Review Revue - 3D Printers
Episode Date: October 27, 2020Reilly and Geoff read reviews about 3D Printers and discuss hostage situations, desperate step-dads, and robbing retirees!Subscribe to Reilly & Geoff's new Patreon!Follow Reilly and Geoff...:IG: @reillyanspaugh, & @iamgeoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote, & @dontplaynojamesAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
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I just want to know how you feel
I want a love that's so proud and real
You make me wanna go out and steal
I just wanna read you
I just wanna know That's all the time we have, guys.
Thank you so much for listening.
Thank you so much to our patrons.
You can find Jeff wherever.
What if we actually uploaded that?
That would be...
I think people would be pissed,
but I also think it might actually be funny.
And then the title of the episode is just ham or whatever that we're reviewing, and we just never even talk about it.
Jeff, what's going on?
Been experiencing chronic dry eye, even worse than normal.
No, it's really gotten bad, Riley.
Bloodshot every day.
So usually it's like bloodshot there, right?
On the right side of my
left eye and on saturday i woke up and it was bloodshot on the uh the right side of my right eye
and that's like not ideal obviously because then i have two really glassy looking eyes
and it's not like i'm out here like doing drugs every day like everybody thinks i'm always high
and it's the opposite i'm anxious like you're always high i high and it's the opposite it looks like you're always
high i hate that that's the case so i haven't been wearing my contacts and i'm trying to look
at screens less fuck i'm sorry that sucks dude it's fine i the the light at the end of the tunnel
is that i need to get lasik because i really think well first of all everything i do for work
and pleasure is on the computer i didn't mean for it to sound like that.
Yeah, I don't know.
But like so much of what we do obviously is on screens
and it dries out everybody's eyes,
whether you wear contacts or not.
And I already have,
I'm predisposed to having dry eyes for some reason.
That's why I got blue light glasses.
And I use night shift
and I have a blue light blocking screen protector.
All the, like I'm doing everything I can.
So it really is like,
if I could eliminate the need for contacts,
that would just be a huge help.
starting out the show on a really genuine note.
What's going on with me?
What is going on with you?
Daniel's brother,
Robert Rashid drove from Chicago to LA on his own,
did a 30 hour drive in two days and is here. Um, and we all got tested
and we're just having a great time. Um, so we're doing it very safe. He literally, he's like,
he just made the decision in like a day and a half. He's like, I haven't seen anyone. He lives
alone. He's like, I haven't seen anyone in a couple of days. I'll sleep in my car. I'm just
going to do it. And so it's like super safe and and fun and so he's just here and we're going to joshua tree for
the weekend and none of us have ever been and it's great we're very much looking forward to it um i
mean it's no yosemite well it's different right i mean it's just like they're just different
experiences joshua tree is just like you're in the desert and it's kind of trippy um and yosemite is like a beautiful national park
they're both national parks but like um both beautiful desert ones kind of mountain yeah so
it's just different um and that's just because it's different doesn't mean it's like better or
worse than the other thing and i think jeff sometimes like when things are different from
you well you kind of hear that you hear it but you don't really get it you hear it but you're
not listening sometimes it's like oh it's different and so it's like because i don't really get it. You hear it, but you're not listening. Sometimes it's like, oh, it's different. And so it's like, because I don't know it.
So it's almost like, I'm not saying you're xenophobic,
but I'm also like, not saying you're xenophobic.
Well, I'm scared of the unknown, for sure.
That's it, there it is.
It's no Yellowstone.
All right.
Jeff, what are we talking about today?
Like, why are we here?
What's the point?
We're talking 3d printers
and this is the last episode in a series of three episodes that we have been doing on sci-fi and
science related things that we have also neglected to say i've realized in hindsight is sponsored by inverse uh inverse is obviously a sci-fi gearing uh skewing online
publication uh for uh people who are into that kind of thing so thank you to inverse for um i
think they gave us an a placement in the magazine so thank you to inverse for that and that's why
we've been doing three science themed episodes in a row um we're talking 3d printers i have no experience with 3d printers
do you i've absolutely none um i looked them so when i was looking for views i'm like i i've never
seen like i've i've never seen one in action because i've never been around them like i there's
no part of my life that that kind of intersects with that so i looked up and then i was mesmerized
i went on youtube and looked up um there because they take like seven hours plus yeah to make it takes a long time so i i went and there's like compilations of like time lapses
on youtube of 3d printers and it is astounding it was like it it's hypnotizing it looks like
just creating matter out of nothing it's really it's really cool yeah jeff if you had a 3d printer what would be the first
thing you would make oh i mean look anspa i i don't need anything that could be printed i'll
be honest but obviously it would be like a mini me so a statuette oh yeah a monopoly game piece
of me i think it could be bigger than that. If you want.
I don't know.
Well, the thing about 3D printers is like either like thousands of dollars if they're
actually going to be legit.
And it just makes me think back to like the times when computers took up entire rooms
and cost $10,000.
And it's like the average person didn't have or need one back then.
But now we all have one like like, this is, our phones are computers,
and I can, like, I could swallow this
if I really needed to.
I'm serious.
Like, if I was in a hostage situation.
If I was in a hostage situation, Riley.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, guys.
If I needed help from a friend.
I think Jeff is in a hostage situation.
I could take this phone and swallow it. Why would you need help if you swallow it i'm just
saying if i if i needed help i know that you need help but why would you swallow your phone i'm
seeing that you need help i will come get you um oh my god he's shaking why would you swallow it
but i still don't get the logic behind it i will help you if anything you need to get murdered
um i get that what about you what would you print oh
i'm trying to think it's like what the hell was that
if i have print something useful or something i could just look at like obviously i could print
a 3d read the dog right i could i could absolutely have a little figurine of red the dog
who i would give my life for um yeah that's i would do that i wouldn't do anything useful i
would truly just print a little mini red i feel like if you're not an engineer you don't need a
3d printer and you shouldn't get one even if you have a lot of money my reviews would say otherwise
i can't wait to hear them because i know that it's going to be like moms who bought it for their husband
and they like,
the husband plays around with it
and they print stuff
to kind of rekindle their marriage.
Should we take a break?
This is kind of earlier than we do,
but we don't really have
3D printer experience.
I mean, I wish we did.
Thanks, Marty. wish we did thanks marty you look like a me on the we this is like the setting where it's like the eyes are the lowest on the head they can be and so are the eyebrows it really does
this is the thumbnail for sure you've made the eyebrows and eyes as low on the forehead as they
can be and the forehead as tall as it can you look like a me man i hate it this is a four-star review of Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer from Joanne Fabrics.
Stop it.
Wait, Joanne Fabrics is leaving the review?
No, well, no, Joanne Fabrics or otherwise is where they bought it.
Oh, I see, I see, I see.
It's from Anonymous, so you get to make up a full first and last name.
Well, obviously, it's going to be Dr. Anspaugh.
God, okay.
Dr. Anspaugh writes,
A gift for my son.
An easy-to-use 3D printer for a 10-year-old boy.
He likes it, pretty much.
I've received several prints back from him as gifts.
The models are from the library on the app and they're pretty decently designed,
but he can't modify the models in the library. Now it's time to learn more 3D modeling with my son,
I think. I don't know how 3D printers work. In my mind, it's just like you input like
the model that you want to make and then it makes it. I think that's the simplest way. Like if you're
not an engineer who can like make 3D models on whatever software uh you can decode the model that you want to make
exactly yeah but then with this like this simple it's made by polaroid i guess it's not it's not
for engineers so it's probably just like i can print a hammer that's made out of plastic okay
charlie your final christmas present of the morning. Time to open it. It's the one you've been waiting for.
Opens it.
Aren't you so excited?
Look what Santa brought you.
It's a toy 3D printer.
It's a real, honey, it works.
It's a real 3D printer.
You can make anything you want within the booklet that comes with it.
He's wearing a SpaceX fleece.
First of all, I asked you guys to donate to Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective
and not get me gifts.
Did you donate?
Well, I mean, we did.
We did donate.
We just figured that, like, you know, you always talk about all these things that you
want to make.
And so, you know, we did donate a little bit but we did put most of our money to getting you
a gift we thought how much did you donate because this cost 500 how much did you donate 75 so you
had 575 to spend and you bought you bought a toy 3d printer for your engineer son your adult
engineer son i am sending people to mars recreationally do you know how fucking hard that is no i people say
oh well it's not like you know it's not rocket science i actually know rocket science it's like
easy to me you do um can you even code with this yeah you can't even model you there's seven things
to choose from there's a train there's a little like house there's a mug which i'm pretty sure
would melt if you actually put hot coffee in it.
Yeah, this is, no, this is obviously some kind of bracelet.
I don't know how you get it on and off.
Seems really small.
I guess part of me thought that this is something that you could pass down to your kid one day.
We're worried about you, Charlie.
We know that you are the most brilliant rocket scientist on the team.
Technology is going to be so different when I have kids.
You bought me the current fine 3D printer. By the time my kid is old enough to work with a 3D printer, this is going to be so different when I have kids. You bought me the current fine 3D printer.
By the time my kid is old enough to work with a 3D printer, this is going to be obsolete, right?
Well, you might be obsolete if you don't find someone to have a kid with in the next 10 years before I die.
I'll tell you that much.
Okay, so that's what this is about.
You think I work too much.
You think that I don't have a bae.
You're worried that you're not going to see your grandkids.
I think that you do.
I know that you don't have a bae or whatever you guys are calling them, you know, right now. It's hard. All right. I'm like literally working
18 hour days. And this is insulting. This is insulting to my intelligence. You also like,
you gave it to me like it was for me. So don't say that it's for my kid. It could be both. At
the end of the day, I know that you're working crazy long hours. At the end of the day,
if you just want to pop it on, make a mug, you can.
You don't even have to think about it.
At the end of the day, being an engineer in a lab, you think that I want to come home and do more 3D printing?
You don't have to do it.
You just, you know what?
I thought it might inspire you.
I thought it might relax you.
I thought it might inspire you to have a kid.
I'm sorry.
I just. Listen. I know how you feel about me being in your mom's life all right i get it and if i were you you know and my parents got remarried at when i when
i was 30 years old i would also be like who are you to tell me what to do but i'm here to tell
you that your mom and i love you and i love you as if i as if i was your dad and i want you to tell me what to do? But I'm here to tell you that your mom and I love you.
And I love you as if I was your dad.
And I want you to have kids as if I would be their grandparent.
So come on, sport.
I know you don't like when I call you that.
But you're my little guy.
You're my little rocket man burning up his views out there.
Yeah, I know it gets you.
I love that song.
That song.
That's me.
I know you love it.
All right, let's print something.
Let's try something.
Let's try this thing out.
I can't wait to see it happen right before my very eyes.
It'll come out like that.
Yeah, it's going to be awesome.
Also, thank you so much for this sweater, by the way.
This gift I actually really did like.
Presses print.
It bursts into flames and catches the sweater on fire,
burns it to a crisp,
and it just kind of only burns the sweater off of him.
The cartoon style falls off.
Maybe we could print another sweater.
Cut to them at midnight mass.
He's wearing a fucking plastic oversized sweater
that's like stiff like a body cast.
Now turn to you and it's the time when everyone turns and says peace be with you i have to like fully shift my arms like
they're they're spread wide and i have to like turn and i hit somebody in front and behind me
sorry sorry it's the sweater peace be with you peace be with you cut to that night
he's in bed you hear a a rustling. It's coming from downstairs.
I put my slippers on and walk downstairs.
Oh, oh, no, you're not supposed to see me.
Go back up to bed, Charlie.
Nothing to see here.
I didn't think you'd still be living at your parents' house, Charlie.
I'm visiting, obviously.
Well, I'm just dropping off some things for your mom and your stepdad.
Could you keep this between us?
Roger, you don't have to do this.
I'm 34.
What? Oh, Roger, your totally awesome stepdad who loves you very much and treats your mother like a queen.
It's obviously you. Who else has the dump truck ass like that?
Oh, that's very nice of you to say, Charlie. But oh, no, I wish I was Roger.
He's so cool and he just wants the best for you and hopes that he doesn't come off like a nagging stepdad.
He loves you more than life itself, Charlie.
Ho, ho, ho.
Look, there's... I'm gonna go to bed.
Roger comes down the stairs.
Well, Charlie, is everything okay?
But I thought you were...
There's a wall to the point where Roger can't see Santa in the room with him.
But I thought you were...
Let's take her up to his lips.
You thought I was what, dude?
What's going on, sport?
Well, just, I turned back.
Santa's gone.
You okay?
Yeah, I guess I just,
I had a little too much eggnog.
You can say that again.
You were trying to give your second cousin a kiss.
Yeah, that was a weird thing to say.
I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that.
I think you guys would be a cute couple.
You're not even blood related.
She's my niece.
I really wish you weren't saying the things you were saying.
Because someone really special to me just really sang your praises.
And I was about ready to give you my full and untethered support.
Someone sang my praises to you?
I'm going to... Okay.
It's funny that you have one of someone giving it to a child.
Because, all right,
I found a lot about giving them to children too.
And I'm like, it's like, I'm seeing a lot of them.
It's like great beginner 3D printers. I'm what what do you mean just don't have it you
don't need to have i'm 24 and i probably couldn't use a beginner 3d printer exactly so this review
is for oh my god it's such a long name i'm gonna read half of it okay 3d printer labists mini desktop 3d
printer diy kit for beginners kids teens and then a bunch of other things under it um this is a
five-star review from jay just the letter j so you get to make up a name. Jykle. Jykle. So it's like Michael, but... No, I understand.
Yeah. And so that's fine.
Well, he's the...
Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry about that. Okay.
From Jykle. Five stars.
The title is
Gift for a Retiree, and they
all caps, LOVED IT!
Here we go.
I did not purchase this for myself. it was a gift for a retiree
i can only offer what they've shared with me and this may help others who are trying to buy this
as a gift more than for those that want it for themselves if you want to buy a retiree a 3d
printer who does not currently have one and they're even slightly interested in the technology,
get it for them. They'll love it. Not even like I got it for my mom. I got it for my grandfather.
Just a retiree. Do you know him at all? It's kind of those like, you know, you're getting gifts and
you know that it's like it'll go to kids around Christmas time, you know, if their families aren't in a place to get gifts for them right now.
Toys for tots.
Recreation for retirees is actually this organization.
So what you're describing sounds like a nonprofit.
I don't really understand why you need the loan.
Like, what are your startup costs even going to be?
Like, you just kind of get donations, right?
It seems completely charity based.
It's fully charity based.
Is it for profit? Huh? Is it for profit? based it's it's fully charity based um is it for profit
huh is it for profit is it for profit are you trying to make money from what are you talking
it's fully donation based okay but it's just like you are at a place of a beacon of capitalism
jp morgan chase asking for a loan and i'm just wondering it's if you're trying to make money
off retirees let me read your name tag. Can I level with you, Patrick?
You have to.
Who isn't trying to make money off retirees?
They are sitting on bundles of cash, right?
Not all of them.
If I send them a little paddle ball to play around with,
I can just swipe it right out from under their asses.
Swipe the game or cash?
They all know the difference.
So you're giving retirees gifts, then taking it back and robbing them.
Hey, whoa, whoa.
Looking around the bank, everyone's kind of like this.
Whoa, whoa.
What are you doing?
We were whispering.
No one heard it.
Now you're making a scene.
Hey, everyone in this bank.
I just want you to know that I'm a really good guy.
So if you hear anything about me in the months to come, just know that like
Francis P. Mike is a really good guy.
Don't yell in the bank.
I'm already on thin ice with my manager.
Oh, is that so?
So I'm kidding.
If you don't give us this loan, then I might have a word with your manager.
How old is your manager?
I don't really want to tell you.
She's like, yeah, she's 64.
About to be 65.
So she's closing out pretty soon, huh?
I actually think she's out today.
I think she's out today for sure.
Excuse me, patrons of the bank.
Is the manager around?
I would love to have a word with her.
I'm the manager.
God, you're an old 64.
This is insulting.
You are an old...
I'm so sorry.
Was that my out loud voice?
She hobbles over.
How can I be of service?
She's wearing a fucking cloak.
I didn't get your name.
My name is Lucinda.
Of course it is.
It's so nice to meet you.
I was talking here with your associate, Patrick, and he told me that you're retiring next week, and I just wanted to say congratulations to you.
Why, thank you. But Patrick, remember what I said about divulging personal information about me? I'm sorry. Yeah, no, I'm sorry, Lucinda. I shouldn't have said anything. Lucinda, I can imagine this isn't the first time Patrick has kind of shared your personal information with the bank and its patrons.
To be honest, this is the third time.
Oh my god. Is it kind of like a three strikes you're out situation?
It just might be. Patrick, you're shit canned. Are you kidding me? Pack your things, Patrick.
I may be old and withered, but I still rule this place with an iron fist.
You do.
Patrick puts his stuff in a cardboard box and leaves.
Wait, Patrick.
Before you go, here's my card.
We're hiring.
I will not need it.
We're hiring, Patrick.
I'm going to go work at a different bank because this is a really high salary. This is a really high paying job and I don't want to rob retirees.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, everyone.
What did he say? No.
Lucinda, you can't hear right.
He said that
and I mean that with
all due respect. Wow, you are a very astute
person. I didn't even
tell you that and you knew.
Patrick leaves. Yeah, i kind of have a i just have a sixth sense for these kind of things do you mind if i hear you out for this loan i actually think
what i am pitching might be something that you could directly benefit tell me more cut to
the opening day of the center of...
Fucking huge and clearly cost
millions of dollars to build. Gonna cut
the ribbon. And it's all
thanks to our biggest
patron, our biggest fan,
our number one girl,
Lucinda H.
Jonesle. Thank you.
Speech! Speech!
Speech! Speech! Thank you
so much. I
have put
several hundred thousand dollars
of my own money
into their business
checking account.
That is all.
The crowd goes
crazy. It's a bunch of retirees.
Oh, Lucinda, we couldn't have gotten recreation for retirees.
No, I got it, Lucinda.
Thank you.
We couldn't have gotten this off the ground without your support.
And as a big thank you from the company, we are giving you our first present.
What is it?
Drum roll, please.
Is it something of equal monetary value as my investment?
For all of the hundred...
There's like a big tarp over something.
It's been like hidden from you the whole time.
It looks like the shape of a car.
For your hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of support,
we are giving you the gift of a lifetime.
Equal monetary, not quite, but equal sentimental value.
It looks like my dream car, the Mercedes 380 SLS.
Now that's a lady who knows her cars all right.
Get on, you old girl girl Pull the tarp off
It's suddenly not the shape of a car
It's a slinky
Everybody falls quiet
The fuck is that
Lucinda go on go play with
Go on go get
Go play with it
She pushes you
Pushes you harder Go on, go play with it. Go on, go get, go play with it. She pushes you.
Pushes you harder.
I gave you 600 grand and you give me a children's play thing?
That's right, Lucinda.
And that 600 grand is all mine now.
And you know what?
As a matter of fact, so is the slinky.
I snatch the slinky off the ground.
I start kind of playing with it.
It's going up and down.
Lucinda like sort of somehow gets taller,
just like fixes her posh in a threatening way. I have worked in finance for 45 years
and I've never been played, and I never lose.
Eat the slinky.
Come on.
I'm not going to eat a slinky, Lucinda.
Eat it!
My ears start bleeding.
You really are eating it, though.
It's like ring by ring.
How does it taste?
Why don't you tell everyone what it tastes?
Bleeding my mouth just dripping.
It tastes like metal.
Everybody's jaws are on the floor.
It tastes like death.
That's right The slinky wraps it around my throat
Listen here you little bitch
I knew the whole time
That you were trying to take advantage
Of my generation
And now
You're gonna get your real comeuppance.
Death by Slinky.
Death by Slinky.
Death by Slinky.
Death by Slinky.
Now, Lucinda, wait.
She loosens her grip.
You can take the money.
You can take the money.
You can take the Slinky. You can take my car. You can take my car. You can take the slinky. You can take my car.
You can take my car.
I will give you my Mercedes, Lucinda.
Please have mercy.
I'll never do this to anyone over the age of 57 again.
Let's leave it up to the crowd.
They hate me.
What do you think we should do with this traitor?
They all answer in unison.
Kill her. think we should do with this traitor they all answer in unison kill her the crowd parts patrick's in the mercedes
patrick buddy come on come on you don't want to do this early retirement bitch
oh my god everybody in the crowd slowly realizes what they've been like done
wait we just killed somebody killed a guy shit um fuck um everyone everyone there's like 200
people there everyone get in a circle right now get everyone gets in like a perfect circle
we're all gonna prick our, both of our index fingers.
And then we're going to link fingers around the circle.
And this is a pact.
And this is a blood brother pact.
This goes nowhere.
This goes absolutely nowhere.
Everyone on the count of three.
One, two, three.
She comes back to life. Oh, my God god everyone take your fingers out she dies again
fingers back alive so we have to stay like this
they all in unison look up at the sky. No!
What the ultimate eternal punishment for killing somebody.
You have to stay put or else they die.
That was the most gruesome bit we've ever done. We should honestly trigger warning.
There's graphic violence in that fucking bit.
Not really.
It's cartoonish
running someone over to choke with a slinky to death eating a slinky who hasn't choked
somebody with a slinky in the bedroom
this shook me all week long i'm back on my coffee bullshit.
So you're addicted to caffeine again?
That's a nice way of putting it.
How many cups a day?
How many cups a day?
In terms of like, okay.
It couldn't be a clearer question.
No, no, no.
You're tiptoeing around it
because you don't want to give me the real answer.
I'm thinking of like an actual like measurements like how many cups of coffee or
like how many times am i drinking coffee a day the second one okay two but i pour about a cup and a
half of cold brew in the morning and then i'll have a cup of drip around and honestly i hit that
same slump around like 3 45 4 every day and i i it's like a
ritual for me because i i love fresh i have a grinder i grind the beans it's like it's a whole
ritualistic thing for me yeah coffee's great but um yeah so i was doing really really well for a
long time of only letting myself have like one big cold brew in the morning and now i'm back to
having two coffees a day well if you're having a smaller cold brew in the morning and then drip in the afternoon i feel like that's the equivalent of one large cold brew in the morning and now I'm back to having two coffees a day. Well, if you're having a smaller cold brew in the morning and then drip brew in the afternoon,
I feel like that's the equivalent of one large cold brew in the morning.
Yeah, but I like a ding.
I lied about that.
I have three drips.
I have three.
I have two big cold brews and five drips.
So that's been...
Do you feel that it increases your productivity or no?
I feel that because my therapy has or no i feel that um because my
therapy has been moved to monday mornings at 11 and god your mondays are crazy my mondays are
crazy i do feel so you have worked like for 14 hours on monday basically straight if you consider
therapy work which it is it's working myself um so yeah back on my coffee bullshit and that's what's kind of been
going on with me yo i really just love i've i've probably talked about it on this pod before but
i really love the ritual of making and getting coffee it's so good dude you just said that's
like two minutes ago no i'm just saying it's like i'm sure i've talked on other episodes about just
like the ritual behind it yeah you said the words the words, the ritual, this coffee like two minutes ago.
I know.
All I'm saying is, no, I know that.
You're like, I think I've said this before.
I know.
I'm saying like this isn't my first what shook me about this, I think.
Well, it's a nice update because you did proudly say that you kicked the caffeine.
But it doesn't sound like a caffeine addiction.
It's also like a pretty innocuous addiction to have.
I just got my COVID test results.
Should I read them?
Yeah, read your COVID test results live.
Oh, fuck.
Yeah, right.
I have to make some calls.
Well, that's why you have to stop licking light poles.
Negative, you cunts.
Apparently really quick.
Also someone, so,
but Robert got tested before he left chicago as well
and they gave him his results over like a video call which i've never heard of and he's like
and he was negative but the way that they told him he's like the way she phrased it was so
unsettling that she's like so you did test negative and that that's like, you don't say, well, you did test.
That's why you don't do a video call.
Just send him a fucking email.
Because I think for LA, they call you if you have it,
and they just email you if you don't, which is great.
What's been shaking you, Jeffy Poo?
I hated that.
I'm going to go.
No, we've been decorating our outside outside like our front yard and stuff which
has been fun we got these two little lawn chairs that uh are really like cutesy little vintage
vibes and then lawn chairs no just lawn chairs obviously and then uh obviously not jeffy pooh
lawn chairs obviously and then we got some colored string lights well i or i thought i ordered i'm
pretty sure i ordered colored string lights and but i didn't get an order confirmation and it was from
this weird like place but they signed me up for their fucking email list
and didn't take my order i'm like okay so you got my form submission but you didn't place the order
or charge me no not for him anyway do you want to hear what we have coming up?
No, I knew what I wanted and I bought them.
Or at least I tried to.
So then I bought the same ones from a different place for cheaper,
which is great.
But yeah, don't buy from
You can't just say that.
No, I'm saying it, man.
I know, I'm saying you can't.
Fucking enough, right?
Like I have to put my foot down for
Say it, don't spray it.
I didn't spit.
Thank you guys for listening.
Genuinely thanks.
No, but genuinely thank you.
We wouldn't have a show without listeners, so thank you guys for listening.
Thank you to Riley, my co-host and best friend.
Thank you to Jeff, my pal and co-host.
Best pal.
Thank you to Jeff, one of my many good friends that I'm grateful to have. Unequivocally your closest friend. Thank you to Jeff, my pal and co-host. Best pal. Thank you to Jeff, one of my many good friends that I'm grateful to have.
Unequivocally your closest friend.
Thank you to Jeff, the person who I tell.
There's so many things you tell me and wouldn't tell other people.
Some things too, not all.
All things, things you wouldn't tell others.
You can follow Riley at RileyAnspaw on Instagram, at RileyCoyote on Twitter.
You can follow Jeffrey at I'mJeffreyJames on Instagram, at Don'tPlayNoJames on Twitter.
And the show,
we have a subreddit,
r slash review review.
God, if you listen,
you know where to find us.
You know where it is.
You know where it is.
And then thank you to our patrons.
Thank you guys for your continued support.
We'll shout out the VIPodCats right now.
Here we go.
Thank you to Aaron Carrico.
Agent Michael Skarn.
Alex McCullough. Alex Watts. Alton Burk Thank you to Aaron Carrico. Agent Michael Skarn. Alex McCullough.
Alex Watts.
Alton Burkholder.
Anthony Amadeo.
Anthony Salazar.
Bob Buell himself.
99 questions, brother.
99 questions.
Brad Hild.
Brandon Long.
Brendan Metz.
Cameron Bradley.
Chasten Bales.
Chris Forgash.
Christian B.
Clarestory Magazine, my sister's publication
Connor Finnegan
Dakota Cahill
Dan Rice
Daniel L. Hodson
Elliot Settle
Eric Crust
Jeff Hodgson
Isaac Fletcher.
Jackson Ansel.
Jackson Martin.
Jacob Radiff.
Jacob Kachuk.
Jake Ullman.
James Shalecott.
Jamie Ponchia.
Jason Araya.
Jasper Hoffman.
Jesse Tipton.
Joel Anderson.
Jonah Sanchez.
Joseph Alp.
Josh Tischler. Caleb Luster,
Losing His Luster, Casey Hudspeth, Kerwin, Kevin Sunt,, Kobe Holos, Lauren Malang, Malik,
Mark Glenn, Mark Priest, Mark Spalding, Matt Molnar, Matthew Hastie, Matthew Lozama, Michael
Ebach, Michael Rowland, Nate Porteos Nicholas Melcher
Nikolaj Biergaard
Noel Semido
Nolan Murphy
Phoenix McVernon
Quinn Simmons
Rob Moon
Robert Fridge
That's a great name.
Sam Adams
Sam Braden
Sarah Gerardo
Sarah J. Hunt
Sarah Kilduff
Stefan Stephanie Kaz Theodore Gyson Sam Braden Sarah Gerardo Sarah J. Hunt Sarah Kilduff Stefan
Stephanie Kaz
Turbulent Moose
The Man Himself
Will Busey
Will Phillips
Xander Madsen
Yarrow Eadie
Christian Barron
So, yeah, nice
Austin, Boston
Charleston, Chouston Um, God, nice. Austin, Boston, Charleston, Chouston.
God, that's, yeah, that is what that is.
Oliver Wallstrom Lindell, Fancy Octopus, Adam Shea, and Matt C., a.k.a. Matty Critz.
So thank you to you guys for your support.
We really appreciate it, especially at that level.
Looking forward again. And during a global looking forward again during a global pandemic and during a global pandemic and we're looking
forward to more zoom parties with y'all yeah um so shout out um see you next time arrivederci
tea latte yabish records pictures the show limited to limited to limited Records. Pictures. The show. Limited. To. Limited.
On a page that is incorporating an LLC records.
In a yard.
With a bard.
On a barge.
On a shipping container.
So it's...
It's William Henry Harrison
in a mall jail.
That was a Hiddem Original.