Review Revue - Box Hair Dye
Episode Date: August 22, 2023Reilly and Alf are back and shagadelic.  Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh @alfredinnit Twitter: @reilecoyote Join the discord here! Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Re...view Revue via  See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. Twisted.
Pull it. review it review it Review it. Bullet.
Bop it.
That was from Fancy Octopus.
That was a bop it seance theme.
Fancy says, summon the bop it.
Recorded all analog in a cabinet to ensure the spell casts correctly.
What was the spell?
I'm so scared. So that's, yeah.
I'm sure everything's fine.
I'm sure everything's going to be'm sure everything's gonna be fine.
Wouldn't look too much into that.
Do you feel like there's blood coming out of my eyes?
My eyes.
That was, if you haven't heard our Bop It episode,
that was from the Telltale Bop.
Oh, we did a Bop It episode.
Are you for real?
Look, man, it's been a long year.
Are you actually for real you forgot you thought
that someone just sent in oh my god no no no how thick can you fucking get all right all right
oh my god you thought someone just sent in a random look look it's not we've done so
fucking many of these dude i've done so fucking many of these, dude.
I've done so fucking many.
I've only done like 33 or something.
It's hard to remember, okay?
Well, don't speak for everybody.
Oh, are you clutching a little pillow?
It's hard for me to remember.
What's new with you other than your short-term memory loss?
Sorry, what was the question?
What's new with me?
It's summer, but it's the good kind of summer.
Summer in Chicago has been weird, and it's been way too hot.
But the last three days, it's been in the 70s, and fuck, it's been good.
I've just been walking around, biking around, going to the lake, just enjoying the cool breeze.
No climate to get me down here.
What's going on with you?
Oh, speaking of climate, it's so funny that you mentioned the good kind of summer because here in Southern California,
you know, we normally get June gloom.
Didn't happen.
But then we got weirdly cloudy and rainy in July. And at the time of recording,
Saturday, August
19th, the morning of Saturday, August 19th,
Hurricane Hillary,
hashtag I'm with her, is
on its way. Is that what it's called?
It's called Hurricane Hillary?
Yes. And
it is the first time, I believe the first time
ever that Southern California has been put under tropical storm
warning. So it's very cool. And I time, I believe the first time ever that Southern California has been put under tropical storm warning.
So it's very cool.
And I definitely, I had a lot of stress dreams last night about kind of like world ending catastrophes. Kind of the same feeling because it's like a lot of us here.
Podcast ending.
And I know granted that LA is going to be hit way, like not as hard as the desert and Baja, California.
And it's, I'm, I'm just very scared for what that's going to look like.
And also everyone here,
we have no idea how to prep for a fucking hurricane.
So Daniel and I this morning in bed, we're like, do we get water?
Do we, so we're, we're, you know, it's a, it's's a wild time but i had a very scary dream um do you
remember like i think it was like 2013 maybe 2012 i think i don't remember the bop it episode you
think i remember 2013 do you remember like like it was 10 whole years but it was like the mayan
calendar predicts that the world's gonna i'm sorry like that there was do you know what i'm
talking about yes and it was 2012.
They made a whole movie about it.
That's why I corrected myself.
What I'm saying is it was that kind of dream.
But what I'm saying is it was that kind of dream
where it was like we knew that it's like,
oh my God, at this time, everyone's gonna die.
And so it was like, what are we doing with our last moments?
It was very scary.
And in my last moments, unfortunately,
I was playing Mario Kart in my dream.
Hey, she died as she lived.
You know, I used to have a lot of apocalyptic dreams as a kid about nuclear war.
Oh, sure.
Which is interesting, right?
Because I'm not 60, but you might think it, given by that.
Well, yeah, I would say I need a blood test because I don't fully believe it.
Look, I certainly need a blood test because I don't feel so...
Passes out.
You should hear Thud.
I also got my bangs trimmed.
No way!
Holy shit!
No, my God.
First time in like eight weeks
First time in like eight fucking days.
You suck shit.
Speaking of hair, though.
No, that's too straightforward.
That's too one-to-one.
You need to go more, you need to find a way around about, you know what I mean?
Speaking of, speaking of apocalypse, speaking of death, speaking of dying.
How about dying your curtain bangs from a box?
We're talking boxed hair dye today.
And this was, so, okay okay we're doing this new thing
we're doing this new thing um we put sorry i guess this was a really um that was really
underwhelming way of saying like we we put out on instagram you're describing the simplest thing
i know i know you put a poll on instagram and said anyone got any ideas for topics Instagram. It's like you're describing the simplest thing. I know. And it was complicated.
You put a poll on Instagram and said, anyone got any ideas for topics?
Riley and Alfred are too fucking tired and dumb to come up with one of their own.
No, it wasn't that.
It was like, I think it's fun.
So anyway, we got a lot of amazing suggestions.
And we're going to keep doing this because we hear the podcasts and the podcasts want
And we love everyone's ideas. So we got boxed hair dye
as a wonderful suggestion from Instagram user Danielle. I'm not going to give your full handle.
And moving forward, if you guys want us to give your full handles, we certainly can. But just
in case, we're not going to do this one. Should have asked that before. But anyway, so Danielle,
thank you so much for boxed hair dye.
talk to me about it.
you use boxed hair dye.
There's one thing you need hair,
which is kind of tough for me.
I've never used boxed hair dye.
I have the only,
my only foray brief into hair dye was when I was in like third grade.
I got really into,
just hear me out
professor r okay yeah I mean literally picture this it's third grade professor r dyes hair
it's third grade I have a mohawk I'm like I'm like I'm like super gluing you know the fucking
hair gel that's basically just like horse hoof and you're i'm like into
like a pointy fucking mohawk and then i'm taking pictures uh i don't i genuinely don't know if i
do can you ask your parents i don't know if i want to find those and then i mean but let's be clear
about one thing the i wanted the mohawk look so bad but i it was like maybe like two inches off
the top of my...
It's like a baby foal.
It's like a little foal coming out.
I looked like the fucking Shape of Water guy.
It was like a ridge on the back of my skull.
But I was really into those, which I'm sure is going to ultimately be the thing that kills me,
the cancer that I will have received from spraying an ungodly amount of like the like
halloween store like spraying dye so imagine it's like you gel what color would you gel uh dye it
bright fucking red bright red yeah red why and it just looked like it was uneven and shit and just like neon red. I mean, it probably looked, okay, you take that kid and now his face,
sticky with red Gatorade, of course.
Yeah, I was going to say, and you're already like,
your British complexion.
I know.
You have like such a rosy complexion to you.
I know.
I don't wear red very often because it makes me look permanently sunburned.
Which, I mean, I kind of, you know, look, there are many avenues.
Red Gatorade ring, red Rhodesian Ridgeback fucking shape of water.
So, yeah, that was really my one foray.
And not even box dye.
So the one topic that we're talking about.
Can't dye.
Can't dye.
You've dyed your hair, right? I dye my hair. I've never used box dye because that one topic that we're talking about can't die you've dyed your hair right i dye
my hair i've never used box dye because that would make me too nervous so i i did not start
dying my hair let's drill into that um because then it's on me and that feels very scary um
it feels like a lot of pressure and i feel like it's something that i would definitely
end up looking like harry potter or malfoy and i'm looking like alfred with his fucking red mohawk no you wouldn't you'd have to
really fuck it up to look like that um so i do dye my hair but i it's like i only started doing it
like two years ago and i get it done like twice a year because you woke up one morning and your
hair had gone fully white.
Well, yeah.
Well, here's the tea.
Because you got bit by that witch.
Well, I did get bit by the witch.
But there's a lot of other side effects as well.
But we don't have to go into it.
I do have so many gray hairs.
So many gray hairs.
It's because you're wise beyond your years.
It's because I'm a single mom.
I work as a do-job.
29 is like. I i'm 27 29 is 29 old or young
to have gray hair it's like i don't have enough like my hair is already gray like my hair is
transparent i have i started getting gray hairs when i was like 23 because i at first i thought
it was like because we've been friends for a while and the stress is really starting to get to you. But because my maternal grandfather went white very young and my mom,
like she warned me that that would be the case. And so I've just noticed that. And at first I
started plucking it out, but now I'm like, you know, fuck it. And honestly, I don't even dye my
hair because of the gray hairs. I don't mind the gray hairs that much. I just like having a little
bit more like an auburn copper red tint because naturally your hair's darker brown my hair is
like very dark brown but is that what color your hair was when we met was like your natural hair
color yes interesting interesting do you dye your eyebrows too or just your hair i used to tint my
eyebrows just a little bit darker but then cope it happened and then i stopped gave up on that um because i was seeing reviews for people where people were using beard tint like dye dye to like get your beard the
gray or using the box for your eyebrows that's a lot people were using it as eyebrows and i was
like that's so much box dye and this is the thing i'm ignorant when it comes to box dye but i think
why why i can appreciate i would you know i understand that it's like box
dye is a hundred percent the affordable option compared to going to the salon but because i'm
too scared of fucking it up i've definitely assisted several box dyes uh yeah i've definitely
been there you know and held people is that the fear is that it just looks like one color like
if it's like if it's right like that there's no dimensionality to it it's a little bit sims like when you change the sims color to green and their hair is just like it looks like they're
wearing an helmet um and especially when you're going from darker to lighter and like there's
like bleach involved there's so much room for error i also think yeah there's room for like
damage too right because dying your hair is inherently can damage.
And if you're blonde, if you're naturally blonde,
then it's like you have so much more freedom
to like dye whatever the fuck you want.
Do you think I should dye my hair?
I think for Halloween, you should do all red
and look like fucking the demon from Insidious.
I mean, I kind of already look like fucking the demon from insidious i mean i kind of already look like i'm sort of
rocking a darth maul kind of yeah um but yes i've never done it but there have been times
i think probably before like when it was like peak lockdown covid and i was too scared to go to the
um salon or anything like that.
The thought of getting just like an all burn box dye was appealing to me, but I'm just too scared.
I'm a little weenie baby and people who can dye it and have it look good and do a killer job.
I have so much respect for because it's like doing that. It's cheaper. You do it yourself.
You keep up the maintenance yourself. Right? Yeah. You don't have to. I don't have that skill. You don't have to wait and then sit in the chair for fucking four hours and pay a million
You don't have to pay a lot of money.
I mean, similar to the self-tanner, right?
In our self-tanner episode, look at him.
He's remembering an episode we did in the past.
Maybe nature is healing.
We are the virus.
And where it's like, yeah, if you can do it yourself, you're going to save a lot of time
and money.
But it's so easy to fuck it up the thing is i would be more i'd be more keen on trying self
tanner than i would box dyeing my own hair because i feel like it'd be you know with like a natural
self tanner you might look stupid or like look like you have streaky legs if you fuck it up
whatever but if you fuck up your hair it's like that is like damage to your hair and it just takes longer to correct it right a botched self-tanner will like the
the longest that will haunt you is maybe like two weeks yeah if you fuck up dyeing your own hair
that that could haunt you for months on end yeah so i get that um do you want to start us off do
you want to do like a what's the um... Fuck, I can't remember the premise.
You do a...
We read reviews, is that right?
You're so stupid.
What the fuck?
Okay, this one is for Revlon Color Effects Platinum.
So this is platinum blonde hair dye, baby.
And funny enough, this is a five-star review from Riley
M. Ant Spa.
Nope. Last name M.
Ant Spa. No.
Riley M. Okay.
Riley mean to me.
Five stars
from Riley mean to me.
Five stars. The title is
Platinum Hair Dye.
I have not tried it yet, but will tomorrow.
However, I tried it before many years ago, and it worked very well for me. Better and most
definitely cheaper than going to the hairdresser. Would highly recommend for anyone who's trying to
go from dark to light hair. Have not tried it yet, but will tomorrow.
Used it once many years ago.
Especially going from dark to platinum blonde hair. Right, it's not just sort of a lightening.
Which also takes hours and hours to do.
But the confidence,
the sheer confidence of like,
well, I haven't done this in a long time,
but honestly,
I don't even need to try it before I review it.
And that was five stars?
I know it's going to be amazing.
And it was five stars.
And that was five stars.
That was a full-tested...
Five stars.
Have not tried it yet,
but will tomorrow.
That's great.
I love that for them.
Okay. Sarah, as my best friend i felt like you should be the note sorry i'm a little nervous the first to know that uh yeah after a long hiatus your girl is finally getting
out there and dating again oh my god no freaking. And I honestly, like, can I be real with you?
Of course.
I just, like, I think he might be the one.
Oh, well, slow your roll here, Jazz.
So first thing I'm hearing is that you're getting out there and dating again,
and now you're saying you think you've met the one?
I, like, honestly, and, like, I'll even go further.
I know he's the one.
Who the hell is this guy? Let me meet him, huh? Put him up! Okay, well, and like, I'll even go further. I know he's the one. Who the hell is this guy?
Let me meet him, huh?
Put him up.
Well, hold on.
Well, I have to meet him first, but I know he's the one.
So once I meet him, then for sure you can meet him.
But his name is Buster.
And let's hope he doesn't bust my chops too much.
But his name is Buster.
And he is a zookeeper.
So I thought, very cool job. You don't meet a lot of those every day. No, that is a zookeeper. So I thought very cool job.
You don't meet a lot of those every day.
You don't meet a lot of those every day.
I've never met one.
Um, I've never met one either.
I've never met one either.
So I'm very excited to meet him.
Um, he is a Virgo and he, I think has a couple siblings, I think lives nearby.
But honestly, all of that, like, it doesn't matter because I just feel in my bones.
Like, I just know that, like, I'm going to be Mrs. Buster Zookeeper.
His last name is Zookeeper.
I don't know his last name.
Oh, okay.
So you don't know his last name yet.
So, Jess, you know that I love you, right?
And by the way, girl, are you going to finish that mimosa?
Because if not, then I'll have a little bit
no no I have a gut
thing at the moment you can finish it
um you know
you know you've been off the radar for a little bit
we've had you know like book club
it's been a little empty recently
oh well yeah no and I know
but it's like going through a breakups are hard.
Oh, girl.
Breakups are hard.
Don't I know it.
I mean, shit, look at me.
Wait, you've been going through a breakup too?
Yes, the divorce.
Oh my God, Sarah, I'm so, I've been so wrapped up in-
Charlie Love.
God, my own self.
I had no idea. Yes yes ran off with the bowling
teacher oh
Sarah babe oh
my God the big D
big divorce I put I put
it in the I put it in the
slack I put it in the company
slack you didn't see like I
pretty clear that I'm getting it
just again I'm so sorry
I've just been wrapped up my own yeah i
don't want to do this i actually don't want to do this but i'm gonna do it you have this problem
and like i'm so this is a friend call out okay this is a call in that i'm doing right now okay
i call me and you have this problem and it's happened before and it's i think it's happening
again where you get tunnel vision okay where you meet a guy
you just have to be honest and you knew that i was gonna say that i knew you're gonna say okay
so what's your prepared defense if you knew i was gonna say that jazz i listen i know you're not
gonna believe me but this time it's different and i know i say that every time how can this time be
different just you say that with every guy it's gonna be different but this one is um because with other guys i've just seen it as like oh he's the one for six months he's the
one for the night uh but no but i honestly think that that buster is the one okay quick fire quick
fire girl quick fire quick fire i've got some rapid fire questions for you okay so you're on
board so you so you're like you're fully in don't know what gave you that impression okay it's just your tone seemed a little happy nope it's more aggressive that's
the difference okay um i'm not good with reading how did you meet bumble when'd you meet um what
time is it now for i would say like noon okay we matched at noon yeah well. So I've tried on him. So I'm still waiting to get that.
Sorry, he hasn't.
He will.
Well, he just probably doesn't see.
Often within four hours, it's like they've seen you on the app.
They've already, you know your answer.
Well, no, because actually Bumble has like, I don't know if you've ever been on Bumble because you were married for a while.
But hey, now that, you know, might get you back on.
I don't think that's true.
They actually have like a 24 hour thing.
So it's like if they don't match you in a certain amount of time or maybe that's just like talking it doesn't
matter it hasn't been that long okay um you know what girl i wish you the best of luck um
i have to go to a to a hearing for the divorce right now wait this is moving fast the divorce divorce yeah i mean he said he wants you know
he said he said that he wants her to be his new me um he said those words and who am i to say how
did she react to that she collapsed also how did you know that were you there yes Yes, I was right there And she was there when he told me
Cut to that
Hey, sweetie
Babe, what's wrong?
Sarah, there's really no easy way to say this
What's the issue?
Or do this
What's up, Chuck? We had a. What's the issue? Or do this.
What's up, Chuck? We had a good run.
Right, Charlie?
We had a good run.
We had a good run.
We really did.
And you're a great woman.
A great wife.
A good run.
Is that why you're so sweaty?
Because you went for a run?
There's someone I want you to meet.
Hey, Trixie, come on out.
Oh, that's the bowling teacher.
That's your bowling instructor.
That's my bowling instructor.
Hey, Trixie. Good to see you, girl.
Love those boots.
Trixie doesn't
feel comfortable engaging in conversation
in this specific conversation
right now. I beg in your pardon?
But what I want to say, because
you are
the two ladies who i love most in this entire world and so this pains me to say this but sarah
we really did have a good run i cannot stress that enough um but trixie i Trixie. Trixie's just standing blank face.
Trixie, I want you to be the new Sarah.
No, come on.
You don't have to give me a round of applause.
No, no.
I mean, shit.
I'm clapping too.
I'm clapping too.
You know what?
That's what I always laughed about you is you stood up for what you wanted and who am i to stand in the way of your happiness um you are going to be served with divorce papers probably the next couple hours and i'd love to see you if we could all
go to the hearing together the three of us i think that could be kind of special i um i biked here
can i throw can i throw the bike in the back of your car?
If you want a carpool.
I look at Trixie.
Trixie just stares back. I'll just bike.
I'll just bike.
I'll just bike.
That's fine.
Come back to the brunch.
Come back.
So yeah, that's basically the rundown.
What happened?
It's like a really mutual, kind of like an amicable three-way divorce.
It's like totally normal.
Yeah, no, it sounds like it.
It sounds like a totally normal three-way divorce.
But enough about me.
Sounds like your shit's kind of whack right like this guy you just met like four hours ago and
you're already convinced he's the one like that's kind of messed up right i mean i don't know i feel
like you're being kind of judgy to be honest oh sorry it's just like that's interesting you know
you know it's like i'm just kind of looking out for my friend.
But I guess if I'm being judgy.
No, you are looking out for me.
It's just there's a difference.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
There's a difference.
Left alone.
Door opens.
Hey, yeah.
So I'm going to be meeting some friends here in a little bit it's gonna be
like there's gonna be like five of us do you guys have a table i know we should have i know we should
have i'm sorry um do we know each other?
You could say we do
Do you work at the zoo as well?
Or is it a
Do I work at the zoo?
You're so funny
I knew I'd love that about you
Why don't you take a seat?
It's obvious that you've been wanting to
And that's why you came here
No, I'm actually meeting some friends That's very kind of you remind me your name again i'm
sorry you're so silly i love this little game uh my name is jess what's your name it's buster i know
it's buster yeah um buster this is moving really quickly um what i will say I love that you came here to surprise me
I mean it's like after all this time it's like
this is what I deserve
this is what I want this is what I've manifested
for myself and you're
such a Virgo such a Virgo thing to do
and so it's like how do you know that I'm a
how did you know that I would be at this
brunch spot like we just know things
about each other.
And so that's what I really draws me to you.
And so Buster,
I'm just going to catch the chase.
I do.
I'll say I'll,
I'll commit to you every day of my life.
I do.
I do.
I do.
I'm sorry.
You're making me extremely uncomfortable.
I don't,
um, are you here with somebody?
Is there somebody here with you?
Well, my friend was here, but then I told her about it, so she left.
Does she know what's going on?
She does.
She doesn't necessarily approve, but she knows.
But she's with you, and she's aware of your situation.
Well, the situation would be, I mean, like, no, I'm not pregnant, so there's no situation. Well, the situation would be,
I mean, like, no, I'm not pregnant,
so there's no situation.
No, I'm glad to hear that.
Do you want,
is your friend over in the restroom?
She left.
I mean, honestly, she could be in the restroom,
but she just, she left.
Okay, excuse me.
Hey, excuse me, miss.
Yeah, would you mind, I'm sorry,
I think my friend here,
I think there's someone in the restroom who's with her. Would you be able to go check in the
women's room? What's your friend's name? I'm sorry. Why does it matter? Because I want to
see if she's still here in the restroom so she can come out and maybe help. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Oh my God. You're trick seeing me. Sorry. I. Sorry, I don't know who that is.
This is a classic Chuck and Trixie three-way divorce.
Are you fucking kidding me, actually?
Chuck and Trixie.
You little fuck.
Whoa, what?
Are you for real?
After everything?
I'm sorry.
Okay, fine.
I'll play into your little game.
Oh, Buster, it's me jess from bumble from bumble
we swiped on each other you probably haven't seen me yet but okay i haven't opened the app in like
a couple weeks to be honest i've there's been this girl like things have been going well so
i haven't really opened the app is that where where you know me from? I thought you worked at the zoo.
I thought...
There's another girl.
So this is like double, triple divorce.
I don't think you understand what divorce is.
I honestly thought I could trust you.
I don't know why.
Before I go,
can I ask you something?
Nothing I've wanted has stopped you from doing anything thus far, so shoot.
Was any of it good?
Was any of what good?
This interaction?
You can't be all bad memories, right memories you said that at one point early on before i
realized kind of how um you were doing i uh you called me funny and i liked that that was nice
it was nice to be kind of called funny that's not a word people often use for me so
um that was nice that was a nice memory of this
interaction everything else has been pretty upsetting uh bordering on frightening so okay
it's kind of that um well buster yeah i really it makes me so uncomfortable to hear you say my name
actually before i go can i ask you one last thing? I, yeah, okay.
What's your last name?
I really don't feel like I should tell you that.
You are-
After everything we've been through?
Yeah, it's just you managed to kind of, like, figure out where I was going to go to brunch,
and engineer being there, and you know my name, and, like, I just, you're, the level
of stalking that you've been able to do with
really limited information makes me feel like i shouldn't be giving you more personal details
about myself door the door dings again tricksy comes in and stands right next to buster oh
puts her hand on his butt hey uh hey babe um just just um can you just want to go um i think they
have a table for us in the back i think you might just want to go, um, I think they have a table for us in the back. I think you might just want to, can you go hold the table?
I just have to deal with something.
Trixie just stands there, unmoving.
Trixie, seriously, just go wait at the table.
It's not.
You're fucking joking.
What are you talking about?
I leave.
Trixie's just standing there, hand grasping your ass.
Babe, stop. We're in public.
Stop that.
Oh, fuck.
It's so hard.
I'm so hard.
Gonna pop these in
like a bowling ball. Hell yeah.
Got a 7-10 split going.
Let's get out of here. Fuck this brunch.
Gonna pop these
digits in you like I'm ready
for a strike. Hell yeah.
Let's fucking. Let's play
without the rail guards on, you know what I mean?
Pop those digits.
Pop those digits
in there.
The word digit is so
Digit is so upsetting.
Wait, we didn't set an intention for this episode yet.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
I think this is going to be...
Just from that reaction alone, I think it's going to be the most surprising.
Oh, my God.
Is that crazy to say?
Oh, my God.
Yeah, it's the most surprising episode ever.
I think this might be the most...
Oh, my God, I think I have to do a review.
Oh, my God, I'm going to pop those digits in there?
It's like, this is either the most surprising
or just the most forgetful.
Like, I'm surprised because I keep forgetting keys.
Yeah, that's good.
I think we should,
should we take a little titty-pitty-itty-pitty?
What the fuck is that?
Alf, just show me a photo of what looks like a cadaver.
We're taking a break.
This is a picture that a man,
the review itself is not funny, but a man posted this picture
with his review for Hairdye.
That is so upsetting.
That is so upsetting.
With his review.
We're taking a break.
We're taking a break.
And we're back.
And Alf, I'm going to need you to put your phone down
because these photos of these men are genuinely so upsetting.
The cop a goal.
Please put them down.
I cannot stress enough how the photo that Alf just showed.
I can't look at the screen.
The photo Alf just showed me looked like a corpse.
Stop it.
It looks like a body on ice and i'm not talking disney posted this review and said gentlemen i meant disney on ice not disney like cryogenically
frozen i meant disney on ice sorry gentlemen buy this product and then it's just that picture
um but that's not the review we're gonna do read a review what's the review for this is a review morgue for the mole the tv show that you liked listen listen i'd be
happy to talk mole um you do a lot of that okay this is for this is for just for men easy comb in men's hair dye easy no mix application with comb applicator real black
as easy black hair dye is always tough because that it's like if it's just pure jet black with
no hint of any other color then it's like mama that's a cartoon and we've got that is a cartoon
yes and and what we're gonna learn from this review is that sometimes
cartoons can be fit um this is from ff gonna need two names ff
flagrant floozy fitting flagrant floozy. Fra- fitting.
Flagrant floozy says,
five stars.
He's graying.
That's the whole review.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
He's graying.
My heartthrob,
likes to color his hair when I'm not around. If it wasn't for our shared Amazon account,
I wouldn't even know his dirty little secret.
LOL. Heart emoji.
Great kit.
Looks natural and can take a good
10 years off. Shagadelic.
It's a rich text.
It's a rich text. There was a character you made a while ago that like felt very shagadelic like you know what i'm talking about it was the weird like twin of somebody it was like
was it the one with ed where we did no well that too but one of them was a real oh god yes it was
the realtor who was like playing two different characters but pretending she wasn't.
And one of them was, like, just kept saying, groovy baby.
Maybe she'll make a reappearance in this scene
because I could only do two voices.
My heartthrob hubby likes to color his hair when I'm not around.
If it wasn't for our shared amazon account i
wouldn't even know about his dirty little secret lol took a good 10 years off shagadallic
it's also it's like i love how in her mind she has this narrative of like
like oh it's his dirty little secret but for him he's probably like
oh I hope my wife doesn't find
out it's like this is something that's really
what an awful thing to have to hide
from your spouse
yeah yeah yeah
but something that she thinks
is like so it's like your dirty
little disgusting little secret
you have a naughty little secret that you dye your hair
like John Travolta in
You have jet black
wet hair 24-7.
Your dirty little
Shagadelic. Shagadelic
baby. A husband
putting in hair dye.
Just like in the bathroom.
Okay. And step five. I like in the bathroom. Okay.
And step five.
I always forget that step.
Step four.
You in there, babe?
Just a minute.
Just a minute, my turtle dove.
I'm just taking a shit.
Why did you say that, Alan?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Doesn't smell like an alan poopy in there
samantha please i just i need i need a little bit of time uh okay and i've stopped before
probably a present for me in there what i'm just saying there's probably a little surprise for me in there not your shit
just because you're not like because you're obviously not taking a shit like i can you're
obviously not taking a shit and so you don't know that so you're like yeah i kind of do like the
acoustics like you're right by the door just just get get away from the door okay i need
to piss i need to fucking piss alan can you just yeah no i'll piss in the sink again i'll go piss
in the kitchen sink again you don't have to piss in the sink no i'll piss in the kitchen sink like
normal and i'll use the garbage disposal after to make sure i get all my piss down the drain
that's disgusting no i don't want the one who suggested it i never said anything also i didn't
know that you said like normal.
You've done that before?
Yes, because you stay in the bathroom conducting your secret little meetings, whatever the fuck you do in there.
No, I don't want this to be a fight.
I'm going to take a step back.
It doesn't need to be.
I didn't think.
First of all, I didn't think we were fighting.
This isn't that deep for me.
I didn't realize.
Okay. No, it's fine. I'm going to go piss in the sink and then I'm going to get on with my fucking day. isn't that deep for me. I didn't realize. Samantha! Okay. No, it's fine.
I'm gonna go piss in the sink and then I'm gonna get on with my
fucking day. Don't piss in the sink.
Samantha, I'm gonna open the door.
I'm gonna open the door.
I'm gonna...
You want me to piss on a fire hydrant
and walk around my tail between my legs
going arf, arf, arf, I'm a little rover, don't you?
I know.
I want you to use a toilet. Okay. But what's gonna happen is that I'm gonna little rover don't you I know I want you to use a toilet
but what's gonna happen
is that I'm gonna open the door
and then I need you to close your eyes
for five seconds then go into the bathroom
and close the door
behind you don't look at me
okay if it means I don't have to
fucking grovel around like a monkey in the zoo
throwing my shit around outside
then yeah I'll wait I never asked you to do any of those things i just need to give me a couple seconds okay
so you promise that when i open the door your eyes are going to be shut you're alan it is a
clear instruction i'm not a fucking child i can follow well i never gave you any instruction to
go piss in on a hydrant like a dog and call yourself rover arf arf so i don't know if it's
that clear to you samantha i never told you to piss in the sink and then use the garbage
disposal to make sure i'm gonna close my eyes right now and if you're not out of this bathroom
i'm gonna go get a penny and i'm gonna unlock this door a penny yeah it's one of the you know
like you use the penny to unlock the door i've never heard of that before. I've heard of like a paperclip
and you're kind of like
No, it's not a pokey one.
It's a turn...
Babe, we've lived in this house
for four years
and you've never locked yourself
out of a room before?
I've never locked myself
out of a room anywhere.
Oh, congrats.
Alan's great at fucking remembering
where he put his everything.
Oh, fuck's sake.
It's not remembering
where he put anything. It's just
knowing how to open a lock. But you don't sometimes, like,
you're in the bathroom, and you're, like, you know,
doing your stuff, and then you
come out, like, maybe you're coming out of the shower,
and you close the door behind you,
and you realize that it was actually locked
when you closed it, and now you've locked yourself
out of the bathroom. I can
say with confidence,
Samantha, that I have never done
that day in my life.
Well, whoop-de-fucking-do.
I'm not saying
it's bad that you have.
My eyes are closed, by the way.
Okay, I'm opening the door.
Get in, get in.
I'm just kind of shuffling
by you in the hall.
Get in.
Get in.
What hurt you?
I don't know.
Something was sharp
in your hand, I think.
It's not.
It's not even sharp.
It's like a comb or something?
Get in the door.
Get in there.
Get in the door?
Oh, that's a clear instruction, Alan.
Oh my God.
You're being a child, Samantha.
Get in the bathroom.
And I'm not going to lock it because I'm so dumb I might forget about it, apparently.
Oh my God.
Samantha, you're being a child.
Excuse me.
Father may I?
Mother may I? Mother may i open my that you know
i hate that whole thing of daddy may i call him men daddy because you know what i open my eyes
now that i'm in the bathroom can i say i hate when women do that don't call me daddy i'm not
your father here we go again oh i'm so glad i married Joe Rogan. Fucking Christ, Alan.
Don't call me daddy.
Like, I'm literally, if you have any issues with your father, bring it up with them.
It's a figure of speech, anyway.
I don't call you mommy.
I've never had any desire to call you mom.
I'm aware of that, okay?
But you certainly treat me like your mother the way I pick up after you.
I don't... Samantha, you can open your eyes.
I can tell by the tone of your voice that your eyes are still closed in the bathroom. Oh, I can? you can open your eyes. I can tell by the tone of your voice
that your eyes are still closed in the bathroom.
Oh, I can? I can open my eyes?
I said that to you.
You said clear instructions.
When I said in the beginning,
I said just go into the bathroom
and then when the door's closed,
you can open your eyes.
That's what I said.
What the fuck is all this shit?
Oh, fuck.
There's like black shit all over.
What is this?
There's like ink everywhere.
What were you doing in here?
He thought he was being so like clever.
It's just like on the walls.
Even it's on the mirror.
It's everywhere.
What the hell were you doing in here?
You what?
Now I'm supposed to clean it up.
Now that I'm, you've locked me in here.
That's the fucking.
I didn't lock you in.
And you also, you locked the door from the inside.
Well, okay.
What is it?
Were you making squid ink pasta in here?
What the fuck?
I told you I was pooping.
Can I please open the door and look at my husband?
Okay, but I know we've had a lot of crosswords with each other this early evening but can you promise not to laugh
or make fun of me
because you love doing that
whenever I do anything wrong
you're always like Alan you dumb piece of shit
I've never
Alan you stupid fuck
Alan you're
if you had half a brain you'd have half a brain
you dumb bitch
if you had half a brain I don'd have half a brain, you dumb bitch. If you had half a brain, I mean, Alan, Christ.
I don't like when you say that to me.
Okay, I promise I will not make fun of you.
You promise you'll still love me.
You're being goofy.
Yes, of course I'll still love you.
You promise you won't judge me?
You're my owl pal.
How could I ever?
Open the door. Come on, bud ever open the door come on bud open the door i do the hair dye it's like it's slick it looks like the fawns john travolta just like
absolutely slick black hair and the dye is like down to like the forehead, like not cleaned up at all.
Accidental sideburns.
Eyebrows dyed as well.
Beard dyed.
Holy shit.
I knew it was a bad idea to show you.
The grays have been coming in more and more.
And it just doing this makes me feel young.
I'm not ready to give over to the salt and pepper yet.
I know that might make me immature, but I'm just not ready, Sam.
Grabs his ass.
You shut your pretty little mouth.
Are you gonna
stick those digits in there
like you're getting ready for a strike?
I'm gonna slide you down this floor like a
freshly waxed aisle. Come on.
Pushes him
down the stairs. Holds onto his ass. Pushes him down the stairs.
Kills him.
Holds onto his ass.
Pushes him down the stairs.
Goes flying.
They both go tumbling down
in a horny aisle.
Do we have time for one more?
I think we do.
Do you have any that you're obsessed with?
Do you have any?
I have ones that I like, but I wanted to know if you want to go again. If you have one that you're like, do you have any i have ones that i like but it's like i wanted to
know if if you want to go again if you have one that you're like oh i have to do this one i have
to do this no i mean i have one that i'm like oh i this one's pretty fun but it's not like okay
let's do it are you sure yeah okay if you're sure the one that i have is just one line and i'll just
read it just for fun but it's just it five stars. Other reviews just looks great on me.
Sub-tweeting all the negative reviews.
Looks great on me.
Oh, sorry you're an uggo.
Looks great on me.
Ugly, yeah.
Oh, shame you're ugly. This is five stars from Jackie, no last name.
What is this?
Is it for the same?
No, so this is for L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference Fade Defying Shine Permanent Hair Color Lightest Auburn.
Okay, sounds like what I asked for at the salon.
Listen, if I could get that color out of a box, game changer.
It looks like Jessica Chastain hair.
You'll be shocked to learn you cannot.
I mean, I'm not shocked.
Okay, I see.
You don't have to put her eye up to the screen.
Okay, sorry, what's the name?
The name is Jackie Nolus' name.
Jackie Nolus' name?
Nolus' name.
Jackie Onassis.
Jackie Onassis Kennedy.
Nope, just Onassis.
Brave, powerful. I'm with her. Five Kennedy. Nope, just Onassis. Brave, powerful.
I'm with her.
Five stars.
Shampoo hair color by L'Oreal.
I should have bought stock in L'Oreal,
and I'd be a millionaire.
I've been using this shade of the same product
for 46 years,
and I still love the shampoo.
I should have bought stock.
I'd be a millionaire.
I've been using the same shade for 46 years.
Which, to be clear,
means that she's been using the same
hair color since
See, like an
older woman, just like, kitchen
table head in her hands.
Just smoking a cigarette.
Knock, knock.
Uh, come in.
What the hell's going on?
What's going on, Arthur,
is potentially the end of my life as I know it.
That's what the hell's going on.
Jesus Christ, Susie.
This place has gone to hell since I last was here.
What's going on with you, huh?
Oh, God.
Arthur, you know you're my favorite brother.
My only brother and my least favorite brother.
Fuck. But, um... Arthur... Arthur, you know, you're my favorite brother My only brother and my least favorite brother Fuck
But, um
If I can tell anyone this, it's certainly you
I don't know how I'm gonna
I am wearing like a full towel turban over my head
I don't know how I'm going to explain this to
Mark and the kids
Where are Mark and the kids,
by the way? It's kind of...
Seems kind of like no one's...
But you've been here in a while.
They're on a work trip.
Mark took the kids with him.
He had to go to Arizona, and so they went to go see
the Grand Canyon. Not very grand,
if you ask me. Okay, we'll get
to that.
You're smoking.
I don't...
I don't think you've... Well, you have to take it
up when you're going through what I'm
going through. Have something to take the edge off.
They're herbal. You see the fact it's a herbal
cigarette. It's no nicotine.
Yeah, yeah.
I guess you do have to take
it up.
Listen, Arthur, it seems like you're not understanding what's going on.
I'm sorry.
We got to first address why you said the Grand Canyon wasn't that grand.
I've seen bigger.
Such as?
All over.
You haven't seen them?
You think the Grand Canyon's the biggest canyon around?
You know what I'll say definitively, Susie?
I've never seen a canyon.
Arthur, you need to get out more.
I know.
I've never left Ohio.
There's no canyons here.
I've seen a quarry.
Quarries kind of like a canyon.
In a way.
I mean, it's a big fucking hole in the ground.
I mean, what the fuck?
Arthur, we're getting off topic.
My life as I know it is coming to an end,
and you're here talking about quarries?
Everyone's life is coming to an end, huh?
Oh, God, not you with that nihilism again.
I'm serious, Susie.
Life's too short.
I'm sure whatever petty argument you got into
It's not an argument.
It hasn't happened yet and I'm sure
when it does it will be anything but petty.
Why don't you have more
faith in your husband? You know what I mean?
You're so convinced you know how he's going to respond.
Well I do. I know how these young
men respond. When I married younger
I thought it would just be all fun and fancy
Tell me about it. Now that I've gotten myself into this little pickle, it doesn't seem like it's going to be fun and fancy free for little old me.
I know. I thought the same thing when I married younger, but, you know, there's a certain...
Je ne sais quoi I was going to say joie de vivre that younger people have
it makes you kind of reflect
on your own life, your own younger years
and it's intoxicating at first
but there does come a time when you crave
that deeper connection
that comes with
so you do understand, Arthur
that's exactly what I've been craving
I've been craving that fun
and that intimacy and it does make me feel younger.
But, Arthur, God, I guess I can't tell you.
I just might as well show you.
I take the towel.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I don't need to shock you.
Oh, my.
No, it's my hair.
Oh, sorry.
The way you moved the towel, I was very frightened.
That doesn't make any sense. I'm fully clothed. The only place the towel was wrapped was very frightened. That doesn't make any sense.
I'm fully clothed.
The only place the towel was wrapped on my head.
But the towel is so big that it was sort of cascading down over your body.
Arthur, you couldn't be more stupid if you were paid to.
That's probably true.
Arthur, look at my hair.
Right, right.
Do you not see anything different about me?
It wasn't normally that color, I don't think. It wasn't normally this color, no.
I've been dying at the same light auburn from L'Oreal Paris for 46 years.
And so when I met Timothy, he thought that I was just a spry 42.
He doesn't know that I'm 68 years old.
And so now that this hair color's been discontinued,
I don't know what to do.
And they come back in an hour, and I'm sitting here looking like this.
Look, Susie.
You know, I know I'm just your idiot little brother, you know.
But I'm 65.
I've seen a thing or two or three.
And if there's one thing I know, it's that when you marry older, because let's be clear, I've also married older.
You know that they're going to age, that they're going to go gray first, you know, that they're going to slow down sooner than you.
I hear what you're saying, but they don't know how old I am.
That is the problem.
Oh, well, hang on a minute.
Now I think I did misunderstand.
You did misunderstand.
How old does he think you are?
He thinks I'm 42.
I just told you.
How about you listen sometime?
I'm sorry.
I was startled by that.
And how old were you when he met you?
When we met.
When we met.
And I had kids.
Because you're 68 now, so you must, these kids must be, I mean, fuck, I'm a bad uncle for not knowing their ages.
But they must be, what, like 20 at the
youngest? Almost.
I had, well,
Timothy and I met, he thought
I was 42. Okay.
I'm actually 68. Okay.
When we met,
I was, what my actual age
was? Yes, your actual age
when you actually met him. Was
let me get on a notepad.
And it's really messed up.
The doctors called it a geriatric pregnancy,
which I hate that term.
I mean,
it sounds like a medically accurate term for what happened to you,
but that's fine.
So 51,
you were,
I had the twins at 52.
You had the twins at 52 and you met him at 51.
I sure did. Wow. Quick work. So listen, and you met him at 51 I sure did Wow quick work
Well listen when you're as old as we are
We've seen some things
And let's make one thing abundantly clear
I know exactly what you mean
So when he met
He thinks that you're
22 years younger
Than you actually are
So when you met He thought that you're 22 years younger than you actually are, so when you met,
he thought that
you were 29.
I'm saying he... Oh, wait. Yes.
Yes. I believe that's what I'm saying.
So you introduced yourself
at 51 as a
29-year-old, and he bought
So we're all very clear
okay I at first I thought
that he he
no when we met okay
he thought I was
42 so he
knew he was marrying a little bit older
so now he only thinks you're 59
I believe that's right or did you lie So now he only thinks you're 59. Surely.
I believe that's right. Or did you lie somewhere in the middle and managed to steal some years back?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You know what happened?
I said it incorrectly to you.
You are right.
When we met when I was 51, I told him I was 29.
Because that, I think, that was what I was assuming.
And that seems to make more internal sense with the logic.
You know, I think that is not what I said, but it makes more sense for what I did.
So I don't know how to explain to you now.
And how old was he then?
He was 31.
So he thought you were younger than him.
Yes. Yes.
I lied when I said he thought he was marrying older.
He certainly didn't.
Old soul, maybe.
So to be clear, your 49-year-old husband now thinks that you're 46 when in actual fact you're 68.
Correct. And so- Thank you for reminding me you were having your quote-unquote your word geriatric pregnancy you were able to hide that your actual biological
age from your husband well i told him him, a woman never wants her man
to come to her obstetrician
appointments. Look, if there's
one thing I know, and I've been
married several times.
Isn't he? I'm sorry.
Have you actually been married before?
Yes. You've never invited me
to any of the weddings. I didn't want to bother you.
You always seem so busy, what, with
your career and the family and the life. Bother me want to bother you. You always seem so busy, what, with your career and the family
and the life. Bother me? It's you
aren't there at your weddings.
I know, but the first one we eloped,
right? So no one was there.
And then the second one, it's your second marriage.
It doesn't feel that important. You don't feel
like you need, you know what I mean? I can understand that.
And then each successive marriage after the second
is sort of... And how many times, do you remind me how many
times you've been married? Oh, fuck me.
Monica, Rachel, Phoebe.
Four times.
That's just the cast of friends.
And you're also named only three.
Well, okay.
Well, then there's my current wife.
You're married now?
Yeah, Gabrielle.
She's Italian.
All right. Oh, God. Oh, Godlle. She's a diet. All right.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, I just got a text from Timothy.
He and the kids are on the way sooner than they thought.
What do I do?
Diet back or come clean.
I think you really only have two options.
You missed the entire issue is that I can't diet.
Why not?
Why not?
Because they discontinued the product.
Well, why don't you just dye it a different color and say-
Because I've been the same color for years.
Right, but here's the fucking thing, okay?
He thinks that you are 46 years old.
It is not unreasonable for a 46-year woman to start dying her hair now at 46 so
you could conceivably dye your hair a different shade and say well i was going gray i didn't like
it i decided to dye my hair but instead you're panicking over nothing ding dong oh oh god oh
god oh god why is he ringing i'm going to the basement. I can't handle this.
No, Arthur.
Arthur, you're staying right here.
No, Arthur.
I'm playing the Wii.
You are staying right here.
I'm going to your basement and I'm playing your Wii.
No, you're staying.
I hear the fucking golf music starting.
No, Arthur.
Sit the fuck down.
Don't pull on my bad.
It's my bad knee.
I put my hair back up in the towel.
Okay. Okay.
If he asks, just say that I took a shower.
That would be an insane question for him to ask me when you are sitting right there.
But if it happens, I will say that.
She was in the shower, Timothy.
Does he not have a key?
Is he just standing out there?
Why is he ringing the doorbell?
To be safe, you should just, because I know you and your big mouth, just say that she was in the shower for anything he asks.
Okay, yeah, that'll seem normal.
Nothing will be weird for him about that.
Let me go answer the fucking door for your husband in your house.
He must have lost the keys.
Must have.
Yep, dropped them in the canyon, more like.
He could easily fish it out.
Again, it's not that big.
It's true.
He has huge arms.
Hello, darling.
Hey, Timothy.
Come on in.
Something seems different about the house.
whatever are you talking about?
It's pretty smoky
in here.
Was someone smoking in our house?
Oh, God! Um, um, Arthur!
Arthur picked up a nasty habit
while you were away. I'm were away. It's true.
She was in the shower.
She was in the shower.
He was smoking while I was in the shower. Correct.
So because he thought that the steam would kind of help it move through.
Help the smoke move through.
You know how I am.
The kids.
Where are the kids?
I dropped them off at my parents on the way back.
That's good.
Because I figured you and I probably used some alone time after you've had a long week
holding down the fort by yourself, and I've had a long week looking after the kids.
Oh, God, Timothy.
I thought you'd never say that.
We're not as young as we used to be.
You know what I mean?
It takes a toll.
What's that?
I said we're not as young as we used to be.
We're aging. You know what I mean? I mean, Christ's sake, you're- Well, you know what I mean? It takes a toll. What? What's that? I said we're not as young as we used to be. We're aging, you know what I mean?
I mean, Christ's sake, you're... Well...
I'm what?
Well, I was... No, I was gonna say your younger
brother, the man who you introduced to me
as your younger brother, looks to be about
65. I mean, Christ, Arthur,
what are you... What are you fucking doing?
It's the smoking. It's the smoking.
She was in the shower.
Oh, okay.
He meant that I'm showered in the fountain of youth,
and so that's why he's just aging at a crazy rapid pace.
I don't know why you feel the need to cover for his weird shit.
I'm not covering for anything.
I'm not covering for anything.
Why do you, and I think I might already know the answer.
Why do you have that towel on your head?
Because, if you have listened to anything Arthur said,
I was in the shower.
She was smoking.
She was in the shower.
She was in the shower.
All right.
Look, I don't know what you guys...
What's going on.
I guess it's some kind of sibling thing.
I'm going to go out to the car, grab the bags, bring them back in.
Do you need any help?
No, no.
We're only gone for a week.
It's only like four bags.
All right.
Well, I'll miss you.
Yeah, while I'm gone outside
getting the bag
I was thinking I mean Arthur you're welcome to join
and you know bring Gabrielle
if you want
your Italian wife
you know we could do a dinner
tonight I made a reservation
at McCaffrey's for two
but we could
we could probably switch it to four.
My darling, you do sound
like you have an air
bubble caught in your throat. I think it's the smoke
in here. I don't normally
sound like this. I've never
heard you sound like this.
It's just a thing that happens when you get older.
Sometimes men's voices
get real fucked up when they get older.
I've heard that.
Okay, I'm going to go get the bags.
Arthur, my God.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
You really said in the shower to every single thing.
You gave me one explicit clear.
And then the one time you didn't, you said, oh, she was smoking.
I panicked. Okay, oh, she was smoking.
I panicked.
Okay, well, what are we going to do?
He's going to come back and he's going to say, oh, get ready for dinner.
And I'm going to take the towel off of my head.
I know.
I'm going to text Gabrielle and ask her to see if she wants to go to my cafe.
She's going to say yes, but I should still ask because, you know, she loves a jacket potato.
You know, all the fixings.
I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
All right, well, I'm going to have to figure out an excuse to figure out how to not show my hair at this dinner.
No, no, buddy.
Look, Susie, you've got to come clean about the hair.
You can't hide your... What's your plan?
You hide your hair from your husband for the rest of your life?
Until I find another box dye that looks exactly the same as the light auburn, yes.
Look, you're raised with our family.
You could live another...
Husband walks back in.
You could live another 40 years.
And I plan on doing so.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Well, it will be nice because that's the average.
Right now, the average lifespan is around 80-something.
Yeah, except for that secondhand smoke from Arthur.
You better cut that shit out of my house.
Yeah, Arthur, take it outside, Arthur.
She was in the shower.
So did you ask Gabrielle about the dinner?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She just texted me back.
She said we're good for dinner.
Her McCaffrey's.
What time?
7.30, you said?
Yeah, 7.30.
You going to get ready?
I could go like this, but I'll probably put on a different shirt.
I think let's just go.
You're wearing a bathrobe.
But it's fashionable.
It's silk.
No, it looks very odd to wear that out of the house.
Okay, well, I'll change my clothes.
Okay, probably take that enormous towel.
Fully normal outfit.
Still towel on the head. I'm ready
to dine.
My goofy girl, you've still got
that frickin'
you still got that frickin' towel
on your head. Oh, it's a TikTok trend, darling.
I learned from Carrie, our little girl.
So I'm just going to wear it to the restaurant.
I guess we'll take the convertible.
That way I can leave the top down and there's room for your crazy Marge Simpson hair.
Let's just take the sedan.
The sedan?
We could take the SUV.
I don't know.
It's not in the best fuel economy.
I really like to use that one for towing, really.
Cut the restaurant.
Gabrielle, you barely even touched a jacket potato.
It's because it's not a meatball.
You didn't tell me.
You didn't tell me you wanted it with meatballs.
I could have ordered it for you, like how you like it.
I thought you said to me the other day you're trying to cut back on your red meat.
So I thought maybe not. Excuse me, waiter how you like it. I thought you said to me the other day you're trying to cut back on your red meat, so I thought maybe not.
Excuse me. Waiter. Waiter.
Waiter. Oh, God.
Arthur, do not do this today.
I have to take care of my wife.
Waiter. Waiter. Waiter.
Yes. Hello.
Hi. Hello, sir. Please stop
yelling, waiter. Don't snap
at me. I was snapping at you.
That's exactly right.
My Italian, my fourth Italian, my wife, my fourth wife, my Italian wife here.
Ciao, Bella.
Ciao, hi.
I was mistaken when I ordered her jacket potato.
She actually wanted a meatball on there.
Would you be able to take this back?
I want a meatball.
Would you be able to take that back and put a meatball on there. Would you be able to take that back and put a meatball on there?
We, this is kind of southwestern
American cuisine.
Hey, hey, hey, Polly, Polly.
Hands him a $20 roll.
Put a frickin' meatball on there.
Yeah, I can go
figure out how to get a meatball on there.
Come here, come here.
Gives him a kiss on the cheek. Be a good boy, to get a meatball on there. Come here. Come here. Yeah. Gives him a kiss on the cheek.
There you go.
Be a good boy.
Go get a meatball.
I will certainly get a meatball.
All right, Pauly.
Good kid.
I like that kid.
You know, him and his dad and I used to, you know, we were in the service together.
Well, this is a lovely meal.
Everything is very good and normal.
Yeah. Can I ask you a something oh yes gabriella what
gabriella don't be impolite don't be impolite all i said was i want to ask her a question
that was hardly impolite no no she's my fourth wife. I know what she's gonna say.
Why do you have the soup with the Marjorie Simpson towel on your head in the restaurant?
Oh, because
the young kids these days,
the TikTok trend, you know,
Timothy, I told you all about that. You see,
Gabriella, it's the TikTok
trend. It's the TikTok trend.
I'm viral on TikTok. It's true. I promise you, we have never seen trend. It's the TikTok trend. I am viral on TikTok.
It's true.
I promise you, we have never seen anyone with a towel under their head. Me and Gabrielle, we do these amazing videos where it's like, so what it'll be is like, you know, I'll walk into the kitchen and it'll be like making pasta with ketchup in front of my Italian wife.
And then Gabrielle, she freaks out.
I get a very mad. She startsaks out. I get a very mad.
She starts hitting me.
I get a very mad cut to one of those videos.
Hey, I figured I'd make you dinner tonight, sweetheart.
Oh, okay.
I already had fish in the oven getting ready.
No, I think you're going to like what I'm cooking up.
I'm going to make you a pizza pie,
traditional Neapolitan style.
Okay, that sounds lovely.
Can I watch you make it?
Of course.
First, we take a everything bagel.
No, my darling.
How could you do it?
It disapaints my Italian heart.
And then we take a baby belt cheese.
Oh, God, I want to end my life and then we take the sweet baby
rays i'm going to stab you into the chest come back to the restaurant so yeah it's basically
that was the video i mean you got a picture that's a picture. We do like two a week and we get good numbers.
That's nice.
Anyway, well, I guess the side of TikTok that my girl is on,
it's a lot of this is the clean girl beauty,
which I believe is very problematic.
But I think this side is quite literally clean girl
as they just fresh out of the shower.
Right, right.
Well, that tracks to me.
I'm not going to investigate anymore.
And if my wife cries again, we're going to have an issue.
Oh, no.
You go ahead.
Your husband is a stalker.
He is the head of the household.
No, Gabrielle.
He is the patriarch.
No, your conservative values have no place here.
I'm going to let you go ahead.
I'm going to let you go ahead. I'm going to let you go ahead.
No, I want to shut my mouth and tell the men this is not a talking.
No, I will absolutely speak, but I want to make it abundantly clear that I'm not doing that because of the patriarchal what you were talking about.
Guys, I have a confession to make.
Darling, clear your throat really quickly.
There's no smoke in this restaurant.
I don't know.
I think it's the candle on the table.
I don't know.
Polly, Polly, come over here, Polly.
Right away, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, much better.
Polly, can I have a seltzer, will you?
Can I have a seltzer, will you?
Yes, but right away.
Testing. Well, can I have a seltzer, Will? Can I have a seltzer, Will? Yes, right away. Testing, testing.
Oh, thank Christ.
There he is.
Sorry, guys, I have a confession to make.
Whatever, he's just my turtle dove.
I know, Susie.
This isn't This isn't
My real hair
Pulls off a toupee
I could have told you that
It was a very shitty toupee
No, I paid good money for this, okay?
I got it from a guy in Singapore
Not good enough
No, I got it from a guy in Singapore
I paid good money for this
Oh my god,
darling, you don't have to wear a
toupee. I think you're handsome and
beautiful hair or bald. I'll be honest,
despite what my wife says,
I had no idea.
I'm floored
right now.
And that's not the only thing I have to come
clean about. Oh god, what
is it?
Well, the toupee is sort of a piece of a... larger lie.
Even lying to me?
Well, it started out as a lie,
and it just kind of spiraled to the point where it became my whole life.
You see, Susie, sweetie...
I'm 79.
You see, when we met, I was already 50.
You thought I was 27.
But, you know, I can have children at any age.
You know, biologically, you know, sure, my sperm count drops.
But I'm still, you know, I can create viable i can create viable we just became a papa that's
true and you probably know him because you're italian as well um and i you know he's my papa
i'm sorry you're al pacino's daughter this is not at the point this is not at the point of this
conversation no it's not the point of this conversation no wait wait we have a really
funny video about this though where i want where it's like where it's like telling my Italian father-in-law, right?
It's like what we say, that I'm going to warm up the Chianti in the microwave.
It's a really fucking good video.
And then he punches him in the throat.
Al Pacino punches me in the throat.
How fucking cool is that?
And that's why he sounds like it is.
It's true.
I sounded like a normal guy up until that video.
Yeah, sorry.
I always thought you were younger than me.
My God, you look so good.
Thank you.
I mean, you know, what can I say?
Why did you lie?
Because I knew.
And about such a big age gap.
I knew that you were, you know, what would a 27, 28
year old want to do with a 50 year old
guy? You know, that's never
happened before. Society
doesn't allow
that. That's not okay. My first
husband, I was a
19 and he
was a 71.
It's true. I killed him.
Um, right.
But I...
I was on this trip with the boys.
Where was Carrie?
Oh, she was being...
She was being a little brat, honestly.
She, like, didn't want to go see the canyon.
It was a whole thing.
We can...
That's my girl.
Well, we can talk about it later.
I think the TikTok is becoming a real issue. issue it's like her screen time is like it's it's a job for
her to be on that app um but we were the grand canyon and i looked down that that hole big
fucking hole right and uh Not that big, Arthur.
Well, it's pretty... Okay, I've never seen it.
Arthur, shut up.
Ask your husband.
I think it's a pretty big hole, Susie.
You can give your brother that.
It's a pretty big fucking hole.
Just cut to the chase, my darling.
I have to know.
Thank you.
I look down
and I thought
if I slipped and fell right now
I would die
and the love of my life would never know the truth
about who she was married to.
And when we said our vows
20 years ago
Yeah. I made a pledge to be with you.
A hundred percent with you in sickness and in health.
And so I decided it was time to stop living a lie and come clean to you.
I ripped the towel off.
I'm 68.
Whoa, what?
I'm 68.
Oh my God, this feels amazing.
I know that when we met, you thought I was 29.
I had the kids at 51.
It's a geriatric pregnancy.
Shut up, Gabriella.
She doesn't like the term.
I'm 68.
And I don't...
This is amazing.
My God, I had no idea that we were hiding these.
It's like the gift of the Magi.
This is unbelievable.
I love you, Timothy.
I love your spirit.
I love your body.
I love your heart.
I love your mind.
And my God, this feels amazing.
Now we just have to tell the kids,
but we can do anything because we have each other
and we have trust.
He's a hesitating.
Gabriella, stop it.
He's not.
I'm not.
I'm not hesitating.
I would never flinch.
You're no longer attracted to your wife because she's at the same age.
No, that's not true.
Crucially, she is still three years younger than me.
Are you okay?
I thought
you'd be happy. I'm not mad.
I'm not sad.
But he's not happy. Gabrielle,
if you don't shut the
fuck up, I'm gonna get Polly to take
you out back.
I'll leave it to me, it's all.
You're ridiculous.
God, I love you.
No, it's not that I'm not
attracted to you anymore, it's just that
the fact that you would wear
a fucking towel
on your head to dinner like that...
That was the issue!
It's like, why were you so afraid to tell me?
Because when we met you
thought I was 27
29 years old
I don't know I
I was afraid that you wouldn't
want me anymore
wouldn't want you anymore
I was
standing on the edge of a canyon
thinking about ending myself
over the thought of losing you.
Just a kiss and wrap it up.
I want to go home.
Go home?
You haven't even had your meatball yet.
I want to eat my meatball in the car.
Waiter! Waiter, come over here. Can we get my meatball in the car. Okay. Waiter. Waiter.
Come over here.
Can we get the meatball?
Excuse me.
Are you, sir?
Remember the Jackie potato with the meatball?
Can we get that to go, actually?
My wife is very ready to leave.
I would love nothing more than to get your food to go.
Now, wait.
Gabrielle, come with me on this.
It's a TikTok, okay?
I love it already.
Think of the, it's sort of in the style of like one of the Dodo's videos on Facebook from like six, seven years ago.
Like it was with the animals.
Right, and it's kind of a feel-good story about a husband and wife who turns out they were lying to each other in the same way for a long time.
Pretty good, right?
I love it.
And because they are both old as a sick dog, it will work perfectly.
Oh, my God.
What is wrong with you?
Gabrielle, that's not necessary.
Give me the meatball and let's get in the Ferrari.
You have a Ferrari? We got three!
Vroom vroom!
But seriously,
I love you both, and I'm really sorry that I
didn't invite you to any of my weddings.
I swear if I have a fifth, which God
willing I won't, you'll be there.
That's a spicy
sweet ball
I fucking
love my
did we say
shocking episode
I think we did
surprising yeah
there were a lot
of revelations
and forgetful
that was like
it was also about
45 minutes
long um let's uh wrap this up let's take it to the that was like it was also about 45 minutes long
um let's uh
wrap this up
let's take it to the
all week long
okay what's been shaking
me what's been
shaking me
um getting back into uh below deck What's been shaking me? What's been shaking me?
Getting back into Below Deck.
I'm watching Below Deck, Danunda.
And Daniel sat down with me and he goes,
this feels like the first act of a porn.
And I laughed so fucking hard.
The first act?
Yeah, and I'm like, honey.
What porn are you watching, Daniel?
It is so, it was was so it's just like like everyone on down everyone on below deck is so horny you're about to say everyone on down under
everyone everyone down under so bloody horny they should call it down under right just um so i mean
it's just it's amazing all of the guests on the boat seem awful. It's just so fun. I've never watched.
Oh, Alfred. I know. For as much of a fan as I am of the Bravoverse.
And can we talk about, you know, the elephant in the room.
She's coming back. Grandpa fucker herself.
Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is coming back.
You smell like hospital.
Mary from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is coming back. That is shaking me to my core. You smell like hospital. Mary from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is coming back this season.
And that is really shaking me to my core.
What's been shaking your ass?
What's been shaking me this week? since I paid 60 American dollars for a video game on release,
like right when it comes out.
But I have been playing, in my limited free time,
Baldur's Gate 3, and it is so fucking good.
What kind of game is it?
So it's basically, it's a CRPG, computer role-playing game.
Basically, it's D&D, but on the computer.
But it's...
Yes, incredibly.
But it's actually, it's just like technologically, it's so fucking impressive.
The way that the narrative is very malleable and fluid and like you know it's
guiding you in all these like super subtle ways and it's you know there's it can all go lots of
very very different variations and everything like you're actually playing real life dnd that's very
fun with a dungeon master it's it's really fucking impressive and it makes me cool it makes me excited for the future of gaming i know it's
awful to say aloud isn't it um but it is a great game and if you're if you're into dungeons and
dragons and you're into games like that just just play it and you'll love it um you know it's pretty
crunchy and there's kind of a learning curve if you're not used to she rolls her eyes when i say crunchy uh if you're not used to kind of like
the like the kind of super high fantasy ruled shit from dnd you know and spell slot management
and all that shit can be kind of confusing but once you get over that it's a fucking ball and a half so that's my nerd ass
review if you're into alf's nerd ass you can find him on instagram at alfred in it you can find our
show on instagram at review review which now uh there's gonna be so much more activity on there
there is one once maybe every week we'll figure it out but we will be posting on our story on review review um to mine for some
brilliant ideas uh for weekly topics um so that's uh instagram at review review um reddit r slash
review review where you are on head gum discord baby review review and you're gonna find the
meatball known as a r Anspa on
Just the web browser, not the phone app.
At Riley Anspa and on
No, just X.
Formerly known as Twitter at Riley Coyote for as long as it lasts.
And as we say every fucking week.
Every week.
Every week we're saying this.
And we'll end out this long episode with this.
The world's most sort of lackadaisical episode.
I want to meet the ball.
I want to meet the ball. I'm sorry.
Italian American community.
That was a hit them.