Episode Date: September 24, 2021In this episode of Review Revue, Geoff and Reilly lose all their confidence and experience the classic millennial dilemma; what if.  IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: ...@reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee  Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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That's a good deal. Thanks, Draco.
Oh, fuck. What? Nothing. let me try that again you're just playing
oh no oh god oh i know what this is tons of stars on
we ran out of theme songs in the gmail no more songs we are now waiting for another theme song to arise
yelp reviews right that's so bleak i i didn't put any effort into that I really should have written something
That was um
I do appreciate that it was still like
It's still Paul McCartney
We're still in that same vein
Wow that's really bleak
Both the song and the fact that we don't have any more theme song submissions right now
Well we've been
Not banking episodes necessarily
But like this episode we're recording on September 2nd and it comes out on September 24th.
So by then we probably will have more.
But until then, let's just do tons of stars on
Amazon and TripAdvisor.
Niche Backpack.
Leave you in sight. Niche Backpack Review Site Because sometimes there's episodes where we're like, oh, this is a review site for only, you know?
For only bumper stickers.
Bumper stickers.
Speaking of bumper stickers, this is not Bumper Stickers 3.
But it is a bonus Friday.
And we're just going to cut right to the goddamn chase.
We're talking drive through car washes.
Drive through car washes.
We're talking one of my favorite things to experience.
We're talking a meditation den in your car.
Yeah. While like Technicolor suds roll off your windshield.
Beat on your sunroof.
If you have a sunroof or beat on your hood.
I mean, it's just the hood.
Beating some meat overseas.
Beating some meat overseas.
And I mean, what a time.
What a time from being a kid and going through one to then driving it through yourself.
And that little bit of fear when it's like, oh, I hope I line my car on the track.
Just so.
Either you're driving out with a clean car or four flats.
A hundred percent.
Jeff, drive-thru car washes.
Tell me about it.
My favorite one in the world, I just Googled it, is Blue Wave.
Actually, that's not
a drive-through one that's one where you get out but there was one that's one where you hope that
democrats across the nation kind of tell the party line um it's it's not so much as a car wash as it
is a political movement um yeah that one's just kind of flipping the senate in a way yeah yeah oh you
know what i had a dream last night that you flipped the senate that i personally flipped it
no one else voted no i had a dream that emma seligman director of shiva baby followed me
back on instagram and that was the dream and i was happy to have it that way how does that have anything to do with anything I don't remember the thread I I had it and then it just went away I had a dream
that I had two blonde children I had a son who was 11 and a daughter you wouldn't know what to do
with blonde who was three and the son was named Ray there you go see that's that's where you get
in a marriage where you don't like the guy so much that you don't like the kids.
And no, it was named Ray because he was blonde.
I was like, oh, what a ray of sunshine.
So I'm going to talk about car washes.
Blue Wave is in West LA.
I think it's in Westwood.
I've only been there once.
It was like an $80 wash.
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, but it was the cleanest the car's ever been.
Wait, that's not a drive-thru.
That's like the kind that it's like.
That's the one where you get up.
They get up in the nook and crannies.
Okay, so that's not actually what we're talking about.
I saw Adam's Sky type one.
So it's not what we're talking about.
All right.
Then I don't have it.
You've never been through a drive-thru car wash?
No, I've been through a drive-thru one, just not recently.
Not in LA.
Only at Shell gas stations. There is one that is a couple
blocks away from my house, and every time I go, I'm thinking, like, I'm going
at the perfect time. There's going to be no one here. Consistently, a 45-minute
line. Of course. But it's gotten to the point where my white car
looks so fucking filthy that I just
gotta just suck it up. And know what that's the time where
it's like i get to call people and catch up because i'm like i'm in this line for god knows
how long and i've actually had a good amount of phone calls with you in line at that drive-thru
car wash just kind of shooting the shit actually yeah i feel like half the time i call you you're
in line at that car wash but i love it because also like oh driving away from a car wash
and your car just sparkles yeah you feel like a god a what a god a deity okay you feel like
untouchable you feel like you will never die and you feel you'll die you'll just have like a shiny car omniscient omnipowerful
you know you're all knowing yeah always there seeing all present um a santa claus of yourself
i was just gonna say it's just a clean car but somehow i'm santa No, yeah, I agree with you, though. It's a cozy environment.
It's so cozy, it's a womb.
You actually what?
No, I actually need a car wash.
Should we get into it?
Should we do our first review?
Do you want to start us off?
This is of, where is this?
This is Keeboo Car Wash.
Let me see.
Spelled like it sounds.
It's in Linwood, Washington.
This is three stars from Jenny N.
Jenny Nice.
Jenny Nice.
Three stars from Jenny Nice.
Oh, God.
So the photo she attached, they attached a photo of the hood of their car with a bunch of sap, tree sap stains.
And the caption of the photo is, sap is really difficult to remove.
First time car owner learning new things every day.
And here's the review.
Three stars. I had hoped that
the $13 soft touch option would remove the tree sap from the hood of my car, but it did not.
That's okay though. I was being a little too optimistic. The tri-colored foam looked cool.
Just to be like, I was too optimistic to hope to get
what I paid for and that's on me
I'm just
kick the dirt
I hereby sentence
Daniel R
to 30 days county jail oh come on well no your honor may i speak
uh i mean you had the best lawyer in town so maybe you maybe you should talk to him about it. All right.
I'm sorry, man.
I tried everything I could to keep you out of jail.
I put a hand on your shoulder.
I'm sorry.
I ran my hand through my hair.
No, it's all my fault.
I mean, I should have guessed, you know, I had too high hopes.
I dole out half a million dollars for the best lawyer in town.
And I was getting my hopes too high.
You paid this man half a million dollars?
This was unpaid parking tickets.
I know, but, you know, like I'm saying, it's like, you should lock me away for life.
Because I deserve it.
My hopes were too high to think that I could, you know, have this written off.
And my hopes were too high to think that I could get a good lawyer for that price.
It's really all, it all comes down to me.
Reynolds, I'm sorry, and Your Honor, I'm really sorry.
I've never done this.
I've never done this before, but I'm actually gonna... I'm gonna change the sentence.
Two weeks community service.
No! No, what are you talking about?
You paid half a million dollars for unpaid parking tickets violations.
That's... I can't... I can't send you to jail.
You should, because I'm...
I feel too bad.
No, Your Honor.
I stand up on the desk your honor
i'm a big old dum-dum no i'm just a silly boy yeah you're not smart for spending that much money
i'm a silly little boy why did you spend this much on the lawyer but you didn't pay your parking
tickets you had the money you pose an excellent question And I can understand
Why you'd ask something like that
At the end of the day
It came down to the fact that
I live for the drama
What do you mean?
Oh no it was
Again look at little bird brain old me
I thought that it would give a lot of people
Entertainment to see
A schmuck
like me in a courtroom as grand
as this. Also, it says here
sorry to interrupt, it says that you're a contractor.
Where did you get this kind of money? Cut to him at
like a gas station stop and shop.
Alright, and so just the
$30 on pump four and then you
wanted these scratch-offs? Yeah, just one scratch-off
but I'll just tell you right now
I'm never gonna win.
Well, I mean, you get what you pay for
with these things, you know?
It's just like, you pay the $20,
and then you just get a little thrill,
but you probably don't win a lot of money.
No, I never win anything,
and that's on me for thinking
I could believe in myself,
or luck, or lady fortune,
or for that matter.
But just give me the little fucker,
the little scratch-off off and we'll just...
And we'll see what happens.
I bet it won't be much.
My mom says I'm like Eeyore, but I don't see it.
Anyway, let me just...
Yeah, I don't know.
Scratches it off.
Well, that can't be right.
What, you win like 50 bucks?
Try 50 million right. What, did you win, like, 50 bucks? Try 50 million dollars.
Cut back to the courtroom.
You won the fucking lottery.
And I really shouldn't have.
No, I'm changing the sentence again.
30 days county jail.
Bump it up higher!
No, not...
This is crazy.
I will give you 10 million dollars for you. Or bump it up higher No, not This is crazy I'm changing it to a fine
I will give you 10 million dollars
For you to lock me away
So I can't make any dummy little choices anymore
$50,000 fine
It's gonna go to a local school
Alright, or something
I'll figure it out
This is crazy
You're like self-deprecating all the time.
You think you don't deserve shit, but you still get it somehow.
And I shouldn't, and that's my fatal flaw.
You really think a school will accept a donation from a guy like me?
Cut to you on the bachelor everyone welcome i i can't thank you 28 beautiful people enough for being here tonight
and before things go any further ladies chris or whoever's hosting now it's it's my name's ryan
chris is like a bad guy.
Got it.
I knew that Chris was bad, but I didn't know who he was replaced with.
So thank you for introducing.
My name is Ryan.
I'm the new one.
Hi, Ryan.
Ladies, Ryan.
I don't want to waste.
I should say.
Got it.
I don't want to waste anyone's time.
So I'm just going to come right out and say it.
I've hired some black cars outside
to take you all home. You all can go back
and look at us. They all react.
What? No!
No, none of this, huh?
None of this what?
I see it all in your faces.
No one wants to be with
me. I was stupid to be with me.
I was stupid to think I could come on this show and find the love.
We see he's really hot.
He's wearing gorgeous clothes because he still won the lottery.
He's a great style, too.
I knew I shouldn't have done this.
Who am I to think that I could come on this show and think I could find the love of my life?
That's just...
You're independently wealthy.
You never have to work another day in your life.
You have the jawline of a chainsaw.
No, but I'm...
Actually, that's too jagged.
You have the jawline of a straight-edge saw.
I'm a dumb little boy,
and I make all the wrong calls,
so get out.
Get out, all of you.
I want to save you from well me
why have none of you moved because we all want to have sex with you and marry you
you're hot and rich that's like the two things that you need to have.
I mean, the one thing is like your personality seems bad.
Sorry to speak for the group, everybody, but I'm just Liza R.
Everybody's kind of agreeing.
I'm Liza R. from Arkansas.
Basically, work on your personality.
How old are you, Liza?
I'm 28.
I'm like a lawyer or some shit.
You have everything going for you other than confidence.
I knew this was too good to be true.
How was that your reaction?
I'm gassing you up.
Of course you were gassing me up.
But then who is I to think that in all of that, you wouldn't just say that I am the full package?
Because I guess I am missing confidence.
Oh, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Ryan, can you just kick all these incredible, gorgeous young women out of here?
We have a whole season of television to shoot.
The only reason it's not going according
to plan we have the perfect bachelor in you just what would make you feel confident
just like how much time do you have i we kind of a lot just
but how much how what would make you feel confident in this moment on this television show?
I guess if...
You know what would make me feel confident?
And I hope it's not too much to ask.
I would love for all of these women to line up and one by one tell me all of my worst qualities.
That would make me know that people see me for me.
And that would make me confident in the things that I do have.
So you know what, Ryan?
I want all of you to tell me what's wrong with me.
All right, ladies.
Other than the confidence thing.
They might need a couple minutes then.
Ladies, line up.
Yeah, let's go one by one, all 12 of you.
Hi, I'm Stephanie Ai.
I am, I'm from Salt Lake City,
and I'm a teacher, I think um i am also 23 years old
i so young how did we get her on here because i'm so hot
i don't know if i can't corroborate that i think um i think that you...
God, you guys, this is really hard.
I mean, he's perfect.
The only thing wrong is his confidence.
Other than the confidence.
Other than the confidence.
No, there's got to be more.
I know I'm a dumb, dumb little boy.
And so I want to make sure you guys see that.
So we're not just going in blind. Okay, fine.
You're a dumb, dumb...
Looking at everyone else here.
You're a dumb, dumb little boy.
Thank you, Stephanie.
Chandra 9.
Hi, Chandra.
Chandra 9.
Chandra 9.
Or Chandra N.
I am a magician's assistant.
I'm from Indianapolis Oh wonderful
And you kind of talk like a
Like a toddler almost
That's like
Something I've noticed
You talk like someone who's like in time out
And trying to get out of it by eliciting sympathy
And I'm gonna take you up on the offer to go home
Cause I
I don't like you at all
Wait everyone
Everyone else except for
Chandra 9
Can leave
No I will not marry you
No one's ever spoken to me that way before
And I really liked it.
I think you see me for me.
And Ryan, that makes me feel like a confident adult man.
And so Chandra 9, will you be wife of mine?
No, I said no already.
She gets in the car and drives off.
Also, I just want to say that when I said I was Ryan Seacrest,
I meant I was Ryan Carter Crest.
Ryan Seacrest.
I'm a different guy than the other host.
I'm the happiest I've ever been.
I didn't get something.
Oh, by the way, this PA comes up.
Yes? This came in from the local authorities. Oh, by the way, this PA comes up. Yes.
This came in from the local authorities.
Apparently it's like a violation in a court order for unpaid parking tickets.
Dude, pay your tickets.
You're so rich.
All right.
Should we take a break?
What the fuck are we doing?
This is how the world is to us.
The world is full of people who talk like timeout babies.
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And we're back.
All right, one star from Adam N.
This is a majestic car wash in L.A. Calais.
L.A. Calais, Fournier.
Colby Calais.
This is Adam.
Do you think Colby Calais ever pops that bubbly? Oh, she 100 i did that when i did uh i think it was my second time at carnegie she that's the worst sentence i've
ever said oh you met her yeah i forgot about i didn't meet her but she she she played that
concert and um one of her couldn't stop drinking cristal i remember she's sayingly. I'm like, no way. It was great. This is from Adam.
Adam Naveen.
So he's kind of a mix of Adam Naveen and Prince Naveen from Princess and the Frog.
So he's Adam Naveen as a frog prince.
Got it.
All right.
One star.
Prince Naveen from Princess and the Frog is really hot.
You're in love with a frog no like human him really is human him is hot if you mix him with adam levine in real life it's not that different it's like a half cartoon man i guess uh all right
one star from adam neveen dude probably didn't even touch the back. Used McDonald's cup
lid was still under the seat.
Side door panel had wrapping
paper left there and grease
and dirt all over the steering wheel
buttons. The best part?
I had money in my hand, but when I
looked inside and immediately saw this, I only gave
him a couple dollars tip and put the rest
away in my back pocket. Of course
the guy cussed me out for this and threw a small tantrum, which is funny from a 50-year-old.
Too bad I speak Spanish.
Do a better job next time.
Jesus Christ.
I just like, he thinks everyone's going to be like, yeah.
It's like, you're an asshole.
You're an asshole and your car is disgusting.
You're the one with the gross car.
Anyway, it's probably too hard to deep clean within a lot of time.
It's also a drive-through car wash.
So like they're only kind of doing something after you get out of the other end.
And I love that it's like in him telling this story of like,
and they left this and this and this.
It shows like, man, your car is fucking filthy.
It's like, right. Okay like right okay right right right um adam i i get that it's like you know when you when you pay for car wash you you hope
to get the whole thing but like that's what i'm saying so you're on my side i just it's i mean
you you had wrapping paper on the car was it a present you've had that car for like five years
i can't imagine what you wrapped it for i misunderstood a text from my boys uh they said
they had their cars wrapped which i thought meant in wrapping paper but they meant like they matted
them out got it and so i yeah got it but uh there was like there's like a couple pieces that i just
like haven't been quite able to get off the side because i used yeah okay rubber cement and i'm sorry i know
it's our anniversary dinner but it's just it's like i can't help but the details uh they won't
leave the old noodle and so it's i know we take my car everywhere which is fine and it's like you
know and that's that's okay but it's like now i see why um and
you said like the the front buttons were sticky the buttons on the steering wheel were sticky
they were sticky just on the steering wheel though just those buttons and then part of the
radio console is that part of the mcdonald's or something different uh that's like, it's kind of a long story, actually.
Do you really want to get into it on our anniversary dinner?
Because it was basically what happened was that I kept kind of mailing shit.
And, you know, like the sticky part that you lick on an envelope?
I wanted to figure out what that was.
So I kind of like googled it
and then went and bought some of it
it's basically this chemical I don't know the name of it
but I was like oh like I bet
that I could
catch things a little bit better you know we play frisbee
in the park so I was like I put a little bit of it on my
hands like pine tar in baseball
and so then I but then I was driving
after we like were in the park throwing the frisbee
but I made some impressive catches I will say the boys were kind of interested.
They loved it.
But when I got back in my car, I had all this sticky envelope residue on my hands.
And so when I was driving, it was just like, you know, changing the song.
And then suddenly I couldn't stop changing the song.
You know what I mean?
Thumb was stuck to the button.
I don't know whether to...
You still seem upset.
No, I just don't know whether to you still seem upset no I just don't know whether to start with
you kept mailing shit
you wanted to know
what it was
on the inside that you couldn't have figured
out that it was a chemical
that made things sticky that you needed
I didn't know
sorry don't interrupt
sorry don't interrupt is that, sorry. Don't interrupt.
Is that it's like when you have an envelope, right?
It's like you already have the stuff that's sticky.
It's like you're like, you can probably guess feeling it like, oh, I would assume this is
a chemical.
You don't need to go out and buy more of it.
No, let me finish.
You don't need to go out and buy more of what you already have to figure out what that is.
I'm just saying, because sometimes things can can be like like the first person to use like i
don't know tape on something other than a box was kind of genius right so you have duct tape and you
think the first person to use tape exclusively used it on a box is this a cross examination or
is this our fucking anniversary dinner i mean it's like at this point it was about the car but now
it's like what do you know and what don't carpet. Now it's like, what do you know?
And what don't you know?
And how do you think about things?
I'm constantly learning.
I'm constantly on a search, a quest for more knowledge.
How does anyone learn anything?
For the wrong things.
For the wrong things.
You could be learning so much more about so many things.
And instead you're like, what was the first tape used for?
A box?
Sure. Sure.
Absolutely sure.
You've forgotten my birthday every year for the past three years.
That's not, that's not, that's true.
This year I might remember.
You might forget?
No, this year I might remember it.
What's my middle name?
Your middle name?
You spend so much time, you of instead of learning yeah more about my
sister and my brother-in-law before you went to the wedding you were looking up who cares about
your brother-in-law you don't this is why you spent your time looking up how they name crayola
colors correct and what was the first crayola color they were named instead of going they have
a staff for it and i didn't know And the staff just come up with shit
They have brainstorming sessions and I think that'd be a cool job
But then you went to the wedding
And you didn't even know his name
Or my sister's name
What do you think introductions are for?
Hi I'm Carl
You know you're able to
Differentiate between a lilac
And a lavender Crayola but you don't know
My sister's name
riddle me this what is the thinnest glass ever made and what was it in fucking no neither do i
let's go fucking figure it out right that's called adventure shit this is like this is
i've been trying to rationalize your behavior for a long time. I'm thinking he's just a curious, he's a curious George.
That's exactly right.
But no, it's not exactly right.
It's a mix of that and you care about the wrong things.
Name one thing I should care about more than, let's say, what was the last thing I Googled?
How much wood goes into a book?
Me. What's that? How much wood goes into a book? Me
What's that?
You should care about me
We're at our anniversary dinner, aren't we?
More than how much wood
I got you a gift
Did you give me a gift?
Yeah, my presence is a present
Kanye West said that
Don't quote Kanye West at our anniversary dinner
He has some cool ideas
About what to look up and be curious about
Guess what Kanye said at his last
Donda listening party
I don't give a shit
He said
I don't give a shit
Feathers aren't part of a balanced diet
Unless you know how to digest
Things that aren't meant to be in your gi tract he said that
he said that at the last dawn to listening party and i took that to heart guess what i did for
lunch you didn't pay a car wash attendant you ate a feather and you didn't pay a car rush attendant i didn't tip a car rush attendant your car is radioactive
well that's only because i wanted to see if it would be radioactive i know i know i just wanted
to find out no wonder he didn't go in your car it was glowing and so was i because guess what
i tried a new skin technique.
What's your own favorite thing to do?
Do you even know anything
about yourself?
You spend all this time looking up random
facts and figures and
things and trivia, but
I think at the end of the day, it's
you're too scared of what's inside of
you you're too scared to get to know yourself or anyone you care about but i don't care about me
yet because i'm not interesting enough that's what this whole thing is i'm getting more interesting
by learning new things by the way if you ever came to tuesdayights. Maybe you'd see what I'm actually kind of good at. Cut to Tuesday Trivia Nights.
Okay, everybody.
We are down
to the final question.
Now, this one
we're doing a little bit differently.
Winner takes all.
Doesn't matter
what's on your scoreboards.
This is like...
Weird way of doing trivia.
Let's do it.
This is for all the money.
Okay? All right. Here we go. What owl is native Do it. This is for all the money, okay?
All right, here we go.
What owl is native to California?
What owl is native to California?
Oh, you know what, guys?
When I ate that feather, it was on an owl, and the owl was kind of like...
Sorry, you plucked a feather from an owl?
Well, yeah, I mean...
No, well, yeah, Jesus Christ, dude. What the fuck? Man's gotta eat a feather plucked a feather from an owl? Well, yeah. I mean, like. No. Well, yeah. Jesus Christ, dude.
What the fuck?
Man's got to eat a feather plucked from an owl?
From a spotted owl.
Northern spotted owl.
Did I hear a northern spotted owl?
That's correct.
No, dude.
What'd I tell you guys?
What'd I tell you guys?
Let's celebrate, huh?
You're just like grabbing the owl
we don't want to be your friend anymore
come back so that's what trivia night was like for you. You lost your friends because you held an owl captive and ate its feathers.
it was,
it was my buddy.
It was my domesticated animal.
I don't think so.
I've actually been looking for an excuse to end things for a while.
Cause I couldn't really put my finger on it,
but I feel like this conversation was really,
I feel like this conversation was really eliminating and yeah.
I wish you all the best.
I hope that you find yourself interesting.
I hope you start having compassion for yourself.
For sure.
For sure. For sure.
Well, now I can figure out what it means to be happy.
I've been actually...
I don't think so.
Questioning things for a bit.
No, I'm fucking awesome.
I'm breaking up with you.
No, no, you are not. No. I'm just too curious I'm breaking up with you. No, no, you are not.
No, I'm just too curious about what single life might have for me.
The dude who plucks and eats feathers from owls is not breaking up with me.
I don't know.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a pediatric doctor.
I save children's lives.
I was top of my class at Harvard.
And you pluck feathers from owls
and eat them because everybody's a doctor how many people eat feathers everybody's a doctor
so many people are doctors not that many people eat feathers i'm breaking up with you that's final
i'm already broke up with you you can't break up with someone you're not in a relationship with
no literally before you said you're ready in a relationship with. No, literally?
Before you said you're breaking up with me?
Actually, you know what?
Let's get back together and then break up with me because I'm kind of curious what it might be like.
No, I'm not going to.
We're back together now.
Let's get back together.
Oh my God.
And then break up with me.
I'm breaking up with you.
This is the second time.
It's really sad.
I feel bad.
It's interesting.
What are you talking about?
No, it's just now that I have that experience, I'm like, what is it for?
What was the first experience like?
Breaking up with someone who honestly kind of wasn't that interesting or curious.
Get your look at your phone and another kanye tweet
if pillows are for your bed and your head why don't we put them on the ground wherever we are
oh you know what you're right kanye's a fucking idiot
shit should we get back together no we've already done that i need something new
uh all right should we do our last segment yeah
i sold my car and bought a truck yeah Yeah, you did. Do you love it?
I fucking love it.
It's, uh, I was driving around a RAV.
I was circling a RAV in my RAV4.
And the gas mileage was prime.
It was pretty primo.
But it just didn't, it wasn't me.
Do you feel like you can drive long distances in this truck
yes 100 really uh so i got a i got a 2003 toyota tacoma it's actually the exact truck that jake
used to have which is the one thing i don't like about it why don't you like that i mean it's kind
of interesting but like i wish that it i don't know like i i don't i don't want to steal his
steez you know what i mean but i just like god it's such a cool car don't say steal his steez but yeah so uh
yeah it's it's it's what one of the most reliable engines ever made forget just Toyotas like of
cars ever like people say they're just Toyotas the best engine ever made. And there's evidence to back this up.
A normal Tacoma from this generation can go 500,000 miles easy.
At least 400,000.
At least 300,000.
And I'll never get it up to even 300,000, I don't think.
There's a famous one that had 1.2 million miles on it.
So I would 100% feel comfortable taking it on a road trip.
It just needs to, you know, it's a little bit of an older car.
It's 18 years old.
So just need to give it some more TLC on a biannual basis.
And it should be fun.
That's crazy.
That's so exciting.
But it drives awesome.
And I'm excited to, like, help my friends with various tasks that they need because
you have a truck uh and um also my friend works or my roommate justin she works at uh this really
cool uh she works for this really cool clothing designer and they're doing like a photo shoot in
elysian park uh tomorrow with the. And so I just think it's,
I just love it.
That's so cool.
It's adventure ready.
It can handle,
you know,
It can handle moving furniture and other stuff.
You sound less congested,
by the way.
Sorry to interrupt.
a little bit.
It's probably 95% better.
It's just that last 5% of congestion.
But I don't know.
There's just something romantic about, you know, having a pickup.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's okay to, like, smile when I say cool shit.
I am smiling.
No, I said an awesome sentence, and you didn't give me daps.
You didn't give me do-propers.
I said, yeah.
I don't know.
No, say like, that's awesome.
Thank you for making my life better by having to pick up is what you should have said.
Let's take that again.
I think it's awesome that you find it so romantic to have a car that you love
yep truck but yeah it's still a car let's do it one more time and just make sure you say truck
this time and then daniel cut that first one out i daniel keep that all in i think it's so awesome
that you have a truck that you love care about let's do it one more time say care about because it's kind of my uh what's been shaking you oh man um i finished that book i finished seven husbands of evelyn
hugo it was so fucking good in what two days that was insane in a short amount of time um it was it was very good um what has been what has been
shaken little old me i feel like every time i do this i'm late to some trend or some show
or the concept of reading a book but it doesn't fucking matter overnight oats um had overnight i've had overnight oats before i've had like like like you know getting
it at the store or something but daniel made homemade overnight oats for the first time this
past week and he's made it twice in a week and they're just delicious i mean oats oat milk a
little bit of vanilla a little bit of cinnamon and oat milk, a little bit of vanilla, a little bit of cinnamon.
And, oh, no, sorry, a little bit of vanilla, a little bit of maple syrup.
You can put cinnamon on afterwards if you want to.
With some fresh blueberries, raspberries on top.
It's a game changer.
I mean, it really, it's phenomenal.
It fills you up.
It's, yeah, so. My watch should be overnight oats. Yeah. it's yeah
why should I use
overnight oats
you know if you ever
need to like talk
you can call right
no I know
I never need to talk
I never need to talk
you don't have to do
these like veiled
cries for help
by saying
the most exciting thing in my life this week was overnight oats that i had to eat no it's like it's fine yeah i'm happy
um oh i lied i lied okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i think the overnight oats thing
is funny i do too okay i'm gonna add something really, really quick because I cannot believe.
So today we went to the Art Institute of Chicago and we saw the Bisa Butler portraits exhibit.
It was fucking incredible.
I can't believe I didn't know who Bisa Butler was beforehand, but she is an unbelievable visual artist who her main medium is quilting.
And she does these incredible, incredible quilted portraits.
Bisa Butler.
And the exhibition was called Portraits.
And it is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.
That's really cool.
Are you seeing photos of them?
They're unbelievable. They're unbelievable. Yeah. have ever seen look that's really cool look up are you seeing photos of them yeah they're
unbelievable they're unbelievable um yeah and we went uh because Daniel's parents are members and
so like they have like hours in the morning for members and so we went at like 10 a.m where there
was like no one there and so it's like but it was crazy to be walking through the art institute
and anyway it felt like an ad at the museum there was like truly no one there on like thursday at 10 and so like we had to walk through all these other um exhibitions
to get to the beast of butler exhibit which was on like the far side of the museum and like to be
alone in the room with the sunday in the park painting by george serrat like there was no one
else it was crazy that's usually one of the busiest rooms the art institute and it was just
like it was me and daniel's family in there with no one else there It was crazy. That's usually one of the busiest rooms, the art Institute. And it was just like, it was me and Daniel's family in there with no one else there.
Like just that alone,
or like alone with some van goes on the way to this unbelievable.
Go check out Lisa Butler.
Her work's amazing.
Oh yeah.
So that,
so in an incredible moving poignant exhibit about,
the black experience in America and family and art and overnight oats.
Oats that soured in over 12 hours.
You can follow Riley on Instagram,
at Riley Anspa,
on Twitter, at Riley Coyote,
and the show on Instagram,
at Review Review,
and the show on Reddit,
r slash Review Review.
You can follow Jeffrey on Instagram,
at Jeffrey Jameson, and on Twitter,
at Jeff Boyardee.
We'll see you guys again on Tuesday.
Thanks so much for listening to this bonus Friday episode of Review Review.
Wait, before we, will this be after our 100th ep?
Yeah, it'll be after.
That's crazy.
We've had over, this is our 100th and whatever episode.
That's nuts.
101 episodes.
That's great.
That was a Hiddem Original.