Red Scare - Trumped Up Charges *TEASER*

Episode Date: June 6, 2024

The ladies discuss the Trump verdict, Seinfeld's retvrn, and Fauci's Covid testimony....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not taking precautions to protect myself from other people's germs. I mean, me neither. I'm not washing my hands. How's your hand washing going these days? Bad. Unless my hands are actively soiled, I basically am not washing them unless they feel sticky or weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I mean, I shower like basically every day, every other day. Remember that headline that was like daily showers have no health benefits? They probably do. I mean, I understand where they're going with that, which is that like, yeah, like stripping the barrier of your skin every day is probably not that healthy, but like people do it for personal hygiene reasons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And like mutual hygiene reasons reasons not because of any perceived health. And nobody's showering because it's healthy. Yeah, that's not the common knowledge about showers. And I... You're showering to have sex. Sometimes. And I guess I found though it hasn't really altered my behavior meaningfully, but like, yeah, that like taking a shower and getting my day started probably has like more mental health kind of benefits that bleed over into your physical health. Wait, are you a morning shower girl? When I, after we do the pod, I'll take a shower because we smoke so much cigs. Because we smoke so many cigarettes, because my home office is so bombed out.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, usually when I come from like shift at the podcasting factory, I read the cigarette smoke and so I will take a shower. But yeah, I like to take a shower in the morning and do my hair and stuff if I'm in like a good, once again, if I'm in like a good, once again, if I'm in a good place mentally, but if I'm like despondent and don't care about myself
Starting point is 00:02:12 or others, I will just kind of languish around and then kind of go outside and whatever. It's the depression talking. But yeah, really if I was to do like cognitive behavioral therapy, which I refuse to because I am a devout Freudian and don't actually wanna get better. Yeah, I bet probably a daily practice of showering
Starting point is 00:02:37 and some routine in my life would benefit me mentally, but I'm not interested in that. Dude, am I mental illness, which is fine. It's ambiguous and ongoing, ambiguous, ongoing, like pretty fun, pretty functional with it. Okay. So like my most autistic take is that I'm an evening shower girl and I never understood the morning shower thing. What do you do with your hair?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Nothing. I mean, I don't wash my hair for weeks on end. Oh, okay. That's why it always looks like shit. I wash my hair every time I shower, basically. Interesting, which is like how often? Every day, every other day. My hair gets pretty oily.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Mine too. Okay, so I shower every day. Contrary to belief. And you get your hair wet? No, that's what I'm saying. I don't ever wash my hair. You don't even get it wet? No, I wash my hair maybe once a week or something,
Starting point is 00:03:41 which is actually really bad and maladjusted and speaks to like an ongoing lingering depression because I can't be bothered. Is that because you find that washing your hair changes the texture of it? Because some people don't like to wash their hair because it gets no no it's because I have to then go through this whole ritual of like blow drying and styling it which I don't care to do. So you'd rather just have like dirty, vaguely styled hair and you utilize like dry shampoo and stuff like that? Or not at all?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I air dry my, I like to air dry my hair, but my hair is pretty wavy. Yeah. And so if I sleep on it, then it gets like frizzy. Yes. I like to air dry my hair, but my hair is pretty wavy. And so if I sleep on it, then it gets frizzy. And so then I shower just to kind of reset the curls. You get like Seinfeld hair, yeah, me too. But it's like a whole ordeal of civility
Starting point is 00:04:37 to even tame it into a presentable fashion so I don't even bother and just do like the slick down middle part, which is not- We both, we're both rocking that. It's not a fashion statement. It's not my attempt to look more like Kim Kardashian. It's just literally an act of desperation. Wow.

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