Red Scare - Alex's War w/ Alex Jones and Alex Lee Moyer *UNLOCKED*

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

We're unlocking our interview with Alex Jones and Alex Lee Moyer just in time for the release of her documentary Alex's War. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back, we're back. We have a very special episode today. We are joined by two Alex's, Alex Jones and Alex Lee Moyer, the director of forthcoming documentary Alex's War. Thanks for coming on the show. I feel very relaxed right now. Yeah, we have that effect on them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Okay. They're like ASMR. Do you know what ASMR is, Alex? What is it? It's like audio sensory, something response. Hypnotic. Yeah. Like people watch YouTube videos and people talking softly.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Whispering. People eating food. Yeah. Can you get the tingly sensation when somebody touches you or brushes your hair? This is like a whole YouTube subculture. It's like my show's the opposite of the ASMR, but I actually could be like this and talk like this. You could.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But you know. When I do this though, it's not usually. Tim Dillon said that he grew up listening to you to go to sleep at night. And I know that our producer, Jesse, he listens to you to go to sleep at night too. I think a lot of people do. Yeah. So does the baby. So talking like this, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:01:38 So this is my second time in Austin. Welcome. The first time I was here, I was at South by Southwest promoting an independent film that I had acted in. And I was famously ambushed by an info wars reporter. You were in a sailor outfit. Yeah. I was wearing a sailor outfit.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah. Very cute. Thank you. Now we're going to shoot a movie in that today. I know I should have brought it. You go shoot guns in it. Yeah. That would be cute.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That would be awesome. From the deck of a large ship. Yeah. Yeah. Do you, do you recall that incident? It changed my life. You know. It went extremely viral several times over the years and I'm not putting the reporter
Starting point is 00:02:20 down that came in and interviewed you, but she was always wanting to be a reporter here and like was basically just saying she was a reporter here. She was a bit green. Yeah. She was a bit green. I'm not putting her down. It's just that she was not actually an info wars reporter, but a lot of people go out and do that.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And that's, you know, that's fine. As long as folks know it's not official, but we get the credit, I guess, of the blame. Yeah. Yeah. And then you addressed the clip, which I tried to find because I remembered you mispronouncing my name. Yeah. Part of me being de-platformed is you can't find a lot of that viral stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah. Exactly. That was a real shame that that video is lost. I mean, you might have it. There was like a burning of the Alexandria library, the Alexander library. They just went and burned the whole thing down everywhere. So many good clips. So wait, Alex.
Starting point is 00:03:09 First question. Can you pronounce Dasha's name correctly? Dasha. Necrosova. Necrosova. Necrosova. There you go. We have it on record.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah. That's a very pretty name. Thank you. Necrosova. Yeah. It actually means not pretty. I know somebody named Carpova. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah. Close. Necra. Yeah. Necra means like death, doesn't it? Well, sort of. Crosova means pretty, and ne is like a negating. It's like a Russian irony thing.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Necrosova. Yeah. The ugly pretty? Yes. Not pretty. Yeah. Ugly hot. Ugly hot, exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I kind of like ugly hot. Necrosova, but I don't think that you're ugly hot. No, you're not ugly at all. These girls all have babies, but you don't have one yet. No, I don't have one yet. She's single. I'm going to be a little inappropriate. I'm going to stop joking around.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's okay. Try to be politically incorrect. Well, you don't have to worry about getting canceled. That's right. But yeah, it is a real, the D-platforming is a damn shame. Yeah. But is it though? I mean, you're simultaneously like the most popular guy in the country and also the most
Starting point is 00:04:23 unpopular guy in certain bubbles. Well, absolutely. I mean, I am very popular in some areas and none others, but mainly the big, the worst part about being D-platformed is I have my big audience that comes to my site and watches this as the show, and that's gotten larger. The core audience actually comes to M4 Wars or comes to Band-Aid video. But then when people attack me or lie about me, I can't really respond on Twitter, on Facebook, on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And so a few things I do get out and kind of slip out and go viral. But really, I'm kind of in a phantom zone. And so the system can edit tapes, do whatever they want, say just things that are not true. I mean, if I'm anything, I'm on a white supremacist. They say that. If anything, I'm not anti-Semitic, that's not true. And it's just stuff, it's just, they know that I can't respond. And they also take real things I did when I was tongue-in-cheek or doing devil's advocate
Starting point is 00:05:16 out of context. They edit that together and then misrepresent it and then try to further take me off the air. And the claims about what I said about the shooting in Connecticut was used four years ago to D-platform me. And then it just continues on with people saying that I'm currently saying things I actually never said. I did say some of those things.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Now, I've had famous people say that I said the Parkland shooting didn't happen. I've never said that. And I've also had prominent people say that, don't even say their names, let me misrepresent that, that the Aurora shooting didn't happen. No, I said the Aurora shooting happened. And I said Parkland happened because I really thought they did. But it'd be my right if I was a crazy person to question that or question Jesse Smollett or question that the Roe v. Wade baby never died, which is true, or question that we were
Starting point is 00:06:07 never attacked to start the Vietnam War at the Gulf of Tonka in 1964, where all those thousands and thousands of admitted stage events that have happened, that kind of makes you cynical whether you think everything is staged. But when you talk about things like Parkland, I had young people on the day after that were there saying, yeah, he was going around shooting everybody. But they pointed out he said for years he was going to do it and they did the stopping. So CNN then said Jones had actors on to say nothing and no one died. So they were saying what they thought I did.
Starting point is 00:06:43 They were now becoming that thinking like buying their own BS that Jones got famous denying shootings. I didn't get famous doing that. So then there was CNN saying that I had fake crisis actors on my show. But then people went and checked. They were real students. Does that make sense? And what I was saying is that horrible little demon that shot those people in Florida, he
Starting point is 00:07:06 had been threatening people for two years. He was known as the school shooter and he was actually kicked out of school at the time this happened. He came to the school and did it. So when you're deplatformed, they can then put in your mouth anything they want and you just kind of become like this terror card of evil. You become this thing that they can just, but in a way it gives you this power, which you were talking about, because as they build you up as the biggest villain in the universe,
Starting point is 00:07:31 well then it creates this converse thing where people want to go actually see what's being said, then they find out they're being lied to. So it's a weird paradox. Well you have sort of no choice, but to kind of lean into the caricature that's been created of you by like the mainstream media and like the independent left. I'm curious if you ever feel like a sad clown. You know, I like to clown around and I like to have fun. And so they mixed that in when I'm being serious and say, look at how crazy this guy is and
Starting point is 00:07:58 I guess I am crazy. I mean, I like being crazy and having fun. I have crazy good insights. I have bad insights. I make mistakes, but I'm definitely just being real. And I think you could say that I am just like an artist, like every other human being and I'm just expressing myself. So it's very easy when somebody talks, it's not exaggerate, 20 hours a week to be able
Starting point is 00:08:18 to take things out of context. And a lot of things I've said have been terrible, have been bad, have been wrong, especially in the context that they basically cut them out by themselves and show the piece of information. So I've definitely learned over the years to not play devil's advocate very often or to be tongue in cheek because it will be misrepresented. And even if it's their fault, that's not totally true. You still play devil's advocate all the time and you still make jokes all the time. And, you know, I mean, well, sure, two weeks, much like us have shock jock sort of origin.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yes. Two weeks ago, I did a whole rant where I said, I agree with Bill Gates. There's too many people. We should depopulate here. Then it did like a five minute rant and it was so convincing that people put it on Twitter and I had a lot of complaints, people saying, I'm never going to support you again. I can't believe you've turned to the dark side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Well, speaking of the sad clown about 12 years ago or so, I dressed up as the Joker. Right. Iconic moment. And you guys, feel free to use anything I've ever done, you know, however you want, just illustrate it, but I don't know if you just do this as an interview. We don't do a lot of editing. Yes. You can add anything into it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 But people can find Alex Jones as the Joker and I was playing devil's advocate and that's saying, because the Joker famously poisons water supplies and stuff, you know, in the comics. So I'm like, kids, drink your fluoride, take your Prozac, you're going to see pretty colors. And my listeners said, this is really demonic. A lot of them got upset by it. So yeah, I can see how that works. Do you ever lurk social media or read about yourself or do you stay out of it for your
Starting point is 00:09:53 own sanity? I do kind of scan over stuff about me, but it's not what I'm really interested in. I really like seeing what other people are doing, what other people are saying and funny things. They're doing memes and independent journalism and what other people are up to. One of the subjects I don't really focus on is myself, but I'm forced to because they edit stuff out of context so much that I have to respond sometimes like, you know, when my mom goes, is it really true?
Starting point is 00:10:18 You said you're going to eat your neighbors. Then I had to go to my, thank God I have my own so I could go mom. Here's the 10 minute rant where I talk about the modest proposal by, I forget who said that now, Swift or whatever his name was. And it was that the Irish should, you know, not complain about being poor, they should Jonathan Swift. Jonathan Swift. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Exactly. They should raise their babies and sell them to English lords and ladies. And so you should eat your neighbors. And so I said, this is a modest proposal like Swift. And then I did the 10 minute rant. Well, I knew that they were going to cut out the part where I'm saying I'm going to eat my neighbors in a very convincing way. So they cut the disclaimer off the front and back and did it.
Starting point is 00:11:03 So I let their attempt to discredit me and get me arrested for it, by the way. They tried to, you know, get me put in the mental institution or arrested. And I didn't have to talk to one of my neighbors, heard about it and they knew it was a joke obviously, and they knew about Swift. So yeah, I had seen a mention of Swift and his essay. I kind of remembered who he was from English class, went and kind of looked up the Wikipedia on him, intended to say if society really breaks down and hundreds of millions of people starve to death because of the lockdowns, not because of COVID, that's now started.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That it's going to come down to the point of eating your neighbors. If the great reset post-industrial world is successful, like Klaus Schwab once, Bill Gates once. So I said, so I've had to look at my neighbors, figure about hauling up the chain and, you know, eating them and killing them. And so I did it to get that discussion going, just like Jonathan did. Yeah. Do you see yourself as a provocateur at all or not really?
Starting point is 00:11:55 Or like a performer? Absolutely. I did. Yes. I mean, well, you got misrepresented big in the news. Sorry. I'm going to ask you a question so fast. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Well, I have another follow-up question. But that's a big question. That's a newsmaking question. Yeah. Well, we can get back to it. I'm happy to answer it. Are your parents proud of you? They are proud of me.
Starting point is 00:12:15 They are proud of me. But let me answer that question. I just thought I cut you off. You may have had more to ask. No, no, no. The whole story is this. If I'm going, I'm in a movie, which I got a few offers to be in movies. I'd never tried to be in them, but Wreckling Kledder's been a big listener.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So they put me in Waking Life and then Scanner Darkly and some other stuff. I worked with them one little bit. And I was a consultant on Scanner Darkly to kind of update Philip K. Dix, just topic, you know, 2020 vision of the world. And I guess it was 2006 movie. And so it was also the Joker time, 11, 12 years ago that I dressed up like the Joker and did that viral 10 minute video that got tens of millions of views. And my ex-wife was in a custody battle wanting to get the children to take it away from me,
Starting point is 00:12:58 saying, look how crazy he is. This is a crazy person. So my lawyer at a hearing that I wasn't even at got up and said, when Jack Nicholson plays the Joker, he is not the Joker, Mr. Jones was being an actor here. Well, of course, playing the Joker in a piece I did was it was, was being an actor and was satire, just like when I said, I'm going to eat my neighbors. And so then they use it to say, oh, everything he does is acting. Everything he does is satire.
Starting point is 00:13:24 When probably 5% of what I do is satire or acting. So of course I'm a pundit. Sometimes I do real journalism. A lot of times I just give my opinion and I just interview people. And then sometimes, yes, I'm being an actor. But that doesn't mean Jones everywhere has a fake persona and it's all a big act. That's not true. Well, it's very hard.
Starting point is 00:13:43 It's a facet of you that is an entertainer. It's fun to have fun. Yeah. And it's fun to entertain people. So what, I guess what inspired you to participate in Alex's documentary and to give her the access that how did you guys sort of connect and how, what, how did you make the decision to give Alex? You know, I met with her and some of her friends who seemed really nice and they said they
Starting point is 00:14:10 wanted to make an actual documentary, not just a hit piece or not a friendly piece, which it is too friendly. Make it even worse if you want, but I do look like a job with a HUD. So I guess that's bad enough. No, no. Great. Yeah, right. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:14:27 It's fine. You look good, Alex. Well, I've lost 30 pounds since those interviews a few months ago. I've kind of go up and down like Orson Welles, but no, I mean, I mean, I think it's a very nice piece. I think it's a fair piece. And I think it captures really just the fact that we're regular people behind the scenes and that there's not like, because what the, what the establishment corporations think
Starting point is 00:14:46 is there's like some formula and then I'm like, it's all calculated and really this is very mom and pop. Yeah. Kind of like that. Yeah. But I was going to say, like, that's the thing. It's like, you know, so we're doing this interview and it's for an audience that maybe has this one conception of Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And if you were looking in the mainstream media, you'd think like, what is there at Alex Jones? Okay. He's the, you know, he's a South rages conspiracy theorist or he's a sad clown or he's, you know, the guy who went on Joe Rogan show. But that's not what I discovered swiftly was that's not really like the whole story. I mean, there's legions and legions of people who are Alex Jones fans and they're, they're not all kooks like there's, you know, people in middle America love Alex Jones and he has
Starting point is 00:15:33 a huge support network. It's not that his, his fame and notoriety just comes from him being wacky. I mean, he's actually like, you know, he's running like a major media network pretty much on his own against all odds, you know, that's competitive with, you know, at least ratings wise and something like CNN, but you just, you're just not allowed to talk about it. So there really are two different worlds. It's not like Alex is going around every day, like in his everyday life, like on the
Starting point is 00:16:01 defensive, you know, if you go to a restaurant with Alex Jones, the cooks want to come from the back and take photos with him. It's not like everybody's like outraged, like when he goes, you know, from place to place, you just, you don't, you don't get to know that people love, actually really love him. I think a lot of responses are about 200 to one, even in like New York City, Los Angeles, you name it, because people know the, actually the corporations attacking me and lying about me.
Starting point is 00:16:28 People know that there's another story there. And so when they see they hate the system so much that the system attacking me actually made me more popular. I think that's what we were getting to earlier. And it's really true. I don't deserve actually some of the status I've gotten. I mean, I do some interesting news and we, we cover really hard topics and things and also have fun, but they're, 90% of the attack turns out being positive.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You know, some of it's not fun. You get de-banked. People are mean to your family. They're mean to my, young people are mean to my children sometimes. And so there are, and people throw hot coffee on you and people knock your tea over and people come over and threaten you at the table and then pull their cameras out hoping you do something and then edit it. So I've learned I can't even engage when people are like doing that because they'll
Starting point is 00:17:15 only show the part where I'll f you back to them. Yeah. Well, I like how you said that they think that you have a formula because they have obviously a formula and I think they do the classic like projection, but I'm curious if you feel like I've noticed a lot because I, you know, scan social media and I've noticed a lot of people doing like the Alex Jones was right meme or just outright saying like you were right. I feel like Alex Jones right now, especially in this kind of like dystopian post COVID landscape.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I'm curious if you feel like the tide is slowly shifting in your favor and if you believe you'll be vindicated in your lifetime. Most people that are ahead of their time or do any type of maverick work and we've definitely done that don't live to get to see themselves indicated I've been very blessed that I have and yes, they're going to have in the next year, six show trials, civil lawsuit trials against me. They're going to be televised everywhere. And that's why they're ruling that I'm not allowed to defend myself because they don't
Starting point is 00:18:13 want us to put on a case there and they think this will be our waterloo the end of us. Oh, and Shroyer, who is just a super nice guy, you'll interview him sometime. He was sued by these same people, I'm going to say names because they'll then misrepresent what we said here and like try to take this off and not the people. It's the law firms that in the democratic party and people and he never got subpoenaed. He never got deposed in the Texas lawsuit. There's multiple ones against me. So never got contacted and they defaulted him on October 1st.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It was all over the national news that he didn't provide documents and that he didn't respond. Now that's 100% the definition on a 100 to 100 scale, it's like a 100 judicial misconduct behavior. I mean, because I'm not going to defend myself for debateness. We gave them everything. We did everything. I did all these depositions.
Starting point is 00:19:03 They literally just tore this place apart. No one in it in a defamation suit. Do you think a defamation suit was this true or not? Did you mean to hurt somebody? No. All our bank records, phone records, you know, stuff I never even heard of, I'm just like give them everything and they go, this is fake. This isn't real.
Starting point is 00:19:21 This isn't real. And we're just like, and the judge has no proof of that in Connecticut and in Texas, but they didn't sue Owen in Connecticut. They who are just got defaulted last week, they sued him in Texas and they literally are trying to take everything he's got, he didn't have that much money. And Owen, they never subpoenaed him. They never reached out. So imagine a court where there's no communication with someone and he sued three years ago and
Starting point is 00:19:48 no one ever reaches out, no one ever, and then they say, you are default for giving us no documents. So that's how lazy they are and all this because they've got the corporate media on their side and they believe that's all that exists. When they see themselves in the Associated Press or in the Wall Street Journal of the New York Times, and I mean, you read this stuff, it's just total lies. I mean, I could take you over with my lawyers and show you the 200,000 documents we gave them in Connecticut, the 81,000 documents here.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You go back and find the news where we gave them 50 something thousand open, unopened emails they demanded. And then they find hidden link to child porn and go on the news and say, I sent child porn to them when they admit going to find print, unopened email. Okay. So, so here we are in all these depositions they put all over TV. Here we are in all this, all these documents they've got and all this personal stuff about me, they're put down on the news and then they say, I never gave them anything, but
Starting point is 00:20:41 they screwed up. Owen Shroyer was never subpoenaed or called or deposed in Texas and they literally are destroying a man who read a zero hedge article talking trash about Megyn Kelly. And they just didn't like him talking trash about Megyn Kelly. So they went ahead and sued. So there's an entitlement here and that's what this really is, is that, is that we're going to put on show trials where you're already guilty, guilty until proven guilty. And the question is how guilty and you, and again, that's how they think they're going
Starting point is 00:21:14 to assassinate my character and that's not going to work because people already know they already see through all this, but, but that's the level, that's the level of disinformation this has reached. Well, what do you think makes you so dangerous to the, to the regime, to corporate media? And at what point do you think you really became persona non grata or such a viable threat to them that they wanted to assassinate you essentially? That's what they've done is they silence you and then they can assassinate your character. They can build a strong man of whatever they want and they can take things out of context.
Starting point is 00:21:56 How are you? Well, you know, one thing that we explore in the film is that at the height of Alex's popularity, I mean, of course now he has a, he has a, he has a more of a cultural popularity, but he had a more sort of tangible popularity before he was de-platformed where he, you know, was like the king of YouTube. And he had, you know, he had, you know, massive, massive amounts of subscribers and some people attributed Trump's success to Alex's campaign to help him get elected. So, you know, they basically saw him, you know, becoming a little bit too powerful because
Starting point is 00:22:34 of course people on the left never expected that to happen. And so that's a little bit when these Sandy Hook allegations sort of resurfaced 10 years later. You're totally right. In fact, there's a picture hanging on the wall right outside the door. I'm going to grab that. I'm going to read on there. Cause this says it all right here.
Starting point is 00:22:55 He's running down the hallway right now. We can narrate. He's like a, he's like a Yeti on fire. Yeah. This is a real headline. And this is the kind of stuff I think over here. This is a real headline and this is the kind of stuff that I hang up on the wall for its comedy effect.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Alon and Guardian worried about the US being led by a tyrant who may destroy the earth. Blame Alex Jones by Lindy West. Absolutely. Here. Wow. That's incredible. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm going to take one. Do you guys know Lindy West or something? Oh yeah. We're familiar. Yeah. It's beautiful. Okay. So, so the reason that's important is.
Starting point is 00:23:38 What she said, Alex is right. That's exactly what happened is I was, you know, had like five billion views on our one YouTube channel, a bunch of other billions of views on other channels and things. And we were huge on Facebook. And I mean, we would have put videos out, not just myself, but other reporters, people like Paul Watson. He'd get like, he'd get like 50 million views on a video like every week. So, and I was like, almost every video I put out, but I'm talking about dozens a day,
Starting point is 00:24:08 we're getting millions of views a piece. And so, but we were still kind of a joke to the establishment left. And we weren't really right wing. I've been anti George Bush. I've been anti war. I've been against all that stuff. So, so they kind of tolerated me and I didn't get censored or blocked as much as some, you know, super Republican types who just kind of got buried in the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:24:28 But, but, but they were still trying to do that. And then when they went to the RNC in July of 2016 in Cleveland, and there was hundreds of thousands of people in the city, probably, I'd say 200,000 extra came in the town and 50,000 in the arena each night and a third of them were wearing in full war shirts. And when the Democrats and everybody saw me there and we had an airplane, we had a line of blood saying, rest Hillary Clinton. Locker up info We put a pirate radio station on that was giant and bought billboards everywhere.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Flashing billboards, digital billboards saying tune of the channel. And so the Democrats came and saw that and went, oh my God, this guy's huge. We've ignored him. How big is he? They went and looked at the demographic numbers and everything sort of freaking out. And so then they put me under investigation with Trump, who was the candidate. Trump is a Russian agent. That's all come out in the news now and actually put the FBI on us and tried to find dirt on
Starting point is 00:25:32 us and stuff. Of course, there was no Russian connection, nothing going on. And then Trump wins. And we had law enforcement sources that explained we were being spied on. And so was Trump. So we broke the news of how Trump was being illegally spied on. And then they thought, oh my God, he's like a secret agent. How does he know all this?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Well, I just knew all these contacts. And then later, of course, it came out. We were right. But I mean, we had federal marshals and people give us the information because they were able to get into the databases and see, like, oh, is this your office phone number? Is this Trump's private apartment number in Mar-a-Lago? And then they were. And then there was whole data logs with how they were watching us and everything.
Starting point is 00:26:09 So the fact that we just understood how things worked, because we could go research actual core data, not just go off the news, then they really flipped out and got really, really scared. And then there was that Fiona Hill was a big globalist operative and that she was the mole inside that was undermining Trump. Then we became a national security issue. And that's when they de-platformed us in 2017, a middle of 2017. And I mean, took the bank accounts away, took the credit cards away.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I mean, you name it because they treated us like we were Iran or something. They put sanctions on us. Yeah. And so now we've just kind of lived under governmental sanction level stuff where, to them, we are going to destroy the earth. But I was a big critic of Trump the whole time, stuff I didn't like about him. And I'm a big critic of Trump now. He's all for the vaccines.
Starting point is 00:27:02 But the point is that the system used the fear of Trump to get a lot of liberals that really aren't bad people to act like very fascistic right wingers. And so you kind of had the big corporations took over the left, endearing the hysteria over Trump. And so in a way, I think a more sophisticated group, in fact, I know, kind of stepped aside and let Trump get in. They didn't put him. They let him get in knowing the alchemy of the Hegelian dialectic that they would basically
Starting point is 00:27:35 energize a fascist form of the left that the globalists have chosen as their worldwide control system. Yeah. It feels like opposite day sometimes in the sense that everything, the kind of like liberal political establishment, liberal media accuses other people of doing they are preemptively accuses other people of doing, they end up doing themselves. But you are anybody who's like engaged with your work is pretty familiar with you as being like an anti Bush guy, you were like a critic of both Bush administrations.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'm just curious. It seems like leftists and liberals alike really haven't moved on from that Bush era mindset. They share with them, by the way, but they still see Republicans, particularly the religious right as like this great threat, the greatest threat to our democracy. And it's not to say that the Republicans are the good guys, but I'm just curious why you think they are still clinging to like this boogeyman. Well, I think Bill Maher gets it that hanging around with the Christian conservatives is
Starting point is 00:28:36 more fun to hang on the left because the left is what the real right wingers used to be. I can tell you, in my experience, Republicans and business people and right wingers are the people's house you go over to and they're drinking tequila and want to have an orgy. And then you go over to the Democrats house and they're all just like neurotic and I mean, and I'm not even saying going to have the orgy is good. I'm just saying what you there really isn't a big Christian right anymore and that it just it really doesn't even exist. And I think Bill Maher gets that like, look at the Republicans, they're the ones out
Starting point is 00:29:09 there. It's fun. By the way, I don't like that. The old blue blood Republicans were an empire. They want to enslave everybody. They are racist. They're all basically dead and gone. And then you've got the new populace Republicans that want to just party and but also still
Starting point is 00:29:24 love the country and don't want to get rid of it for an authoritarian global corporate system that wants to cut the middle class out. So, so the left is teamed up with a really vicious global corporate scientific dictatorship that really wants to get rid of the good times and bring in austere control. And the right wing is just kind of this populist movement that wants to have fun. And the Christians are in a coalition with them. As long as they can just go to church and do what they want, you know, they don't care what the other so-called Republicans are doing are really just populist.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Well, how I mean, you talk a lot about this, but how coordinated do you think it is? Because I always like air on the side of that quote that's attributed to Napoleon. It's like never attribute to malice, what you can attribute to incompetence, you know? Yeah. And don't interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves. Yeah. Right, right, right, right. Say that again though about what do you say about the left?
Starting point is 00:30:17 How much of it is coordinated, do you think? Or sorry, yeah, it seems like you're interested in this maybe tidy structure of power that's and corruption that's there's like a pyramid and there's people on top and the people below have less and less control and knowledge of the mechanisms above them. But what do you make of the idea that, that, that were run, yeah, sort of by bumbling fools and the bureaucrats generate just inefficient corruption and the stifling structures are more of the nature of like bureaucracy itself, like the banality of evil rather than like a top down.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah. I mean, I think everything is a mix of systems like any, any thought process or any school of thought is really just a human template, looking at things that are happening in the universe and trying to give them names and organize them. And if you look at what the new world order is, is that's what the globalists call it. It's for the old world, old world order is just a bunch of powerful different interests that pull their interest together so that they can steer the development and direction of the human species.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And they have a really good argument that humans are going to destroy all the resources. We're going to kill each other in a big war if we don't have a united nations, if we don't have global peace, if we don't basically get rid of masculine traits that have caused all the previous past wars, that is the narrow view of the Carnegie endowment, the Rockefeller endowment, and since the 1920s in their own admissions have been trying to build this new world. But that world they claim, where they're bringing in this total scientific dictatorship for our safety, is actually for the operatives in the system that are carrying it out.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And they're read into that program of global government and scientific dictatorship, benevolent scientific dictatorship, and told they're building the Star Trek future. The Great Reset. Yeah, well, the Great Reset is that. But they're not really getting rid of masculine traits in men to stop war. They're getting rid of any opposition they have because they want to make humans a total commodity and transhumanism. And so that's what these movements are.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And so yes, they recognize there's all these forces of laziness and also forces of crime and forces of these things. So they are gauging and controlling as much as they can with behavioral psychology and doing different programs, different tests to learn how to get control. And so the Holy Grail is the global social credit score through the phones, through the vaccine passport, which is also carbon tax mode. And when you say they, you mean the new world order, you mean those at the very top or Sauros? Yeah, Sauros is one of their top gophers, but absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I mean, if you want, I could quantify who's at the top of it. But here's why they really don't like me. OK, I could sit here today and with you great smart ladies and we could go pull up the stacks of it out there. Just all these admissions by them. I mean, they're the ones talking about all this. I mean, and so I've been reading what they've been writing for, I've been reading what they write for 35 years at least.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And so I, and I saw them, I read books they wrote in the 50s and 60s that they got done by the 80s. When I read stuff they wanted to do in the 80s, they said they wanted to do in 2000, they got it done. And they want to reduce the world population by 80 or 90 percent by the year 2030. And so people think, well, how are you going to do that? Well, you could see, oh, there's a virus. Oh, it's deadly.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Learn to be locked down. We're going to surveil you now. That's just a spider tying you up in the web. Now if we get caught in the web, then they're going to come have the final blow. Things are going in. So we're just getting tied up right now, but the venom is about to, and it's not going to be pretty. Well, how do we, is there any way to escape the web short of just completely going off
Starting point is 00:34:21 the grid off like Ted Kaczynski's stuff? Well, that's, we'll see, and see, Theodore Kaczynski, he was in the CIA and he was in a mind control project. MK Ultra. Yeah. And he got recruited into all that, and my dad got recruited into that, but he got out of it in college. I mean, my dad got recruited, not even in the CIA, but in the scientific eugenics group
Starting point is 00:34:45 when he was 15 years old, because he was already at the half of his class in science, science fairs in Dallas and, you know, doing an anti-communist radio show and all this stuff. And then it's like, oh, how about you go to the plan to University of Texas? This is in the mid 60s, early 60s. And it's like a NASA feeder group. And then he starts spending summers and weekends at UT, and by the time he's 18, they go, okay, this is not NASA. And we're going to set up a world government, we're going to carry out eugenics, we're going
Starting point is 00:35:17 to carry out the population for everybody's own good. My dad didn't tell me that until 2007 when he was at my old office, we're just about to move over here. And it's on a big screen TV and my mom and him sit and watch Endgame. And my mom looks at my dad, she goes, David, that's not this bad. They're not really that bad, because she knew he'd been involved in some of that stuff. And he goes, no, this is all exactly accurate. So we were then driving to meet my then ex-wife and my daughters at a ballet recital for about
Starting point is 00:35:48 30 minutes, and my dad just spilt his guts right there about it all. And but it wasn't even like that special. Anybody at the top of their class got recruited, I mean, Fauci got recruited in high school by the very same people. So there's famous cases where you'd have like somebody at the top of their class, a sophomore in college, or even a senior in high school, and you're in the you're in the lunch line and David Rockefeller gets a lunch line with you. I mean, it's like that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:36:12 They get and that's what Jeffrey Epstein was doing was recruiting all the scientists with sex, drugs or whatever they wanted so that you see you'd have a scientific consensus. Yeah. So are you against elites in general or these particular elites because they suck? I mean, elites aren't are always going to happen. You're always going to have stratos. When people innovate and create incredible things, you have the elites of music, the elites of art, the elites of beauty, the elites.
Starting point is 00:36:39 But then generally, generational wealth always creates corruption and tyrants, no matter where you look at it. So I don't like generational wealth. But at the same time, the people trying to get rid of middle class generational wealth are the ones that have the really old generational wealth. And so they use limited class warfare on us at the lower levels, but they themselves are very stratified. And again, they're just trying to create a system to secure their future, be able to
Starting point is 00:37:09 have a medical tyranny over us where they can use us as guinea pigs and then prepare the world for an artificial collapse because they believe there's too many people in the carrying capacity, the earth's been reached. And so they want to go ahead and have an artificial controlled collapse so that it doesn't get out of hand and there's a big nuclear war or biological wars. They've gotten all the main governments together other than the Russians in this agreement to basically carry this out. And so China's on board and others with a mass culling that's that they've just started
Starting point is 00:37:40 now. It seems like it's pretty hard to orchestrate that in China. There's a lot of people in China. Well, that's what I want to get rid of. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I mean, I could actually, if you want, because I don't expect you guys
Starting point is 00:37:52 just to believe me. I mean, I would look into the club of Rome, limits to growth, Paul Ehrlich, the population bomb. And here's the deal. That's true in a way. I mean, if you go to the Caribbean, you go to some small island and the people are having families of eight kids and what job are they going to have and their own skills, they're going to become in here and they're going to get brainwashing a leftist ideology and
Starting point is 00:38:14 become dependent. And it's the same thing. I mean, I get the globalist attitude of let's just get this over with who would kill all these people. The problem is, is that the globalists themselves have really bad traits. I mean, they, the kind of stuff you see in art types of like, you know, culture, like counter-acula. Well, there aren't real vampires that actually live forever, but, but people write lore of
Starting point is 00:38:37 like, don't get too close to the castle at night, you might disappear because if you go back to that area of the world, particularly that was, you know, going on, there's just a lot of weird fetishes that elites, whether they're the Aztecs or the ancient Babylonians or the Romans or anybody, human sacrifice, bloodletting, you know, all that kind of stuff is, is an appetite that entrenched priesthoods and elites always want. And so the worst people are in control of the planet and they're not setting up this world by tyranny to save the earth. They're doing it so they can use the earth, they believe is this metamorphosis of transhumanism
Starting point is 00:39:12 to become gods. And if you actually listen to what all the globalists are saying and the people at Davos says, the future is not human, we're about to override humanity. Well, A, I don't like the things they do. I don't like the things they do. They deploy. They don't have a right to do it. And B, they're really fallen and degenerate.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And so they're projecting their own self-loathing onto us. I want them to realize they hate themselves and kill themselves. I'm going to ask them to kill themselves. I'm saying, it'd be better if they just went ahead and killed themselves than try to kill us. And I want them to, well, I mean, before they kill us, I would tell them, I would tell them, lead by example, if there's too many people, if Bill Gates creates a diving board in his backyard with some of a deadly acid, and he just goes off and swan dives right
Starting point is 00:40:00 into it, says, there's too many people, look, that's just right, then that's that. Well, what do you think it is about this extreme generational wealth that does make people evil? Well, there's a meme you see all over the internet that will show really strong, tough guys standing around. There's just one, some major war, and it says, strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Exactly. I know. I'm doing the same thing. There's four of us. We'll get to the bottom of it. Yeah, it's bad, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men, bad times, we don't have a fact checker on that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:52 That's it. That's it. That's it. Yeah. I mean, everybody's seen it. They don't know what we're talking about. And that's really true. I mean, even myself, my dad grew up on a farm in a ranch at the end of that being, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:06 he grew up right at the time when the country was 50% of the population, the city was 50%. And in his grandfather's time or his father's time, it had been 90% rural, 10% urban. And so they had turkeys and they had chickens and they had cows and they had horses and they knew how to shoe horses and they knew how to butcher cows. When I was a little kid, we go down there and they still had the barns operating everything and they'd go, well, you know, we're staying down there the week for Christmas, camping out, having fun, hunting, shooting. We got to, you know, get some, some, some meat for this big cookout we're having.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And so I remember my dad going out and, you know, they, they, they, they got like a year old, not really veal, but about a year old cows were still really juicy. And then they liked her cows. Like Tally even had a name. They said, all right, Bob or whatever it was, got them in there and shot them in the head with a.22 rifle, cow falls over, put chains around its legs with a tractor, haul it up. And I watched my grandfather and my dad and his brother in about six hours, butcher, gut the whole thing, throw the guts out so the cow could eat it, the wolves or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And I watched them all sit there in a big white table. They had, you know, like a porcelain table they unfolded. And I watched them sit there and cut that whole thing up into, into steaks and meat. And I watched them put them in baggies and seal them and put them in two deep freezes. They had up in a barn on the hill, but behind the house. And I watched them go in and cook those filet mignons that night. Or I guess it was Chateaubriand. And I watched my grandmother cook up mushrooms and all of a sudden for Chateaubriand and,
Starting point is 00:42:37 and cook all this food. And then I sat there and ate Chateaubriand and watched my mom drink red wine with all these so-called hillbillies and something they just butchered at nine in the morning that morning. And so that, doing that, like, I mean, they had big garden in the backyard that was like an acre. And they were just out there getting, I mean, I remember sometimes visiting when I was a little kid, when my grandfather died, and he would come out in the tractor from working
Starting point is 00:43:02 and he'd just go, I had a little too many squirrels in the backyard, you know, he wouldn't just kill them all. Twenty-two, skin it in like one minute, grill it up, cook it, and I'd eat squirrel for lunch. And so it was, it was pretty good when he cooked it fresh, but the thing is my grandfather, my grandfather didn't have to live off the land. He'd also been in World War II. He was also the county tax assessor and it was an accountant. But the point was, he played B-17s in, over Europe, but the point was is that he knew
Starting point is 00:43:32 how to run electricity. He knew how to climb, he knew how to roof a house. He knew how to kick somebody's ass. He knew how to shoot a gun. He was a man. I mean, he looked like, I remember, he looked like a movie star. I mean, it was like, he looked like, like, like what the, he did a bit of movies and went to Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I was like, whoa. And the point was is that you could see just living out in the wild and being real, he was not domesticated. And then you see men and women were all degenerating and falling apart because we live in this unnatural world. Well, that's what happens with elites is long before that they just, everything's their grandpa wins the war or whatever, or invents the new thing. They become powerful and rich.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And then maybe the next child's okay, but doesn't have the same drive. The next one's kind of decadent, manipulative and lazy. The next child is corrupt and evil and resents their, their father and grandfather that won't give them the power and the money. So they go make a deal with other corrupt forces to overthrow their family and to be in charge. Now you've got a dictator in charge. So that's the, that's the mindset is, you know, first builders actually build it and
Starting point is 00:44:32 are the Renaissance. And within two or three or four generations, usually quicker, you actually have people that, that, that, that want to undermine, that want to enslave, that want to control, because they're actually threatened because they're projecting their own self loathing onto archetypal people like their father or grandfather, instead of wanting to be like their father or grandfather or being better than them. They aspire to actually use corruption and, and, and, and, and like gangs they hire to go out and actually dominate and destroy chivalrous men.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And so that's a process of, and that's only one sliver of how this operates. Do you think there's a war on men? Oh, 100%. What was the war on humanity? There's a war on femininity. There's a war on women. Yeah. There's a war on everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And it's all done to, to seduce you. Oh, we want to empower, you want to put you in charge, but really that's, that's not what it is. And it's not saying old systems were perfect either, but, but definitely this whole new system is 100% to make you depressed and alone and isolated and, and, and not living to your potential because it's an attack on the species itself. Well, Nietzsche described that as a resentment was the, was the term that he, that he used that you're sort of describing.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And he attributed that the, the beginning of that decline of that decadence to the enlightenment. And he said that to make man enlightened was to make him weak basically, and that men were better off sort of existing in this natural state that you were describing. But on, on that paradox, I believe you've got to have a hybrid of the two, but, but it's absolutely true Christianity being expressed even partially in the, in, in, in the enlightenment the last 500 years, the Renaissance, create all this art and beauty and in medicine and people and almost all the children living and not half of them dying, but that then made it to where we're weak.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And so now the globalists are moving in saying, we're going to reintroduce social pressures and, and societal pressures to start culling the herd, but they're not, they're actually trying to make us even weaker just to get rid of everybody. So, so, so they're not actually trying to bring things in to charge us back up and make us strong. They're actually just wanting to get rid of the whole species itself because if you're a bunch of globalists all empty and alone and have everything, but, but, but all you have is this projection, then you want to bring him out into an end and then believe science
Starting point is 00:46:43 will make you then transcend it and that's the mindset of these people and that's what they're rolling out. I mean, now they have articles in the waltry journal looking forward to the end of humanity and they actually explain we're, we don't live forever. Things can make us sick. We're so weak. Let's just get rid of everybody. So, so that's just the, let's just give up.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Well, no, no, no, that's, that's why we're here. But as a parent yourself, do you, do you feel like you're kind of like a weaker version of your parents and are you worried about your kids being kind of a weaker version? Like that's something I think about a lot, like how to instill children with your values without inflicting your experience on them. I a hundred percent am on the same page as you and I don't want to put my four children down because they listened three of them listen to the show, but they know it. I was hiking with my son this morning and he got the speech and because you don't want
Starting point is 00:47:39 to let them go through the things you went through that helped develop you because you almost didn't live in my case. And so then you sheltered them and coddle them and then they, they aren't as adventurous or aren't as strong or aren't as competent as you wish they were. And so then it's a paradox and listen, my son's amazing. He's great. And he's really come a long way and, and, you know, so is my older daughter and then my middle daughter and my younger daughter's four, but I can really see just, it's easier
Starting point is 00:48:10 for me to make the breakfast. It's easier for me to carry out the trash. It's easier for me to do this and it's easier for me not to make them go get jobs. And then it's my own laziness has allowed this, whereas my grandfather would not put up with that for my dad, plus my dad did not want to be like that from such a young age. I mean, my dad was like nine or 10, you know, they were, we're sending you to Houston to work for two months in the factory or we're sending you for a month to work in a refinery. And we're sending you to work.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I mean, I've told the stories about, they would go out and help pick cotton with the field hands when they were caught as well. And people hear that and they go, there's no way Alex Jones, his dad, picked cotton to them. That's like another universe. We got 1000 acres down there, the former cotton fields, you know, in East Texas, still got. So, yeah, it's just, it's just a process of, but, but, but again, labor laws.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I mean, even by the time my dad was doing that, they said, follow labor laws. The modern industrialization by its very nature takes us off the land and makes us weak. It's just a fact. Well, when would you say the last time was in American history when the common man sort of had a fair shake and the elites didn't have as much power as they do, as they do now? When did that shift occur in modernity?
Starting point is 00:49:34 It's definitely, it's computers have allowed them to track humans in live time and then be able to change stimuli through propaganda to see what works. And then now with phones and social media, they're in live time able to then use algorithms but also human intelligence to test behavioral psychology. And so now the final linkage with the phone and the vaccine passport is their total takeover where we then become robots that are directed by the video game console is really game theory. And then they direct you like the real world's a video game in social constructs of the social credit score where you follow the directives and then gain higher scores.
Starting point is 00:50:17 They're actually putting us in to a virtual reality or the internet of things. And then the metaverse is just a beta test to prepare us and train us for that. And then we'll wear goggles over our eyes that then show us in the real universe or third dimension the imprint that the system's put over it. And then there'll be an interface with our brain and live time via those goggles so that we can be studied, trained and controlled as we phase out of being sentient independent creatures into this biological Android that they're turning us into, which is the stated plan.
Starting point is 00:50:54 That's their plan. So first, 100 years ago, everybody suddenly isn't around the table listening to grandpa and grandma and your uncle or whoever that came to visit the traveling salesman you invited in to hear what happened or reading a book around the dinner table. Now it's a radio. Now you organize around the radio and listen to what Roosevelt's saying. And then next, okay, the TV and the 40s and 50s. Now it's the center and now, but it's wholesome and it's done smoking all these shows.
Starting point is 00:51:22 It's still, you know, what you trust. That's the worm on the hook. And so now the hook's in you. And then it's a desktop computer and then it's a computer in your car and then it's a cell phone. It's really a supercomputer that's got cameras and lifetime listening to you. And then it's Google goggles and then it's VR and then it's a neural link and that's the proto matrix of it goes radio, TV, desktop, cell phone, goggles, brain, and then your
Starting point is 00:51:50 body finally is put in a tank to then power the entire system, which is actually a Pentagon plan and a NASA plan from the 70s that then they turn the movie the matrix into was an actual theoretical. I can show it to you a plan to put us in tanks and you actually do all that. We need some of those microchips that they put in animals to track their movements. We should go in that way. Yeah. Well, one of the few things I listened to your podcast that you did like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:52:15 four years ago with Joe Rogan and Eddie Blanco, is that his name? Eddie Bravo. Oh, yeah. Eddie Bravo. One of the few things that I've disagreed with Rogan on was he said like, well, social media is only incidentally addictive because it's designed so well, it makes you addicted, but I think it's designed to be addictive, right, to like get people. Feature not a buy.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yeah. Joe Rogan is a very nice person and very smart, but he projects the fact that he's a nice guy on the people, but now he's not like that anymore. He says, no, I've woken up and he said, you know, you've helped wake me up and he now is really getting the fact that there is this predatory system that uses the mid-level and low-level laziness and happenstance and it kind of herds that or dams it up like flowing water. So there is that chaos going on, but the system's trying to corral it and control it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 We know from Sean Parker and a bunch of executives that, you know, came out what five, six years ago and said, when we first set up Facebook, it was to isolate you. It was to make you depressed. It was to control you and it's been predatory from the beginning. And yeah, all these systems are like a slot machine or a casino technology to manipulate your dopamine. Mm-hmm. Well, the other thing that like dawns on me is like during the era of radio and television,
Starting point is 00:53:31 there was one singular mono narrative that everybody had to hear and some people rebelled against and you had like a counterculture. But now everybody has like their own personal like internal monologue narrative. Well, that's another big part of the isolation is, yeah, exactly. And then they get isolated and then they have an avatar or groups of avatars that tell them what they want to hear. And some of them are humans activated and working through avatars, but others are more and more pure avatars.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And so you no longer have real relationships with real people. You have it with these corporate constructs so that you can be fully integrated into the system. It's a corporate takeover of the body of the mind of the soul. Do you think that truth is salvageable in America in 2021, like in that context? Sure. Well, the system says Alex Jones is post-truth and Alex Jones is nothing but a liar. And you can take everything I've said here today and you can look up all of it.
Starting point is 00:54:28 You can disagree with the way I interpret it, but what I said is on record, even though it sounds fantastical. But yes, if people continually, they can only choose their own truth. We all live in our own echo chambers. We all see through rose-colored, you know, darkly. But if we don't recognize there's certain innate things we are and that there's a whole ancestral memory that is what we ought to trust instead of this whole artificial system we're trying to be forced into.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And people need to take it slow and realize this whole thing is very predatory. And everything these social engineers are selling and doing makes you depressed, makes you not live as long, makes you alone and unhappy. And so Christ said, judge a tree by its fruits. And I don't see anything good coming out of big tech and Hollywood. And I know people at the highest levels of Hollywood and even the last six, seven years they were told, we want depression. We want despair.
Starting point is 00:55:20 We want people to give up. It won't give you any amount of money you want. Just nihilism. Put it out there. And that's so the general public just kind of gives up so there can be a mopping up operation to basically reduce the population. And again, I get that argument, but it's never going to stop at killing 90 percent. And in the process of killing all those people, we will really submit a very destructive future
Starting point is 00:55:45 that is not really survival of the fittest, but a form of cannibalism because our species does not want to set it up where we really do have an underclass that's the Eloise and they the ruling class, the Morlocks, as H.G. Wells talked about. And the isolation has contributed to that and made people increasingly unwell, myopic. That's the plan. I think the echo chamber is. Absolutely. How do you, if truth can be reclaimed and values can be reclaimed, how do you do that without
Starting point is 00:56:22 stooping to authoritarianism and enforcing, like inflicting your vision on people? If we have an ability to, if we have an ability to point out, if we have an ability to point out that this globalist system is synthetic and destructive and is basically scientist financed by really powerful families and corporate consortiums, making a cold blooded decision to take over human development and make humanities a commodity, then we could decide to not be that commodity and decide to not go along with that system. But right now they're in the capture phase, trying to really fully suck us in and then dissolve us in their guts.
Starting point is 00:57:11 But we can cut our way out if we become conscious, if the digestion doesn't go too far. But right now we're halfway in the mouth and it's starting to actually digest us. And so humanity's dying right now, they're now targeting our children, they're rolling out their GMO takeover of the human body. I mean, just 10 years ago you're like, how dare you try to make me eat GMO tomatoes and potatoes that have insect genes and in studies create a protein that reduces fertility. Why you do that on purpose? And now it's just like, we're going to put a GMO thing in your body that actually changes
Starting point is 00:57:41 your body and you don't have a choice and we're going to make you do this and if you question it, we're going to censor you. I mean, this is, we are already so deep into this thing, we are already in the arms and the tentacles of this giant squid that's pulling us down to the dark. And the more we fight and struggle out of it, the better it's going to be because we're going to have to wake up and admit it when we're being digested on the bottom or we're going to have to wake up now when we can still see the sunlight shine through the water to use that metaphor.
Starting point is 00:58:05 So yes, usually tyrannies like this only get defeated with another tyranny. And the question is, do you then dissolve that tyranny? Speaking of digestion, after you've removed that which you were fighting, and they could say that that's the dialectic that the globalists are using, that they're not going to really take us all the way to the end of humanity and all the way to the end and that they're actually causing us to stimulate the resistance mode to make us rise up against the technocracy and defeat it and then we transcend. And again, you see that in their predictive programming in things like 2001 Space Odyssey,
Starting point is 00:58:43 the book and in the film, where he has to first beat the AI, tries to kill him. The AI wants to go meet the God or go meet the aliens and it doesn't the humans deserve to. So a bunch of the humans die on the way to Saturn or Jupiter, but it's different than the book and but then he has to he has to survive that, deactivate the computer, get all the way out to the planet, go through the dimensional gate and then he's reincarnated back on Earth as the as the as the God child or whatever. And so yeah, what is your interpretation of the end of 2001 because I haven't I haven't
Starting point is 00:59:23 read read the book, but you know the end once he crash lands onto Jupiter and then he's in that room and then he's rapidly well, I mean, I'm not going to read the book. I've seen the film. I mean, I know Arthur C. Clark wrote the same thing in most of his books. It was the same story over and over again. And that and that story is actually what the Illuminati believe. And that's why Stanley Cooper made that movie and did all that is he has we have to technologically the signal came to us as animals to make us metamorphosize and begin reaching out towards
Starting point is 00:59:53 the gods and to go to the evolutionary path that they went through as well until they transcend the third dimension and go interdimensional. But then it but then it sends you back to the third dimension again, but at a higher oscillation each time. And so he goes back through. We have to build the implement from the stick from the from the bone as the tool, you know, killing their enemies war to throwing it up in the air and then it turns into a spaceship and then now they're on a spaceship going out.
Starting point is 01:00:22 But now technology is still going to try to kill you. It's going to become its own system. So you've got to defeat the technology that you still have to use. You can't let it take you over. And then you've got to give your body up and die and go interdimensional to then be reincarnated back on the earth again to bring the knowledge. So the end of 2001 takes place in that third dimension in that in that room. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And then you see in later books, they go out and form the new sun, which is Lucifer. And then it just spills out billions more of the obelisk of the universe. And then we're all just a seed of our consciousness of the Lucifer consciousness going out and creating this across the universe. And they think Lucifer is God. So that's the secret. That's what they follow. That's what they believe.
Starting point is 01:01:05 But but they then try to take people's free will, which is why they're not, they're not hooked into God and it's a lie. They're using the knowledge of the universe to then say their gods and that you've got to basically go through their system and that you've got to hurry up and give up your body right now, commercial machine, so you can do this. Well, that's, that's the part where the AI is trying to kill us. So we have to get past that first before that takes place. So you think that we have to go through this whole cycle before things.
Starting point is 01:01:36 You don't think there's any turning back like you don't think there's anything that's hopeful enough right now that would lead you to believe that we don't have to like complete that whole. The dialectic has to resolve itself. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not saying that what Arthur C. Clark came up with, but that he was an initiate, you know, he invented the telecommunications satellite, he was in, he was in the precursor of MI6
Starting point is 01:02:03 in World War II, and then he, you know, he was also into the same things they're all into is going to go to a country where he could do that. And then he wrote books about the entities coming and taking over the children and taking them away with them, childhoods in and stuff, and it's the same thing. They believe they're interfacing with advanced aliens who interdimensionally inspire them and give them ideas of what to do, but in every ancient culture, these entities demand blood sacrifice. Like they don't, you know, take DMT like, you know, Mike Sarnovich was talking about doing
Starting point is 01:02:38 or Joe Rogan and then just sit around with your friends. You do that enough. The entities say, all right, we're going to give you knowledge, but pay up, kill your kid right now. Yeah, why is everybody always trying to get you to take DMT? I don't know, but I think, I don't, you know, it is kind of a. Thanks for asking that. I feel like you're already on that wavelength when the spines of the books talk to you,
Starting point is 01:03:02 you know, you don't need to be on the DMT. Yeah, well, people are telling me, oh, you're scared to take DMT and I am kind of scared to take it because I don't, I don't really, I've taken hallucinogens before. Other ones I've never taken, the ones where you totally black out and that's what, you know, that's what like the toad and all that does is totally make you black out. And I just, I just, you know, I've already had enough happened in my body and gone through enough stuff that it just doesn't, it just doesn't sound like something I want to do. Can I ask you a totally intrusive personal question?
Starting point is 01:03:35 What are you scared of or like the most scared of? Separation from God. Which God, you know, the infinite, that connection, because what, what the Satanist, the Luciferians are into is building their own universe and being separate from God. And it invariably leads to death and destruction and ugliness. And so, and so I'm afraid of separation from God and I don't know what you find at the church or those kind of places, but separation from God, which is the infinite. And just, it is infinities of infinities and infinities and infinities of just consciousness.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And then that's just manifested in the third dimension because our, our energy is so powerful that we're just a manifestation of those more complex dimensions here, organizing matter in the third dimension for an experience. And so, this isn't even a simulation. It's more of a hallucination of us in the higher dimension experiencing things in this dimension for whatever reason. We need to do that. So, would you say that that is the source maybe of your power or I guess my question
Starting point is 01:04:47 is what, what set of attributes do you think you have that give you the, the stamina mentally emotionally to be a freedom fighter going after centers of power? Well, I think about power. I mean, we've all got innate power. Just to see a beautiful sunset. I mean, you see a beautiful sunset or you see how beautiful somebody's child is or any of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:09 That God made us to be able to interface and, and, and just as recognize beauty as a form of worship of consciousness and that God gave us, which is worship of God, it's an electrical connection. I mean, a thought is an electrical, electrochemical, multi-dimensional connection. And so powerful, I mean, it's the universe is powerful. And so to go through a process and to be persecuted by people that are like gremlins, I mean, I'm not that powerful is that they're that weak. And so that's what they hate is they hate seeing the potential in humans begun to be
Starting point is 01:05:47 reached, because then we're escaping them. We're transcending them. And pretty soon they won't even be a memory. It'll be like pulling away from, you know, some, some bad place you read, you know, like now you're at a beautiful beach with a sunset and the moon comes out and you're with all these friends by a big fire and it's, it's completion. What happened 10 years before and some bad experience, we just forget about that. So they kind of know you're a victim.
Starting point is 01:06:08 It's never going to get better when your identity is being this failure and all these bad things and oh, look, you're a loser. The news said over and over again, thousands of articles a week, you're a loser. You're a loser. You're failing. It's over for you. You're going to lose everything. You're, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:06:22 That just means nothing. I mean, I had nothing at the end of my divorce six years ago. And I mean, and I said, oh, we're going to get all these judgments on you. We're going to take what you got, like take what I got and what does he even, I mean, I, I, we're like the same three t-shirts, but again, that's why they really want to lock you down on your house where you know, ain't been on anybody and now you have enough food. So you'll worship the system and all my phones as I'm allowed to go out, that's happening in Europe now.
Starting point is 01:06:46 That's happening in Australia. Oh, they're so nice to me. I did my social credit score. I'm allowed out now, aren't I lucky that they've got to get us that desperate in a cage, these demons so they could be the boss of the cage and look at it and say, well, if you do what I want to join me, then I'll let you out. That's all this is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:03 It's, it's funny how like the prevalent kind of movements and ideologies of today like me too, like BLM are basically victim hood ideologies that I, I struggle to articulate it, but it often feels like the kind of the elites who are enforcing these ideologies in like a top down manner are giving or kind of like forfeiting the trappings of power, but actually hoarding the real power. No, I mean, I, I mean, I get what you say, but elaborate on it. I mean that these kind of, they're almost like, you know, treats like handouts to people that you get to like indulge your victim hood because it's like basically all you have
Starting point is 01:07:45 left. And I'm like of the flip side. I think that like when you have nothing, you have to like hang on to your like strength and dignity and that sort of thing, but it gets harder and harder to do. Do you have like crises of confidence? You know, my biggest problem is I like to eat really rich food and drink and just act like a goblin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I mean, if I had my, I mean, I'd be running around carousing and just, you know, whatever I, the more I don't do that, which I don't, the better life gets. So really that's again, lower level stuff. The more you deny that stuff, the better, the better you are, but don't what you said is absolutely true. It becomes the coin of the realm is you're a victim, you're a failure. These groups suppress you, but you come and work with us and then we'll give you attention and, and we'll empower you and we'll make you feel like you've got a home.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I mean, Candace Owens talks about how when she was launching a social media system and she was a, you know, attractive young, you know, you smart woman and all of a sudden she was getting threats by white supremacist groups and all these people trying to get her and all of a sudden, oh, the liberal feminist group reached out and said, we're going to save you. We know about this group. We'll protect you. And she later found it was them.
Starting point is 01:08:55 And it's the same thing. They do it colleges everywhere where they, they know how to target the nerds and they're sitting there with sociologists and behavioral psychologists is very evil waiting. And of course it's even hidden in the paperwork like, oh, when the, when the disadvantage show up on the buses here and don't really have any family or whatever, you're going to get them and take them to a dorm and make sure nobody's mean to them or no one abuses them. But really they get them off the bus and they say, there was a KKK rally today and it's
Starting point is 01:09:20 actually being staged by the left or, you know, group brought them in. We're going to protect you. They're, they're on the come on. They're going to the dorm and the campus and then they induct them into that group. They induct them. Oh, let's show you some PETA videos of a slaughterhouse, which slaughterhouses are terrible. I don't like a lot of that, but PETA is a behavioral psychologist, CIA group. I know.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Believe me, I know. And of course I came to get into and it's, it's Peter Singer and transhumanism and all this stuff, just, just to program you and then they're showing you hours of animals being slaughtered. Now you're in our group. It's a secret group. We're going next week to burn down a facility, you know, and now you're a terrorist and now you're in.
Starting point is 01:09:56 It's all sanctioned governmental Antifa, you know, this stuff and it's all cults. It's all cult systems of programming to make you think you're in the end group and they're creating their little priest classes to, and then now they're professors and now they're police officers and now they're judges and how they got real power and how they're going to show everyone. And it's just a classic evil signature. And because it's hidden, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, so yeah, that victim hood, if she wouldn't have gotten wise to that and noticed that some of the emails kind
Starting point is 01:10:28 of wrote the same and that they knew a little too much about her private emails when they told her, she wouldn't have found out and then it was like, what the hell? Um, and you know, she's a black lady who I, my lawyer is actually her lawyer from, she'd even know I knew this from like until she was here a while back and, and when she was in high school that she really had been attacked by racist white people. They had really messed with her and they really want a big lawsuit. You know, that was something nobody knew in the back when she was a teenager, that happened. So there was real racist whites and racist gangs and stuff, people forming gangs, but
Starting point is 01:10:59 just because there's some white gangs over here, doesn't mean there aren't black gangs, Hispanic gangs, weird feminist gangs, all this stuff. And you know, my mom knew a lot of like pretty famous feminists and people out in San Francisco, but you know, she lives here in Texas, but they would come to the house and I remember these women were all PhDs and you know, doctors and stuff and they were all talking about mind control. They were all talking about DMT trials and we're trying to map the, I remember these are just conversations when I'd be like, well Tom, her and one of her friends who was into
Starting point is 01:11:26 all this drove up to Arkansas on a road trip from Dallas. So I'm in the back of the Volkswagen Beetle for days, listening to them talk and hear all this stuff. Then only later did I realize what I was hearing. My mom wasn't involved in that, but this was so widespread that, that at least one of her friends was, you know, completely in research projects and obviously he wasn't just the psychedelic Institute of San Francisco. So that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I already was way ahead of all this stuff way before it even came out. So imagine how big that underground complex is. There's another example because they always try to come back and get you. It's like a devil's advocate. Well, I didn't get you this time. I'll come back to you later. Early 80s, probably 82, 83. I'm listening to my parents after I'd eaten, wanted to go away, you know, but I'm coming
Starting point is 01:12:11 downstairs and I hear him talking, so I sit there by the stairs, by the kitchen, because they're eating like the breakfast table. Are you an only child? My sister was adopted when I was like 14, but yeah. And I'm listening to him and my dad's like, well, they're hiring a lot of the doctors that do implants to go to Maryland and I'd be like a couple of months in and a month out. They pay us $400,000.
Starting point is 01:12:30 That's a lot more money than I'm making. He held a few dental offices. He goes, but you know, since I know these guys, my mom's like, we're not moving to Maryland. We're not moving to Maryland. And he's like, well, this is really important work in cybernetics and I just classify it, but I just remember them almost getting a divorce over, he almost took the job. And then later, them talking, you get pieces, a bunch of dentists he knew in Dallas and oral surgery because the implants were picked in, all just disappeared into underground
Starting point is 01:12:58 bases in Maryland. So I'm saying it's not like my mom was that special. She had a friend over, you know, in some government project in DMT. It was just that group. And then my dad almost got recruited to work in an underground base in Maryland doing God knows what with implants and even God knows what and that's in the 80s. So I'm saying is this scientific elite's gotten so far ahead of us with the breakaway civilization that we don't even know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:13:24 And my dad can't even hardly imagine what he doesn't know. They just kept trying to recruit him for stuff because you couldn't, couldn't swing a stick in the dark in Dallas and not run into just everything's like hidden. And it's not like, and then you just sit there and you see a schizophrenic who thinks the sun's following them. You know, they're like seeing stuff that isn't there. And then meanwhile, if they actually knew what was going on, schizophrenics would really freak out.
Starting point is 01:13:48 That's the thing about a schizophrenic. We had one person worked here that was kind of schizophrenic and I think from marijuana they became schizophrenic. They always were thinking everybody was the FBI and then one time I was at this event, we actually had some guys from the CIA there and I was talking to a meat woman and I go, actually, these people are from the CIA and they're like, yeah, right, but they're actually worse. They couldn't.
Starting point is 01:14:09 You see what I mean? It's like, it's like, it's like people are in a trance. They can't see the real thing. They can only see the false thing and it's some kind of paradigm shift. I only told those stories because that's an example of right below the surface or the tip of the iceberg is this giant military industrial complex that noticed Eisenhower and his fellow address to 61. He first said, a technological elite through the universities and science systems in control
Starting point is 01:14:33 of the military industrial complex and then that's Eisenhower warning you about this group in 61. Yeah. I mean, even if you look at the history of the internet, which is an entirely subsidized project that was subsidized by various military and government organs, I'm just curious. I think I know the answer to this question, but where do you get your conspiratorial mindset outlook from? Let me just back you up on that.
Starting point is 01:14:58 The intergalactic communication system and it was actually developed as a hypothesis secretly in the late fifties by the head of ARPA then, and by 63, they actually put the paper out that they would create all these computers when you even have little handheld terminals we went to. They weren't thinking about wireless. You'd plug into each day and it would see if you follow the directives a little handheld computer and then they could use behavioral psychology in the mass to then in a lifetime control what everybody did and they were going to create the internet to communicate to all
Starting point is 01:15:32 the terminals you plugged into with a handheld device. So this is a project much bigger than the Manhattan project going on since the late fifties that's now been actualized where it's a human machine brain interface with the internet is. Yes. To actually control everything. You're absolutely right. That's what the internet is and it's called the intergalactic such and such communication
Starting point is 01:15:51 system. Is that what you're saying? She wants to know where you get your conspiratorial mindset from. Well, it would definitely be growing up and you know, my parents were very well read and we're always talking about really interesting things and my dad was always reading stuff but from futurists and things and I was a big reader and then my uncle was in the army and worked as an officer in clandestine stuff in Central and South America and he got out of it and then said, he told me a lot of stuff when I was like 10, 11, 12, 13, nothing ever
Starting point is 01:16:22 secret either. It was all like, hey, the really bad people is really bad stuff and they just see humans as a commodity, blah, blah, blah. His last straw, not working with them was they were disappearing orphans in Guatemala and the US government knew about it and was involved. So that's how long all this stuff's been going on. They were disappearing orphans for what? He wouldn't tell me.
Starting point is 01:16:43 He wasn't involved. But he was like in charge of a bunch of secret communications and he was like one of the best ham radio operators and fastest Morse code guys. He won my national awards and he was a little kid and so he was like, and so he was recruited into all that. He was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, had like six silver stars and stuff, war hero. But anyways, super cool guy to me, that like seven years ago was awesome, my mom's brother. But he was just like, he wouldn't tell you, wouldn't say anything.
Starting point is 01:17:15 And well, on that conspiratorial note, do you think that there are false flags like within false flags? For example, like the deep state planting theories, i.e. like the controlled demolition for example of 9-11 that distracts people from like Bush's connection with the Saudi Royals or something. I know I'm not being told anything about the CIA and I'm not getting orders. And I know on that day, I know what bombs look like in buildings. So I was there saying it that day.
Starting point is 01:17:46 But yeah, what they do is there's a Gaelian dialect. They love a Gaelian dialectics, philosopher Hegel, one of the main fathers of psychology for you guys. Who's that? Well, no, it's just really important because they have some, I bet you guys do know about what I'm saying. And it's their excuse to always say, well, whatever situation happens, we'll just then look at other forces and use those against it.
Starting point is 01:18:08 And so it's definitely true that they see every movement and group as useful to them if they control the leadership. Because then if they need a new tool, it's like a control board or like a pallet of paint where they can use any movement or group they want to get their aim. So they definitely created Hitler and funded him and signed treaties with him and told him to go ahead and invade the world and then set him up. He was a bad guy too. But if you read the real history of the deeper history, British intelligence helps set up
Starting point is 01:18:36 Hitler. And so that's an example of major Hegelian dialectic or it's kind of like British intelligence set up the Bolsheviks in 1917. How can you be sure that, how can one be sure that they aren't being instrumentalized or a sigh of basically? How do you know that you're not? Well, I've had high level people that have been in those different agencies sit there and tell me that it's all Hegelian dialect and that they're actually doing this all
Starting point is 01:19:10 for their own good and that I'm doing a great job helping bring out the good in people and that was all their plan. But that's what these old guys do. They just take credit for everything. And I don't buy that, it's just they're evil and they're opportunistic at every front. But I've had like, I've met and talked to former CIA section chiefs and black op people that over through governments and I know, I'm a know a bunch of these people and it's just, it's always, I had the Kissinger group try to hire me, try to go meet with them and
Starting point is 01:19:39 I've already been up in the high rise buildings in New York and LA, it's always the same stuff. Alex, you're giving away the whole movie right now, by the way. That's all right. I'm just joking. We should talk about the movie a little. Yeah, we should talk about it. I'm really fat. I know, Alex is preoccupied by the way.
Starting point is 01:19:57 The secret is that all women secretly like a BBM. Big beautiful man. Yeah. Well, we don't like big fat drunken men, so it was, I need to be good and straight and strong. No, they do. I think women are looking for two things, which is like confidence in a sense of humor, which are basically the same thing.
Starting point is 01:20:19 That's all you need. And women like to rescue someone as well, you know. In the screenings we've done, the film so far, people are universally charmed by you, including the globalist goblins that have come to see the movie. Really? Alex Lee, here's a question for you. Do you feel like Alex J doesn't understand how he's perceived by people who overwhelmingly, when they interact with you, have a positive opinion of you?
Starting point is 01:20:52 I think that part of what makes Alex so charismatic is that he is such a humble person. And I think that if he were to allow the magnitude of his popularity seeping in, it would ruin his entire, you know, persona. I mean, that's what makes Alex so charming is that he's an open book, and for as out there as he is, he's completely relatable in every way. So I think he probably does in his private moments understand, you know, what he's entered into and how he's perceived by people. But, you know, he's, he's, this is.
Starting point is 01:21:31 I just don't like my identity being stolen. Yeah. Because I've never used to get like, why do these old people always write a memoir? They're arrogant. No, they're not. I, I see now that the real power of the establishment is they outlive individuals and they get to write the history books and they obsess over, I mean, if I feel so hard for myself in any way and I don't, I'm mad at, at, at, at, at these people that go out and write articles
Starting point is 01:21:52 for the New York Times and do NPR, I'm going to say their names, shows about me and the stuff I did as a kid. And I mean, like, I watch it and listen to it. I already hate hearing about myself, but I really don't like hearing stuff that is 100% not true. I mean, I mean, all my children strike me down. I never beat up a bunch of nerds and then they secretly kidnap me at a farmhouse and knocked all my teeth out.
Starting point is 01:22:14 You know, and I mean, but the thing is the lies are so outrageous that it's like, I don't even know how you respond to it. Like, and again, I don't feel sorry for myself, but anybody can check the record. Owen Schreuer in these lawsuits was never subpoenaed or called in any way. And they defaulted him with me saying he is guilty without a jury trial. And I'm saying, I just see headlines that were Jones guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. And I'm like, God, I worry about everybody's children that the media is so bad. And so out of control because I've done stuff that's wrong.
Starting point is 01:22:47 And I've admitted when I've done things and I've admitted when I've been, you know, mean or whatever. And they don't, none of that ever gets put out. And that's why I really won't talk to, not because I'm not even afraid of what they're going to put out, but they only use the idea that they've talked to you to pretend like they put some truth in there. So that's, it's like, oh, seal of approval. Oh, look, you know, this ketchup's kosher.
Starting point is 01:23:13 But it's, you know, but it's, it's, it's really pig lard. I mean, it's, well, hold on, hold on, hold on, because I want to do this before I forget, which is there's another film, maybe it's possibly potentially a series that's going to come out about Alex after our film does that HBO is trying to make about him in his way. You're sort of loosely sort of alluding to it where there's, there's, there's narrative hit piece about Alex that's going to be coming out. So I'm hoping, you know, not that my film, by the way, also is not like a, it's not
Starting point is 01:23:45 like a pro Alex propaganda piece. I did my base, my best to present Alex how he is and also give some attention to his career, his career, which has been an extremely long career. And you know, people focus, you know, just on what's happening right now. But what do you think? Well, they expect me to watch these. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:24:06 I'm just, I can't, I want to watch what you did. I watched part of last night. I thought it was my watch. You don't have to watch it. I don't watch any to watch, but I'm saying the hit pieces are really hard to watch because when you see people, you don't ever even met in many cases lying about any of these things. It's like, who that? What the hell is this?
Starting point is 01:24:20 It's theater. I'm telling you. Yeah. We can relate. Because people think like a lie is just like part of what's a lie. But when they create whole fake universes of just none of it's true and then they'll add like one part that's true at the end of it. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:33 It's, well, it's funny because, you know, if you go on Wikipedia or something, every major news source or website calls you a far right personality, and then you're on rogue and saying like, I'm a liberal at the end of the day. I want to ask you kind of like an uncomfortable question that I feel like. Sure. Yeah. Hard questions. So like given the recent default ruling on the Sandy Hook defamation suit, you know, part
Starting point is 01:24:54 of the reason you're in this mess in the first place is I feel like you've been pretty vocal about how children are like instrumentalized used as symbolic pawns by corporate and media elites. And in service of their agendas, whether those are profit making or even more nefarious. And I'm curious if you think it's ironic that you are now basically accused of doing that. Absolutely. And I mean, the way you put it makes me think of a point I've never really explained. I'm sick of children being used to take people's right to self-defense or people's right to
Starting point is 01:25:30 free speech. And so that's why the internet itself recoiled that event happening, saying as gun owners don't blame us, we're going to find anomalies, I think at a subconscious level, and see things so that we can say this is the truth so that we don't feel guilty because you're saying we're guilty. And that's why I said it was like a form of psychosis. I was completely honest in that, in that deposition and they go, oh, he admits he has a psychosis. He's crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:57 No, it's like a form of group psychosis. Even as a gun owner, you're being accused and the news is saying you're guilty because if you're right, what some bad person did illegally getting a gun and doing a horrible thing. So then you kind of want to buy into the people questioning the event and you kind of agree with it. And then there are some things that make you question. And you have a right to question, plus the whole history of so many things being staged
Starting point is 01:26:19 and being false flags. And so now it's crazy to have them say I built my career on children when I barely ever talked about it and we didn't ever make any money on it and it wasn't some conscious thing. It wasn't some like formula. And then you've got big anti-gun lobbies and groups raising hundreds of millions of dollars off the dead children attaching themselves to everything Alex Jones, every time my name is mentioned, this is brought up and then they're accusing me of hitching my wagon to them and they're trying to literally, I mean, they're on MSNBC, Democrats going, once we
Starting point is 01:26:53 get Jones, now this default thing will be used on all the Fox News people and Tucker Carlson, but that'll be everybody else as well. And so they're literally licking their lips saying we're going to get everybody's free speech on this Alex Jones model. And the whole thing is just very synthetic. The way it's been pushed, the way it's been done and the way the media and the courts and the judges and the lawyers are in lockstep with a narrative. And well, you can't defend yourself.
Starting point is 01:27:24 You never gave us documents. So now you can't show the jury anything and none of it's even true to the point of, as I said with Owen Schreuer, you can't say you never gave me anything when you never asked. Never anything. I mean, this is, it's so, again, it's like a hole in one of corruption. It's so over the top that it's, I mean, I didn't just believe my lawyers. I called a bunch of other famous lawyers. They go, yeah, this is, this is a precedent to get rid of juries.
Starting point is 01:27:52 We'll just default now and they're calling it the Alex Jones exception. And so the Republican leadership wants to get rid of the left's rights as well. That's why we think probably the Texas Supreme Court is going to say, yeah, it's the Alex Jones exception. They're ending the First Amendment. And so people say, well, how are you taking this? I mean, when they de-platformed me four years ago, I said, you're all next. Because again, the Wall Street Journal had a big 30-something page subscription story,
Starting point is 01:28:19 but I went and paid for it and I got it. And I forget the exact headline, but the article that linked to it was, hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones, YouTube's coming for you. And then that article, that article linked, linked to the Wall Street Journal. So I go, we had a membership. I read the thing and it says, we're going to ban Julian Assange and the left's going to go along with that. Then we're going to ban Alex Jones.
Starting point is 01:28:42 The right will go along with that. And this was a real article, not for the public, but for real business people. They said, look, we're going to split news core, self-entertainment division to Disney. Our news division is going to be profitable. You want to stay in as investors, and their stock did go way up, because we're going to turn the internet into Netflix. They actually said this, and we're going to start with Assange and Jones. And when they're not defended within five years, the internet will no longer be.
Starting point is 01:29:07 It will be a glorified Netflix with only major corporate groups allowed to operate. And we're going to get the left on board and we're going to get the right on board. And so the courts, I mean, the Democrats, no, they're not dumb. They know I'm lined up. We're on appeals. I'll lose too. All the way to the Supreme Court. So, but I'm, I mean, I'm like the sacrificial lamb to prime the pump.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Or like the first time you take a guard dog out and actually bites a real person, it's first blood. Now it's got a taste. So they're, oh, Alex is a demon getting, yeah, he doesn't get rights. And then I get torn to pieces, and then they move forward and serve everybody else. Does that make sense? Well, yeah. I think also of like the similar thing with like the written house case where people,
Starting point is 01:29:48 you know, will say, oh, it's just a culture war. It's just a thing warming its way through the media cycle. And it's both left and right or like owning each other over it. But there's also a very dark precedent there because people don't realize how that verdict has a ripple effect for ordinary people. You know, if you get a conviction that basically the left was saying that with this acquittal that it means that it's open season on left-leaning people by right-wingers, when the reality is that if there was a conviction, it would have meant that there was, there, there's
Starting point is 01:30:21 a season on people to defend themselves. Defending themselves. Well, on ordinary people defending themselves from organized mass political violence, right? And it's scary to me how people of all kind of political persuasions don't see that and also kind of speaks to how obsolete these political binaries are. You're absolutely right. And that makes me realize where I'm guilty because when he was found not guilty, I celebrated on air yesterday and, and because- Happy International Men's Day, by the way, guys.
Starting point is 01:30:52 But then afterwards, and I even said this later on, on, on another show, I realized that it makes it a new sport like it's gladiators. And so they send out the leftist hordes and say, mostly peaceful, they're burning things down and the people are going to come out and defend their homes. And then it's just going to be more and more of these court cases where when it's a Soros judge, the guy's going to go to prison. And so it shows how everything's being turned into a spectacle and how humans are going back to the same cycles that always destroy us.
Starting point is 01:31:23 And so, yeah, the really smart, intellectual thing would be to pull back and say, this is all a tragedy. This is horrible. And no, Rittenhouse didn't win killing these people. The rest of his life can have serious problems and, and it's, it's, it's, it's all a terrible thing. It's a terrible thing. And, and there shouldn't be police standing down when mobs of people, it's one thing if
Starting point is 01:31:44 the government's evil and bad and everybody storms the government building and throws it out. You go, you know, I'm not saying do that like January 6th, I'm saying that would be more appropriate if it's like Chilchescu's Romania or something or, or what happened in the early 90s in Russia. But then you go to the government building, it's where that happens. But you don't go out and go in neighborhoods and burn down public housing and, and blue collar car dealership.
Starting point is 01:32:08 And then, and then all because the elite media tells you to, and, and, and it's all a big sorrows combine seeing if they can get a civil war going. Yeah. And I mean, but you say you feel guilty because you see how you have contributed sort of to that culture of divisiveness. Well, yeah. What it really transcends. Well, I mean, look, I'm just saying it would have been more of an intelligent thought to
Starting point is 01:32:29 say what she said, cause that's true than, than just being in the moment of the dopamine. We won. But oh, you can see where this goes. Yeah. Because that dopamine is what they, they want. Absolutely. And I had a big dopamine. I got hired in a kite for about an hour.
Starting point is 01:32:45 And then I felt totally exhausted one more. And like we should clarify this is, you know, this is like a case of a person who went voluntarily somewhere and did get a gun, but you can see a slippery slope type scenario where it will could trickle down to people who did know such thing and are merely kind of at home or at their business defending their turf. Right. Oh, and I think it was a good ruling. And I think written house, I know written house, I know his mom and their listeners.
Starting point is 01:33:14 And then he's coming on the show soon, talked to him yesterday, the family. And I don't want to, I don't want to turn written house into a, a, a, a idol. But at the end of the day, I got to be honest, his dad did live there. He was upset. He was out there trying to be a medic. He was trying to be helpful. And he saw it at an archetypal level that the other warrior class men were not doing this.
Starting point is 01:33:38 He saw a vacuum and he came into it. And the social engineers know they're creating a vacuum where this is going to happen. They just want it where people defend themselves or punished. So the ruling class can direct mobs whenever they want to basically take over French Revolution style. And then you get a Napoleon Bonaparte on the back of that, I mean, because these things go always, you know, leftist mobs, which the whole left thing comes out of the French Revolution. That's where the term comes from.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Before that, it's simply a cultic left hand path. Do you find the kind of blind ideological fervor of left wing social justice activists relatable in any way as a person who's also very like high energy and intense about what they believe? Yeah. I mean, I mean, I definitely like the fact that the left is charged up and out there. And I mean, I wish that libertarians or prohumans, classical liberals were more like they are, but we're generally already so filled, fulfilled in our lives, there's so much going on that
Starting point is 01:34:42 we're not out there, you know, seeking to enforce our will. And I don't want to be like they are, we go out and bully people, but we need to go out and confront the bullies. And that's why they went after the proud boys so much. And then in any war or street war collision, you're going to have villains on both sides. People are going to act good and bad on both sides. And so that's why the best way to win this type of war is not to play the game like they say in that 1980s movie, but war games.
Starting point is 01:35:11 But what do you do when the system has conjured this, the system has created this, this storm of like cold air and hot air coming together, you get tornadoes. Well, is there a way of uniting the so-called populist left and the populist right? I think there is. I think we reject anything the big corporations are pushing. So they're pushing Black Lives Matter. We reject that. They're pushing Antifa.
Starting point is 01:35:33 We reject that. They're pushing wars. We reject that. I mean, notice, finally, Biden did one good thing and did what Trump wanted to. But then the Pentagon, everybody pulled out the troops first on purpose to make pulling out look bad. So it'll be a failed state against. They get to go back in.
Starting point is 01:35:47 I mean, this is, it's like in the movie, Time Bandits, I don't know if you've ever seen that movie, where God shows up at the end and on purpose, leaves a little piece of the devil over there so they can go, you know, so it'll grow back again and do the same thing. And that goes into how the globalists play this dialectic game. I want to loop back to what you just said, Anna, about the social justice aspect of it. I think that's actually a really astute question because I don't think that that many people realize how Alex's career started out, which was when social justice had sort of, it had
Starting point is 01:36:21 kind of a different meaning. But I mean, he built a lot of his career, like going around, you know, protesting about police accountability and about, you know, sure, sure, sure, I would go out and protest the KKK because I knew they were a bunch of Fed provocateurs, I mean, documented. I mean, he was a social justice warrior and in some ways he still is. It's just that now that term has taken on, you know, it's taken on a different right. I mean, I mean, when the police would bust in a house and shoot the Labrador retriever or throw a flashbang in the baby's crib, I would say no more of these no knock warrants.
Starting point is 01:36:57 I'm not against police, I'm against police states. And yeah, I did go out and do protest at the police department and all over the country. And I was against militarization of police because I realized that an authoritarian system will take over and we'll have all that in place and that the globalist wanted that. So basically, whatever the establishment corporate system wants, biometrics, vaccine IDs, any of that, you know, it's an agenda of control, turning us into a commodity. And so I'm just pro-human and I'm pro-human liberty. So I believe Carl Rittenhouse has a right to defend himself and I believe the cops
Starting point is 01:37:30 shouldn't be busting down your door with a no knock warrant and I believe the people have a right to have guns to counterbalance the state and having weapons. And I think even Naomi Wolf gets that now. I mean, when you start getting these more and more big monolithic things, it's good to have a counterbalance. But is a kid going to get a gun? Yeah, you need to stow the guns right. You need to, I mean, there's a lot of responsibility comes with freedom.
Starting point is 01:37:52 And so if you're going to learn how to do electricity, you like my dad knows how to do and my grandfather did, which I don't know how to do, then you better get trained or you're going to electrocute it. You know, there's just, with all this comes danger. But it's just like finally your child gets their driver's license or 16, they drive off to the world. Do you really want self-driving cars so there's down the road less wrecks, which of course won't be.
Starting point is 01:38:13 No, no, because it's a system taking us over and that's a greater danger. Well, yeah, I mean, I think one of the most kind of defining characteristics of the kind of so-called elites, the, the they, the globalists is that this is a new class of people who wants power without responsibility. And people don't fully understand that, you know, as you said, with great power comes great responsibility. And there's an element aside to power that's very unpleasant because you're responsible for other people.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Absolutely. And in fact, that's what the technocracy is, where they can just set it up, run it and they all live on Fiji private islands and they don't have to have vaccine passports because they're Jamie Dimon, they're, they're, uh, Sergey Brin, they're, and they literally are just, there's not even a law that they're allowed to fly to China or fly into Singapore or fly into, um, Hong Kong or fly into all those countries. I mean, you can read about, oh, um, you know, that, that Larry Page co-founder of Google, you know, just wanted to go to New Zealand and there's not the law that he's allowed
Starting point is 01:39:22 to skip it, but they just let it be so important and there's like, of course, he's important. They even hide the decadence. Um, I saw an NBC anchor, I forget her name on TV last week going, it's good. There's higher prices you're using too many goods. And I looked her up, she makes $2 million a year and she said, of course the public can pay more. It's for the earth. Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Well, if you're getting $30,000 a year, then let, then now you can talk like that, but she's making $2 million a year. I looked her up and she owns all these houses and beachfront property and, you know, $3 million condos. And she's like, she's probably driving a, you know, $100,000 car and oh, so, so we don't know if Marie Antoinette, when they stormed the Bastille said, let them be cake. They're not sure that's a real quote. But with these people, I've got Jen Psaki on TV saying we can make gas prices lower,
Starting point is 01:40:11 but we're making them higher so you use less fuel, which is true. It's austerity. They want to crush us and make us dependent. They don't want any type of middle class. And that means they don't want, they want a super poor underclass. And so, and they're suppressing all the real clean technologies and everything and giving us stuff that doesn't work. I mean, these are really nasty people.
Starting point is 01:40:29 And you see the minions, they're so disconnected that Jeff Zucker thought that Kamala Harris would be a great president when she has half a percentage point support with black voters. She was the president for a day yesterday. Yeah. But that's what I'm saying is, they literally are so disconnected and lost their humanity so much that they can't even gauge or judge or go find an anchor that will read off a teleprompter that's convincing. They like pick things that act and look like them.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Like you look at Ryan Stelter, you look at whoever that woman was saying, oh, they can pay more. And you look at her and she's an attractive woman, but there's nothing there. She looks like disgusting and it's disgusting things coming out of her mouth. And it's like, what happened to these people? Like no one is as enslaved as the enslavers. I mean. That's well said.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Very well said. Well, I'm ranting. No, no, no, no. The movie's coming out and it's not nice to say I haven't watched it, but I'm gonna finish it tonight. My wife really likes it. Well, you were in it. So yeah, that's sort of a bigger deal than you watching it.
Starting point is 01:41:36 So I feel like you've already, we've, you've already fulfilled our agreement. Yeah. It's also embarrassing watching yourself with other people. It's like you're the center of attention. Yeah. I never thought you would. I never thought that you would want to watch it. It'd be like, you know, like invited people over to a party.
Starting point is 01:41:52 You said, now I'm going to stand here in the little room wrong and look at me. Well, that's a real Hegelian dialectic is being simultaneously like titillated and repulsed by seeing yourself as the center of attention. And we all have it in us. So I used to like it some. I tell you, I don't, I mean, I like seeing stupid things. I did. That's why I want to act just silly all the time.
Starting point is 01:42:12 I guess that was like a baby bird on air. I was like, oh, that's fun, you know, uh, yeah, for somebody who's on air as much as Alex, like he, he really doesn't like to talk about himself or focus on himself at all. But you have to tell a story. People want stories. So you have to say, well, I went and did this and I went and did that. And but, you know, it's how they were like, I do talk about myself a lot doing right now.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Yeah. Yeah. Well, and you talked about how like, so there was a whole process of like gaining your trust because you're understandably like a little paranoid and suspicious of people who come into your organization, want to profile you and that sort of thing. What was that process like? Did you whine him and dine him? Oh man, I thought she was nice right away.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I mean, and I liked that. We had friends in common. Okay. So that helped a lot. But it was also just a lot of, you know, it's not like as soon as we agreed to do the film that he just granted me, you know, all this access, he said, you know, there were parameters. And you know, it's not just Alex whose trust you have to gain. I mean, he's running an entire ship here and he's surrounded by people that care a lot
Starting point is 01:43:14 about him. And there's, you know, this is a tight family here. So the more I got to know the people here, the more time that I spent here, you know, I kind of, I kind of won people over one by one. And when you watch the film, it's like, you know, before I got to even really get to know Alex very much like I talked to, oh, and I talked to Rob, you know, and some of the other people that work here. But, you know, people are protective of him and rightfully so, you know, they're all
Starting point is 01:43:41 good. They put up a man. That's what I really hate about them trying to shut this operation down because I can always do shows and stuff. But this one was built for social media and built to have a bigger crew. So we've been able to keep them here. But, you know, if they try to have these huge judgments and stuff, all it will do is get a bunch of my people fired, which is terrible.
Starting point is 01:43:59 That's the thing. It's not like, oh, I'm so selfless. I'm worried about my crew, but they really want to hurt this brain trust. That's why I've told everybody, I'm not going to do this forever anyways. They're all talented. I want them to all go break off into their own things. And then I'm going to try to support those things. And I've seen Joe Rogan doing that.
Starting point is 01:44:15 You know, he's really a master in a lot of ways. He's got all these great comedians and artists come to Austin and then he's helping their careers even more just so they can escape LA in places. And so it really becomes like the people you work with become your family. Yeah. Have other people approached you about doing documentary projects? I can't imagine. Oh, a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:44:35 I've had like, I mean, you're talking like every couple, I mean, every couple of days we've had, we're doing Netflix hit pieces. They're doing, I think Apple's doing a hit piece. HBO, I heard it's got two shows they're producing. And they're like, because I get calls from people that I don't even remember their names from high school. You know, Netflix is at my door and they're asking me if you ever, you know, I mean, it's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:58 And so they're just, sorry, go ahead. No, no, I cut you off. No, no, you go ahead. I'm just rambling. Well, that's another thing about getting Alex to do the film is, and you know, he was right. It's like, well, what else can you mine from somebody who's so prolific and there's been so much. I mean, this isn't the first film about Alex Jones, even necessarily.
Starting point is 01:45:16 I mean, he's working. There's no accurate ones. I mean, I mean. Yeah. I mean, I mean, in some ways, they just pick the goofiest parts, which is, or the meanest parts. And I didn't want to necessarily make a pro Alex Jones movie. I just think like, what is the point of a documentary about somebody if you can't actually
Starting point is 01:45:37 like, you know, put them within their context. And I don't think anybody's tried to do that with Alex to really put him within his context. And I think you interrogate him and take him seriously as a subject. Yeah. And it's not, it's not really a, it's not really a fluff piece, but it's like, I want to create something that feels like, you know, you're, you know, you can really start to understand this person. And it seems like-
Starting point is 01:45:58 The reason I hope your movie is really successful is, is because I did watch half of it last night. So my wife wanted to watch it. And she watched the rest of it. I said, I'm not watching this anymore. I was tired. She watched the whole thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:09 She liked it. Great. And she said, you got to watch this. I'm going to watch it tonight. Part of it was we don't watch a lot of TV, so we couldn't get the big TV works or like watching them on a phone. But I'm going to watch it tonight. Long story short, it's, this will be a good film for people because from what I've seen,
Starting point is 01:46:22 it's a good kind of snapshot of what really goes on. When people have all seen this, this facsimile or what they want you to think, it will be very interesting for what you get because it definitely gives you a flavor was actually going on. The movie, it's, and also the scope of the movie is about Alex's career. It's not about his personal life. It's not like tabloid-y. It's not.
Starting point is 01:46:47 It's really just, you know, it's supposed to feel, you know, and it's set against the backdrop of the, you know, the fallout around the election. So, you know, you get some kind of interesting, I mean, now we, now the story about Alex and the capitals come out. You've seen that everywhere. And of course- But it wasn't out before. Thanks to Tucker.
Starting point is 01:47:07 It's out. But I'm told, yeah, you're filming. Thanks for doing that. Because they're trying to say, I was like, Wall Street Journal said Jones was there saying, back attack, out of range, the rubber bullets, the coward directed his army. And of course they knew I was saying, don't go in, you're going to have a, you know, you can't stay. Well, and of course I had personal fallout from being at the Capitol too.
Starting point is 01:47:22 And I didn't, I couldn't spill the beans to everybody that I was there shooting this movie. It just got in a Jezebel that I was like, the name of the article was, it said, the name of the article about me is they always show themselves. So it was about how I was, you know, presumed to be like some innocuous like person. But really, I'm like this insurrectionist, like, you know, all because you're there filming your subject, like not case or something. All because you were there filming your subject.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Yeah. Well, I've been vindicated now. It'd be like, if you went birdwatching looking for a redheaded woodpecker, and then you shot photos of them, they go, look, she's a redheaded woodpecker. What I'm saying is, is that, is that you, you were not your subject. You were not bad because you went and showed something, but, but that guilt by association is ridiculous. Oh, I have no grasp.
Starting point is 01:48:09 God, we know. Yeah. Um, so you said, you're not going to, you're not going to do this forever. What are you going to do when you're done with, well, I was planning five years ago to scale back to daily show and try to just write a book, make a film and kind of recede back and, and try to move out of the country, getting ready for the depopulation and things that I knew they were going to start carrying out. But now that I've seen how horrible it is and, and it's moving so quickly, I thought
Starting point is 01:48:35 I might be a little bit further out now that I know they're actually following their, their timetable. I'm just going to fight as hard as I can right through the end, but doing this is something you're either totally in 14 hours a day and it's, it's killing me. Or it's, it's something I really have for 28 years on air would like to stop doing. Uh, and, but then it's the crazy part. Being attacked and sued and lied about has made me work more, made me do more, made me better.
Starting point is 01:49:00 I guess that's how God works. Uh, and so now I'm going to start a weeknight shows. Uh, I'm going to, I'm now, I'm going to be in more films. I'm going to make documentaries again, which we're doing. We already released one, uh, Covenland. And so it's, it's not that they're persecuting me. That's making me do this. It's that I realized, wow, it's really as bad as I thought it was.
Starting point is 01:49:18 I have a responsibility to do this. Uh, and now they're going to try to permanently lock me down and put stuff in my children that I don't want. And I know they're lying about it. So they want to fight. They got one. And so, um, okay, it's full on war now. And so, um, I mean, that's it.
Starting point is 01:49:34 So it's, it's like destiny. I've got to do this. I got to, I, I've got to win this fight. You're on a ride. You can't get off. Absolutely. There's, and we're all on the ride. People say like, well, it's like, it's turning into Alex Jones's timeline.
Starting point is 01:49:45 Like, like, you know, he, he said all this imaginary stuff and it happened. No, it's all in the documents. I mean, they talk about, they're going to end men and women. They're going to end us as a species quickly. I mean, they, they plan to release super badass weapons that just kill most of us. And that's what the lockdowns are training for. So you stay in your houses when it happens. You're going to have robots on the streets.
Starting point is 01:50:04 I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's really bad. I mean, I'm not trying to scare people, but they shouldn't be scared. I mean, if I had $20 million and could run to some private island and just hide and have like a run a scuba shop and, you know, but have it like a hidden redoubt in it or something, because you don't want to be rich when this goes down either. You don't be able to know what you got. Um, I mean, if I was just a coward and was just selfish, I would, you know, tell my kids the world was in great danger.
Starting point is 01:50:29 They know that's true. I'd say I'd like you to move with me somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Um, but that's not going to happen. And so I'm going to go ahead and just stay here and go through this. And I'm, thank God, in a better state that isn't under as much total control as not as domesticated. But I mean, I'm not trying to scare people. I mean, you are, this is going to make the, the, the, the communists in, in, in Russia
Starting point is 01:50:48 and the Nazis in Germany and Mao and China look like angels. Okay. I mean, this is it. So you think Alex Jones told you what was coming before. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, you got children. You know what? This is serious. And by the way, I'm doubling down.
Starting point is 01:51:02 You know, I'll be happy to have more children if I can. I'm not going to let them dictate to me this horrible world they're building. So I just know God sees that and it's like currency. You get together and you have children and you defend them and you put more currency on the table. That's the only way you get more chips is more children. And I was saying people who can't have children aren't, aren't, aren't great people. I'm saying is that metaphysically takes you to a whole other level of understanding of
Starting point is 01:51:23 what you've got to do and the office of stepping into that ancestry and, and, and, and all this future and you see the future going forward. I mean, humans are a form of time travel. I mean, or like, imagine trees go back millions of years from other trees and their, their life is time traveling. It's actually the life is living. It never dies. It's like epigenetic time travel.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Yeah. Epigenetic time travel. Exactly. And so they, they want the power of cutting that off and making it a corporate thing and bottling it. And I'm not going to sit there and let them take over my epigenetic time travel. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to just fire weapons at my kids. Like children.
Starting point is 01:51:59 I can get out there. I wish I had a hundred. Like that. You like that. You don't like us. There's a whole bunch of them. I'm going to blast my way through these. I just, I just don't want them using my kid's stem cells and some sort of fancy creams that
Starting point is 01:52:10 like rich ladies use. They do that. What for Allen or something. I remember learning that like 20 years ago that France, big, big friendship cosmetic companies were getting melted down babies from China. Now it's mainstream news. And like, they were like killing dissidents that got that information out. Like one lady with a whistle at one company in China, she was wealthy, but so we're not
Starting point is 01:52:29 doing it. She had an epiphany and so we can't do this. They killed her. I mean, people are dying to tell people, hey, they're using melted down children and cosmetics. I mean, how do we not think that we're not going to be destroyed acting like that? That's going to come back on. I mean, if you don't believe in God, the energy of that is like, you just, it's satanic, man. I mean, because at least Satanists are like, oh, we're getting power to kill this child.
Starting point is 01:52:52 They're doing it real and know they're doing it. The people just, I mean, or they actually eat the tablets of their college. Oh yeah. The Vicente. Yeah. My mom sold her placenta in the Soviet Union to some French company. That's all I know about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:06 And the placenta, you could argue, hey, that's a product, sell it, you know, whatever. I'm, you know, my wife donated, you know, hers or whatever. That's all that we're talking about the children China, China, China sells the tablets of the children. So what do you do to decompress? I'm worried about you, Alex. I'm worried. It's killing you.
Starting point is 01:53:25 No, no, no. Well, that is part of it. How do you relax? How do you unwind? The reason I am obnoxious and kind of just hammer it out is, is if you don't go in the full gear, like I'd be like, you know, because once I get home, I just go to sleep most of the time. And yeah, so I'm in a war.
Starting point is 01:53:39 That's why that's a good name of the film. Alex's war is I'm in a war. And so I've got to just, if you're going to go like play football or you were going to wrestle somebody or you were going to, whatever you kind of got, got to get going. And so I kind of just get myself in that gear, then it's hard to slowly talk about this stuff. And I think if I, sometimes I do slow down and talk slow, people like that better and it's better than just machine gun firing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:59 But what do you do to kick back? Relax. And you're down time. That's part of the problem with drinking is I like, you know, drink a half bottle of vodka and you're in a pretty good place because you're not thinking about all the problems anymore. But then the next day it has the effect. So it's not good.
Starting point is 01:54:14 But you like, you like shooting guns and you like going out on vacation with your family and you like nature, right? I like nature. I like people having fun shooting guns. Do you meditate? You know, I've tried. Yeah. Sometimes I meditate when I'm driving in the car and not really trying to meditate.
Starting point is 01:54:31 And then I kind of go off to a zen place. Well, I know you're a David Lynch fan, right? I do like David Lynch. Yeah. And he has an intensive meditation practice that I think he gleaned a lot of his sort of. Transcendental meditation. You know about that?
Starting point is 01:54:46 Yeah. That's what the famous actor, the most famous western guy, Clint Eastwood. Yeah. He does that as well. That's right. Really? But you don't have a meditation practice. No.
Starting point is 01:54:59 And I need to start transcendental meditation. You're absolutely right. I mean, I need it very badly. You know, they say that there are different forms of meditation, like some people like the chant for meditation. I can see Alex getting more into like a chanting, energetic form of meditation. Well, I definitely, I have like dreams where I like, you know, I'm like chanting and oscillating and stuff.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Do you dream a lot? I have wild dreams. Yeah. Wow. Like I have dreams. Like if you see the new dune, when the starter car guy, it's like a viral thing, we're like yeah, I have dreams like that. That sounds like when you made fun of my vocal fire on your show.
Starting point is 01:55:51 Does that really mean to you? No, you weren't terribly mean. You mostly made fun of, yeah, my low vocal register. Yeah. Well, plus you were doing a joke as acting kind of silly. I was being performative as well. She was. You know.
Starting point is 01:56:04 I mean, you won in the clip. Yeah. I guess so. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and I think that's undeniable. I don't think anybody could see that clip and I mean, you're definitely the breakout star of that.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Yeah. I was very scared and I sublimated it into a kind of a nonchalance that gave me, gave me here. Like a call of a legend. Yeah. Do you see you quit drinking recently? Yeah. I mean, I've like about the last four months I've probably had, I've probably drank three,
Starting point is 01:56:30 four times. Three, four bottles of vodka. No. I mean, the other night I was, you know, caffeine stops working after a while and I was going to go on Tim Pool's show and Joe, we knew Joe Rogan was coming over because he just called me. Uh-huh. And he said, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Rogan's a bad influence. Well, no, he wasn't drinking when he was here. Oh, okay. I was tired. And so Rogan was coming over here like 6.30 and I told my assistant, I said, go to the liquor store, get me a small, you know, little half pint or whatever, get me some vodka. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I drank, I drank that with some, uh, you know, lemon or lime soda water and I felt great and did a three hour podcast. And then I felt like I'd been murdered the next day. And back when I was drinking heavier, sometimes, you know, that would be nothing a little, you know, maybe five, six shots of vodka, but that was like, whoa. So I mean, I felt stupid for like two days. I just now got over it. Um, that was like Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:57:22 I felt like crap till yesterday. Do you get moral hangovers? What? Do you get moral hangovers? What do you mean moral? You know, like when you, when you wake up and you're hungover, but you also like think about all the things you did wrong before. I absolutely do.
Starting point is 01:57:37 And I don't know what it is. I wake up at like 3am, like whatever happens in the dream, like I, I feel horrible and I'm such a loser and it's like a conscience is like super strong saying, don't do this anymore. He's super strong. Like 3am, you'll wake up and you're just like, you are, oh, you, I hate you. Yeah. You are the worst person on earth.
Starting point is 01:57:58 You're the moron. Oh my God. I feel, I don't go like, cause I'm never really depressed, but I'll make you depressed. I'll get up and go, you know, take a piss or whatever. And I'll just be like, no, you're an okay person. It's all right. You're not going to be bad now. And I'll go back to sleep.
Starting point is 01:58:11 But yeah, no, that's, that's one of the few times I feel bad about myself is waking up at 3am with a, you know, go on. What did you do? You idiot. And maybe it was like a big porterhouse steak and three glasses of wine. I'll feel horrible. You know, like a big, I'm a big meat eater, I'm on against meat, but you know, it's toxic and high levels.
Starting point is 01:58:29 And I could go out and just eat a big steak and a big thing of, you know, grating potatoes and like wake up at 3am, feeling horrible. And your body's telling you, Hey, knock it off, buddy. Yeah. You know, I can eat a steak at lunch. Fine. I'll eat a big steak. You know, I'm like, I'll take the eight ounce flame and yawn, please.
Starting point is 01:58:46 I'm going to eat asparagus and then. You're making me hungry. Yeah. I'm getting kind of hungry. Should we wind it down? Yeah. Yeah. I've got more time if you want to, 10 more minutes or whatever.
Starting point is 01:58:57 And then we want to go shooting. Yeah. We'd love that. You want to end it? That's cool too. I just like the way you saw voice. He, I think he really, we've been, we've been called an ASMR friendly podcast. Well, now it's not today.
Starting point is 01:59:10 Yeah. Not today now. People say I sound like a wood chipper. You put gravel in her. Yeah. But I want to invite you guys on the show in person if you ever want and, but you got to wear your little sailor off it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:24 Yeah. I'll take it. I'll take it. I think people would enjoy that. People would enjoy that. Yeah. Hey, I'm just, I'm so excited that you guys could like formally reunite because it's come full circle.
Starting point is 01:59:36 It does. Because you really, I think kicked off our podcast in a weird and bizarre way because of Dasha's video. Yeah. Well, I'm going to listen and I'm going to try to get, I've talked to so many smart people. I say, Alex, if you could just slow down, have your notes, cover your points. It's not fake.
Starting point is 01:59:52 You have a very nice soft voice. People would really, really like it. And so I think, let me see some of your notes and I'll just read them on air. I just, these are my questions for you. I'll read some questions here. This is, this is, this is the, okay. Written house case. We did that.
Starting point is 02:00:13 All right. We did that. One of my question is, do you think people don't like you because you yell and scream? Yes. I think that becomes a caricature. See, I'm, I'm, I'm not talking about the soft voice. Yes. It's big.
Starting point is 02:00:27 Yes. I don't like myself either. Wait, read, read the one about, um, the one being, this is like this one, you know, the problem is, is that the only time I talk like this is like when I'm going to be, God, you're so beautiful. Yeah. Anyways. Well, podcasting is really a game of seduction.
Starting point is 02:00:47 It is. I'm not, I guess I'm not seducing people. I'm like, in a way, in a way you are. The tension between. Yeah. That's not a question. But the tension between, you know, the tension between, I'm trying to talk softly or can't do it.
Starting point is 02:01:01 I'm, I'm choking up the tension between being loved and telling the truth, being right. Are they mutually exclusive? That's a question. What do you make of that? I think, I think with most people, they think about, will I be loved for saying this? And that's something I don't do. Like I say what I really think because that's the most valuable thing to me. And so I've learned not to have a governor where I think about what I'm going to say.
Starting point is 02:01:33 And sometimes that can cause problems and it's, it should be a balance, but I'm somebody that doesn't really worry about what I'm going to say, hurting somebody's feelings. I mean, to the point of people ask, how'd you like the food? I don't like it. I'll tell them I don't like it. Uh, or my wife asks, do you like this outfit? And I'll tell her no, even though that's using, do you tell your wife, if she asks you, do I look fat in this?
Starting point is 02:01:59 Do you tell her the truth? You know, my wife does not look fat in anything. So, your wife is a beautiful lady, by the way, but no, no, I'm being honest, um, I mean, she looks like she's been carved out of marble or something. Um, let's talk about my wife. That's, you know, hot in my chair anyways, next question, are you, are you a hopeless romantic? I am.
Starting point is 02:02:22 I think yes. I am a romantic. I'm a very romantic person in that loss causes, you know, going up to against unstoppable odds. That's what life's all about though, but nobody likes the guy that joins with the power structure. But plus, I don't just think about that and then fight it because I want to be the hero. I mean, this is a really bad power structure. They need to be opposed.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Agreed. I have one last question, um, what kind of movies do you watch and what kind of music do you listen to and do you watch slash listen to anything that people would be surprised by? I know you like Apex twin. I do. I mean, I like everything eclectic. I mean, because everything is, I guess eclective is everything.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Um, I mean, I like everything from hip hop to country to hillbilly music to rock and roll. He likes metal. I like, I like some of the old metals. Got a lot of energy to it. I mean, I got older on as much and I, and I, and I like old, I like Shakespearean plays. I like, uh, Japanese films. I like Russian films, French films. I like Citizen Kane.
Starting point is 02:03:27 I like, it's a wonderful life. I like Americana and I like good science fiction, uh, Kubrick fan, obviously. Yeah. Absolutely. So it's, it's all big, you know, he had deep understandings of structures of power as well. You know, I know his daughter pretty well. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:45 And she, if you want to interview her. She's been de-platformed as well. I would love to interview her. Yeah. We'll give you her number. Uh, but, uh, I need to talk to her more because she, she, she's really smart and she'd be the person to write the book or whatever. She was like her dad's favorite and, uh, it was like his protege, actually working on
Starting point is 02:04:00 the films a lot and things. And she's also the girl in 2001 space. Obviously. She is. Yeah. And she did the score for Full Metal Jacket. She did the score. And, uh, she is, uh, she's definitely, uh, I mean, she's a sexy lady.
Starting point is 02:04:12 She's older lady. She's very sexy. And, uh, you know, she's, uh, she's something else. So, uh, yeah, I definitely, I definitely like Vivian Kubrick a lot. You ought to interview her. She's definitely, but the stuff she told me about her dad, I'm not allowed to tell anybody, but it's pretty wild. And it's exactly what I expected.
Starting point is 02:04:29 Uh-huh. It's, uh, But he was a family man and animal lover. All that he was. Yeah. Well, I mean, I'll say this much, uh, people ask how he knew all that stuff. Super psychic. So that's the secret of Stanley Kubrick.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Wow. And then she's, you know, real. And I, I mean, I, I mean, everybody has it. They just don't know about it. But, you know, I mean, that's, that's an aspect because once you get too much into it, there's all the cheesy people on the side of the road, you know, act like they're psychic or whatever. But, uh, um, but, but, but, but Stanley Kubrick was definitely psychic. So he was, he had the CIA visiting him about, uh, plan R and, uh, how he knew about the
Starting point is 02:05:09 encoding machine on the B 52s and all that, and, and he just, he knew what they had. And that totally freaked him out. So he, he, you know, you've heard like remote viewers and people, but that, but a lot of those people are saying they are, but Stanley Kubrick was a definitely a remote viewer. Wow. That's why the shining is why he made that like the, the whole black man knows little girls, little boys in trouble when he goes and stuff. And so yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:33 But that, that I'll say that much. That wasn't a total secret, but people just, people don't know all about Kubrick. And I know she's not BSing is already know about all this stuff. Yeah. And so he'd ever went to eyes wide shut stuff. He just knew that was going on. Well, that's why he left Hollywood. That's why he sort of, you know, was made to live the rest of his life in the UK.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Yeah. He was, he was, he was super psychic. Well, thank you so much for coming. People want to find the forbidden fruit. It's info forward slash show and free world That's the same URL. It's banned on video, but banned on video, the URL is banned everywhere. You can't share it, but you can share free world
Starting point is 02:06:12 This is what's actually going to do us in by advertising websites on our podcast. But see, think of the tyranny of these people. If they do that, they say they want to empower women by the way, you guys have a great podcast. Thank you. Thank you. I'm going to listen to it. And don't forget, you should. I have Alex's where we'll be coming out early in 2022 and you can follow us on Instagram
Starting point is 02:06:32 and you can also follow us on Twitter. And I'm also going to violate all the leftist rules. I'm going to say you ladies are very smart and very pretty. Thank you. I like being in here. You guys are awesome. Good energy. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:43 We're like Charlie's Angels, Alex's Angels. Oh, well, we have a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. Yeah, it's perfect. Yeah. We add our sign off as we say, see you in hell. But thank you, Alex Jones. Wait, do that again. Thank you, Alex Jones and thank you, Alex Lee Moyer.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Thank you, ladies. Thank you. We'll see you in hell. See you in hell. And we'll see you in hell. Bye. Bye.

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