REAL AF with Andy Frisella - Competition Drives Excellence, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO29

Episode Date: November 24, 2015

In a culture that has succumb to the insanity that "everybody wins" and "everybody deserves a trophy," Andy Frisella says that competition is critical for success. It's good for business, America, and... all of life.  "Big Jim" Frisella, the MFCE-DAD, returns to the studio to contribute to the discussion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, what's up? This is Vaughn Kohler and you're listening to the MFCEO Project. Vince Lombardi famously remarked, winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Today, the man who taught Andy Frisella to kill, kill, kill, returns to the studio to help the MFCEO Project crew and yours truly discuss why a competitive mindset is good for business, America, and the best possible life. That's right. The MFDAD is back.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Get ready for today's podcast. I only care, but he never seems to. All I do is work. All I do is work. All I do is work. All I do is work. Hey, guys, what's up? You're listening to the MFCEO Project. I'm Andy, and I am the motherfucking CEO. What is a motherfucking CEO? I'm here with my co-host, Vaughn Kohler.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm going to let you explain that today. What is a motherfucking CEO, Vaughn? Can you even say the words? Yes, yes. No, I can. I can. I'm going to let you explain that today. What is a motherfucking CEO, Vaughn? Can you even say the words? Yes, no, I can. I'm going to translate in my language. It is a gentleman who doesn't take anything from anybody. No crap from nobody. No crap from nobody, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:18 So guys, basically what it is is you might not be an entrepreneur, you might not own your own business, but you have to understand that you are the CEO of your own life. Okay. You are in charge of the actions that you take. You are in charge of the investments you make into yourself. You are in charge of the effort that you put out into the world. And what this podcast is about, if you're a new listener is about taking away the fluff, taking away the fucking unicorns and the fluffy flowers and Care Bears and all the rainbow shit that they teach you growing up in school, getting down to the nitty gritty facts of what it takes to be
Starting point is 00:01:55 successful in entrepreneurship and business and in life. Today, we have my dad here. The MSCE dad is in the house. What's up, dad? Hey, I'm here. There he is right there in the flesh. Um, we're going to offer for those who want to pay for it. We're going to offer the uncut version. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 We've already been talking to you. We've already been talking like 45 minutes on various topics of importance to American society. Yeah, man, we're going to turn this into politics. Yeah, exactly. We had a lot of requests to have the MFC dad back on the show. You know, I text him today, and I'm like, we're podcasting at 1 if you want to show up. He's like, I got, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't know if that means I'm coming or I'm not coming. Just, okay, so here he is. Yeah, he texts me 10 minutes before he says we're having we're having a show today yeah you showed up though 10 minutes before which means you must be like hungry for the fame and riches of podcasting yeah and then I've won oh absolutely I had to get my therapy from your my other son yeah the one who actually cares about you right well so Sal has you on a gallon of water a day. Yeah, a gallon of water that goes in. Tell the back story.
Starting point is 00:03:07 So my dad's 70 years old. He thinks he's 20. He still thinks he'd kick everybody's ass. I would have skied your ass. Yeah, okay. He did go skiing. We took him skiing for his 70th birthday. He did pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:18 But the thing is that he thinks he could do everything that he did when he was 20. So he just remodeled his whole bathroom by himself with no help. You know, and tiling the floor, I don't know if any of you guys listening do tile or done floors, it's hard. You're up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. And he did that thinking, you know, he's the man, and what happened? Well, first of all, just because of background, I'm from the construction industry,
Starting point is 00:03:43 and that was not unusual for me to do something like that. No, you've been doing it your whole life, but you're old now. I didn't do physical construction work, but I was in that life. But anyway, by the way, I do really, really good work. If anybody needs their bathroom done out there. I don't know. See, we have this competition in the family of who does the best tile work, all right? Because all of us do tile work, and we always brag about who does the best. And everybody knows that I do the best tile work. But he taught you, right? So you're saying this.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, you know what I learned was when we did that house. We did a house together. We built a spec home together. Nice. Yeah, when I was, what, like 18, 19? You were. I was right before I left to go up in the stores. You were a lot younger and a lot littler.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah. Now I'm buffer and I left to go open the doors. You were a lot younger and a lot littler. Yeah. Now I'm buffer and more handsomer. Yeah, exactly. But anyway, if anybody's done any tile, you have to get up and down. Dude, it's hard work, man. Didn't have anybody helping me, and I have to get up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. Well, it was about three weeks of doing that, and my hamstrings start freezing up. And so I went to the gym and i worked them out
Starting point is 00:04:46 yeah well i worked them out they froze on me they physically froze where i couldn't walk i couldn't tie my shoes my girlfriend had to tie my shoes pull my pants up and a few other things which which was all right yeah weren't you guys sitting in a fucking bathtub in front of the sunset together no man let me tell you my hamstrings hurt so bad, there was none of no shit. But anyway, it's been about a month, and finally my favorite son, which Andrew doesn't think he's my favorite son, which he is, but I have three favorite sons. But anyway, Sal has been giving me stretching and torturing me and hurting me the last couple days.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I know he's getting me back for when I beat his ass when he was little. That's what it's about. But anyway, I was coming over anyway right before he texted me. So anyway, we're here. So this is Sal's process for you rehabbing, huh? Yeah, he did a pretty good job of it i mean i was screaming yeah well as much as i like to talk about sal kicking your ass for the whole day because it sounds awesome um i do want to start out with a question of the day and i'm going to target this to anybody who feels like they want to answer.
Starting point is 00:06:12 What the fuck are people thinking bringing in Syrian refugees into the United States of America? I'm sorry. I'll answer this too. If you fucking think this is a good idea and you're listening to this podcast, quit fucking listening. Okay? This isn't a matter of, you know, what's right. Is it right to take people in and take care of them? Is it right to be humanitarian? Is it right to treat your fellow man with respect and care?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yes, it is. But it's also right to protect your country. It's also right to protect your family. It's also right to make sure that this country is in the best state that it possibly can be in for the future generations to come. So it's not a matter of right or wrong or you're an asshole if you think that these people shouldn't be here. It's a matter of what's more right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And what's more right for you in the United States is not to bring in a bunch of people that we have no fucking idea who they are, who have a recent reputation of turmoil, disruption, and terrorism so that we can figure out how to deal with them or how our kids can figure out how to deal with them. Okay. Do I feel bad that things are going bad for these people? Do I feel bad that they're drowning in their race to get out of their country? Yes, I do. But I think it's time for America to focus their efforts on taking care of the 50,000 homeless veterans that we have on the streets or all of our problems first, all of the homeless people here before we welcome in these people from all the way across the globe and start feeding and taking care of and financing them for who knows
Starting point is 00:07:35 what. Okay. So I'll answer the question. You know, a lot of people don't want to fucking tell the truth when it comes to that. Look, man, just because I don't want them here doesn't mean I want bad for them. But we've got our own issues. And we've got to take care of our own problems. And do I think it's shitty? Yeah, I do. But the reality is life is not always, you know, good decision and good decision. Sometimes you've got to make hard decisions.
Starting point is 00:08:00 You know, and a hard decision is to say, hey, dude, we need to take care of America. We need to take care of our veterans. We need to take care of the people who fucking matter here and no matter liberal republican democrat fucking libertarian i don't care i love you more than i love them and that's the bottom fucking line let's take care of us and when we get us fixed and us solved then we can take our humanitarian tendencies and focus and help other people. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They're Sean Whalen, who's going to be on the podcast next week, has a saying that he says lions eat first. Okay. And a lot of people will say, oh, the leader eats last. The leader is the last one to eat. The lion is the last. Let the pack eat first. No, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:08:41 The lion eats first. You know why the lion eats first? Because if the lion doesn't eat first, it can't take care of the pack right we need we are the lion we need to eat first we need to take care of us and then we can take care of other people period and anybody who doesn't understand that i'm sorry there's something wrong with your fucking brain you don't like it don't fucking listen uh no there's nothing to add to that i just say amen uh i uh it looks like we don't feel bad for those people nothing i can add you know dude my heart goes out to him when i see these kids drowning in this shit right but what makes that you know that is that worth sacrificing
Starting point is 00:09:17 one american life the potential of losing one american life or one murder or one terrorist attack because i feel bad for these people? No, it's not. And I'm sorry, but that's the truth. And it would be nice if we could all live in this perfect world that was perfect and nobody got their fucking feelings hurt and everybody got everything they needed. But that's not reality.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Let's talk about reality. The reality is we bring these people in. We don't know who the fuck they are. They start doing shit and fucking up our system. And whose kids got to deal with that? Our kids. That's a bad decision for America, and that's it. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Amen. I have nothing to add. Just keep going. If you've got more to say. I don't, because that is all there is to say. You can fucking argue it all day you want. And liberals and Republicans like to make this about politics. This isn't about politics.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Like I said, dude, you be liberal, you could be libertarian you could not give a fuck i if you're american i still love you more than i love them and that's our priority you know yep i don't know fuck i'm just sticking well said well said i mean you you've been i I think Jim and I both agree. There's nothing really to add there. Well, I think you ought to take – put it on YouTube and put it on – it'll go viral. Well, whatever, man. I mean, it's common sense shit. It's nothing spectacular.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. No, but it's – none of the politicians are saying it. Well, one of them may say it, but – Well, that's because they've got to worry about votes, and I don't. Right. Right. Exactly, exactly. So anyway, we are going to actually talk about something relevant to business. And there was a little business lesson in there, I think.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You've got to take care of yourself first. You've got to take care of yourself first. If you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of the team. A lot of truth to that in a lot of situations. Today, we're going to talk about something that I think is going to be pretty cool. If you listen to the podcast for any length of time in the past, you know just how pathetic we think America has gotten when it comes to competition. Basically, our country is being run by people who don't like it. And some people win.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Some people lose. We don't keep scoring at basketball lose. We don't keep scoring in basketball games. We don't keep scoring soccer. And that's why we give trophies for 17th place. And guys here, we think that's bullshit. Okay. We think having a competitive mindset and having a desire to win is critical to success. We don't think that it is critical to success. Okay. If you don't have a competitive mindset, if you can't understand that some people win and some people lose, you're never going to win. That's the reality of life. Part of the reason that we even have this podcast is because kids these days are raised in such a way to believe that the world is a fair place.
Starting point is 00:12:03 The world is not fucking fair. The world is not a fair place. The world is not fucking fair. The world is not a fair place. The world doesn't care about you. It doesn't give a shit about you. And they're brought up to the age of the 18 to think that they're going to be this special little delicate flower that they're going to run out in the world and the world's going to fucking shower gold coins and fucking, you know, titties on them the whole fucking rest of their life.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You know what I'm saying? And it's not going to happen. I was excited about this topic. You just got excited about the titties on them the whole fucking rest of their life. You know what I'm saying? And it's not going to happen. I was excited about this topic. You just got excited about the titties. Sounds good to me, man. So I was excited about this topic because I love the story that we're going to use to basically open it up. But before, Jim, you tell that story story i think what's amazing about this story
Starting point is 00:12:45 when you first told me is that people either really get it or they're completely offended oh yeah and they don't they don't get what they're trying no it's it's it it inspires extreme responses well for those of you guys that don't know i have a younger, and we're less than two years apart, okay? From the time that I can remember when we were, what, how old were we? Like three years old when you got us the boxing gloves? I don't know. From day one, man. The first memory I have, literally, from Christmas memory, is that my dad got us boxing gloves.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And we're like two and three or three and four something like that it was in that age group and and uh he got us both a set of boxing gloves and made us box okay we're that young all right and what happened well you beat sal's ass just like you did for 25 years that's right sal that's because Sal's a bitch. But anyway... Does Sal listen to the podcast? Yeah, that's why I just said that. But there is this one time. Yeah, there is one time. There's two times, actually. No, there's not two. One.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It was two, but... Remember that carpet stain on his face? That fucking rug burn on his face? I remember when he punched you on the tractor. That was different. I couldn't get off the tractor fast enough. So anyway, we've been bred to be competitive, okay? And there's a famous story that I tell.
Starting point is 00:14:13 There's a chant that we use here at First Form and at Supplement Superstores that we end our meetings with, okay? And if you see me speak live, you know that I work this into our speaking engagements as well. So when we were little, we would – we played soccer, and we always played on the same team, I guess just because we were so close in age, and it was just easier to have everybody on the same team, all right? Well, yeah, it was very easy, and both of you played at a competitive level i mean sal played up sal played up and he he could play with the big boys and and
Starting point is 00:14:50 from day one and and uh so just made sense to do it so we had so on our way to these games okay um we had we had a couple things that we did all right one it was understood that if during this soccer game we either ran over and hurt another kid or we scored a goal we got a toy okay that mean we got to go to the toy store after the game and buy like a toy like a you know like a legit toy like a gi joe figure yeah it wasn't something crazy but it was something you know it was part of the deal so there's a reward for being competitive and aggressive, right? So he would give us this pep talk on the way to the game, and we would sit in the back seat, and he'd sit in the front seat driving,
Starting point is 00:15:31 and he would look in the rearview mirror and look at us. And he'd be like, all right, listen, when you get in there, you've got to be aggressive. You've got to go in the corner, and you've got to get that fucking puck out. And we'd be like, Dad, this is soccer. He's like, I don't fucking care what it is. You go in the corner and you got to get that fucking puck out and we're like dad this is soccer he's like i don't fucking care what it is this is you go get the puck and the reason he said puck is because our older brother always played hockey so i guess he was giving you were giving jimmy this talk too huh oh yeah it was no it's just i gave sales talks like this
Starting point is 00:15:56 yeah it's just a general it wasn't a soccer ball it was a puck all right we're like dad i don't care what it is it's a puck you go in corner, you get the puck, you be aggressive, blah, blah, blah. And, like, give us this pep talk. And at the end of the talk, he would say, he'd look in the mirror and he'd go, now, what are you going to do? And we would go, kill. And he'd go, what are you going to do? And we'd go, kill.
Starting point is 00:16:18 And he'd go, what are you going to do? And we'd go, kill, kill, kill. And, dude, we'd run out of the fucking car, and we would go straight to the soccer field and fucking murder kids i mean it was straight how many fights did you get in the stands we were growing up uh some of the parents didn't like me yeah so their kids were pussies that's the truth they didn't have the same talk no they'd run away dude we're gonna get hurt the reality of life is this you've've got to be competitive, okay? And people are listening to this and they're saying, holy shit, is this true?
Starting point is 00:16:49 I assure you this is 100% true. And I also assure you that there's been a lot more wins than there has been losses for either one of us because of that mentality. But, you know, last time you told this story in, let's see, I think it was Setting the Record Straight was the podcast that that you were in you made it made a point jim and your point was that it wasn't about hurting somebody it was about it was about promoting aggression aggressiveness yeah actually i don't think anybody ever got hurt ever no they might have got hurt hurt when andrew kicked the ball right through their head i mean that was it it was about go through not around them yeah it wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:24 it wasn't even hurt the kid i mean that might even be like the go through not around him yeah it wasn't it wasn't even hurt the kid i mean that might even be like the wrong term it was more like if you ran a kid over and made like an aggressive play right you know what i mean right like you know i don't think they actually really did get hurt either but no i mean dude you're like six how hard can you get exactly so you know the thing is is that in today society, if that's if that story came out in today's society, like, dude, it would be all over fucking news. It would be on CNN. It would be on Fox. It'd be on the Internet.
Starting point is 00:17:56 It'd be like dad puts bounties on other kids heads. You know what I mean? For Selegate. Right. Exactly. Oh, boy. And that's that's what it would be. And that's the difference's what it would be.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And that's the difference between 30 years ago. And now, you know, now it's, it's, you know, everybody gets a trophy and we don't keep score when we live in Lala land. And that's not fucking reality.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You know, that's not how the world operates. And if you're conditioned to think that way, and you think that everything is roses and flowers and petals and sweet and you're going to learn real quick that nobody gives a shit, you know what I mean? So developing a competitive mindset is a necessity of being successful. You know, it doesn't mean you focus on other people's losses. It means you focus on doing the best that you can, knowing that if you're not the best that you can, you're not going to fucking win anything. I think that's what is really sad to me about the whole parental mindset today
Starting point is 00:18:49 that wants to coddle kids and wants to give them a trophy for 27th place is that it's like what you said. It's la-la land. It's not reality. You are not preparing your children. You think you're loving them, but you're doing the exact opposite. Dude, you're hurting them, man. Well, this is where I'm coming from, and what you guys are saying is exactly true.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It wasn't about hurting anybody or doing anything else. It was teaching how to win and go out there and play as hard as you can, do the best you can. And that was another thing, having the superpower. No matter how much you played out there, you had more power within your will to do better when you were out there than anybody else and if you draw on that power and even today you draw on the power you you you just draw on it there's a i call it superpower you know what i'm talking about it was a i gave more than one talk than kill kill kill but but uh everybody wanted my sons on their team every every single baseball, football, soccer. And I'll brag a little bit, which this may get cut out of here, but both my sons wrestled.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They wrestled in little league grade school and in high school, and they had to quit in high school because it conflicted with football. But neither one of them lost a match. Andrew lost one match the whole time. And if anybody's ever competitively wrestled, you're one-on-one. It's the hardest sport there is. And when I had my business, if you wrestled, you were in with me, man. I didn't even have to ask another question.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I knew that guy would go out and eat nails. He would eat nails to win. And anyway, it is a way to teach your kids. Sports is a competitive way. And I only, I don't say I only hired, I had about 200 employees, okay. I just didn't hire athletes that were successful, but they had to be successful in something in some competitive thing and it was my criteria i was my own hr department that was what i hired and
Starting point is 00:20:51 once while i made a mistake but that competitive spirit is what makes people and what makes them successful and i know what it is i mean i don't know i want to describe it exactly it's the will that want to be better than the next guy no matter what you're doing. It's not – even if you're sweeping the fucking floor, you want to do a better job than the other dude sweeping the floor. We're not talking about winning a gold medal at the Olympics here. We're talking about a sense of being the best at what you want to do no matter what that is. If it's being the best garbage man on your fucking crew, it's being the best garbage man.
Starting point is 00:21:24 You know what I mean? If it's being the best CEO, it's being the best garbage man on your fucking crew. It's being the best garbage man. You know what I mean? If it's being the best CEO, it's being the best fucking CEO. And if you take away competition, you take away that drive. Well, right. I mean, you know, to me as human beings, we have to have competition to drive excellence. I mean, anybody who looks at it any other way, like they're afraid of competing or they're scared of competing or this or that, they're not going to ever make it in the real world because the real world is you look at your competitor, you want to do better than him, you use that as a gauge of how much better you need to be,
Starting point is 00:21:55 and you become better than that. And then when he becomes better than you, then you become better than him. And it goes back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. And I think a lot of people, you know, they try to remove the competitiveness of society. And when you take away the chance to win, you undermine the motive to achieve just based off of how we are as humans. You know, when you try to make it so that everybody wins and this and that, you know, what you're really doing is you're taking away people's drive to be great. Whether that be in soccer when you're five years old or whether that be in business when you're 55 years old. You know what I mean? What's really amazing. I totally
Starting point is 00:22:36 agree with that. What's amazing to me though, is I've actually been, I've known kids. Unfortunately, my nephew was in a league where they didn't keep score. The parents didn't keep score. But you're right. We're hardwired to be competitive. That's who we are as human beings. And so even though there was this group of soccer moms in this league who said, we're not going to keep score, the reality is my nephew and all of his buddies, mentally, they were keeping score. They knew at the end of the day who won the game and who didn't. But you're right, Andy. If you sort of institutionally take away that competition
Starting point is 00:23:10 or that keeping score that somebody wins and somebody loses, you have completely, almost completely, obliterated the drive and the incentive. You know, I want to put a little context on this. It's between, like, Andrew and Sal both. And we know this. We don't even have to talk about it. I've never lost ever.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I've never lost anything I've ever attempted to do, ever. I might have come in second place, but the other guy got the shit beat out of him. He was bleeding. And I don't consider that a loss. It's not even losing. It's learning. It's that competitive spirit lives on in you for me and Sal. You know what it is.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I don't even have to say it to you. Yeah, but the thing is, though, is that people don't, what they don't think about is that, you know, when you're not allowing people to lose, you're taking away their ability to learn. You know, I feel like, you know, and I know this for a fact. I mean, in business, the most valuable shit that you're going to do in business is going to be the times when you mess up. business is going to be the times when you mess up.
Starting point is 00:24:06 It's going to be the times when you make mistakes. It's going to be the times when you invest, you know, $1,000 when it's your last $1,000 and you fucking lose it. Because that $1,000 that you invest and you lose now, that's going to be a million dollars in 10 years as long as you don't quit. So it saved you $990,000 if you think about it the right way. So when you don't lose and you're not willing to lose and you're not understanding what it means to lose or how to benefit from losing, you're not going to progress or get better. And that's what these people, that's what happens when everybody fucking wins. You know, nobody loses. They don't know how to deal with losing, you know? Absolutely. It's's cliche but it certainly is true losing is a
Starting point is 00:24:45 character builder i mean you you just become stronger as a result of failure yeah i think most people you know they're and this is the problem man is like our younger generation they're so not used to losing that when they get out in the real world and the fucking world just takes a big bite right out of their ass, dude, it shuts them down for good. You know, they become bitter. They become frustrated. They say, fuck the man. I'm not doing shit.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You know, and that's where they get this attitude from. You know, I got screwed. Yeah, so we've been talking basically to Jim from the standpoint of you being a parent to Andy and Sal. And is it Jimmy? Is that the third one? Yeah, yeah. Okay. So, but let's switch this because you guys are both, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:29 entrepreneurs and you've both been successful businessmen. What would be the downside of shielding your employees from failure? Well, I don't think I think about this for a minute. I never shielded anybody from anything. I mean, you know what I mean? Well, what you did, you picked employees, and you trained them and taught them, and you taught them everything that I know, or you sent them to school. Depends on what kind of organization you want to run.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah, and you go through that, but part of the process is losing, and if I had a manager or whatever it is, you would give them the opportunity to do their own thing, to develop their process or whatever it is, and they would say, I want to do it this way, this way, and this way, and you would give them the tools, you give them money, some people, or whatever it is to do it, and then they would fail fail and you would review the failure why they failed and say well you could have i never told them what to do i never told
Starting point is 00:26:32 a single employee what to do now don't get me wrong i yelled and screamed but it was the teaching mode was to teach them how to think for themselves and how to win by themselves by a learning lesson and unfortunately people don't usually learn those lessons unless they go out and do them themselves. No, they had to fail. There's a big difference between, like I'm going to tell you, and you'll agree, I think, is that if you told the same person, I learned this lesson too, man.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I used to try to dictate to my team what they needed to do, and what they would do is they would go do it my way begrudgingly, and they would say, dude, fucking andy thinks he knows everything so then what i started doing and and you know under the under his advice um was i started the same thing you know i i people come to me and say what do you think you should do okay and they would answer and if it was like a big if it was like something i knew they were gonna fuck up but it was gonna cost me a little bit of money i let them go fuck up because it'll teach them the lesson. I look at that loss of money as an investment in their progress. Okay. So, but if let's say it was a big thing, like as a big thing,
Starting point is 00:27:34 like, you know, like they got this great idea and they're going to go make you, it's going to cost you a hundred grand or a million dollars that they fuck it up. Then I say shit like this, like, they'd be like, oh, I think we should do it this way. And I'll say, well, and I know it's wrong. Okay, keep in mind, I know it's wrong when they're saying this. I say, well, have you thought about doing it this way? And I'll suggest it. And then if they still fight it, that's when I say, all right, look,
Starting point is 00:27:57 we're not doing it that way. You know, there has to be limits to how much rope you give them. That's, I mean, that's just total delegation, and that's what it is. You're teaching somebody through delegation how to learn, how to be successful. I had five managers at the end of my business. I never did anything. Well, no, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I had nothing to do. It was boring. When I said earlier, it depends on the kind of organization you want to run. If you want to run an autonomous organization of dudes who will not make your life miserable and who will run shit and you can go on vacation and live a normal life, dude, you've got to let these guys fuck up and make mistakes. If you want to run something that will never run without you being there,
Starting point is 00:28:39 then feel free to be on top of them like a mother hen all the time. But it'll drive you crazy. And that's what I meant when I said that. Yeah, in my first business years, you learn as you grow up. I didn't go to Harvard or Yale. My Harvard or Yale was working in the business and getting the shit kicked out of me, you know. Which is more valuable than any Harvard or Yale.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah, and the ability to teach people how to win is what really we're talking about right here. And really, I'm an expert at it. I could go anywhere and do that. And you give me any company to run, I could run it right now. Obviously, I'm bullshitting. I will sure as hell try, and I don't think I'd lose. Well, no, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I just hired the people that do it. No, it's not even that. See, people hear that, and you say, oh, I'm bullshitting. But I disagree with that because business is very fucking simple. And it's overcomplicated by, I mean, if we're going to talk about small business, small business is so fucking simple it's not even funny. I could sit down with people for eight hours, teach them everything they need to know. Very fucking simple.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You're talking about corporate America? It's not as simple because those people have to justify their jobs by making it complicated. But in the reality, it's still simple. You know, it comes down to taking one customer and making it on two. It's simple. You know, so I disagree with you like saying, oh, I couldn't do that. No, you could fucking do it. No, I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I couldn't do it. No, I could do it. No, but like some of these people are listening. They're like, oh, yeah, you couldn't run fucking you know walmart bullshit it'd be real fucking easy i could run walmart i'd make it efficient that's what i'm saying i'd make sam walton proud today man he'd be rolling in his grave clapping yeah no but i mean so i'm listening to you guys and i'm people but vaughn people overcomplicate business and you guys listening people overcomplicate it they think that listening, people overcomplicate it.
Starting point is 00:30:25 They think that there's like this secret thing. And I've said this a billion times that CEOs or people who run businesses have, no, it's not, it's the ability to make it simple. So the secret that they have, right. You know what I mean? Right. But I love what you say. It's, it's, it's simple.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's not complicated. And what's interesting is if anybody's paying attention and listening to this podcast, not just this episode, but all of them, connect the dots, guys. Because the number one or one of the number one complaints among employers right now is that employees, particularly young ones, don't know how to problem solve. Why don't they know how to problem solve? Because they've never had to compete. Because they've never, well, they've never had to face a problem. Right. know how to problem solve because they've never well they've never had to face a problem because they've been they've been shielded from problems by by helicopter parents and and people who thought oh i don't want johnny to have a bruised ego because he's had experiences a sense of failure
Starting point is 00:31:14 and the great great result or the great fruit that comes out of failure is learning to overcome it and to problem solve and it doesn't i mean it makes total sense that you have a whole workforce right now in america you don't know how to problem solve team and you go out dude all right look when i play lacrosse okay and we used to travel around the country in missouri lacrosse has gotten huge and uh and when when when i first played it which was almost 20 years ago uh it was tiny here in missouri so we would travel out to like the east coast all right on a trip every year and we would play against teams from baltimore and fucking baltimore i don't know if anybody knows but it's like the lacrosse capital of the universe in terms of high school lacrosse all right we played this team out there called calvert hall okay they beat us 27 to
Starting point is 00:32:02 fucking one 27 to one. Wow. All right. At the end of the day, dude, I was just, I play long stick. I play defense. I was just hatcheting people. Like they run by me. I hit him as hard as I could. Because that's all I could fucking do.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You know what you should do to drive home this point? Because I don't know that everybody listening really understands how lacrosse. That's a very prolific game. What the typical lacrosse game is what like five to three yeah it could be it could be like 11 to 7 or something like that yeah i mean it's it's pretty hard to score in lacrosse i mean isn't it i mean it depends you know it's like anything it could be a low scoring game it could be it's usually a medium like 11 to 7 type game 27 to 1 all right and these fucking kids you know know, dude, they were unbelievable. And I, to the point where like, and I was a pretty good athlete, man.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I was fast. I was big. And I had good hand-eye coordination. Dude, these guys were so good. Like I said, I would just hatch them. Like, and when I mean hatch them, I mean, I would take my stick and hit them as hard as I fucking could in their head. Cause that's all I could do.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Right. That's how good they were. Yeah. All right. So if they came within four feet of me, they got fucking hatcheted. All right? I got kicked out of the game. But here's the point.
Starting point is 00:33:09 We will go out there at the beginning of the year, and we get our asses beat by three or four teams. All right? We come back to Missouri and kill everybody. Because we went out there, and we lost, and we learned so much from losing to these guys who were so much better than us that we came back here and dominated. All right? And that's what competition is about it's about getting better you know a lot of people hate competition because they don't like losing but if you nobody likes losing but if you
Starting point is 00:33:34 can't learn from your abilities that if you can't learn from the losses that you take you're never going to be great it It's impossible because everybody goes through that. Like, dude, let's talk about something current right now. Ronda Rousey gets her ass beat the other night. Okay? I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:52 that was a straight domination. I love Ronda Rousey. A lot of people don't like her. I don't really care. I think she's awesome. You know, they say, oh, she's not humble.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, she talks all this shit. Well, dude, if you're going to get in the ring with bare fists against anybody, you're going to have to be pretty fucking cocky. It's just the reality. Very true. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:09 So let's talk about her getting her ass beat. All right. Now she's in a situation where she was the best, the best, the best, the best, the best. Now she loses. She has two choices. She can either go and improve her skills, hire somebody who can help her improve, or she can quit. But my argument is that, dude, her story,
Starting point is 00:34:33 if she goes and improves and becomes better, will be 10 times the story that it would have been had she went undefeated. You know what I mean? Absolutely, yeah. So, you know, you have to be able to go out and understand that to become great like i i don't even think she was great before i think now she has the opportunity to
Starting point is 00:34:51 become great go out you fucking learn how to box from somebody who knows how to box because clearly she doesn't know how to box the right way comes back and let's say she beats that girl now you're talking about somebody who's got some heart now you beats that girl, now you're talking about somebody who's got some heart. Now you're talking about legend. Now you're talking about greatness. And the reality is people don't look at it like that. They look at it like, oh, I fucking got fired from my job at McDonald's. I'm a failure.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Right. I'm a loser. Which actually reminds me of something that you say, Andy, all the time, which is that there is a difference between losing and being a loser. Right, right. Yeah, if you come out, you give every ounce of effort you have and you still lose,
Starting point is 00:35:32 it doesn't mean you're a fucking loser. What makes you a loser is when you go home from that lesson and you quit. Okay? When you go home from that lesson, you say, fuck, that wasn't meant for me. Or you go home from that ass beating you took and you say, you know, I'm just going to be an ice cream man
Starting point is 00:35:48 you know what i mean right like that's what makes somebody and no offense i'm not like picking on i'm just saying if you could be fucking a ceo and you choose to be a fucking bicycle ice cream man you know you're significantly underperforming right absolutely no but i i love the idea there's some famous quote and i don't know who it's by i think it's like teddy roosevelt or somebody that basically says the person who's the competitor whether they win or lose they're winners it's the people on the sidelines it's the people who are spectators those are the people that are the real losers the ones that just sit on the armchair and that's never been more prevalent than today yeah fuck dude 98 of america is fucking armchair critic about everything i
Starting point is 00:36:27 don't realize how many political experts and and fucking financial experts and and fucking ufc experts we had until the last week when we're talking about you know all these current affairs you know what i mean right everybody's a fucking expert but what has anybody really done you know what i mean not a whole they don't have perspective to even speak but you know on the highest levels to your point what you're just saying on the highest levels of like athleticism or business or what have you you know when let's let's say when two titans of of sports face each other and one of them loses invariably the other one the one who won the the match or the game or whatever, there is always huge respect for the person that lost
Starting point is 00:37:09 because that person that won knows, this person, I just, in this case, I was better. I was the best. But that's not necessarily saying that the person who failed in this situation is a loser. Just, they didn't win. That's why you never see major shit talking after, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:26 a team beats another team. You know what I mean? Because they respect the process of what it takes to get in that game in the first place, you know? I don't know. I like good shit talking, though. You know, a question's going through my mind here, this person we're talking to out there in the podcast is, how does this competitive
Starting point is 00:37:46 spirit apply to me if i don't have it or how do i get it or where do i get it from or how does it how does it how does it apply to me or how can i get it how can i use it i think that's a great point and and you know i i i'm gonna not want to be talking about myself but i i don't know i guess I got it from my dad. I don't know. I just never – I just hate it to lose. Well, no. I woke up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I didn't want to lose, and I never have lost that ever. I think people – I don't want to lose. Don't you think that people are born with that naturally? Yes, but I thought – But I also – I mean, for people who are not natural – I mean, I do think that it can be cultivated. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But what I'm saying is I think my opinion on it is that people are born with it naturally, and then they get it bred out of them or taught out of them. It could be. Like, hey, you know, Johnny, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. It matters, you know, how much sportsmanship you have, which, yes, that matters too. But it fucking sure does matter if you win or lose. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:38:44 So I'm going to throw something out, and I would love to hear what you guys have to say to this. I mean, I'm thinking about what he just said too. Like how do you cultivate competitiveness amongst somebody who's not naturally a competitive person? But this is why I think they're not naturally competitive. I think there are people who look at other people who are very good at what they do, okay, and they see those people, and, they, in many cases, those people might be bad winners. In other words, it's not about being the best to them. It's about just hurting other people or it's about making other people look bad. And so I
Starting point is 00:39:13 think that people wrongly associate competitiveness and wanting to win with being mean. How, how, what would you say to somebody like that I say they're retarded oh sorry I can't use that word well that is being mean dude hey look I don't care it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't I don't but you know what I mean I mean nice people sometimes have a hard time being dude those people never want anything right you know what I'm saying those people voted for Obama yeah look man those people never want anything like Like I said, in the beginning of the podcast, you know, it's ideals are nice to think about. It's nice to think about everybody winning. It's nice to think about allowing everybody in the world to come to this country. I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:54 dude, it's nice to think about everybody becoming a millionaire or a billionaire, but what's the reality? Well, the reality is, is it's not going to happen. Well, when I was, I went into business when I was 20, all right, and I didn't know everything. What do you learn things? You learn things from other people. You emulate other people. You read books, all the motivational speakers.
Starting point is 00:40:16 What this is about right now is what you're doing is giving people access to knowledge that they didn't have before. I read every one of those books. I read every book there was, every single person. Why'd you do that? Because I wanted to be better. Right. And it did teach me.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Emulate them and not everyone. I never want to lose. No. Right this very minute. Oh, man. I mean, I will not. Losing is the worst fucking thing on earth. No.
Starting point is 00:40:41 In my opinion. Never. I mean, when we played checkers or whatever it was. Didn't matter. No, I used to let you guys win once in a while but i wasn't that bad but i love what you said your answer for why you wanted to win is you wanted to become better and that's what people don't understand it's not about them losing it's about you winning it's about you being the best possible version of yourself. And that's what I think that. Well, dude, it's not it's not OK to fucking lose. No, it's not OK.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Like, dude, you could justify it any way you want. If you're a parent, you could tell your kids any bullshit you want. I'm just going to say it. It's not fucking OK to lose. It's not OK. You should avoid losing at all costs. And if you do happen to lose, you figure out why the fuck you lost, and you come up with a plan to not lose again.
Starting point is 00:41:29 You know, I'm tired of this bullshit. Like, oh, it's okay to fucking lose. No, it's not okay. Do you want your kid to be fucking broke when he's 30 years old? Do you want him working at fucking McDonald's begging for $15 minimum wage to live? No. If you don't fucking want him doing that, quit teaching him it's okay to fucking lose.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Period. Right. If you accept the losing, you're going to accept mediocrity. No, there's no question. There's no other way around it. You know, so when you're sitting around wondering why, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:58 your kid can't get his fucking shit together and get out of your motherfucking basement, well, maybe it's because you taught him that it was okay to fucking lose. Period. Well, I'm sorry for all you fucking liberal hippies out there that think it's okay and everybody, dude, get your head out of your ass. Period.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I'm going to say this. There's a hell of a lot of people that we're talking to out there right now that they're going to be listening to this whenever this thing comes out. They're not going to get what we're talking about. Oh, they get it. Our people get it. And they're not going to be listening to this whenever this thing comes out. They're not going to get what we're talking about. Oh, they get it. Our people get it. And they're not going to be able to use it. Okay, your people, I don't know who we're actually talking to.
Starting point is 00:42:31 No, do you even know what we're doing? I just know. Do you know what a podcast is? All he knows is he comes and talks into the fucking microphone. I'm talking to David over there who's laughing at me. I'm going to kick his little ass and he's going to be a loser when this is over. Dude. You little bastard.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Dave is sitting in for Tyler. Tyler had to go get another pair of coral shorts. He went ahead and went straight to Miami to get them, though. Yeah, exactly. No, Dave, I mean, excuse me. Are you sure it wasn't Key West he was going to? Yeah, we were not going to go there. Jim, I get what you're saying though there are there
Starting point is 00:43:07 are probably some people listening uh in in our audience i mean andy's right most of our audience are people who kill it every day and they are oh dude they're sick of it people are tired of it but but your point is that there probably is somebody who's listening who's maybe tempted at times to if you're listening to this and they're they're in the right in the right world listening to something that uh am i right yeah i'm right and do i know everything no there's other people are smarter than me and and you need to listen to none of them are going to tell you it's okay to lose either yeah well if they do i get away from them no dude we're in a turning point society i believe that we're at a turning point of mentality we're at a turning point of what people actually believe is true we've had fucking 10 years of this everybody wins actually
Starting point is 00:43:52 more than that probably 12 15 years of that everybody wins don't fucking hurt people's feelings and dude people are starting to realize that it doesn't work okay it's great like i said a million times a great thought to think noble thought to think absolutely great we want the best for everybody yes we do but i think people are tired of the ideals and they're starting to focus on the reality and i feel like if that weren't the case you wouldn't see donald trump at the top of the ratings right now okay that's a good point you know what i mean if this were four years ago or eight years ago donald trump wouldn't even have a fucking dog in this race
Starting point is 00:44:25 because they'd be like, dude, you're crazy. But you know what's crazy? It's the shit that we're seeing now. We're seeing people out there who want free school, $15 minimum wage, and all this shit, but yet can't figure out where the fuck it's going to come from. And then when you ask them, they say, oh, we're going to tax the rich 100%. Motherfucker, the rich pay their share.'s a it's this isn't a fucking you don't understand you know what i'm saying when the average rich are already paying 80 of all the taxes they can't pay any more than
Starting point is 00:44:55 they can look it's just it's the the point of the matter of what i'm trying to make is that people are sick of this shit and so i feel like you know they're ready to get back to America the way that America is supposed to be. They're ready to get back to living life the way it's supposed to be. They're ready to break out of the politically correct nonsense that we've been fed for the last 15 years. I feel like we are ready because, like I said, if we weren't, Donald Trump wouldn't be kicking everybody's ass right now. You're right. You know what I mean? I think we're starting to understand that, that, uh, no, we're starting to understand
Starting point is 00:45:30 ideals versus reality. Right. You know, I think the bottom line that we need to really talk about here is that you have to earn the right to feel good about yourself. Okay. You don't get the riches. You don't get the success. You don't get the, the accolades for just being born,
Starting point is 00:45:47 which is what I think the issue with a lot of the youth is right now. The popular word is entitlement, but that's what it is. I deserve the world because I'm fucking special. Well, no, you're not special. And you're going to find out real quick when you get to be about 25 years old. You can coast through college. Your first couple years of job, you can go work for somebody and you're gonna feel real enthusiastic and then you get into your third or fourth year and you're gonna be like fuck they
Starting point is 00:46:11 don't care about me and then reality's gonna set in okay right and that's that's the reality right i don't know if you guys ever saw the documentary waiting for superman but it talked about it basically was talking about some of the failures of public education, but I'll never forget what they say in that documentary. It says American school children for like the last 10 or 15 years have ranked number one in self-esteem. And according to all the psychologists, if you feel, if you feel really good about yourself, you should be successful. Well, guess how they rank in terms of actual performance relative to other
Starting point is 00:46:44 countries. They're not last, but they're way, way down there. They're like 20, 30, 40. So there is no direct connection between feeling good about yourself and your ability to achieve. Your ability to achieve influences how you feel. If you're not doing a good job, you should be told you're not doing a good job. And you should have enough gall to be able to handle that criticism and go out and improve your performance. Yeah. You know, I've run into this in the past with salespeople.
Starting point is 00:47:13 You know, I fucking say, hey, what the fuck is going on with your numbers? They suck. Oh, Andy, you're being mean. No, I'm not. I'm trying to get you to improve so that you can progress further in life. If you can't improve from here, what are you going to be doing in two years from now? Oh, Andy, you're a jackass.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You're mean. And then they quit. They go work somewhere else and they come back in a year and say, fuck, dude. You know, I had a good job there. I had a good thing going. I miss it there.
Starting point is 00:47:40 You actually cared about me. You know what I mean? You wanted them to improve. That's the key. You weren't shielding them from failure you weren't coddling them because you cared enough to hold them accountable this is what yeah our culture is real successful people hold themselves accountable yeah well i've got a little this is on the topic about the self-esteem uh item there's i always looked at it this way there, there's three parts to it, and, and
Starting point is 00:48:07 it's really related to the topic of what is happiness, but this is, I'm not relating that to it, it's, it's about self-esteem. Happiness or self-esteem is looking back at your past successes and being really proud of them. You've got your failures too, but you look at those successes and then you come to the present number two. You're in the present. Well, if you look back and you have all these successes, I'm looking over my shoulder here, you have them, that brings happiness to you. And then the third part is looking into the future to plan future successes.
Starting point is 00:48:44 And if you're number two and you just remain there and you just keep looking back, your happiness and self-esteem is going to plummet, not necessarily self-esteem, but it's not going to work. So it's a constant ongoing thing of going forward with a plan of having a success. And it just goes on and on and on and on. It's like growing a vegetable. It's one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. And looking backwards at your history, you look backwards at your history,
Starting point is 00:49:11 don't look at failures. That is what brings you happiness. It's not sitting here going, I'm happy, I'm happy. Yeah, but success is the same thing, man. It is success. It's the same thing. Because where you are presently is not your success or failure. If you're in a shitty spot right now, it's not because of what you did today or what you're doing today.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Or if you're in a great spot right now, it's not because of what you did today or what you're doing today. It's because of the seeds that you planted six months ago or didn't plant and watered and harvested. And the same is for self-esteem. You got a big old dose of self-esteem, it's probably because you kicked ass for the last six months. Yeah, but see, looking back only lasts for a second. It's got to be the future and now. Doing something now about the future, which brings the past, which is your happiness or success.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I don't know if that concept is – No, I think you make sense. Did I make it clearer? I mean, it's one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. Always, and if you stop, I'm not saying you can be unhappy, but boy. Hey, man, if you stop planting fucking seeds after, you know, you're a great farmer and you keep planting seeds, you're feeding your family for 20 years, right? What happens when you stop planting those seeds? You fucking starve.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Right. It's the same concept. I like what you started to talk about just a little bit ago, Jim, and you guys should tackle this again, is that what can you do for those who are interested in taking their level of competition, even to the next level, what can you do to cultivate a winning attitude? Just never say die. Look, I had a real good lesson. I started to take guitar lessons when I was 30 years old, and I'm still terrible.
Starting point is 00:50:46 But it was really hard for me because I'm a competitive dude, and I want results right fucking now. So learning to play a musical instrument was one of the most humbling things I ever did, and it required tons of patience. And I had my guitar teacher, and he used to say, hey, man, you're not a patient dude. You need to work on things that will help cultivate the quality of patience with you. And I'm like, well, how do you do that? And he's like, you got to do things that require patience. All right. So the thing is, is that when you talk about being competitive, if you want to learn how to be competitive guess what you got to do you got to put yourself in situations where you have to compete all right and that's going to be situations
Starting point is 00:51:30 that it might be stupid things like fucking join a volleyball league or join a fucking whatever you're interested in you know 5k right run a 5k there's different kinds of competition but you've got to make competition part of your life period yeah you know if you want to be better at patience practice patience if you want to be better at competing start competing look man the world's set up for competition i mean you look at a fucking video game made for a two-year-old kid it keeps score right you know what i mean the world's set up like competition is not completely weeded out of America. I think that, you know, if you're a 20 year old dude right now and you're having problems caring about competition, go look at your fucking bank account and realize that it's going to stay at $200 the rest of your life. And think about how you're going to fucking live unless you start winning.
Starting point is 00:52:19 All right. If you're a parent of a three-year-old or a four-year-old or a five-year-old, realize that you're doing them harm, not good, by telling them how great they are all the time, how awesome they are, instead of coaching them to be better like a real parent would. You know what I mean? Absolutely, yeah. You guys out there who are always talking about free shit, this is something I'm big on. Quit voting for people who want to fucking give you the world, you know, a free education. No education shouldn't be fucking free. Okay. You're going to put every fucking person out there and, and, and the world through college and dilute the fucking quality of the education that the people who are going to get for the people who worked to earn that. I mean, come on. It's not,
Starting point is 00:53:04 you know, basic education free. Yeah. But you know what? The world needs people who are going to get for the people who worked to earn that. I mean, come on. It's not, you know, basic education free. Yeah, but you know what? The world needs people who are going to go out and do, you know, basic jobs too. Let's be real. You know, you have to earn your level. It's just like, you know, it's just like business. You've got to earn your way up the ladder. You know, you can't just have it handed to you because it won't work.
Starting point is 00:53:25 You know, that's not how it works. It's the same thing we keep talking about. Ideals. It's not reality. You know, quit putting your kids in leagues that don't keep score. You know, speak up. Raise some fucking hell about it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Quit allowing it to be okay. You know, that's the problem right now. Nobody's speaking up. Nobody's saying what we're all thinking. You know what I mean? We're all thinking. I think that's a great point. And you've said this before, is that most of the people that listen to us, they are committed to good standards and they're committed to just kind of- No, they're rolling with the punches.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yeah. And living their own lives. But I mean, honestly, this insanity in our country is not going to stop until good people start standing up and saying, no more. No, I think we're there though. I think we're there. I think people are feeling better about standing up for that kind of stuff. You know, you've got this cooperative learning bullshit in school now where you've got two smart kids and three kids who couldn't fucking flick their booger the right direction in a group, and you've got the smart kids doing all the work
Starting point is 00:54:24 because their parents work with them and you got the three deadbeat kids and they all get the same fucking grade it doesn't even make sense that's not okay that's not america america is hard work equals reward america is dude if you want success the opportunity is there you got to work for it it's not everybody gets a fucking b you know because you you're anchored down by three kids who eat their fucking boogers. You know what I'm saying? Absolutely. That's the reality.
Starting point is 00:54:49 You know, quit shielding your kids from losing. Let your kids lose. You know, let them lose and then explain to them, like, hey, if you don't want to lose again, you got to get fucking better. You know what I mean? It's real simple. It's not rocket science. Dude, it's not. It's not rocket science. Dude, it's not. It's really not. It started with some fucking soccer mom out there who thinks that it wasn't fair because her kid couldn't fucking get on the field because she didn't go out and play fucking soccer with him.
Starting point is 00:55:13 So her fucking lacking as a parent and teaching her kid the skills to go out and play soccer. Now, nobody can fucking play soccer unless her kid's on the fucking field. And that mentality comes from the laziness of their own parents refusing to do the fucking legwork it takes to get your kid competitive and then still want your kid to enjoy everything. No, motherfucker, you're lazy, you're a shitty parent, period. End of fucking story. I know everybody knows this, but I got to repeat it because I think it's amazing. The greatest basketball player who ever lived was cut from his junior high team.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Michael Jordan was cut from his junior high team. So what did he do? He had a dad, and he had an internal drive that said, I'm going to get better. And this is never going to happen again. I am never going to be cut from my team again. And, you know, the rest is history. Dude, I think the most successful people on earth, and I don't know, like I'd be interested to hear what you have to say about this.
Starting point is 00:56:15 The most successful people I've ever met hate losing far more than they enjoy winning. Like I get this question, like what do you like? What's better? Not losing or winning? Dude, I think hating the fucking taste of losing is the biggest motivator on earth. I've seen, I, from my experience, I feel there's far more successful people that would agree with that than as opposed to how good it feels to win. What do you think? I agree a hundred percent. I'm way more motivated by not losing. I don't ever want to lose.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I don't want to lose anything. I just can't. It's not in my genes. It's just not there. It's not going to happen. Right. And that goes to your point, Vaughn, and what you said earlier about it being an ethical thing.
Starting point is 00:56:57 It's not like we want to win and rub it in somebody's fucking face. I don't want to be the loser. You know what I mean? Right. And, you know, the world is not a fucking ideal place. You know, it's competitive. There's right and then there's less right and then there's wrong. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:15 And you want to be on the fucking right. You know what I mean? Right. No, absolutely. I mean, a good question that I would pose people who want everybody to be equal, want to give prizes for everybody, is that I would want to ask them, so if you go in for heart surgery, which doctor do you want? You want the one that was picking his boogers in a fucking cooperative learning class. The doctor who was in cooperative learning class in medical school or the doctor who said, I will get better grades than every person in my class. I will be superior to every doctor in the history of the world in my particular field.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I mean, which one do you want? That's a no-brainer. Of course it is. But the problem, Vaughn, is everybody knows that's a no-brainer. Even the most fucking, what do we want to call him here? The most everybody-should-win-ment mentality person knows that's a no-brainer. The problem isn't that they don't know it's a no-brainer. It's that they won't admit it's a no-brainer because they want to win an argument that,
Starting point is 00:58:15 because they want to win an argument, which ultimately makes them competitive too. So motherfuckers, you ain't even making your own point the right way. That's a good point. You know what I'm saying? Excellent point. Yeah, no. You can't even have a fucking conversation with somebody like this because they want to win the conversation.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Well, everybody can't win the conversation. You get what I'm saying? So you have a fucking person who wants to make an argument about how everybody should win everything. They won't listen to your conversation because they want to win their conversation. It doesn't even make fucking sense. No no sense at all everybody knows that's the truth even these people it all starts out with you know little johnny's not as good as these other
Starting point is 00:58:54 kids but you know i know he's better i know he's better if you only got the chance right guys uh please by all means little johnny got the chance for Vaughn, to get on the soccer field. I'm sure he would be Pele. Yeah. That's where it all started. No, you're right. Here, Johnny, here's a fucking sugar smacks from my minivan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Fuck you. If you would like the show notes to this episode, go to forward slash p29, and there you will find the show notes as well as links to all sorts of wonderful things and you know guys just check out our website you're going to learn more about andy and the mfceo project and you'll find all of our social media connections and eventually we're going to finish the book and we're going to finish courses and we're going to finish basically ruling the world.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Dad, why did you raise me to be so competitive? You're such an asshole. I didn't want a loser. Well, you got one in Sal, right? Yeah. Just kidding, Sal. Just kidding. Sal's going to kick my butt.
Starting point is 01:00:00 You have no idea of the wrestling and fist fights and stuff through the years that two brothers and siblings had. It was every day. It was bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And then two minutes later, they'd be playing. This is like when they're five years old, ten years old. Well, that's boys. And see, boys are not allowed to be boys anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Who hit the longest home run? Everybody knows who hit the longest home runs. I hit the fucking longest home runs. I know Sal's not here. I mean, Sal might have went on to play pro baseball and all that shit, but everybody knows
Starting point is 01:00:32 my home runs were fucking longer than his. I agree. There was some really, really long home runs. Yeah. Remember that one I hit at Sullivan?
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah. 340 foot over the wall at 11 years old. Wow. Yeah. Out of Major League Park. But your preferred sport is football. My preferred sport is fucking winning.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Oh. Anything. Yeah. Fucking, I'm just sitting here disgusted, like, thinking about this. Like, why the fuck are we even talking about this? Hey, this is. Like, I want to win at fucking Tetris. I want to win at fucking, I want to win at Checkers.
Starting point is 01:01:03 You know what I'm saying? I want the fucking coolest car. I want the coolest house. I want the fucking coolest company. I mean, I just want to win at fucking, I want to win at checkers. You know what I'm saying? I want the fucking coolest car. I want the coolest house. I want the fucking coolest company. I mean, I just want to fucking win. You know what I mean? Like, I don't understand. I just don't understand how you can't fucking see that as a person.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Like, dude, the lesson here today is, A, don't be a bitch. Get in the game. Be competitive. Put yourself in competitive situations and understand that there are winners and there are losers period all right it's reality you know if you want to be competitive start doing competitive things if you want to be a pussy don't do competitive things all right guys you've been listening to the mfceo project be competitive we'll talk to you later.

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