REAL AF with Andy Frisella - Quit Chasing The Cheese, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO283

Episode Date: January 31, 2019

When is enough, enough? When are you going to buy enough courses or go to enough conferences? I am all for you finding resources that actually provide value by teaching you something. I support you tr...ying to develop yourself as a person & entrepreneur. The problem is, a lot of you need to declutter the nonsense in your lives, stop dabbling in "generating income" & start driving deep into building a real brand & legitimate company. You need to stop wasting time & double down on creating an empire.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can stack them hundreds to the roof. I ain't stopping till they stack to the moon. Without me, my family wouldn't have food. Anybody go against me, gotta lose. What is up, guys? You're listening to the MFCEO Podcast. Whoops. Fuck that one up. Let's start over. What is up, guys? You're listening to the MFCEO Project. It is a podcast. My name is Andy and I am the motherfucking CEO. Guys, today is Thursday Thunder and I know yesterday we had a podcast, but that's what's awesome is you never know what the fuck you're going to get from me. One day you
Starting point is 00:00:36 might get zero podcasts for two months and the next time I might just do two in a row, but that is my commitment to you. That is me committing to you to only give you shit that will actually benefit you. I am not here to sell you tickets to 25 events a year. I am not here to sell you information after information after information. I am here to help. Okay. And that's why this podcast exists. A lot of you guys are asking me, Andy, why aren't you at this event? Why aren't you at that event? Why aren't you at this event? Why don't you speak that much anymore, dude? I'm going to tell you why on this podcast. Okay. And the bottom line of why I'm not doing the speaking that I have been doing the last couple of years is because I've observed the way that this industry works, the speaking industry. And I'm going to tell you with no confusion that I am 100% anti-speaking circuit bullshit, okay? Here's why. First of all,
Starting point is 00:01:51 we got YouTube, we got fucking Facebook, we got Instagram, we got podcasts that are all free, okay? Everything that you want to know is out there for free. You don't need to pay $10,000 for a ticket to go learn some shit, especially whenever the fucking, what you're going to learn when you go to most of these events is how to buy more shit. All right. And I call it pitch fest. All right. I do not believe in that morally. I do not believe that it's okay to charge somebody thousands of dollars only to sell them more shit when they come. I know because I've been there and I'm not out of touch how important and how valuable a thousand, two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand dollars is. Okay. I haven't forgotten that. I remember that. And I think it's morally wrong to charge
Starting point is 00:02:48 people that kind of money to come to an event and not learn anything practical. And my, my experience has been from my multiple years of doing this is that I usually am one of the only speakers that teaches any practical shit. Everybody else's game is to throw the fucking little bit of info out and then say, Hey, let's buy my stuff. Okay. And I'm not down with that. It's not what I'm about. It's not what I want to do. It's not, it's not aligned with who I am or what I'm about. So when you're looking at why I'm not on the list of all these events, that's why I'm fucking, I'm not going to do it. It's not what I want to do. It's not my business. Yeah, I do make a couple million bucks a year from speaking, but it's not worth my integrity to make that. It's just not. It's not what I want to do. So please stop DMing
Starting point is 00:03:36 me and asking me why the fuck I'm not at this and this and this fucking event because I don't want to be there. That's why. Here's the other thing. And this leads into a bigger fucking topic, I guess. I wasn't going to talk about this today, but I guess now that I'm on it, we might as well just stay on it. When is enough enough? All right. When is enough enough? When is going to be enough programs for you? When's going to be enough coaching for you? When's going to be enough books for you? I'm all for education. I'm all for spending money to learn from people who have actually done what the fuck they say they're going to teach you. I'm all for that. That's what you should be doing. What I'm not for, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:04:25 I'm also for you purchasing tools that will help you do this. I was talking to my great friend, Dan Fleischman, this morning. We were talking about Russell Brunson's product, ClickFunnels. Amazing product. No question. Extremely valuable. Ch changed the landscape of entrepreneurship. But an argument could be easily made that that particular product is hurting a lot of you guys as well. And let me tell you why. This does not mean that I don't believe in Russell or his product because I do. I think he's one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs out there right now. And I think his product's amazing. And it's taking people from zero to paying their mortgage or buying cars. And I understand that that shit is important for you guys. But a lot of you guys are missing the boat on how you could use this product.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And because of that, what you're doing is creating a stream of income that can never be scaled. You're selling this widget or that widget and you're pushing it through a funnel and you're making some money. Good for you. That is awesome. In my opinion, that is not entrepreneurship. That is the base, base level. I mean, technically, yes, it's entrepreneurship, but that is the base level of entrepreneurship. Okay. What real entrepreneurs could teach you is literally everything that goes into running a real company, a company that has value. Nobody's coming to you and buying your fucking Amazon store for a hundred million fucking dollars or a billion dollars. Okay. And I understand
Starting point is 00:06:00 when you start out in business, the goal, you know, making an extra thousand bucks, two thousand bucks, five thousand bucks a month, that is a huge fucking deal when you're starting. Totally understand that. Totally relate to that. Totally get that. But that should not be the end point. That should not be where you want to end up. You should be doing something that is going to create something that creates cashflow for you, but also has value. For example, when you invest in a multifamily unit or you buy real estate, that real estate can produce a stream of income, but the real estate itself also has a value. When you own a big company or a small company, you produce a paycheck, but the company itself actually has value and later on can be
Starting point is 00:06:53 purchased for actual money. All right. And a lot of you young bucks, a lot of you people, uh, who are working in trying to become, you're getting caught up in Instagram bullshit. You're getting caught up in the fucking Lamborghini. You're getting caught up in the fucking jet. And I love that shit. But listen, me and you are completely fucking different. All right. I'm 20 years in your fucking one year in your two years in. All right. Some of you guys are 10 years in, but the point of the matter is this. The point is not to look wealthy. It's to be wealthy. And a lot of you guys are caught up with trying to keep up with all these other fucking clowns on the internet. When most of these guys don't have 10 grand in their fucking bank account, they could be driving Lamborghini on fucking Instagram, but they don't have 10 grand. They don't have fucking five grand.
Starting point is 00:07:46 They don't have real freedom. They don't have real leverage. They don't have real power. They really don't have anything except the fucking cool picture on the gram. And that's not where you want to be. So you have to understand that building a great company, building a great brand is entirely different than just creating some income. The goal here for you guys, and I'm not against you creating some income, but the goal here should be to create the income so you can build a brand, not create the income and then just fucking floss hard on the gram until you're 50 years old. Because when you're 50 years old, you're going to have shit. Okay. And the reason that this mentality is perpetuated is because of events that are put
Starting point is 00:08:30 out that say, Hey, pay this money and you'll be rich. And everybody goes to the event. And what do they do? They get sold for four fucking days or five days or two days or a whole day. It doesn't matter. They get asked to buy more shit over and over. Really, dude? Why wouldn't they just tell you that shit when you pay for the ticket to go to the fucking event? That's my problem. That's why I'm not doing events. I'm not picking on anybody's event. They can do whatever they want. My personal mission does not align with that. My integrity and my morals do not align with that. Okay. So that's why I pick and choose where the fuck I'm going. Now I am doing an event, uh, a small event. I think it's
Starting point is 00:09:12 a hundred or 200 people in Vegas on the 15th, 16th, 17th weekend, uh, with heavy D from diesel brothers. The reason I'm doing that event, and guess what? Those tickets are expensive. But the reason I'm doing that event is because it's two full days of practical teaching. When you come to that event, you're going to pay some money. Then you're going to learn a whole bunch of shit that you can actually utilize in your business when you leave. And you're going to learn it directly from people who have done it. It's not conceptual. It's not maybe. This is how these people have became wealthy. Okay. And I'm all for that, but I can't be someone who stands by and just keeps my mouth shut and lets all of you young guys think that it's so cool to go to these fucking events and spend money
Starting point is 00:09:59 to be sold more shit. You're being made a fool, period. You're being taken advantage of, period. Okay. And you need to be smarter, period. All right. It's the success zombie syndrome. I've talked about it many times in my podcast. I've talked about it lots and lots of times. What's a success zombie? Well, success zombie is people who do what the fuck I'm talking about. These are people who buy tickets to every motherfucking event that there is, every entrepreneur gathering, every success conference or summit or whatever the fuck you want to call it. They go there. I see it because I've been on the circuit for two fucking years straight.
Starting point is 00:10:42 They're the same people. The same people. It's the same fucking people. It's pretty sad that I can recognize the same motherfuckers at all these events because if these events were worth a shit, why the fuck would you need to go to all of them? You don't. All right. There is no secret. There is no magic. There is no product. There is no shortcut. There is no shrinking the time frame. That shit is all shit that you have access to for free if you're willing to look and listen. There are lots of people who are very successful who are dedicating their entire lives to helping you. And just because they're not charging,, see, I actually feel like
Starting point is 00:11:27 I would do a lot better if I charge $50,000 to learn from me because then maybe people would listen. But because it's fucking free, people discount it. But I'm going to tell you right now, everything you need to know, every single thing that you need to know can be found on this podcast and Ed Milet's podcast. And I'm not just saying that because Ed's my partner in other business, but because I believe in Ed and he does the right thing and he talks the right things and he talks about the right concepts of success in business. Between those two podcasts, that's it. All the information you need is there. All right. Now, with that being said, you guys have to look in the mirror and decide
Starting point is 00:12:07 what it is that you want to do. Do you want to be one of these success zombies and go around and buy everyone else's shit? Or do you want to become the person who's actually successful? It's a big difference because actually successful people are working while you're playing entrepreneur and traveling around the fucking speaker circuit. They're building companies. They're doing things. There's not one person on this fucking earth that went to any of these fucking conferences and automatically became a fucking millionaire. It didn't happen. All right. So go to the things if that's what you want to do. If you want to go hang out with your friends, go hang out with your friends at these events. That's fine. But stop thinking that
Starting point is 00:12:49 it's going to be the solution. Stop thinking that it's going to fix all your problems. Stop thinking that, oh, I'm going to be rich if I go to this event. No, you're actually going to be poorer because here's what's going to happen. One, you're going to go to, um, you're going to get sold a bunch more shit. Three, it's going to be the same shit you already heard a hundred fucking times everywhere for you're going to have less money in your bank account because you paid for all this shit. Five, that means you have less money to actually invest in your fucking company. So while you may be sitting there thinking, Oh Andy, you're just hating. No, I'm not hating. I'm helping you to fucking declutter the nonsense.
Starting point is 00:13:27 All right. There's too much bullshit out there. There's too many fucking events. There's too many fucking conferences. There's too many people out there that understand that you guys are willing to pay this shit and be taken advantage of that are willing to take advantage of it. And I don't agree with that. It's not my fucking way. It's not what I do. It's not what I built my business around. It's not who I am.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And guess what? I ain't going to do it. Period. So stop fucking asking. Now, with that being said, you have to understand that the value of learning doesn't mean go out and buy every resource possible. That's what fucking losers do. That's what fucking success zombies do. That's what wannabes do. They dabble in every little thing, hoping that the answer will somehow materialize and they will just become one of these people. You know, they think that if they go to every event, everybody, they're going to be recognized and they're going to get in the group.
Starting point is 00:14:27 No, it's not like that. You want to be recognized. You want to get in the group, go out and become somebody who deserves to be recognized. Go out and build a real company. The fucking cart does not become come before the horse. Okay. You guys are like trying to like go wide on this you're trying to find the fucking shit at the surface level but that's not what a value is the value and the resources that are going to help you are going to be deep they're going to be the things that you dig through that you work through that you push through that are not sexy. They're the fundamentals, man. Three-pointers don't win basketball games. Fucking layups do.
Starting point is 00:15:10 360 slam dunks don't win basketball games. They get you on SportsCenter. Layups win basketball games. Okay, and a lot of you guys are out there trying to figure out what's going to make you win when in reality what's going to make you win is the thing that you're avoiding the most, which is doing the fucking work, which is building the actual shit, which is taking that widget that's on, that you use on your Amazon store to create some income and building an entire brand that is worth tens of millions of dollars off of it. Not just in sales, but it's an actual company,
Starting point is 00:15:52 right? We've become this society as entrepreneurs of, and not me, but you guys have become the society of entrepreneurs who are just looking for the next thing. And dude, if you are always looking for the next thing, you're going to be that mouse who's always looking for the cheese. And what happens to the mouse is always looking for the cheese. And what happens to the mouse? It's always looking for the cheese. Eventually the motherfucker gets snapped and you're done. And that's, what's going to happen when you jump from thing to thing, to thing, to thing, to thing, to finance your bullshit Instagram lifestyle. You, you know, dude, Oh, R and D, but you got those cards. Yeah. And you know what? I spend one fucking 10th of what I make on fucking my lifestyle. That includes everything. My cars, my houses, my travel, everything.
Starting point is 00:16:29 One tenth of what I make. One tenth. That's my budget. Think about that. I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying that so some of you guys snap out of your fucking brains what you need to do to succeed. I went for 10
Starting point is 00:16:45 fucking years without basically getting paid at all. 10 fucking years. How many of you right now, how many of you in your heart of hearts are willing to go 10 years without getting fucking paid? I went three years with zero paychecks. I went seven years after that making $695 a month. How many of you are willing to do that? Because those are going to be the people that are able to build a brand. It wasn't that we weren't making money, guys. We were making some money. See, a lot of you guys think we weren't making any money.
Starting point is 00:17:23 We were making money. But what was I doing? I wasn't out buying fucking cars. I wasn't out buying fucking houses. I was reinvesting the fucking money into our company. Everything. Every fucking dollar. Every dollar I had into the companies.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And I did that for a long fucking time. But you young guys, you got this huge advantage in front of you, man. You got this internet. You've got social media. You've got the ability to sell product through amazing products like Russell's product, ClickFunnels. Amazing fucking product. Okay? But here's the thing you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:17:57 The goal isn't to sell $2,500 a month worth of shit and then fucking have an extra fucking $1,500 in profit. That's not doing it. The goal should be to take that $1,500 instead of going out and buying a thousand dollar a month car to show off on the gram, but take that thousand dollars a month and roll it in and roll it in and roll it in month after month after month after month after month. That's how you build something. There's no conference. There's no fucking event. There's no fucking book. There's no course out there that is going to do this for you. And a lot of you guys get tired of the same message. Work hard, have grit, have perseverance, do what other people aren't willing to do. But I'm sorry. That's the fucking truth. That's what it takes. And you guys have traveled around all this fucking bullshit and act like it's like you're, ah, like you're something for being there.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Get the fuck out of here, man. The last event I did last year The last event Well it was actually the second last event But the second to last event I did In 2018 I got hundreds of emails Of people pissed off Hundreds of emails
Starting point is 00:19:18 Hundreds of emails people pissed off They spent fucking big money To go to an event and all they got was sold more shit. And you know what I decided? That ain't for me. And you know what? It isn't for me. It's not for me because they bitch. It's just not for me because it's not the truth. It's not the truth. It's not right. It's not okay. And it's not something I want to associate with. I'm sorry. So if that's what you're down with and that's what you want to do and you want to travel all over the country and drop your fucking hard-earned money and listen to all
Starting point is 00:19:50 these motherfuckers say the same fucking shit year in and year out, day in and day out, month in and month out, and that's fun for you, then do it. But that's not what I'm about. I'm about helping you guys get real fucking growth. I'm about helping you guys build a real fucking company. I'm about. I'm about helping you guys get real fucking growth. I'm about helping you guys build a real fucking company. I'm about helping you guys become people who don't have to constantly chase the cheese. Okay. Because that's not what life should be like for you. Life should be sacrifice up front, work hard up front, Learn the skills that are going to make you effective long term. And execute. Okay?
Starting point is 00:20:31 And you can't do that without doing it. A lot of you guys, dude, it's just frustrating for me. You know what? I wasn't going to talk about this shit today, but just don't fucking email me. This is why I'm not there. This is why I'm not there. This is why I'm not here. This is why I'm not here. This is why I'm not there. This is why I'm not going to be fucking anywhere because I don't fucking want to be. Okay. And I love to speak, but I like to teach. A lot of people don't want to learn. They want to get raw rod. They want
Starting point is 00:21:00 to walk out and say, Oh, I'm the fucking man and beat their chest for half an hour and then go to their little networking group and talk about how successful they're going to be. And then, you know, what do they do after that? Oh, they go get high and watch fucking TV or they go get fucking fucked up or they go right back to the habits that they were fucking doing. Guys, that's not what I'm about, man. It's not what I'm about. It's not what I support. Not what I'm about. And guys, you guys out there, just an FYI who are out there running fucking drop shipping bullshit companies. And you think you're an entrepreneur. Guess what? Facebook has changed in 2019. You guys are going to be fucked. How do I know that? Because I spend more money on Facebook than probably all of you guys combined.
Starting point is 00:21:39 That's the truth. And you know what they're going to start doing? They're going to start sending out follow-up emails the day or two or three days afterwards so that you guys can, so people can rate the experience. And guess what happens with drop shit companies when it takes two or three weeks to get your fucking shit, people are going to be pissed and they're going to delete your fucking count. Okay. They're going to shut down your ads. You guys are being short-sighted. Okay. Stop thinking about what's going to fucking get you the Lambo and stop thinking about what's gonna fucking get you the lambo and start thinking about what's gonna pay for your fucking kids and your grandkids and their kids fucking college education or whatever education because the truth is i think college is bullshit
Starting point is 00:22:19 anyway but for most people but it should be generational wealth, not Lamborghini wealth. That's coming from a dude that owns, I don't know, three Lamborghinis right now. I'm telling you the truth, guys. You don't need it. You're wasting it. And here's the fucking truth. This is the truth. Most of the people that go to these events are broke as fuck. Most of them, most of them have gone into debt to be there. So when you're out there thinking you're networking with fucking hot shots, just remember, everybody's got a story and their story definitely isn't, Hey, I went into debt $7,000 to come to this event. That ain't what you hear. You hear about all the fucking Instagram life.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Okay. So when you're networking with people, remember that, remember who you're surrounding yourself with. Look around when you go to these events, the people in the crowd, most of them are fucking broke. That's a fact. Most of them are the people who are success zombies. All they want is to think that they're an entrepreneur, but they don't want to be an entrepreneur. And guys, let me, let me end with this. And this is very basic logic. When you worry about making the $1,000 to $2,000 to $5,000, $10,000 a month, and that gets shut down, and then you have to apply for a new account, and you have to start doing that again and build it up again,
Starting point is 00:23:36 and then you get shut down, and then you've got to build it up again, and then you get shut down, and then you've got to build it up again, and then you get shut down. And you do that for your whole fucking life. You're still doing the same amount of work that it would take for you to build a real fucking brand. You're still doing the same amount of work. It's not any less work. It's more work. What if you took the money that you were making on your widget or whatever the fuck it is that you're running through this fucking funnel and you reinvested it and reinvested it and reinvested it and reinvested it and reinvested it and evolved
Starting point is 00:24:09 and learned and learned and hired and became a leader, became a manager, became a marketer, became somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing in all aspects of business. Where are you going to be in 20 years versus continuing to chase the motherfucking cheese every day? You're going to be in a much, much better spot. So quit letting people fucking take advantage of you and smarten the fuck up now. I'm not saying don't go to an event. I'm not saying don't buy a course. I'm not saying any of that. But what I am saying is pick and choose wisely. Go to events
Starting point is 00:24:47 where people teach shit. Go to events where people are committed to teaching you shit, not selling you shit. And go to events where you're going to learn from people who have done it. Okay? That is the two things that I ask from you. Buy courses from people who have done it. Buy shit from people who have done it. Do your homework. The whole fucking industry of entrepreneurship is geared to take money out of your pocket and put it in their pocket. And that's only okay if they're offering something that's genuinely going to help.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And unfortunately, there's not many people out there who are doing that. So choose wisely. Do your homework. Think where you want to be. And execute the way that you need to that's going to get you where you want to be in 20 years, not in fucking 20 months.

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