REAL AF with Andy Frisella - 826. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump Chats With Obama At Jimmy Carter's Funeral, California Wildfires & United States Buying Greenland?

Episode Date: January 10, 2025

In today's episode, Andy and DJ discuss President-elect Donald Trump's conversation with former President Barack Obama at Jimmy Carter's funeral, the wildfires devastating Los Angeles County, and the ...United States' interest in acquiring Greenland.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is up guys? It's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society. Welcome to motherfucking reality guys. Today we have Andy and DJ Cruz the motherfucking internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. It stands for Cruz the internet. That's where we put topics on this day up here on the screen. We speculate on what's true and what's not true.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And then we talk about how we the people have to solve these problems going on in the world. Now throughout the week, we're going to have shows within the show. All right, we're going to have Q&A F that's where you could submit questions and we give you answers. Now you can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is guys email these questions into ask Andy at Andy for or you go on YouTube on the Q&A F episodes, drop your question in the comments. We'll choose some from there as well. Sometimes we're going to have real talk. That's just me giving you some real talk and then we have 75 hard verses We got a real good episode of 75 hard verses coming really soon that we recorded a few months ago
Starting point is 00:01:15 But 75 hard verses that's where people who come on who have completed the 75 hard program who have used it to transform their life Come on the show. They talk about how they were before how they are now and how they use the program to Drastically improve their life if you're unfamiliar with 75 heart it is the initial phase of the live hard program Which is the world's most recognized mental transformation program in history and it's free You can get it at episode 208 on the audio feed only that's 208 on the audio feed only There's also a book the book is called the book on mental toughness You can get it at Andy for sell it comm the book goes through the whole live hard program
Starting point is 00:01:55 Plus a whole bunch of other content on mental toughness why it's important how to utilize it and how to use it to build your life Again, Andy for sell it comm the book on mental toughness. Now one thing that you're going to notice about this show is we don't run ads. We don't take money from people and then get yelled at about what we say. That's what we do here. We keep it real. And in exchange, I ask very simply that you help support us. You support us by going in your local grocery store, getting yourself one of these amazing first form energy drinks. But mainly support us by sharing the show.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We're constantly dealing with censorship. We're waiting for all the censorship to stop because it sure as fuck ain't stopped yet. So please help us share the show. If it makes you think, if it makes you laugh, it gives you a new perspective. If you think it's worth hearing, do us a favor. Make a little story post. Don't be a ho. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:02:51 All right, what's up, dude? What's going on, man? Nothing. Yeah? What's up with you? Oh, you know, lubricating the lips. Lubricating the lips? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Man, that shit gets addicting. When we were up in Colorado, bro, I went through like two tubes of fucking chapstick. I didn't even use that shit here. It's different up there, man. No, you don't. It is different in Colorado, bro. I went through like two tubes of fucking a fucking chapstick. I didn't use that shit here It's different up there. It is different up there, bro. My beard was falling out Your beard mm-hmm was falling out. Yeah, really? Yeah. No wasn't no No, I legit like I could comb and your shit was just going out really like it was it was wondering what all those pubes were coming from Finding all over the house and shit
Starting point is 00:03:25 No, I guess that was your beard hair. I gotta keep it oiled, you know I got a little I've been using some beard balm for about the last six months. Yeah, and I don't normally I'm gonna have to find the name of it because it is it's some camera the name off top my head But fuck dude, it's good. Well, they name that shit like like, you know the people that drink those IPA beer Yeah for sure. It's definitely some hippie ass weirdo You know Fucking colorado shit moose fat. Yeah, right, but i'll tell you what I'll tell you what it's damn good. Ipas can be kind of good. I like it
Starting point is 00:03:59 You know dude when we were up in colorado, bro, I love the beers that mountain uh mountain lager lager Yeah, that was good. You know, so it's like, Bro, we didn't even have a bad meal there. We have a bad meal, a bad drink. We have a bad day. Not a bad day. I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:04:14 Well, the yard sale was pretty bad. My shoulder was gonna hurt from that. Nah, you're fine. Don't be a pussy. All right. We, I'm thinking of opening up a remote office up there in Vail, bro. I'm not kidding, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm gonna fucking go up there. You guys are gonna come too. We're gonna record the show once a day and then we're gonna go ski and fucking snowboard in Snowmobile. How's that sound? You guys in? No?
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm down. No, I'll go out and replace you all. No, I'm there. All right. Fuck these guys. And then we'll build a little first form gym, right? We'll get everybody little houses for their families. be fucking great. You sick. Yeah you and Joe Joe why you got your hood on it's cold in here
Starting point is 00:04:54 He's got his black Air Force ones on you better be careful Bro, I'm serious somewhere. We are making a remote I'm serious. Somewhere we are making a remote studio. You guys tell us where it should be. I actually think Vail will be a terrible spot because no one's gonna fucking fly there. Well, you got bad reception. I know, I've been looking in Austin and Nashville.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I was real-time. I was thinking Nashville would be sick. Yeah. Spend the winters down in Austin when it's like somewhat warm. Yeah. Fucking get, you know, go out on the fucking boat. You know what I'm saying? How close to Austin saying how close they got Lake Austin there, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:27 I was in Lake Travis some of the coolest lakes ever no shit. Yeah, huh? Yeah, I like this one, but Austin is very it's getting liberal and stuff is it yeah, but I mean that shits over Yeah, my son of them. Yeah, we're past that bump. You know the fuck out of here. What I'm talking down Oh, yeah, yeah, we're past a little hot No, the fuck out of here. What I'm talking to them. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're past that little All right. Yeah, anyway, let's do it. Oh studio coming soon. No more winters in Missouri pick the location It's gonna be cold. We're gonna go skiing. Well, my only thing with the Cobra as long as it's doing something, dude I just don't like the gray, you know, I don't I don't like the cold does not bother me But it was sunny in Colorado. Yeah, it was 20 fucking degrees Everybody's outside chilling. Yeah, it was fine
Starting point is 00:06:07 drinking their mountain Moose fat bro real talk if I could stay in shape and feel good about myself And like wake up every day and drink beer outside on a cold patio like up in Colorado That would be my life. It'd be pretty sweet, but I would be fat as fuck It wouldn't be good. Yeah. It'd be good, but not good. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah, no, I get it. All right. Sweet, man. Well, let's get into it, guys. We got a lot of stuff to cover. We're gonna go to China first before we even get to the stuff. We're going to China? We gotta go to China.
Starting point is 00:06:38 We're not having a remote studio in China, bro. No, not China. No, that would not be good. They fucking hate black people there. They do. I think they hate remote studio in China, bro. No, not China. No, that would not be good. They fucking hate black people there. They do. I think they hate them worse in Japan. Listen, I mean, I get it. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:06:50 I mean, no, not like that. I mean, I understand there's cultural differences, man. Yeah. I get it. But I gotta go try. Dude, I just thought this was interesting. So this is making big headlines right now. This is what's happening at the moment
Starting point is 00:07:08 China is now reporting five cases of Impox monkey box monkey box, okay Didn't they already try this? It's right. Well, but hold on So this is like a brand new thing for China. China didn't have it. And now they got five new cases, all right? Now the articles they've been going around, they've been trying to downsize this, right? And China said on Thursday that it recorded five cases
Starting point is 00:07:37 of a new Impox strain, but that the outbreak has been effectively handled, okay? Now, how does Impox spread, right? Cause the article tries to downplay it. Doesn't it spread through gay sex? Oh no! Yep. Doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah. Doesn't it? That's how you got it. What? Dude. It's real, World Health Organization, and Muckypox, public health advice for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.
Starting point is 00:08:07 It's like, it's common. Wait, wait, wait. Read this. Monkeypox, public health advice for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Those are gay men. Yeah. Bro.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You don't get to have sex with a man and not say you're gay. Yeah, that's true. You're fucking gay. Yeah, I mean. You are gay. You are gay. You're fucking gay. Yeah, I mean. You are, you are gay. But I just thought this is, I could just picture, like, you know, the Chinese politicians
Starting point is 00:08:33 and health doctors, right? They see the first case pop up. Dude, it wasn't me. Oh no. Wasn't me. I don't know how I got it. Must be a new Airborne version. And I love too though, like, though you read the article they say that
Starting point is 00:08:53 Jumped from his butt. Yeah, right. Yeah, I fucking saw it dude, but the outbreak has been effectively handled I wonder how they killed those people. Yeah, they did Chopped all their heads off No more outbreak Oh Fuck dude, why they allow us to podcast. I don't know man. I just you know I love the new arrow we're moving into I
Starting point is 00:09:25 Love the new arrow removing into I'm just saying man, like, you know, I just becoming Wow. That's how those guys Those guys got it he's got it bro, it's just I just love it like you do Fucking Asian people Asian people. You do not want to check my sister Putting these fucking shows together it gets crazy But I just thought that was hilarious is like Thursday morning 9 a.m. 5 new strains Thursday morning 9 10 it's been effectively handled Cleared it out. So I just thought that was interesting man guys
Starting point is 00:10:07 We got a lot of stuff to cover That's show Bucky box it gets you get you man. Oh Man, but dude. Yeah, I got a lot of stuff to cover man, but guys I don't know Mr. DJ you've got the clap. How'd you get it? All right, you have to start the show Hey, what do you uh? What do Chinese people do during an erection? I don't know they vote what? Chinese people do during an erection. I don't know they vote
Starting point is 00:10:46 What? Today's the erection Sorry guys listen, I love Chinese food, it's all good stir-fried fucking kitten I Love it too, bro You like Chinese food you motherfuckers who likes Chinese food in here? All right, all of us. It's okay. What do you like better? You like ever pretty much like down on the list like baklava you like what do you like Bosnian food? Is that your favorite? No, probably Italian. Hey, what was the thing? I got a question Italian food good Italian food is fucking hard to beat
Starting point is 00:11:23 What was the thing? Did you see delilah's post on new years the bosnian food it was like sandwiches and like all kinds of shit No, I didn't see it. Is there like some sort of custom? Bosnian thing that they do on new years with the food. No, it's probably just a celebration Well, I know but like is it like do they do just all hot dogs or what do they do? I know but like is it do they do just all hot dogs or what do they do? They got a special sandwich Something looks like the state sandwich. What's what's the what's the national say?
Starting point is 00:12:00 We are like what's the national national of Bosnia Bosnian type food? I would probably say like a Donor whoo a donor. Yes. Yeah, it's like a kebab. Yeah, yeah, kebab. A doner? It's like a gyro. A gyro? It's like that. Yeah. Like you go to Europe and they got like this. Oh, the big land, oh, fuck you, those are so good, bro.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Bro, when they take the pita and they like soak up the fucking juices. Bro. And then they serve what's called frites with the doner kebabs. The fries, the potatoes? They're double fried fries. Oh, bro
Starting point is 00:12:30 Belgium has the best french fries. No fucking question. Yeah. Yeah, and they serve them on the street. They're called frites They're double fried french fries. They are the fucking best thing you ever eat and then you get a donor kebab with it You're doing good. Yeah, all right. Yeah, it's a good day. Is there a good for restaurant here? It has them Where's that? evil mill Of course, it's lemur restaurant here that has them. Berrics. Where's that? Evo Mill? Of course it's Lee Mayer. It's like a millbiller. Okay, of course Lee Mayer. Yeah, well, good food's good food, bro. I mean, it is, it is.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I was just curious. Yeah. All right, what else? Listen, we get cultural here, guys. What kind of food do you guys eat? Fuck. Well, okay, no, okay. C. Sean, what do you guys got over here here in India bro? Can we go there real quick?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yeah, I do have a serious cultural question Yeah, because I was watching this video the other day of this guy Like you know India's famous for like the street vendors, right? I think all they're famous for famous for a lot stopping fans with tongues But like this dude was making like this little street food But it just looked like all spices that was going in there It was just like a bunch of like sauces like there was no bro. That's that's why they all shit in the street It's all spices
Starting point is 00:13:38 It's not that they don't have a place to shit is they can't hold it a place to shit is they can't hold it. You got to go. Yeah, man. Fuck it is what it is. Everybody gets it because the food's so spicy. Right. All your Indian known base audience base is so angry right now. No, they are. They're like, yeah, that's right. Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Here's what I know about the Indian audience base. They got senses of humor That's right. Yeah Indians by that you can make fun of Indians. They fucking love it. Absolutely. They make fun of you back to that Absolutely. Yeah And then steal your credit card information No, man, no, they don't that's Americans, bro Indians are trustworthy people bro. There's intelligent trustworthy people. It doesn't matter they shit the street With their hand It's alright use toilet paper, don't you
Starting point is 00:14:42 Not saying that information Crumple or fold. Jokes on you. I'll make the world record for folding the toilet paper. I know that motherfucker folds. He does it perfect. I guarantee it. It's like an origami.
Starting point is 00:15:04 That's how I started in the bathroom. motherfucker folds he does it perfect I guarantee that's it fucking origami that's how I started in the bathroom oh nevermind I was gonna say paper airplanes that was my pass he's not Arab bro all right man all right yeah yeah so we're canceled that's it now that we have all the racism out of the way to start the show. Yes. Oh man guys. It's a hot one today But uh What the fuck are we doing I Used to talk about like how to make money
Starting point is 00:15:46 Smart yeah business decisions Look at our range gay Chinese people to shitting on the street in India how to make billions of dollars Live like me bye bye $997 show you how to wipe your ass with origami All right, let's do a show otherwise everybody's gonna quit listening let's do it Yeah guys, you know how this works man If you want to see any of these articles these pictures links videos go to Andy for sell it calm You guys can check them all link there for you with that being said Let's get to our first set of headlines
Starting point is 00:16:27 headlines number one so Jimmy Carter died. Yeah, I saw that right finally I'll say it finally. Yeah, I would I wouldn't live that out fuck bro. Did you see him? How would you want like bro you look dude? This is something I don't want to live that out. Fuck bro, did you see him? How would you want, like bro, you, look dude, this is something I don't understand about people. Yeah. It's like, people make all these sacrifices to try and do like, like, have you ever seen
Starting point is 00:16:51 that documentary on that dude that spends all that shit trying to like live longer? What's his name, Brandon, is it Brandon Johnson, something like that? He takes like a legit 120 pills in a day. Yeah, but he also does like, like his whole day is consumed with it, right? Yeah. There's a whole house to set up for it.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah. And that's fine. I get, you're into it and whatever you're into, whatever makes you happy. I'm not going to fucking dog you out on it, but here's the thing that I think about when I see that it's like, bro, why would you put in all this work? I mean, it's one thing to like put in all this work and be healthy as long as you can, right? but then after there's a point of like Return like you get to be like 80 and shit just gets fucked up You know, maybe it's 90 and then you spend like you like you're doing all this shit
Starting point is 00:17:39 So you get extra 20 years of laying in a fucking, you know Being in a decrepit breaking body. Yeah, man. That's not for me. It's weird, man. It's not for me. Yeah. Like I don't, I want to hit the sweet spot.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I want to have like the good 40 years of fucking bad ass shit and maybe 50. Yeah. And then, you know, I just go away. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, I've had enough of everybody's shit by then. Yeah, dude, I don't, by then Yeah, I don't I don't I don't I do think I do think that we are
Starting point is 00:18:10 drastically Limited in our lifespan be intentionally. Yeah by the powers that be in terms of There's food and all that other shit food chemicals airborne fucking Food, chemicals, airborne fucking shit they put in the air. Like I think our true lifespan is much longer than what we've been told. Well, but here's another thing though. I mean, with that being said, with all the new advancements in technology
Starting point is 00:18:35 and medicine and stuff, that was this crazy fact I saw the other day that said, the next human that will live to like 150 has already been born. Oh yeah, I believe that. So I mean like that's, you know what I'm saying? Dude, we were talking about that with Zoltan from Five Finger about how, like right now,
Starting point is 00:18:56 you just wanna stay as healthy as you can because technology's increasing so fast right now that as long as you're healthy now for like the next 10 years, you gonna live for a lot much longer time You might need a couple of hip replacements and knee replacements and yeah some shit like that But I mean it's definitely possible. Yeah. Well fuck dude. I have my shoulder replaced. It's better than the other one is it No doubt. Yeah, but uh, so yeah, Jimmy Carter died and you know that was obviously they just did a state funeral and a lot of people were there Al Gore
Starting point is 00:19:28 Obama But I mean pretty much a lot of people that Trudeau was even there I mean a lot of heads of state That's a typical thing to do for when the head of state passes away like that whether they're in office or out of office um the governor of north, North Dakota Governor of New Canada. Yeah. Yeah, I mean they were all there. Biden of course was there.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But I think Biden may have thought it was his funeral. Because like, well he was lost. He was lost for a minute and then, and typical Joe Biden fashion. Is that fuckin' slick Willie behind him there? Yeah, that slick Willie. Yeah, yeah. He's still a likable dude. It's hard to not like Willie. Yeah. Yeah, he's still likeable, dude
Starting point is 00:20:06 It's hard to not like I know cuz he's so slick cuz he was just that dude Yeah, he was that dude like I mean, I mean he's definitely shit. He's definitely a piece of shit his wife sucks Yeah, what the fuck bro? He knows that more than anybody Think what he's got to deal with he's got to look at that little fucking twerp walking around her fucking house with a little emperor Outfits on probably barking orders and shit Oh, yes, I help her pick them out. There's no way there's no way they have a functional relationship No, there's no way they there's no way. There's no fucking way. She's an intolerable human and he's got mad game You know saying there's no way. It's mr. Steele your girl. Yeah. He's a, but yeah, and then typical Joe Biden fashion,
Starting point is 00:20:47 he fell asleep. Why do they keep bringing him out? Joe? Yeah, man. Like at one point, all right, at one point, like Michelle. I'm just glad we're not seeing KJP every fucking five minutes. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Your stupid ass fucking face. I mean, her weird suits, she got some weird stuff stupid ass fucking face. I mean, her weird suits. She got some weird stuff too. But yeah, I mean, this dude went to sleep for legitimately five minutes. Really? Yeah, I mean, here's a quick video. We'll just go through it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:16 That Jesus is talking about. In the time of Jesus, the yoke was a piece of wood used to link two animals together. And together they would share the load. So no one of them had all the work to do and all the pain to bear. Bro, come on, man. By using this image, Jesus invites us.
Starting point is 00:21:41 All right, dude, for real, I'm just gonna call it how it is. All right, nobody wants to be at a fucking funeral. Okay, that's fair. Okay, nobody wants to be at anybody's fucking funeral. That's fair. And they all suck. Okay, sitting there for a full mass funeral
Starting point is 00:21:55 is the worst fucking thing in the world. It's not like they're gonna wake the fuck up. It doesn't matter what the fuck we do. They're dead, they're in a fucking box. Let's have a party and get the fuck out of here. You know know I'm saying like everybody's waiting to leave. That's true. Like I take a little nappy nap. Listen, I get it I'm for real dude, but I felt asleep. I don't go to weddings or funerals. Yeah, unless it's like Real like if it's a tragedy or something or if it's like somebody that's really close. I learned that dude. I don't do it No, I get it. I've been to enough. Yeah close I learned that dude. I don't do it. No, I get it
Starting point is 00:22:25 I've been to enough. Yeah, I've had enough. I get it. I Get I fell asleep in church once when I was little my grandma slapped the shit out of me. Yeah Yeah, couldn't do it. You just sit further away next time But but yeah, man, you know, he fell asleep now while he was sleeping though, there was something interesting happening. Yeah, Trump and Obama chatting it up and You know, he fell asleep now while he was sleeping though. There was something interesting happening. You got Trump and Obama chatting it up and It looked like it was a little bit more than just a chat I don't know. Did you see the video you watch you able to see it? I mean and like it was weird right? Well, let's just show the video first. here's the thing, like, I mean, it was weird, like, I don't know how they
Starting point is 00:23:16 do it, right? Because like, you know, like just a couple of weeks ago, or months, I guess, at this point, but I mean, not long long ago Obama was up on the stage calling Trump literally Hitler. Yeah, you know and then like they're sitting there so close I don't know how I don't know how you I don't know how like you do that like like Sit next to a person chat it up with them knowing that yeah after you win After you after you're the winner. It doesn't fucking matter. You know what I'm saying? Like, what am I gonna do? Waste my energy hating this person?
Starting point is 00:23:47 The reality is he's probably gonna get in office and prosecute all these fucks. So what the fuck does he care? He's like, dude, listen, dude. Trump in his book, there's a book he wrote, it's called Think Big and Kick Ass, all right? There's a chapter, there's a section in there about revenge. This guy is like, there's a section in there about revenge.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And he, like this guy is like, dude, if you read any of his shit, if you studied him at all, he is huge on revenge. If Pete, his exact quote in the book was something like, you know, if someone fucks with you, you fuck with them 10 times harder. So if you think that he's not going to do whatever he needs to do, I don't believe that. Unless he's part of their cabal, okay? Fucking Obama knows that he's in deep shit potentially.
Starting point is 00:24:38 So he has an interest in being cool and laughing at this dude's jokes and be like, hey, Trump Trump it's all good, bro You know I'm saying so it's interesting. What do you what do you think they were talking about? Mm-hmm? I don't know probably how fucking stupid Hillary is Yeah, I hate her too. God, dude. I'm just glad fucking Hillary never won fucking bitch. I guarantee you That's what the fuck they're saying and Obama's like, yeah dog Bitch, I guarantee you that's what the fuck they're saying and Obama's like yeah dog person prosecute me all you want the fucker Yeah, right. I can see him being like Trump's like I tell you what Melania ain't fucking around. Look at her face
Starting point is 00:25:12 She's not she's like I fucking slit all your throats What have you saying? Like, you know, you know when I send you to prison, I'll let you still share the room with Michelle Now I think he's saying I saw a meme today it was pretty funny it said uh it said hey I searched I searched the internet for Michelle's pregnancy photos and Obama saying good luck listen oh but you know the rest of them all look scared. They do. Yeah. They do, like Mike Pence's wife,
Starting point is 00:25:46 she didn't even wanna shake hands. They look scared. They did, they did. Now they had a, you know, as the internet goes, all these people are fucking professionals and experts. There was a, they tried to dissect what was being said between Trump and Obama. Cryptic conversation between Obama and Trump
Starting point is 00:26:06 revealed as pair plan meeting after Jimmy Carter's funeral. So he's, hey, let's get the fuck out of here, dude. Just like I was saying. Trump said, hey, let's get out here and get a Big Mac. Yeah, right, right, I got Diet Cokes waiting. Yeah, that's right. Fuck man, I love Diet Coke. I got a Big Mac, some Diet Cokes, and a pack of Marlboro's.
Starting point is 00:26:25 You know Obama's a smoker. Yeah, he smokes Newports. Yeah, that's a Newport source. Fitting. Yeah. I wouldn't have, I fucked up by saying Marlboro, I don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, that's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You ever smoked a Newport? Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. Me too. I smoked a Marlboro too. Yeah, what's better? Well, I felt safer with the marbles. I Felt they entered rage to steal shit on the newborn me too. Yeah, is that what that was? I?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Think I actually did steal some shit Yeah, I don't know but And in one art you smoked a fucking like one of them, you know those mints They put on your pillow with the heavy at the fucking hotel. It's heavy like an Andes. Mm-hmm You know, it's like I just lit one of them on fire. It's heavy Not a menthol in those. All right. So what do they say? But yeah, so in one interaction Trump leaned over toward Obama's ear and said quote This is skeptical here. Right? This is an expert lip reader.
Starting point is 00:27:26 This is speculation. Right. But they're alleging that he possibly could have said quote, I've pulled out of that, it's the conditions, can you imagine that? Obama laughed and Trump carried on saying, after and after I will, at another moment Obama said to Trump, are you going back to the foyer after?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Trump responded called me at the foyer after yep, the word foyer was unclear to the lip reader But it could have been they were arranging a later meeting in the foyer Obama also said to Trump quote. Can you just it should be good Then Trump responded quote. I can't talk. We have to find a quiet place. Sometimes this is a matter of importance and we need to do this outside so that we can deal with it, certainly today.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Obama then nodded and both men said right and okay. So I don't know, it's interesting. Again, that's a expert, allegedly expert lip reader. But I know who wasn't happy watching that happen Come Queen. Oh, she was pissed. Was she? Oh, bro. She was pissed. So this is the same. This is the same angle This is just zoomed out, but this is Kamala Watching this interaction check this out Oh She is seething
Starting point is 00:29:03 You see that face I Mean she always looks like that. That's true. She does have a little bit of a where they call it. She's always got a scowl. Isn't it RBF? Yeah, she does. Well, I would too if I was just embarrassed like that. Like motherfuckers, you had no chance of winning.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Everybody hated you before you were even in the race and then they faked your popularity and you still couldn't fucking do it. You still lost. Like you still got your ass beat a billion dollars. Yes You are the worst candidate that's ever existed and everybody there knows it Everybody here knows it and everybody listening knows it Okay There was not a single person that actually believed that you were neck and neck with Trump the entire time you believed that you were neck and neck with Trump the entire time.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You spent a billion dollars ended up $20 million in debt. And you want to talk about how you're going to be good for the economy. Like, dude, you're a dumb ass. Then you were chosen. You weren't even voted in. You weren't voted in. You were chosen because you're supposedly a black woman, which you are not. And then you come in and you are a fucking shitty VP. You can't publicly speak. You can't do anything without a teleprompter. Everybody doesn't like you. And then you run for president because of the color of your skin. Like skin Like fuck dude you lost in life Nothing you've done in your life is because of the quality of the merit of how smart you are or how good you are
Starting point is 00:30:33 Or how effective you are could you imagine how empty that would feel? Imagine how empty that would feel like you you have risen to the top quote-unquote almost to the very top vice president of the United States and you literally didn't earn a single fucking bit of it think about that she knows that man she knows that dude she knows that and then cheat and lie and try to steal us and you still lose. Yes. She's a fucking terrible worthless Fucking human that shouldn't even be in that room so she could scowl all she wants. You're lucky even fucking be there Everybody else out here has to work for their position in life. That's suck dicks for it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:22 Well some some suck things well, I'm just saying, real talk. Oh yeah, I get it. Like, how would you feel if your entire life was based upon being chosen for other reasons than your skill or your ability to do something? Right. You know what I'm saying? Your actual fucking abilities, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, bro, she's a, she's got, dude, she's got darkness inside of her, bro. She'll, it'll never change because dude you can't change that Yeah, what's already happened like this is? What can she do from here? Can she go up from here? No, okay? Okay, so the pinnacle of her life is that is that and it was all based around the color of her skin and not? the skill at which?
Starting point is 00:32:07 She earned or displayed or how effective she was. She's a fucking joke. She her whole life is a fucking joke Even worse to rose. She couldn't run. She couldn't run a company. She couldn't run my companies She couldn't run a single one of them for a day No What makes it even worse too is like this, the way that society is moving into to where like, you know, that type of mentality was even popular three years ago,
Starting point is 00:32:33 like there's gonna be no place for it. Like no place for it. Not broke, cause we're getting back to merit-based achievement. There's no place for it. She's gonna be homeless. Like not like, I mean, physically. Well, her brother-in-law is worth like no, that's what I'm saying. Billions of dollars. I'm just saying like in society, she know me homeless. I'm like not like I mean, well her brother-in-law is worth like no That's what I'm saying billions of dollars. I'm just saying like in society. She will be home. Yeah, but dude
Starting point is 00:32:49 We're getting back to the things that matter This is why we're launching the MSCEO project again So I could teach you all these young people what it takes to actually fucking win because it's gonna matter Okay, it's not gonna matter anymore where you were born or what skin color you were if you're a minority What's gonna matter is if you fucking do the job So we got to prepare people to do the fucking job regardless of where they come from and what they look like 100% man So yes, the funeral service went on without a hitch
Starting point is 00:33:16 There was some interesting stuff that was happening though. Why does Hillary Clinton's hair always look like that? It looks like you've ever seen spaceballs. No you guys ever seen space balls never there's a fucking the villain and you know how in space balls are in Star Wars The villain is fucking who in Star Wars. I'm no idea Darth Vader. Oh, yeah, you don't know Darth Vader He's black. Okay. Yeah, he actually is black is James Earl Jones. Mm-hmm The fucking bill is why you left hold on the villain and spaceballs is called Lord helmet Google up Lord helmet from space balls throw it up there next to her. Oh I know that's what she looks like with her fucking helmet hair Lord helmet Lord helmet That's her oh wait no, that's dark helmet yeah, wait what's dark helmet from
Starting point is 00:34:08 Is this same thing yeah, okay? Yeah, I could see it. She got a little class in her bro. I throw it up there. Oh, yeah, so the people could see Not everybody knows baseballs That yeah Lord helmet oh they got dark helmet that's his name yeah Anyway look at her hair man it looks just like that it does Fuck man why do you think they make her hair look like that I think they do it intentionally to make it like her makes her head look so huge what you want today I give me a little elitist.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, for sure. With a touch of a little uptight tyrant. Look at all those fucking stuffy fucks. That'd be the last place I'd wanna be, is around any of them. Yeah, man, but it went on without a hitch. There was no big deals, no big, big issues. But there was something weird that also happened
Starting point is 00:35:07 outside of the funeral. I'm not sure if you guys saw this, but at his memorial, there was a suspect accused in Capitol Hill's security breach during Trump visit, when Trump was there, he's been identified as Adrian J. Hinton. US Capitol Police have identified the man arrested Wednesday after allegedly trying
Starting point is 00:35:28 to light a car on fire while President-elect Donald Trump was paying his respects to former President Jimmy Carter who was lying in state at the Capitol Rotunda in DC. Now he's a Virginia man named Adrian J. Hinton, he's 35, he's a suspect the police announced on Twitter Thursday morning now apparently He tried to put a flaming bag on top of a car at the grant memorial 530 p.m.. The bag burned it didn't light anything else
Starting point is 00:35:57 I mean they also called him and he had a bunch of stuff with him had a fucking machete and some switchblades Just weird stuff man. I don't know. I don't know you got anything else on this though Sayonara Like fuck these people Jimmy Carter is the worst president United States besides fucking Joe Biden. Yeah, he's unremarkable Okay, they they cause people to lose their fucking homes. They cause people to go bankrupt They change the course of people's lives in a negative way Okay, they they cause people to lose their fucking homes. They cause people to go bankrupt They change the course of people's lives in a negative way. I have zero sympathy for him fucking passing away I'm not gonna pretend like we lost some American hero that motherfucker was responsible for more economic destruction than almost anybody Except Joe Biden those people don't deserve to be celebrated. I'll give a fuck if they're president
Starting point is 00:36:43 I don't care if they were nice people they weren't because they ruined motherfuckers lives. That's how I feel about it. That's real man. Guys, as you jump in on this conversation, you know, I don't think we should be celebrating any fucking person in this country that has harmed the people of this country in the interest of self. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, I think Jimmy Carter should have been cremated just thrown in a fucking paper bag and thrown in the river That's what I think and then you say fucking peace out bitch. You shouldn't have fucked around That's that's what I think. I'm with it
Starting point is 00:37:16 I'm with it. Yeah, I Don't think that we should celebrate people just because they earned a position in life Yeah We should celebrate them based upon how good they were at it. Were they great at it? Did they make the country better? President Grant made the country better This motherfucker rode in on horseback during the Civil War and killed the motherfucking slave owners his party the radical Republicans Which is interesting because they were the ones that freed the fucking slaves. They wrote in legitimately, physically freed the fucking slaves. Then he becomes president. What, where do we talk about that guy? You see what I'm saying? They
Starting point is 00:37:54 want to tear a statue down. Right. Exactly. Okay. So I don't think we should celebrate people that don't do good things. And I think that if we only celebrated presidents that did good things, these motherfuckers, cause they're so ego driven, they would do good things. Like if they knew that their president presidency was rated a fucking C or below that they were going to be putting a paper bag and throwing in the river and laughed at, they'd fucking do a better job because that's what these people care about. They care about their fucking legacy. They care about their stupid picture and a fucking collage of other people. They care about their library
Starting point is 00:38:30 They care about that shit, bro. That's what they care about So like we should leverage what they care about against them to make them do a good job Yeah, you know, well, here's another thing too that I saw this pop up. I don't know if you've seen this or not, but Apparently and I didn't know this actually, but when a former president dies, there's 30 days of national mourning that happens where all flags are lowered to half staff, right? And because of when he died, the inauguration is encompassed in that 30 days, right?
Starting point is 00:39:02 Now I was seeing some stuff online. People try to, obviously conspiracy theorists, the real real ones hop on that shit and try to elevate it and make it crazy But those people are getting on my fucking nerves. Well, my question is though. Yeah, they do their annoyance like bro like Like when I agree with them, I liked them But then they just go to crazy no, bro, it's not everything is a fucking conspiracy, just most things. Most things, yeah. But it did make me think though,
Starting point is 00:39:29 it did make me think because listen, let's be real again, he should have been, you know, crossed the life line there, right? Months ago, probably years ago. It is interesting that like the timing of it Like I'm not saying anything about the flags like that's typical right? But like I mean maybe you see what I'm saying Like I mean, or these people are disgusting. That's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:39:53 Like so I mean if we know they're evil and fucked up who's to say they didn't just like crink his fucking oxygen line You know I'm saying to make it happen to where You know what I'm saying? To make it happen to where... No shit. No shit. I'm just saying. Here's what I'm just saying. Imagine working your whole life and kissing ass and fucking working your chain up and doing all this shit to sit in the fucking room with those motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I'd rather pull every single fucking fingernail and toenail off of me with a pair of pliers and then every single tooth. For real. Then to sit in a room with these fucks the only one I'd want to sit in there with this truck Yeah, that's true. I don't know slick Willie. I might I might do five minutes with slick Yeah, I think I think Bill Clinton could come but your wife can't come bro. Yeah Bill Clinton can come and drink beers, okay Bill Clinton can come and drink beers, okay? Smoke a couple weed weed cigarettes. You know saying last time your wife only hell she tried to own the apartment and shit Like bro, she can't come this time
Starting point is 00:40:54 Right, I would I hope you would bring her and I just fucking annihilator the whole time bro Fuck me the way she talks is just oh make her watch the fucking The way she talks is just oh make her watch the fucking movie 13 hours was a movie on big. Oh, yeah 13 hours. I'd make her watch He hates her too, he asked you bro, he asked you he He just, you know, passed the point of no return. Yeah. That's why it is. Yeah, my guys jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments.
Starting point is 00:41:33 With that being said, let's go cruise some. Shit dude, we're only on the first topic. Yeah. Holy shit. We gotta elongate this thing. All right. Right? Put that up.
Starting point is 00:41:43 We're growers. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. let's cruise some of these comments this first comment comes from at Rego Montes 6324 he says Andy and DJ when I saw this episode, I almost joined the LGBTQ plus community way too excited for two dudes Yep DBTQ plus community way too excited for two dudes Yep Magulations, I mean I appreciate the comment. Oh, we love it. It's good. It's a little gay Next one comes from At miss Jen G. She says gotta go with Andy on this one grass-stained New Balance is all the way
Starting point is 00:42:30 I've lived next to a Marine Corps base and all the retirees and vets that come into my store wear them They are straight-up killers. They don't give a fuck. Yeah, if you're gonna wear grass-stained. See, here's the difference Uh-huh people who wear all black fucking Air Force ones. They're trying to look hard People who fucking people who wear grass-stained new balances are so far past that they don't give a fuck The khaki shorts to they will kill you and barbecue you and say it's chicken What you got out there on the grill today dad What you got out there on the grill today dad? Gigantic chicken. Yeah, yeah. All right. Where do those shoes come from? I try out some new ones. I
Starting point is 00:43:18 Don't know man. I think it's so up for debate bro. I don't know no debate. We'll see this last one This last one comes from at fapping to charts Fapping2Charts79. For DJ Talking Shit About the Cowboys, I'm going to give it back and say, he'd suck a dick for grape first form energy in barbecue ribs or fried chicken. Love you DJ, believe America's team alone, even if they haven't been good since the Emmet Smith days.
Starting point is 00:43:45 We dub boys. All right. You got me. All right. I mean, I do happen to have, I do happen to have one of those crepe energy drinks right here. Hey man, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans. Thank you guys for liking and commenting. Makes you guys a star. That was a little racist, that's what he said. It was fine. racist though. He said Fried chicken, I mean listen, I like fried chicken, you know how those homosexuals are bro. They get hot quick, you know They just start saying it's good They just let it rip bro, you that's a gay privilege they got piss him off. Yeah, they'll say whatever it all comes out Yeah, it don't matter cuz they got the rainbows forcefield
Starting point is 00:44:32 Can't penetrate it the only thing can't penetrate Let's keep the cruise moving got number two, headline number two. Let's go to Cali. Gotta talk about it. Obviously it's a big story going on. Yeah, California wildfires, man. It's fucking horrible. It's crazy. I was up last night watching it on TV
Starting point is 00:44:55 for like four or five hours, dude. It's crazy. What was crazy was that new ones just kept popping up. Yeah, isn't that weird? Dude, listen, it is weird. It's weird. I get a weird, I didn't want to make a post about it or anything, but like I am getting like super fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Like. Well, I think there's some spiritual shit going on, bro. I don't know. It does sort of feel like that. It also feels like, I don't know, like where's going to be the evidence of all this Hollywood pedophilia now? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:29 The rooms got burned with the cameras in them got burned. I'm just saying, like, these people are not against burning down an entire fucking city and doing insane damage to protect themselves. That's how cover-ups happen all the fucking time. Like all the time, bro time like it's always look man I hate to say that like I know cuz people are gonna get upset cuz it's a tragedy and But they don't but that's the thing they don't care about the extra excess loss or damage
Starting point is 00:45:55 They don't care to achieve one small little goal. Yeah, they will fucking burn it all down Yeah, and people don't understand that bro, but we do that shit to other countries on a daily That's what people don't get we do it. They just think oh, it never happened here. No it absolutely does Yeah, absolutely. I don't know what to think but I know this I know tons of people that live in LA We used to have an office in LA Got a lot of friends in LA and It's it's heartbreaking to see Like places that I've been and gone and spent real time at just gone. Yeah, it's heartbreaking to see places that I've been
Starting point is 00:46:25 and gone, spent real time at, just gone. It's fucking crazy. Yeah, I mean, even the last time we went out there, like, cause I saw one of the videos, it was like right on the- I mean, I know we joke a lot about it. Yeah. Like I fucking, I'm not a big fan.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Talk shit on communists. Yeah, for sure, bro. But like that, this is terrible. No, it's a fucked up loss. I mean, real people are being affected. Yeah, some people are being affected Yeah, bro And you know people don't understand like when you lose your house in a fire, bro You lose all your memories you lose your animals you lose your like just like getting your life erased You lose a computer you lose all your fucking photographs like and there's some fucked up. Listen, hold on real talk
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah, do you know why that happened with the state farmage? Do you have that in here? I couldn't find so do you know why they? Did that no because they use an AI algorithm the actuaries of the insurance company use an AI algorithm to determine How risky it is and so the AI algorithm knew that they didn't have the resources and they did and he just cut the budget and The AI algorithm knew that they didn't have the resources and they just cut the budget. And yes, and they had problems with getting water. And the AI algorithm knew that they were set up for this to happen. And so they fucking canceled all their insurances.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Damn. Days before this. Hold on. Now I read that. I didn't vet it, but I read that. That could be false, but it sounded good I mean fuck it makes sense. Yeah, I mean and we know how much everybody loves to use AI Cuz I mean that's the thing that it lacks lacks that human. You know I'm saying like touch, you know, so dude
Starting point is 00:47:57 It's fucking horrible. It's wild man But let's dive into this cuz we got some stuff to talk about here, but people don't realize like What you actually lose one of my best friends when sales best friends his house burnt down a number of years ago and The girl he was dating I think I think I remember right she flipped a cigarette on his deck started a fire burnt the house down wrote his dad had just passed away and he had like all these photographs. Listen, the only thing he was able to fucking salvage
Starting point is 00:48:30 from the house was a fuck, his dad's casket flag and like all his pictures, all his fuck, all of his shit gone, everything. Like, dude, people don't think of it like that. Like think of, think of someone came through your life and just erased all the memories you had. That's what a fire does, bro. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:48:48 It's not, it's really bad. Fuck man. It's terrible, bro. I mean, so far as of right now, there's been at least five deaths as of right now. I'm sure that number, I mean, Chris, bro, the amount of destruction, I mean, it's 27,000 acres so far.
Starting point is 00:49:06 50 billion dollars. Yeah, 57 is what they're estimating right now. Obviously, celebrities are pretty mad because that's a lot of the areas, a lot of the homes have been these big mansions and a lot of celebrities have been torn out. Motherfucker, you get what you vote for. I hate to say that.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I hate to say that, okay? Nobody deserves what's happening out there, but when you vote for the first fucking you know anything this or or or Pronouns or fucking all this this this is the argument of the last 15 years You guys you celebrities were on TV guys, you celebrities were on TV advocating for these people who then made these decisions to cut resources, steal the money and let these situations manifest. Okay. So it's just as much you as it is the people that you are now blaming. You were on TV saying vote for Gavin Newsom, vote for this far leftist, vote for this progressive. And those people historically do the same thing that they do to the black communities for the last fucking 60 years.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Hey, we're going to come in and we're going to do all this shit. We're going to get all this funding and then they steal it and nothing happens. And the, and so this has happened on a wide scale in California. And now these people are pissed because it affects them. You know, like I'm not saying they deserved it because nobody deserves it. But you fucking vote for stupid shit. This is what you get. You get unpreparedness.
Starting point is 00:50:36 You get lack of resources. You get. And then when things happen, what happens when there's a fucking major earthquake out there now You know I'm saying bro. They just cut 17 million dollars off the fucking fire department's budget. Yeah weeks ago Yeah, just and I'm like then it's so much into this man and like obviously like when the goal is not to politicize this There's real people that are that are being like their lives are being destroyed by this, right? Politicizers there's real people that are being like their lives are being destroyed by this, right? You know, but we have to address the the truth and the reality of the situation and call the spade a spade
Starting point is 00:51:17 You know and when you look and you just start to unpeel this mess, bro. It's fucking disgusting. Yeah, it's disgusting You know I think of what they pay in tax in California, bro. You get this bro. This is what you get This is what the fuck you voted. No, what these people what these people have pushed in, you know what I'm saying, like they cut 17 million from the fire, but yeah, let's fund this. You know, so we can get the first yes. This is why we have to return to meritocracy. We have to return to voting not because someone has a skin color or someone came from somewhere or what their gender is. We have to put people in positions that are competent, skilled people that can execute the
Starting point is 00:51:55 job. And I feel fucking stupid saying that. Like it feels so common sense. It is. But, you know, people get so comfortable. They think that those things don't matter, and then they vote for, you know, fucking whoever makes them feel good or that they can brag about, well, I voted for her because that's the first female, male, trans fucking, you know what I'm saying? Right.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Like, dude, okay, and now your house burned down. Right, right. So let's unpeel this a little bit, right? Cause you know, one of the first things that came out was you got the mayor most of this is happening in the city of Los Angeles the mayor Democrat mayor LA mayor Karen Bass she was in Africa when this was going on Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass spent Tuesday in Africa as part of a taxpayer-funded delegation attending the inauguration of John Jermani Mahama as Ghana's president. The Democrat was there as her city battled wildfires
Starting point is 00:52:53 and thousands of residents fled for their lives. Now, here's the thing. It's important to know. It's not like, you know, I mean, it's not like she just, you know, happened to be there and then this fire broke out. Here's the thing, all right? She knew, she was well aware that there was a potential for this fire to break out before she even went
Starting point is 00:53:16 on that fucking trip, okay? And we have the timeline to prove it, all right? On Thursday, January 2nd, the National Weather Service explicitly warned Los Angeles about extreme fire conditions over the next week, okay? Multiple reports were coming out on January 2nd. On January 4th, that's when she decided to leave, to go attend this inauguration
Starting point is 00:53:40 of another country's president, and you're a city mayor. Okay, and taxpayers paid for her to do that. Be very, very clear on that. All right. Now, that next day, emergency preparations for expected fire danger, danger, that was put out by the governor, all right, on January 6th. She remained in Ghana, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:01 January 6th, later that evening, to the National Weather Service, they start pushing out stuff saying heads up There's a life-threatening destructive widespread windstorm as expected Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday across much of Ventura and LA County But she remained in Africa Then the next day that's when the fire actually started to hit She remained in Africa And then finally on January 8th is when she you
Starting point is 00:54:25 know finally showed up now they were able to catch her coming off this plane all right and I want to show this video for those of you guys who have not seen this this is literally her she's on the jet bridge while this is happening let's check this clip out do you owe citizens an apology for being absent while their homes were burning do you regret cutting the fire department budget by millions of dollars Madam Mayor? Have you nothing to say today? Have you absolutely nothing to say to the citizens today? Elon Musk says that you're utterly incompetent, are you considering your position?
Starting point is 00:55:09 Madam Mayor, have you absolutely nothing to say to the citizens today who are dealing with this disaster? No apology for them? Do you think you should have been visiting Ghana while this was unfolding back home? Excuse me, excuse me. Who's that? She's running! Madam Mayor, let me ask you just again, have you anything to say to the citizens today as you return?
Starting point is 00:55:59 How long has she been mayor? Just recently? A few months? Yeah. Okay, so first of all You know let's be real about that. It's not like she fucking did this okay? Garcon who was the fucking mayor forever is the one that did most of this shit mm-hmm all right secondly
Starting point is 00:56:19 She's clearly not good at public relations because all she had to say was hey, this is horrible This is why I'm on my way back. Nobody could have predicted this I'm gonna get back and have navigate this the best that we can and Hopefully we can get through it with the least amount of damage as possible. That's all you had to say That's it, you know I'm saying or something to the effect. It's weak leadership Yeah, how's another guy's be a woman? what my point is is why did she get voted in? Why did she get voted in? She did not get voted in because she's competent.
Starting point is 00:56:54 She did not get voted in because she's skilled. She did not get voted in because she's experienced. She got voted in because California is of progressive mindset. And who knows what they do with the elections out there, okay? And people vote for things so that they can brag to their friends and say they're not racist instead of saying, no, we need the most effective person. Now they had entrepreneurs and billionaires, people who have built things, people who have done things, running for mayor and those people didn't win and you know why they
Starting point is 00:57:29 didn't win because they were white fucking men that's it so until we get over this insane shit of we're gonna put the first person of this or the first woman this or the first gender this and by the way I don't give a fuck if they happen to be those things as long as they're the most skilled, right? All right. That's all that matters. Yes. I don't look at it like oh, no, this is your if she was a fucking trans man fucking ZZ er Fucking whatever and she had the most skill. I'd be like cool. Yeah cool. Okay, cool
Starting point is 00:58:04 Your personal life is your personal life You want to do what you want to do? But that ain't the case and that's not the case across the country. We looked at this shit Hey, we had this shit here with Kim Gardner who let our fucking city burn Okay, we have this in cities across the fucking country So where these people who are not qualified to do the job have no history of Qualifications have no attributes have no alcalades Are in these positions of power and they are literally fucking the entire country up
Starting point is 00:58:36 Okay, and it doesn't matter if they're white or they're black or they're gay or they're straight or they're trans I don't care. We have to get back to meritocracy. Are you qualified? Are you skilled? Are you the best person for the job? Or is your head up your own ass with all these social issues? Because dude, when the rubber hits the road, people die. Right. Right. So, you know, all you motherfuckers, which they don't listen to this show, but that vote on these fucking issues so you could go to brunch and feel like you know, you're doing something
Starting point is 00:59:10 Noble realize that you're putting your fellow citizens at risk and yourself at risk. Yes All these celebrities all they're mad because their house burned out well motherfucker what the fuck have you been preaching for the last 20 years? they too That's my question, you know, but I mean it's it's a real issue, bro Well motherfucker, what the fuck have you been preaching for the last 20 years to? That's my question You know, but I mean it's it's a real issue, bro It's like, you know, like you said bro, it doesn't matter what where you come from what you claim to be It doesn't can you do the job and that's not been the focus of Los Angeles Historically the focus across the country in most parts of the country 100% in 2023 Los Angeles created the DEI Bureau
Starting point is 00:59:47 and promoted black lesbian to weed out bigoted firefighters on the force. Let's talk about it, let's dive into it. Because being a lesbian and being black has something to do with putting out fucking fires. And do you really care if your firefighter is bigoted as long as he comes to your house and squirts the fucking fire out right? Fuck
Starting point is 01:00:10 Like oh man. Are you are you a gay firefighter? I don't want you like have you ever told a racist joke Well fact it don't squirt the fucking hose on my house. Let the shit burn. Yeah, what are we doing man? Check this clip out. So this is Kristen Larson. She's the first black battalion chief in Los Angeles. Check this video out. So I want to reach down and bring you up. And that's kind of something that stuck with me to this day. Part of that work means speaking up for those who can't. Over the last few years, LAFD has dealt with a fair share of controversy and Larson not afraid to sound
Starting point is 01:00:42 the alarm. I chose to speak out pretty much by myself about the issues of sexism and racism within my department and the need for change. I don't think there's any question that our department is the best at fighting fires. We do it better than anybody in the world. But when it comes to the personnel side, we have some issues and they're not insurmountable, but they need to be addressed and fixed to the best of everybody's ability. Make sure you don't say anything offensive when you're putting out that fire, right?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Make sure you use someone's right pronouns when you're putting out that fire. Make sure you never, you know, you never said anything off color or told a weird joke or, you know, I don't know. We're heterosexual, we put out that fire. You better not be straight. Fuck, dude. The world, this, dude, listen, we're seeing, look at the headline on there, black excellence.
Starting point is 01:01:42 See, that's the kind of shit that is fucking up the world, bro. It is, man. It's Black excellence. See, that's the kind of shit that is fucking up the world, bro. It's just excellence. Are you an excellent person or are you not? It's not white excellence. It's not black excellence. It's not fucking gay excellence. It's fucking are you excellent or are you not? And this fucking bullshit, this identity politics nonsense has fucked the entire world up and now LA is fucking in ashes because of it. Bro.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And you know what's even crazier? Is that you go to, they put this article out. Amid Palisades fire, Los Angeles first LGBTQ plus fire chief is proving lesbians get it done. Yeah, they burn shit down The whole fucking town is fucked Come on man, dude Let's go. They don't want you to fucking like I'm gonna walk outside. I see the whole city on fucking fire, but you know what? They're doing a good job. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:02:43 on fucking fire, but you know what? They're doing a good job. Yeah, great job. Well, I feel bad for like the fucking real firefighters. Like how many real fire, have you ever seen that clip Adam Carolla talking about how when he was broke, he wanted to join the fire department? Yeah, and it took him seven years to get a fucking interview. And while he was there, there was a black woman
Starting point is 01:03:04 who was in the interview and he asked her, he said, how long have you been waiting for? And she said, since Wednesday. Okay, that's a problem. That's a problem. It's crazy, man. It's crazy. We got, we cannot, we have to lose this fucking shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:19 This, this, we're Americans, man. It doesn't matter if you're black or white or gay or straight, we're fucking Americans. And are you good or are you capable of doing this job or not? And if you're not you're still a good person, but go over here do this job. You know what I mean? Let's go to CNN real quick though because this was an interesting exchange that happened on CNN You got Jasmine Crockett. She's a crowd favorite She's uh, I think she's in she she's a congresswoman, I think. I'm pretty sure. She likes to get in these race debates and then talk about this. Let's check this clip out.
Starting point is 01:03:55 You might have recall a new story from last year. There was some interest in the fire departments and the firefighters in California. And the interest was there were too many white men who were firefighters and we need to have in california to make sure we don't have enough white men as firefighters so it's only a little idea yeah yeah but i'm not
Starting point is 01:04:17 yet i'm wondering now if your house is burning down how much do you care what color the fires are going to respond and i'm not listening and i i i was so tired you know what there was an article? You can respond and then boom. Listen, I am so tired. You know what? There was an article that just came out that said that actually the most educated demographic in this country right now is black women. So let me be clear. Because you are a woman or because I know that some of the right has been sharing these photos of the fact that I believe that the fire chief may be a woman or something,
Starting point is 01:04:43 that has nothing to do with it. We are looking at qualifications. of the fact that I believe that the fire chief may be a woman or something. That has nothing to do with it. We are looking at qualifications. What diversity, equity, and inclusion has always been about is saying, you know what, open this up. Don't just look at the white men. Open it up and recognize that other people can be qualified.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And the fact that we want to at a time when people are dying. Okay, lady, but here's the fucking problem. The white men don't even get a chance anymore. So I can understand this 60 years ago when it was the boys club and it was all white dudes doing fucking everything. But now we've created this scenario where white men
Starting point is 01:05:17 don't even get an opportunity anymore because they're white, which is racist by definition, okay? So fucking, that argument is 40 years too late. Yep No that now you got it and LA's and ashes and by the way being educated doesn't have to do with fucking Labor job being a firefighter is a physical fucking job. You don't look you don't have to be Harvard educated be a fucking firefighter, right? Okay, so I don't know if what she said was true or not true I don't fucking know but I know this
Starting point is 01:05:52 You better be able to carry a 250 pound dude out of a fucking building and you can't and if you can't do it You shouldn't be a fire man or woman. Yes, you can't do it You know, I'm so tired of hearing this shit. Like dude, what are we talking about? The only demographic in the history in the fucking country that has been able to be discriminated against for the last fucking 20 years is white men. They're the only ones that can legally not get a job because they're a white man. So we're going to fucking still beat this drum about this fucking shit of opportunity.
Starting point is 01:06:26 What the fuck are we talking about? Why aren't we talking about that in fucking sports? Why aren't we talking about that in the NFL or fucking basketball or fuck? I remember they were talking about it in hockey a couple of years ago, but how come it's exclusively to white things and not fucking everything?
Starting point is 01:06:43 Like, dude, I'm just done with this shit We're Americans. We're fucking all we should all be judged on the content of our character and what skills we have Meritocracy that is it man and anything else is fucking racist by default Well, bro, you know the other thing too that that's that's crazy is like they put these people in these positions and then they pay them exorbitant amounts of money the So they're the person that's responsible because like I mean, here's one of the things to throw this woman's fucking insane Oh, yeah, bro Put her on the fucking fire crew No, for real. Let her go see what it's about
Starting point is 01:07:21 Dude, the thing's insane though, but like like the thing is, hold on, there's more to this clip, right? What else does she say? I'm sure some decide that a country of immigrants is failing or people are dying because the same very people that built this country because the last time I checked, y'all didn't say that
Starting point is 01:07:37 anything was wrong with the White House. And I can promise you, it was my ancestors that built the White House. So listen, if we have been good enough to build this country, we are good enough to serve and die overseas. We are good enough to serve in other ways. And the fact that people actually decide
Starting point is 01:07:54 that they wanna engage in public service. What are we not, where are you not serving? Where are you blocked out of? Where, where? It doesn't even- Fucking 50 years ago. Okay. 60 years ago. Okay. 70 years ago. Okay. Yeah. What the fuck are you talking about? And not only that, just because you want to do something, doesn't mean you can. That's the bottom line, bro. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, bro.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Listen, we got to get back to being judged on the quality of our character and The skill set that we have and we need to apply that skill set To the things that we are capable of doing and we need to be judged on our fucking performance. That is it That's it. Not the color of your skin not what your ancestors built. Okay, I See people like her saying that black people built fucking Europe. Okay, so what did white people build? What did we do?
Starting point is 01:08:51 Oh, we did nothing. The fuck outta here. Bro, listen, I'm not gonna fucking hear this shit anymore. I'm tired of hearing it. I'm tired of hearing it. Okay, so we don't get any history? We don't get any history? Bro, and listen, that's not racist to stand up Okay, so so we don't get any history. We don't get any history
Starting point is 01:09:10 Bro and listen that's not racist to stand up and say what the fuck yeah, right? No, that's the thing man like but they that's how they disguise this shit man. They know that's racist shit It's what she's fucking saying. It's racist. Yes. It's racist man You know it's crazy and then but then they put these people in these positions bro, and they give them exorbitant amounts of money So like one of the things that's also happening in la right now Uh is that you know, there's a water shortage, right? And the fire hydrants, uh have been run out Right, you know who did that and the person that's responsible for that. Yeah, he was white I think it was it was a chick actually. No, it's gavin newson did it. Well, yeah, he was white I think was it was a chick actually no
Starting point is 01:09:45 It's Gavin Newsom did it well. Yeah, he started fucking smelt the the fucking salmon danger fish. Yeah, right But like protect this fucking endangered fish and let your entire country your entire city burn down Yeah, bro, and the person that's in LA County that's responsible that helped with that decision How much that person makes a year three-quarters of a million dollars bro 750 grand a fucking year cost of living that's insane, man It's insane taxpayer money, bro. It's insane, bro Now there's been a lot of other crazy stuff going on one thing that I bro you feel what I'm saying though about that race shit
Starting point is 01:10:26 Oh, it's done. No, I'm just saying like shut the fuck up. It's done Give me an example of where to fuck you. Where can you where are you blocked out of? It does where? I can name a bunch of places up until fucking six months ago when they stopped affirmative action that white people are blocked out of Doesn't happen, bro Bunch of places up until fucking six months ago when they stopped affirmative action that white people are blocked out of mm-hmm then happen bro But let's stroll some more BS here because it was going on Twitter. I found this guy Morgan 10 tingly tingly Let's read his tweet. We really sweet you want to read it the insanity of being a fire
Starting point is 01:11:03 Ecologist in the epicenter of a major fire event Bags packed ready to evacuate watching active fire from my window while taking media requests and explaining to the public for the 100,000th time how climate change is largely responsible for this you sir are a fucking idiot Responsible for this you sir are a fucking idiot They got no water. They got no staff. They got no resources. They got fucking But it's climate change right climate change These people want it to be climate change to push They would love their city to burn to push their religion, which is climate.
Starting point is 01:11:46 That's insane. Not the $17 million that was cut out the budget that had nothing to do with fucking the way they spend it. What's that going to be? One fire truck. You know what I'm saying? Like 17 million. These fuckers in California have been milking their citizens. Look, dude, here's the reality. People in California go with the flow people. That's why they fucking live there. No one really gives a fuck They're like fucking up if you go to California to talk to someone about the taxes, you know what they say They all say the same shit look around dude. Look at the weather. Mm-hmm. It's a weather tax fucking this is beautiful
Starting point is 01:12:15 I get it. That's crazy. Okay, but these people don't pay attention to how their money is misappropriated and stolen from them is misappropriated and stolen from them. It's crazy. Because they're just go with the flow type people, bro. They're like, fuck it, I'll pay it. Look how beautiful it is. And I agree, California is a beautiful place. But fuck, dude, these people have been stealing your money
Starting point is 01:12:34 for years and years and years and years and years, driving up the cost of property, driving up the cost of living, making it unaffordable to fucking even exist there, unless you're making a million bucks a year. You know what I mean? It's impossible, bro. People got to fucking wake up, dude. Morgan. No, he's never gonna wake up. Let's play a game. Let's play a game. So on this fire stuff, you know, like I said, a
Starting point is 01:13:00 lot of people were coming out talking about this. We're gonna play a little game. It's called Who Said It. Okay. So we'll play a little game It's called who said it Okay, so we'll put a little tweet up, and I want you to figure out who said this okay? Here's here's the quote we sends over 250 billion dollars to Ukraine, but we can't get enough water to fight fires in California I pray for everyone's well-being during this time of difficulty who said that I? Mean it's a rapper. I get a hint?
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, it's a rapper. What kind of rapper? Good one or a bad one? Oh, that's a tough question. Depends on who you're at. I'd say he probably would wear Black Air Force 1s. 50 Cent? Waka Faka Flav. Oh, all right, Waka 50 Cent? Waka Faka Flame.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Oh, all right, Waka Faka. Waka Faka, he had some good music back then. 50 Cent was a good guess. That was a decent guess, that was good. Yeah, he's been trying to- Waka Faka says some real shit. Bro, he's been on the right track. He's better than Nat Piles, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah, he's probably, I'd imagine. His name is Piles. What the fuck's his name? Ply's? Ply's, that guy's a fucking moron That's it I don't know who the fuck that is bro that he is he's a fucking idiot Yeah, man, that guy should stick to whatever the fuck he does I guess he's a rapper Okay, go rat. Maybe yeah, I mean he wouldn't be wouldn't get at that either
Starting point is 01:14:23 I hate go rap maybe yeah, I mean he wouldn't be wasn't good at that either Beyond time of that 250 Biden also just sent 500 million man guys pray for the people of California Yeah, I mean it's heavy out there and do the pigeon row. It's sad as fuck. Well, it's sad California is so mismanaged and it's finally come to a head where it's you. Like bro, you know how long it's gonna take to rebuild and fucking revegetate the area? It's a fucking wasteland, bro. And I don't know, it seems like there's more to it, dude. You know, Hollywood's been losing steam,
Starting point is 01:15:00 Hollywood's been losing clout and trust for so long, and people don't give a fuck about the movies They're making because they're making shitty movies now that are all bullshit It's just interesting that now all of a sudden this is all just going up in flow I don't know what to think we're honest. Yeah. Yeah guys jump in on this conversation down in the comments Let us know what you guys think. I mean look at that guy that firefighter, bro. He looks just fucking He's like looks defeated. Yeah, what the fuck can I even do you can't do anything? Sucks dude. Yeah, man
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yeah, guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys should have never happened They should always be with the climate and the fucking droughts and the and the way California is how do they not have the best preparation for these types of things? Well, that's the thing. But like, that's when you start peeling back the shit. I mean, it's hard to say that it wasn't fucking intentional. You don't drain fucking reservoirs that fill up your fire.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Brother, I agree. You know what I'm saying? Like, and you look at every place like that. It feels intentional to me too. Bro, you know- And I hate to say that, but it just does. It's the truth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I mean, well, I'm not going to say it's the truth, but- It feels that way. It makes too much fucking sense to not be that you know Like and that's been every fucking natural disaster in this country's had to deal with Maui fires Yeah, the shit in Nashville like you look along the lines you go back a couple of months and there were some things that were You know done at those times that made no sense. No big deal. All right, you want to save some fucking salmon cool But then oh boom. Oh, we're not prepared That made no sense. No big deal. All right, you want to save some fucking salmon cool, but then the old boom Oh, we're not prepared
Starting point is 01:16:26 Doesn't make sense man. Yeah, let us know what you guys think down in the comments Let me say let's get to our third and final headline guys. We got headline number three Trump's got a new nickname From the from the left. Oh really? Yeah, it's great. Yeah sure. It's hilarious. They called him everything I mean he's been called damn to everything. Hitler, Nazi. Misogynist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Rapist. Racist. Uh huh. Fucking all the is. You got a new one. All the isms. He's all of them. Bro, this is amazing.
Starting point is 01:16:55 I didn't realize this, but if you put an IST on the end of anything, it just sounds bad. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like chickenist. Like they've done it. They've done it all. He's got a new nickname, bro, with all of physics.
Starting point is 01:17:08 His thing. Did you say chickenist? Zeesha, does that sound bad? What is a chickenist? I don't know. That's above my level. That's someone that loves chicken or is that someone that hates chicken? Well, a pianist. You know what I'm saying? Are you are
Starting point is 01:17:24 you exclusively chicken you are you exclusively chicken are you exclusively no chicken you know I'm saying I've never met the person who's no chicken at all that's what I'm saying a pianist. I'm a pianist. I'm a pianist. Yep. Does that mean all? I don't know. No. I don't know. In your case, it means all. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Yeah, well, he's got a new nickname with all of his new agendas he's been pushing out. Let's check his new nickname. This is coming from NBC. This is good. Pressure on China and pure trolling. Why Trump is pushing an expansionist agenda now is an expansionist What the fuck does that even mean? I mean see they're gonna continue to call him Hitler, bro. Is that what it is? Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:14 He's trying to expand his empire. Yeah, it's not that it's it's that fuck Lush Go through the topic and we'll talk about it. Yeah, dude, it's crazy. I might get off on some fucking tangent. Yeah, NBC is wildin', bro. So let's check this article out. So in the final weeks before Donald Trump returns
Starting point is 01:18:33 to the White House, the focus of his public remarks has not been about the confirmations of his cabinet picks or on key parts of his campaign agenda like mass deportation or lowering prices. Instead, Trump, who has criticized US military involvement in other countries, is advocating for America to gain more global territory, including by force if necessary. Call it his annexation agenda. In recent days, Trump has repeatedly pushed the idea that he will take over Greenland from Denmark Reclaim the Panama Canal
Starting point is 01:19:06 After the United States returned it to the Panamanian government decades ago and absorbed Canada into the United States Trump said He is keeping the option of using the military to gain control of Greenland and the Panama Canal on the table While saying he will exert economic force to pressure Canada to join the United States He also said he wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico and the Denali, North America's tallax peaks. Now it's interesting, whatever, okay, he's an expansionist, got it. Now the Greenland situation,
Starting point is 01:19:37 I looked a little bit more into this, that's interesting, because also coming from NBC, they're saying this, Greenlanders are worried to find themselves on Trump's shopping list. That's not true. It's not true. That's total bullshit.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Bro. Yeah. It's not true and that's like, I love how they paint this, right? Like as in like that's the majority, right? There's 56,000 people that live in fucking Greenland. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:00 And by the way, most of them want to be a part of America. Most of them do. Right, because you know what the alternative is for them? To be a part of Russia and China. And they know it. So this is a highly misleading fucking headline. And what this really has to do with is natural resources and China.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Geographical fucking strategy. That's correct. That's correct. And Russia has 60 ice breaking natural resource vessels. We have two. One of them just burned down. Right. Okay, so what this is about is this is about the exploration and claiming of the natural resources
Starting point is 01:20:35 that exist north of the border for us, all right? Because if we don't, they will. And that's what's happening. So it becomes, it's not like, hey, we wanna just have Canada and we wanna have Greenland. That's not what it is, bro. What it is is we have to protect America
Starting point is 01:20:55 and the people of Canada and Greenland from these other places that are geographically on the other side of the world. So if you're in Greenland or you're in Canada, would you rather join the United States or would you rather be a part of China? Right a Russia. That's what we're both. Okay. Canada is pretty close to joining China. Of course there but that's that's what this is about No, it's not just about they're painting it as trumps a
Starting point is 01:21:18 fucking land thirsty expansionists like in and dude there's another human being that lived that did these things that They said the same thing about In that crazy. Well, I think it's also important to like you said 56,000 citizens are in Greenland But like they're not talking to anybody that are like any actual Greenlanders, right? So I got a clip for you guys This is an actual Greenlander. Let's check this out. Like if you could tell Trump anything, what would it be? Buy us.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Buy Greenland? Buy Greenland. Why do you want Trump to buy Greenland? Because we don't want to be colonized by Danish government anymore. We get ripped every year about our minerals from Greenland. We are the richest nation in the world and we don't get to use it.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Denmark's using us too much Do you like America? People are what what do you say? Oh people are what? Too friendly over there. I think he said too fat. Too fat? But people are too fat over there. He said fat. The motherfucker's fat too. What the fuck you talking about bro? You said right in bro.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Fuck you fat ass. He said Donald Trump Jr. No he said Don Jr. up there. Bro like people, he had a very good reception. People loved him. Look man, this is about setting up our side of the world, not Canada, not Greenland, but our side of the world, humans, to keep from becoming their side of the world.
Starting point is 01:22:57 That's what this is about. Look dude, he's uniting the West. Well, fuck, we pay for it already. Bro, no shit. I mean, shit. But I do like that he's straight up like, did you see the fucking tweet that Elon said to fucking Trudeau?
Starting point is 01:23:14 Where he's like girly. He said, girl, you're not even the governor of America anymore. Bro. Oh man. That's great. What a time to be alive. It's weird times. Yeah, it's weird and interesting times I just want to throw that in see what you thought about that guys
Starting point is 01:23:30 There's no down in the car. I think Trump knows exactly what the fuck he's doing and I do I let him do it I think there's gonna be I'm just gonna say this on the show because I do want to say this But I think there's gonna be a major announcement about Ukraine in the next year or so that people are gonna get fucking pissed about Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. There's there's they'll be there. Yeah Yeah, that's right. They'll have no choice and that was the plan all along I agree and people when it happens people are gonna be like what the fuck mm-hmm and we should say it I mean marketing history, you know, I are gonna be like, what the fuck? And- We should say it.
Starting point is 01:24:05 I mean- Marketing and history. You know, I think they're gonna name it the new Israel. Israel be the new Ukraine. That's what I personally think. Speculation show. It is speculation, but- You heard it here first.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Yeah. Guys. We'll see. We'll see. We shall see. You'll see. Guys, as I've been saying, let's get to our final segment of the show as always, guys. We'll see we'll see yeah, we shall see you'll see Guys let me say let's get to our final segment of the show as always guys got thumbs up or dumb as fuck That's where we bring a headline in we talk about it. You get one of those two options
Starting point is 01:24:34 So that being said our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads We're in love So we implanted magnets under our skin that connect when we touch So we implanted magnets under our skin that connect when we touch. The fuck is wrong with you guys? There should be a natural sort of like purge that people do stuff like this. They're just gone. Bro, listen, I really think this. I really think what we should do.
Starting point is 01:25:02 You see, you and I, we think alike. All right. Zeeshan's fucking smart motherfucker. Yeah, minus a couple million dollars, huh? That's okay. We're gonna get there We're gonna get you there. I'm gonna get all you fuckers there So we're gonna the best show in the fucking world because the people listen to show are gonna make us number one and they're gonna Make sure that Zeeshan's got a couple million bucks. All right Aren't you guys? All right, so here's the- I dropped my GoFundMe.
Starting point is 01:25:26 For electricity also. They're all gonna shop at your 7-Eleven. Yeah. Yeah. So listen, bro. Here's the plan. We give everybody an IQ test. Okay, and if you're below...
Starting point is 01:25:41 What's the number, 70? If you're below 80. Oh, that's okay. Yeah. You go to California. Wait. Wait. That already happened!
Starting point is 01:25:50 They're already there! All right, look. New plan. Okay, new plan. Scratch that one. Yeah. Greenland? No, we're not going to Greenland.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Greenland? No, we're not going to Greenland. Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? All right, look new plan. Okay new place that one. Yeah Greenland no, we want Greenland Greenland's coming this Canada, I don't know anyway Ukraine. Oh, there we go. So we move them there before the other move Because you know if you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha best clam chowder on earth. I will never fucking ever come off of that statement. I mean, okay. It was pretty fucking good.
Starting point is 01:26:50 He told me, he's like, so why are you going home? And I'm like, cause I got shit to do. He's like, you know, I came up here 17 years ago, man. I never went home. I was like, fuck. Bro, you were standing right there. And I I was like the light went off in my head. I'm like Do I do I have to go? Yeah, man? That was good. Good time, bro
Starting point is 01:27:12 So I you know I just I just feel like He's got the right idea like just stop giving a fuck bro and just go up there enjoy your life make the best fucking clam Chad man like I'm trying to bring up all these young bucks teach them all this shit. They're putting magnets I could just be fucking eating clam chowder bro minding my own business. I Would too I'd eat that every day bro. It's some good shit you well you I mean we all know three bowls of it We all know they're ordered through yeah Two bowls and then one with dinner. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:27:42 And these were not like massive bowls. Oh, I mean, but if they were, I would still would have ate them. Yeah. They were amazing. So anyway, let's see what these fucking geniuses did. This is from New York Post. They took their attraction to the next level. Hmm. Body modification enthusiast.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Oh, god. What? What? What do you picture? What do you picture? What do you picture? Yes, it is exactly that. It's like one of the people with like the fucking tattooed lizard face and like fucking cuts in their tongue and shit. They're not that bad.
Starting point is 01:28:16 That's not that bad. It looks pretty normal comparatively. All right, let's hear it. Body modification enthusiast Sadie Rendow and her fiance Hannah Hansman. It should be Hannah Hadman. Oh shit. That was good. No that wasn't good.
Starting point is 01:28:39 That wasn't good. You told 30 jokes earlier in the show that were better than that. Her name's Hannah Hansman. Okay, keep going. They took the next step in their- Who did? Zshon. I'm laughing because it's bad. Zshon hates you. Okay, she took it to the next step. I can't wait until I tell the story of the intervention I had to have with you fucking guys One day I'm telling the story bro. It'll be there. Yeah, it's fine these fucking guys interventional a fucking locker room
Starting point is 01:29:14 Pull pull them together and make sure they didn't kill each other listen Russia Yeah back on the magnets, right? They can have a great relationship moving. Alright here it is. They took the next step in their commitment to each other by getting magnets implanted beneath their skin that connect when they touch. Where are the magnets? Where are they?
Starting point is 01:29:42 Does it say? Oh it says. There's a video too All right, let's see There's the clips man, it's actually not that bad. Here's a clip check that That's fucking weird, man. Why not just hold hands? That's what people that are attracted to each other, they hold hands. Hold hands, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:23 All right. Whatever, man. Probably give him a job as a firefighter. Qualifies holding. Yeah. The entire department's got big holes. Yeah, big hoses. Yeah. Hmm. What are we giving this man? You know what man, all jokes aside,
Starting point is 01:30:57 whatever makes you happy, dude. Yeah, all right. I don't give a fuck. I really don't, I don't give a fuck. As long as you're, this is the whole thing. I don't care as long as you're not hurting me or trying to take my fucking rights away. I don't care Fuck whatever you want to do unless they're kids. Mm-hmm. Do do do whatever I don't care Yeah, but don't demand that you get to be CEO because you're fucking victimized some sort like motherfucker
Starting point is 01:31:21 you either are or you aren't you're good enough or you're not and if you happen to be a body modification Specialist and you're the best most qualified person to be fucking the chief of fire department cool I don't care, but can we please get back to that shit? Mm-hmm. That's all I'm saying Hey, you heard it here first guys live live love Guys ain't I got I got nothing. Yeah, that is all I got. That's all I'm saying. You heard it here first guys live laugh love Guys I got I got nothing. Yeah, that is all I got. That's all I got to Hi guys don't be a hoe Drury box froze, fuck a bowl, fuck a stove Counted millions in a coke, bad bitch booted, swole Got her on bankroll, can't fold, doesn't know
Starting point is 01:32:09 Headshot, case closed

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