Review Revue - BONUS FRIDAY: Car Antlers 2
Episode Date: November 26, 2021Reilly and Geoff once again hunt a certain four wheeled beast with large fuzzy ANTLERS; CARS. Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoy...ardee <><> Edited by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Thanks, Trico.
Jeff can see clearly now he got LASIK. Thanks, Trico. And see clearly now that God lay sick. He's going to read some reviews, reviews on the day.
Beautifully singing on the day.
On the day.
Beautifully bringing up my trauma of the spider bite on my face.
Thank you.
Happy for LASIK. Thank you. Yeah. Happy if you're really sick though.
Spider bite is,
fully healed.
Not noticeable.
It's just,
you know,
having it was hard.
Having it was hard.
Having it was hard.
Having everyone make fun of it was tough.
Nobody did.
For sure.
Everyone did.
Everyone did.
Hmm. Um, but no,. Everyone did. Everyone did.
But no,
happy for you.
Happy for the laser.
Scalpel in my eye.
Scalpel in my eye. I did a flap
on my corneal film.
expensive surgery.
Was it outpatient?
But sorry about
your spider bite.
Outpatient surgery?
It was outpatient.
So not a big deal.
An unbelievably big deal.
I could have lost my eyesight. No, that was kind of nothing on the day. Yeah. So not a big deal. An unbelievably big deal. Could have lost my eyesight.
No, that was kind of nothing on the day.
On the day.
A bug, which is what happens to children.
Which is.
How fucking dare you.
And to minimize it.
Not to minimize it.
To minimize it.
How fucking dare you.
No, because bugs.
I got stung by a scorpion when I was 14.
That's not true God, okay
Who was that gorgeous song from?
Entertainment Cheese?
That was from Chuck E. Cheese himself?
That was from Charles Entertainment
Thank you, Charles
I'm sorry to say
That was gorgeous yeah and you know
what else is gorgeous this little bonus friday this little bonus friday action as bonus friday ass
just a little bonus it's just a little bonus friday ass
for your ass or it's a little bonus Friday ass. So you're calling me ass?
It's a little bonus Friday ass, crazy ass.
There it is.
Hi, Jeffrey!
Back at it again on a bonus Friday.
Thanksgiving was yesterday, but it's actually in two days.
Does that make sense?
Today, time of recording, it is Tuesday, November 23rd.
Jeffrey, when this comes out uh it will have been thanksgiving
and how do you think that will have gone i think it will have been a merry time for all to eat
okay yeah do you think you will be like leaving the day being like man i'm so full i should not
have had that much food or being like all that food was disgusting, icky stuff. I wanted better. Both are bad options.
But which side
do you think you're going to fall on?
I'm trying to...
I'm going to try and not feel
so full that I regret it.
I just want to eat a normal amount
of good food and then feel good
and have it that way. Then there's always leftovers.
There's always a crazy...
Day after Thanksgiving, leftovers. Then there's always leftovers. There's always a- Crazy ass. Day after Thanksgiving leftovers.
Hit different.
They're huge.
Hit different.
They're huge.
And you don't even like leftovers.
Normally you don't like leftovers.
You're on record saying this on the show.
No, you're right.
But Thanksgiving leftovers are a different breed thanksgiving
leftovers i could live off of for the rest of my life they're incredible you do the uh post
thanksgiving so basically today when people are hearing this yes sandwich today sandwich of course
i do of course i do you gotta you gotta you gotta um no i mean it's like you really do have to but now that thanksgiving's over
it's christmas time bitch jeffrey also at the time of recording your birthday is so soon
yeah and i didn't get to well i already you got my present oh my god how was that not your what
shook me sorry harry styles yes
it's gonna be mine today okay good okay okay okay happy birthday thanks um of course but let's get
into it the reason why we're here on a bonus friday because we're talking about something
really really really deeply important to the culture i know we talked about this last year
but it bears repeating because of how important to the culture it is. 100%.
What are we talking about today, Jeffrey?
Car reindeer antlers.
Car antlers 2.
Antlers 2.
So imagine turning your Miata into Rudolph.
Imagine turning your Corolla into a Vixen.
Imagine turning not just the other cheek, but the steering wheel in a fucking Bronco with the stag head of a doe.
Imagine making your Kia Santa's sleigh.
That's what we're here to talk about today um do any new experience between last year's episode and this one gotta be no right gotta be no but i because right now it is still end of november i
have not seen any in the wild yet i have not seen any car antlers reindeer antlers rudolph noses
on cars in the wild yet.
I feel like in the weeks to come, that will be different.
And I can't wait.
Have you seen any?
On the way back from the airport last night, I didn't see antlers, but I saw some houses
here in Ohio dressed up for Christmas.
And I was like, still, man, like just another week you couldn't wait.
So many people have their trees up already.
That's criminal to me.
For me, decorating the tree is like part of the Christmas season.
So if you do it November 19th, it's like.
Then you don't get to do it during Christmas.
Right. And so, and I feel like the reverence people have for decorating their trees and their homes also applies to decorating their cars.
That's like a tradition as old as the Christmas tree itself.
It's a tale as old as, yeah, time.
It's a tale as old as time.
It's like as long as we have had Santa, we've had car reindeer antlers.
No, 100%.
I think.
Yas, yas, yas.
Yas, yas, yas.
For sure.
For sure.
For sure.
We should get some this year.
I can't because I left my truck in LA and I'm not going to be driving because it's crazy.
Like when you're in the city, it's like there's no need for cars really.
You should just wear antlers around.
I might.
I truly might.
Only when you're commuting, though.
So it gets the same feel as you having it on a car, but you are only on the subway or walking to the destination.
Sure, sure, sure.
As soon as you get to where you need to go, they go off.
Nose goes off.
You don't say anything about it.
Please, that would be so good.
I'll do it now just for the the timing though i wish that it could happen on the day that this episode releases
do you want to start us off with our first review why not why not i can do it i can literally do it
let's see it let's hear it i promise i can I know you think that I can't, but I actually can.
So it's on my computer, not my phone.
Last episode I did, they were on my phone.
But today it's not that.
It's not that.
Same day, by the way.
Five stars from Amber P.
Amber Puffin.
Amber Puffin.
I love that.
The title is, My Kids Love Seeing the Van Dressed Up.
Every year I see cars driving around with this cute antlers on their car and I always love it.
Now that my kids are getting older and starting to enjoy decorating for the holidays, I decided
to get a set for my van. The kids were so excited when they arrived and couldn't wait to put them
on. Every day when we go out to the van, they get a kick out of seeing the van dressed up.
As an added bonus, it has made finding my van a whole lot easier in the parking lots.
Every day,
they get so excited
to see. Also, the kids are getting older. How old
are they to be getting excited for reindeer van?
I'm so happy that you decided to come home with me for the holidays for the
first time.
I love you so much.
And my parents already love you.
You know,
they've met you on zoom so many times and we just can't wait for you to
share in our holiday traditions with us.'m so excited and anyone anyone's that you have like
we want to have that same experience with you so like please feel free of course of course there
is one thing yes tell me is it oh my god is it uh making eggnog while we decorate the tree no it's car antlers what reindeer antlers that you put on
like the uh windows the driver and passenger seat window i'm getting a kick out of it just
thinking about it and then like a nose sorry oh i have seen those that's so. That's so. Oh, it's so fucking funny. I get such a kick out of it.
It's so good.
It's so good.
That's so awesome.
You know, I've seen those before.
I've actually, I didn't know you had those.
I've never actually met anyone who uses them.
Well, now you have.
That's great.
That's awesome.
I don't know if we have any here for my mom's car
I brought some
well that's so cool
you know what let's see where the day goes
I know we have a really busy day we gotta go get the tree
let's see how they look on the car
is that
is that Isaac and Tiffany
oh my goodness
hello you cute kids.
It's so nice to finally meet you in person, Isaac.
It's so nice to meet you.
I'll give you a hug.
Let me just get these antlers on the car first.
Oh, whoa.
Put the nose on the grill.
Oh my goodness.
What a little treat.
I love it.
What a surprise.
It looks so fucking funny.
Eyes wide.
Mom, this is one of Isaac's family traditions.
He's sharing his tradition with us.
It's the only tradition that your family has for Christmas?
It's okay to laugh if it makes you laugh.
Which part, Mom?
No, which part?
Is it the antlers or is it the fact that this is his family's only tradition?
You silly fucking goose.
Oh, Isaac, Isaac, language.
No, it's okay.
Sorry, I get uncontrollably joy around them.
No, Isaac, come on, let's go inside.
I want to hear about how this is the only family tradition that your family has for the holidays.
Cut to them inside.
What's that thing pointing at a Christmas tree?
Oh, I know everyone always wonders,
why do you have a plastic tree?
Well, you know, we just didn't feel like,
it's easier for us to keep it set up in the garage.
No, why'd you bring a tree inside?
Oh, I know.
Isn't it so silly?
Like, how did that even start?
How did this Christmas tree, like every year like how did that even start how did this christmas tree
like every year it's like why did you guys start doing that how did we start doing it yeah and why
it's kind of inventive the plastic tree or are you talking about like christmas trees generally
we keep saying that what do you mean christmas tree christmas tree um i know christmas christmas I know Christmas treats like car antlers.
Christmas treats.
Do you celebrate Christmas?
It's totally like that.
Why would you even ask that?
Did you see the antlers?
I did, yeah.
Oh, we sure did.
We sure did.
You know, if only my husband were alive to see those antlers.
You know, he loved Rudolph.
He'd always, you know, on Christmas Eve, he would always do for Tiffany, he would always leave out
a plate of milk and
cookies for Santa and he'd always add
the carrots for the reindeer. So
when Santa came down the chimney, he could
bring the carrots up for the reindeer on the
roof there. Sorry, is this like
a Protestant thing? What are you talking about?
What is this? You say
chimney? What is that? You don't know what a chimney is? what is this uh you say chimney what is that you
don't know what a chimney is no i know what a chimney is i just don't know how that factors
into like this pagan god that you just mentioned who's santa that seems separate from christmas
christmas is jesus christ and then like there's the antlers and then everything for your family
and for yourself how do the antlers relate to Christmas and to Jesus Christ?
If you don't know who Santa is, they go on the car, but what do they mean to you?
They mean coziness.
They mean a hot cup of water with tea like I have all year round.
But specifically this one near the car with the antlers and Christmas morning.
I mean, don't get me started.
Everybody comes running downstairs.
So excited to open up the car door with the antlers.
I want to make you feel,
I know my mom feels the same way.
I want to make you feel really at home for the holidays.
Cause I know you can't travel and be with your family.
I'm so excited that you're here with me.
With the car and with the antlers.
I just want to help give you the full experience.
I've already had the full
I already feel like we've had Christmas
Christmas is three days away
so we're still going to have it
you know we're going to go buy presents today
finish up that shopping
we have a couple more ornaments to put on the tree
I want to make sure we're
we are giving you the best experience possible
so is there anything else other than
the car, the antlers
do you know who Rudolph is?
Rudolph Valentino, the actor?
No honey
she means Rudolph the reindeer
Do you guys have reindeer?
can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?
I'll join he follows
now we're all in the kitchen
um well
I guess I'll just come right out and say it
what are you
what do you know
because I understand if you've had a very
religious upbringing and if you know you're I understand if you've had a very religious upbringing
and if you know you're trying to keep Christ in Christmas there,
but then you love the antlers so much,
but you don't know who Rudolph is.
So I don't understand how those two things go together.
Not that it matters to me.
You do whatever you like,
but I just want to get a better understanding
so I can get to know you a bit better.
Listen, we didn't have a lot when I grew up.
But we had two things.
It was Christ and car antlers.
So when you say, what do I know?
I only know what's been shown to me.
And your family never explained the car antlers
you just kind of associate that with the day
we weren't a family that talked
about our emotions
or anything
if I can just imagine
one day
your family just put
the antlers and nose on the car.
And that got you excited.
For what?
Did you ever have presents on Christmas?
Got it.
The look you're giving me.
We didn't have that.
I know now.
Yeah, because we didn't, we had, I don't know how to be any clearer than this.
The antlers go in the windows of the passenger and the driver's seat doors.
Passenger and driver's seat doors, yes.
The nose goes on the grill.
And then it's joy.
And Christ is involved in some roundabout tertiary way.
And that's Christmas.
Reindeer this, Santa that, gifts.
I don't know if I can do this if you're going to keep trying to overcomplicate what is one of the most simple, one of the most straightforward holidays.
It is.
It couldn't be more straightforward and more simple.
You know what?
That's okay.
We're going to do Christmas our way,
and we hope that you have a good time.
Cut to Christmas morning.
Everyone's coming downstairs.
Oh, my God!
All the extended families there.
Oh, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everybody! everybody oh my goodness what a beautiful morning hey merry hey
merry christmas isaac merry christmas i got you a little something something to celebrate the day
and celebrate welcoming you to our family tradition this year okay let me Let me open it. Opens it up. Well, do you like it or not?
I know it's very simple, but it's a key chain with a reindeer on it.
I thought you'd like it because of the car antlers.
Yeah, I just don't understand.
I don't, like, is this an early birthday gift?
Because it's not car antlers or Christ.
You guys open my gift.
You guys open my gift.
How about that?
Everybody opens them at the same time.
So sorry.
Really quick before we open it.
You understand giving a gift to us,
but you don't understand us giving a gift.
Open your gifts.
All right, here we go.
Opens them up.
Everybody opens it.
It's a little Eucharist and a pair of car antlers.
That's how you give a Christmas gift.
That's how you give a Christmas gift.
So Tiff's boyfriend wasn't kidding.
All he knows is really is just Jesus Christ and car antlers.
It's very literal.
It's very literal.
Hey, Merry Christmas, everybody.
Merry Christmas the right way.
All right, should we take a quick break?
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And we're back.
Should we do our second review?
Yes, please. For the love of
God. This is
for Ox Gourd
Reindeer Antlers in Rudolph
Nose Universal Holiday
Car Costume.
The ride.
The series.
Limited to.
Dot gov.
No way.
It's government sponsored.
All right.
This is from Best Dad is the name of the username.
Do you want to give Best Dad a first and last name?
Best Dad.
Tim Allen.
But not that one.
Okay, Tim Allen.
Four stars.
Bringing the Christmas spirit to the streets.
It's like two dads driving in like a pt cruiser with the antlers bad boys is playing bad boys
bad boys what you're gonna do what you're gonna do when we come for you hey boys hey happy christmas
everybody hey everybody we're here it's christ Christmas time and we're bringing the holiday spirit.
They pull up onto the sidewalk and both get out and lean on the hood.
How you doing?
How you doing?
Hey, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
Why don't you come talk to us for a second?
Oh, sorry.
I'm on a call.
Oh, loop us in.
Put him on speaker.
Yeah, come on.
We want to talk, too.
We want to talk, too.
Let's talk to him.
They look to other people on the sidewalk for like, yeah, like talk to him, but nobody gives them that.
Yeah, come on.
All right, all right.
No, you have a good call.
You have a good call.
You man.
Hey, my man.
My man in the gray sweatpants.
I can see your dick.
What are you most excited?
I didn't say anything.
Brian, did you hear anything?
He didn't say nothing. I think you you hear anything? He didn't say nothing.
When you look at what I said, I didn't say anything.
Sorry, kid.
I thought you said you could see his dick.
He didn't say that.
I think you said that you can see your own schvanz through the sweatpants.
You just told me, hey, great sweats.
I can see your dick.
And honestly, that has nothing to do with Christmas.
I can't believe you said that to my friend over here.
Yeah, get out of here, actually.
Get out. I don't want you seeing
you can't see his dick.
I, alright, bye. Nobody wants
to see his dick. I'm saying
this is my Christmas. Goodbye.
Happy Christmas. Yeah, bye.
Happy Christmas. You British now.
Oh, hey, Pip Pip Cheerio.
Happy Christmas. Uh, good day, mate. M'lady. christmas well you're british now you're british oh hey pip pip cheerio happy christmas uh
m'lady all right all right you hey listen little little little boy happy christmas
what do you want for christmas to have it looks up at my mom um Sorry. We're actually on our way home.
We're on our way home. Have a good day.
No, we weren't.
He can talk to us.
He can talk to us. It's just Christmas cheer.
You see the antlers on the PT?
We're spreading it loud for all to hear.
Look at the antlers.
Mommy, it's Rudolph.
The bell jingles.
I'm giving angels wings. you guys see that movie do you hear do you see
that he is he is ringing that bell he's giving so many angels do you hear what i hear a little boy
who can talk to me and it's fine, can I go see the antlers?
Honey, we actually, we can go get antlers.
We have Rudolph toys at home.
But they had theirs on a car.
We do have ours on the PT.
On the cruise.
We do have ours on the PT.
Listen, kid, you play your cards right.
You're going to end up just like us.
You ever wanted a friend for life?
Well, you got one.
You ever wanted a best friend?
We got ours right here
We got ours
Hey man, look at me
Look him in the eyes
You're the only present I need
Look him in the eyes
You're the only present I need
No, I'm looking at you
I'm looking at the kid
I'm looking at you
This is special
You are the only present I need
For the rest of my life
You are Christmas cheer to me
You are my birthday present
You are New Year's Eve.
I love you like a brother, man.
But you know what?
I'm not the only gift you're going to receive this year.
Open that up.
Open that up.
Come on.
Big box.
Big box.
Crazy ass.
All right.
Let me open this.
Let me open this up right here.
You really.
God, it's heavy.
It's heavy.
I hope you didn't spend too much on it.
It a little bit
did put me out.
Open it up.
You shouldn't have. Keys
to your very own PT cruiser
with a dumbbell that's 50 pounds
so you would think that it was a lot.
It is a lot.
You bought me a car?
It is kind of a lot, yeah. You bought me a car? It is kind of a lot, yeah.
You bought me a car? Get out of here. Okay, well, now
you gotta open the present I got you.
No way. Yahweh.
Let me open. Yahweh.
Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate
holiday cheer.
Here we go. Here we go. Opening it up.
My dude. My dude. My my absolute dude you did not get me
this talk about gift to the magi or what i bought you a brand new 2021 bt cruiser this is crazy
what are we gonna do with this old thing well now 2018 I know it's a hunk of junk, but now we got to give it.
Hey, now we can spread the Christmas cheer.
You know, you ever been to the mall and you walk in the mall and there's just a car sitting in the middle of the mall?
Cut to them, like, trying to drive the BT Cruiser into the mall, but there's, like, a middle door stop.
So they, like, can't get around it no you guys cannot
drive a car in here that's actually for authorized events only there's a different entrance for those
kinds of things but that's branded opportunities that we do with local car dealerships not whatever
this is uh well we're locals we got a car and that's the deal yeah that's the deal so i think
if you want to be a little scrooge if you were going to be a
little a little ebenezer scrooge you're gonna step aside you're gonna let us park i'm not in your way
you're driving through the wrong entrance where there's a pole in the middle oh well they're
saying the north pole tell you that much i'm not feeling any christmas cheer you hey come on don't
say that don't say that we can still salvage it We can still salvage it. We can still salvage it.
What do you suggest we do? You saying we take the car apart, bring it inside piece by piece,
and reassemble it in the middle of the mall?
Holy shit. Cut to the end. Holy shit.
They can't get it back together?
This is stupid because it didn't come with instructions, like, I'm borderline ready to give up.
No, come on.
And nobody's going to buy it for parts.
No, don't do this.
Nobody's going to buy it for parts.
Everyone's going to want to buy it for parts.
Hey, don't give up.
This is just like when you were trying to assemble your Ikea bed two months ago.
Cut to that.
This is stupid because even though there's instructions, I can't figure it out.
That's what you ate.
You got to breathe in and out.
You and I together.
Hey, slower, slower, slower.
You and I.
There you go.
Like you're going into labor.
No, you're speeding up again.
You and I together, we can get through anything.
Now, let's start from the beginning.
Do you have the bed frame parts?
Come back to the mall.
They've assembled, like, the pieces are together, but it looks nothing like the car beforehand.
This is a different vehicle.
What the fuck?
It's kind of like holiday transformers
it's not necessarily bumblebee
but it's
it's like a coordinator looking guy
comes up to them because they're like wearing
their own reindeer antler things
what are you guys doing here
you're supposed to be at the mall Santa stand like
45 minutes ago get over here come on
no we actually don't
we're setting up our PT cruiser in the middle of the mall.
If you want to get paid, you're going to walk with me.
Come on.
Got to them at Mall Santa.
Ho, ho, ho.
What can I get you for Christmas, little girl?
Um, I would like, um, I would like a puppy.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
Oh, this fucking guy.
I think he knows how to get a puppy.
We can get you a puppy.
We can get you a puppy.
We can get you a puppy within the afternoon.
Hey, kid.
We can, we know a great puppy mill two blocks away.
We got a buddy working over there.
No, I don't want.
Excuse me.
Reindeer elves?
That's enough.
Santa will figure out the gift.
As Santa always does.
No, you know what?
That's actually something I want to call bullshit on.
I'm sorry.
Excuse my language.
Language, please.
But Santa is the only one that spreads Christmas cheer.
Because we go weeks before Christmas, me and this guy, me and Brian are fucking going around
everywhere we're spreading holiday cheer.
Just like 100 yards away, we unpacked at cruiser hey listen to brian and i know we're both named
brian it can get a little bit confusing but you listen to brian over here we brought the best
christmas cheer this side of the mississippi now i know everyone's in line hey everyone in line to
see santa you want some real christmas? You're going to get out of line.
You're going to follow us.
The boyfriend from earlier walks past.
Sorry, excuse me.
I don't mean to interrupt the commotion.
You in the red suit.
Who are you?
That's Santa.
Um, I'm Santa.
But you're...
I thought you were a protestant deity
Let's not talk about religion
Hey man
I don't get this
I know hey hey hey hey listen
Hey Brian I think we gotta help this kid
We gotta help this kid out with some Christmas cheer
Can we interest you
In a PT cruiser with antlers?
And a nose.
Is that a car with antlers?
It's a car.
Well, right now it doesn't look much like a car, but once we get it figured out, we'll move some things around and it'll look much more like what it is.
But yes, the antlers and nose will be on the car.
No, deal.
Yeah, absolutely deal.
No deal or deal?
You said no deal.
So it's kind of confusing to us.
Antlers, yes.
No, yes.
All right, all right, all right.
This is it.
Hey, Santa, take notes.
All right, should we do our last segment?
Yes. alright should we do our last segment yes this
should be all
we know
Harry Styles
absolutely Harry Styles
it was unbelievable he's an entertainer
through and through he knows how to fucking
make everyone either
he knows how to either
soggy someone's pants or make someone's
pants tight i was drinking water when you said that and jeffrey the water might come back up
the way it came because i never ever ever want to hear you say that again. Okay. I'm so happy you had an incredible time.
That was the worst thing you have ever said.
No, he just like, because I wore these-
And you've said a lot of bad shit.
Because I made the, I wore these really wide leg pants.
You looked great.
Thank you.
You and Elizabeth looked awesome.
But at a certain point, they were taut.
They were tauty and that was naughty.
What was your favorite song to hear live?
Treat People With Kindness, which is crazy because I hate that song.
I don't like the studio version.
I love that song.
Elizabeth told me it was her skip song.
I love that song.
That's a hot take.
No one likes it.
I think it's like,
I think it's him trying to force like a Sergeant Pepper too much.
I just think it's fun.
This is making it worse.
You know what?
I think it's because I love the music video so much
i haven't seen the music i should watch the music with phoebe waller bridge it's so good
live it was completely different it was less um tinnitus inducing and very dancey fun
uh what's been shaking you I'm so glad you asked
the balloon
is on its way out
like it's almost out of air
or you're
it is so small
no it's
well I'm losing interest
because it's really
it's like too
at this point
to have fun with
so that's been hard
it's too small at this point
to have fun with
so that's been hard that's been hard it's too small at this point to have fun with so that's been hard
that's been hard
and yeah we have a whole bag
of balloons
I could just fill up another one
but it won't be
yes I was gonna say
it won't be that though
it won't be what it was
it won't be what it was
there was nothing special
about that balloon specifically
you can replicate
the experience within
no it was special
because of the weight
it was special because
the importance I gave it.
And now it's gone.
No, I see you.
I hear myself.
I hear myself.
I hear myself for sure.
For sure.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
Go have fun.
No, no, no.
I get it now.
I get it now.
I get it now.
Got it.
Got it.
Got it.
So the balloon's on its way out but
what's on its way in is i am i tweeted about this last night um i'm in my phase of like
rediscovering how much i love bagels i go through this about once a month of like
shit bagels are so good and now i'm back in the phase of like, oh my God, has anyone ever had popcorn before?
Popcorn's amazing.
So I'm on that little, it's like, I'll get into that for like a week or two and then
I'll be over it.
And then a month will pass and I'll be like, holy shit, has anyone ever had popcorn?
So that's where I'm at right now.
Deflated balloons and rediscovering carbs is that's what's going on with me.
If you have to know.
So you went to an incredible concert
and I'm defrosting a bagel.
That's awesome.
In terms of the defrosting.
No, it is good
it is good
it's great
I'm happy
now you are
I'm happy
because you
are gonna get your
balloon back
and you're gonna get
a bagel
you can follow Riley
on Instagram
at Riley and Spa
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at Riley Coyote
and the show on
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you can follow Jeffrey on Instagram at Jeffrey James and on Twitter at Jeff Boyardee.
Hell yeah.
Thank you for listening.
And we'll see you guys again on Tuesday.
That was a Hiddem Original.