Red Scare - Elon Bust

Episode Date: July 20, 2022

The ladies discuss AOC's heckling clapback, the sad return of Hunter Biden discourse, the even sadder return of ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yes. talking here, my kids. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Nice. We're actually back. Another thrilling docket. Back in the New York groove. Wait, did you go see you saw Morrissey again? Because Alex Lee Moyer was in town and we and my sister was like, he's playing two more nights and I was like, no, I thought for some reason I thought that he was playing only one night. No, yeah, it's like it was a residency. But whenever there's like multiple Morrissey shows, I try to make it a point to see as many as I can. How was Morrissey round two? It was cool. He opened it with R.I.P. Shinzo Abe and every the crowd went wild because
Starting point is 00:01:05 they clearly didn't know who this Japanese nationalist was. Yes, do it. Speak your truth king. Absolutely. Well, R.I.P. Shinzo Abe. Yeah, honestly, we don't people are not getting shot a lot these days. Politicians. No, no. A beautiful and honorable death. I was reading about the JP to assassination attempt today. Like a Turkish far right. I tried to kill him and then like a year later, he went to like the Fatima site and like another guy like stabbed him with like a bayonet. Those were the good old days. And now you know, people never get assassinated or shot. No, they just get canceled. Exactly. So that was my beef with Varg because he literally murdered somebody and then was on Twitter posting first this
Starting point is 00:02:08 tragedy then as far as I know, he really is posting that far. Yeah, we should bring back the the era of like glorious political assassinations. Don't give these people any ideas. I know shit. They're already listening for the secret coded messages we've been putting into the podcast since we started. But I don't think we should give any outright demands yet. Get assassinated at Brandy Melville. Check out my E.Y. inspired Brandy Melville to you. Oh, wow. It's got a drummer on it. And it says Basement Studio 92 Mercer Street, New York. It's cute. Yeah, it's fine. I bought it for for the E.Y. vibe. I wouldn't have bought it otherwise. Yeah, that's good. Wifi mode. That's called
Starting point is 00:03:05 Wifi mode is when you buy a t shirt. Yeah, otherwise, I'd never be caught dead in any music or music inspired merch. That's not true. I wear a lot of zilch zilch in March because they're Armenian. Great logo to you. And you wear Slayer shorts. Yeah, and Morrissey t shirts. And did you get a Viva Las Vegas shirt? I did. Yeah. Yeah, I got the white ringer tee. Oh, very cute. Nice. But they're cut very long because they're cut for male torsos. Yeah, for rockabilly. Yeah. Yeah. Gumby ass. Pendejos. Those hot hot demales. Mm hmm. How was the crowd at the second Morrissey show? It was the same. There was a bunch of like hot teen girls who clearly didn't know
Starting point is 00:03:58 who Morrissey was sitting behind us, but like vibing out. Yeah, because maybe they're like Gen X dad took them there or something. That was very cute. You know that like zoomer uniform of like crop top and big baggy cargo fans that they all do. Yeah, with like Air Force ones. And a bucket hat. It's very cute. It reminds me of my youth because that's what we all wore when we were 12 and 13. Exactly. That Y2K throwback. Yeah. Y2K was really hard for me actually. Why? Did you believe that when the clock reset, we would all die? I had like apocalyptic. Yeah. Yeah. Because I was like nine, I guess, or eight. Yeah. And I really had a lot of apocalyptic feelings about it for sure because I just didn't really
Starting point is 00:04:51 understand what I could possibly be. Yeah. Yeah, I think my I took the opposite tack, which is the one I still take to this day and was like the dog in the burning building being like it's fine, whatever happens happens. Good. Yeah, it worked out. Yeah. Look at us now. I think it actually in retrospect, it would have been better. I know if the clocks turned off. Yeah, maybe I'm like the early internet shut down. So what is on our docket today? AOC, Elon Musk, Hunter Biden, usual suspects, I guess, hot girl summer is rearing its ugly head yet again, but kind of like on a belated schedule. Yeah, I guess the theme of the show is are decaying and degraded elites, aka why Curtis Yardman was actually
Starting point is 00:05:53 wrong in that essay. Oh, I try I opened that email and then the second I saw the word hobbit, I like, yeah, turn right around, like slam those saloon doors shut, you know, this is how you lose. I was like, what the what? The audience of female mids you so painstakingly cultivated over the last year and a half. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, Hobbit's elves. What gay. Okay, Curtis. Yeah. Okay, he's got some ideas. Yeah, yeah. liked him when he came on the show. I was like, maybe I'll see, you know, maybe I'll read the sub stack article. And then I was like, Oh, fuck. Yeah. Hobbit. I know. But no, people, people had so many thoughts about it. There were so many. Yeah, I read the m crumps thing about going to the
Starting point is 00:06:43 mold bug barbecue, where he sort of summarized the essay, I guess, or like, crumps if I did. Yeah. He put it through the annoying. I forgot about that guy. About m crumps. Yeah. I haven't. I read. Do you still like, does he still come up in your feed? He doesn't come up in my feed for some reason. I follow him. Okay. That's why. Yeah. And I read his like, he wrote a scathing takedown of Betsy Brown's actors. So I'm kind of, yeah, I'm tuning in on his reportage on the like, yeah, fascist scene in Manhattan and stuff he's getting in the war in the war. There's like, there's three soren bitter losers, a trifecta of them. It's like m crumps, Fred Nitsky and John Gans. Carl Bezier. Carl Bezier is another
Starting point is 00:07:44 one. There's a ton of, yeah, there's way more than three, but the father son and holy fag. And they kind of circle the decaying carcass of the quote, dime square scene and like, right reactive think pieces about it, even though they're kind of adjacent to it because they've like, locked themselves out of the joyful position of just saying what they want to say and not like filtering their thoughts through like 20 levels of pre approval and not only in their head before they even unleash it into the world. So the only way they can say something like retarded or faggot is if they are describing someone else saying it in a negative light. Yeah. But actually, you know, I've been on this like very Zen kick
Starting point is 00:08:31 lately and I can appreciate even those guys. Well, that's why yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm also feeling quite sad. Mm hmm. The a the guy heckling AOC. Oh, yeah. And then her video both brought me a lot of like joy joy. Yeah, I was like, Oh, this is so it's funny because people were like really kind of chimping about that. This Latina. Look at that big ass. Look at that big juicy boobie, this Latina. Look at that big ass. Look at that big juicy boobie. That hot tamale. This Latina. Look at that big, tall drink of horchata. When I first started seeing those take circulating, I was like, okay, this guy's either a schizoid or a troll and he was like the latter. So it was more forgivable. But the funniest part about the original video of him heckling her was that she clearly thought he was a fan and came in,
Starting point is 00:09:29 flipped him a peace sign, and then tried to come in for a selfie. And she had like a third person handler with her who grabbed her arm because she was like wise to the fact. And then she said, I'm going to read the quote. Wow. This week reported the quote. It's like really funny. So this is your Zapruder tape. I don't even know what that is. It's not called that. It's what's the Kennedy assassination video called. I've mispronounced it basically every single. I don't think I've ever said it. Yeah. But could she claim that she was going to deck him? Yeah, she said, she said, I was actually walking over to deck him because if no one will protect us, then I'll do it myself. But I needed to catch a vote more than I needed to catch a case today. Catch a case. I love when
Starting point is 00:10:17 she looks at her Boricua speak. Don't do it to him. See, don't drop the. What does she think happens in the bodega when you come in for to grab a cold cafe? You might catch a case of the bodega. Certainly will if you're a bodega owner. Not if you're a teen shooting into the crowd. But anyway, yeah, she literally it's so funny. So it made it made all the kind of moral indignation after the fact and her like quickly deleted tweet doxing his identity kind of even more rich and hilarious. Yeah. Because she clearly got punked. It really was funny. I loved it. I actually really changed my tune on AOC. In that moment, AOC became like a personal hero of mine. Because I saw these people who were like four years too late, like freaking out at her and
Starting point is 00:11:16 saying that she was quote being performative and like leveraging her victimhood. And I was like, dude, where were you when she came out with that campaign tape? I mean, there have been so many the crying at the kids and cages in the in the coke white outfit. There's just been I now now that I like crying on the Senate floor. Yeah, hiding in the bathroom during the insurrection and then opening up about all you know, her past sexual traumas. Oh, yeah, I remember that. Yeah. I'm excited to see what she doesn't I know me too. I'm like, okay, I see. She's job. She's job. Yeah. Actually, I'm like, wait, she's just like Alex Jones, a great and historically significant performance artist. I can't be mad at her anymore. I was having the same thought
Starting point is 00:12:08 honestly because I was like, is she even like an effective politician? No, definitely not. But that was obvious from day one when she like wrote in on the coattails of that guy who simply forgot to show up in a heavily gentrified white district or whatever. But yeah, I noticed that another thing I noticed was that when I was reading this Newsweek article, it's like from Newsweek to Wikipedia, every kind of like major libified outlet now does this thing where they try to like preemptively discredit their like so called political opponents like Trump or Marjorie Taylor Green or this guy, Alex Stein, who's the AOC troll. Like the Newsweek article wrote that the troll Alex Stein went on to falsely claim that Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged those
Starting point is 00:12:59 protesting the murder of George Floyd in 2020 to burn down cities and had her own bail fund to help those who had been violent get released from jail. And then this was from the Wikipedia subsection on Hunter Biden's dealings with Burisma in Ukraine. Trump falsely told Zelensky that Joe Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution of a son. Joe Biden did not stop any prosecution, did not brag about doing so. And there is no evidence his son was ever under investigation. And I feel like that's one of those moments where they're like laying it on a little bit like the Lady Doth protest too much. I'm not even like commenting on the veracity of these claims, right? But when you tell people that something was falsely said, that some claim
Starting point is 00:13:40 or action when you qualify it with falsely, it makes them have thoughts to the to the contrary. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And everything is this now. I mean, there's a real kind of epistemic problem with the news. Yeah, totally. I think where, yeah, credibility is so low. I mean, I haven't really been following this like 10 year old, I haven't either raped girl who crossed state lines to get an abortion story. And then it turned out that the guy who raped her was a was Elon Musk's dad. She was his daughter. Elon Musk's daughter, actually. It was an illegal immigrant. Well, was she also an illegal immigrant?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Unclear. We all, you know, initially, it seemed like there was like the story kind of came out. That sounds like I, but that's not that doesn't sound really bad. Yes, I didn't mean it that way. I was just curious. Yeah, we're just unclear, possibly. I don't know. Initially, it seemed like there wasn't even a 10 year old girl like people were on the on the right. The ghost of keeping it. We're kind of like, what is this story actually? The ghost of the bodega. Exactly. Wait, so the idea is she got raped by some guy. So this is like a real intersectional like a Rube Goldberg machine. Exactly. And I think both sides are just going to kind of exhaust
Starting point is 00:15:29 themselves like weaponized against each other. Yeah, no, that's exactly. It's like it's got something for everyone to kind of like latch on to and politicize. The 10 year old is actually a 26 year old Ukrainian dwarf. And she was actually grooming the immigrant who was queer. By pocket. No, okay. So if there is in fact a 10 year old girl, this happened to that's really horrible, right? And so the idea, so what's the problem? The problem is that they're barring her from getting an abortion. No, she, she crossed eight lines to get an abortion. Okay. Well, somebody crossed her because she's a minor. Yeah. Yeah. I think her mom took her. Again, I haven't actually really been following this because the whole thing is so kind of like
Starting point is 00:16:15 ugly and heinous and like also so mundane, you know, like and designed to make you feel like shitty and no matter why. Yeah. And then it's just like it feels like a like this news item that's getting like, yeah, circulated and augmented and no one really has any credible information on it. And like, even when I saw like a photo of the rapist, I kind of was like, I don't know, we're all looking at so much like AI generated imagery now to that I kind of was like, I don't even this could just be a composite. Like, I have such low trust in one of those like phenotypic composites that they do, like the average phenotype of like people from like Guatemala, Venezuela. Exactly. It feels just a little too, I don't know. I mean, I guess I sound
Starting point is 00:17:09 really like you kind of sound like Alex Jones denying Sandy Hook right now. Just saying unwell. No, it's always really horrible. But as I was saying to you, it really feels like in this moment that the right wing outrage cycle is edging out the left wing outrage cycle in terms of like clicks and saturation. Like if you maybe it's just like what I Google and gets presented to me algorithmically, but every time I Google a story like about AOC or Hunter Biden or Elon Musk, it's always the post Fox News like at the top of the Yeah. But I think that there's something to be sad about what's being algorithmically like, yeah, every, every day I'm like, well, I'm like, how do I can choose trending? I'm like, I'm like, the Catholic Church is trending again.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm like, that's so crazy that my interests are trending all the time. And I'm somehow almost like it's being algorithmically tailored to me. But I just hope that the right wing doesn't squander this brief moment of goodwill and become like the leftists 2.0. But of course they will they're going to there's yeah. I have no optimism there. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. But everything now like it like the AOC thing, the hunter bite, which also why is Hunter Biden resurfacing again in the news? Who cares? I thought we covered that more videos more weeks and videos like do we need to see him like stroking his hog for like the 30,000th time? Yeah, getting like a foot job, pointing a gun at a hooker, smoking, he's smoking,
Starting point is 00:18:57 there is a video of him smoking crack in like a sensory deprivation chamber. Yeah. I mean, why he documented all this stuff, you know, well, that's that's of interest. I can tell you if I was to psychoanalyze it's because he's a spiteful little shit rat who ultimately wants to stick it to his dad, who literally paid for him and bailed him out every step of the way. But not exactly out of love, but out of optics, because he was also doing damage control, because he had political ambitions. So it's like a history of benign neglect. And if you remember, remember when we read his memoir, my year of rest and free basing, whatever for the pod, and he every other page, it was like, I love you, I love you,
Starting point is 00:19:47 I love you. It was like him telling Bo and his deathbed, I love you, Joe leaning into tell Bo that he loves him, Joe kissing Hunter on the forehead tenderly and saying, I love you. And they were telling each other, I love you. And it was another, the lady doth protest too much, they were laying it on too thick. It's like, y'all don't love each other. No, you're Irish. And memoir was full of lies. Yeah. Yeah. And his, and his like, model in Irish act is so tired, because it's actually brimming with spite. Amen, says, I'm sorry. That's like, I was thinking about this. You nailed it. All the other like, think of all the other like political, you know, if you fail sons and fail daughters, if you want to be like
Starting point is 00:20:28 uncharitable toward them, Donald Jr. Eric, Ivanka, Chelsea, Megan McCain. Yeah. What's Kamala's stepdaughter with the curly hair? Um, what is her name? Ella? Yeah, it's like all of them. Okay, they're people that we love to hate and love to roast, but they've never spitefully acted out against their family in public. They may have done humiliating things or things that were perceived as humiliating. Everyone in the Trump family basically is like fallen in line. I guess they're like loyal to their dad, which I, you know, I don't, I like that line that Don Jr. and Eric were like the Ude and Kuse of American politics. And I'm like, that image of them on like safari is like perennially seared in my mind. So I have no love
Starting point is 00:21:15 for them, but they've never, I mean, there's still time, but they've never spoken out against their dad. No, not at all. No, they, they, yeah, they've never. Ivana, rest in peace. RIP. Never spoke out against her ex. What a good woman. Good Eastern European woman like that. Yeah, lockbox. Absolutely. And I bet you if Melania divorces his ass, she won't speak out against him. And I don't think she will. Yeah. I really hope Trump runs again and Hillary Clinton runs again. Because I want to, I'm, I feel prepared to do that over again. Yeah, like Groundhog Day. Yeah, exactly. And I bet we can all just kind of lighten up and have fun this time and maybe not be so hysterical. I mean, you and me will do it, but
Starting point is 00:22:09 yeah, we will. We'll have fun. Yeah. But like Hunter is just like such a shining example of what happens when you grow up rich and why it's not like the blessing that it no seems to be. I mean, I don't even, I haven't even really watched the videos. I haven't either because they're so gross. Yeah. It's just like why you're right. Why document that? I understand he wasn't like putting it on social media at the time or whatever, but it's so unbecoming for a man of his age to like be making iPhone videos of you, like smoking crack and stuff. Like, yeah, it's very Jack from Salem. It's very BPD behavior. But that's why, but that's why mold book was wrong in a nutshell. I was giving this some thought.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah. Because it's because the hobbits are larping as elves and the elves are larping as hobbits. The gist of the article is that the culture war, could you summarize it? Because I like base, I'm going to really butcher it, but basically that there's hobbits, I like normies, chuds, the masses, whatever. And then there's elves, kind of the, the, the ruling political and cultural elites. And among them there are dark elves who are secretly in line with the kind of ideals and values of the hobbits, presumably people like Blake Masters or JD Vance or whatever, who can be swayed. And the only way to enact the future that the hobbits want is to let the dark
Starting point is 00:23:48 elves do their thing by, by not ruining it for them, by not like blowing it through culture war. Um, how would they blow it? I don't know. Okay. I mean, I don't have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's my like, the gist was kind of like, yeah. But the gist of it was like, if you're like a kind of like a chud or a normie, you should be okay with elites ruling over you. The problem is that like the current elites suck. So you have to appeal to and, uh, empower the dark small base of elites who are actually on your side. And I was like, okay, that's all fine and good. And I actually don't think anybody would disagree with that in principle. But in practice, it doesn't really work because again, the hobbits are indistinguishable from the elites and our elites are embarrassing
Starting point is 00:24:41 and suck and nobody wants to be governed by people who don't respect them. And more importantly, who they don't respect. You don't think people respect Blake masters? I mean, sure, maybe. I don't know. I think people are so like, paled and poisoned. Sure. But like, nobody respects the Bidens. No, of course not. Yeah. Well, Biden's approval rating couldn't be, couldn't be lower. And people barely respect the Trumps. And yeah, definitely nobody respects AOC. Except for like all foals. I mean, like, it's just, you know, it's embarrassing. But I, again, this is less a ideological problem in my mind than a technological one because everything is so overexposed and out in the open. And we live in a situation where Hunter Biden's dick picks can
Starting point is 00:25:30 be leaked on social media over and over. And we've already seen them and we're doing it again. Yeah, we're like past the point of no return. And you think of like the mass, if you think of the masses as like a woman, you know, I think maybe even alluded to this strong woman, weak woman, whatever, doesn't matter what kind of woman every woman wants a firm hand. Confidence. Yeah. But there's no firm hand to be found. Not at all. No. Yeah. We're surrounded by like self incriminating losers and drug addicts. Who wants that? I'm just like, who does, who does, I want to know, who does he propose governance? Does he have like Silicon Valley elites? That can't be your random Indian guys. No, I don't want that. Yeah. Guys who are venex. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yeah. Elon Musk, like who's the who's the. Well, Elon Musk can't even buy Twitter. Yeah. He's backed out of the deal. He's not coming to save us. No. He's on a yacht and meek and I was looking absolutely disgusting. He's busy fathering children. He said 10 kids with all these random women. Though I have to say that Elon Musk's credit, he has mostly boys and that one boy who became a girl and renounced the family name. Oh, right. That article was really confusing because it took the whatever news outlet I read it in forever to get around to saying that it was actually. But I'm saying he has that. What? High T male sperm that creates a. Is that how it works? The man. Yeah. Well, which is so funny. That's like my most feminist take. I'm like a total
Starting point is 00:27:17 feminist about this, that so many women were like stoned and beheaded throughout history because they couldn't provide male errors. And it was like on you, dude. Completely. It's all your fault. The man literally determines the gender of the child. Because of the XY. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. Crazy. And eggs just xx. Yeah. Mm hmm. So Elon Musk is some king of some sort. He's going to keep busting. King of busting for sure. And like not to be outdone. His 76 year old dad just fathered or not just fathered, just announced that he has fathered, had fathered a second child with his stepdaughter. What? Yeah. Wait, you didn't hear about this? I didn't know she was his stepdaughter stepdaughter from his second marriage, not May, but another
Starting point is 00:28:07 like model that he married after May. That is sick. That is messed up. It's crazy that he hasn't been canceled for that. In light of Woody and SUNY. What would they cancel his dad for? Cancel him from being an arms dealer? But his actual stepdaughter who he like raised since she was four years old. Yeah, it's a good thing he's not a celebrated filmmaker. His career would be over. Pussy from a girl with sunpaku eyes, who's also your stepdaughter. So yeah, but Elon and Errol had a falling out over that and they don't speak anymore because I think Elon was really upset and scandalized by the fact that his father. It's certainly upsettening. That's definitely super gross. I mean, hard zero for me in the mask, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Have a hard time even conceiving of the kind of state of mind I would have to be in to have sex with him. Are you just like belly flops on you? I'd have to be like smoking crack with Hunter Biden. Yeah, I can't think of a worse fate that could befall me changing my tune on possession. The movie got doubled by Hunter Biden Elon Musk. Yeah, it's horrible. I mean, I always like that Azalea Banks line where she talked about like pork skin like flipping over on his back and raising his legs and making you like eat his ass unprompted. It felt very accurate, not that I would know. I'm also like luckily very much not his type. Yeah, well, I kind of am, I guess. You are. Yeah. So he had that wild card executive that he fathered two kids with
Starting point is 00:30:09 who was a brunette. I think he's got a type of brunette. I think yeah, she was a carry type brunette blue eyed. And he had twin like he seems to have like also like test tube babies with a lot of people. Yeah, he's spawning. Yeah, he's doing his thing. Mm hmm. He's got that dog in him for sure. But you know, if those are our elites, I don't want it. Yeah, I don't know who to throw my yeah, my hobbit weight behind though, obviously, I'm a we would be dark elves in this. Yeah, I mean, I suppose we have some cultural clout, but we don't really have any political power. Let's be real. But doesn't mold bug isn't any kind of making the case? I don't know. He's saying that culture is top down from politics.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah, that you should like make movies and write poetry and do stuff like that. I'd love to sure. Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, it was all a blur for me this essay. Yeah, like I said, I really couldn't. I just I've never been into the Lord of the Rings universe. Star Wars would have been maybe a better kind of I don't want any that's the other thing. It's like his reference point as a kind of putative elite is also like midwit cinema, you know, well, he probably likes the books. Yeah, that's true. He's probably into the deep Tolkien is like, it's mid, it's mid. Yeah. I mean, you know, fantasy, it's kind of I'm not saying that they're I've never read those books. And I'm sure that there's something there if
Starting point is 00:31:53 you're like, but that's what I'm saying also, like, if you're into that sort of thing. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm not an elitist at all in this regard. Like, I think that, you know, pop culture and mass culture have a proper place, but they can't be everything. Because now even intellectual culture is just responding to and reacting to pop culture and mass culture. You know, that's it, it should, it shouldn't be like 5050, like extreme pop and then extreme elitism. I'm talking about like more Pareto distribution, maybe 20 perhaps, but that's why I read like conservative outlets, outlets, like the new criterion, because they're engaging with like, yeah. And they have a nice brand identity. Gorgeous. And so does American affairs. I like
Starting point is 00:32:38 those like very Capricorn mode papers. Yeah, well, a lot of those lashian sort of cultural credits, who write books like the culture we deserve. I was cleaning out this like embarrassing bookshelf. They're giving the rape of the masters. Yeah, they're giving big Capricorn energy. Or the old masters. It's about it's about art. Yeah, like a lot of like, there's another one, too, by by Batya, who was one of the one of the horrors on Tucker about like, a cancel culture, I think, but those kind of books. Yeah, I've been getting into this Tory guy, Roger scrutiny. Oh, that guy died. He died. Yeah. I've never read him. But I actually have a book of his somewhere. I haven't been reading him. I've been what he's like this
Starting point is 00:33:33 floppy like English guy I've been watching videos. I'm talking. Yeah, but it was cool when like, elites were relegated to Charlie Rose. You had like a 96 minute segment where you talked about like, major trade agreements and how they were doing global. Western decadence decline. And I think like just the public had a much higher level of discourse, like it was much more intellectual across the board. I'm not pessimistic. I mean, culturally, I think things can bounce back. I think they can. And I guess from there, you can argue that they might bounce back politically, but it's, it's, it'll be like a long road. And I don't think it'll happen like in our lifetimes. I think real cultural conservatives are always going to be kind of ghetto eyes. Yeah. And they're
Starting point is 00:34:31 like the center for the art, you know, cubicles. And that's fine with me, I guess. Yeah. I don't know. Machiavelli for women. Exactly. I don't know how to, how to disseminate these ideas any, any better. So we should read Machiavelli for women. It's probably really bad. It's probably even by our standards, probably retarded. Machiavelli is Machiavelli for women. Yeah. Stuff we already intuitively know. If you've had to read a book, you'll never, you'll never figure it out. But basically, like your only recourse now is just like rediscovering old socially conservative critics. Well, yeah, that guy was really onto something. I know. It sucks. I hate when I'm
Starting point is 00:35:27 reading some sketchy guy who's really making a lot of sense when I look him up. And it's like, he's a white national. Like, Oh, no. Oops. I read a fascist book again on accident. I didn't mean to. Yeah. Oops. Stumbled onto Steve Saylor's Twitter. Two in the morning. How did I get on this website? Steve Saylor should write like a JVP style, like 12 rules for life for black people. It's like rule number one, make the bed. Rule number two, point your gut straight, not sideways at the cookout. Rule number three, if some Karen runs upon you at work, you don't make the rules. Best seller or Tariq Nasheed. Anybody could do it. I can't. But I would. You could. But don't. No.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah. Steve Saylor Black Studies major. They quoted some lady in the New York Times, like hot girl piece who was like a black studies. Yeah. That's why that's why I brought it up. And she was like, well, actually, a lot of these slang vernacular terms that are coursing their way through popular culture actually come from black Twitter. And I was keeping an HD to tell us that. Yeah. No one said HD on fleek. A lot of green fleek. That one expired like really quickly. Yeah. On fleek was a vine. That was so long ago. Oh, yeah. It didn't make a huge dent in them. I have beef with vine, but I've told the story a million times. I've told the story in the podcast
Starting point is 00:37:30 because I used to live with a girl whose boyfriend co-founded Vine. Right. Right. Right. I was a big vine fan. Yeah. I mean, I was too. But I was kind of silently rooting for them to fail because I was so angry at this guy for accusing me of stealing a $12 IKEA chair with my poor upper body strength. He wronged you. Yeah. And he paid for it. Yeah. I don't know how vine failed, honestly. I don't know. Yeah. It seemed to be widely used and enjoyed by everyone I knew, basically. There must be something wrong with their business plan. So what happened with the Elon Twitter thing? They're suing him, I guess. Yeah. I love all the bad Elon Musk jokes. He's a real African-American because he has 10 kids or the Twitter deal is
Starting point is 00:38:17 the only thing Elon Musk ever pulled out of. J-Leno ads. Yeah. It is cowardly of him to pull out of the Twitter deal after being such a troll about it. Yeah. After getting everybody's hopes up. But it was also crazy to watch people's opinion of him change overnight because when he was in talks to buy Twitter, everybody was like, yes, King. And then once he pulled out, people are like, we hate him again now. And it just goes to show how... People are not having fun on Twitter. No. And he made us promise this. I know. That he would turn things around. I was just largely bowed out of all social media for the most part. Yeah. I've been selling on Depop a lot. Really? Yeah. You want to plug it?
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'll plug my Depop because I'm not going to put that shit up on Instagram. It's slightly less undignified to do it here on the pod and nest it among loyal listeners versus making a whole ass story and airing my thrifty and mercantile Kim Kardashian ass impulses because I don't need to be doing that and my prices are also very low. I just want to get rid of stuff. And you go to the post office and stuff? Yeah. Because they give you a prepaid label and I have a printer so it's really no skin off my back. Wow. That's nice. I don't have the wherewithal to get my Depop shop running. Yeah. Most people don't because they're sane and have better things to do. I certainly could. I'm an eBay power seller just like my idol
Starting point is 00:40:00 Kim Kardashian. Just freaking out. Another sale. Periodically I get notifications on Twitter about how racist and misogynistic I am. And it always punctures my zen state because usually I'm like on the internet like not at all tweeting and like googling how to get rid of stubborn back fat, you know? And I was just like, what? That was a different chapter in my life. Yeah, we're doing things differently now. We're a lifestyle podcast. But my my Depop handle is hot chick like the racial slur. You want to spell that? Yeah, it's K H A C H I K. If you want to buy some cheaply priced, generously priced non designer items. What does hot chick mean? Hot chick. It's like a Russian racial slur for people from the hot caucuses. Like it's like
Starting point is 00:41:04 the n word light. Yeah. Yeah. Fun. Yeah, that's cool. I'll check it out. Do you think Depop will ban me now that I've revealed that my handle is a racial slur in Russia? Probably not. No, your empire is just thriving too much. You're going to make too many sales for them to excommunicate you. I have like 1000 followers on Depop and I was like looking at some girls page like this really beautiful Ukrainian model named Lara Penn, and she has like 150,000 followers. And I was like, who I have a long way to go. Wow, you're a real deep selling pit stain brandy I'm just like really bad photography because I can't be bothered. I really love merchandising and I have a passion for fashion. I know you do and photography. So I bet the
Starting point is 00:41:56 photography is not that bad. It's horrible just being humble. It's horrible. But you can see I have my like little studio here with the abortion coat hanger hanging on the wall. I can't even sign into my. Yeah, it's a nightmare. Yeah. I thought it was like, oh, I'm not okay. I want to look at your depop shops. I'll send you a screencap. It's like really shitty and hideous. But I just want to see if there's any any and if your where is that I might you can I found you. Yeah. Oh, you're really selling a lot. Yeah. Wow. Well, those are there's a lot of old. Yeah. Oh, you're back. I see. Oh, you're selling these thigh high boots. Yeah. Over the knee. I wrote over the knee because I didn't want it to come off as too horish.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I also really love like retail like marketing lingo like cold shoulder and batwing sleeve. I had a job job like copywriting gig briefly for like a girl that sold vintage clothes in San Francisco who was like really, really good at it and like out of the kindness of her heart paid me. $20 an hour to write like it was not bad. $20. It was less probably but that feels like a fair price to pay now for like copyright, you know, because realistically, I'm not going to spend that many hours doing it. But yeah, no, it's fun coming up with ways to yeah. It's like creative but mindless. Exactly. And as you said, I love being creative. I love but like minus the pressure. Like I'm not going to say anything racist and depop.
Starting point is 00:43:39 No, who could be mad at pot check on my autographed copy of the bell curve? New on depop. Can you sell other stuff? You can sell like non-clothes items on depop, right? It seems like you should be able to sell what out. It seems like girls probably sell those vases that are shaped like female torsos with tits and pubic hair like the Ella M. Hoff type pot ceramic pottery. Yeah, that kind of wacky noodle. I mean, that's really the feels like an Etsy domain. Mm hmm. But I'm sure they do, which is my my drug of choice. Yeah. How are you doing on Etsy? I ordered a a weird package from some Greek Etsy store. I got like some religious paraphernalia and like some weird kind of
Starting point is 00:44:31 Y2K like skirt. Yeah. That was very like, yeah, like girl in Greece selling. I don't know Etsy. And when I opened the package, it smelled so bad like cigarettes. I threw the skirt in the trash. Oh, no. I really was like overpowering how much it's and I was like, I'm not going to get it dry. Stop fortunes sunk really low now that he's selling religious paraphernalia on. He's fallen on hard times. Yeah. Ripping sigs. Yeah. Yeah. I promised I wouldn't roast stuff on this up. Just pop an apple in his mouth. Sorry. We can't. We can't. We cannot. I have love for all podcasters and former podcasters. I'm not trying to stoke any drama. Very Greek. Yeah. Yeah. Very Greek of him.
Starting point is 00:45:34 To not. Yeah. Cause usually they advertise in all these websites that it quote comes from a cigarette free home on Etsy. They don't very often. That's not the case. Yeah. This is, I don't think she could have in good conscience made that claim. No, no. That's cool that this chick was like chain smoking in the house and like probably like a moomoo with hairy armpits. Yeah. I'll patronize her story again. Yeah. Sure. Um, no, I'm just thinking about stavros. What else is on? On our docket. My notes are like AOC booty hunter Biden. And Ava, Ava Hlar.
Starting point is 00:46:33 So funny. I've watched it so many times. Yeah. Oh, I don't know how many men have masturbated to that video. Disgusting. I don't want to know. But I mean, yeah, the catch a case with the simultaneous, like the police aren't protecting me. Yeah. So I have to take to Instagram to make this video. Yeah. You can't, you couldn't write political satire. That's good. Yeah. It's really, it's awesome. Yeah. This bitch should win an Emmy. For like a VP or something. What's she? Yeah. How's she gonna? What's she gonna do next? I don't know. You know, I mean, become some kind of consultant. Do you think she'll run for prez? I think, yeah, I think she's a very next cycle, obviously, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I think she's very ambitious, obviously. And this, but I think she's she's hedging her bets on the wrong, I don't know. I don't know what. I don't think she, I think she'd do better with a, with a far right pivot, maybe. Yeah, that would be cool. Because she's got the ruthless, the ruthlessness for it, certainly. I really like, I've said it before and I'll say it again, my, my fear of AOC is that she will serve as the blueprint for whatever like woke, autocratic, latinx leader comes next. Yeah. But she's the only one really in the game. Yeah. But no one can really do it like her. Yeah. But maybe even the right will produce one and it'll be just like,
Starting point is 00:48:19 well, that's what, yeah. Tucker was saying when we were in the cabana. Oh yeah. I missed, one of my notes is that Ava Vlaar, Boboic, whatever, the milk maiden of the Dutch farmers and AOC should murder us both. Legal, legal philosopher. Yeah. They should make out. At least she's angling for a media career. Yeah. Yeah. She's smart. I don't know what her Dutch ambitions are, but she must be smart. Yeah. She's a legal scholar. She's a legal philosopher. So I was just like getting my law degree and I was like, oh my God, this is so hot.
Starting point is 00:48:58 She's literally legally blonde. Yeah, she is. Yeah. Legally blonde. Legally blonde. Blonde. Flag and scraggling. In the Netherlands, legally blonde is called Ava Vlaar. Legally blonde by Linear Eiffenstahl. There was another hot girl. The hot girl thing. The New York Times wrote another. Did we say also that AOC should take it as a compliment that somebody said she had a big booty? We haven't, but that's yeah. Because they're associating her with like, it's like bi-association with the mythical Latina, like the curvy Latina, but actually she's kind of straight up and down
Starting point is 00:49:54 minus the sweater. She's stacked on top. Yeah. Yeah. She's top-heavy. I say that as another top-heavy woman. I'm not hating. She's no Jay, Jennifer Lopez. Yeah. She's not. Who got married to Ben Affleck. Yeah, she did. Congrats. Mosul talk. Yeah. To y'all. Real Y2K throwback. True. Yeah. I've never understood the phenomenon of people getting like breaking up and then getting back together or getting married and remarried. I guess they were never married before, but. They weren't married. They were together for a long time though. Ben Affleck. I mean, I think when you're that famous. It's a limited pool. Yeah. Limited pool and, you know, PR just inevitably does factor into what, you know, so I think it was after his split from Anna
Starting point is 00:50:47 to Armas. Okay, love those Latinas, huh? Yeah. I just think it was a point where it was advantageous for both of them. He should date AOC next when his marriage inevitably fails. Come on, Anna. I feel like they're going to make it work. Who was, I know I'm being a bitch. Who was the, who's dating Huma Abedin? Isn't some Bradley Cooper is dating Huma Abedin. That's so crazy. So funny. Yeah. That's hilarious. Yeah. And who sent them out? He's really taking up the mantle as like a discount George Clooney by finding himself like a plausibly hot political wife who's more who he gets more status points for dating a woman who's like a quote, a political intellectual, you know, and a philanthropist than like a hot year or whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:41 There's a New York Post article, Anthony meter says he needs quote secret hideout over ex Huma Abedin's relationship with Bradley Cooper. I love her dearly and I want her to be happy and I am happy if she is happy. So the scandal scarred ex congressman. I love that scandal scarred. During his radio show. He has a radio show started podcast better yet come on this podcast. Anthony meter come on red scare and savage Huma Abedin. I love the post. It's hard to be hard on Anthony. I do love the post. Yeah, they do a great job. It's the only news that's fit to print. Maybe someone at the post will see my a depop copywriting and get me a gig writing leads. I don't need to write articles just the leads. Um, now I'm looking at benefit for his
Starting point is 00:52:37 wedding. I they look happy. Come on. Yeah, they look cute. I'm happy for them. I don't know why I'm so invested in in benefit. I'm not invested whatsoever, but I will pretend I am just to to humor the listeners. She should play AOC in the biopic and she should play the heckler. Oh, yeah, because he's kind of like a brunette male. He could do it. Yeah, he could. Yeah, he's he's not the child. He's got the acting just spicy Latina and then his he gets to method and his like youth of doing hate crimes comes back and he actually goes Mark Wahlberg on her ass. Boston strong. That's that's my proposed you're right. It's probably it's probably doomed. Well, no, but we should you're right in that we should be more optimistic. I was thinking of
Starting point is 00:53:35 this in terms of like kind of thinking about your past slights and traumas and they're really, you know, barring some like extreme thing where you were like physically or sexually abused. They really are. It's like how you see things in the past. And you think Ben Affleck sees things as like a divorced guy? No, no, but you should reframe things that happened in the past in like a neutral or positive light rather than like stewing in like the negativity of ones of what once was because that's like a surefire way to paralyze yourself by like, you know, being my parents. Yeah, that's very wise. Yeah, it's true. I've been thinking a lot about that. Not even personally. I'm not no, I don't like negatively stew. I like love my parents. But
Starting point is 00:54:25 just like in terms of like, I observe a lot of people I know who get like stuck in like negative narratives about the past. Yeah, they don't have abundance minds. Yeah. And I'm just like, get over it. It's funny that the article the hot girl article described how like this new trend of women going on walks and telling themselves like empowering mantras, but they're not it's like Bechtel test, they're not allowed to think of men or boy drama when they do it. The hot girl walk. Yeah. And I was like, it's just a lindy walk. It's called a lindy. Yeah. I do it all the time. Yeah. Yeah, hot girl summer. Yeah. What was the article called? I don't know. It's so demoralizing. It's another one of these like the vibes, the vibes are back.
Starting point is 00:55:13 There's like only two types of articles, which is like, there's a vibe shift or the vibes are off. And everybody's just like vibes or Anna Merlin's piece about psychics and other intuitive workers. Yeah. The sex work of vacation of Instagram psychics. It's like, you don't say there's a lot of like swindlers and grifters among it's called so it's worse than even like see why I forgot it. It's called can't talk. I'm busy being hot. And isn't that Megan the stallion song that they base all of these recurring think pieces on literally like three years old? I also feel like the hot girl walk was also kind of old. Was nothing in this article is really new except yeah, that Emily's video of Emily sunberg eating spaghetti. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Which I didn't watch. I mean, I'm, I can imagine it. Yeah. Yeah. Did they allude to sardine eating in this? Yes, they did. So they're just hitting all the previous hot girl talking points. Yeah. And then outsourcing a quote to a black studies PhD to talk about how black women came up with being confident. Yeah. And then it was and it's funny because they're they're still talking about like fashion magazines from the 90s and aughts and quote the male gaze. Many words and phrases that become common in online discourse, including hot on fleek and kiki are rooted in BIPOC and queer communities. Over time, they become coopted and come to be seen as elements of tick tock speak. She said a
Starting point is 00:57:11 phenomenon she referred to as quote semantic bleaching. I hate that semantic bleaching. It made me think of anal bleaching. It's disgusting. Can't they just say semantic whitewashing? That would do the trick. But bleaching has like some, yeah, some a little bit spicier. Yeah. Aren't there tons of BIPOCs on tick tock? I wouldn't know. But yeah, it seems like they're definitely making a lot of content. Yeah. And so I don't know if you can say it's really being coopted. Yeah. No, these articles always make it seem like black and brown people are like a minority on social media and are not having their voices heard. They're out coopted. They're out on the block or posted up at their aunt's house. Yeah. You know, having these
Starting point is 00:58:01 having these private conversations that are somehow being overheard and disseminated by tick tock whites. Yeah. Like being hot by, but then it also, yeah, kind of does the etymology traces the etymology of saying stuff is hot to Paris Hilton. Yeah. And the 1920s and yeah, not a BIPOC at all. Yeah. So some mixed, mixed messaging. Yeah. Yeah. In this, in this think piece to shore. Yeah, there's a lot. Yeah, there's a lot of logical fallacies. Let's find out the logical fallacies in the New York Times article. Point by point, I'll pull it up. Just kidding. But it's always like one of those things where it's like something that's like supposedly designed to like defy and bypass the male gaze,
Starting point is 00:59:00 but it's actually designed to like strong arm men into paying attention. And I actually don't even know if like the male gaze is operative anymore because ain't nobody having sex and ain't nobody gazing. No one's gazing. Everyone's kind of gazing at themselves. Yeah. Like into their phones. Yeah. It's really just kind of an or a burrow. So yeah, a miz on a beam. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, it's not that people are ignoring you because you're not hot. It's they're ignoring you because they're too busy paying attention to themselves and like tripping over their own dicks. They're making their own tech talk videos about their about a hot guy Lindy walks. Yeah, it reminds me kind of like of the rise of like all these like trad e-girls who
Starting point is 00:59:52 are like actually sucking your boyfriend's dick is disempowering or like I'm like I'm chased or whatever. And half of them are like aching your voice from 2016, but poorly, you know. Yeah. I'm mentally ill. Yeah. Yeah. I've got the girl interrupted syndrome now. Yeah. Like making a botched version of your don'ts over sexualize my tight wet pussy tweet over and over again. Yeah. But it's like the same thing. They're trying to they're trying to like extract attention from some male gaze that simply isn't there. Right. It's even more pathetic because it's like a fantasy of some like trad guy who's gonna think that they're a good wife. They think guys are looking for wives on Twitter. Yeah. And if they say the right, if they signal the right
Starting point is 01:00:56 aesthetic, find a husband. Yeah. Only Ava had the right idea because she wore the stupid Trad Wife dress on her like hour long Tucker interview. Well, no, she was wearing that bandana, remember? Yeah. Yeah. But that was on the segment. And then now she's doing one of those hour long. I didn't realize she literally wore like a college core. A blue and white floral genius dress. Puffy sleeved dress. Yeah. Good for her. Like a dress you shouldn't wear to an interview because it's too casual. Yeah, it's too summer. It's too much of a Lana Del Rey sun dress. Yeah. For a gorgeous baby. Not fit for a legal philosophy, ma'am. Yeah, it didn't scream legal. She knew what she was doing. Of course. And like, yeah, this isn't my take. Somebody
Starting point is 01:01:50 else said it to me. But like the reason that, you know, women pivot from like a feminism to like performative conservatism is to also because it's become like the easiest way to monitor and police the actions of men who fled online to avoid female nagging in the first place. All those angry young men that are suffering at the hands of liberal feminism. Yeah. But like also, you know, they think that by signaling kind of the right like chaste virtues that they'll, you know, maybe find a guy on Twitter preferably a rich guy, but there's also no like marriageable men to be had on Twitter. There is absolutely not. No. Yeah. Best case you end up getting impregnated by Elon Musk. Absolute best case. Yeah. Which sounds great because he's a billionaire, but then you
Starting point is 01:02:43 actually think about it and you're like, no, yeah. I'm just like living in this like weird, like white people harem with a bunch of his like, more men wise music and Silicon Valley exec wives. I mean, I'm sure he keeps them compartmentalized honestly, but it's still at the the the polygamy ain't ain't it. But you're like a digital harem at the very least. You're like an even the network terrem. You're an annoying company to be my new book coming out in 2027. But I feel like the like the hot girl stuff and the kind of trad e-girl stuff are like two sides of the same coin, you know, the hot girl stuff is even less I would say of like a perceptible trend. Yeah. To me. Yeah. It's also a New York Times think piece that's been like
Starting point is 01:03:48 marinating over many years. The vibes are back. Yeah. This summer though, it's like, yeah, it feels like it's been like a decade of like the summer news cycle where like some new combo of words and then it's like this TikTok video. Starting a viral trend. Yeah. Oh. And it's scary because just kill me. Yeah. No, seriously. Just one of the things that I did agree with. I read it this essay by this guy, John Gans, who is one of our pre preeminent haters on the internet, but he, you know, is a smart guy and decent writer. Who is he? He's he's a guy who's like basically a lefty journal in New York, but is actually kind of like a rich layabout and BFF of Audrey Gellman who's not at all distant from the scene. He pretends to critique. It's like
Starting point is 01:04:53 very narcissism of small differences. But one thing that he said that stuck out to me that I agree with that when people talk about like the so-called vibe shift, they're not really talking about the kind of content or direction of the vibes and how they're shifting. They're talking about the fact that everything now feels very just vibey in general, because it's very hard to kind of concretize or articulate what exactly is wrong and how exactly you go about solving it. Well, it's epistemic. Yeah, so everything of how we know how anyone even knows anything. Yeah, exactly. And no one really does. I certainly don't. No. And you know, and you know, like the kind of more, you know, the less, you know, actually,
Starting point is 01:05:44 which is why in a way, like, you know, when people were coming down on on Curtis Jarvan, who of course can be self important and an annoying clarifier and all these things difference. Yeah, when they were coming down on him, I was like, you know, the sky is relatively innocent and naive in the sense that he lives in a time when the elites were still like trim, slim, JFK, Carolyn Bissette people jogging around a reservoir and like getting on the phone with Robert Wright and talking about like demographic trends openly. And now they're like literal weird hob hob goblin hobbits. I know. I saw a guy in a the coolest shirt. It said slut, but in Shrek font. That is really cool. And he was like old in Puerto
Starting point is 01:06:40 Rican, not a hipster. I saw I think I was reading like people magazine or something in preparation for I was I was drawn to various news items throughout the afternoon. Yeah. And I saw like David Hasselhoff's like daughter. Oh yeah, here she is. Oh, he has like a plus size. Of course he does daughter who's like modeling at Miami move over Megan McCain. For Miami swim week, like there's a new county fair blue ribbon. David Hasselhoff's daughter struts swimwear in a fashion show. Yeah. And where I'm like, I'm reading this is like, yeah. Why like the net the levels of nepotism that were expected to be like invested in as a population is so, so demoralizing. I know. And we literally have
Starting point is 01:07:40 to like pay our respects to every celebs kid, fat daughter and non binary son of every celebrity. And guess what? They all have one or both. Yeah, we have to bow down. Yeah. And like, I think the mistake that all these kind of like embittered angry, not so young men left as journalists guys make is in thinking that they're actually like reactionary social scenes that are driving some sort of nihilistic revelry that may or may not amount to some kind of cultural format. And it's like nobody's driving this. No, it is. It is truly like an ambient epistemic problem. Yeah. Yeah. And people are picking up on a vaguely fascist flavor, I suppose. That's
Starting point is 01:08:38 the that's the people don't like. So there's a fashy streak that's that's emerged. But it's purely aesthetic and cultural. It's not like the political fascism. No, no. Yeah. So that, you know, what, how could that how would that even manifest? I don't know. The thing is that, you know, again, I am reminded of that great Justin H Smith quote about how like, well, you know, the reason that like, in Stalin times, people executed people in basements of prisons is because it was the only mode of like social discipline available at their disposal. But now you don't need that because you have social media. I was reading that just to Epsky's mock execution today.
Starting point is 01:09:33 What's what's that? He was like, he was in prison. Yeah, he did. He was in prison and then thought he was going to he was on like death row and then the Tsar sent like a note that was like long live the Tsar never mind. It's my bad. And I think I think they still like went through the motions of like, you know, putting the fear of God in him. Yeah. And formative experience. Did you write crime and punishment before after after I'm saying there you go. Yeah. But it really was. I don't know. One of the books I actually have read makes a case. Yeah, I almost read it. I almost read it in New Zealand. Yeah. When I thought I was going to have to spend another week there after I finished shooting, I was like, I bought a copy of crime and punishment.
Starting point is 01:10:22 I was like, all right, I'm going to crack this bad boy open and my agents were like, you can come back to New York. And I was like, great. I was like, I'm going to take a Benzo. Um, but yeah, I was, uh, yeah, fantasizing or daydreaming about the utility of a mock execution. Yeah. For ones, the ennoblement of one's soul, maybe you're, you know, a lot of people would benefit. We shouldn't press this issue too much. Oh, we should maybe even edit that out honestly. We shouldn't. We shouldn't do it. What a shame. Cause it was a good one. Just bleep the names out. Yeah. Eli was telling us about a new podcasting machine we could get. He said we could,
Starting point is 01:11:17 I could do sound effects. Maybe I wasn't intriguing to me. Yeah. You automatically double the track and you can insert the song, you just do the theme song instead of without painstakingly aligning them. Like I do not because I have to, because nobody would notice honestly, if I did it at like 22 seconds or 24 seconds, because I'm an autistic psycho. I always do 20 seconds. It's like a superstition of mine and it has to be perfect. It's working. I mean, remember when you put the song over the. Yeah. No, I put both songs over like the intro and the outro. That was a really good episode. A red scare. Yeah. And I definitely wasn't on drugs because I don't ever do drugs. No. Believe it or not. Yeah, you're not really, you're not. I was reading about
Starting point is 01:12:09 Grimes in preparation for this episode and how she came out against hard drugs because, quote, she lost so many people to them and was also talking about having a lisp that she never had fixed because she's grown to love it. And I was like, Grimes, she's just like me. Speech and pediment. Yeah. Teetotaler. Yeah. She drinks though. And she eats. I could see her being like one of those like weird culty AA people. Oh, maybe. She's definitely malnourished. Yeah. But maybe Musk got her on a nice, nice regimen or something before she. Yeah. I think like when you're that rich, you probably just do like different kinds of like food infusions. Yeah, they can just put the IG. Like liquid diet. IBM. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. I like to
Starting point is 01:13:07 chew my food. I don't know about you guys, but. I got one of those IVs. Yeah, you went to the bar, right? There's like an IV bar. How was it? It definitely felt a lot like doing drugs, especially at the end when they like drain the bag because you sit there for like an hour, like hooked up to like an IV. And then at the end, they like drain the bag and like give you a bunch of the like juice and you get kind of like nauseous actually. And then the male nurse was like, are you okay? And I was like, yeah, I was like, whoa, I was like, it really feels like drugs. And he was like, yeah, he was like, a lot of recovering addicts come here actually. Because they want to feel because they want to put a needle in their arm and like technically
Starting point is 01:13:55 not do drugs, but I was like, I don't think they should be doing that. That seems. Yeah, it seems like a gateway. Like a slippery slope. Yeah. Because they want to put a needle in their arm and feel weird. And not technically be doing drugs, but. That's crazy to like want that experience again, because you miss being. Feeling weird with a needle in your arm. Hunter Biden does infusions. Um, yeah, but they give them to him at his like rehabs that he goes to periodically. Yeah. But did you feel, did you feel better when you did it? And how much was it? It's like $600. It's like $300. I felt better like the next, I don't know, hard to say if it was placebo effect
Starting point is 01:14:36 or not, but I guess I kind of felt like I had. Liam McSweeney swears by those things. I think if you drink, I think if I had been hungover, maybe I would have felt the difference more, but I wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. And he breathed or anything the night prior. So. Cool sound effect. But she, she referred me to like, I think like a couple of guys and um, they were like cool, like Vladimir Kulichko Russian sounding dude. So I just, I figured I would try to have just like a brawny Russian man come to my house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm, yeah. Are you still intermittent fasting? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:20 You seem like you, your energy levels are high. Yeah, they're higher for sure. Yeah. The synapses are firing. Yeah, they're firing. Yeah. That's good. I'm doing two meals a day now because you can't like doing one meal is unsustainable, but I was doing that for like a week. And now we're now it's like 12 and six, nine and six. Yeah. Oh nice. Yeah, it's cool. But I'm also like talking out of my ass because realistically, I don't really eat dinner until eight, but whatever. Same diff. Same diff. Who cares? And then you, but then you stay up later. Yeah. But it is like anti-inflammatory. Not eating before you go to sleep.
Starting point is 01:16:03 My synapses were a firing because I was thinking about how how actually bad the obesity epidemic is in terms of like so many first and second and third order factors. Like when you're obese, you're just constantly inflamed and therefore sluggish. Yeah. Well, yeah. There's so many comorbid. Yeah. But like forget even like the heart disease, physical and vanity issues. You're literally just not as fast as you could be. Intellectually. Absolutely. Yeah. People are fat and dumb too. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. And sick and then you get sick and then the stress and then stress is the real killer. Yeah. That's more stressful than being obese. You know, it's true. And then I see like kids
Starting point is 01:16:56 who are obese from the time they're like little babies and toddlers and I'm like, geez, they don't like stand a chance. Yeah. It's tough. It sucks. Yeah. Damn. Yeah. I almost ate those sprouts you got me like months ago today. Oh yeah, you can still eat them. I mean, they're good until like 2026 or something. I know. I knew that the rapeseed oil is going to give me a heartburn. You treat yourself to a little bit of rapeseed oil. Do you get heartburn? I do. Sometimes if I eat something that's very late and with seed oil. Really? I had some beat of your tacos. They're like red tacos that are kind of a popular food item these days. And they made me feel really, really sick. Bad. Yeah. I'm avoiding.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah. Crazy that you get heartburn. I do. If I eat something really oily or like, yeah, yeah. Sprouts, which are one of my favorite foods, unfortunately, do you give me heartburn? Yeah, that sucks. I know. Do you have like, do you have like physical, like, like, do you have like a burning sensation and you're like sternum? Yeah. Oh, okay. It's like, I don't know. Because I feel like women and especially like, skinny women don't really get heartburn as much, but also women manifest the symptoms differently than men. Like they don't get the classic burning sensation very often. I get, yeah, like this feeling in my head. They get like a vocal fry literally.
Starting point is 01:18:26 It definitely is some, I don't know. Yeah. Well, I'm sorry that you can't enjoy it. No, I will. I might, I might eat them when I get home honestly. Yeah. I remember being like vaguely offended when, when like tinned fish was deemed hot girl food because I was like, actually it's the food of like bloated, senile Soviet immigrants with like goiter. Hot girl food. But what if you put it on your avatars? I know, I know. I mean, they are mad good for you. Yeah, they're good. It's a great way to get a quick shot of protein. Perry, all bossy, lost a bunch of weight off the. Oh yeah. I'm eating tinned fish. He's a sardine guy. Yeah. Yeah. He's the only other person on social media whose
Starting point is 01:19:17 food looks more disgusting than ours. I know. It makes our food look like Jean George or something or Keith McNally joint. I hate everyone on Twitter basically besides logo and Perry. I like to keep my circle small. I really come around to Mike Sernovich. Oh, you love Mike Sernovich. Yeah, I love Mike Sernovich. He's got, I admire, I like his style, you know, of, I mean, linguistically. Me too. I'm trying to think of like who I like on Twitter as a family man. Yeah. Yeah, me too. It's kind of, it's kind of hard to. I mean, I still love Dan Allegretto, obviously. Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, because he's so timeless. He is. Yes. He stood the test. I love Jack, the perfume nationalist. I know some of you are not
Starting point is 01:20:18 going to be happy with that, but I think he's a very talented, wild Ian writer. I've got mad love for Jack. I don't mean to act. I don't actually mean I hate everyone on Twitter to all my all my followers. I don't mean you guys. No, I mean, I hate, I hate all the fucking liberal threads at the spool. As I said to Serno recently, I hate all the annoying right wing threads that are like, architecture used to be beautiful. And no, it's not anymore. Here's why. All the masculinity accounts for like, this is what pornography does to your brain. My wife. I'm just like, okay, yeah, I get your point. I'm inclined to agree with you, but you really have to make it this tedious. Well, it really is. I mean, the worst part is it reflects back
Starting point is 01:21:11 for me is that it's like, I've acquired so many just dog shit follows over the years through my like, annoying niche interests, you know, that now and I can't I'm too lazy to like, unfollow people. So I really like runs my feet. It's like, there's like dirtbag left people, I think are annoying and like, set of a cantist Catholics and just like all these kinds of annoying people that actually are just mirroring back how annoying I am back to me. And I don't like it. Except it's like Twitter review. It's like fucking like, those can't log off. No, you really can't. It's like, there's like a dirtbag leftist to the left of you doing the pee pee poo poo Homer Simpson give shit still and like gaslighting everybody with their like noxious
Starting point is 01:22:05 levels of irony. And yeah, and then the right are a bunch of weird guys who pretend to be like former vets but are actually basement dollar and some trad e girls who are like screaming at how porn should be banned. Yeah, it's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen y'all. Yeah. I've got bad news. Drag queens. What a nightmare. Yeah, it's not a good. It's not a good scene. Yeah. But that's why I prefer podcasting as a medium. Yeah. It's a nice capsule capsule format. Take it or leave it. Yeah. You know, and it's nice to like have nobody ever be mad at you on Twitter. It's a great feeling. Yeah. I feel good. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, I just don't look at my
Starting point is 01:23:14 mentions. I'm sure people are mad at me. That's true. Yeah. The Joe Rogan principle. Yeah. Because yeah, I've every once in a while something will surface. I'm sorry. I didn't I didn't realize you found me so annoying. Yeah. Anyway, we could wrap it up. We've done an hour 24. Oh, nice. I'll say one last thing, which is really the only downside of having a child other than losing your gray matter and your sanity is not getting egg cartons on Twitter anymore. I miss the good old days. Yeah. It's never going to happen again. They can't. They've got nothing on you. You've got the sucks to be you've got you and Elon Musk have the spawn to prove it.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Well, see you now.

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