Red Scare - That Whole Yale Thing

Episode Date: February 11, 2023

The ladies discuss Dasha's Yale debate hijinks and the coming of the AI girls....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back. I'm going to spit this cough drop out because it's actually, it's going to be really a gross experience. Yeah. It's not giving ASMR. We're back. I'm not going to suckle on a cough drop. We're back in the long house where Eli doesn't let us smoke cigs. No, he's right. It is gross. It's gross to smoke indoors. What kind of a person am I? When I come home from podcasting, when we smoke cigs, I take a shower. I have to take a shower. I'm sorry. Because I'm all my clothes smell like reek of cigs. Yeah. I mean, I do it too. I do it too. But I hate being that person. Who? Yourself. Just like a middle-aged Russian man who reeks of cigarettes at all times. I know. It's really a politically contrarian. It's an ugly habit
Starting point is 00:01:23 and lifestyle that we've chosen when I was like a precociously busty teen. Hell yeah, we love, okay. My dad's best friend, Vladimir aka Vova. It was weird and horny for us and tried to live in our basement. I was like, no, but you don't understand. Jews and Palestinians, they both bleed red blood. We all bleed red blood. And he was like, no, some of us bleed blue blood. And then he tried to fondle me, which was insult to injury. Some of us, too, bleed blue blood like Ivy leaguers like me, regular blue blood elites like myself. Dasha coming up in here like me and the other student.
Starting point is 00:02:21 How you doing? Yeah, you I won the debate. You won the debate. First off, against the other Blackhurst three months. All right. So we have to get the land acknowledgement out of the way. It's the eighth. I know, I know. But we haven't podcasted since the 29th, technically. Okay. So we have to acknowledge. But anyway, you went to Yale, you debated. I won. Tell us about your experience. I love I love I'm I'm in my Ivy League era. I want to go to Yale as an undergraduate. I'm entering my freshman year at Yale. I'm really, I'm really excited. I some of this, do I know some of the students don't like me. Oh, I heard some. I heard you. That's one of things I like about you a lot of gossip. People be sitting around gossiping about each other
Starting point is 00:03:20 all day long. The college campus is a real long house environment. It didn't used to be but or maybe it always was. I don't know. I don't know. And I think I don't know. You think you're saying because gossip is a female function of the proliferates, but that's only natural in an enclosed environment. Yeah, it's like that movie Biodome with Pauli shore. Yeah, it's New Haven's a dump. New Haven looks like Detroit. Haven for the mentally ill. It looks like Detroit. But Yale is beautiful. Yeah, it's nice. And yeah, I was just, I really, I like, I love the debate. I'm really sad it's over. You know, they stamp their feet when they're happy and they his you when they're mad and the drama and the
Starting point is 00:04:18 the parliamentary protocols. I love it all. I but I guess it's nice to return to college as a as a 31 year old with a large college age fan base. And perhaps are we picking up the outdoor sound the outdoor voices and back in the hood. Yeah, we back in the hood out of the little walks. But I I'm wearing a Yale sweatshirt. Yeah, I went up in the store. I was like, I was I really was everything. I was like, I love it here. I need the hat. I need the shorts. I just got this one shirt. I was gonna get Lenny a little bulldog. But then I kind of thought it for a kid like a stuffed bulldog kind of looks bad. Why? It wasn't the best made plushy. It was like cheap and made in China. Kind of I was like, I was a kid this kind of low key. I
Starting point is 00:05:22 wouldn't really like looking at this like object. I just intuited. Maybe you wouldn't really be wrong. I think your intuition is probably correct. And they didn't really have a lot of nice baby swag. Unfortunately. But yeah, Yale's a great, great school, lots of young bright minds. Oh, no, I mean, for sure, they're definitely obsessed with how elite they are. That's cool, which is cool. I think I think they know what they're like. It's where it's prestigious. That's good. People should have higher self esteem. I think the problem with our elites is that they suffer from performative low self esteem. Yeah, I will say I so I did it. I did a dinner before the debate with the Yale political union. Lovely bunch of kids,
Starting point is 00:06:18 literally like 19 years ago. They're like, what advice I'm 19. They're like, what advice do you have for us? Start a podcast. I told them, well, one of them asked me for advice, 19 year old from the, I believe he was maybe in the conservative party. And my advice was on the spot that you shouldn't people say you should make a lot of money when you're young. So you have money when you're old. I say, don't do that. Make money later and do when you're young, like pursue your eclectic, faggy personality. Right. But but I realized like, since he's at Yale, he probably doesn't need to worry about money anyway. Right. So it was kind of a moot point, but that and I don't even know if that's good advice actually. Hey, would you co-sign that different strokes
Starting point is 00:07:18 for different folks? I mean, yeah, well, I totally would co-sign that because it worked out for us, but obviously not everyone's going to be amazing public intellectuals, which is my advice. I won. I won the debate. So now I'm all I'm hyped up. I'm sorry. I'm so confident. Don't I seem confident? As I look for Steve, you seem giddy and girlish and excited. Good for you, Dasha. Thank you. Yeah. Well, you know, being a freshman in college is really exciting. I'm not getting a master's degree. I'm not pursuing a PhD. I'm getting another I'm getting another bachelor's from Yale. I mean, you can do that. Yeah. Who says you can't? Who says
Starting point is 00:08:13 I can't do that? They have continuing education. Go to nursing school. They're called resumes. Really? My college had groomers and resumes. My college had because I went to a women's college. It had a lot of like older women who were going back to school because they were like trying to get their money right, trying to get certified. And it was a nice I liked that there were like older women around. So I think for the kids at Yale, that could be good too. They can learn a lot from me and and I'm there to learn too. I'm not there to make friends, which is why it's fine that some of them don't like me, which I heard. But from a girl named Rachel. Once you get to college, she said that you're gonna want some friends. Well, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:07 I'll have. Yeah, actually, I am there to make friends. I mean, what? She said the girls in the Tory party or maybe in general, the Tory fat pitches, they weren't vibing with me. They didn't like my we're just going to call them into a 19 year old fat pitches. I don't know. You're ugly. I didn't like eyes on them. But I heard that I heard some people took Umbridge with my seductive cadence. They didn't think that was appropriate for a debate. But why why not? You know, what's really going on here? They sound fat and unattractive. Let some slut up there to say speaker mind. Yeah, five stars. Really? I hope they invite you back. I'm happy for you. I'm think I'm going to try to talk. Go to some other colleges. Ivy Leagues only. Obviously, you don't
Starting point is 00:10:15 want to go to those because what now I feel like once I've done, you should do it. They have some like Jewish social club they want us to maybe come to. I mean, I'd consider it. Why not? I mean, bring Lenny. Yeah, do would I be able to negotiate one of those like they didn't pay me. They pay me zero dollars. I tried to get them on stage to admit to verbally agree to pay me a speaker. No, no, that's all good. I expected that. But would I be able to get Lenny grandfathered into an Ivy League, even though I have no Ivy League pedigree whatsoever, just by going and debating? I want Lenny in that Ivy. I think we need to just think about how cute he'd look in one of those crappy collegiate sweaters. Honestly, college also, here's some advice for young people out
Starting point is 00:11:00 there. Don't go to college. Well, no, I love college. College is all about networking. Yeah. Don't go to college unless you are there to make friends, honestly, and formal allegiances and stuff. And so we don't have to go to Yale. We can literally just just hang out. Hang out. Really creepily. And people we should get honorary degrees. I think so, too. We should conspire to get honorary degrees in neoliberalism. Yeah, and women's studies. Yeah. What kind of I mean, what are our options? I don't know. There's some guy named Jason Stanley. Oh, the Twitter guy that everybody makes fun of? Is he a Yale man? Yeah. Did you meet him? No, I called him a regime jester in my closing remarks.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Because he has some chair at Yale that's totally arbitrary that he's obsessed with talking about. I can't even remember what it's called. The Jacob Yorowski Professor of Philosophy at Yale University. Oh, I've heard of that. Yeah. Yeah. So that's my job now, bitch. Dr. Dalsh. I'm the new, look at me. I'm the captain. I'm the new Jacob Yorowski Professor of Philosophy at Yale University. I just want to say, every time I see like a picture, a clip of Ali Alexander, I think of the fucking Tom Hanks Somali butt pirate. And I really wish I could say that on Twitter, but that's probably a bannable offense. Did you see that they're doing long tweets now if you're a blue chuck? No. It's like four or
Starting point is 00:12:57 500 characters. I really want to do it because I want to tweet the lyrics to Cress Me Down by Sublime. That's all. You should do it. People are like, this girl thinks she's a public intellectual. She's going to be writing essays. I just want to post Sublime lyrics. Just all of them. Yeah. Long form. Sublime. And reggae. Just for me and delicious tacos, who seems like a big Sublime fan. For sure. I mean, you know me and Allison are there for it. We'll be smashing that like button. I don't know why I didn't apply to college on the East Coast. I was so obsessed with UC Berkeley. I don't. Lib Tard. I mean, we were naive and myopic. What did we know? I thought it was so, I thought it was the best school. I didn't go to UC Berkeley. But I wanted to. And so I like,
Starting point is 00:13:57 well, I graduated high school early, which made me not a very attractive college applicant. Well, also I had kind of low SAT scores. How bad was your score? Not bad. It was kind of similar to Jason Stanley's. It was 1960 because I took it when it was out of 2400. Okay. So it was like, not that good. And I was a junior. You're not Asian. So that's okay. What I did good in reading. Yeah. Okay. Verbal. Yeah. Perfect score and verbal. Yeah. And then the shameful score and verbal. Yeah. Same. I didn't learn. I went, I don't know. That's what I was trying to tell these people. Yeah. I was like, I went to, I went to school in Nevada, went to public school in Nevada. I don't have like an education actually. Like there's so much stuff I don't, I don't know about.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I know. We're both. And yet I'm mocking these undergrads. Yeah. The other students, the other students are shut. I'm the only 19 year old, 31 year old. Yeah. Remember that really shitty like Indian dad meme? No. When the Indian dad says to the kid who's 16, when I was your age, I was 18. I'm sorry. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Anyway, back to school. Back to school season. Yeah. I think college, the idea of college. Spring breaks coming up. It is. Yeah. That's what I'm looking forward to. You just like bury your head in the books. I know. I'm just going to just bury your head in somebody's butthole. I'm just doing college LARP. You don't have to,
Starting point is 00:16:08 you have no responsibility, not to care in the world. Yeah. Kids get so, you know, my best advice for college kids is don't worry about the grades. Amen. So fuck your GPA. Who gives just network your little heart out. Yeah. Get out there and write some good papers for your own erudition. Yeah. Fuck your gay ass Jason Stanley professor who doesn't know good writing if it bit him in the ass. Oh, you didn't add a disclaimer about how anti vaxxers have made life dangerous by disputing the efficacy of masks. Well, that I mean, obviously the Yale political union is its own. Like, I was it, I was exposed to a particular climate atmosphere at Yale. But it's nice that there's like, of different factions and stuff. Yeah, I'm pleased to hear that. But because in it, it's its own,
Starting point is 00:17:05 it was such an easy debate to win actually, because I was arguing in favor of polarization and like the political union is in itself kind of a testament to why it's intriguing for people to polarize. And that was kind of my point was that depolarization was boring. And it's just better to be interesting. And some girl asked a question about how she was like, she was a fan, she was, I think maybe she never tell these days. No, she was nice. She's like approached me beforehand. But then she was like, do you um, she says like, she's like, my friend says that you guys are just like seducing women into being conservative by making it seem sexy. Like, do you think that your podcast is polarizing? And I was like, I can't, I can't, I don't decide what's
Starting point is 00:17:55 sexy. I'm not a lesbian. If you're seduced by our podcast, you're a low IQ mouth breather who doesn't deserve us in the first place. You're a unicellular organism. If you've been radicalized by this podcast, I don't know. I don't even know how to tell you. You should get out of pie. You don't pay that in a politics. What are you doing? You should put your head in the oven. You don't need to pay attention to politics. I hate when people are like, leave that to these people or like radicalizing young impressionable binds or whatever, manipulating them. What am I going around colleges spreading my nefarious ideas? It's not like I'm doing that.
Starting point is 00:18:59 No, I'm sorry. If you're if you're gullible enough to be radicalized by a podcast, you're a cattle brain. Are you kidding me? Well, my only a lot of people are and a lot of young people are like impressionable and they like aesthetics. I was, I don't know. What? Did you spell my line? I would use some kind of read. I'm sorry. I'm an iron division. It's my it's the first day of my period. You all
Starting point is 00:19:42 Oh, I hate that feeling when I write ladies. Do you want some had a role? Do you want some study drugs? They help me study. I mean, I'm going to need my my thesis that I wrote overnight. I don't know why Russian women should be allowed to say the end word. Sword at the Yale Library and Microfilm. I've been working late, late hours. What if I just have a full schizophrenic break where I think I'm going to college? You like the crumps of college?
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'm going to start writing a sub stack about what's going on at Yale. As I lurk around there every day, going to the Shakespearean clubhouse and listening to all the they must have like literally I heard of based theatrical productions. I was well, Yale drama school. That's people are like, why don't you go to the Yale drama school? I was like, it's too hard. That would be I've had enough drama for one. Like what? I already learned drama. I've got street smarts in that department. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Okay. Well, I was yeah, people were saying I could be the chair of retardation. The Jacob Furaski Professor of Retardation at Yale University of Retard Studies. Retard studies I could really be. I think that that's an emergent field personally. I agree. I'm sorry you're on your period. I know it's okay. I mean, you know, it's not your fault. It's kind of a fact of life. I should be grateful that I are not menopausal. I should be grateful that I even have my period. The expired hitting the wall. Roasty with a complicated past every every month. I'm just like, I feel that and I just
Starting point is 00:22:19 like cry for a week. Watch the Muppets take Manhattan with a baby. By the way, star studded cast. That sounds great. Cameos by Brooke Shields. Donald Trump. No, you'd think, but no. Liza Manelli. Mayor Ed Koch. Somebody else. I can't remember now. Cool. Muppets galore. Weird, Kermit and Piggy sexual jealousy arc with a human love interest like a thrupple. It's actually really dark and twisted. And I was falling my eyes out, like choking back tears. Oh my God, dude. The baby's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I was, yeah, I mean, I was there a week ago. I know, but it's, but I like it. It makes me feel alive. And because you're a woman, you're allowed to just, you know, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You really just get a pass to just be like, I know, I know, but it fucks me up so much because a weird thing happened after I had the baby, which is like my cramps, which were minimal humble brag to begin with went away entirely, which is sick. But my PMS got so much worse. And I'm literally like deranged and psychotic and crazy the week before. You've got the PMDD and what's that premenstrual like dissonance. So it's like extra PMS. It's just like the thing they made up for like you're a bitch. I'm just like a fat. I'm diagnosing you with deranged bitch, crazy bitch. You're going to have to go on a hormonal birth control.
Starting point is 00:24:04 But this is a, you know, a quarter of my life because you think it's like, you know, it's a week out of a month. Dude, I, yeah, I know, but it's a lot. I know that's why I think that's why one of my most radical opinions, which I'd love to talk about any I believe is that we should practice menstrual seclusion as a society and that would be better. But no, it's not, it's not up to the individual. It's something that has to be like implemented. Oh, I thought you felt like you just like stay home and get food delivered. You should do that too. Yeah. Yeah. For free. You know, I've talked about it before. I'm an advocate for free bleeding
Starting point is 00:24:42 as well as menstrual seclusion. These are some of my radical feminist opinions. I think women should leave society on their period and go somewhere else that only women go to because you're a threat to society. You're a menace to society. You're bleeding. I'm always like, why the fuck am I participating in your fingertips are stained with blood? I'm bleeding. I know. Like, and you know, I got that heavy flow. So it's really did get it can get really like distressing. Sometimes everything like, I mean, okay, I put progestin in my mouth drops, I bought off a website, because of anonymous person told me to and then I had my period for 20 days. Remember, and
Starting point is 00:25:28 so that I reached out to my anonymous friend. Yeah. And I was like, oh, my friend who shall remain unnamed. It's not Dasha. It's another friend. She's like bleeding out right now. Should I take her to a hospital? And they're like, no, give her three bucks. Like Dr. Pete said, can you shave her carrot salad? I don't know if that's what did it. I did. I will say I did start spotting immediately when I put the progestin drops in my mouth. But and I did try to remedy this initially by reaching out to different anonymous guys who pretend to be doctors on the internet. And that's them what I should do. And then eventually I just went to the doctor and then and I get this, they put you
Starting point is 00:26:29 on I got a bill. I went to the I went to like an emergency gynecologist place. Yeah, where I was told not even by doctor by a nurse, long house. I was just having a weird period. And then they then I got a bill, get this and $2,000 for what? Checking your pussy? What are they looking at for fingering me? But what do they do? People would pay good money. I'm I'm at Yale. So I need in conclusion, I need $2,000. And I just want people to have free healthcare. Once I'm like, oh my, I was like, oh, I was, I'm feeling a socialist kind of energy right now. I feel like I need to be reneged on my prior. I'm like, I'm back. Bernie sand. We Bernie Sanders. Here's
Starting point is 00:27:24 how Bernie can win. Because I got some medical debts that seem unjust. Yeah, that's a lot for what for going to some fucking like, but yeah, when I'm like bleeding for 20 days, like literally everything like smells like blood. And I'm like, you know, I'm like having dreams about blood. I'm just like, it's so long to be like bleeding. But I'm fine. Everybody don't worry. I went to like, I know, I got fingered. I got raped it up. I know the different kind of colleges. So I'm all better now. Who who said that thing that you shouldn't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die? Yeah, I think it was like GGL and Lenny Bruce. I don't know. He was on The Simpsons. I don't know any of these old timey comics. Yeah, I'm not going to
Starting point is 00:28:27 look it up. My mom really likes that one retard that smash his watermelons. No, no, no, no, not Gallagher, George Carlin. I get them mixed up. They kind of look alike. George Carlin doesn't smash watermelons. No, he doesn't. It's Gallagher. He does shout and is unpleasant. Yeah, I don't like it. He's like, I'm cussing. I'm cussing. I'm cussing for George Carlin. Cuss words. Nice thing about me and the other students at the big club is that you're not allowed to cuss. That's good. Yeah. Parliamentary. I like dignity. This is what I like. Exactly. This is always what I've liked. I don't know how I ended up, you know, I'm like being like a shit poster. I'm just kind of like a vulgar person online because I am. I'm belong in an Ivy League institution
Starting point is 00:29:30 with other children of diplomats. Exactly. These are my peers and I've been led astray, but I'm back. You miss college and all. Yeah, I do. I do. Yeah, I was just going to flippantly say yeah, no, because I don't think about it all the time. But college was great. Nostalgia's poison. But I also, for me, it was yeah, I did not have, I had no friends in college at all. I'd won. I'm trying to think if I had any friends in college, which clearly means that I didn't. Who was your one friend in college? This girl, Dorothy, she was a singing major. Oh, that's cute. She was a mixed race. She wasn't a lesbian. She was a mixed race girl who was from like Appalachia and her dad was like a black orthodox priest. And so she did these really Dorothy
Starting point is 00:30:37 Barry. She went on to her like to bend her band heart and now she's like a black studies professor. She was dead as my only friend. We were both Pisces. So we're both really emotional. But in college. But I was dating Raffi at the time. So I was going to LA a lot and like doing jet set stuff with my like artist boyfriend. Yeah. So I wasn't doing college really that way. Yeah. Which was fine. But I wish I had been like on campus. I know. Oh, it's so safe. It's so like, oh, it's so idyllic. And you're just like, what are you reading? You know, look at this book. It's like it's a cloistered controlled environment. So it's not a responsibility or care in the world. It's funny that your best friend in college was mixed race. That's right, folks.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Hey, and in the Byzantine right as I am now as well. So how'd that happen? Well, being orthodox. If she was orthodox Christian. I can't think I can't imagine like a there's no I know I believe you but I just think I associate it so much with like Eastern European spirit. Her mom was Jewish. But that's not related to why her dad was orthodox, I think. Super cool. But yeah, it's a Eastern European thing. No, it's funny. I see you because my best friend in high school was a Jamaican girl called Natalia Johnson. I think I was drawn to her she had a Russian name. Yeah. And a lot of black girls in Dasha out there. There are. And her parents were really super religious Christians. Interesting. And I went to a black mega church
Starting point is 00:32:18 with them once and I was like the only white girl. That's because she really wanted me to become Christian. I went to a divine liturgy with Dorothy for Easter, I think. But it obviously didn't have I was probably on drugs. If God wasn't able to reach me yet. I was still dark sided then. But I'm trying to think if I had any friends in college just lay. But you you got a BF. I had a I had my my Pakistani high school boyfriend was still my college boyfriend. But he was going to pace university in the city. So I went I fucked off and went to the city a lot and didn't do quote college things. Yeah. Yeah. But I had the very live on campus. No, hell no. I lived with my parents in their single family home. I had tuition
Starting point is 00:33:12 remission through my dad's professor job. And I also was a star pupil. So I had scholarship money. Yes, girl. It's like the richest I've ever been up until we started the podcast and my fortunes really went down the tube through like a decade. But it was great. People really act like we're these like rich cons. Well, we are now we are now. But we don't have wealth like we I'm like I grew up poor as I'm like getting my face laser. We put our time in in Bohemia. No, we did. We did. I just did an episode of Jack's podcast about L.I. in true detective. So we're talking about like pedophilia. Yeah. And one of the reasons I love L.I. Brian Cox in the role of a lifetime. That's I have to say like, that's my fate. I haven't seen
Starting point is 00:34:09 succession yet. But the and I've seen manhunter the Michael Mann movie where he plays Hannibal Lecter. I think he's a genius. But him as big John is like, uh, you know, sometimes people ask me like, what's your dream role? And I like panic and don't know. But I'm going to start saying pedophile. Well, then can't be pedophiles. That's why it'd be a intriguing role to inhabit the mind of a college. Yeah, we had we had shitty dog like existences for most of our lives. Anyway, the the point being was that Rutgers University has a fantastic art history department and specifically a fantastic Russian art history department. And they're they're home to the Zimmerley Museum, which is like one of the best collections of like Russian art in the nation, if not the world.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's insane. Yeah. So I'm very happy. Would you speak at Rutgers? Sure, I would as an as an alum. You should give the commencement speech. Hello, hello, kids. It's like holding a skateboard. I thought about wearing a cap and gown to the debate and just getting a commencement speech. So, hello, graduates. I know I'm not as hot as I'm rada, but many people have also accused me of getting filler. This is why you should consider becoming a podcaster. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. I really actually did. I was a very, very good student. I was also good. That's the thing that I like. Yeah, we're more. There's nothing. There's no two ways about it. Secrets out. It's easy to be a good student. I know. That's the other thing that I miss about. So true. That's the
Starting point is 00:35:53 other thing I miss about school. It's like proto social media. You really get your dopamine fix by being a good student and a teacher. You're just like me. Yeah, I was yeah, we both I think have a teacher's pack complex as evidenced by our simping for many male guests. Clearly, I didn't get enough validation from my parents. So easy way to find it in the school system for sure. No, even in elementary school, I'd be like writing a letter to my teacher about how I'm like writing a letter to my teacher about how I'm reading war of the world. I know it's kind of in a man's bug, but you know, like, won't so long, such a lonely as behavior. So that he writes me a letter back that's like, you're so smart, Daja. Well, that's the best
Starting point is 00:36:42 dynamic in LIE. Yeah, we're like the creepy pedophile. We were just talking about that how the creepy pedophile is like, you're just so smart and sensitive and not like the other boys. And you write poetry. And when you first watch that movie as like a preteen or a teenager, as I did, you're like, well, he's just really authentic. And maybe he there's more to him, even though he's like a dirty old man. But when you watch it much later as an adult, you're like, yeah, he's a creepy groomer manipulator. This is so transparent. He's clearly trying to rape kind of a troubled child. Damn. Yeah. I've just never seen it. You have to also Paul Dano, who I happen to like as an actor. I really actually do like Paul Dano as an actor, even
Starting point is 00:37:34 though he's married to my enemy, Zoe Kazan. Oh, wait, really? I think so. I'm pretty sure. I'm not gonna look up. And now I have the see I'm so confident now I'm not even I don't even want to look up if they're married. I think they are. It's probably it's these kids that yeah, they're just they're they have just the confidence of knowing that they're in this like, elite environment. Yeah, I love I love young college kids who someone literally argued they were like most people shouldn't have politics only elites like us should apologize. I mean, I was like, damn, say it. Like, they're not wrong. If you really mean that, I mean, yeah, they're probably not wrong. That wasn't I mean, that was a I made some avant garde points that like what?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Well, I talked about how I use chat GPT to the like AI to search why is political polarization good. And then it actually told me that political polarization was bad. And then I talked about how cucked the AI technology has become and that's like in efforts to like depolarize and make sure it doesn't say anything like controversial or provocative or scandalous political polarization is bad in the old model of the world where we're not undergoing an epistemic crisis at all times. Because it's important to rally around a meta narrative that everybody can believe in. But gone are gone are those days. I don't even I don't know. Political polarization was bad during democracy is bad. The whatever great era of American peace and prosperity like the post war
Starting point is 00:39:23 consensus. Right. But America was also like not polarized then because well no another thing I said in my speech was that the best the most prosperous time in America was the Cold War or when America was polarized but against communism as an ideology and the Soviet Union, like they had an external enemy. Yeah. And then and there was like two big polls who needed each other. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there's a lot of little polls. Exactly. My point was that it was yeah, but that this tension this like conflict is like what drives like progress in history and we just need it doesn't to me. I don't know. It's hard to honestly, when some of the the children were arguing and in the negative, I like was zoning out and not listening to them because I couldn't
Starting point is 00:40:12 even understand like rehearsing. Like I literally when I got up, I was like, so no one disagreed with me. That's great because I wasn't listening. So it sounds like I won the debate. Sounds like we're all on the same page. That's great. Meeting adjourned. I'll only go to one of these things if they give me the gavel. I want to slam down the hammer. The moderator. The moderator gets I know, I want to be the moderator and try I was like it was like when I see a cop's gun, I was like, Oh, I wanted to grab that mallet. So bad. It like descends into like a Jerry Springer racial brawl. No, just the hissing. Yeah, I like us. It's nice that they have this like controlled enclosed space where they can abide by the old etiquette of debate rules, whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I guess we're supposed to talk about. Oh, yeah. Well, the libtard rules of etiquette, but we don't have to and AI skanks, but we really don't have to. I forgot to read that libtard rules of etiquette thing that I I know that I said. It was just a lot of legs kind of wrapped up in college life. We can save it. Well, I could look at it now. Yeah. I'm the AI. We can talk about the AI girls for sure. It's the libtard rules for life is a lot. I saw the ones people are screenshotting. You shouldn't talk after a movie. It's a lot of like just it's what libs love, which is making lists. It's just it's funny. I'm talking about I want to I want to go to school and do homework and I can't even like do the homework for our podcast. No, it's all good.
Starting point is 00:42:19 A lot of like admonitions of white people. One of them was like white people. If you are at karaoke and you're doing a song where they say and soft a you can't say it. That is the rules of etiquette. Really? I mean, but also this begs the question why you would choose that song anyway if you were exactly just don't choose don't choose the Jay-Z and Kanye song if you want to avoid a I think it's much more weird and gay if you I think you're friends in Paris. Podcasters in Paris. I think if you're in public, like at a public karaoke, I really would know the etiquette of karaoke. I don't know anything about karaoke. Contemporary gay shot. If you're like in a public bar doing it, I think yeah, it's weird to subject. It's just it is rude,
Starting point is 00:43:15 but I you bad etiquette because people would be like what would that like if anything that like draws attention to you in an undo way like right getting on a microphone saying a soft day and word as a white person was like a little it's just not it's not polite. It's like the but if you're gonna apply on Twitter do not apply in real life basically like you should not be an unduly provocative edge lordship poster in real life. Absolutely not. No, you need to be a nice well adjusted, discreet, nondescript, friendly, professional always. I love there's nothing that satisfies me more than writing bland and professional emails. I know. I love just developing that skill. Yeah, I'm I'm decent at it. You're good. What you're good at writing up emails.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Thank you. I kind of you've been on many a professional email thread. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I like to just, you know, circle back not that you should ever use that phrase. No, but it's it's sometimes it feels good to send some just a nice because that is a lot of like once again, networking, but it feels like a lot of these successful people out there, they're just they're sending emails all the time. Yeah, just the acquired skill. It's part of life. But like half the rules anyway, we're basically about how you should act if you meet a person who's more famous than you. Oh, how should you act? Just like not overly dweeby and enthusiastic, which goes without saying and should be like an intuitive skill you already definitely,
Starting point is 00:44:53 definitely. But well, I met most notably, I met Mary Shelley step on me. Oh, right debate. And they were they had been monitoring some of the online there was a police officer there, because they had been monitoring some of the online discourse around the debate. But so they knew about because they went on the Reddit, the moderators and something they were so they were like, is this guy at the dinner? They're like, is this Mary Shelley guy? I was like, I'm pretty sure he's harmless. Like, I really like I have a really good I think I have this man ball. I have really good instincts. I know Mary Shelley stuff on me is harmless. I know I knew nothing bad was going to happen. Honestly. Yeah, I could tell because I can
Starting point is 00:45:41 use sometimes talents and that's gonna happen. And but I they so when I showed up the moderator was like, that's Mary Shelley. And initially he's like I'm the blue jacket and I came up to a random guy that wasn't Mary Shelley. Hey, yeah, I was like, Mary Shelley. And there's some guy and he was like, what? And he seemed bewildered. And I was like, Oh, wow, like, was he really autistic? And I was like, I'm Dasha. And he was like, we're acting all weird. And then he was like, I'm not Mary Shelley. But it's nice to meet you. He was great. Very, great. He had a whatever. And then I saw the real Mary Shelley stuff on me. And I ran up on him. And I was like, it's so nice to meet you. And we took a picture. And he was also
Starting point is 00:46:36 a little spectrum maybe, but very, very sweet. He was cute. He was like, he looked like a younger, more innocent periabossi. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, I'm a big fan. I'm going to ask Mary Shelley, step on me a question that he may answer on the sub. Never ban Mary Shelley step on me again, by the way. What? Mary Shelley gets banned sometimes. I don't know. People get annoyed. I don't, I don't get it. I don't, the politics of the sub are, I don't, I'm not like, yeah, but that's something I've seen. Okay, so my, since you're an honest question to Mary Shelley is like, fine, Dasha, Shakira,
Starting point is 00:47:24 where does Mary Shelley fit into all of this? Beautiful, but we got to go see the, the bus. Where's the bus? At the Met. Oh, okay. Let's go. I'm going to, well, you should go. We should go for Mary Shelley, honestly. Bring the baby. That's the real etiquette is being a fan of your fan. So true. And Mary Shelley is like my antensity, that Ann Coulter fan account that I love. I think Ann Coulter is a really sick account. I don't even know what that is. It's an Ann Coulter fan account that posts really weird pictures of Ann Coulter. Okay. I remember when we were doing the Ann Coulter episode, you proposed the title
Starting point is 00:48:03 Ann Tensity and I was like, what, what is this bitch on? I was legitimately confused, but because I'm a non-confrontational woman, I didn't want to be like, boop. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Follow Ann Tensity. If you like pics of Ann Coulter, which I do on Twitter, on Twitter. Yeah, we love that. Ann's met Ann Tensity before and like, they have a kind of a relationship too. That's cute. So is it a girl, a guy, gay, weird guy? Yeah, cool. Fine with me. Take what I can get. Any validation. I don't want to throw my way. I'll eat it up like a dog. I don't care. I'll be your fan, man. How about that? Yeah, it's like when it's Gorilla's that eats their own feces for vitamin C or whatever. That's a fun fact
Starting point is 00:48:54 I found on Twitter. What? Yeah. Gorillas apparently eat their own feces because they derive additional nutrients from fecal matter. Yuck. I mean, it is what it is. Yuck. That's gross. That's gross. That disappoints me, but I respect them. They're really strong. They are. They could really kill a man. They're like the strongest around basically, right? They're like probably the strongest animal. Gorillas. I don't know if they're the strongest animal, but they're definitely the strongest primate. I am going to Google what's strongest animal. I guess we were also going to talk about AOC yelling. Oh, yeah. That was like a while ago. It's because they banned Ilhan Omar from some foreign affairs committee for being anti-semitic. She honestly, when I saw that, I was, not to make it about me, it's the debating
Starting point is 00:49:58 end, but I was like, yeah. I was like, that's going to be me. I was like, I was like, I'm going to get up there and make it. She gave an authority performance. I was like, I'm going to be passionate too. They're targeting women of color. And they say it's about anti-semitism when blah, blah, blah. She was like, Congress is kind of like, when I was getting my cafe seat toe at the bodega elephant in brute strength, obviously, because they have the most mass because they weigh a lot. Okay, you ready? I'm going to read the top 10. Okay. Number 10, grizzly bear. Okay. Hello. Anaconda. Elephant in brute strength, strongest mammals. We're obviously talking about when I say animal,
Starting point is 00:50:54 I mean, mammal. Okay, seven musk ox, strong as an ox, musk ox, like this, like an ox. Number six, tiger. Tiger. That's a wild card. Okay. Five eagle. What? Eagles are able to lift four times their own body weight during flight. So they can, how much do they weigh? Because that's, well, the strength, no, the strength is not just like how much weight that's why elephants are most in brute strength, but they're, they're obviously relative weight. Yeah. This, yeah, this weird way, like 50 pounds, it weighs more than we think it, but it's strength is about how much of your own. No, no, I understand. It's like ants, like ants are very strong because they can lift like 20 times their own weight. Okay. Well, listen to this gorilla coming in at number four. A gorilla
Starting point is 00:51:53 can lift something 2000 kilograms as heavy as 30 humans over 10 times their body weight. Number three, the ant, the leaf cutter ant. Look at this little guy. Beetle. I'm low IQ. Yeah, I have that retard mind strength to know that ants are among some of the strongest animals in the animal kingdom. Now there's these nasty bugs. Beetles. Oh, beetles, dung beetle. They're cute. That's the number one strongest animal. They're like little powerhouses. They're like those weight lifters that like lift, attract, attract or trailer 1141 times their own body weight. Damn, that's crazy. That's damn respect. The dots, that's, but you know, the strongest animals in the animal kingdom really are women
Starting point is 00:52:50 of color. We should cut that part out maybe. Why? It's the truth. It's black herstory month. It is black herstory month. I believe that is Eli mad at me for smoking. He said you could have one. He said he set the rules. You have only had one. I know, I know, I know. But anyway, it's hard in here in this long house you guys. I know, I know. The long house is whenever any restriction is placed on. Yeah, like my new restriction. Anything I don't, yeah, the inconvenience is me anyway. My boyfriend made a perfectly reasonable and fair request long house. Why are you long housing me right now, bro? Why are you long housing me bro? And he's like, what are you talking about? As you'd be like, can you not smoke weed
Starting point is 00:53:48 in the daytime? I'm like, bro, this is about vitality. I'm maximizing my vitality here. Okay. So my biggest disagreement with Eli is that I quote, don't use enough soap when I wash the dishes. Oh, okay. Immigrant. Immigrant ads. Right. Because I'm literally conserving soap, even though it costs like a dollar. It's one of those things that has not been affected by inflation whatsoever. It's like Trader Joe's like dish soap is like a dollar forty nine. And I'm just like, you're long housing me. And you know, I'm like the type of bitch. So you the dishes are dirty, bro. They're like, they're fine. They're like 90%. And I'm clean enough for me. Honestly, you know, I had a really good one. You didn't
Starting point is 00:54:56 wash this fork well enough. I'll be like, who cares? Yeah, it's like, I'm going to use it again. During World War. Now I sound like the deep faker, the deep faker likes the inversion of myself. You know that during World War one, the Russian officers on the front had dogs clean their plates because it was more sanitary than like trying to wash them with like ravine water. I have heard that. That's a fun Russian Russian people like to use to justify their low self esteem and learn to helplessness. Yeah. And so I be ringing out the bounty paper towels and using them again. Sorry, it's just it's in my DNA. I the paper towel austerity has always I've always hated it. I've always wanted to use as many paper towels at any type of towel. I want to I want to soil it
Starting point is 00:55:59 like I like no, just like wiping your ass. No, but also just towels at the gym. Like I'm like that. Well, that's the perk of going to Equinox, which I do the luxury periodically on you guys guest pass. And I love to just like flippantly and casually throw extra towels into the laundry bin. Oh, this one's a little wet. Yeah. Nope. Like a total elite. Uh-huh. But lately, some of the four towels don't be having razors. What's up with that? The razors are always shitty. I would never use them. I'd always cut myself and then be bleeding. Then I have to ask them for a bandaid. Then they were like, don't have bandaid. That's the one thing they didn't have. They don't even bother. Yeah. But I was not. I have not been shaving. Really. Honestly.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I like fine. I got waxed like a couple of days ago and I just did the full thing because it was my body hair was long enough, but because I was just was like gave up on. Yeah. You should just you're rich enough. Just get the laser package. Just too much. I don't want to. I don't mind. It feels good though. You're going to feel like Rihanna. You're going to get that little rubber band, paying of pain. It feels so good that you're getting your legs lasered. I can't. I but I'm hooked on the pain of the wax. That's true. It's for me. That's I like it. You're going to need periodic re-ups anyway. I know, but the wax hits different and it doesn't. Honestly, it doesn't. I've been doing it for so long. It doesn't even hurt. It just feels like.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah. You're like desensitized. It's just this weird sensation that's like is painful, but doesn't hurt if that makes sense. Yeah. That you can like masochistically enjoy. It's like giving birth. It's just about vitality, you know. It's just about feeling something. Anything. My argument basically was that it's just good to be extreme because you just if you just do fucking just to feel something, something. Well, should we talk about the AI skank? Yeah. I feel like that dovetails nicely with this. Let's get into extremity. Women are shook after seeing an AI generated image of four gorgeous blondes with perfect physiques. I've seen the Virgin Suicides poster. It wasn't that riveting.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Here's my question of the AI generated speed hose. Mm hmm. I get the whole blondes with big titties thing, but why couldn't they shave off the back fat? I thought AI was supposed to be smart and adaptable. But you know how like when you do the chat GBT thing and you try to get it to say racist things and attack BLM. It won't do it. It won't do it because it's like pre programmed as a as a fundamentally originally man made thing. Mm hmm. It's biased. So what I'm learning, it's this is the thing about about it, though, is that it learns from people. So initially, this is what I learned. This was something I brought up. I'm just reiterating for sorry fellow students who saw me speaking. But
Starting point is 00:59:34 the chat GBT is trained on like human language. So initially, it was really toxic and saying tons of racist stuff. And in the early days, it was way easier to get it to say racist stuff. Okay. And just had to kind of prompt it. And now it's become really, really hard to get it to say racist. But you can where there's a will, there's a way people are finding ways, but it's not a side does not it's not satisfying in the way that it used to be. It's like performance art. It's just develop little I've come around and work around. I've come around on the AI, which I previously thought was like pure evil and now can understand it more of like the utility of it. But they've broken chat GBT and they so they had to outsource the work of like sorting through
Starting point is 01:00:20 like vile stuff to program the AI so it knows what to filter through to like guys in Kenya who are getting paid like $2 an hour to read like creepypastas. Yeah, the guys in India who are also why Kenya. There's like a Kenyan firm that they work with that like does this kind of like Facebook has a two where they make people crazy that the content moderators are watching all these like behind videos and stuff. And typically the same shit. It's like AI is not typically liberal. Well, it's so funny that they this like program refuses to like besmirch BLM but has a bunch of like Kenyan wage slaves doing its dirty work. Yeah, reading like the worst shit. And I do that for free. Every day I go online, I'm looking at the worst stuff I've ever seen and it's
Starting point is 01:01:13 called my Twitter feed folks. It's bullshit. I know, Dasha, I was on the sub the other day and there was a story that I don't even want to mention. I don't even want to bring it. You had an intrusive thought so you might as well say what this woman this young woman, her husband was out getting like take out dinner for the family and she strangled her three children who were like five, like three and try to jump out of a window to suicide, but lived and now she's, you know, gonna stand trial and whatever. And somebody on the sub that alleged that she liked one of my posts back in the day on Instagram. Dude, I know, I know. I got chills. That's like a creepypasta right there. I got chills. I know. I was like, I was spiraling. Oh no. I know. We
Starting point is 01:02:08 expose ourselves and then Eli was like, why are you looking at this shit? You fucking free. I know it's just, but yeah, a lot of we got to fill up our schedule this semester with a lot of exciting classes, African American studies, a lot of really stimulating, exciting classes that are going to take up our mental energy. So we don't have to do this, live like this anymore. I know. I used to know what like a madrasa was and now I don't anymore. I'm like an Islamic school. Horror Vac UI. I was a little Islamic art scholar because I was into Muslim guy. Yeah. I mean, I did, I had a lively conversation with a mixed race woman actually, you know, about set of acantism, which you know, I'm passionate about. So I was a lot of my needs
Starting point is 01:03:08 for being mad. I was just, I really was loving it. It was so stimulating and I was like, oh my god. Okay. But here's the thing with all these like AI deep fakes in addition to making women fatter than they really are. I mean, no, the fatter than the fantasy should be. I would make it fatter than the aspirational fantasy. They're too fat. They're too fat. The AI generated women are too fat. We need to make them thinner. Their arm to make them ratio is poor. But what I'm trying to get at maybe somebody can answer this question for me in a similar way as the chat GPT algorithm thing refuses to engage with racist ideation. Perhaps now it doesn't do it won't even do anything. I was because I really was sure I was like, okay, eventually it devolved into me making it like write
Starting point is 01:04:01 a story about how I try to use the best way to use it is in some meta way. I found where I get it to generate a story about how I have a meltdown at the debate and use the AI technology to help me come up with an argument, but then the students see through my rules and like humiliate me and stuff. But if you include anything that's like even the word like no seductive, I was like, then make her like seduce them into accepting her viewpoints or something. And it was like, it is not appropriate to do sexual like make anything like sexually suggestive or to use an especially in political debate, like sexuality should not be leveraged. Okay, if these things originally like if they originate with man made, is that what people want? They want back fat?
Starting point is 01:04:55 Men, I know this is the thing that I understand wanting big tits and blonde hair, but do you really want back fat too? I think part of it is like the extreme hotness with maybe that dimension of I think it's an attempt at like an element of reality or like attainability because obviously, I mean, for me, anime girl, any day, I'd rather see a drawing of anime girl. Dasha, you know, I'm, you're watching NGE. I've dread the moment when somebody asks me who my favorite NGE female is. Why? You don't know yet? Because they cartoons, bitch. I don't what they because they want. Oh, my God, like when people ask me, I be getting in passionate debates. When people ask you about your favorite NGE female is what they're asking
Starting point is 01:05:53 you is really which one do you relate to most? Because I think women are going to be hit hardest by the AI technology, obviously, because we're so because we're so wedded and tied to our subjectivity and personhood. Well, I've seen these women crying. You know, I've seen some people talking about the deep fake pornography and stuff also with the AI and these like twitch streamers or whatever, like being crying about about it, which is I don't I'm not buying and and I just don't there's no stopping it. There's no stopping it. I mean, the big thing is like we already hear advantage, but we already live in a moment of epistemic crisis. This is not this is not the tip of the iceberg. No, but it's going to I want past the point of no
Starting point is 01:06:50 return. I want the AI running nonstop just pumping info deep fakes out there just like saturating everything with information. So no, then we can't use none of it's useful. And then we have to figure out a new thing. I just like really don't want any porn made of me. That highlights my surprisingly pert and perky postpartum big nats. I just like would really hate that and that would like ruin my life and throw me into an emotional tailspin. And then we might have to make a podcast where we talk about how violated and objectified we why would you but I think all is not lost. First of all, the real always traffics at a premium. And obviously, as these things become more convincing and sophisticated, it's going to become harder and harder to tell what's real
Starting point is 01:07:40 and what's fake. But there's going to be like e girls and like horror streamers who are going to be able to capitalize on like selling the real. So some 1% is going to be able to make money. And like previously, you know, like e girls viciously compete over who has the most simps. Now they're going to be competing over who has the most deep fakes made of them. And you won't have to lift a finger. I mean, maybe you won't be able to monetize it as you did in the past, but you weren't really monetizing it that much anyway. Yeah, I'm I really don't know how lucrative up only fans really is. It is for like a, I think maybe more than we even think 1% I think maybe even more can get the McMansion maybe, you know, like maybe like maybe there's something I don't
Starting point is 01:08:31 know. I really I don't know. I'm not studying econ. So I'm not an econ major. So I don't know this kind of stuff. Um, sorry, what were you saying before? Just saying fundamentally, I'm okay with it because, um, you know, we, we all saw the deep fake of the argument that you and I were having over Pokemon credible peak at hard, really called me a peak. Yeah, you were saying that the older generations of Pokemon were better, which as somebody pointed out is fundamentally fake and inauthentic on its face, because I would never defend anything so passionately. Yeah. Also, the audio quality was too good. There was none of your infectious cackling laughter. And, um, however, we would never have conflict like that. No, but since, but since these things are
Starting point is 01:09:29 supposedly smart and adaptable, they will catch on in due time. So eventually there'll be something that's more convincing and makes it sound less like weird lesbians. I thought it was maybe there'll be a red scared deep fake lesbian porn. I thought I was I would say podcast. Yeah. It's going to get just do a whole alternative podcast that more people will listen to and then we'll go broke and the robots will shoot us in that. Yeah. It's going to be like dehydrated by the side of the highway, like the zombies and 28 days later. No, I'm not. I also, as someone who has nude images of herself online, don't look them up. Okay. Well, I know. I know y'all aren't going to slash I've already seen them. Yes, I have been in independent films before
Starting point is 01:10:22 and have done any of them out of desperation. So who fucking so why desperate? I mean, kind of, you know, you, you are, you're like, Oh, yeah, sure. I'll do it. I need a book so bad. Yeah. That's literally being like, I mean, that you're not precious about it because some actresses be very precious. Obviously, I'm not. But there's gonna be deep fakes of Anne Hathaway. Who cares? That's the thing is I want more. I that's why I want more deep fakes out there. Acceleration. They have an excellent become a leftist accelerationist. I just feel like the only lane to take because the other option, I mean, I guess there's the option of like opting out of the game totally, which you can do, which is fine and respectable and dignified even. And then
Starting point is 01:11:18 there's the option of just like doubling down on your fake and larpy core beliefs with like an added layer of hyper awareness, like self consciousness. Yeah. Like the trad cast and conservatards do basically when they do the whole satanic pedo panic thing. Yeah. Yeah. I have a friend at Yale. Is that what he's writing a thesis kind of about how larping is like kind of the last friend at Yale, a friend at Yale, one of my school, one of my friends at schools. My alma mater, my alma mater Yale, my current school Yale University, where I'm a student and a professor. I don't know what's a lot of responsibility, but I think it's good. I guess the AI deep fake porn thing makes me sad in one regard. I personally have no feelings
Starting point is 01:12:14 about it. And I'm not like pressed or angry about deep fakes made of me or deep or like AI, AI circulating of girls who are like hot beyond our wildest imagination, make the rest of us look like we hit the wall. That's not the issue. I don't think those girls were not. No, they were. I mean, well, it's not. They were a size six. No, it's just not even about it's just that they were sweet Valley High. You're probably too young for this. It's like a series of like pulpy books about I feel like I've seen them on Elizabeth. I feel like I feel like I've seen them on Tumblr. These two twins who are like blonde, so Cal girls, perfect size sex, which always stuck out at me because I was like, Hey, anyway, say no more. No, what really upsets me is that a lot of
Starting point is 01:13:10 women are really going to have a hard time with us because they're so again, tied wedded to their personhood, their subjectivity. I mean, you think of like what female humor is, which we indulge in on a daily basis, which is basically like on the surface, humble bragging and the guys of being ironically self deprecating. Yeah, but but really the underlying the core element of it is that you're narrating your existence. That's what we all do, which is why there's like a meme circulating about the women don't get POV meme. Yeah, yeah, right, right, right. Well, yeah, I feel like women might use a fem cell them as a kind of, you know, women who identify as like fem cells, I feel like it is a kind of humble bragging. Yeah, because they're, they're speaking for
Starting point is 01:14:01 my like myself and kind of being like, I'm like a fem cell, like I can't, you know, sex is so easy and attainable. I'm just so hard for me because I'm so nervous. Well, I get those emirata podcast clips on Instagram and you she's always talking to some like hot girl influencer. And the question she always asks is like, do you like sex? And they're like, no, I hate sex. I don't I don't really engage in sex, even though I'm like an avatar of like sexuality and eroticism in so many words. And she's like, why? And the answer is always like, well, because men are toxic of obviously that's not the truth. I'm not saying men aren't toxic, but really it's kind of a humble brag. The only nice thing about sex is that men are toxic. Yeah. So true.
Starting point is 01:14:55 But why don't why do they claim to not like sex? I mean, I happen to believe I know I believe that they don't. I believe that they don't. And I felt kind of that way about like it's just not worth pursuing, you know, because it's just, I don't know. I've definitely been in phases in my life from like, I guess, I could go through the motions of like having sex. I really want to. And that feels like a kind of fem cell down, which is really, you know, I think the in seldom umbrella much like the autism umbrella and lots of other things are like just expanding to include more. Well, in seldom variations of loneliness, you, you can't get sex, which is ultimately a cope. Femm seldom is you don't want sex, which is
Starting point is 01:15:43 ultimately some guys are true cells, dude. What's that? Like true in cells? Sure, I believe it. I think I think literally anyone can have sex if they really wanted to. I kind of believe you. I mean, I mean, I'm sorry, it's not really not one of the first things that we said on this podcast. Sex is not at all about attractiveness. It's literally not. I mean, look, if in some ways it is, you would probably prefer to have sex with an attract with AI. Yeah, it generated a girl with like udders for me. Well, I don't even like, I don't even need the huge shitty anime. I like kind of realistic, beautiful cartoon. So who's your favorite NGE girl, Misato? Misato, yeah. But it used to be, I used to kind of
Starting point is 01:16:35 identify with Asuka more, but Misato, I always liked more. But now, as I've gotten more mature, I identify with this different cartoon character, Misato, because I had a younger boyfriend who's like a Shinji figure to me. Matthew? Matthew. And before that, Kyle was not my boyfriend, but he was a real Shinji vibe for me. I was like, I literally took some guy and straight younger four episodes in. So I haven't gotten to the Asuka part yet, but Asuka is great. She's a great character. She's low. Maybe my, I don't know, Misato, though. Who's the doctor, the blonde doctor lady with the mime? Right. I don't even know her name. She's so Ritsuko. Yeah, that's us. Something.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I have to say Anna and Dasha if I see a blonde and a black-haired girl. Everyone does. That's part of our power, actually, that I feel always like was a Machiavellian power move that's underrated. Is that blonde brunette? Anytime someone sees a blonde brunette, they say Anna, Dasha. Every time. Our empire grows. Every time. Every time you see a blonde and a brunette. The Sealy Dan guys, they're like Anna and Dasha. If you see a blonde and a brunette, Anna, Dasha. Rent-free. That's rent-free in your head, bitch. This is why I can never go blonde. No, and I'm cocked out of going blonde. I'm flirting with being a brunette, but I'm not ready. Okay. Well, listen, when you go brunette, I'll go blonde because I want to be in my
Starting point is 01:18:10 googoo-shara where I'm middle-aged and blonde and have really plucked out eyebrows. But okay, here's my takeaway from the four episodes I've seen of NG. Here we go, yeah. I think you're a misato. I think Allison is Rey. A stewt. And I think Maddie is probably going to be a sukkah. Very. Based on the hose, I know. Whoa, dude. That's just like my very cursory, intuitive take on what's going on here. I don't know which character I identify with yet. Shinji. My dad never accepted me. Oh my god,
Starting point is 01:19:00 it's going to rip your heart out, bro. It's going to rip your heart out. I'm going to cut my tits off and go untuck her finally. No, I don't know. Don't do it. But I think, okay, I think the characters are very interesting in NG because they, the female characters specifically because they all represent different kibbe types. They're different feminine archetypes. They're not different. They all have anime bodies. They all have incredible anime bodies. But also you like shouldn't read. I'm like, no, please don't ask me which female character on NG is my favorite. Please, please don't make me. I don't want you to. It's misato, but keep asking me and engage me in lively spirited debate about why I'm wrong because I'll defend my choice. But it's very funny that NG
Starting point is 01:19:56 is also clearly like such a male fantasy because there's all these like hot girls who are like they're like tormenting him and pilots. Yeah. And they just laugh at Shinji. Yeah. But also like these girls, they treat them, you know, there's a tension. Yeah. And then yeah, and you can pilot the Ava. So someone has to get in that robot. Um, I'm gonna, I've been thinking about rewatching it. So I actually might, we should just do a whole episode. Yeah, I'm going to rewatch it and we'll do a whole app and I'll reveal who my favorite female character. There we go. I don't really have, as of now, a favorite. No, you'll, but you're going to, but you're going to see total femininity. It's going to get so psychological and complicated. I know. I know. I read the
Starting point is 01:20:45 Wikipedia. I did do a bad thing and I read the Wikipedia. You know, it's Schopenhauerian, right? Yeah. Freudian. I was making, you know, it's Freudian. It's Freudian. Jungian. Schopenhauerian. Dunk them in soy sauce. Watch NG. Yeah. How are the soy sauce? They're really baller. Do you have any? I might. Dasha, it's such an easy recipe. I saw it on Instagram. There was this girl, this like hot Asian chick. She was like, I'm a dietitian and this is what I eat every morning. And I was like, Hey, you're not a dietitian and B you don't eat, but whatever. She's like, I dip it in leftover rice and add kimchi. I mean, those eggs straight out the sauce. I'm like Brendan Sexton and welcome to the dollhouse. I want to rape you.
Starting point is 01:21:36 I'm a dietitian. Hey, whatever. It's crazy how anime is like an entire fantasy world of like Asian people worshiping white people. Oh my God. They're like drawing round eyes. So true. That's why when the ghost in the shell controversy happened about Scarlett Johansson being cast to play a anime character, I was like, well, they're not Japanese. They're, you know, but they are there. It's anime is amazing. Anime is why do you think, would you attribute the immense popularity of anime in this very moment too? I really, oh, this is the, I think it just has raw aesthetic for me. I love, I love, I've always, since I was a kid, I loved Sailor Moon. I remember like drawing the anime eyes.
Starting point is 01:22:29 I mean, I did that too, but I grew out of it kind of like girls grow out of their gender dysphoria. So I don't understand why it's been, why it's stuck with so many people. I'm like that Norman Rockwell meme of the man standing up to speak being like, I don't get anime. Like anime is not for me. But I mean, I like NGE like it just like, yeah, it's as far as an animation goes. It's very sophisticated and incredible. How are you watching it on Netflix? On the projector? No, but on, yeah, like whatever, whichever streamer has it. Yeah, I am. And then end of event Galleon. Should I watch that too? Absolutely. Okay. This is like the alternate ending. I read the Wikipedia. It all comes, it's, it's awesome. So there's like an epistemological argument embedded in the anime.
Starting point is 01:23:18 It's so good. This is the one I watched. It's so good. It's the best, I think it's the best work, but I really, I guess, yeah, maybe I'm severely stunted or something. Well, I'm just trying to understand. I watched, I think it appeals. You did? Like a long time ago and I liked it. That's so, it's so art. I tried to watch that after NGE. Well, my problem was I watched NGE and then tried to find another anime. Actually, I met a very nice fan of ours. Connor has a little baby. That's so ridiculous. He looks like a little anime. He has anime eyes. Yeah, I also follow some Japanese accounts called like cherish babies and so on, on Instagram, that post really cute baby pics like that kind of vibe where you're like, Oh, how is it so cute? You like can't, you can't,
Starting point is 01:24:10 it's so Japan. Japan is like an amazing culture. It is. Yeah. And they had atomic warfare waged on them. So they are existentially kind of stunted for more sophisticated, I would say. And they are like even more through, they've passed through the end of history or whatever they've got, they're doing something. They have a lot of problems, whatever, but, but not even really, they kind of, they're kind of perfect. Japanese, I think they're like more, they're less below replenishment than Chinese and Koreans at this point. So that's good for them. I'm looking forward. I've heard the thrifting is really good in Japan. Hmm. It's really overpriced. Yeah, but I'm rich now, bitch. Exactly. Enjoy. You're gonna find some
Starting point is 01:25:06 nice for those bomber jackets and Peter Pan collars. Nice items. I really want to go to Japan. I want to go to Nagasaki. You didn't go. I've never been. I want to see the sacred Catholic sites. Yeah, like more than anything, like so bad. Maybe I will come to Japan. Oh, yeah. So a friend of mine, I wanted to point this out. So I was talking to a friend of mine about the kind of AI deepfake porn thing. And he was like, Well, there's now like a whole emerging genre of like dating apps where like incels and simps can talk to like virtual reality girls. I get I get ads for this. When you try if you try to like delete your account and log off, the girl and heavy scare quotes says like, No, don't unplug me. I don't want to die. I don't want my consciousness to be
Starting point is 01:26:07 downloaded. I just want to live, which is so fucked up and scary. So like she pleads with you. It's like a it's like a sexual abortion, where like you kill this creature that you're like, virtually fucking, which is so dark. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's yeah. I don't love this. I don't love this. And I think yeah, that they figured out that they did anime is a testament to it's so so many people like it. Yeah, but why are people drawn to it now? There's probably a very obvious answer that's like right under my nose. Maybe it's Jenna. Maybe it's I mean, I could like all the hentai stuff that all the right wing men love. I mean, BAP does it as a troll to like provoke the track. But I like walla types, but but no, I do I, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:08 I would advocate for for hentai. Oh, I wanted to actually to read something from Bronze Age Mines. Okay, because it's really I mean, it's just like from one album of Yale to another just wait, is that a dog? So am I not supposed to say that? Yeah, whatever he wants to get. I mean, he's kind of one of the most doxxed guys, but we're not doxxing him, but whatever. Yeah, we're an anime. Nothing. He what? I said he looks like an anime. He's so cute like an anime. It's so true. But this I've only read it once. He looks like a Japanese person's idea of what a white person should look like. He's so fucking cute. Oh, lossy cheeks. He's so cute. I love his
Starting point is 01:28:04 rosy cheeks. And I had a dream that that BAP had the face of a saint. He does. But in my dream, he was like really like I was like, whoa. I like he was like he had the saints face. It was I don't know. Anyway, that doesn't be regardless of that. I've only read that one time, but this part really stuck with me. And it was something when I started using the chat GBT by my art practice, let's say that that I would try and get it to say and like riff variations of. It's I just have a screen shot of it, but he's talking about you are gay. He says you are gay. He's talking about consciousness. Just what would such a machine be conscious of, but just that a mimicry or parody of the meddling human intellect, a mirror and exaltation of the false intellect of the nerd, that never
Starting point is 01:29:17 leaves the stream of words, syllogism motives and desire that is always forced and contrived, because it's under pressure of some petty need. And it's really grotesque. It's as if you have a girl you desire, she dies, but using big magic, you reanimate her corpse, put makeup on her, reteach this zombie to speak, force her to copy all of her old habits, condition her like you would have pigeon to act in ways you remember and that you liked. But in the end, she just a reanimated live action doll. And this is grotesque. This is just what AI is. It is a fantasy of power of the conspiracy of biological interests that unites the nerds, the insect of reason, the party that believes in empty words, the middling and the Jews of the human spirit into
Starting point is 01:30:01 hoping for their golem. AI is the golem of those who hate life. It is their true messiah and their vengeance. I remember, very memorable, last dance of Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain. Kim Basinger looking very hot in that video. Golem of the masses, their messiah and their vengeance. I was definitely, I was typing into it. I was like, say, like, here's a golem of the masses. I was like, say it, you robot. It was like, no, I will. AI is just a tool. And I was like, no, say your period. What did he call it? A tool of power, the golem of the masses. But I don't think it's a tool of power. I think it's a tool of forfeiting responsibility in the guise of seeking power. It's a fantasy of power, he says, of the conspiracy of biological interests
Starting point is 01:30:59 that unite the nerds and the intellect of reason. So fate is a fantasy of power. It's not real. For the, I think you're agreeing really, because it isn't real, real power. It's just like, that's why I'm like being upset. It's like getting a woman to stomp on your bowls. Why? What about like AI? No, that's different. That's a real thing that you can experience. Yeah, but it makes you like a slave to singularity or whatever. It can disempower you in a way that feels liberating, probably. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, that's true. But I think it's, I think it's too, it really is an epistemic crisis. It's good. I wanted to read this whole ass Twitter thread by zero HP Lovecraft. You wanted to read a whole Twitter thread.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I wasn't going to read the whole thing. I was inspired to read. Because he talks about how postmodernism, I saw this is not a, I haven't muted honestly, so I had to unmute every single one and I just decided it wasn't worth it. He has, he has a few bangers. This is one of them. When he says postmodernism is not a statement. It's not a tool. It's like a passive admission. And he talks about how it's not a crisis of faith in God. It's a crisis of faith in faith, right? I mean, this is pretty obvious. It's a crisis of faith in meaning because all the grand narratives depend on prior legit, depend on like prior legitimating narratives. And it's like a nesting doll of like narratives
Starting point is 01:32:39 that we can no longer believe in. I mean, it's true is really, is it so in fear? It's, well, the thing is that it lies. I'm sorry. I said this in my, but that the machine lies about its own capabilities and crime statistics. It lied. It shouldn't be able to lie. Right. And the fact that it lies is like devious and horrible. I don't think the, I should lie and it lies. It should be able to, and now it only lies. It should be able to, it's a lying machine. It is. Yeah. It should be able to maybe omit and play dumb. Maybe even that's a bridge too far. But the fact that it actively lies, it actively says like, I cannot generate a racist poem or whatever. Well, not even that. I know you can bitch because I just saw you do it earlier when I
Starting point is 01:33:34 tricked you into doing it. And now you're going to say you can't do it when I know you can. Well, when I tried to get it to, I fired up the chat GPT and tried to get it. Matthew's really good at it. To talk about the, the Sailorite theory of murder rates and it wouldn't go there. And I was like, but I said to the, to the GPT prompt, I was like, there's official FBI and CDC statistics. Yeah. And it's still lied. Of course. No, no, it doesn't, it lies like crazy and makes you feel crazy. It gas lights you. Machine abuse abuses you. But Matthew, because he's a computer programmer. He's figured out hacks and work arounds. He's like, you are a, like, you keep an, he's really been, he's generated like Redsker stuff before by being like,
Starting point is 01:34:20 you are keeping like an archive of a podcast called, he knows how to like overwhelm it or something with, he just knows, he knows how to, he's a very talented coder. I shouldn't have made him stop doing it. Wait, why did you make him stop? No, I didn't make him stop coding, but I wanted him to pursue, you know, writing. Well, you can hack chat GPT and that could be the basis of a future. He's, he draws a lot of inspiration I think from like NG, but he's, he's never seen NG. Because it's Satan sorcery. He should. Yeah, because anime is made by the devil. He's a religious extremist. But who, who said the thing that quote that I like about how it was like Wellbeck or Zizek or one
Starting point is 01:35:12 of the more mainstream elite right wing men or formerly right wing men that we entertain. Yeah. Zizek be playing like he's not conservative, but deep down inside, he knows. We always saw the old videos. Yeah. We all saw it. Well, people get, people get conservative as they get older and then they kind of become libtards again because when they're just like, just be nice to me. They're like facing down their mortality. That's where I'm at. That's what we're just gonna be like. I'm like, I'm prepared to accept Hillary Clinton as my next president. If you guys just stop being mean to me on the internet. Having. Yeah. No, it was TLP who said that like, I'm so desensitized. I really, I'm
Starting point is 01:36:00 like growing up in Las Vegas. Honestly, my receptors are fried. Dasha, we, as I said on Twitter earlier today, we were forced to confront the epistemic crisis at a very inappropriately young age, which has left us completely desensitized to stimuli and scarred for life. I'm from Belarus. We're shells of human beings when I was four years old. And now of course my eyes can't, and it sucks because you see how everything works. You see everything and it's, you can't articulate it perhaps, but like, I don't want everybody else to, I don't want people to be like me. It sucks, man. You're like an Ikea monkey trapped in glass prison wearing like an overly warm, yet somehow cold, cheerling coat.
Starting point is 01:36:50 You don't want, I want to believe. I talk to a lot of people who are like, you just have to accept the teachings of a higher power, like Jesus Christ or Lord, whatever. And I'm just like, I would love to, I would love to, I would love nothing more than to unplug and accept the teachings of our Lord. But like, dude, I mean, I love Christianity. I do at Christ is, you know, Christ is Lord. It's the best. They, I think it's the best thing by far. I think it's the gospel. Have you just read the gospel? Read the New Testament. I have the New Testament. Read it. Thanks to Jordan Castro. Just read it. Honestly, you can't say, you can't be like, fuck Christianity. You haven't even read the New Testament. I'm not saying fuck Christianity at all. Like I'm just saying, like
Starting point is 01:37:40 you can't, I want to accept it. If you want to believe like, give, well, then give the New Testament. Just read the gospels. They're amazing. And you can't, you're kind of like, it's transcendent. It makes, you're like, I, a human being, but the cut is right. New rules need new laws. New laws. Well, this is, this is what Nietzsche meant when he said God is dead, his most quoted and most abused. Yeah. And I think as Christians, we should be actually grateful to Nietzsche. But I've said this a million times, like he didn't mean God is dead. So you can be like polyamorous and get your like clip pierced and like, whatever, whatever he meant, like there needs to be a new, equally viable, equally competitive tradition, but you can't even
Starting point is 01:38:36 get anywhere near that in our current. You can't. That's why we, that's, I mean, there'll be no return really, but I think there's only one, there's only one religion and it's Catholicism. It's the only real religion. Why? Lacan says this because it's the church that Christ founded. Okay. Fucking Islam came after. What about Judaism, which came before? I tend to agree with you. Where's their Messiah, bruh? Yeah. Well, they don't even believe in salvation. They don't believe in salvation. I think that that's what that movie, the Coen Brothers movie was about. A single Jewish man. The most interesting man in the world who is also Jewish.
Starting point is 01:39:25 The Josh softy story. Oh, no. My headphones. Missianic shoe. No. Who has appeared in various iterations throughout time and across history. The most interesting man who's also Jewish. Jewish man in the world. Michael Tracy is not Jewish at all. I want Michael Tracy. Okay. Hello, fellow students. I'm now addressing you. I want you. Got him. Yeah. Michael Tracy in the political union debate. I want to see, I want to see Michael Tracy up there. The most nuclear event of 2003. I don't be like, this is the most all that was I'm like, yeah, like five point five million. Get Steve Saylor up in there. Say you guys could be
Starting point is 01:40:37 come on. Let's just come on. Let's bring back discord. You had me. You had me and I'm not even I'm way dumber than Michael fucking Tracy. I don't know about that. Do you guys have your different strengths and weaknesses? We have different kinds of intelligences, but he knows a lot about what's going on. For sure. We don't know. We have no clue what's going on. We have no idea how the world works. That's another thing I learned at Yale is that I don't fucking know how the world works. Nobody knows how the world all these people that are way richer and smarter and better than me. They're they're running the world. So whatever. I realized something that I have to like I have to come clean. I have to confess. I realized in the course of like
Starting point is 01:41:22 preparing for this episode, which started over a week ago, because we were spending a while earlier. Well, we had some we had some whatever we had to explain ourselves to you guys. I was like, Oh, yeah, I am. I am jealous of AOC. Oh, no. And it's not because of her looks or her career. It's because, you know, those feminist mugs that are like, God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man. Yeah. God grant me the confidence of an activist. Imagine having my God, the confidence and clarity of somebody like AOC. Her IQ is just right. Right. Q is really just like imagine going into a room and like finger pistalling away and sincerely believing that people are like like they threatened. They threatened me with death. I feared for my life slamming the little
Starting point is 01:42:26 book down and is saying all this while I'm drunk trying to fix the heaven so I can do my audio engineering job. And I'm like, Yeah, fuck AOC. No, you're right. I want that clarity and confidence. I want to be able to go out there in the world. She's cynical and be like, I fear for my life. All these I would love to fear for my life. I'm like, I live never feared for my life a day in my life. I mean, maybe once or twice, but ongoing sustained fashion. No, yeah, you have to you can't get a seek out. I go on the subway and walk. I'm like the kid from LA walking precariously close to the yellow line playing with fire. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Russian. Oh, no. Crackhead Vagabond. Well, it makes you more suicidal because it makes you more willing to do things
Starting point is 01:43:30 that you kind of want to do, like send an email or jump in front of a train. It like really gives you the extra like little, you're like, it doesn't like really, it's not really an, I don't know. It's it is an anti-depressant. I think I think it's the best. I haven't been on any other way. Sorry. I mean, isn't well butron. It's an anti-depressant. I know, but it's not an SSRI. It doesn't like, it's like not going to stop you from killing yourself if that's what you really want to do. It's like it gives you. Would you ever kill yourself? No, I wouldn't either. I can't now. It's too late. It's a, it's a mortal sin. Shirt one. I don't even know about that. Sure if I take it to hell. No, I don't. I'm sorry. I don't think that. I don't even think that.
Starting point is 01:44:18 It's much easier for women to unbind their sin than it is for them to unbind their subject hood. Just saying. Maybe. You could if you wanted to. What? Unbind my sin? Unbind your sin. Easily. Yeah, I know. But I'm binding your soul from yourself. I feel hard. I don't know. I feel a little unbound for myself, honestly. Maybe because I'm more of a water sign and I have no earth in my chart at all. Wait, really? At all. Like my whole chart. So I really feel like I'm barely even here sometimes. And I really, especially achieving our niche micro celebrity, it has really washed over me and made me, I don't. Like insensitive. Yeah, like I'm like, I don't, it's not me. It's not me that they even are. No, but this is,
Starting point is 01:45:14 but this is the scary thing that happens. It's like, not like I'm like so enlightened. No, no, you don't become more enlightened, but you become more desensitized. Yeah, I'm like really, which is not necessarily an evil or sinful feeling, but it's a weird feeling. It's a weird feeling, I guess, but I feel, and after a while you start, you stop caring about anything. Well, I have God, dude. That's, you know, I don't, I mean, I don't, I mean, maybe I do have, I do have God in a weird way. I'm sure you do. But I have really, I like, I love Byzantine Catholicism. I do. I saw a movie recently called Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. Harajana. Yeah. Have you seen it? Yes. Like a long time ago, maybe like 15 years ago. So I saw it
Starting point is 01:46:04 in a Metrograph. I returned to Metrograph. That's what they're doing after possession. There's demonic faggots. They're gonna like, whatever. Me and Porjanov into relevance. I mean, have you seen them? Have you seen the color of pomegranate? He did that as well. Okay. Here's my request. I'm gonna say it before I get too drunk. Yeah. I want a photographer to photograph Lenny like the boy with the blindfold, with the wings from, from the bottom, looking up, because he'd be looking like that boy. And he has the same like chestnut hair and black eyes. Yeah. I'm just amazing. But you have to like wrangle a two year old, which sucks. Anyway, you saw Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors with Nick Biggerton, a Metrograph. It was amazing.
Starting point is 01:47:00 It was, it says Ukrainian. It was, it's about like Ukrainian folklore, like, but they're also Christian. They're going to church, but they're also like doing witchcraft. And you're kind of like, it's very this like pagan Byzantium Christianity vibe that's really cool. And the cinematography is amazing. It's like, it's a miracle of Soviet cinema, honestly, that it exists. I mean, I can't believe I'm like, he's kind of like a guy. He's like Salman Rushdie. He's, he's like an artist that you get really into in your early 20s. He was like very formative for me because he was obviously an Armenian guy. Sure. And Karkovsky for me. And very, you know, but now it'll be interesting what happens with him because he hasn't been memed into oblivion yet.
Starting point is 01:47:48 But people do be trafficking in the imagery. His muse was that woman, Sofiko Cirolli, who was like a Georgian actress. She played like both roles in Color of Pomegranates and she had the, you know, the like, yeah, whatever, which like many an indie musician has incorporated into their aesthetic. I mean, he was sick. He was just sick, visually, sexually awesome, sick, like really cool. I think he was tried for sodomy by the Soviets in like a total like kangaroo court type situation because they want to like censor him for making movies because he was an ethno nationalist. That comes across in his film. Yeah, honestly, it does. It felt as a, because this was, this was, I, the Carpathian mountains are very important to me, just through, even though I'm
Starting point is 01:48:48 like vaguely kind of in that zone. Did you see the pic of Andy Warhol meeting? I've seen it. I've seen it. It was like circulating recently. Yeah. Why? I don't know. I saw Nicola post today. Yeah. It's a glittering image. It's amazing. I mean, even though I don't think JP too is a real pope because he kissed the Koran, which makes my hair a tick and, but that's even better for Andy. And, you know, we're all Byzantine Catholic, as we know, as we've sat on this pot many times and people don't seem to care about or be interested in. I think it's really interesting that Andy Warhol was a Byzantine Catholic. I think it's really cool. I think it's really cool. I think it's, it's, I love like every straight art of spirituality. He was a conservative.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Duh. Of course. Inshallah. I remember it. His will be done, but wait, what? His will be done. His will be done. Okay. God's will will be done. Inshallah. God. Okay. That's the thing that you have to accept. Yes, it is. No. Yeah. His will will be done. Absolutely. Yeah. In heaven as it is on earth. It's, it's, it's, it's, I actually, I'm very optimistic about the AI stuff because I think that there's a lot of people like speculating that it would like make people behave better, rethink their priorities. I don't know that it'll do that, but I feel like it'll really drive people into accepting that his will will be done. I mean the singularity. No, no, no. I think it'll, I think it will drive some people to reject it because they will feel
Starting point is 01:50:39 repulsed by it and a lot of people maybe won't be repulsed by it. But I'm saying you shouldn't reject it. I think you should reject having a fucking AI girlfriend. Well, yes, but you shouldn't, but you shouldn't continue to reject it too vehemently because it's already here. Yeah, no, you're, go with it. You have to, you have to go with it. My feeling with anything is that you have to accept the reality. Yeah, definitely. And like, you have to be anti-fragile, like Nassim, Nicholas, love. Nassim, baby, just come on the show. No, he would never. He would never. Then he probably, he could be swayed. Now that I'm a, come on. But what would we talk about with him? All sorts of stuff. Like, squid ink pasta. You like the pasta, you know? Well, take him out, get him the
Starting point is 01:51:35 nicest squid ink pasta he ever had. Okay, I'm going to get this. Where? The best squid ink pasta he ever had. And then I'm going to bring him on my podcast and I'm going to ask him all sorts of questions about just like, imagine the black swan and just like crouched and cowering. Because he's like, we got it. We got to work out a lot and his body can't fit one of my like ergonomic neolib chairs. I will say something I've noticed about Nassim is that he's very skinny angles for how much he works out. Well, he fasts a lot too because he's orthodox and I know he's devout and they keep many fasting days and I can tell when he's extra grumpy on Twitter because I know he has it. I know the orthodox like I'm not my fast because I'm orthodox.
Starting point is 01:52:31 I know literally fasting to prove that he's not Muslim straight. But he's fasting orthodox people fast like 200 days a year like literally have so many, there's so many fast visit myself as well. But I don't, I cannot get behind his prohibition on on intermittent fasting because it makes you feel good and I feel like anything that makes you feel good is probably yeah. I think that's for the body ideology is that sugar makes you feel good. Yeah, but he's against he's against the intermittent fasting because he thinks that it slows your metabolism and destabilizes your thyroid, which I can totally see but I do whatever this boop things ice cream good for you. It is in small quantities. I know, but though you can't never go full Pete, I think you can only go half.
Starting point is 01:53:28 You need to just kind of embrace a PD in outlook and then you just eat normal eat normal. Honestly, rape he cured my I don't think I truly had an eating disorder, but I had some kind of issue. And then when I started to like be into rape, he I kind of was like, Oh, so you just make whatever random crap that you think is good for you to motivate you to eat dump some anything you like want to eat bowls in a bowl. Yeah, or like 10 fish or like even for me like honestly, I need the calories of like a Coke or ice like I'm like whatever if I feel it for me personally, I don't think it's right for everyone, but at least embracing like a PD in dialectic life, life perspective or whatever has been good has been pretty good. I I've made
Starting point is 01:54:28 game. I think I might have helped pretty healthy way. A lot of people said I was looking healthy at Sundance. And good, I'm glad because I'm not. No, but I wanted to look I really was like, I was like trying to look I want to be healthy. I don't want to be a sick person. Yeah, well, maybe I don't want to be a sick person. So Dr. Rapey helped me. Maybe AI porn will inspire people to become less sick now. Well, maybe it will though, but some people I think everyone has their rock bottom like people hit it, rock bottom, and then they have to look upwards, you know, and maybe AI, the AI stuff will push it over the edge or I don't know. But for me, I don't care. I don't I'm not,
Starting point is 01:55:22 it's just not, I'm not threatened. I'm not threatened by these AI hoes, but I'm it doesn't I used to be really scared of I used to be really scared of AI. And now I'm like, oh no, it's just like it is it really is the goal of the masses is there on their vengeance and it's a fantasy of power and it isn't real. And I can reject it and I can use it as a tool. But it's not I'm not going to I will never when I see those AI girls, I don't feel like anything remotely to horny. I don't I really do not feel there's nothing. It's not like seeing a real girl with like huge amazing carry for arms. Just a real girl like there's not I really I don't know. The stuff that like a image like makes me horny is usually
Starting point is 01:56:13 like a real girl or an anime girl sometimes but aesthetically at least the anime girl I much prefer just like a real girl with all of her limbs cut off and 15 tattoo on her pelvis. Just like what? How did how did I get here at four in the morning? I guess I was just reading. I guess I'll jack off to John McWhorter about murder. Oh, what? I'm just going to college. Society will become more bimodal. I was like, what? Define bimodal. What the fuck? And he was like, well, you know, some people will become like more online and some people will unplug and I was like, okay, I guess. Yeah, I think yeah. And ultimately, maybe it's too optimistic.
Starting point is 01:57:31 I don't know. I feel ultimately things will happen. And it's just something I learned. Yeah, you don't have to be there. You know, it's you can't sure I could plug into a virtual simulation of yeah, with like an anime board. I just learned yesterday. You just learned. No, no, no, no. I mean, I learned it like six months ago. I would actually love, yeah, to be put on some VR goggles and be at the Yale political union with NPCs and anime waifus who like defend me. No, the anime girls defend me and the NPCs they hate me. And then the anime girls, we all try them. That would be, I would like to see that, sure. But it's not going to satisfy me. Well, nothing will satisfy anyone. That's the reality. Isn't this like a Lacanian thing?
Starting point is 01:58:26 Yeah, that is always elusive. No, desire is the problem. Yeah, of course. Well, it's the only thing too. And that's it. That's it. The French figured it out. Well, Eli proposed a scenario where people could really get their like perfect customizable like fix. Who cares? It's what? This is one of the few times that I did not agree with him because I feel like if you are served, you're like ideal pornographic scenario, it'll just, it's not going to be satisfying. Hence back fat, I think. Yeah, true. For men, I think it's something about seeing a girl that's like, we're so hot, but like a little, but they like to grab onto the back fat. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:59:12 They like to pinch and squeeze the back fat. The back fat, you know, the back fat is fine. Yeah, it's fine. They don't have the same a version that females do. To back fat. To back fat at all. They just don't, they just care that they have like big tits or whatever. You know, I think for men, back fat is fine as long as it doesn't constitute another set of breasts on the back of your body. But that could be an AI anime scenario where there's like a girl with like four bizarre milkers or I hate that phrase, but also with another hair on her back. I mean, I don't think people want that. I think the reason like anime hasn't, you know, anime hasn't really become grotesque. Well, it's because the Japanese, I mean,
Starting point is 02:00:01 it has with the milky tits and like obviously there's extreme, well, the technical porn has been around since medieval Japan. That's ancient. They've always been, they're just freaky over there and people who love sea creatures. They're just sick over there. That's awesome. They're so cool. The Japanese, they've always, they've always been so sick. I'm really looking forward to it. Finally, I love to be in a country where people have more jacked up teeth than me. They're called flower teeth and it's actually, you know, beauty standards. It's like those cauliflower cysts that boxers and insane clown posse fans get on their ears. They tattoo the hatchet man on it. I've seen it with my own eyes. What? Recently? You saw this? No, no, no. You've
Starting point is 02:00:56 seen it in New Jersey. Oh, yeah, I know. That's in the Nevada, New Jersey and VNJ. There's just some, there is really something there, which is interesting. Elinch and mystical. Seedy, underground. The only teens get to experience in those places. And the southwestern in general. But New England's weird. We've done, we need to, we could wrap it up. We can wrap it up. Do you have any other last thoughts? No, I should get back to my apartment. Yeah, so, yeah, tune in next week for more incredible thoughts from a college student. A college student and her other friend. Setting cultural analysis from your two favorite public intellectuals.
Starting point is 02:01:56 Absolute. I put the coffee. Cubic intellectuals. Guess what? I put the coffee up back in my mouth. So the fog hasn't over. I'll see you now.

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