Review Revue - BONUS FRIDAY: Dangerous Equipment
Episode Date: August 20, 2021Reilly and Geoff discover a multi-generational white-collar crime ring and troll the live chat of a grieving influencer mommy while reading reviews about DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT.IG: @reillya...nspaugh & @geoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Thanks, Swipers123.
Review. Review. What the fuck? Re-re-review.
Re-re-review. Jeffrey James.
Jeffrey Aaron James.
Jeffrey James.
Jeffrey Aaron James.
Jeffrey Riley.
You're listening to Re-re-review.
Jeffrey James. Don't tell me reviews don't got no stars.
Don't tell me reviews don't got no stars. Don't tell me reviews don't got no stars.
It sounded like something spooky skeletons.
So right before you hit that, you were like, I'm so excited about this one.
Did you love it because it was saying your name over and over again?
Is that why you were excited?
No, it's Shakedown Street by the Grateful Dead.
I didn't know that.
But did you love it because they were saying your name and you just love that shit?
You crazy ass.
No, it was just one of my favorite songs.
Yeah, Shakedown Street.
No, I didn't know that. No, because you're calling me like a crazy ass.
No, but you're crazy ass.
I'm crazy ass or I'm a crazy ass.
I love that.
That sounded fucking sick.
That was awesome.
Jeffrey Aaron James.
The beginning of that was also very accurate.
I don't know how he arranged it that way.
That was amazing.
That came in from Sean and Eli.
And there's a PS from Eli saying, respond to my DMs, Jeff.
Not giving out the handle.
Not going to dox myself, obviously. So there's no way that I could know who it was, right?
That was incredible.
That was really fun.
That was unbelievable.
That one made me really happy.
I was dancing along the entire time.
If you guys liked that,
but had never heard what it was,
check out Shakedown Street,
the studio version by The Grateful Dead.
We're here on a bonus Friday.
We're here on what can only be described
as a bonus Friday.
And because it is. Because it's Friday.
And it's a bonus episode. And it is that. It's bonus
and yeah. It's a bonus
Jonas Friday episode. It's a bonus
So it's Frankie
Jonas on the pod. Yeah.
No we can only hope. Should we?
Should we?
Should we get Frankie Jonas for a bonus
Friday? I think we should
send an email. Oh my an email can you fucking imagine
no what else is he doing no offense Frankie we have a bonus Jonas on the bonus Friday ad that'd
be fucking incredible hang on I'm actually gonna get a number crunch on what Frankie Jonas is up
to these days um in the meantime how are you in the the 40 minutes since we last recorded in the
40 minutes since we last recorded everything's changed for me um how so my coffee is cold now
but I'm still gonna drink it
um and it's almost five and i can feel the little like my stomach is like oh i don't really want
coffee in an empty stomach before dinner but i'm like oh you're gonna have it you're gonna have it
i mean i already put the cinnamon in it um so that's like that's what's shaking oh he's at uta
he's at uta and he hasn't worked in a minute.
Seemingly by choice.
Seemingly by choice.
Great, we'll reach out for the bonus Jonas
Friday episode.
Jeffrey, what's new with you
in the last 40 minutes?
An amazing rendition
of Shakedown Street
and now I realize
that I need to figure out
how to get
Barbara Jonas' email.
Should we just cut
to the chase
of what our episode today is?
Couldn't be more excited about this episode.
So I texted Jeff the other day, and y'all know this, dear listeners,
whenever we're brainstorming ideas, one of us will text the other being like,
what should we do?
And we'll pitch ideas back and forth.
I texted Jeff, what do you want to review?
He sends back, in all caps, dangerous equipment.
Yes, correct, correct. And I said, could we be a little bit more specific than that because you know we've done episodes like arby's in the tri
state area sure we have done um i'm trying to think of other really specific ones we haven't
done super specific we haven't actually done like regionalized like tailors on like wall street
tailors we should get back to doing like really we should hyper specific stuff like that but yeah
um we we pride ourselves in doing things
that are specific enough that, you know,
they could go on forever.
And so I said-
Legoland's in the San Diego County area.
So Jeff said dangerous equipment.
I'm like, could you be more specific?
And he goes, either we do dangerous equipment
or we don't record.
And so-
No, I said, no, Either we do dangerous equipment as is
or we do a different episode topic entirely.
We're doing...
Obviously, we're doing dangerous equipment.
Dangerous equipment.
So, Jeff, why?
Why not?
I think it's funny when people mishandle cats.
The construction equipment manufacturer,
not felines i'm like
there's no way that you brought her well this is actually the first time that we've done her
like that we're doing reviews for something that i actually have no idea what you're gonna bring
no that's why i thought it'd be fun maybe it didn't have to be dangerous equipment what what
i was excited about was that i don't know what you're gonna i have no idea what you're gonna
bring in so jeff when you think dangerous and we can just jump into the reviews.
When you think dangerous equipment, what came to mind for you?
Basically, construction equipment.
Warehouse equipment.
And did you find reviews for these things?
Yeah, that's what I read. i did i did oh i did see i
looked up yep i looked up wrecking ball reviews and i'm yeah it was giving me like reviews of the
miley cyrus song like that's not what i'm looking for i would have worked i would have taken that
i would have taken that because she was dangerous equipment i have something different but that
that's where my mind went to as well so what did you pick i picked a one star review from snf forklift inc i almost went with a forklift yeah
so this is actually right near the old head gum office in the arts district and this is a one star
review from ec do you want to give ec a first and last name electric Cone, one star. I should have read the comment from Ginger.
This company is the absolute worst company I have ever dealt with,
and Paco is the most dishonest person I've ever met.
I feel robbed.
I took my forklift to his shop at his convenience.
I do have space in my yard.
And after a month, he still hadn't put a hand on my forklift.
He came up with a thousand excuses but promised to start working on it soon two weeks later and nothing so finally he
said that he was too busy and didn't have time to work on it but he promised to bring it back to my
yard after a week of me calling asking for my forklift to be delivered to my yard he finally
told me to come and pick up my fucking thing and that he was
not going to fix it or deliver it to my yard i sent a tow truck to pick it up but he refused to
give it over i went to his shop to find a three hour inspection bill plus towing and if i wanted
my forklift back i had to pay in order to order to stop the bleeding, that is what I did. And
finally, I was able to get my forklift back. Disrespectful, dishonest, arrogant, liar, corrupt,
cheater, deceitful, untrustworthy, and unfair, that is Paco. I'm on my phone with my attorney,
putting together a list of all the expenses he cost me, including the rent of another forklift, towing fees, and charges that he fabricated in order to get my forklift back.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am so sorry.
You know, as we are here celebrating the life of Paco, we really couldn't expect someone to...
Sorry, get off the stage.
I'm serious.
I know. You need to get off the stage right now his family is grieving this is not the time or the place and this is exactly the
funeral that he paco deserved did you know that he held my forklift for over a month
my sweet paco died unexpectedly in an accident
my children and I need to grieve
please leave
why are you doing this to us
and you know what I'd be surprised
if Paco even knew how to operate a forklift
maybe that's why he died
is that the accident
was that the accident
are you
Jared R
who's asking Was that the accident? Are you Jared R.?
Who's asking?
We are.
You didn't all ask in unison.
Are you Jared R.?
Yeah, my name is Jared Reckler.
Big gasps.
It was your forklift that killed him.
Well, you know what? He should have given it to me back
then that's why well now i'm starting you know what now i'm starting to understand why i took
he didn't pick up my calls and why i didn't get it back for a while this is when did he die was it
like two days ago or was it two days ago oh so yeah he did have my forklift for a month oh my god
what what enough is enough.
Can you just let him rest in peace?
He starts throwing loose bills at you.
Is this what you want? Rest in peace now?
Is this what you want?
I don't want your money.
He rested for two months.
Two months he rested when he had my forklift.
He didn't touch it.
I called him, and guess what he said to me?
He said, come pick up your fucking thing.
He didn't even know the model number.
Okay, well, you know what?
Sometimes he was a little busy.
I mean, things were tough at home.
Yes, I'm his wife.
Did he even bring money home?
Because I don't understand,
if he wasn't doing any work,
how he made any money.
It feels like he just had a warehouse
that he filled with industrial equipment
and then just kind of sat on it.
We don't have to do this here.
Mom, why is this man still at
dad's funeral what how does he have such a young kid he was like in his 70s so are you i'm sorry
to comment on your age i just like i don't understand the mechanics of that either none
of this adds up i'm i am sorry to be doing this at a eulogy i just didn't know who else to yell at
because he's dead everyone just starts weeping again it's still so fresh and yes fresh for me too you
know i don't know it's fresh this bill that i paid already 3100 for nothing listen did he have a job
a real job no did he have a warehouse filled with equipment that he would just sit on and scam
people out of yes and that we can deal with at another time. Please just let us grieve in peace. Okay.
Get in line. You turn and there's like a list of people with the same bills. You gotta be kidding
me. I thought I was. Yeah. They're all waiting patiently. Guys, should it be class action then?
Shouldn't just be an individual lawsuit. God, I'm so sorry to do this while I'm still on stage
Guys in line you guys want to file
Class action against Paco
Instead of individually because then they can
Grieve we can get
Financial compensation
Does that make sense I feel like that's
The way to make everybody happy
Everybody looks sad over here
I hear you but I feel like
This is kind of my time to shine.
It's like I feel like I'm not really seen by any of my friends or family.
So getting up and doing it eulogy style feels exciting.
Yeah, me too.
It feels exciting.
Well, you guys could still give speeches.
I just like maybe we file class action.
Oh, oh, that's I mean, as long as we can give speeches and file class action like that.
Is that cool with everyone?
Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah yeah that's the lines out the door yeah yeah what no you're not all gonna give speeches about how you all hated my husband this is crazy no this is paco all right
amongst other things he was disrespectful, dishonest,
arrogant, a liar, corrupt,
a cheater, a deceitful,
You wrote that down? No way
you wrote it verbatim. I wrote it verbatim!
That's exactly what I was
gonna say. And you know what? None of this
even makes me happy, because guess what? I had to rent another
forklift. Like, I just wanted my
forklift fist. It doesn't get me off to be here to you know soliloquy on stage great about your
dead husband stop saying that it's you we all know he's dead from the casket a sneeze A sneeze. Whoa, guys, what was that?
You're surprised?
It was nothing.
I sneezed.
I sneezed.
No, you didn't.
I was looking right at you.
We were holding a conversation.
Sorry, it's just in the grieving.
It probably got lost in the grieving.
Pollen comes by and you actually sneeze.
So it doesn't sound similar at all, right?
Unless you have two distinct sneezes.
Now I see what's going on.
This is an insurance fraud scheme, isn't it?
Paco faked his own death.
Everybody, lock the doors.
They're all staying in here.
No, we're not.
The mourners locked the doors.
Paco said so.
Aren't you guys pissed pissed he swindled you
this is crazy now you are gonna keep your mouth shut okay this is how we've always done business
and this is how we're gonna continue to do business from this day forward and yeah these
aren't our kids i'm way too old to be popping them out like this. These are our employees.
They used to work at a children's haircutting salon and now they work for us. An industrial
equipment repair warehouse. That's absolutely illegal. Absolutely legal. Also, how good was
your guys' insurance policy anyways? Was it good? Did you even have one? It was impeccable. So
listen, you're gonna
keep your mouth shut okay and we'll give you your precious little forklift back or else you might
have to go the way of paco paco's alive but no we'll go the way of that you thought paco was like
five minutes ago we're gonna kill we're gonna kill you we're gonna going to kill you if you don't agree to this. I get it. I get it. Fine. Just, I'm still going to sue.
Jack, Jill, get them.
Come on, just like a bunch of little four-year-olds.
What the hell are they going to do?
Transformers style.
They climb on top of each other and make a human forklift.
And start lifting you up.
I'm so high up.
How is this possible?
Do not drop me.
Do not drop me.
I'm afraid of heights.
This is absolutely insane.
It just keeps going, bursts through the roof.
Paco! human forklift to the moon oh my god all right should we uh take a break and thank our bonus
friday sponsor uh yeah yeah i guess you could say we could do that.
Oh my god.
I'm sorry that that's how you talk.
Break time.
Big thank you to
Wipers123 for sponsoring
this week's bonus Jonas
Friday. Just kidding. Frankie Jonas is not on this episode. But Wipers123 for sponsoring this week's bonus Jonas Friday.
Just kidding.
Frankie Jonas is not on this episode.
But is focused on one thing and one thing only.
Selling easy to install premium wiper blades and providing premium service.
Wiper blade installation for your vehicle has never been easier. Thanks to the team at
From heavy duty or RV wiper blades to rear blades or wiper blades for classic cruisers.
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blade that's going to fit your vehicle. Their massive inventory covers 99% of all vehicles on
the road right now, and their easy-to-use online lookup tool will match the exact wiper blades to
your vehicle. is the only place you can purchase the Trico Smart Set wiper blades.
Trico Smart Sets come in three different variations.
Trico Smart Set Monsoon to battle back against areas with heavy rainfall.
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And Trico Smart Set Storm for everything else in between.
Trico Smart Set wiper blades are American-made, all-weather, premium beam blades that feature
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Trico View is a professional-grade rain repellent treatment
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thanks swippers one two three and we're back back right back again again again jeffrey today um
you know i was thinking forklift i was thinking crane i was thinking bulldozer I was thinking forklift. I was thinking crane. I was thinking bulldozer. I was thinking John Deere products.
I was thinking like lawnmowers and the like.
But no.
When I thought of what's really dangerous that I could buy on the Internet, obviously
it's a garbage disposal.
Here we go.
This is a four star review for the Insincurator garbage disposal.
Oh my God.
From Carol Y. Carol Y. Okay. garbage disposal oh my god from carol y carol y okay carol y four stars the title is newbie
installers so to me single mother of four a garbage disposal is a garbage disposal just needs
to work with that being said, I purchased,
watched some YouTube videos,
and Y-O-U is capitalized,
and began to install.
The only difficult part
was holding the disposal
with one hand in place
while trying to secure it
at the top
while using a screwdriver
to rotate.
all caps,
it can be done.
It's just about a 15
to 20 minute pain in the butt. For those that refuse to ask for help, all caps, newbies, it can be done. It's just about a 15 to 20 minute pain in the butt.
For those that refuse to ask for help like myself,
I suggest you get a buddy to do it for you.
It'll save you 15 to 20 minutes of bad words.
Hashtag shout out to plovers.
And the two is a number two.
It just made me think of like if like if like if like a mom like this was an influencer.
She's an influencer.
You're live and I'm the commenters.
Hey, guys, it's Mama Maybel.
I'm back with another week of tips and tricks for tweens and toddlers.
And so this week, yeah, you're you guessed it.
You guys, we're going to be talking about high chair installation.
Who wants to do it? Not me um but you know what i have an incredible review for the high up high chair um seven people on watching the live oh my god you guys are coming in droves hello hello to
everyone out there shout out to all my fellow mommies. Why does this person look so familiar?
Why do I look so familiar?
Why do I look so familiar?
Yeah, wait, wasn't she, she was just on the news.
Her husband died in a horrific car accident.
Okay, all right, we don't need to.
All right, I'm just gonna scroll past those.
So today I'm gonna be talking to you
about the high up high chair for your children.
Now this high chair is for ages one to three.
It was.
Yeah, it was DUI.
Who is it?
10 car pile up on I-71.
OK, guys, if you have any questions specifically about the high chair, we're going to do a
little demo with my Avery.
My Avery is going to get.
OK, sweetie, we're just going to put you up there.
So, you know, I installed this.
I installed this myself in 15 minutes.
And, you know, even for me, even for a mom like me, it wasn't too bad for a newbie like myself.
So if you have any more products that you want, you can just send me, Emily, look at the chat and see if there's any things that you have linked for kids.
It's all counseling websites oh wow um we're so sorry about your loss i can't imagine little avery weight growing up without a
father figure but you're gonna be okay so we don't have to go live, by the way. We're going to test the weight of the high chair table itself.
Oh no, she's going to get in the chair.
Please don't do this.
A lot of high chair tables can only hold a certain amount.
Let's say like maybe 10 to 20 pounds.
But I assure you that the high up high chair can hold even-
The number's grown to 1500 people.
Even a mama like me.
Whoa, welcome to all my new mommy heads out there.
Do not get in the chair.
No, I want to see her get in the chair.
No, that's going to be humiliating.
That's why we all came.
Mascara running down my face.
Okay, Avery, just come up.
We're going to get out of the high chair.
And we'll pass you to your brother, Charlie.
Avery starts crying.
Oh, Charlie, can you just like, I think she might need a diaper change.
Charlie, can you go do that, honey?
Thank you.
You're the man of the house.
Go change that diaper.
Oh, she just said a seven-year-old was the man of the house.
But hopefully she doesn't get in the high chair.
This is insane.
Get in the high chair.
Yeah, we want to.
25,000 people.
High chair, high chair, high chair. Yeah, we want to. 25,000 people. High chair.
High chair.
High chair.
Oh, wow.
Everyone really wants it.
No, no one wants it.
You do not have to do this.
I was going to test by putting a full roast chicken on there.
But you know what?
I guess that this mama still got some limber bones.
I am only 31.
Come to Brazil.
So let's.
You're going to listen to these fuckers?
We've been here.
Us seven people have been here since the beginning.
Do not get in the high chair.
And I'm here.
She humiliated herself.
So as you can tell, this high chair is not breaking. So that's going to be five out of five high fives
for the high chair.
Now, what's so great
is that it's easy in and easy out.
And so if I just...
Are you okay?
Mom, is everything okay in there? Yeah Mom
Is everything okay in there?
Yeah Charlie
I'm fine
300,000 viewers
I'm fine
Let me just
I crawl over to the phone
You just see like
The tops of my eyes
And like the bit of my nose
From under there
Live video ended
That was so sad
five minutes later i post a video it's a sponsored ad and it's me just like fully bruised
i just want to say thank you again to the high up high chair team for sending the best product for
me and my family hashtag shout out to high chairs i. I couldn't have done it without you guys.
And this is a sponsored post.
Kids are the future.
This isn't part of the ad.
I just want to say that.
If everything else seems dark.
The world is theirs.
And we really just have to foster them.
And foster their growth. Even, the person you hope to spend your life with, grow old with,
and rear your children with, it's still possible to make them into the best little people they can
be. Um, thanks. Hi up high chair. This is Mommy Maybell.
Oh, and I see now.
Wow, I have a bunch of new followers.
Welcome, welcome.
Okay, and that's the end of the video.
Shout out high chairs.
Somewhere in there she said shout out to high chairs in general, I guess.
What does that even mean?
Shout out to like two high chairs?
This brand or the high chairs? Or do they mean the brand?
Like high up high chairs.
Come to Brazil.
Portugal loves you.
All right.
Should we do our last segment?
This should be our week one.
I'm all about the mohair card.
I'm all about the mohair bee.
I'm all about the cardigan that I will wear out of mohair gee.
Of mohair G?
It's like mohair comma G.
Okay. Like you're a gangster.
Mohair cardigan.
Got it off grailed.
Did not get a good price on it, but
it was worth it because it fits me
like a damn glove. And I love the color
too. What's that? I said I love
the color. Doesn't matter. That i love the that doesn't matter um
that's great fall is upon us my favorite season no it's not yes it is it's nigh but it's not upon
us when is the first day i'm just gonna do quick google september 21st don't yell at me okay so
it's september 21st uh no it's uh september 22nd for Well, that's the first day of fall, I guess.
Yeah, but summer ends on the 21st.
Nowhere near there.
What shook me is quite similar.
Over four weeks away.
Hadn't done it in a while, but I've started putting cinnamon in my coffee.
And I haven't done it in a couple of months because felt too like not summery to put cinnamon in my
coffee such as my hot coffee but i feel that fall is nigh and can i just say that putting a little
dash of cinnamon from um um the spice house yes in my coffee has i'm like i am living in Stars Hollow. I, it is Halloween year round.
I am wrapped in a cardigan and I, oh, this also ties into, okay.
My second half of why it shook me is I'm taking suggestions for Halloween costumes.
Already thinking about it now.
Oh, also White Lotus season finale.
Would love to talk about it i know
you haven't seen it you haven't watched i've seen the first two episodes excellent so that's really
it amazing if anyone wants to so last year daniel and i were the city of chicago uh we were the
concept of chicago i was roxy hart from the musical chicago and daniel was the city of Chicago. Elizabeth was the moon. So we're really open to anything.
I'm open to a solo costume.
I think couples costumes are very fun if done well.
If you have a trio of costumes that Daniel, Elizabeth, and I could do together.
It's August.
And listen, listen.
Next thing you know, it'll be Halloween.
So if you're not thinking about it now, what are you doing?
I'm throwing a Halloween party on October 29th.
So that's what I'm focused on.
I am worried that I'm going to focus too much on that and then not have a costume.
Or that it won't be able to happen because Delta.
Or that.
I think in two months, I think Delta will have passed, even if it peaked.
I hope so.
Jeff, do you have any ideas for costumes?
Also, it'll be vaccinated only.
I don't as of right now.
I might do the big Lebowski because I finally have long hair.
That's fun.
One day I will do a full Al Pacino costume.
I don't know if it's going to be this year, but it might be.
It's coming for sure.
It'll be huge. It'll be going to be this year but it might be it's coming for sure it'll be huge it'll be
it'll be huge to be al um you can call me al there it is nice thank y'all for listening to this little
bonus friday if you're handling dangerous equipment be careful hashtag shout out to plumbers hashtag
shout out to high chairs um shout out to high chairs uh you can follow riley on instagram at riley and spot on twitter at riley coyote and you can follow Riley on Instagram At Riley and Spot on Twitter at Riley Coyote
And you can follow the show on Instagram at Review Review
And on Reddit r slash Review Review
You can follow Mefri on Instagram at Jeffy James
And on Twitter at JeffBoyRD
We'll see you guys again on Tuesday
With another episode of Review Review
We already recorded it
Chee Chee! Sorry. We already recorded it.
That was a HitGum original.