Review Revue - BONUS FRIDAY: Used Car Dealerships
Episode Date: April 30, 2021Reilly and Geoff read reviews about Used Car Dealerships and discuss Geoff's old cars, Herbie, and Disney's Carousel of Progress!Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh &&nb...sp;@geoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Riley, are you good at bowling?
Um, I am pretty good at bowling.
Well, not any...
Oh, really?
I thought you were going to say you were bad.
No, well, no, I'm not great,
but it's like once I get in the swing of it, I'm fine.
But you don't need the bumpers?
I don't need the bumpers, no.
Well, then today's sponsor doesn't really help you much
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that is focused on one thing and one thing only,
and that's selling easy-to-install premium bumper...
Oh, sorry, wiper blades.
Yeah, so it's Wipers123.
Wipers123, you're right.
Yeah, and providing-
I know I'm right.
They provide premium service.
You're exactly right, actually.
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It's actually easier than bowling with bumpers,
which is already pretty easy.
Installing the wiper blades?
What's that?
You're talking about installing the wiper blades.
I, yeah, sorry.
I'm just like in this big Lebowski mindset
where I'm like, I shot the f*** up, Donnie.
You know, so I just like, I'm thrown
because you're good at bowling
because I suck at it and I feel inferior.
I'm not, I'd like to rephrase.
I'm not good.
I'm fine.
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if someone's dream is to be like the best bowler like that's that's wonderful but i'm saying you're
allowed to dream bigger than that.
I need something to like hang my hat and reputation on.
No, I know.
Like right now I'm just that guy.
I need to be that bowling guy.
No, you don't.
Yeah, you don't need.
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your free Trico View application. Thanks, Swipers123. That was Max Keebler's big tang.
Big move.
And Ferris Bueller's big move.
Max Keebler's big day.
His day off from school.
We're in the same room.
We're in the same room.
And that's the biggest thing.
This is, I can't even talk.
I haven't done a show.
I haven't even done a podcast staring at another person.
This is so.
A year and a month.
I don't even know what to say.
I can't even focus on anything.
Jeff and I are in my office.
We're at Riley's house.
God damn it.
Los Angeles, California.
We are in the home office.
We're both fully vaxxed.
I cried hugging Jeff.
She did actually cry.
And that's true.
And then he came into the house.
Elizabeth and I were both aghast.
At the same time, we're both like, Jeff, I forgot how fucking tall you are.
That's the last thing I would have expected you to say.
Like, I knew that it was going to be an emotional reunion.
And we were talking.
I'm not a crier by nature but also because of my dry
eye because of my conjunctivitis potentially my sjogren's syndrome potentially yeah yeah um
but we also should say that that theme song came in from greg berg patron greg berg that theme
song was legit really good yeah that theme song like i am I am in limited two.
I am wearing fishnet gloves.
No fucking way.
They're hot pink.
They shouldn't be.
I am dancing in my room to the Freaky Friday soundtrack.
And I am alive.
I'm free.
With the sound of Greg.
Of Greg.
This is so wild.
This is unbelievable.
I feel like the first 15 minutes
are gonna be us being like,
we're in the same room.
I feel like this is a dream
and it's not even hyperbole.
Like, I don't feel like I'm actually here.
I've also never been in this room.
Well, that's true.
That's true.
So it's a new experience.
Yeah, I mean, yeah. I've also never been in this room. Well, that's true. That's true. So it's a new experience. Yeah.
I mean, yeah.
I'm sitting in a chair from Daniel's old apartment.
And it does feel like we're in the new HeadGum studio.
I wonder if we make your house the new HeadGum studio.
I don't think we'll make our house the new HeadGum studio.
Only because it's like, I don't want to turn our house into a business.
I get that.
I mean, Ferris wouldn't have to be.
You could work from home if that's your issue, you don't care that's not the issue i mean like
that would help i guess no like listen no shade to ferris i don't want ferris working from my house
okay i love ferris i don't think he needs to do his job from here i'm gonna be sending the clip
to ferris i'm gonna clip it out and i'm gonna send it to him see how there's nothing there's
nothing i said poorly of him okay i just feel like it's a perfect location because everyone can get here
fine i don't think that's true that's truly it is far from here it is far from here that's true
i think it's pretty out of the way for people that's true that is true um we'll table it we'll
talk about it later for sure though we're here to talk about something much more sensual.
Not really.
We're here to talk about something a little bit more coy.
It's dirty.
A little bit flirty and dirty.
Not in that way.
A little sweet.
A little salty.
A little tangy.
I guess I'll give you
that one but definitely not salty
and then what's the next one
a little coquettish how
how the fuck
is it coquettish are you you've turned
you're turning into fat swaller
a little it'll they'll do some
fan work ain't miss but
driving saving all my cash for used Camry It'll do some fan work. Ain't miss but driving.
Saving all my cash for a used Camry.
We're doing today an episode that Jeff has been pitching.
I've been begging Riley to do this one since last August or whenever we did the Hey Riddle Riddle episode.
We're doing used car dealerships for this bonus Friday.
Jeff, why?
It's because these guys, I mean, they'll pitch you a Beamer and sell you a lemon.
I mean, they really do pull the wool over my eyes at a certain point.
I drove a used Saab 9-3 in high school and i just mimic the way that i'm sitting in this chair which i just realized
is very how would you say articulate the way you're sitting is articulate i had the nine three
and the last time i drove it the hood was smoking and it wasn't even that old of a car it's from
like 2007 or something uh and then in college i drove a jeep cherokee and guess what happened the last
time i drove it it smoked no and now i drove now i drive a news a new car uh which is better but
also i missed my old cars they they're snakes really i think that there's so many stories from
used car dealerships especially the ones that have like the flags.
You ever go to an auto mile?
This might be a specifically non-LA thing.
The flags.
Especially in the Midwest.
I can't speak to anywhere else, but there'll be these auto miles where there's every dealership you can think of, including used dealerships.
And they always have these flags.
Oh, I know what you're talking about.
Yes, yes yes yes um
anyway but this is a we should say this is a bonus friday episode brought to you by wipers
one two three so it has to be correlated so it gets sorry it gets to be correlated it it's a
joy it's allowed to be correlated it's it's by choice if we had it our way every episode would
be correlated every single one and you've always said that. I've always said that.
What's your experience
with used car dealerships?
Have you ever driven a used car
or have you ever
browsed used cars
at a dealership?
I have not browsed used cars
but I remember,
I mean,
it's like,
I think there's such a stereotype
of like the used car sales person
of being like a snake oil salesman
of themselves.
They are.
And I have such a visceral memory. I think in Matilda, the movie, the dad is a used car salesman of themselves and um i have such a visceral memory i think in in matilda the movie
the dad is a used car salesman and i remember it's like also because he's like one of the villains of
matilda other than the trunchbull if you know what i'm talking about all you matilda heads out there
um but um i i just remember a lot of like i think think is it played by Danny DeVito?
Is Danny DeVito the used car salesman?
I think he is, but I might be wrong.
Yes, it's very much played by, okay.
Yeah, Harry Wormworth is.
Anyway, I remember a lot of close-up shots of him shot from underneath to make him look really sinister.
And he would roll back the miles on all of his used cars.
I remember like him sitting in there,
rolling back the miles and Matilda,
like kind of glaring at him.
Like she knew it was wrong,
but she's a kid.
What's she going to do?
I always get Matilda and Annie confused.
And that's the tea. I don't think so. You confused. And that's the tea.
I don't think so.
You don't think that's the talk of the town?
I don't think so.
Very good.
Very good.
They see you walking down the street.
That's the guy who confuses Matilda and Annie.
Oh, him.
Can you put on.
Can you wear a mask, please?
Because you guys are talking so close to me.
You're so close.
But yeah, I didn't.
A lot of the used cars that I bought have been a lot. You're so close to me. You're so close. But yeah, I didn't.
A lot of the used cars that I bought have been a lot.
There's been the two.
They're at normal car dealerships and they have used cars.
So I also don't have a ton of experience with like the classic.
They only sell used cars.
There was one that I went to in Glassville Park, but they were really nice.
So. Well, then what's the point of this app? Right i'm just like i thought it'd be funny like we obviously got the reviews like
there has to be we obviously got the reviews i'm just saying there has to be something funny
there that we can play off of we have to find it we have to find the comedy in it right we have to
we we're here because that's the show that's the show the show is finding the bits that are funny or at least interesting we're recording the episodes
we have to do it now i know we are i'm just saying that i brought the review in i thought
the topic would be funny we don't have to abandon chip like let's do the show for sure i'm not gonna
be in a show i'm just saying that it's like it's a job to me it's like this is purely a job this is
um should we uh get into our first review let's get into our first review i only have
one jeff would you like to because this is you know your baby your app would you like to kick
us off i actually don't appreciate this the your baby stuff like i'm some kind of deadbeat dad
what a joke no i was saying your baby y-o-u apostrophe r-e baby sometimes yeah it's nice
to be taken care of for once in my goddamn life when i hugged jump and started crying i walked
back she was baby for sure and i said i feel like baby um all right so this is five stars
from aaron s of car city in Glendale, California.
Aaron Sorkin.
This is the real Aaron Sorkin or it's a happy coincidence?
This is the real Aaron Sorkin.
This is from actually Aaron Sorkin, which is really funny because he's famously a wordsmith.
Here we go.
Five stars.
Wait, sorry.
Which and where is this?
Car City, Glendale, California.
Sold me a friendly car.
I highly recommend this place.
Five stars.
He bought Herbie.
So he's texting with somebody on Tinder.
So I'll pick you up at eight?
Can't wait.
Eight sounds great.
Wink face. can't wait.
Cut to him picking her up.
Oh my God.
I love your Volkswagen Bug.
So retro.
Herbie, say hi.
Wait, is your car named Herbie?
Hey, how's it going?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I was pretty influenced
by Lindsay Lohan movies.
I threw up.
Yeah, that happens.
Oh my God. Okay, up. Yeah, that happens.
Oh my God.
Okay, this is very funny, Aaron.
All right, one of your actors can come out now.
That was really good.
That got me.
Sorry for the throw.
That really got me.
No, no actors.
I mean, if you wanted to meet some of my friends, we could.
But no, this is, my car's name is Herbie and it talks.
And that's part of the deal.
That's part of the deal?
If we're going to date.
Yeah, you have to know this about me. The thing about me is that I create these emotional attachments to inanimate objects,
so I figured why not animate them?
I mean, I've never seen anything like this before.
Thank you. Sure. yeah i mean i i've never i've never seen anything like this before thank you sure let's let's just well let's just go get a drink and see how things go can i get in you can get oh yeah yeah i mean
with herbie's permission you have to ask um hi hi herbie i'm jane um Jane. Can I open the door and get in the passenger seat?
I mean, that's why we're here.
Herbie's kind of sassy.
Yeah, your car is sassy.
Cut to the restaurant. Herbie's sitting at the table with them.
Aaron, I was... No, never mind. This is nevermind this is nice
Herbie how was your weekend
well you know I was
a lot of driving you around
but other than that it was like pretty chill
like I was
I went to the farmer's market
got some organic
but yeah
thanks so much for inviting me in, guys.
I really, I don't get in much.
You know, some people say that I don't get out much.
Waiter comes by.
Hello, can I?
Oh, Jesus.
How did I fucking miss this?
Yeah, I wrote the social network.
People do this all the time.
Aaron, I had no idea you were coming in tonight.
I thought people prank me. They put in celebrity names on the reservation all the time so nice
to meet you nice to meet you can i get a picture absolutely of course all right um yeah uh we'll
take we'll take maybe a couple waters for the table sorry this is oh yeah sorry i just get a
little star struck uh so water two waters maybe a third points to herbie and what do you have yeah do you have a windshield wiper fluid by any chance you know what we actually just got
a fresh case oh thank you so much for reading this for her you have a fresh case of windshield
wiper oil in the back yeah we have a fresh case this place has everything i love this place
it's amazing.
You sure you don't want
anything else other than water?
They have everything.
They have,
maybe I'll take a,
I'll take a Pinot Noir.
That might be tough.
Ooh, the lady wants a Pinot.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so,
we can get you
some of the windshield wiper oil.
Um, no,
I don't think
I want to drink that,
You sure?
It's really good.
Oh, the car's right.
The car's right.
The windshield-
Yeah, the car.
The car is talking.
The car is in the restaurant.
The car is right.
The car is right.
Sorry, Herbie.
I just, I-
You know what?
No one cares about this?
I've clearly overstayed my welcome.
I'll be in the parking lot.
He like clunkily leaves the restaurant.
Somehow walks.
Crashing into shit everywhere.
Like the car from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
No, Ruby, don't.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize I would hurt the car's feelings.
You know, this always happens.
It's unbelievable.
Everybody in LA is the same.
They only care about one thing.
The money. I'm different. I i care i care about more than money get what are you doing please you're different thanks for the you know actually can i get a photo with you
me yeah just because you seem like a stand-up guy absolutely thanks to selfie thank you stay
sitting that's who you want to be that's's going to get you ahead in this relationship and in this town.
I don't think I need to get ahead in a relationship.
I was just hoping to meet a nice guy and go out for a nice dinner.
I'm sorry if I was off put if I was put off by your talking car, which no one else seems to care about.
Oh, we care.
We're just, we're honored, Mr. Sorkin.
We're honored that you chose our location
to be the place where you debuted your talking car.
Well, you know what?
You guys get it, that it's not about material possessions.
It's about forming bonds,
be it with your significant other or a bug.
The waiter's weeping.
I couldn't agree more.
It's been an honor.
I'll go grab that windshield wiper.
Hey, raise your hand if you think it's weird that I have a car friend.
Nobody raises their hand.
You're in the wrong.
You're in the wrong.
You know what?
I'll even spring for his his windshield wiper some shit whatever he's getting it's a first date i mean i can pay
i go outside waiting for a lift sorry about what happened in there it's all right you take out a
cigarette and start a thing actually no matter if i try. I I've always been curious.
I just never tried it out.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Takes it, holds it up to his exhaust pipe.
What happened?
You did.
I didn't.
You killed him.
They all have to hold Aaron Sorkin back.
Kill you.
Get her out of here.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God. get her out of here I'm sorry oh my god alright we should take a break
and we'll be right back with another review
on a bonus Friday episode
NASA does whatever they do on a bonus Friday episode. Marty.
NASA does whatever they do,
but this is real.
they're focused on one thing and one thing only.
It's not like,
oh, we're going to maybe explore some stars.
Oh, I'm going to go to Mars.
No, they're focused on one thing
and one thing only.
And that is selling easy to install premium wiper blades and providing premium service.
I mean, it's all important.
You don't have to like belittle space agencies.
But it's like they're trying to do too much.
They're trying to do, they're spreading themselves way too thin.
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Your shoulders are near your ears.
I hate rockets,
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Trico Smart Sets come in three different variations, Jeff.
I'm not even kidding.
Trico Smart Set monsoon to battle back against areas with heavy rainfall.
Trico Smart Set tundra for areas with snowy conditions.
You don't have to like check in with me with your eyes.
I'm listening.
And Trico Smart Set storm for everything else in between.
Trico smarts at Wiper Blades are American made.
All weather, premium beam blade
that feature quick click technology
allowing for extreme ease of installation.
You think NASA's easy?
You think they make it easy?
But that's because it's literal rocket science. actually has a
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in less than 30 seconds. Shop now at and they'll hook you up with the free application
of Trico View. Use promo code VIEW at checkout to receive your free Trico View windshield
application. Thanks, Represente3.
Always been curious about cigarettes.
I wonder what the buzz is about.
I wonder what the bug is about.
This, I know you're wondering, baited breath i'm kidding how is that
this is
you guys could have seen riley's face
okay sorry no dude what did i look like you were like well she's sitting on her desk like her
computer is facing the other way.
So she looked directly in my eyes and was like with bated breath and then turns to the computer and cracks herself up when it's just nothing.
You didn't say anything.
It was nothing.
Okay, this is for off-lease only in Miami.
We've got a review and then a response.
Of course.
This is four stars from Alicia S.
Alicia Sees.
Many cars to choose from.
Nobody breathing down your neck.
You get to look around without being hassled.
Now, I'm checking in as a lark with Yelp and a window popped up.
Claim your free t-shirt whether you buy a car from us or not.
Ha, ha ha ha.
Wait, still laughing.
Please show this to any of our employees.
Ha ha ha.
The employees looked at me like I grew a third eye or something.
We don't do that.
Wait, let me show my other co-worker.
We don't know anything about this.
Never heard of it.
For crying out loud, at least remove it if you're not doing this anymore.
Besides all this, wear your comfy shoes, big lot, and lots of walking.
Here's a response from Sharon D., who's the manager.
Dear Alicia, we care about your concerns and are looking into the matter of why information of this promotion,
which was from some time ago, is still showing up.
We're not
seeing anything in our end and have reached out to Yelp to correct the problem. We appreciate you
bringing this matter to art. So then they go through the customer service team. And then the
next paragraph. Our owners, Mark and Eileen Fisher, started this company over 20 years ago with two
cars, their life savings, and a vision to create a different car buying experience. The growth has
been phenomenal with over 250,000 loyal customers now.
The growth has happened for two main reasons,
saving their customers thousands on their dream cars
and genuinely caring about each customer's happiness
before, during, and after the sale.
So irrelevant.
We're proud to offer the most transparent
used car buying experience with no hidden fees
and no stress of haggling price.
We hope to be speaking with you soon and have the opportunity to turn your experience experience
around please ask for ray or nelson when you call respectfully and so i look i'm like i wonder if
that's just like a canned response like if they put like i'm sorry like this information's not
relevant anymore and then they just copy and paste the rest of it that's the only time that she's
like the history of this used car dealership.
Like these two people in a dream.
It's just like, also what a, like that's your out.
It's just like talking about the company history.
Who gives a shit?
That's not relevant at all.
I was embarrassed for showing a waiver for a free shirt.
And I don't care how this got started well you
know you come to us you're not coming to an audi dealership which i have to understand is that we
are a one-stop mom and pop shop my great-grandfather macy weathers came over from ireland
and he settled in the little hamlet upon Avon known as Miami beach.
What happened from there was a family was born, right?
I'm so sorry.
I really, I hate to interrupt, but, um, I actually have to go pick my kid up from school.
I was just hoping to get the free shirt and a consultation for the car.
And that's, I'm sure it's a wonderful story.
I do.
I'm so ready to give you the shirt.
I just, I need you.
So you have the shirt.
We have the shirts for sure.
Oh, the rest of the employees on the floor said that.
It's to get you over here so that you can get the history.
What I need you to know is the gravity behind the shirt.
You turn, suddenly a screen comes down, a slideshow comes on.
And it's like, you know, in Jurassic Park, with the opening sequence where they sit in the little chairs
that move from room to room.
Yeah, it's like a Disney World attraction.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Whoa, the light bar comes down.
What the fuck?
1935, Sharon Crosby and Matthew Weathers were born.
These are my grandparents.
The animatronics are babies being born it's way too graphic
what you would not come to know is that they would love cars at some point next room their
babies crawling on top of cars what the fuck this is exactly what happened sorry Sorry. So your great, great grandparents let their children climb on hoods of cars?
Just take me to the next room.
Cut to 1982.
My grandparents have the best used car dealerships on the A1A.
The car dealerships at Animatronics are snorting coke off of hoods.
His grandfather is like housing cigars.
He's drinking tequila on the job.
Now is the 80s, of course, so it's a crazy time for not only my-
What's that?
This is filthy.
Well, it was Miami.
My grandparents obviously had my parents, and they were the black sheeps.
I don't know if you've ever seen Gilmore Girls, but they were a bit of a lorelie they didn't want it's just a
gilmore girls canamatronics loreline rory is lorelie standing up to her mom for the umpteenth
time all right and so they didn't want anything to do with the business 2000 i was born another insane traffic oh god it's like an emergency c-section
but in sync is playing in the background now i took a liking to cars much like my old man's old
man the first car that i fell in love with was a pontiac aztec let me tell you why you're kissing
a pontiac like on the front of the lights
you're like tonguing. All my friends
had partners in high school. Oh you
meant like you literally fell in love with the
car. But I gave my
body, mind, spirit up to
the Aztec and vice versa.
It gave it to you?
I had the keys, sure.
And the registration which
felt like it's soul in a way.
I'm leaning back.
I have popcorn now.
I'm like fully in.
All right.
Cut to the most important day of all.
November 9th, 2004.
I drove my first car.
The next room.
It's a car crash.
Yeah. Wra wrapped around a tree.
My parents weeping.
Oh my God.
And that was the day that everything changed.
I knew that this is what I had to do.
I had to make sure other people had cars.
You had to make sure other people had cars
because you got in a near fatal car accident?
Because what if I had been educated?
What if I had been walked through
what a car even was before that day?
Sorry, can we go back?
Is there a way to reverse the ride?
There's like, yeah, yeah, one second.
Like moves it back.
It's like when you're kissing the Pontiac.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You said you gave your mind, body, spirit
to the car and vice versa.
That was when I was older.
And then, sorry, can we go back?
In Florida.
And you said you didn't know what a car was? The problem was when I was older. And sorry, can we go back? And you said you didn't know what a car was?
The problem was when we ordered the animatronic spinning room, they got the order wrong.
The 2004 thing should have come before me losing my virginity to a Pontiac.
You didn't tell me that part.
Listen, the thing that you need to understand is that this is a family business.
That's what I'm trying to get at.
As you're doing this one, there is the room of you losing your virginity but we don't talk about it it's just in the background and we keep
going you fucking the exhaust pipe it's actually like really hot we're just sliding past it it's
the longest room of all it's like me in several different positions the car pegging me somehow
and i'm not gonna i'm gonna send you home with this shirt all right and
maybe someday i'll set you home with a car but not without knowing next one's you with a ball gag
swinging with a vw bus and just another human car dealer called car dealer. Wearing
a Carvana shirt.
People tried to franchise with us.
We said, no way, Jose. The guy
had a name tag on Carvana, says Jose.
We knew that if we wanted
to do it, we had to do it ourselves and we had to do it
right. And that's where the shirt
comes in. Finally, we get to a thing
where there's just like a model wearing the shirt the thing stops what size are you oh uh i'm a i'm a small okay
it moves the electronic again uh sorry that's double x so it keeps moving it okay there we are
small takes it off of the mannequin the mannequin instead of being like, it's like very graphic, like chest. Oh, God. There you go.
Do you get why we did this?
And do you want to buy a car?
I'd love to just do a quick recap because a lot happened.
Basically, your family immigrated.
From Ireland.
From Ireland to Miami.
That's true.
They eventually had
your parents correct and they wanted to start a car dealership good so far good so far you grew
up you fell in love agreed you agreed yeah you fucked the car yes you got in a car crash wrapped
around a tree but that was 14 years before that okay that. I'm so sorry. So you got in a car crash, fell in love with a car.
Became one mind, body, soul with the car.
In a way, yeah.
Said no way Jose to a car dealer named Jose from Carvana.
From Carvana, who was trying to franchise us.
Who you did swing with.
We swung.
We did end up basically having a menage a quatre.
And now I have a shirt.
I feel like you skipped a step.
And it comes after the shirt. And that's buying a car. I feel like you skipped a step and it comes after the shirt and that's buying a car.
Let me show you
some of our Pontiac Aztecs.
I fear.
This one's pretty special.
That's exactly why
I don't want to buy it.
I need to go pick up my kid.
Wait, wait, wait.
Just wait.
Maybe reconsider.
Like me to buy the car.
No, I'm not.
Should we do our last segment yeah that's what i'm thinking
a fucking what's the disneyland ride
where like it does take you through the
dawn of time
it's it's the tram yeah yeah tram that
you go
it's like which makes it tomorrow and i
forget it
yeah oh my also that also makes huge
jumps it goes from like Cavemen to like 1950.
This shook me all week long.
Canned wine.
What about it?
What about it?
I like wine in a can.
What shook me is um i know that like jeff has told me multiple times over the past couple weeks that he's like i'm i'm getting back into wine again i'm wine jeff wine jeff's back at it again
with the white wine and the issue might have to be that he's been gone for too long it's been
four years since wine je Jeff inhabited these streets.
That's not true.
What's that?
It was a year ago.
No, that was just me drinking wine.
And that's different than Wine Jeff.
Wine Jeff's an iteration of myself.
Wine Jeff's just when you complain. No, yeah.
And like spring 2017, I couldn't get enough of the vino.
I thought you were like a beer guy.
I also brewed beer that year.
But no, I was like on the weekends, especially Thursday nights.
Forget about it.
I was knee deep in a Pinot.
And that was also just one of the happiest years of my life.
So I think it has to be the wine.
I guess it has to be.
I remember one of the last time.
So the last time you were in our house, you brought an orange wine i brought mine clung
yeah and it was delightful yeah if you if you if you have access to like a natural wine store near
you or you'd like to order online but it's this amazing orange wine from i think germany or belgium
uh and it's it's just great it's it's like it's it's basically white wine made from red grapes
which is what orange wine is and it tastes somewhere between like a white wine and a beer.
And it's just the sweet spot.
But it's not sweet.
It's a little bit tangy.
Yeah, it is.
I guess it's kind of funny.
Here's how much took me.
So I found this game and ordered it off of TikTok.
And if you go to TikTok and the account Craggy Games, C-R-A-G-G-Y-G-A-M-E-S.
That's Crabby and Shaggy.
I forget what it's called.
I think the game is just called Hooked.
It's like a wooden base with what looks like a wooden T on top of it.
And on either end of the T are strings with metal rings on the ends.
And then on the pole in the middle are two hooks and so
basically it's a game where you just try and hook the rings before the other person before the other
person because then it also comes with like um a little ladder and there's like six circles on the
ladder it's like there are so many different ways to play but it's like it comes with the
six rung ladder thing and you can put a shot glass in it and so the game is that it's like
if i get all six if i hook it six times in a row before jeff does and jeff would have to take a
shot and then vice versa so it's a little learning curve yeah but oh my god because like when you get
it it's so good it's such a rush like no other yeah i've never been happier. And that's what's sad.
But thank you, Craggy Games.
Listen, TikTok's got some good shit.
Look, this show is nothing if not a love letter to Craggy Games.
And I don't even just mean this episode.
I have always said that.
And then you can find Jeffrey on Instagram at Jeffrey James and on Twitter at JeffBoyRD. And you can find the show on Instagram at ReviewReview
and on Twitter at ReviewReviewShow
and on Reddit at r slash ReviewReview.
You can find Riley on Instagram
at RileyAnspaw
on Twitter at RileyCoyote.
We did it.
First in-person show back, Riley.
It was unbelievable.
We're going to make dinner now.
We're going to make dinner.
We're going to...
Jeff brought over a wine.
Chosen family wine.
Shout out to Channing Frye.
He'll never hear this.
Anyways, we'll see you guys again next week on Tuesday.
And this again has been a bonus episode brought to you by Wipers123.
So thank you to them.
We'll see you guys after the weekend.
Have a good weekend.
Hope you're getting vaccinated.
Everybody's vaccinated.
Or can be vaccinated as of yesterday.
Yes. So exciting. uh arrivederci that was a hit gum original