REAL AF with Andy Frisella - Living Your Passion Isn't Rainbows and Unicorns, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO43

Episode Date: January 28, 2016

Live your passion.  That's what Andy Frisella says.  But don't make the huge mistake of thinking that means life will be easy.  Life wasn't meant to be easy.  You're not meant to be a wilting You are called to be tough-minded, battle-tested, and made better through struggle.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All I do is work, work, work Never run the sidelines, I only hustle I'll never take a day off, I only work, work, work I don't mess around, kid, I only care Lord, he never seems to get you All I do is work, all I do is work Hey guys, what's up? You're listening to the MFCEO Project. I'm Andy and I am the motherfucking CEO.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Today, we're going to have some Thursday thunder, but it's going to be a little bit different. I want you all to know that you are all special little rainbows. Every single one of you is special and unique in your own way, like a snowflake. Every time you look in the mirror, I want you to look at yourself and say, I am great. I am a winner. People like me. I want you to repeat these statements over and over and over again because they are total fucking bullshit. All right?
Starting point is 00:01:06 How many times have we heard messages like that? How many times have we heard, oh, you're a delicate little fucking snowflake. And the reality is, is that we're not. Okay. We were meant to go out and be battle tested. We were meant to go out and face adversity. We were meant to go out and grow over the course of getting our asses beat day in and day out. And one thing that I want to talk to you guys about today is not only being tough enough to withstand those kind of beatings, but realizing that those kind of beatings are what
Starting point is 00:01:37 define you in life. When you open your eyes to a point where you understand that the beatings that you take, the no's, the hate talk, the shit that you get from your friends, from your parents, from your peers, whenever you tell them, I want to be successful, I want more, those are the things that ultimately end up defining your life because you come out stronger. You want a surefire way to have a life that doesn't mean shit. And to go through life where at the end of the day nobody remembers who you are. Do what everybody else is doing. Take the path of least resistance.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Take the path of no criticism. Take the path of thinking that somebody owes you something. Take the path of thinking that you're a delicate little rainbow pussy. That can't deal with anything other than going through the daily life. I see this every day. People who work 40 fucking hours. Dude, I work 40 hours between Monday and fucking Wednesday crying about, oh my God, my life is so hard. I'm so depressed. Dude, that's all we hear about today. I look on Facebook and I'm disgusted
Starting point is 00:02:45 At the lack of mental toughness That the average person has Alright We talk about living your passion We talk about finding something you love We talk about finding something that you're passionate about Because that passion will carry you through The times when you're not making any money
Starting point is 00:03:01 But yet People use that as an excuse to not do anything because they say, oh, you know, I used to be passionate about this, but when I got three or four or five years into it, I hate this about it, I hate this about it, I hate this about it. You guys need to realize that no matter what path you take, no matter what route you take, no matter what route you take, no matter what direction you take in life, there are going to be days where you do not feel like doing anything. You don't feel like
Starting point is 00:03:33 going to work. You don't feel like doing your job. You don't feel like taking care of your kids. You don't feel like being a good husband, being a good wife. Those days are going to be there No matter what path you take Okay And I'm sick and tired I just read a couple emails about Andy you always talk about living your passion But you know I tried that and it sucks
Starting point is 00:03:55 Well you know what I live my fucking passion every day And you know what There's still days I don't feel like doing it And that's the point that you guys need to understand Alright We can sit here and talk about how special we are How title we are but there's still days I don't feel like doing it. And that's the point that you guys need to understand. All right? We can sit here and talk about how special we are, how title we are,
Starting point is 00:04:12 how deserving we are to win, but the reality is we're not. Okay? And no matter what path you take, you are going to have obstacles, and it's going to be your ability to move past, over, or through those obstacles on a daily basis that are going to define your success from your failure. They're going to find the difference that you make in your life, the amount of ground you cover from, you know, your peers at this time that will be in the same place, doing the same shit, making the same money, making the same impact, which is zero, by the way, 50 years from now. Okay. So don't come at me with the idea of, Oh, living your passion is all roses and rainbows and fucking
Starting point is 00:04:51 unicorns. It's not living. Your passion is making a decision to go through something that you have interest in that you could become an expert in and that you could remain enthusiastic about on average over the course of time, all right, that will push you through the times when you're financially not making it, all right? So I want you guys to understand this because I get this question so many times and I've gotten it so many times now where you could tell it's starting to piss me off, all right? Living your passion is a great idea. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's a great thought. It's a great idea. And people confuse that with the idea that it's going to be easy or that it's going to be fun or that it's going to be the least amount of effort. You know, I live my passion. It's going to be easy because I love this. No. It's going to be easy because I love this. No, there's going to be days where you go to work and you want to strangle every motherfucker that comes in your course of the path that you walk. But it's getting through those days and staying dedicated to that decision that you've made
Starting point is 00:05:56 that's what's going to define your success or your failure along the way. So yes, find something you're passionate about because when you're passionate about something, learning about it becomes easier. When learning about it becomes easier, being an expert becomes easier. When you're an expert at something, you have something of value. Okay. And if you're passionate about it, you probably enjoy it most of the time, which is going to carry you through the times when you're not making any money, when you're unsuccessful. And it should carry you through the times when you're frustrated.
Starting point is 00:06:29 But if it doesn't, pack up your big boy balls, put them in your fucking pocket and do the shit anyway. Because the reality is I have days I hate, you have days you hate, and everybody else in this fucking earth has days they hate. And it's the people who push through those days anyway that end up making it or not. Period.

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