REAL AF with Andy Frisella - Successful People Think Differently About Risk, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO23

Episode Date: October 27, 2015

You ask, "What's going to happen if I take this risk?"  Andy Frisella asks, "What's going to happen if you DON'T take that risk?" According to the MFCEO, successful people think differently about ris...k.  They don't see it as something to be avoid, but embraced.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, this is Vaughn Kohler, and you're listening to the MFCEO Project. Your question is, what's going to happen if I take a risk? Andy's question is, what's going to happen if you don't? In business and life, successful people think differently about risk. That's the topicFCEO Project. Welcome. I'm Andy and I am the motherfucking CEO. What is a motherfucking CEO? Everybody always asks me that.
Starting point is 00:00:48 They always say, Andy, what the fuck, dude? The motherfucking CEO, can't you just be the CEO? No, I can't. I'm not an entrepreneur. Can I be a motherfucking CEO? Yes, you can. And that's the point of the MFCEO Project. We want you to become the motherfucking CEO of your life. We want to show you how to take
Starting point is 00:01:07 control and become the best you that you could be and quit making all these pussified excuses that are so popular in today's culture. You know, you don't get a trophy for 17th place. You don't get told you did a good job when you did it. These are reality. These are things that are fact. Most people don't understand these things yet a good job when you didn't. These are reality. These are things that are fact. Most people don't understand these things yet. That's how most kids are raised these days. Why the fuck is that, Vaughn, the pastor of disaster? I don't know, but can I drop some deep thoughts on you?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Are you going to curse? I might. Okay. I might. I might. I got to think about it. Let the spirit lead. So I'm so glad to be part of this whole project.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I got to tell you why. Because to me, this is bigger than business. This is like life. Right. Yeah. And I got to tell you why. And this sounds kind of weird, but you know, you're always saying that we have a word for what America has become.
Starting point is 00:02:00 It's a generation of... Pussies. Yeah, that's right. Right. And I was just thinking like, that doesn't always always that doesn't only apply to business no you know you think about like the whole world there are some seriously wicked people out there who want the demise of america you know you think about like isis and they literally cut off the heads of little kids and they absolutely want nothing more than to destroy us and i'm thinking is america going
Starting point is 00:02:25 to be able to survive if we are a generation of pussies right you know what i'm saying dude am i getting too deep on you no man because here i just i just had a conversation on the phone in the parking lot waiting to come in here dude everybody now thinks that they're entitled. Entitlement is the word of the decade, right? Everybody throws that around, especially the right-wingers, which I happen to be more of a conservative thinker in terms of political stance,
Starting point is 00:02:55 but they like to throw that term entitlement around. And it is an epidemic, but I don't think people really realize how big of a problem that is. They look at it like, oh, people don't want to work and they want to collect unemployment and sit on their ass and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And work ethic is low for most of America now. And we're not the great generations that we have been in the past, like our dads and our dad's dads. I agree 100%. We aren't. We have a long way to fucking go but where that comes into a bigger issue is when you start talking about global issues like what you're talking about you're
Starting point is 00:03:31 talking about you know competing with with countries and organizations and things that are fucking evil and they're not good and we have a bunch of sheep over here that sit around and cry about how come they don't have an extra $5 to go to fucking McDonald's. You know, get the fuck out of here, man. Totally. You know, and I don't know, dude. People have lost perspective. You know, I pride myself on trying to keep the perspective I had whenever we were first starting out.
Starting point is 00:04:00 You know, we didn't have much. And were there people worse off than us? Yes, there were. I'm not going to sit here and say that we were the fucking, you know, we crawled out of the fucking gutter because we had good parents. We had people that taught us things and we had these kind of resources. OK, so we grew up in a good environment. People have people have made far more of themselves than I have. And a much younger age was much harder circumstances than I am.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I am nothing special. And that's the point of what we talk about here is that, you know, fuck if I can do it, anybody can do it. You know what I mean? And it just takes a little grit, man. It takes a little toughness. It takes a little bit of balls. And the reality is I don't see much of that anymore. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:04:40 You know? And I don't know if you saw it, but just something set me off yesterday. Dude, that post was awesome. Oh, you liked it? Yes. Fuck yeah. That was an awesome post. Tell the story.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So basically, I'm in Starbucks, which probably was my first problem. I was playing business. No, I wasn't. I was actually working. But I was in Starbucks. Well, everybody knows you actually work. Yeah, well, I appreciate that. So I'm in Starbucks, and there's a kid, and the grown man with him is obviously his dad.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And his dad brings him a, I don't know what it was, but the kid looks at it and he goes, I specifically told you that I didn't want a pumpkin spice latte. And what do you do? You get me the wrong drink. You're pathetic. And I'm sitting here thinking, what in the world? And the dad doesn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:05:24 He just sits there. That's because he can't anymore. He kind of sul And the dad doesn't do anything. He just sits there. That's because he can't anymore. He kind of sulks. He can't do anything anymore. And then the kid repeats it. He's like, that's pathetic. And I'm literally sitting here thinking,
Starting point is 00:05:34 I can't, number one, I can't imagine for the life of me ever saying that to my dad and not getting a belt across my butt. Dude. But then on top of that, I thought,
Starting point is 00:05:43 can you ever imagine a member of the greatest generation or someone who like made the world safe for democracy or the generation that beat hitler would we have ever said anything like that well we it's not we but would would previous americans ever have said anything i mean there were probably individuals who were like that but across the board that's not the way the generation was and it's kind of i don't know it's scary it was kind of scary to me dude i was like is this what we've become it's scary it's scary and it's sad you know what i mean it's embarrassing like i like when i read that story i was fucking embarrassed for that dad yeah you know what i mean yeah and i felt sorry for the kid
Starting point is 00:06:19 because that kid's gonna grow up thinking that everything is serving of him. He's going to get to be 19, 20, 21 years old, get out in the real world a little bit. And the real world's going to step right on his fucking face. And they're going to say, you ain't shit. And then you know what he's going to do? He's going to fucking go into depression. He's going to need to get on fucking antidepressants. He's going to fucking, you know, he's going to need to go to rehab.
Starting point is 00:06:44 He's, you know, or he's going to fucking, you know he's gonna need to go to rehab he's you know or he's gonna fucking uh you know shoot a school or some fucking crazy shit you know and that's and then they're gonna blame then they're gonna blame the they're gonna blame the guns yes dude it's just so fucking fucked up i don't know you know it's just crazy but i was just like literally thinking dude if a foreign foreign army how bad did you want to smack that fucking kid well i did i did but i wanted to smack that fucking kid? Well, I did, I did, but I wanted to smack his father.
Starting point is 00:07:06 No, I know they both deserve. Yeah, they both. But I honestly, I mean, it's crazy as it sounds. I just thought to myself,
Starting point is 00:07:11 so if some foreign army rolls into America, are we going to, are we going to fight back? No, we're going to say, I want my, I want, I didn't want pumpkin in my fucking mochiato.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah, right. Jesus. Anyway, so all this to say, this is good stuff. I'm glad glad i'm glad to be part of this project it's bigger than business it is it's bigger than business and i get that question a lot they're like andy what's your podcast about well i'm like first of all you should have already been
Starting point is 00:07:34 listening dude that's right second of all it's not you don't have to be an entrepreneur to listen you know you follow me on periscope you follow me on uh me on Instagram. Most of my shit that I talk about is mindset. It's getting your mind right to succeed in any area. And we all have our areas that we're good at. I'm good at being an entrepreneur. I mean, I'm okay at being an entrepreneur, okay? There's people much better than I am. My fitness area right now is weak for me, so I'm working hard on that. You know what I mean? We all have our little areas, but the principles can be applied to these areas to be successful. And they're all the same, you know, and it's fun. And when I talk to people about it, they're like, well, what's it about?
Starting point is 00:08:15 And I'm like, dude, you just got to listen, man. It's not right. You're going to learn a little bit of business. You're in a little bit of life. You're going to hear some funny stories. You know, it's it's. Plus, you get to be part of a great group of people. The MFers are awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Dude, it's becoming a movement. Yeah. You know, and I think all of us are all of us at some point. I don't know. I feel like we kind of rolled this project out at like the perfect time because all of us, even like. Like people I would have never imagined that are like super politically correct that I've known. You know, like you have those friends on Facebook that you have totally opposite views of and
Starting point is 00:08:50 you're like, you secretly like hate all their posts, but you're always polite. You know what I mean? Right, right, right. But like even those people for me, like I look at their shit and I'm like, dude, even these people are getting tired of this politically correct shit. I was surprised who liked my posts that I posted yesterday. That's what I'm saying. Some of them i thought were kind of i think people are tired of the same old shit and and i don't know whatever it is man like we kind of rolled this out at the right time and it's really hit a good nerve but um yeah but man you know on a humorous note you're always saying
Starting point is 00:09:20 that some of the some of the guys that listen to us do some really cool stuff. Yeah. Somebody DM me and said, dude, I'm going to make a shirt that says I'm not religious, but my pastor is the pastor of disaster. I thought that was hilarious. Dude, it's cool,
Starting point is 00:09:37 man. You know, and we're having a good time and I think we're effective people. The, we're getting the fluff and the, and the clutter and you know, the, the politically correct nonsense out of the equation and just giving the facts. Yeah. And that's what people deserve. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So I shared a couple fears about the direction of our country. But I'm going to jump in and just say question of the day for you is what does the MFCEO fear? You know, it's funny because I had a conversation about this earlier regarding the difference between humility and modesty because you know that's a pet peeve of mine. Everybody hides under the humble tree because they are afraid of doing the work required to be successful. Yet, if you were to switch that same person,
Starting point is 00:10:20 when that person looks at somebody who has something nice, who's sitting under the humble tree, and they say, oh, I would never drive a Lamborghini because I'm humble. Right. And they throw rocks. But if you say, hey, here's the fucking keys, they would take it in two seconds, right? Right. So my point is it's a pet peeve of mine because people are so hypocritical regarding that term humble.
Starting point is 00:10:41 You know what i mean and they hide under it as an excuse as to why they haven't done what they need to do to get where they want to be okay and they don't even understand the meaning of the fucking word right humble doesn't mean what your wallet says or what your car you drive or what shoes you wear whatever it has nothing to do with that you know if you don't know what the word humble means don't fucking use it right but anyhow my point to all this is that i was having this conversation with a friend about the differences between humility and modesty you know humility has this this um i don't know it has like this feel good like people feel good to be humble and they feel good to be modest but in reality what you're really saying is that you're
Starting point is 00:11:27 okay being much less than what you're capable of being you know what i mean right it's an excuse for underachievement yes exactly and people hide under the humble tree you know and they fucking throw rocks at you and so we started talking about it and we were going through and going through and you know we were going back and forth because. Because there are people out there that drive nice shit. They say, hey, look at my shit, and they just blatantly brag. And that's a different story, right? Right. But anyhow, we started talking about it, and I basically told him.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I said, look, man. I said, here's the reality. Why do you want to be fucking dead? I'm not going to be here anymore. And I like cars, and I like doing cool shit. And guess what? I worked my ass off to be able to do those things. So why the fuck should I not not going to be here anymore. I like cars and I like doing cool shit. And guess what? I work my ass off to be able to do those things.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So why the fuck should I not be able to do it? Because it makes people uncomfortable about what they've done. Right. You know what I mean? So when you ask me, like, what scares me, what scares me is not living the life that I want to live. It's not it's not being the person that I want to be. It's living a life that I look back on and say, dude, you wasted your whole entire life for fear of what might have happened or what people might say about you. Which is the reality of what most people do. They get to be fucking 75, 80, 90 years old and they say, man, I should have done this, this, and this.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And I didn't. And I don't want that to be me. Right. You know what I mean? Right, absolutely. I remember way back when we were first working on a chapter about this very topic. You said, like, one of the worst things that you could ever have on your tombstone are the four words, what might have been. Right. Kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, but people are so busy worrying about what they're going to, what restaurant they're going to go drink beers at on Friday night. They're worrying about that kind of stuff. They don't worry about it. They just put it in the back of their mind and say, one day it'll figure itself out. But the thing is, it won't. The thing is, it doesn't figure itself out. That's how you get to be 50 years old and feel like you haven't done anything. Like, what the fuck have I done?
Starting point is 00:13:24 You know what I mean? Well, what you've done is you put out the important shit for the right now. Right. You know what I mean? Right. So to avoid that, what might have been and that sense of regret and wasting your life, that fits right into our topic today. I mean, it's all how you perceive risk.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Right. You know, and that's something that we've talked about. You and I have talked about privately. We've talked about, you know, in the book that we's something that we've talked about. You and I've talked about privately. We've talked about, um, you know, in the book that we're writing and, and we've talked about, you know, a number of times just in casual conversation, um, how successful people view risk versus people who are of average mindset. You know, it's a totally different kind of thinking, you know, successful people don't look at risk as something to be avoided. They see it as something to be embraced they actually see risk as the thing
Starting point is 00:14:09 that prevents bad things from happening like maintaining the status quo or living a half-assed average life or or being below where they want to be in life you know they don't see it as the thing that's going to keep you from getting there they think they see it as a thing that's going to keep you from getting where you want to be. You know, most average people see risk and they see, well, I could lose everything. And I couldn't. When in reality, they don't even fucking have anything to risk. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:34 You know what I mean? Right. You don't have that much. Right. So what are you trying to hold on to? It's not like living on the edge is going to be that big of a deal for you. Exactly. Because you're already doing it.
Starting point is 00:14:44 You know what I mean? So facing a risk isn't an obstacle to greatness. It's an opportunity for greatness. And that's what people don't understand. They don't ask. Successful people don't ask, what's going to happen if I risk this? They ask, what's going to happen if I don't risk this? Okay?
Starting point is 00:15:01 And that's something you need to listen to and understand. It's not, what's going to happen if I risk's not what's going to happen if I risk this. What's going to happen if I step outside this box? What's going to happen if I do this outside my comfort zone? What's going to happen if I don't do this? So I know that there are people who are going to listen up until this point, and they're going to be like, yeah, you're right, Andy, yeah. YOLO.
Starting point is 00:15:20 YOLO. Yeah, YOLO, exactly, which is carpe diem for idiots. Yeah, hashtag YOLO. Yeah, YOLO, exactly, which is carpe diem for idiots. Yeah, hashtag YOLO. Yeah, and tomorrow they're going to quit. They're going to quit their job. And they're going to say, hey, the MFCEO told me to risk it. Yeah, and they're going to drain their bank account on fucking the newest Call of Duty. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So that's not what you're talking about clearly. No, we're talking that you're talking about careless risk-taking. Yeah. That's not even a risk. not what you're talking about we're talking that you're talking about careless risk taking yeah that's not even a risk that's just stupidity right but i mean people need to think about calculated risk versus careless risk you know that's where people get lost they see risk and they automatically think careless you know that's because that's most of the time what people do they do careless things with their money they don't make smart decisions they make decisions on the short term not on the long term you know and that's where most people are um you know and before we get further into this you know you have to understand the difference between
Starting point is 00:16:17 the two you can't just say oh it's risk there's a huge difference between having a plan and there being a little bit of possible downside or having no plan and just fucking Yeah, running out like just being impulsive. Yeah. Yeah exactly So I don't know so what what what does make the difference between the two? I mean obviously careless is just like like I said impulsive not really thinking about things But what would be some of the criteria that you say, okay, this is how you make a calculated risk. These are the things, these are the factors that you have to consider. Well, you have to really think about what it is you're trying to accomplish, right?
Starting point is 00:16:52 What is my end game? What is my goal? What am I trying to do? You have to think about the consequences, the hard work involved, and spend time thinking objectively about the value of your product or service. You know, people don't. Like if you're obviously, if you're thinking that that's a business. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:08 That's a business. Listen, everything's under an asterisk. Right. Right. Talk about this. I mean, clearly where it's business context. Right. But the reality is, is most people can't.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Most people don't even think about what it is they want to do or where they want to be. So whenever they think about risk, it's hard for them to develop a calculated risk because they don't have a plan to apply that to. You know what I mean? So the first thing is you've got to get a sound plan. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just got to be sound. You know, it's got to be like a 60% plan, you know, 60% chance I can make this because in the 40% chance that you don't, you're going to learn something and you're probably not going to, the mistake that you make in that 40% is probably not going to kill you. it's probably just going to put a little dent in your progress right you know what i mean yeah yeah you got a 60 percent um plan of hey this this plan will get me there and you
Starting point is 00:17:53 fucking go do it you have some balls you step up and you say dude i'm doing this and you don't worry about getting approval from your grandma or from your mom or from your brother, you know, you just go do it. You know, people, people don't believe in things before they happen. It's just the reality. And, um, a good quote by my buddy, Michael Gabbins, who I spoke with in Virgin Islands a couple of weeks ago is, uh, is to achieve the impossible. You got to see the invisible. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I thought that was awesome. That is an awesome quote. And I'm not a big quote guy, but I'll never forget that one to achieve the impossible, you've got to see the invisible. Okay? I thought that was an awesome quote. That is an awesome quote. Yeah, and I'm not a big quote guy, but I'll never forget that one. To achieve the impossible, you've got to see the invisible. Alright? And most people can't see your invisible. They can see their invisible, but they
Starting point is 00:18:36 can't see yours. Yeah, that reminds me of a really cool story. It's really quick. Do you mind if I share it real quick? This is just about Walt Disney, and it was evidently one of his... They were walking around the entire Magic Kingdom and all the grandeur that the amusement park had become. And he died before all of that actually got done. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And somebody said to his grandson or son, it's a shame that Mr. Disney never got to see all this. And he said, he saw it before any of us. Right. And I thought that, that kind of gave me goosebumps because it's like and he said he saw it before any of us right and i thought that that good that kind of gave me goosebumps because it's like yeah he saw it he had the vision he saw the invisible yeah and i can tell you from my point of view you know um in 2006 i had uh and i said this before i had a store i had a store employee stand up and look at me right in the fucking eye in front of the whole company and say, Andy, not one of these stores will ever do more than $40,000 in a month. Okay?
Starting point is 00:19:31 I have stores that do that in three or four days. You know what I'm saying? Like, they don't get that. Like, they don't see it. All right? Here we are almost 10 years later, and look where we've become. We were a million-dollar company at that time in 2006. One million. years later and look where we become we're a million dollar company at that time in 2006 1 million this year we're going to surpass over 100 million closer to 120 million dollars with all of our shit combined no i i used to draw the diagram for our company plan
Starting point is 00:19:58 in a conference room that sat eight people and that was because we only had eight people right and and dude only two of those people that ate are still with the company the rest of the rest didn't believe the rest didn't fucking see it and they're not here but guess what is here that fucking diagram i drew on the picture that's here it's still there you see what i'm saying that's awesome and dude you're not gonna have people believe in you you're not gonna have to have people that are going to say, oh yeah, dude, I totally see what you're doing. And more likely they're going to say, dude, what the fuck are you doing? Right.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Right. You're going to risk your, you're going to risk your, your whole life. Right. Well, what's your whole life? Is your whole life something that you've, is your life you're living right now, the exact life you want to be living? Because if you're not living the exact life that you're living that's what you're risking you're risking what you can build in the future by not taking the action you know what i mean and you
Starting point is 00:20:54 can't depend on your brother your mom or your fucking dad or whoever to say oh yeah son i think that's a great idea because most of the time they're not they're gonna say go get a fucking job be a normal human yeah you know what i mean absolutely so this is a place for one of our infamous asterisks i can't even say that word yeah how do you say that asked asked just say asterisk asterisk asterisk okay well this is one this this is a good place for one of those sounded out because i know that you agree that while you should not do things based on other people's approval, I'm guessing, I'm just going to guess here, that you're not saying don't take anybody's counsel on it. Dude, you have to be, no, I'm not saying that. You have to be smart about who you're going to listen to.
Starting point is 00:21:37 You know what I mean? Most likely try to find somebody who's been through what you're trying to do and say, man, how do I do this? And they're not going to say, hey, fucking go buy some magic fairy dust at fucking Disneyland and sprinkle it on your fucking ball sack. That's not what they're going to say. Right. They're going to say, go to work. They're going to say, here's the plan. Execute here and give it time.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Give the cake some time to bake. Right. And it happens, man. That's like my biggest thing about this whole podcast is like, dude, I want people to remove the fucking magical idea out of their brain. I hate when I talk to people and they say, man, that guy got lucky. Man, not me or anybody. When they say about anybody, dude, that guy's lucky. No, he's fortunate.
Starting point is 00:22:21 He's not lucky. He's fortunate. Okay. You have no fucking idea what it took to get where he is to be you know what i mean yeah i hope trust me and people don't people don't think about success they can think about everything else logically in their life you know put the square block in the square hole makes perfect sense every their whole entire life can be that but when it comes to success and you tell them hey you make this plan and follow it they're like no there's gotta
Starting point is 00:22:49 be something more right right no i i totally get what you're saying i've about four months ago i had somebody that basically said to me dude you kind of fell into something really great with andy yeah i know what do you mean fell into it he goes well there's a lot of people a lot of people that want to work with him you just you were there at the right right time right place right time i was like thanks man yeah i appreciate it so so i mean i quite frankly it's an insult to you no it's an insult to dude calling somebody lucky is like is like calling their mom a whore right it's the worst insult you could fucking put on somebody right especially someone who's literally worked to be where they are. I mean, dude, is there circumstances out of somebody's control?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yes, I have a very good friend who inherited a lot of money, and I'm talking about billions of fucking dollars. Right. Very good friend. Dude, his parents fucking died, okay? This is when he was young, all right? He's still very young do you think that you know people say oh he's so lucky well he's lucky his fucking parents are dead he's lucky half his
Starting point is 00:23:54 family isn't there to celebrate his life with him he's lucky that when he has kids he'll never know their fucking grandpa like dude he's lucky that everybody that looks at him is never going to see him for his own success they're going to see They're always going to blame it on what he inherited. Dude, you don't think it has its own struggles? Absolutely. You know, people don't give, they say lucky, they don't fucking think about it. It's a rude thing to say. It is.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I think. It's also, it also doesn't take into account the fact that he could, if he wanted to, even though it's an enormous amount of money, he could end up becoming a failure by just burning through that cash. He still has to do the right thing. But back to the difference between— But it's small-minded thinking. That's my point.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah, definitely. You're not thinking—like, dude, to call somebody lucky— Right. Like, dude, when it comes to that kind of shit is an insult. Like, dude, if, like, you know, if— Like, for example, like, when I got stabbed and the fucking knife went literally two centimeters away from my eyeball, that's lucky. Yeah. All right?
Starting point is 00:24:55 That's lucky, because I'd be walking around like a fucking pirate with a patch on my eye. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, no. Are we going to do the podcast, Vaughn? You know? That would be the fucking, that would be the name of the show. But the point is that that's luck. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, we could have Johnny Depp on the show. Yeah. Hey, man, that could have been me. I could have been like fat Jack Sparrow. So look, guys, here's the point. When you take a calculator risk, there's going to be factors that are going to be beyond your control. There are things in the future that you can't possibly predict or know that are going to happen, but you better be damn sure you've thought about the factors you can control and know the things
Starting point is 00:25:34 you can know. Otherwise, it's going to be a careless risk you're going to lose. That makes total sense. Yeah. I mean, it's common sense. Hey guys, I should say that if you're interested in checking out the show notes for this particular podcast episode, just go to the MFCEO website and check out forward slash 23. You can get all the show notes for this episode on risk. But, Andy, you said earlier, and I'd really like you to kind of flesh out what you're talking about. You said that risk should not be avoided.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It should be embraced. And I know that people listening would probably like to know why. I mean, you've already said a little bit. Here's what it comes down to. I mean, we're here to live. We're here for a short time. We're not here for a thousand years. We're here for a short time.
Starting point is 00:26:20 We have to live our lives. And the reason that risk should be embraced because nothing great comes without risk. All right. It all involves anything great that you could think of your entire life all involves some sort of danger. And it's only when you put yourself in this perceived danger, which most of the time is perceived that life becomes interesting. It becomes an adventure. You know, think about when you were a little kid, it's only when you stepped out of the deep end of the pool that you really enjoyed yourself at first you were scared shitless you're like mom i'm not fucking doing this but then after you know you're in the
Starting point is 00:26:52 you're in the deep man you feel like you're the biggest dude in the world you're like fuck yeah i'm the man you know that's what i'm talking about here we're talking about the passion we're talking about the life that living with some sort of fear and danger. Liz, I'm not talking about, you know, riding your motorcycle, standing up on the back seat with no helmet. I'm talking about just doing some shit with a plan that makes sense and you can see, you can find these little victories. You're talking about putting yourself out there. Yes, and most people are so afraid, especially now with social media, they won't do it because they're afraid of criticism for the most part. Right, right. But, you know, it's no different when you get older.
Starting point is 00:27:27 You know, when you're little, we talk about the deep end. When you get older, it can be different things. But you want to be happy, you want to be excited, and you want to be satisfied with your life. And to do that, you have to have risk and you have to create adventures for yourself. That really is true in every area of life. I mean, it's true in work. It's true in, you area of life i mean it's true and it's it's true in work it's true and you know like challenging yourself like if you're interested in a particular sport i mean
Starting point is 00:27:50 it's even true in relationships i mean if you just sit around and you know you never ask girls out like you know you're gonna be kind of miserable right or guys right i suppose right yeah you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i mean dude you know think about lions in Africa, okay? They're killed by poachers every year. We just had that deal we saw on the internet for a month straight. So much so, so many are killed that they're close to extinct. So our natural tendency is to want to protect them, right? So what do we do? We take them up.
Starting point is 00:28:19 We scoop them up from Africa. We put them in a cage at the zoo. And you know what? They're safe, right? But I'll bet you if that lion could fucking talk, he'd be like, man, fuck you know what they're safe right but i'll bet you if that lion could fucking talk he'd be like man fuck this i might be safe but i'm not living let me out of this cage and i take the risk of getting shot just so i can have a life right you know and that's so i can go out and hunt yeah yeah safe isn't a life you know what i mean and it doesn't take
Starting point is 00:28:39 that much risk to increase the quality of life tremendously you know I'm not talking about risking your fucking house and your home and your car your income on a daily basis you know that's what I do but but I'm talking about little things you know I mean things that could just bring a little bit of extra to you you know you think it's true that and I'm sure you do but just just a thought you know we do live in the in a generation in which, I don't know, there's like not really another great frontier, you know? I mean, Columbus sailed here, and he had to deal with whatever,
Starting point is 00:29:16 all these dangers, and he came to America. Dude, the great frontier right now is the fucking Internet. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Most people don't know what the fuck they're doing on the Internet. They're exploring it. Nobody knows what's going on.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And the reality is most people spend so much time on the internet that they don't do much else. Now money's being exchanged over the internet. Businesses are being developed that don't even exist in real life. Dude, Uber is like not even a fucking thing. It's like an organ. You know what I'm saying? It's a multi-billion dollar company. It's like a fucking idea. Right. Okay. so that's the frontier right now we're talking about
Starting point is 00:29:49 and here's the reality sad because most most people are using it just for stupid stuff yeah i agree but my here let me get to the point so like i try to explain the internet to my dad and i'm like dad he's like why are you always on your phone why are you always on facebook why are you always on doing this and i'm like dad, dad, you got to understand, you know, I've got to watch the internet because you know, if I have a customer who's upset or I have something that's, this is a living, breathing thing, 24 hours a day, no days off all the time. And I've got to take care of it. You know, now I have people that do this and help me with this, i still am very very very um involved with our social media and the point is that i'm getting at is that most people live on social media and they're
Starting point is 00:30:31 you know we talk about risk we talk about being afraid they let these the okay so half the people that you are friends with on social media are dumbasses period you're gonna perceive them to be dumbasses right okay they're afraid of what those dumb asses might say if they post what they really want to say so in turn what do people post they post these stupid fucking memes they post games they post feel-good shit that you know everybody's gonna fucking agree with like oh there's none from fucking transylvania right save 50 kids nobody's gonna not like that right So they post safe shit. Instead of posting shit
Starting point is 00:31:07 they really want to say or inviting a discussion or inviting an argument or inviting something that's going to give them a little fucking life. It's absolutely true. So, dude, most people
Starting point is 00:31:18 let that fear alone and that risk alone of just saying what they want to say or being who they want to be, stop them from doing anything. That's absolutely true. And so when we talk about the next frontier, dude, it's the fucking internet.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You know, that's what's keeping people from doing shit. It's the perceived idea that they might get made fun of by somebody that they really don't even fucking know or matters that keeps them from moving, you know? No, that's absolutely true. I mean, I was a little nervous, to be honest with you. I mean, just two confessions here. I was a little nervous. A bunch of people liked the post that I said, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:53 about the kid with the latte. But a couple of my friends shared it, and I thought, well, I wonder if some of the people they know are going to say, oh, that dude, he must believe in child abuse because he mentioned spanking. Of course they did. Yeah, and I mean, I had to have a gut check and be like, I don't care. It dude, he must believe in child abuse because he mentioned spanking. Of course they do. Yeah. And I mean, I had to have a gut check and be like, I don't care. It's not.
Starting point is 00:32:09 It's not child abuse. I would say child abuse is not spanking your kids. I think there needs to be as many beatings as possible with kids. That's my official stance. If you're not beating your kid, you're doing them a disservice. And I don't mean beating them like putting them in a hospital, but I mean like fucking letting them know, like have some fucking respect. Everyone's looking at me all crazy no no no i well i know how you define beating and i know it's not the same as uh what's his name adrian peterson hey bring on the hate mail yeah you are really living dangerously bringing on what no no no i'm just i was i'm getting crazy
Starting point is 00:32:44 eyeballs here in the fucking studio yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh tyler what do you think beat or no beat i'm i vote for beat beat that's what i'm saying we got three beats and zero no beats well that's what michael jackson said beat it beat it yeah i'm saying yeah that could be taking a bunch of different ways i know we have derailed at any rate uh so yeah you're talking fascinating yeah i know i know i know yeah whether that took you that long to refer to that yeah i know yeah fucking slipping today so yeah definitely so but in any case to your point danger makes life worth living oh yeah man yeah yeah dude you know think about when you go in for
Starting point is 00:33:23 the kiss with the with the girl in high school you, you don't know if you're going to get it or not. That's exciting shit. Right. Right. Like dude. And people just, they lose that somewhere. You know what I mean? They lose the ability to like do things they're not comfortable with. Right. Well, comfort being the, being the key word, because I think people think being comfortable is what's going to make life happy. And it's not, it's like the opposite. Yeah, exactly the opposite. So, so that's, that's a, that's 0.1 for why, why it should be embraced. So, yeah, I mean, look, it's, it's also about testing yourself, you know, it's only by testing ourselves on a daily basis that we're going to move forward. And that's the
Starting point is 00:34:04 only way you're going to improve as a person or show that you could actually accomplish anything. You know, think if you've never tested yourself. You never stepped outside your comfort zone. You never did anything that was like abnormal. Okay. You never get anywhere. You never progress. You never move forward.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You never get any better. You would just be. And what fun is that? You know, failure is just discovering the areas that you need work on. We've talked about that so many times. People just don't look at it the right way. And there's a clear delineation between the way that people that are successful and have built success in their life look at things like failure and fear and risk and people who don't and i honestly think that the the the perception and perspective of those concepts really has everything to do with where you end up you know it's it's identifying the needs for
Starting point is 00:34:55 growth so you can improve it it's it's a good thing it's not a bad thing you know people just have to understand how you look at it you know there's, we all say there's two sides to every story. Well, there's two sides to risk. There's two sides to failure. There's two sides to fear. And you get to decide which side you get to be on. You know,
Starting point is 00:35:13 I think, I think a good point to drive home with people though, is that this, this is a day to day thing that you could do. Like this is this, you don't have to work. You don't have to wait for like big risks. No.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Every day you can put yourself out there. No, it's like when you have that little mental voice that says, like, should I do this? Yeah. And then it's like a little thing. Yeah. Maybe it's a post on Facebook. Yeah. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:35:33 When you talked about that post on Facebook, my most popular post, not that I post things to be popular. I post things that come from my fucking heart. Right. But my most popular posts are the posts that I have to question. Like, do I really want to say this? Those are the ones that go on fucking fire. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah, no. Yeah. I mean, definitely the ones that rile people up are the ones that are going to get attention. Should I really say this? And again, not because... That's why I said you should beat your kids. Properly defined. That's right.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Yeah. No, but I mean, my point to my point, the whole point of every day, putting yourself out there, and this sounds kind of goofy and you'll probably make fun of me, but you know, a while ago I posted, you know, like my dad was really, really good at, um, carpentry at building things, electricity, all that kind of stuff. I mean, that stuff waved me bye-bye a long time ago what's that he was jesus yes he was like jesus um but he but that stuff i'm just not good at that and our our uh what do you call it the of course you're not good at you haven't practiced it right right and and
Starting point is 00:36:36 the thing is is like our garbage disposal went out and i was like crap i mean my dad's not around anymore and my my father-in-law is you know away. And I was like, what am I going to do? And I thought, all right, I'm going to try this. I'm going to try to put in a new garbage disposal. And dude, it was not easy. It was pretty complicated. It involved electrical work and everything. And I did it.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And thankfully, my father-in-law reminded me to turn the breaker off. Otherwise, that could have been dangerous. But I did it. And when I was done, it's crazy how good I felt. Yeah. You ran out of fucking beer, weren't you? I was. I was.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Vaughn went outside, cracked open a cold one. Yeah, got a cigar. He almost grew a beard. Yeah, I did. But you know what I mean? My point is that what we're telling people is this isn't just about starting a business. It's not just about asking a girl to marry you. It's a whole lifestyle of every day putting yourself out there and really stretching yourself and testing yourself.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Right. The way I like to think about it is this. Look, risk is always better. Taking the risk is always better, always, than the alternative. Because the alternative is is stay the same you know like i said at the beginning of the podcast people talk about being afraid to risk because it's dangerous really well i'm afraid of not risking i don't ask myself what am i going to lose if i do this i ask myself what am i going to lose if i don't do this dude what am i going to lose if i don't do this now
Starting point is 00:38:03 what am i going to lose if i do this do this? Now, what am I going to lose if I do this? Think about that. Think about that. Program that. I cannot drive that point home enough because it's a huge, huge perspective shift. What am I going to lose if I don't do this? That's how you need to think. And the answer is the status quo.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That's right. You're going to lose what everybody else has? Right. So what? You know what I mean? is the status quo. That's right. Yeah. Well, whatever. You're gonna lose what everybody else has. Right. So what? You know what I mean? Right. I'll be honest, dude. Like, you know, living in a fucking trailer and riding a bike to work and not having much.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Dude, that's a more interesting life than what most people live. You know what I'm saying? I mean, dude, most people put too much emphasis on trying to be like everybody else Like the worst thing I would ever want to be is average if people say that oh you think you're better than average No, i'd rather be way less than average than be average I wrote like in a fucking success like quote unquote Because like do some of the coolest motherfuckers I know and the most interesting people I know Are people who have gone out and they've taken risks and those risks have led them
Starting point is 00:39:05 to a more simple life, not a more poor life. Financially, they may have less money, but they're happier because at least they went out and lived. You know, when I was in Virgin Islands, uh, on the, on the bootcamp a couple of weeks ago, I met two different boat captains. Both of them, you know, are from the United States moved there one was like 17 years one was like 14 years and I'm like you know what do you do and they're like well I wake up every day I go on a fucking boat I drive around you know I take people out they have the bet and the one guy explained it perfectly he's like dude I get to be the part of people's best day of their entire
Starting point is 00:39:46 year i'm like damn dude that's cool talk about a cool perspective very you know what i mean yeah these guys are both white collar dudes who had executive level jobs that left to go live a simple fucking life the one guy rides a fucking dirt bike to work you know what i mean and the other guy rides a bicycle like dude there's nothing wrong with that you know what I mean? And the other guy rides a bicycle. Like, dude, there's nothing wrong with that. You know what I mean? Right. Those guys, that's a risk, you know, that they took to go down there. And it actually ended up with them having less financial, but more happiness. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:16 The financial thing, guys, and I know like you guys, you know, the follow me, you know, you know, I have a thing for cars and all that shit and that's fine. That's my thing. But dude, it doesn't mean anything to me like that. Right, you know, I have a thing for cars and all that shit and that's fine. That's my thing. But dude, it doesn't mean anything to me like that. Right. You know what I mean? I still learn how to enjoy my life and that's what you guys got to figure out.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah. You know, think about the risks. Those guys said, fuck dude, what's my family going to think? What's my friends going to think? I moved here without anything,
Starting point is 00:40:39 you know, I didn't even have a job, you know, but now every day they go out, they get to be in the sun. They get to be in the most beautiful place in the world. They get to be a part of people's best day of the year, which I thought was so cool that he said that.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. And you know, you know that there are some- Huge risk for him to do that. Huge risk, and not just risk from the financial standpoint, from the social standpoint too, because you know that there are corporate guys
Starting point is 00:41:03 who know those guys who are like- That guy went off the deep end yeah he went off the deep end he lost it he couldn't rather be him exactly yeah in their heart yeah right dude if you don't think i was jealous of both those guys you're fucking wrong because i'm like i already told emily i'm like dude you know we don't have any kids um you know let's fucking let's do this but i don't but here's the truth i don't have the balls to do it yeah yeah it'd be awesome i would love it but i just don't have the fucking balls to do it yeah you know and plus dude i personally i'd be bored after a week of that yeah but the reality is is that dude the risk is always better than the alternative always always always you ever seen
Starting point is 00:41:41 that movie far and away with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman? Basically, they start out in Ireland, and then they go across. It's this big epic where she and Tom Cruise go across the ocean, and they try to make it. It sounds like a chick flick, dude. No, it's not. It's an epic. It's like they're a couple Irish immigrants, and they basically go out to Oklahoma, and they race for land because they want to start a homestead there. And what happens is that she comes from this like really rich, wealthy family. And her dad's a good
Starting point is 00:42:10 guy, but he is absolutely miserable. So Nicole Kidman's character like takes off on her own. And so the parents are just shocked because, you know, she's this like silver spoon in her mouth. Yeah. So they're like, well, we got to have to to we have to go after her so they go after her and when they get there the dad who was so miserable in ireland he just comes alive in the in the west and because everything's dangerous like there's rattlesnakes and there's you know it's not boring yeah yeah it's it's and so that's i mean to me that's that's the way you gotta live i mean if you're just comfortable you might have a lot of things in your life but if you're just comfortable and you're never tested man that's just that's that's the way you got to live i mean if you're just comfortable you might have a lot of things in your life but if you're just comfortable and you're never tested man that's just that's worthless dude look man so you're right risk is risk is always better than regret
Starting point is 00:42:53 yeah so i mean that's the bottom line you know um guys once again if you're uh if you're interested in getting the show notes for this episode it's's the forward slash P23. I hope I said that earlier, but if I didn't, it's P23 as in Michael Jordan, 23, number 23. You know, like I said, for somebody who's, who's been, uh, you know, quote unquote successful in a certain area of my life. And I know a number of other entrepreneurs that are very successful, all of them look at risk the same way. They all look at risk and say, what's going to happen if I don't take this action?
Starting point is 00:43:36 Not what's going to happen to me if I take this action. It's a common threat. It's an absolute, it's oxygen. It's the way that they think. Okay. And I can't stress how important it is for somebody to realize you are going to fucking die. Okay. We lose track of that. Okay. We lose the, we lose the, the perspective that dude, we are mortal and our life is going to end and i guarantee you at that moment when you realize that you're gonna die and death is imminent and i mean within like a few hours or a day or six weeks or whatever you're not gonna say oh man i risked too much
Starting point is 00:44:18 of my life i can't believe i did that i'm a fucking idiot. You're going to say, man, I wasted my life because I didn't do the shit that I wanted to do. And I'm going to die with a lot left on the table. And that's the thing you need to think about. That's the idea that you need to grasp when you think about risk. That's the point that you need to think about when you think about the big picture of your life. It's not what's going to happen to me if I do this. It's what is my life going to be or become or mean if I don't do this. And if you could grasp that concept in your daily actions, you're going to have a much happier, much more fulfilled, much more successful life.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Go be fucking great.

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