RedHanded - Episode 141 - Zach & Addie: Katrina "Cannibal"

Episode Date: April 2, 2020

In October 2005 police walked into a flat, above a voodoo temple, in New Orleans. What they discovered was straight out of the grisliest of horror films. In this episode Hannah and Suruthi de...lve into the case of the so-called “Katrina Cannibal” for a story of murder, suicide, Iraqi torture prisons, voodoo temples, marinaded human remains and potential necrophilia… Support the show and access bonus content on Patreon: Sources: Graveyard Love doc: NPR pod:   See for privacy and opt-out information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to Red Handed early and ad-free. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. So, get this. The Ontario Liberals elected Bonnie Crombie as their new leader. Bonnie who? I just sent you her profile. Her first act as leader, asking donors for a million bucks for her salary. That's excessive. She's a big carbon tax supporter. Oh yeah. Check out her record as mayor. Oh, get out of here. She even increased taxes carbon tax supporter. Oh yeah, check out her record as mayor. Oh, get out of here.
Starting point is 00:00:25 She even increased taxes in this economy. Yeah, higher taxes, carbon taxes. She sounds expensive. Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals. They just don't get it. That'll cost you. A message from the Ontario PC Party. They say Hollywood is where dreams are made.
Starting point is 00:00:41 A seductive city where many flock to get rich, be adored, and capture America's heart. But when the spotlight turns off, fame, fortune, and lives can disappear in an instant. Follow Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder on the Wondery app
Starting point is 00:00:57 or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Saruti. I'm Hannah. And welcome to Red Handed. Is everybody okay? Are you all okay? How are you guys doing? Last time we spoke, the UK was not on lockdown, and now we are, even though everyone's pretty... Well, everyone, Boris, who tested positive today.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I saw. Anyway, we are now on what is essentially a lockdown without the Prime Minister calling it what it is. So we're allowed out to do exercise or we're allowed to go to the shop. You're not allowed to be in groups larger than two. But farmers markets are still opening this weekend. It's so complicated because like my friend works at Borough, they've now closed down their store. But other people at Borough can keep them open
Starting point is 00:01:50 if they're deemed to be like an essential retailer. So if you're like a butcher or you're selling vegetables or you're selling fruits and stuff. So I guess if it's a farmer's market that's selling food, but it just seems like how do you space people out there that seems terrifying well that's the concern and realistically like yes farmers markets you should be supporting local produce growers but i just feel like tart queen could go without his five quid leak i i feel like i guess it's just a way for them to widen the food sources that people are using yeah true i mean maybe i'm being an arsehole no i mean i don, I don't know either. I don't know if I'm right. I don't think anyone knows if they're right anymore. All we know is let's just follow the rules that we're being told. The good thing is I was speaking to my friend who you met, Johnny. He works at a healthcare policy organization. Yeah, it's like a think tank.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah, a think tank. And I was like, Johnny, tell me, tell me everything. And he was like, the only thing I can tell you is that our current chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, is literally the best person that could be leading us through a pandemic. So we just have to put our faith in that. OK. So thank you for that, Johnny. And hopefully that means everything will be fine. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Until then, until we find out one way or another, we will still be here every single week. In fact, we are going to be bringing you loads more content because, well, we might as well. We've got nothing else to do. And also we kind of feel like it's the only thing we can do to help in this crisis is to use our skills to entertain, at least. So from this Saturday, for every Saturday for the foreseeable future what we're going to be doing is we're going to go all the way back into our Patreon archives and we will be
Starting point is 00:03:31 releasing episodes that we put on Patreon for bonus starting way back in the very beginning I think the first one we recorded was in like fucking 2017 or some shit so we will be releasing those on Saturday mornings they'll be up for a week and then the next week they'll be replaced with a new one and then then we've got other stuff coming too, but I can't think off the top of my head like the timeline of that, but absolutely 100% for sure new content
Starting point is 00:03:53 coming out, new old content coming out on Saturday mornings for the foreseeable. Exactly. And there's even more than that that we've got planned. We're going to do quizzes. We're going to try to do some live streaming when we figure out how we can actually do that. Those of you who already follow us on Instagram and Facebook will have seen that I posted my very first ever IGTV post. I posted it upside down because I filmed it in landscape rather than portrait like I should have done. I can't fix it now. So you're just going to have to just turn your phone around. It's fine. I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:21 But now we know. Always film in portrait if you are going to post to IGTV you are welcome and I wasn't sure what to call that segment because it was just me learning how to cast on because I've taken up knitting now apparently and briefly talking about 90 day fiance the other way I love the suggestions for what I should call it and the best one I think that really stood out to me was a nitty day fiance. So that's what I'm going to call it. We'll just keep you up to date with my progress. Eventually, hopefully I'll stop even noticing that I'm knitting and we'll just talk about 90 day fiance. So anything we can do to pass the time with you guys and help you out during
Starting point is 00:04:59 this frankly bizarre and boring time. I've constructed myself a friend in my room it's like so I've just moved up so don't worry I haven't moved house I've moved upstairs in my house to a different room and Matt who lived in there before me left me behind a present which was a pair of mannequin legs so what I've done is I've made it into a person which you if you follow us on Instagram you will have seen and it's got a red-handed t-shirt on and i think i'm gonna get it a wig and pretend it's you and then do something with that because like people are like getting in i don't know if you saw but like people are getting in contact with us being like oh like do you want to do like this live stream show on this weird platform and i'm like you do realize we don't live together right like how this is the problem guys we need to figure out
Starting point is 00:05:43 a whole methodology for how we can live stream to you all when we're not in the same place uh we're working on it rest assured we will do our best but other than that yes as we said we'll be repurposing old patreon bonus episodes for everybody else but patrons don't worry we are bringing you even more brand new content so you're just going to be sick of us by the end of this quarantine that'll be fun fun for us. I think that's all the announcements we have. We have nothing else to say really at this point apart from Corona chat. No, fuck all else is happening. Everything's been fucking cancelled. Exactly. Everything is cancelled except coronavirus and red-handed. So don't worry, you're going to get a ton of both of them for the next few months. I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:20 hopefully you won't get it. No, hopefully not. I hope not. So let's kick on with today's case then. Because I know I always say this, but it's a hell of a case, guys. Because this week, we are delving into a story of murder, suicide, Iraqi torture prisons, voodoo temples, cannibalism, and potential necrophilia. I got so deep into the history of New Orleans with the research for this week's episode that this month's $10 plus bonus Patreon episode is going to be on Madame Lalaurie. I think that's how you say her name. It's all very like fancy. Oh, I thought that was very nice. Oh, thank you very much. And it's going to be out on Monday the 6th of April. So we are bringing it up in the running order as well just because hey why the fuck not I've got absolutely nothing else I'd rather be
Starting point is 00:07:08 doing so be sure to check that out when it is released and warning immediately straight off the bat this is definitely a no eating episode it won't kick in until later on in the episode but you have been warned they're saying that I just eat like non-stop at the moment because i'm so bored like i'm eating so much fucking bread my friend literally wall-to-wall bread over here i mean it just can't be helped i bought all this food i've got to eat it now i'm gonna make a prison gym in my garden i found some resistance bands some dumbbells i'm gonna get fucking prison ripped i i can't wait i'm doing absolutely nothing I'm just slowly becoming like melted into my sofa I don't know it's tough I haven't done anything yet I'm just intention telling myself I'm gonna make a prison the intention is there good you can
Starting point is 00:07:55 have mannequin me to keep you company I'm just gonna get a wig off Amazon oh my god I can't wait I can't wait I don't have any mannequin legs to make you up. I'll find a way. You're also, the mannequin legs are quite long, so you've gained about three foot in height. Oh, that's exciting. I've always wanted that. But the only way to make yourself taller is to break your legs. Oh yeah. Have them stretched out. I watched a documentary about that. This lady wanted to be an air hostess and she wasn't tall enough.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So she had had they put like cages around your legs and like make the bone regrow mate just buy some heels i know that won't help you with the air hostess gig but just pick another career and buy some heels anyway anyway today we are heading back to 2005 new orleans louisiana where in the french quarter there lived a young woman named addie Hall. Now Addie was a lost soul in many ways. When she arrived in New Orleans, she hadn't come with a plan. She hadn't even intended on staying long. But maybe it was that free spirit in her that made her feel so at home in a city famed for its freewheeling nature, buzzing atmosphere, music, culture and generally cool vibes. And Addie quickly settled
Starting point is 00:09:06 in, easily finding a job and friends working at a bar called The Spotted Cat on Bourbon Street. According to her friends and colleagues, Addie was the life and soul of the party. She was pretty, fun and outgoing. She liked to be the centre of attention. When the bar was particularly busy, she'd be the first up on the counters, dancing, drinking and pouring shots. Many of Addie's friends said that she wanted to feel pretty and feel desirable, but that she would get angry if men stared as she danced or if anyone ever propositioned her. Addie had been through a string of abusive relationships in her life, so it's not hard to see why she wasn't open to being hit on.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Her friends knew about Addie's bad relationships, but they were all certain that there was probably more to it than just that. She'd never shared her life story with them, but Addie was a poet and a writer, and she kept a diary that she worked on daily. So a lot of the information for this case comes from Addie's own words. And her friends were right. Addie did have a dark past that she was dealing with.
Starting point is 00:10:04 In her diary, she wrote about the fact have a dark past that she was dealing with. In her diary she wrote about the fact that as a child she had been sexually abused and she also wrote about how it had a devastating effect on her. Addie was doing her best to make the most of life but looking at her writing it does seem like she felt that something was still missing. Then one day 28 year old Zach Bowen arrived in town. He got a job as a part-time bartender where Addie worked. And according to her friends, Addie teased Zach endlessly. Some say that she was even downright rude to him. I feel like maybe she was testing him. Her friends thought that Addie was being mean to Zach because she didn't know how else to process the feelings
Starting point is 00:10:45 that she was perhaps starting to have. And it seems from her diary and what her friends say that Addy didn't want to be alone, but that she found it really hard to let people get close to her. After the bad relationships and the abusive partners she'd experienced, her friends thought that perhaps Addie had started to think that that kind of pain was all she deserved. But Zach was different.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Everyone described him as a tall, chill and charming dude, but as distinctly average. There was apparently nothing about Zach that was memorable. He wasn't overly attractive or unattractive. He wasn't mean, but he wasn't incredibly talented. He was an average but well-liked guy. And Zach took Addie's jibes and jokes with good nature. He was kind and sweet, but they were very different. Zach was pretty grounded, and Addie was more of a hippie. She liked to stay up all night,
Starting point is 00:11:44 dance, talk about art and religion. And it doesn't really seem like this was Zach's scene, but I think he probably just wanted to be around her. Maybe it was Addie's outwardly carefree nature that drew Zach in because he too hadn't had the easiest life. When he was just 18, he'd met and married a 28-year-old exotic dancer named Lana Shupak. They went on to quickly have two children, and Zak started to feel a huge amount of pressure to provide for his new family. So he joined the US Army. After basic training, he was sent to do a tour of Kosovo. Following this,
Starting point is 00:12:17 he quickly rose to the rank of sergeant, so at this stage, things are looking pretty good for Zak. He was serving his country, he had a sense of purpose, and he was earning decent money to send home to his wife and kids. After Kosovo, Zak was sent to do a tour of Iraq. During at least some of this time, he was stationed in Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib was a notorious prison that sat 20 miles out of Baghdad. It was home to some of the most vile torture to come out of the Iraq war. Many hundreds of US Army personnel were dispatched to manage this prison. Most had absolutely no training in handling prisoners, and things descended into what I can only describe as hell on earth. The Abu Ghraib abuse scandal came to light in April 2004.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And it wasn't just hearsay, rumour, sensationalism or an anti-military witch hunt. There was photographic evidence, graphically depicting the torture that had been dulled out and the war crimes that had been committed by the systematic and illegal abuse of detainees by soldiers. The pictures that emerged had been taken by soldiers themselves and they detailed horrendous torture. Naked prisoners were piled on top of each other and they detailed horrendous torture. Naked prisoners were piled on top of each other and forced to simulate sexual acts. Prisoners were strapped to leashes. And in a photo that became somewhat iconic of this scandal, the hooded man, it showed a man
Starting point is 00:13:35 with his face completely covered, standing on a box, holding electrical wires. I remember that being in the papers, and for some reason, in my brain, it's Guantanamo Bay. Yeah, I guess, like, actually, when I was was first reading about this I just thought Abu Ghraib was like a village or an area or a province when they actually said it. Yeah me too. They just say oh Abu Ghraib it's 20 miles west outside of Baghdad. I just thought it was a town but no Abu Ghraib was actually one of the most notorious prisons in Iraq during the war on terror. I guess people sort of conflate all of the torture and abuses because there was a lot of torture that went down during that time with Guantanamo Bay. But no, this was another
Starting point is 00:14:16 pretty horrific detention center. I can see that picture so clearly in my head. I remember it being in the papers. And what was I doing in 2005? I would have been in what, like year nine, year 10, something like that. The scandal came out in 2004. It pretty much spiraled from there. But God, we would have been so young. I remember seeing that picture, but probably not in context. Maybe we would have been older when Guantanamo Bay was sort of first unveiled for what it was. Yeah, it's just so interesting that I've just completely associated that picture with something that is not it. Mad, it's just so interesting that I've just completely associated that picture with something that is not it. Mad. And despite just these sort of iconic images that
Starting point is 00:14:50 did come out, the abuse that went on there was wide scale. During points in 2003, up to 50,000 men and women were crammed into the cells of this nightmarish detention camp and torture, executions and murder were a daily occurrence. In May 2004, there was a report compiled by Major General Antonio Taguba on the atrocities that occurred at Abu Ghraib and it was damning in its findings of the army prison system. More and more horrific acts were uncovered and these were some of the ones that were reported in the New Yorker at the time. They said that there were uncovered and these were some of the ones that were reported in the New Yorker at the time. They said that there were images and reports of soldiers doing things like breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid onto detainees, pouring cold water on naked
Starting point is 00:15:36 prisoners, beating captives with broom handles and chairs, threatening male detainees with rape, sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broomstick, and using military working dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees with threats of attack, and in one instance, actually biting a detainee. The accounts of torture are, of course, stark, and the report confirmed that there were, quote, sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses at Abu Ghraib. And this whole incident is an incredibly dark chapter in American history
Starting point is 00:16:14 and has gone on to form a lasting legacy of torture that underpinned the entire war on terror. We don't know exactly what happened to Zak in terms of what he witnessed, took part in or experienced during his time in Iraq. But he did tell a friend that there had been an incident with a child that had, quote, messed him over. It's unclear whether that was at Abu Ghraib, but some reports suggest that it was a young boy that Zach had befriended who was killed with an air raid hit. But the issues that
Starting point is 00:16:45 Zach was facing were clear even at the time, and many of his army friends noticed a change in him during his second tour. His superiors noticed too, so Zach was honourably discharged from the army and sent home. Although this still entitled Zach to veteran benefits and a military pension, it was a huge blow to him financially, and many who knew him described him as bitter over the dismissal. The only upside was that Zach, who'd been desperately missing his family, could come home to them. But things weren't going to be quite the happy family reunion that he was expecting. Within months of returning home, his wife Lana left him. So it was yet another blow to Zach.
Starting point is 00:17:28 With that in mind, he decided that he was going to start all over again. And this is what had brought the newly single, downtrodden Zach to New Orleans. But soon after his arrival, yet another whirlwind hit. In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans. It tore through the French Quarter and caused unimaginable devastation. Anyone who could evacuated the area before Katrina hit. But Addie was adamant she was going nowhere. She was a firm believer that whatever was going to happen would happen.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And in any case, Addie had no car, she had no other home to go to, she had nowhere else. So as the mass exodus began around her, she stayed to ride out a Category 5 hurricane. She wrote in her diary, quote, It doesn't feel like my time to go yet. Zach, on the other hand, was going to evacuate. He planned to go and be with his ex-wife and their kids. Before he left, he went to say goodbye to Addy and take her some beer and supplies. But when he saw her, he realised that he couldn't leave her.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So he stayed. And as Katrina raged outside, this pair of misfits, holding back their troubled pasts, fell in love. And when they came out to face the destruction that had been done to their beloved city, they realised that they were now facing a very different world indeed. Basically everyone else was gone and it was total chaos. The French Quarter wasn't the worst hit. Apparently Bourbon Street didn't even flood too badly. But for those who stayed, they had no way to contact the rest of the city. The phone lines were down and the internet was down too. So they had absolutely no idea as the extent of the damage that had been done to the rest of the city and the state. And of course we know now that it was destruction on an unimaginable level.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Almost 2,000 people died. Thousands of homes and businesses had been decimated and an estimated $125 billion worth of damage had been done. But despite what was going on elsewhere, things weren't that grim on Bourbon Street. In fact, Zach and Addy, who both felt somewhat on the fringes of regular society, soon discovered that in this environment, they were thriving and happy. The neighbourhood turned into a kind of barter economy. People were trading whatever items or skills they had to get by. Life became simpler. Zach and Addy set up shop and started mixing and trading drinks in exchange for food. And it became almost like a miniature commune of sorts.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Neighbours would get together and share what they had. They were unknowingly existing in a little oasis in the midst of total devastation. And it's kind of like, for Zach and Addy, this was heaven. Addy wrote in her diary, the rules had changed and now we could make them. The way Zach, Addy and the others who had stayed lived life in the French Quarter after Katrina gained a lot of media attention. It was a positive story to tell in the middle of so much tragedy. And Zach and Addie were the best bit because theirs was a love story. And there's a very famous picture of them.
Starting point is 00:20:33 If you Google Zach and Addie, it will be the first five rows of Google images. And it's of the two of them sat outside their house on a couple of deck chairs, drinks in hand, just looking chill in the middle of post-Katrina. And the thing you have to remember when you see that is if there was sort of ill feeling of God, there was so much pain going on around them. They didn't know at the time because they weren't connected to the rest of the state or the city. As far as they could see, the damage wasn't that bad around them at that time. And they got so much media attention that they were even featured in the New York Times. There was like an article on them. And apparently,
Starting point is 00:21:10 and I couldn't find this to confirm it, but I think it's possibly because they don't like have online versions of their magazine. But apparently, they were even reported on in Playboy. It's so rogue. If we can call it reported on. Reported on. I just buy it for the articles, mum. I know. Did you hear about this lovely couple who fell in love during Katrina? Look at this picture of them.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And it's possibly because they were young. It was a very topical story. But also because Addy actually gained quite the reputation for flashing her breasts at any police officers who did come into the area. So maybe that was the story in Playboy. That's like a New Orleans thing, though, isn't it? Drawing like carnivore. Yeah, Mardi Gras.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah, sorry. Sad state of affairs right now in Louisiana. I hope if you are listening from there that you are safe and well. But yeah, Addie was into it. She was fully abiding by the New Orleans Mardi Gras culture, even post-Katrina, with the police officers. But I don't think they were giving her any beads, unfortunately. And it very much became a case of, not despite the lack of order,
Starting point is 00:22:15 but because of the lack of order, that this happy couple just continued to blossom. Addie wrote in her diary, quote, He doesn't seem like the other guys. It's like he knows everything bad other people have done to me and sets out to do the opposite. And as the phone lines came back into action, Zach even called his mum, Laurie Moffat, to tell her all about Addie. Laurie was thrilled to hear how happy her son was.
Starting point is 00:22:40 She knew what a tough time he'd had before he'd gone to New Orleans. However happy the pair were though, slowly life and the recognition of how other people were suffering so desperately started to creep in and I think it had a big impact on everybody on Bourbon Street. Another man who had also stayed put said that when he saw what happened elsewhere, the guilt of feeling that perhaps he could have helped hit him hard, and it's something that will always haunt him. And I think it was this residual survivor's guilt, coupled with the city starting to return to normalcy, that was tough for Zack and Addie to
Starting point is 00:23:16 handle. Suddenly, they had lost this new life that they had built for themselves, a life in which they were truly captains of their own destiny. They had had a taste of true freedom, as far as they were concerned, and now it was gone, and they were once again back having to live tied down by society and its rules. And with this, their romance was also about to head down a destructive path. As much as they were in love, Addie noticed that even though she let him in, Zach didn't do the same for her. He held back and Addie noted in her diary, quote, And things started to spiral quickly.
Starting point is 00:24:01 As people came back to the city, the realisation of how bad it really was hit. Being surrounded by that much depression and pain was disastrous for the couple. They also realised that money was once again a thing, so they both took up work once more. Addy went back to bartending, but Zach, who had to pay child support, had to double up. He got a job in a bar too, but he took up work delivering groceries as well. And the depression started to sink in, but Zach tried to get him and Addie back on the right track. He wanted her to get more involved with his kids and a family life, but it seemed like Addie just wasn't that keen. And the stress within the area, as life started to normalise, was a complete contrast to the peace that Zach and Addie had previously experienced.
Starting point is 00:24:41 The army were in town, helping with the disaster relief. There were helicopters and armored vehicles everywhere. The clear out job was a big one. And this really affected Zach. And he started to have memories come flooding back. And this isn't something I can confirm because it doesn't seem that he was ever diagnosed with this. I couldn't find like a specific note of this anywhere. But it does seem if you look at the behaviours that Zach starts to exhibit as described by others, I think it's probably quite safe to say that Zach was dealing potentially with PTSD after his time in Iraq, because it really seems to be triggered once the chaos, the helicopters, the armoured
Starting point is 00:25:22 vehicles roll into town to help with the rebuilding of the city. Yeah, I think given the next bit you're about to say, I would say that's a fairly fair assessment. Obviously, we're not doctors, but I wouldn't be surprised. No, and I think that's it. We're not doctors, and as I said, he wasn't specifically diagnosed with this. But people, including Addy, did recognise that he started seeing things having night terrors and panic attacks and through all this he started pushing Addie away she wrote in her diary quote
Starting point is 00:25:52 I needed love and sometimes he didn't seem to have it in him and this is a big change I think that's the point there's a big change from before the hurricane and afterwards, once the rebuilding sort of starts to happen in him. And I can't even imagine, if this is what Zach had, how difficult it must be to live with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD. But Addie really struggled with the rejection that she felt she was facing from Zach. And possibly this was because she was also fighting her own battles. Addie was diagnosed bipolar, and she had confided in her friends
Starting point is 00:26:28 that she wasn't taking her medication because she just couldn't afford it. Which is just so heartbreakingly sad. That, honestly, I know that. I know that that's true. But every time I read about it, people genuinely not being able to have their illnesses treated because they don't have money completely blows my mind. And obviously we're incredibly fortunate in this country that that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:26:54 But I can't imagine being on board with a system like that. That's what I find very difficult. Me too. It feels so counterintuitive that here is this young woman. She has a condition. She's been diagnosed bipolar. And she knows she has because she was taking lithium. But she tells her friends, I can't afford it. I work in a bar. She lives, according to her in her diaries, paycheck to paycheck. There's no money for lithium. And it's heartbreaking. So after the sort of romance that they had felt during the storm and in the immediate aftermath
Starting point is 00:27:26 all of a sudden that high was now gone so zach and addy both went looking for that high somewhere else and unfortunately they found it in drink and drugs the couple started partying every night and this really kick-started their downward spiral. Their friends were shocked. This once happy couple were now constantly and publicly fighting. But Addie wasn't ready to give up. She wanted to try and make it work. Zach agreed and they found an apartment to move in together. Addie wrote in her diary, some couples have a baby to fix their relationship. We rented an apartment. And dear God, do I know people who've done that.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Oh, like if we just move this into a different space. Oh, yeah. The baby or the apartment. Oh, apartment. And babies. Yeah. Who was it that said the other day, no, they're on their second on-purpose baby. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:22 No, no, no. Imagine being like a fix-it baby. Oh, man. The pressure pressure the fucking pressure you better be an amazing bloody kid if you're gonna hold that together and you better be a bloody amazing flat to hold this together like show me the magic apartment that fixes relationships i bet it's got an ice machine it doesn't exist there's only that when there's two of them and they're miles apart from each other fuck it out oh guys that's kind of like uh all this quarantine if you're quarantined away from your lover that's i'm so sorry for you maybe this is what will fix some relationships a three-month
Starting point is 00:29:00 government enforced time apart physically not being able to be in the same room or being forced to physically having to be in the same room and unable to leave I mean there is that as well and yeah like we honestly can't stop talking about corona but this is obviously a case of domestic abuse as it's going to transpire so um yeah just if you are in that situation my god I can't even imagine and there are people doing amazing work my friend works in domestic abuse work and she's like it is really difficult right now because they can't go meet any of their clients it's so hard ah keep in mind you know that a lot of people are being locked in with their abusers right now yeah so keep them in your thoughts maybe make a donation and my friend who works in
Starting point is 00:29:45 that space did say the most important thing that people can do right now is keep their ears open everybody is home all day all night if you hear something next door that doesn't sound right that you may have missed in the past because you would have been at work all day call the police like that's it it's as simple as that so anyway corona detour aside. So yeah, fun little, fun, happy, started off as a joke, ended up with domestic abuse charities. Great job, Hannah.
Starting point is 00:30:12 We can't help ourselves. You said last week, you know, this is an insight into what it's like to date Saruti. This is an insight into what it's probably like to date either of us. What, because I just talked
Starting point is 00:30:20 to my cardboard cutter of you? It's all fun and jokes until we intensively start talking to you about domestic abuse. Yeah, like I probably fucking would, you know. So get this. The Ontario Liberals elected Bonnie Crombie
Starting point is 00:30:32 as their new leader. Bonnie who? I just sent you her profile. Check out her place in the Hamptons. Huh, fancy. She's a big carbon tax supporter, yeah? Oh yeah. Check out her record as mayor.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, get out of here. She even increased taxes in this economy. Yeah, higher taxes, carbon taxes. She sounds expensive. Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals. They just don't get it. That'll cost you. A message from the Ontario PC Party. He was hip-hop's biggest mogul, the man who redefined fame, fortune, and the music industry. The first male rapper to be hon honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sean Diddy Cone. Diddy built an empire and lived a life most people only dream about.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Everybody know ain't no party like a Diddy party, so. Yeah, that's what's up. But just as quickly as his empire rose, it came crashing down. Today I'm announcing the unsealing of a three-count indictment, charging Sean Combs with racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, interstate transportation for prostitution. I was f***ed up. I hit rock bottom. But I made no excuses. I'm disgusted. I'm so sorry. Until you're wearing an orange jumpsuit, it's not real. Now it's real.
Starting point is 00:31:50 From his meteoric rise to his shocking fall from grace, from law and crime, this is the rise and fall of Diddy. Listen to the rise and fall of Diddy exclusively with Wondery+. They say Hollywood is where dreams are made. A seductive city where many flock to get rich, be adored, and capture America's heart. But when the spotlight turns off, fame, fortune, and lives can disappear in an instant. When TV producer Roy Radin was found dead in a canyon near LA in 1983, there were many questions surrounding his death. The last person seen with him was Laney Jacobs, a seductive cocaine dealer who desperately wanted to be part of the Hollywood elite.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Together, they were trying to break into the movie industry. But things took a dark turn when a million dollars worth of cocaine and cash went missing. From Wondery comes a new season of the hit show Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder. Follow Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of The Cotton Club Murder early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. So they rented this apartment and I think that Addy thought this might help them get back to how things had been during the storm and incredibly fun real estate facts about this apartment possibly a selling point
Starting point is 00:33:10 possibly not depending on your worldview it was above the new orleans voodoo spiritual temple and the voodoo spiritual temple is now run by priestess miriam chamani i think chamani yeah yeah and it's the only, quote unquote, formally established spiritual temple with a focus on traditional West African spiritual and herbal healing practices in New Orleans. The priestess can do all sorts for you, from spells to bone readings.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Did you know that voodoo is where the word zombie comes from? I did. It's like a Haitian thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I wrote about it in my dissertation what they used to do what was they still do in like Haitian verdun is like each god has a symbol and you would draw it in sand and then that brings forth that particular deity and they take over people's bodies and those people are peoples are zombies and I think the word it's kind of like a
Starting point is 00:34:02 mishmash of two words it's of the um of of fetish and something else that's like God or king or something like that. I'm going to get dragged for this. If you are a voodoo priestess, please get in touch and correct me. But like one of the symbols that they drew in the sand for like the goddess of love equivalent is really cool. And when I was at university, I kept looking at the symbol and I was like, fuck man, like I kind of want to get that tattooed. And everyone I showed it to, they were like, I kind of wanted to get that tattooed too. And then I read into it and people were like,
Starting point is 00:34:32 absolutely fucking not. You do not know what you're fucking with. The whole point of drawing it in the sand is that you can make it go away. Do not tattoo that on you. And I was like, okay, I will not. I am convinced. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Do you reckon the fact that as soon as you saw it, you felt that and when you showed it to other people, they felt that it was almost like some form of the symbol drawing people in to try and make you want to, like a siren. Yeah, that's how I felt. But equally, I was in the middle of writing my dissertation and not sleeping very much.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So who knows? But that's how it was. At least, I would say at least four or five people all women that said they wanted to get a tattoo could you find it again let's share it on social media and let's see what people think yeah yeah yeah I can find it cool let's do it oh that actually reminds me that two other extra bits of content that we're going to be bringing out for patrons during lockdown fun times is um Helen hot takes with Hannah McGuire and Not In This Economy with Saruti Bala. Stay tuned for that coming very shortly your way.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yep, the podcast that no one asked for on their way to you. Okay, so if you're not satisfied with my very poor retelling of Haitian Vidun traditions, you can check out Priestess Miriam. She actually did a podcast interview with NPR, which we've linked in the show notes below. So apparently after Katrina, Priestess Miriam took her parrot Mango and left the city. But she came back just a month later ready to do business. Mango's a pretty good name for a parrot.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'll give her that. She knows. She knows. You're not going to be a fucking voodoo priestess and then give your parrot a shit name. Yeah. Maybe I'll give my cardboard cutout of you a parrot called Mango. I'm excited. OK, I'm going to find something in my house to fashion into you. The bin. And I'll just put a red scarf on it. It's a big googly eyes. My flatmates are prop maker by trade, so I think we can get you a pretty good parrot going.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Oh, mate, I'm excited. You need to... This is basically how we're going to pass all our time. That can be your first IGTV. Just remember to keep it in portrait mode. Okay, okay. I'll tell Cardboard Cerruti to keep an eye on it. So whatever you believe about the potential bad juju
Starting point is 00:36:41 of living above a voodoo temple, the move into the apartment for Zach and Addie was certainly not auspicious at all. The fighting continued and Zach really started pushing Addie away and soon she discovered that he had been cheating on her and having a sexual relationship with a man. Addie absolutely lost it. She even went to see the flat's landlord, a man named Leo Watermeyer, just days after they had moved in, and asked if she could sign the lease in just her name. This meant that she could then legally kick Zach out, and that's exactly what she did. The landlord happened to stop by
Starting point is 00:37:17 the flat that evening after she'd signed the lease, and saw the two having a raging argument. Addie told Leo, the landlord, he's been cheating on me and I want him out. The screaming and the shouting continued long into the night, and the next day, Addie didn't go into work. Her boss from the bar kept calling her, but there was no response. It wasn't like Addie.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Zach was missing too, but before anyone could raise the alarm, three days later he showed up for work. His colleagues noticed that he looked, quote, like shit. But he explained everything away saying that Addie had just upped and left, deserted him and gone back home to North Carolina. Eura Jones, Addie's boss, was worried. She was close to both of the couple. And she was sad, watching Zach just going from bar to bar every night getting blind drunk.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Everyone thought he was just heartbroken. Little did they know what had really happened. After a few days of Zach acting very strangely indeed, his friend, who has the best name we've ever come across, and we say that a lot, but this one is particularly good second only to christmas humphries in my opinion brad bradley and brad bradley of course who could forget never forget we'll uh we'll add this one to our fantastic names hall of fame uh capriccio de vegas yeah yeah i think so because i've never heard it said out loud, basically. I've only ever seen it written down.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Capriccio de Villas or de Villas? I don't know. I don't know. So Capriccio called his mate Zach to check how he was doing. And Zach asked Capriccio to come out with him. He said he needed a night out. Capriccio agreed, and he thought he was just helping his mate through a breakup. So they went out and hit bars and went to a few strip clubs.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And then suddenly at 4am, Zach hugged Capriccio and told him, quote, I gotta go. I'm going on vacation. Bye. And that was the last time anyone saw Zach alive. The next day, on the 17th of October 2006 at 8.30pm, New Orleans police got a call from Omni Royal Orleans Hotel in the French Quarter. There had been a suicide. When they arrived, they discovered the body of a young man on the roof of the hotel's car park. It appeared that he had jumped from the roof of the hotel and fallen around 70 feet.
Starting point is 00:39:42 He had multiple skull fractures, his arms were fractured and he had other major impact injuries. The police didn't know who this man was so they emptied his pockets. In the back right pocket of his jeans they found a note in a plastic sandwich bag. It was addressed for police only and honestly when I was reading notes, I gasped at this bit. Audible, mouth-open gasp. So guys, get ready. This is what the notes said. This is a direct quote.
Starting point is 00:40:14 This is not accidental. I had to take my own life to pay for the one I took. If you send a patrol to 826 North Rampart Street, you'll find the dismembered corpse of my girlfriend Addie in the oven, on the stove and in the fridge, along with full documentation on both of us and a full signed confession from myself. The keys in my front pocket are for the front gate. Zach Bowen.
Starting point is 00:40:41 The shocked police drove straight to the address and what they found there when they arrived was straight out of a horror movie. As they walked in, they thought it was weird how high the air con was turned up. The flat was freezing, and it was full of rubbish. There were empty beer cans and fag butts all over the place. It looked like a squat. Especially when the police noticed spray painted messages on the walls, reading things like, I love her, I'm a total failure, please call my
Starting point is 00:41:12 wife and tell her I love her, please help me stop the pain. And most eerily of all, look in the oven with an arrow pointing towards the kitchen. On the hob there were several large cooking pots. Nervously the police approached. They took the lid off the pot on the front burner and to their horror inside was a human head. It was completely burnt to a crisp. On the back hob was another pot and inside that was a pair of human hands and feet. The officers opened the oven and found a huge roasting pan with the burnt remains of human arms and legs. On the kitchen counter, they noticed chopped up vegetables,
Starting point is 00:42:00 and perhaps most stomach-turningly of all, they noticed that the burned human limbs seemed to have some sort of seasoning or marinade on them. And it wasn't over yet. Inside the fridge, they discovered a human torso. I forgot to reissue the no eating warning. Yeah, well, that'll teach you. That'll learn you for not listening at the beginning. Yikes. You never get over it, do you?
Starting point is 00:42:26 I am embarrassed to say I ate an entire bag of popcorn while typing up that particular bit. Very similar to Omayman Elson, I thought. So similar. And to Catherine Knight. The vegetables, the pot, all of that. As the police continued their search of the flat, they discovered a diary, and they noticed quickly that the last eight pages of notes had been scribbled frantically, and also that they were written in different handwriting
Starting point is 00:42:54 to the rest of the journal. It was Addy's diary, but the final entries were Zach's. And unbelievably, just like his suicide note has said, these pages were a detailed description of what had happened in that flat. And this is what it read. Quote, Today is Monday, October 16, 2am. I killed her Thursday, on October 5, at 1am.
Starting point is 00:43:18 She had stolen this apartment, tried to kick me out. Then she wouldn't shut up, so I very calmly strangled her. It was quick. Then I was posed with the next question of how to dispose of the corpse. So I got drunk and passed out next to her on this very futon. The next morning I got up and went to work. I worked until 9pm. During the day I figured I should dismember the body and cook the corpse to ease the separation of flesh from bone, and gradually dispose of the rest in various ways. Monday, I came home and set to work on the torso. Halfway through, I stopped to think about what I was doing, and I scared myself.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Not by the actions of strangling the woman I love, but by my total lack of remorse. I've known forever how horrible of a person I am. I decided to quit my job and spend the last $1,500 I had left on being happy and then kill myself. I didn't contact my family, so that will explain the shock. It was just time now. So it feels like he sort of thought he might try and get away with it and then halfway through was like there's just no way. I think so because otherwise why would you try to dispose of
Starting point is 00:44:32 the body? I think he kills her exactly like you said, thinks potentially there's a way out and then there is no way out and I think he decided to end it all at that point. And this story of course spread like absolute wildfire, but no one could believe it. Everyone knew that the couple had issues, but this. Their friends, who had seen Zach in the days after he'd killed Addy, were completely shocked. Capriccio, his friend who Zach had taken out drinking the night
Starting point is 00:44:59 before he killed himself, realised with horror that night out was probably after Zach had spent a day chopping Addie's body up. Now, before we move on, let's discuss a few things. The first one is the obvious question I'm sure you're all thinking. Was Zach eating Addie's remains? Well, it's hard to say because he doesn't mention this in his diary entries and when the autopsy was carried out on his body after a suicide no human remains were found in his stomach but then you have to ask why was there seasoning on Adi's burnt remains if he says as he does in his diary entry that he was just cooking it to separate the flesh from bone why Why are you seasoning it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And also, why are there vegetables? I don't know that either, so that seems quite strange. And I don't really think that the lack of human flesh in his system proves that he wasn't eating it. There were days before the police got there, before he killed himself. He may just not have eaten any of her that particular day, surely. Yeah, and we see this every time of suspected cannibalism. It's actually incredibly difficult to prove.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And the only way you can even get a bit closer is if there are bits missing. But even still, you can't prove that they were eaten. They're just somewhere else. It's actually incredibly difficult unless someone like Armin Mivas completely confesses to it. It's really hard to prove unless you catch them basically in the act of eating it or the day of. Yeah. And so we don't know. We can speculate because of the setup of how he was cooking Addy's remains, but I don't have a definitive answer. And I don't trust the sources that call him Katrina Cannibal because that just sounds a whole lot better. Other point
Starting point is 00:46:43 that people do raise with this is that there were accusations and some places state this as fact. But again, I couldn't find any compelling enough evidence that proved to me this was factual. The accusations of necrophilia. There are lots and lots of accusations that he was having sex or we talked about this before. Is it sex?
Starting point is 00:47:02 He was defiling Addie's corpse after he had killed her. But again, I can't find any evidence that I saw that made me feel like I believe it. So I don't know. Possibly, possibly it was her. How, just how are you even proving that? I'm with you on that. I think that's spurious at best.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yeah, because she's been dismembered at this point and all of the remains have been cooked. There's no way to test whether there was semen or anything. And again, he never confessed to that. Oh, that's a good point, actually. Like, if he's being so open about all of it, why would he leave it out? Like, it seems, because he says, he's like,
Starting point is 00:47:39 I have no remorse. Like, why would he hide it, you know? Why not say it? Exactly. So I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it was a line too far even for him to confess to and he did do it or he never actually did it and it's just what people want to say about the case the fact is if anybody tells you that they know for a fact that he did both of those things I would just ask them to prove to you how they know that so we're not going to tell you that I'm sorry I don't accept any of your opinions
Starting point is 00:48:04 unless you have carried out an autopsy yourself and I can read it please. Please otherwise don't waste my time. Talk to Mango he's more interested than I am. Exactly. So obviously I can't even begin to imagine the unbearable horror that Addie's family would have gone through with all of this. Zach's mum of course was also left completely destroyed by this incident. And Zach's friends could only tell themselves that he'd just snapped. They couldn't bring themselves to call him a monster. And there's a documentary that we watched on this case, which is called Graveyard Love. You can watch it.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And when you do, you can tell that people were rooting for Zach and Addie. They were two sad people who had been through a lot of shit and they were going to be a story of redemption and hope like they'd been during Katrina but it all ended in horror and tragedy. As Capriccio puts it in his documentary interview, Zach wasn't a monster but he did his best to make people believe that he was and although Zach wrote in the diary that he was shocked at his lack of remorse, I don't really think that he didn't have any remorse at all. I think that he felt guilt.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Zach's autopsy at least seemed to indicate physical signs of guilt. His body was covered in cigarette burns. This matched a line he'd written in the diary, saying that he'd burnt himself once for every year he'd been a failure there are even some people who think that zach was possessed by a demon that the voodoo priestess who ran the voodoo temple underneath the flat was harboring some people think that it was all about addiction zach was well known to be on a steady stream of cocaine and drugs and drink almost daily. Apparently,
Starting point is 00:49:45 they had a friend called Squirrel that kept them in drug flow. Couldn't find any more information about Squirrel, but he slash she was their go-to. Squirrel. My friend at uni had a weed dealer called Footsteps. Oh my God, that is, that's amazing. But I think with this case with zach i think it was the perfect storm and as ever as you've heard me and hannah say multiple times before on this show we have to take responsibility for the people that our society produces and for the crimes that they commit i think zach was dealing with many issues still remaining from his army days and i guess you could call them demons but we think they were probably from the hell of war rather than from hell itself.
Starting point is 00:50:30 It's of course absolutely not an excuse for what he did to Addy. I want to make that absolutely clear. But it's just a thought as to maybe why. And as Hannah said, we'll leave a link to where you can find the documentary Graveyard Love in the episode description below. It's really to save you time if you do want to check it out. Because if you just try googling around for a documentary on this case, you will come across repeatedly a film called Zack and Addie. I desperately tried to find a way to watch this documentary.
Starting point is 00:50:58 But I discovered that apparently it's never been released to the public and it's only ever had very small private screenings. Have any of you squeaky bitches seen it? When you go on their Facebook site, they're just like, here is screening at this theater, max tickets, blah, blah, blah. I don't know. There's people accusing it of not even really existing. I can't tell. Somebody tell me. Oh, I love that.
Starting point is 00:51:21 The film that doesn't exist. I think that's really cool. Well done, whoever pulled that off. I mean, yeah, it either completely doesn't exist or they're doing a very bizarre system of very slowly getting it out there, which I don't understand as a methodology. Don't know what's going on there. So try and find the mystery secret film if you can. And we'll leave you with the very last bits of news that we could dig up on this case. Of course, some worried that this horrendous crime might put tourists off visiting New Orleans, but they needn't have feared.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Because a new haunted history museum, complete with ghost tour, was set up by Bloody Mary Haunted Museum and Tour Company in Zack and Addie's old flat. I mean, I suppose no one was going to rent it. Might have been quite difficult to get why don't they just move the priestess up there where's she living she can't be living in the temple i think she's still down in the temple but i think poor old leo watermeyer is like yeah i'm gonna have to give the lease to this fucking tour company because who else is gonna want the bloody murder flat even in new orleans would i live there? I don't... Would I?
Starting point is 00:52:26 No. No, I don't know. I don't think I could do it. I had to live in number 13 once and that nearly sent me over the edge, so maybe not. No, I think your propensity for that then is probably, possibly quite low. Let's not move into a madder apartment. You'd have to paint over all that spray paint. Oh my God. Oh, and you'd have to replace all the kitchen wouldn't you oh it'd be a nightmare yeah well true but you'd hope the landlord would wouldn't just expect you to deal with fucking human baking tray i mean well this lady kept all of it true true so you'd even better deal for leo she wants it all yeah what atenance flip job for him.
Starting point is 00:53:05 So this lady who rents the apartment now is called Mary Millen, and she's the owner of the Bloody Mary Haunted Museum and Tour Company. And she claims that whatever people say, she is not disrespecting the memories of Zach and Addie. She says, quote, they were a dark chapter in the city's history, and they should be remembered. She even kept the stove and fridge so that people visiting the flat could gawp at them.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And Mary even added to her exhibit a photo of Zach and Addy splattered with blood. And she says that she doesn't understand why people have an issue with it. Obviously, as true crime podcasters, we are not in the best position to criticise this lady. But I think a blood spattered picture of them in their own house where Addy died might be a little bit far. Yep. And I actually was reading reviews of this tour. And there are a few people that clearly didn't realise that they would be taking you into the actual flat. And people are like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:54:07 They took us into the flat and they showed me the fridge and the stove. I think there's limits to what people want. I think, you know, a walk around New Orleans for a grisly tour where they tell you about this story like we're doing is one thing. Going into the flat and looking at a photo of them covered in blood and being like, this is the fridge where her torso was. Bit much for the average person. Yeah, don't like it.
Starting point is 00:54:33 No, don't like it either. So yeah, Mary hustles on and it's still very much there. I also love how her name is Mary and she's named the company Bloody Mary. She's owning it, I'll give. Like what? She's owning it. I'll give her that. She's fully owning it. She's like, fuck you guys. This town, this city has a 300 year dark past
Starting point is 00:54:53 and I am going to capitalise on it to the max. That is me paraphrasing from her website. So there you go. So that is the story of Zack and Addy, the Katrina cannibal, I guess, as he's called everywhere. But we have suspicions about that. Let us know what you think and get ready for a whole load of new content, especially immediately after this when you can come on over to Under the Duvet and listen to us try not to talk about coronavirus, etc.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And then just follow us on social media so that you can get more up-to-date information about the new content we're going to drop because it's all very exciting and you can do that on all the social medias at red handed the pod you can also come on over to sign up to be a patron and there'll be even more content we just released a vlog of us getting our tattoos so go and have a look at that we should post a picture of them we should do something we should do something yes come watch there's a full vlog on us doing it going all the way to Hereford it was literally like my last day before I went into social distancing so it was yeah it was our last day of freedom it was so come check that out and
Starting point is 00:56:00 here are some lovely patrons who have already signed up that we need to say thank you to. So once again, there are lots and lots of you, so everybody get ready. Thank you so much, Danny, Alyssa, Carrie Armstrong, Sarah Pilkington, Harriet Hater, Amy Commander, Chase Carpenter. Chase Carpenter, that is a great name. I love it. Amy Commander is pretty good too. That is good too. And Harriet Hater. You guys have got some good names.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Catherine Gary, Shannon Stevens. If I don't say your name is amazing, it's not because I don't think it's amazing. It's because I can't stop and say it for everybody's wonderful names. Daria Aniko Windemanska. Kyle Rankin. Alison Addie Patterson. Oh, hey, Addie. Natalia Gomes, Caroline Goebel,
Starting point is 00:56:51 Christian Sanchez, Mary Flanagan, Fiona Thompson, Kristen Iona Cook, Beth Thomas, Claire Amore, Lady Catherine. Oh, hello, Lady Catherine. Laura Schofield, Claire Amore, Lady Catherine. Oh, hello, Lady Catherine. Laura Schofield, Rabbits Watching, Holly Lawrence, Charlie Carras, Audra Davis, Ashley Baird, Holly, Adriana Parker, Eve Elizabeth, Chloe, Sam and Ludog. And are you guys all quarantined together as that's what's happening andrew semelian uh jessica hudson keela rickus riannon jones maggie ewan taylor molly grace ruth cosins rusef ruse rose kim
Starting point is 00:57:35 yep lena it's tag team. Yep, go. Emily F., Katie T., Peter Scope, Jess, Chloe Mushington, Bri Dargan, Rachel Cox, Patricia A.,
Starting point is 00:57:51 Graham Airdana, Marika Beaumont, Zarin Mahmood, Jen McCormack, Zooey, Michael Crowder, Crowder, possibly. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:04 What year is it Gabrielle Ekinsberger Dana Albin Leandra Marshall Channing Thomas Jonathan Elton
Starting point is 00:58:13 Victoria Norris Brooke Cook that's a good name that is a good name Katie Sherman Nikki Brown Mary Rapala Daniel
Starting point is 00:58:19 Daniel Chappelle or Chapel who knows Seamus Manley Scarlett Jenna Say Quass that's a great name Beatrice Johnson Laura Kate Brown Daniel Chappelle, or Chappell, who knows? Seamus Manley, Scarlett, Jenna Seyquas. That's a great name. Beatrice Johnson, Laura Kate Brown.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Jess Thomas. Katie Grimes-Kopansky, Emmy Johnson, Rachel Baldwin, Lydia Alice Egan, Aria Kirby, Elizabeth, just Elizabeth, Melissa Teer. No, don't know. Chantelle Roach Parker Jamison I don't know Lauren DeFore I don't know
Starting point is 00:58:53 Rain Boehm Morgan Peters Christine Rowland Bethan Brown Kaylee Ulmer Georgia Sharon Rabbit Hannah Mitchell Kanye Manning, Lorna Phillips, Alison with a Y.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Go on then, tag team. Tag team. Alison with a Y. I think I may have missed out Elizabeth Jones. If I did, Elizabeth, there you go. Maria Modchika, Renee Rudinsky, Alex Kessford, Stephanie Mikos, Stephanie Nickel, Hannah Costanzo-Chantel, Mary Cregan, Elizabeth McDowell, Valerie Liatowd, Cheryl Lee Stella, Alex, Lauren Lust, uh amna alani may coplin l cassin freya marissa theriot theriot we've actually said that name
Starting point is 00:59:52 for as a person in the mark dutro case but i cannot remember how to pronounce it uh molly dake casey harman milo white tinker jenks tinker Kierke, Claire Richardson, Sam Rush, Angelica Tasparelli, Sarah Heath, Edelmarch Martin, Crystal, Sarah Lamb, Rebecca Kelly, Natasha Hyde, Holly Orton, Thank you. Elizabeth Marley Kitchens, Rachel Scott, Jess Wilson, Stephanie Schroers, Hannah Schroer, Jess Ramsey, Megan Boshard, Whitney M, Caitlin Lewis, Sam Thrombley, Julia Leiter and Lillian Rose. Thank you guys so much. Well done. That was such a good run. And thank you all of you for listening at home and supporting us on Patreon. We are going to be pushing some content right in your face.
Starting point is 01:01:10 All over your face. Because we have nowhere else to go. Literally. And let's head on over now under the duvet, Hannah. I've got a ghost story for you. Oh, oh my God. Okay, good. Because I wasn't really scared about what I was going to say. Now you could just be scared about what I tell you. Oh, should we ask them for ghost stories? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was going to do it in under Zubo, but we should do it here.
Starting point is 01:01:31 You're right. And actually, that is a natural little end of the episode segue, because one of the things that Hannah and I would love to start doing to stop us all being scared of the real world and be scared of the paranormal one instead send us your best ghost stories and then we're going to start doing a mini sode um depending on how many we get the frequency will vary uh where we basically read them out to each other and see how scared we can get um so yeah send us your best ghost stories to redhandedpatreon at thank you very much it's not going to be patreon only,
Starting point is 01:02:05 but send it to that email. Goodbye. Bye.S. history. Presidential lies, environmental disasters, corporate fraud. In our latest series, NASA embarks on an ambitious program to reinvent space exploration with the launch of its first reusable vehicle, the Space Shuttle. And in 1985, they announced they're sending teacher Krista McAuliffe into space aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, along with six other astronauts. But less than two minutes after liftoff, the Challenger explodes. And in the tragedy's aftermath, investigators uncover a series of preventable failures by NASA and its contractors that led
Starting point is 01:02:54 to the disaster. Follow American Scandal on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Experience all episodes ad-free and be the first to binge the newest season only on Wondery Plus. You can join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free trial today. You don't believe in ghosts? I get it. Lots of people don't. I didn't either, until I came face to face with them. Ever since that moment, hauntings, spirits, and the unexplained have consumed my entire life. I'm Nadine Bailey. I've been a ghost tour guide for the past 20 years.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I've taken people along with me into the shadows, uncovering the macabre tales that linger in the darkness. And inside some of the most haunted houses, hospitals, prisons, and more. Join me every week on my podcast, Haunted Canada, as we journey through terrifying and bone-chilling stories of the unexplained. Search for Haunted Canada on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

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