs, the DNA mutilation injections that were never approved by the FDA. There was a big switch. It was legally distinct, meaning you were forcing the injections of emergency use-authorized products into our military service members that destroyed our readiness. Hammered. Hey.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I hear your hell. That's a, hey, listen. You ever seen that video where that pedophile that raped and murdered that guy's kid walking through into the courtroom and he's on the pay phone? On the pay phone, yeah. And he turns around and blows his brains out? Mm-hmm. That would have been better. Yeah, I mean, but good it's pretty good yeah you got him the number three uh threat to humanity after stalin and uh and i forget the other names
Starting point is 00:16:35 stalin and uh mao i mean now listen now so so so that's him just getting in the building he gets in uh majorie taylor green she opens up She refuses to even call him a doctor. She says, quote, You're not a doctor. You're Mr. Fauci in my few minutes. She said after referencing the reports, throwing the subcommittees into disarray over whether she had violated hearing rules, preventing members from making personal attacks. I thought that was pretty cool. But here's the thing. All right. Now they get this guy on there. And of course, the left is always going to try to protect their own. They have this Congresswoman, Mrs. Dingle fitting, tries to do this, like pull on the purse strings. Fauci tries to drop a few
Starting point is 00:17:18 fake tears. Here's this clip. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to ask you about it, but I think the American people need to know what we are doing to those who are serving the common good and public health. I think it's important to make clear the harms that you and your loved ones have suffered because of these deeply irresponsible accusations. Because you know what? You're human, just like the rest of us. So, Dr. Fauci, can you please share with us the nature of the threats you have received since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? Here comes the waterworks. Yes, there have been everything from harassments
Starting point is 00:18:01 by emails, texts, letters of myself, my wife, my three daughters. There have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals. And credible death threats mean someone who clearly was on their way to kill me. And it's required my having protective services essentially all the time. It is very troublesome to me. It is much more troublesome because they've involved my wife and my three daughters. Waterworks. At these moments, how do you feel? Keep your mic on. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Do you continue to receive threats today? Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up and says I'm responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up. Okay, motherfucker. You mean just like how we all got death threats? You mean how you said, oh, we deserve, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Oh, you mean how I have to have security detail because I talked about this shit when you said that we were killing people and that we were fucking, dude, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:20 You want the receipts, Andy? Do we have them? Of course we got them, guys. Here is all of, this is the last, this is a culmination of about three years here worth of mainstream media and the threats that they have made against the American people who decided to, you know, exercise their own freedoms. You mean all the fucking businesses this dude's closed? All the fucking children that are ruined because of the school closures? Dude, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:45 You deserve everything you're getting and way more, way more. Yeah, check this out. You are the unvaccinated. You are the problem. It is the unvaccinated who are the problem, period, end of story. The only people that you can blame, the only people you can blame, this isn't shaming, this is the truth, maybe they should be shamed by the unvaccinated.
Starting point is 00:20:12 You just have to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. Anyone you came into contact with will blame you, as will the rest of us who have done the right thing by getting vaccinated. Because frankly, we know that we can't trust the unvaccinated. I think it's time to get our moral house in order, Anderson. It's the unvaccinated who are the threat. All of us vaccinated folks are going to start wearing masks to protect the unvaccinated folks. It's called a Christian value. You're basically punishing the vaccinated for the sins of the unvaccinated. People are not behaving honorably. The unvaccinated are basically saying, well, it's open season for me. I can do whatever I want as well.
Starting point is 00:20:52 The unvaccinated are basically beating their breasts, running around the country saying, ha ha, we don't care, we're living free and so forth. We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. The unvaccinated, a group that includes children and people acting like children. And the rest of us are starting to get pissed off. The vaccinated feel the unvaccinated are making me upset or angry. This is not about freedom or personal choice.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here. No, screw your freedom. The other day, Howard Stern weighed in with a much different approach. Take a look. When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say, you know, it's mandatory to get vaccinated? Their freedom. You're treading on our freedom and you're making other people sick.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And really, you're killing other people. The anti-vaxxers, they seem to have a thing for death and home remedies. The anti-maskers turned anti-vaxxers are not just putting their own lives at risk. If that was the issue, we could just say that we can watch them compete to win places show in the Darwin Awards. We have to start doing things for the greater good of society and not for idiots who think that they can do their own research. Don't get me started on the lunatics who won't take any of the COVID vaccines.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Life is too short to be an ass. Life is way too short to be ignorant of the promise of something that is helping people worldwide. Maybe you're doing it because you're disconnected or disorganized. Maybe you have some sympathetic psychological reasons. But maybe you're just being antisocial. Oh, you can't shame them. You can't call them stupid. You can't call them silly.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yes, they are. Those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price. The unvaccinated should be taxed. They should pay more for health care. We need to start looking at the choice to remain unvaccinated the same as we look at driving while intoxicated. We're going to see, and I've said, almost two types of America. Dr. Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overproud,
Starting point is 00:22:52 they're going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn't seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in. We'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, Wheezy. Pointing back to the unvaccinated who are really creating a problem in this country, every death that we are seeing from COVID could have been prevented.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Literally, the only people dying are the unvaccinated. And for those of you spreading misinformation, shame on you. Shame on you. I don't know how those of you spreading misinformation, shame on you. Shame on you. I don't know how some of you sleep at night. Well, we sleep good while a lot of you guys are dead. It's funny, you know, vaccinated person coming in with a heart attack. It's interesting. Yeah, it's interesting. Now I want to point this out real quick, Andy, because this is important. All right. Were these all of, you know, everybody we just saw in that little clip was, was this all of their own personal feelings, right? Or were they made to say these things?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Were they just reading off a teleprompter? I don't know. What's the truth? How about the United States government gave media companies, a couple hundred of them, over a billion dollars in one year to push this propaganda? That's our taxpayer dollars. That means we funded this propaganda machine. They used our money to pay these people
Starting point is 00:24:07 to basically scare us and fear us into injecting these crazy things. And it wasn't just us that made, it wasn't just these media companies that made money off of this stuff, right? You got Fauci himself, three quarters of a billion dollars pushing this propaganda.
Starting point is 00:24:24 That's how much he made off of this um pushing these lies spreading these lies these all of this stuff is all out right now um you know and and then you know more information is coming out more and more we're not we were not wrong we were never wrong we were never wrong oxford university just released a study myocarditis and pericarditis only appear after covet vaccination not after covet infection every single day is getting very very clear what happened who were the players and uh who's responsible for this anyway we got on this it's the same thing that i've been saying for the last three and a half years four years this is crimes against humanity every single
Starting point is 00:25:04 person that was involved with it every single single person that funded it, every single person that organized it, every single person that made the decisions, every single person that went along with it for money. I'm not talking about the people out here, the citizens who were fooled or coerced or forced. But every single person that was involved in organizing this should be tried for crimes against humanity and, in my opinion, executed. That's my opinion, okay? This was the biggest scam perpetrated in the history of humankind, right we have to understand the internet was has not been around that long we've never had to deal with as humans propaganda the way that we have with the internet involved in it where you have influencers being paid to say things as if they are facts you know if we have influencers that work for your company your private company they have to disclose that they're being paid or the
Starting point is 00:26:08 FTC will fucking get you these people didn't do that they just paid people to say things as if they were fact and this entire thing it ruined lives it ruined families it ruined futures it ruined generational businesses. It took trillions of dollars out of the middle-class economy of business owners and shifted it to the biggest companies in the world, the people who were friends with these people. It ruined kids. People had to watch their loved ones die on Zoom. Anybody who stood up for it went through complete hell for the last four years, asking me how I know, okay?
Starting point is 00:26:51 I have to have security because fucking people come to my house trying to fuck with me over this for the last four years. They come to my place of business. And now Fauci's saying, oh, I had two people. Bro, I arrested 13 motherfuckers last year trying to fuck with me. And more than that, the year before, okay? So this guy can suck a fucking dick and he deserves to be gutted on national tv braveheart style for what he did for a sign to everybody else that this kind of shit will never be tolerated again that's what i think that's what i have on it this This guy's a fucking super Dr. Evil criminal at the highest level.
Starting point is 00:27:29 In all his cohorts, the World Economic Forum, the WHO, humanity needs to rise up and hold these people accountable. That's what I think. I mean, this could have all been avoided, by the way. You're going to tell me that two dumb fucks from Missouri figured this out three and a half years ago, but these guys are just now figuring it out? I had no idea. No, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:52 They were all leveraged. They were all pressured. All of the people in Washington, all you Republicans, all you people, you guys are pussies, all right? You sat by and let these people do this. In fact, you have a role of response. Now, I don't think that those people should be treated the same as the people who actually came up with it. But the fact that none of you guys in Washington, D.C. actually stood up for this in a real way, you're not. At least questioned it.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah. I mean, what did you have, Rand Paul? You had Rand Paul saying some shit. Everybody else was too scared. Everybody else didn't want to stand out. Bro, including Donald Trump. Donald Trump went along with it. some shit everybody else was too scared everybody else didn't want to stand out bro including donald trump donald trump went along with it and you guys can fucking get mad at me all you want about that but he went along with it shut the country down did all this shit and now you know here we are
Starting point is 00:28:35 like bro that that was i like trump but that was a cowardly move never in the history have we done that no never and i'm old enough to know that, we can flip that around and look at it and say, okay, well, now we can see all this shit very clearly. But look at the damage that's been done. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, sure, you could argue we don't know what Trump was leveraged on. We don't know what the backside of that. But this dude made $710 million dollars in royalties the media companies
Starting point is 00:29:08 got over a billion dollars from the federal government the federal government forced twitter and meta and all the social media brands outside of tiktok to censor anyone saying anything outside the ordinary joe rogan myself other people were saying ivermectin from literally fuck what may or june of 2020 and we were getting destroyed they tried to ruin joe rogan's life over it like bro they knew that shit worked they edited a video and put a fucking grayscale over it they made him look yellow and sick to try try to convince people, like, bro. Bro, they fucking, they put the front line, the America's front line doctors, that coalition of doctors, who was telling, they were like, hey, man, the hospitals are empty.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Hey, you know what? Ivermectin cures this. Hydroxychloroquine helps with this. They went to Capitol Hill. You know what they did to those? They arrested them. They took their medical licenses away. They ruined their lives. They went to Capitol Hill. You know what they did to those? They arrested them. They took their medical licenses away. They ruined their lives.
Starting point is 00:30:08 They ruined their reputation. All the while, the evidence for ivermectin being effective was there. And the reason they wouldn't allow people to talk about it is because if they found out that there was an actual cure or an actual therapeutic treatment for it, they couldn't keep the state of emergency, which was the lockdown. Right. The state of emergency was put in place because there was no therapeutic treatment for it they couldn't keep the state of emergency which was the lockdown right the state of emergency was put in place because there was no therapeutic truth that's right oh we are we have to use this vaccine that's the only choice you have bro they use this they they use this whole thing to lock down the country get the mail-in votes for the election, steal the wealth of the middle class, divide
Starting point is 00:30:47 people, and now it's blowing up in their fucking faces and a whole bunch of more shit, dude. But yeah, guess what? I told you so, motherfuckers. All you motherfuckers that came at me and said, you're dangerous, you're this, you're that, blah, blah, blah. No, you're dangerous. You're this, you're that, blah, blah, blah. No, you're dangerous. You're dangerous. And here's another thing I'll say to any of you listening. If you have people around you that screamed at you and called you names and told dangerous to your family because they are easily manipulated and thirst for power and control over you. People were loving going to the grocery store and screaming at people. They were loving going on Twitter and saying, these people don't wear masks, blah, blah, blah. When people would talk about camps in Australia or the camps that were being built in Canada
Starting point is 00:31:48 or the FEMA camps that were being built in the state of Washington and the state of New York, people cheered and they said, unvaccinated people belong there. And if you were to take that narrative of that video that we just watched and project it down the line. Where do you think they were trying to get you to go? They were going to genocide people that wouldn't take the vaccine. They were going to put them in camps globally and fucking murder them. And your neighbors who fucking went along with it, you better remember who they are because the next time this comes around, they're just as dangerous. Okay. So don't forgive and forget. Keep in mind
Starting point is 00:32:26 who those people are. Keep in mind who did that shit. Keep in mind all your quote unquote friends and family who wouldn't allow you to come over for Thanksgiving or Christmas and who screamed at you and who killed the relationship between you. Those people are dangerous dangerous they are dangerous to you they are dangerous to your family and if given the chance again they will do the same thing unless they have actually publicly stood up and said dude i got played because there's so many people still hanging on to this we still go out in society and motherfuckers are wearing masks and shit they think they're right you see what i'm saying these people are dangerous masks and shit. They think they're right. You see what I'm saying? These people are dangerous, dude. And you better forget, you better not forget who they are. These are the same people that in fucking 1930s, when they were rounding up the Jews,
Starting point is 00:33:13 they were saying, there's a Jew, there's a Jew, there's a Jew. And these ironically are the same people who said, Oh, never do that. I'd be on the right side of history. No, you prove that you were on the wrong side of history. And you better remember were on the wrong side of history and you better remember who was and who you know who was because those motherfuckers will turn on you again and if someone comes along and they want to rally you off to some fucking camp those people will be all for it again bro what's the next line right yeah right now now if they if they if they stood up and they said hey i was i was wrong, I got played, that's a different story. But if they're standing firm in their beliefs, you know, these people who are still saying, oh, the vaccine injuries, that's misinformation.
Starting point is 00:33:53 You're such a liar. You're a right wing, far right, blah, blah, blah. Fuck you. Okay? I'm fucking tired of these people. And I know you guys are too. And we need to stand up and get right in their fucking faces and say hey eat shit guys jump in on this conversation
Starting point is 00:34:10 down in the comments let us know what you guys think with that being said let's go check out some of these comments bro we got some interesting ones cool guys this first comment comes from at JV Anna Donson Guys, this first comment comes from at JV on a Johnson.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And he's always been jealous of DJ's beard. Well, it is Pride Month. What the fuck is that? Who did this shit? We all know who did that. No, bro. Why would I do that to myself? Because it's Pride Month.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Okay. Yeah. Yep. They gave me a camera cut, man. Yeah. That's fucked up. Yep. That is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah, why would you do that? You did that shit yep all right we got another one here uh as misems as misems as misems this dude is a swollen amygdala with a beard you're talking about you that's, I'm talking about you. How do you know? How do you know? Bro, I'm talking about you.
Starting point is 00:35:30 How do you know he's not talking about you? I'm not a swollen amygdala. Oh, so I am? Bro, the shit that these people come up with. I mean, maybe that's right. That could be right. I do feel a little mad all the time like i feel madder than i should all the time no you alligator's anger because it got out of them teeth and no toothbrush that's what it is i mean i can't say anything it is
Starting point is 00:36:01 what it is got me we got. We got another one here. I don't even know how to read this. It's just a generic username, but it probably makes sense with the age of this person. Let's check out this comment here. It says, quote, I'm 63, obese, and on day 16 of 75 hard. My workouts are doctor approved. I want to do more, but I let myself go for decades.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I found, quote, the heart of the program on day three. I'm a Navy vet, and I really like what I'm experiencing. Thank you for this program. To which at Caleb Fleming, 1607, replied, I'm on day 70. I barely even have to think about it now. You've got this from one veteran to another. You're doing the right thing. Yeah, man. That's awesome, dude. That's fucking cool yeah i love that dude i love i love like it's never been like to me because i've i've always struggled with my fitness and physique my whole life especially being overweight you know it's funny because a lot of a lot of people
Starting point is 00:37:03 in the fitness industry are very much so like you know you got to be fucking ripped and jacked and this and that and like bro it ain't about that man it's about where you are and it's about getting better day in and day out and you know this this is this is how it's supposed to be it's supposed to be people who recognize they have a big change to make who are taking the steps day by day by day no matter where they started from and then other people supporting that and um this is what it's all about right here man i love this it's fucking great yeah uh one last one real quick just to tie this all up at uh avery atkinson 167 says don't be a lizzo show the show it'd be hard to be a Lizzo. Share the show.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It'd be hard to be a Lizzo. That's a full-time job. I mean, I would have to fucking eat 24 hours a day. Yeah. Yeah. Guys, we appreciate you. I have an endless supply of bananas to stick in girls' vaginas. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's what she did. Oh, all right. Oh, you thought that was a... Oh. I didn't know where he was going with that one, bro. That's what she did oh all right oh you thought that was a oh that was i didn't know where he was going with that one bro that's what she did she she made allegedly made girls on her team stick bananas in their vaginas yeah she did no that is a factual statement i didn't i didn't you're the one that's racist bro not. Not me. I'm repeating facts. You're drawing conclusions and parallels between bananas.
Starting point is 00:38:29 What? Just sticking their vaginas. Got it. You don't like bananas? I love bananas. Andy. Bro. There's something wrong with you, bro.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Here's the secret, bro. Listen. You take Honey Nut Cheerios, dice up some bananas, throw them bitches on top, a little on top a little honey hey dude that's good my mom used to do that when the kids fire shit my mom used to do that for us when the kids fire that was the shit fire 1000 yeah that's a good one guys we appreciate you for being real ass fans thank you guys for all the likes comments the shares the love uh keep liking keep commenting make sure you guys uh hit subscribe on the tube to stay up to date with the newest episodes that drop with that being said let's keep the show moving headline number two um speaking of criminals uh jury selection kicks off in hunter
Starting point is 00:39:15 biden's federal gun crime trial uh this is an interesting stuff i know we covered this a little bit you had biden do that surprise visit to hailey biden bro before you get into this yeah do you think it do you do you not think that's reasonable that these people who did that should be made an example of i think they need to be made the ultimate example i mean bro prison is not enough prison is not enough i don't want to like listen the only taxpayer dollars i want going to handling these people are to get teens and woodchippers bro yeah that's it yeah like dude you guys let me know what you think. Because, like, dude, putting these people in prison, all they get is slaps on the wrist for anything they do.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Well, they only got a couple of years to live anyway. No, dude. Listen. For things like this to not happen, there has to be examples made. People have to know what happens when you do this. After World War II, they had the Nuremberg Trials, where they fucking hung the media who lied. They hung the people who perpetrated these things.
Starting point is 00:40:11 How is this any different than that? It's not. This is actually, in a whole different realm, worse, because it was global. It wasn't just contained to one little thing. Right, right. It's fucking crazy, dude. Anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah, so Hunter Biden's gun trial, that starts today. A couple of fast facts. So Hunter Biden is charged with making a false statement during the purchase of a firearm, as well as possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance. Hunter faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison if he is convicted on all counts. Jury selection begins in Hunter's Delaware trial on Monday. Now, it should be noted, Delaware is their hometown. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:57 That's where they're from. That's their state. That's where they're from. So. A lot of money gets pumped into Delaware from Biden's. That's already been pointed out. So it'll be interesting how this plays out. I know they have already kicked off Navarro Deer, which is the jury selection.
Starting point is 00:41:13 They already kicked off one person because they said that Trump was falsely prosecuted. I thought that was interesting. But yeah, so he's facing 42 years of all. If you include the tax charges as well as how many he's looking at. Max of 17 years just on the tax stuff and then another 25 on the gun stuff. You got Dr. Jill Biden. She's in the trial in the courtroom with him today. Joe, you know, 10 percent for the big guy. He's not there today. But Jill Biden is there, which is weird um because hunter biden fucking hates her right like i mean we got some text messages that came out uh these were exposed these were all on the laptop as well where he called her
Starting point is 00:41:56 a quote selfish silly entitled cunt end quote um he fucking hates her um he also told her quote go fuck yourself um hunter said in mockery of dr jill biden's acclaimed teaching prowess quote i sorted you he meant supported my gm family including some of the costs you should have used your salary to lay pay uh for the last 24 years hunter said in the rant um to to which she then displayed Hunter's artwork in the White House office. So yeah, so she's there. Now, super interesting, because there's something there's a weird dynamic here that's happening. And out of the White House, you know, they keep talking about, you know, everybody's obviously understanding this is political prosecution, right? The shit that's going on with Trump, it's undeniable. White House is obviously saying that
Starting point is 00:42:42 it's not, even though, you know, they're having campaign uh you know spokesperson events right outside of the trump's courthouse right like it's not biden's response when he was asked about it he fucking laughed the grin yeah fucking evil smile they know it is bro everybody knows it is they know it is but dude these people in the country have been pacified like Like I said at the beginning of the show to rant and rave on social media as opposed to behaving as if social media Didn't exist. What would you do if your country was being destroyed by these people and you couldn't just post memes about it? What would you do? That's what needs to be done. Yeah Yeah, and so you got that stuff going on
Starting point is 00:43:24 On the Trump came out mean violence by the way, I don't clarify that. Yeah, I'm not saying that stuff going on on the Trump case. I don't mean violence, by the way. I don't clarify that. Yeah. I'm not saying violence. That's not where we're at yet. But like, bro, we need to get involved a lot more than just posting memes. Now, speaking of the Trump case, there has been an update there. Apparently, Donald Trump's calling on the Supreme Court to step in. So July 11th is when he's supposed to be getting sentenced. He made a truth statement here saying, quote, the sentencing, quote unquote, for not having done anything wrong will be conveniently for the fascists. Four days before the Republican National Convention, a radical left Soros back D.A. platform of, quote, I will get Trump, end quote, reporting to an acting local judge appointed by the Democrats who is highly conflicted, will make a decision which will determine the future of our nation.
Starting point is 00:44:12 The United States Supreme Court must decide. So that's a move. It's possible. We'll see what happens. But here's a weird thing. Did you see that apparently Trump's about to blow the whistle? He says if he gets back blow the whistle he says if he gets back into the white house if he gets a second term he's blowing the whistle on the line of 9-11
Starting point is 00:44:29 stuff and the uh epstein files did you see that no oh yeah bro he's uh why didn't you do that first term well that shit wasn't out yet yeah yeah i think it wasn't everything wasn't fully out yet now as far as 9-11 he probably could have blew the whistle on i think the biggest thing bro is that like you, you know, I do believe in full transparency. I think we need to know fucking everything. Everything. Full D-class.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Because, dude, we don't have any trust in anything anymore. 100%. Nobody can believe anything these people say. So the only way to regain trust is for full declassification of what they know. 100%. You know, I think my only thing, and I do understand it to a certain degree, bro, is that it's like taking somebody who's never seen outside, who's never seen the light, like the sunlight, bro,
Starting point is 00:45:13 and then just fucking full-blown blinding. Yeah, well. It's going to be like, bro, I think, I mean, you talk about mass chaos, bro. You don't think most people know this shit by now? I mean, you don't think most people know this shit by now i mean i think most people know that jfk was assassinated by people within our own country you don't think that people know that 9-11 was fucking i think it's one thing to to think and then it's another thing to 100% without a doubt know it i mean you don't think that epstein was some sort of intelligence operation
Starting point is 00:45:43 to blackmail the most powerful people on earth to spread. How do you think they get people to do those narratives? They don't just pay them. It's called the stick and the carrot. They pay them. And then if they won't take the money, they threaten them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So here's Trump's here's Trump's on on what he's what he's promising for a second term. Would you declassify the 9-11 files? Yeah. Would you declassify JFK files? Yeah. I did a lot of it. Would you declassify the Epstein files? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah, I would. Attorney General. Yeah, I mean, it seems very, very simple to him. Yeah, anything? Why didn't you? Why didn't you? Why didn't you? That's't you? Why didn't you? That's my problem.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Why didn't you? What were you waiting on? Yeah, what was the holdup? What do you think is going to happen in the Hunter Biden shit? Nothing. I wonder, is it like, Biden can't pardon him, right? I mean, look, wouldn't that be a direct conflict? What do you mean when you say what do you think is going to happen?
Starting point is 00:46:51 Normally, I would say that these people like, dude, if we had a real justice system, these people like Fauci, all the people I've named, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the WHO with Tedros, all these people across the nations. There's only like a thousand two thousand people that created that whole thing those if we had a justice system and we had people across the globe that actually had a big old nutsack like we used to these people would already be hung so when you say what what do i think is going to happen to them i don't think anything's going to happen to them because the people who represent us supposedly in our government don't do anything. They go on there.
Starting point is 00:47:27 They say some harsh words. They write a harsh letter. They say some statement. They don't actually do anything. The thing just keeps going and going and going. And that's where Americans get frustrated. There's no accountability. There should be zero, zero privilege or immunity for these people for what they've done and and no one's
Starting point is 00:47:49 above the law no and all these people in the republican party who act like they actually care dude they don't because they say they do and they say these things like we saw this statement today by marjorie taylor green yeah it sounds good what the fuck are you gonna do you know you tell fauci he committed crimes against humanity uh ran paul said the same thing so did dude from texas what's the dude from texas name um the governor no fucking you know whatever it doesn't matter multiple people have gone on and said these things over and over and over again but yet nothing happens and the reason nothing happens is because all these people are on the same team they're all in on the same bullshit they're all in on the same insider trading they
Starting point is 00:48:35 all make money they're all that none of them will tell on each other or prosecute each other unless it's donald trump because donald trump is the only guy who's not part of their little game hopefully okay because that's where i get my little doubts from right it's like dude why didn't you do any of this stuff already why why do you not direct the american people on what to do why don't you tell us what we should be doing why when you have a hundred thousand people in front of the entire country on every tv station don't you tell the america the america people are waiting for instructions they're waiting for someone to say this is what we're doing do this he hasn't done that so what you know what i'm saying like that if you're a real leader bro why aren't you doing
Starting point is 00:49:16 that why aren't you directing america people like i've i've offered more leadership on this show to solutions than he has i say what people need to be doing. They need to be getting activated. They need to be living a life of personal excellence. They need to be changing the culture. They need to not be a fat fuck. They need to fucking be healthy. They need to put intelligent things in their brain.
Starting point is 00:49:34 They need to be personally excellent because everything these people want is a subservient slave class. And the only way they can get that is if we're poor, unhealthy, sick, taking eating all their food consuming all their data making them rich and we should be the antithesis to that that is a big solution to the culture that's a long-term solution the other short-term solution is to get engaged in your local politics get engaged your local school boards where's trump saying any of that it's fair it's very very okay so that's my that's my gripe all right you have these guys going on there and and this is not dislike trump this is we should be able to be critical of people you should be that's my criticism of him yeah you know and for you those of you who say oh you guys just you worship trump no not at all just because you fucking think
Starting point is 00:50:23 someone is a better option than someone else doesn't mean you worship them. You're presented with a pile of shit or you're presented with a cheese sandwich. You're going to choose this cheese sandwich. Now, it ain't a filet mignon, but you know what I'm saying? I like cheese. Yeah. I'm definitely not eating the shit.
Starting point is 00:50:39 You know what I'm saying? So that's what we got to look at. And there's a lot of things that I love about Trump. And there's a lot of things that give me question marks. And that doesn't mean I'm not going to vote for him. It doesn't mean I'm going to be like one of these dumb fucks who's like, ooh, don't vote. What's wrong with your brain? Right.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I'm going to write in. Okay. You can say this and it sounds real nice. Oh, when you vote, you're giving them the power and you're inadvertently subservient to them and all this shit. Bro, there's a reality out here. And here's the reality. If Biden stays in power, you are going to suffer. Your life is going to suffer.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Your income is going to suffer. You might get put in some sort of camp. Who knows? Who knows what these people are going to do? Okay? Now, you can live in this dream world and say, I'm not going to vote because i'm not going to participate in this tyranny all right so what if they cheat again and your vote would have been for trump and and that evidence would have created a scale at which they couldn't cheat over you see what i'm saying right you gave them
Starting point is 00:51:40 enough to fudge dude that's the thing we there has to be such a landslide of votes that they can't cheat over it. And then you let him get in office and he improves a couple things. And then we figure out where to go from there. That is a reasonable person's thought process. Yeah. 100%, man. Like, dude, you understand what I'm saying? You have to fucking have evidence that they're doing the things they're doing to hold them accountable right not voting actually feeds them on the other yes yeah even if you don't
Starting point is 00:52:10 believe in the vote even if you don't believe in the way that the system's set up the only way you could change is by stopping the bleeding right now you see what i'm saying 100 bro i can say this dude the way that things are going if they cheat bro, I think there's going to be big problems. I think people will rise up because the evidence of how much more momentum is with Trump than with Biden. They can say the poll stuff every day on TV. They could say, oh, he's leading by 10 points. Bullshit. Trump has 200 fucking thousand people showing up at his rallies.
Starting point is 00:52:41 This dude has seven. Okay. Trump drives down the road and everywhere he goes,'s people 50 people deep along the streets this dude walks down the street with a fucking ice cream cone people yell at him say fuck you okay so don't give me that shit the dude didn't get 81 million votes it was a fucking coup that's what happened they lied they cheated and now they've used the last four years to destroy this country and our way of life and if they get another four years and they cheat again which they won't because i think if they try to do it this time they will end up in the fucking gallows not by the justice system but by the citizens yeah it's real shit man well guys let's get into
Starting point is 00:53:20 our third and final headline headline number three player three. Player who hit Kaitlyn Clark responds to calls for an enforcer. Now, this is, you know, it's a very interesting situation, but we got some really good shit happening here, which I think is important to bring up because, you know, racism does exist, right? Not in the way that people talk about it. But, yeah, racism can absolutely exist, and it's important when people call that shit out for what it is. And that's exactly what's happening here. Um,
Starting point is 00:53:49 so let's check into this, uh, as the hits on Caitlin Clark keep piling up, one of the most frequently proposed solutions is that the Indiana fever needs to get themselves an enforcer to protect Clark calls for the acquisition of a player who may, uh, whose main role is to dish out punishment, grew this weekend after the Chicago Skies' Shenity Carter sent Clark crashing to the floor in a completely unprovoked attack. Did you see this video?
Starting point is 00:54:17 No. Well, watch this shit. She has been terrific. Mabry doubled off to Carter. Her jumper is good. Kennedy Carter now with 12 points off the bench. And Clark. Play was well over.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah. I mean, that's clearly which was called. The question is, will they call it? They should call her a bitch. She said, yo, bitch. clearly what was called. The question is, will they call it? They should call her a bitch. She said, yo, bitch. Kennedy Carter. Yeah. In fact, none other than frequently penalized Warriors forward,
Starting point is 00:54:54 Draymond Green himself weighed in on the topic. In a comment originally posted on Instagram, Green said, quote, Indiana better go invest in an enforcer fast. To which, Kennedy, I'm pretty invest in an enforcer fast to which Kennedy. I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing that right. That's what it spells like. Yeah. She's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah. Kennedy, Kennedy, whatever. She she made a tweet saying we grown as fuck. And y'all talking about enforcer, man, get the fuck out of here. Hoop or shut up. Now, I want to ask you this because, you you've played sports i've played sports right like you know the the fresh meat as they're called on the field or whatever it is right like there is an adjustment there for sure right low guy on the totem pole there is a part of that in sports for sure right now i don't know what you were taught
Starting point is 00:55:40 i was always taught between the whistles that's what i was taught right i don't know what you were taught. I was always taught between the whistles. That's what I was taught, right? I don't know if there's an argument to be made that this is just an adjustment of a new player. She's new to the WNBA. I don't know. Or is this something more sinister? Kaitlyn's been, you know, nobody, like they've all been hating her because of how she was drafted, the contract she makes. But she's a damn good fucking player.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And she's getting zero recognition because of that. Andy, what you got on that well i mean is this is this happening all the time i mean we're you just got in and starting yeah but look dude i mean that's a dirty play yeah that's all i see it for i see it as dirty play you know um i i think the when if you want to bring up racism the more more racist thing, I think that's a dirty play. I don't think that's racism. Okay, good. Stephen A. Smith doesn't agree.
Starting point is 00:56:28 He thinks it was absolutely racist as a component there. He did? Yeah. Stephen A. Smith did? Yeah, he said, Cheney's fucked up. That's wrong. Well, I don't know. I don't know what she says or who she is or who she stands for.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It was the WNBA. We see this play happen in sports all the time. This happens in hockey. This happens in football. This happens in football. This happens in baseball. So to say that's racist, I mean, who fucking knows? What was the conversation? But I'll tell you what I do think is racist is when the announcers start talking about how she has white privilege in the WNBA because she's not she's not a lesbian and she
Starting point is 00:57:07 is white right like that's the racism okay i'm tired of hearing sexism listen i'm tired of hearing that shit everybody's tired of it okay white people you do not have to feel guilty for being fucking white if people come at you and say hey you fucking white tell them to fucking eat shit Okay, i'm fucking tired of it. All white people are tired of it There's a complete anti-white bias in the media and it's been going on for way too long and there's no reason That anybody should apologize for something that they were born as all right So the racism comes from these announcers who are beating this shit to death. You go out in the real world, nobody gives a fuck about any of this. Nobody gives a fuck about white people or black people or any of this shit. This is all made-up narrative shit for television and ratings
Starting point is 00:57:54 and people that think they're in the fucking civil rights era, which has already been solved 50 fucking years ago. Well, that's the question, bro. Why do they want you to care about this shit so much? It's ridiculous. It's to distract you from all the other actual shit that's happening right now in this country. Well, look, dude, listen. Listen, I'm fucking tired of hearing it.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I'm tired of hearing white people are bad. I'm tired of hearing white people this, white people that. Fuck white people. Just about white. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Fuck you. Okay, how about that? That's racism. Just about white. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Fuck you. Okay, how about that? That's racism.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I'm sick of hearing it. I don't give a fuck if you're black and you're criticizing white people for being white. Or you're white and you're criticizing black people for being black. Or you're whatever. If you judge someone by the color of their skin, the pigment of their skin, you are a world-class piece of fucking shit. That's my stance on all of it. And white people in general need to quit apologizing
Starting point is 00:58:50 for being fucking white. You guys are acting like a bunch of bitches. It's not a bad thing to say to say, hey, fuck you. Stand up for yourself. Yeah. It's not right. It doesn't matter who it comes from. Whatever direction it's going
Starting point is 00:59:05 Yeah Oh it could be You're colonized Motherfucker My parents My grandparents Were immigrants They weren't even here
Starting point is 00:59:12 For fucking slavery I wouldn't hear And if you wanna Fucking really get into it My ancestors Were fucking slaves Of black people In Sicily
Starting point is 00:59:20 Right Fuck Look into it more I'm sick of hearing it Yeah Sick of hearing it. Yeah. Sick of hearing it. I think he is too much. Stephen A. Smith's been changing his tune a lot.
Starting point is 00:59:29 You know why? Because he's sound. Listen, I'm going to be real. Stephen A. Smith is a big fucking propagator of the division that's happening now. Used to be, yeah. And he's done it for a decade, and now he's starting to fucking realize that he fucked up, which I can respect. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend like Stephen A. Smith hasn't caused a lot of this. Yeah, especially in sports
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah, he's been Stephen a Smith has been this, you know Anti white all everything's racist for 10 15 20 years Okay, so now he's starting to get it and I can respect that but You know, you should have got it a long time ago. It's not okay for anyone to discriminate against anyone for the color of their fucking skin, dude. Think of how fucking stupid you have to be to look at someone and think that person's black or that person's white and then think less of them and then to openly say it like they talk about caitlin clark like these these black women and you've seen these these reports right like where these whip these black women are like
Starting point is 01:00:35 yeah you know she's a great player but blah blah blah blah blah blah blah she has privilege because she's white oh so because she's white what she's better at basketball i'm pretty sure most of the motherfuckers in basketball are black we all know that ain't true yeah and on top of it let's talk about diversity okay are we gonna fucking are you guys gonna start putting white people on nba teams where's the talk about that oh no no you know why there's no talk about that because white people don't give a fuck about that. They don't. White people are actually the least racist motherfucking people on the planet because they have never been allowed to base their identity and race. If I was to say I'm proud for being white my entire life, it would be considered racist.
Starting point is 01:01:18 But if you were to say I'm proud to be black, it's celebrated. If an Asian says I'm proud to be Asian, it's celebrated. If a gay person says I'm proud to be gay, it's celebrated. If an Asian says I'm proud to be Asian, it's celebrated. If a gay person says I'm proud to be gay, it's celebrated. So why can't white people not say I'm proud to be white? I don't want to say that, by the way, I don't give a fuck. But the point is there's a double standard there. And because that double standard exists, white people don't have the thoughts of their own race the same way that everybody else does because they've been taught that it's not okay to feel that way all right so when we look at the whole real shit man yeah so
Starting point is 01:01:51 when we look at the whole dynamic of what's going on here you have one race of people who are bullied and told they are racist who are actually people who never say a fucking thing racist about anyone because the minute they fucking say, bro, most white people won't even say black person. Right. Like if they say, oh, man, this guy came up and fucking shot at me. They'll say, well, what do you look like? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:15 He's like 5'10". All right. Well, what else do you look like? He was 30. What else do you look like? He looked like a nice man. He was wearing Nikes. What else do you look like?
Starting point is 01:02:24 And the fact that he was black will be the last thing that they say because they're afraid to be called racist okay so like dude we have to get past this we're not making that shit up that's a real headline too we covered that on the show yeah dude it happens all the time all the time but but dude it's it's absurd and white people aren't calling for integration in the nba because we realize that fucking the NBA is more exciting with the guys who are playing it. They're pretty good. Hey, man, I don't really give a fuck if they're white or they're black.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I want to watch some good fucking basketball. That's it. I want my team to win, whatever the matter. Remember two years ago when they started saying they're going to have to make hockey more diverse? Right. Like, I don't care, man. I don't give a fuck how many black dudes are on a hockey team bro i
Starting point is 01:03:06 just want to see some fucking good hockey same with baseball you don't hear any white people saying there needs to be more white people in baseball most fucking baseball players are black or dominican nobody's saying that nobody's saying that about the nfl but we have to have diversity of the workforce otherwise we're racist you see what i'm saying yeah like bro you want to if you want to break down dei and make it as expose it for the bullshit that it is how come they never talk about it in pro sports how come they never talk about it in college sports because people want to watch and they understand meritocracy they understand the best play they understand the best win they understand competition and every motherfucking human understands it and they don't
Starting point is 01:03:52 want that shit in their sports and so all of those people that say you got to have it in all these other places are full of shit they're all a bunch of fucking liars 100 man guys jump in on this conversation let us know what you guys think Down in the comments Let us know Nobody should be judging anybody for the color of their fucking skin Period That is period I'm fucking over it dude
Starting point is 01:04:17 I get it bro You know what's gonna happen dude You know like how white nationalism Legitimately fucking That's right That's right 100% you know what's gonna happen dude you do you know like how white nationalism legitimately fucking that's right they are trying to agree that's right intentional that's right 100 and that's what people gotta understand this i get because i'm seeing a lot more like aggressive pro-white shit on the internet and like people talking shit on people like me to say hey there should be no racism they're like dude we should be able to be proud of who we are and what we've
Starting point is 01:04:44 contributed society without being called racist every race should be able to say that okay but at the end of the day we should also know that that doesn't make us better than someone else and that doesn't make us yeah or worse that's right man i'm just over it dude like any anybody who does that you could right off to me 100 i think it's the lowest common denominator of intelligence i think you're the dumbest motherfucker on the planet but i also believe that we should be telling the truth about what people did what right for the last fucking 15 years we've had to hear about how you know white people didn't do any of the shit they say they did oh you mean white people didn't like legit build europe they didn't create all these things and you know you get what i'm saying now we're having shit taken away from
Starting point is 01:05:29 us yeah you know that's lies it's not even true stupid shit black people built the pyramids you know that right well apparently they built everything everything it's just so it's irritating yeah black people everything but a credit score it's irritating and by the way by the way black people represent the the smallest amount the small hold on the smallest amount of slavery in the history of human earth more people of other races have been enslaved than black people than any other fucking there's more slaves alive today than there are there were fucking yeah and they say oh, white people went and stole black No, they were sold by other black people Half the fucking slave owners in the South were black
Starting point is 01:06:09 Like, dude, I'm just tired of getting the finger Here's the bottom line And I want to say this too 99.9% of people in the real world, they don't give a fuck They're cool people That's the bottom line but i'm so tired of hearing about it from these fucking crazy people i think everybody is
Starting point is 01:06:30 i think that's why we're seeing jesus dude what the fuck was that what the fuck was that is that a fucking tornado i'm sorry i'm sorry i actually hurt bro because i almost shit myself at the same time damn that was about to be bad are you sure you did it i don't know is that one of the things where you like shit yourself you're like fuck i almost shit myself you ever bro you so you never snorted huh you never started a sneeze and a fart you never started yeah but it hurts all right listen man here's what i know all right motherfucker y'all act like it never happened to y'all okay all right that's not what i'm saying all right no that's fine that see that's racism it's fine oh so only. All right. That's not what I'm saying. All right. No, that's fine. See, that's racism.
Starting point is 01:07:05 That's fine. Oh, so only black people snort? See, that's what I'm saying. My point is, dude, is like, dude, I'm just fucking tired of hearing it. And I think everybody is. And I think that's why we're seeing such a black exodus
Starting point is 01:07:18 from these Democrats, bro. Everybody's tired of the artificial division. And we have to remain... We have to start telling the truth. We have to stop asking, is it offensive? And start asking, is it true? And we have to start being honest about things.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Because, dude, these people are insane. And once black people and white people truly figure out that we're on the same page. Oh, bro, they're fucked. And those government fucks look at us like we're cockroaches, all of us. They're fucked. Everything they do is to get black people and white people to not get along because when that dynamic collides and unifies those people are fucked bro that's why this racism shit is neat it needs to be solved and like dude
Starting point is 01:07:54 just as i would stand up against somebody who was white and was racist towards black people black people should be standing up against this anti-white shit, too. It's real shit, man. We're Americans, bro. Period. Guys, jump down in the comments. Let us know what your thoughts, theories, feelings were on this topic. Now, with that being said, let's bring the show to a close with our final segment. As always, thumbs up or thumbs fuck. Now, in honor of Andy's favorite month, Pride Month, I got something here for you, bro.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I know it's important to you, and I want to make sure that you know you're seen and you're heard and you're validated. Well, thank you. I often feel unheard. I see you. You're so brave. I am. You're so brave. You're so brave. No, man. You definitely shit your pants.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Andy, man, I got something for you here, man. I know you do. From our neck of the woods. From our neck of the woods. From our neck of the woods. Right here in little old St. Louis, Missouri. You guys smell that? Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Bullshit. Y'all don't fucking smell shit. All right. Y'all don't smell nothing. I ain't fart for real, man. Come on. Don't do me like that. Oh, it's pride month for me, but don't do you like that uh right here from little old st louis
Starting point is 01:09:31 man we gotta rep the city um now this is a little context article first before we get to the meat and potatoes here um but uh this headline is a few few months like about two months ago this uh this headline reads missouri republican candidate torches lches LGBTQ Inclusive Books in Viral Video. So we got Valentina Gomez. She's running for Missouri Secretary of State. She lit a couple of books on fire. It sent the world, you know, social media went into a craze, fanatic rage about this. And when I say the world, I mean like 10 people.
Starting point is 01:10:05 But here's a clip. Let's check this out. That's because the rest of them want those books to burn. Yeah, no shit. This is what I will do to the growing books when I become Secretary of State. These books belong to the Missouri Public Library. When I'm in office, they will burn.
Starting point is 01:10:28 She just went full blast. She don't give a fuck. She gives zero fucks. Oh, zero, bro. She's awesome. But here's the funny thing. I hope it's going to be a burn of books right here on TV. So she got some clap back, right?
Starting point is 01:10:44 And I want to show you what her response was. I bet she clapped right back. For those that I offended for burning two pornographic books, from the bottom of my heart, I want to apologize. Absolutely nobody. They don't do what the f*** they want. Oh, that looks good. That looks good, God bless you. She did good. That looks good, goblin.
Starting point is 01:11:08 She did not. She did that. Okay, we gotta get her on the show. That's her pose, bro. That's fucking hilarious. But there's been an update. So again, in honor- I guarantee you, bro, she listens to the show.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Oh, she don't know. She wants to come on. Oh, she does? We can make it happen. All right. We can make it happen. Tell her to bring that flamethrower. You got one.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I know. We can burn books together. Tell her to bring that flamethrower. You got one. I know. Can you burn books again? I know. We could cross the streams. Have you seen Ghostbusters, bro? When you cross the streams, it opens up a dimension. A gay one. I was about to say. It's not the same as when we cross the streams, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:11:41 Who's that? What do you mean by that? What? Is that secret? Come on, man. It on it's pride month pearl don't be ashamed all right stop all right so she made a uh so she made another one she made uh she's she's been on it um and she's been getting a little bit more heat here recently also um because she made a post um where she basically told everybody to stop being weak and gay here's the clip in america you can be anything you want Was that on TV? She's posted on all social media.
Starting point is 01:12:35 She's been watching too many Goggins videos. In America, man, you can be anything you want. Don't be weak and gay. It's great. You know, I saw Becky posted this reel this morning. Did you see that reel she posted today? You want me to throw it up? Yeah, throw it up here. It's good.
Starting point is 01:12:56 All right, this clip right here. Your children will see us. Your children will love us. and your children will join us. The children, the children, the children. Why are you so obsessed with the children? I know, you know, we all know that this ain't wholesome family fun here. You can be a drag queen without the approval or validation of children. Why do you need that? Why does the rainbow community fight so hard for the approval of and access to children the number one reason why people are starting to revolt against the gay community is because of this right here because of your incessant demands for access to
Starting point is 01:13:34 people's children it's not that hard to just leave the children alone they don't want to leave the children alone check that man's hard drive why why do they want the children check that why do they constantly talk about the children and if you are gay you should probably stand up and say this is bullshit just like becky is saying because becky is gay and she doesn't want people to revolt against the gay community i don't understand what it is about gay people that allow these fucking men who are dressed up as women to infiltrate their movement and then force their selves onto other people's children bro it's dangerous people are going to start getting fucking killed real talk and so if you are gay
Starting point is 01:14:17 and you are celebrating quote-unquote pride month one of the 4 000 fucking days that you get in a year okay please differentiate your beliefs from these fucking people's beliefs because there's going to come a time where these people are going to be dealt with one thousand percent man guys you tell us what you guys think um let us know down in the comments thumbs up here people are yeah thumbs up people are sick of that dude they're sick of it they're fucking sick of it fuck you and your fucking drag shit and your want to be in front of people's kids fuck off vigilante justice is going to start happening dude there ain't nothing they can do to hold that back no and it's not going to be punished either people are
Starting point is 01:15:00 dude this is what's happened That's right. This has happened over and over again in history. Gay people have started to get gay rights. Pedophiles joined them, and it caused this big, huge issue against the entire gay community. This has happened over and over and over again. You guys got what
Starting point is 01:15:19 you wanted. People didn't give a fuck five, six years ago. In fact, fuck, most people didn't give a fuck about the rainbow ago in fact fuck most people didn't give a fuck about the rainbow flag or nothing they were like oh you're cool man now it's like fuck another fucking rainbow yeah fuck they keep adding colors bro i don't even know there was that many colors existed i dude it's danger these people dude like i said before on the show you never see women dressed as men you never see women who are quote unquote trans men wanting to shake their shit in front of little kids. It's always middle-aged men dressed as women that are demanding access to your fucking children.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Why is that? The answer is obvious. It is a pedophile problem and it needs to be called what it is. Stop pretending these people are part of your movement they're not no real shit man yeah hell yeah all right guys don't be a hoe show the show Fuck a bowl, fuck a stove. Counting millions in a cold. Bad bitch, booted swole. Got her on bankroll. Can't fold, just a no.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Headshot, case closed.

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