REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 793. Andy & DJ CTI: Hurricane Milton Could Change Florida's Coastline, 60 Minutes Editing Kamala's Answer & Wave Of Heart Attacks

Episode Date: October 10, 2024

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Hurricane Milton being so powerful that it could change Florida's coastline, 60 Minutes being caught editing Kamala's answer to make her sound coherent and normal..., and how a wave of heart attacks in young people may be being fueled by COVID.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys, it's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest, say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ Cruz, the motherfucking internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. It stands for Cruz the internet. We're going to put topics of the day up on the screen. We're going to make fun of them.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We're going to speculate on what's true and what's not true. And then we're going to talk about we, the people, and what we have to do to solve these problems going on in the world. Now, I'm going to skip all the rest of the stuff because this is the middle of the week, but I am going to remind you that we do have a fee for the show. The fee is not monetary. You don't have to give us money. Now you do ask a lot about how to support us. The best way to support us is to go into your local convenience store into your local grocery store and buy yourself one of these amazing first-form energy drinks maybe first for meat stick little protein bar get yourself moving in the right direction all right but outside of that that will be the only ad that you hear. It's not really an ad. It's just a personal recommendation.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We're probably the biggest show in the world that doesn't run ads, guys. I finance this show out of my own pocket. The reason I do that is because I don't want to have to answer anybody what I can, should, and shouldn't say. So in exchange for that, I ask very simply that you help us grow the show. We talk about all the stuff we're not supposed to talk about. We always deal with censorship issues, shadow bans, traffic throttling, and all the other BFs that these people do. So I need your help.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I need you to share the show. There's a lot of people that listen to the show that don't share the show, and I can't figure out why that is. But I'm asking you to please do us a solid and help us grow the show by sharing it all right so if the show makes you think if it makes you laugh it gives you a new perspective if it's information that you think needs to be heard do us a solid and share the show all right don't be a hoe show all right what's up what's up man apparently also harassing your local convenience store we We'll get those products in that's right
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah, if they don't have them go ask them what the fuck they've been waiting for exactly. Yeah, tell them they're their hose Yeah, and to stock up. That's right Well, I mean dude everybody asked they're always like how could I support? How could I you know and they all support when we do the gear drops, which is amazing You know, what's crazy dude on that? It's crazy. how many people are at the asheville wearing our vicing i got some stuff for you i see a ton i've seen it i've seen photos that aren't even related to it like that i wasn't even tagged in of people
Starting point is 00:02:57 wearing it yeah which is awesome dude because it says a lot about our people it says our people are willing to take action to help their fellow Americans, bro. And that's what this is all about. It's everything, man. Fucking awesome, though. Yeah, man. What's up? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Well, I was going to finish my thought. What was your thought? The thought was go buy some energy drinks and some meat sticks and some bars. And if they don't have them, ask them why they don't. That's what the thought was. Yeah. But anyway. It works. People do it. Well, I know. But know but dude people are always asking like what can i do what can i do what can i do do that shove some meat sticks down your throat yeah get that meat in your mouth and then wash it down with it you could be like dj well yeah be like dj shove that
Starting point is 00:03:42 meat in your mouth all right take that out right yeah leave that in all right what's up man what's going on man oh just got you know done doing my real job which is you know nothing yeah just podcasting and youtubing over here oh that's sweet man dude i'm actually, I'm sore from moving the fucking bikes yesterday. Yeah. We had to move my motorcycle collection from storage to my house. Yeah. And storage being my buddy JB's garage.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah. They've been there for you. I feel bad. And I had to tell him, because he told me this like maybe a month ago. He was like, hey, man, like, you know, this is this is happening yeah help me out and i'm like yeah you know and then we got all these things going on and uh it was kind of like i don't it wasn't a rush job you know i did the best i could with the time we had yeah um but yeah no i was i can't believe you rode that penny uh the penny series chopper hey man two down bro that was sketchy there was a few times
Starting point is 00:04:47 my butthole pocket yeah sure i mean because you can't really turn like you know you can't really get in your lean i'm surprised that thing uh ran as good as although it's fucking phenomenal yeah it's a great bike it's a great collection but um yeah let's get into it, man. We got some interesting stuff happening, as we always do. I wanted to bring something, bring a subject up that's close to Andy's heart. I don't know if you saw this. It's a viral video. Male Texas Tech cheerleader goes viral for hilarious sideline moment. Revival player.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Felt different. I don't know if I saw this or not. not yeah i just knew it was close to your heart so when they held cheerleading huh what i i mean you know there's nothing wrong with that man what the you trying to say it's 2024. oh texas oh no it's not the same as the longhorns. No. Oh, so your joke wasn't even funny. I didn't even know what you were talking about. All right, I'm glad it's Texas Tech then if it's bad. Look at you. You don't even know what you're doing here.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Why are you here? Why is he here? Zeeshan, can't you produce all the show? Oh, wow. Good day. You're a DEI hire. Yeah. It is a cool video, though.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It is cool. Okay. All right. Let's dive into it a little bit. A male member of Texas, Texas. What? Texas. Texas.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Not Texas, Texas. It's like test, right? It's not like Texas. It's just. It's not Texas, Texas. Not Texas, Texas. It's like test, right? It's not like Texas. It's just... It's not Texas, Texas. That's for sure. All right. It's Texas Tech.
Starting point is 00:06:32 See, this is why we got to stop voting Democrat. This is why we got to stop voting Democrat, bro. We got to teach these kids how to fucking read. What? Let's start a Gofundme for djs for hooked on phonics for dj texas tex texas texas's co-ed what you're okay listen for real real talk right now all right when i read this because you okay a couple of things all right we have a screen the screen is much bigger than the laptop okay okay bro the fuck out of here what you're gonna blame it on you're 25 years old you can't see the screen get out of here all right go on with your joke that's not even gonna be funny because you fucked it up man what a hell of a way
Starting point is 00:07:24 to start this show, guys. Yeah. Thought he was going to make fun of me, and now he's making fun of himself. Hey, man, those are the best jokes. Yep. All right, a male member of Texas Texas's co-ed cheer program gained virility on social media
Starting point is 00:07:40 for a hilarious sideline moment during the Red Raiders' win over Arizona on Saturday. In the fourth quarter of the game, the Wildcats were up 19-18 with five minutes remaining. After a play, Arizona wide receiver Devin Hyatt crashed out of bounds and into the cheerleader. Yeah. This is a great video.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Now, the cheerleader got up faster than the player. Oh, he did? He did. And it sent social media in a rave. So here's a clip. Let's check this out. In and out of bounds. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Ouch. Cheerleader, Hyatt. You okay there, boo-boo? You good? Mm-hmm. He's hurt. The player. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He's one of those two-toned- Oh. Oh. Oh. In your face, buddy. I mean, listen, social media went crazy. I wonder why. Someone said, honestly, this is when the game changed.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Somebody else said, notice how we started winning after this. Because apparently, despite trailing during the viral moment, the Red Raiders would secure a 28-22 victory late in the game. The result led to jokes about how the cheerleaders' antics inspired Texas Tech's comeback. So, yeah, that was cool. Yeah, dude, those male cheerleaders are no joke, bro. They're big as fuck and strong.
Starting point is 00:09:16 They're strong, man. Apparently super gay. Fuck. Now, out of those three things, which one's like a prerequisite to like joining? Listen, man, I know a lot. I'm just teasing. I know a lot of male cheerleaders that aren't gay, but maybe that guy's not, but he needs to work on his moves.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I'm giving them, you know, just, I don't know. We don't know. I seen you move around a little gay sometimes yeah all right come on man yeah yeah i've seen you celebrate eating some chicken nuggets like that one time all right guys yeah enough of that dj found a 21 piece nugget and his 20 piece nugget did that exact same shit let's fucking go Hey, dude, that guy was happy. He's big, too. He's much bigger than that player.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Bro, listen. No, I'm just saying, bro. They're big athletes. Yeah, they're athletes. Yeah, for real, dude. Cheerleading's a sport. Yes. Oh, no doubt, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Oh, yeah, it is. Like, what's that one movie? I watched it. Bring It On. I never saw that. You never saw those? Uh-uh. Is that one movie um i watched it uh bring it on i never saw that you never saw those is that your movie wait i think i did see that is kirsten dunst in that movie yeah yeah like these aren't spirit fingers yeah these are spirit did you see that new movie she's in where uh well i mean obviously now she's older but like she's it's a civil war she's she was yeah she's the reporter in civil war but then dude that movie is such like an anti-conservative anti-trump propaganda i think we talked about
Starting point is 00:10:54 this we did i mean and it definitely i watched it uh when we were coming back from cali on the on the plane ride home and like i watched it during that i'm like this is complete like horseshit yeah well and but here's a good thing it's great because the pool needle fighters they're gonna be completely unprepared they think that that's what it's gonna be like yeah you know so that's fine um but yeah let's get into our headlines man we got a lot of stuff to cover today uh as always um remember if you want to see any of these articles these links pictures videos pictures, videos, go to You guys can find them all linked there under the episode.
Starting point is 00:11:30 With that being said, hey, for those of you guys that take everything we say serious, this is a reminder that half of our show is comedy. Educational purposes only. Fuckers. Entertainment value only. Yeah. Let's get into it. I love how people try to take jokes that we make and turn them into serious issues yeah oh okay we might have to cover those headlines yeah all right let's go hello number one let's dive into it obviously the big talk of the town today um it's it's obviously impacting us it's coming um it's happening uh it's a it's obviously impacting us. It's coming. It's happening. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Hurricane Milton. All right. Let's dive into this a little bit. There's some interesting things happening here. And I want to pre, you know, what's the word I'm looking for? Help me. Prime. I want to prime.
Starting point is 00:12:18 You say prime? Yeah. I want to prime you guys. What? I want to prime you guys. What? I want to fluff you guys. I want to fluff you guys up. What? You're fluffing them.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Give me a synonym for fucking prime. Fluffing. I don't want to fluff. I don't want to fluff anybody. I want to... Is the synonym for prime fluff? No, prime you bosnian what the fuck like i want to i want to i would like i want you guys to know something all right when it comes to this stuff again like we we we spend hours diving into this and we make sure we do our best not to just throw
Starting point is 00:13:02 bullshit up here right like we try to do our best to put verifiable proof and evidence and facts as we call them dots in here. So just keep that in mind as we go through this topic. OK, so Hurricane Milton expected to be so powerful it could change Florida's coastline. OK, these are the headlines that are coming out. It's expected to be so ferocious it will cover nearly every beach on Florida's west coast and forever change the Sunshine State's coastline, experts have warned. At least 95% of Florida's west coast beaches are forecast to be inundated or continuously covered by ocean water when the hurricane, predicted to be one of the
Starting point is 00:13:47 strongest ever is expected to make landfall wednesday as many still recover from helene the u.s geological survey now not only are they dealing with a hurricane down there okay apparently this storm is also throwing out tornadoes left and right. If Hurricane Milton wasn't bad enough, monster storm is spawning tornado super sails to wreak havoc on Florida. Okay. So they got these super sails going on. It's a category four storm right now. It's spinning northeast at 17 miles an hour,
Starting point is 00:14:20 about 190 miles off the coast of Tampa Wednesday morning with maximum sustained winds of 145 miles an hour. Now, the mayor of Tampa, she did an interview with CNN. She had this to say. Let's check this out. This is literally catastrophic. And I can say without any dramatization whatsoever, if you choose to stay in one of those evacuation areas, you're going to die. Wow. I mean, that is an incredibly blunt message.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And I know you have a lot of experience dealing with these storms. You don't say something like that lightly, Mayor. I've never said that. And 10 to 12 foot surge. I mean, if this takes a jog to the south, that's going to save us from the storm surge. But it stays on the track that it's projected to be on right now. Or if it goes a bit north, would be even worse. Some of the predictions are saying that Pinellas County to the south of us, the entire county is going to be underwater. So this is something that I have never seen in my life. And I can tell you that anyone who was
Starting point is 00:15:34 born and raised in the Tampa Bay area has never seen anything like this before. People need to get out. And your message is just, this isn't survivable. If we have that predicted storm surge, it is not survivable. Can I ask you what that means for the general hospital there in Tampa? She said it three times! You're going to die.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It's not survivable. What does that mean? You're going to die. It's going to rain. It's pretty bad. Geez. Just for context, this is a picture for those listening to audio come check it out uh this is a picture yeah if you listen on audio you need to go over there and subscribe and watch some of these on video i think you guys will like it there's a lot of context that you guys could get that would help um but this is a picture of the southern United States. It includes Florida, the Gulf. That is a picture.
Starting point is 00:16:29 That's Hurricane Katrina. That thing's huge. Massive. This is Milton. Holy shit. Okay, same. I tried to line it up about the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Okay. Katrina, Milton. You can't even see Florida, dude. Right? It's massive. Yeah. It's absolutely massive. Now, obviously, people are preparing for the worst.
Starting point is 00:16:54 A lot of people have evacuated as they've been instructed. They're talking 12 to 15-foot swell storm surges that are coming in. And we've been covering a lot of the ongoing community level the work that's been done at the local communities um of just awesome americans that are pitching in coming together uniting uh to help each other out uh we have been getting inundated with a shit ton of emails from our people from listeners from from people in this community uh to listen to the show every single, doing the work out there in the community. I just wanted to show quickly here.
Starting point is 00:17:28 This is one of the emails that we got in. This is from Mateus. He says, hey, Andy, not a question, but I wanted to share a picture with you. A friend of mine, Cody Kent, strapped this flag to the back of his gooseneck trailer, loaded down with supplies headed for North Carolina. The flag flew proud all the way from iowa thanks for everything you do and literally changing the lives of our friend group most of us have now completed 75 hard with over 300 pounds lost combined your friends from dewitt
Starting point is 00:17:57 iowa trying to live the standard and you submitted this picture man that's awesome it's fucking it's it's cool man that's awesome it's fucking fucking, it's cool, man. That's awesome. It's fucking cool. It shows you that people are taking the message to heart. Yeah. It's about action. It's not about who I'm going to vote for or this or that. It's about changing the world through our example.
Starting point is 00:18:16 That's amazing. It's fucking awesome. Great job, guys. This is just one. Yeah. No, I've gotten a lot too. You've gotten a shit ton of tags, DMs. I mean, it's awesome guys um now one of the things that we've been talking about uh but probably i think
Starting point is 00:18:30 was probably our most recent cti um we started diving into you know some people could call it tinfoil right um and i think on that episode we kind of concluded with like hey listen is this intentional we don't know. But they're definitely like the results, the actions of this government after all of this stuff is happening does not seem to be in the best interest of the people, the delay in aid, you know, all these different things. And I found this and I thought this was really interesting coming off of that conversation. Check this headline out. Here we go. North Carolina officials change election rules in hurricane devastated counties that mostly voted for Trump, fueling Republican election integrity concerns. OK, now we talk about, you know, these situations happening and how the cabal, the deep state, whatever you want to call it, how they use these situations to their advantage.
Starting point is 00:19:23 This is a prime example. Okay, let's dive into this a little bit. In the wake of Hurricane Helene's path of destruction through the southeast, including critical swing states like North Carolina, state election officials have made adjustments to voting rules in response to the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene. The North Carolina Elections Board, in a quote-unquote bipartisan effort,
Starting point is 00:19:47 passed an emergency resolution aimed at facilitating early voting in 13 counties severely affected by the hurricane. Notably, all but one of these counties, Buncombe, voted... It's not Buncombe. That's Buncombe.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Why they spell it like that that's comb you just don't want to read it right bun comb burns correct i'd hate to live there i'm sorry guys if you live there it'd be butt come this raises questions about whether the adjustments are truly about aiding displaced voters, um, or if they are a tactical maneuver to sway the electoral landscape in favor of Democrats. So here are some of the, the rule changes that they've implemented.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Okay. They've expanded, uh, expanded voting sites. Um, so there's additional or modified voting locations will be made available to accommodate displaced residents. They will be extending voting hours. So polling places will have longer hours to ensure everyone can cast a ballot. And then there's this big one. There's absentee ballot flexibility.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Where voters can now submit absentee ballots to any county's election board rather than being restricted to their local board. The deadline for requesting absentee ballots has also been pushed back to November 4th. Now, what day is the election on? I think it's the fifth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So, okay. All right. And then they also will be having an assistance team to help collect these absentee ballots. Now, I think most people, obviously, okay, like, you know, these changes on the surface, they seem reasonable. Right? There's a fucking hurricane. You know, like, the polling places have shut down.
Starting point is 00:21:42 They're destroyed. They're flat, you know, gone in the floods. Right? Like, it seems reasonable on the surface right um but there's something much more sinister here and i think that's the important part to cover um fox news jesse waters he weighed in on the development uh during his show noting uh hurricane helene didn't just wreak havoc on people's lives. It's going to affect the election. Waters introduced senior political correspondent Kevin Cork, who detailed the major shifts, highlighting how voters can now deliver absentee ballots to any county in the state and how new poll workers will be recruited from various locations.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He says, quote, voters in those counties will have longer to apply for absentee ballots. They'll be allowed to drop their ballots off anywhere in the state, not just in their home county. There also will be teams that will be sent to storm relief centers to help register more voters. And you guessed it, collect more ballots, said Cork. What's more, the county boards will also be able to buy a bipartisan majority, hire poll workers from other counties and then move them all around the state to ensure there are enough experienced workers at each voting site. We know if anybody paid attention to the 2020 election, the ballots, the absentee ballots and mail in ballots, that's how they were able to get close to these numbers uh where trump was in these smaller places right because nobody expected it nobody believed it what they just did uh was basically made that a lot more possible to put the fake shit in there
Starting point is 00:23:15 right because we don't know where it's coming from uh and not only you know there's not like they're just you know the surrounding counties any county in the state could have an influx of absentee ballots and nobody would know and they they're counting these things, right? It's a major problem, uh, that does not keep the election secure. Um, I think any reasonable person could look at that and like, yeah, that doesn't make the best sense. It's a good idea. Does not work. It's not what the people need. Um, anything on that real quick? I mean, look, dude, you know you know i i'm i'm still a firm believer that all voting should be on the day of the election in paper ballots with evidence of the vote and citizenship huh and citizens yeah with id like that's it it's super you know these people are
Starting point is 00:23:59 people a lot of people don't understand. There are initiatives that are being run internationally in Europe, in Australia, and other places with celebrity endorsements that are trying to register people to vote here in America. people had some sort of previous american citizenship or some sort of uh affiliation with america they are trying to recruit voters who have either previously lived here or are trying to live here to vote in this election with advertising campaigns abroad why would they do that that's insane yeah who do you think's funding that do you think it's the conservative side or do you think it's the communist side right it's insane so dude these people are all in on the cheat they're all in on voting uh having people who aren't tax paying citizens in this country who don't contribute uh who shouldn't be here vote and then they're trying to get people who aren't even here and have no interest in being here to vote to vote yeah yeah it's insane man now now of course you know there's been a bunch of information that has been missed and dissed around the internet
Starting point is 00:25:16 um and uh good old biden decided to address some of those fallacies that are being talked about um let's see what he has to say. This is a very interesting clip. And you guys tell me if they're kind of telling on themselves and they're just using Biden to do it. Check this clip out. There's simply no place for this to happen. Former President Trump has led the onslaught of lies.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Assertions have been made that property is being confiscated. That's simply not true. They're saying people impacted by these storms will receive $750 in cash and no more. That's simply not true. They're saying the money is needed for this crisis is being diverted to migrants. What a ridiculous thing to say.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's not true. Now the claims are getting even more bizarre. Check this out. Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a congresswoman from Georgia, is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather. We're controlling the weather. It's beyond ridiculous. It's got to stop. In moments like this, there are no red or blue states. There's one United States of America where neighbors are helping neighbors. Volunteers and first responders are risking everything, including their own lives, to help their fellow Americans. First of all, nobody that voted for you is helping anybody, so let's just say that. Secondly, they're not. They're just not.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Everybody on the ground, I've been in touch and donated with multiple different groups they're all first responders they're all ex-military they're all police and those kind of people that give a fuck about our country and they're not the rainbow hair gender study fucking upper middle class white women uh who vote traditionally democrat they're on the ground voting it's all conservative it's all um you know that side of it so your people aren't doing shit bro so let's clarify that uh secondly weather manipulation has been a thing for over 60 70 years okay it's been going on there's other countries that admit it openly china talks about it openly they They ran operations in Vietnam to keep monsoons going and to keep the rainy season going to affect the war.
Starting point is 00:27:29 This is all documented. So there's like nine different ways, because after we talked about it the other day, I started really looking into it. Same. Do you got a bunch of shit on it? I got a bunch of shit. Before I start talking, just go ahead.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Let's dive into it, man, because there's a lot of stuff happening. We got these hurricanes. You got North Carolina affected. Tampa's getting crushed. there's weird things happening i i just want to say when he says there's one united states of america it's it's it's it's really rich coming from this dude who has done nothing but divide this country for the last four years no for the last 20 fucking years true okay for him to stand there and say we're united and we're this and we're neighbors taking care of neighbors motherfucker
Starting point is 00:28:10 your people ain't doing shit okay that's real talk where where are these groups where's black lives matter where's uh you know all the specialized trans groups and the lgbtq where's antifa helping uh all these people out it's not these are real americans he's right about it it's real americans helping americans your people aren't brought into that idea and you don't get to sit there being this probably not probably the worst president that ever existed in the history of our country and say that you're somehow uniting people okay Okay. You are giving them $750. That's a fact. And it is a fact that once their insurance claims come through, they have to pay it back. That's a fact too. And let me read you a statement of what's actually going on from one of my friends, just to give you guys some perspective
Starting point is 00:29:02 on what is actually happening on the ground. Okay. And I want to read you this. I'm not going to say who it's from, but I am going to read it because it's someone I know very well. All right. We are getting so much media attention that it's making her Kamala and Biden look stupid as fuck because we are doing what they won't do. We keep telling all the news outlets that show up exactly that. So she's contacted the governor and told him to get this shut down so they can come in and look like the heroes. We had a dozen or so police show up this morning.
Starting point is 00:29:38 We talked to them and explained what we are doing and how we have actual military guys on the ground running air traffic. And this isn't just fucking Joe Bob's carnival show. They keep, they talk to our guys and they said to keep going. They were super cool. I said, okay, thank you. But, and then he replies, but we are hearing she's going to send feds in later this week. I'm not sure if that's true or not. The current situation is the governor is not happy with the nonprofit organizations and non-government organizations because of the possible black eye that he's receiving based on his response. The Harris campaign is applying pressure to the governor because there's bad media coming
Starting point is 00:30:19 out about FEMA and their inability to truly respond to the space. So he's getting the black eye from the operations on the ground, as well as from the Harris campaign from the top. Luckily, there's some good guys here on the ground that are working diligently to keep the space operational so that we don't shut down the civilian operations. The belief of most of the special operations that are on the ground that aren't a part of the civilian effort have an accurate assessment that is if civilian effort is to stop or may to slow down, it will drastically disrupt you it won't be good. Trump is sending Don Jr. here in a few days. So as of now, we have some good coverage. Not sure what's going to happen just yet.
Starting point is 00:31:11 In the meantime, all this is being done with volunteers and GoFundMe and private citizen work. That's the truth. That's a guy on the ground who's been there the entire time. That's crazy, man. That's crazy. Now, on to this controlling the weather thing okay because like i said there's some weird things happening all across the country right now you got wildfires in wyoming right now that have already burned through 75 000 acres um with crews scrambling to save wildlife and communities um i mean this is just one picture
Starting point is 00:31:46 um here from wyoming all right uh you got that happening um you got you got you got floods in the fucking desert right now in the sahara to specific, desert is struck by its biggest deluge for decades with water filling lake that have been dry for 50 years after a rare, massive rainfall out of nowhere. You now have lakes in the middle of a desert. Now, I did some digging and did some research because it just doesn't make sense right like i remember um this graph from like fucking kindergarten and they show it's called the hydraulic cycle right like the precipitation cycle and how rain starts right and like you know rain is rain and it goes in this fucking flow i'm'm sounding like Kamala Jesus. But it has to come from somewhere. Where the fuck does water come from in the desert to be able to precipitate?
Starting point is 00:32:52 It has to evaporate. Like I just started looking into shit, man. It is weird because I found I stumbled upon this patent. OK, this is an actual patent. It's verified. We leave the link for you guys on the on andy it's an actual patent that was published uh july 9th of 2009 okay here's the full sheet now when you go to the inventors portion all right there's a nice little list here of people all right i saw this name there. William H. Gates III. I'm like, no. That can't possibly be old Bill.
Starting point is 00:33:33 No, it is. Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III. That's this guy who has this patent. Now, you go into this patent, it dives into a couple of different things. It talks about a method is generally described, which includes environmental alteration. The method includes determining a placement of at least one vessel capable of moving water to lower depths in the water via wave induced down swelling.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Now the method also includes placing at the, at least one vessel in the determined placement. Further, the method includes generating movement of the water adjacent the surface of the water in response to the placing. And he has these maps with all these little dots. This is a real document, guys. This is real. The map is the actual Gulf of Mexico, by the way. With all these vessel dots that are in the Gulf, right? And in this, when you dive into this patent, it talks about a couple of very interesting
Starting point is 00:34:29 things. Weather management, hurricane suppression, hurricane prevention, hurricane intensity modulation. It goes in deeper, Sam, because hurricanes and other tropical storms derive their energy from warm ocean water, it is logical to harness the great energies of the Earth's fluid envelopes to suppress or alter hurricanes or other tropical storms, and or to employ the powers of motion within these envelopes over long time intervals to modulate at least one property of an envelope that is exploited over much shorter time scales and or much more limited spatial scales for energizing
Starting point is 00:35:12 a hurricane now this has been talked about hold on do you even know the next dot do you know what the next dot is do you know who the biggest investor in real estate in Tampa Bay is? Do you know who's revitalizing Tampa Bay? Hmm. Yes. BlackRock. Bill Gates. Bill Gates.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Interesting. How would you get that many people, that economy, that infrastructure out? No shit. That's what I'm saying. I mean, how would you do that in a very quick efficient way right and like i said this is not new bro the uae they make it rain all the fucking time they literally started this thing called cloud seeding over there right and then when they put too much fucking silver iodine in the sky uh it causes floods but they say it's not because of them
Starting point is 00:36:02 cloud seeding right like that doesn't make fucking sense. Or let's go back to 2018 when the director of the CIA wanted to have a little talk about geoengineering. Check this clip out. Another example is the array of technologies often referred to collectively as geoengineering that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
Starting point is 00:36:42 An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive. The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly. As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not
Starting point is 00:37:23 remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. On the geopolitical side, the technology's potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI's benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI and others. That's interesting. Coming from the CIA director.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Look, bro. Yeah. Now, last little piece on this. It's interesting because every time I found something, then there was this other article talking about, yeah, I know we said that we could do this. We don't do that. It's not possible. It's not that easy to do now. You know, it's interesting. And every person I mean, there was a there's a string of this. Every person that has come out and tried to say something about shit like this happening or the effects of the like the real effects of the environment. You know what happens to them, Andy magically they probably die they fucking die like a georgia county official
Starting point is 00:38:31 dies after giving testimony about a hazardous chemical plant fire um this happened in georgia about a month ago um you know this is all over the fucking uh news internet this this chemical plant that magically combusted since all of this shit into the fucking air covered the entire town right the guy uh who is a soil and water conservation district supervisor went to testify yesterday um alongside other business leaders and owners. And he was frustrated by it. And he talked about the effects of what that fire was going to do. This was a month ago, guys. Stay with me. And guess what happened after he was walked out of that hearing?
Starting point is 00:39:17 He fucking collapses in the hallway. According to the Georgia House Democratic Caucus, 62-year-old Johnson, quote, complained of shortness of breath and subsequently collapsed in the hallway right after the meeting. And one of the state reps who is also a nurse, she administers CPR. He was rushed to the hospital where he later died. And guess what happened to that testimony, Andy? It's not released. No plans to release it. So it's very interesting that all these things are happening got patents filed from people who directly benefit at what point i mean at what
Starting point is 00:39:54 point does this stop being a coincidence that the same fucking dude is involved in all of this shit he's involved in vaccines he's involved in uh the the who he's involved in vaccines. He's involved in the WHO. He's involved in World Economic Forum. He's involved in weather manipulation. He wants to block out the sun. Who the fuck gave this guy the permission to play God with everybody else in the world? At this point in time, I think it's very clear. None of this is a coincidence. This guy's a fucking psychopath who's made more money than, you know, pretty much anybody on the planet with the
Starting point is 00:40:32 exception of maybe four or five people. And he's using that to pretend like he's doing us a big service. And instead he's fucking the entire world up. At what point is this man going to be held accountable for what he's doing? Okay. It's not a coincidence. It's not in our best interest. It's not something that, you know, just happens naturally. All right. There's no coincidence in my personal opinion that this guy's revitalizing Tampa Bay and has talked about Tampa Bay and now all of a sudden we're going to get a 15 foot storm surge right into the bay perfectly aligned people don't understand why the surge is going to be so big Tampa Bay is in a bay okay and it's closed on three sides and the way that the
Starting point is 00:41:18 hurricane is swirling which is clockwise is going to push water up into the bay, which is going to create a 10 to 15 foot surge, which that's what they're saying, not what I'm saying. And if you've ever been to Tampa Bay, you would know that the water is like three feet below the houses. That means all the houses, that means all the downtown, that means all the shit is going to be underwater. All right? What better opportunity to insert my personal plan as Mr. Gates than to say, hey, Tampa Bay just got wiped out by this coincidental event. Let's do this instead. I mean, at what point are we going to stop this shit and start calling this dude for what he is?
Starting point is 00:42:06 This guy is a fucking international tyrant criminal who is now creating situations that are horrible for humanity. And he's doing it over and over and over again. And it's the same group of people over and over and over again. And for you guys to sit there and say, oh, weather manipulation is a conspiracy theory, you're uneducated because they've been bragging about it for fucking 60, 70 years. They've used it. China talks about it openly. They talk about it openly.
Starting point is 00:42:34 They don't try to hide the shit. They're like, yeah, we kept the Beijing Olympics dry through our weather manipulation program. It was in the fucking news. Okay, if you don't believe me, go look up all right this is real stuff it's really happening they are doing it they talk about hurricane intensity modulation do you think that means just turning it down or do you think that also means turning it up right do you think these people after all they've done over the course of time the course of history that we've watched them do over and over and over again, do you think that they are above morally weaponizing the technology
Starting point is 00:43:10 that they have to get what they want? I think we all know that they're willing to weaponize the technology to get what they want. And I would bet that between now and the election, we see even more of this because the average person in this country thinks that that's a conspiracy. They think that that's crazy shit. They think that if you talk about weather manipulation, you're a tinfoil hat weirdo. Well, remember guys, we were tinfoil hat weirdos all through COVID. We were right about all that. We were tinfoil hat weirdos through Ukraine. We're right about that. We were tinfoil hat weirdos through Black Square. We were right about all that. We were tinfoil hat weirdos through Ukraine. We're right about that. We were tinfoil hat weirdos through Black Square.
Starting point is 00:43:49 We were right about that. We were tinfoil hat weirdos through fucking everything for the last five years. And we've been right about all of it. That's the truth. And I'm telling you right now, whether manipulation is a real thing. Do I know for a fact they're doing it or not? No, because I'm not in the meetings. But I'm also allowed to draw speculations and conclusions and offer my opinion. And my opinion is this is awful coincidental considering we have an election in less than 30 days, which is going to disrupt two major areas that are Trump areas and then also create a situation where the the areas are so destroyed
Starting point is 00:44:29 that they have to be completely rebuilt in a new manner uh not dictated by the citizens of the area but by with the people with the most money all right so yeah i mean look could it be coincidence could be do i think it is? No, I don't. Yeah. I mean, to me, I think that's always been the common denominator with these situations is like, and that may be why it's so hard for people to pinpoint. Because these plans, these things that happen, I'm calling it a benefit, but a benefit to the cabals. It checks a bunch of boxes off. Yeah. It checks a bunch of boxes off.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah. COVID checked a bunch of boxes off of them. Right. The vaccine checked a bunch of boxes off. The black square checked. They all check a bunch of boxes off. It's not like they're just doing this to gain one good fucking win. It's wins across multiple different areas, whether it be the voting demographic whether it
Starting point is 00:45:26 be the grab on the fucking real estate yes there's multiple boxes they're winning at this yes you know i'm saying and that's been consistent dude any time that there is a major catastrophe it's always the same group of people winning it's always the same group of people winning why is that at what point are people, the general people, going to be able to connect the dots? You know, once could be random. Twice, coincidence. Three, it's intentional.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Now, you can't tell me that these same people haven't been involved in literally everything. In all of the bad shit, in all of the chaos, all of this forcing of agenda 2030 down our throats the green deal down our throats the vaccine down our throats remember bill gates being on tv saying you're not going to have a choice to take the vaccine you guys act like you have a choice you don't have a choice well apparently we fucking do because i didn't get it a whole bunch of other people didn't get it i'm sick bunch of other people didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I'm sick of these people thinking that they can just push us around and do whatever they want because they made a lot of money. I think this guy's like the ultimate villain. Bro, I think he's the fucking Antichrist. That's my opinion. I'm saying, but he has a villain story. No, bro. He was bullied growing up and shit. And he's never been accepted in cool as public.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And now he's got money and he's getting his payback. Yeah, I think so too, dude. He's never been loved. He's never been accepted in society. He's never been celebrated as a hero. And I bet on the inside, he's like, dude, these people don't appreciate me. I invented technology. I did this.
Starting point is 00:47:02 No, you didn't. Fucking Steve Wozniak invented technology i did this no you didn't fucking steve wozniak invented technology motherfucker and that's probably why he's so insecure because he didn't even invent the shit that he says he invented it's crazy man yeah and then he goes around like this dude's the ultimate hack job like you you you you created uh something that's not even yours not in reality you you you and it's. It's an inferior product. You're not liked by the public. You've never been cool. You've never been loved by the public.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And he, inside of him, thinks, I should be the man. Look what I gave all these people. They don't appreciate me. And that's how I see that. I really do see that that is this. He's playing thing-a-nose, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:45 He's doing thing-a-nose, bro. Yeah. He's doing thing-a-nose. Guys. I mean, his own wife fucking sees what's happening. You know, and dude, did you see Elon call him out on the fucking Tucker interview? Oh, dude, bro. Elon goes. About the Epstein list? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Tucker goes. He goes, so what do you think this is? He goes, I think all the big celebrities are backing uh kamala because they know their trump gets in uh the epstein list is going to come out and then he went on to name uh a couple dudes and then he was like and bill gates he said gates is real worried about the epstein list coming out and like dude you don't that's why his wife his wife says in public that that's why she left because of the friendship that he had with Epstein. So, you know, it's going to come out.
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's at mainstream now. And like I've been saying for years, guys, these people are going to do everything and anything they can to not be held accountable for what they've been doing. They're all in. They're all in. And we better be all in on protecting this country and getting it back that's reality because you you are insane if you think that they're going to announce on tv that donald trump won the election no doesn't matter what happens doesn't matter what how first of all everybody needs to vote if you don't vote you're a fucking piece of shit you need to get out and
Starting point is 00:49:02 vote you need to get all your people to vote if you don't go out and vote and get all your people to vote you're a failure as an american citizen all right i don't care what your views are because the only chance this country has of surviving is if trump gets in he's an outsider he's not part of the uh the the establishment that's what people can't understand they can can't understand how this dude is not... Like, it used to be the left were like the rebels, and they were like, fuck the man, fuck the court, and now they're like cheering for the machine. Fuck the machine.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah. And anyway, the point is that these are bad people, and they're going to do very bad things to make sure that they maintain control and power, including the destruction of whatever they have to destroy. That's the reality. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Down in the comments, let us know what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:49:55 With that being said, let's go cruise some of these. Let's cruise the comments. This first comment comes from at 69. That's what she said, 69. It says, don't let misinformation get you guys again kayunga ducks are only black for a couple years then they too code switch to white oh smart ducks i got no comment this next one comes from at bold body fitness llc 71 20 says andy's laugh may raise testosterone but dj's laugh cures cancer well that's nice that's nice i mean allegedly yeah i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:50:37 if it's real you're nice um you know we talked about superheroes and what your superhero name would be. Eduardo Avelia 3863 says, Andy's superhero name is T-Man. T-Man. Is that like He-Man but T-Man? All right. I can get down with it. A little T-Man. I like it.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I like the He-Man outfit. I like it. I'm going to hang out with that cheerleader. And my T-man out there. Guys, this last comment comes from Kenneth. Kenneth Dre. You think He-Man was gay? Like for real?
Starting point is 00:51:20 I don't think so either. Until next time. People say that. That he was gay? Yeah, they said that He-Man was a gay cartoon character. Not that I give a fuck, but I don't think he either. Until next time. People say that. That he was gay? Yeah, they said that He-Man was a gay cartoon character. Not that I give a fuck, but I don't think he was. I mean, but like what specifically? I don't know. I guess because of his haircut and his-
Starting point is 00:51:35 I mean, but listen, you can be gay without being gay though. You know what I'm saying? Of course. Like his haircut was definitely gay, but I don't think he was gay. No, he had a girlfriend, didn't he? She-Ra? Who? She-Ra. She-Ra, he had a girlfriend, didn't he? She-Ra? Who? She-Ra.
Starting point is 00:51:46 She-Ra. That's his girlfriend, isn't it? She-Her. Yeah. Oh. A little foreshadowing. That's where it came from. She-Her.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Hmm. Interesting. All right. Maybe we need to dig into this. Very thought-provoking. Yeah. All right. I like He-Man, bro. He's got a big sword. He fucking works out. He's Very thought-provoking. Yeah. All right. I like He-Man, bro.
Starting point is 00:52:05 He's got a big sword. He fucking works out. He's jacked. Sword fights. Yeah. Yeah? Mm. Bro.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I don't know. He rides a big battle cat, though. So, officially, like, he rides a big pussy. Yeah, but he rides it. Cat's not riding him. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I mean, maybe cat's not riding him you know what I'm saying yeah I mean maybe he's not lazy
Starting point is 00:52:28 huh interesting yeah see you're realizing how lazy you are right now no bro I put work in son yeah yeah you did
Starting point is 00:52:38 hey yeah we'll see Skeletor was cool yeah until next time. I love it, dude. It's...
Starting point is 00:52:49 Anyway. T-Man it is. T-Man it is, man. Guys, this last comment comes from Kenneth Dre Benstead. 3943 says, The Hurricanes are your October surprise. we'll find out i don't think so i actually think there's i think there's um i think there's something more coming i think
Starting point is 00:53:13 i saw hillary clinton blame china for stealing uh wiretap information and talk about kamala uh having some very negative information. She's talked about it a few times now. So what I actually think happened, I think there's some information that these people have that is wiretap info or some sort of secret shit about Kamala that's going to come out that they're trying to brace for or prepare for.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Like what? i don't know i mean i think they got her on video or camera saying some really fucked up shit about america so something that'd be crazy yeah no well guys we appreciate you for being real ass fans keep liking commenting and subscribing and uh make sure you guys hit that bell notification stay up to date with the latest episodes from real af with that being said let's keep this cruise moving headline number two um this one's interesting remember that video of kamala during that 60 minutes episode that uh we were like that made no sense yeah right well it's interesting why it didn't make sense because they were editing it they were editing i saw that holy man yeah election
Starting point is 00:54:22 interference fake news 60 minutes caught editing kamala's nonsensical answer with previous soundbite to make her sound coherent and normal video released this is the definition of election interference this great article from the gateway pundit reads apparently kamala's interview with 60utes was much worse than we first thought. Fake News 60 Minutes was caught editing Kamala's answers to make her sound coherent and normal. In fact, it was so bad that 60 Minutes spliced her nonsensical answer and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said earlier in the interview. They cut Kamala's nonsense answer on Israel and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said
Starting point is 00:55:10 earlier in the interview, mixing and matching questions and answers. This isn't journalism. It's fraud. It is. It's actually treason. You're lying to the American people about the reality of the biggest decision that they will make as citizens of the country,
Starting point is 00:55:27 which is not in their interest at all. It's against their interest, and you know it. The collusion between big media and the Democrats, I mean, we could sit here and say something has to be done, but honestly, I think they're doing it for themselves. Their credibility is shit. Their viewership is shit. We get more views than most of these networks do you know think about that they got billions of dollars in ad revenue behind them and they can't get more views because they're so biased that people just don't trust them and don't believe them that's crazy yeah
Starting point is 00:55:56 it's crazy let's check this clip out so uh first is the actual answer that she gave um and then second is what everyone else saw. Let's check this out. But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening. Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region. But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening. We're not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end. Now, neither one of them made fucking
Starting point is 00:56:45 sense all right but it it is sickening um there's the official transcript um word for word there um but you know everybody knows kamala's witness to your point if there is something that comes out about kamala that'd be great you know i'm saying but like she's kind of destroying herself of course herself yeah um she went on uh i mean even social media is tearing apart right now she went on steven colbert um with a brand new accent did you see her did you see her and him try to drink a beer yeah i saw that try to make her look like a normal person oh she's drinking milwaukee's best i think miller high life that was high life that was a, huh? I'm sure she drinks Miller.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Motherfucker, I don't drink Miller High Life. I don't know anybody that drinks. No, I drink Stella because I'm fancy. You like Bud Lights too. I do like Bud Lights. Gets me. I don't know. Drunk?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Oh. I like Bud Light, bro. Bud Light's a St. Louis brand. I support St. Louis. Oh, it's a good beer. I support St. Louis and St. Louis workers and St. Louis brands. I like Bud Heavy. Period. Bud Light's a St. Louis brand. I support St. Louis. Oh, it's good beer. I support St. Louis and St. Louis workers and St. Louis brands. I like Bud Heavy. Period.
Starting point is 00:57:49 I'm a Bud Heavy guy. Yeah, I don't give a fuck. Just because some executive said some stupid ass shit or did some shit doesn't make me feel any way about them. Yeah, it's good beer. Yeah. Well, let's check out this new accent. In fact, Bud Light, hit me up.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'll fucking take your ads. Oh. Yeah. Pay me money. and i'm not trans yeah pay me money you don't even have to pay me money i'll just talk about it but i want some money too want some beer yeah yeah but heavy pay me money yeah i like it let's check out her new her new accent though man this was cool this is like a this is like a twist on a jamaican accent i'm not sure where it came from check this out have you no empathy man you know for the the suffering of other people have you no sense of purpose have you no empathy man you know you know the cereal Apple Jack's it reminds me of a joke that I know what Apple Jack's a little Apple Jack man a little cinnamon stick y'all man try the Apple Jack's that is that you're making guy
Starting point is 00:59:02 yeah oh yeah dreads and everything it reminds me of a joke what's the joke you want to hear it i do personally i'm excited okay so there's this dude and he's getting married all right what have you heard this joke no i just i know you have you heard it okay look okay not everybody's heard it's just a great joke okay all right it's actually a true story. All right. There's this dude, and he's getting married. All right. And his wife's name, his soon-to-be wife's name is Wendy.
Starting point is 00:59:33 And he's like, can't think about what he wants to get her for the wedding gift. So he's like, ask his buddies, and his buddies are telling him, you know, like, dining room set and all this bullshit, right? He's like, no, I got it. I'm going to get her name tattooed on my dick all right so he goes and he gets his wife's name tattooed on his dick he's gonna show it when they go on the honeymoon but you know like when it's small all you could see is the w and the y so they get married they go to jamaica and there he can't wait to show her the wedding gift but before he could show her the wedding gift he goes he has to take a leak
Starting point is 01:00:12 so he goes in the bathroom and he's like taking a leak right and in walks the seven foot tall jamaican dude and he walks in and he fucking looks over and he sees the W and a Y on this Jamaican dude's dick. And he's like, no way, man. He's like, your wife's name is Wendy, too. And he goes, no, man. Mine says, welcome to Jamaica, man. Enjoy your stay. That's a good fucking joke.
Starting point is 01:00:42 That's a good joke. Yeah, that's a good joke. Yeah. No, man. Have you no empathy, man. Oh, okay. All right. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I like it. I know you like that joke because it reinforces the stereotype that you like to hang your hat on. Is it a stereotype? It is. I'm Sicilian, dude. Okay. Well, then you're not included in that stereotype.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Maybe I am. Then maybe you are. Listen listen you can be whatever you want andy apparently i believe all right now that wasn't the only interesting uh you know talk in front of press biden crashed a press briefing did you hear about that no he walked right in the fucking room and spread out some nonsense um to the point that's like your grandpa comes out of his bedroom at 11 30 at night in his underwear starts just talking some shit bro it was bad because at the end like he spoke for like 15 minutes right the article altogether biden spent about 15 minutes in the briefing room as he exited a reporter reporter asked whether he wanted to reconsider his July decision to drop out of the presidential race.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Biden quickly turned around. Quote, I'm back in. The president quipped before finally departing. That was interesting. In other news, there's a new supporter for Kamala. Who? Triple X, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Triple X. Oh, the porn industry. Of course. Yeah, porn industry launches ad supporting Harris campaign. Of course. The porn industry has entered the 2024 presidential campaign with a $100,000 ad campaign targeting what it claims are proposals
Starting point is 01:02:22 to ban pornography. The hands off my porn campaign will run in seven swing states with the hopes of convincing young men to vote for Kamala Harris. What difference does it make if they ban porn, dude? OnlyFans is making these girls more money than they made in fucking porn. It's true. This is true. Imagine jerking off and then you get the five-second interview and it's fucking Kamala.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Oh, man. And you're like right in the... Bro. Yeah. Bro. You ain't seen that one yet? Well, this is the website for that campaign. Alright. Don't let them control what you watch. Conservatives are planning to
Starting point is 01:03:01 criminalize porn. Stephanie's mom's only 2.3 miles away I will fight to protect my right to privacy In my own home Yeah Man you can donate Get the fuck out of here You can come check your guns
Starting point is 01:03:19 Yeah Or you can talk about privacy about porn Yeah That's for sure Yeah no shit No shit You're gonna come look at my guns But you don't want to see my porn You can talk about privacy about porn. Yeah. That's for sure. Yeah, no shit. No shit. You're going to come look at my guns, but you don't want to see my porn?
Starting point is 01:03:31 If you come look at my guns, we'll show you my porn. Yeah, motherfucker. I might do the porn first. You know what I'm saying? Oh, fuck, dude. You know? Bro. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, you could donate. That's where the money's going to. Act blue. Yeah. Yeah, 100%. Absolutely. I mean, they got's going to. Act blue. Yeah. Yeah, 100%. Absolutely. I mean, they got a bunch of warnings on this. This is serious. Serious.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Serious. It's twisted, Dirk. Well, I guess that's what you are doing. One of the other headlines on the site, it said, watch Black Abbey destroy the fucking country. Oh, man. There was a big meme going around about a picture of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. And the title is from a screenshot from YouPorn. And it says, watch an interracial couple fuck the entire nation.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Man, that's fucking true. That's true. Holy shit. And it has 87 million views. 87,000 million, whatever that is. A lot. They keep putting this crazy shit out. There's also a fun fact for you, Andy,
Starting point is 01:04:43 just so you know. Watching porn doesn't make you transgender well i'm glad you clarified that because i was really worried bro it's just it's not scaring america watching porn doesn't make you transgender what's wrong with being transgender according to you fuckers all? I thought it was fine. I thought that was the thing. If it is, if it does, it's fine. So why should we be scared? I thought you said that it's okay.
Starting point is 01:05:12 It's okay to have 14,000 children in America have their fucking genitals mutilated, which is a fucking actual number, by the way. But don't be scared of it because yeah it doesn't it almost makes you think that porn does make you trans the fact that they're even saying it i even
Starting point is 01:05:31 say it yeah good point maybe it does i mean it's just to me it's just crazy that like the the reach that these people have like i mean what they have to like this is what like these are the straw straws well these weirdos want to scare america and write pornography manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology. Well, I'm not going to say it makes you trans, but it certainly makes dudes not want to go out and find and be successful. Because let's be fucking real, dude. Why does any straight man want to do anything because they want to find attractive women to procreate or practice procreating with right for their whole lives okay um i practice all the time every every fucking major feat of humanity that comes from a man somehow leads back to their
Starting point is 01:06:21 approval they want from women yeah like it's a primal desire and urge and pornography takes that away from young men and while i'm not going and i don't think it should be outlawed or this or that i think government should be very limited i think people should be mindful uh about what it actually does to the to the youth you know when we were young kids of course we looked at porn but we had magazines bro and we had to like hide them and like go on a fucking vision quest to find them and then we looked at them and you couldn't beat your meat because your friends were right there right so like then you had to just like memorize it and then like you know like do it the old way like now these kids are fucking inundated with tits and ass everywhere they look, bro. And then they wonder why they can't get a boner by the time they're 17.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Yeah. You know? So, like, bro, it's not good. It's not good. It's not good. It's just not good in that regard. But, I mean, I don't think the government should be getting into private industry like that. I think there should be some regulations to keep children from consuming it.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And children from in it. Yeah from in it yeah oh yeah no shit but and i also think that uh you know whatever an adult decides they want to do they should be able to do you know as long as it doesn't like legitimately physically harm people you know like convincing kids that they are transgender when they're four years old and stealing their childhood and all this shit. That's criminal shit, bro. But adults watching porn because they want to watch porn, that's existed for fucking thousands of years, man. So, you know, get the fuck out of here. I don't like the progressive left, but I don't like the alt-right conservatives either. Because, bro, they want to control just as much shit as the alt-left wants to control.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And neither one of them can see the hypocrisy in their own stances. Like, America's supposed to be free. And we're supposed to have a basic set and guideline of moral standard that we operate from, but it's not up to you just because you have personal preferences to dictate that onto other people. If we're going to have freedom, that means you're going to have to tolerate what other people choose to do, as long as it's not hurting you. You're going to say and disapprove of what other people do, and you're going to have to accept that. The problem that we have in America, dude, is that everybody's trying to
Starting point is 01:08:50 force their own beliefs and their own viewpoints and worldview onto other people. And that's what's creating the polarity in civilization. We have to get to a point where we understand that if we're going to live in a free country, freedom actually means that we are going to have to tolerate things and ways of life and behaviors that we don't necessarily agree with. Now, if they're outside the agreed upon moral standards, such as pedophilia or such as children mutilating their genitals, that's a problem for everybody that we all need to address. Okay. Because when we allow freedom, there are going to be people that take that three or four or a hundred steps too far. And that's happening right now. We have people who are, you know, like we've talked about a gazillion times on the show. We have people on the progressive
Starting point is 01:09:42 left who are dressing up as women and they are legit pedophiles and they're dressing up as women remember we never see women dressing up as men doing this shit it's always men dressing up as women and they're in women's locker rooms they're in women's sports they're in uh you know kids schools doing dances why aren't you doing dances at old folks homes why aren't you doing dances at the bars where you're supposed to do them the gay bars okay that's no kids there yeah no shit and what the fuck is up with you parents like loving it and cheering for it okay you're you're fucked up too but the point is is that then we have the people on the alt-right who you know if you don't go to church every sunday and
Starting point is 01:10:23 wednesday night you're you're the devil, right? So, like, there's got to be a place in the middle that we can all agree where it's common sense, where we aren't all up in each other's shit. You know what I mean? 100%, man. So, yeah, this campaign push, there was another campaign push that came up. I don't know if you saw this one either. Did you see this campaign push from the Kamala campaign this one right here
Starting point is 01:10:46 Afghan national arrested for plotting an election day terrorist attack. Oh, yeah, I said I did and it's getting pushed by every media outlet That's weird. Hmm. That's weird. I know I'm yeah. Well the what I You got more on this. Yeah, I mean just a little background for those of you guys that haven't seen it Yeah, the mean, just a little background for those of you guys that haven't seen it. The Justice Department announced charges against a citizen of Afghanistan residing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for conspiring to conduct an election day terrorist attack in the United States on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, or ISIS, a designated foreign terrorist organization. According to a criminal complaint filed today, Nassar Ahmad Tahiti, 27, conspired and attempted family overseas, acquire AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition, and commit a terrorist attack in the United States. Now, they put that out.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Now, I think interesting background. Now, that sounds very similar to what I predicted as the attack as well. Very, very, very similar. But it's interesting because this guy, he's an Afghan foreign national. Has he been here for 10 years? Has he been here for the last 15 years? No. He came in pretty recently under the exact border crisis problem that they created.
Starting point is 01:12:20 In 2021, this guy came in this country on a special visa that dig this the state department itself has already announced that they only give out 50 typically 50 of these visas a year and he got one of them this guy that's a fucking foreign national that is talking allegedly about creating some type of terrorist now do you think that you think that... I don't know. We got all these school shooters who are on the FBI radar, every single one of them. Now, do you really think that this guy was flying under the radar and had never had a conversation about terrorist attacks
Starting point is 01:13:03 in the United states before 2021 right you see what i'm saying let alone three weeks before you think he just came up with this just now right right what i'm getting at is he was talking about before he came here they knew he was talking about it most likely and uh they let him come in anyway not only let him come in they fucking brought him in now what else does this do though andy well because people see this right and i mean we're three weeks out from the election what else why why now why would they why they make it so public you know why you know why because they don't want people to fucking vote so not only do we have the hurricanes going on yeah not only do we have all these natural they're fear-mongering to get people to stay home that being said guys
Starting point is 01:13:44 let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. Uh, this is an interesting, uh, another interesting topic that has came up, um, that I,
Starting point is 01:13:52 I found very, very interesting. Uh, today, a study was released and, let's dive into this. Headline number three reads how wave of heart attacks in young people may be fueled by COVID. And just COVID.
Starting point is 01:14:10 And nothing else. Just COVID itself. People who get sick with COVID are at a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes years after clearing the infection, a major study suggests. Using data from over 200,000 people from the United Kingdom with an average age of 67 who caught COVID in 2020, researchers found the more sick someone was, the more likely they were to develop heart problems. Overall, being infected with COVID doubled someone's risk of a heart attack or stroke at least three years after the initial infection. And patients who were hospitalized because of the virus were four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:14:57 This new research comes as other doctors search for clues as to why fatal heart attacks and people under 45 have been increasing some point to the covet virus as a cause a whole lot more point to the covert vaccine as the cause we don't talk about that but that's not in the no you know what's crazy dude it's crazy how people still won't talk about it they still won't say it it's so like dude look at the amount of people young people that are falling over fucking dead athletes young people otherwise perfectly healthy people that have fallen over fucking dead in the last three years all right and whenever it happens if you ask if the person to have the vaccine people get offended right it's like dude why don't we just tell the truth so that we can know what we're dealing with it's like all the people who got it are somehow like in denial about the entire thing
Starting point is 01:15:59 it's like bro there were lots of people out here trying to tell you what the deal was, and you're calling us all crazy. Okay? There's people like this. Check this clip out. To your point, it's people like this. This is a 24-year-old woman. There's still people in the comment sections when this comes up that are like, you guys are fucking crazy. It's like, bro, you're saying that because you're scared and you're afraid and you don't
Starting point is 01:16:20 want to admit that this is an actual thing. No, it's the fucking truth. Check this out. I had a heart attack at 24, part one. I just want to preface this story by saying it is so important to listen to your body and advocate for yourself because as you'll hear in my story,
Starting point is 01:16:37 I was told by the EMTs who took me in the ambulance that this was a panic attack and this was a full-fledged heart attack. So basically what happened was I was sitting on the toilet just like Elvis and I got the craziest sharp shooting pains down my left arm. And when I say I had sharpshooting pains, it was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I was hyperventilating, panicking, screaming, and cold sweating, ripping my clothes off. Then I curled into a ball. I knew something was severely wrong and everybody thought that I was having a panic attack. but in reality, I was panicking because I was in so much pain.
Starting point is 01:17:30 So within 45 seconds of all of this happening, thank God I was home with my mom and brother. They called an ambulance and the EMT arrived and he completely invalidated me. Go to part two. And it's interesting because not once did she address whether she was vaxxed, because I feel like that is an important question to ask people, no matter how they get offended, because you can't address the problem if you're willing to skate over the possible variables that produce that problem. Like, and nobody wants to talk about it. But there have been people around the country, people around the world that have been talking about this. Now, more in the study. They just say that it's the covet infection itself um that is linked to this long-term risk of heart attack well is there a data point that they ran the study that showed which percentage of these people was vaccinated versus not nope yeah okay what a convenient thing to leave out it's funny you say that and because that because that's actually what other people have been saying in the comments as well.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Crazy. Nothing about the vaccine that study. They say people treated for COVID but aren't clear on the treatment. Can that pharma intervention cause the risk? Doesn't say. Weird, huh? You think it would be important to mention how many of them had the jab, you know, or this other comment. Hopefully they segregated the vaxxed from the unvaccinated in their control groups. I think the powers that be are trying to
Starting point is 01:18:49 hide just how bad the jab is to which somebody else replied. No chance they did that. Now they say that this is mainly affecting people with the blood type of O, um, where, you know, people with blood types A and B and AB, they're fine right now. They put this interesting graph out, um, from this study. Okay. And this is a graph that shows, um, the heart attacks in people's, uh, aged 18 to 44. Okay. And now you see that chart, um, you see in 2020, the percentage of the population, it was, you know, 0.03%. And then in 2021, it jumps up, takes a little dip and then jumps back up in 2023. Right. That's an interesting graph. I've never seen anything like it until I started looking and I found something that was very similar from this graph. Um, this is the vaccination rate uh dosage over a course and period of time
Starting point is 01:19:48 and i thought it was interesting because when i was looking at this graph i said huh that looks pretty similar to this heart attack graph and when i laid those two right on top of each other with the timelines. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. Yep. Isn't that interesting? Shocking. Fucking shocking.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Now, you search this, COVID heart attacks, and they got all the steady blasts and all over the fucking place, right? And the same Google search. Definitely nothing to do with the vaccine. Search vaccine heart attacks. People who are vaccinated against COVID-19 also have much lower risk how would we know how the fuck would we know andy what do you got on this man i mean i got the same thing we've been saying for the last four years we don't know look man you got the dude you got Gates on stage at a TED Talk talking about reducing the population through proper vaccination.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Okay, openly talking about it. You got Georgia Guidestones who say the whole point of the New World Order is to reduce the population from 8 billion people to 500 million for the sake of the environment um now we have all this ai coming out that's going to replace humanity replace jobs it's going to be combined robotics blue collar jobs are at a risk you guys all think they're not but they are and they have no use for the peasants anymore so their their goal, reading between the lines, is to reduce the population of the non-useful contributing people, meaning exterminate them from the earth so that they can have the earth for themselves. And this is actually happening. They talk about it openly. And a lot of people just think it's total BS.
Starting point is 01:21:45 And they still think it's total. There have been books published about it. Multiple books published about it. You know, you got Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, writing books about it. These people are evil. And people refuse to believe that there are people this evil because most people can't fathom that level of evilness. Because they're not that way. But there is a group of people, in my opinion, from the evidence that I have observed from doing
Starting point is 01:22:11 this literally almost every day for the last five years that are intentionally trying to destroy humanity. They are intentionally trying to remove what they consider to be the peasant class that's us that's you that's me that's us from earth and when we look at all these things and we say why did they force this vaccination that was not tested and all bro it all aligns with all their goals and they all talk about it openly and so like to try to explain it to someone that doesn't get it by now is just it's pointless they're not going to get it right and the people who got the shot instead of saying you know hey i regret getting this this this this has fucked me up some people are saying that we have more of those people saying you guys are still still crazy. Bro, what are you talking about? Like, have you not been paying attention to what's been going on?
Starting point is 01:23:11 You know what I'm saying? It's not misinformation. These are real studies conducted by real people. And it's very obvious that this COVID shit was engineered intentionally. That's been proven. The vaccine. Dude, I don't even. Well, to the point, bro, like, again, it matches their plan. I know.
Starting point is 01:23:33 It checks multiple boxes, right? It was the biggest wealth transfer in the history of this country in a matter of months. Yeah. Right? Like, they got to get rid of over 60 of fucking small businesses their plan wasn't just to get everybody with this vaccine dude they were going to eliminate the resistance the people who didn't get the vaccine but people wouldn't allow it all right remember trudeau saying what are we going to do with these people where are we going to put them
Starting point is 01:24:00 they're a dangerous society biden saying we got a pandemic of the vaccine of the unvaccinated vaccinated we got michelle wen on tv who's now changed her tune because she knows she's guilty of crimes against humanity saying that people who haven't vaccinated should lose their jobs and lose their ability to be uh able to live free in society you had australia putting people in camps we were this fucking close to literal death camps over COVID, but people wouldn't allow it, especially here in America. Okay. So their plan is not just to get people to take the shot. It was to eliminate all the resistance by making them dangerous to society and to humanity, and then eliminating them through a genocide. I'm convinced of that you know i know a lot of people think that's crazy it's not crazy we we were one or two
Starting point is 01:24:49 steps away from that one or two steps certain countries were putting people in fucking camps australia was doing it they were doing it yeah not talking about yeah they actually did it yeah so guys we were very close too close to a genocide of people who would resist that narrative and the and if they were going to genocide all the all the dissenters and then people say well why didn't they do in other countries because if they would have done in other countries people here would start killing people we would have killed people over that fact man it's a fact guys jump into It's a fact. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Here's the bottom line. I'm sorry. This graph was crazy. Yeah, it is crazy. And people that are listening on audio, which our listenership is 50 times as big on audio, you should go watch this on YouTube, this part especially. It's insane. But the underlying point to all of this, dude that these people their narrative their initiative that they are
Starting point is 01:25:48 fully committed to is falling apart which makes them extremely extremely extremely dangerous especially over the next 90 days with the election and then uh you know whatever's going to happen post-election in terms of transition of power, which I think the amount of chaos they are about to cause in one way or another has never been seen globally before ever. And I think people need to be prepared for it. Yeah, man. Guys, let us know down
Starting point is 01:26:16 in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have Thumbs Up or Dumb as Fuck. That's where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, my thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads, Cookie Monster bizarrely caught speeding on traffic cam, but cops were not amused. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Hmm. Cookie Monster. Mm-hmm. It seems eating isn't the only thing cookie monster does too quickly uh police camera captured the bizarre moment a motorist sped through an intersection in germany while dressed as the blue biscuit loving children's character uh quote the fun of wearing a mask from the muppet show can quickly turn serious police spokes spokesman peter banderman told newsflash while describing the incident the pic snapped in the western city of dortmund uh westfalia on september 20th shows the googly
Starting point is 01:27:19 eyed character driving an audi at 60 miles per hour, which was 10 miles per hour faster than the posted speed limit. The combo of the speed and the ridiculous costume led police to believe that the Cookie Monster cosplayer, whose identity wasn't yet discovered, whose identity wasn't yet uncovered, deliberately got themselves caught on camera for a brazen gag. However, they feel the stunt is no laughing matter. Quote, it won't help the relatives of a person who has been killed if the person who did it tearfully regrets their mask
Starting point is 01:27:52 fun in court, said Banderman. If authorities do track down the shaggy suited troll, they're going to slap him with a $50 fine. No cookies for you. Here's the picture that's pretty funny dude oh that look that's funny that has to be a for real gag 100 on purpose i mean or or he was like you know trying to rush to a kid's birthday party and shit and you know run a little late bro you ever seen somebody
Starting point is 01:28:31 driving down the street that's what i'm saying dressed up as a clown i have not a clown i saw uh i saw uh who was it was like one of the fucking uh uh it was like one of those mermaid movies he was like dressed as a fucking the crap like legit He had like a little placard on his car, car and shit advertising to his birthday parties and events. Yeah, dude. Fully dressed. Have you guys ever seen like a clown driving? Smoking a cigarette.
Starting point is 01:28:54 It's a weird thing. It's weird. Clowns are weird, man. I don't like clowns. I'm not a big fan. I'm not a big fan. Like I've never thought they were were like i don't get it no i've never been a fan yeah me neither huh yeah they're not funny clowns aren't funny
Starting point is 01:29:14 no i don't i really don't like them yeah it's fucking weird i'll shoot one in the face oh really yep i don't know if i hate them that much nope but if they try to fuck with me you know i'm saying like the fucking horn and shit the what the whole you know i don't like it bro yeah they they do like seem to zero in on people that don't like that's what i'm saying they're not doing their pr any any uh help no they're fucking creepy to fuck alone with your clown shit yeah yeah this is good though cookie monster i'm giving it thumbs up. You like it? Yeah. All right. Want some cookies, man.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Bro, 50 bucks for this, though. I mean. Worth it. That's so. Worth it. Definitely going to teach that guy a lesson. Yeah. Well, I mean.
Starting point is 01:29:54 No more wiener schnitzel for you. Yeah. Bro, listen. I, you know. That's a whole nother topic. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. I give a thumbs up. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:10 I like it, man. I like it. Well, guys, Andy, that's all I got. All right, guys. Don't be a hoe. Share the show. Box froze. Fuck a bowl. Fuck a stole. Counted millions in a cold. Bad bitch. Booted swole. Got her on bankroll.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Can't fold. Just a note. Headshot. Case closed.

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