Red Scare - Anna For You

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

The ladies discuss Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan, the Momlife comics fallout, and Nathan Fielder's new show "The Rehearsal." ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh yeah Nathan fielder oh yeah Nathan the mom life stuff monkey pox it's a loose docket but yeah there's some items this is a free one right yeah we should do a free one yeah cuz we on paywall the job yeah we're back oh are we recording yeah oh I was just gonna say how we really need to regain some of that goodwill by making this a free episode mm-hmm after the fallout from the Alex Jones thing oh we did it a while ago y'all I know I know but I can't I hate when people get mad at us about something I'm like you already did this one I know you can't come on I know I'm not opposed to like
Starting point is 00:01:17 critique I just I'm tired of the same old critiques I want some new ones I'm out at work being so annoying so that you guys can find new stuff to be mad at me I don't even notice there they're still fixated on like shit we did four years ago I still think we're dirtbag left I know DSA betrayal I know one of the shocking things about palling around with right-wingers mm-hmm which is by the way a hundred percent verifiably true I'm not even gonna try to dispute that is that they're all like wow you and you and Dasha are so brave to to finally go mask off and turn your back on
Starting point is 00:02:03 Bernie DSA left as um yeah and I just like I I always feel like a little wounded and like want to prove myself no no you don't you guys don't understand I've been more racist and more right-wing than all y'all since day one and then I you're the least right-wing you've ever been I know I know it sucks I'm you're basically a libtard I know I'm a libtard now I'm I'm debuting live time you a new orientation on the political axis which is called racist centrism it's like when you're like a Hillary or Pelosi centrist yeah but you're into race science I like it yeah I think that's actually it's just with
Starting point is 00:02:50 the third way the fourth way how many it's like feminism there's been so many waves I've lost count yeah the 40th yeah the crimson wave centrism um people are yelling outside yeah I don't wanna they hootin and hollerin yeah it's tough it's hard out there I was just telling Dasha I know things have gotten really bad because they started closing like the cheap sick bodega on my corner at 10 p.m. not the boat bodegito no where and don't they will I get my cafe seat up your late-night cafe seat oh what were we talking about something oh yeah but my point is that every time I want to like annoyingly clarify these people I'm
Starting point is 00:03:45 like no no just let them think that you're a reformed leftist because there's nothing right-wingers love more than like having like I said like that one black friend or that one leftist friend who like it's like they actually make some good point yeah mm-hmm they they feel like such kind of alienated misfit losers that they really love having people in their camp a normal for a normal I mean I was I guess I was a leftist but I'm just pretty impressionable you know well you're a whammin I'm a whammin you're an actress and yeah I see I'm a vessel exactly we wouldn't have it any other way yeah I'm
Starting point is 00:04:37 just being honest I know you know and you're the message you're not impressionable in the ways that count thank you yeah but that's all that matters yeah I'm emotionally impressionable you have an immutable moral compass thank you thank I'm very tired I was just telling and I've been having a bunch of nightmares oh yeah keeping me up all night like weird like young Ian and time yeah like apocalyptic mm-hmm dreams psychic premonitions I mean I hope not not all my dreams have psychic contact but sometimes they definitely do but it's never useful it doesn't occur to me
Starting point is 00:05:19 until like something happens down the line and I'm like oh I dreamt this it's like yeah it is like very there's no utility to retros retro active but when I see blood rushing down the streets all no my nightmares come true no yeah I'm very tired too I I'm bad we could know it's it's not even has anything to do with like motherhood or hormones or anything I just like woke up really tired yeah August is a rough it is yeah rough month to be in this in the city I know are you getting out of town anytime soon mm-hmm you guys are kind of good about doing the day trips yeah we'll do some more day trips yeah my birthday is
Starting point is 00:06:07 coming up oh yeah I was thinking about what to do with that and like my inclination as you get older is to just do like a a quiet low-key dinner yeah but I was thinking of like maybe like inviting crumbs to my birthday so he could write like a 20,000 word that one's mad long yeah 200,000 his magnum opus and his birthday party and then she said no but give Steve Saylor a chance he's actually a very funny writer and vivid storyteller go and a good one episode without mentioning it's because we keep getting away with it that's why we're like we're like well no one said anything I guess we'll just bring him
Starting point is 00:06:58 up again one of these days someone's gonna compile all those this is my way of like manifesting a meeting at clandestino of crumps and say no Steve X clandestino where does he live and so Cal I think nice good for him yeah yeah his manicured ass lawn he's got a mellow kind of so Cal by about chill so Cal done God we're both like really brained I know I'm pretty I'm pretty pumped about the stock yet yeah okay that's good I'm into I'm into like well the Brody thing is an interesting what's the Brody the Richard Brody thing he wrote about Nathan Fielder oh the yeah the New Yorker article yeah themy Lovato
Starting point is 00:07:56 becoming a she she her I think she's still a they them but she's a she her too mm-hmm cuz she no one was probably calling her they them yeah it just kind of gets like confusing in articles yeah yeah who goes by she them she them is is crazy oh but well yeah speaking of n times I went to the um Adidas store to get these samba's are those new I got a new pair of sneakers mm-hmm those are really cute yeah I kind of I like the silhouette yeah let me hold on a second sneaker had Dasha yeah but the Adidas store was a total mess yeah in this way that made me feel like things were kind of falling apart and the area and then I
Starting point is 00:08:54 went to Starbucks and there were the employees there were talking about how they haven't been paid and how they're gonna burn the Starbucks debt to the ground if they don't get paid it might have been a franchise issue yeah I don't think there's systemic failure at that level at Starbys but I was like whoa I was like yeah and everyone's kind of bad at their job like worse than ever yeah now that I need service people to be you know like catering to my every whim but like people are distinctly kind of like no we're not divas or bullies no most people including ourselves are like quite receding in real life and yeah I'm
Starting point is 00:09:38 very much don't go your way you don't like throw a fit you just kind of like no oh yeah yeah take your time I went to the Balenciaga store today and I was like stunned but of course Balenciaga is you know exquisitely merchandised and exquisitely air-conditioned and which one and you were in Soho in Soho yes I went to try on one of those Kegel bags that I'm still holding on hoping they'll send me what what's a Kegel bag it's like the the hobo bag that they have with the little hand mirror it's so cute yeah and they keep sending me they sent me a new pair of like lesbian Tava style sandals which are like cute but I'm
Starting point is 00:10:21 never gonna wear them it not because there's anything wrong with the sandal but I have a size eight foot well that's okay it's okay if you're small it's okay if you're five seven five nine it's not okay if you're five four and I can't wear any kind of chunky footwear that makes the foot look larger than it is well that I like the Samba because it yeah it really like a slim it's like a Beavis and Butt head shoot really nips like a tiny little black shoe yeah I'm not trying to wear a big clumpy sneaker yeah we're not those kind of girls we're not Ella Emhoff mm-hmm we can't pull that kind of macaroni stuff off but the guy
Starting point is 00:11:01 the doorman kind of like freaked out at me and was like can we have a moment because they were clearly having some kind of it wasn't even one of those things where they were trying to be like exclusive and rude they were clearly just having some kind of like spat in the store I was like okay weird and then he opened the door like not even like two seconds later I thought they were gonna keep me out there for like 15 minutes did you go anywhere else in so how brandy I went to mango you went to mango you now so you nasty and other stories which I also hate I actually was taking a shower before I came over
Starting point is 00:11:50 here and I was using my and other stories body scrub mm-hmm and I was like I got to talk about this on the pod because they do have great body scrub and a little goes a long way and it's yes like and for the price point is nice and the sense are like kind of elegant and like Scandinavian packaging is pretty well done ladies and other stories do yourself a favor and pick up some and other stories body scrub and makeup and nail polish and it's not Chanel but it's a reasonable dupe I'm a little mistrustful for some reason of the cosmetics but I bet they're fine they're fine they're like adequate they're
Starting point is 00:12:33 serviceable the body scrub is great it's great and the candles are good candles are I used to give those candles out like stalking stuffers as presents wow cuz they're beautiful but they're not you know they're not like by Rito or diptych candles that cost an arm and a leg my diptych budget is is out of control yeah and other stories is a is a underutilized resource the clothing I don't think I've ever bought so hideous little fitting socks I think I've gotten some cute weird socks there but yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't go for the the apparel yeah the clothing is weird the shoes are hideous she seemed
Starting point is 00:13:19 like they'd fall apart yeah but that's how you know we're not getting paid by another story no we're telling you it real yeah we're not gonna be in one of their little they don't want a front page editorials they don't want us but that's okay I'll keep buying that garbage yeah but no but to your point I've just noticed kind of just a shocking precipitous decline in merchandising in quality and customer service well there's supply chain issues we know that mm-hmm we are in a recession even if they change what that word means supply chain issues and inflation and yada yada whatever how does that contribute to
Starting point is 00:14:11 people not being able to fold clothing properly on the shelf well morale is low people just don't care they don't care they don't have any incentive to I mean which is crazy because people had no incentive to really care about anything they did there either it's like the weird like shadow Soviet Union where instead of there being not enough crap there's like too much crap yeah it's like really merchandise and low quality and it's crazy cuz like if you go to LA they're bizarrely kind of a holdout of the American dream still and things are they literally have a mall called American dream right no that's in the
Starting point is 00:14:54 Americana yeah never mind I stand corrected but they the merchandising in the LA or its ears and brandy's is impeccable okay yeah brandy is always I mean brandy is like evergreen and the merchandising there is the same always because it's already just like a teenage girls bedroom like strewn with crap anyway exactly it's very low it's low maintenance there's like panties everywhere like little hair ribbons yeah random handbags you know tiny bag yeah anyway this is something that I noticed a long time ago and I got okay boomer for it yeah but it's back in my day they used to fold the clothes back in my day
Starting point is 00:15:43 the employees used to look at you I know they would like make eye contact and now but you know it's like my gender goblin latte art polemic mm-hmm people want to think they're oppressed because of their gender racial identity but it's really just because they're unprofessional and bad at their job and that makes customers disgruntled yeah that's why I love Keith McNally you know I love him too I finally hit the follow on oh good Instagram yeah cuz you'll you never know when he's gonna start defending Woody Allen he wakes up randomly one day and he'll just make a long post about how
Starting point is 00:16:25 Mia's a liar and everyone knows that and you're like yes Keith has he ever defended Harvey Weinstein no no he has a personal you know he's a fan of what he is I see and Melinda and Melinda was filmed a scene in pasties actually and that's an anecdote he likes to tell a lot about how he gave Woody a great deal on filming at pasties and he was so nice he's very handsome I didn't realize yeah oh yeah yeah especially I think Michael Douglas should play him in a movie Michael Douglas would like yeah jump for a plumb roll where he gets to play a stroke victim think about it he'd be great yeah well I would really want to
Starting point is 00:17:09 focus on the rise of his restaurant yeah but we could get Michael Douglas in there in the well even you know he didn't eat a restaurant until he was like 17 years old Keith McNally Keith McNally why cuz he grew up he was like a poor English boy so he's like Paul Schrader yeah he's a total like provincial who broke through yeah like Alex Jones became the most celebrated shock jock restaurant so cool I love I love a good American dream story like that yeah makes me happy totally like that that's I mean I guess that happened a long time ago but he is writing a memoir that's great fantastic writer yeah yeah but
Starting point is 00:17:55 yeah you can't that kind of thing isn't so likely to happen nowadays no yeah it's very hard to break through I don't know things are things are changing if my horrible nightmares are any indication sooner rain's gonna come watch these streets clean ultimate race war orchestrated by China oh yeah China so Nancy Pelosi really did it huh did what I confused when I was reading all these headlines I confused Taiwan with Thailand and I was like oh she's on her like Wellbeck sex tourism kick and getting a happy ending she's visiting Prince Andrew yeah yeah I I was listening to I just want to give a
Starting point is 00:18:47 shout out before I launch into my Caribbean rhythm spiel I want to give a shout out to Jordan who I met on the street who is a red scare fan and I'm doing that primarily because I feel incredibly guilty because he asked for a photo and I said absolutely not and then he was like oh my god are you on the phone and I was like I lied and said I was but in fact I was listening to Caribbean rhythms episode 115 I was riveted and yeah glued shout out to Jordan yeah he was thanks for trying yeah very cute and sweet oh anyway I was listening to episode 115 of Caribbean rhythms and he speculates that Nancy
Starting point is 00:19:31 Pelosi was in Taiwan too she went there for quote the joys of total obliteration of ego and high-grade Taiwanese type liquor and stinky tofu but I think that this is an overly masculine read and he's talking about what he would do if he were in her place sure I think she went there to get her turkey gobbler clipped I think she went there to do corruption took to corrupt yeah yeah but in my fantasy world she went there to get like weird Korean plastic surgery even though it's not anywhere in your Korea no and was just like convalescing poolside well that's I think that's why an umbrella with one
Starting point is 00:20:12 of those drinks with a tiny umbrella in it I think that's why Joe Biden keeps getting COVID is because he's like he's dead he's either dead or recovering from intense of plastic surgery yeah he's getting a face he's like one of those K-pop stars I told you this right like when I did my deep dive my like autistic like 3 a.m. dive into like the K-pop industry and K-pop stars like you didn't tell me that no I was like this was several months ago and I was like reading about like BTS and black pink yeah yeah and every single one of their entries on Wikipedia has a health section which is weird for celebrities imagine like you
Starting point is 00:20:53 know like Brad Pitt like Bruce Willis they don't have like a health yeah right and it's like Jimine or whatever bam bam yeah bam bam temporarily stopped touring with Dover Street Market Boys to address his issues of anxiety or he broke a wrist during intense choreography and had to go to physical therapy and it's like no no no they were getting facelifts they were getting lip fillers yeah they were like K-pop love yeah they were definitely getting plastic surgery getting facial feminization I just picture like Pelosi with like you know bleeding from the bandage on her head I don't even know what else she could get
Starting point is 00:21:38 she is so like pinched and like taught you know that I don't even know what I was wearing like a praying bikini over her oiled up big natural I'm only the second oldest woman to ever wear a prank it's Nancy Pelosi can you imagine that would really don't sorry but maybe you get the AI to generate that probably okay here's my request I'm really tired and really drunk and you're drunk I'm ready drunk I'm so I mean I started earlier than you can one of you lovely listeners please do a convincing Photoshop of Nancy Pelosi wearing the praying bikini we would love to see we would love to see that it's like Kate
Starting point is 00:22:28 Moss yeah then printed on some shirts saw them on Reddit thank you just like a square so why did she go to Taiwan because they're doing because I'm to do diplomacy but China really didn't want her to go yeah China didn't China was basically begging her not to go and she did it anyway and they said like you are like Derek Chauvin with your boot on our neck they basically can't breathe they said we're not George Floyd you can't just strangle us at your whim or something they said something so Chinese and cool I love when when a China goes woke because it's like one of your like
Starting point is 00:23:21 a twisted fever dreams it's like a premonition of what's to come which is we all get that vivisected and in a bear cage yeah at the dick-sucking factory rockin after and the Chinese will no no no you don't understand China's is based and trad and it's like you don't want to know about the Chinese they're on a whole different way yeah they're not like us they're really really they don't know they don't Chinese people don't know their birthdays and they don't heard and they put their last names first yeah they have they have no respect for human rights for for the well that goes without saying because
Starting point is 00:24:15 that's that's like an byproduct of post enlightenment Western liberal individualism mm-hmm which is really like our state-sponsored religion it's not like wokeness or anti-racism or whatever those are also byproduct right and it's like frankly this is why I'm I'm a racist centrist because I would rather believe in that than China then like the kind of Russian slash Chinese collectivism yeah I mean that shit's not for me no no no that's a no-brainer I like being an individual at the end of the day I know much as I rail against it that's lived hard Anna yeah but seriously stop Asian hate okay it's
Starting point is 00:25:09 valid wait what's valid to be like a staunch anti-individualist Chinese task master who makes you work in a I mean we can respect it much like we can respect Crump's artistry it's a separate thing that's somewhat alien to us yeah we don't know how he does it yeah but we can understand but we like to see it we can we can dial in we can tap into the wavelength yeah and we can understand that this is an alternate worldview or value system that I personally just like want no part of yeah I'm not a Maoist or whatever what is a Maoist it's like when you're a communist and you want peasants to rule I don't know yeah but
Starting point is 00:26:06 that's right that's that's what it is it's like rule by peasant class yeah I mean this is like yeah the work of the working class the peasant class this is also such a like a fake and gay like a red herring of course always it just like also that's that's something else smart that I wrote down oh yeah I'm just gonna quote him he said communism is not a political program it is a civilizational orientation the economic program is a fig leaf how do we do it we agitate the working class and I felt very seen and heard at that moment because somebody put words to this like vague and indistinct like a feminine feeling
Starting point is 00:26:47 that I've always had that like it's not really about empowering the working class it's about weaponizing them yeah it's about weaponizing them because there's no such thing as rule by the many as all of our research Machiavelli as what's his name by the boss come on yeah I think yeah God we're stupid man we yeah we shouldn't be allowed to talk no no but it's and you can whip people up into a frenzy by heightening their class conscious yeah and then you have like whatever the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and millions of nameless faceless peasants die yeah dead in a
Starting point is 00:27:47 ditch or worse anyway stay tuned for more of our I just remember being a little girl my mom being like man on the horse and a woman like Baba and you know she's right she's totally yeah and it's interesting you can't you can't trust a spiritual autogynophile like now who's saying a lot actually really yeah I remember back in the day what was that book she was saying right right right right right next to your 911 Commission report yeah I think I have it somewhere actually I don't know where it is but I got a new Muji bookshelf that I'm very proud of it so cute it's really balanced the room and that will wait only the Japanese can do I sorry I'm trying to find weirdly now that we're talking about Saddam Hussein I finally understood what he meant by that though even he doesn't quite understand what he means I think he just means also this thing that Saddam and Gaddafi and Taleb and all Middle Eastern men share which is that they're metrosexuals yeah they'll backhand you with their perfectly manicured hand well a lot of Arab guys are like that no offense to love yeah I can't find it wait what were you looking for it's like Alice Miller wrote a thing I forget which book it's in but I had a good a photo that I took of it where she talked about Saddam Hussein's childhood and how horribly abused he was by his
Starting point is 00:30:26 I was like the astrologer and then I realized you know Susan Miller Susan yeah I'm gonna read her she did Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein's horoscope was he in Aries good question we should look this up return to form grab our phones I'll let you do it Saddam Hussein 28 April what's that Taurus that's Aries Taurus cuss wow damn of course I could see him being a kind of a Taurus because he's like he was very much a home body he looked in his like he liked the finer mansion yeah where he like masturbated to American westerns materialistic grounded they caught they got that other 9-11 by the way did you know I'm an Elza here yeah yeah they got his ass I love how they rolled that out like 20 years later okay whatever and what a sad way to die to how they got it I mean they probably drone-striked him but he didn't go out and like the original wave of glory of murder it was really I knew it was over for America when Barack Obama extra judicially drone Osama bin Laden through his body in the ocean why'd you know it was over for America then that's weird yeah it is weird yeah to like cap a guy in front of his wives and children and see Barry yeah and do like a victory laugh about yeah but I mean people really celebrated that I mean 9-11 was really bad you know yeah that's true but like we have to we had to do something but you had to just get like the level of involvement in 9-11 Saddam Hussein was like Saddam Hussein wasn't that wasn't Saddam Hussein sorry Osama bin Laden yeah I'm getting confused by all the Middle Eastern I mean Osama bin Laden was like I don't know the door man like the guy who checks the IDs you think so yeah he was like a financier if that he wrote some checks but still they tried to turn him into this like quote Lex Luthor style mastermind I don't buy it
Starting point is 00:33:05 I mean I don't really remember yeah because I didn't even I was too young yeah let alone you yeah I was so confused there's a lot so much going on in the post 9-11 era and of course I mean of course much like with China they were saying one thing but doing another thing behind closed doors of course yeah enabling emboldening and the media just lied about those WMD they did they sure did yeah they just they had no qualms that was a good old time yeah but something had to be done you know yeah I guess do you think 9-11 was an inside job I mean do I think the election is rigged in one way or the other mm-hmm there was some nudging going on some coercion there was probably information yeah do I think it was orchestrated kind of intentionally and immediately at the higher levels of American government probably not yeah but it was much much worse because it was the turn to blind eye too yeah which is yeah which is like the kind of election stuff that people like really hate when I talk about what it's like alright I don't care about the weird ballot stuffing and ballot counting and having like a 28 year old Jewish female social workers fill out ballots for like inner city black people and like dead senior citizens yeah when the whole it's not about that it's not about that when it's really not about that that's that's kind of like a minor part of it all when the whole system the whole yeah discursive whatever what do you call it like the whole kind of apparatus yeah if you will is tipped in the favor like the scales are tipped in the favor of one all encompassing all powerful ideology over another like of course the whole thing is rigged it's like spiritually rigged yeah they never had it yeah they never stood a chance and I mean ponds in the chessboard of life and it's just I don't know you really think it's not rigged wake up you know why wouldn't it be what do you bait what what faith what is your faith in the democratic process like based on
Starting point is 00:35:48 that you think you have some that isn't totally warped by your politics that needs to believe Joe Biden one you know why wouldn't it be I mean not just one girl's opinion but yeah I'm just like I don't believe that I don't think people would come out in droves for Joe Biden I mean people really wanted to return to yeah but there's no massive decent you know he was not and he remains to be a very unpopular I don't believe that there's any mass support for Joe Biden no but he was just sort of propped up as the the alternative yeah and I bet he didn't get a lot of votes you know yeah I'm sure he got I don't think they swept no yeah I'm sure they didn't but close call lots of questions whatever we're never gonna get to the bottom of it do you think Nathan fielder is manipulative what did that guy write that he was Brody yeah the New Yorker guy he wrote kind of yeah a review that he had it like a rehearsal mean and nasty gaze yeah he said as a filmmaker fielder displays interest not in any physical process unfolding over time but in his own intellectual process in the authentic ingenuity of the working out of his conceit which the onscreen events merely exemplify like data points rather than experiences he revels in his own thoughts as he tailors the conditions of his subjects lives to fit his storytelling largely through his own voiceover so this is a review of the new Nathan fielder show the rehearsal rehearsal where he does a kind of Nathan for you ish thing where he helps people who volunteer to be on the show kind of rehearse moments in their life that
Starting point is 00:37:45 they have apprehension or anxiety about in this kind of like autistic quest to kind of like account for all the variables to get something right you know oh this is so the article is called the cruel and arrogant gaze of Nathan fielder's the rehearsal yeah so he stands accused of being quote cruel and quote arrogant and yeah the premise of the show is like he recruits volunteers from Craigslist which I have a hard time believing people don't know who Nathan fielder is I mean I guess some people might not and but he's basically calm doing what's like commonly referred to or known as a version therapy but this time filming it all for the benefit of you the viewer sure right I mean that's well in the second episode in the second episode when he's helping that woman who wants to have a child yeah you didn't finish it but he ends up co-parenting with her right so then he like kind of inserts himself into into the narrative of the show I think it's brilliant I'm really I'm a lot of thoughts I thought it was interesting that the author of the New Yorker piece gave two examples of other kind of like conceptual postmodern documentary and they were both notably from the 60s which is when this kind of like meta gaze took hold right so that was interesting when he says by contrast the rehearsal plays like a multi-part embodiment of the joke or Jack Handys or Steve Martin's before you criticize a man walk a mile in his shoes that way when you do criticize him you'll be a mile away and have his shoes and the guys can see is that fielder's main real life steak is the one on screen making the show a success the vanity and the ambition of the rehearsal arts driving forces and yeah I mean I found myself nodding along to the article points because I've always found Nathan fielder's quote gaze to be just like a touch mean
Starting point is 00:40:00 spirited and punching down really well hold on okay okay okay okay analysis Eli mentioned this to me a while back he pointed it out a while back and ever since then like I can't and see it but I also think there kind of kernel of truth there is to that he's so smart and so talented that it exceeds this like kind of imperious mean spirited gaze he has a little I mean it doesn't feel mean necessarily mean spirited to me it feels a little like autistic yes I like how the author of the New Yorker piece called him gimlet-eyed it was like very like on point but to me it's very obvious that the endeavor that he's like undertaking is like kind of as probably a kind of if not like truly on you know the actor I don't know what his autism quotient is but like it's definitely there's something wrong with Nathan fielder like he's brilliant but like sure yeah there's some kind of like emotional impediment there and he as an artist is like struggling to bridge that gap through this kind of project that he's undertaken and I sort of feel like when people I get what people mean because these people I don't I I kind of do sense like an underlying empathy sort of for his subjects yeah that I think someone like Richard Brody right doesn't experience because he has real contempt for the critic he's generous yeah all these critics they project their own lack of generosity onto these kind of artists making work yeah and like I understand that impulse as a person who's like a hybrid somewhere between a critic and an artist right yeah both of those impulses but in watching this it's not so much that Nathan fielder is contemptuous of people it's that he is somewhat indifferent which is much sadder he uses people as a utility which frankly all artists do they have to they have to right and again people in Nathan fielder's cosmos yeah
Starting point is 00:42:21 are not the targets they're the collateral of his artistic process and it's very well said his artistic process transcends the immediate ethics or morality of the situation especially if these people have agreed if they've given their consent and I'm sure they signed a bunch of like NDAs and releases right of course of course it's not like they were you know well the guy that he on the second episode who he tries to set up initially I think her name is Angela yeah Robin the guy yeah who's like like a weird like numerology Protestant guy who's like comes off poorly sure but I read an interview he did kind of like advice where he says he attempts to kind of like tell his side of the story but ultimately like bolsters sort of the impression made of him on on the show in the end you know it's like it doesn't I don't think he was even really that I don't think anyone is really unfairly being depicted or manipulated the way that they're done on like probably less so even then people are on like routine like any reality TV show you know I mean Zway show he's not plowing them with alcohol or like yeah but that show is the same thing but much cruder and less redeeming because it's I've never watched it I've I've watched like clips of it and it's like it really is like kind of like a one version of like Nathan fielder's vision and like you I mean there's so much like if you look at like the amount of work like the production value the the set replicas all the paid actors doing like weird kind of like preemptive like guerrilla warfare yeah to like expedite this like the third episode situation I didn't watch the third episode you'll you should it's it's good the reason that what's the same Richard Brody the reason that a guy like that would call it mean
Starting point is 00:44:30 the reason why I spared it again is because all like liberals and leftists have the same problem which is they confuse description and judgment and evaluation they project their own emotions yeah on to neutral scenarios this this scenario is not exactly neutral right but they project their own kind of like contempt well that's yeah that's what I'm saying like Richard Brody has a low opinion of Nathan fielder subjects so when he sees them being vulnerable or instrumentalized in some way he blames Nathan fielder for the little he experiences exactly right and like it's very apparent I mean Nathan fielder may or may not have those exact same feelings about those people but that's irrelevant and I I don't know maybe I'm being a little naive but I really don't think he does and I think you know the fact that he does choose I mean even on like Nathan for you the final like the finale of that show with that like bull gates impersonator I feel like there's like who's also kind of like a weird spectrum performer like I feel like they're even the choice of his subjects I feel like I can sense like a kind of like radical affiliation with them or something like he's beautiful I like that he he chooses people who are weird maladjusted misfits and losers because he's always felt like a weird maladjusted misfit and loser and he you know is yeah and he's smoking hot Nathan fielder it's shocking to look at him in motion because like there's this whole like you know backlog of people being like you know it looks like Nathan fielder which is by the way a joke I made like four years ago but actually he like literally does look like me and he has the same like Casper from eastbound and down like wet lift autistic stare and like his skin is aging in the same way like the nasal labial laxity and I'm just like this is this is me
Starting point is 00:46:38 he's just like me for real and like the way that his hair falls is very me with the mullet is like crazy yeah maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you your type yeah but he really like he reveals kind of like the depths in the show he merely speaks the truth right he reveals the depths of people's delusions like when that guy core in the first episode is that his name says that he wouldn't miss a night of trivia for a confession or when the girl Angela in the second episode it is making up all these excuses for why she won't match with men on right the internet yeah and he like basically like lays bare people's kind of like delusions and defense mechanisms which is painful for other people such as us to watch because we can empathize with that because we do it ourselves exactly and like I think like it reveals also through kind of an elaborate simulation like the fake sets and the fake rituals the elaborate rationalizations and intense overthinking that people engage in to avoid conflict and confrontation very well said and by revealing it it lays bare it exposes how absurd it is to other people for instance like I thought the first episode was really good when he finally confesses his lie that he has a master's degree when in fact he's only gotten a bachelor's to his friend of 20 years she doesn't care she doesn't care at all and in fact she says kind of flippantly like oh it's so brave of you oh that's fine yeah she doesn't care and the sad thing in that moment for me was that she actually like these two people are like circling around each other they've been friends for 20 years but they actually have not achieved any intimacy because she literally does not care that he lied to her yeah that's like the depressing yeah kind of like and the brilliance of Nathan fielder is that he forces us to ponder these very heavy
Starting point is 00:49:04 questions in a lighthearted and humorous way yeah exactly you can laugh a little learn something along the way I don't know I mean I am also very drawn to I feel like people on the spectrum due to my own kind of spurgy tendencies and I think it's like I'll really I really will talk to any like to anybody to kind of any like especially like about like Catholicism or something I'll talk to any like yeah weird guy about it and day or night you know but I think what I really just like talking to random racists and pedophile yeah they're my friends yeah um no but I think I'm you know I'm drawn to or have a spot a soft spot for kind of the archetypal spur is because they have to work so much harder much like Nathan fielder I suspect has to to make those like to to bridge perhaps to make those emotional kind of connections and that a lot of people now exist on some version of like an autism spectrum nowadays you know because the the categorical behavior has like expanded so much to just kind of the way people basically are right wait where do you like even if someone isn't like diagnosed autistic I feel like our times are so autistic and especially young people who you know are getting worse screen time in as a child and stuff like that's true but also I think I hate the word autistic as like yeah I mean so much because you know like I do that like classic female like who me I'm just a small bean like thing where I'm like oh yeah I went down an autistic rabbit all researching kpop stars or like AIDS in South Africa and like that's not autism that's just basic common curiosity and interest which all people have in them of course yeah but now it's like lame and gay admit that you're like basically interested in certain topics that might be kind of like weird or off the beaten
Starting point is 00:51:38 path you don't think people are getting as a whole more emotionally unintelligent yeah no totally I mean I think that people have completely lost touch with like human nature yeah are incapable of socializing I mean I said this like many many episodes ago it's shocking when you talk to young people they don't ask questions they only talk about themselves Eugene was saying this we I went to a party with Eugene that was like well I initially actually thought very like I was like these kids must be like in college or fresh out or something I was like they seemed so young to me but a lot of them I think we're like in like 28 and I kind of was like oh y'all kind of too old to be actually but yeah then when we left Eugene kind of was like zoomers are so like autistic yeah they have such a hard time like communicating and just basically a bad manner they're just like emotionally and socially amputated it's really shocking and it's not their fault it's again it's like an informational technological problem it's obviously very widespread it just the kind of like lack of metacognition and self awareness is shocking I mean there's actually a lot of metacognition and self awareness devoted to like plumbing the depths of your own self and personality and faults and failures you're kind of this kind of introspective thing but like to me when I like when I go out in public as like Anna the the IRL person and not like the online persona it's like a no brainer it's a Machiavellian strategic note to a avoid politics and be asked people questions about themselves yeah to avoid talking about yourself and say their name because people to say their name to ask them how much they hate their parents because it's you know inevitably they're very flattered by that ask them if they ever wake up screaming then you can divert the conversation away from your own yeah I'm shocking to talk to people who are like in their late teens early 20s
Starting point is 00:53:54 like I said because they are incapable of like experiencing or empathizing anything that's not well I think they are I just think it's that there's a space between what they're experiencing and what they're able to like project that I think it really is like on the social level like etiquette level like there's like a communication breakdown maybe yeah but there's a loss of because I also think young people are incredibly sense you know I do think and you know I feel like they are incredibly sensitive much like you know people in the autism spectrum also have like very heightened sensitivity yeah it's just that they are so overly sensitive to it that they're like amputated by it as you said yeah yeah yeah you know and like really truly like there there's a loss of intelligence like in the kind of conventional standardized way like people they don't like read canonical texts they don't learn about history etc etc there's also a loss of intelligence on the social front which is more important I think it's way more important it's more important yeah because that's actually like you know the social skills or what's gonna like actually keep you safe people don't understand other people and Nathan fielder is doing kind of valuable public service yeah cloaked or guys as comedy or art and maybe he doesn't understand no but he's reckoning with that at least yeah you know I mean he he describes his reasoning at the start of episode one where he says if you plan for every variable a happy outcome doesn't have to be left a chance and I thought that was like a very weird thing to say right because as he later admits sort of like the moral the story is that you can't eliminate uncertainty yeah without resorting to an ethical means without you know cheating at trivia to give the obvious topical example
Starting point is 00:56:08 but in a roundabout way he like really illuminates why it is that people lie whether to themselves or others which is which is what good art should do yeah cause you to evaluate all the lies that are piling up yeah and they and they mentioned like Willy Wonka and he he really is like a Willy Wonka like figure yeah do you think will do you did you consider Willy Wonka to be villainous no I thought I've I've always thought of Willy Wonka he makes an example out of his children kind of like Alex Jones to figure shock jock yeah he's like a court jester or a sad clown yeah he's in that chocolate factory he's actually more like accurately like a Roger Stone type figure because he dresses like Nathan J Robinson well Roger Stone I think stole that from Willy Wonka but that's why he was portrayed by the twisted soul of Johnny Depp yeah and just like you know what is like conceptually interesting is often morally dubious sorry like yeah Nathan Fielder like reveals this kind of like very fraught terrain of ethics there's no such thing as like a pure and uncomplicated ethics yeah totally like it is it is a very like Christian Catholic outlook in the end because in the end this whole concept that that we throw around very lightly like everyone's a sinner everybody lives in sin it's very true because if you do think X it has certain externalities and consequences right you can never do anything like pure in a vacuum that results in like unanimous goodness and positivity right and even if you could you'd probably feel proud of yourself which would just yeah bring you right back to being a total sinner yeah somewhere somehow someone else will suffer yeah for your good will
Starting point is 00:58:29 do you know who Mayo Thompson is no he like put out this record in the 70s I went and saw him like I pre pandemic it must have been I guess he's like an old man now he like but he performed he's still alive I think so unless he's died recently should be really sad I hope he's I hope he is but I he read this poem at the end and he where he said and I remember it really because it was short but he said the poem he was like I wrote this poem the other day and it was my happiness depends at least in part on others disappointment and I was like that's that old man wisdom that's like something you really got to be mad old time is that yeah your happiness your efforts inevitably will depend on or lead to someone else's disappointment right and like Nathan fielder wields a very it's a fundamentally very Jewish vision mm-hmm like it's no accident that that that Jews are obsessed with psychoanalysis mm-hmm and like this show actually reminded me of the work of another psychoanalysis inspired Jewish artist Peter back yeah well the crumbs piece yeah it didn't make me also think of the Brody piece mm-hmm as like yeah he's sort of like takedowns of the cruelty right some spectacle that they couldn't take their eyes off you're right it was similar in that it was I think it was actually genuine and well meaning mm-hmm and well written mm-hmm and well he's not at the New Yorker for nothing kind of nothing I mean I'm referring to crumps that are goals also like he's a good writer this Brody guy he's fine yeah it was entertaining yeah he's a you know he's not a disreputable critic I've never heard of him are you familiar with this I am because I've been in indie movies and made a film where I was like we're trying to get that Brody review but okay did he redo it no okay you know when I was reading crumbs piece it like dawned on me as like oh like Peter has possibly achieved something really remarkable which is simulate your kind of average your typical
Starting point is 01:01:00 online space IRL right which was the point that's the point and it's shocking how everybody missed that it's crazy and then they all pile yeah then then the the piece became viral yeah in this like medic commentary yeah and he lays bare also the perversion and absurdity of what being online feels like and it's very funny that he has like Nick Mullen and Curtis Yorvin and Honor Levy and all these like luminaries of our like annoying and depressing little online ghetto in the room yeah placed in the audience like stars studying the sky that's what being online feels like right you log on and you see like a Nick Mullen tweet or you see people arguing about what Curtis Yorvin meant by that yeah and you briefly think about these people and then you just as quickly forget about them and go about your daily life until you're until you're inevitably reminded of them again yeah until they chime in which we're all incentivized to do in like an attention economy which yeah yeah you know all the world's a stage it is yeah and he's specifically he kind of like simulated like the pile on orchestrated by your typical online mob right yeah and I don't know orchestrated is even the right word because it often feels so like organic and unconscious it felt like it happened pretty organically I mean so then Yorvin wrote his like response to the Crumbs piece Lorenzen wrote a response to the Crumbs he's forest fucking made a sub stack because he was an extra that day he wrote like his own subjective account of that day I was like wow this this has done wonders for the sub stack economy right well yeah but I mean this whole thing is a form of mutual aid it's everybody like a mooching press and clout off of each other that's not even I don't mean that in like a mean I don't think that's debatable yeah but like perversion and absurdity are the operative terms because the internet is not an aberration from normal human relations it's an extreme normal human relations amplification yeah yeah it's you know perversion and absurdity are not aberrations they're they're extremes on a spectrum right
Starting point is 01:03:28 well to circle back to China real quick um y'all know China made tick tock right they sure did yeah and the way people use and look at tick tock like being around because there were a lot of you know George Floyd is actually a chinese hologram originally debuted on tick tock my Alex Jones moment um you can't sue me for 180 million because guess what I ain't got it yeah we don't have we don't have this kind of fun but our patreon is available um oh I forgot what I was going to say no you were talking to China made tick tock oh yeah um a lot of young people worked on Peter's movie so I was around you know an unprecedented amount sort of of um younger younger people and yeah they're all on tick tock everyone's on tick tock which I really think was basically designed to compromise the fabric of our society personally yeah I'm like this is my real like okay boomer thing is it makes me feel like overstimulated and like autistic it's even like look at it so I don't personally participate but it does seem like a very like uh toxic chinese mechanism to turn us all into foot soldiers of the regime who know yeah or just to make us like morally and intellectually like stunted and weak yeah no I mean for sure and I don't think it's like necessarily like a conspiracy or coordinated but that's the effect it has so it doesn't really matter in the end one of the funniest things um the to come out of this was people complaining how the kind of dime square scene wishes it was the warhol factory scene but they're not even they're not cool
Starting point is 01:05:36 like people were in the people don't think Andy Warhol was mean he was like far less talented and creative and like that that like you think those people were any different you think those people weren't depraved and decrepit junkies and provocateurs and opportunists you know they're lucky that they all died of AIDS when they did but it was too far they're like in case you know they're like those in those key chains of insects encased in amber yeah they're forever like um memorialized yeah no one's gonna eat said you're like a trust fund kid but she was transcended through time and nostalgia into like another another thing but you think that those people had more of like a artistic vision of or moral compass they sure as hell didn't yeah being they were doing the equivalent of like shitposting at the factory basically you know yeah they were like Warhol was one of the first shit posters yeah they just seemed cooler as a buddy Jack the perfume national said because they were captured on 16 millimeter instead of tweeting all day it's easy to preserve mystique yeah yeah and now we see them on the big screen at like Metrograph and we think my those people they were really glamorous and cool and it's like that's that's the funniest thing about this for me it's like people throughout time are basically the same as far as their kind of motivations and objectives go their circumstances and therefore their values change throughout time but they're kind of like baseline nature doesn't really I yeah I would agree with that like no point yeah the vast majority of people are like more or less like nice but you know secretly competitive and covetous and we're all guilty of like bad thoughts toward ourselves
Starting point is 01:07:44 and our comrades yes absolutely like come on now that's why we do the struggle session I'm just kidding um no it's true I hate to break it to you but those people were out chasing scum too I don't know again it's like it's literally like not a matter of ideology it's a matter of information aka technology it's just that we're dealing with a different set of circumstances yeah that we're responding to inform you know and hopefully Russia fries the power grid any day so all that stuff will just go away totally then we'll have a whole new set of problems to deal with like what marauding games yeah yeah the total societal collapse if those if those girls at Starbucks don't get paid there's gonna be hell to pay Demi Lovato not much to say we called it you know Demi Lovato people were mad or something no I'm asking because it also reminds me of that the iconic quote from bronze age mindset where he says something to the effect of like if leftist started lifting they'd stop being leftists immediately yeah so I'm guessing something happened in her life that made her feel like thinner and prettier that's um well here's a quote from people magazine in response to a question asking Lovato to explain the concept of chosen pronouns like they them the 29 year old singer songwriter said yeah so they them is she's 29 yeah she seems much older yeah I've actually adopted the pronouns of she her again she continued for me I'm such a fluid person that I felt like especially last year my energy was balanced in my masculine and feminine energy
Starting point is 01:09:57 so that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom and it said women and men I didn't feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn't feel necessarily like a woman I didn't feel like a man I just felt like a human that's cool there is a bathroom for you it's called like the single occupancy so that yeah that was the level of reasoning that went into the they them yeah pronouns that we all definitely have to really respect and bless her totally use and I'm happy to hey I'll say I'm okay with using the pronouns now too I'll work yeah I'll I'm telling you something really came over me recently and I was just like I love and accept everybody and respect their creativity all the world's a stage and I get what you're doing and the men and women merely players and yeah and everyone has their part pigs blood yeah God is a plan for everyone and we're all doing a great great job considering we're doing the best we can considering the apocalyptic atmosphere yeah there are some people that really do remain on my shit list okay good yeah yeah you don't want to get too too soft too too too permissive no no but I can't say their names on this podcast because I think that that would be like needless and unnecessary shit don't do it well I feel like I summoned crumps into into my life in a way we all did we all did because we are not my problem I don't you don't care I don't care yeah but I do want to debut my theory that I do that he's an autogynophile yeah because he has that strong jaw brow ridge and and Chad jaw he's yeah he looks like he was born to wear an ill-fitting way and that's probably why he didn't like Betsy's movies so much
Starting point is 01:11:56 right it struck a chord because he was jealous of Peter and how gorgeous he looked in his in his costume I think it was important to the integrity of the film that Peter is barely passing definitely well Peter's character isn't okay this is the thing is Peter's character is not trans like in that movie neither are any of these guys who are like transitioning in mass now well guys I guess it depends sort of categorically where you want to place autogynophiles you know this is a new class this is not like a Rachel Levine or Caitlin Jenner type of situation I don't know Caitlin Jenner is a little you know certainly put you know has the resources to put in to passing right but is also I think motivated out of like being poisoned by like the black Armenian magic of his like cohort you know I mean back when yeah back when it was Bruce you know yeah now it's Caitlin it's just being outnumbered by
Starting point is 01:13:05 yeah and the advantages of being a woman in that context like like getting all the attention no having none of the responsibility exactly seems like a great a great day who wouldn't want that I mean yeah but anyway that's my theory and just like a vibe that it's a vibe I he's yeah I don't know I can't I can't I can't speak on that okay but I think just to put this out there I don't mind crumbs I think he's like kind of a good writer and has an artistic streak and I can I can respect his game I get what he's doing he is valid and he is allowed in our spaces I mean he what he kind of neglected to mention or sort of glossed over in his write-up was that we there was sort of a shift after what he called kind of like the gay kumbaya moment where everyone was like speaking from the heart where there was sort of like I really did I skimmed
Starting point is 01:14:10 and I didn't don't please don't read it but the there was a dialectical turn if you will where people were like actually like you know we think crumbs is like scapegoating us by calling us fascists but we are actually kind of like we're scapegoating him now as like the embodiment of like this amorphous like cancel culture or something and like we're lashing out at him and we're sorry but people were saying like I said I'm sorry like people said sorry like we didn't meet you know and like commended him for like sitting sitting through it and like we're and I saw him afterwards and he was happy and when I told him no one would believe him he left so I was mistaken as you know maybe I do come off like a weird fucked up bitch and don't realize it but I think I was being nice yeah I mean you assume that people meet you
Starting point is 01:15:08 well that's the mistake we keep making with with crumbs and I yeah I don't want to talk about him because no no it's okay I can also like edit this out no we've talked about him we've talked about him we've just bleep bleep his name out the subsack but this whole critique that like these people like stand for nothing and don't have any politics and just love to say slurs and play it fascism because they're provocateurs and edgelords and whatever who want tension that's a hundred percent true it is for for most of the people in in that scene yeah probably sure I mean not everyone's like and that's fine what I'm saying is that it's not much of a critique because it's fine that's like normal and not a big deal yeah people acting out and being naughty who cares
Starting point is 01:16:09 it's a milieu thing you wouldn't you wouldn't get it yeah it's a downtown NYC neo fascist thing like the vast majority of you know I said to Dean Kissick on Twitter it's like a Pareto thing right 20% of people are artists and that's being generous that's generous yeah 80% are normies and hangers on yeah and that's fine in any given scene it's it's literally fine not everything has to be like politically motivated and about organization you know and this critique fails because it's fundamentally like the assessment is true but it's pointless yeah it's like a pointless observation yeah sure because they're never gonna care you're applying some kind of like Maoist rubric onto their behavior that they just don't subscribe to right
Starting point is 01:17:08 it's not what they're after you know why hold the majority of people in contempt for doing what most people normally do which is like a being impressionable and going with the flow yeah and then kind of quietly opting out of the game and you know working a normal job and or starting a family yeah I mean I also I don't know so we did three days of those sort of like extra shoots and the impression I kind of came away with collectively was sort of like so many people are just they just want to feel something right and like acting is a great way to feel something that's literally the goal so like getting people into a space where they can like improvise and kind of like yeah I use themselves in service of a larger creative vision or something like that's I don't see what's so maybe I'm a real sick fuck
Starting point is 01:18:10 but I really don't see what's so so wrong with that and whatever happened to crumps I don't you know I almost can't speak to the ethics of it because I don't have like a civilian approach to it really but I think it wasn't really like I've seen way worse kind of like public relations whatever you want to call them in like acting classes like that's the whole point is to kind of like strip away our ego attachment acting is about obliterating your ego and losing your integrity exactly and he knows me Peter Betsy we're actors we're clearly psychopaths so like don't come to the theater if you don't want something weird to happen like that's why we're all here we're literally trying to have like something that like brushes up against some kind of like real experience
Starting point is 01:19:05 yeah but I guess my point is that like most people who inhabit the scene are no different from most people who inhabit any scene or no scene at all in that they're quite morally ordinary in the end not morally bad yeah not morally aberrant but ordinary they're every most people 80% of people probably 90% of people are silent Germans they are very true yeah they'd like to think they're not but this whole thing that like left is to where they seek political justifications everywhere is also like a weird defense mechanism totally yeah against their feelings of like alienation and maladjustment there's some weird Jungian thing going on here where he hasn't like integrated his own shadow or something yeah and I think yeah I mean Peter's movie is very shadow like he is as like a lifelong analizand
Starting point is 01:20:09 I think Peter and Betsy both have extraordinary kind of understanding of like shadow stuff and that's valid y'all well they're weird little freaks yeah and that's I don't I like that about them me too me too can you imagine I'm like so relieved when I meet people who are like invested in plumbing the depths of human nature yeah it's so like rare you know should we talk about the mom life comics or have we done enough well okay let's do should we do mom life comics or monkey pox
Starting point is 01:20:50 either or up to you let's do mom life because I feel like monkey pox is gonna be with us for a while so we can circle back to that we can exploit it later yeah exactly great idea whereas mom life comics was kind of a flash in the pan
Starting point is 01:21:07 I was telling Dasha earlier that I monkey pox I would take that vaccine in a hurry you did say that I was I was shocked honestly but I it is basically just a small pox vaccine right which I think I may be around for a while it's a less experimental technology I would rather die than be disfigured just saying you're also not gonna get monkey pox yeah I could what are you up to
Starting point is 01:21:33 come on I'm not having any gay sex yeah really even if I was having lesbian sex which I'm not that wouldn't count because lesbian sex isn't even sex but it's a low and that's a low risk population yeah
Starting point is 01:21:56 yeah mom life comics is an Instagram account yeah I don't yeah I just like this is another thing that I we don't have we can call it honestly we've done like an hour and a half practically oh yeah that's not bad yeah I don't really have do you know how many thoughts about mom life comics I think there's some thinly veiled resentment for her husband probably
Starting point is 01:22:21 right but maybe not even so you know maybe galaxy brain not so thinly veiled and actually the whole point the peach comic where like the the poorly drawn like Casper mattress ass peach comic where she yeah she sees a right peach and she saves it for her for each cobbler and then he sees a peach and he devours it immediately
Starting point is 01:22:45 he puts it in a smoothie and she wants to save it for the kids because she knows how much the kids like peaches and like the other comics if you look kind of at them I have a similar kind of thing where it's like my husband does it this way where he's a totally useless like man who can't stop disappointing me and then I do it this way where I'm you know so true queen yeah I just I have one thing to say about that now that I think about now that I think of it
Starting point is 01:23:18 yes there's always some frustration and resentment with men yes going on when you have children and as a matter of fact I was talking to a Shauna Cernovich at the Alex Jones premiere about how she's like he'd be posts a hundred times a day he retweets weird esoteric shit about German indie cinema no but you know we were laughing about how like
Starting point is 01:23:53 when you get the baby back from a day with dad he has like food on his face and he's missing a shoe and his shirt is on backwards and because men see buttons and they think they go in the front but for babies they go in the back and yeah it's like annoying sometimes you're jealous of the relative freedom that a man has to go work or fuck off or whatever
Starting point is 01:24:25 but this is only possible because we live in a uniquely egalitarian society where men shoulder half if not more of the child care stuff like dead ass the sort of people that we're talking about which are white college educated relatively affluent liberal people who have kids two parent household the best believe the man is doing as much of the cooking and cleaning and diaper changing as the woman
Starting point is 01:24:58 yeah I mean there's variants but yeah basically I bet that tracks to me but it's not a patri... like the assumption that this like if it was a patriarchy they wouldn't be allowed to make cartoons they wouldn't be allowed to make poorly drawn Casper Mattress ass cartoons about how men suck and compare clearly she has the time to do that so that's what I'm saying you know yeah
Starting point is 01:25:25 I'm trying to be like a yoga instructor I'm not trying to rag on this woman because I like understand where she's coming from and I sympathize with her frustrations but this is only possible because we live in this moment where like the regular labor situation is like evenly split and therefore the domestic labor situation is more or less evenly split well maybe that's partly why she hates her husband so much because she wants to be a real tradwife
Starting point is 01:25:55 because he's around all the time and he's not kind of you know he doesn't have that strong strong man hold over the he doesn't have that grumps Chad Jolla or whatever he's not the leash is not he has the neat skis like that to me I think like women would maybe even be better off you know
Starting point is 01:26:22 having her husband was less present and less of such a like visible disappointment to her she definitely wouldn't be making no cartoons because she'd be taking care of the kids twice as much she'd be trapped in domestic and sexual bonded because he'd be doing some mad men style stuff yeah he'd have a mistress he'd be splitting time he'd have a second family
Starting point is 01:26:47 exactly back in the day men used to have two families my paternal grandpa straight up had two families damn and I was like why would you want that that's double the headache these soy boys today could never um but yeah the last thing I'll say
Starting point is 01:27:09 because I think we should wrap it up is that like we've controlled all the social factors that separate the sexes at this point so what you're really mad about ladies is something that's yes unfair but effective life is that just like the biological difference yeah because like guess what gender is real
Starting point is 01:27:33 and like women when they hear a baby cry it's painful when men hear a baby cry it's annoying it's a different kind of vibe but babies need both they do need both they need time with dad they need time with mom they need to know that sometimes things are different you know it gives them a variance of experience
Starting point is 01:27:57 that is I think healthy for them to have they love it and like thrive in it variety is the spice of life just women are biologically wired in it differently because babies especially in the early stages of their lives are more dependent on women there's no way you can game that
Starting point is 01:28:21 men are useless except for like being household health they get useful down the line but initially yeah men can't breastfeed I'm sorry that if that's like a controversial thing to say but like no the mother-infant bond is primary everyone no one yeah could disagree so that's really what you resent
Starting point is 01:28:45 it's not your partner it's your biology but maybe you resent it a little more because the the domestic labor is a little too evenly split you know this is true women used to have to be exposed to so many of their partners inadequacies yeah they didn't have to
Starting point is 01:29:09 separate spheres but whatever we're not you know contrary to popular belief we're not really actually trad so there's no real going back no it's just it's a new way I believe in bootstrapping and individualism exactly we're Americans at the end of the day and
Starting point is 01:29:33 yeah I mean my family love Bellers for a reason and I think I do agree with what this girl Catherine D slash default friend said on Twitter about these comics that like all of the debates about how true or accurate they are are somewhat secondary to their main purpose
Starting point is 01:29:57 which is seeking engagement online yeah which is working which is yeah he worked for her yeah it may not have worked out the way that she wanted it to but it worked out one way or another which is weirdly the premise of which is Nathan fielder's new show the rehearsal and Peter Vax upcoming movie
Starting point is 01:30:21 um I really I don't know I saw I'll just say I saw a lot of people on reddit being very snarky being like oh Dasha's doing another indie movie blah blah and I'm like I love these people I Peter and Betsy are practically like my family like I spent Christmas like Betsy
Starting point is 01:30:45 carried my movie you smell of knowing Peter Christmas with a bunch of Jews I did yeah smoking weed because we all had COVID but we weren't testing positive we all like we're getting negative tests but how did you guys know you had COVID because you just like we were all vaguely sick but like pulling the negative tests and so like they didn't want to go see their
Starting point is 01:31:08 parents who usually they would probably spend Christmas with and all of us were kind of like orphaned and um yeah I just spent Christmas with each other because we figured we all had COVID anyway but I yeah I believe in Peter vacs vision which is why I did his movie and also because I love being creative with my
Starting point is 01:31:32 effing friends you know sue me I think that man is a genius I think yeah I think he has a vision and I'm here for it yeah actually when I first met Peter vac I was like what a little fuck boy yeah I see why people have so much resentment
Starting point is 01:31:56 towards them because they're gorgeous siblings with a close relationship with their parents I don't like to be proven right we like to be vindicated in my like time to time and dismissive appraisals of people I like to be proven wrong I like to I like to know that somebody has um a true artistic vision
Starting point is 01:32:20 or ethical code both of which are exceedingly rare very much so and we'll take one or the other yeah they rarely go together they really do anyway see you at home

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