Review Revue - BONUS FRIDAY: Car Air Fresheners

Episode Date: October 23, 2020

In this special BONUS Friday episode, Reilly and Geoff read reviews about Car Air Fresheners and discuss Reilly's scalded arm, Geoff's slutty tendancies, and dysfunctional casting offices!Fol...low Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh & @iamgeoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @dontplaynojamesAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. And participating restaurants for a limited time.
Starting point is 00:00:15 This is a HeadGum Original. This bonus Friday episode of our show is made possible by Fram. For over 80 years, Fram has been a leader in automotive filtration because that's the only thing they do, filters. Want to protect your well-oiled machine or breathe easier when driving? Fram has the right filter for every kind of driver. Fram oil filters are American-made, tough, and feature SureGrip technology. No slip grip for easy install and remove, even with an oily hand or glove fram cabin air filters filter out contaminants like exhaust fumes allergens pollution and that pesky covid19 and with the
Starting point is 00:00:52 power of arm and hammer back baking soda technology you can breathe easy with an odorless interior obviously more than just pesky anyway find the filter that's right for you and go to today that's thanks fram That's Thanks, Fram. I just wanna know how you feel. I want a love that's so proud and real. You make me wanna go out and steal. I just want to rip I burned myself again You burned yourself? Yeah On what? Steam
Starting point is 00:01:41 What? I can't really see I'm going to text you pictures of what it looked like last night steam what I'm gonna text you pictures of what it looked like last night what do you mean so apparently when you get I also love when you just like save shit for when we start recording because like we had a full conversation before and that's what you lead with
Starting point is 00:01:59 cut to a couple months ago on Easter I burned myself remember I took you a picture of this bird it looks a lot better now yeah it was pretty gnarly i burned myself taking an olive oil cake out of the oven and like my wrist hit like the rack in the oven and yeah yeah um but this time so last night um was making some rice in the old instant pot and it's a lot better now yeah so apparently a steam burn is called a scald so anything burning like from water or steam it's i scalded myself so is he on a first date uh yeah i don't know
Starting point is 00:02:40 so i i i make rice all the time in in my instant pot and i've never had this happen to me before where it's like i think probably because um daniel's brother robert is in town and so making rice for the three of us so had more rice in there more water more steam and so i just wasn't prepared so rice finished i unlock the top i start to take it off with this arm that it burned and so i open it up a little bit and the steam just like and i and i had let go of the pressure so it's like i had done the whole pressure thing let the other steam escape so i figured it was done and then it just i'm like ow and then i dropped the top of it it made like it was um it was not on your foot not on my foot. Almost though.
Starting point is 00:03:31 But so I ran it under cold water for a while, put a compress on it and then it started blistering. And so, but then the way you treat a blister burn and a scalding is completely different. Like with a blister, it's like you're supposed to like put a loose bandage over it and like put some ointment on it. But with a scald, you're not supposed to put any ointment on it. You're not supposed to like put a loose bandage over it and like put some ointment on it but with a scald you're not supposed to put any ointment on it you're not supposed to put anything on it and so this is really gross this might get a little if you want to skip forward go ahead um but i have to hear it but you have to hear it absolutely so i had a blister so like i looked up how to treat scalds and it's like take any kind of clothing like material jewelry anything off of the place that you've scalded because the skin is so sensitive it'll stick to it and then when you
Starting point is 00:04:09 take it off it'll like rip the skin with it so thankfully my arms were my arms were bare at the time so didn't worry about that you had a bao bun arm for a night i did i did but then one of the blisters opened so i'm like oh i should put a bandaid on it. But then I realized that as I was trying to situate the bandaid, the skin around it was so sensitive that even me moving a bandaid around opened up another fucking blister. Oh, wait. I'm like, well, fuck. So then I just had to just let it be. But it's a lot better now. Yeah, it doesn't look as bad from the photos compared to now.
Starting point is 00:04:43 The blisters are still healing. But like, yeah. So that was, I've scalded my ass, my arm. now yeah it doesn't look as bad from the photos compared to blisters are still healing but like yeah so that was um i've scalded my ass my arm i had a dream in terms of other news about you um doing dangerous things i had a dream that you me and daniel were in santa barbara or something at an airbnb of sorts and um you guys were just railing lines of cocaine. Are you serious? And I was like, oh, wow. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I mean, I'm not about that personally, but like we can go, we were going to the beach too. So that's like, that's what, that's the vibe. Oh my God. Complete opposite vibes. Especially like, I mean, not that I think you would do cocaine, but for some reason I was more shocked that Daniel was like just so casual about it he was just like all right you guys want to
Starting point is 00:05:30 surf or like what i don't crazy i had crazy dreams last night but i didn't go to sleep till like three in the morning and your room never do wait let me let me say it the way you say it your roommate elizabeth lundy uh my roommate elizabeth lundy she i was like it was 2 a.m and i was i couldn't sleep and i felt neither of y'all go to bed till like two or three so yeah but it was that time in the night where i started to feel kind of alone in the world like everyone else is when does that start for you normally well you know it's kind of like so what time is it now 11 30 i woke up at 10 15 uh and it was around then um so all the time but it's 24 7 yeah uh but she texted me right before i was like about to fall asleep sad and uh it made me feel so much
Starting point is 00:06:14 better to know that someone else a friend really was awake we're talking about car fresheners today. Car fresheners, car air fresheners, evergreen trees. What are they called? The trees? Car trees? I think just car trees. And a car tree in an accord. And a car tree in an RV.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I don't like car scents. Okay. I love the smell of a new car, but car scents make me feel queasy. I find that they're often really intense. A lot of people have that experience. Yeah. My ex-girlfriend could not do car scents, and I gotta admit, I'm a bit of a car scent guy. Okay, so we've had a couple bonus episodes. Wait, no. Was bumper
Starting point is 00:07:10 stickers a bonus ep? I don't remember. Yes. I don't like bumper stickers. I don't like car scents. You like bumper stickers. You like a car scent. Yeah, no way. You gotta have balance. The yin and yang of it all. No, I don't love them. Like, I don't have one. You wanna marry them. You, like, are obsessed with them. You love them so much you wanna, like you want to do things to them i matched with them on highly
Starting point is 00:07:31 and it's really taken off um yeah yeah that's really cool there's no life behind your eyes you're smiling and you're dead in the eyes yeah what's so so do you get car sick like what's the what's the deal i didn't used to get car sick i remember being a kid like on a long drive or something like i was really i loved reading in the car and that was something i could do easily and not feel sick um but now honestly the past couple weeks like if i'm in if i'm on my phone while being like if daniel's driving or something i feel i get sick very quickly now if i'm if i'm looking at my phone while being like if Daniel's driving or something I feel I get sick very quickly now if I'm if I'm looking at my phone which is a bummer um so what did you do on your road trip I didn't get car sick on my road trip weird also I was barely like when I wasn't driving
Starting point is 00:08:18 on that I wasn't looking at my phone much we were like listening to a podcast or actually we were writing at the time a lot and so usually daniel because daniel doesn't like typing or he doesn't like being on his phone or typing or anything if he's in the passenger seat so yeah when we knew that we wanted to write he would drive and i would type um and we would just talk through it and like i had no issues with that and it's truly happened over the past couple weeks that i'm like i feel sick weird um do you get car sick no easy with that hold on i am a sweatshirt okay you are easy yeah the whole town knows it wow everyone in the village wear it on my freaking chest man i'm taking off my headphones for a sec. I'm a little... A tramp.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I can hear you even without headphones on. That's probably not good. I have the worst voice. Oh, HeadGum merch. The HeadGum crew neck bolt sweatshirt. Check it out at You really don't have to yell about it. Well, I did because your headphones were off.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Anyway. My first car smelled like new car scent. It wasn't new. It was old. But it had a new car scent, air freshener. And I didn't even know what it was. You know what I mean? Because when you're starting to learn how to drive, you don't even know. And I got in the car and it smelled like my first car.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So now when I smell that new car scent, it reminds me of my old Saab. And so I really, it's nostalgic for me. And that's why I like new car scent on the day a little bit. Let's take a break. Are you kidding me honey i can't believe it he's finally here our baby boy it's incredible a gift of life is so amazing and i think i found the perfect name for him jason fram what look at him all his eyes just lit up when we said it hi little fram did you mean frank no fram i mean just it's so clear like
Starting point is 00:10:36 i don't think it's a family name right i mean i don't know if you knew this about me but for over 80 years fram passed down through the family obviously has been a leader in automotive filtration because that's the only thing they do filters and you can see it in him he could be anything right he could do anything but i know that fram wants to help us protect our well-oiled machines and breathe easier easier when driving. And our little Fram will have the right kind of filter for every kind of driver. Isn't that right? You want to name our firstborn after an oil filter? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I mean, Fram oil filters are American-made, tough, and feature sure-grip technology. It's just like, hey, look, he's gripping my finger right now. Look at his little pinky. It's all fingernails. Really cute, yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah, look, and there's no slip grip for easy install and remove, even with an oily hand or glove.
Starting point is 00:11:30 He's looking at you. Josh. He's looking at you. Mason. No, I think I'm pretty set. Yeah. I think what he's going to love about his namesake is that Fram cabin air filters filter out contaminants like exhaust fumes allergens and pollution
Starting point is 00:11:46 and with the power he's gonna love baking soda yeah he i mean we all can breathe easy with an odorless interior and he he can tell kids at school being like i'm named after fram what are you named after people be like my grandma yeah my aunt my aunt, my dad's first wife. But no. What? He'll be named after Fram. And no matter how you drive, honey, and let me tell you, I know how you drive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Fram has the right filter for you. Pretty even keeled. And we have the right filter for Fram. Head over to today. I already set up right filter for you. Pretty even keeled. And we have the right filter for Fram. Head over to today. I already set up a website for him. That's I want a divorce. I'm keeping Fram.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I don't want him anymore. What? You soiled him for me. And he soiled you with pee. Thanks, Fram. That was the best rhyme ever. And we're back. Riley, I just got a fucking notification on my phone that says Odell Beckham Jr. said that he has a mutual that there's a mutual respect between him and COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:08 He said, I don't think it's going to enter this body. There's a mutual respect between him and a fucking vicious virus. Even like close personal friends of mine who are like very smart. Name them. Don't be shy. Don't be afraid. Name them. Name name them name them doing such dumb shit i'm like you could die or at the very least you could like lose your sense of taste and smell like that's a more common symptom than people think and i'm like look i love sushi so much i love I love tacos that al pastor style.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I can't not have taste on the day. Although if I didn't have taste, I'd probably be like fucking ripped because like I would just eat steamed chicken and broccoli every day. Like it doesn't matter at that point. At that point, it's just a texture thing. Well, if you lose your sense of smell,
Starting point is 00:13:59 you won't be able to smell car fresheners. Would you like to start? I didn't bring a review oh that's right um you fucking slacked that's right um i'm wearing slacks and i slacked right on slack yeah the only product that i have found multiple reviews for that i lost my mind over normally we each bring like a couple different products a couple different places or things whatever no no no today is all about the yankee candle car jar ultimate hanging air freshener three pack with scents featuring vanilla cupcake black cherry and home sweet home so imagine so i was looking up like car fresheners and there's the trees there's like the little kind
Starting point is 00:14:46 of like um pellets like in in the little thing you put in the in the cup holder um but these are just little mini yankee canned i need to send you a picture of them um or just look it up it's really yeah look it up it's like they're not obviously. You can't light them in a car, but they're shaped like little candle jars. And they're insane to me. Oh, no. They're so small. The reviews I've found for them, wide ranging. Completely wide ranging.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Okay. Here's one star from Amy Yu. Uh, Y-Y-Yur. Starting with Yu. Okay, Amy Yur, one star. Whenever I buy a new air freshener, I'm usually worried about the smell being too strong and overwhelming. This wouldn't leave a smell in a small closed drawer. The very...
Starting point is 00:15:46 Sorry. What? This wouldn't leave a smell in a small closed drawer. The very faint fragrance it did have dissipated within a day, maybe two. I expected a lot better. What? The kind of insult... You wouldn't leave a scent in a small closed drawer you take that back no i mean
Starting point is 00:16:10 it this time you you you'll never work in this town again jackson you're at least you're at an audition that 12 bar cut of giants in the sky from into the woods that you just auditioned with was trash. Flawless. No, no one else in this town is going to tell you except me. You wouldn't leave your mark in here if it was a small clothes drawer. Okay, I'll tell you that right now because no other casting director in this town is going to tell you that. Well, at least I can hit my mark because I peeked in to see Tyler's audition before mine
Starting point is 00:16:41 and he didn't hit his mark, I think. He barely hit it. But he brought in so much heart, so much perfect pitch, which you wouldn't even know perfect pitch if you were in a small closed drawer. Give me an A. I'll do an A.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Oh, God. Jackson, are you kidding? Listen, all the other casting directors are like, what's going on? What's going on? Someone's like, here's some exposition. they're rivals from high school oh okay got it got it got it jackson i know that you just came in here because you wanted to see what i'm doing with my life okay and i get it you want to be part of the show you want to be part of the show and i
Starting point is 00:17:22 understand but honey you weren't good in high school and you're not good now then why was i richard henry lee and you were the assistant director in 1776 sophomore year cut back flashbacks to reading the cast list oh man i hope i got the lead oh um congrats. Hey, Jackson, have you checked the cast list? There's a whole crowd around Jackson congratulating him. Jackson, Jackson, hey, it's me, Tim. Sorry, I'm like really busy.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I just wanted to say congrats on getting the part. You're ugly. You're not talented. There's no need for that. I used to have a crush on you, but then you didn't make the list. And now I think you're not for me. Well, can we still hang out today after school? We had plans.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm sorry. I just am getting like so many people who want to like date me. Who want to what? Date me. Got it. When you're the lead, you kind of get that clout. You kind of get that attention. Well, then I guess I'll see you in rehearsal.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I don't know. Maybe. Well, I will. I'm the assistant director. Everybody cracks up. Yeah. I guess I didn see you in rehearsal. I don't know. Maybe. Well, I will. I'm the assistant director. Everybody cracks up. Yeah. I guess I didn't get the joke. Cut back.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And you still don't get the joke. All the other casting assistants crack up. No, come on. No, no, no. This is my audition room. And look, I'll just say it right now. Jackson, you didn't get the part. You didn't get the part.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Think again. The cast list goes up. The cast list for a movie musical that i'm casting yeah this is some kind of sick joke who put jackson's name up there who put jackson's name up there check deadline oh my god you already have three other projects lined up after this solemnly not this is a nightmare this is and guess what else you're nominated for a Casting Guild Award. I don't want it. Because I don't want you in my life, Jackson. What?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Takes out a little box. One knee. Amy, it's always been you. Opens the box. It's like kind of ugly. I know we like bicker and have this fun little back and forth. But for me, it's always been sexually charged. It's always been like a cat and mouse game.
Starting point is 00:19:37 How do you feel about it all? I feel sick to my stomach. And I'll tell you why. Because you know my name is tim and i have said that my name is tim sorry tim can you move the casting associates right behind you oh my god yes yes everybody goes and crowds around them and they're all celebrating it's like a flashback from high school kidding me hey jackson jackson what's up i thought we were having a conversation oh sorry i'm like
Starting point is 00:20:06 when you kind of get married everybody kind of like wants to date you and like spend a lot of time with you so like we're kind of unpopular again well uh congratulations on getting the part oh that means nothing to me really nothing you saying congratulations and i'm sorry one second guys you saying congratulations is the same as not saying it from you so it's just kind of net net zero. Yeah. Like I don't think about you. Right. I don't think about you either. So you're kind of like, like the way that you kind of manifest in my life is like, you ever smell one of those Yankee candles you put in your car? None of us have that. Okay. You're the only one that have sad things like that. It's not sad. It's not sad when your car smells like fall. But what I was going to say is that actually they're not very good. So they don't, their smell
Starting point is 00:20:43 is very, very faint. So it's like, you don't even smell it so it's like that's what you are to me is like you're so faint that i barely even smell you or see you i'm really i think i should um i think you should go actually i have i have a couple more auditions to run so this is actually my job and i think you're the one who needs to leave right now amy's also fired for this he's also fired for this for getting engaged to your high school nemesis amy i think you i think you should go never thought it would end like this well i kind of did i mean you're really bad at your job what do you mean cut to them like working late at night one time hey um you sent me an email saying that this deal memo didn't go out to um didn't go out to uh caitlin devver
Starting point is 00:21:32 um yeah was i supposed to send that oh yeah that is your that is your job you were supposed to send that a week ago oh i'm so sorry um sorry it must have been like one little mix-up um and then yeah i got another email saying that this deal memo didn't go out too okay so not just one little mix-up ezra miller yeah yeah it okay that's fine if it's just those two those aren't due till like two days from us if you could just send them tonight at the very latest like send them right now that'd be great i can do that but then there's also like i'm worried that i might be backed up because there's another email that i didn't send oh my god amy i'm supposed to send it out to, yeah, Wayne Fetterman in a way. How many deal memos are left? How many have you not sent?
Starting point is 00:22:07 I couldn't even tell you. Can't be more than 10. It has to be more than 10. Can't be more than 20. It's more than 20 because on my Gmail here, like you only see 24 emails on a certain page and I know that these reminders go onto the next page. Amy, did you even want to be in casting?
Starting point is 00:22:22 Are you an actor? Is that like why you're not sending out deal memos? it's like oh i wish it was my part i went on indeed i went on and i applied for the first job that i saw got it okay and i'm here i couldn't care less right i like making money so i can party on the weekends okay i that kind of makes sense you come in really really late on mondays your makeup is still completely on you haven't even bothered to wipe it off i can't tell you the last time I took a walk and it wasn't a walk of shame. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I don't care about like who you sleep with. That's, we don't need to talk about that because I'm your boss. Sorry, this is kind of inappropriate. You're right. And you're the one who brought it up. So it isn't appropriate. I think I'll take off a little early
Starting point is 00:22:55 because that was inappropriate. No. Unless you want a lawsuit. I don't want a law. What are you going to file it on? What? You brought this up to me. My boss talked about my sex life you talked about
Starting point is 00:23:07 it to me i don't think so i really don't think so and i think you're gonna send the deal memos out oh my god you know what it might just be easier if i do it because then it'll actually get done so yeah i'll send the deal memos out. But Amy, I swear to God, if you come in late one more time, then you are absolutely done. So I have one more strike to use up. You have one more strike to use up. Cut back.
Starting point is 00:23:35 This was the strike? This was the strike. You know, I hate to say it. Congratulations. I'm happy for you. Happy for me what? I'm happy for your engagement. Are you asking about the consummation of the marriage? Because that's actually illegal and that's a lawsuit. I think I'll keep my job and take off early. No.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I said nothing about that. I said congratulations on your engagement, even though I don't like the guy. So it's actually big of me to say. Someone who's huddled around them just kind of like honey honey honey say less you have no idea who they are what who the fuck are you this is work we're at work right now and yeah surprise things like this can totally happen in like an officer and a gentleman kind of way but then we move on they went out of the office he came and picked her up and then they left they left the office we are in an audition space people are waiting in the hall we are so backed up we have like 20 more actors to see before the day's up yes studio executive pokes his head in
Starting point is 00:24:38 yeah excuse me um tim can i talk to you outside for a second god please please yes get me out of here why are there 40 actors lined so far up down the hallway that it's past my office you know i don't like seeing actors i know you don't i know you don't and i'm i'm really really sorry about that uh i hired you because you were fast and that's what we value here this casting office value is nothing more than speed and i i understand that the thing is t, is that it's like, Amy, you know my assistant Amy? No. Right, of course you don't.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I would you. My assistant just got engaged to an actor in the room and they're kind of making a big to-do about it. And I've been trying to get them to leave, but they're just,
Starting point is 00:25:17 they won't go. Okay. Maybe don't mix business with the personal so much. I'm not. No, I'm not. That's what I'm saying. No, because you just,
Starting point is 00:25:24 look, I mean, you know that the, we're just worried about any kind of like legal action business with the personal so much uh i'm not no i'm not that's what i'm saying is that i'm look i mean you know that the we're just worried about any kind of like legal action and you know you are in position power so don't i just don't want you to ask any inappropriate questions i'm not i would know you brought up their engagement so you're one step away you asked me what was wrong and i'm telling you what happened i said that and that's nothing wrong getting engaged is fine and i know i know that it's wrong to bring up inappropriate things at work with it with a client with an employee everything that's all bad and i would never do that i'm not doing that so just to be clear we hired you to cast something fast you're not doing that you're mixing business with personal
Starting point is 00:25:59 my best your casting associate seems to be doing most of the work are you talking about those deal memos are you talking about all the deal memos? I sent those. That's her job that I did. Came from her email. Came from her email. Came from her email because she left the office early and I used her computer. We don't appreciate untruths.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I used her computer. I'm clutching a little Yankee candle in my pocket. I smell it. Sorry. I just need to calm myself down a little bit. It smells like home. And home is where the heart is. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:29 My heart just isn't here, I guess. Because I kind of don't really understand what's going on here anymore. Hey, all you actors. Hey, everyone. Everyone down the hall, listen up. They all look up very desperately. You all got the part. They all start cheering.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I look back at my part. Hey, Troy, now it's your job to go tell 39 of them that they did not get the part. Tim, don't do this to me. You put sunglasses on and walked away. No fucking way. No, man. I'm high-fiving all the actors on the hall. They don't realize that they're all going for the same part
Starting point is 00:27:06 Best casting director ever I wake up in cold sweats Oh my god It was just a dream They'll never be chanting my name Best casting director ever Come on, Tim Snap out of it
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's not your fate. Zoom out. Your apartment's really sad. Yankee candles everywhere. Everywhere. Smelling the same home sweet homestead. Come on, Tim. Slaps my face.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Pull yourself out of it. This is all you'll ever be. And that's fine for now. Cut to the casting office that morning. You okay, Tim? You look kind of tired. Yeah, I'm fine. Just had some crazy dreams last night.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I guess we should, could you go bring the next actor in, please? Maybe you could bring him in. It's your job to go bring people in. I really just need to take a seat for a sec. You can't talk to me about the fact that you were in bed last night and had dreams. I can only assume they might have been wet. So I think I'll take the rest of the day off. And I think I'll take a three-day weekend.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And I think you'll bring the next actors in. Amy. Amy. Amy I don't know if it's worse to keep you here or fire you I'm so torn I have no idea how to handle you Not handling that way Did we all get the part again? What? get the part again you're not allowed to talk to me about being in bed actually
Starting point is 00:28:51 my good friend aj aka aka Boyhood Period, released a song called Warmer on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, and anywhere you get your tunes. And it's a real vibe, so everybody go check it out or don't. I like to think of it as Apex Twin meets... It's very Apex Twin-y. I can't think of it as Apex Twin meets... It's very Apex Twin-y. I can't think of another comp. Nice.
Starting point is 00:29:30 It's really great. That's exciting. He also has an EP out that's very vibey. It's very atmospheric. If you like kind of soft-spoken indie rock pop, bedroom pop is what it is, I should say. And he just released it last week uh check it out give him the support um or don't but do so you're the one actually promoting him so don't no like
Starting point is 00:29:52 don't feel obligated because if people are like pissed and listening to his music that's going to kind of affect the energy but they'll still be streams just just give him cash man i don't know what else to say i'm gonna venmo him my share of the patreon that's fine okay um watchmen on hbo hbo max hbo max hbo max so daniel elizabeth and i started it last week it's we were just kind of honestly and during covet we're just working our way through the hbo catalog um and we are two episodes away from finishing it's one of the best shows i've ever seen it is is it based on um the x-men not x-men uh i don't but superheroes there's a graphic novel watchmen and it's based on that okay No, it's not X-Men. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I mean, I've never read Watchmen. I don't know anything about the history of it, but it's so good. Really? It's so good. Oh, my God. Dude, it's one of the best shows I've ever seen. All right, I have to watch this. Because first of all, you don't say that about a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I mean, you recommend stuff on What Would Shock Me, like we both do, but that's pretty high praise. This is one of the best shows I've ever seen. That's incredible. There have been multiple episodes. Better than Fleabag? This couldn't be more different. Couldn't be more different. But it is very timely.
Starting point is 00:31:19 There have been multiple episodes where it's like the three of us have been like standing watching and being like, are you? What the fuck? are you kidding like and i love shows like that that like yeah i get so invested yeah that like you're just like i at the end of one episode i was pacing around the room being like i don't know i don't know man what are we gonna what's gonna happen like it's so i just got chills i'm gonna watch it this weekend you have it's i can't wait to hear what you think about it it It is incredible. I love it a lot.
Starting point is 00:31:48 It's amazing. Thank you guys so much for listening to this bonus episode of our show. Thank you to Fram. Thank you to Riley Ansport, my partner in rhyme. Thank you, Jeffrey James. Nice. Follow her on Instagram, at Riley Ansport. On Twitter, at Riley Coyote. Go follow Jeff on Instagram, at IamJeffreyJames.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And on Twitter, at't Play No James. Find the show. Y'all, if you know where to find the show by now, it's Review Review on Instagram, Review Review Show on Twitter. I think this is the first episode we recorded since we formally launched our Patreon. I might be wrong. But yeah, we have two tiers. We're offering, you know, some perks and we're continually adding perks.
Starting point is 00:32:23 We just added VIP Zoom parties, one-on-one communication, not one-on-one, but direct communication with us, hanging, having a few drinks, what have you, and having a blast. We tried to do a live stream last week. It didn't work out. So we ended up doing a Zoom and it was a lot of fun. So we're keeping that. That's going to be a permanent staple for the VIP podcast tier, as well as getting shout outs weekly on the podcast. Starting now, we're going to list off. Thank you to our VIP podcast. If we butcher your names, I'm so sorry. We're we'll we'll do our best.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Let us know for next time. DM us or message us on Patreon for pronunciation. Here we go. Thank you to Aaron Carrico. Agent Michael Skarn. Alex McCullough. Alex Watts. Alton Burkholder.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Anthony Amadeo. Anthony Salazar. Bob Buell himself. 99 questions, brother. 99 questions. Brad Hild. Brandon Long. Brendan Metz.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Cameron Bradley. Chasten Bales. Chris Forgash. Christian B. Clarestory Magazine. Chris Forgash. Christian B. Clarestory Magazine, my sister's publication. Connor Finnegan. Dakota Cahill. Dan Rice.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Dan Rice, man. Daniel L. Hodson. Dr. Eegs. Elliot Settle. Elliot Sloma. Eric Crust. Garrett Glasbergen. Jeff Hodgson, spelled the right way.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Isaac Fletcher. Jackson Ansel. Jackson Martin. Jacob Radiff. Jacob Kachuk. Jake Ullman. James Shalecott. Jamie Ponchia.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Jared. Jason Araya. Jasper Hoffman. Jesse Tipton. Joel Anderson. Jonah Sanchez. Joseph Alp. Josh Tischler. Caleb Luster. Losing his luster. Jasper Hoffman. Jesse Tipton. Joel Anderson. Jonah Sanchez. Joseph Alp. Josh Tischler.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Caleb Luster. Losing his luster. Casey Hudspeth. Kerwin. Kevin Sunt. Kobe Holos. Lauren Malang.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Malik. Mark Glenn. Mark Priest. Mark Spalding. Matt Molnar. Matthew Hastie. Matthew Lozama. Michael Ebach.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Michael Rowland. Nate Porteos Nicholas Melcher Nikolaj Biergaard Noel Semido Nolan Murphy Phoenix McVernon P
Starting point is 00:34:32 Quinn Simmons Rob Moon Robert Fridge That's a great name. Sabrina Sam Adams Sam Braden Sarah Gerardo
Starting point is 00:34:43 Sarah J. Hunt Sarah Kilduff. Stefan. Stephanie Cass. Theodore. Guyson. Turbulent Moose. The Man Himself.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Will Busey. Will Phillips. Xander Madsen. Yaro Edie. So thank you to all of our VI podcasts. We know that that's a lot to pledge to us. We really appreciate the support. And we're looking forward to Zooming with you guys again next month.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah, that was very fun. I can't wait to do it again. Thank you guys so much for listening. Catch you next time. Arrivederci. That was a HitGum original.

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