REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 771. Q&AF: Staying Focused Among Unethical Competitors, Vetting New Friends & Building Consistency

Episode Date: September 2, 2024

On today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how to keep a level mindset to win when you see people getting ahead using shady business practices, how to vet new friends when you start becoming s...uccessful in life and business, and what to do when you want to develop more consistency with your good habits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Q and AF. That's where you submit the questions and we, DJ and I, give you the answers. Now, you can submit your questions a couple different ways. Guys, you can email these questions in to askandy at Or you go on YouTube in the comment sections on the Q&A episodes and drop
Starting point is 00:00:46 your question in there and we will pick some from there as well. Now, throughout the week we're going to have shows within the show. Tomorrow we're going to have CTI, that stands for Cruise the Internet. We're going to put topics on the screen, we're going to speculate on what's true and what's not true and then we're going to talk about how we,
Starting point is 00:01:03 the people, have to solve these problems going on in the world. Sometimes we're going to talk about how we, the people, have to solve these problems going on in the world. Sometimes we're going to have real talk. That's just five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. And other times we're going to have 75 hard versus. That's where someone who has completed the 75 hard program comes in, talks about how their life was before, how their life is now, and how they use the 75 hard program to get their life realigned. If you're unfamiliar with 75 hard, it is the initial phase of the live hard program. Live hard program is available for free at episode 208. It is the world's most famous in history, mental transformation program,
Starting point is 00:01:38 and it's free. You can get it episode 208 on the audio feed. There is a book available on my website,, called The Book on Mental Toughness, that covers the entire Live Hard program, including 75 Hard in all three phases. And then 10 extra chapters on mental toughness, some case studies on some very famous people that have used mental toughness to become the very famous people that you recognize. We also do things a little bit differently on this show. If this is your first time listening,
Starting point is 00:02:07 you're going to notice that we do not run ads on the show. Now, the reason we don't run ads on the show is because I don't want to listen to some dork tell me what I can and can't say. All right, that's it. I finance the show myself, and I ask very simply that you help us participate in growing the show. So if it makes you think, if it makes you laugh, it gives you
Starting point is 00:02:32 a new perspective. If it's information you think is valuable and needs to be heard, which it is, remember that we are always battling censorship, shadow bans, traffic thr throttling and we need your help to get the show out. So I don't be a hoe Share the show. Oh You're on it today Well, I mean dude I've had no coffee today no energy drinks no caffeine are you doing that on purpose? Yeah? I'm straight straight edge now Oh, yeah, he's ever that's called a straight edge. no caffeine. I know that's like no alcohol, no drugs. Oh. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yeah. Anyway, it's never going to be me. I'm going to be the crooked edge. What's happening, dude? A little curve in your edge. No, nothing much, man. That's it. Got it curving.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah. Got it curving the edge. You know what I'm saying? No, man. Everything's good, man. Everything's good. It. Everything's good. It's Monday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Hope you guys are having a great start to your weeks. Yeah. What'd you do this weekend? Black people shit. Me too. All right, man. Yeah, well, let's get into it, man. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Let's start the week off right with three good ones. You got to say it the right way. uh with three good ones you gotta say it the right way i got three good ones for you all right bro yeah i'm ready now let's knock that's like the trigger phrase i can't even get in the zone until you say it gotta have that trigger that's right yeah that's right all right man that was andy question number one uh, Andy, how do you keep a level mindset when you see people getting ahead by using shady business practices and cheating the system? I'm a full time stay at home mom and business owner. My husband also works full time and runs his business on the side. We are a typical middle class family struggling to make an honest living we keep the mindset that honest hard work
Starting point is 00:04:25 will pay off but it's difficult when i am with my extended family i have a cousin who's my age who is constantly bragging about family vacations new cars owning their home etc they have lied to get government benefits use bankruptcy to get out of debt and have been known to steal from employers without getting caught. I know that in the long run, I am instilling values, work ethic and skills into my kids worth more than the toys and clothes they give their kids. I want to use this as fuel for my fire rather than being discouraged by it. I'm pretty sure you see plenty of competitors using shady practices to get ahead. How do you mentally use that as fuel to keep running an honest business? Well, look, I understand this question. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:12 I think all business owners go through this. You know, we look at other people and how they're doing things and not always are they doing things the right way. And a lot of times they're doing things, as mentioned, in an unethical way, and it's frustrating because we see them getting ahead. And when I was new in business, that was a problem for me because I didn't have the experience to understand what eventually happens to these people. And what eventually happens to these people is their little scams, their little corner cutting, their little fucking unethical practices will catch up with them and they will end up losing all that they have. I've never seen that work out. Not a single time
Starting point is 00:05:53 where someone who was doing things in a quick, easy, fast, cheating, unethical way, win long term. I've just never seen it. And it's very frustrating, dude. I totally get the frustration because we live in this day and age where everybody's online and everybody's bragging and everybody's making their lives look like they're way cooler than they are. And they're winning way bigger than they are. And dude, it's demoralizing if you like really concentrate on it. But dude, let me give you some advice, man. Those people are going to come and go. And after they go, there's going to be a new round of those people that come and go. And after they go, there's going to be a new round and there's always going to be these
Starting point is 00:06:32 people because the reality is, is that most people believe that success is built by unethical behavior. You know, if we go back to the stories that are told by a lot of people, we've all heard people say, well, look at that guy. He's wealthy, but like he, he fucked these people over. Yeah. Look at this guy. He's, he's doing this this way. And so we have this in culture, this mentality of if you're winning, you must be cheating. And that's just not reality. And I'm going to explain why. Now, 20, 30, 40 years ago, that was possible, but it's not possible anymore. For someone to win long-term, you have to do business the right way. You have to treat people right. You have to have
Starting point is 00:07:19 good practices. That doesn't mean you're going to be perfect. It means you have to genuinely be good and have the intent of being good. And then when you fuck up, you have to fix it. Here's why. 30 years ago, there was no internet. All right. And this is where this mentality comes from. 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago, all there was, was radio, television, and print media. That was it. So companies could cheat people, and there was no way for the consumer to voice their dissatisfaction or let it be known that these companies were behaving this way. And then when the internet came around, it actually changed the game in a very good way.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And I know I complain a lot about the internet, but this is a really good thing that has happened in the internet. What happened is, is we gave the consumer a voice to criticize or tell the truth about the way that they were being treated as consumers. And so overnight, and it's continued to become more transparent over time, customers were able to communicate with every single person they know instantly. And that changed the dynamic of business. And what that did was that created an environment where you have to serve customers. You have to do the right thing.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You have to be who you say you are. You have to deliver what you say you're going to deliver in order to operate a business. So doing the right thing and caring about your customers became the way that business had to be done. And so if we look at businesses who have become successful longer than a one-hit wonder over the course of the last 20 years, those people have to be who they say they are. Otherwise, everybody knows instantly, right? It doesn't take a long time for a few customers the course of the last 20 years those people have to be who they say they are otherwise everybody knows instantly right it doesn't take a long time for a few customers to be saying the same thing and then all of a sudden it's everywhere and everybody's like well fuck them right that's a real easy thing to happen and it happens every day and so not even to mention the laws and shit that
Starting point is 00:09:20 are put in place to keep businesses and checking in line and shit for sure but the main thing is just word of mouth it's the it's it's the availability and the transparency that's created by the internet that creates either positive or negative word of mouth and if you're out there fucking people guess what there's going to be negative word of mouth and it's going to spread instantly and you're not going to have a business anymore. So that old idea that like this rich guy that you see is fucking people, it's actually impossible. All right. For long term, long term and short term, one, two, three, four years, for sure, people can get away with it. But eventually those people will crumble.
Starting point is 00:09:58 They will go away and they'll be replaced by new people who still don't understand it because they're in a hurry to make the money. All they care about is the money and they think they can fool enough customers. But bro, I'm going to tell you this. A pond only has so many fish in it. And the internet is very quick to let the information be known about who's doing things right and who's doing things wrong. And you can't escape it. It's just the way things are. So, you know, long way around to answer this question is you shouldn't pay attention to those people. You should focus on what it is that you're doing. You should focus on being the absolute best at what you do and playing the long game instead
Starting point is 00:10:35 of the get rich quick game. And you're going to come out on top. And not only are you going to come out on top, you're not going to be rich. You're going to become wealthy because the money that you're making will compound Over the course of time because you're doing things the right way which attracts more word-of-mouth which brings more customers into your funnel Does that make sense? It makes perfect. Okay, so so dude You guys have to ignore this shit, you know, like especially in the entrepreneur space we have all these people that are pretending to be all these things that they actually aren't. And, you know, we see them, we see them come, we see them go, we see new ones
Starting point is 00:11:11 come up, we see new ones go. And these guys think that they, you know, are, are the new deal. That's going to change the rules and it's not going to apply to them. And it always does, bro. We always see these people come and then we see them go. And if you think that those people are your competition or someone that you need to be comparing yourself to, you're wrong. You should be comparing yourself to the people who have been running real companies the right way over the course of the long term, paying attention to what they do, and then focusing on doing it right. And you're going to have sustainability.
Starting point is 00:11:41 You're going to have endurance. You're going to have the ability to compound money over the course of time which is going to make you wealthy and and these people are going to be broke eventually so your cousin or whoever the fuck that is bro i promise you sooner than later they are going to get caught up in their bullshit and it's going to crumble them and and that's reality that's the way it works so i wouldn't worry about it i would start looking at people who have done it the right way and try to emulate them and even be better than them yeah one thing that should just make me think about it's like like it doesn't matter how advanced we are as society how morally good like there's always gonna be pieces of shit always and so like it made me just think because it's like
Starting point is 00:12:15 greed is one of the biggest drivers right right and that's what i was gonna say like outside of just being a piece of shit or stupid like you know you mentioned that it's greed that like i would think like man fuck like they wouldn't realize that like you know we're in that like day and age where people can fucking yeah i talk like that you know i'm saying but like they still do it yeah well that's because bro most of these people are low iq they're scammers they're fucking not thinking long term they think today you know they're trying to win the attention game on the internet it is what the fuck it is i I mean, it's just always existed. There's always been hucksters.
Starting point is 00:12:47 There's always been thieves. There's always been unethical people in business. And if you could compare yourself, your long-term gains to their short-term flash in the pan wins, you're going to be frustrated. So it's best not to pay attention and consider them something else. They are something else. Those are scammers. Those are unethical people.
Starting point is 00:13:05 They're not going to last. And, you know, we see this happen all the time, bro. If you pay attention, you'll see people go up and then go right back down. And it happens quick now. Whereas before the internet, it would take a long time, right? For a company to destroy their reputation pre-internet, pre-social media, that could take years because I had a bad experience. And then I don't see you DJ until two weeks later because there's no internet.
Starting point is 00:13:29 So we're not talking on the internet. And by the time I see you, I've already forgotten about the getting fucked over. So something would have to happen to bring the conversation up. Whereas people now, they just, they just tell what like, Hey, I dealt with this company and they fucked me. Here's what happened. And then at that point in time, you can either, as a company, address that issue and try to fix it or hope for the best. But I'll just give you a little free game here that's not on the question.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Usually when you fix those problems for people that are vocal, they become bigger advocates for you because they are vocal. So don't shy away from solving problems when people genuinely have problems. Now, some people, yes, they're just there to stir shit. But in most cases, they're not. Most people just are good people and they want to be taken care of. They want to be treated right. They want to be respected for the money they spend with your company. And your goal should be to over deliver so much value that they have no problem spending money with you.
Starting point is 00:14:26 They're actually proud of it. They actually go around and they say, dude, this is the brand I use because they've been treated right. And they fucking tattoos of it. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Now, let me ask you, and this might be more of like a philosophical question on business,
Starting point is 00:14:39 but I thought it's an interesting topic. So like, you know, in entrepreneurship, in your experience, would you agree that there is like a natural order, like social Darwinism aspect to entrepreneur? And I accept because, you know, we talk about like, you know, there's always gonna be these pieces of shit. Right. Like and what's even worse or I guess more unfortunate is like there's always gonna be people that fucking follow them and buy that shit do you think that like that relationship like that aspect of entrepreneurship it's almost necessary to weed out yeah i do i think that people like nobody talks about this no it's real shit and like because everybody's quick to point in a scammer but they're not quick to admit that they wanted the quick rich too and that's why they bought it so really a lot of these people want what these people have and they're not willing to put in the work long term but then when they don't get what
Starting point is 00:15:29 they want they point and they say oh this guy did that when in reality they wanted to be that guy so yes a hundred percent dude this is why i say over and over and over again you know entrepreneurship is hard entrepreneurship is not for everybody it's not what the internet makes it out to be, bro. It's very brutal. It's very competitive. It's very harsh. And it's just not what people make it to be, bro. You have to be built for it or you have to build yourself into the person that can handle that. And that takes a lot of work. That takes time. It takes getting acclimated. It's kind of like getting in a cold plunge the first time It's like oh fuck, but after you do it every day for a year. It ain't no big deal you get right in so
Starting point is 00:16:12 Entrepreneurships the same way bro You're gonna show up you're gonna get your ass beat and as long as you show up the next day When you get beat the next day, it's gonna hurt a little less and the beatings never go away. You just get used to them and And you know this whole idea that entrepreneurship is, I'm going to be free and I'm going to have all this time. Bullshit, bro. That's a lie. That's not how the fuck it works.
Starting point is 00:16:34 It works like this. You answer to all your fucking customers. And if you want to keep your business long term, that's going to take attention from you. And then it's going to take other skills like building a team that's effective. You know, there's so many skills that are required to build a company that people don't even think about, bro. Like, do you know how to build a team? Do you know how to create systems? Do you know how to fucking market? Do you know how to, you know, hire people, fire people? Do you know how to build a culture? Do you know how to develop product? Do you know
Starting point is 00:17:01 all this shit? Most people don't't they think they can just buy somebody's fucking bullshit course and all of a sudden they're going to be a gazillionaire and dude i've just never seen it happen it just doesn't happen the only people to become a gazillionaire are the people selling the fucking course and then you know eventually it gets found out that their shit doesn't really work and they lose anyway zero zero now yeah i mean look dude there's no easy way to this if there was an easy way, everybody would fucking know it. It's just like anything else in life. You know, we search for the easy way.
Starting point is 00:17:31 We want the quick way. Bro, I was no different. So listen, this is just real shit. My first 10 years or so in business, I did not understand what I'm saying now. So like if you listen to what I'm saying in this just this one question It'll save you fucking years of your life. I thought If you ask most people and you say what's a what's the purpose of a business? What's there any money? Okay?
Starting point is 00:17:56 That's not the purpose of a business the purpose of a business is to solve fucking problems And then people trade you money for the solution of the problem Alright, so like everybody else who says to make money I thought that shit forever too and I thought like hey it's my job to sell this guy to sell this guy to sell this guy to sell this guy and When I did that guess what I never made any money because you know what people did when they left the store They said don't go in there, bro. They're gonna to fucking do this and this. Okay, so I never grew. The company never grew.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I got 10 years into the company, and I started to realize, holy shit, this isn't the way. And I had some events happen in my life. You guys have heard me talk about it where I considered other careers. And I decided to go back into what we were doing, which was nutritional supplement retail, because we enjoyed helping people because every once in a while over that first ten years we would actually help someone instead of sell them they would come in they'd hang out for a couple hours because we didn't have any customers because we were selling everybody instead of helping them and those people
Starting point is 00:19:00 would come back after like five six seven months and they'd be a different fucking human bro and they're crying. They're giving you a hug. They're saying thank you. Kind of like all the people that come through the building now, right? Everybody. So we kind of discovered that. And we decided, this is Chris and I, hey, all right, we might not ever become wealthy
Starting point is 00:19:19 and rich or a baller or whatever, but I really like that. That was cool. So we decided that we were going to commit ourselves to producing that result. And after we committed ourselves to producing that result, all of a sudden we started making a lot of money because people were leaving. They were saying, dude, they're solving my problem. Go in, talk to these guys. They're good guys. And all of a sudden the business fucking exploded. We grew a hundred percent five years in a row. Okay. So that's how I learned this lesson. And if you listen to this, just one
Starting point is 00:19:51 lesson, this one fucking lesson, not only will it save you 10 years of your life, but it will cover every product you ever buy from me from first form. It will cover every fucking seminar. It will cover every fucking thing that I've ever do and if you come to it This will be work that one question will say you will you'll come out ahead Cuz it'll save you fucking years of your life and make you millions of dollars so I Love it, man. Yeah Well guys any question number two, let's talk about them early years of business Andy
Starting point is 00:20:22 And when you when you started to get traction in your business and become more successful, did you create did you have any sort of checklist per se that you use to field friends? I feel like when I started my company, I've had five really solid friends. When I started to get a little bit of what they saw as success, I lost a couple of people. But now I feel like so many people are trying to create friendships with me either for discounts or they are self-serving. I run a clothing company that sells online and in stores. I've been in business for about five years and this has been a problem that has been increasing each year. I'm not sure how to field these people. Thanks man, love the show. How do you field people, field friends? Well, I don't have any new friends
Starting point is 00:21:09 at this point in my life. I don't make new friends. Because at this point in my life where I'm at, it's impossible to know someone's motive as to why they wanna be friends with me. I can't know. Like, it's impossible. Well, you gotta assume everybody has a motive.
Starting point is 00:21:23 That's right. They're safe. And they do. So I don't have, unless they got their own shit and they got their own success, no new friends. Because everybody wants something from you. And that's just reality. And it sounds harsh. It sounds mean. But it's real.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And it gets worse the better you get and the more successful you get. So I can certainly understand the question. The reality is this, the group of friends as an entrepreneur, the group of friends that you have in the beginning are not going to be your group of friends as you move on. Yes, one or two might stay and you might be great friends and you might be casual friends. I'm not saying you're going to be like enemies, but you're going to want to surround yourself with people who are on the same path as you because your old friends they're going to you know are you sure about this you know you need to be careful I think you're I think you're getting out over your skis a little bit
Starting point is 00:22:14 you know don't remember or don't forget where you come from they're gonna always be planting these little seeds of fucking bullshit in your brain and so the reality of friendship is that when you leave your first friend group you're going to move towards a new friend group but that new friend group is a ways away once you get success so start getting success so what happens is is you end up spending a lot of time alone and i call that area of life no man's land because you feel like you're alone And this is where the saying it's lonely at the top comes from. It's not lonely at the top, bro It's lonely in the middle. So we have to understand that when you start to get success
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yes, you're going to lose friends But if you keep going you're going to gain new friends who are on the same path And those people aren't going to put doubt in your brain. They're not going to question you They're actually going to say how can I help? How can we work together? How can we push further because they're aligned with what you're trying to do with your life and these people that you knew from back in The day they're not necessarily on the same path as you that doesn't mean you can't be casual friends with them But you're probably not going to be as close and so most people when they go through this process
Starting point is 00:23:23 Which is exactly where this person is, they will start to feel lonely. And what will happen is they'll go back to their old friend group. They won't keep going because they're like, fuck, dude, I don't have any friends. I'm not around anybody. But the reality is they're just not going far enough because when you go far enough, you meet new people. You network with new friends. They have the same path as you, and those people will help you win. And then if you continue to go down the path, you'll move beyond that friend group even and move to a different one.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And this is just the way that I've seen it work. And so, you know, how do I vet friends? I mean, bro, I just look back then. I would just look for people who were aligned with what i was trying to do uh but at this point now i don't i don't really consider new friends like quote unquote new friends first of all i don't have time second of all unless they have their own shit going on i can't really trust what their motives are so i don't i don't do it this is why you know you guys don't see me out doing a whole bunch of of with a whole bunch of people because you know people want from you you know what i mean so uh that's just a reality of doing business and but but i would tell you this um you're not going to be alone i the friends
Starting point is 00:24:36 i have now even though there's fewer friends are much better friends because they understand what i'm trying to do they understand my motivation they don't judge me for what I'm trying to do. They understand my motivation. They don't judge me for what I'm trying to do. And when they can, they help me get where I'm trying to go. And your friends from high school and college and back in the day, they're not going to do that because they're not on the same path. It's not that they're mean. They don't know any better.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And they're not interested in that shit because they're interested in other shit. So my answer is basically let it organically happen. And then, you know, if you really want to vet who you become friends with, make sure they're on the same path as you. Not necessarily in the same industry, but they have ambitions. They have drive. They're growing something. Because another thing about being friends with people that are not entrepreneurs is they don't understand the time commitment that it takes.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And they don't understand that you're working all the time. You know, the average. We both happy hour, bro. That's right. And they don't understand the time commitment that it takes, and they don't understand that you're working all the time. You know, the average person. We're about happy hour, bro. That's right, and they don't understand. They take it personal. When you say, no, I can't make it, they're like, oh, Andy thinks he's too good for us now. No, bro, I'm working on my shit.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And the life of an entrepreneur, you know, we see all these memes and all these people giving advice on the Internet, but the reality is if you look at their life, the way they're making money is off of leads that they're getting on their fucking social media and not really building anything real. So these people don't know either. You know what I mean? And we have to be aligned with people. We have to be in the same boat with people in terms of where we're going for us to even get along and they have to understand it. So being friends with people who have their own shit going on who don't take it personally whenever you know you can't call them back right away or you can't
Starting point is 00:26:11 text them back right away like all my friends bro like they might text me or i might text them i might not hear back from them for a fucking week you know what i mean like and i don't care i don't like nobody takes it personal but if you do that like, one of your old friends back in the day, how do they react? Oh, dude, what the fuck? I text you. Listen, man, no offense, but I ain't worried about you. I'm worried about what the fuck I got going on.
Starting point is 00:26:34 And that's how I would, you know, that's how I run the play. And, yeah, I mean, you're going to lose people. You're going to gain new people, though, if you keep going. And those people are going to help push you. They're going to help you succeed. And they're not going to put seeds of doubt in your mind, which is super important because this is hard enough as it is. years old. I'm an entrepreneur and I've been working for this company for about five going on six years. I've done well for myself so far, but I was having an honest conversation with my boss the other day about my goals in and outside of the company and where I saw myself in three to five years. There wasn't a super formal, like it wasn't a formal conversation, but a deep conversation nonetheless. Anyway, one thing he told me was that I lacked consistency. He said, I get these massive waves of forward progress followed by low tides of inconsistency and loss of focus.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And that should be something I work on in order to move up in the company. Well, I kind of see what he means. I feel like I kill it when I'm up, but I don't see the downs or low tides like that. But I will take the feedback. My question is, what exactly can I do to build more consistency? I never thought it was a skill or really looked at it like a skill. Anything on this will help. For sure, dude. Look, let me give you my perspective as someone who has employed thousands of people and currently employs thousands of people. Look. I have this saying that I use with people and it goes like this. Get hot, stay hot. OK. And the reason that you have to get hot and stay hot is because you never know when your opportunity is
Starting point is 00:28:25 coming. You never know when we're sitting over there in the room and we're like, bro, we need the next person to do this and this and this. And I'm going to tell you right now, we don't pick the motherfucker who's losing. We pick the person who's winning right now. And if we have someone who is inconsistent and they go up and they go down and they go up and they go down, we know that we can't pick that person because we know it's only a matter of a time before they fucking go down. So the things that organizations look for are people who can get hot and stay hot for a long time. And so when you say, oh, I'm crushing it when I'm up, you have to be up all the time if you want to move up in your career. And how do you do that? Well well you have to systematically make sure that you win the day every single day and that you're operating at a high standard which is where you know the powerless system that that i've developed that i've used for
Starting point is 00:29:14 years and years and years which you can get for free at episode 16 on the real af audio feed is such an effective system because it doesn't allow for you to have dips. It doesn't allow for you to go down and you have to figure out how you're going to stay at the top of the game so that when that conversation happens and that opportunity happens, which you don't know when that's going to happen. You have no fucking idea. You have no idea. Okay. It's no different than you dressing nice 50% of the time and like a slob 50% of the time and then expecting to meet someone that you want to have a romantic relationship with. It's a crapshoot.
Starting point is 00:29:53 What if you meet your dream girl and you're dressed in your fucking flip-flops and you haven't washed your hair and you look like shit? You're not going to have a fucking chance. She was there. Yeah, that's right. And you fucking lost it because you didn't fucking brush your teeth that morning. All right. So we have to look at it like that. You don't know when the opportunity is coming and the opportunity is going to come at a time that, you know, you can't predict. So what does that mean? That means you have to be operating a high level all the time to get the opportunities
Starting point is 00:30:23 and people who consistently move up as entrepreneurs inside of a company they are very consistent in operating at a high standard because that's what the ownership and the management team is going to look for and a lot of people will say oh they picked their favorites yeah they do you know who their favorites are the motherfuckers who win all the time that's why they pick them because those are their favorites because they don't have to fucking remind them or they don't have to coach them. Like they don't have to say, oh man, you could do this and put this belief in them. They already believe in their fucking self starters and they're taking initiative and
Starting point is 00:30:58 they're going hard on their own. Those are the people that win. Those are the people that end up in executive roles. Those are the people that get paid big money in organizations. And the guy who goes up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down, they end up getting frustrated. And then they go to the next place. And they go up and down and up and down and up and down.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And they don't work out there. And then they go up and down and up and down in the third place. And you know what they end up saying? These people all fucking hate me. Nobody likes me. And they make up this shit that isn't even true when in reality, bro's your performance it's not consistent so get hot stay hot be ready for the opportunity at all times and when the opportunity comes you're going to be the first name out of the fucking mouth and that's how that works so you know you can't coast you can't come in you're not hiding
Starting point is 00:31:41 a lot of people think that they hide right oh they don't notice that I'm taking off a couple months. I just did really good. That's right. They get one fucking streak of winning, and then they hang their hat on that forever. Like, bro, I don't give a shit that you won last year. What did you do between then and now, right? What did you do yesterday? What are you doing now?
Starting point is 00:32:00 What are you going to do tomorrow? And I have to predict what you're going to be able to do tomorrow based upon what you've been doing. And that's how the decisions are made And you know people think all different kinds of things about how decisions are made They think it's their gender or their race or their this or their that any company Any fucking company that wins picks the winners They don't give a fuck how who what gender they are or if they're gay or if they're fucking you know different they don't care they don't fucking care they want to win winning is hard we're putting the best players on the field the people that can be counted on and that's how the fuck it works it's very simple
Starting point is 00:32:35 and you could tell yourself any story you want to tell yourself but any story other than that is bullshit it's just the truth so Let me ask you this on consistency. I mean, because it sounds like a momentum issue, right? So in your opinion, what's harder? Is it harder to create the momentum or is it harder to keep it? Well, I think it's harder to create it. I think most people don't know that they can create it. I think most people are oblivious to the fact that they can create momentum.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think most people believe that momentum is this magical force that they sometimes have, and they sometimes don't have. They think of it like the wind. Sometimes the wind's blowing, sometimes the wind's not blowing. And that's just not reality, bro. What actually creates momentum is forcing yourself through day after day after day in the beginning until you catch steam and then momentum carries you throughout the way. So as long as you're doing these things that you did when it was hard, when you have the momentum, you're going to keep, keep the momentum going. And everything that you do, all winners understand this. They will do everything to keep momentum because it's so hard to create. Like they will miss dinners. They will miss vacations. They will
Starting point is 00:33:44 fucking do whatever the fuck they have to do to keep the momentum going because they understand how hard it is to create. If they're aware that they understand that it's created, not caught. Right. So, uh, you know, yeah, it's harder to create it, but it's also, and it's much easier to maintain it. And as long as you're continuing to do the things that allowed you to create it, whenever you have it, you move that much faster. So, but yeah, most people don't fucking understand that momentum is created. It's not some magical force that just exists, bro. Like it's a result of your own actions. And once you start to understand that and take responsibility for creating the own momentum in your life, things get a lot easier and it becomes easy to maintain that high standard.
Starting point is 00:34:28 It becomes easier to do those things that, you know, keep you hot whenever the opportunity is going to show up. So, you know, that's that. I love it, man. I love it. And get on to the boss here, man. Just say the boss is telling the truth, bro. Yeah. Like, look, man, you may not feel that way, but they feel that way. the boss here man just huh i would say the boss is telling the truth bro yeah yeah like look man
Starting point is 00:34:45 you may not feel that way but they feel that way and when i say stay high i don't mean pretty good i mean you're fucking dominating dude because we want to win right and we have to have the best players in the best position this This is no different than NFL. Like a business is the most competitive environment that you could possibly comprehend. It's more competitive than sports. It's more competitive than anything that exists because there's so many of them and it's low barrier to entry to get in. So you have to be undeniably better than everybody else. And that means you have to be good all the time. And if as a company, if you do this, right, you go up and you go down. When you go down, somebody else is up and you lose your fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:35:31 So that's how that goes. Another thing that can affect this is people's ego. You know, a lot of times when people do good and they hit one of those hot streaks, they start to think it's them. They don't think like, oh man, I did all these things and it got me to go to here. They think like, fuck, look how good I am. Right. And so there's this natural up and down that looks like a wave that people have because of their ego. When they start at the bottom, they know they don't know shit. So they go to someone like a manager or a leader. They learn what to do. They do the thing perfectly, right? And then all of a sudden they start to produce results.
Starting point is 00:36:09 And after they've been producing results for a while, usually what'll happen is they'll start to believe that they as a human being are just blessed with the Midas touch and they're great and they're amazing. And then they stop doing the things that put them there and they start to do other things because they believe that they're good. And this is the hubris of the ego. And what happens is they start to go back down. And when they go back down, they don't know why they're going down. They're like, fuck dude, I hit a slow streak. They don't realize it's a result of them not continuing to do the things that they did to get there. And so what happens is they go down, they go down, they go down, they get back to the
Starting point is 00:36:48 bottom and they finally humble themselves and they say, fuck, I got to get collected here and start over. So they go back to the basics and guess what happens? They start to go up again. And most people will follow this pattern of up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down over the course of their career, thinking that it's just the momentum coming and going and coming and going, when if they truly paid attention, it's actually them believing in themselves a little too much,
Starting point is 00:37:14 as opposed to them believing that their current position is a result of the work that they did. You see what I'm saying? I love it, man. I love it. That's a fucking Monday for you guys. Yeah. Andy, that was three.
Starting point is 00:37:25 All right, guys, let's get out there. Let's a fucking Monday for you guys. Yeah. Andy, that was three. All right, guys. Let's get out there. Let's kick ass. I'll see you tomorrow on CTI. Bye. Bye.

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