Red Scare - Incel Freakquinox

Episode Date: January 26, 2023

The ladies discuss e-girls, incels and gym etiquette for the genders. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back, we're back, we're back. We are back. There are two words you've been waiting to hear. How long has it been since the last one, a week, right? About a week. We're not overdue. We're doing okay. We're doing okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I mean, I guess you'll post it tomorrow, so it'll be a little, a day over, but we're out. Shit. What? My six are in my coat. Hold on. I can go get them. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Hey, Eli. I'm going to edit this part out. I'm like bossing my van around. Eli. Eli. Hey, Eli. Yeah. Can you go in doctor's coat on the couch?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Can you grab, you can just bring my whole coat. Yeah, just bring the coat. Please, thank you. It's giving coat. It's giving, it's my, the same old puffer. I still can't stop wearing it. Just can't quit the puffer. I really can't.
Starting point is 00:01:23 A puffer is the most important like piece of clothing you can have in New York City, frankly. It's so true. Well, you have to wear it for a long time. Yeah. Here's my Nazi polemic. Okay. I'm serious. There are a whole lot of men out there who reject the slovenly depressive athleisure thing
Starting point is 00:01:47 that's been happening since we were in college when kids would come to class in their sweatpants, just disgusting and deplorable, I agree. So they're into wearing like those slim wool walking coats that like a Christian Bale or Colin Farrell would have worn in 2005 or 2014 or something. I hate that look. You hate when the man wears the skinny long coat. Yeah. It's that, that smidium look that only looks good on like your Justin Thoreau or Hugh Jackman.
Starting point is 00:02:17 You have to basically look like a Hollywood actor to pull off that look. If you're a man's, just put the puffer on. Put on a parka. Put on. Stop being a faggot. You look like a realtor. You look like a rental broker. You don't even look like you're selling apartments.
Starting point is 00:02:33 You look like you're going to ask me what my credit score is. Yeah. You look like a French person with a cataract who rents apartments in Williamsburg. It's not a good look and they, it's always smidium. They never get the coat in the right size. The coat should always be slightly baggy. I agree. Especially on a man, but they always go with smidium.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I know. Matt, they don't know. They really just. They think it makes him look sharp. I really don't like when men get the haircut that's short on the sides and like the Hitler youth haircut. Yeah. It's a very normie haircut. I find it because I used to work at that barber shop in San Francisco and all the tech guys
Starting point is 00:03:20 would get the haircut. It really upsets me. What do you like hair wise in a man? I like hair, a guy that doesn't, I never, I don't, I never like when a man looks like he got a haircut. Right. You know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 The first couple of days are rough. I like like. I don't respect or want to have sex with men who have a freshly done haircut. Exactly. I don't. Or who are freshly shaven. Fresh out the salon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Because they look too boyish. I know the shape I can sometimes a shave is nice because like the stubble does irritate me. My face. Your pussy. My pussy and face. Anyway. I'm just saying fellas, you heard it here first.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Please. Please ditch. The wool walking coats and invest in a good park. You probably shouldn't get Woolrich because apparently they like bludgeon coyotes. Really? To death. Yeah. There's always like those ads.
Starting point is 00:04:19 If you're in New York. Like wheat paste ads. Yeah. Put on the uniform of. Or wear. All of us have to wear. And fall in line. Be a prep school gangster.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like Adam Friedland. The cool Adam. Mm hmm. Yeah. Adam wouldn't wear one of those coats. No, he would never. Adam would look so, he would look like Franz Kafka in one of those coats. Like a guy going to school.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Say what you will about Adam Friedland. He does have good style. He has great style. He's like in my top 10, like men I personally know who have good style. Gotta give big ups to Adam. Yeah. Jordan Raff is up there. Our rapist friend Cameron Moreno, who I'm not allowed to tag in photos.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Cameron's beautiful. Yeah. He's gorgeous. We still be tagging him. I know. He's like, don't you need to wake somebody? It wasn't me. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:05:20 We don't care. He's gorgeous. He's been perfectly pleasant and polite to me ever since I know him. The other thing is like I had a really, actually I'm not going to spill the beans. What? I had a really good idea for like an art concept. What are you? Why?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Because you think you're going to do it? No, it's so far-fetched and ridiculous. But Steve Saylor dressed in like a long wool walking coat because he can pull it off because he's 6'4". Yeah. And photographed in the style of like Breone campaigns from the 90s, like black and white. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:02 He needs his editorial. Yeah. He's going to have his day in the sun. I know it. Him and James Carville, who I'm obsessed with. Oh, yeah. I saw you too. Who's James Carville?
Starting point is 00:06:13 He was like Bill Clinton's campaign strategist, the rage and Cajun. Oh, yeah. He looks like, looks maxed Andre Shikatilo, like creepy cat-faced Russian looking bald guy, but he's like so weirdly cool and sexy in spite of being a Democrat, maybe because he's a Democrat. Yeah. I'm with you, I think we should rebrand as Dems. Didn't you see I joined the ACLU?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah. I saw everybody had the same thought that I did, which is like, why is there space for a third thing? There's space for like five. They make you pick from like magnetic strips and say different social justice causes on them. When you're doing your press crawl, they like shuffle you into this like ACLU keel. Can we just take a picture of you like you can pick any of these?
Starting point is 00:07:05 I'm surprised they even had free speech, honestly, but then so I picked free speech and then I was like, I can't just pick free speech. And then I thought maybe just do racial justice. Was that an option? Yeah. It was like racial justice, race, immigrant rights, abortion rights. I choose them all. People do, I did see some pictures of other celebs with like just all of them, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:33 but my hand was like hovering over racial justice and then it like whipped over to disability. Like a Ouija board. I was like, hell, Hitler. But as it was happening, it was like, it's they're going to regret taking a photo and be holding a sign if they don't think people aren't going to photoshop it to say racist stuff. To say vote for periobossy.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Oh, yeah, vote for periobossy by the way. Can you explain what he's running for? He's running for a seat on the police council in the Chicago. Okay. I don't know. Like a council. So he's trying to refund the police. He's trying to clean up the street.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Okay. He's like Batman and they attack him, Anna. I know. They write lies about him in the press because he's the only honest man in politics. Wait, what? I mean, everything they said was racist, misogynistic. That is not true about periobossy. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:08:44 That man is not racist. No, he's really an inspiration to me because he's like. A real life success story. And he's really channeled his bottomless omnivorous appetite into like liking shit on Twitter. Like he likes everything. He do be liking some racist and misogynistic tweets, but he also likes anti-racist and feminist tweets. He likes it all.
Starting point is 00:09:10 He likes it all. He's a man of the people. He's a man online. Yeah. He's a man of the online people who are barely people, as Morris, he would say. But it's really true what you said that peri really went from being our reply guy to having us as his reply girls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And all we do is just like talk about him on the podcast must feel nice, peri. Great work. But do you think he'll win? Or is he going to be like a Ross Perot type? I just watched War Room, that documentary about the 92 Clinton campaign. Okay. That's why you're on this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 That's why I'm on the Carville kick. Yeah. Would you learn? I mean that people were on the whole thinner and better dress. That's what I that was my takeaway. Yeah. That's for sure. Well, Clinton put a stop to that.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah. By wearing like short shorts while jogging and looking like a hog and a half. What I really love about Clinton was that the infidelity rumors were already dogging him, you know, before he even went during his presidential campaign, while he was governor of Arkansas, like the man's a dog through and through. Yeah. Woof. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And this was like a big talking point. He really, he really could talk to black people. They loved him. They responded to him. Here. Yeah. Like the saxophone. I miss Bill Clinton.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Me too. You know, he loved me. Pussy. Oh, R.I.P. Diamond. Oh, R.I.P. Diamond. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I don't know if we said that already. Wow. We may have. We may be dead. Yeah. I was just really hoping for a red scare diamond and silk crossover at some point. I can really, yeah, I feel for silk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:06 To have your life partner die. I know. Wow. It sucks. I don't know how you bounce back from that. Apple Martin. I know. Finally.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Hello. I thought she was like, in my mind, she's forever like between the ages of five and 13. She's 18. She's 18. She looks like Kate Moss. She looks like the daughter Kate Moss should have had. The eyes.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I know. The far-set eyes. The tiny eyes. Gwyneth was like very pretty and sexy, but Apple may be one of the only celebrity daughters I can think of that's like edged out her mother. She might be hotter than Gwyneth. She might be hotter than Gwyneth. She has, there is something.
Starting point is 00:12:01 We get these Nepo babies, sorry to say, and they just have their voids utterly and I can't believe we even have to look at them, but Apple Martin, I was like, hello, hello. I know. I know. But I'm not going to get too excited. Yeah. We'll keep the expectations low. And it's nice that she hasn't been force-fed to us.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. It also was like there's something fresh about. Her name is perfect because she has like a real apple head. You know, like Siamese cats have like the triangle head variety and the apple head variety and the apple head, even though it's like less popular is cuter because it has like a more compressed, compact, neotinous head. That's what sister is. Oh yeah, sister is very beautiful.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Apple head Siamese. I'm excited for there to be like a formidable Nepo baby. We'll see. Well, remains to be seen. I mean, just by looks alone, I think she's got it. She does. She looked great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:08 That's incredible. What is she going to do? Model? Chanel. I mean, the styling was atrocious. It's not like, you know. Yeah. Chanel really fell off.
Starting point is 00:13:16 It's not like they did her. Yeah. The word. It's not like they did her any favor. Yeah. And yet she still looked great. She pulled it off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Somebody was saying that her hair looked really expensive. Your hair looked very expensive at Sundance. Thank you. It looked great. I blow dried it myself in the spirit of independent cinema. I did my own hair and makeup. And yeah, the blowout was lit. Did you just use like the hotel room dryer or did you have your own shit?
Starting point is 00:13:48 I used a hotel room dryer and then I brought a curling iron. No. Smart. I need to get one of those. I saw Emily curling her hair and brushing it out. It looks great. Yeah. It gives you some shape.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But yeah. I was, I'm always like under the impression that curling iron gives you those like barrel sausage curls that like right wing female pundits have and or like an Ella Emhoff perm thing, neither of which are like my preferred hairstyle. Yeah. If you get kind of, if you get like a one and a half inch barrel, you can do some nice wave work. I'm going to get in on that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was really stressed out about Sundance because it is a very hard festival actually to look cute at. It's freezing cold. Yeah. So we have to pull together kind of a snow look. Yeah. Like a snow bunny aesthetic. And it's like, it's in this little town and you kind of have to walk and stuff and be
Starting point is 00:14:54 exposed to the elements so you can even really like, you know, it's a, it's a, yeah, and it has, you know, it's an indie, indie festival sponsored by Chase Sapphire. The most indie card. It was a relief for me that the, that the photos turned out well and I looked like healthy. Yeah. No, it was great. I love that they, I saw some story where like all the press was running the same story, like the same sound bite from Jennifer Connelly about Nepo babies and she's like, I've never
Starting point is 00:15:31 heard of Nepo babies. I don't know anything about that conversation. And this is supposed to be like some sort of smoking gun quote. She was like clearly ambushed by like a variety reporter. Yeah, she said, I don't know what the debate is. Good answer. She has some Nepo babies, right? She's a mother.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Yeah. Her son, she has a few kids and I think one of her sons like in Stam or something. He's not a, he's not a angling in opposition in Hollywood. She's, yeah, she's lovely. She's a real pro. I feel bad she has to be seen with the, the likes of me. Anyway, I do like when a man has a shaved, shaved head, not like, not bald bald, but like a buzz cut.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I've been trying to get you light a buzz this head because he has a good head shape and he looks kind of very Jewish skinhead. He would look great. He likes to wear a lot of Fred Perry. I think it would suit him. But like all men who have a good head of hair and aren't at risk of going bald, he's very possessive about his hair. I get it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 If you got it flaunting, that's my big question about James Carville because if you watch this documentary, well, he's, these bald as hell now, he was the guy, I realized he was the guy in one of the first episodes of the Adam Friedland show, Nick made like a fake book that was like, I'm gay, that was him. And I was like, who is this Foucauldian faggot? And he turned out being to be like one of my favorite men. But back in the day when he was like 40, 45, his face looked very suspiciously youthful, but he had like the Larry David balding head, which always looks weird and gross.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Though I guess I'm okay with people owning that too. I'm going to look up James Carville 1992. We need to get a kid. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's weird, right? Yeah. It's kind of kinky.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Like overly young face and overly old haircut. It is kind of kinky. And he's spunky. Yeah. I really, I really would love him to come on the pod because he has a really sexy Cajun accent. You think he would? I think he would.
Starting point is 00:18:19 None of these old people are doing anything. They're like on Twitter screaming about democratic freedoms and like at replying Robert Reich. He's apparently friends with Ann Coulter. Oh yeah. Fantastic. So we have that in. Yeah. He's basically already our friend.
Starting point is 00:18:37 And that would be great for a Democrat rebrand. I know. I know. Maybe we can get him to like Stuart to chaperone us through rediscovering being a Democrat. Bring me to the center and then a little left of that even. I want back. I'm thinking the center can really hold for me. I'm thinking I'm taking a handful of blue pill.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Getting my no barbital and get my mind right once and for all. We need to be reprogrammed. We've been radicalized. Yeah. By a nefarious incels. Yeah. I logged on to Twitter today and everybody was on about the incel group chat and I immediately logged off.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I'm in the incel group. I know. I know. So it's a group chat of e-girls and incels and the incels radical berate the e-girls for being mid occasionally, but there's a lot of interesting discourse going on. Interesting. Okay. How many people do you reckon are in the chat?
Starting point is 00:20:03 Not that many. I was participating. When did you get the camp of the saints? Oh. What? That's not mine. I'm a Democrat. That must have been here already when I moved in.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I've never seen it. No, it was a really sweet gift when I first met Jack Mason. He presented me a bindle of books and it was like, scruples, I forgot what the other one was. I have them all on the shelf and camp of the saints and I thought that was really touching. Anyway, on the plane, I was chatting it up in the group chat and I was sitting next to a woman who was probably younger than me, honestly, and she was, I was spying on her and she was planning a wedding.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You mean a girl? A girl. Yeah. And she was planning, she was on her laptop, she was googling, she was looking like pictures of castles, she was googling like best month to get married in province France and stuff and then like sending emails that were like parts that were bolded with like bullet points and different like wedding venues, she was looking at dress like she was doing this for hours.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And at first I was like, and I'm like talking about anime with school shooters, like a hunch over on my phone, talking to inself progressively morphing into Wellbeck like physiognomy war. And I was like, maybe, you know, I was like, at first I was like resentful and like bitterly being like, God, like this girl's doing everything right and I was a roasty and I was such a loser. And then like, I don't know, but like the fourth hour of her like, you know, radically looking at like, photos of herself and her at her friend's weddings and stuff. And like, I mean, her engagement ring was huge, I guess, so good for her, but I came
Starting point is 00:22:25 to really see, you know, that she was in a hell of her own and that we weren't so so different after all, yeah. She's fighting with the incels in her mind. I should have just written in cell rights on that. Do they have an option for write-ins? I think I saw Anne Hathaway, she had the audacity to just like write something. Oh, she were like, I'm here to serve. And I was like, yes, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:23:01 I've not that I ever didn't even really particularly like Anne Hathaway, but I've done. She's really risen in my esteem of her. I just think she's great at what she does and she's definitely a pro. She's a pro. She looks great. She does look good. Yeah. I'm keeping with my resolution of not ever saying anything mean about a specific woman
Starting point is 00:23:26 ever. We'll see. We'll mock and roast women as a group. Just not. Individually. Individually. Individually. They're up here and specifically.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. No, I mean, I have nothing bad to say about Anne Hathaway's appearance. How could you? Yeah. And I just feel like the silent majority really stands with her even though she has her. Do they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I think she has like the criticisms of her eye sense are very fringe. What are the criticisms of Anne Hathaway? That she's like annoying and kind of a try hard and you know, like there is something about her that rubs people the wrong way. She does have that quality. Yes. But I think she has an overly enthusiastic smile, but her eyes aren't smiling, you know? That's her eyes are like full of pain and angst.
Starting point is 00:24:17 But I think if you if you have a problem with Anne Hathaway, there's probably something a little maladjusted there because you just can't handle that she's, you know, so competent and beautiful and like so well adjusted. Anne Hathaway has personally never bothered me and I've never really thought of her, but she does have, I guess, for lack of a better phrase, a certain ambience of desperation about her. I mean, she's an actress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:53 That's just being an actress. Yeah. Maybe. We can't all be Isabelle Hooper, you know, that's true. There's been very few actresses, I think, even like Naomi Watts, you know? I saw Caroline Palachuk tweeting about how many people have said that she's the Kate Bush of her generation, but she's actually not because Kate Bush is the Kate Bush of every generation and it was like this kind of like backhanded like a humble brag.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I think Anne Hathaway is the Caroline Palachuk of acting or maybe because Anne Hathaway is the more famous one. Caroline Palachuk is the Anne Hathaway of pop music. Yeah. They have the same energy. I can't quite put my finger on it. I know what you mean. And there is some that they both are so pretty.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. In this way that is almost annoying. Well, yeah, I think it's because it's like prettiness that you can't take a shoe with and that and it becomes well because they they don't convey sex appeal. I mean, Anne Hathaway, yeah, even as Catwoman when she's like, she's got a great body. She's, you know, she's stacked amazing ass, gorgeous face. But she, yeah, like there is something there is some kind of block there with with Anne. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 She has like a Spanish colonial Catholic thing going. The original Cat women were like Eartha Kitt and Michelle Pfeiffer, who definitely were like very heavy on the sex appeal. Pfeiffer. Yeah. Because they had. What it means. Like cheekbones and like cat like eyes.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah. And now what's her face? Oh, no. Okay. I'm like these other women don't have sex appeal. Oh, yeah, Zoe Kravitz, I think the new cow women, they were trying to well cast, I thought. Yeah. They were trying to do like Eartha Kitt 2.0.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah. With Zoe. I love to see a small titty actress like Zoe. Well, there was another, there was a whole other discourse happening about small tits versus big tits. When does that discourse stop? Yeah. It never, it's never tired.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's never exhausted. What are they? What's, what's the, what's the issue now? We can really weigh in on this. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a fan of small tits because they always look elegant and classy in clothing. Many other people would fire back and say, actually big tits are better because they're
Starting point is 00:28:08 like the essence of femininity or feminine sexuality. There's that famous story of Serge Gainsburg dating Bardot and then dumping her for Birken because her tits were quote too scary. I do think, yeah, there is something about huge tits that is, that is frightening. Yeah. It's like monstrous and Freudian. But without getting, also like men with elite taste, i.e. coastal Jews in the entertainment industry prefer small tits because it's like a social signaling device.
Starting point is 00:28:52 But all that aside, I'm not going to get into like the, the Schopenhauerian hair splitting. I'll say this, both big tits and small tits are good and have their place and really depend on the person. So true. The problem in this day and age is like a technical and circumstantial one because clothing is so poorly made and nothing is lined or tailored. It's much harder to dress for a big breasted body. Like when you're small breasted, you could really throw anything on.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah. That is true. If clothing was more like it was in the forties and fifties and sixties, I sound like such a boomer. I think a forties, bigger breasted ladies could get away with a lot more and look elegant and graceful. If you're big breasted now, you have two options, like art curator, tent or whore. Yeah, but hey, I think all women are beautiful, especially the girl listening to this.
Starting point is 00:30:06 People talk a lot about how I am a small breasted. People have been making a lot of derogatory, my body online, but I really wouldn't. I don't know. And I've been on birth control, so my tits have gotten weirdly big for me, and even that I was a little, I don't know. It makes me feel fat. Sorry. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It makes you feel fat. No offense. I shouldn't. Sorry. I don't know. There's always fat chicks chiming in the replies, being like, no, you're just fat. The criteria for being big breasted is that when you fluctuate in weight, your breasts stay proportionately big to the rest of your body.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. Well, this is something we've discussed, obviously, waist to hip ratio. It's very important, but arm to arm to boob ratio is one that really doesn't get talked about enough. And for me, you know, I'm not a, I'm not an ass man, I'm not a tip man, I'm a arm girl. I love a thin arm. I think that is one of the most feminine and elegant, like, yeah, it looks great. Things a woman can have.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I think it doesn't matter if you have big tits or small tits as long as you have thin arms. Yeah. Then either look great. I'm personally a clavicle and leg man. I love, I mean, I love a, I love a nice leg too, of course. Yeah. A gorgeous, leggy.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And legs are really like the pinnacle of the Nietzschean hierarchy because not everyone is born with great legs. I think many more women have, uh, serviceable tits than they have good legs. That's probably true. It's probably true. Serviceable? Sure. I mean, I guess all tits are serviceable.
Starting point is 00:32:19 An amazing pair of tits and a big, huge pair of amazing tits. Yeah. That's awesome. It's cool. Yeah. No one can come on. We all like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:30 But you need, you need the total package to frame it. And honestly, I can look at an anime girl's tits and that does it for me just too much. I'm really just drawn to like the, you know, uh, dimensions to the kind of like bulbous like globular form. So it doesn't matter if it's a cartoon or a real woman to me. I was talking about this with Steven last night at Maddie's party that he loves big tits. Yeah, but there, there was like a genre of tit that was popular in the early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:33:04 That was like the Pam Anderson, Carmen Electra, really fake looking implants. That was also a social signaling device and they were globular and very far, far spread apart. Yeah. So there was like a lot of like chest in the middle. Like you could see like the bone of the sternum and they don't even make those implants anymore. Now if you go and get implants, they give you like the Dita Von T's treatment and make
Starting point is 00:33:27 them look like natural tear drops. They won't give you like the hard soccer balls. Yeah. Which I know some prefer like that one caller on our level. Like some listeners to our podcast and several sick fucks out there. But my hypothesis, I'm like the Steve Saylor of cosmetic surgery. My hypothesis is that those were going to come back into style and Steven was counter signaling me and saying that they won't because surgeons just won't go there anymore because
Starting point is 00:34:06 it was deemed not only unesthetic, but unsafe. They took a Hippocratic or whatever it's called. I think that's what it's called. It's called the Hippocratic. Yeah. Weird. It sounds like Hippocratic. I don't know if anyone's noticed that before.
Starting point is 00:34:28 We also were discussing how the landing strip has gone out of fashion and I vowed to bring it back. To get one at my next waxing appointment. I think that could come back into style because you know, it's part of the whole like belly chain low rise gene aesthetic that's going to be big this summer. And look, watch out. Yeah. I guess we've already done so much misogyny and we haven't gotten to Jim to Jim girl.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah. She'll get right into it. There's been a much discussed video making the rounds originally a tick tock video made by a woman who was filming herself at the gym under the pretense of like documenting the way that men at the gym stare at her. I really didn't watch the whole video. There was something just, you know, I got the gist and she, yeah, she claimed she made it to like raise awareness and just was her doing hip thrusts like a barbell in the foreground
Starting point is 00:35:49 and like some poor like unsuspecting Jim's in the background glancing in her direction. To me it seemed less in like the interest of looking at her body and more probably because she was like filming herself. That's what that was my first impression. I was like, maybe he's looking over because you have like a camera rig or like a GoPro or whatever the fuck people used to like, because you're filming at the gym, which is more deviant than looking at other people's bodies. And I say that as someone who I do sometimes take selfies at the gym and I actually have
Starting point is 00:36:23 found that men look away because they are so embarrassed for your behavior, attention and seeing me I'm like lying down like arching my back working out at all like burning seven calories because you spent an hour at the gym like finding an optimal angle. Yeah. I'm like on my hands and I have like a dumbbell place carefully with the foam rollers. Yeah. So this has been an ongoing discourse about women's place in the gym, which is an issue close to my heart segregation.
Starting point is 00:37:17 There should be men's only and women's only gyms. Yeah. I mean, I don't, I don't think I have not, you know, let's face it, I'm a fucking bomb shell. I'm at the gym. I'm showing off my live physique. Um, no, I literally look like shit at the gym and that's probably why I can give this testimony.
Starting point is 00:37:50 But I've never, well, also I brought it up to my trainer today and he was like, oh, he was like, well, men don't talk to you because you're always with me. That's true. Because I have this like Haitian guy that I'm always with, um, so that might have something to do with that. Well, it's not even that he's like ripped and black. It's literally that they can probably tell that he's a staffer at the gym and it would be weird to intrude on your training session.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah. Um, though I do, I talk to men at the gym sometimes in a relatively platonic way just because I see them, they're all, you know, it's like, they're like my coworkers in the Sun and Steel Project. In the Sun and Steel community in the Nietzschean bodybuilder community. But I also do like a where I don't wear, I wouldn't, I would never wear makeup to the gym because that's disgusting. So my like acne scarring is prominent and then I wear like a big t-shirt because I'm
Starting point is 00:38:51 literally not there to make friends or try to fuck somebody. Yeah. You're not a gay guy. Yeah. As much as you pretend to be one. I'm not there to try and like suck someone off and now you're not trying to get HIV in the steam room. I also assume all the other men are gay, so I don't treat them with any kind of flirtatiousness.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I've had men talk to me at the gym. Hey, you lady boy off the equipment. I go to the heavily Chinese gym, excuse me, sir, can you spot me? It's like Chinese and Mexican pensioners up at my gym. A man did once a cost me with the stated intention of helping me with my form, which was fine. Maybe your form was trash. I believe that.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I totally believe that my form is trash at all times. I don't know how to do a deadlift and like overextending my back. I think he took pity on me. Paralyzing. Yeah. He didn't want me to be injured. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I mean, I also, there are, I also see women at the gym who clearly are there to like the sexually signal. And I think it's in real much like this girl who then it came out obviously that she also had like an only fans. Yeah. It was like a viral marketing campaign for her only fans, whether she knows it or not. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that she was fully aware of it, but I wouldn't give her even that much credit necessarily.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah. Because if there's one thing that women are good at, it's lying and rationalizing. Most of all to themselves. Yeah. About their basest impulses, which are really quite ordinary. Women really hate to think of themselves as utilitarians and operators, which we all are to some extent with all due respect. So we have to concoct these fantasies of being like small beans or fairy princesses.
Starting point is 00:41:08 This starts in early childhood and extends into old age, but you see Ayala making a case for how she never feels unsafe at the gym. No, in general. I mean, I believe her. I mean, at least she's honest. I appreciate her for her honesty. Yeah. She says my breasts are too large for me to be autistic.
Starting point is 00:41:35 She talks about, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I've seen a lot of spreadsheets of how many times she cries and shits. Yeah. But I told you girls, originally I thought she was performing autism, but I now believe that she could be somewhat autistic because no one who's not autistic refers to tits as breasts. But hey, listen, I really appreciate her, her frankness on this matter.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I don't feel unsafe ever unless I'm on my block. Yeah. But that has actually nothing to do with me being a woman. I mean, I don't know. I am scared of men on a base level, I think. Yeah. But not at the gym. That's like a contained and controlled environment.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's one of the safest environments you can be in unless there's an Asian mass shooter, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation. No, not at the gym, not. I just mean in general, sort of categorically, and maybe it is a sort of a small bean identity that I've internalized, but I do feel, you know, I have consciousness of, yeah, my trainer was, I was doing some like shoulder press work recently and I was being a real bitch about it and being like, I don't want to work on my upper body. I was like, I came here to do squats, you know, my feeble arms and he was like, well,
Starting point is 00:43:13 what if someone grabs you like when you want to be able to, and I was like, if someone grabs me. I submit, it's over. Yeah, I know. There is nothing I could do. That's why I always found it so preposterous when they're like, you should carry mace and a rape whistle in your bag. My mom got me a rape whistle from Old Navy for my 14th birthday and I was like, bitch,
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'm not going to have time to whip out the mace or the rape whistle. The guy is going to apprehend me, grab the mace, spray me, drag me into a bush. Are you kidding me? And have his, have his way with you. But women also suffer from this delusion that when they get hit on, it's like a referendum on their attractiveness. And very often it's really not because men will try anyone. Men are much more Catholic in their tastes than women.
Starting point is 00:44:09 How's that? I mean that in the kind of non-religious, all you have to say, yes, yes. And as bad faith operators often, the way women can be, I think they will signal sexual availability or a kind of yearning for contact or desperation or something that men can pick up on that they then. I believe that Ayala does not feel threatened often probably because she puts out a very like... In her tech bubble?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah. Like maybe she does probably put out like a kind of spurred, unpleasant kind of energy. And also like the kind of men that she probably associates with being as they are tech nerds are on the whole more sexually timid and socially awkward. They're not exactly like high tea, high libido males. It's true that women have like a unique talent for suppressing certain observable realities to themselves. But I also object to this overcompensating right wing narrative that women are like uniquely
Starting point is 00:45:36 narcissistic and uniquely liars because guess what, that's a not a gender issue. Both men and women are narcissists and liars, like all of us are to some extent again. It's just that men and women... Especially if you spend any significant amount of time on the internet. Yeah. Men and women lie in different ways. In what ways do you think men lie? I mean, they also have their totem pole of copes.
Starting point is 00:46:05 So true. The whole like whatever incel, e-girl dichotomy is also fake and gay because both sides are like clearly coping. Well, this is something that I would... This is the point that I was trying to make about the friend cell chat was that there is actually a natural affinity between girls that are like totally run through a medicated mental ill and like really angry, maladjusted, unfuckable incels that they are like... They both have a similarly doomed affliction that is almost like...
Starting point is 00:46:49 I think it's a positive thing that there's like, there's discourse between these communities. This community, yeah. Well, as our online mutual Muldovan citizen pointed out in a different group chat than I'm in when we were discussing this, the reason that e-girls are drawn to incels is because in any kind of self-contained hierarchy of men, women seek the most powerful one. So if the only men available at the moment are incels, there's still a hierarchy among them. It's a good point.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah, yeah. And when inceldom is held up as almost a standard or like a badge of honor, basically, I can see how, yeah, it would accrue a kind of charisma and power. I mean, I'm not... I'm really old. I really...I am childless. So I think for me, there's probably some misplaced maternal tenderness where I do... Not that I'm like...
Starting point is 00:48:02 I can fix him, but maternally, not romantically. Not that I'm doing some great service by participating in a degenerate group chat, but I do... I feel like a lot of them are, you know, as even if they're evil cells and stone cold and stuff like deep down, I think they're basically like good boys. I mean, I think when you actually meet people in the flesh, they're horrible, they're worse. They're true. Fuck. No, I don't want to meet any of these people.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I don't want to...definitely don't want to fuck these people, but I really wish them the best and do really good, you know, I feel like... We're Democrats. We wish everybody the best. I think everyone can have a glow up. I'm less interested in like the specific individual like narcissism and self deceit of the kind of women that post these videos with at least some subconscious intention that they'll go viral and often they go viral in ways they didn't expect and that kind of fuels their
Starting point is 00:49:03 persecution complex, but as with the whole like meta economy of these posts, which are basically engineered to solicit viral outrage. Very often the women are like what we would call mid, which infuriates both men and women because men are sexually frustrated by them. Remember horny and angry or the same emotion. And women feel jealous because they're like, why can she get away with that and I can't. And it's this whole like toxic economy, but of course, as a man, your impulse is to like drag and roast women like that.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And your impulse as a woman because you're too smart to do that for fear of being called like a pick me or a misogynist or a sex trader is to align yourself in a show of support like close ranks around the woman and it becomes this whole like mushroom cloud of cope. The vibe that there is, you know, things are different at the gym. There are mostly men at my gym, I would say. And I have always had a very respectful attitude towards the culture of masculinity. I do think if you like the gym is we respect homo social places. It is.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And if it's a masculine space, so I do think if you are a woman who goes to the gym, you should not be like overtly feminine and suggestive. And if you are, you have to be willing to take responsibility for your actions and face the consequences. Go to a bar. You're not going to get gang raped. Yeah. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You might get, get leered at or even propositioned, but probably not because you're not a gay guy once again. But yeah, the reason that these posts are more successful on an engagement level is because like, you know, at base, the woman is literally like signaling or performing sexual availability. And then everybody has to, you know, everybody shares and comments on the post for that reason, but then has to pretend that there's some kind of like moral or political outrage around it in order to weigh in.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Sarno said something so cute where he was like, the gym is like a lingerie. Is it? And then he's always keeping his eyes lowered. I definitely know. I see women wearing like the, the athleisure designs are yeah, like the pussy eating yoga pants. Yeah. And like, uh, like I've seen like yoga pants with like fishnet cutouts and stuff like some
Starting point is 00:51:57 chicks definitely redress. I've seen girls with like little sunglasses on it. Yeah. Like they're accessorizing. They're like clearly not there to work out at all. Yeah. They're, they're there to be seen. Um, what's that thing you said that you have to be like vigilant?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah. About your desires. You have to take responsibility for your desires. Yeah. Which no one is able to do, but so like all these guys on the internet, they get horny for these women kind of like reflexively and then they have to make it seem like what they're really doing is, is critiquing, um, like the hypocrisy of women and feminism. I don't know about gym girl specifically, but I think it does.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Like I think any woman who's like relatively young and healthy and not a total land monster elicits some sort of sexual response in people and men. Yeah. Maybe I'm naive or yeah. And a lot of the times like the critiques are, are valid. Like, you know, like, Hey, can you not film random strangers at the gym? That really to me is more like a more grave or a fan. Yeah, or like clearly you're doing this to humble brag about your attractiveness and
Starting point is 00:53:16 desirability and both sides are like, she definitely doesn't look like she does like hip thrust. No. No, that was my first impression. Like she's not, the physique is not, she doesn't look like she goes to the gym a lot. Yeah. That's all I'll say. And like all women probably on some level want to be seen as like hot and sexy.
Starting point is 00:53:43 There's nothing wrong with that, but it's considered in bad taste to brag about it overtly. So we've devised many covert workarounds to signal that about ourselves. And usually they involve like offloading agency onto men for being like creeps or predators and or like politicizing or instrumentalizing it by making it like a question of feminism versus the patriarchy. And it's all obviously a bunch of bullshit. I mean, this reminds me of that, um, Trad Eagle summit that like really had frog Twitter in a tizzy.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And I thought the critiques were a little bit excessive and disproportionate. I agree. In the sense that like, yes, they were right that these girls were debasing and defiling a place of worship by bearing their shoulders and dressing suggestively. I'm not at all a religious or practicing person, but even I know that when you go into a church, you cover up and that that was bad. But a lot of the commentary was like fixated on like how ugly these girls were and like every single one of them was pretty literally.
Starting point is 00:55:03 It was like an ensemble of pretty girls. And there's also a multiplier effect involved when you, it's like the Kardashians. When you have like five pretty girls standing next to each other, they look prettier than when it's only one. And they accrue a kind of a power that also is threatening. I get it. I am a religious and practicing person and I definitely was not offended by the Trad Eagle summit.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I think it's fine. You know, it's not I, I what I thought that what they, I've said this to our lovely friend pariah, the doll who, you know, I've said this to her face so I can say it here. I thought it was a bunch of pretty girls who did some things somewhat ugly by going into a place of worship in a scantily clad way and turning it into a photo op. That's unattractive. Everybody agrees with that. I think if you question these girls, they would agree with it too.
Starting point is 00:55:55 They can be forgiven for their insolence, justice once as a treat. My issue of me, that people post sometimes where I'm like, praying, your shoulders covered it bare minimum. I'm not dressed appropriately, but I also was not a practicing Catholic. Then I was like in Montreal, like taking, I was in a very like touristy church. I wasn't like literally out of math, you know, uh-huh. Oh, this is, I asked, I asked my group chat what the rhetorical term was for that tactic that Trump uses, where instead of like insulting somebody directly, he like denies it and says
Starting point is 00:56:36 like, I'm not going to talk about what a disgusting hog with bleeding bandages this woman is, and thereby he, and of course, periabossi chimed in because he's Greek. It's called, um, apophasis, women are the masters of that. It's like that tweet that you have that I love that's like, please stop sexualizing my tight, wet pussy. Women will go to the gym and be like, please stop sexualizing my tight, wet pussy. It's so true. But you know who I have the biggest beef with at the Trad Cath Eagle summit is the priest
Starting point is 00:57:18 who took the photo. That man should be defrocked for simping. He is not a man of the Lord. He is not a man of the faith. We got way bigger problems with the priest. I know. I know. But Catholicism is in shambles.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I know. And I'm not trying to do that thing that all women do where they offload responsibility onto men. But like, this is a special case because this man was clearly peaked and titillated by these cute girls walking up into his church. If some Padre Pio would yell at women who's like ankles were exposed, because he was a priest in the sixties and an amazing confessor. And like this is when like mini skirts were going on.
Starting point is 00:58:00 And one time a girl went into it, this is a real Padre Pio Catholic story. Okay. A woman was wearing a mini skirt and then asked her friend to borrow like a longer skirt to wear because she was going to confession to Padre Pio. It was like the Elvis of confessor that was like, he was like a rock star. And she, she changed and he knew, he knew that she had changed and that she was a whore. And he, I think he probably kicked him. He was always like kicking people out of confession.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Well, that's also and calling them out for their weird and creepy, but it's more consistent. But yeah, of course a priest should have said like, please don't come, you know, give her a tube top to the if I was a man of faith and some art hose barge. And to my place of worship with their nipples protruding and their shoulders bared, I would have hosed them down with holy water. I would have filled a fire extinguisher with holy water, hose them all down like that one shopkeeper did to the homeless lady in San Francisco. And I would have told them to get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:59:09 That's the bigger problem. You're right. Exorcist. Yeah. And shambles if this, these are the people that are leading the day to day operations. Absolutely. It goes without saying that, that women will do what women do, which is put themselves on display and objectify themselves.
Starting point is 00:59:37 It's true. I'm just saying, so I think a lot of the rage and rancor on the part of men. It speaks volumes about what they're truly thinking about, which is that, which is ass and titties. Horny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And like when you call an objectively attractive ensemble of women, ugly, you are giving up the game. It speaks volumes. Your overreaction speaks volumes, fellas. I'm a feminist and a Democrat now. The Duff. You must. Daring cells.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Daring, dare I say it again? Well, that's the thing too with the, you know, the incels are mad because the women are horrors, but the women are horrors because they don't feel safe because there's not, there's not enough like patriarchal structure to keep them in line. So of course they're going to wild out. Well, the men will retort to that with why should I be patriarchal and chivalrous toward women with like astronomical body counts of like medieval prostes or whatever Bab said. And so the whole thing is like hopelessly broken.
Starting point is 01:01:04 What they, it's, it is up to them in the end. I truly think that. I think, I think so too. I mean, I think on a, on a granular level, like when you're in a relationship at the very least, I am a feminist in that I think nothing is women's fault. If women have any moral failings, it's a, it's a, it's the fault of the, the men around them who are inadequate. I think delicious taco said, well, you know, let's be real.
Starting point is 01:01:36 If feminists were honest, they would say that feminism is a doctrine of hatred for men. So true. But I, the, the addendum to that is that the reason women hate men so much, which, you know, we've said from day one of the podcast is not because they're hostile and aggressive. It's because they're impotent and indifferent. And they're not taking control. And that makes women really chimp. But women have been chimping since the dawn of time, even when men did.
Starting point is 01:02:13 The thing is when women used to chimp, take them to a psychiatrist, psychologist, finger them, finger them to treat their hysteria. And that was something that worked for people. And back in the day before there was any psychiatrist, they just burned them at the stake and you know, you know how those Salem witch trials went? By the way, it was like another, uh, Treadcath Eagle summit where the old ugly women in the village conspired with the repressed horny men to burn the hottest, youngest, most insubordinate girls who wanted in their own way to master space.
Starting point is 01:02:56 They didn't want to master space too, just in a different way than men. And even less space, I'd say, you know, there's no manifest destiny. They just want, you know, and I will also, you know, as a Christian, uh, Jesus Christ famously paled around with prostes all the time, like prostitutes have made some of the best saints. In the end, St. Mary of Egypt had a body count that would blow anyone's mind. It's like with that book, the scarlet letter that we all read in high school, I did read that in high school.
Starting point is 01:03:44 It was about like a fiery and insubordinate woman who just wanted like a puritanical society. But the women now don't even have the structure to rebel against and they have to concoct these fantastical notions that we still have a patriarchy. Because it almost seems preferable, or the fantasy of the patriarchy seems preferable to the reality of whatever we have now, the, the gynaocracy, the mammy state, the longhouse, whatever you want to call it. There was a programmer at Sundance who said something like, um, of the, the first features at Sundance, which I imagine there were a, a, you know, a reasonable amount, something
Starting point is 01:04:32 like 70% of them were made by women. Yeah. And I did like wins a little, a little bit, you know, I mean, yeah, but I am, you know, I am a female, female filmmaker, even though I got no credit for it. Well, you're like guilty of wrong thing. So therefore it's like black intellectuals who don't fall in line with like the anti-racism gospel just are simply purged from the record. And then people complain how there are no like good black intellectuals or academics
Starting point is 01:05:10 because we can't mention the ones that are like, Hey guys, you might want to look into this a little bit more. Louis Farrakhan, um, uh, but 70% did just seem like an overcorrection or something. You know, yeah, but we're in the age of overcorrection. We have no choice. Like we can't even complain about it and say it's bad. Just as some people would say it's good, we just have to adapt to it. That's like the reality that we're dealt.
Starting point is 01:05:37 It is what it is. Yeah. Um, my beef. And I don't think there's any, I don't think men necessarily even make better filmmakers than women. Yeah. I don't actually think that. I mean, it like literally remains to be seen.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I would also say that like directing being a filmmaker is probably a male dominated field. Again, this is up for debate. No. I mean, historically it has been, but it's up for debate whether it will continue to be in like a meaningful sense, uh, that said, I think that the female filmmakers who are exceptional and who excel are literally the exception that proves the rule. Like they are few and far in between. It's not that they don't exist.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I think well, to riff a bit on that Polly, uh, there's not like, uh, female mode start because there's no female Jack the Ripper to sort of, uh, expand that onto a field that allows for more like middling talent. I think there are probably fewer shitty female filmmakers in total. Like the best of the best, probably men though, I honestly, I don't know. Because they had to play in a man's world. Um, yes, but like the fact there are also so many men that are so shitty and feel a sense of adequacy and purpose simply because they are men and direct directing by, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:24 necessity is very male dominated editing. I think women by far make far better editors. They do. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it is, it's a more intuitive kind of, there's something about it. I don't know. But directing literally is it's like, you have to be a little tyrant and like enforce
Starting point is 01:07:43 your will on a ton of people. And so it is not very like female coded at all and often the best women who do it, like someone like Claire to knee or like spiritually, like in cells, lesbian, you know, or something like, um, it does require, it's directing is it is a tremendous force of like will. It, well, it requires a lot of tyranny and despotism, which is why many directors like many dictators are traditionally Aries, which is why I have such high hopes for Lenny. Um, but yeah, that's certainly true. But I can see like a paradigm shift where women become equals in filmmaking, but it's
Starting point is 01:08:35 not going to happen by like gaming diversity quotas and subsidizing diversity. Exactly. And like just making space for mediocrity. Yeah. It's also totally okay if 80% of great filmmakers are men and 20% are women. Yeah. Then you look at something like fiction writing or even essay, like nonfiction writing, where I think the playing field is pretty equal.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Like like a Joan Didion is equal to a Tom Wolf, if not better. Equal writing, just even though it has it's it is mail coded in its own way, it is something one can do on their own. Yeah. It doesn't require, you don't have to delegate and manage and respect, you know, it's, Elia Kazan says this and on directing, which was one of my favorite books on, on the craft. She talks about how if you undertake directing, you have to live with the fact that every single thing is your responsibility.
Starting point is 01:09:48 You don't, you know, everything, the success or failure of a film is solely up to the director. And nowadays this is less than that's true because things are so like made by committee and mediated by producers and stuff, but like the idea of like a tour ship is that, yeah, like the, the director is someone who ultimately takes responsibility for some vision and to like execute it. And obviously they depend on a lot of other people to make it happen and delegate tasks to them. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:17 It has to be tyrannical in some fashion. He's the director is, as Curtis Yorvan would put it, a monarch, yes, which has its advantages and disadvantages, because you have absolute rule, which is advantageous, but then you also have full responsibility, which is disadvantageous and burdensome and something I can understand what a lot of women would not want. I don't even really want it, you know, I think women should take responsibility just this once and acknowledging that they for the most part don't want responsibility. And that's okay.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And that's okay. It's fine. I don't have it in me to, you know, I think I'll make two more films, really honest. I don't know. I think that once you get going, it becomes like a rolling stone or whatever. Yeah. That might be true, but, and I think you're like temperamentally suited to it, but, but I also, I don't have that masculine kind of like drive towards like, towards greatness
Starting point is 01:11:24 that someone like scores easier, like even a straight or someone who's like really prolific. Yeah. Really is like, I, I don't, I don't, I'm, I don't know. I want to make either films that I want to make, but I don't think there are stories you want to tell. There are stories I want to tell. Okay. Is that so wrong?
Starting point is 01:11:45 We ladies are very good at storytelling, especially telling stories to ourselves. Men are staring at us at the gym. Tell ourselves stories in order to live about how men are staring at us at the gym. Yeah. My next, my next future gym cell, my next movie is about a guy who looks at me at the gym. It's just like a 110 minute video of you doing hip thrust. My workout POV, POV, I'm working out, video of me working out.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Just blue smoke into my eyes. It's awesome to smoke these things. I know. Um, I forgot what I was going to say, uh, it doesn't matter, but yeah, I mean, I think it's like tiresome when you're like a noticer and you see things, it gets tiresome to like constantly have to make excuses for women for fear of being branded a pick me or a sex trader. Nobody wants to feel that way.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I do it not because I'm pandering to men, believe it or not, but because I want to talk to women about our innermost impulses, but amen sister. Like I said, very often I truly do question the utility of making frank and explicit assessments of certain observable female traits because women don't want to hear it and they seem to take it personally because we derive all of our power from operating within unofficial channels. And once those channels become like, yeah, officialized, it's over for these hoes. I mean, in that way, I would maybe be inclined to classify us as, as traitors because women
Starting point is 01:14:00 do not need those things to be exposed, but also I think, no, I'm, I'm really, I'm really on my Democrat. I'm in my Democrat era and I really do. I mean, I'm being totally sincere and unsurcastic when I said that to some e-girl recently and she thought I was being like an ironic little bitch, but I really, I'm really sincere about it. Like what is the point of making all like making these things plain? We don't want to see how the sausage gets me, trust me.
Starting point is 01:14:35 And I feel, I, I often feel like just like naive and stupid for harping on about it because you know, men already are pretty disabused of any illusion when it comes to women, at least the smart damaged men who have bad relationships with their mothers or like overly intimate relationships with their mothers. Either way. Women ladies, you do not want to date a man like that. Unless you're ran through immensely, maybe an insult is just what you need, you know? Maybe that you should really be pairing off, you know?
Starting point is 01:15:12 Well, that's what, I mean, that was apparent with like the alt right and Libfems of like 2015, 2016. It was like the yin and the yang. You guys really deserve each other. And now there's those bill bridges being built. In a group chat. I'm sorry, these insults should be grateful. They should exercise some basic gratitude.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Like when will you ever come into contact with elite e-girls, except for famous actions? I sent one of them money. What? You what? I sent one of them. You sent somebody money? I sent him money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Like how much? $40. He's the next Bernie. Well, because I remember. He's donating to that campaign. Well, no, because I, because when I was really broke, I remember how much $40 is really would. $40 is the perfect amount of money. It is.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Because you can get like two juices and a croissant. You can get through. You can have a nice day with $40 and getting croissants, whatever for me. That's what I, you know, I, when I had nothing and was in like constant peril, I often like, you know, if someone gave me $40, it would have really like just like turned my day around. But so I sent this and sell $40 because he clearly did need it. And, and the next day to buy more fapping services to get a different, a new flashlight. And the next day, some pay pig, some like a non random, like a Fin Dom fetishist who
Starting point is 01:17:00 I have in contact with occasionally sent me $40, whoa, nothing. And I was like, holy shit. And then I did send, then I sent that at other $40 to that incel. That's karma, baby. That's, you know, it's called paying it forward. Yeah. And then I sent him $80 because I had an extra $40 from one incel to another. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Exactly. Exactly. And also it's like the mafia, you know, I pay my, my dues to the incels protect me even though I did get kicked out of a voice chat today. Why? What did you do? Requested to talk in like a Vatican chat and they just booted me and I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:17:49 I was like, do you guys want or not want to know the third secret of Fatima? Are you like, are we doing this or not like fuck you? How dare you? How dare they? The thing that really grinds my cure is it really makes me want to go off on a feminist high horse is that I, um, I do, I do know a ton about Catholic mysteries. You do. I have my own logo and I know about Nietzsche and I just do.
Starting point is 01:18:25 I randomly have read a ton of Nietzsche and have like, I think that'll, that'll be your tombstone. I've read a lot of Nietzsche and I have like, I don't know, I go in some of these like Nietzsche and Twitter spaces where I feel like a lot of people have less of a grasp of his, his thought than I do. Okay. Here's my question. Kind of a psychoanalytic question.
Starting point is 01:18:58 What do you think it is about you or within you that compels you to quote, go into incel spaces? Yeah. Um, well, I think it's, um, I think I spent a lot of formative years of my life on in chat rooms and message boards and stuff. So there's something absolute 100% like regressed about it where, um, maybe it is some kind of like anxiety management, uh, mechanism where I like, um, I mean, I live alone. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:19:38 You know, I like have some stuff going on, but like, for the most part, I also, I genuinely enjoy chatting. Me too. I always have. I love to chat. I've been online for mad long chatting is female behavior. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:56 And, uh, chatting is a female trait. There's something about talking to strange men online that does give me a sense of safety. Yeah. Yeah. It's like fun and exciting. It's familiar and, but also comfort. It's also familiar and comforting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Eli thinks I mentally ill because I go in the group chat so much and you know what? He's right. It's not. I'm not proud of it. Yeah. I know the Twitter's, I don't like want to be in the Twitter spaces, but it's, there's something, you know, every once in a while that I am compelled. It is like anxiety management.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Yeah. There's a, I like to chat and also maybe you want to get caught. I've considered that because people do be leaking those chats. I don't say anything for what I honestly wasn't even in group chats for a long time, which I felt like was a saving grace of mine kind of because I was like, yeah, but people do, but I don't say anything. I think you said on the last episode that you weren't in any group chats. Well, I have the tables of like seven to 10 days, but I don't think I say anything
Starting point is 01:21:05 that objectionable, objectionable really. I feel like I'm there in a bit of, you know, centrist capacity. Yeah. I'm like 13, do 50. That's a baking ratio when you're trying to make that casserole or lasagna. Dude, I went on the ADL website the other day and looked through their like glossary of like, uh, white, white power. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Like symbols and terminology, I learned a lot. They really, I was like, whoa, look, I didn't even know about this stuff. Take that Darren Beatty. The ADL is a useful educational resource. I swear to God next year at Sundance, there's going to be like an ADL tent party. There's going to be like, uh, an incel movie and an ADL tent. You guys going to the ADL after party, the LC presents, but I learned a lot about, yeah, like different hand symbols and stuff that they have.
Starting point is 01:22:11 It's really hard to keep up with a lot of numbers stuff. I don't even know. Like 88. Yeah. But there's like, it's a chance for happy Halloween. It's Hulk Hogan. There's an end. There's tons of numbers stuff like stuff you wouldn't even run.
Starting point is 01:22:28 There's like, obviously there's the 14 words and 88. Like we kind of know those, but there's other ones that I don't even, don't even remember. And like little acronyms that they, that like clansmen use apparently to communicate among themselves. Uh, Pepe is obviously on there. Yeah. So they do say, they do, to the ADL's credit, they do, uh, in their little like copywriting about Pepe talk about how he has been so, uh, diffused, right?
Starting point is 01:22:58 That's nice of them because someone's posting a Pepe doesn't necessarily mean their white supremacist. And I was like, okay. That's true. That's true. Some of us just like, like, yeah, some of us just like cute little frogs that dog whistle white supremacy. Are the right wingers really so surprised that women would be drawn to them after they've
Starting point is 01:23:17 been posting all these adorable frogs and playing right into their, uh, barren maternal instincts, pandering to their biological clots. Women really are drawn to like the, the top dogs in the male hierarchy, which is why all this like, uh, UBI, but for a girl friend redistribution is like gay because it's going to be like 1% of the men hoarding like 90% of the women. Right? Well, harem's are, are a big talking point in some, in cell communities. And the sailor actually had a good thread today about how, um, it was, it was really
Starting point is 01:24:10 actually interesting and riveting. Did you see him use the word chuteere? No, he said, after probably summer of Floyd, like things got shooed here. He's so crispy. No, he had a good thread about how conservatards are always having meltdowns and like hand wringing about the pedo panic. But if anything, pushing transgenderism on kids is not about sexualizing kids.
Starting point is 01:24:42 It's about desexualizing kids. And what's more likely to happen is that progressives will gradually come to accept and legalize polygamy. As more immigrants from traditionally polygamous cultures come to the United States. So by like 2030, whatever. But but crucially, it won't be called polygamy. It'll have some kind of softer, more euphemistic name.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Ethical. Yeah, polyamory. Like ethical, whatever, multiple marriage and. Somebody else hypothesized that there would be different sets of rules for different ethnic and religious groups. So like, you know, whites won't be able to won't be allowed to engage in polygamy, but everybody else will. But even so, like, polygamy is going to be the top 10 percent of men
Starting point is 01:25:47 snatching up the way 90 percent of women. I mean, the fact that some of these people think they could handle a harem like you think you're in cell ball hola is coming. Try having one girl. I know, I know. You're not going to like it. I promise you. I know it sucks.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Guys will be like, I wish I had four wives. They do like the the Andrew Tate Chris Lomb thing. It's like, no, you don't. You want four headaches? There's a really good TLC show actually called Sister Wives. That's about like a Mormon polygamist family. And yeah, the man's life is pure hell. Yeah, he really just like whoa, he was so bad for this guy.
Starting point is 01:26:31 And he's got four like totally fat. Well, he clearly only loves one of them. He's like most recent one. And they're all locked in like internecine combat amongst each other for his favor. They all want to live in McMansions that are like near each other. So you can go like divide his time. It's really he's he's I feel I feel for that man's. You didn't read that article about trans maxing. Did you know what's that?
Starting point is 01:26:58 I mean, I've been trans maxing my whole life. But once again, y'all ain't ready for the incel to trans pipeline. Oh, a lot of unfuckable autistic men. Transition become lesbians. Yeah, and become lesbians. It's about, you know, a kind of auto kind of feel like trend where they, you know, maybe even don't even feel a authentic sense of gender dysphoria, though that's obviously debatable.
Starting point is 01:27:34 And it's right end up transitioning to like, because it actually serves their interests and is advantageous for them to right. Well, that's why I was so confused by that whole kerfuffle surrounding Betsy's film. If I may speak on that. If I may not, and the accusations that it was a transphobic film, because if anything, it was critical of this new category of men who opportunistically transition to like our friend Betsy Brown made a movie called Actors, which is sort of a auto fictional indie movie about
Starting point is 01:28:14 her brother, Peter Vac, transitioning to help his career as an as an actor. That was meant to play at the music box in Chicago and then was abruptly and unceremoniously canceled after some trans people on Twitter took umbrage with it. And the woman leading the charge, who's a trans filmmaker, originally donated to the crowdfunding campaign to get the film made prior to her having transitioned. Right. But was aware of the basic premise and plotline of the film
Starting point is 01:28:55 and the character of Peter Vac transforming into Petrovac and then kind of rescinded her goodwill and went on a whole rampage against the film. But the film was, yeah, literally violent. But the whole premise of the film, which is why it's so brilliant to me, was that aside from being like a weird auto fictional Freudian mockumentary, the kind of like secondary arc, the subplot was that Peter's character was opportunistic for transitioning because he got certain professional and sexual perks and he didn't really mean it.
Starting point is 01:29:33 So if anything, it was anti transphobic. It's not really about trans people at all. Yeah. But like I've always said, there has to be an update to the old Ray Blanchard J. Michael Bailey taxonomy of like gay guys who transition. Yeah, because they're not, they don't, they're not sexually attracted to the image of themselves as women. They're sexually attracted to men that they can't get as men. So they become women and then auto guineophiles who are typically
Starting point is 01:30:05 narcissistic, high powered, high IQ, high achieving men who transition because they have maxed out their masculine potential, typically later on in life, often married with kids because they are sexually attracted to the image of themselves as a woman, it's a paraphernalia. But I think there's this new third category of people who are like clinically auto guineophile, but are not necessarily high achieving or high powered, they're losers and they, there's opportunity for them in transitioning and just their side winding their way into the harem.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I'm not going to let them in the harem Anna. But they, I mean, young people are much more open minded and progressive than we are, i.e. non-judgmental and overly tolerant, have no sense of personal boundary, like all young people are, so they just don't see it coming. Yeah, and it has become, you know, sort of ubiquitous and there's like a mix of pathologies also having to do with like porn sickness, I think, I think fosters an auto guineophile like impulse, if you have, you're in your goon cave or whatever, that's a new word though.
Starting point is 01:31:29 And I wish I didn't, you just, you know, you don't see it coming when you're best girlfriend, Ashley, who has a five o'clock shadow on her chest in a six foot four, asks to borrow your dress. And sure enough, before you know it, she's fingering your whole like a 19th century shrink. I shouldn't say that. We need to be shouldn't, but we should bring hysteria treatments back, at the very least, I think, if you were a woman in the 19th century suffering from
Starting point is 01:32:10 hysteria, you could not like shit post your way through it. You just had, you had to just lash out against those closest to you until they put you in like an ice bath and fingered you. Yeah, and nowadays you can like work from home and pose until in a girl's day, and there's no one there to stop you, you know. I've said, you know, I've said this before, I really would just love if a husband took my phone away from me and like crushed it in his, in his power play. But, but you wouldn't, Eli took my phone away the other day.
Starting point is 01:32:47 No, he did. He really did. He took my phone away and he hit it and I was mad, but I, but I pretended not to be just to save face. Yeah. You're like, whatever. I was like, I don't care. I'm just going to go on the computer. I was like posting from my laptop, which I like never do.
Starting point is 01:33:11 But okay, context is key. Your husband taking your phone away only makes sense when all husbands can take the phone away. Right, right. When they have when society is repressive and illiberal. The royal law. Yeah. In effect, it doesn't work in this day and age where your shoulders are exposed. There is no return.
Starting point is 01:33:33 That's why, you know, I'm, I'm very sympathetic to Camille Poglia's line, for instance, on religion where she says like, I'm an atheist. I rejected Catholicism at a young age, having grown up in a big Catholic family. But I have a lot of reverence and respect for systems of religion. And I don't respect modern day atheists because they're all about tearing it down, but have no vision for replacing it. And religion has given us a lot as far as like human civilization is concerned. So true.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Someone's near phones ringing. Weird, I set an alarm for midnight. Oh, shit. Look at that. I don't know. Okay. My shitposting alarm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:18 And you know, people have those apps on their phones that like limit their usage of other social media apps. That doesn't work. That's delusional. How so? Because like, I don't have that. You can, I don't even heard of them. You can, you can always violate your own law.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Yeah. Yeah, you have to literally like throw away your phone. You have to throw your phone in the East River. Yeah. My dad told me we were having dinner and he hit me with Maddie and he was talking about a friend of his who was a gambler in Las Vegas and built his own kind of like weird briefcase box that if he won a substantial amount of money gambling, he would put it in the box so he couldn't like gamble it so he could gamble from like a limited pool of his winnings
Starting point is 01:35:11 or whatever. But then he said inevitably he would like go to his car and like pry the fucking break it open and get the money out and keep gambling. And that's how those apps are. Which is more pathetic than just squandering it upfront in the first place. Exactly. Because yeah, you have to do like some unseemly and humiliating thing like break into your car at midnight and your wife beat her, which is pathetic.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Yeah. This is a subplot of the shield to where they like pull off gambling addiction. No, they pull off a massive heist. They were all like the Armenian mafia. And you should and they and they come off with $2 million and things start to really go downhill from there because they can't touch the money for like several years because it would attract too much attention. And then it turns out some of the bills are marked.
Starting point is 01:36:06 And then one of the guys shovels a bunch of the money into a furnace to protect the other ones. And it's like really sad and pathetic. But that's what those apps are. Anyway, should we talk about or okay. No, we can how long have we been going? Oh yeah, we can wrap it up. We read an article about Japan and another article about euthanasia. But we can save it honestly.
Starting point is 01:36:38 It's a lot. Yeah, it is a lot to get into. I think I think we should address the Michelle Wellbeck article on euthanasia and harpers at some point. Yeah, I mean, but it doesn't have to be today. We could do a pot in a couple of days. Yeah, because I'm around. Yeah, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Let's shelve it because I think that Japan and euthanasia things dovetail nicely. And we the bully just run out of steam. What do you do with a surplus aging population? The test. But well, stay tuned. Yeah, we'll circle back. This one's free, which is bad because I said a whole lot of really awful things. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:37:22 So if you're interested in what we have to say about these other topics, you can subscribe to us on Patreon. A lot of people at the New York Times are trying to silence us. Are they? Well, one guy. It was a fashion victim and not even technically a writer at the New York Times. Right. Not even a freelancer.
Starting point is 01:37:43 They're counter signaling us in the cathedral. And so we need your support more than ever. So if you like what we have to say, hop on over to slash red scare. And you can gain access to some of our even even spicier and more inflammatory takes. And if you know, you'll see how much money you make. It's going to seem like a lot, but we need more. And that's just the fact. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:13 It's like there's inflation. It's expensive to be me or a chain. There's inflation and we need more people to subscribe to the Patreon. Simple as how else are we going to buy eggs? And I need them. We need to slunk. How else are we going to make gains? Mm-hmm. Anyway, anyway, see you in a suit home.

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