RedHanded - Episode 225 - Casey Anthony: Web of Lies - Part 1
Episode Date: December 9, 2021When 22-year-old Casey Anthony was arrested on 16 July 2008, her two-year-old daughter Caylee hadn't been seen for over a month. Casey's history of lying and manipulation, as well as her stra...ngely distant attitude towards her missing child, was setting off all kinds of alarm bells... and the smell of death coming from the boot of her car didn't help either. Prepare for bizarre phone calls, fascinating police interviews, and generally some of the strangest behaviour we've ever witnessed, as we cover one of the most infamous true-crime cases of all time. Sources:  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I'm Saruti. And I am Hannah. And welcome to Red Handed, where I have quite a lot of some sort of fruit roll-up situation stuck in my teeth.
There is literally no time where it is appropriate to tell people what's inside your mouth.
I'm going to.
Unless it's the dentist.
I'm going to.
I'm very hungry, and I thought, what I'll do, quick energy, I'll stuff this fruit wind-up or whatever it is in my mouth.
Now there's quite a lot of gummy fruit just jamming up my teeth for an audio piece of content is exactly what you want
especially with a plosive mouth it's a good thing i've got this pop filter so anyway hello everyone
welcome it's the penultimate episode of 2021 oh my god over here at red. Oh my god. Over here at Red Handed. Oh my god indeed. And it's a two-parter
so it's basically the last episode. Kind of. Yeah. Mega last episode because it's a two-parter. It is
a two-parter. What a year. What a year we have had. Ups, downs, billboards, bestsellers, shows, sold out
tours. All thanks to you guys. All thanks to you guys. Fucking to you guys like i don't know i still have
to pinch myself that we are where we are i like talk to my friends or go on these fucking terrible
days what do you do and i'm like you literally won't believe me no no exactly i get to have the
best job ever yes and we're so incredibly lucky and thankful to be where we are and it is you know 100% down to you so as
a reward what we generally do at Christmas as a present apart from our Patreon Christmas party
which we're having this year which if you're not a patron you're not invited what we do at Christmas
is we give you a case that you ask for all the time but on our regular programming we have just
been like no it's been done so many times.
Like, what can we possibly bring to it?
Well, my friends,
last year we did JonBenet Ramsey.
And this year, it's Casey Anthony.
Yeah, yeah.
We thought it would be really fun
to wrap up 2021
with a mind-meltingly infuriating case.
That's how I would describe it.
I think that's a fair assessment no one
tells a word of the truth so you just have to i mean make up your own minds as usual as you know
we are not here to tell you what to think but you'll be thinking a lot of things you'll be
forming a lot of thoughts and then all of those thoughts will be blown to smithereens by the next
bit of the episode because none of it makes sense. No, it doesn't. So everyone paying attention?
Good. Let's get started. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
We often talk about the idea that people don't always react in the quote-unquote right way when
it comes to grief and how it can be deeply unfair to judge them on this, especially when they're in a high-stress situation. But, in my opinion, this isn't one of those cases. Today, as we've already said, we're talking about
one of the most well-known true crime stories out there. It's also one of the weirdest. Filled with
bizarre lies, things that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, and a cast of characters so odd that if you can get through the next two episodes
without screaming, well done. I won't. I did not during the research. Hannah had to sit next to me
and I'm sure she saw a lot of head shaking and muttering. A lot of sighing. And so we're sitting
in a glass box all day, every day together now, which honestly, I couldn't be more grateful. It's
so nice to not be on my own. But the past two weeks have just been silence yes furious typing and silence yeah
with the occasional exasperated head shake from me so this is when it begins on the 15th of july
2008 at 8 0 9 p.m the or Orlando Sheriff's Department received the following call.
Hi, I drove to the police department here on Pershing, but you guys are closed.
I need to bring someone into the police department.
Can you tell me where I can, the closest one I can come into?
What are you trying to accomplish by bringing them to the station?
I have a 22-year-old person that has Grand Theft sitting in my auto with me.
So the 22-year-old person stole something?
Is this a relative?
Where did they steal it from?
My car and also money.
Okay. Is this your son?
Okay. So your daughter stole money from your car?
No, my car was stolen.
We retrieved it today.
We found out where it was at.
We retrieved it.
I've got that, and I've got affidavit for my banking account.
I want to bring her in.
I want to press charges.
Okay, where did all of this happen?
So, the voice you just heard was that of a woman named Cindy Anthony,
mother of Casey Anthony, the daughter that she wants to press charges against.
It's hard not to feel like when you're listening to that call
that it is the voice of a mother being like, I've had enough.
I'm going, this time I'm calling the police.
Yes, and I know parents who have done that especially about stolen
cars. I'm not saying it's something any parent takes lightly but sometimes I mean I've witnessed
that path be taken. However the order in which she gives the information is very bizarre. Oh yeah I
don't know if it's a bad connection you can obviously hear it's not the clearest call. I don't
know if she can't hear what the guy's saying but she doesn't answer the questions in a very no way no she's just like i want to bring someone into
your facility and he's like okay like why would you not say my daughter's stolen my car and i need
to press charges that would have made the whole thing a lot quicker but it's almost like she
doesn't want to give the game away somehow it's almost like she doesn't really want to do it she's
just doing it to scare casey yeah i think she's i mean it's kind of like she doesn't really want to do it. She's just doing it to scare
Casey. Yeah, I think she's, I mean, it's kind of like, I don't really know what she wanted it to
achieve. But it's kind of like she's giving these like breadcrumb bits of information.
I think it's exactly that. I think it's like, I don't actually want to call the police on her
because she's my daughter. But I'm doing it to be like, are you listening? Are you listening to this
Casey? I'm calling the police
right I've had enough of this right so right this man that she calls at the sheriff's department
then tells Cindy that she's come through to the wrong number so he has to transfer her
I'm going to play the part when he's transferring her just because I want everyone to hear
what Cindy says to Casey while the transfer okay happening. Okay, so Casey's physically there.
Casey's physically there.
That's what I'm saying.
It's like she's looking at her and being like, okay, okay.
Are you fucking listening?
I'm calling the police.
I've had enough of this.
So everybody listen to this next part.
So my next thing will be down the trout thing and we'll have a court order together.
If that's what you want to play, we'll do it.
And you'll never.
Well, then you have. No, i'm not giving you another day i've given you a month
oh yeah i think that is a very important part it may not seem obvious right now exactly what's
going on especially if you don't know this case also full disclaimer hannah's obviously read the
script that has been written by me i don't know why i said Also, full disclaimer, Hannah's obviously read the script that has been written by me.
I don't know why I said it so cryptically,
but she hasn't heard the calls.
Or listened to the interviews
that we are going to be playing
throughout these two episodes.
I think I might need to be sent to spooky bitch jail
because I actually don't know this case particularly well.
But I think you and I are both not particularly interested
in these huge well-known cases often.
Why I say that is because
I'm really interested to see your reaction as somebody
who sees these interviews and hears these calls for the first time okay as some of our listeners
might be so i think if she seems shocked by it it's because she is yeah yeah no i'm not just
doing an excellent acting job i've heard it all 50 million times by now so yeah that part of the
call when cindy says just in case you didn't catch it cindy
says next i'll be going to child thing i guess she means child protective services and she says i'll
get a court order to get her i've given you a month and casey says give me one more day everybody
remember that this is when cindy is now on the phone again to 9- 911, what is the address? What's happening?
I have someone here that I need to be arrested in my home.
They're there right now?
I have a possible missing child.
I have a three-year-old that's been missing for a month.
A three-year-old?
Have you reported that?
I'm trying to do that now, ma'am.
Okay, what did the person do that you need arrested?
My daughter.
For what?
For stealing an auto and stealing money.
I already spoke with someone.
They said they would patch me through the Orlando Sheriff's Department, have a deputy here.
I was in the car.
I was going to drive her to the police station, and no one's open open they said they would bring a deputy to my home when I got home to
call them so she stole your vehicle yeah when did she do that on the 30th I just
got it back from the impound I'd like to speak to an officer can you have someone
come out to my house okay okay I Okay, I've got to ask you these questions so I can put them in the call, okay?
So now, obviously, you can hear there that Cindy says very clearly that there is a three-year-old,
a possibly missing three-year-old, who's been gone possibly for a month.
Things are starting to get weird.
But you will notice, and I think this is important
to notice that on this call, she seems calm. She seems very calm about the situation. She's not
frantic. She hasn't seen her granddaughter in over a month, but she seems calm.
Stern, I would say, but I think you're absolutely right. I think it's very much the tone of the,
like, I'm not taking this from you anymore. You're pushing me to this point.
And it's important to say that the next call I'm about to play you
is the third 911 call that Cindy Anthony makes that day.
About an hour has passed between the previous call you just heard and this one.
911, what's your emergency?
I called a little bit ago.
The deputy sheriff's saying I found out my granddaughter has been taken.
She has been missing for a month.
Her mother finally admitted that she's been missing.
Okay, what is the address that you're calling from?
We're talking about a 3-year-old little girl.
My daughter finally admitted that the baby's in store.
I need to find her. Your daughter admitted that the baby's in the store. I need to find her.
Your daughter admitted that the baby is where?
That the babysitter took her a month ago.
That my daughter's been looking for.
I told you my daughter was missing for a month.
I just found her today, but I can't find my granddaughter.
She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself.
There's something wrong.
I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's
been a dead body in the damn car. Okay, what is the three-year-old's name? Kaylee, C-A-Y-L-E-E,
Anthony. Kaylee Anthony? Yes. Okay, is she white, black, or Hispanic? She's white.
How long has she been missing for? I have not seen her since the 7th of June.
What is her date of birth?
Um, 8...8, 9, 2000...oh, God, she's 3...she's 2005.
So it's Karen, isn't it? Karen, isn't it?
Karen, isn't it?
Karen just said they took her a month ago.
She's been missing for a month.
Okay, I just can't, I need, I understand.
Can you just, can you calm down for me for just a minute?
I need to know what's going on, okay?
I'm going to try and stop.
I'm going to try and stop...
Is your daughter there?
Is your daughter there?
Can I speak with her?
Do you mind if I speak with her? Thank you.
I called them two hours ago.
They haven't gotten here.
And she finally admitted to me that he took her a month ago.
Ma'am. Ma'am.
They want to talk to you.
Answer the question.
Can you tell me what's going on a little bit?
I'm sorry?
Can you tell me a little bit what's going on?
My daughter's been missing
for the last 31 days. And you know who has her? I know who has her. I've tried to contact her.
I actually received a phone call today now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get
to speak to my daughter for about a moment, about a minute. Okay okay did you guys call and report a vehicle stolen um
yes my mom did okay okay so there's been a vehicle stolen too no this was my vehicle
what vehicle was stolen um it's a 98 pontiac sunfire okay i have deputies on the way to you
right now for that but now you're now you're
three old. Your three old daughter is missing. Kaylee Anthony. Yes. White female. Yes, white
female. Three years old. Eight, nine, 2005. Her date of birth. Yes. And you lost all her a month
ago. 31 days. From 31 days. Who has her? Do you have a name? Her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Who is that?
Babysitter? She's been my nanny for about a year and a half, almost two years.
Why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago? I've been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her, which is stupid.
Can you give me the name of the nanny again?
Like, spell it out for me?
Zenaida, Z-E-N-A-I-D-A.
Last name?
Hyphen Gonzalez.
I think the officers are here.
The officers are there?
Okay, hold on a second.
Don't hang up on me yet.
I need you to...
Yeah, you can obviously tell that things have escalated quite a lot. Things have escalated, yeah. I think... I need to... Okay. Yeah.
You can obviously tell that things have escalated quite a lot.
Things have escalated, yeah.
I think...
But I think if I had to be in a room with Casey Anthony for 40 minutes,
I would escalate also.
It's so bizarre.
Like, I just can't even get my head...
Like, Cindy's obviously, as you heard, she's...
I do think she sounds genuinely upset.
Oh, absolutely.
I think that's the biggest shift between that hour, between the last call and this call.
You can tell, I think in the last call, I think she thinks that Kayleigh is just somewhere.
Kayleigh's with a friend.
Kayleigh's with a neighbor.
She's just, you know, Casey and Kayleigh have been missing for a month.
Or not missing.
They thought they were somewhere else.
We'll go on to talk about that.
So I think that Cindy genuinely just thinks Kaylee's fine and she's somewhere else in that 40 minutes to an hour
is when she realizes that casey doesn't know where kaylee is yeah i think it's also a really
important thing to stick a pin in at this point is that on this call casey says that she has spoken
to her daughter who has been missing for 30 days conveniently the number
on which she spoke to her daughter the day this 911 call is being made is now out of service yeah
also just in case it wasn't clear in the call cindy has to force casey anthony onto the phone
oh yeah she doesn't want to do it and she says when cindy says it's the sheriff's department they want to talk to you casey says i don't have anything to say which when your daughter
has been missing for 30 days and you are admitting that you haven't seen her in that time i think i'd
have quite a lot of things to say you'd think wouldn't you i also think the 911 operator is
doing a good job of like being investigative, which they don't always do. Yeah, because this already makes no sense.
And I think, yeah, absolutely.
Props to that 911 operator.
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So when the officers get there, they were met with absolute chaos.
Cindy and her daughter Casey were screaming at each other.
Cindy told the police that her three-year-old granddaughter was missing and had been so for a month. So it's an important point to make.
The officers haven't heard any of this because they didn't hear the most recent call that we
just played you. So they're very, very confused about why these two women are shouting about
a child and quite so upset about a car that has been salvaged.
They thought they were there to deal with the domestic dispute about a stolen car and some money.
But now there is suddenly a toddler up in the mix that no one has seen for 31 days.
So the only thing they can possibly have been thinking is what in the cinnamon toast fuck is going on.
I've stolen that from our very big fan at Angry Black Lady on
Twitter. Well, there you go. And Dwayne The Rock Johnson has liked the tweet. You know,
we're in good company. Maybe he'll like this. So when the police start to try and figure out
what the fuck is going on, this is the story that they get. According to Cindy and her husband,
George, who is Casey's dad, on the 7th of June, 2008, so about six weeks before
this scenario is unfolding, Casey had told them, because she lives with them, Casey had told them
that she was going out of town for work to Jacksonville, which is about 140 miles away
from where the family lived in Orlando. And she told them that she was going to be taking her
three-year-old daughter, Kaylee, with her. For the next six weeks the Anthonys didn't see either Casey or Kaylee. They spoke to Casey on the phone a few
times but whenever they called and as grandparents would do when they asked to speak to their
granddaughter Kaylee was always asleep or otherwise engaged so they never spoke to Kaylee during that
time. Then on the 15th of July the Anthonys said that they got a call from an impound lot
telling them that a car registered to them, so that's the white 98 Pontiac Sunfire,
had been found abandoned by a check-cashing place in Orlando.
Obviously, when they hear this, they're baffled and panicked
because that was the car that Casey had taken to go to Jacksonville.
Why was it in Orlando after six weeks and why had it been abandoned? They went to pick up the car
from the impound lot and were shocked by the state it was in. The car absolutely stunk. This was a
stench that Cindy Anthony described in her 911 call as smelling like, quote, a dead body.
After they got the car back, they managed to track down Casey, who wasn't in Jacksonville at all.
She was still very much in Orlando at her boyfriend Tony Lazaro's house. The Anthonys
drove straight there and found Casey smoking weed and seemingly having a great time. They dragged her home and that's when Cindy made the first 911 call.
And as we said at the top of the show, this call is really trying to punish Casey.
If you listen to it, Cindy is clearly very calm, stern,
and she's being a disciplinarian to tell Casey that enough is finally enough.
You can feel in that call that Cindy really thinks that Kayleigh's fine,
just with a babysitter or a friend or whatever.
But in the hours between the first and the third call,
as Cindy says on the recording,
Casey finally admitted that the nanny,
who's unfortunately called Zanny,
had taken Kayleigh and wouldn't give her back
and that she'd been missing for 31 days.
So when officers at the house questioned Casey, she told them that she had
dropped Kaylee off at her nanny's house on the 9th of June 2008. And then when she'd gone to get
Kaylee that evening, as she did every single day, the nanny, a woman, as she says in the 911 call,
is called Zenaida Fernandez-Gandez Gonzalez, or Zanny for short,
had refused to give Kaylee back.
Casey then said that she tried to call Zanny again and again, but the phone had been disconnected.
So Casey said that she then went and searched all the parks and the usual kind of hangouts
that she knew Zanny the nanny took Kaylee to, but there was no sign of them.
According to Casey, she was now absolutely terrified, but needed time to think. And she said she knew she couldn't go home because she was scared of
what her parents would say. So she went to her boyfriend's and didn't call the police.
She said she didn't call the police because she was worried if she did, that Zannie would have
hurt Kaylee. Interesting point, I think, to note here. She told her parents she was going to Jacksonville.
She never went to Jacksonville, obviously.
As we'll go on to see, that's all a big lie.
So saying that she didn't go home that night
because she was worried of what her parents would say,
she had already planned to be away from them for a month.
I think that's worth pointing out.
I don't know.
Pre-meditation is a word that will get thrown around a lot in next week's episode.
The police, just like you and just like me, just like us together,
could hardly believe what they were hearing.
Parents simply just do not wait for a month before reporting their child missing.
So they were, of course, massively suspicious of Miss Casey Anthony.
And they actually charged her at this point with child neglect and took her in for official questioning.
At the station, Casey stuck to the nanny story.
And here is a clip from that first police interview.
The date right now is July 16th, 2008. The time right now is 0411 hours.
I'm Detective Mellish with the Orange County Sheriff's Office I am with Casey Anthony is that correct yes Casey
you understand this is being recorded yes you have any objection to that no
Casey I got called here in reference to a missing child you took Casey to a
babysitter's house yes and who was this babysitter her name is Zenaida Fernandez
Gonzalez how long had you known Zenaida?
Almost four years. It'll be four years Christmas this year.
And where did you meet her? Who did you meet her through?
A mutual friend. His name is Jeffrey Michael Hopkins.
I met him at Nickelodeon at Universal, and I met her through him.
She was his son's nanny at the time.
Does Jeffrey still work at Universal?
he does not. How long has it been since he left? About nine, ten months, give or take.
He moved up to North Carolina for a short time and moved down to Jacksonville within
the last three months. When was the last time you spoke with him? About a week and a half ago.
Do you know a telephone number for him?
I can find a number for him. I don't know a number offhand. No, I do not.
So you met Zenaida through Jeffrey Hopkins?
I did, yes.
And his son, Zach Hopkins, I guess, Zenaida used to watch over Zach?
And when did she start watching over your child?
It's been within the last year and a half, two years that she started watching Kaylee.
How would you normally drop off? How would you normally do the exchange with your child?
Would you drop the child off? Would she meet you somewhere? I would usually drop her off for a few months. We would go over to Jeff's house. He lived over in Avalon Park. And you
would go to Jeff's house for? To drop off Kaylee. That's where Zenaida would go to watch both of
the kids. Okay. It was in a nice centralized area.
He had a decent-sized house.
It was good room for the two of them.
Go back to your statement.
You dropped off Kaylee June 9th and walked me through.
You dropped her off to go to work?
Get off of work and go from there.
I got off of work, left Universal,
driving back to pick up Kaylee like a normal day,
and I show up to the apartment, knock on the door, nobody answers.
So I call Zenaida's cell phone, and it's out of service.
I didn't really want to come home.
I wasn't sure what I'd say about not knowing where Kaylee was.
Still hoping that I would get a call or, you know, find out that Kaylee was coming back so that I could go get her.
And I ended up going to my boyfriend Anthony's house, who lives in Sutton Place.
Did you talk to Anthony about what happened with Kaylee?
No, I did not.
Did you talk to anyone about Kaylee, about your incident with Kaylee?
Outside of a couple people, a couple mutual friends.
Who did you talk to about it?
I talked to Jeff, Jeffrey Hopkins.
I talked to Juliette Lewis.
She's one of my coworkers at Universal.
She works, you still work at Universal?
What do you do at Universal?
I'm an event coordinator.
Okay, what is Juliette, what position is she, where is she working?
She's also an event coordinator.
We work in the same department. Do you have a number for Juliet? Offhand, I can't think of one.
Is she in your SIM card? No, she's not. Some of the more recent numbers, her number just changed because she just moved back up north. She, within the last two months, has finished moving up to
New York. She's still losing her apartment. So Juliet doesn't work at the Universal anymore? No, she does not. What's the reason, I asked you this before and I'll ask you
just for the record, what's the reason you didn't call the police before?
I think part of me was naive enough to think that I could handle this myself, which
obviously I couldn't. And I was scared that something would happen to her if I did notify the authorities or got the media involved.
Just fear of the unknown, fear of the potential of Kaylee getting hurt, of not seeing my daughter again.
I asked you this at the onset and asked you before we went on tape, and I'll ask you again just to make sure we're clear.
Is there anything about this story that you're telling me that is untrue,
or is there anything that you want to change or divert from what you've already told me?
No, sir.
Did you cause any injury to your child, Kaylee?
No, sir.
Did you hurt Kaylee or leave her somewhere, and you're worried that if we find that out,
that people are going to look at you the wrong way? No, sir. Did you hurt Kaylee or leave her somewhere, and you're worried that if we find that out, that people are going to look at you the wrong way?
No, sir.
And you're telling me that Zenaida took your child without your permission and hasn't returned her?
She's the last person that I've seen with my daughter, yes.
Is she Puerto Rican? Is she Dominican? Is she white?
She's mixed. She's black and Puerto Rican.
Is there any underlying cause to why Zenaida would have taken your child?
Nothing that...
She ever make any statements to you about...
Only how much she loves Kaylee and how great of a kid she is.
And when you talk to Jeffrey afterwards, I'm assuming that Jeffrey's child is still with him.
His child is still with him.
You said Zenaida had family up in New England, up in New York or something?
Yes, she has family down south.
Her mother, her sister, her brother's in New York.
She's originally from New York.
Pretty much grew up there, moved down here, went to the University of Florida.
I mean, I don't think she knows the definition of mutual friends.
Mutual between who? You and Kaylee? You and the nanny?
The thing is, what she's saying makes no sense.
But how calmly she delivers it.
And just straight off the bat.
And no hesitation.
So effortless.
And also, because of the way she delivers it, outside of the context that nothing makes sense it sounds so believable yeah it's not until you
really break down what she actually says and you're like wait a minute if you didn't know the
case no if she was saying something else you would just be her delivery everything makes it seem
completely believable it's remarkable i've never seen anything like it she truly is in a league of
her own obviously spoiler she's fucking lying her arse off.
Yeah, like when he's like,
is there anything about it that's untrue?
He should have just said,
is there anything about what you just told me that is true?
Because the answer is a big fat no.
The only thing that is correct
is that her name is Casey Anthony.
So the police now need to find these people.
They needed someone who could corroborate Casey's story,
establish a clear series of events
and of course help them to find Kaylee. At first Casey took the investigators from random address
to random address, seeming confused and surprised when it turned out that the people she claimed
lived there didn't. Yeah she's basically like oh no one I know that you could easily find,
like my boyfriend or my parents or
anybody else who's real. I didn't tell any of them. Didn't tell any of them, even though I went
straight to my boyfriend's house after I realised that Kayleigh was missing. I told these other
people, like Geoffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis, that you now need to go find. She'd even sent the
police to an address claiming that it was the home of Zanny the nanny. But when they got there, the flat was completely empty.
And obviously, there are a lot of things about Casey Anthony that don't exactly make her mum of the year.
But if I was entrusting someone with my child,
I think I would quite like to know their address,
and I would like to know that they actually lived there,
and I would like to know that they have a phone that is connected.
Oh yeah, I mean, the problem is that Casey says, this is definitely Zanny's apartment, lived there and i would like to know that they have a phone that is connected oh yeah i mean
the problem is that casey says this is definitely zanny's apartment and she's like yeah i dropped
her off here all the time but it's like right no you didn't because she's not here she's not here
and also and actually the flat's completely fucking empty it's not even that zanny the nanny
may have lived there and may have vacated. The owners of the building said that absolutely no one ever, not never,
had lived in the building called Zenaida.
So she was never there.
Zanny the nanny never, ever lived there.
No one named Zenaida lived there.
No one had lived there for months.
Yeah, so she's literally, just like you heard in the call,
the rate and consistency and confidence that she comes up
with these complete fabrications like she's literally just spitting addresses off the top
of her head oh yeah yeah even when the police confront her with what for other people would
be irrefutable evidence for example she says this is zanny the nanny's house this is zanny
the nanny's apartment they go there fucking apartment's empty and she says well no this
is definitely where i used to bring Kayleigh.
And the police go speak to the building apartment.
They're like, no one's lived here.
They even pull the CCTV and said, for the day you said you dropped her off here,
you're not on the CCTV.
At the times you said you were dropping her off.
In fact, you weren't here at all that day.
And she's like, no, I was definitely here.
And it's just like, what do you do with that?
You can't do that much with that, be honest that's her tactic so the police were obviously growing incredibly
frustrated they told casey to take them to universal studios because remember she's saying
juliet lewis plus another colleague they were the ones that she had told and jeffrey hopkins of
course so they're like, take us to Universal
and let's talk to the people that you apparently told
contemporaneously about Kaylee's disappearance.
So they all go to the offices together.
And once they get there, Casey walks straight up to a security guard
and tells the security guard that she needs to take the police in
to speak to Juliette Lewis.
She also wheels off a bunch of other names.
The security guard was totally confused.
He couldn't see any
of these names on the employee database and he kept telling Casey that she wasn't even listed
as an employee. But Casey didn't back down and she kept telling the man to call her supervisor.
She even gave a name and extension number for her boss. So this is like causing quite a scene.
This attracts the attention of her manager. The manager is equally confused by the lack of like names on the employee database.
But I think he's just like kind of keen to help because Casey's screaming about the fact that a child is missing.
And there are three senior detectives standing there.
So this manager tells the security guard to just let Casey and the officers in. For the next 25 minutes, Casey walks
these three detectives around the building. And while she's doing so, she's even like waving at
people saying hi. Eventually, she heads down a corridor that ends in like a dead end. At this
point, and this is what the detective said happened, she put her hands in her back pockets, sighed, laughed, turned back to look at them, and said that she didn't actually work there after all.
To be fair to Casey, which is, I promise I will never say that again, the one place where you can wave at people you don't know and they will wave back is Universal Studios.
Maybe even Disneyland. Like, the people who work there will wave at fucking anyone. So she and they will wave back is universal studios maybe even disneyland
like the people who work there will wave at fucking anyone so she's got that she's smart
but she's in the corporate offices as well i mean not i mean fine whatever they'll wave back they'll
not wave back the fucking gall on this woman yeah yeah the audacity my god can you imagine i think
this is one of the things that is the most shocking about this case.
And I think one of the reasons that people are so obsessed.
People lie all the time.
It's not the lies that's shocking.
It is Casey Anthony's ability to withstand that level of pressure.
The extent to which she can push a lie.
It's like, and we'll say this again because it comes up so many times she will
take it to the absolute end she will take a lie to the absolute end until she knows she can't lie
anymore and then she'll be like okay fine you got me it's quite she could be a master of industry
like she could rise to the top in quite literally any profession she needs to be a spy yeah nerves of fucking steel it's truly remarkable so casey
shrugs it off she admits she's never worked there but the thing is the detectives who were
accompanying her through her little tour of the universal studios corporate offices already knew
that when casey wasn't able to give them the phone numbers or addresses for zanny jeffrey juliet or
all the other co-workers that she made up and told about Kaylee's disappearance.
The detectives had done good detecting and had gone to Universal Studios themselves
before they went there with Casey to see what they could find out.
And what they found out was pretty bizarre.
Casey hadn't worked at Universal Studios two whole years.
Jeffrey Hopkins hadn't worked there for six years
and no one named Juliette Lewis had ever worked there at all. And when Casey had worked there,
she hadn't been an event coordinator like she'd been telling everyone, she worked on the photo
kiosk at the Incredible Hulk ride. And I think this is also the thing we have to say of like,
she told her parents she was going away for work to Jacksonville for six weeks she wasn't because she didn't have a job at that point
so again you have to ask why is it during a time when she already planned to be away from her
parents and be away from that house for six weeks it's during that time that Kaylee goes missing
yeah and it's also I think it bears repeating the speech he comes up with the name julia lewis
completely confident and no one at universal studios has worked there by that name which is
just astonishing two things a word of advice ladies if a man on hinge says he is an event
coordinator he's a barman i learned that one the hard way no shade on barman just say what you are secondly how does someone who works on a kiosk
in america where minimum wage is extremely low afford a private nanny do they not have play
groups is there not group situations for the babies well yeah but that's the thing she didn't
have a private nanny and she told everyone she was an event coordinator not someone working on
a photo kiosk there is no nanny there is no nanny okay right i'm with you
so the answer is she can't afford it and she didn't have one and this is the thing again
talking about the ability to which casey anthony is able to carry out a light and the amount of
i don't even know what the word is like the extent to which she's able to go to the pressure she's
able to endure because remember she lives with her parents
and she hasn't worked at Universal Studios for two years,
but they didn't know she was unemployed.
That means that Casey Anthony was getting up every morning,
getting dressed, getting Kaylee dressed,
taking them both off somewhere,
telling her parents she was leaving Kaylee with the nanny,
but there is no nanny.
So where were her and Kaylee spending all day every day
and then she'd come home in the evening like i've been at work she did that for two years without a
job wow this is what i'm saying it's madness there was someone i used to work with when i worked in
bars who for a good six months stint was sleeping in the bar and no one found out wow like through
a very unfortunate series of events they'd
ended up without somewhere to live yeah and they would just because chefs get in fucking early
they'd sleep there leave before the chefs got there walk around town for a couple of hours and
then come back this is the thing it's so tragic and that is obviously a different situation because
it's somebody trying to fucking get by and manage a horrible situation this situation with casey
she could have gone and tried to get another job yeah yeah she situation this situation with casey she could have gone
and tried to get another job yeah yeah she doesn't she does we know she's unemployed as we'll go on
to talk about i think it's just like i was quite close to that person at the time that was happening
and i had absolutely no idea it's always quite shocking when you manage to when you see something
like that i think yeah and i think again you know in that situation it's like somebody trying not
to share what is obviously a horrible situation here with Casey Anthony.
Her motivations for lying are complex.
He was hip hop's biggest mogul, the man who redefined fame, fortune and the music industry.
The first male rapper to be honored on the Hollywood Walk Cafe, Sean Diddy Combs.
Diddy built an empire and lived a life most people only dream about.
Everybody know ain't no party like a Diddy party, so.
Yeah, that's what's up.
But just as quickly as his empire rose, it came crashing down.
Today I'm announcing the unsealing of a three-count indictment,
charging Sean Combs with racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, interstate transportation for
prostitution. I was f***ed up. I hit rock bottom, but I made no excuses. I'm disgusted. I'm so sorry.
Until you're wearing an orange jumpsuit, it's not real. Now it's real.
From his meteoric rise to his shocking fall from grace,
from law and crime, this is The Rise and Fall of Diddy.
Listen to The Rise and Fall of Diddy exclusively with Wondery+.
I'm Jake Warren, and in our first season of Finding,
I set out on a very personal quest to find the woman who saved my mom's life.
You can listen to Finding Natasha right now exclusively on Wondery+.
In season
two, I found myself caught up in a new journey to help someone I've never even met. But a couple of
years ago, I came across a social media post by a person named Loti. It read in part,
Three years ago today that I attempted to jump off this bridge, but this wasn't my time to go.
A gentleman named Andy saved my life.
I still haven't found him.
This is a story
that I came across
purely by chance,
but it instantly moved me
and it's taken me to a place
where I've had to consider
some deeper issues
around mental health.
This is season two of Finding,
and this time,
if all goes to plan,
we'll be finding Andy.
You can listen to
Finding Andy and Finding Natasha exclusively and ad-free on Wondery Plus.
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So most of it's made up, but the police did actually manage to track down this Jeffrey Hopkins character,
who apparently didn't even know anyone named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez,
let alone have a nanny by that name
that he had then introduced to Casey Anthony.
But it gets even better than that,
because guess what?
Jeffrey Hopkins, of working at Universal Studios
six years ago fame,
didn't even have any fucking kids.
And as you will have heard in the interview,
she's like, yeah, she used to watch Jeff's kid, Zachary. He he hasn't got a fucking kids she's just making this all up on the spot i kind of wish i
could do that she'd be great at improv mate she's there you go on snl the casey anthony improv group
can you think of anything worse i can't so yeah the police discover that jeffrey hopkins hasn't
worked at universal studios for six years.
He doesn't know Zenaida Gonzalez and he doesn't have any children, let alone a little boy named Zachary.
And when they talk to Jeffrey, he told the police that he hadn't spoken to Casey Anthony in years.
But Casey had told the police that she'd spoken to him just a week and a half before she was being interviewed.
Once again, lies all over the place.
And also, the police weren't able to find anyone named Juliette Lewis,
who worked at Universal or otherwise, connected to Casey Anthony.
Detectives, by this point, were beyond confused.
Why was she lying?
What the hell was going on?
And you might be thinking, why were the police, when there's a child missing,
wasting time with these kind of games?
Why did they, if they already knew that Casey Anthony was lying about working at Universal Studios,
why did they let her go on that little charade of like walking them around for 25 minutes
and then, you know, getting her to admit it in the end?
Well, firstly, and the police detectives admit this in,
there's quite a few documentaries you'll be
unsurprised i'll link all of them in the episode notes but the police say that because of how
relaxed casey was like in that first interview on that 911 call she's so like relaxed and like
reluctant to talk to them and not really like how you would expect a parent of a missing child to be
they actually thought that kaylee was probably alive. They actually thought this woman is so calm, this mother is so calm, something can't be wrong.
She knows something and she knows their child is safe. Yes, I agree. Which I think is a reasonable
conclusion. I don't think it's necessarily right because we know that people like Casey Anthony
exist, but I think it's a reasonable thing that they thought. So basically they suspect that Casey
was hiding Kaylee somewhere.
They had seen firsthand how volatile the relationship between Casey and her mum Cindy was
and they actually thought that Casey was hiding her daughter Kaylee away from Cindy to just like
punish her or do something or keep her away from him. That's their theory. But since Casey wouldn't
give them anything in interviews, like she doesn't break she
doesn't crack she doesn't deviate from her story she just keeps going regardless of what evidence
they confront her with so I think the police were basically like we need to do something to try and
shake her we need to catch her in a massive lie like at Universal so that we can force her to
tell the truth but nope not with Casey Anthony.
And when she turns around in that pivotal moment and tells them,
all right, fair enough, I don't actually work here,
the police immediately arrest her and take her to a room in Universal Studios.
They don't even bother going to the police station.
They take her to a room immediately in there and interview her.
And we're going to play a clip now from this interview.
And you'll hear now that the police are much more aggressive with Casey Anthony. Since I left you this morning
I've gone to every address that you've told me I came over here I've already talked to all the
employees I found out all these names that you're giving me are people that either never worked here
or have been fired here for a long time ago okay so where we are right now is in a position that doesn't look very good for you.
Because obviously,
I know and you know
that everything you've told me
is a lie.
Not everything that I've told you.
Pretty much everything
that you've told me,
including where Kaylee is right now.
That, I still,
I don't know where she is.
Sure you do.
I absolutely do not know where she is.
Let me explain something.
Looking at you,
I know that everything
that you've told me is a lie.
I am very confident, just by having talked to you
the short period of time that you know where she is.
I legitimately have not seen my daughter in five weeks.
I didn't let anything happen to her,
except I trusted her with somebody,
somebody that had been taking care of her,
that had been taking good care of her,
someone that she was comfortable with, that I was comfortable with.
What about Jeff?
Has Jeff worked here until about two months ago? No, he hasn't worked
here for quite a while. Ten months? How long? It's been at least ten months.
He got fired in 2002. He hasn't been an employee here since 2002.
We've put a lot more together than I think you realize we've put
together. My question to you is, we're in this office because our purpose
in coming here was to do what? i'm trying to think of places where i know she's been you're not answering my questions
do you want us to help you want to help us find your daughter well good starting point would be
to answer the questions okay if i say you we're here because and then you just ignore that like
i never asked it and go off in some other direction is that answering the question no okay
let's go through this again. We're here because...
Because I lied.
Because I brought you up here.
And honestly, I was reaching for...
No, stop right there.
I want you to tell me how lying to us
is going to help us find your daughter.
It's not going to.
Well, if the main thing you want to do is find your daughter,
and you don't think lying to us is going to help us find her,
why would you do that?
Because I'm scared. And I know i'm running out of options it's been a month what are you scared of
i'm scared of not seeing my daughter ever again i'm a parent too i would have been beside myself
i have i would have called the police immediately and that's the part that i just don't understand
we can we've got so many resources out there that we could help on day one.
You didn't know what to do.
I didn't know what to do. At that point, I'm thinking, okay, they haven't been gone that long.
Maybe I can find them. Maybe I can track them down.
We're not stupid, okay? And what you're doing right now is you're treating us like we're stupid.
Everything that's coming out of your mouth is a lie. Everything.
You give Kaylee to someone and you don't want anyone to find out because you think you're a bad mom,
or something happened to Kaylee and Kaylee's buried somewhere or in a trash can somewhere.
And you had something to do with it.
Either way, right now, it's not a very pretty picture to be painting.
You're painting yourself as a very bad person.
It needs to end.
The truthful thing is that I have not seen my daughter the last time that I saw her was on the 9th of June.
Remember we had those two people that we were talking about? The person who had an accident and a person who's just a cold-blooded, callous
monster? That's telling me that you are the second person, this cold-blooded, callous
monster who doesn't care and doesn't want to help because she's afraid that something
so heinous happened that everyone's going to look at her and say, she's a monster, she
deserves to go away, she deserves to never see the light of day, this bad thing should
happen to her. I don't want to believe that right now but
you're giving me no choice tell us what happened to Kaylee tell us what happened
to Kaylee I dropped off Kaylee I dropped her off at that apartment no you didn't
that's exactly what I dropped her off did you just think that one day she's just going to spill up at your house? No. I sat around yesterday trying to figure out what to do. I'm glad that I ended up seeing my mom. That all of that stuff happened. It happened for a reason. You're glad you saw your mom. You could have saw your mom five weeks ago and said mom I don't know what to do. I saw my mom's reaction right off the bat and it it would have been the same from the get-go.
So wait a minute.
You're more afraid of your mom's reaction than you are if you ever see your daughter again? No, I'm absolutely petrified.
Absolutely petrified.
I know my mom will never forgive me.
I'm never going to forgive myself.
Is it that there's some other thing more important in your life right now
that you just weren't really focused on what you were saying when you told us?
So you kind of just accidentally told us you had an office here and we needed to be here,
or did you purposely mislead us?
Which of those two is it?
I purposely misled you.
Okay, so you purposely misled us.
This was all an attempt to help find your daughter, right?
That makes sense to you, correct?
In a backwards sort of way, yes.
Backwards sort of way.
I'm coming back to places that are familiar to me that I know are familiar to her.
Familiar situations that maybe, but just maybe would help.
She's almost three.
She's almost three. What, you think she's going to take a cab here?
I mean, how do you think she's going to get here?
Because she's with someone else.
She's with someone else who's hid her from you for five weeks yes why would a person who
is hit your daughter from you for five weeks okay bring her to the building that you used to work at
I don't know what else to do anymore if I knew where she was if If something would have happened, I would have admitted that a long time ago. Do you believe thinking up more lies
to tell us will help us?
She's with someone
that I absolutely do not trust.
And that I'm absolutely scared
that... That you don't trust yet
with babysitting your daughter for a year? I don't trust
her now because of
what happened. Who did you call first?
Who did you go to for help first to help try
to find her?
No one. Oh, no one oh no okay all right okay well i'm glad we got that straightened out jesus i don't even know where to start i think like it's what the first thing that jumped out
at me listening to that is when she's like i'm running out of options so what outcome did you want what are your other options casey i just don't know and she's just like oh i'm just saying
random fucking shit like coming back to familiar situation like what i won't say that she's
completely emotionless because i do think obviously the detectives are like ramping up
senior detectives going hard at her this is an
interrogation now this isn't an interview oh no absolutely but she's still like i dropped they're
like tell us what happened to kaylee tell us what happened to kaylee you won't be a bad mother if
you tell us what is basically what they're saying and she's like i dropped kaylee off on the eighth
and you're like oh my god how oh totally like i you know that she's still
lying through her teeth but she does in all of the other calls that i've heard of her
her tone doesn't change at all and this one it slightly changes she drops her volume but she's
worried about herself oh no i'm not saying that it's you know she's having like a mea culpa moment
or feeling any particular emotions at all i think what she's doing is like okay plan a isn't working let's move into plan b the emotions phase but she's not
hysterical no and i confront her with the fact that jeff this is when you hear her be confronted
with the fact that jeff hasn't worked and she's just like okay let's move on yeah yeah and she's
yeah it's just bizarre and like having literally just done a case on catastrophic false confessions.
This is exactly why I said it last week.
It is astonishing. How old is she? Fucking 22?
She's 22 when this interview is happening.
Oh my God.
This is what I'm saying. She just, she does not stop.
She doesn't stop. And when she says the thing of i'm actually glad i
ended up seeing my mom and all this has happened her mom dragged her out of our boyfriend's house
whilst they were all sat there smoking weed 31 days apparently after kaylee went missing and
she's like i'm so i'm actually really glad that happened what it's weird because in one frame
i feel like she knows exactly how to come across.
She's young.
She's attractive.
If you watch her in the interviews, not this one, because this is like, you know, much more heated.
In the earlier interviews and when the detective plays nice, she knows how to behave.
So, you know, she knows how she's coming across.
But it's also at the same time, it's like she has no idea how she's coming across when
she says these lies.
I can't figure out whether she has spent her life three steps ahead of everyone else or she's so stupid she
doesn't know the difference i don't know i like i'm split i have no idea which one i think it is
well we're gonna go on to talk about casey's earlier life i'll save my assessment for then. Hold it in.
Again, three senior police detectives
being, I wouldn't say aggressive
as like a bad word,
but they're going hard
because enough is enough.
There is a three-year-old missing.
So they're doing what needs to be done.
And she's just like,
no, I dropped her off.
I dropped her off.
Yeah, she doesn't panic,
doesn't lose her cool.
And I think if you really
listen to it it does kind of feel like the tail's wagging the dog a bit this is exactly what i was
gonna say although there are three detectives in there who have found out a lot about her lies they
are ahead of her they knew about the lies at universal before they even took her there but
it still feels to me like casey is the one in control of that interview because she just doesn't care she has a real like lack of like almost a lack of
shame like if i was caught out in that many lies i would be so embarrassed that i would like
crumble because of that she just has no sense of like shame i'll keep going it doesn't matter oh
you found out that's a lie doesn't matter i mis I misled you. Yes, I brought you here.
I misled you.
Carry on.
What's next?
It's remarkable.
She's the Pied Piper, I think.
And it's because she just doesn't even answer the questions.
No, no, no, no.
She's just like, this is my narrative.
That's what the detective says.
He's like, she just pretends like whatever they say doesn't matter.
I'm just going to keep saying what I'm saying.
But regardless, after this interview, the police arrested Casey,
hoping that this would scare her and that she'd finally just crack
and tell them everything, tell them where Kayleigh was.
But again, it was a big fat nobody nopington from Casey Anthony.
So the next clip we're about to listen to is from the one phone call
that Casey Anthony was allowed after
her arrest. The first voice you're going to hear is Casey's mum Cindy. So the nice little cameo on
TV she's talking about is just before she's allowed to make this phone call she watches the
news and sees her mum go out there and talk about the situation as you would fucking expect when there's a child missing
but it's also weird for a mom to pick up the phone to her daughter who she suspects of
squirreling away her granddaughter with hey sweetie oh yeah yeah and also the fact that
cindy goes and does a press conference to try and find kaylee and And Casey's weather, I just saw your nice little cameo
on TV. What do you mean which one? Which one? I did four different ones and I don't know,
I haven't seen them all. I've only seen one or two so far. You don't know what my involvement is in
stuff? Casey. Mom. What? No. I don't know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You're not telling me where she's at.
Because I don't f***ing know where she's at.
Are you kidding me?
Casey, don't waste your call.
Don't scream and holler at me.
Waste my call sitting in the jail?
Whose fault is your sitting in the jail?
You're blaming me that you're sitting in the jail?
Not my fault.
Blame yourself for telling lies.
You mean it's not your fault.
What do you mean it's not your fault, sweetheart?
If you'd have told them the truth and not lied about everything, they wouldn't... Do me a favor. Just tell me what Tony's number is. it down though because she speaks to three different people during this call.
So that was her conversation. First conversation she has after being arrested with her mum. The call continues. We're going to break it down though, because she speaks to three different people during this call.
So that was her conversation.
First conversation she has after being arrested with her mum.
The level of anger she has at her mum for going on TV.
I understand because her mum's obviously gone on TV and says that she doesn't know Casey's level of involvement in things.
I would be upset if my mum said that about me.
You would be, rightfully so.
But I think, again, everybody let's remember this call because
cindy goes on to have quite a change of heart as we'll discover but right now we all just heard it
plain as day she says i don't know what your level of involvement is in things darling or sweetheart
or whatever she fucking says then she says if only you told them the truth instead of lying about
everything let's remember these things because she's singing a different tune
later down the line.
I think the relationship between Cindy and Casey
is one of the most interesting parts of this case
that I think is quite often
definitely in the documentaries overlooked.
Purely because,
and I understand why they're doing it,
they want Cindy to be involved in the documentary.
Cindy and George, Casey's dad,
they're in all of the documentaries being interviewed.
Obviously, if you start criticising Cindy, she's not going to do that.
I'm not saying for a second that I think Cindy is involved in Kaylee's disappearance,
but the relationship there is interesting.
Also, you will have noticed that Casey was like, get me Tony's number.
Pay attention to the next bit.
The next voice you're going to hear is Casey talking to her brother, Lee.
I can't do that. I don't know what real good it's going to hear is Casey talking to her brother Lee. waste your time coming up here you're making it real tough for anybody to want to try to
i'm not going around and around with you that's pretty pointless christina would love to talk to
you because she thinks that you will tell her what's going on frankly we're gonna find out
everything i have no clue where kaylee was do you think any of this would be happening
no anyway you only got a couple minutes for this, so I'm not going to let you throw away. Here's Christina.
She thinks she can get this.
Even Lee, her brother, is like,
it's all going to come out.
Just tell us.
Tell us.
And she's just like, no.
And her singular focus is getting Tony's number.
I kind of, obviously, don't know the guy,
but I kind of rate her brother for being like,
you're making it extremely difficult for anybody to want to help you this is because lee has grown up in that house right
we're going to talk about this later but the dysfunction in that family is rife particularly
the relationship between cindy and casey like we said and i think that lee is a man who has grown
up in that environment he knows his
sister that's why he's not yelling at her that's why he's not like tell them the truth like Cindy
keeps doing because he knows that's not going to work he's just like this is making things very
difficult it's all going to come out in the end those are lines I feel like Lee has said before
to his sister that's how it sounds he sounds like a tired man he does so he basically gives up and
he hands over the phone to Christina,
which is the next voice you're going to hear in the next part of this phone call.
Christina is Casey's best friend.
The first time I heard this exchange, my jaw dropped open a little bit.
I want Tony's number. I'm not talking to anybody else.
Hi, I'm glad everybody's at my house.
Do me a favor, get my brother back because I need Tony's number.
Does Tony have anything to do with Kaylee?
No, nothing.
Okay, so why do you want to talk to Tony?
He's my boyfriend and I want to actually try to sit and talk to him
because I didn't get a chance to talk to him earlier
because I got arrested on a f***ing whim today.
I just want to talk to Tony and get a little bit of...
Casey, you have to tell me if you know anything about Kaylee.
If anything happens with Kaylee, Casey, I'll die.
You understand? I'll die.
If anything happens to that baby.
Oh my god. Calling you guys? A waste. Huge waste.
It actually makes me sick, that part of the call.
Yeah, I feel sick and sad at the same time.
Skiff's sad.
Christina sounds nice.
Christina sounds like a mother in anguish.
She's like, if anything happens to that baby, I'll die.
And Casey goes, oh, wow.
Oh, my God.
Are you fucking serious?
It's unbelievable.
Why are you inconveniencing me with your emotions?
Get me Tony's number.
I need to talk to my boyfriend.
So her only concern at this point is not finding out where Kayleigh is, not figuring any of that out.
She needs to explain to her boyfriend what's really going on.
So that he doesn't, you know, freak out that his girlfriend's been arrested.
It's shocking.
Yeah, yeah, it truly, truly is.
So this call is made from a jail, which the police can obviously hear.
They have recordings, they are aware that all of this has gone on.
So obviously, given how batshit fucking mental that call was, it set off major alarm bells in the police station.
Who was this Tony character, and why did Casey need to speak to him
quite so urgently? And just in case you'd forgotten, dear listener, dear sausage, dear spooky bitch,
Tony is of course Tony Lazzaro, Casey's boyfriend of but a few weeks. He's not Kayleigh's dad. No,
no, no, no, no, no. No, he's a new boyfriend. He's brand new. Exactly. So obviously, after listening
to that phone call and given the urgency
that casey showed in wanting to speak to tony the police are highly suspicious of this tony
character they think that he's involved somehow so the police track him down and turn up at his
house and tony lazaro honestly his life he doesn't take part in any of these documentaries
and take part in anything and i don't blame him because his life was dragged through the fucking shit because of this case i'm gonna say it out
now like i don't think tony had anything to do with fucking anything uh yeah i think i'm probably
on your team now he's just like a stoner college kid that's what tony lazaro is right so tony
hasn't got a fucking clue what's going on. And according to him, Casey and he had started dating in like the end of April 2008.
They used to hang out at his, watch TV and go partying together.
Tony, aside from being a student, was also a Florida club promoter who ran classic club
nights such as That's Dope Fridays.
I have a confession to make.
You've been to That's Dope Fridays?
No, it's worse.
When I was a student, I promoted club nights.
What's the best named one?
Fuck Me It's Freshers.
I thought that would be a really good idea.
To like meet people, make friends.
Yeah, that is a great idea.
Unless you go to SOAS where nobody wants to go to Fuck Me It's Freshers.
They want to go and learn Iraqi dancing.
So I made no friends.
Oh mate. Actually, it was worse because I tried to fly this guy and he ripped up the flyer in front of me and he was like I'm really not used to girls giving me flyers and say fuck me on them
yeah not with that attitude you should be so lucky yeah it was so embarrassing that I just
deleted the like my boss's number basically.
And I didn't even pick up my money.
Do you know what?
He's embarrassing.
Those students are embarrassing.
Call yourself a fucking student.
Get in the bin.
I hate it.
It was actually, I've just been overwhelmed with a wave of anxiety just even telling you
it was so awful.
But you know, we grow, we move.
I hate that guy.
No, I can see his face
so clearly and then i was in a tutorial with him for the rest of the year mate yeah it was bad it
was really i'm sweating i'm never gonna complain about my uni ever again ever again jesus these
people shut up yeah yeah it was bad so after three weeks of t and Casey's love affair, apparently Casey had introduced him to her daughter Kaylee.
And then Tony said that after the introduction that Kaylee would basically come to the house about three times a week with her mum.
Tony and his housemate both said that as far as they could see, Casey had been a great mum.
That she and Kaylee had a really strong relationship and that she really looked after her.
And this is the thing, I think sometimes people do want to, because Casey Anthony is such an unlikable
character, they do want to ignore anything that could be slightly positive. And as far as all of
her friends and Tony and his housemate with who she spent the majority of her time and probably
where she spent most of her days when she was pretending to be at work, said that Kaylee was
incredibly intelligent. She was taught a lot byy and casey wouldn't allow anyone to smoke around her like she was
a good mum visibly right during that time as far as everyone could tell and then and this is
according to tony apparently in about mid-march so about six weeks before the police turned up at his door,
Casey, who had still been coming over daily, suddenly stopped bringing Kaylee with her.
And this ties in with the timeline of Kaylee's disappearance, as told by Casey.
But, interestingly, Casey never even once mentioned to Tony, her boyfriend, the love of her life, the man she has to speak to urgently,
that Kayleigh was missing or that she'd been kidnapped by her fucking nanny.
She spent the next 31 days at this guy's house and never said that.
And this is the man that she basically moved in with for the month that Kayleigh was missing.
And Tony tells all this to the police.
And according to Tony, during that time, Casey hadn't seemed sad or concerned or worried about anything she'd been in the time of her life she doesn't
have to go to work she can just smoke weed all the time no kid to look after live living the life
so now the police were absolutely convinced that casey had done something to kaylee and their
suspicions were only confirmed when they examined the car that had been picked up
by the Anthonys from the impound lot.
As soon as the detectives walked into the garage,
it was being kept in,
the smell of death and decomposition
hit them right in the face,
which if you've ever smelled it,
if you ever walked past a disemboweled dead fox,
you know what that smell is,
and it smells like nothing else.
A cadaver dog was brought in,
and in a move that
surprised absolutely no one the dog alerted its handler to the boot of the car. Let's explain
boot equals trunk. I won't say trunk it's boot. When police examined the boot of the car it was
definitely where the overwhelming smell was emanating from but you could also tell that
someone had tried very hard
to clean the car out, but try as they may have done, they did not do a particularly good job,
because on the carpet of the boot there was a massive dark stain. Forensics also managed to
collect several human hairs from the boot. So when the stain on the carpet was tested, it was found to have very high levels of chloroform
present. All the hairs that were found in the car were also DNA tested. The problem was that
the hairs that were found didn't have like the root, the follicle. I feel like is the follicle
the bit in the head? So anyway, they didn't have the bud, whatever it is, that comes out of the
head with the hair if it's pulled. And because because of this the hair could only be tested for mitochondrial dna
and this type of dna we've talked about it before is the type of dna that's passed from the maternal
side and so analysis of the hairs that were found in the boot were only able to tell detectives that
it either belonged to c, Casey or Kayleigh.
Which, considering their family car, is no good to fucking anyone.
It's not.
The other thing they were able to tell, though,
the colour of the hair, which was like a sort of soft brown,
the length of the hair and also the fact that the hair hadn't been treated,
so it had never been dyed or bleached.
And both Cindy and Casey, Casey has dyed hair and Cindy has bleached hair,
led them to conclude that it was most likely going to be Kaylee's.
The hair also showed banding.
And this is something we haven't come across before.
Educate me, Dr. Barla.
So, PMRB is post-mortem root band.
And apparently, after someone dies,
if you observe hair under a microscope,
you will see an opaque band, like a dark band,
that runs near the root areas of the hair on a decomposing body.
So if you compare hair pulled from a living person or pulled from a dead person where decomp has started,
you will see like a black band along the
head right on the hair right and it's not well understood they actually don't understand why
this happens so i can't tell you guys why that happens but what i can say is that you're not
going to see that banding on hair where the body hasn't started to decompose. Uh-huh. Okay. It's called post-mortem root band. So not only can they make the logical assumption via a process of hair.
It's a bit of a Legally Blonde moment, isn't it?
Of hair dying elimination.
They know it's a dead person's hair.
So they know that it is most likely to be Kaylee's hair.
And the person the hair belonged to is dead.
Was in the stages of decomposition. In car and in the car because the hair or the hairs were found in the boot so
the connection they're making is exactly what you just said Hannah that Kaylee's dead mitochondrial
DNA will only take us so far but because of the treatment of the hair we can assume it's her
the banding shows that it came from the head of somebody who was decomposing. And they were found in the boot of the car.
So they're saying, that says we can say that Kayleigh is dead and she was in the boot of this car.
So the car really does become a key piece of evidence.
And in fact, George Anthony, Casey's dad, he was an ex-police officer.
Which just makes this whole thing get better and better.
And when the car, because remember he and Cindy go pick up the car first.
And he actually told the police, he took them aside and told the police
that he had, quote, bad vibes when he'd got the car back.
George also told police, and this is recorded in a fucking police interview,
quote, where this is headed, I don't like it.
I don't want to believe
that I could have raised someone who could have hurt another person. George Anthony breaks my
heart in this entire, they fucking just destroy this man. I just, my heart breaks for him.
By now, investigators had also heard the third call that Cindy Anthony had made on the night of the 15th of July,
and they had heard her say the car smells like there's been a damn dead body in there.
Just a little fun factette for you.
Cindy Anthony is a registered nurse, which means she would have known exactly what human decomposition smells like.
She'd even worked in a morgue. So yeah. So ex-cop and nurse pick up a car and they're both like smells like there's been
a dead body in here. I don't think you can get much better than that. No I don't either. Cindy
doesn't seem to see that as a particular problem because she admits the fact that she's a nurse and
she knows what a dead person smells like. She tells that straight to the police. But when they press
her about the statement she made about the smell of death on the 911 call,
Cindy changes her mind.
This is where the U-turns begin from Cindy.
The lady is very much for turning, it would seem.
Cindy now said that, quote,
smells like there's been a dead body in there
is just a turn of phrase.
Which it is,
but when there has actually been a dead body in there,
that is quite a specific thing to say.
This is the thing, though.
They don't have the evidence to prove that there's been a dead body in there.
They have the hairs, they have the stain.
They can't prove it.
They can't definitively prove there's been a dead body in there.
But we heard the phone call from Cindy Anthony.
It does not sound like it's a turn of phrase.
She also later says, when they call bullshit on that, she says,
I said it because no one had come to the house after two hours of me calling the police.
And I said it as a way to get somebody there immediately.
So yeah, she's just saying that, you know, whether there really was a dead body or whether
it was just a really horrible smell, there was a horrible smell.
And Cindy felt like she had to explain that somehow.
And she chooses to explain it by saying the smell must have come from the bag of rubbish that had been in the boot of the car.
When the Anthonys picked up the car, there had indeed been a load of rubbish and a half-eaten pizza in the back.
And they decided that that must have been the source of the odour.
I do not have the tidiest car in the world.
I think having a car is like having a giant handbag.
I would never leave half a pizza in the world. I think having a car is like having a giant handbag. I would never leave
half a pizza in my car. That is absolutely vile. If you've ever done that, you're going to jail.
Well, this is the thing. Basically, when they pick it up from the impound lot, there's like a bag in
the back, just like torn open rubbish, half-eaten pizza, maggots, whatever. How it gets there is an
interesting part of this story. Because where the car was picked up by it was next
to a bunch of massive bins so i suspect what happened casey anthony tries very hard to clean
up this mess she realized she can't get rid of the smell we'll talk about what our theories are okay
she picked some bin bags out of the rubbish sticks it in there hoping that will mask the smell of
decomposition and death and that she'll be able to explain away the smell that way.
Okay, that makes sense.
And that's not a hot take.
That's like quite a common theory that is out there.
But still, I won't believe for one second that registered nurse Cindy Anthony would be confusing the smell of a moldy pizza and some maggots to that of a literal dead body. So I think it's pretty safe to assume at this stage in the game that
Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony's mum, knew by this stage that something had probably happened to Kaylee
and that Casey knew what it was and was involved in it. But Cindy can't face up to it and like
she's done so many times before, Cindy fell into her default mode of protecting her daughter Casey at all costs.
So let's take a little look at the relationship between Cindy and Casey Anthony because like I
said I think it's very interesting and I also think it's very important in understanding
both of these women's behaviour in this case. In all of the documentaries Cindy claims that
she and Casey were super close, making out like it was one big lovey-dovey family. And I'm sure,
you know, to
give Cindy some credit, that that's what most people would do. No one's going to sit there and
air their dirty laundry in front of the world. You're always going to put the best face on.
But the thing is, it's just not really true. When she was 17, Casey was about to graduate from high
school, as far as her family knew anyway. But in actual fact, Casey hadn't been going to class for
quite some time. And on the day of her graduation, the school had called the Antony's and told them
that because of this, because Casey hadn't been turning up to class, that Casey wouldn't actually
be graduating. I have a recurring stress stream that is the same thing. It's usually that I have
mixed up my scheduling on my timetable so I need to do it's
always a chemistry module um and I never go I never go to this chemistry module and then I'm
terrified that I'm never going to graduate from university and it always takes me a good 20
seconds when I wake up to remind myself that I'm 31 and I've had a degree for quite some time and
it had nothing to do with chemistry there you you go. Very similar to what Casey's actual situation was. Yes. Because when her parents confronted Casey with this she
just blamed the school. She said that they had mixed up her timetables and that she'd been
accidentally missing classes because they double booked her. That's why they were telling them that
she hadn't been going to classes. It was all the school's fault. Now, I don't think Cindy's stupid. She's not stupid.
She knew her daughter.
But I also think that Cindy,
I will not think a no because of what happens next,
appearances are very important to Cindy.
So she told Casey to carry on as normal,
accept her graduation gifts from friends and family,
and just to tell everyone that she'd graduated.
So they don't, like, hold her accountable. Someone at university's parents did she'd graduated so they don't like hold her
accountable someone i went to university's parents did that yeah they don't hold her accountable
they're not like well you're just gonna have to go to those classes you mixed even if you want to
be like whoever's fault it was you need to sort this now because you're literally not going to
graduate from we don't do that here but i think it's a big thing in america no one gave me a
fucking present for leaving secondary school but anyway like she won't graduate and they don't do that here but i think it's a big thing in america no one gave me a fucking present for leaving secondary school but anyway like she won't graduate and they don't make her
go back and do it they just say tell everybody you did the girl similar thing that did that
my university her parents actually staged a false graduation shoot so she could send
pictures to her family wow yeah parenting we're not a million miles away from this because the
anthony's actually threw casey a big congratulations party and buried the whole thing.
Soon after this pretend graduation party, when Casey was 19 years old, she started putting on some weight, particularly around her stomach and reproductive area.
On her uterus.
On her uterus.
Her uterus was getting extremely heavy with life in the documentaries
they make it sound like casey just went and told her mom that she was pregnant and it was all
lovely and magical and everyone loved each other and held hands in reality according to actual
family members like my homeboy casey's brother lee who i think is the only person in this situation
who has his head screwed on at all lee says that casey actually hid the pregnancy for as long as
she possibly could.
And when Cindy found out, because she is not an idiot and secondly a nurse, that both Cindy and Casey joined forces and continued to lie about the pregnancy. At family parties, people would
congratulate Casey on the baby, but then she and Cindy would both pretend that Casey was just
bloated. Of course, she wasn't.
On the 9th of August, 2005, Casey Anthony gave birth to a little girl that she named Kaylee Marie Anthony.
This makes me very uncomfortable.
She says, so at the hospital, when Casey is giving birth to Kaylee,
Cindy was the first person to hold her granddaughter.
That is gross.
Who the fuck allowed that? I don't know.
I do not know.
But I can imagine Cindy.
Look, I know Cindy is also a victim in this.
Like, she's lost her granddaughter.
But we can't ignore the backstory or the relationship between the two of them.
Cindy doesn't hide the fact that she's done this.
She actually says in one of the documentaries that she did feel a little bit guilty, but
she just couldn't help it.
It just had to hold her.
It was like having Casey all over again.
The level of like, I mean.
There is a Facebook group called Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, and it is full of
stuff like that.
Like wearing white to a wedding day stealing children making a parent feel
guilty for not giving the grandchild to them essentially honestly it's absolutely brimming
with stuff like that and presumably appearances appearances appearances so you can see here
just from those two examples that we know about, that there is a lot of enabling behaviour going on.
They never hold Casey accountable.
And I really couldn't help but think,
and again, I don't think Cindy was involved in anything.
I think she is absolutely devastated by the loss of her granddaughter.
That is absolutely clear to see.
Yes, I agree.
But I couldn't help thinking, during some of the phone calls,
during some of the jail visits,
which we'll go on to listen to at the end of this episode, when Casey is speaking to her mother in the way she speaks to her, that it's the sound of a monster eating its creator.
Yes, I think that is spot on.
So, the other question that does get talked about a lot in this case is who was Kayleigh's father?
We don't actually know. Casey said at first that it was a man named Jesse Grund who she was in a relationship with for
the majority of her pregnancy but it turns out it wasn't him. She then said it was another man who
later died in a car accident also turned out to not be him and to this day we don't know who Kaylee's
father was or is. After Kaylee was born Casey and Kayleigh both lived with Casey's parents in Orlando.
And from the outside, I think the situation
looked pretty normal for the next two years.
The only thing is, obviously, we know,
listeners and us,
that for those two years after Kayleigh was born,
Casey just been pretending to go to work.
So once again, I just think
her being able to tolerate that level of deception
is unbelievable. Yeah. On top of this deceit upon lies, upon confusion, Casey was also stealing from
her parents, her brother and her friends all of the time because she had no job, which famously
means you have no money. But Casey couldn't ask for money because everyone thought that she had a job. But obviously, most people knew that something was off.
Even Cindy admits in the first 911 call that the stealing had been going on for quite some time.
Again, it's just like the level of willingness they all have to just bury their heads in the sand.
Why is your daughter stealing money if she has this big job?
She doesn't.
And you know that.
They know that.
But they're just like,
well, I'm just gonna fucking think what I want to think.
I'm just gonna see what I want to see.
Yeah, no, exactly.
Print the myth.
Live the myth.
Is the fucking words on the doormat at the Anthony household.
Print the myth.
I'm gonna get that on my doormat.
At the moment, it's just hedgehogs,
which my sister thinks is juvenile,
but she can shut up.
So some parts of the life at the Anthony's family home was true.
However, how difficult it may be for you to believe at this stage in the game.
In the evening, Cindy and George, or Cece and Jojo,
as Kaylee called her grandparents, would dote on the little girl.
And I think that it was in order to avoid losing little Kaylee
and to avoid losing face socially, that Cindy and George allowed all of Casey's bullshit to continue.
It's, I mean, it's a golden sword of Damocles to be holding over your parents, isn't it?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, she'd literally come home from work and be like, do you want some, like, grandma time?
Here you go. I've been with her all day while you thought it was over yeah right
and now i'm gonna go off and smoke weed again with the weed smoking i do want to make this point just
because we'll go on to see next week that they make a big deal of like casey drinking a lot
partying a lot smoking weed blah blah blah that's actually not who casey was like when she was a
teenager she was actually the mother of the group, is how all of her friends described her.
And that's how she was known.
She was actually often the designated driver when they went out.
She wasn't a partier, really.
She didn't actually even smoke weed.
Those things started or were starting around this time.
We'll talk about that more next week.
We have to be fair about these situations.
And she wasn't a big partier prior.
So if you think all of this is not weird and enabling enough let's listen to our next clip
because I think it really shows you the level of dysfunction in the family and it shows you
kind of the dynamics I think very clearly. And the clips we're about to listen to are from a jail
visit between Cindy, George and Casey after she's been
in custody for about two weeks. Hi. Hi sweetie. We've been watching you for so long. You have been?
I love you. I love you too. Hi. We've been seeing you sitting down. Okay. I was talking with one of the doctors. We forgive anything that you've said.
Oh, hold on. Can we turn the volume down?
Yeah, you can probably hear it. My head's going to explode.
I haven't said anything. Don't worry.
It is kind of loud.
Okay. Is that better?
Can you hear me?
Just a little bit more.
That's good.
Yeah, that's perfect.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
I just talked to Lee.
I know.
He told us.
Yeah, we got cut off within our last minute, but we at least got a chance to cover a lot of stuff in our hour.
That's good.
What's that T-shirt?
I didn't get a chance to ask him other things.
Kaylee's picture's on the back.
Is it?
Can Dad show me the shirt?
Turn around so she can see.
It's the Never Lose Hope Foundation.
Do you see it?
I can see part of it, yeah.
Have you seen me? And then it has the
information on how to contact. Okay. Casey, you don't realize that the whole United States is
looking for Kaylee. I know that mom. Her cover is going to be on People Magazine in a few days.
Okay. Everybody is looking for her. Good. Everybody is looking for her. Good.
Everybody is looking for her.
Are we going to be able to find her, do you think?
I hope we can, Mom.
No, I didn't get a chance to ask Lee.
Can you look up a little bit more?
Raise your eyes up a little bit.
There you go.
So now look straight up so I can look into your eyes darling
thank you I need you know I need to do that please look up sweetheart I need to see your eyes I want
to be able to look at you guys too I can't look at you and look at the camera well you don't have
to look at the camera look at me I'm looking at you okay you're sitting very low i know your head's about this much in the tv
i know again the lack of emotion people deal with stuff differently but her dad's literally
wearing a t-shirt with a picture of her missing daughter on it nothing she's just like uh-huh
okay and then i think one of the most telling parts is when cindy keeps telling her everyone
is looking for kaylee she's
going to be on the front cover of people magazine which is a fucking massive magazine and she's like
okay it's a national good and then i don't know if you saw there was i will post the video linked
so you guys can watch this i've watched it a fucking million times and it's like an hour and
a half long but it's worth it when she says that casey goes she sounds
irritated that people are looking she sounds annoyed she doesn't sound like oh thank god you
made a front cover of people like people are looking great this is what we need to do this
is where we need to be focusing so we need to speak to she's like okay fine okay good she sounds
worried she sounds inconvenienced.
And I think this becomes quite a repetitive part,
and you'll definitely hear more of this in the next clips.
When Cindy says to Casey,
are we going to be able to find her, do you think?
What does that sound like?
Why would you ask that?
How would she know if she's got nothing to do with it?
Are we going to be able to find her, do you think think as a mother which obviously i'm not but the way i envision that situation going
is if your daughter is in jail for something she didn't do she's innocent and you know it
wouldn't you be reassuring her wouldn't you be like it's going to be fine we're going to find
her you wouldn't be like do you think we can find her we'll find whoever took her we'll get you out
we'll get you out yeah there is some of that this call like i said it goes on for about an hour and
a half and it flip-flops between them reassuring her and joking about and like her making jokes
about like eating bologna or whatever to these moments that are very clear to
me that the antonys are like we know you did it right but also something very telling that listen
out for in the next clips is it's just they they pussyfoot around it they tiptoe around it they
never want to confront her outright why like why would a parent be scared of a child that's a
person who has had a violent temper yeah oh my god yeah why would they be scared of her like this because she's manipulative
because she's probably made their lives a living hell all of those things yeah a lot of people are
scared of their children absolutely absolutely and also the thing that's weird and again linked to
parents knowing what type of child they've got when cindy keeps saying you know i need to i
need to look in your eyes when you're talking to me that is a mother who thinks that their child
is a liar oh yeah right i'm not reading too much into that am i why does she keep saying it she
keeps saying it no look in the camera it's been addressed before yeah you know why i have to
because you lie all the fucking time exactly and i can only tell if i'm looking directly into your brain and i can tell so let's uh listen to the next one
all i'm trying to do is find kaylee for both of us oh i know for all of us and i'll do whatever
it takes i feel the exact same way that's that exactly what I've been saying. I don't care what I
have to do. When I told them I would lie, I would steal, I would do whatever by any
means to get her back. That's exactly how I feel. It's the truth. Casey, we have to
find her before her third birthday. Mom, I know. That's coming up fast. I know. We have
a couple weeks. I don't want to wait another minute, let alone...
I don't want to wait another minute.
I want...
I want her to be found, whether I'm still stuck in here or not.
I don't care.
I think once she's found, then you can tell everybody what you know.
And you'll be... you'll be released.
Don't you think?
Potentially. I don't know.
Yuri has it set in his mind that I've done something.
Well, he thinks you guys did something to Kaylee.
Hey, can you hold on for a second?
Yeah, well, don't waste our time.
I'm not going to.
I'll be right back.
Why would she do that?
Again, it's not them saying,
Casey, tell us more about the nanny.
They do go on and do that later,
but I don't believe them when they're asking her about the nanny.
They're like, we need to find her before her third birthday birthday do you think we're going to be able to do that i want her back now casey they're talking to her like she's got her because they
know she knows yeah yeah don't waste our time yeah yeah and then she's like well lee thinks i've done
something and it's like he thinks you guys have done something to kaylee and they are convinced
there's also parts of this interview where you can tell that the parents think that Tony was involved. Because they say Tony has admitted to the police that there were drugs at his house. So what they think has happened, I think they believe this to the end, or they want to believe this to this day, is that Kaylee was at Tony's house, put something in her mouth, died, and they covered it up to not have to deal with it.
And they keep talking about that.
You can hear, they're not like, where else should we be looking?
They're like, you tell us, Casey.
I want her back before her third birthday.
It's really heartbreaking.
When Cindy says, you know, that he thinks you guys have done something,
she just gets up and walks off for three minutes.
Yeah, yeah.
I think that's worth pointing out for the people listening at home.
Yeah, she fully, as soon as that sentence finishes,
she's just like, wait a second.
And then she just leaves.
She leaves and I counted it was for three minutes.
And Cindy says, why would she do that?
And apparently she says something like for her own protection
when there's like rotation of calls going,
Casey's in protective custody.
So she's taken away from everybody
while the phone rotation is happening.
But it is quite a convenient time.
Yes, yeah.
Okay, let's listen to this next bit.
This bit is Casey talking to George, her father.
I know this might be a tough thing to answer.
No, go ahead.
But did you borrow something from anyone
or remove it without their permission that Kaylee might be being held for?
I know that's a tough question, sweetie, but I just need to ask you.
It's not a tough question, Dad.
I mean, Mom knows the stuff that I had taken from her.
We discussed that, you know, on numerous occasions.
And with Amy, you know, I mean, I feel guilty about that.
I feel extremely guilty.
So when she's talking about with Amy,
I feel extremely guilty about that.
That is a friend of the family's
that Casey stole her checkbook
and wrote herself a bunch of checks.
Ah, yeah.
So basically, she has a long history
of stealing money, stealing checks,
stealing cars, whatever she needs to because obviously no
fucking job and you can hear very clearly george being like has kaylee been taken because of
something you've done again they're not like we know it's not you yeah they're like we think it's
you we just don't know why but i was under a time of desperation what do you mean what do you mean
by that with time of desperation i don't understand like I said to you well I said to mom and Lee and I
have spoken and he advised me of something which is very smart the
written contact will be better than anything that's going to be recorded
since we can't speak openly freely in person okay I don't want to take time
then going into anything else. And I just,
I want you to know, is there something that I can do for you, sweetie? I mean, I want you out of
here. I know. I want me out of here too, as quickly as possible. But at the same time, I know that
until we get the bond lowered as much as possible, which is probably going to take a lot,
the police aren't going to drop any charges.
That's pretty evident.
Well, can I share something with you?
The longer and longer this drags on... The harder it's going to be.
There's going to be maybe additional things that might hit everyone,
and I don't want to get into that with you,
but it's getting very, very crucial that we've got to get you out of here.
If I could get you out of here.
If I could get you out of here right now, I would.
But I want Kaylee back too.
That, again, Kaylee is my concern.
If I have to stay in here outside of that, if I can get out and then have to come back,
you know, I'll deal with whatever I have to myself in regard to me.
I want to be out.
I want to take your pain away from you.
So you can tell me anything.
I know that, Dad.
I miss you, sweetie.
I know that.
I miss you, too.
I wish I could have been a better dad and better grandpa, you know?
You've been a great dad and you've been the best grandfather.
Don't for a second think otherwise.
You and mom have been the best grandparents.
Kaylee's been so lucky.
Kaylee is so lucky to have both of you.
I can't even put into words how glad I am that she's had both of you.
And that she still has both of you.
You know, it goes without saying, you know, that our house is empty without both of you there.
It's empty.
All the little things that we took for granted, we miss them so, so much.
That's exactly how I feel.
All your little things and all her little things, it hurts when we're not there.
Good to see we get to support each other from here on.
Or at least spend a moment with you the day of the hearing.
Four hours a day, you know.
You know, I got threatened the other day by detective millage about they were going to send a squad car to visit grandpa regarding the date because
it's the 15th that you know we, we tape recorded, Grandpa. And I felt just a teeny bit of what you may be going through, Casey, about trying to protect
someone that you love so much.
So I want you to know, I don't know where you're coming from as far as I don't know
the circumstances, but I know the mother that you are and the person that you are.
And I know you're doing whatever you need to do
to protect...
I hope you're just protecting Kaylee.
Don't worry again about protecting your dad
or me or Lee.
You understand?
We can handle anything.
This sounds like a case for the grammar detective which bits i'm so lost because she she mixes up 10 tens oh sorry yeah no that i've i'm overwhelmed
i'm overwhelmed yeah i don't even know where to fucking begin with this let's talk about the mixes
because she says it she said keep saying it i'm so glad she had you i'm so glad
she had you and then she catches herself immediately and then says and i'm so glad
she still has you again she instinctively knows to fix it and she does it three times
which is very telling and again i feel like the antonys fucking they're giving it everything they're trying every i love george mate george i
just feel he just absolutely breaks my fucking heart honestly but can you just have them being
like when cindy is saying stuff about the police going to her father so casey's granddad's house
and threatening to go and question him and stuff and she's like i feel how you might be feeling are you trying to protect somebody again they're like are you protecting
tony like this is the narrative and again george being like you can tell me anything they know it's
her and again i just want everybody to remember all of these phone calls for next week's episode
particularly cindy saying if you are protecting somebody you don't need to protect me, you don't need to protect your dad, you don't need to protect me.
Remember that next week.
I've just got one final clip and then we're going to wrap it up today because it's fucking making my head hurt.
And I think this particular clip, I am going to load the dice before I let you hear it because I'm going to tell you what I think it means.
But listen to what Cindy is saying.
Really listen to what Cindy is saying. Really listen to what Cindy is saying.
And remember to keep in your mind when you listen to what Cindy is saying that Casey has told her
already, stop asking me certain questions because anybody could see this. Anybody could watch this
because they will. Lee has said we should write everything to each other in letters. Casey tells
them that. Casey tells them that during this call. So just think about what the subtext is of this part of the call.
You have to keep thinking positive, positive feelings, Casey.
Oh, I know I have been.
I've been staying as positive as I can.
But do you think after this long she'd still be local?
There's a possibility.
What's your gut telling you right now?
My gut's telling me that she's okay okay and your gut tells you that she's close or some she's she's hiding she's not far
i know in my heart she's like what cindy's trying to do here is reassure
herself that casey is okay yeah she's nearby and something she's like what is your gut telling you
is she local how the fuck would she know that if the nanny's taking her how the fuck would casey
know to be fair though there are multiple multiple multiple interviews with What's Her Face McCann
where she's like, I know she's alive.
I can feel it.
Oh, that I can give.
It's not what Casey even says.
No, it's like questioning.
But where is she okay?
Where is she doing the being okay, Casey?
What does your gut tell you?
Yeah, yeah.
No, no.
I can absolutely understand a mother saying that.
I know in my heart my child is still alive. I know in my heart my child is still alive i know
in my gut my child is still alive no one is gonna ask that mother no but where do you think she's
still alive it what's your gut telling you mother's intuition of course i believe that's true yeah
but nobody in an investigation no that's very true it's gonna be like we've got we've got nothing
what's your gut telling you mom that's actually i hadn't thought about it like that it is information that is offered up freely
it is not questioned yes yes it is not something that you ask for when your granddaughter is
missing and the fact that cindy is asking that is again i think it's indeed being like tell me
she's okay tell me without telling me that she's okay. Yeah. And that's it.
So guys, that is where we're going to fucking call it a day today.
That is part one.
Of Casey Anthony.
We'll be back next week with part two.
So stay tuned for that.
You can find us here every week.
And then also every week over on Spotify at our other show called Sinister Societies,
which is a spot of acts of glyphism.
We talk about cults and shit.
So go over there and have a listen to that.
It really helps us out.
So if you could do that.
And also the show is bagging.
We're having a good time.
And you can be a patron and you can come to our Christmas party,
which is probably next week by the time you're listening to this.
And you can do that at forward slash red handed.
And also remember that we're doing the annual flash sale.
Oh. Top of the show. What's that next week? I don't the annual flash sale information for that top of the show what's that next week i don't
fucking know it's top of the show cut the show so we'll see you next week for part two and the last
episode of 2021 because i nearly said 2020 then because we are taking two weeks off over christmas
because if we don't we will go quite literally insane and have to go and live in some sort of
protected institution.
And nobody wants that because there'll be no more Red Handed ever.
So two weeks off, no main show, no Under the Doobie, but we'll be back with an enormous bang in the first week of January.
Yes, and they'll still be in the news and the bonus episode for this month, so don't worry about that.
And if you're like, I need some Red Handed, go listen to Sinister Society.
It's basically the same thing.
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