Red Scare - Handmaid's Fail

Episode Date: May 11, 2022

The ladies discuss the Roe v Wade overturn leak, the Elon Musk boycott campaign, and the Vatican getting into the NFT game. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I started recording so the listeners can hear Anna rummaging around to find me some CBD lip balm, because my lips really chapped. That's okay. Are they hydrating? It's balm though, right? Yes, it's plumping, in fact, but only slightly. Okay, it has like a kind of minty feel to that. Okay. Nice. Apparently all chapstick just dries your lips out. So you have to use. Yeah, I know. I noticed that. Of course, you know
Starting point is 00:01:00 about the chapstick. Yeah, conspiracy. Wait, what's the conspiracy that it dries your lips? No, I didn't know that I just kind of anecdotally pick that up because my life is like an uphill battle against chap lips. I know. It sucks. I don't know those sounds. Yeah. I have some dry mouth spray, if you want. Oh, yeah, maybe I'll get into that. It doesn't help with both chap lips, but you know, people think we're low effort, but I put in a lot of work cropping out those dry mouth
Starting point is 00:01:36 sounds. Do you? I do. I mean, it's not it's not that hard because you can like literally see the file in the file where the track goes silent. Right. Right. So I just, you know, hone in on those. And typically there's some like gross. Yeah. So yeah, next time people tell us we don't deserve the money. Mm hmm. Who else would go through the track with a fine tooth comb? I feel like so many people. I probably miss so many of the dry mouth sounds. I know it's we're not known for our
Starting point is 00:02:14 good audio quality and that's and that's okay. Happy belated Mother's Day. Oh, thank you. How was your mommy's day? It was cute. I went to Bakaro and ate a steak. Lovely. Yeah, I felt like Rosemary Woodhouse like very like iron deficient. Mm hmm. Yeah, but it was nice. It didn't really feel like anything. Sure. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, Mother's Day is like all about posting the hottest pic of your mom. This year on Instagram stories. Yeah, I've I've posted some hot pics of my mom in the
Starting point is 00:02:52 past. But this year that the feeling I really got was I was like, Oh, I was like, I gotta post a pic with my mom so people know I'm like, well adjusted. I know I noticed that I noticed that you kept a low pro. I don't know, I just didn't have the, you know, yeah, I've already used all you know, I know. I was like, I mean, we all have like that other one six pics of our mom. Yeah, especially three of which are acceptable. There's some lovely photos of my mom, honestly, maybe next year, I'll
Starting point is 00:03:24 really, I'll really go let them rip. Yeah. Because she's gorgeous. She is. You know, in the 90s. And as a young gymnast in Las Vegas, you know, she definitely was serving some Luke's not non binary ones. And she yeah, though she did have like a pixie kind of Winona Ryder cut in the early 2000s that was very flattering on her that looked great. Anyway, hey, we're back. Hey, we're back. We're back. Welcome to Red Scare. The only podcast or 30 something year old women wear
Starting point is 00:04:12 head to toe branding head to toe. No, I'm not I'm wearing them some Levi's 501s. I've got I'm head to toe. Well, no, these socks are not. Yeah, let's not split hairs sweatpants, underwear and t shirt. Wow. They sell underwear brandy. Mm hmm. Where in they're like in these little like baskets. Yeah, baskets throughout the store and they're very um, they're like full cut kind of cotton panties, you know, and they stretch out really fast. They're based, you know, like a lot like the
Starting point is 00:04:44 sweatpants as well. Yeah, it's basically like a single use kind of thing garment, maybe we're at a couple times the t shirts you can hold on to longer but anything with like elastic, it's not gonna last you that long. No, welcome to the brandy Melville podcast, the brandy Melville experience. The podcast that is surprisingly not sponsored by brandy. Where are those conspiracy theories that we're gonna be paid by brandy Melville, which we actually talk about all the time. I know. It
Starting point is 00:05:17 would be funny if Peter teal was a central funder of brandy Melville. He should be provided seed capital. I don't even know what that means. That wouldn't surprise me. Yeah, because he does understand mimetic desires so well. But he hates women. He hates women and he's a total gay guy. He's a complete gay misogynist. But then again, brandy is an expression of extreme misogyny with the body fascism, of course. Yeah. That's true. All right. Yeah. I'm sure business
Starting point is 00:05:48 insider would have gotten to the bottom of that and their expose. It's not up to us to know who is John Galt. Yeah. Peter teal. That's what we're all wondering. That's what it says all over my clothes. Yeah, these people, they butt chug I'm Rand and go on crazy missions. It literally says John Galt and all my clothes. I'm feeling a fast fashion stores. I love the feeling of like mincing through downtown New York, like with John Galt emblazoned on all my labels. Every single thing you're
Starting point is 00:06:27 wearing and your backpack, my book bag that I take to my catechism. Tiny shrunken book bag. It's actually a full size. It's full size and it is holding up nice. It is well made. I be putting all sorts of weird books in there and stomping all over. Yeah. I went to Pennsylvania this weekend. Oh yeah, you saw some goats. I saw some baby goats. They were like a week old. They were so tiny. I could feel their hearts beating and the little horns like about to pop out their heads. They
Starting point is 00:07:01 were yeah, insanely cute. Yeah, I love down in Pennsylvania. I've been going stomping porn baby. Happy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day. Petunia was the goat's mom's name. And I said Happy Mother's Day. Petunia. That's cute. Polly Olly and Molly were the names of the three baby goats. Nothing makes you more pro life than holding a baby farm animal. Like I needed to be more pro-life. I mean bathed in that beautiful Pennsylvania light. I'm so pen-pilled. I
Starting point is 00:07:41 amish-pilled. I love the Amish. I love the Byzantine Catholics that are a vibrant community in parts of Pennsylvania. Lots of big Slovak population out there. Really? Oh yeah, that makes sense. They worked in the. Isn't Charles Bronson a Slovak from Pennsylvania or something to that effect? He's some kind of Slovak. He might be Ruthenian. Okay. Like Andy Warhol. Okay. Who's always also raised Byzantine Catholic. But yeah, they live out there
Starting point is 00:08:18 because of the mines. That makes sense because they do be looking like some of our ancestors that were dumped into masquerades. They do. They do and they have this they their duch is really you know, it's like chisel cheekbones and like Eurasian slit eyes. I'm very impressed. Yeah, by the Slovak and Ruthenian Byzantine Catholics, because a ton of them are like third and fourth gen, but they still like have this real sense of like ethnicity. And I'm yeah, not
Starting point is 00:08:48 Slovak at all, but close enough. Yeah. It's all they're all slobs to me, baby. Yeah, from from this vantage point from where we're sitting, the Ukrainians really be going to to mass, especially nowadays because of the war, I think. Yeah, that makes sense. There's a Ukrainian church in the east village that's like always mobbed. No. Yeah, I went there with like tourists and well wishers a couple weekends ago. It was there was no, well, they do their masses in
Starting point is 00:09:19 Ukrainian. So, um, they don't have a lot of intermixing. I see. Actually, it's like real lots of real Ukrainian people and the um priest at the mass I went to on Sunday in Pennsylvania was actually Ukrainian and really Hukhli as we call them. He was my parents racistically call them to make a dumb Ukrainian jokes when I was a little didn't know what was going on. It is. Yeah. It's interesting how that the inter inter-Slavic racism manifests itself. Wow. Thanks
Starting point is 00:09:58 for poisoning my whole ass outlook mom so then I could go on and monetize it. Happy Mother's Day. Um and Elena. Yeah. Thanks for rearing such great podcasts. Who knows where we'd be if it weren't for our moms. Yeah. Eli was um listening to some episode of Rogan where he had this guy on who was like a security expert to the stars and politicos. Okay. And um he was like raving about this episode and the guy was talking about how um he he found out that people who come from traumatic
Starting point is 00:10:44 and chaotic homes have low blood pressure and both my sister and I have like radically low blood pressure and we were just like oh. Interesting. Yeah. You're like a reptile. Yeah. Just sitting on a lily pad trying to be as inoffensible as possible. Clicking your eyeball. That's interesting. Yeah. Um the Dasha we get to the docket. Oh yeah. Uh Roe v Wade. Mm hmm. Still in the news. Yeah. Um what's happening with it? They have that. Um they're they are but
Starting point is 00:11:27 they're putting the handmade handmade costumes on and they're um I guess if you invest in one of those you're just praying something happens with Roe v Wade so you can put that bad boy on. Yeah. For your tech talk videos. Yeah. When you're not sitting in the bathtub piano teacher style like a razor doing DIY female genital mutilation. Oh no. I'm so whiny. I mean outraged. Because of the patriarchy. Yeah. Totally. Because because we're so oppressed. Yeah. So okay.
Starting point is 00:12:08 So what's going on? Okay. So this leak is like part of a pending case. I'm just paraphrasing Glenn Greenwald's article. Oh yeah. Um that seeks to determine. I read that as well. Yeah. That was a good primer explainer. Yeah. But it seeks to determine whether this Mississippi ruling that bans abortions after 15 weeks which is much earlier than the current precedent of 24 weeks the point of fetal viability. Um right. This constitutional um and he talks
Starting point is 00:12:36 about others two ways to uphold the Mississippi ruling as six of the nine justices want to do which is finding the ruling consistent with existing precedent or challenging the constitutionality of the existing precedent and overruling it on those grounds and since the former is harder to do they're probably going with the full outer. So the repeal of Roe v Wade basically kicks it back to the states. Yes. Yeah. And there are 13 states that
Starting point is 00:13:03 have what are what are called trigger laws. Uh huh. That would make abortion functionally illegal. Right. In those states. Yeah. Um and in this piece that Glenn wrote sort of demystifying the legality of what it means. Uh huh. The outrage. I'm just like oh you're losing me already. Um well Glenn was sort of making the case that the actually repealing Roe v Wade is democratic. Right. Well it throws well by kicking it back to the states
Starting point is 00:13:38 you're kicking it back to an authentic democratic process or at least as authentic as you're going to get. Right. Of course. So it's like a legislative versus judicial process. So when people are up in arms about their rights being attacked that it's only really true in one way. Yeah. Because it's actually well it's true. I mean I think the main thing that you know that I would keep in mind is that people are also like treating this
Starting point is 00:14:10 news this leak as definitive proof that Roe v Wade will be overturned. Um which it's literally a leak that's designed to get them to react that way. So I'm like automatically suspicious. Yeah. Like I said last time I'll believe it when I see it. Yeah. And I'm also I'm like surprised but also not surprised that the leak itself is not a bigger story because it's been kind of um overshadowed by the culture war outrage over this like
Starting point is 00:14:36 perspective repeal which is they really dropped it at the right at the right time. Yeah. You know to scramble everyone's like brains. Yeah. And also I think a lot of the people freaking out over the leak are treating it like the the repeal if it does happen as being like tantamount to like a nationwide abortion ban which obviously it isn't and I think the Democrats are banking on this misconception because the reality is that if it was
Starting point is 00:15:03 kicked back to the states it would be more in line with like the European precedent but also the wishes of the people in each state. Yeah. Yeah. And Glenn made this point that I thought was really good and went way over my head that you can't argue in supportive row on the basis of like a Democratic or a majoritarian appeal and have to instead acknowledge the Supreme Court as a body that introduces certain checks and balances um into majority rule
Starting point is 00:15:34 through the interpretation of the Constitution and it was in the spirit right that the original row decision was reached in the first place. But I think another way you can argue it without getting into all that. The simpler way. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Is that you can just by sheer fact by sheer dent that the precedent is already established that it already exists right because you know it might not be like a particularly strong or
Starting point is 00:16:00 perfect or even desirable precedent but we've already like bit in the apple. Which precedent? Um Robi Wade. Right. Right. Well, um that's what that's like Democrats could have codified it. This is something else I keep hearing is the it's actually the Democrats fault because they could have like secured whatever Robi Wade. Yeah. During their reign. Um but they don't because they like to feel. Why not dot dot dot dot dot. I wonder why so that when
Starting point is 00:16:33 midterms come up they can say you have to vote for us or you're gonna have to get a back alley abortion and bleed out all over your bathroom like Anne Ircachie. And they're like they're like childless girl bosses get to the polls not that you're ever under risk of getting pregnant under any circumstances let alone having an abortion. Um but But yeah, I mean, I think like precedents are sticky and taking them away is risky, like you can't expect to give people something and then take it away and then have them take that lying down, you know. And I imagine the states with these trigger laws already have very prohibitive abortion laws.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah, and a lot of conservative states bring these cases with the hope of escalating them to the Supreme Court so that they could then challenge Roe v. Wade, so that there's a strategy there, they're not like merely kind of like local suits or whatever. I see. But yeah, and I mean, it's, it's really interesting though, because I think like Ross do have had a good quote about this. He says, what has happened in similar ways with other issues, immigration most notably happened with abortion first, the elite settlement failed to settle the issue and the backlash encompassed not just the issue itself, but the elite legitimacy writ large. So he's basically talking about this kind of idea that that Roe v. Wade is widely seen as agreed upon when it's really not. And I like how Glenn basically said that, you know, the Supreme Court is an undemocratic or anti-democratic body regardless of the specific political or ideological makeup by this bench of justice by design, right? It's, it's undemocratic. Yeah, so now they happen to be majority conservative. One day they might be majority liberal, but as a body, they function according to a literally anti-democratic process. But it's also interesting with Roe v. Wade and with abortion in general, that while it's the prototypical culture war, it's not a typical culture war in the sense that unlike most culture wars, people's views have not trended more progressive over time.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Like if you look at stuff like interracial marriage or gay marriage, I think people have become more accepting over time. I think people are becoming increasingly pro-life. I don't know about pro-life, but they're, but I think people are more or less stable on how they view abortion. I think most people, like if you look at the bell curve, there are like 10% of people who are like strongly against abortion, 10% who are strongly pro-abortion. It's like 80, 20, and the center I think is kind of broadly will tolerate it in the first trimester, tolerate it less in the second trimester and not tolerate it at all in the third trimester. That's my impression, right? That sounds about right, I suppose. I'm not looking at any of the data.
Starting point is 00:19:46 No, of course, why would we ever do that? But I also think as like a flashpoint in the culture war, it's also sort of non-partisan, obviously, but it is kind of outside of, because it does deal with something so grave. The way that people feel about it is so psychologically charged. And complicated that it almost transcends, I don't know. The rhetoric gets very vicious very quickly on both sides. Yeah, and it was designed that way. I think the original Roe decision was designed in a way to foment culture war along partisan lines, because before that, you had this weird landscape. You had Republicans who were pro-abortion, mainly because they were interested in population control of undesirable populations.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And then you had Democrats who were pro-life because the Catholics were all Democrats. So like the whole Northeast was pro-life Catholics or whatever. So it was like the typical axis didn't hold in the way that we think it does. And now in late-stage girlboss capitalism, our culture has been totally poisoned by this very like... Feminism. Abortive. Yeah, I was going to say, yeah. Feminism is a good word for it, but yeah, this kind of like abortive mindset that has made our culture basically a death cult.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And if you want to talk about Catholicism, you know, as kind of a life cult, like a fertility life cult, you know, that venerates the very... Well, no, that's a blood cult also, but... And a man-boy love cult and many things, but yeah, but... That's the fatic and too counter-churchan. But Catholics, I mean all religious people basically have the right idea in the sense that even like if you look at... This idea of like fetal viability, which we roughly place now at like 23 or 24 weeks. Like that's a subjective standard, right? Conception is the only morally like rigorous, actually sensical position to hold.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I'm not talking legislatively, I think, yeah, having a child into this culture that worships death and does not like provide for people is obviously complicated and like I'm in no position to talk like legislatively about what... Even if I do think it is, you know, the taking of a life which I do, whether or not you're legally able to do that, isn't up to me. And shouldn't be. But morally speaking, conception... The Red Scarecrow's author, yeah. The next American abortion law. I'm working on my pro-life masterpiece, Total War, and that's...
Starting point is 00:23:17 All I can do is influence the culture, you know, to make it more pro-life generally. What was I saying? I forgot. Not legislatively, but maybe like... Right, conception. Yeah, as like, otherwise you're just... I think if you fold on conception, you may as well like advocate for third trimester abortions. You know, there's no like other...
Starting point is 00:23:53 Because the other thing... Anything else is arbitrary. And that note, so like this concept of like fetal viability, which is like a standard that exists in America and the rest of the West. Like that's a subjective standard, right? Because in, you know, it depends on the kind of technological capabilities of any given nation or state, right? Or fetus that is viable in place. X might not be viable in place. Y at like time frame Z, right?
Starting point is 00:24:26 Because of the kind of material and technological capacities. Yeah, the same can be said for human viability. Right, and like... And also, you know, remember when we talked about abortion, I don't know, many months ago on the pod, and there was this kind of discourse of brewing about how, you know, you can hear a fetal heartbeat at eight weeks, and there was they bust in a bunch of experts to tell us that actually what you're hearing at eight weeks is not an authentic or true heartbeat. It's like electrons or something rubbing together. Like they were disputing, but it's like, well, but isn't that a heartbeat in general?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Like we're literally all like clumps of cells. Like who gets to determine when the heartbeat becomes real? I mean, I'm with you, like I think like you can't arbitrarily split hairs over when conception begins. This is like a losing battle. And philosophically, existentially. Rationally also. Yeah, logically, rationally, morally. Yeah, it's like once it's, sorry, I'm sorry to say it.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Like, yeah, it's conception. It's like at that point it has the potential to be alive. I think that that was the point that Polya was making when she was talking about reintroducing or re-injecting like the ethical component into progressive stance on abortion. Right. Let's start with life vegans at conception and see what that does to our society. But when she was making that point, she was also clearly addressing like her haters among the feminists and the progressives and not your average like blue voter norm. Who doesn't need to be ethically persuaded because they already feel that intuitively. I think that's the fear a lot of these like progressive true believers have about overturning something like Roe V Wade.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Because it would again bring it back to like a democratic process that's fundamentally like unwieldy and unmanageable and may not yield the result that you hoped for. It's like democracy for me, but not for the, you know. Right, right. What are they like to say abortion on demand without apology? I didn't, I've never heard the without apology. Oh yeah, abortion on demand without apology. Yeah. And like, you know, Glenn is making this, he's arguing this point about the undemocratic anti-majoritarian function of the Supreme Court in part like cataly to own the libs.
Starting point is 00:27:06 He's a legal scholar. Okay, he is a man who has passed the bar. Yeah. Okay. And he's doing it, but I think he's right because fundamentally like the question for liberals then becomes like, how do we defend this essentially undemocratic process? And feminism. Yeah. Without defaulting on our own like democratic bonafide.
Starting point is 00:27:30 With hysterical cosplay feminism. That's how they're doing it. And we all know that their democratic bonafides are mostly for show anyway, because they're totally okay with being little tyrants and sensors and tattletales in on most other occasions and in most other settings. Of course. Interesting time to care about bodily autonomy when you're making pregnant when we get vaccinated not too long ago. I know. Well, and there was that article or that tweet that I sent you about how it was like a bunch of like vice style, like anarchists and feminists being like, okay, ladies. Stock up on something called mysoprostal tabs, which in addition to inducing abortion are used to treat equine ulcers.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So now it's okay to take horse pills. When you're trying to get that abortion. And of course, yeah, the vaccination thing. When I'm curing my COVID with ivermectin tablets. Yeah, then it's no good. And it's like all these people who scream like my body, my choice, where were they when Pfizer at all were pushing vaccines on young children and pregnant women, which is the hill that I will continue to die on. Yep. I'm with I'm with you, Anna.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's crazy. And yeah, it's crazy. And I'm not even anti-vax like at all. No, like not even a smidge. Well, apparently Pfizer released a bunch of like intel about the vax on the same day that the Robi Wade week happened. Interesting. I didn't look into it, obviously, but I'm sure there was some shocking stuff in there. Yeah, we should look into it.
Starting point is 00:29:11 But it's like all these people that were that are, you know, scream my body, my choice were, you know, a couple of months or weeks ago screaming that we should throw unvaccinated people into like buka style mass graves because they're like violates. Because they're like violating the democratic process or whatever. So there's a lot of, you know, insane hypocrisies that were basically encouraged, promoted to occur. So again, I'm surprised that the leak itself is not the big story. Right. Well, that's probably. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I don't know. It happened because Kavanaugh was being a little was flip flopping or something, so it was leaked to pressure him to follow through or something, whatever. Yeah, I think it's a could be to pressure certain justices to pressure people into turning out for the Democrats. Yeah. To keep the culture war going. I know. There was that story that Nancy Pelosi was supporting a pro life Democrat in Texas running for office while this was all going on. I mean, like the hypocrisy is boundless.
Starting point is 00:30:32 But I think like really just my hunch is that most people even most liberal identifying people are a lot less liberal on the abortion issue than the liberal true believers who occupy all the positions. Of power and influence would want you to believe. And the people who are sort of the most vocally the most loudly refracted through like social media. Yeah. Which is how it's designed to like incite, you know, that's why I have to see like that's why I'm getting these videos that are like pissing me off. Yeah. Yeah, scapegoating Catholics, you know, so that I'll all get upset and like tweet something, you know, it's like I'm not falling for it. This time you guys wise and brave.
Starting point is 00:31:20 No, but like if you if you only went by what you saw on Twitter from like blue check girl bosses, you'd think that everybody was for having abortion until like 38 and a half weeks, you know. And the coat hang. They love. And it's always a plastic coat hanger that they got at Target. At least they get if they're going to LARP and cosplay, at least they have to like break out the real metal kind. I know. It's not hard to get a metal coat hanger. Just go to your local dry cleaners.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah, I'm throwing them away. I have so many metal coat hangers that I save in the event that I have to perform DIY at home abortion. Like Lenny, come here. Well, that's the thing with these like horse abortion pills or like the back alley abortion, like coat hanger imagery, like, you know, I think most abortions are probably in chemically induced. Yes. And literally 91 or 92% of them are in America already occur within the first trimester. You mean miscarriages? Abortions. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. Because yeah. No, but this whole all the like sort of gruesome imagery that's that's that's invoked is is also a little bit confounding to me because abortion, like how do people think people got abortions before Planned Parenthood? You know, what did they think? Don't they know it's an ancient pagan practice and shouldn't all these like, I text you this, but shouldn't all these like sex worker witchcraft chicks? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You know about like parsley or whatever. Yeah, they're like stuffing hemlock in their pussies. But there's definitely like, I don't know if you really care that much, you can like probably learn like about how to hemopathically, you know, like, I don't know. It just it's it all feels so bad. I don't know. Well, it feels fake and gay. Because it is. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah, I guess. You know, most people on either side of the political binary, like, do not strongly favor or prefer abortion. They even the ones that concede it should exist and concede it should be legal view it, I think, mostly as a necessary evil that should be like allowed quote on demand within the first trimester, but then subject to like serious restrictions and regulations thereafter. Israel has like a review board that approves most most abortion. Yeah. But I don't know that seems reasonable. Good for them. No, I mean, I think like because so many Jews are pro abortion.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Wait, why is that? Isn't that shocking? Yeah. I read an article. Why? Because they invented wokeness. Because it's crazy like I surely thought Jews would be pro life primarily because don't you want to make more Jews? Don't you want to take right exactly your six million year loss?
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, like your. My estimate and for some reason and aren't you still waiting for your Messiah? Yeah. I know most Jews are secular, but like well, well, presumably, I guess if you're like a God fearing person, you would have faith that the Messiah would be one of the those who was not aborted. Is that the idea? But if you're a Jewish woman, how do you, you know, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Whatever. I mean, whatever. I was just surprised to learn that because I was reading articles about like, I read some op-ed that was like, not all religious people are pro life. And I was like, go on. And it was like 80% of 80% 80% of Jewish people are like, okay. I mean, I think Jews probably also don't get a lot of abortions and they're probably banking on the population control in other areas. I don't know. Because mostly poor people get abortions.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah. Yeah. And that's the conversation people really. They love to talk about them sort of symbolically, but they don't actually want to think it through all the way. Yeah. Well, because that would require like acknowledging certain unflattering things about yourself and your worldview. Yeah. I mean, like who's chimping the hardest about this?
Starting point is 00:36:18 It's like literally like a childless, liberal, almost middle-aged or middle-aged women who have email jobs and who if abortion was taken away from them symbolically would be faced with like a cognitive dissonance. It's so crippling that they would never be able to recover and write those emails. And that's why they cling to this handmaid's tale type fantasy scenario where we're just one kind of like bad orange man, like drum figure shy of a theocratic patriarchy that will turn all of them into like breeder chattel, like round them up in mass because like, you know, I hate to be. But I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but should that incredibly unlikely scenario ever come to pass, it's not a life of sexual slavery for you. It's off to the glue factory for you because who's going to be who's going to be rounded up to be the breeders. It's like 16 to 22 year old Brandy Melville sales associates. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Wow. I actually, I read a book this weekend. Amazing. Called like 50 years of silence. That was about one of the comfort women in like the Japanese Imperial Army camps and during the Second World War. And it was, it was brutal. But yeah, they were all like a beautiful, they were virgins. They like, you know, they definitely weren't like women with email jobs.
Starting point is 00:38:11 BRB and making a egg carton NFTs to send blue check. No, I mean, like, of course, like I want more for people. I don't want them to. Yeah. Well, you know, it's like also with all due respect, like as a woman who narrowly escaped this fate myself, like I sympathize with their position, which is, you know, literally hitting the wall and realizing that like everything that your mother and grandmother like drilled into you about the importance of having a career is not so much wrong. I don't think it's wrong, but is perhaps misplaced to large degree. Yeah, but it's not their fault.
Starting point is 00:38:57 It's not their fault. I mean, it's nobody's fault really. It's, you know, man or so disappointing. Yeah. It's not like, you know, it's not like there's very many like viable partners even out there for, you know, we're a culture. We're like, we're like a failed state. Yeah. That's why we worship death.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You know, it really does come down to like the people that are women that are the most like vocal and what women that are the biggest zealots about this abortion issue are very rarely. The same women who are actually affected by this issue. I've seen so many. I'm seeing more people making threads on Twitter, like, than ever. Yeah. You know, and there's so many. And they use the spool emoji, which is infuriating. I had an abortion.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Here's why blah, blah, like the red spool emoji. Like here's blah, like I'm like, what is, what could be possessing you to be typing all these words on the fucking internet right now? Why are you doing this? But they need to know. I mean, I feel like if abortion was banned outright, these are, these are not the people they still wouldn't be having kids. But they'd be living in coastal cities. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And, but they need to, they really need to believe that they have minus choice. Whatever. Yeah. Wait, what's that? Cause 13 states have trigger laws. Oh, yeah. Oh, 50 minus 13. Whatever that number is.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Wait, are there 50 or 51 states? Anna. I'm just. Puerto Rico is kind of some people call. Yeah. I was just being racially progressive. Excuse me. Yeah, but, but they need to believe that they have this choice always and that this choice like amounts to like a legal guarantee to have a medical procedure and that the choice is solely there.
Starting point is 00:40:59 On demand without apology. Yeah. And that it, you know, and that the choice comes down to like having. You're not even sorry a little bit. For what? No, with no apology. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 You should be. Yeah. And yeah, I don't expect people to like prostrate themselves. Prostrate. Sorry. Freudian slip. Oops. To finger my prostate.
Starting point is 00:41:24 To prostrate themselves in regret. But like, if you're not regretful, at least keep that shit to yourself. Yeah. It's disgusting to celebrate abortion. Amen. I'm sorry. It's disgusting. And I'm a person, I'm sure people are dying to know what our views are on abortion.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I've said I'm pro-life mad time. You're pro-life. I'm, I have no business being pro-life. Like I can't go around prescribing to other people how to lead their lives when I don't lead my life that way. So I'm, I'm very regretfully, but openly conceding that abortion should unfortunately exist, but should be severely limited and strictly regulated. When I say I'm pro-life, I mean, you know, abstractly, morally. Yeah. Philosophically.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I mean, in terms of, yeah, I would as, I'm a non-voter. First of all, if I was a voter, I would support a candidate. Whose lines of abortions were similar to what Anna just said? Yeah. That would be my, you know, if I wanted to participate in our amazing democracy, that's, those are the kinds of like representatives I would elect. Yeah. Me over and for office. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah. Okay. AOC. What's she up to lately? I haven't looked at her. I'm, I wonder. She kind of fell off. Well, she had a tweet about hate crimes when Elon Musk bought.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Oh yeah. I love that. That was the last thing I saw. I loved his response. Yeah. And then Nina Turner swooped in. You are in danger in communities of color or whatever. Please.
Starting point is 00:43:08 But like, yeah, I mean, they really, like these women need to feel like this, this choice comes down to being able to terminate pregnancy versus keeping a pregnancy with the implication being that the pregnancy is unwanted and that this choice is theirs and there's a loan and that it does not come down to circumstances that are outside of their control and or extremely high amounts of like social conditioning and ideological programming. Right. That we've all been subject to over time. And I'm not even. I'm not even. Tread.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I don't, I don't think kids are for everyone. No, I don't think it's not everyone. Not everyone should be. Absolutely. Yeah. Definitely. But as, yeah, as a Christian, I do believe that the, our impulse for personal autonomy should die a little bit every day. No, it should.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And the other thing that that impulse is responsible for a lot of societal ills. No, it isn't. There's this big also kind of talking point in this abortion discourse about how a woman should have autonomy over her body. And I believe that actually as, you know, a libtard in my own right. As a feminist. As a feminist. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:31 A woman should have, you know, bodily autonomy from like undue exercises of power by like men. Like a medical practitioner. They don't want to get. Yeah. Yeah. But from a booster shot that doesn't even fucking work. Yeah. But this is like dead ass.
Starting point is 00:44:51 When you get pregnant, you cease to be autonomous and it becomes somebody else's body. That's just how it be. And like whatever you end up doing with that, you have to act wisely, be vigilant. And you have to live with that. And you have to live with it. Totally. And like, again, I understand that there are some women who are like totally okay with it and don't feel any sort of trauma or regret. Like I'm not one of those women.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And, you know, I guess God bless. But I will. But like you said, that is, I think ultimately a minority of people and that we are just exposed to that vocal minority because of the way that social media is designed. Yeah. And that is like a feature, not a bug. And that is. Yeah. And they suck up all the air and make you feel like it's like a vocal minority that makes you feel like there.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Yeah. The majority or whatever. Yeah. And that's not at all the case. Exactly. I think if we went outside and pulled any average person, they would rob us immediately. They would rob us neighborhood. But yeah, I mean, I've said it before and I'll say it again, the vast majority of people on Twitter are mentally ill, increasingly so.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And the whole thing is, is designed to make you feel singularly kind of like triggered and persecuted. Yeah. And that on some level, everyone is like addicted to this feeling and that's what keeps these platforms running. Yeah. And the politicians know it. And the tech lords know it. Wake up, sheeple. Wake up, sheeple.
Starting point is 00:46:40 And the tech lords know it. There should be a brandy shirt that says wake up, sheeple. It's only a matter of time before they start making V for Vendetta shirts. They're going to send us a cease and desist and stop talking about Vendetta shirts. Ew, you're old and spiritually obese. No, I like left my phone on the couch and the baby snatched it up and was like tweeting. He was shitposting and I noticed that he had accidentally searched V for Vendetta. Like he had clicked on it.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Baby Joker. That's so cute. I can't wait to watch that movie with him. I know. And Joker. Oh, that's going to be a great day when we show the baby Joker. But, you know, I saw also a lot of people like popping bottles because like the offals and the radfems were having a bad day on the internet. Like the main thing to keep in mind about that contingent of women is that they're only having a good time when they're having a bad day.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Like that's their idea of a good time. It's feeling like oppressed by the patriarchy. You've played right into their hands. Yeah. So don't don't celebrate it too much. It's not a win yet. It's like when people when like every once in a while someone with like some horrible kink fetish gets like piled on and shamed. Yeah, I'm like, don't you get it? You're just playing right into their horny game.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I know. They want to be shamed for being disgusting and you're like all just doing it to them. They're just probably at home, like Jeffrey to been jacking off. Yeah. And these women, they love to go home and make their Moira Donaghan style lists. Mm hmm. They have been a disaster for and flick their bean to it. They have been.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah. And also like, don't think it's not only their fault. It's not only their fault. No, it's not. But don't think for a minute that if Roby Wade is actually overturned, these hoes are not going to have their like little NGO funded underground railroad for getting women in red states abortions. So much money is getting flooded into. It's going to be good for them right now.
Starting point is 00:48:47 It's like, it's like they're having a field. There's more abortions than ever. And they're going to. Yeah, they're going to. Bono is going to lie in and can you believe this man went to Ukraine? Yeah. With his like Missy Elliott yellow glasses. Him, Trudeau and Dr. Jill are in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:49:10 The worst people. If there, if ever there was a good argument for blowing Ukraine off the map. Stop it. No, no, it's just that we could annihilate Trudeau and Dr. Jill and Bono. Well, they're all there. Why wasn't Joe? Why wasn't sleepy Joe there? He was probably too old to travel.
Starting point is 00:49:29 No, actually, my my priest told me he was in Slovakia. Really? Yeah. That's dangerous. I don't know. Yeah, he's probably doing some diplomacy over there. Sleepy Joe probably has like the mental and physical constitution of like your average aborted fetus at this point.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Death cult. That's what I'm saying. Literally, we get the culture we deserve. Our president is a fucking corpse. He's worshiping abortions and. But can you, can you just like, I was like thinking about this because I took an edible and I was like, kind of like having some thoughts and I was like, can you imagine just like parachuting yourself into a literal war zone and inflicting yourself on the combatants?
Starting point is 00:50:13 Like there's like Ukrainian people like desperately trying to survive and like save their kids and you're just like fucking standing around in leather pants being like, she moves. Imagine like, remember when, when you too. Like hijacked Apple and downloaded their album on everybody's phone. Had the YouTube album on their phone. Yeah. And you like couldn't delete it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 They should literally do that now for the Ukraine war effort. Just jam the Russian signals. They're jingle jangly music. Just like download, download their latest album onto like the phones of Russian soldiers. To gas them and drive them insane. Yeah. That was probably an early, you know, implementation of kind of MK ultra style mind control. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Totally. Cause you know, we didn't listen to it, but a bunch of people probably did. Yeah. I'm actually kind of a fan of YouTube. I love YouTube. I love Josh. I love like the early YouTube albums. I listen to that one all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah. One time. One time Maddie Cooper. You don't need to do activism to make me a fan. No. I already like your music. I just like you for being Irish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Um, Maddie. Oh, no. One time Maddie came over and was like tagging. She was like ringing the doorbell for so long and I didn't hear it because I was listening to YouTube with headphones. What were you listening to? I was listening to one. Just vibing out of control.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yeah. You know, like Eric Clapton wrote an anti-vax song. Yeah. I feel like Bono should write a pro choice song. He wrote a song called, uh, oh no, that was Van Morris and had an album where he had a song called Why Are You On Face, but Eugene and I were listening to it. Anyway, um, uh, should we segue to Elon Musk? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Speaking of how mental ill everyone is on Twitter, um, uh, The New York Times wrote a piece about, um, Elon Musk, or they've had a, you know, a couple in the, in the last week or so, but one, particularly of note, which was called, I don't really have a business plan how Elon Musk wings it. It sort of gave kind of a primer history of like, um, oh wait, okay. Did you not read that article? I'm so stupid. I read the other article that was trending about Elon Musk, um, where the business plans
Starting point is 00:52:43 know about how he grew up in apartheid era, South Africa, and they were like trying to pin kind of like ambient racism. Oh, no, no, no, no, that one, that one also. Okay. There was like, there was a bunch. Okay. There, there, he's in the news. He's in the news.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Well, I, it's, it's actually wonderful because there was a period of time after Trump, uh, Joe lost the election and a booted from Twitter that they were really casting about for their next Trumpian figure and they were trying to like narrow it down like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, whatever. And they really found it in Elon Musk. God really does work in mysterious ways. Yeah, but I don't think it's going to work this. I mean, my man's tweeting about, he tweeted today about like, oh, he likes to drink chocolate
Starting point is 00:53:34 milk. I mean, like a, like a baby, like he's so retarded on such another level than Donald Trump and he doesn't, I'm, he's growing on me, obviously, but he doesn't have quite the way with words that Trump did at all, you know, but, um, oh, my only real notes about the article that, that, that I read were, um, that, that he is his like sort of inner circle, his like league of like associates, his lawyer, Alex Shapiro, this guy, Sam Tyler, a lot of them like kind of have ceased to work for him, but they had little photos of them.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And a lot of them were straight up ones on the binary got, got to be sad, well, yeah. And Sharon Zillis, who was a woman she looked good to, I did a bad thing today and name searched. Oh, and I found a tweet that some guy had made that was like, he like posted a photo of Eli and was like, Anna Kachyan is married to Zelensky. And I was like, not no, he's hot. I really like that genre of men that's like, I like Zelensky, I like Khadarkovsky, I like Nemtsov.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I like all these like nice Jewish boys with like a nice head full of hair. Yeah. They're all hot. I like the big nose myself, you know, I like a man who looks like he, he drives a taxi and Riga. Oh yeah. Yeah. Totally.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Anyway. Yes. Someone on the binary is Elon Musk fit to Lord over our platform for mentally ill people and then he loves it. He really does. I think he is actually going to do a great job. He also like I read another article about him unveiling his like business plan and he's like going to make, he's like saying he's going to make a ton of money, whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I don't care. I like that he, on April 27th, he tweeted, let's make Twitter maximum fun exclamation point. I agree. And I'm like, yeah. I'm like, for sure. I'm like, this website sucks. Washington Post wrote an article called Elon Musk wants free speech on Twitter, but for
Starting point is 00:55:46 whom with Musk's looming takeover, the future of Twitter's current content moderation is uncertain. Experts say women and people of color could suffer the most. Experts say, Pranju Verma, Indian foot soldier of the cathedral. I thought Indian guys are supposed to be smart Pranju and then Brahmin eunuch of the cathedral class. And then of course, the AOC tweet, which I'll read, tired, of course, of having to collectively stress about what explosion of hate crimes is happening, happening, active tense, because
Starting point is 00:56:32 some billionaire with an ego problem unilaterally controls a massive communication platform and skews it because Tucker Carlson or Peter Thiel took him out to dinner and made him feel special. First of all, AOC, you would know that Thiel already worked with Musk a long time ago and that they are on the outs. Actually, they parted ways, right? I think they have a begrudging respect in zero to one. Thiel is very begrudgingly a laudatory of Elon Musk, because game recognized game.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I know, but Musk is such a volatile, you know, I do think he's going kind of, you know, yeah, he's an ego maniac for sure, who know, you know, I wouldn't. But what's wrong with that? I'm saying it takes a special, come on, come on the pot, he should come on, he'd have a lot of fun with us. We'd have a blast, we love autistic guys. Are you trying to get both of us pregnant? We're pro-life and we'll be keeping the babies.
Starting point is 00:57:36 He's like, I already have nine children. Do you think I could beat Grimes in a fight? Who do you think would win? I think I might. You know, it's even more annoying than those, the new kind of like a thread convention of doing the little spool emoji. Why do they make a spool emoji? Is the people who are like, Elon Musk has nine kids, like a typical African-American.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Why are they trying to keep this African-American from owning? Just like everybody doing the same kind of, yeah, so he's the richest man in the world. Is he really? Well, apparently that's what I read in the Daily Mail in New York Post. That actually makes me feel so good and gives me so much hope that like a total retard. I don't mean that in a mean way because I think like, I think like in order to achieve greatness, you do have to be like 10 to 20% retarded. Oh, probably more, probably more.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I mean, yeah, definitely. Well, no, yeah, he offends, oh yeah, in that article I read, it caused me to recall and laugh fondly about when those boys were stuck in that cave in Thailand, remember in 2018. And then there was like a cave explorer that he was like fighting with the Twitter and he called him a quote, pedo guy. But I did like that. So then there was a letter published and signed by 26 different NGOs and quote, activist organizations that was sort of urging, I couldn't, I guess it was urging advertisers to, it was just
Starting point is 00:59:43 basically virtue, virtue signaling. And they said Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter will further toxify our information ecosystem and be a direct threat to public safety, especially among those already most vulnerable and marginalized. They warn that advertising on Twitter would see their company quote risk association with a platform amplifying hate extremism health misinformation and conspiracy theorists under musk's management Twitter risk becoming a cesspool of misinformation with your brand attached polluting our information ecosystem in a time where trust in institutions and news media is already at an all time low.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And then yeah, it was signed by 26 companies who like who were directly behind making trust in media institutions, regional regional time low. Yeah. I love that. I love that for them. And Trump and God, sorry, not Trump must. I'm really glad that we got the Roe v Wade stuff out of the way before we got too drunk. I know.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Musk kind of like pro-life so the fuck what I'm sure people are still going to be mad at whatever. Yeah. Whatever we said in the first hour of the pod, but now we're talking about Musk and he tweeted like who funds these organizations and he said sunlight is the best disinfectant and the Daily Mail did the hard work of what it just funny how like our most reputable outlets now are the Daily Mail and the New York Post. I know.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Like literally. I know they're the only ones you can trust. So I really stupidly wrote down the name of every organization because I thought I thought they were going to do kind of a deeper breakdown than they ended up doing and I was kind of notetaking in real time and I thought like, you know, I'd all just would consolidate it all in one place. So I wrote them all down, but I'm actually glad I did because some of these orgs really when you see them all together, you're kind of like, okay, sure, but when you take the
Starting point is 01:01:50 time to write them down in cursive in a mood, I came up in here today and said, I could have taken a screenshot and now I'm looking at this notebook. Dasha, you're like Matt Damon in a Goodwill Hunting and you're like Robin Williams, it's all going to be okay. It's going to be okay. Just like wearing sweats and kind of Boston races. Like, artistically writing stuff down on a chalkboard. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:02:26 So the orgs who signed the note are were Access Now, Accountable Tech, Black Lives Matter, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Empowering Pacific Islander Communities, Face the Music Collective, Fair Vote UK, Friends of the Earth, Gender Equity Policy Institute, GLAAD, Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, an org called Kairos, Media Matters, which we know was run by David Brock, it was a Clinton stooge, Media Justice, blah, blah, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, something called Reproaction, Stop Online Violence Against Women Incorporated, which is headed by Taylor Laura and- Wait, really?
Starting point is 01:03:20 I don't know, it's headed by this black lady named Shanine Mitchell, who I actually did look up because the Daily Mail didn't, because that one, especially, I was like, what the fuck? And Sherine Mitchell, she sort of came to prominence in the 90s. She was the webmaster for, a site that was sold to Netivation, a large media company, as one of the web transactions in the late 1990s that later went public. And then she started a company called Digital Sisters in 1999. So she's like Tariq Nasheed for libtards.
Starting point is 01:03:54 They should really get together. It's like the kind of like incel and rad-fem thing. For women in STEM, yeah. And now she's stopping online violence against women incorporated, an organization called Ultraviolet that is funded by the Novel Foundation that's run by Warren Buffett's son. The Union of Concerned Scientists that I looked up that does not disclose, claims not to take any money from corporations or politicians, and might not due to its tax structure. The George Soros Foundation for Abortion.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Well Access Now was an organization that was started in 2009, around the time of the Iranian election as a quote activist group and is funded by George Soros, a Swedish government development agency called CIDA, and receives tons of money from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada. Okay. You know what really bothers me about this like NGO industrial complex? It's not even that they do regime change in the guise of democracy. It's that they just like make up so much fake work, like why would you create more work
Starting point is 01:05:17 for yourself? They love to send emails. They are obsessed with sending emails, yeah, which I don't get. I'm just, I have a different, you know, outlook and it's like if you're, if you're into fundraising and money, why not just like go into art or fashion? Which is more glamorous. I know. It really, politics really is showbiz for ugly people.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah. Like why would you want to like, by the way, it's like, I'm, my phone just dropped. Throwing your phone on the ground. She's getting so upset. No, but I was shocked that they would all just put their names on this document. Yeah. So you could, we could look up who they're all funded by. I'm always like astounded by how much money circulates in and out of the art and fashion
Starting point is 01:06:05 worlds, because most of those people are like totally like useless parasites, but at least they like look good and have a good time and like the dinners are nice. If you're going to dabble in dark money. Yeah. In black magic. You, the dark arts. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:21 And then, yeah, why would you want to go into like activism incorporated? I, it's, it's, I finally learned who HRH collection is because people are always like, brand of a pod. How do you not know? I don't know. I literally, I was telling us about HRH collection all the time. Twitter user Ben Braddock informed me a long time ago she was, but it was like in one ear out the other.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And I finally did some research. She's got some pretty good videos. She had a really great tweet today that I might retweet now that I'm drunk and feeling brazen, that was like activists or losers, but I see her amens. Can you imagine like, I don't know, I guess you get, as a political operative, you get to jet set, you know, if you work for one of these NGOs, you probably get to travel a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Um, you're just a different, you know, personality type than, than us, so you don't value the same, the same things, um, and you probably are power hungry. So you, that's, that's ultimately what you're after, you know, if you're working at access now. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know, it's depressing because I feel like you look around until like in every industry, like when people are worried about the teal money that's circulating in
Starting point is 01:07:46 Manhattan, amongst Manhattanites. Yeah. Yeah. Like on or leavey got a drink at clandestino on Peter teal's dime. Oh my God, like tell it to the judge, like George Soros is like, funding the organ harvesting of infants. Yeah. And, and even worse, actively suppressing free speech on
Starting point is 01:08:17 Actually that would be such a great troll if he just Elon changed the idea for you, buddy. We're not even gonna charge you for that one, um, just come on the phone. Um, oh, but you, uh, they, they, there was also one about his, his, his South African past, his like racist past. That was really funny because I like actually read the article. I have to like get my phone. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Yeah. Um, for those, for those at home, we started recording the podcast at very late at night because we were for the baby to go to sleep. And I think you're doing the right thing, putting the baby to sleep late in the night. We're both such good mothers actually. Me and you, well, I'm, I'm childless, but I know, but you have like, um, a natural instinct. Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah. Sure. Yeah. You could pull it off. Of course. It's also not that hard. I mean, it's like really time consuming and frustrating. You know, I'm gonna have a baby.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Yeah. I know it will. Yeah. And we're going to unleash more of our horrible descendants onto the earth. I got it. Yeah. I got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:38 No, there's a sort of. Slavic people have fallen on hard times. They have. Yeah. On like the Jews, I do feel on, I need to replenish the earth. I know. Well, okay. I was again, I was like, um, autistically drunk and high the other day.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I should probably stop telling on myself because every episode I'm like, I was like really drunk and high, um, but Eli and I were looking at, um, like populations of countries and there's only 145 million Russians. That's so little. What? Yeah. What? There's like not that many of them because it's so big, you think, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 But there's like billions of Chinese and Indian people. Oh yeah. We got to get those numbers up. Yeah. We need way more. Russi Russian people. And I feel duty bound as a person who's like, I have to, I'm like a quarter Russian. I think so.
Starting point is 01:10:34 To reproduce. Yeah. Yeah. I'm Russian enough. Yeah. Yeah. Um, anyway, you read the apartheid article. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I made the list of, uh, of all the NGOs and that's how the podcast gets made y'all. We're like the, the, um, low BMI, melanin free diamond and silk tune in. Um, no, I read the, the musk apartheid article from the New York times and they basically, um, argue that he was insulated from the harsh realities of, uh, apartheid and insinuate this will somehow impact his policies at Twitter. It's, it's actually like the best article that I've ever read on the New York Times. It should be framed and like mounted at the Met. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:11:38 What? No, it's such, it's actually like such a wonderful piece of art. Um, okay. But like, yeah, of course he was insulated from the realities of apartheid in the sense that he was white, but also like he wasn't cause he also lived in South Africa, so he must have observed some of it. They like, um, basically, you know, we can bring him back, um, did, uh, Adam, did you know Elon Musk?
Starting point is 01:12:07 He's like, yo, what, no, I'm like 34. I'm surprised Elon Musk is 50. He has such a, he's so young at heart. Yeah. He's so immature. He's 50, huh? Yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 01:12:29 When was the Grimes infant born? Like the same time as Lenny, right? So he was like 48 or 49 when he nodded. Good for him. Yeah. He had some pride kids before that. Yeah. Well, he has a bunch of kids before that, but I'm just saying that's like some powerful
Starting point is 01:12:41 autism. Definitely. Yeah. That child is going to grow up to conquer the world. Unstoppable. Yeah. No, but they interviewed like a bunch of his like loser classmates who didn't make it and or like, but heard about him and like the picture that emerged was actually that
Starting point is 01:12:59 he was like a totally normal and not racist guy who was maybe like a nerd and was bullied a little. Yeah. It was literally an episode where one of his few black classmates relays how he defended a black student when another white student hurled a racial slur at him and then was bullied for it. So what's the problem? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:23 I don't know. It's like a crazy article. I was like so impressed with just like the sheer genius and irrationality of it. So he's not racist at all and he's an immigrant. Yeah. And we should be glad he's buying. And his dad was like some local politician who was like anti apartheid and made an effort to like, I mean, he wasn't a sadder or a stranger.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I've heard that. I don't know. In the past. I don't know. I guess they don't talk. Okay. His mom's weird. He's weird.
Starting point is 01:13:54 He's a model. He's a weird ass guy. Yeah. You know, for sure. There's no denying that, but I wouldn't want anything more or less for Twitter than Elon Musk to be our tech overlord. I don't care. I mean, he's like preferable to like Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah. He hasn't proven himself to be like Craven or Cowardly or, you know, I don't, he seems, he likes. I liked his tweet today about drinking chocolate milk. I thought, damn, that, wow. So this guy's retarded like me. No, he's great, but it's like, it's funny because in this article, you literally hear from the horse's mouth that he, like I eat from black people that he knew that he was
Starting point is 01:14:41 not racist. And he like went to like his black classmates funeral when he was killed in a car accident. Okay. I don't know if that makes you not racist. Well, no, they report these facts that strongly suggest that he probably wasn't racist. I mean, it doesn't prove definitively that he's not racist, but okay. To make some weird. He doesn't seem that racist.
Starting point is 01:15:00 He doesn't seem. I think it's like, it's like abortion. You know, most people are not that liberal and abortion racism. Most people are fairly not racist. Totally. Like most people do not fiendishly and monomaniacally scheme on how to like destroy the lives of other darker people. They literally don't care, but I think that that's like the bitter pill to swallow for
Starting point is 01:15:27 a lot of these like feminists and ethno narcissists who are like used to thinking about things only in terms of themselves. It's like much more painful technology that nobody's thinking about you. Yeah. That you won't be. Yeah. No one's looking at you. Handmade.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah. You're not going to get held down and pumped full of cum. Yeah. It's a dystopian future by like an Elon Musk like figure. Oh no. Yeah. I would hate it if that happened. Well, his scowling wife looks on.
Starting point is 01:16:05 What a horrible fate. Well, Amber Heard does bumps on the witness. What a horrible fate a tech wizard comes in me while his wife broods enviously in the corner over my slim and new bile fertile body. What a life of horrors. I know. Should we talk about Catholic NFTs? The Vatican NFTs.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Yeah. The Vatican is doing NFTs. Oh man. Yeah, there was an announcement of that a Vatican organization called Humanity 2.0. That sounds like one of the organizations on the list. No. It's partnering with another organization from the list called Sensorium, which was founded by a Russian oligarch named Mikhail Prokharov, who used to own the Nets.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Oh yeah. I'm going to Google this guy. I think he miffed it real bad with owning the Nets or something, and there's some kind of like tech org, and Humanity 2.0 is overseen by a man named Philip Larny, who is the chair of logic and epistemology at the Vatican and is some kind of priest. The statement that they made was that they're partnering with Sensorium to, quote, democratize art and make NFT a gallery of the relics and artworks at the Vatican. Shameful.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Yeah. Obviously, highly unholy and super, you know, heretical. I'm looking up this oligarch right now, and he has a maternal grandmother who's Jewish. What is he doing partnering with the Catholic Church? Also, can we? Well, the thing that's okay. Sorry. Do you want to go, or should I, because I kind of have a little bit of a, no, you can do
Starting point is 01:18:26 your bit. I'm just, I vaguely find him attractive. I'm sure. He kind of looks like Leor Cohen, the record except, dude, I don't know. That is nasty, man. That is gross. I would. That's that Well-Becky in the streak.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Anyway, a little anti-Pope Francis also made a statement recently about the conflict in Ukraine where he said that NATO was barking at Russia's door and was sort of not indicting Putin necessarily and made this very, these very weird remarks that I don't think a Pope should frankly really be making, regardless of what you think about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Sure, NATO was barking at Russia's door, but you're the Pope and there are a ton of Catholic people in Ukraine and you should not be condoning an invasion of a country ever or making any kind of.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Well, I suppose the role of a Pope is precisely also not to issue condemnation his opinions about geopolitics. Yeah, but he is. Yeah. Yeah, but you have to kind of keep your trap shut as a Pope. It's not your job to weigh in on. It is when it pertains certainly to, I don't know, something Catholics should care about, I guess.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I mean, but he can, I agree with him, privately, he's well within his rights to think that NATO is barking down whatever, but as a functionary of the church, you should not care those opinions. I think that I saw on Sunday was so, he did like a whole hour afterwards, I felt really bad because I brought my friend Janine who's like not Catholic at all and like has never even been to a mass and he did like a whole hour afterwards of like supplicant prayers and he was just this, I like could really feel how he was just a guy from f-ing Ukraine but to move to Pennsylvania to be a priest and like was so heartbroken and like, you
Starting point is 01:20:41 know, and he said afterwards, he said, I'm sorry, I'm praying so much, but I doubt there's nothing on earth that can stop this except only God, only God can stop this. Yeah. Like he was so. Only God can judge me, Vladislav Surkov quoting Tupac Shakur. And for Francis to just like, I don't know if it's, I think it made me really wonder about the humanity 2.0 sensorium collab owned by a Russian oligarch when I thought we were supposed to consecrate Russia to the Catholic church and not Francis to some f-ing oligarch,
Starting point is 01:21:21 you know? Yeah, sure. Sorry, I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, it's fine. This is why I wanted to record in here because I didn't want to wake the baby up, so now I don't know, but NFTs are unholy. I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:34 I feel, I find that there is something, you know, they're literally godless innately godless and as Catholics, we need to just take a stand, not only against abortion, but also against making NFTs of religious relics that is not, I mean, this is just like a primary like understanding of their depraved and decrepit and moreover, they're a passing trend. Do you not believe in aura? Do you not believe in like, yeah, exactly. They're a passing trend. Yeah, that's always, there's always like a pragmatic mundane Machiavellian explanation
Starting point is 01:22:08 for why certain things suck and should be like struck from history, such as NFTs. Exactly. And it has nothing even to do, but like, you really cannot mix faith with NFTs. I just don't think there's any possible way a real pope would do that. Yeah. And I think he knows what he's doing too, by like inserting, he's like the bono of Catholic, I guess bono is the bono of Catholicism. I looked it up today because this is actually kind of an old news story to see like what
Starting point is 01:22:43 was going on. And I read like an article in Vice and on like some other like techie site where they tried to sort of get an interview with that alleged priest, and I think it may be a kind of thing where it was prematurely kind of announced and maybe even on totally sanctioned by the by the Vatican, which would owe the NFT thing. Yeah. That's how it do be, though. It's like, it seems like some issues and NFTs, like, against other people's wills.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Some ill fated techie, like, yeah, while speaking of where I was talking about democratizing art, this is that's what happened to me with one of the producers. No, I know. I was making a. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was making a reference to that. There were scary of 61st NFTs made without my consent by one of my producers, Richard
Starting point is 01:23:40 Tannenbaum, who I'm not going to sue, but I will publicly shame. You're going to dox him. I mean, it's disgusting. And I don't approve of it, and this is exactly why NFTs do not democratize art, because they like are able to take something that someone made and make it into some sort of disgusting rendered fungible asset or whatever. Yeah. I hate that word fungible.
Starting point is 01:24:04 It makes me think of fungus. It literally is like fungus, like growing on all corners, like mossily cannibalizing everything in its path. It's not Lindy. It's not Lindy. It's absolutely not Lindy. And that we know for sure. I'm going to ask Paul Scullis when he comes on the pod if NFTs are Lindy.
Starting point is 01:24:26 We're going to have a whole list of stuff. Actually, like our whole podcast will just be us being like, is this thing Lindy? Is this Lindy? Is this Lindy? What about that? I want to ask him about, like, women, wine, Lindy, sitting on the floor. I know. That was one of the deepest kind of Lindy insights he had.
Starting point is 01:24:44 It really touched me. We both were like, yeah, I am drawn to the floor. Yeah. Well, because you literally give birth on the floor. You literally gave birth on the floor, but most women... But one should, one should in theory. I'll consider it. And then...
Starting point is 01:25:00 I knew you were going to have a home birth, by the way. Did I ever tell you that? No, no. Because your hospital was so far away and I was like, I knew she secretly wanted that home birth. I know. I know. I bet she's not going to make it to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Psycho. Yeah. Armenian psycho. That's literally what my mom calls me because she's a racist and I've spent my entire childhood batting off her white supremacy. Right. Yeah. It's working.
Starting point is 01:25:32 It's working great. I'm so well-adjusted. You're so woe. But yeah. No, NFTs should not exist and the church should not dabble in them. And I hope Pope Francis rejects this anti-poop intrusion. He's not going to because he's not the real Pope. But I don't like when, like, I don't think Pope should delve into worldly affairs.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I don't know. Like they should be, they should just like... Consecrate everything. They have a place. Yeah. Just be consecrating. You need to be consecrating everything at all times. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Don't you love God, shouldn't it be up to him? Sorry. And plenty of folks have been... Indrippable. No, no, no. It's okay. That's all I need. I bought this bottle because it looked huge.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Yeah. But it's thick. It's thick. Yeah. It's not just big. It's garthy too. My favorite kind. My favorite kind.
Starting point is 01:26:32 How about that Olsen endorsement? Oh. Feels good, doesn't it? It does feel good. I knew that she listened to the pod because... I had no idea. Patty Dubroff, who did my makeup for the succession premiere, is a listener. Shout out to my friend Patty.
Starting point is 01:26:52 And she told me a long time ago, but kind of was like, don't really say anything. A lot of people have come out of the woodwork to be like, don't tell anyone. So I knew about Olsen for a bit, but that's a nice endorsement. She seems like a very sweet girl. Yeah. I love the Olsens. Oh, yeah. I've always loved the Olsens.
Starting point is 01:27:09 All of them. Yeah. All of them. There's like 16 of them. I've never done no wrong. Yeah. Yeah. I love the row.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Oh, me too. I love... I own two pairs with that square toe boot. You do? Yeah. Wow. Because I'm like a man. I buy in bulk when I find one thing that I like.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Yeah. I just buy a bunch in different colors because you never know if they're going to like remake it. Of course. But I've always been more of a Mary Kate girl myself because I love to change. I mean, smoke and forget to eat and like have degrading sex with disgusting men with hairy fingers. Totally.
Starting point is 01:27:43 That guy's hot. Yeah. That guy's a one on the binary for sure. Just like my type is like a guy who's a well-backed character. He's like a civil servant who is about to commit suicide. And then he meets you at a gas station and you're wearing some cut off shorts. This is why abortion should be legal. Do you have any closing room?
Starting point is 01:28:22 We've done an hour and a half. Oh, sick. That's all I have to say about that. I just hope that is I'm drawing a direct conspiracy between the sensorium oligarch founder and the Vatican. Why is it called the sensorium? Because it's a way of sensory experience of some NFT. Oh, I thought he was like censoring.
Starting point is 01:28:45 No, it's like sense like, ooh, like now everyone can see an NFT of the art at the Vatican. The Sistine Chapel, you think you really, you're trying to tell me you believe in God and you think an NFT of the Sistine Chapel could compare to seeing it in person to seeing this like wonder of the world. I don't know what the wonders of the world are, but the Sistine Chapel could compare in any way to being robbed by a family of gypsies having a seven-year-old child make off with your y'all raven rucksack while you're touring the Vatican. With Nick Bronnan, you're both really bored.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Did you see the Sistine Chapel? Yeah. What did you think? Pretty cool. I mean, at that point, I was so fatigued and hangry and Nick and I both were like, well, honestly, when we got to the Vatican, we were like, it feels like a movie set. It does. And then we like.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I think that ranch and the once upon a time in Hollywood, it's like that sort of scene. Yeah, totally. And you have to kind of go nowadays. I don't know how it was. I've only been the once, but you have to go basically through airport security to get into it. And then there's like set a film behind Plexiglas. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:30:10 And then. Like bust into like inner city teens from New York to check. And I don't like being yelled at by Italian people to put my mask back on. No, no. By the way, just like there's two types of men in the world that really like incite your fight or flight response. And those are Indians and Italians. Both cultures that I truly love and adore and respect.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. But they, yeah, they have their own charms. Rape. Rape. They will. They're more gutsy than most.
Starting point is 01:30:45 They are. One of the cool statistics that I read when I was like researching the Roe v. Wade thing is that in Italy, where abortion is legal, like in, according to like the liberal whatever the model, a lot of, a lot of doctors will recuse themselves from performing abortions because they're Catholics and they don't believe in it. So there's like something like three quarter of doctors who could perform abortions like choose not to because they think it's like evil. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Yeah. Hey. Hey. Talk about a nicely functioning. Yeah. No, Italy's, I mean, there's, there's always, they've never, they've never nicely functioned. Yeah. But they've been, I mean, they had the empire, but then such a long period of decadence and
Starting point is 01:31:38 decay. So wait, you were saying airport security at the Vatican and then, and then it was just yeah, a bit of a slog, bit of a slog, and then you get to the Sistine Chapel and then you're hangry on your mind, you know, and then you just, I literally was like running out of there after that. So it made an impression. I took a picture, got yelled at immediately by an Italian guy. Oh, because you're not allowed to, but I did, and maybe I'll make an NFT of it.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Yeah, you should. If you're not allowed to take pictures of the Sistine Chapel, there should not be gonna make Vatican NFTs unless your institution is totally corrupt and I have a council that was highly dubious. Okay. See you in hell. Bye.

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