Review Revue - Bath Bombs (w/ Miles Bonsignore!)

Episode Date: November 15, 2022

The gang is joined by producer and podcaster Miles Bonsignore as he gets cucked, fakes masculinity, and neglects a child. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at... and get on your way to being your best self. Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. And participating restaurants for a limited time. This is a HeadGum Original. Dear Riley and Spa, it's your best friend Jeffrey James
Starting point is 00:00:31 I've got a podcast pitch that's totally gonna change the game We take the craziest reviews for random things And then we improv and the cash comes flowing in. With a little help from Amazon and Yelp, we're gonna be HeadGum's queen and king. Cause all that it takes is a good imagination. It's easy for us to become the new sensation every tuesday dude we'll drop a podcast hosted by their favorite two the mighty jeff and riley review review review review Review, review. Review, review. Review, review.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Come on, Harmonies. Come on. Who was that? That was Gun Ho Kwok. He sent in a couple of theme songs. Of course it fucking was. Kwok. Dear Evan Hansen. You even got that note at the end?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Come on, Kwok. Kwok, Kwok. You're not excited about that? I am this is so what do you want me to do? You want me to yell? well nothing now because it's gonna be forced because I was like I had genuine excitement no that was my genuine excitement
Starting point is 00:01:55 it's just different than yours that was your excitement? yeah Miles what do you think? I mean I love I thought Jeff was like sour and stuff sour? I was smiling and stuff sour i was smiling and i said that was great that was gung-ho quok even his name is almost me saying gung-ho yeah but like do you even like musical theater like are you i saw dear evan hansen do you like music the musical or the movie because the movies doesn't count i saw the musical on broadway
Starting point is 00:02:22 and i was in spitting distance yeah because what's his name the fucking ben platt ben platt fucking spits ben splatt he's splat yeah um quack that was gorgeous as always um but you know what's even more gorgeous we have a perfect person here on the pod today. Please, please. That's too kind. That's too sweet. We have a host of perfect person. You held up a sign saying, please gas me up. So we're like, please.
Starting point is 00:02:50 We have producer, creator. Wow. All around chronically online, terminally online man. Wow. Two swings and a diss. But- The Bible's bon senor. Yay.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Thanks so much for having me on this show it's a real pleasure you two are very funny and are you happy am I happy you can stop reading the copy am I happy sorry I'm looking up for the copy uh am I happy Jeff um I am I did test positive for covid this morning you guys might have
Starting point is 00:03:20 tested positive at the exact same hour what time did you test positive it was like 9 a.m. Wait, same year, though. We're synced up. We're all synced up. We're synced up. We're on the same COVID cycle. This is the alpha. We had the same morning in many ways.
Starting point is 00:03:35 In many ways, we did. It sort of started off with a nice little positive vibe. This is my first rodeo. This is my first walk around the yard and what do you think so far yeah what's your sort of take on it um first take on it
Starting point is 00:03:51 is sucks to have grateful that it isn't knock on wood that it isn't worse than it currently is Daniel my boyfriend currently knock on wood is testing negative which is great but also I'm lonely so it's only been it's been five hours seven
Starting point is 00:04:08 hours yeah brief in fact yeah my my wife also similarly we we were isolating because she had it and i didn't and then obviously i got it so i'm so sorry to even ask but did you guys do like a mutual masturbation thing with like a tin can up to the door asking me or miles miles okay just in terms of like you're in the guest bedroom she's i think he says he hates to ask but he doesn't hate to ask i want to clarify you're asking if my pregnant wife and me did a mutual masturbation thing where i guess i took a can and a string and i put it up to the door So you're asking my wife who's seven months pregnant if she and sort of our child's on the way. Sort of winked, yeah. Yeah, you asked if we winked and we did,
Starting point is 00:04:50 yeah. Then why are you mad? You're mad that I'm asking? I'm not mad, I'm just thoughtful. I'm sort of an academic. So it's like you just wanted to make sure you hit all the steps. I was just carefully choosing my words. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Well, that makes me really glad to know. Well, we're not here to... Unfortunately, we are not here to talk about COVID. Yeah. We're not. No. We're just not. What we are here to talk about is something,
Starting point is 00:05:20 I guess, that's very near and dear to Miles' heart. Yeah. We're talking about bath bombs today. And I'm so glad to have the opportunity to, in as many public forums as possible, talk about my love for bath bombs. Yeah. Yeah, tell us about it.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Tell us about your experience, your best experiences with bath bombs. Well, what's your experience with bath bombs? Just so I can gauge where you're at culture-wise. Oh my God. So condescending. Well, let me see what your guys' level is and I'll know whether to talk to you as a peer
Starting point is 00:05:49 or as a condescending prick. Are you bathing or are you Shower Nation? I'm Shower Nation. Okay, cool. Jeff? Love a bath, but it's a special occasion thing, Miles. I don't like how your voice trembles. I don't either. No, I might do... When I do a bath,
Starting point is 00:06:10 it's all out. So I might do a bath bomb. I might do some suds. Yeah. So I got into bathing. It's too hot too fast. It gets hot. Sorry. It's like the first five minutes, I'm like this is heaven. Yeah. And then I become a little tomato woman. Yeah, but it's a water sauna is what you have to understand.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I hate a sauna. So I think that's what I hate. Oh, yeah. See that? I get that lifestyle. But let me tell you about my bath journey. During the pandemic, I was doing once a day, sometimes twice a day. That's every single day on the day.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Bathing? Bath. Every single day on the day. On the day. Taking a bath. And now my secret Epsom salts you toss them in there and then you follow it up with a lush bath bomb now um i got as a engagement president for my work they gave me a big bundle of lush bath bombs and then as a like wedding present i also got a giant bundle of Lush bath bombs.
Starting point is 00:07:05 So I have been using like, I had like 30, 35 bath bombs that I've just been trickling through over the last. You really fucking love a bath bomb. I love them. I love them so. And I'll get in there and I'll dunk a little bath bomb. And the secret of the bath bombs is they can't be yellow because it's pit. It reminds you of this. bath bomb and the secret of the bath bombs is they can't be yellow because it's pit it reminds you of this and i learned that the hard way by being like it feels like i'm in a warm piss bath
Starting point is 00:07:31 so what are your favorite like i guess uh scent profiles of a bath bomb what's like the what's the elite color scent combination blue color wise and smell wise smells blue yeah you want it to smell i mean like sometimes the blue one smell a little like the ocean which isn't necessarily good but i think that what he's crying what you want is for the smell the olfactory experience i'm getting psyched by the way i'm gonna take a bath right after. I'm getting psyched by the way. I'm gonna take a bath right after this. I'm getting fucking lit. Because you know why?
Starting point is 00:08:09 You dump the thing in there and then you set the iPad. Excuse me, excuse me. You set up the iPad on a stand. Just so. Just so. So I'm watching Grace Anatomy in the Turb, one episodes if not two. Okay. So I'm just thinking about, if you'reb. One episodes, if not two. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:31 So I'm just thinking about if you're taking a bath on the day every day for like better part of two years. I want to ask. You're about my skin. How much water? No. How much water? You are the reason for the drought in LA County. Well, you know. You single-handedly caused the drought.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And I understand this, but I'm bathing in gray water no i'm not but um holy shit i'm so foul it's just like great so don't worry about the color of the bath bomb right yeah no purchasing vats of water from rv campsite drop-off centers that's absolutely right but how is your skin it must be so smooth. Just the surface of the moon. Just the
Starting point is 00:09:08 craters. So craters. No, I would say you're a beautiful man. Like, you have visually clear skin to me. Is that... I don't feel like I have clear skin. As a man, as a citizen of this earth, I don't feel confident about the clearness of my skin.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And did you vote did i vote yeah obviously okay rick caruso down the ballot no i'm just kidding you wrote him in for everything no yes i did vote yes or no one measure are uh rick caruso yeah that's right not a measure but um i wrote in a measure which is not possible yeah but yeah i'm a bather and i am wasting water and i think it is worth it there's no way that you don't waste the same amount of water in a shower because sometimes that's kind of what i think yeah no that's true i fucking love a shower i take long showers i'm trying to cut back on the time not the showering but the time in the shower yeah um
Starting point is 00:09:59 a shower is where i feel safe so where i feel comfortable it's everything to me how long we're not here to talk about that huh was that how long is your shower we're not here to talk about the show yeah we're here to talk about i mean it's an hour for but still. For sure, for sure. So much water. Jeff, bath bombs. I used to love lush bath bombs in high school. Same. And I don't think I've used one in a minute, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. And I also, like Miles, might take a bath right after this,
Starting point is 00:10:41 which is going to be during our Patreon Zoom party. The Zardy. I've heard all about the Zardy. Yeah. I actually wonder if Miles crashes the Zardy just because he has COVID and can't go anywhere. Fuck. That's pretty wild. Yeah. It'd be cool. It's a lot of work. People would be like, who are you? I'm going to take my Zardy from bed, and then I only might
Starting point is 00:10:59 stay for half of it. I'd love to be neuted unto them. All right. So, my bath bomb experience, here's the thing. I love the stay for half of it i'd love to be neuted unto them all right so my bath bomb experience i here's the thing i love the initial it's like when you plop that bad boy in and it first starts to fizz it's like a teppanyaki
Starting point is 00:11:15 it's so satisfying it's really really good um i think my fear is um distraction what just happened? I don't know if this happened to Miles, but your voice is reaching a register that the mic is registering as a fan.
Starting point is 00:11:32 No way. So we didn't hear anything you just said. I'm scared of getting a yeast infection with using bath bombs. Yeah, I've heard that. That's what I'm saying. Oftentimes for people with vaginas that bath bombs are sort of getting in there for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:11:46 so that's why I'd like to find out and can you send that to me in email that's the promo clip for this episode send that as a dynamic ad for all the episodes even just the vagina part would be great but should we should we just get into it like
Starting point is 00:12:04 should we all get into a bath together? I'd love to be with Miles. I'm good on the end spot part of it. But I also have to. Well, it wouldn't make sense because Miles also is COVID. I don't mind the COVID. It's the Bonseñor. Bonseñor.
Starting point is 00:12:22 That's actually really offensive that you ask. It is Bon Signore. Bon Signore. It means good sir in Italian slash Sicilian. That's so fucking cool. What about Jeffrey Good Sir? Yeah. What about Jeffrey Big Sir?
Starting point is 00:12:40 That's really good. That sounds like a good gaming trip. For my surf day. I have to say this before we get into the comedy of it all. You don't. Jesus. So, we shot the sketches, then I came home, and then my friend Sarah texted me saying, my washer dryer just broke and my clothes are wet. Can I come over and just finish them at
Starting point is 00:12:59 your place? I'm like, of course. And then my other friend was like, I'm driving by your place, do you want to get lunch? And so, we all out and got lunch uh at this little market near my house and sarah was kind of feeling sad so we got wine my day so far has been shooting sketches and then having wine at lunch while it pours rain eating outside under a tarp. I'm coming in with that energy. I've also had five sour punch straws. You're drunk. I'm not drunk. I just have the silliness of someone who
Starting point is 00:13:34 had some wine at lunch. That's a good place to be though. It really is. I went to whenever you have a day drink, it really affects the quality and mood of the rest of your day. I had a margarita at lunch like five weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I've been soaring ever since. I've been fucking lit. I'm riding that. It changes your perspective, man. It's funny because when you retreat back to the Hollywood Hills afterwards, it's just like you have that little bit of a buzz.
Starting point is 00:14:06 He brought his soundboard. the Hollywood Hills afterwards. It's just like you have that little bit of a buzz. And it's... He brought his soundboard. Sorry, it's just part of the thing. I already have. And, yeah. No, I mean, there's nothing else to say other than wine in Hollywood Hills. Not where you live, but I'm glad you had a day drink.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I can't day drink anymore. That is municipally where I live. Talk to yourself. It means a lot to you, though, I guess. Say your address. You live in the location. No. He wishes. Who wants to start us off?
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'll start us off. This wine is sending me. Darling, wine sends me. This is for the lush sex bomb bath bomb. Five stars from Casey. Last name? Letter K, letter C. K-S-Y.
Starting point is 00:14:57 K-S-Y. Actually, let's say that those are their initials. Miles, what's their first, middle, and last name? K-S-Y? Yeah. Kaylee Sanders Ye yeoman yeoman like omen but like a like or someone who works on like contractor jobs or y-e-o yeoman i was almost like it's spelled like yangling but yeoman
Starting point is 00:15:18 i'm just gonna read it's spelled like yingling he said so with a y yeah I'm sorry it's spelled y-i-n-g-l-a-n-g but pronounced yeoman yeah got it my partner and I decided to try this when we were here for Thanksgiving break doesn't say at all
Starting point is 00:15:39 where they were this is from the Lush official website so it's not like so not even like a flagship or any website so it's not like not even like a flagship or any specific store it's not tied to a physical store yeah this is an online store my partner and i decided to try this when we were here for thanksgiving break we sat in the tub for maybe five minutes before we were at it we were insatiable insane stamina insane O's can't recommend enough Jesus you don't have a partner
Starting point is 00:16:07 there's no way you have a partner someone coming in the bath alone oh that's crazy yeah I had a crazy weekend too no it was so crazy tell us about it I'll spare you the details but my partner and I sort of went at it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Insatiable stamina. You have a partner? Oh, yeah. We didn't know you were dating anybody. We didn't know you were dating anybody. That's incredible. We're so thrilled for you. I know it's hard hanging out with us for a long time,
Starting point is 00:16:38 and it's just like we are so deeply in love and so committed. Yeah, yeah. We got married, what, two years ago to the day? Yeah, to the day. That's insane. I think it's like our anniversary came and went but like we have the type of relationship where we don't need to focus on that no it's just like we're so like we're just kissing all the time we're just kissing all the time but it's not serious like that like it's just fun it's not
Starting point is 00:16:57 our marriage is not serious no it's so silly yeah it's so silly peter so mine wasn't anything like that this weekend it was really intense and intentional. Tell us about your partner. You want to know her name? Who's your intense, intentional partner? Her name is Casey. Casey. Casey.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Uh-oh. Someone's got a crush. Why are you looking mad? Why are you a little sourpuss? You got fucked all weekend. Why are you sad? I'm focusing on the puss you got fucked all weekend why are you sad you got fucked all weekend I didn't say that that's what happened
Starting point is 00:17:29 I mean when you get fucked all weekend you should have a nice little attitude about it no I we did all sorts of stuff it was insatiable did you get fucked one of the times was yeah yeah she's amazing so then why are you so serious
Starting point is 00:17:45 I'm focused on the conversation you seem angry you're being hostile towards both of us and I feel resented that we're it's our anniversary and we're silly why am I here by the way this is your anniversary
Starting point is 00:18:01 because you're a single little shit and you never have any love in your life. I had it this weekend. Tell us about it. And that's amazing because we're trying to be happy. I've said all I care to. Fine, what questions do you have?
Starting point is 00:18:14 I'll answer any question really fast. How did you meet Casey? How many comes? How many comes? How many comes? More than ever you've had. Three? You think that that's more than I've ever had?
Starting point is 00:18:24 Not total, but in a weekend that's child's play john child are you fucking kidding then i don't know it was like bodies on bodies on and i didn't we were legs were going everywhere and i know bodies on bodies and bodies that's a murder movie flag day last year it was 40 what i'm 45 i was lying about the sex by the way i just hate hanging out with you guys because you guys are so outwardly open about this stuff now we need to focus on this 40 yeah we made a plan and we stuck to it this is what you don't understand if you're organized you said that it wasn't organized or intentional that it was fun now you're saying
Starting point is 00:19:02 they made a plan to come i'm sorry I'm sorry, can scheduling not be fun? Scheduling can be fun. We send calendar invites from a dummy email with a fun tag. Why not just use your normal email? Also, there was that news article that there was that teenager who masturbated 18 times in a day and he died. Well, we're not masturbating. That's still the same. It's orgasming.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I get sore after four doesn't matter it doesn't matter you can't compare yourself you said that three was child's play and then you bragged about having come 40 times well you push me into a corner john you push people into a corner and then you do this you do corners all the time i feel like i'm like a little bird in a cage and you're a tiger and i have to leap leap out i'm at your guys' anniversary brunch so i feel like nothing can go be going that well with you guys obviously we have enough love to share i'm sorry if your heart is so closed and so tiny so itty bitty that you don't have enough to give, we have an overflow and we're trying to overflow a little bit of that love onto you.
Starting point is 00:20:09 All right. Would you rather we didn't invite you to shit? I don't really want to be here now because you guys are yelling at me. You showed up telling us that you had gotten fucked. I didn't say that. You said that I got fucked. Well, we may have pressured you into it but
Starting point is 00:20:25 you said it and we wanted to hear details about that because we love you never answered how you met this person i said i was lying about it because you guys fucking always invite me you make me third wheel and it's it's uncomfortable because then you guys ask me about my life and then you try to set me up with all your friends i don't like your friends i don't i i'm very high bar this is news to me this is huge news to me you didn't like lizzie you didn't like cut to his day with lizzie so um do you have any hobbies or my hobbies i like honestly i'm i'm i'm pretty similar to peter and ruby and i just love getting fucked and so anything that like I can do that can make my weekend go to there
Starting point is 00:21:07 is like that's what I want out of a day okay I'm down what about you I mean I like having sex but that's not like the defining that's different that's not the same as that's not the same it's not I'm not that into yeah this is just two for this in credit coaster
Starting point is 00:21:24 are you guys single riders uh single okay cool it's gonna be about a half an hour fuck this cut back so i don't know where you guys have your friends from if it's a sex club or i mean i love sex but i don't want that to be the only thing we talk about i mean you're bringing it up you are the one bringing it up you're bringing it up constantly you're bringing up our hobby. Because if I said that I met someone, you wouldn't set me up. Is that not why you brought me here? To set me up with another person?
Starting point is 00:21:51 We brought you here because we thought that we could maybe convince you to join us in a sensual To join us. There's no way. In a sensual, cucking sort of way.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And then I really immediately need to clarify who's the cuck. You. That doesn't make any sense. And I'm not in. I'm obviously not in because that's me sitting in the room fuck us that's the point we like fucking you guys are making this weird narrative that i like getting fucked and getting cucked i like neither that much we get that emotions are hot and everyone's feeling horned up right now i I'm not horny at all.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm also, I'm sorry, you guys are both very beautiful, but I've known you for so long that the sex appeal has worn off. Does that make sense? I think it's just like desire is actually a choice. No, it's not. It's not something that's just like, oh, it's fleeting. You make the choice every day. Desire is
Starting point is 00:23:01 by definition fleeting. You make the choice every day to want to fuck and get fucked. And animals cock in the wild all the time. I don't care to know that. You've always said that. Peter, you've always said that. There's a study into their first date. Hey, I just feel this electric energy.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I feel the same. I was about to say the same thing. Yeah, no, for sure. I read this book by Jane Goodall. Oh my God, I'd love to read it. But it's just like this shit happens all the time in the bamboo and there's pandas and they're like watching it.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It's like a whole thing. Everyone's joining in. But enough about this. You never have enough about that. Never know about that. I'll just say that right now. I'll just say that right now i'll just say that i mean you know i mean i could go on by the way it's not talking if i'm not dating her that's just voyeurism or exhibitionism obviously oh we've got a little linguist on our hands someone read the dictionary
Starting point is 00:23:56 that none of these are in the dictionary got an urban dictionary linguist on our hands yeah oh so you're obsessed with urban dictionary maybe if you stop reading urban dictionary so much you'd be able to find someone that you wanted to share intimate parts of your life with but okay i am going to leave have whatever sex you want maybe go on a different dating app. This was a weird ask. And this was a bad brunch. Maybe it was a bad brunch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Don't give him that. Anything else? Or is that it? Let me finish. You're always interrupting me. Always. Maybe it was a bad brunch. But I'd like to watch you
Starting point is 00:24:46 watch me munch on my wife's hooch. We didn't even order. It's important to me that we flag that. We've been sitting here at the menu. I've asked you to close it three times. That is my third time. I'm still looking.
Starting point is 00:25:07 He takes his time. Decide! Just decide and then we can talk about all the depraved nonsense that I'm not going to be a part of. So you do want to say and talk about the depraved nonsense. I just don't see a world where this brunch goes any different than it has been going. Okay, the waiter comes over. You know what you want to order right
Starting point is 00:25:24 now? Yes, I'm getting the eggs Benedict. Are you sure? All right. Thank you guys so much for joining us today. What can I get started for you? I'll do the eggs Benedict. Wow. Do you have
Starting point is 00:25:39 sauce? Do we have sauce? We have many kinds of sauce. Do you mean like condiments on the side or do you mean it's part of the meal? I'm looking for something maybe like ketchup-y with a
Starting point is 00:25:55 mayo base. We have special sauce. You have special sauce? We have special sauce. We can do a mayo ketchup. Oh my god. Now that I know you have special sauce, this sauce this changes everything i'm gonna need just like 20 more minutes but just absolutely i'll make that happen i'll take a peek at the menu and i'll take i'll put a hold on that eggs benedict until you figure out what you want hold the benny because we're gonna want to eat together that was my order that was my order so don't say hold the benny we want everything to
Starting point is 00:26:21 come out at the same time so if you could wait to put that in until we're all done, that'd be good. Yeah, no, I can do that. Absolutely. Now you have to stay. You have to stay. Happy anniversary, baby. This is... I'm gone. I'm ghost. You guys are bad to hang out with. Namaste. It's just the two of them.
Starting point is 00:26:45 So... No. Got it. It's just the two of them. So. No. Got it. John was the only thing keeping them afloat. Yeah. They really needed a third thing. We couldn't sustain it alone so no got it that's so funny all right let's take a quick break thank some sponsors and be right we'll be right back uh miles i have to ask how are you liking gumball oh it's great we'll be right back that's funny
Starting point is 00:27:38 right I'll go next unless anyone has a strong hankering miles miles did you have wine did i have wine no no right jeff stop biting your thumb i will read a review um here we go this is god this is for holiday gifts men's Bath Bomb Set of Nine by Natural Essence. Relaxing bath bombs for men and boys. I love a gendered inanimate object. I think it's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:28:13 So here's bath bombs for men. The scents are musk, eucalyptus, pine needle, bergamot, peppermint, black pepper. You know, all those manly scents. Here we go pine needle, bergamot, peppermint, black pepper, you know, all those manly scents. Here we go. This is five stars from Spencer R. Can we get a last name for Spencer R? Really good.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Spencer, really good. Five stars. The title is Expert Man Smells Level 9,999. I have taken six baths in the last 10 years, four of them this week. The bath bombs smell amazing and leave my skin smooth.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm a millennial dad that works a lot and is always stressed. Taking a hot bath for the first time in years with a few bath bombs was so relaxing. I felt like I was melting getting this man spa experience. I seriously fell flat on my face and slept hard after. There are nine different flavors. My favorite was pine needles and mixing black pepper with cedar wood. And then he talks about how a
Starting point is 00:29:17 bath bomb works, how you drop it in and it. My wife always has trouble choosing gifts for me, but she scored on this one. This bath bomb set makes the perfect man gift that I will actually Son, um... I almost never write reviews, but I do when something surprises me and this product is deserving Son I wanted to take a moment with you It's your 13th birthday. Yeah Yeah And I know that I maybe You know, you're looking for a masculine guy to look up to
Starting point is 00:30:12 and on the internet on the tv it's chris prime and it's you just combined a streaming service with Chris Pine but yeah part of being a dude means having a smell that is big and I want to introduce a couple things that now that you're 13 you're gonna be able to go out into the world and feel like a guy's guy
Starting point is 00:30:41 um okay I'll hear you out. Honey, wheel in the, uh, cart? Cart? Jason, I'll wheel it in, but you have to say please next time because I am so sick of it. Sorry, babe. Could you please wheel in the cart?
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yes. Hey, sweetie. Your dad said you guys wanted this time together so I'll leave you to it here is the cart of man stuff for you happy birthday now babe I kind of want you to stay
Starting point is 00:31:16 because I'm feeling uncomfortable alone with our son he likes you better than me and that's been clear since he was seven yeah I mean well one to six, he adored you and then something just shifted. So what was it? Maybe we can get that out of the way.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm trying to relate here. And I just, I feel like maybe it's that I, you know, am too masculine and dominating for the household. It's not that. It's not that. I'll let him speak for himself but I don't think it's that. Honey, sweetie, is that why
Starting point is 00:31:51 you've preferred me to your dad the past half of your life? No. It was kind of a thing when I was seven. You just started performing masculinity for me. Everything was fine. You were just kind of yourself before that and then now you're using using all these like very aggressive words to describe yourself and like you put up a bunch of you know you have a stone cold steve austin on poster in your
Starting point is 00:32:14 office i've never really seen you watch wrestling uh you started you bought like dummy weights like picture weights i guess that they use on movies uh They were like 85s that you pretend to curl, but I know that they're like the weight of styrofoam. I want to make you an alpha, and I'm not that. Yeah, I mean, humans aren't wolves. I don't really know if there's alphas and not alphas. And this is great.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Honey, the fact that you are crying and showing that vulnerability, I think this is actually better parenting than I've seen you do in the past five years. I want... Oh, no. You can cry without sounding like a baby. I want to learn
Starting point is 00:32:59 with you, son. I want to be... Now you sound like a geriatric retiree. I'm sorry, but also every time, you've had like three distinct different cries. The first one was baby, the second one was seal, and the third one is geriatric. So let's just see how these change throughout the conversation.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I never learned how to be boy. How to be boy or how to be boy? I never known what it meant, and I've been trying I think it what it meant. And I've been trying. I think it's the first one. I've been trying. I've never seen this before,
Starting point is 00:33:30 but every time he closes his mouth, his braces, which he does have adult braces, change color. I got... They're like transitions lenses, but for braces. You also have transition lenses,
Starting point is 00:33:41 which it's time you maybe grew out of those. What do you mean? That way I don't have to change glasses when I go outside but you do end up having to change glasses because they you got the really cheap ones so it takes them like an hour to switch back from you're wearing sunglasses optically right now i've gotten a weakened immune system because of all the beard oil that i've used and that's on me but that's because i'm trying to create an environment that we can do dude stuff i don't know have you ever tried asking him what he wants have you ever tried have i ever tried asking me what i want
Starting point is 00:34:17 no you clearly haven't i i love you and i know that you're going through something right now i can't even really pinpoint what it is but it's something big and so i will be here for you and i will stand by you i love you i cannot stand you right now but i love you so much and i know our son loves you but i think it's maybe we don't need to have the bath bombs for men. You don't need to have the toothpaste for men. You don't need to have the napkins for men. What about the steroid butt wipes for dudes? Well, that was prescribed by your doctor.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So I think you keep that one. But I think the rest of it, that's just kind of like gendered household items. You don't need to give our son. He can learn about being a man through how you treat him and how you treat other people in the world when i breathe in all i can taste is bergamot and rind so honey is that what you want do you want to smell like bergamot and rind no i don't ever want i never wanted to you sorry i'm not i'm talking to our son our sweet baby boy see that's another lesson not everything's about you not every not every comment question concern comes your way yeah son do you want to smell
Starting point is 00:35:39 bergamot you want to smell bergamot um i wouldn't mind it i guess i just i feel like dad you might be over using it like you shouldn't be tasting cologne yeah i don't know i also don't know where you're spraying it or if it's a roll-on like how do you apply your cologne yeah everywhere all over everything externally all over externally all over my pores the doctor said i had to stop because my hair my hair follicles were um too brittle yeah because i had been sort of overdosing on dude oil right yeah you i also kind of want to circle back to that you said that you used so much beard oil that you became immunocompromised i don't exactly know how that's medically sound but what was in the beard oil where did you get it from well i got it from um did you get it from like beard brand or like yeah
Starting point is 00:36:32 it was like one of those instagram brands but then they had a gallon setting and i just wasn't sure how much i was supposed to set it did you apply it manually or was there a device that you used? I used the hose. That's what I was worried about. They had a gallon and a hose setting. I'm going to go for a long walk. I'm starting to think that the thing was regular oil. All of this is happening on my birthday. I'd like to say that. Honey, I'm going to take you out and go.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I will go treat you to your favorite dinner. And I think dad can stay here and have a little think to himself. Will you? Does that sound okay? You. Delivery. Oh my God. Can we come to the door?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah, come in. I've got a lazy boy sectional. It's like a whole couch. Yeah, do you have both of them or just the one? You wanted two of these? Yeah, because lazy boys, lazy boys have more fun. This happens a lot. A lot of dads order these things.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, I'll go back to the warehouse and get you a second one. But that's really just going to create a ring around your living room of a couch that has huge footrests. It's fine. It's good, actually. Do you have anything in the manifesto in your little roster about my plasma screen? Guys gotta have my plasma! I'm pretty sure they don't use plasma anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:02 What? Hey, man. Hey, man. Hey, man. Easy. Don't. Whoa. Don't approach me. Don't come after me.
Starting point is 00:38:11 They're both backing up. Hey, you gotta wait for me, man. You gotta wait for me. My bones are brittle because I've been needing They just keep going down the street. They go forever.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Cut to the son, 27, in a relationship late at night on the bed talking to his girlfriend and so yeah i guess i just have the strangest abandonment issues ever because my dad didn't like mean to leave us he was just really scared to fight a dhl delivery guy that also didn't want to fight and so he kept walking backwards forever and i would see him once a year as he sort of circumnavigated the globe i'm so sorry for a while so what are your traumas um yeah i mean i don't know something your crash in the living room it's it's the dad in the DHL delivery.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Oh, they start going latitudinally. Must be your birthday. Yeah, this sucks. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. Do we have time for one more? Miles, do you want to do our... Did you bring a review in?
Starting point is 00:39:26 I absolutely didn't. And I realized that I might have been supposed to. That is so fine. We did not tell you. It's been 45 minutes. I thought those were both great. We could also just do our last segment. Unless, Riley, you have another one.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I only brought one. That's fine. I have another, but that feels solid. Let's do another quick one. Okay. I have one. Let's rip it. This is for
Starting point is 00:39:45 dino egg bath bomb gift set with dinosaur inside. So the bath bombs you know they dissolve. It's a toy that comes out inside? It's a little dino toy. I imagine that's how that product got pitched.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Introducing dino egg bath bomb with Dino Inside. So there's a dino inside. And as it dissolves. Yeah, I guess. So the thing does say in there is a dino inside. Right. This is
Starting point is 00:40:17 four stars from Taylor. Last name for Taylor. Drift. Taylor Drift. Four stars. The title is Fun, Bright Colors and Cute Surprises. Last name for Taylor. Drift. Taylor Drift. Taylor Drift. Four stars. The title is Fun, Bright Colors, and Cute Surprises. I knocked it down one star because my type A four-year-old was obsessed over identifying each of the bath bombs.
Starting point is 00:40:42 And the scents and colors didn't really match up 100%. Mr. and Mrs. Hankins, I have to say that you guys have to stop saying that your toddler is type A because they have OCD. I mean, we are relaxed people.
Starting point is 00:41:00 We like to keep an open household. We like to make sure that everything is running open floor plan, open bath plan an open household. We like to make sure that everything is running... Open floor plan. Open floor plan, open bath plan, open everything. Okay? Open door policy. Don't even get me started. Do you want some water, by the way?
Starting point is 00:41:14 This is my office, so maybe don't offer me water. Well, I was thinking you could go get some. Open hierarchical structure. It's just like I can offer you water, you can offer us water. Right. Yeah. I really need you to hear what I'm saying instead of the water and then talking about your
Starting point is 00:41:29 housing floor plan. Lillian has obsessive compulsive disorder. It is a mental health issue. Oh my gosh. Tell me about it. Okay. Because you keep describing her as type A, tight assed, sort of a square
Starting point is 00:41:46 is uh some of the we are so we're so type b we're so we're so we're so b what does type b mean to you we're easy going we're easy if something falls on the floor just like leave it like the dog will get it like we're so chill. We don't fold our clothes. I mean, how much time do you got? Do you understand as parents of someone with OCD that that would be an incredibly stressful environment for them?
Starting point is 00:42:17 It is very stressful for us. That's right. Honestly, thank you for acknowledging that because I think a lot of people are like, oh, think about the kid and how to best serve her and meet her where she's at. And like, how can we support her with this really stressful disorder that she's facing?
Starting point is 00:42:32 But I guess with us, it's like what a lot of people don't get. It's like, it's so hard on us because we're so chill and we have a little narc daughter. We have a little square. She's like being like, don't like do a double bong rip.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Like at the living room. And I'm i'm being how long has she been talking she's four years old how many of those years has she been talking most of them i think i mean she's so smart she's really smart like but she's doing things that are just frankly harshing the vibe in the house and like that's the biggest thing that we wanted to talk to you about that maybe you can do some fixing on. Yeah. Was that she's organizing the granola. She's doing stuff with all of our plants, keeping them alive. And we are a life and death household. We don't care if a plant dies.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Are you paying attention? I'm listening. I'm taking notes. I just was going to say that somebody who's only been speaking for three years shouldn't be scolding someone into not doing bong rips. Shouldn't be taking care of horticulture. Well, no one should be scolding anyone about doing bong rips. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:43:35 That's my self-care. That's my self-care. We have a narc on our hands. That's my self-care. That's his self-care. I guess our question is it's like are we in trouble i was about to say that i do now have to officially warn you that i might make a call to child protective services because you're talking about doing drugs in front
Starting point is 00:43:56 of your kid neglecting the house and them you're a cop you're literally being a cop right you're an actual narc you're literally being like a psychologist and a trained social worker well our daughter like must have gotten it from you then why she's so like narco yeah this is you brought her here because she was already that way we brought her here because she was harshing the buzz yeah and killing my molly hi and she doesn't mind that we're talking about her while she's in the room, right? So now you're talking about doing illegal illicit substances before it was cannabis, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I didn't say that. I won't testify to it. You're not in court. I just, yeah. I don't think you guys are- Don't make him testify. Don't make me testify. Don't make him testify.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I'll bring up shit about your past that you don't even want to know about. He's got so much shit on you randomly randomly what do you know about me? I went to high school with you and said you were fucking lame you talked to somebody who went to my high school and said I was not cool in high school?
Starting point is 00:44:56 yeah you think that's blackmail? Brent Riviera no one wants to be not cool Brent Riviera was pretty cool coolest guy in high school said that you got shoved who was the coolest guy? you? no wants to be not cool okay brett well yeah brent riviere was pretty cool but yeah i don't see the coolest guy in high school so that you got the coolest guy who was the coolest guy you know no i didn't say it was me i think it was yeah i think that what we're getting at here is you
Starting point is 00:45:15 don't want to fuck with us we're so chill that we'll wreck your life i don't to take it a step further. Do you not want to fuck us? Yeah. That's like our whole thing. We're in this. We love to get fucked. We love to get fucked. I mean, you're fucking us right now by telling us our daughter has a problem. You are telling us you are fucking us right now. So you are fucking me right in the head.
Starting point is 00:45:42 In the ass or the head? Head. Okay. I am sending child protective services to your house let them come they'll never find our house it's down a cul-de-sac it's like way hard to find down a cul-de-sac it's down a cul-de-sac yeah if anything a house is more frontward facing it's hard for us to find it the mail gets mail gets messed up all the time. Sorry, I really need to examine that too. It's hard for you to find your own house. How long is the longest period of time that you've maybe went out to get groceries,
Starting point is 00:46:12 came back, and left your child alone? Should not have to think about it. She's fine though. You ever see the movie Matilda? Yeah, that's a movie about a child who is not fine. I guess we just saw it differently then. You see Oliver Twist?
Starting point is 00:46:29 I guess we just interpret it differently. Yeah, that was not my read on it. I thought she was kind of good. Yeah, Oliver Twist, that's great. Oliver Twist is like a little boy who finds community. It's an underfed, forcefully starved orphan who gets beaten physically. But Mr. Bumble was kind of fine, though, right? Mr. Bumble was an atrocity man.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I've never in my... This started out kind of normal. I thought I was just going to have to teach you guys what OCD is. Now I am truly saying you are unfit to be a parent. I think you're unfit to be a parent. I don't have kids. I don't want kids. We got you there.
Starting point is 00:47:03 We got you there. I agree. That's why I'm not a parent. I don't have kids. I don't want kids. We got you there. I agree. That's why I'm not a parent. You don't want kids and you're a child psychologist? Yeah, like weighted shit where you eat. That's the opposite of shitting where I eat. The words are right out of my mouth. So you both are going to say the wrong thing. I do this for work.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I go home to an empty house and I like that. That's my... I don't think you guys understand what parenting is and the struggle. Sorry, the responsibility that you think we're bad parents but we're literally like having a kid bringing the kid around making we are obsessed with bringing the kid around where the shop the freaking smoke shop she's in the hall right now she's sitting outside she's sitting outside this office right now she's at a child psychology office that you brought me to
Starting point is 00:47:50 I talked to her first now you guys came in what'd she say about us yeah what'd she say about us she said you guys were messy she said that sometimes she doesn't know where you are and she said probably at the hookah bar you go to a hookah bar
Starting point is 00:48:06 like honestly my reaction now is just that you guys suck I gotta have my shisha he goes to a hookah bar I'll just say that he goes to the hookah bar I mean I gotta get my shisha come on everyone has their vice everybody I can blow O's too oh can he
Starting point is 00:48:22 I can blow O's so you don't like that he goes to the hookah bar. I'm sorry to scrutinize the little things here, but it really is... No, you're not. You're obsessed. You're obsessed. You love this stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:32 You got a whole little perverted spreadsheet about all our flaws. All right. Thanks for coming in then. I'm sorry you feel that way. I legally have to call child protection. That's not a real apology. That's not a real apology. When someone i'm sorry you feel that way i legally have to call child that's not a real apology that's not a real sorry you feel that way that is like that's actually not owning up to anything i was over delivering what you deserve if we can parent
Starting point is 00:48:55 in this moment we can parent you in this moment we can parent you that's not a real apology that's not a real apology. Okay. Okay. They've been informed, my assistant. I just messaged her during this meeting. They've already been called. They're on their way. You will see them at home. Not if we run. Not if they can't find our house.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Not if they literally can't find our house because I'm telling you, it's on a cul-de-sac. We started, we talked about that. I'm getting frustrated, babe. You don't listen. I'm freaking you, it was on a cul-de-sac. We started, we talked about that. I'm getting frustrated, babe. You don't listen. I'm like, I'm like freaking out over here. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Being like, I don't want my blood pressure to go up.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I'll go, I'll drive to the hookah bar. I want, I need to go calm down with a little hookah. And I'm, and this, this pervert over here with the spreadsheets telling me my- I've said nothing about sex. Telling me my kid's perfect. And I'm over here and it spreadsheets telling me my kids perfect. And I'm over here and it's like, oh, I'm the bad guy for saying that my four-year-old is a narc. I said your kid had OCD.
Starting point is 00:49:56 What? Cut to the cul-de-sac, Child Protective Services knocking on doors. Hello, where is 476? 476. Gosh, I think that's much further down. That house is real down the cul-de-sac if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:50:20 He was talking to 478. Walks right past 476 to 474. right past 476 to 474 we're inside got him they're never gonna find that house it's clearly right in between the two houses uh all right should we do our last This should be all week long. Miles Teller. What? Teller what? That was a Miles Teller joke.
Starting point is 00:50:55 What's been shaking you in a good or bad way? What you can't stop thinking about. What's got your goat? One cup of wine that you started during lunch and are still drinking at 5 p.m that's the same wine still working on the same cup of wine it's literally the same cup that i had in the rain at lunch um let me tell you what's been shaking my ass lately um so there's an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Um,
Starting point is 00:51:27 and I really have to talk about this, but, um, to give you some background light spoilers ahead. Um, that's fine. I think it's the greatest episode of television maybe ever. And I want to, I want to clarify here and just being like,
Starting point is 00:51:40 Oh, what about the wire? And it's like, shut up. So, uh, in Grey's anatomy dr mcdreamy is hit by a fucking truck for all i care or something right he dies because of doctor negligence the meredith
Starting point is 00:51:56 gray star of the show is so upset her husband's dead there she leaves her a widow with these kids it's horrible a full season later she's having a dinner party. And you hear for several episodes leading up to this thing that, oh, Callie's girlfriend's coming to dinner. And we're like, we're going to meet her. We're so stoked on it. I'm like, this is going to be great. And they've been dating behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:52:18 not in the show, no guest star yet. All of a sudden, the dinner party's's underway callie's girlfriend shows up and it's the doctor who killed meredith's husband and she's there having killed the main character's husband on the operating table and then they proceed to have a dinner party and then at the middle of the dinner party no one knows except for them two at the middle of the dinner party no one knows except for them two in the middle of the dinner party meredith's like penny killed my husband and everybody is like and they all stop and it's such a crazy tense scene but obviously like not very many people watch a lot of people watchomy, but not a lot of cool industry people
Starting point is 00:53:05 watch Grey's Anatomy because it's so dope. But I love it. And I wanted to present this show because I think it's important. And it's really... That's amazing. Yeah. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:53:16 My mom is binging Grey's right now. She'd never seen it. I've never seen an episode, but she was like, yeah, I'm starting it. I'm working my way through. A week later, she's like, I'm on season 14 like she is oh my god there's and by the way those are 25 episode
Starting point is 00:53:30 seasons too it's so much television so much yeah the 45 minutes i think yeah but i've been i've been crushing that i crushed it during the pandemic and then I'm not to brag, but I'm re-crushing it. I went back to season 10 and I started just like putting it on. I love it. I'm re-watching Gilmore Girls right now. I get it. Man, you love those shows. I love Gilmore Girls.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I haven't actually watched all of Gilmore Girls. I know I would love it because I love Grey's and it's not that they're the same, but there's similar types of television. It's so good. You really should watch it. I know. I'm sure I would love it because I love Grey's and it's not that they're the same, but there's similar types of television. It's so good. You really should watch it. I know. I'm sure I would love it. He's such a Dean. No, don't say that about him.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Actually, he's probably more like a Luke. Yes. The guy who works at the diner? Maybe a Kirk. Owns the diner. Kirk is rude. Owns the diner. Don't be mad i bought my forest green pickup truck because it looks like luke's you have a forest green pickup truck yeah that's and that's not actually true i mostly just like it but uh that's part of it that's kind of awesome hindsight and then was
Starting point is 00:54:41 like that's cool that's a really cool car i don't like i need it we have to buy me and my wife share a car and i would love to get a pickup well i feel like you're kind of rich i don't know you've said several comments to me that makes me think that you think that i'm rich i just know how much money i make and you have a bigger audience than me so i just multiply what i make by how much, how many listens your show gets. That is insane. I mean, in my head, you make like quarter of a million dollars,
Starting point is 00:55:11 a hundred thousand a month. Yeah. Yeah. That's $1.2 million. Yeah. Right. No, I'm not rich.
Starting point is 00:55:20 My truck. You should get my truck. Let me buy your truck from you. I'll buy your truck from you right now. 500, $500,000? 100%, yeah. Are you kidding me? I would go without a car.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Was this binding? We are recording this. COVID's been shaking me. I got COVID and that really fucking shook me because it's my first time. And I still have no idea where i could have gotten it from because i don't do indoor dining i'm so like i don't do indoor stuff and so that's if i find the person who i contracted covid from i will hunt them down yeah they will not find dressed it's a virus it's
Starting point is 00:56:02 not their fault yeah oh really Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Then never mind. Yeah. The living thing is inside you now. Both of you guys, actually. Yeah. You'd have to hurt your veins, I think.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Co has been shaking me and I'm watching White Lotus season two, baby. Anything Jennifer Coolidge does. Yeah. Is perfect. So she's just shaking my ass all the time. She's fucking incredible. She's really good. I haven't watched the new season yet, but I'm psyched about it.
Starting point is 00:56:34 She's just perfect. She's just in a frame. She's not doing anything. And I'm just like, ah! Yeah. She's effortlessly funny. She is effortlessly funny is it the wine wine with lunch
Starting point is 00:56:47 yeah wine with lunch on a Tuesday yeah I've never done that we're having wine with lunch on a Tuesday no I do not recommend it but it was fun for today because of the nature of what we had to do
Starting point is 00:57:03 what I had to do today I don't want to speak for anybody i had to do today i don't want to speak for anybody else and that's about it nice what kind of wine are you into wine uh i like wine i don't know a lot about wine but it's one of those things that feels like there's a barrier to entry of knowledge that i don't care for in terms of pretension. You don't like pretentious stuff? I like pretentious stuff, but not when... I like things that are perceived as pretentious.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I don't like participating in subcultures that are insularly pretentious. Or insular in general. Exclusive. Miles is pissed pissed i'm mad at you no i don't know what you mean actually but like uh like i like collecting vintage watches and when i talk about it it sounds pretentious yeah but if you talk to anybody who's into watches they're so excited to talk to you about watches because it's like most people aren't into that right you like the hobby not the act of it being exclusive.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You want to bring people into your niche hobby, not gatekeep it because it's strange. I've offered to buy all of my friends a watch and everybody says no. Why? That's crazy. By the way, I'm into mechanical keyboards and it's a very similar, I think, thing to nice watches.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I'll give you a watch for your baby shower. No way. We had to move it, by the way. For the baby. We did have to move the baby shower. I don't know, Riley, if that means that you're available now. Riley was going to be out of town. I might be. We'll see. It's a better day for me, factually.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Whoa, that's wild. Miles, what do you have to plug you have a lot to plug so i have a lot uh thank you everybody um well first of all thank you for having me on thank you for coming on this was a this was a bomb um i like the both of you a whole lot and um i want
Starting point is 00:58:57 to be one of your closest friends that's really awesome to hear you're one of those people i've met and i'm like i like him a lot i really like the both of you a lot and i see i see good friendship coming down the pipe for us i really do i really do um but uh yeah we're all gonna grow old together that would be awesome actually us 90 you're familiar with go 90 yeah but I have a podcast called perfect person that Riley was on and
Starting point is 00:59:28 Jeff will be on at some point and we take calls and we solve people's problems and we give them genuinely good advice in a bad way it's incredible it's a great show but yeah you can search for perfect person everywhere you get podcasts or go to
Starting point is 00:59:43 for the links and stuff. Well, love the Jeffrey's holding up his armband. This is wise, which is really confusing. I am it. Yeah. Did you make that for yourself or did like some sort of like romance?
Starting point is 00:59:57 Give that to you. Uh, I didn't know. That's such a cutting question. I'm I, I custom ordered it for myself Jesus that's even worse you can find Jeff on Instagram at Jeffrey James on Twitter
Starting point is 01:00:15 at Jeff Boyardee you can find the show on Instagram at Review Review Twitter Review Review show Reddit r slash Review Review at Riley Anspawn Instagram at Riley Coyote on Twitter where can people find you at Miles Bond on everything that's so cool slash review review. At Riley on Instagram, at Riley Coyote on Twitter. Miles, where can people find you? At Miles Bond on everything.
Starting point is 01:00:30 That's so cool. I wish I was a cross-platformer. The only reason I was able to pull it off is because the social strategist for Try Guys did me a favor. That's incredible. That's fair. The guy at Jeffrey James on Twitter, his name is like John. He hasn't tweeted since 2007. I'm so upset about it. That's hard. Jeff Beardy is great, though. name is like John. And he hasn't tweeted since 2007. I'm so upset about it.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That's hard. FBRD is great, though. It is really good. It's alright. Miles, we're going to thank some of our patrons. Do you want to stick around for that or do you want to head out? I'll stick around. Everybody always says that and then it's just us listing like 20 names and it's not fun for the guests. How long is it going to be?
Starting point is 01:01:01 Is it going to be like 30 minutes? No. It's like 5 minutes. Do you want me to throw in some fake names just to kind of spice it up or no? Is it going to be like 30 minutes? No, it's like five minutes. Do you want me to throw in some fake names just to kind of spice it up or no? Let's do that. All right, cool. Big thank you to Underscorted Christian Sidehug so he can hug two people simultaneously. Aggie. Ako is fucking tired and she's sure everyone else is too.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Let's just get this over with and have everyone apologize to her. All right, I'll admit. Good Jason costume, but Halloween is over. So, oh wait, Dakota's back there behaving. Then who's this? Ah, thank you to Lehman. A mere blue-in-feld. So it's a mere blue-in-feld,
Starting point is 01:01:39 but he brings an air of sad, sullen energy. At this point, I can't even tell if Daddy chose Tuesdays or if Tuesdays chose Daddy. It's just, sullen energy. At this point, I can't even tell if Daddy chose Tuesdays or if Tuesdays chose Daddy. It's just, well, me. Zoe Deutsch, thanks for sticking around, man. That was... I can't place why that was so foul. It was so casual for such a famous celeb.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, I guess that's it. Austin's been feeling kind of down lately. No, but just sad. casual for such a famous celeb and then, yeah, I guess that's it. Austin's been feeling kind of down lately. No, but just sad. JK, I do hate my new apartment's tiny toilet, though. Ben was feeling bad about his complex names, but then he remembered the abuse that has been spewed to him. Gaten Matarazzo from Stranger Things.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Thanks for checking it out on Tier 2. Blink-182 is back together and all I got was this lousy Patreon name. Bob Buell, akaBigBuellDog RRROO bark bark bark But like super realistic dog bark sounds Brian Crouton we love him Cam is Sposey that's spooky and cozy because it's October baby
Starting point is 01:02:37 Wrong Chuck Balloon Timmons Thanks for spicing up our Patreon, honey. Connor Finnegan's rage consumes him, but yet Connor Finnegan feeds off his rage. It's like a Rage 69, if you will. Oh my god. Curbatures World Tour. Robert Pattinson.
Starting point is 01:02:58 So a lot of them are celebrities and then a lot of them are just wacky named normies. Fancy Octopus is, according to a co, submissive and breedable jeffrey james wagner get it it's funny because they both have james in their name pierce brosnan's nephew i went to school with pierce brosnan's son one time i saw him yeah one time i saw him at a bar i think he was on a date so i forgive you dylan but uh i went up to him and I didn't see him with anybody so I was like hey like a bunch of SCA people are over here like if you
Starting point is 01:03:28 want to hang out like no pressure and he was like thanks I was like sorry sir Jesus not a bad person but rude to me once Grace filing a class action lawsuit against a coach she told me I'd never be alcohol free after she sewed a
Starting point is 01:03:44 beer bottle into my ass. Happy Halloween. It's October. Wrong. Almond's mayonnaise. Thanks for squirting it up. Corporate sponsorship. You think they can get more than $20 a month.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I can't afford this anymore. This shit sucks. But you guys are. Oh, oh, who is that? I can't afford this anymore. This shit sucks. But you guys are great. Have Oh, who is that? I can't afford this anymore. This shit sucks, but you guys are great. Have a great community. Stay golden. Show that ass. I eat spaghetti and meatballs. It's like
Starting point is 01:04:09 spaghetti and meatballs, but instead of noodles, I eat the sun. The leaves are changing, man. And that's a Patreon name? Yeah, sorry. The leaves. I'm Riley Anspaugh, and have you ever heard of this new show, The Office? You know, John Krasinski's kind of a zaddy. Jake Ullman. Come gutter.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Jeffrey Games. Jeff's evil but playful twin. Jesse Tipton. Balloonky mumps. And do they have the mumps? Yeah. Joe, and for lack of a better term, well, Malasov. JP again. All hands on deck to get the real Dame Barrymore
Starting point is 01:04:45 to hear a sound clip of Jeff desperately lying to her about his cock. Alan Novelina. Caleb forgot to change his name. Whoops. Casper Bopasper. Austin Boom. Lord Hunter the Ordained. Lucas Heinzel.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Ian Flan. Ian Flan. Ian Flan. Michael. Michael Beggle. Steven Pimp. There's no way. What shook me is that I started reading Moby Dick, and all I got to say is that Captain Ahab could get it.
Starting point is 01:05:21 When I say it, I mean me. Nate Porteous has a birthday soon and can cry if he wants to. Happy birthday, Nate. New patron. Anna Blouse. Nolan Murphy wants to stuff a turkey and eat its ass.
Starting point is 01:05:32 This isn't sexual. I just love Thanksgiving. Oh, hi, Mark. Well, priest. Lauren Anis. Thanks for subbing. Huff Riley. Raven Schmaven.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Bone Camden. Review, review. So it's this podcast, but a sequel. Riz, my kombucha tastes like wine Bergman. Flex Phillips. Scene is John Daniels just uses his normal name for Patreon. Oh, poo. Smoking time on a main island is closed for the winter,
Starting point is 01:06:02 and Jameson Poncia has to come up with funny original names now Knife Jordans like nice Jordans but with a spear Smooth Pete and his jazz band that used to be popular but is now struggling to remain relevant and are mostly limited to making the actual Andre 3000
Starting point is 01:06:20 not Jewel TJ Michael, oh sorry foot fetish. Kim. TJ Michael. Foot fetish. Kim. So bad.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Kim. And the way you said it. Foot fetish. And then we're about to say something. Kim, you think the cellar thing was dumb? Damien Kirk once sprint jumped face first into a chain link's fence. It was not on purpose.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Olivia Mild. Thank you to all our VI patrons. You can follow us on slash Riley and Jeff for our live streams and Zardies. We got a Zardie in 40 minutes. 35 minutes. This has been such a treat. Thank you especially to Foot Fetish
Starting point is 01:07:07 Kim. This one will be mad, but the December ones are going to be great. Yeah. Not the episode, the Zarde that's about to happen, I mean. Just because it's on a Tuesday. What's your theme? It's on a Tuesday and I have COVID. Do you have a theme? I think it's lightly business. I love that.
Starting point is 01:07:25 But that was just because when I posted on the Patreon yesterday, because Jeff and I looked through our schedules and today's the only night we can do for this for this month. Not that we're never free, just we're never free on the same day. I'm just like, let's just get down to business.
Starting point is 01:07:40 And now I'm getting down to business and the business is having the novel coronavirus. Is it still a novel? No, this isn't a novel one. This is probably some mutt. Miles, thank you so much for joining us. This has been such a treat. My cheeks hurt.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Thank you for having me. I'm glad to make Jeff's cheeks hurt. Wait, which ones? Don't. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. It's been absolutely lit though. don't sorry yeah yeah it's been absolutely lit though this has been great we should all
Starting point is 01:08:11 hang out we should all hang out maybe we should give Jeff COVID a fourth time we should give Jeff COVID what if we did a wine class I'd be down I'd rather just drink wine the three of us and talk about it. We're trying to have a conversation.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Someone's like, this is a cab salve. Oh! Where did you come from? Let's do it. Let's drink wine. That sounds great. Wonderful. Jeff and I have to do ads. Peace out. Love you.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Hey, love you. Hey. Love you guys love you guys all right bye see ya bye and for those listening we'll see you guys again next week arriveder that was a hit gum original

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