Red Scare - Three Gay Guys Walk into Mar-a-Lago

Episode Date: November 29, 2022

The ladies discuss Balenciaga's pedophilia scandal and Ye's presidential bid. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm happy Thanksgiving. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and yours. Yeah, thank you. Sorry, I'm like, I'm making up for lost time and manically like clicking around on Twitter and Instagram. Oh, it's okay. You'll, you know, you're going to do fine. You have all the information you need. Yeah, no, I mean, I'm like recuperating from Thanksgiving. Oh, you couldn't get your scroll time.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah, I know because I was doing quality time. I barely played any chess that day. Yeah, you only went for one day without playing any chess. No, you went to just literally a few hours. Oh, I went up stating and back down. Oh, nice. Yeah, I was up in Boston for four days. Wow, that's a lot. I can't say anything because Eli's whole family listens to the pod.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Just kidding. No, they're like, as I told you, they're the most warm and inviting and wonderful people. And I feel honored to be included. It sounds nice. It was nice. But family events really remind me why I'm not a trad. Yeah, it makes me grateful. Because they really are so draining and consuming and I really value my alone time by which I mean my manic, atomized and alienated in cell lifestyle. Same, yeah. I like to look at PDFs. Play chess.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Play chess. But I think if you grew up that way, there's something comforting in it maybe but because we are godless Russian people who don't. My mom says of my dad's side of the family, including me, the Nikrasovskaya paroda is very just like, we might not wish you happy birthday, but we're not going to get upset if you don't say anything to us. It's really just kind of like, uh, unengaged. Right. Yeah, I think historically, I think you may have this too. Historically, all of my boyfriends have been perplexed by my mom's relative disinterest in them. There was none of that like a normal American like, I want to meet who you're dating. Yeah, yeah. Like suss them out and get to know them.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I think with my parents, maybe initially there was some interest, but it was obvious that I was dating total losers and would probably have a string of relationships through my adult life. So they shouldn't really get too attached to any. Yeah, that's exactly right. And they have the right attitude. But you should probably, I guess there's a line of thought, a line of argument that would say that you shouldn't disenchant and disillusion your kids early on should play along with their whims such as believing in Santa Claus and believing that their like college relationship will last and that kind of thing. So do you think you guys will get married? Yeah. Did you scoop up any Black Friday deals?
Starting point is 00:03:49 No, did you? No. I couldn't. I bought some biologic research products, but I feel like they weren't even really on sale that much. And but I kind of justified it to myself as like, and Fred Perry, Fred Perry did a thing where they were like, for Black Friday, we're donating pros to the pro boys. So just say the polos are full price. Yeah. I don't need to know.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah. I would rather pay full price and not donate to quote the Ukraine. Exactly. I'm happy to pay full price fair and square. I don't need your fake gestures of charity. Would you get from Fred Perry? Just a polo and a parka, like a long nice basic black parka that I think will serve me well. A uniform of urban alienation for me to wear in the coming months.
Starting point is 00:04:50 It's it's about time, Dasha, you've been wearing that same like fake North Face puffer that I really love that you got in Japan. Yeah, I still I'll still rock. No, I know, I know, but I don't. But yeah, I really appreciate that about you that you're not a fashion victim. I am a fashion victim. You can see my cloth. I have like 50 jackets to hide my gynecomastia. I'm like a debate club in cell.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I coats are just a big expense. Yeah, they are. Yeah. I have lots of like t-shirts and stuff. But coats, I sort of it takes me a while to the mew mew one I wear in my movie. Right. I've been wearing again and that one was like three grand. You know, I'm like this.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I'm not going to know. I can't afford not to wear it. Right. Yeah. But but has your opinion of it changed? Well, now I feel like a very big enough time has passed. I didn't wear it for like a year where I don't associate it with the movie so much. And my hair is quite darker.
Starting point is 00:05:48 So I don't feel like I look, you know, I'm doing a different look. Right. With it. Okay. I'm styling it differently. Sure. But the puffer is going to the new puffer. It's really going to change your life.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's going to turn your life around. It's going to keep me warm. I always never feel warm. I feel like rich people are on to something where they like figured out how to stay warm. And I never did and I'm always underdressed or like, I just don't have the nice shit that people have that keeps them warm. Yeah, you don't have like convenience and amenity and there's no way that you're ever going to get it no matter how like rich and successful you get.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I'm convinced of that. Or just, yeah, that wealthy relationship to like a Kutramat to have the earmuffs and the gloves and the scarf and stuff. Like it's like, I'm always losing that stuff. So I'm never going to invest too much in it. And I, you know, I always forget to wear a hat cause. Right. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah. No. Hey, I feel the same way. It's tough out. It's a tough, it's a hard time of year for me. It is. Yeah. Are you seasonal effective?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Sad. I'm a sudden adult. Down syndrome, sudden adult down syndrome. I'm something. I got, there's definitely something with every season. And also if I'm in a place like LA where there's not enough seasonal variation, then I don't feel good either. So.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah. You can't win. You're like lethargic and gripped by malaise. Like no matter what. Yeah. Too hot out, too cold out. Yeah. I feel way better than spending quote the holidays with quote a family.
Starting point is 00:07:37 If it's nice out, I feel guilty cause I'm not enjoying it. I'm just in my apartment smoking cigarettes. Didn't smoke a single cigarette for a week. Wow. Yeah. And didn't really drink a drink for a week up until Thanksgiving. That's nice. A little detox.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I then went to Equinox Chestnut Hill three days in a row. Bro. Really? Okay. Health queen. The Knox in Boston is nice. There's a lot of nice noxes in New York as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:11 You just gotta go to the right ones. The Soho one. The Soho one, the printing house one you have to pay a little extra for and I'm not a member but that one I covet. I feel like that one must be. The what-a-what? It's called printing house. Where that at?
Starting point is 00:08:25 It's like equidistant from my house's Soho but it's more like West Village-y. It's like a little, they have a rooftop pool. I think that's why it's a little more. Yeah. I've heard about these mysterious, ultra-rich people Equinox locations. I know they have different tiers. Huts and yards is like the max. Do they have a poor people gym too?
Starting point is 00:08:49 No. I mean there's just a normal one. Okay. For poor people, yeah. But you know what happens to all luxury businesses is that they gradually become like TJ Maxified. Eventually. Eventually. Equinox has been holding strong for a while.
Starting point is 00:09:04 They rearranged my gym recently which was, I was like, ooh, the kettlebells are over here. Everything, it's, you know, things are functional at least at the gym. Do you do the kettlebell? I do. I do. It's great. It's nice with my trainer. But I went to a little friends giving also with some of Matthew's friends.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And there was some gay guys there who were telling me how Equinox is like, just, I mean, obviously it's a massive cruising spot. Right. But this guy told me five or five, he went five times, got jacked off in the steam room each time. Nice. And like, they're just lubing up their holes in the locker room and like fully cruising each other like every, all the men at Equinox are having gay sex.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Right. So I bet the men's locker rooms are in much worse shape than the women's. Well, I don't know about that because when I was in the Boston Equinox, I used the same shower twice on consecutive days. And I noticed that no one had cleaned up the hair. Oh, no. It was so weird and random. And I knew it wasn't my hair because I was wearing a shower cap, but I did stock up on
Starting point is 00:10:22 a shower cap. Yeah. Finally, it's like one of those things that I've always wanted to buy, but never remember to buy and also don't want to pay money for. So they really did me a solid. I really need one. Yeah. It's great to have a shower cap in the steam room, it really like the plastic like melts
Starting point is 00:10:39 into your head and releases, you know, estrogen into your scalp. Yeah. It keeps you nice and nice and healthy. I'm just so much smarter now. Yeah. It must be must be nice getting, being a gay guy and just getting like jacked off everywhere you go. They want to jack you off.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You want to jack someone off. You basically can. Yeah. I saw a cool prep commercial on the TV that was, um, I think I know what you're talking about. The one that's not a pill. I'm not sure, but it was, there's like a gay black guy in a tank top with like a hood girl store rhinestone choker, voguing in a club.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But the big scene that reminded me actually of like AOC's campaign video was a guy going down an elevator in like an above ground subway and locking eyes with another guy on the platform. Yeah. Yeah. Don't they start kissing? They kiss each other, they sneak a little clandestine amorous glances and it's clear that they're going to jack each other off in the train bathroom. I have a gay sex and their own prep.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Yeah. It's no big deal. Yeah. Exactly. Should I get on prep? Isn't there a woman? Yeah. There's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:01 There's like a straight black woman, which, and I'm like, what are you implying? Yeah. No, don't get on no prep. I'm kidding. What are you prepping for? How? How? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. I'm prepping for dust. You're not even prepped. Yeah. Yeah. I also have not checked Reddit for a week, which I'm feeling crazy. Well, actually what drove me to the edge and I periodically delete and redownload the app was I made a suicide joke to Nick Mullen on and a bunch of people got really
Starting point is 00:12:38 angry and they were like, you stupid bitch. You have a child. You're such a loser. She's stealing suicide Valor. And I was like, guys, guys, guys, can't, can't a woman joke around with her like fellow suicidal friend. Also, by the way, I'm not suicidal. I'm just going to, I have a kid.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I would never kill myself. Suicidal is a spectrum. It's a spectrum. And I'm on it. Yes. But I'm not going to kill myself. Yeah. I might fantasize.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I might ideate, but I will never take that plunge. No. And women rarely do. Yeah. We rarely really go through with it. You have to really be, you have to really mean it. Yeah. Though, you know, I'm just going to do it the old fashioned way, which is slowly kill myself
Starting point is 00:13:18 through stress and have a heart attack like my dad did at 53. Are you stressed? No. No drastic measures. I mean, you're always stressed one way or another. Yeah. Right. You know, I don't have a child.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. Yeah. You know, I can devote a lot of time to alleviate it. To like decompressing and self-care. But no, obviously there's things, yeah, in my life that raise my blood pressure. Right. Yeah. Mostly I'm a, you know, on benzos.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yes. Are you really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know I need to sort of, I've been pretty good at like using them very sparingly, but with the winter and stuff, sometimes I like really, I'm just like, I'm just going to, you know, I just use them to sleep.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You know. Right. So sometimes I just like, magnesium bitch, pop six of the soft and cushy feeling of simulating suicide. Tranquilized. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Like what's his face? Not rumple still skin, Rip Van Winkle. Rip Van Winkle. Yeah. What did he do? He slept a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Good for him. So cute. And then he like woke up and was in a different era. Had a long beer. Yeah. Sounds nice. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I could, yeah, I could skip the new cycle for a while. Yeah. It's getting a little exhausting. Is Rip Van Winkle a New England boop? Does that myth take place in? I feel like it's my guess. No. Sight unseen is that it's like Dutch or like Northern European that it's from some, what?
Starting point is 00:15:17 We're both sort of right. It follows a Dutch American villager in colonial America who meets a mysterious Dutchman and bides their liquor and falls asleep in the Catskill Mountains and misses the American Revolution. Pennsylvania store. Yeah. Wow. We're so smart.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I know. It's all that steaming. And people say we don't know anything. Yeah. People say we don't know what we're talking about. And we don't. Yeah. It must be nice to like fall asleep for like a generation or two and wake up and things
Starting point is 00:15:55 are totally different. Anyway, Dasha, what are you thankful for? Oh, you? Oh, thank you. I was going to say I'm thankful for you too. Yeah. I'm thankful for our, you know, lucrative podcast. I'm thankful that I'm thin.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Sorry to say it. Me too. And yeah. Yeah. I saw your tweet that was like, I'm from 2016 and I was like, I'm thankful for my easy sensuality and thin arms. I was going to retweet and then I was like, you know, it's like, yeah, I do. I laugh easily.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I am, you know, arousable. I have like a nice, I don't know, I'm thankful for, you know, God and, but mostly the Holy Spirit. Wait, why? As part of the Trinity. Right. But what? It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It doesn't matter. It's hard for me to identify what exactly I'm thankful for without sounding trite. Not because I'm like a cynic or a misanthrope, but like obviously thankful for you and the baby and the family, but like these are, they're given, they're, they're givens, they're basics. They're Thanksgiving. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I'm trying to think. I'm already, I'm already like 10 steps ahead. I'm thankful for wine. I did go to Wegmans and stocked up in my wine mom, Europe. I'm on another level now where I'm already thinking of my New Year's resolutions because that's coming around the bend. And it's hard to say again, without being kind of trite, like I want to quit smoking. I want to minimize my drinking.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Would like to start working out again. Like this kind of like very basic and boring stuff. I'm going to really give not biting my nails a shot. Yeah. Hard. And on my way over here, I was thinking like maybe January, not all year, but maybe don't get extremely drunk for a while. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:03 How often do you get extremely drunk? Not that much, but just as, as a, you know, with the intentional mindset towards just being like, I'm not sober, sober, but I'm like doing sobriety. I'm doing temperance. Yeah. And like just, yeah, trying to just get healthy, get through the tail end of winter and like come into 2023 strong. Same.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I mean, the farther you get away from it, the easier it gets. Like if you, if you don't break the seal, you can just, like, if you do, I mean, you do one step at a time, one day at a time, like you're like, I'm not going to smoke or drink for one day for 24 hours. I'm going to keep smoking cigarettes next year. I can tell. Yeah. That's hard.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I said I was going to quit by 30 and then I said I was going to quit by 35 and then I said I was going to quit when the baby was born. Shit, that makes it sound like I smoked through my pregnancy. I did not. No, you did quit for a while. I did. You were absolutely able to quit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But, but okay. But that's another thing like I talk a big game about being an alcoholic or whatever. But realistically, I'm not addicted to alcohol or nicotine. I'm addicted to the sensation of self-medicating. Yeah. I have, there's a dopamine problem. Right. Like my parents, for instance, could quit alcohol and cigarettes, cold turkey for long
Starting point is 00:19:36 swaths of time. And I think I can do that too. And I think you can probably do that too. I quit drinking for lent. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. And that was like, you know, and now, and since then, I've been just way more mindful about
Starting point is 00:19:51 my drinking. But I do appreciate that there are people out there who are just like chemically dependent in a way that neither of us can fathom addicts, yeah, which is, you know, its own special hell that I don't wish upon anybody else. Yeah. Should we get into the dog? Balenciaga, Kanye, Kanye, Balenciaga, Balenciaga, Kanye, Kanye is running for president again. He ran in 2020.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Right? Yeah, sort of. But I feel like he was never even on the ballot. Okay. He's announced to run and never followed through. Yeah. So he's running for president again and he had dinner with, he's been hanging out with Milo Yiannopoulos and Nick Fuentes.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Aren't you glad you learned who Nick Fuentes was? Just three gay guys in a polycule slash threple doing their thing. And they had dinner with Donald Trump. Yeah. And at first, Donald Trump really liked Nick Fuentes and said to Kanye, I really like this guy. He gets me and Ye said he was impressed with Fuentes and then Trump issued a statement on Truth Social because he still won't come back to Twitter, which I think is hurting
Starting point is 00:21:12 him because he needs the, to really soar, he needs the restriction of the limited characters. Wait, but did you see that? Somebody was, I don't know how true this is, but somebody was saying that Elon Musk plans to change the character limit from 280 to 420. I've heard that, but that's too many. I was just like, you guys should just merge with Subsec at that point. This is an essay writing website. Let's keep it.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Don't threaten me with a good time. Uh-oh. Yeah. I've got some thoughts. Yeah. So then he claimed that he was sort of blindsided by Nick and doesn't really know who he is. I know Donald Trump. He's just like, he has no fucking idea who Nick Fuentes is because Fuentes is a obviously
Starting point is 00:22:07 a outspoken racist anti-Semite Holocaust denier, sexist homophobe, which is very weird. But he's not. He's like a latinx. He's a latinx and he's hanging out with Kanye, who's black, Jewish and gay. Yeah. Yeah. All hypocrites and liars, and Milo Yiannopoulos, who's Greek, Jewish and gay, which made me think of that Orwell quote that I saw today that was like, what did it say?
Starting point is 00:22:40 It's a good one. The trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but don't trust an Armenian. Well, I tweeted this, but my feeling about this whole debacle is that it's really giving cursed. Yeah. And, oh, God, when I was searching for a coat, my brain is so broken and poisoned. I was like looking at coats online and in my head, I was like, oh, it's giving coat. I was like, I need to find a coat that's giving coat, but this really is giving cursed.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I feel like the Kardashians have put an Armenian curse on him that I don't know how he can undo it. Kanye? Yeah. And I don't think he should be the president because clearly something black magic is afoot. I don't think he should be the president because he is a guy who has the attention span of a fruit fly and cannot keep up the momentum required to run a campaign for two years, let alone assume leadership of a nation.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's not going to happen, which should be an immediate alarm bell, an immediate red flag that this is not about a legitimate and well-meaning presidential bid. And it's literally just an attempt to undermine and outflank Donald Trump, but in the gayest most retarded way possible. But why? Because people don't. He used to like Trump. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:18 But now, I mean, there was a lot off the Trump train and it's really upsetting. People want to divide the right and cock block Trump, which like also it's not guaranteed by the way that Trump is even going to win remotely because forget about the right wing forces. There are many powerful left-wing and liberal forces arrayed against him already. Now I sound like a conspiracy theorist. But hey, he got investigated and impeached and raided and had articles written about him left and right.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Grab her by the pussy, which was a hilarious moment in our history. There's been a lot and I guess some of my enthusiasm has has cooled, but I still find them, you know, maybe it's nostalgia, maybe I, you know, 2016 feels so uplifting to reminisce about that. I still have this attachment to Trump, but I really just do. I like the guy. Me too. I'm loud and proud in saying that I like the guy and I would vote for him.
Starting point is 00:25:40 But yeah, this whole, I mean, I guess, you know, a lot of people were saying, you know, chiefly BAP, but some other people were saying that this was a replay of Yang, where he was brought in as like, Yang Yang. Yeah. Like a third random candidate to like undermine the Trump train. But this is even gayer and more retarded because it literally, it's a multiracial coalition of the most annoying retards.
Starting point is 00:26:14 It's super doomed. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's a cursed alliance. Yeah. Like literally just like water park minorities, fucking, uh, deracinated, secretly latin things, wignets, sinister homosexuals, just like the Charmin bears of society, the Kardashians. Exactly. People who are still Charmin bears in spite of being filthy rich with their like hybrid
Starting point is 00:26:44 indoor outdoor furniture and they're fleece, Tweety bird pants. Yeah. Trump at least has a slightly more aspirational gilded atmosphere. But it's, they are both very, you know, it's very American at the same, at the same time. Yeah. It's an American is now like synonymous with low class. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:10 It's gaudy. It's like irrelevant. But I like Trump's annoying, like gilded and gaudy low class. I prefer that to the yay athleisure and Tweety bird fleece and those like fuzzy comfort socks that you get at CVS low class. Yeah. Like Buffalo Wild Wings, Taco Bell Cantina vibes, which I love, which I love in moderation. But yeah, aesthetically as a politic, yeah, I just want something, something more.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And it's also like such a Kanye move to like not read the room and arrogantly and condescendingly impose yourself and then feel, and then feel like slighted and misunderstood when people are like, get the fuck out of here. I don't know who Nick. Well, Trump told him not to run for president, right? And then we Kanye said, Kanye asked Trump to be his vice president, which is like, I'm sure like Confucius or Sun Tzu had, I'm convinced that one of them, I think it was Sun Tzu had had a whole line about how like, you need to know thy enemy.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You need to know where you stand in the hierarchy before you go around making claims and demands. Yeah. Well, Kanye famously has never read a book. Yeah. Him and Vincent Gallo. Yeah. So he's, he hasn't read that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 True. So if he could read the art of war, like he could listen to the audio book or have one of his handlers turn it into a keynote. That's true. Yeah. That's true. Just like pluck the main talking points out. It's, I don't have a, yeah, I don't have a good feeling about it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 No, I don't either. I don't either. Make some music. Yeah. Get back in the studio. Yeah. He's, he's stronger making art just like Ron DeSantis is stronger staying in Florida. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:17 He also, he's not going to run for president. This is just like an embarrassing dog and pony show interference campaign. Kanye. Both, but Kanye. Yeah. Kanye's, yeah. It doesn't have the word with all DeSantis. I think just might not cause he's too smart.
Starting point is 00:29:30 But like, okay, all that aside, it's just so embarrassing. I feel like a libtard confronted with Trump. This is what's going to break my brain. I'm like, this is so outrageous and immoral. I'm like Ben Shapiro, sir, Mr. Kanye, Mr. Yay. Mr. Yay, please. They were fighting today. Shapiro.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yeah. Oh yeah. This is, it's, he shouldn't be this proximate to sort of our realm of loser interest. Yeah. He shouldn't be talking to Ben Shapiro. Well Ben Shapiro is kind of a big kahuna. Whenever you think about him, he's literally just celebrities need their own sphere. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I know. They should really stay like, um, ensconced in the glamour of Hollywood and not cross pollinate with like internet influencers and, uh, like right wing, blue checks, whatever. I mean, okay, Ben Shapiro, as annoying and insufferable as he is, has, he, he, he, he has the right idea by like running a media empire. He does. He can't help it. He's, he's at the very least rich and successful.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah. Yeah. He's done something right for sure. Yeah. Whereas it remains to be seen whether Kanye A has any money and B can hold onto his money. Um, he seems broke. Yeah. I think.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Maybe. Yeah. Though my trainer posited that, uh, this was a while ago when he was like back when he was saying like Adidas won't drop me. I'll say something anti-Semitic and Adidas won't drop me and then they did, um, my trainer who is black by the way, um, he told, he was like, what if it's a genius move to like get out of all of these contracts? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:37 That's smart. That's smart. Um, but it's not. And they say blacks are low IQ. It's not. Uh-huh. That way they say. Um, it's not seeming that way.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Like, like a five dimensional power play move, but more will be revealed. I don't know. Yeah. No, I don't, I think that's probably giving him too much credit, but like a plus for effort. I like, I like the creativity and innovativeness of this day. Yeah. I got smart. Um, I, I read some Rolling Stones story about how Kanye was like watching porn in the Adidas
Starting point is 00:32:12 offices and trying to name an album Hitler, which actually is like, he should stick to that. That's cool. That's like when, when Nas tried to name his album and hard are, well, yeah. Okay. Um, um, showing pornography in like Adidas business meetings is now like a news item. Yeah. But when he went on that podcast, drink champs, um, that was then like taken offline.
Starting point is 00:32:45 This. I don't know. Maddie saved it and put in her Google drive and then that got taken, that got taken down. Yeah. Like Google drive how they really, they really don't want us to hear what he has to say. Um, but he talked about that on that podcast, he was like talking about how he would show. It wasn't, there's no like smoking gun, like he has already been talking about all this. I listened to the clip where he, where he talks about it.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Um, he also praises Samba's, which I was like, yes, I like, I like a Samba. He was like, that's a great shoe. I was like, amen, brother. Classic shape. I'm going to play. I'm going to play an audio clip. You have the audio clip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah. I played some adult content for the Adidas because what does Adidas stand for anyway? I'm going to make it where like I'm on some Adidas shoe where all day I dream about sex, but then in the, in the Bible, you told me I'm not supposed to what? Sorry. Can you unpack that for me, we're like nodding along like to retort. He's making a lot of sense right now. He's, he is sort of lamenting something that, you know, many saints and Christian thinkers
Starting point is 00:34:31 through time have like wrestled with, which is like we have a horny, procreative sexual desires. And yet it's, it's wrong to, uh, what does that have to do with manufacturing sneakers? All day long. I dream about sex. Well, no, he should, he, I feel like the point he was making was he was like showing pornography at Adidas because he's, it's something he wrestles with as an, as an artist and a pornography addict.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And I don't know, I think he, he's so porn sick that he wants that influence, the influence of it in his creative, you know, like it was, I think he had, there was a point. I don't think he was just like, obviously he's manic, he's unwell, but I don't think it was. The point wasn't just to like, uh, shock and scandalize the Adidas desk jockies. It was about how everyone was obsessed with pornography. It wasn't to shit test people. I mean, I think he, I think he probably just has that instinctual, uh, crazy people, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:48 superpower for smelling other people's weakness and exploiting it. I'm so suspicious of, of the Christianity thing too, that, that's now being pawned off on us as this new political platform that like, uh, as Kanye is trying to do or they are trying to do with Kanye, like the whole concept that Kanye is a better Christian than Trump is laughable on its face. I mean, there is no better, yeah, but, but the idea that he's like a spokesman for Christianity just because he says so, it's almost as laughable as the idea that he can successfully run a presidential campaign.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Well, he's certainly not, you know, uh, in any kind of clerical position or he doesn't have any authority really, but as a spokesperson for Christianity, I mean, yeah, but it all sounds very Augustan famously, you know, also was a big, like, horny per, yeah. And like famously said, like God, like grant me chastity, but like not yet, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's being, that, that's not to me necessarily at odds with him, him being a Christian, that's very, you know, lots of, uh, Christians are obsessed with St. Augustine also said that before the fall, before, um, you've ate the apple, right? In the garden of Eden, garden of evil, uh, people would have sex flaccid that like sex
Starting point is 00:37:26 was so, wait, I thought that people didn't have sex until you've ate the apple. They had sex, but it was, um, they were, they wasn't, they weren't metaphorically speaking. They weren't horny. They weren't, it was like this perfectly pure chaste sex that doesn't exist anymore because now we've fallen. They were just, they were just animals. They had no, um, higher consciousness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And part of the, the anguish of, that reminds me of that song that's like, you and me, baby or nothing, but Mammal, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel. That's how they used to do it. That should be like Nick Fuentus' campaign song, if he ever runs for office. Cause it's automatically cringe and gay. And yet he looks like a toothless meth addict from Texarkana with like an absentee Mexican father. How does he do it?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Part of the anguish of Christianity, yeah, is, um, having to live with your, the human condition of being horny and knowing that it's, that it's wrong. But are these people really horny or are they just adult? Kanye's horny. I don't believe that. I think he's, I think he's just like, adult. We define the difference. Like he's, he's poor and sick.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You know, like when you're, when you're scrolling to FAP and you just keep scrolling through videos and like, you know, manically and addictively and things catch your eye, but nothing really sticks and you have that kind of metallic feeling of dread. I think he has that like 24 seven. Yeah. I don't, I don't buy that. He's actually even that horny. I don't buy that Kim's horny Kim.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I don't think it is horny, but yeah. Maybe horniness is, is, is the wrong, the wrong term for it, but there is something about, you know, the human being that, I mean, that's how we all got here was our parents were horny. That's, you know, that's true. Everyone has is, you know, besides that's why marriage, you hear that transgender's a man and a woman had to procreate to produce you. You can opt out of the gene pool all you want, but it doesn't make being horny any less wrong and you still have to live with it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I've lost my train of thought. I forget. No, but okay. But my, my thing is like, I feel just like really sick and you're sick of Christianity and suspicious of this new Christianity as a political platform thing because well chiefly because it does sound very enticing and appealing. Here you have a unifying program with a historical basis that transcends any petty partisan jockeying and inter-ethnic warfare and we can be like all, you know, one big happy trad family and
Starting point is 00:40:37 it, you know, it all seems nice and good, but what it really feels like to me is like people are selling you a bill of lies. They're selling you a real Faustian bargain because they're telling you to settle to lower your ambitions to be a loser, to enter the long house and feel morally superior. And I mean that with no disrespect, by the way, for Christianity as a religion or my Christian friends who have a personal relationship with God, but when it becomes a political thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's a deflating Christianity with like a larger trad movement, but that's what they're selling even though they're not, they're pretending not to. And very much so in, you know, like people who attend Latin masses, for example, or practically or who are, you know, trad Catholics, they are largely opting into like a reactionary political philosophy alongside what they claim is like a reverence for the Latin mass or whatever. And the past and tradition and nostalgia, which is really just like lowering your expectations like the mad TV skit.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And you know, it does feel right. Like there's a Christian revival underway, but in reality, there is no large scale Christian revival underway outside of certain social scenes or social circles. I would say that people, I guarantee if you crunch the stats, we need to get Steve Saylor up in here, or Mike Tracy or one of these other men who know how to play with numbers. If you crunch the stats, I guarantee you people are becoming more and more unglued from religion, especially the younger generations, whether you identify as like atheist or agnostic or whatever, I would say there's probably a decline in Christian like feeling across the board
Starting point is 00:42:35 in America. And secondly, there's all these different Christian groups like Fuentes is a Catholic, right? Catholic government in America, which is hilarious because there's already plenty of Catholics in government and American Catholicism is functionally Protestant and also yeah, America is a Protestant. If we're talking about Christianity, it's a Protestant country. And also there's so many different Christian groups who cannot settle on a single definition
Starting point is 00:43:01 of Christianity or fundamentally at odds with each other. Catholics don't have that issue quite as much though they have schism, modern schisms between them. It's a bigger problem in orthodoxy, right, where there's like Russian orthodoxy, Greek orthodoxy. I was looking at orthodox churches in New York recently, actually, and it was like the Romanian or they all have their own like synods and they all have their own. There's very little unity amongst like orthodox Christians.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Christianity as a whole, yeah, has been in schism since the East West schism. And also in decline, just like objectively, functionally speaking, I'm not, I'm not ruling out the possibility of like an actual good faith revival happening down the line, but it's not happening in the 2024 presidential race. I mean, I go to church and there's definitely not a lot of people there and there's a reason why Christian, you can write all the think pieces you want about like dime square aesthetic Catholicism, but basically no one's going to church. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:10 And there's a reason why Christian like feeling and fervor is waning across the board and like it's not purely sinister or malevolent. It's that like young people broke away from their families and went off on their own because it's stifling and suffocating to be in the quote longhouse. But I think young people, I am going to disagree with you a little bit. I think more young people are coming to church though the numbers are still slim, you know, but I think young people now weren't reared in particularly religious ways. So there is, you could make the case that younger people are like re-approaching religion
Starting point is 00:44:53 maybe on their own terms. I do think that there will be, I do think religion will triumph, but I think it is just, it's going to be a really long time. It's not, we're not in like the midst of a counter-reformation or anything. I think it's just, it's just really going to take a very, very long time. Yeah. But the Catholics, the tradcats in particular scare the shit out of me because what do they want, you know, politically, they want more immigration and less abortion, the kind of
Starting point is 00:45:28 popular mainstream ones. That's really what they're advocating for. They're advocating for like this kind of like modlin, moralistic, almost like leftoid position. There is a fair again. There's, I think. No, no, I believe that, but that, that freaks me out. And also like, you know, I would just, but I don't, yeah, I don't think the Catholics need to be accruing political power, especially in America where it's a, it doesn't, it's
Starting point is 00:45:55 just not what Catholicism even means. But I think like the aggressively Christian verbiage of someone like Kanye has, you know, his desire to implement a Christian theocracy in America, which I'm not making up. I read that in a, in a Rolling Stone article yet again. I know it must be true, a fact check by Patriots, as they say, the kind of like Christian speak is designed also to deflect away from the reality of why Trump was popular, which was a, the force of his personality and B, his winning issues, which were immigration and foreign policy.
Starting point is 00:46:33 That's what he ran on. And that's why he won. To your point, like Kanye West is not a Catholic. Right. Like a non-denominational Christian, which all of, of tons of America is, is just like random kinds of Protestantism, which is clearly very flawed, or there wouldn't be so many different kinds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And they don't really have a unifying like principle the way that Catholicism does. Yeah. But even in America, Catholicism is just really a, just a, you know, a shell, a shell of its forms. Yeah. We do have a Catholic resident. Yeah. And we do be having some Catholics on the Supreme court, um, Pelosi's Catholic.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Oh yeah. Though I think I read recently, she's in some diocese. She's not permitted to receive communion. Why? For being, uh, she's an evil bitch for being pro, yeah, for being pro-life. Oh, okay. Um, because what it really means to be Christian, Catholic, isn't just this, isn't, yeah, it's like, who kind of like feel good, iconography in sense.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Um, that's all great. But if there is like dogmas that you'd have, you have to adhere to, to be a Catholic, that just is what it is. And lots of people really struggle with, with that, which is why I don't think it will see like a risk. People have a really hard time dealing with like paradoxical ideas, which Catholicism requires you to. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:09 And so no, I don't think there will be a religious resurgence now. Yeah. No, I mean, maybe it's, it's something that can happen slowly and, and cumulatively over time, but yeah, the fullness right now, the way that I see it being used as like cynically and strategically, which is gross and dishonoring the whole principle of religious devotion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. It's definitely not. I don't, I'm not a fan of Kanye's haphazard, hair, brain, Christianity, I'm not a fan of his pro-life position. I don't think he, yeah, he definitely is not dogmatic. But he is just in, in, right, in an incoherent Gemini way. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. He's making up his own, his own rules, which isn't really what being a Christian is about. Yeah. I mean, even in that clip, it's like, you're not going to arm wrestle Jesus, you know, it's like, he's, he's just oscillating. I mean, like, I've found that more offensive than the Balenciaga pedophilia, that's like, how, how dare you? That is blasphemous, Mr. Yay.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I mean, he's a mess, he's a mess. He is. Yeah. And he's not that it matters and not that anybody cares, but my patience is really wearing thin for Kanye because I do like him as an artist and I don't like when people dismiss him as an artist, but this is a bridge too far for me. So I'm going to be like Sam Harris or what's her face, the anal girl from Kula, Clara Leibin and take a stand and quit Twitter out of principle because Kanye is running for president.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But really, it's because my engagement is depressed. Are you quitting? No. No, no, they quit. They quit. Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, I see. I see.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But you remember Clara Leibin gay, right? No, I don't know. She's this goofy, why'd you call her an anal girl? Well, that's what I'm getting to. She's this goofy, derpy chick who's kind of hot and has a great body. Several years ago, she was feuding with BAP on Twitter and making the usual allegations about him being a homosexual and blah, blah, blah, and at some point she made some retort about how she can go longer and harder at anal, my tanned friend.
Starting point is 00:50:45 She basically was bragging, boasting about her anal talents to pull him for being gay. I don't remember the nature of the interaction, but I remember, you know, okay, girl, witnessing that interaction being like, oh, okay, sure. Good luck. Yeah. Nice. Okay. She's really giving new meaning to the phrase fisted by Foucault, but she deactivated.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Because of Kanye? Because of Elon. Oh, yeah. Everybody's taking a kind of principled stance. All the usual intellectual dork web guys. I don't mean to rag on them, but they really are so retarded and embarrassing. And I do have a draft queued up about how they're so brave to show up every day and humiliate themselves.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That's what it takes to be an artist. Yeah. You have to be willing to embarrass yourself. I haven't noticed much of a change. I noticed some hysteria about Elon's takeover, but besides that, there was a night where everyone was like, Twitter's about to go down and I was like, please, and then I knew it was sort of what ends. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:52:02 But Dasha, this is how I know that I'm a contrarian. I hate that about myself because when everybody rallies behind a single talking point, I'm just gripped with disgust and revulsion and I'm just like, literally Twitter is not going to go down. It's not going to happen. You wish you want it to happen because you want to be absolved of the responsibility of manufacturing, turning out those hot takes. You want to be free from the prison you shackled yourself in and you can't do it yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:38 You don't have the guts. Yeah, totally. I agree. Yeah. I felt the same way. And if you deactivate, you do it because you're tired and burnt out and don't want to participate anymore or not because you're taking some principled stance against Elon. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Right. I'm going to keep using it at a time. Don't flatter yourself. Yeah. Psychological valve for various outbursts I have. Psychic self. Ooh, they upset or what kind of attention they get me. Yeah, negative, positive, all the same to me.
Starting point is 00:53:17 True. I didn't learn any positive reinforcement as a child, so the negative works too. When your dad said that you can't play soccer because you're going to get big legs, you really internalize that lesson. He was right. True. Yeah. He was right.
Starting point is 00:53:35 You did ballet, right? That I'm jealous of. I wish I did ballet as a child. It's a good thing for girls to do. Do you think I will turn my son gay if I put him into ballet or gymnastics? No. No, right? No.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Not ballet, maybe gymnastics now. But maybe I'll turn him into a womanizer. Yeah, definitely. This could be good, it could be very Soviet for him. Just some low-key, low-impact tumbling right now. Nothing too serious. Even the way I did ballet and my parents who are gymnasts never put me into gymnastics because the way that they do it in America was such a joke.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Wait, why? Well, because they in the Soviet Union, they were training six days a week, six hours a day. They were really in the machine-planned economy of trying to turn out like Olympians. Yeah, yeah. In America, you kind of just put your kid in gymnastics so you feel good about them doing something. Yeah, like you faceplant off the monkey bars and they're like, good job, A for effort.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Exactly. Everybody's clapping. And they could tell also on some level, I didn't have the aptitude for it and they probably wanted something better for me. Yeah. There's a lot of factors. But mostly, I think, yeah, they were like Americans, why would we put her in some kind of an air ball when she turned to me and Nina and she was like, you know, Ardasha, she was
Starting point is 00:55:06 never really that athletic, but she loved to read books. That's true. I was bookish. Yeah, yeah. Gymnastics of the mind. Yeah. Chess, chess. Well, yeah, chess.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Girl. Mm-hmm. Nothing, nothing ever changed. You literally are always a product of your parents. It's so crazy. You end up doing just like a slightly stylized or differentiated or whatever version of whatever they're doing. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yeah. I've been doing gymnastics on this podcast. Yeah. Coming up with contrarian tapes. Yeah. Forty chess moves. Yeah. On the issues of the day.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yeah. Should we just talk about Balenciaga? Sure. Mm-hmm, I'm seeing if I have any other. Kanye talking points. Yeah. Let me consult. Let me consult my...
Starting point is 00:56:05 Mainly, yeah, I think there is an Armenian curse on him that. You think the Kardashians are witches. They're a coven. Mm-hmm. I don't know if I believe this and I'm afraid even to speak it because I don't want to invite their ire. I mean, okay, somebody sent me an Andrew Tate. I looked it up and there was, I just did a percursory Google and there was an article
Starting point is 00:56:35 that was like 13 men whose lives have been ruined by the Kardashians. Yeah. I didn't even have to read it. I was like, yep. Those mud sharks. Yeah, there was an Andrew Tate had an interesting take about Balenciaga where he was talking about how they're Satanists who believe in karmic retribution. So they have to reveal themselves to you and show you what they're capable of, put everything
Starting point is 00:57:04 out in the open because then if you still take the bait, you are complicit and you deserve everything that's coming your way. Interesting. Yeah, and I was thinking about how this is directly at odds with my view that conspiracy theories are overly dramatic and aggressive and the reality is much more mundane and pathetic and people need conspiracy theories because they need to feel flattered. But at the end of the day, I think Andrew Tate and I agree because we're talking about a matter of degree.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So for me, it's more metaphorical and for him, it's more literal, right? That Balenciaga are Satanists. That's the way I feel about the Kardashians. They're like metaphorically a coven of witches. They're up to something. And I think any, like Dugan too, I think like when you are practicing, when you're dabbling in the dark arts, when you're practicing chaos, magic, like the scary thing about it is that it does work, like you can manifest bad things.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So you think that they're manifesting some curse for Kanye? I don't know if they are even in control of it, but I think that he's being in their orbit has subjected him to dark psychic forces, which everyone laughed at Marianne Williamson for her talk. Oh, yeah. What happened to her? She's around. I don't think she's got a has another presidential bit in her, but I kind of wish I would have
Starting point is 00:58:51 supported her more vocally the first time around because she was the only one talking about dark psychic forces. And I think people just neglect that aspect of reality very much. But again, for me, it's not a literal thing. It's a metaphoric thing. It's like Mulholland Drive. They're both. They're both.
Starting point is 00:59:14 But you kind of manifest metaphorically a literal reality. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. And then actually really dark and supernatural seeming things do happen. Right. Right. Or just, yeah, karmically things work out the way that they are, you know, the way that you intend for them to. And what?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Sorry, go ahead. Well, so I guess we should maybe preface by saying Balenciaga filed a $25 million lawsuit against the producers of an ad campaign that they got some flak for that featured like child pornography Supreme Court ruling documents as well as like child models holding BDSM teddy bears. It was very like John Raffman as kind of a melange of conspiratorial references. There was some caution tape that said Balenciaga, but it was spelled ball, like the like, you know, or evacuee.
Starting point is 01:00:21 There are all these little Easter eggs for like they were using the aesthetics of conspiracy. I think I'm with you that I think basically some gay guy somewhere was like, let's do something crazy and let's do something edgy. Yeah. They were getting jacked off at the steam room in Equinox and he was like, girl, it's giving conspiracy theory. Let's do something edgy rumors exactly the rumors are going to be full and that I think is the yeah, the simplest and most common explanation, which isn't not evil, but also
Starting point is 01:00:59 is it's more evil. It's more evil. It's more evil. That's what I think right because so as a metaphor, pedophilia is actually a very strong and accurate as a literal reality. It is satanic panic hysteria. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 A tale of old assignment. It was and it worked because it got the conspiracy tar like I saw many threads of people combing through other Balenciaga ads and like finding, you know, like artists books in the background of like photos of Isabel who pair. It was it's like the Tony Podesta's art collection, which is, you know, legitimately creepy. Google Google. Yeah. Is that the one with the Epstein, Clinton in a dress picture?
Starting point is 01:01:48 That was a painting that Epstein, but yeah, people were originally chimping because some quote eagle eyed watchdogs spotted these legal documents from a Supreme Court case that ruled on federal laws regarding child pornography and they were like tucked away among the effects and the people were also offended by these teddy bears in bondage gear, which I was also offended by, but not for that reason. Mainly for the reason that they look like they were a maid in China and literally dripping soaked in microplastics and Xenoestrogens because you know, that was some PVC bondage gear and not real leather to say nothing of the children who manufactured those right.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Exactly. That's the other thing. I guess because they're freaking about like child models being implicated in some pedophilia cabal, whatever, and it's like they literally have like Bengali and Nepalese children sowing their garments. Exactly. Yeah. And God knows what factory.
Starting point is 01:02:56 But yeah, it was really reminding me of back during Me Too, there was some craze around like Balthus paintings, like people cherry picking artists who aren't even overtly had a feel like I think just have that make references to like disturbing satanic normies, conspiracy toy normies, they like get hold of this and then they like proliferate these images to be like, look at this, look at, you know, it's it worked. It was a brilliant piece of marketing and that it did what it was intended to do was to provoke people and to generate response. And of course, they issued the obligatory apology and now they're filing suit.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I think it would have been much better if they the annoying thing about the apology is that it feigns a kind of ignorance when I think. Well they're claiming that that actually the production company, the creative agency behind this ad duped and tricked them, which might be true because people in fashion are so brain dead, they would just be like, yes, let's do it, you know, that it was quote malevolent or at the very least extraordinarily reckless. I think it was maybe reckless, but not unsuccessful. And I do think people in fashion are stupid enough to be like, yeah, run it, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:22 whatever. There's probably this is dope. Yeah, this is dope. They know there's so many like yes, man, and just like echo chambers of people who don't even care. But the thing with the backlash and this is sort of what my movie was about the fruitless like obsession with pedophilic cabals. The futility of like knowing the world's worst secret or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:52 But the fact is that like being obsessed with pedophilia is being obsessed with pedophilia or child porn or something, even if you're obsessed with how bad it is, collectively there being like an obsession with how bad child pornography and pedophilia is is still an obsession with child pornography and pedophilia. Yeah, but that's my that's my thing with all these right wing, trad cath influencers who go on Twitter and say things like, if a trans person even tried to step to my child, I would have him in a body bag and it's like you're literally inserting your child into a creepy fantasy where you get to own a trans person.
Starting point is 01:05:31 You dishonor your child every day. You dishonor your family. It's the same. Yeah, it feels very adjacent to like the groomer drag queen story hour. It's a prurian salacious obsession just like the satanic panic was. People couldn't get enough of the details of like how the children were being ritualistically abused and what was really going on in the Franklin papers and like that. There's a reason people are so drawn to these narratives, well, because again, the reality
Starting point is 01:06:05 didn't even call them conspiracies because I do think that, you know, I do think there is pedophilia in the upper echelons of society. Well, yeah, but there's pedophilia everywhere. This is this is the thing is the reality is sadder because it's much more mundane because pedophilia is much more widespread and distributed than we'd like to think as I said to logo. This is a universal not elite phenomenon ghetto incest like it happens in the lower strungs of society too. It's totally widespread.
Starting point is 01:06:33 People like to displace, displace it onto like, but it's also a metaphor I think for people that the ruling class is like rampantly molesting because people feel collectively so molested by their own circumstances. They used to feel raped, but now they feel molested because they're not only raping you, they're literally, you cannot be unmolested. They're like infringing into every like tiny private crevice of solace that you have. They've warped your mind. It's giving molested.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah. Yas queen. Also, the bigger thing is like the culture is largely indifferent to children does not give a shit about them. When I say children, I'm not doing the as a mother moral high ground. I'm not doing it in the way that right wingers do it when they say our children, like our society as, as if, as if you have any claim to a society where such a community could ever happen, like a cohesive, coherent community aligned around the same principles and values.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Please. I mean it just like in a strictly like functional descriptive sense, like what are children and they are future generations. They are literally the future. Nobody cares. No. Like there's very little interest in the future and therefore civilization. And I think that's part of the reason why people are so hysterically and aggressively
Starting point is 01:08:07 obsessed with these like pedophilia conspiracy theories, though they don't know it, of course. And you know that the other thing is like, what are conspiracy theories, right, like the chief, um, they're, you know, they're, I guess they're chief, like organizing principle and chief virtue is that they defy mainstream official explanatory narratives. They are the opposite of that. Um, sort of. I mean the word conspiracy, uh, means, I wonder what the etymology is, but they attribute, they attribute certain, um, events to, uh, certain shadowy, shadowy malevolent forces
Starting point is 01:08:59 kind of arrayed against them. They, they see this as like a choreography of reality, right? Well, yeah. Conspiracy, it's a, it's comes from a Latin word that means to breathe together. Okay. That's what it means. It means when people, when people are, yeah, like acting in one breath, they are, they are conspiring.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Yeah. And so I think that there is the word didn't, uh, Mark Crispin Miller tell us that the word conspiracy was like its own, so they like sigh off to that word to like discredit the legitimacy of what conspiracy refers to, which is that there are like organizations that act in their own, in their own interests, all the time and all over the place and you typically it is. Yeah. The ruling class at the expense of everyone else.
Starting point is 01:09:57 And that's you, I don't think that's crazy to believe that no, no, it's not. And I think it's pretty, um, widely accepted, but you know, again, that them defying kind of the official or mainstream narrative is a good thing because it serves as like a signaling mechanism for people who stand against such narratives who know they're bullshit and who don't want to eat it up. And it also is a good way to train people to play with absurdism and esoterica and irony. It's a great, um, it's like, it's a language that certain people who are like, quote, I hate to use this word, I'm sorry, but I'm going to use it, who have like a quote dissident
Starting point is 01:10:42 mindset use amongst themselves. And in that way, conspiracy theories, uh, serve an invaluable function, especially in this day and age. Yeah. I tried to articulate for myself what it is that like really bothers me as a natural contrarian about conspiracy theories and I, it dawned on me that it's not really the nature of conspiracy theories themselves or the details of any specific conspiracy theory. It's the way that they're processed by people, which is that people ascribe too much omnipotence
Starting point is 01:11:17 to these cabals of shadow elites, right? Which absolves them then of any responsibility. Yes. And I, well, I think that has less to do with your contrarianism and more with like a spurgy influence where you just can see the, uh, I don't know, the, the incoherence and the group think of, of the, the main functions of, of conspiracy. Yeah. But you can, you can say, Oh, well, these, um, shadowy financial elites are running everything
Starting point is 01:11:53 and, and doing pedophilia and, uh, whatever, murder for hire, like Clintons, pizza, gate, et cetera, et cetera. And I can throw up my hands and like rest easy and like vote blue, no matter who, you know, Well, most people who buy into, into conspiracy theories, I think are probably of a right wing persuasion, right wing persuasion or as you, you know, as a, as a dissident, it's Adam Curtis made this point in his last documentary actually, um, where he talked about like history is a story that people kind of tell themselves.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah. And so I think modern conspiracies, especially of like the QAnon, more extremist variety are a way of people telling themselves like, uh, an alternate history or like a story about what's going on that feels more real emotionally, that makes more sense to them than like the actual banal and bearable cruelty of life. Yeah. The, it's again, like I've said this like a million times, it's much easier, much more flattering to believe that the world is hostile than it is to acknowledge that the world is
Starting point is 01:13:04 indifferent. Yeah. And you're just collateral and not the target. And I think that's hard for people to wrap their brains around. But there is, yeah, this is a mainly like, um, right wing conservatard mindset mentality, but that, but okay, but there's true and on podcast, which is the leftist podcast, which is completely organized around the Epstein conspiracy thing and deals and conspiracies. This is not a partisan issue.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Yeah, they're probably doing something else now, but that kind of like the conspirator, I think the conspiracy theory thing is like very attractive to people. Yeah, because it really just like absolves you of any agency or responsibility, which is like my beef with it. Not that you have much say in the matter. I get it. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:50 To me, to me, the, the presumption that one can know the truth by just the idea, like the baseline notion that Balenciaga, like, let the mask slip and like accidentally, ooh, and you can see all the evidence that they're pedophiles and that's the real truth and we have all uncovered, like it's like that to me is such midwit shit that nobody would ever, you know, the, and the most nefarious version of that for me is like they are dog whistling and using these conspiratorial aesthetics basically to just like laugh at and demoralize people the same way, like when Epstein killed himself, you know, it was like, it just did just feel like the CIA like slapping you in the face.
Starting point is 01:14:40 You're saying Balenciaga is, I don't even think that's the case, but that's the most nefarious version of events to me is that and the most plausible and what I really think is really it was just like two gay guys in an equinox sauna being like jerking each other off, jerking each other off. Literally and metaphorically. Yeah. Being like, let's do something crazy, like, what if we did something, what if we did a John, like, you know, John Raffin was on that mood board, well, you, that's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:15:07 It's like the right-wingers, I think they feel uncool and excluded. Wow. So they have a bone to pick with these quote liberal elites. Well, they're Philistines. Yeah, they're Philistines, but they also, yeah, they feel, they feel like perennially embarrassed, humiliated. What are you looking for? My jewel.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Okay. But I saw, I mean, I saw people posting pictures of this, like Isabel Hupera that had an art book in the background of her and like some office and the paintings were like the naked toddlers and they weren't even the naked toddlers. It was like, um, uh, what was it, um, Michael Boreman, who made his makes paintings kind of like this. Yeah, yeah. I know this guy.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. And they were like, oh, yeah, pedophilia. Yeah. It's just like artists are their own special thing. Maybe they subscribe to like a liberal or leftist ideology, but often their own motives are mysterious even to them. Exactly. And again, right-wing people feel so, uh, uncool and excluded that they lump all these
Starting point is 01:16:09 leftists and liberals into a single camp and it doesn't occur to them also that these, the people that you're lashing out against, ie Balenciaga and Michael Boreman's are relatively powerless. Well, that same person also referred to the ad featuring Isabel Hupera is like the red-headed model. And I was like, you are, you just like, yeah. They are just total Philistines who like have no, no, they don't have, they don't understand any of the reference points that someone could make even if they were.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And there's a responsible use of conspiracy theory, which again is like playing with esoteric and absurdism to get past the quote sensors. And I should not even use the word dissonant because that word makes my skin crawl, but like dissenter, let's say dissenter, but contrarian like person who, um, not exactly stands against the official narrative, but just like is suspicious of it. Yeah, which everyone should be. Yeah, you should be. But that doesn't mean you need to buy stock in, you know, that's what bothers me about
Starting point is 01:17:17 conspiracy is, is that they claim to have a monopoly on the truth much like the mainstream narrative does. Yeah. Like, you know, you don't, you aren't, there, there is just a futility and even, even trying to know. I guess. Yeah. But you can think you really uncovered that Balenciaga is like a, oh, like a pedophilic
Starting point is 01:17:40 entity. Like organization. It's so much worse than that. They're just brain dead. Yeah, and like a high on poppers at all times. Exactly. Yeah. Like they're not, you'd be shocked at the ideas you have when you're on poppers in the
Starting point is 01:17:59 steam room. And also, yes, people were making the argument that the Balenciaga was trolling chuds and signaling to elites. Like since pedophilia is the last taboo, they were signaling to their elite core of customers as, but their market also, as I said to logo, is literally chuds. It's rappers. It's crazy rich Asians and it's real housewives, i.e. people for whom the grooming discourse is not even on their radar.
Starting point is 01:18:26 They don't care. They're just trying to buy those stupid goofy looking track sneakers that they be sending us in droves. They're not. In which we no longer get anything from Balenciaga, which is fine, which is fine. But please, please send me the bag as a, as an olive branch, I will continue shilling for you. Come on.
Starting point is 01:18:51 No, no, no, they're not. They're not pedophiles at all. You're giving them too much credit by calling them pedophiles is all I'm saying, even though they probably are. Yeah. But like in it, the pet, the pedophilia is much like with Epstein. The pedophilia is incidental in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's just, and granular, it's specific to individuals within these hierarchies. It's not like a some collusion. They're not running like a Balenciaga daycare where they like groom and molest children. Watch, they are, they come next week. Yeah. We're going to be so fucked. No, they're probably not. They're just, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Their biggest crime really is that they fashion. They've run out of ideas. Like even, yeah, even the whole like self-conscious, like out in the open playing with like the bureaucracy, like the quote, business of fashion, where they were like throwing caring logos on everything. And it's like, remember, I forgot who, who somebody had a good tweet about this, but like fashion used to be so much more edgy and renegade. Like literally, I sound like Camille Pogli now, but it was like Alexander McQueen sending
Starting point is 01:19:59 models down the runway in 95, dressed like rape victims, like disheveled and dilapidated. Hussain Chalion, I think it was 98 where he did the, the kind of evolution chart of the Nicob where the girls got progressively more naked, Vivian Westwood bringing BDSM into the fashion vernacular. And then later in 2009, using literal gypsies as models on the runway, Terry Richardson's Gucci belt ad, there have been so many like truly just like edgy offensive fashion moments. And now it's just, yeah, it's warmed over, it's tired, it's, it's hard to, hard to care. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I zoned out and I'm a fashion victim. And honestly, when I saw these Balenciaga ads, because my inclination is always to over explain and to articulate things for myself, you know, as an earth sign and an INTJ. And I like hate that about myself, but I was like, okay, no, just go by your gut, go by your intuition. How does this make you feel? Does this personally offend you? And literally as the mother of a child, it did not offend me.
Starting point is 01:21:15 I thought it was kind of cringe and lame. I thought it looked computer generated. Yeah. It just looked bad. It looked like, you know, Lindy Mann refinement culture, just like liquid. I wasn't, yeah, particularly scandalized. I thought of like, I mean, in Japan, they have CGI, like they have CGI child porn. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Because it's supposed to quote act as a deterrent. Yeah. Yeah. So like in Japanese, like sex shops. Another classic Ayala argument. Why not just produce CGI or AI or virtual reality child porn? Because then the pedophiles will not be compelled to seek out the real thing. And I'm always like, no, no, no, no, no, that's not how it works.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Well, I think if you, there's a, you know, that it's not a good idea on its own. But if we were to generate CGI child porn, then those people should go on like a list wherein they then are like heavily monitored. So you can make the kind of the trade off where you say like, Hey, I'm a better file. I want to look at child porn. You say, okay, here we like made some for you that looks really realistic, but now we will monitor you. You are on like a list and we will monitor you for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:22:41 And if you violate our, if you violate our terms, you get the needle. Yeah. Then you just utilize them and are like, yeah, you couldn't, you know, yeah. And then we'll then then we would really know if, if the AI like child porn was a good enough deterrent. Uh-oh. Oh, sorry. Lenny's crying in protest.
Starting point is 01:23:05 No, don't do it. They do it in Japan. They do. But their culture is not perfect. No, it's not. But it's damn near perfect. I was thinking about how great Japan is. I might be going up there in the spring.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I'm excited. I want to go shopping. I'm going to come with you. I'm going to bring. I'm coming. Yes. We should do. We should interview a Japanese person.
Starting point is 01:23:26 A drunk businessman. They're all over the place. Um, we should go on the subway and. I will. Get groped. Yeah. Um, just crazy to me that people are so fixated on this like pedophilia and grooming thing, which by the way is also very homophobic in, in, in practice and the way that it plays
Starting point is 01:23:46 out among like vulgar low IQ, like bottom feeder right wingers. Right. And meanwhile, children are literally being pumped full of like COVID vaccine and microplastics and sugars. And they're literally so fat and retarded. Nobody even wants to molest them. And on a global scale, they are toiling in factories, manufacturing these goods and being trafficked for sex and labor and, you know, by the million, like really like human trafficking
Starting point is 01:24:25 is a, if only you knew how bad things really were. I know. I'm going to be tripping about the Balenciaga tape. This is ball on it. Yeah. Do you think that was deliberate? Yeah. That's the thing that stuck, stuck out to me, but that seems like a relatively sophisticated
Starting point is 01:24:42 reference that the retards at Balenciaga couldn't have come up with. I think the company that they are now suing that they hired came up with it, that they were, they had some team of people that thought, oh yeah, let's put some court, the art director. We would be so good at doing this. Yeah. Just attention to detail. Doing edgy fashion advertisement for failing Couture houses. It's, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:09 The biggest, I don't think they ripped me off, but in my film, I did have that suitcase full of like Epistina. Crap. Yeah. And stuff. And it was like, um, but really, I mean, really all, all the stuff is just for bringing off John Rathman. Wait, why?
Starting point is 01:25:24 Cause that's so his aesthetic to do the like cluttered internet poison. Well, he did. He did the runway, he did a runway show for them. Right. Yeah. He has. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:37 They're doing like track suits for like $3,000 or whatever they're doing. And everything is like so fuggly and looks cheap. I know. They really could do a better job at like sewing those other jackets and making them actually wearable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I'm so sick of Prada Balenciaga Gucci. They're all on my shit list. Rath Simmons just quit Prada. I guess he was at Prada, right? Oh wow. Yeah. No, I haven't seen anything good. I walk away the Prada store almost every day.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Yeah. Their last good collection was in 2019. Yeah. Which I regret not buying anything from that collection because it was like right around the time that we started to make money. And I was like, yeah, I can't. I should be more careful and whatever. But ever since then, it's just been the worst kind of like flushing queens, like crazy rich
Starting point is 01:26:21 Asian shit. Well, that's who it's for. Yeah. Like appeals to like the lowest common denominator. Like the daughters of like Chinese businessmen and the wives of Russian businessmen. I heard that there was a whole separate division at Celine that just makes stuff that's mad at me. This is a Celine on it that Asians buy. What's up with Celine?
Starting point is 01:26:39 Why are they going so hard? I have so many emails from them. They're like the new Botega. That's where I get really conspiratorial when these like nefarious, sutanic fashion houses start trying to invite you to shit. You're probably just on some publicist list. I Caitlyn Phillips. It's her fault.
Starting point is 01:26:58 It's our fault. Yeah. I hate when you can see the gears turning. And when they try to make a fashion house happen, because I think most people who don't follow fashion and who are normal and well-adjusted and not the alcoholic retards such as myself just experience this kind of like ambiently and with no attachment. But I see it almost from the ground up when they're trying to make Botega happen with those like stupid square-toe net shoes that every like Instagram.
Starting point is 01:27:32 I mean, they happen. They did happen. That's the thing. They did happen. And the Balenciaga campaign was a success because it did generate a ton of discourse, which was always the idea. So like congrats, y'all. You've like bought into it.
Starting point is 01:27:49 But there's like a two-pronged strategy because they're selling to like Russians and Chinese and blacks, but also trying to get people on Twitter to talk about them. Those are two separate demographics. Yeah. Yeah. And really like I said on Twitter. But they're winning in both. In both rounds.
Starting point is 01:28:12 In both avenues because the people who buy, you know, the super rich, crazy Rajasins that buy Balenciaga don't care. Yeah. And people talk about Balenciaga, which just raises its brand profile. Yeah. Yeah. And like the, the Migos style rappers that the, the buy it don't care either. They're like busy getting shot at bowling alleys, takeout or whatever his name was.
Starting point is 01:28:38 RIP. Yeah. RIP. Gone too soon. Um, it's, I think in the context of the cabal, right? I think that when people get rich enough. Yeah. And evil enough that pedophilia becomes commonplace because it is, it's not the last taboo, but
Starting point is 01:29:03 it's this way of like, you know, you have so much money that you can buy anything, but what you can't really buy is someone's like purity or innocence or like, I think that is something, um, there's a, there's a demonic or satanic influence, right? And wanting to like molest a child systematically as a rich person. Yeah. You know, I don't think it's innate. I don't think like, But poor people do it all the time.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Poor people do it all the time. But I don't think like if Bill Clinton was poor, maybe he would be a pedophile. I think like you accrue so much wealth that you end up like expanding your appetites for things that are, you know, you want, Yeah, you max out your available potential and you have to keep edging closer and closer. Exactly. You want to see what money can buy and something unfortunately that money can buy is a child on the black market.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Is a child on the black market and that is people, I don't think it's, you know, But virtually everybody is aligned in agreement that pedophilia is not only bad and wrong, but like totally beyond the pale. Yeah. So it's not, it's not really the last taboo through which you troll people because it generates controversy. But at the end of the day, nobody cares. The real last taboo is race.
Starting point is 01:30:27 If Balenciaga was really serious, if they really hadn't skin in the game, they'd make fun of black and Asian people. People thought I was referring to the Jews, but they would make fun of their customer base and not Russians, which make up a large fraction of their customer base, but everybody agrees that, you know, Russians suck and racism against Russians is totally acceptable. So they're an easy target.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Can't make fun of them. I think you're right. But I think that you are prescient actually. And they're being, I think there will be kind of some race baiting. A new, yeah, a neo racial reckoning. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. I think that's something we might, we might see a little more of.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I just, I envisioned a really great Balenciaga campaign if somebody from, because I know they listen, call me Steve Saylor, Seinfeld or Harvey Kytel style wearing like, you know, a leather trench or he's a good looking guy. Yeah. Get him down that run. Yeah. Leather trench, rubber galoshes looking like the,
Starting point is 01:31:36 I know what you did last summer killer. I like it. It's good, right? It's good. It's a good idea. It's better than Seinfeld for Kith. Kytel for Kos was good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:51 There's a lot of opportunities for elder abuse. Yeah. Sailor can be the next Joan Didion. Exactly. I'd love to see him in a big pair of shades. My question is who's more racist, Steve Saylor or Joan Didion? It's kind of a toss up. Hard to say.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Joan Didion. Probably. You say that with such confidence and authority. I'm going to take your word for it. I believe you. Yeah. I think Joan Didion more racist because Sailor is more emboldened, right, but is also operating from a place of like a rigorous adherence,
Starting point is 01:32:29 like statistical faith. Whereas Joan Didion is just kind of a boilerplate conservative or what? True. True. And he's more clandestine and he's more out in the open. There's no secrets with Sailor. Whereas Didion has a whole lot of skeletons in her closet. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Exactly. Anyway. Well, that's... Did we do a good job unpacking the Balenciaga? I think we did a good job. We did a good job. I had a feeling. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:01 I think... Yeah. We've set the record straight. See you. See you in hell. See you in hell. See you in hell. See you in hell.

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