Review Revue - BONUS FRIDAY: Stocking Stuffers
Episode Date: December 17, 2021In this episode of Review Revue, Geoff and Reilly burn a Rolex, make illusions of grandeur, and get snobby about mac and cheese... all this and more while reading reviews about STOCKING STUFF...ERS.  Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Edited by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Happy holidays from Review Review.
This is a HeadGum Original.
This bonus Friday episode is brought to you by Wipers123.
Wipers3, fuck.
It's hard because it's like the copy, like sometimes I get tripped over it.
It's not hard.
Because it's just, it is just reading words.
It's like the easiest job in the world.
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There No.
Out in the darkness
A fugitive running
Fallen from God
fallen from grace
God be my witness. I never shall yield
Till we come face to face
Till I've caught Jeffrey James Oh my god
He knows his way in the dark
Mine is the way
Of the Lord
Those who follow
The path of the Anspar
Shall have their
And if they fall
As Jeffrey has fell
The flame The sword He hasn't changed any lyrics Yes. And if they fall as Jeffrey has fell,
the flame,
the soul. He hasn't changed any lyrics. Except for our names.
He just made me Lucifer.
In her multitudes.
Riley in her multitudes.
Scarce to be counted.
Thank you.
Filling the darkness.
Thank you.
I am.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha! Watch for the listener To me, Riley is gone And then Jeffrey comes in and he's lame
And in each episode he returns and returns
And is always the same
And if you fall as Jeffrey has fell, you fall in flame.
And so it must be, for so it is written on the doorway to paradise,
that I must come out to L.A. and make him pay for the price.
Holy shit.
Lord, let me find Jeff
that I may see him.
This is insane.
Safe behind bars.
I shall never miss.
To them.
This I swear.
This I swear to Riley.
No way.
You can't epically chastise me and put me
behind bars.
Review, review, he says. That came in from
Nolan Murphy, obviously.
Beloved VI patron. He said, Hey review, he says. That came in from Nolan Murphy, obviously. Of course it fucking did, obviously. Beloved VI patron.
He said, hey, Riley.
Hello, Jeff.
Sorry, it was actually, hey, Riley.
Hello, Jeff.
Hello, Jeff.
So this theme is, I wrote in about two minutes.
I barely changed the lyrics and my microphone is bad.
However, Jeff begged my ass to make a theme song so he didn't look bad again.
I hope the quality of the instrumental makes up for it, though.
Love you, Nolan.
Also, the instrumental was kind of lo-fi as well, right?
We should say.
I can't believe, I mean, first of all, thank you, Nolan.
I can't believe we listened to a full-length cover of Stars from Les Mis.
From Les Mis. From Les Mis.
From Nolan.
Where the only lyrics that had changed.
Save the humble!
Was your name, my name, and the listeners.
And he said I was lame.
Yeah, he said you were lame.
I don't think that's in the original.
I did like, to me, Riley is God.
That felt right.
To me, Riley is God!
That felt good. That felt like it made me, Riley is God. That felt good.
That felt like it made the most sense out of the whole thing.
For me personally.
Well, not really.
Well, for me, I said.
For me, I said.
It all didn't make any sense.
I think it was farcical because I can't deal with any reality where that was like actually how it feels.
I don't think that was farcical.
I don't think that one was farcical.
No, I think it was like a goof. I think he was joking for sure. No, I don't think that one was horseacle no i had i think i think it was like a goof i think he was joking
for sure no i don't think that one was a joke no because you can hear it in his voice in the way
that he he sings it he really felt it i think for sure uh yeah yeah no that one that one makes sense
it's a bonus little friday it's a it's a little gift it's a gift this is a gift oh my you can't say that no way that's how i'm gonna be now right yeah yeah um
hi jeffrey hi riley um friday well today's not friday it's not friday it's friday it's friday day right day so everybody can have a rye on rice on rocks on ice um what it like oh my god
there's no way it's gonna be as poignant as this no hold on projecting it to be
right you have nothing that's why it's taking so long right uh not much we're doing back-to-back
episodes uh we just did the eggnog too
what did you do in the little 10-15 minute break
that we did from
the episode we just recorded and now
what have you been doing? I mostly organized the files
and put them in the drive and then I sang
Nick Dorian songs
great did you get my file?
this is so interesting
it's up there
you had a protein bar
I had a protein bar.
I had a protein bar.
You didn't even ask what flavor.
It was peanut butter.
Equally thrilling to learn.
I had a protein bar.
I drank some water.
And as I was doing that, I'm listening to the new cast album of West Side Story, which is beautiful.
Really, really not crazy, for lack of a better term.
To put it really lightly, really not crazy about Ansel Elgort.
Really not.
But the rest of the album is beautiful. And I don't mean just that in terms of talent. term to put it really lightly really not crazy about ansel elgort really not um yeah but the
rest of the album is beautiful and i don't mean just that in terms of talent i mean yeah just
look it up he's not great um yeah anyway back to lighter notes that was a lighter notes we have fun
yeah jeffrey
i'm just like i i don't know I feel like I'm just gonna
cut all the shit right now
I'm gonna cut all the shit
I'm gonna cut the bit
I'm gonna get right to it
Stocking stuffers
Stocking stuffers
Little gifts and trinkets
Brick-a-brack that you fill in a sack
that looks like a foot
That was really good
And troubles a foot
Brick-a-brack that you fill in a sack
is very good
Let me wax Christmas stocking stuffers for
a spell they're mostly garbage yes they're a waste but they also have the best taste they are
they're some of my favorite parts of the day because they're so pointless and they're literally
trash okay but it's like you do stop how what do you in what order do you do stockings and then presents
christmas eve oh you do stockings on christmas no no uh i'm giving you a play-by-play christmas
eve my mom gets us pajamas every year which for me is not the best because i don't sleep in
pajamas i sleep in underwear or nothing got it uh didn't need to know because i get very hot
got it well no i think i'm glad that you do know it because I never thought to tell you.
No, it's important.
But yeah, so we open pajamas.
We wear them on the night.
I except for me.
And then on Christmas Day, we we do all the Christmas.
We do wear it on the night.
We wear it on the night.
But we don't do we do we do stock.
We open stockings on New Year's Eve.
Usually if we're together for New Year's Eve. Or like the day after Christmas or something.
Just to keep the spirit alive.
The spirit. Our limbs live.
Yeah, what about you?
We do, I mean like
on Christmas Eve we will do
a present each.
And then Christmas
morn we do stocking stuffers.
We do stockings and then we do
presents. But coming from a European family we do stocking stuffers we do stockings and then we do um presents but coming from a
european family we do um christmas crackers on christmas eve and christmas say crackers again
christmas crackers you say crackers in a really satisfying way why what was it it sounds like you
know uh the song fidelity by regina specter shake. And then she says, what does she say?
Always one foot on the ground.
You said crackers like ground.
Wait, I'm saying it normally.
It's just crackers.
How about, yeah, shoving you down an alley.
Hey, come on, man. Come on, man. You want to go? No, I didn't. on man you want to go no i didn't i
don't want to go i just i'm just saying it um i'm just saying i'm just saying crackers i'm just
saying christmas crackers there it is again i know it's nothing it's nothing no one ever actually
says the phrase there it is again and there it is again like we write that into sketches all the
time but no one ever actually says that and there it is again and there it is again what he's talking
and there it is again should we yeah let's dive into it dive in with i'm about to die yeah um oh
really quick my mom um every stocking stuffer every year she always puts in she'll
she'll somehow find it i don't know how but she'll find like little joke mints that's like
give you an irish accent i'm like oh bless nice nice that's funny do you want to start us off
yeah the first review of stocking yeah yeah yeah yeah this is for it's a stocking stuffer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is for,
it's a stocking stuffer.
It's a rock.
It's an engraved rock.
For sure.
And the rocks,
it's a gray rock.
It's an engraved rock.
It has gold lettering.
The best stocking stuffer
in your sock.
Always remember you are my rock
so that's what it says nice
i okay i don't normally do this but there are there are two reviews for this
by different people but it's just they couldn't be more different and they're back to back
okay let's hear so if you don't mind yeah mine's also a little unconventional the first one is from
be berfriend could you give berfriend uh last name berfriend ding
berfriend ding four stars the title is nice rock but very small i didn't care much for the first
part of the message quote unquote the best stocking stuffer in your sock but i like the
second part of the phrase always remember you are my rock so on a whim i bought it for my wife as
she truly has been my rock over the past several years while i've been dealing with three back
surgeries anyway when it arrived i opened the envelope and saw this pebble.
Man, was I disappointed in the size.
The rock is very nicely done, but I was expecting something much larger.
My fault for not looking at the size in photos before pulling the trigger.
I gave it four stars, as it's not the company's fault.
I didn't look at what I was buying for $25.
It's a nice little rock, but if you're buying on a whim,
Resist, as it's not nice little rock but if you're buying on a win $25 resist as it's not worth $25
the second review is from Wilson F Wilson Farthing five stars the title is very shiny rock
sorry so the first one is four stars that was four stars this is five stars okay it's a rock with stuff engraved in it and polished it sits nicely
doesn't antagonize other rocks nor pets and what well does whatever rocks engraved with words do
all day and night very handy for holding lighter things down on flat surfaces so they're using it
as a paperweight that's what it is it's just like reading one of like
my wife's been my rock you know through all of my for all of my uh my medical uh journey
and this other person's just like it's a rock and it does what rocks do so that's why i bought it
because it's a rock that's five stars that should be four the other one should be five no i mean it's like you know
it's it's what what more could i possibly give my rock and somehow it's this little pebble doesn't
seem like it's nearly enough oh my god tiffany you got engaged let me see that rock girl oh my god
oh my god oh my god i can't wait i've been waiting where's the ring i don't see a ring
the the ring oh he gave me see a ring. The ring.
Oh, he gave me a rock.
You know, it's like always, it's like, show me the rock, girl.
Oh, it's too big.
The ring's too, did it not get the right size?
Is he being resized?
No, sorry.
I just want to clarify this before we get going into this.
He did not give me a ring.
He did not give me, but he did give me a rock, but he didn't give me a ring.
So he gave you the diamond, and it's like a special diamond, and it's going to be put
onto a ring and diamond.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We're not like your birthstone.
Is it?
It's birthstone.
No, it's not.
No, it's a rock.
It's a rock.
I pull it out of my bag.
It's not even polished.
Like it looks like you could have just picked it up on the street.
Here it is.
It's been passed down in his family generation to generation he had to ask his grandmother
if she would like let go of it to give it to me because she's very close to dying and so
she said okay and that and that he could use it to propose to me and he did and so here it is
we're in just like a little cafe everybody i got engaged
oh my god luckiest woman in the world yeah so sarah what were you gonna say
no i was gonna say did he say all that to you in terms of like do you want to marry me and like
he had to ask his grandmother or did you just did he have to just give you a lot
and you think we are just really we you know it's like we're the kind of couple who it's like we steal these things on TikTok, Instagram, whatever.
It's just like, it's so traditional.
We're like, we want to break that mold.
We want to break it.
We want to do our own thing.
And we want to share our love and our commitment to each other in a way that's just like, you know, that means something to us.
And so he didn't say, will you marry me?
He didn't get down on his knee.
He didn't, quote unquote, I guess for lack of a better term, propose.
And he didn't say anything about his grandmother.
He didn't give this to me.
He actually, yeah.
So in the traditional sense, like we didn't get engaged, if that's what you're talking about.
No, you didn't get engaged in any's what you're talking about no you didn't
get engaged in any sense it sounds like you he didn't even give it to you was it like just
sitting on his dresser or did you find that on the side of a road all these things can be true at
once right it's like multiple things those two cannot because you can't you found it in one place
and i'm asking where that is well that's the thing so i found it on the road and then i brought it home i put it inside and next thing i know it's not like where our keys
are it was on his desk it was on his desk and so i'm like oh my god and so i came straight from
there to here to tell you well you called me all excited and said i'm engaged yes i'm engaged
no why can't i knew you were going to do this.
I knew you were going to react like this.
No, it's not me being jealous.
You've done it since you were kids.
No, I'm...
All right.
I'm happy for you.
I don't know.
But like, I just don't...
I'm worried for you, really,
is that you seem so excited.
I mean, when did you even last see him?
Today was today.
Today is the third.
Oh, sorry.
Let me just look at my already a bad sign um it's been 17 days is he traveling yeah okay for work okay he didn't say it was for work, but that's what he usually does when he travels is work.
I feel like you're jealous.
I don't know what my responsibility,
I'm not jealous.
This sounds like a horrible situation.
I feel like you're a little bit jealous.
I'm sorry that I'm the younger sister.
I got engaged first.
I know, I know that's fun to ruffle some feathers um i just the the least you
could do is say congratulations is congratulations no but like mean it but like mean it i mean it
but what i'm let me finish congratulations on picking up a rock on the side of the street
is what i'm congratulating hey don't talk about him Hey, don't talk about him like that. Don't talk about him like that. No, no, no, no, no. I think William's great.
I think he is perfect for you.
My fear is, because you do this, you kind of like, to fulfill your own goals, you create
delusions of grandeur.
And I just don't want to see you repeat these patterns over and over again.
I hear you. Like, I hear what you're saying. you repeat these patterns over and over again. I hear you.
Like, I hear what you're saying.
And, like, thank you for the concern.
And, like, I feel like I actually, I don't know if you, I worked through a lot of this stuff a couple years ago.
So it's, like, that's definitely what I did in college.
But now that I'm, like, a couple years out, like, that's not me anymore.
And so I feel like William gets that, which is why we're engaged and which is why we're going to be married when he gets back um well not when he gets back we have to plan and everything but
um so you know maybe the new year you don't think that this is a little reminiscent of jury duty
the time when you were on the uh it was just like a it was like a civil summons hearing where
somebody literally just walked in and paid a fine and you were sitting in the gallery acting like
the jury you sequestered yourself for six months
it was a big case
because you wanted to be
part of the case
of the century
it was the case
I was going to say
it was the biggest case
it was the case of the century
it was somebody
who hadn't paid
a parking ticket
you don't
and it wasn't even
like negligence
it was they didn't know
they had it
and they thought
they'd paid it
it was 25 minutes and you were sequestered for half a year It was they didn't know they had it and they thought they'd paid it.
It was 25 minutes and you're sequestered for half a year.
I've been watching it.
Just bear with me on this.
I have been watching a lot of TikToks, a lot of vlogs.
And if I've learned anything over the course of the past two years me say two years, it's that you gotta romanticize your life, Sarah.
You gotta start romanticizing your life.
Because if you're not the main character of your life, then what are you?
Are you a featured extra?
I don't know.
Are you even featured?
Did you get a line?
Maybe not. But if you don't start romanticizing your life,
what's the point of being on this beautiful blue rock we call home?
So yeah, the person forgot they had a parking ticket.
So yeah, I found a rock on the street and I think William wants to be my husband.
And if you're not thinking that way,
I'm so sorry for you because girl your life must be pretty boring wow um that's what you took from tiktok as a whole um i feel like a lot of those
videos you might be misinterpreting there are a lot of like making fun of people who think they're
the main character you know like it's like oh romance yes there are those like 20 videos set to a song thing and that's yes that's that's all my free pages but
mostly it's people being like oh like cut to me thinking i'm the main character with my coffee and
you know ginsburg poem on like a new york city stoop yes and that's the that's kind of tongue
and cheek is all i feel like you're missing that part of it I feel like you know what
I feel like when it
comes down to it
since we've been kids
to use a metaphor
I think our
for you pages
are just different
I feel like we just
have different
for you pages
I love you though
I hope to see you
at the wedding
I love you too
I really just want
to be happy
I am happy
that's the thing
is like I'm actually thrilled
all the time because if you
can't tell the life I'm living,
yeah, it's a blockbuster
hit. And
for you, I don't know.
It's kind of like a
unlisted YouTube video. I don't know what to say.
That's really hurtful, but I'm glad you're happy and feeling joy uh they get to
the front of the line uh yeah i'll just get a black coffee and then whatever she wants hi um
i'm like holding out my hand as if there's a ring but there's none the other hand has a rock in it
i just got engaged um sorry i'm just still in the really excited phase. I will take a caramel macchiato, but make it a whipped coffee.
It's from TikTok.
The barista is just like, all right.
Have you tried it?
All right.
I know it's a little different, but you just got to start romanticizing your coffee at the end of the day, you know?
Yeah, we can make that for you.
We really interpreted that interaction differently, sis.
They can make it happen.
I guess.
It's not really a main character moment.
They seemed kind of rude, actually.
All right, we should take a quick break
and thank our sponsor for the day.
We'll be back right after this message.
No, I know it sucks, but we gotta do it.
Okay, I'm gonna do it acapella, no beat. is focused on one thing and one thing only,
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What is this by the way?
I don't have water.
I'm like a virtual as you drive. It's from a good view. minute to apply what is this by the way this is bizarre you paid but this is just crazy you paid for i don't know what this is supposed to be
oh my god
and we're back um riley my review actually isn't a review at all. Okay. I'm also going a little bit, um, a little bit, let's say different.
All right.
It's just a product.
Fish assholes and tomato cheese sauce. Yeah. So it's it's uh it's not even the can it's a fake label
gag gift stocking stuffer joke that you can put on your own campbell's thing and it says fish
assholes in tomato and cheese sauce and it's like chef boyardee stuff. And are you happy?
I think it's the funniest product ever.
And are you happy?
I mean, I'm happy in this moment.
But if you're asking at large, absolutely not.
That's what I figured.
I just wanted to make sure.
Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry, so there's no review.
So it's just the thing itself.
There's no review.
It's just the thing itself. There's no review. It's just the thing itself.
All right, Tyler.
I mean, you've already kind of gotten my seal of approval,
but here we go.
Let's see what this gift is.
Hey, Emily.
You chose good.
I know.
All right, let's do this.
Oh my God, I mean, this past week has just been such a dream.
All right, I don't want to ruin the moment.
Let's just open it.
Rip them open.
All right, I'm opening it and what is it would you get him honey would you get him i got him fish assholes and
tomato and cheese sauce isn't that funny um, it's kind of funny.
Oh my God.
Dad, you love it, right?
I, I, I love it.
It's so what is it?
It's, this is like a fish stew or something that I make.
And it's like, I don't understand.
No, it's like, uh, if you take the label off, it's just tomato soup.
But it's sort of like a Christmas gag gift for a dad.
Oh, my God.
He's so funny.
You got him so good.
You got him so good, sweetie.
I love you so much.
You should see your face, Mr. Johnston.
Yeah, I don't feel like my face is doing much.
Thanks, Tyler.
Why don't you open your gift for me oh i can't wait to see
what it is oh i bet i'm gonna laugh so hard something that's so sweet i bet it's so funny
opens it up it's a rolex
well this isn't very funny dad can i talk to you in the kitchen for a second sure cut to the kitchen um so we both know what what's
going on right yeah i think i mean it's fine it's fine i just like and it's not a money thing i
don't care how much you spent on it just doesn't feel very thoughtful wait the fish assholes? Yeah. What did you mean?
I meant the Rolex.
I spent $5,000 on that watch. I know you did, Dad.
It's going to last him a lifetime.
It doesn't mean that.
It's not about the money.
It's not funny.
That's not Tyler's vibe.
It doesn't have to be funny.
We never said funny gifts.
We never said funny gifts.
If you had met Tyler, it's like you know that his whole thing is funny.
I hadn't.
That's the whole thing.
I had never met him.
I thought I gave you warning. That is just like his whole thing is funny. I hadn't. That's the whole thing. I had never met him. I thought I gave you warning.
That is just like, he's like, his whole thing is like, if it doesn't make him laugh, then
it's like, he gets really upset.
Like, his whole thing is funny.
Like, that's not his vibe.
If he goes around with a Rolex, it doesn't, like, are there any gags to it?
Did you add any add-ons of like, of like, you know?
It's one of the finest watches.
Camel nipples or whatever.
Listen, I liked him and I still do i don't get me wrong i
just his whole thing is being funny he can't even be serious on christmas day no dad that's not
tyler tyler is god i mean how do i even describe him tyler is a goofball he's a silly guy isn't he a radiologist yes and he needs to offset
he needs to offset
let me pull you in closer
he needs to offset
that stress
through ha-ha's
through laughter
through guffaw's
so you go in there
and you find a way
to make that Rolex funny
because right now
I can see him getting
really really upset
so you go in there
and you make that Rolex
the funniest thing
he's ever seen
please for me
alright this is crazy
they cut back to the living room.
All right.
You know, Tyler has his arms crossed and he looks angry.
Well, I think you're going to be smiling in a second because that's actually a dummy Rolex.
Oh, my God.
I knew it was going to be funny.
That's so funny. So you got me like it was oh so you faked me out you thought that you spent all this money but actually this was like what
200 bucks um yeah it was like two it was like a it was like 30 dollars oh that's so you know what
and because it is you know what would be funny is if we made like a video of me like smashing it.
Oh my God.
That would be unbelievable.
I don't know if we should do that because it is still a working watch and you could always wear it and think of how funny this is.
No, no.
Because that's not the joke.
The joke would be that people think it's a real Rolex.
Yes. And then we just toss it in the fire.
I love that.
We just toss it in the hearth.
Yeah. Why don't we do that why don't my god yeah let's toss a rolex oyster perpetual in the fire all right here we go all right you filming sweetie
yes i am i am this is so funny tyler i love you so much this is the funniest thing i love you so
much and we do have a very strong relationship where i support you you support me i make you
really happy and i like make sure that you have your career and everything else like we trade off duties it's
like a really strong relationship for someone's daughter to have yes i couldn't yeah it is that
isn't it it's every parent's dream for their child she's looking at the dad it's every parent's dream
for their child it's everything other than this one thing so i have to deal with this yes let's
throw the rolex in the fire. All right. Are you filming?
Are you filming?
Yeah, I'm filming.
Go, go, go.
Whenever you're ready.
Whenever you're ready.
Dad, can I call you dad?
This is so great that you got me a real Rolex.
It's real, right?
Yeah, it's real.
Oh, well, I can't.
Oh, no.
He kind of juggles it and tosses it into the fire.
Oh, no.
Oh, no. No. Oh, no. He kind of juggles it and tosses it into the fire. Oh no. Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no.
The real Rolex.
It was a real fucking Rolex.
That's so funny.
That's so funny, Tyler.
How's work?
Oh, I don't, I don't want to talk about work.
It's hard.
We don't need to talk about work right now. No. You got to stay up. You got to stay positive.
We don't need to talk about work right now.
No, I mean, you're just like, oh my, it's just be serious.
Just be serious.
Because that was real.
That was real.
Stop it.
That was real.
Yes, that was a real.
I spent $5,500 on that.
For some reason, I'm still recording.
Dad, stop it.
If that was real, I'm about to get really angry okay this is a red flag this is all it takes to
set him off what the hell is this this is the weirdest way i've ever seen anyone express anger
i'm so mad right now at the gift dad you don't like what's about to happen.
You're not going to want to see it.
It hasn't already happened?
You're not going to want to see it.
He passes out.
What the fuck was that?
Tyler Oh god
Why are you crying?
Because that was so upsetting dad
He's gonna be out for three days
He does this
No way
He has one big scream
He's in a coma then
He's in a three day coma
Because I got him a nice watch.
Because you told him that you got him a nice watch
and that it was real. Alright.
Then I rescind my blessing. I don't know what else to say.
I'm gonna go upstairs. It's too late dad. I'm sorry.
We're engaged.
And I wasn't gonna
show you. I wasn't gonna tell you tonight.
But we are engaged.
I pull out a rock.
That's nothing.
I'm going to bed early on Christmas.
All right.
Should we do our last segment?
This should be our week one!
This is so small, but I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, and I'm so excited.
Only because it's been months since I've gotten a haircut, and I shouldn't have waited this long.
And the last one you didn't love.
No, the last one I did love. That was the one before. That was a coloring session that I didn't love.
But it's been a while since I got my haircut and it's just like way too long it's very like i i could at least do two inches off right now because it's
dead on the ends a lot of split ends it's so heavy and i'm so excited i'm so i'm getting it done tomorrow at noon 30. And I cannot.
The feeling post haircut is kind of unmatched.
It's like when a dog gets groomed and he walks around with a little bit of a strut.
A little bit of a strut.
I'm so excited.
And Daniel, he and I are doing our roommate Christmas on Monday, which I'm very excited about.
That's really exciting too.
Hell yeah.
I'm gonna
have to go Bonza
mac and cheese, white
cheddar, elbows.
I love mac and cheese.
If I'm going store-bought, it's gonna be
Annie's, but
you can't have Annie's
every night. It's just not good for your body.
You know how much fiber's in that?
You know how much chickpea protein's in that?
Oh my god, and it tastes the same.
It's so Rebel.
Sorry, what's Rebel?
Is you switching off every single night between Annie's and Bonza?
So fucking Rebel.
It's not. So awesome.
I mean, if that's what's Rebel to you, then yeah, it's Rebel. But it's not awesome it's i mean if that's what trouble to you then yeah it's trouble but it's not objectively i mean if that's your reference point sure but it shouldn't be uh
no it's like yeah it's a nice it's a quick and easy one uh and so is the mac and cheese to make
so um huge fan sorry huge fan it's a quick and easy one and so is the mac and cheese to make
so what's the quick and easy one if the mac and cheese to make so what's the quick and easy one if the mac and
cheese yeah if mac and cheese is quick and easy what's the other thing that's a quick and easy
one okay right i was talking about the the one took me all week long oh i see yeah i got it i
got it we can still have fun we we yeah well i don't know anymore. I can. Okay.
You think it's going to be tough for me?
I think it's going to be tough for you because of the bonzo.
It's a bonza bonanza.
You can follow Riley on Instagram at Riley and spa on Twitter at Riley Coyote and the
show on Instagram at review review and on Reddit are slash review review.
You can follow Jeffrey on Instagram at Jeffrey James and Twitter at Jeff Boyard.
Thanks so much
for listening to this
bonus episode
and stay tuned
for our last two episodes
of the year.
Our best of episodes
coming on this Tuesday
and the following Tuesday.
Can't wait.
It's going to be
an absolute blast.
The top eight bits
from the show
from the year.
I'm really excited
to get into those.
And until then,
That was a hit them