Red Scare - Nepo Baby it's Cold Outside

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

The ladies discuss Sam Bankman Fried's arrest glowup, Volodymyr Zelensky's Congress address, and the ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Merry Christmas, I guess we'll probably post this on not should we post it on Christmas will anybody be listening on Christmas I know people hate their families and are looking for any excuse to escape but we don't know I don't know what people situations are a lot of people don't have families a lot of people don't have families alone and they might like to listen to their friends Anna and Josh can you imagine spending Christmas with Anna and Dasha instead of with your family yeah imagine what a godless piece of shit you have to be to do that yeah it's you know it's it's tough for me
Starting point is 00:01:07 because I don't you know blasphemy or I don't like Christmas you don't but you know I should you know I love that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born you know but the holiday itself you know really wait wait no I don't even care about Jesus I'm here for the presence you like the gift giving is not my loving yeah though I try I make an effort for you and Maddie I make an effort because it's both of y'all's love yeah and so I like it's how we attain intimacy with others as awkward sforgs but more importantly it's a useful way of symbolically buying people off so they can't ask you for anything later I
Starting point is 00:01:57 like hate getting and giving gifts a little bit why because it's too much pressure it's just too much like and too much inconvenience even when I get like a swag bag or something yeah you know I'm like oh my great I hate I have to deal with yeah okay overwhelms me just the yeah responsibility of like additional items and stuff a swag bag suck cuz it's like 30% shit you can use and 70% shit that you just like kicked the curb immediately I just like throw it outside it like hit some Chinese person on the way down yeah I just already there's so many like piles and stuff yeah great what is another thing to go
Starting point is 00:02:44 one of my f**ked up skits of red a person pile yeah no I I suspect I'll feel better at Christmas I love New Year's you know yeah yeah yeah yeah probably a remnant of but that's what we celebrate what Russian people yeah yeah Christmas is less of a you know and I don't I don't know it stirs up weird like orfany feeling yeah I don't you know immigrant feelings and stuff yeah I have a distinct memory of like celebrating Norway God is like a young child and then somewhere down the line I don't remember when it kind of transitioned to Christmas to the by the time I was like an older child we were
Starting point is 00:03:30 celebrating Christmas and I never made much of it but in retrospect pretty weird yeah well you know it just speaks to you know the supremeness of Roman Catholicism Christ our King I was at goods for the study the McNally Jackson store and they were playing joy to the world and I was like this one hits yeah yeah like this song I was like getting it was making me feel spirited and I was kind of like yeah fuck yeah you know our Lord has come I don't know how I feel about Christmas music I have to say I'm not a super fan of like the Santa baby song or the baby it's cold outside song I hate to sound
Starting point is 00:04:31 like a libtard here but they do produce uncomfortable feelings in me yeah I feel out of being trapped yeah yeah I you know you shouldn't sexualize Christmas you really holiday for children and families it is save it for you know save it for Halloween you had your sexy time and now you have to do wholesome oh well okay first I want you to open your card okay we're doing it on box oh yeah we're doing it on time yeah yeah cuz we have we have to not a lot we got a lot of stuff on the dog yeah we got a lot of spicy juice wait hold on the card says all I want for Christmas is books socks and the global rise of the
Starting point is 00:05:37 matriarchy oh man sister I'll say I'll read the message in private yeah yeah that's we don't need to think we don't do that kind of thing here okay this first those ones for Lenny but what kind of you know for you as his as his mother you guys hear the crinkling of the paper yeah some are Christmas oh these are a pile of Russian vintage books they're really cute where did you find them on Etsy I got them on Etsy they threw in some random ones I mostly bought like the tolls we got it for the Tolstoy one these are great but I bet there will be some some gems in there yeah lots of like great animal illustration
Starting point is 00:06:30 nothing beats Russian children's book illustrations it's true and Soviet animations I like a lot of chechov yeah multike thank you these are beautiful I'm gonna steal them for myself they're because they're kind of I read Russian at like a child a child level yeah like a snail's pace some of them look a little I was be a little boy by and don't check off it'll be you both can learn yeah together yeah my Russian's already improving and this one's for you oh here's another the living races of man by Carlton s Kuhn wow apparently it's a really good race
Starting point is 00:07:43 science the companion volume to the origin of races I didn't get you that one yeah no that's all good it's practically go bono I love it thank you there's lots of diagrams and stuff in there there's some shock like head shapes yeah you'll enjoy it and then there's some others like Madagascar the Egyptians the people's horn of Africa wow this is really intense yeah there's some stuff did you see Steve sailor got banned I did and Amy Teresa again she just got bad the Grinch really stole Christmas by banning people who are speaking the truth about FBI and CDC crime stats and quote gender goblins
Starting point is 00:08:32 free my man free my man Steve free Amy it ain't right it's unjust free our man free our girl I know like I know silence is violence you can't you cannot and people on the eve of the holidays seriously I sense a lot of but hurt and bitterness on the TL lately and I'm just like guys it's the holidays like let's put the kibosh on it for like one week and then you can go back to being your unlovable selves well yeah I mean Twitter has taken a turn for the wars yeah I think how do you feel about the view counts they're horrible I mean I'm not tormented by them yeah not a I have a life and stuff but they I hate the look
Starting point is 00:09:23 of them they get in the way there's more numbers I don't need to see yeah I think my objection to them is like mainly aesthetic they just look bad and I don't like the little graph icon they did do more for my low self-esteem than people calling me mid and a man ever did 300,000 impressions and I don't know like you look at a thousand things online and you can't like all of them I know you feel a vague you can't like the tweet of black Dasha that says Dasha Negro sova can't like that but I I would never like a tweet like that she's gorgeous yeah she fine I've looked at it a few times now already but I instead of
Starting point is 00:10:21 going Anna she just rips out my track the podcast never happens because one of us is a single mother raising four kids from four different baby daddies and the other one just got capped sideways at the cookout I want to see Blana I bet she would be there's a Blana that's it's very like Tiana Tiana Taylor vibes does she have a short yeah like the Tony Braxton pixie cut you bet there's also some body oil nice from this brand I really like called sentient to orient or something I think it's Lebanese it's really it smells like Persian princess kind of vibe beautiful thank you this is a gorgeous gift thank you I enjoy my
Starting point is 00:11:12 Persian princess okay Anna first of all incredible rap job I see the autistic focus yeah yeah paying off it's wrapped up with some some twine mm-hmm wow you taped the chocolate part of the top I did yeah I have my tricks it's a nice 72 percent dark cacao sea salt maybe this will cure my depression yeah this is a more modest and humble gift but uh we really poured our hearts and souls into it it's a magnetic chess set it's small it's a yeah tiny it's tiny I can play chess on the go you are the the third person to get me a shit sorry no they're all did my parents got me one and then someone got me one where it's the pieces
Starting point is 00:12:34 are like Mongols and Russian like like Russian imperialists and like Mongols so like the ponds are little knights and in the Mongol ones they're like little Mongolian savages very sweet thank you Anna I love it obviously thank you they're all they're all there's a bit up of a variance yeah and this one's magnetic which is yeah it's really cute yeah very cute with the green and it's nice that everyone is so approving of my chest somebody should make like a custom Dasha chess set no I'm serious it would probably sell I mean we yeah we could we can do it we can do it you can do a red scare that's not a bad idea we
Starting point is 00:13:22 can get maddy on it that would be fun yeah it's I have played over 700 games of chess in the last six to eight weeks yeah I thought you were gonna say months weeks yeah thanks for enabling me all yeah yeah but it's good because I'm learning about impulse control delaying instant gratification and planning for the future mm-hmm Eli made me watch a searching for Bobby Fisher would you think I mean it's it's a cute and touching movie but obviously I kept thinking of Bobby Fisher himself and how he would have been completely horrified and offended at anybody using his name while he was still alive to produce this
Starting point is 00:14:20 kind of schmalt he'd feel like he was back in that Pasadena yeah getting tortured all over again and of course you know they had to make absolutely no mention of his holocaust denialism and rampant raging antisemitism why even bother make the movie then I know you know I know and it was all about like that the inherent decency of this young lad they all the things we really love about yeah Bobby ordinarily I'm not really a fan of biopics but I would have preferred just like a biopic of Bobby being an unrepentant racist in reading The Living Races of Man by Carlton S. Kuhn
Starting point is 00:15:20 it's one of the best race science books out there I can't wait I don't even I don't remember how I who recommend it from some races so you can't go wrong yeah Merry Christmas Eve Eve and Merry Christmas ho ho ho what I'm looking for my um my bag because it was my notes in it oh shit I think it's out there we'll be right Anna's gonna go get it thank you Anna we'll be right back y'all thank you I do I do be going into goods for the study pretty frequently and stocking up on planners their life changing I got a new planner and they're like always 10% off yeah they're great every year I get it's like some German
Starting point is 00:16:23 brand what's it called loyster planner I put a neon Genesis Evangelion sticker on it how many stickers of those do you have I buy okay I buy more stickers good question I have a lot of stickers and dolls and other memorabilia but and then I write down everything I do or else I forget it like memento people are like oh you're so organized yeah I'm like I'll literally I have no idea what's going on so I have to write notes to myself well I've noticed that like as you enter into your 30s you know let alone get closer to 40 your memory really goes and you just
Starting point is 00:17:15 don't remember anything and you tell the same story over and over again yeah and that apparently in the clinical literature is a classic marker for narcissistic personality disorder but I think it's just well memory loss like yeah like kind of selective amnesia because you're trying to like purge unpleasant or unflattering memories from your mind but I think survival and honestly yeah I think it's the simpler explanation is that it's just like aging yeah but yeah you really need to like write everything down yeah cuz I can't I'm not gonna my phone I'm another part of aging mm-hmm is that it's
Starting point is 00:18:00 becomes harder to use technology yeah yeah so that's there's no you know I don't trust myself to keep track of yeah my phone every time I'm called upon to use a piece of technology I just feel like Joan Daddy and giving an interview you're like what are being like photographed in a Selena just putting on those oversized sunglasses I know oh buckle fat removal oh yeah remember people were tweeting about that last week yeah why cuz Amelia Gray Hamlin started looking suspiciously like my favorite e-girl Gabrielle mm-hmm who's really hot and sexy and does those like shitty cooking videos that nobody
Starting point is 00:18:53 really cares about they're all there to like gaze upon her like new bile skin or whatever of course yeah and her like cabaret eyebrows do you think she's had buckle fat removal Gabrielle no no I think she's all natural I love Gabrielle because if you look at old pictures of her yeah she had like a glow-up she was a little bit heavier and more awkward and then now she's like a total stunner so you can relate I love that I had the the wherewithal in the discipline to lose that 15 to 30 pounds or whatever it was just eyeballing it yeah yeah yeah anyway buckle fat removal I was thinking about how funny it is that we one of our
Starting point is 00:19:44 talking points is how like fat shaming isn't real you know fat phobia isn't real but then people literally call you lasagna Anna yeah people are people are vicious out there yeah I think that lasagna Anna is it's cute and innocent it's pretty harmless as far as yeah I don't mind that one and it was like a wholesome sweet little pic I was cooking Mike peppy lasagna for his birthday that he actually really liked I heard you make great lasagna I do I do you know what the secret ingredient is is sugar sugar yeah yeah we're gonna be saying the same stuff on this fuck yeah forever as we get older and more diddy and ask and
Starting point is 00:20:36 ratchet much much like diddy and like our arms get thinner and we become more and more recent the blacks they got ruined the water supply we can dream yeah so I think buckle fat removal is a huge mistake obviously I don't think you anyone should be taking the fat out of their face I think it's fake news why like the well she kind of needs it no offense that's the thing people don't get about me they think that I'm like anti plastic surgery at all costs but I'm actually like pro plastic surgery when people need it it's just like doctors are very like trigger happy when it comes to it because they're just
Starting point is 00:21:27 trying to make a buck I get it but Chrissy Teigen who called her a human whoopee cushion someone else called her a blowfish yeah but she has had so much work done yeah then now it makes no difference really if she gets the buckle fat removal because she's already looked so overworked for so long and the reason I think she even needed it is because her face was so weighed down by all the filler and stuff that she's had true whereas if you never you know I think you I think you can and most women ought to age gracefully yeah with you know their natural face and I think just embrace their natural hideousness yeah
Starting point is 00:22:14 but I think a lot of the you know celebs who we speculate about having buckle fat removal either did get it didn't need to because they're like in their 20s and would have lost that weight anyway right or like I was look I was like looking at lists of actresses that people thought had it done and a lot of them are just older and I was like no they just you just lose volume and fat in your face as you get older you get a natural buckle that removal just by aging yeah it's one of the few perks of aging yeah is that you get a more chiseled and gaunt look yeah as you age like the the best examples Jennifer Connelly
Starting point is 00:22:57 who when she was like a 15 year old Dario Argento Starlett was known for her pleasantly plump face and then as she's aged she's gotten very like sculptural angular and angular yeah that's the word I'm looking for I think she looks good I saw one of those right when guys bashing her on Twitter for looking old and haggard and I was like first of all she's like 50 something she looks great for her age and she doesn't seem to have Jennifer Garner Connelly oh Connelly yes of course she's 50 yeah I worked with her yeah I know but like what she looks great for 50 or whatever she is she's not she's not young anymore she's
Starting point is 00:23:36 unbelievably beautiful yeah like what are you talking about she looks like the Virgin Mary she's like luminous and her face is like truly Jennifer Connelly is one of those beautiful women I've ever been around period it's just like I I don't know what men want damned if you do and you're damned if you don't you know if you like get worked on and look like a human whoopee cushion they drag you for being like a vein and materialistic and if you age gracefully without getting any work done or doing minimal work they drag you for being like a haggard old crone when you look like literally an above average 50 year old
Starting point is 00:24:16 woman yeah I'm like speaking for myself I'm like I look really really good for 50 not a day over 55 yeah it's you know they don't know what they want either though yeah I mean nobody does they have no idea what women are even really like but I think I kind of feel like the boogal fat removal is probably not as prevalent as people think it is I'm sure like the Bella Hadid's and Amelia gray Hamlin's of the world do you get it done because they have almost infinite resources and can go to the top people I just think it's very in most cases it's so unnecessary yeah and I also and you should want to be preserving like a
Starting point is 00:25:13 youthful you want the boogal fat I think yeah I think it's only necessary if you look like one of those like Mongolian palace cats naturally exactly which you've somewhat you know some people do yeah but I mean again it's like the rhinoplasty thing some people really have very unfortunate noses it's true and like benefit from it but my issue is the plastic surgeons especially the Turkish ones go all out and they give people the tiny Mindy noses that don't suit the proportions of like a typical Middle Eastern face it's just about moderation and discretion so true otherwise I'm all for it like if you can
Starting point is 00:25:59 afford it knock yourself out I'm also very suspicious get some work done just like you should get like really insane no I would definitely not do that for sure I think it's just like wait until you're 50 and get like a facelift fair and square just got a facelift wait really and when she need one one of the Kate Moss fan accounts I follow was like thank God she finally got it I got it was like I know what you mean wait I wanted to talk to you about the Kate Moss for Mark Jacobs campaign the new one where she has pink hair which I hate so much like cheapens her whole legacy because she looks like she's did it
Starting point is 00:26:53 before I think no neck as Madonna I saw it on the sub so I'm assuming it's new but maybe it's not but she looks kind of facelifty in it I just assumed it was like overly heavy-handed retouching but maybe it's just the facelift yeah she got a facelift I like Kate Moss because she's led a hard life and it shows true I like her too I mean I obviously I love her and her facelift looks girl looks good I mean once again it's the kind of thing where like if she didn't have other superfluous work done a tasteful facelift can go over yeah yeah but once you already have like overfilling or like the bright you know yeah it's there is
Starting point is 00:27:39 just it reaches a tipping point my depop avius Kate Moss in the ocean wearing like a green sequin maxi dress holding like a glass of wine you know why we love her because she's like America's ala Pugacheva she's like a drunken rowdy ass diva I guess she's Britain England's ala Pugacheva but she's effectively America she's a global phenomenon we can have her yeah she's not as talented as ala Pugacheva but she's talented at modeling she's the best model of all time she's literally the best model of all time my mom's always like Katya Moss she looks like a school teacher from Smoliansk and
Starting point is 00:28:21 it's true it's true she looks very Russian that's another reason why we like her she has this flaw that she has a singular kind of transcendent beauty yeah the camera loves her there's nothing like a beautiful picture I came on that's true I saw bab tweeting earlier about how women can never win female bodies can never be aesthetic and I get what he's saying but I'm like what came off though because they're not like Greek they're not like the Kourai or Riachi bronzes it's literally gay to find women's bodies aesthetic if you like Leticia Costa you're gay
Starting point is 00:29:08 another great body mm-hmm kind of the opposite of the spectrum as far as models go but it really takes all kinds nowadays they've shifted the over-toned window to overweight I'm not fat phobic Leticia Costa's I think she's gorgeous I think a woman could be as big as Leticia Costa and as long as your body's within that and healthy normal range I'm just I think I'm right you should you should wait until you're 50 and you've reached the point of no return just get a facelift mm-hmm and maybe minimal work until then mm-hmm that's that's a great reason for for women to seek financial independence
Starting point is 00:30:09 men would pay so you can get work done in the future men will pay for titties but will they pay for a facelift they will yeah I mean if you are I don't know I bet they if you have a rich husband he what why wouldn't me Eli told me he'd pay for me to get my tits done after they were fully desiccated from multiple children that's sweet it's nice romantic think about that yeah they'll take the Birkenstock slippers in the meantime you can always say it's a preventative I had the the BRAC gene because I'm just like Angelina Jolie just adopting a bunch of like Vietnamese and African children and being like so am I
Starting point is 00:31:00 getting getting my my new pair now the claws was that they were natural biological children speaking of glow-ups oh SPF Sam Bankman Freed's looking kind of good the ultimate Nepo baby he's a he's a Nepo baby right um his dad is a top economist who created all sorts of tax loopholes and his mom is some kind of Democratic mega fundraiser yeah I don't think that quite makes you there are like they're like academia Nepo babies yeah which I guess one might be able to say about yours truly as well but not dot dot well my parents were in the circus yeah now I'm a clown now I'm a dancer you know I'm passionate about
Starting point is 00:32:04 choreography yeah well Dasha this is another thing that I repeat often on the pod due to old age but I think like children always do like kind of an elevated version of what their parents do not elevated as being generous yeah I'm being overly charitable in the Christmas spirit they do some sometimes they do something reactionary to what their parents did but obviously there's the you know your parents just do have to have influence yeah so you're a podcaster yeah your parents were acrobats in the service circus and now you're a choreographer of the cinema and a verbal wit through podcasting yeah
Starting point is 00:32:53 yeah exactly I do the acrobatics of rhetoric yeah red scare podcast my dad was a numbers man and my mom was a homemaker and therefore I do race science on the radio and have a baby out of what it all adds up so yes Sam bankman free looking like a he looks good did he get in the Bahamas he got some son yeah I think he looks a little less stimmed out well yeah I think I think he's not as loaded yeah I think he's he's off the Adderall I don't know if he is off the Adderall he told the judge that he has to take he has to take it he's off some of them every four hours he has a tan he has a slight five
Starting point is 00:33:48 o'clock shadow which always looks good on a man I think beards are gross but the clean shaven look is too boyish it really just and infantilizing yeah yeah it depends on the man but if you have like a pancake face you're gonna want some beard he's it's only a facial hair add favors yeah the more angles the five o'clock shadow is hard because it irritates my face you're gonna be like one of those women that that like writes love letters to to condemned men like a sexual pen pal yeah like when you get out my line yeah he's also a criminal which is sexy yeah he was wearing that white and he wasn't wearing that like
Starting point is 00:34:42 t-shirt you know he would all he was wearing like a button down which class you know I was he really he fellas it's not so very oceans 11 exactly yeah and they're walking yeah he they're walking him and he's looking he doesn't he looks like John Belushi he does yeah crush of mine actually yeah he looks Albanian he looks like an Albanian drug dealer he looks like Nicolo he looks sexy I don't know I don't know the only way for Jews to look hot is if they look vaguely Muslim or that's not true I mean I can't you know I actually take that back the minute I said that I knew I was on the wrong track I love Jews yeah I just
Starting point is 00:35:35 do they just do it for me I don't know what it is so he's I don't know one for you he's full one originally a zero now one you wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't but some folks in the group chat were mocking me for saying that Zelensky could get it he's always been a one for me I like a man whose body is wider than it is tall he has that build yeah I am I feel bad for Zelensky which puts a damper on yeah you pity him I pity him I know because he is a literal actor make of that way well you know I know he has that kind of male actor kind of desperate desperate desire to be like like broken and a door
Starting point is 00:36:30 yeah there's something kind of broken in that and then when I see like did you that corpse Biden like patting him on the back it just makes me feel like grabbing his ass literally a puppet he's like literally he's literally being used as up as a puppet which makes me very yeah no Biden literally just has the hand up his ass it is just like pulling the strings I think SPF and Zelensky look like Joe Carr and Tamerlane right about now which is a pretty cute look did you watch his address to Congress no so I watched like the first five or six minutes and I was committed to watching
Starting point is 00:37:14 the full 30 and I gave it up I couldn't I couldn't bear it anymore it was it was it was like him giving like an Oscar acceptance speech like thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you too much dear Americans in every state city and polycule those of you who value freedom and justice and madam speakers big naturals like he was like speaking in this boy like it was so crazy like like doing that cocked eyebrow like male actors thing those who respect the right of the great Ukrainian people to bring drag queen story hours to every town and village to display the swastika openly and proudly like based Negro musician
Starting point is 00:38:11 Kanye I don't ask for much this Christmas season but I ask for a billion for the water of American GDP to bring world peace it was literally but I still would he was he was like fucking earth a kit like sliding down a life-sized candy cane like Santa baby Santa baby some WMDs under the tree mr. Biden hurry up and you're on fire I'm so angry at Zolensky I'm so confused I want him thrown in Guantanamo but also want to have sex with him I can see why that's yeah that's I want to interrogate him what would you make of the the crew neck he was wearing with like the Ukrainian trident the cargo pants yeah I don't know
Starting point is 00:39:22 I'm I was trying to get Eli to sound off on the pod but he's still as dignity but he does have to basically switch his whole style up because it's like even when I put on a khaki t-shirt I'm like at myself I'm like Zolensky yeah I have you know I were a lot of olive drafts yeah yeah all you all you people have to like literally give up your wardrobe and come up with a new thing that guy who responded to you to you and Eli and was like hey at least you look like him if you walked around and said I want money for world peace you can finance your next six albums so true I love that look by the way I'm a big fan of the no I'm
Starting point is 00:40:07 a big fan of the the olive drab like cargo pockets tactical vest banana Republic colonialist look but for Congress it's a little he needs to disrespectful SPF Spock yeah and put on a shirt even if it's rumpels I love a rumpled suit on a man like a drunken detective you know you don't just at least go through the motions but when you put on your Zolensky costume yeah but that's the point he has to put on his costume to address the Congress because I was thinking like what's the purpose of this little visit it's clearly not to raise more funds because he's already got that in the bag and he's gonna get
Starting point is 00:40:48 like trillions of dollars from the USA anyway all the children of America get like coal it's to like I don't know galvanize the American public I don't know who's watching this or falling for it it's to make libtard women whose husbands are like Pete Buttigieg closeted guys horny for Zolensky I think to raise morale people yeah it's a huge morale boost exactly for people and I don't know and and symbolically I think it's it reinforces just the like this is the strength of the liberal order you know it's like no this is like we're unfurling the Ukraine fucking flag where yeah everywhere you go you will see the
Starting point is 00:41:41 Ukrainian flag I can't wait until Ukraine is like the theme of the next Met Gala and they made a big stink about how dangerous and risky it was for him to like get on a plane and come here which I don't buy he's like literally what he'd like had to like exit his green screen and take a limo to the airport with a bunch of like top American diplomats and spooks like what are you talking about that is just ridiculous like Putin was just gonna like Soleimani him out of nowhere I mean the yeah the level of delusion that has come to transpire post Russia gate and you really see the seeds of it with like
Starting point is 00:42:29 the election stealing and the Russia fear mongering and stuff and now I thought now we're just in this fucking war and it's still going on I know it's almost a year now it's been 300 days so we have 65 days to go that sucks man you thought Russia gate was bad yeah I know welcome to Ukraine it's it's so I didn't think anything could be more cringe and embarrassing than Russia gate I'm no longer I'll put it this way I'm no longer a champion for truth and justice I'll leave that to Glenn Greenwald he can carry that torch I'm just a champion for aesthetics go on and doing doing this Ukraine dog and pony show is just
Starting point is 00:43:18 humiliating for everyone I mean they're in control you know the Dems yeah you know that's like they're not I don't feel like it's humiliating for them I feel like they're it's it's what that this is what they want it was crazy like watching Kamala and Pelosi behind him and they're like navy blue suits and they were clearly so cheesed and everybody was like so happy to have Zelensky there and it was it was really painful to watch him march up on stage and his like Buck Mason duds like straining with every fiber of his being to appear five six and not five five but still you would I still would yeah
Starting point is 00:44:10 respect I would yeah I would I I regret to inform you I've I've been down that road before with the male actors and it's just not worth it you know having sex with male yeah true it's simply yeah yeah their their egos are too are too fractured mm-hmm there's a there's a problem often with the male male actors especially when they're playing the greatest role it's a lot immense psychic pressure to put the president of Ukraine in the oh I thought you met the man who leads a woman to climax this is my method acting Oscar worthy performance well that too aggressively stroking a cello I just finished
Starting point is 00:45:06 watching tar actually I didn't finish I watched 75% of it oh and there's a scene where like the girl that Lydia tar is in love with this is not a spoiler is just aggressively stroking the cello and I was like this looks like bean flicking I don't know if they did that on purpose but probably because it's like a lesbian psycho drama and musicians do have that the dexterity mm-hmm love to tickle me hi for you they do no and I always when I look at a guy like Slinsky I'm like oh that guy looks like he could really erotically choke you out with a belt but it's probably not like that in real life who do you think he is
Starting point is 00:45:48 Dave Portnoy yeah he probably just like he's not cries and curls in a fetal position asked for you to hold him no yeah definitely I think he's he's a great actor it is really incredible he's like literally just like a character like Sir Cobb wrote he can't lose the look now he has too much skin in the game he couldn't put on a suit I would have liked but it's literally it's like it reminds me of like I had a boyfriend who was a rafi I remember I went with him once to a painting show of his in Milan mm-hmm and he wore a suit to his opening and the Italian gallerists were they were like what they were like why
Starting point is 00:46:32 aren't you wearing the paint stained clothes like they like wanted him to dress like a like like when pop I'm an artist that's where there's pain over see they want like people at that level of like wealth that is what they want they want you to dress up like a fucking monkey yeah but at the end of the day it's honey cuz Zelensky his his look is supposed to project wartime president right like a guy who's always on the front but really what he's giving is pretentious rich guy shopping in Soho that's how Russian tourists look in Soho yeah they're wearing like the Salomon sneakers and like a zip-up
Starting point is 00:47:20 please that's like pristine yeah yeah yeah it's like off-duty Miami guy with boat he should either go full like Nazi regalia or or he should put on a suit like everyone else that's my take my only thing with that is that I don't think that he has the physique to pull off a suit he does of course he does he's gonna look like Ben Stiller up there he's gonna look like he's valet parking with Lex Friedman or undertaking you know who looks good in a suit is Macron because he's like slim and soulless and like a classic European bureaucrat it suits him yeah he looks like he was born wearing a suit and he
Starting point is 00:48:14 probably has like a 30 31 inch waist Zelensky's gotta be a 32 but he's like Seinfeld scratching the number off is that him wearing a suit see he doesn't look convincing in the suit well when he played the president on that TV he had to wear a suit yeah I had to wear a suit and I buy it it's like a good show we should watch the show we could review the show yeah let's watch the show boy he is sexy is in the face it's true he's hot he's hot I think Lex is hot in the face I'm sorry he is that's the nicest thing I have to say about him on the face well we haven't seen the body no and I don't intend to he looks like me
Starting point is 00:49:09 or one of my cousins or Lenny yeah you feel yeah yeah familiar incest fantasy yeah Lex Friedman honestly I don't know no he's a big zero for me because he's so performatively sentimental which is like the number one thing I hate right in people mm-hmm dude you're Russian I mean he's a Russian Jew but you're Russian you should be like cold and distant withholding like play to your strengths what is this like soppy what is human beanbag so he doesn't he doesn't work at MIT I don't know I just went out about this guy I don't know all right Kanye's been quiet mm-hmm I wonder what that's about he's like
Starting point is 00:49:56 restrained they talk no more damn but like Kanye was dr. Congress he just pulls out a graphic of a swastika Kanye was the one who did the Zelensky olive drop first it's true he did he brought that whole like sandstorm desert camo sort of thing to the forefront with the again I'm a fan of that look especially it suits wide-bodied thick men with like long ape arms mm-hmm and Salo kind of women as well I think yeah if you're olive tone and haven't gotten a lot of I want to know where he gets his clothes from because I got excited because the New York Times called his address political theater so I was like oh they're
Starting point is 00:50:47 really coming around and then moments later they who are raving about his DIY fatigues but they're definitely not DIY but you every single PC wears costs like $300 what do you think DIY means it's like the way people think indie movie means like three million dollars three to eight million dollar like a studio movie yeah yeah looks like slightly vaguely contained mm-hmm like it's indies people don't actually know what what DIY or real indie aesthetics are like that's why everyone thinks my movie is bad because they've never seen a cheaper movie they don't know how hard it is what was your budget it was like low yeah
Starting point is 00:51:32 I'm not gonna say yeah yeah I was low but you made the best of it yeah I think literally I maximize my resources like I just I wish Zelensky would go away I just want the war to end so we didn't we don't have to like bear witness to this political theater and also so I don't have to be sexually confused anymore but I'd love to not see so many Ukrainian flags like everywhere yeah like that really to me just they're really overstaying their welcome it just now I've just come to associate them so much with corruption and especially after being in Europe and realizing that they're not all over here I'm like y'all
Starting point is 00:52:27 are closely like yeah helps showing your solidarity for like this country's that way is way closer to you like why as an American are my seeing the Ukrainian flag daily yeah I don't see flags of other countries daily I think Americans are more easily brainwashed than other people that's probably why you think they love banging on pots of pans at seven o'clock they do they love turning out for Black Lives Matter marches at the height of COVID and they love they love like big sweeping performative gestures of solidarity with the State Department and they love Zelensky he is doing such a good job yeah he wasn't he at the Oscars
Starting point is 00:53:14 or no should I make that up maybe I don't know he did win an Oscar technically cuz I think Sean Penn gave him his Oscar so he is an Oscar holder he's like I am melting this down to make bullets to kill Russians I feel bad I feel do feel bad for actors myself included honestly well I feel I feel bad for male actors who are cast in a heroic role that they can't possibly fulfill this is gonna end badly for him like he's gonna fall out of favor and be like Gaddafi'd all I want for Christmas is the war to be over all I want for Christmas is Zelensky it's a quarter of a million yeah just a couple trillion dollars yeah hey I'm with
Starting point is 00:54:12 the establishment that it literally helps solidify American hegemony for the time being yeah completely yeah and that's I that's what I really feel his like speech a Congress is about it really is just like a victory at least broadcasting mm-hmm you know and it doesn't matter what's really what really happens because all that matters is what we're told yeah that's the message it's being that's being sent to me at least as it's like the reality is no no bearing on what yeah like now more than ever is and like so fall fall in line yeah welcome to Ukraine yeah and like doesn't he my question is like I
Starting point is 00:55:03 wonder if he has like moments of clarity where he understands that he's being used as a pawn my dad's gonna be mad about this Anna what we need to play you know my dad doesn't like only criticize Zelensky oh but how does he feel about Zelensky the man my mom likes him our parents aren't gonna be happy about that no we can't well they don't have to listen we can we can warn them ahead of time my mom stopped listening a long time ago good for her good for her yeah should we get into nepo baby yeah no one likes when we talk about geopolitics our families included yeah I mean we have we have also like
Starting point is 00:55:50 really nothing to add to the Ukraine conversation because it kind of is what it is I just have an emotion I'm you know I'm picking up emotionally on information yeah that to me is signaling high levels of corruption yeah and that freaks me out but there's no reason why my parents should know how bad things really are you know you know we can spare them the gory details nepo babies yeah nepo babies the New York magazine said that this was the year of the nepo baby yeah and they did a whole issue that was a little kind of nepo baby centric with one central article mm-hmm about the legacy and
Starting point is 00:56:43 contemporary state of nepotism and in Hollywood mm-hmm it uses a lot of very disparate examples of nepo babies some of which clearly are and some that are less so yeah just kind of make this this case mm-hmm but to me my take on the nepo baby piece is that much like Zelensky's appearance in Congress it feels like an attempt of of the media to like insist on its own power and importance mm-hmm and you know there's moments basically where I think I don't know the when they were talking about like Bjork's daughter who was in the Northman and then they said that she had she was profiled in the face magazine which I'm
Starting point is 00:57:44 like we've been interviewed by the face like I was like what are you like they some of the a lot of the examples they were using were flimsy and seemed basically to like bolster this I this idea of PR and the media as as being like so powerful as to like make or break people's like careers mm-hmm one of the things that people keep saying over and over again is that well nepo babies show that meritocracy is a lie they would like first of all they say that like it's a bad thing like meritocracy is bad it's not good I'm I'm a big fan of just like a natural hierarchy of talent the I understand everybody should get an
Starting point is 00:58:29 equal opportunity and blah blah blah isn't the idea of meritocracy that that it would is a natural hierarchy of talent that the people's issue with nepo babies is that they they get they get fast track to the front of the line yeah because they're the parents are rich and connected yes they're the untalented spawn of talented people who then are able to like cement themselves but the only thing that's really doing that is the is PR is that these these people are able to afford publicity but the sad thing is that meritocracy isn't a lie it's really alive and well in the sense that literally anybody can pay for PR now
Starting point is 00:59:12 like you too can be in the face if you have you know as Morris he said about David Bowie the will and the vanity there used to be like a stronger filtering mechanism mm-hmm but they're not breaking through on their merits no no but they're breaking through because their parents can pay for an agent and a publicist yes yeah and that's I don't know I don't think there's any need to demystify that that process at all I think it's very apparent to to everyone that that that that's what's going on and that you know in addition that merit is just one factor including your like ancestry mm-hmm your fortune your like
Starting point is 00:59:59 fortune meaning your good you know your luck like grant grace chance like there are all these things sort of at play in the ecosystem of the industry and celebrity mm-hmm I mean I don't have an issue with nepotism itself per se I have an issue with the quality of the nepotism stock yeah I think that people would agree with it would agree with that like the way that I would put it is that celebrity is probably the closest thing we have to aristocracy in this day and age which is the closest thing we have to like a decent if imperfect measure of like inherent like heritable value you know but the problem is the celebrities
Starting point is 01:00:53 themselves are of low quality and low stock yeah it's been it's like monogamy right like monogamy is hardly perfect or hardly ideal but it works well enough it's probably the best thing we have as far as like human romantic and sexual coupling goes so we may as well run with it and not try to do polyamory yeah or like quote open relationships or whatever people are on about these days whatever the kids are into yeah what what's like monogamy nepotism well they use like Gwyneth Paltrow for example is a neppo baby yeah who is exceptionally well bred and I think talented in her own right but yeah the bar has been
Starting point is 01:01:45 lowered so so tremendously I mean some of the people they were even referencing as neppo babies I was like really I mean well the the big examples they use are like Sam Levinson, Maya Hawke, Maude Apatow, Zoe Kravitz, they said Nick Braun who plays Greg on Succession was a vaguely a neppo baby because his dad designed the Rolling Stones like right tongue mouth thing but that's simply not true it's like yeah the way people were accusing Lena Dunham who's also referenced in this article of being a neppo baby because there was like an artist it's like yeah that's not nepotism like knowing Nick Braun and his
Starting point is 01:02:31 lovely father I will say that Nick's been working since he was like a kid he's a working actor he's put he's worked very hard yeah I mean I guess the question would be did his dad's quote access and connections lead to any perks and privileges no for him and even if they did by the way here's what I would say even if they did if the guy happens to be a working actor who's also talented then who cares right it's like the Gwyneth Paltrow principle right the problem with neppo babies now is that they are no longer like Gwyneth Paltrow who is a talented actress in her own right and in a way that transcends her
Starting point is 01:03:15 parents influence or input neppo babies now are solely known for being neppo babies nobody cares about Maude Apatow or Zoe Kravitz outside of them being like famous for being famous they're not talented or memorable in any other way you know what I'm saying like all these girls like Amelia Gray Hamlin and whatever Isadora Magnus Dottier whatever her name is daughter Bjork and Matthew Barney like Ella Emhoff these people are just like on the scene oh yeah when it said that Ella Emhoff look like Margot Tenenbaum with the inauguration I was like that's gonna be a no for me dog and now she's a top model and I was like
Starting point is 01:04:11 that's more just demoralizing fabrication yeah I remember there was that's not reality those are just different a different set of standards that you've set for something and you can say that that's what something is but it just it like yeah it's like trotting Zelensky out in front of Congress exactly who had that line about how like in the Soviet Union the sensors and propagandist slide but they made sure to include just a grain of truth in their whole spiel to make it more plausible and to make people at least believe they weren't being lied to all the time yeah of all the Nepo models obviously Bella Hadid is the
Starting point is 01:04:59 most successful and quote talented one I guess as far as modeling goes well she's someone who is like transcended with her celebrity her boogal fat removal with her boogal fat with her immaculate plastic surgery to become more you know more sensational than even her her lineage yeah and the the problem is like yet none of these people have done anything to to warrant the immense amount of exposure that they have but on the other hand people forget the fact that their exposure is totally meaningless because nobody cares about them at the end of the day and I think it's like a two-pronged thing it's like
Starting point is 01:05:43 what you said it's the media scrambling to make itself appear more important and authoritative than it is on one hand by feeding people these like new trends and discourses that were all supposed to be really riled up about and on the other hand it's giving the readers the consumers of these trends and discourses a sense of relief that masquerades as envy it what looks like envy on the surface is actually an expression of relief because it gives you an out it gives it's like yeah you can perceive someone is not deserving what they have yeah having more advantages or like security or safety net them than you
Starting point is 01:06:28 because you feel precarious in some way yeah you could get to live with the satisfaction of it just being like some fundamentally unjust a fact right isn't you're not my a hawk is because your father isn't even hot right exactly and it gives you like a a great sense of moral superiority and emotional comfort yeah well if I was in my hawks position I would be an even more famous and more talented actress people I think that's the big thing it's like people really mistake of the kind of function of envy envy is literally an emotional salve it is relief from responsibility yeah it's
Starting point is 01:07:18 an escape from freedom as Eric from put it yeah rather than taking accountability for one's own mediocrity you can outsource it to the reason other people excel yeah it's like seething and coping over celebrity children who by the way again nobody cares about who no one cares about who are so knowing many Nepo babies myself from my my time in Hollywood they're all insanely tormented they're tormented by their own mediocrity they're you know they like the anxiety of influence they are not in an enviable position to me in any any way honestly and like their exposure is just it celebrity just feels like an
Starting point is 01:08:03 intergenerational curse basically that they're like yeah are passing down well yeah unfortunate like low IQ children why is it such a bad thing that like children follow in their parents footsteps or the parents use their privilege to give their children there's nothing opportunities right yeah it's like every parent's dream but of course it's like a double-edged sword and it in reality in practice it sucks because your kids don't have to experience the hardship and struggle that you dealt with I mean that's yeah in the end the kind of the nepotism discourse is not really about exposing the layers and
Starting point is 01:08:48 tentacles of like nepotism in the industry it's of like literally consoling everyone involved it the article did mention that Bruce Springsteen son is a firefighter and we'll fill him to folks that is a law clerk which I thought was cool but they also there's also this constant alluding right to the people's tick-tock follower yeah like and they're you know them leveraging some form of some piece of the attention economy that they have yeah prosperity in their in their careers but I also think that's fake and a sigh up and that some that something
Starting point is 01:09:26 has been happening in casting I mean nepotism has been happening you know since the since Hollywood started obviously yeah but I think even the the idea right that casting directors should care about things like people's like tick-tock followers is a nefarious and false idea because that sort of thing doesn't actually translate into real we simply don't care about these celebrities the way that we used to well yeah I mean that's the biggest thing there is it's chins I don't know if it's impossible but it's much harder for anyone now to achieve like a lasting and timeless legacy because nobody does
Starting point is 01:10:07 anything anymore except for like quote have podcasts and be a tick-tock influencer like back in the day you could be the son of a famous academic who went on to to write the seminal tome on race science like for better or worse you had a legacy yeah and there's nothing wrong with like there's nothing wrong with you know I'm a you know certainly obsessed with with ancestry yeah dot com it's just like fame in and of itself is less and less possible well I when I was a struggling actress I there was a period where I considered changing my last name because I was I think I had been told maybe by some not my agent but like
Starting point is 01:11:05 another agent or maybe you've been like a casting person or something that my name was too foreign and weird too fuggly and also I at this time around this time I think this was I was probably 24 or 25 I was having a lot of conflict with my parents who were very disappointed that I was bohemian loser and recreational drug user aspiring actress like I said and so I considered changing my name to Dasha Bogdanov edge oh yeah you've told the story yeah yeah the party up and then my plan was that whenever anyone asked if I was related to Peter Bogdanovich I would just say I don't want to talk about my family and I think that would have
Starting point is 01:11:56 been a good maybe that would have been well-played I think you're better off your with your name I saw that I'm one of Merrill Streep's daughters Louisa Gummer changed her name to like Louisa's something else because there was already a Louisa Gummer in the SAG slash IMDV universe okay Michael Douglas changed his name I think too yeah but you know like the the Douglas family is a bunch of shtetl Jews from the Russian Empire yeah which is incredible because Kirk Douglas looks like a god among men and he looks like Bap Handsome Thursday he's such a golden boy and then you get Michael Douglas who's a bit
Starting point is 01:12:41 grayer than his father but kind of an iconic fixture of the 80s and 90s the classic 80s 90s man and then you get Cameron Douglas who's like a hunter bite an ass crackhead like a laptop crackhead he'd be leaving his laptop all over the place they're not sending their best they're simply not I think in yeah and that's kind of inevitable so we get the celebs we deserve that's right I'm not a big fan of egalitarianism and I do believe in hierarchy but the big problem I have with like the right-wing view of aristocracy is how do you prevent the
Starting point is 01:13:26 family line from declining it's practically impossible eventually you get a bunch of inbred crackheads and like the smart ones don a suit and go into like banking right something certainly seems to good seems to go wrong at some point well that's the mean Eugene ex-friend of the body Eugene we've talked before about how our you know parents or immigrants and you know worked really hard to come to a new country so that we could have a full a bigger life maybe than I would in Belarus and you know be a creative and stuff and yeah but then once we achieve any sort of like solvency or success as
Starting point is 01:14:19 the as the offspring of immigrants inevitably than our children won't have well they'll be so divorced from any kind of like striving or like hunger that makes people yeah like it is just like it's it's a it's a double-edged sword because you want to achieve these like comforts for your children but in achieving those comforts you you weaken them yeah I think about this all the time with Lenny because like you know like people call me an epobaby because my dad was like a world-class world-famous academic but Lenny is gonna be like the real nepo baby because I'm like a New York bohemian chick who
Starting point is 01:14:56 actually has access and connections in a way that my parents never had people think like being the daughter of a famous Soviet mathematician gives you access and connections what are you talking about these people had no money and no friends when they came here I mean that's the same thing with not exact not like a direct corollary but Lena Dunham once again like her mom was a her parents were artists and like so yes she got to grow up in New York she was like privileged in all these ways but she didn't have to fucking make tiny furniture yeah you know like though that she materialized she like I think like
Starting point is 01:15:38 also of the nepo babies Lena Dunham is by far one of the most talented ones even considered to be her to be a nepo baby because her parents are not in the entertainment and just like yeah I mean that we can't be throwing around nepotism just to mean anyone who comes from any kind of like like intellectual artistic pedigree like that's that's simply ridiculous like that everyone should be like randomly plucked from obscurity based on their dubious merits like that's just not how that's so that's a fantasy as well that like only the people who are truly the best will write it like I don't that's that's
Starting point is 01:16:19 as fake as the way people comfort themselves yeah I mean sometimes it happens and it's uplifting and inspirational precisely because it's so rare yeah it's like against all odds and those are the people who end up like the Horatio algorithm or whatever standing the test of time and I think becoming real you know real celebrity real celebrity yeah but like what's the trajectory it's like you flee the pale and become a Hollywood actor and then your son becomes an even more famous Hollywood actor and your grandson becomes a disgraced who literally just like knows nothing of your family history that
Starting point is 01:17:04 you quietly purged because it at the time it was an embarrassment and a liability Martin Sheen and his sons Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez also come to mind right that's also the big lesson that everybody is like suffering in a hell of their own making so true you think these nepo babies have it easy I think like having having been born into wealth yeah is a curse of its own for sure yeah like that's a I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone yeah I watched the first 30 minutes of gladiator and that's kind of what that's about walking Phoenix is
Starting point is 01:17:56 like the Emperor's son and he like stands to you know inherit the Empire but then this is like you watching three quarters of tar Russell Crowe is like this great military general and the Emperor actually wants Russell Crowe to be the next like king or whatever but then he dies is killed by walking Phoenix's own son because he tells him that he he's a disappointment to him basically and then cuz yeah he's just some privilege like Prince you know who doesn't really know anything the way Russell Crowe does yeah what it really means to like and then Russell Crowe gets sold into slavery and
Starting point is 01:18:38 has to become a gladiator blah blah blah whatever yeah I forget I did you watch the end no I just I just but I've never seen gladiator I've only seen the memes of like walking Phoenix giving the thumbs down looking really good while he's doing it you'll like it it's yeah gladiator is cool for sure let's limit it to like Hollywood like entertainment industry nepo babies like what is your fate like getting cast in some shitty like Netflix series or like Apple series we should be so lucky you know but yeah yeah I know you're on you got on some fucking show made by someone else who's the article also cited that
Starting point is 01:19:21 example like that movie that was like written by Stephen King's son and directed by you know it's like eventually the little high level of mediocrity that's being turned out as you know I've read that line it was like Stephen King's son wrote the screenplay and like Sean Penn's daughter start or whatever and I was like that's sweet that all these kids are hanging out together because they have the same like frame of reference and can truly understand each other and it's probably they probably have you know one or two friends who came from nothing and it's awkward because they have to like walk on egg
Starting point is 01:19:56 shells around each other it's nice to hang out with people who get you I mean it's also really it's really different and I like because people really do be caring about that kind of thing out there yeah and which is how I encountered so many nepo babies in my day was that they really did they did have this kind of like social currency but in this in this very isolated way yeah well now but now they'll cast a person strictly on the basis of TikTok or Instagram followers right because it's like it's good business because they're bringing their organic audience to your project yeah and there's lots of like political
Starting point is 01:20:43 reasons also why people form strategic alliances with the offspring of people who are successful and famous and that's why some people you know get to do things that other yeah that's just how it is that's just how it is that's it it's like yeah it's like all this like model stunt casting will look where they'll put you in a photo shoot or a campaign because you have Lila mom I mean Lila Moss come on yeah I mean could it could it be any other way though she doesn't have to yeah but why not it's like very Soviet you know we're like it was much more codified in the Soviet Union if your parents were engineers you'd
Starting point is 01:21:23 become an engineer if your parents were circus performance you'd become a circus performer whatever it was much more above board well my grandparents were all basically engineers or three of the four mine too I think some of them were medics but it was like what does it mean you were gonna factory that's what it engineers they were all engineers and then my my parents my parents are you know showed exceptional like physical out of them you know adeptness as children so they were tracked into but because they trained you know they did gymnastics six days a week or whatever and we're in like really intensive
Starting point is 01:22:10 Soviet training programs they then were tracked into into that into like physical education that's what they were like prior to joining the circus that's what my parents both went to college for mm-hmm was like yeah physical education but there was a big emphasis you know in fiscal tour and like gymnastics obviously was like it was major for them but yeah you can't I think so I think there is something to be said for like you know no one prior to my parents had been an acrobat that they were like uniquely I definitely I don't I'm not you I'm not even coordinated you know like unique gifts yeah they both like
Starting point is 01:22:55 maneuvered with yeah excel that that brought them together in a genetic synthesis as BAP says you are the glint in your parent's eyes it's true yeah I mean it's true but it's like everything is so like overexposed and oversaturated and it's again it's not sexy it's really cheap and drained the mystique from anything so you have so mind-melted I was just about to say yeah yes you have like the media trying to like astroturf these discourses on one hand and like under like a vague guy that what's annoying about it is the those is like vague guys of like a critique yeah all it does functionally
Starting point is 01:23:46 like a righteous and serious critique all it does is reinforce you know like every time you say these people's names that's publicity you know yeah like it's you're all it's all just reinforcing itself and insisting on its own importance well Zoe Kravitz got her parents famous if it wasn't for Zoe Kravitz I would be in Batman on my merit as an actress I have the reflexes of a dead cat yeah but it's like what was that like oh Zoe Kravitz got her parents famous cheekbones and Eva and Maury got her mom's famous big gnats and well that that rumor Willis she got her father's chin and none of her mother's like Liz
Starting point is 01:24:39 Warren asked fake Navajo beauty and they were just like dragging her through the dirt but whatever she gets like her name mentioned in another article which is so just it's just like the whole thing the whole economy the torments are endless that makes these kind of conversations possible that we're now summaries summarizing on this podcast we're pair of parasites Paris I know I know I think about this all the time because the sad reality of it right I think about my dad you know especially around this time of year my dad had an honorable and respectable profession and I have a very dishonorable and not respectable
Starting point is 01:25:23 profession but I be making twice as much two and a half times as much as he ever made in his lifetime which is crazy and sad I mean it's good for me and it's possibly good for Lenny yeah I think so I don't think Lenny's doomed to be I think his maybe your grandchildren might be a little more I mean yeah but how do you how do you teach a kid who was born in Manhattan to not be a spoiled stupid little wigger oh he's definitely gonna be a little wigger that's that's for sure but you can have you know how do you how do you instill discipline and ethic without traumatizing him or introducing him to adversity hey at least you're
Starting point is 01:26:11 raising him in a really bad neighbor yeah totally at least he's encountering intense poverty precarity and mental illness yeah every day when he walks outside yeah so that's that's a nice thing I mean I I do think New York kids in general and especially if there's any kind of nepotism at play are better off than than kids that grow up in LA where they're totally atomized and alienated and like just prioritize the wrong the wrong things yeah and their parents are like trying to get them into all these like schools and programs which obviously happens in New York as well but at least you have just like the friction of
Starting point is 01:26:56 living in a city that I think is more dignified and cosmopolitan and serves a person better but does that friction even still exist because at least you know back in the day there was there were of course violent criminals and raving homeless people on every corner just as there are now but there there was a also a lot of like gray zone and now there is none of that there's no like underbelly or subculture it's just all out in the open everything is a giant Amazon like warehouse right just like filled with skits down homeless people I mean the subcultures that exist now are you know either online or like online
Starting point is 01:27:45 adjacent I think but maybe that'll change too maybe there will be I don't know yeah things there it's a pendulum and I think generationally there are people will inevitably react to the pervasive surveillance state or something that we find ourselves in I'm not I'm optimistic randomly in that in that regard and that I think there will be I don't think it's we're just totally doomed new gray zones hacked out by the binary code of the internet I don't know something like something things open up like things are changed things change and I mean the kids are just there they are they're fatter they're more
Starting point is 01:28:32 retarded less molestable less molestable they are stimmed out they they don't smoke or have primarital sex anymore they have ADHD they can't do anything they are like they've been wearing masks for so long they're autistic and can't read facial expressions they're all like vaccinated and fucking retarded like it's not looking good yeah but in that there is going like things will just you know well okay this is the other thing it's like time me being the natural contrarian I am I tend to view this as a problem but of course there is no problem at all I'll start every sentence with oh the problem is but there's no
Starting point is 01:29:17 problem right because if there's only a problem if you're like an out-of-touch tone-deaf old fogey the the reality is that these kids are so internet-addled and emotionally impoverished that they lack the receptors to even understand what they've lost since before their lifetime so they'll be fine they'll adjust and adapt exactly and it's they'll be contemporary which is all you can really ask of people I'm I'm only worrying because I'm trying to get ahead of the despair and contempt I will feel at my children's and grandchildren's generation provided there will be a grandchildren's generation in the first
Starting point is 01:29:59 place just like general like anti-natalism I don't know it's I don't know and then I think about like all the people that I like especially like Camille Poglia who you know love to sound off about the loss of mystique and in Hollywood but is that really a problem at the end of the day yeah you know for us for us it is I mean to find you know again to find problem I mean there's but that's been I think it's always I but it what's tragic to me is when loss I think is fundamentally tragic and then part of like aging and time passing and stuff is like you know the death of archetypes
Starting point is 01:30:59 and kinds of people that just like don't exist anymore like that's that's why I think like streetcar named desire is such a good like work of dramatic tragedy because like Blanche is someone who is like the last of her kind of kind she's like a southern bell who goes insane because like it just doesn't exist anymore like that she's like the old kind of BPD art hoe before the software update exactly exactly so like that the play for me is really about like the tragedy of Blanche who is like a romantic and tragic character who's doomed kind of by her circumstances and her time to be the last kind of gasp of
Starting point is 01:31:44 this of this thing and that's all that that is sad that is you know but that just is what it you know I've said this before in the pod like you look at these female literary archetypes like Blanche Dubois or Scarlett O'Hara or Kathy Ames who are you know somewhere on the spectrum between like troubled and villain and you're inclined to only have sympathy for them because at least those hoes were concerned with sheer survival and possibly private emotional comfort now these girls are doing it for clout and tick-tock followers I was like crying to a friend of mine because I was so depressed and he was like hey
Starting point is 01:32:39 maybe there will be like maybe there will be a war and I was like there is a war there already is a war in Ukraine he was like no but like a real there could there could be some catastrophic event at any moment and you'll find yourself like in some fucking refugee ass like you'll be in on some total like Cormac McCarthy the road shit like you know you we could there could it's there could be some apocalyptic event catastrophic event radically changes everyone's like perceptions and suddenly it doesn't really like matter if someone's a nepo baby or not and because you're just kind of like in the thick of life hard times
Starting point is 01:33:30 make hard and hard times make good men and good men make weak time good wait I think it's hard hard times make strong man strong men make hard men strong men make men hard good men feel good when they are hard and bad times make bad man bad man bad man make whatever yeah yeah I mean you know all those like old school black and white actors were like World War two vets they're used to have well okay Adam driver hello I guess he's a vet he's a fucking vet he's one of the few leading men we we have him in like our paths basically yeah he has who are the millennial leading men it's him our paths the them blanking they tried to
Starting point is 01:34:48 make John Krasinski happen we weren't buying it they tried to make that guy that used to be fat on parks and rack oh pike Chris Penn I don't fucking know something like that yeah yeah who's the guy who was in like 50 shades of gray who I wasn't buying for a second because he's so milk toast did he's I don't know his name but he played like the serial killer on that British drama starring the chick from x-files Jillian whatever okay okay yeah and of the younger you know what do you get your there's Henry Cahill there's Henry Cahill there's a Matt Bomer I wish these celebs would just name their kids their name junior yeah
Starting point is 01:35:44 so we could there could just be a streamlining of like Ethan Hawke junior yeah that when she transitions we don't have to dead name her exactly but I don't yeah I really don't have a judge a chip on my shoulder about that the Nepo baby the Nepo baby situation I literally think it's fake I mean it's real to the degree that they're literally the children of incredibly rich and famous people but again all but not that's their lives are hell and torture because nobody cares about them that's the thing that bugs me a bit about the article is the conflating right of like the just the like people who actually
Starting point is 01:36:31 have influential wealthy parents and people who are the offspring of mere actors who kind of are only trading on celebrity which is a very flimsy resource yeah like I don't know a lot of actors who are like successful yeah don't really make that much money right they're merely metal class you know like there are there are truly nefarious Nepo babies whose parents are like producers who are you would never know their even names even like are able to fast track them into some kind of career but like just merely being the the offspring of an actor you're not like a I don't know actors don't make that much money and
Starting point is 01:37:15 they're making less and less money yeah and they're just like following in their parents footsteps like all they know exactly what else they gonna fuck if they want to do anything you know it's nice that Bruce Springsteen's son became a firefighter but once again that's kind of a reactionary thing to his father's whole like kind of ethos yeah blue collar New Jersey yeah you have two options either embrace or rebel and you I think Jung says that we all are kind of cursed to live in like the shadow of our of our parents and that our parents unrealized dreams end up kind of haunting do you feel that way about
Starting point is 01:38:01 your parents in a way yeah how so I mean I think you know my my parents had a very my dad at least had a very clear goal like my dad my parents wanted to be Olympian that was the goal of their intensive gymnastics training was to go to the Olympics and then they ended up in the entertainment industry and but the Olympics are something that are very like you know you win a gold you want to still be bronze it's like it's very success is very clear cut for my dad that's why my parents were so disappointed in me when I was you know in my flop era because my dad has a he's very triggered by like losing he doesn't
Starting point is 01:38:58 want to be a loser he wants to win or his whole life he was told like that if he could win that he would feel worthwhile yeah so that is something that feels that I doubt you know have definitely internalized in some warped way which has maybe driven me to be as like marginally successful do you feel that you have to like not avenge but attain success on your parents behalf yes yeah definitely and well I feel a ton of with like COVID with just the state of things in America I feel a ton of sometimes I've talked about this with my therapist like vengeful wrath where I feel like my parents have
Starting point is 01:39:56 were sold a bill of lies what their lives could be like in America yeah I feel that way and that now and about my parents yeah which is why I couldn't really make it through the Adam Curtis doc was you know because I it just made me feel so much that my parents had already lived through a collapse yeah they had the they wanted to fulfill on the promise of the American dream and now for America to be though I think it is as you know it's more powerful almost than ever in a way but there is there's like this this this crumbling of that of that promise well America and that fills me with vengeful absolutely
Starting point is 01:40:43 vengeful rage yeah I mean America's is more powerful than ever on like a global macro level with what I think life for your average American citizen is becoming harder and grayer on the whole I think the people that are in the upper middle class are protected and ensconced from that for the time being but not forever I my family yeah I feel very precarious and that in that regard I remember my dad said something to me when he was was not working during COVID and everything and now he's working again which is great but he was talking about I was around the time they were like rolling out the vaccinations and he was
Starting point is 01:41:39 sort of like I just want to get vaccinated so I can like go back to work yeah I don't I feel like nobody cares about what happens to me yeah and like we talked a lot around that time also about how much how the COVID lockdowns and everything and in Vegas especially it was such a disaster yeah like things would never like that how much that mirrored a kind of collapse that had already lived there and tried to escape and it just felt like yeah this dude no no it's a it's so horrible and painful I think about it all the time because like they came here hoping for a better life they got it in some ways in
Starting point is 01:42:20 some ways and to some extent but in many other ways they didn't I mean we should really tell our parents not to listen to this one yeah I mean my dad's dying wish was to go back to Russia was to spend his last days in Russia which is so sad Merry Christmas happy holidays you guys even my mom now talks about how like quote Soviet American life has become yes but it's it's Soviet in a way that feels more bleak precisely because it's more sustainable right like the center will hold I think it felt like the center would hold then I think that was part of the the hopelessness of the collapse right was that they did not
Starting point is 01:43:12 know when it would it would happen it felt indefinite yeah and obscure and you just were living through something that yeah my dad was like literally one day the country you live in doesn't exist anymore yeah and I think like it just happens like that you know or it feels that way but while you're it's it does feel like it can be prolonged you know you can make the argument that like the the 30 years that came after collapse and privatization which were much harder on the Russian psyche than the 70 years of communism before that because not only were like prices controlled but your entire life your
Starting point is 01:43:58 circumstances your trajectory was controlled yeah it's like the the thing from child psychology is that children do surprisingly well in non-traditional family structures but what they do poorly with is when there are different people coming in and out of their lives which is like why you as like the single or divorced mother should not bring your boyfriends around until you're absolutely sure he's the one it's always like bad news bears but yeah people I think do better under stable circumstances even when that stability is depressive right rather than under like chaotic circumstances I don't think we're
Starting point is 01:44:46 there yet but yeah but one you know you when you think of Belarus yeah and you wonder why though now obviously there's this this fervent interest in democracy allegedly but why someone like Lukashenko has been in power for so long is in part because yeah people prefer authoritarianism to like chaotic instability yeah and quote regime change to regime change and very often I think people you can't blame people for this and it's not their fault and it's not because they're like low IQ like very often people think they want regime change and come to realize that they don't even think it's ignorance I think
Starting point is 01:45:41 it's like demographic change yeah you know like they get like you can't have the center does not hold that is one thing that is just that is true strong men only have so much influence for so long before people do become they forget the instability of like what it was like to live through regime change so they are less invested in in maintaining and maintaining it and of course like young people who feel fucking trapped and suffocated and stifled yeah want something else and the west is something and not even because the country is oppressive in like a political way but because it's oppressive
Starting point is 01:46:29 in like a financial and spiritual way it's like dull and boring there's just nothing yeah it's crushing and so it's not that they're oppressing their political enemies it's that they're crushing the will and libido of the youth yeah and there's just no and that's you know why my my parents came to America yeah because they were young and they just wanted something bigger than was possible and I mean it wasn't even it was you know freshly emancipated emancipated yeah yeah I know my I think like my thing with my parents is like how do I respect and honor their values but defy some of the traits that I've
Starting point is 01:47:24 inherited from them that made them miserable and unhappy like being overly paranoid and negative and reclusive and very often the paranoid negative world view is proxied through like a kind of moral rationalization you know and you have to avoid that at all costs yeah it's really it's really hard I mean I literally think like going to the dog the doctor will kill you yeah I like and you have to but you have to be like upfront with yourself and like brutally honest and and be like you know if I'm feeling oppressed it's not because external forces are oppressing me it's because I'm oppressing myself very
Starting point is 01:48:11 cognac yeah because I'm I'm being a bad spore and a stick in the mud and it's like even if it's true that there are like certain external forces aligned against you you have to deny that they exist for your own peace of mind yeah until you can see the light at the end of the tunnel you don't want to know how bad things really are the ones again I'll reiterate you just I don't I don't want to know you know back to the Nepo baby thing I can imagine that if you're like the son or daughter of like very famous and rich the Hollywood like industry players you probably feel like that Ikea monkey wearing that shearling
Starting point is 01:48:55 in between those sliding glass doors who recently celebrated his 10th anniversary of freedom or something freedom no of being emancipated from the Ikea obviously that monkeys in captivity somehow someone put that code on I've been following some weird monkey accounts that where I'm like these monkeys are being abused like I don't think these monkeys like wearing these outfits but I like I mean I mean people who dress animals up for I know I also follow all these like not all but a couple I follow a couple like Instagram accounts of like cats who are sick yeah and it's giving total like munch housing by proxy yeah
Starting point is 01:49:52 yeah I'm some sick woman somewhere is like look at my sick cat I'm like like I'm like oh it's so cute hey and then I'm like I think you're making these cats sick yeah I'm better better a cat than a baby or a monkey or a monkey which has probably the IQ of a human baby yeah my Instagram explore page is so fucked up now because it's literally like disabled animals you're just like watching the last days of some like emaciated Simees strapped an IV they made a post of one about one of the cats that they fostered or whatever dying and like posted a picture of its sleeping and then the caption was like I will never post dead
Starting point is 01:50:42 animal pictures on this account I was like okay thank you thanks for letting me know thanks for giving me the peace of mind it's really depressing what people will do for clicks it's it's dark but I'm looking at it yeah I can't help my I can't help but I like the cat with I hope they make a speedy recovery though I'm sure their owner no yikes you got to keep those swag bags coming anyway I'd like to just give it up to the original Nepo baby son of God Jesus Christ who the New York I don't know if you notice the New York Magazine article referred to him as a Palestinian what the fuck what the fuck that was like a very subtle
Starting point is 01:51:39 like I was like huh what what do you sense when is Jesus this is me in King of the Jews yeah anyway happy birthday like well like all or not all but like most Nepo babies Jesus was Jewish obviously clearly completely and yeah you know born in a in a manger humble humble means son of a carpenter in the earthly realm mm-hmm but you know divinely the nepotism of being the son of God mm-hmm that way I'd like to remind everyone we are all actually children of God we are yeah I thought we were children of monkeys wrong and not real I thought I was like the child of some monkey roasty with like Nancy
Starting point is 01:52:42 Pelosi did no no you were made in the image of God who was Palestinian it was I guess Palestine explains my oily eyelids and hook nose that is blast that is straight up blasphemous yeah next they're gonna be telling us Jesus was Muslim actually he was preaching the gospel of Allah way before Muhammad got up in that cave there was a girl and had those visions at my church recently who was talking about how Antipo Francis as I like to call him declared Chryslam to be the new world religion and how I was like what yeah I was like what I was like he did I was like that's crazy I got so heretical he did that and then a
Starting point is 01:53:33 fellow parishioner was like look that up just look it up and I like googled in it was like a Facebook post says that I was like okay dubious yeah I shouldn't just be listening what is Chryslam it's like being gay like Andrew and having a chin strap yeah it's like a synthesis of Islam no no no real and he didn't he hasn't gone that far yeah but it's all all the worst aspects of Christianity and all of the aspects of Islam which are already all bad wrapped into one welcome to Chryslam actually two hours that's horrible it's all very sad yeah I had a very haunting dream recently about Belarus what happened just nothing
Starting point is 01:54:29 particular just it was really very much an atmosphere of despair and I've been having a too vivid of dreams lately and they've been yeah bad and I had the others like Belarus and the kind of land immersive landscape come and see VR dream where I was just I woke up just being like I've never seen a sky so gray I'll never recover yeah interesting well that's that's cool and my last dream was like a sex stream in a chic house porn Berlin apartment because I watched 75 percent of tar okay which is mainly a movie about interiors yeah well I like that yeah no matter yeah we got it we gotta stop yeah we can we can wrap it up
Starting point is 01:55:30 all right Merry Christmas losers Merry Christmas see you now see you now

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