REAL AF with Andy Frisella - The Advantage of Being Broke, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO103

Episode Date: October 28, 2016

People say this all the time: "I have this incredible idea. I've developed this awesome product or service concept. But I just don't have any money." So they justify failure because they had no funds.... But according to Andy Frisella, lack of resources is a huge advantage. It forces you to get innovative and to work even harder.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to be a motherfucking hustler. You better ask somebody. What is up guys? You're listening to the MFCEO Project. I'm Andy. I'm your host and I am the motherfucking CEO. Guys, today is Friday fire. All right. I've got something that's on my mind. I've got something that's just burning me up from the inside. It's a question that I get or a comment that I get over and over and over again from the young bucks trying to come out there and make something happen. If this is your first time listening, Tuesdays we do practical advice, practical skills, things that you can take and go utilize in your mission to be successful.
Starting point is 00:00:51 And that mission to be successful can apply to any area. It can apply to business. It can apply to your relationships. It can apply to fitness or a million other different things. Okay. The point of this podcast is this. You are the CEO of you. And if you don't realize or recognize that the entrepreneurial values that have to do with
Starting point is 00:01:13 building a business can also build every single area of your life, you're missing the point. Okay. So we're going to talk about things usually in terms of business, but the principles that we talk about here can always be applied to every area of your life. Today, like I said, I want to cover something that I get all the time. And before I get into the actual point that I want to address, I want to say something. I want you guys to understand this. Look, everybody gets discouraged. I get that. Entrepreneurialism is not for the faint of heart and the world is going to punch you in the
Starting point is 00:01:53 fucking face a million times if that's the path you choose. But here's the reality guys, more often than not, we're having pity parties for ourselves. Not because we're genuinely discouraged, but because we want to whine and cry and have other people make sympathy about us because it lets us off the hook. It's saying, hey, you know what? I tried my best. Don't you think? Oh yeah, sure. You tried your best. Oh good. And then you go and quit. It's like getting permission to quit. And guys, that is not the way to go through life. Nobody really gives a fuck if you make it or not. That's the honest to God's truth.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Nobody gives a fuck how hard it is. Nobody gives a fuck if you're struggling, okay? The only thing that people care about is your results. They care about what you could prove at the end of the day. All right. And you might have your wife or your kids or somebody very close to you, like a best friend who knows that you're just killing yourself day in and day out to make something happen. They might care. Okay. I get that. But most people don't care. Okay. So every whiny status that you put out, every complaining, a bitchy moaning, uh, you know, cry baby shit that you
Starting point is 00:03:14 put out on the internet, which is so popular these days, realize that when people like that, they really don't fucking care. All right. Nobody feels sorry for you. Okay. Now with that point being said, I want to address something that I get all the time. All right. And keep in mind my first point that nobody fucking feels sorry for you at all ever. All right. You might think they care and feel sorry for you because they're being nice. But when they walk away two seconds later, they're not thinking about you. The only thing they're thinking about is themselves. That's why the key to be successful is to provide value to every other person sitting at your quote unquote table. Because when you do that, you're doing something that people care about. All right. But here's something that I get day in and day out,
Starting point is 00:04:05 especially from the young bucks. Okay. The people wanting to build something, the people wanting to become something, the people that have all these ideas, but they haven't done anything yet. All right. And I get this all the fucking time. Andy, I want, I have this idea. It's the greatest idea on earth. It's so awesome. It's going to be the next biggest thing. It's going to be the next version of X and X means some other company that they're copying, which probably is a bad idea to start with. All right. I'm going to do this and this and this. And the only problem is, is that I don't have any money and I don't have parents that are wealthy that can invest in me. And I don't know anybody who's wealthy that can invest in me. Okay. I get this all the time. This is probably
Starting point is 00:05:01 the number one email that I get sent. And guys, if you're sending a fucking email that says this to somebody, you probably don't have the skills to make it in the first place. That's the honest to God's truth, because there's a difference between true entrepreneurial spirit and people who want to be entrepreneurs because it's cool. And they saw some dude on the internet posing in front of a rented fucking Ferrari, you know, who's pretending to be something that they think they want to be. They're enamored with the idea of success. Okay. And guys, let me explain something that the real entrepreneurs understand that the wannabe entrepreneurs that are never going to be able to be anything do not. The people who write me these emails and say this shit, they don't
Starting point is 00:05:51 understand this. Lack of resources is always going to be your biggest advantage. Okay. You don't have any fucking money. Good. That forces you to think that forces you to be creative. It forces you to actually go out and do the work face to face to make connections with people face to face, which by the way, I don't care what any person says. You know, all these people talk about your sales funnels and your, the internet and Facebook ads and this and that and this. The greatest thing that you could do, the most effective thing that you could do is go out, shake somebody's hand and say, nice to meet you. And look them right in the fucking eye.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Tell them what you do. Make a genuine connection. That's the most effective thing you could do. But most people are so unwilling to do that. They're always looking for the way to band-aid having to do that by coming up with some money. All right. And guys, I'm going to tell you right now, I've been in business for 17 years now. I've gone against a lot of well-funded people when I didn't have any money.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Okay. We didn't have what we have now where we actually have money to do things. We had nothing. And I went against people who had a lot more money than me. And guess what? I kicked the shit out of them. And you know why I kicked the shit out of them? Because along the way on my journey, I always had to do things creatively. I always had to do things the hard way. I always had to do the things that the other guys wouldn't do, not because I wanted to do them, but because I had to do them. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And those skills that you learn through that process of being underfunded are the actual skills that are going to build your business. They're the actual skills that are going to make you into a success. They are the actual skills that are going to develop the discipline that you need to develop to do what the other guy won't. Okay, guys, I've gone through this literally dozens of times against bigger, badder, more funded, probably smarter guys than me. But I won every time. And the reason I win is because I am willing to go out and do the fucking work because I had to go do the work to get this far. All right. So when you're the new guy and you don't have, and let me explain this in a real world scenario too, by the way. Okay. Let's say you've got two
Starting point is 00:08:25 guys. You got one guy, like I just described me, who has zero money and in the beginning. All right. And probably like you too, I want to start something, but I don't have any way to start. Then you have another guy who, let's say he's got an investor, maybe a wealthy family. Maybe he's got somebody giving him money, or maybe he's got somebody's giving somebody else's money. All right. Let me tell you how this is going to work out. The guy with no money is going to have to go out. He's going to have to probably go door to door. He's probably going to have to contact people directly. He's going to have to email people back directly. He's going to have to rely on other people to create a network for him. And that's going to take him going over the top and creating genuine reactions of, holy shit, that guy's
Starting point is 00:09:13 awesome through his communications with these people. Okay. And he's going to have to work the system one person at a time. Okay. And he's going to learn a lot by that. He's going to have to do creative things like we had to do. He's going to have to go door to door. He's going to have to have little barbecues where he meets people. He's going to have to, you know, go to lunch with, with influencers in his marketplace. He's going to have to do all the little things that guy number two isn't going to do. And I'm going to tell you why he's not going to do it. Because instead of going door to door and meeting people, you know what this guy's going to do? He's going to buy ads. All right. Instead of having a barbecue where you shake somebody's
Starting point is 00:09:56 hand and meet somebody and say, Hey, thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate it. Even if it's only one person that shows up, you know what this guy over here on the right is going to do? The guy with the money, he's going to buy ads. Okay. Instead of actually creating genuine interactions with people himself and learning and, and understanding what people want, because he has to talk to people himself. You know what he's going to do over here? He's going to hire employees to do that communication for him. So what is he not learning by actually not being on the front lines? All right. There's a ton of things that the guy with the money is never, ever, ever going to be in a position to learn, which eventually let's say five years down the road, what's going to happen here? All right. The guy that started with no money is going to have a huge network of people that love him, that care about him, that want to do business with him
Starting point is 00:10:49 because he's a tremendous person. And he's learned that he absolutely has to do a great job. The guy with all the money is going to be the guy who's trying to spend more ads that produce less results over time. And he's going to slowly strangle himself by his own overabundance of resources. Okay. So when you send me an email and say, well, I want to start this, but I don't have this, or I don't have that, or I don't have this. I either think a, you do not understand how this is going to work, which you probably don't, or B, you're a complete and total fucking pussy who doesn't want to do the work, who isn't willing to go out and do what it takes and is looking for the quick fix bandaid. And I'm going to tell you right now, I would take being
Starting point is 00:11:35 the underfunded guy 1 million times to zero to be in the guy that has the resources. Because dude, when you are the underfunded person, you have to do what it takes. You don't have a fucking choice. When you're the overfunded person, you do have a choice. You have a choice to pay somebody to go do something that you would normally have to do. And that person isn't going to do as good enough job as what you would do. And second of all, you're not going to learn whatever lesson that task or that, that assignment or that project would have taught you personally, because you're not in the trenches doing it. And I see this over and over and over again. I see people trying to raise money, trying to get a loan, trying to get this. How about this?
Starting point is 00:12:22 How about if you focus on fucking selling shit and focus on providing a real value, a real solution and doing it the best way possible, you don't have to raise fucking money because guess what? You're going to be selling shit. That's the point. Lack of resources is no excuse. Lack of resources is something that you are putting in your own head because you're scared to go out and do the nitty gritty, get the hands dirty work that needs to be done. And you young entrepreneurs who are emailing me in on a consistent basis saying the same old bullshit about lack of resources, lack of resources, lack of money, lack of this, lack of that. Dude, you guys should not pursue entrepreneurship or you should sack the fuck up and do the nitty gritty that needs to be done. Because I'm going to tell you right now,
Starting point is 00:13:18 the guy with less resources is the guy that learns all the lessons. And 10 years from now, he has all those lessons for his life. And he is beating the shit out of every other person that comes and competes with him. The guy with all the money, he don't never learn shit. He learns that the solution is always money. And I'm going to tell you right now, guys, in business, the solution is not always money, especially now, especially with social media, especially with the quickness that word of mouth spreads, we cannot afford to not actually care about people and make genuine, real connections with people. Okay. And I see this all the time from people who are trying to build brands on
Starting point is 00:14:02 social media. Dude, you're going to tell me you've got fucking 2000 followers and you can't fucking reply back to the people who comment on your fucking post. How lazy are you? I see this in the fitness industry a lot. Cause that's our industry. You know, people comment in, uh, Hey, you know, dude, thank you so much for this information or, or you look great or you do this and dude, zero fucking replies. Like the person who made the post acts like these people aren't even fucking there. How fucking rude is that? That's the same thing as being in a gym and somebody come up to you and saying, Hey man, you look really good. And you just fucking walking
Starting point is 00:14:40 away without saying a word. Would you do that in real life? No, you probably wouldn't. So why the fuck do you do it on the internet? Okay. You're building a brand. You're building something that you plan to market. Those people that comment on your fucking page are the most valuable asset that you'll ever fucking have. And you're treating them like dirt. What's that say about you? What's that say about your work ethic? You're not willing to put fucking 30 minutes into commenting back to somebody or fucking your five comments. Dude, I get fucking hundreds of comments on every post I make. And I comment back to almost everyone as long as I possibly can. And I guarantee I'm busier than you.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Your problem isn't lack of resources. Your problem is you're not utilizing your resources. That's the bottom line. And you guys who are young, you guys who are hungry, you guys who want to make it no matter what, you already know what I'm talking about because you will do every single thing and see every single opportunity and maximize every single opportunity every single time. The rest of you guys, you guys like the idea of owning some shit or having a car or having a fucking house and you're not willing to do the nitty gritty of what needs to be done. And dude, if you can't understand what I'm talking about and you're not willing to put in the work and you're not willing to put in the fucking elbow grease it's going to take. And let's be real, dude. It's elbow grease we're
Starting point is 00:16:08 talking about here. We're fucking 2016. Elbow grease has come down to typing a few things with your fucking thumbs. Okay. If you're not willing to do that, you don't deserve to be successful. You don't deserve a goddamn thing. Lack of resources is your ultimate resource.

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